FAYETTEVILLE ('ONFEfTlONERY. CHARLES BANKS, NEW I'lliM. FglllE uiulorsigned have cnteml into copart- JL ncrsbip, uu.ler the name aiiJ Btylc of I^awreiicc A: Troy, 1 purpose of » general Mercantile tOHU rllOHU ^ ! uml Harter 1.umnes.s. We l.nve taken the Mo^. 1XF(11!''1S tln> i.uMic. tliut he btis rctittel his CUKKN t^TKEKT. formerly occupied l)v Kstiit>lisliii>ent on ^Jreen Street, ivml has on hauil a fn-sli -supply of (WNDIKS. niamifaiturod l)\ himself out of the he>*t Loaf Snjcar. iiuil w«r- riMiteil free fr»in starcli. flour, pxyte, luul perni- fiou. paint.'*. llis whole time and attention i^* n.iw devoti'il t«i making ('andy, au«l he is pre- | p.ircd to supply all orders with Candies eijual : til any made in the I iiited State:*. 'I'liese an- | die.s he warrant:* to kee]> in any eliniale: and ; he will sell to Towi\ or (’o\intry inerehants. as I idieap as j^ood and pure Candy can 1h* puicliased ; in New York or elsewhere. ^ _ i Fayetteville. (»e t. 2S. IS'.l. :>4-tf I Mes-^rs Joltn lluske \ Son. ■ ' (JKt). \V. L.VWUKNCL. JOHN B. TUOV, Jr. (»et. '22, •V«ir { The undersigned have entered into copartnership, under the nnnie and style of HALL & SACKKTT, for tlie purpose of iloinp; a Dry Ooo.ls and Maiilware JJutunes.M, and have taken the Store 5 doors East of the t ayetteviUe Hotel. J- "■ A. E. HALL. T. -M. SACKKTT. ' Aupiist 2*5, 18‘)1. l>tt I xi:\v (iooDs. I fr^T rt i-eivetl. niv Fall snpplv of CLOTHS. C\SS1.\IK|{|;S AM) VKSTINGS. TI!I.M-| MINtiS. M’.. of the he.st (juality. from New , ■\ ork. Als">. the latest Uei'ort of the New \ ork ^ FASni(»NS. ! pK/” 1 still ooiitinuo to carry on tl.e TMI.OlUNt; lU SINKSS. at nty v^tand >n Hay ' street, and th-.>.' who may favor me «ilh their eu.-tom mav relv on h.ivin- their worK done in a neat an.rfashi..n:iUle st.vle. and on the must favorahle terms E are now receiving a largo and well se- „ ^ . . lected Stock of : H. Bran^oii Sk ^on .m i OFFEU Foil SALE, a HMD. prime St. Croix SCO AH, hlids. New (hlean.s ditto, llll bhl.-i. I’efined ditto, •• (iraiMilated liitto, :>u liags green Kio ColTce, ,'i •• Gov t Java ilitto, 7.') ke^s Nailf«, -Od. to C> inch Spikef», 1 dt>/.en I'wijilisli cro.>ss-cut Saws, easks Cheew*, •_’0 bo.\OS ditto, lit hoxes tine Chewinii Tobacco. , • Extra Wool Hats, Negro Shoes .•: Blankets. ! chants of the interior, who will hn.l it to their Oct. -J2, 1».'>1. ^ o. .1. I.... w 1>RY Comprisinp every article usually kept in that line, together with 1 150 uses Boots and Slices. Ilaliii ami Cai». ' — Al-SO— A weli .selected Stock d" To all of w hich we invite the attention (d Mer- ''jr* *12 jm^rn f BIHE subscriher has ju.st re- Jl. ceived suid oli'crs for sale, a sxipi'ly of (wrccn and Black Teas, Uf very superior quality, con sisting of Very fine *‘Hyson.” l»o ilo “Imperial." Ho do “Voiing Hyson.” l>o do “Oolong.” These Teas were selected by a good judge, and are reeoniinended as “first rate.’ S. J. HINSDALE. Oct. 14, 1S.51. I® \Hrim5.\i.i) ii: \H.\M. ;',4tf Oct. _ KKMOVAI-. fpr-^ifK SnSs. ri'iers have removed to the new E I’.riek Store, twi* doors west of' the Cape Fear !’> ink. where they are reeeivinjr their Fall Stock I't /)/•(/ duiiJs, ri> yi. Jfni .hrmx iinil Cntf'-r^, nnf (I'l/. —A1.S« >— Jiniifs nit(7 Sluuft, I'/' tiijf't n Ilf A'iiiifs. In fact, every tliinii usually called for in the ineroantile line, to which thev invite .an e\ani:- n.-.tion. LKLTE \ JollNSuN. Oct.-J7, 1S.'>1. ol-tf fl^HIC Srii.SllU MLii i.-i leevivinir and oilers Jl for sale, a well selected .-fock i>t fjrroreries^ l.cinon. So'la. lUitter, and W ater Crackers, T;’..t r.re.-^d. I’ii klv" and l’reervi-s. Nut'. aiul I'ruiu's, 'i'"!‘.u-co .iii l ('igar--. •11 tlie iii"t i c.'tsonal'le terms for(':i'li. or on time t'l jmiKaiai cusi-’iners. CHS. UAVKS, Nil. •! (ireen .-if. F ivettoviile. (>.-t. L'^t. IS'I. •'if-tf TOIiACCO. HI ME North Carolina and Virginia C’hew- in>- Tobacco, l«v the Hox and retail. ■ J. .S: T. >V AD HILL. October IS-M. .M-tt I NEW snjiply of .MI SIC. for the I’iano interest to examine our Stock before inakinj their purchases. e will not be undersold b\ any one doing business in this place. HALL \ S.V('KETT. August 2'», 1S'»1. D'tt WAN'i'EP, :;o()0 ft. .\slic Lumber for \N agoiis, 1A to inches thick. nfXHI ft. Sca.soncd Oak Lumber, 1^* to inchcs. KMK) tt. White Oak ami Hickory, for Axlctrees. UKX» ft. White Oak for Tongues, bolsters and Shafts. KMt Post Oak Hub.s, for Carts and Wagons. Spokes. For which the highest cash price will be i>aid. E. Fl’LLEK. 72-tf l>r. T. I>. HAlCJH, nAS taken an Oflice ou liny Street, West of the Hotel liuildiugs. July 14, NOTICK. f n'^HE steamer Cliathani will leave (hi^ plac*' B every Monday and Thurtnlay at 7 o’clock, A. M., (instead of o'cliK-k as at pre>«‘nt,) com mencing at 7 o’clock Monday HUh inst. Time of leaving Wilmington, every Tuesday and Fi-i- dav at 2 o’clock I*. .\L JNO. D. AVILLIAMS, Agent Cape Tear StoainlM>at Co, Fayetteville, March XO'riCK.—All Accounts due 1 the Merchants'Stcanil)(»at Company, for Freights uj) to the l'»th inst., must )k> promptly paid to ! the undersigned, a» much time cannot be given I to the cdlection (d‘ the same. J. .S: T. W ADDILL, late Ag;>nt.**. I Fttvetteville, Jan. 27, IS-jl. .•)'itf A l>pl.v soon to .Mav 1'.', 18'»1. Forte, .lust received. E. J. >oto*>er 27. HALE iS: SON. IIITS.I'II'S, IlMTS S SUMS. -i- TO WINK MAKERS, 7E have a few barrels of fine dd .\pple NOriCK. ^TARR k W Store recently occuj>ieil by .Mr. Jdin 1>. St.arr. one door west of Messrs. H. Mranson iSi r>randv for sale; sucli as those w ho Son, where they liave Just received a.iditions to want to make ''ood wine sliovdd get. i the Spring )>urchase.« of Sta)>le and Fancy Dll\ COOK .S: TAVLOH. ’ 22-tf JTafl Jt*iNter 1 8 T) 1. StorL’. T IHE Subscriber oilers for sale one of the Sept. I (>, 1S.")1. i)()Mi:s'ric’s. Sri’Tl-E lUver (^suabergs: 7-8 and 4-1 A Slu etings always ou har.il. and for sale at Factory i-rices, by STAIJK & WILLIAMS. June 7, 1H.')1. 7-»-tt NO riCK. iiu’":'-vMver i now receiving his Fall and W inter Stock of F VNC\ audST.Vl’LE WRY CjJOOBS; Huts, (’aji', ami l>iiiinc ts; I>»x>t> an«l Shoe;;; lf:irtlw;ir>' auil (’iitlcrv; JJlack'niith.'', ('i>rtjK'r>’, and t’.irjxMiters' Tiki!.; Straw t'littci-', Ci-rn Shcllcrs, Ihavy fur Ne^ri>CS, iVf. tVo. The above goods will be soM at wlio!e.»le or retail, to ?uit custoiiifrs. We say nothing a- li'C.it how the aliovc (im.d-; were h;iught. or how they will bf -*old, but we do come and see, at the Ihiske building', lirecn Sfejt. r. TAYLor.. (•i t. 1’'^. ('arolini.in L’m ;U-‘Jni 1 Ti’d! Tffil Teall CHEST Yt)l'N(; HYSON, 1 ilitto iniipowilev. 1 Catty imperial, For-..,ieby HS. F’.ANKS. tKt. J". 1K,1. :i4-tf s'l'ovr.s: STOVKS!! IT VIU.L for ( huiche-i, P;(i-lor>. F’actories. Watches and Jewelry, At tVliol‘!«alt' and Retail. .1. M. HKASI>HV 'Wmr()rLl> respeetl'ully inform the p\d>Hc W W gener.-illy. that he h:is returned receiit- 1_\ from New York, with decidedly a huge as- st.>rtnKUt ol ll\tfrhes aufl ,Weirvlri/. Many of these W atches were bought for CASH r.V THE r.\Cl\AiE, and c.in therelore be sold vi rv low. He h:is W ;itch«’ ol .all kiinls; • haius, Kevs auil Seals *it till kinds and o( the latest styles; Finger-lSings, Ear-llings, .Meilallioii.*. of all sizes, of English and American make: La dies' t’hatelaines; Cntf Pins: Collar and Sleevr Uutivns; Sliirt Studs; Cold Spectj'.cles. liglit and heavy: Oold i’ens ,a:id Pencils; (iold :ind .'^ilvcr Tliimbles: |5raeelets: Silver Fruit and Itutter Knives; Silver .''poons of all sizes; laige lot of I’ocket ('utliTv; Sci^so^s. best pialit_\; Hntton- lio'e .''cis.'Mi's, .'urv»'yor's 'om]>asses and ('li.-iins; Mathcm.itical Instrniiicnts; large iplantity of fine and i-ommon I’i.-'toN; fine and common >in- >;U> and double-barrel t!uns; tiame l>:tgs: Shot Felts and IViwder F'l.i-Us; Military tio«ids, in cluding tlie !).is> Drum and the smallest Ibitton; \'i iliiiS and extra Hows: I'lutes. Clarionets. Fla geolets, .\ccordeoiis. of all kinds and sizes: ^lu- >ic Uoses; I’trlumery: Soa]i; l..ather lirushes; llazors ami Stroji.-,; Dres>ingand I’ocket ('onibs; I’lateil and iiritanid.a W.are; and variou filings too tedious to etiunu'rafe. Call and give me :i trial. Cah paid for oM tlold and Silver. 5-^ Watciik.s and Jkwki.uv iifatly Kepaired. h\ti/i U> rith-.V. —yirfh-Kisf i 'nritrr •if M'lih’ t Siinir . 12-f.ni] J. M. r.EASLEV. AKKY, Nlli:nAVi:LL X to. Ni:w TALL AND WINTKK Ci^OOl^S. in his line ever ottered in this pl.-ice. He is very thankful for the very libera! patronage that he has had. and solicits a continuance of the s.-ime. His stock has been selected with care, au't consists of nearly every variety and style, from the best manufacturers. He has on hand and (dlers low for Caxh, at retail or by the case, latest styles (lentlemen's l>eaver. Nutria. Moleskin, Silk, l’.rn>h and .\n- gola HATS. Also. Jenny Lind, Kossuth, .Vr- ti.'t. Ilough and lleaily, and stifl'enod Fur and Wool Hats, for Men, Youth and Hoys—in abun dance by the dozen or CJise. —.\LSO— .\ very l.irge su]>ply of Cloth, riusli. Velvet and Fur C.VI’S, (>f all i|Ualitie>. styh's and pri ces.—by the singh' ('"ji or Iiy the dozen. __A1.S()_ Hoots and Shoes. of the following v:irieties. viz; Fine W ;it4 r-proof, tine Calf. fine Kip and heavy Winter HiiOT.''. Also. Ihivs' and ^'ouths’ ('alf and Kij> Hoots. ' (Jeiitlemen s Press .'“^hoes. of various ipialitios. Together w ith an :iss>rtment of /-.«/;•■«'. Mises‘ aiel Children's IhtOT.'' and .''HoES. \iz; .lenny Lind. Excelsiors, (iaiters, ditto Halt'. F>u.-kins. .'^lij'per> ami Mi rocei» li.M.ts. -\lso, (lenflcmen ^ and l.:id:e?' Uutibcr.-. \Wtli a goi.d 'upply of Youths', l»ovs'. Chihlrens’ and Servants' heavy Shoes. .\11 of which he offers low for or on time to finnctu.al eu.-toim rs. l’leu.>»e e.dl .and s.itisfy .1 * vourselve.'' l>efore nurehasin;; el'ewh'-r«“ s other • * i.viiv .. i-iii.Mv. Sta^(' liine to lla!e «1). fB'^HE Subscribers, Mail ('ontraetors from -H. Fayetteville to Italeigh, will commence oper.-itions this day. with new and cornfot^iiblc ('oaches. good hor.'ses, and careful Drivers.— The Fare is FIVE DoLL.MlS—same as before. The St.agi* Hotises are, in Fayetteville, the Fay etteville Hotel, ill llaleigh, the Y.arborongh Houx-; lint l’a“sengei s will l>e convened to such other Houses as tliey may select. The hours of departiiie will be, until further notice, at half- pa.'t 1’. M. from Fayetteville, and at 2 1’. .M. from lt;ileigh, d.iily. 'I'he subscri'iers hojie. by unremitfed attention, to secure a lib*ra' share of the tl'avel. Ml UDOCK .McKlNNoN, DAVID McNElLL. F;ivetfeville, .Inly I, ISol. 7^-tf («OODS. Country merchants are reipieated to examine our stock. J. n. sT.\nf;, J. M. WILLIAMS. J\iue 7, lf^.')l. 7-')-tf W\STEl\ (iOOl> H.VNDS. at 7'» cf«. per day. oji the .Siiuthcrn I’l.-uik Koal. Steady enijdoymenf ;ind cash paynictit weekly, if re- • piired. .Vjijdy to D. M. lU'IE, .\t the Steam .Mill, or to I A. A. McKETH.VN. Juuc2-'}, IS’il. [””'tf] Fayetteville. Division \ .4'. ?f!ilitia. An Klocti(*i» for Major riciu'ral *f the •Jd Divi.sioii will be held on the loth of Novem ber, and Col. .lOHN ^V|NSI,oW of Cumberland, will be sup|»orfed for that (dhce. [-jdtE f||'^HE Su'iscriber wishes to j.urch.i«e S_ Ib.M. I!,V»;S. tVir \'!iie!i the highe.-t cash priee.s will be paid on delivery in Fayetteville. DAVID MI nriiY. !{ock(i>h, CumberI.iud, .\’.tg. 2t, IS'.l. l.')->m 1\IN(; .and .\. .Mc.MlLL.VN have entered • into coj.arlnership in the Di.'tilh-ry of Turpentine, and have erected a Still on the ^Vc't side of the Fayetteville and We.«!ern I’laiik Ko.ad, mile.s t'roni F.avt’tteville. N. KINt;. Mav 71tf A. -Me.MIi.LAN. JOHN C THOMSON, Market S'piare. 2idf and Stoix-s. Oct. srile by w. A Ndim:ws. Market Sipi.are. ;'.itf 'fl m m TMlHE Snbseribers are now receivin^r direct JB- from New York and I’hiI.adelphia. the lar gest and hand.-iomeyt Stock of Sftiplr a/ul I'aiicij Dri^ (ioods That they have ever e.\hibifed in 'hi... market, embrai'iiig every variety of Ladie. ' .iiid (ientle- men'> DltE.'^.' CiOni).s_ ;uuong wliich lu.-iy be found; lUack and fiiney watered and plain Dress Silks; black and fancy Cnbur;:s; Lama Twills; figured and plain fancy and black .^Iohair I.us- ' tre.s; .''ilk Warp and Crape HriK'ades; Swiss. Scotidi and t’hene (iinghams; Saxony De-I.ains: Fi-ench. English and Amerieau I’rints; Emt>'d C.ishmeres; plain ditto; ehairjreable De-Lains; wMti-ed.and needle-wi>rk t'ashmcres; (di.ini;ea- Me Joneses: I’roeade Lustres; Damaik .Eolians; black liomba/.ines; second-mourning I’opUns; plain and w.atereil .'»ilk .Nlantillu.s; c.ilnred anl iiluck Velvet .Mantillas; IJrocade I’oplins; and a large ass.ii tment of Dre>s Triminin-.'s; French and Kngli.'^h Merinos; Velvet Neck Itibbons and Cuffs. a:c. K.MMKoniKKIK.'^. French worked Ci.liars and (’apes; French Worked Cutis; Fremdi worked Chemisettes: I'n- dcr-Sleeves; .'»wiss and .J.aconet Trimminirs: In- tant>' \N .aists and CupM; Hem-Mt:tdieil and nee dle-worked Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, from D> cts. to and a Ix'antiful assortment of Veils; every variety of Shawls, embroidered and plain; Thread. Cotton .and Litien Edgings and Laces; black Silk l.aees and Eib'iiiii.s. —Ai,S( \— Itlack. Iilue, brown and green Fremdi and Lnglisli ( loths; blaek and fancy ('asslmeris; Cut \'elvet. figured and bl.ick S.itin and \'.ilen- cia \ «‘stings, (.Slime very h.aiidsonie;) Sattinets; Kentucky Jeans: Tweeds; Linseys: Flannels, v^ool and cotton: Osn.abiirgs; Druggets; Damask Table ('oths; ditto N.ipkins; Centre-Table Cov ers. very fine: Piano Covers: Irish Linens: Lin en Lawns; Thread Cambrics: Towellings; (len- tleinen's .Merino Shirts and Drawers; Silk Neck and I’oeket Handkerchief's: Ladies’ Merino Vests; 'ashmere ;ind Silk Hose; ditto Half-Hose; ^!rs. 1)10\ llil.'s ()|)(*n€*d ''**' ceU-brated Salem .Je.-ins. l)laek and grey, th^.t lar-e and convenient house near ' - 'Jentlemens ami Children's llOOTS and SHOES. .Men's. Hoys' and Infants’ Hats and Caps. \ elvet, Sniin, Str.iw and Florence I’.onnetrt. Ditto ditto ditto bir Misses. .\nd every .irtiele usually kept in a Dry Coods .'^tore. fc'ij"' We invite the public to call and e\ani- KAISINS AM) I'K;s, '^'KW Ci;»l’ K\I''IN.'s. in wli-ole. half, .-iiid 'lU.arter buxi-s. Fre~h Fi"s. I'ickies and Primes. Suit shell Almonds. Filberts. Walimts. Hrazil Nuts. • '■■coa. Ciiocolate. l’iT>served (linger. Oo.slicn Iti.ttcr, in 121b. kegs. Smoked Ueef and Tongttes-. Jn>t received av.d for sale by 'CHAS. P.ANKS. Oct. 2", l.'.'.l. :.l-hn Propasih.s tor I’laiik Hoad f’oiilract.s. NE.M.ED 1'llOi’i t.'Ja LS w in )>e received by the nnders 'jned. I’resiclont of the Clier.iw aiiil .Vn'oti Plank Ko.id ('oinpany. fur contract.s i'fr the cleariiiir. grading .uid planking .said I. and (or tlie neees-.iry lumber and timber, to be 'lelivered on the road. I he ciiiitraets w ill be let out. in sections of :i mile or more e.u li. or for the whole road. I’eT'ojis ■visbiii;^ further inform.itioii on the ^sutijeet. e.in obtain the same by applying to the }’i'>iileiit for a copy of the F.iigiueer's bejmrt. I’ropn.sals will be received until the iMh day of November next. .\iMress. ; |ne^t-p:iiil. ; Tllos. E. I’(»W E, I’re.-'t. (Ill-raw. s. C.. Sept. ;;ii. -M-tt xo'j'ici:. A LL tho>e indelited to me. either by note or /i# accouiil, will please call at the >tore of l..i'.vrence ,'c 1 roy jind settle, as 1 am clo.sing my tornu'r busines.-;, and wi.sh a |uick settle- JOHN li. TUOV, Jr. Oi l. Is.-.l. .''C[it. 2'*i. IS'il. H .\S JrST KFCi:i\ ED and otFers fer sale, cheap,— 7** b;ig-i «upi‘rior Hin COFFEE. 2*> b:ineN Coffee .'^ugar, .'>*) Viarrels Mackerel, Nos. 1, 2 and Loaf and (iranulated Sugar. —also— A Large assortment of Iron and Nails, .'shov els, .'sp.ades. Tra*-e Chains. Shwvels and 'I'oiigs, niack.smiths’ I’ellows. Anvils. \'i,ses. H.imniers. rianes, .\ugers and Chisels, Files, Collins's Axes. \c. .Vugust 1 r’,. 1.1-ltf NOriCK. FILL 1\D \n\TLH (iO(ll)S. rgiHE .''uhscribers are now receiving a we'l _BL selectinl stock of St.-'jde and Fancy DH\ OOODS. .\nion" their stock will lie found the latest styles of Ladies' and fu-nflenien's DKESS iO(H>S. together with ji good assortment of lleaIy-mal(‘(’li>fliing; riiil>»'cllas; Hat'. ('aj)s. Mini liitiMifts; all kinds id’ IJiMit-- :iiid .'^Ikk's; ('arju titij;; ,''a(MU>, IJridl “.s, ^‘,■llij>.s atnl ('iillar.s; ILinlwan* and ('utlvry; I^c;i- tliiT; Hiillii\v-\van‘aiitl 1'rncktTy-w;in-; Luat', Luiu]>, (’rushed, (’laritud and Urown Su gars; Tcn^; Ui'», Lagnira and .Ja\;i ('iiTi>c; Salt, Mnlassfs. Imn ;iinl Nails. With many other iloods. whii h will lie soM very die>ip f..r ('a.'h, or on time to those w ho pay jiunetually. would be glaI if our frii-nds and tin' jniblie gener.illy would give us a call. J. T.' C(»l .NrlL ( AIN. Sept. 1. 1H.',1. istf '// fun r-linrsi I'iii/>tti rllh- tu II jf/%«/«•,— Daily. f IIHE Sul'S'riber> h.aving secured the mail M. ciintract oa the .ab.i\e Line, will commence Till.'' D.\Y. running :i Line of Four Horse I’ost Coaches. I'aily. Leaving Fayetteville at H I'. M.. and :irriving at \\iM'aw at A pa>t li M.. in time for the (’ars Noith and South. Ke- turning. leave Wars.iw mi ihe arrival of the Cars, s.iy jibiiut 1 or 2 1’. M.. and arrive .at F'av- etteville in ten hours. Every c.ire will t>e taken to render the line plc.isant, couveniciit. anil safe, tor Travellers. -\ Lin** of .'^t.ages w ill be esfablivJied as s.ion as possitib-. by the I’lank lload. fr' Hi Fayettr- v'ille via Cartha,:e and siiebori-ugh. to Lexing- t li. .''alem. and Sn ,: oiry. M KINNoN \ McNElLL. IIV/!#//. E wish to bu\ 2n,(»(M» barrels Turpentine. KlNt; .V Mc.MlLLAN. LIFK INSURANCE. j TIIK Vndernigned has been appointed Agent I of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insu- : nince Company. Every member for life partic- iji.ntes in the profit.«i of the (’onipany; nnd the annual premium for life membership, where it | umonnts to or more, may be paid one-half j in cash, nnd the other hnlf in a note at 12 nioutha. i L)ehtors’ lives may be insured by creditors. , man may insure his own life for the exclusive Ijeiiefit of hi# family. The lives of slavei! may be insured. This system is i*nj)idly growing into fuvor. all over the civilized world. It is one by which a family, for a small sum annually, may be pro- j vided’ for. af ter the death of it.s heal. oJi whow exertions tliey may have been dependejit for !i sup]>i>rt. It is a good investment ol money, j even if one shoidl live long after taking out a I.ife Policy. Explanatory paniphlets, ami the ! necessar\' Hlanks, furnished on application. j E. J. HALE. I Frtj'etteville, Jutie 1S.50. 72 j Fire Insurance* fW^HE .ETN.V Insunince Comp.any of Ilart- B ford, having jiaid the tax imposed by the Mcvenue Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue its .\gency in Fayetteville, under the itiiinagem‘iit of the uiulersigned, who is pre pared to issue Policies of Insi.irance on Huild- ings or (Joods, either in this 'I’own or in :iny jiart of the State, on pniper ap[>iicati/ii, de scription of the Property. iVc. The .KTNA COMPANY has been in ojicration alnuit J^O years. Its cajiitJil is lii:{00,000. Tlie Hon. 'J'lios. K. Hr.ace w.as its first I’rej^iilent, and he still holds that offii-e; and several of its first Directors are still active and el1i>-ient inem- Irei !* of the Hoard. It has at .all times sustained the highc.st character for the i>m«Tcnee ff.* mawagenn nt. and for the liberality with which it has ever .adjusted its lo.sses. E. J. ll.'.LE, Agent, March !•, IHol. 02-tt I F.VVKTTKVIhLE W.lTJilU IVOI.’KS, 'Fhe Siihscribt r oilVrs (or suit* hi.s interest, being one fourth of the stock in the above company. W. W 11 I'l'!>I 1 E.\D. Oct. 2is-2in A~(;()()i> iN\ i:s'i\\ii:N'r. f Hin E Subscriber wish*s to .sell one-ha’f of I the Favetteviile Water Works. Neither if the present proprietors having time to give their personal .attention to the property, the joiichaser can h.ave the m.an.agenient of it. ma king it a valuable investment. E. J. HALE. Oct. 1. lS.-,f. TO ('o r roN~PLAN'f'i:Ks. • PIE(’i:s COTTON F.Ata.’ING, 7-> coii.x Kope, 2itO lbs. Twine, Just received and for s.ale cheap, bv PETEK P. Johnson. .Vugust 1*>, IS.'il. 14tf R $100 Revvnr,!. AN.AW.W from the Subjieriu. 20th inst., JolIN, .s(.i,„,.f„„,,, ^ Carwile, a mulatto, showing, liiili,,,, |T * ' said John has very dark hair. iiii;i,i„’i’*' but wlien combed lies in vviive: n '' feet 10 or 11 inches hi^h—abi.iit -'s '' ' IWing a house servant his iiiaiun r'is'*^'"^' when s)ioken to, he lias a ili.wn-,.. ^ ■ replie-i with a smile. 1 will jrjv,. ! ^ • Fifty Dollar.** if taken up witliii, ’ One Htindrt-d Dollars if cauj.dit nnd lodged in Jail. '"""'■tU'S:.. hoVK!^ Camden, S. C.. Sejit. ^0. iv.-j liK'rroNs SHIRT EJ;Tl!!Li;^iilli:vT no fluent I; iMlj: lar,,.., •■^ale •ity. TI,i eii”:ijri d I times to offer to Country .\ier« l, ,M. " “ ers in SHIRTS. COLL.UiS. Mm. ^ , *' TON DKAWLKS, great ind.i, - than usua': efl'orts h.iving been the nssortnient ol tli* nc ain':U i, , , ‘ fi'ri ■■ - plete. The Stock on hand is large ai,.| for Men and I’oys. - All orders from the C .innrv jif,., i with punctuality and desj.atrh. Kemember the N:uuc. ;,ii>l A«. I7J> T. W, ngnrt !•», ]K,l, ' \vii(")lksal(: Wafcli aitd .yc*r»eh*t L. n. (O Jilljiorf'r., II nj'fir/II, cr^ nnil I!'/ I'llir '^■'1 In;' I; HENRIETTA LINE OF s:ioi) m:\VA Itj>! SC.\ PED froni the Jail of Kersha w In'strict. F' F 1 \ ctlex illc. N. C. 7'. Hbls. No. .\ug. IN'.I. 1 1-tf Tl»i [• i• ‘d Haymouiit, on Hay street ’known a.s the Farmers' and I’l.aiitors' Hotel, where .she would be jrlad to aecommodate gentlemen with llo.ard by the week or month. I'aiiiilie.scan be s'lf.jiliol with pleasant rooms. .''he |ire)iared to aia'omniodate Travel lers and their hoi>es. Her Stables are attend- . ed to by one well ac-iuainted with the manage- >>'‘nd.sonie Stock, as we are al- liieiit of horses. anxious to show our floods. Those who are so kind as to patronize her. shall find that her greatest care w ill be to please. Oct. 27, is.’.l, ;:itf llajor i!‘ii‘i*al lCI‘cti»ii. M lOj,. ,f. (I M-DC(; LD, of I’laden county, ” ^ is a c.aiididate for the office of .Major (!en- eral in this Divi.simi, tn fill the vacancy occa sioned b\ liif resignation of (ieneral James J. [:5H-tE !MA.\TLA-.M \K1M; & miluneuy. Its. W.\LIoN has jtist ;'«‘ttirned f’niui the North with a new an i beautiful assort ment of Fall and Winter MlLidNKUY, consist- ' iiig of silk, satin and velvet lionnets. of various ^ pi'ii es: Plumes. Kibbons and Flowen; Head ■ Dresses and C.ajis: Straw l’t>inet^ ot dilferent >|uality and jirice; In.'ide CujK-s; Collars and I ndeideeves; very Lost jnality of Kid fllovcn; ■ Mitts, hing nnd short; a new and eleg:nit style of Jiress Trimmiiigs, of the most fash- ! ionable kinil, ni,il fi {^w haiid.otne Dress Put- terns; w;itered and plain silk Mantillas: vel- I vet .Mantillas and Cloaks; anew style of Bon ner Linings Hiid 1 l iiiimint's, of all colors; and a i handsome a.s:iortuiti.t of Flowers and Head Dresses i EriT Dresses made in the latest .style: like- ' vise .Mantillas and Cloaks * I rio-.^ni i fiiriy" \Vf L'lrp Siiijnr, T»'ii iduJ Cnjf’n^. .\iU'A, SHK.MWj-.LIj iS: CO. return thanks to the citizens of Fayetteville, nnd the public generally, for the very liberal patronage here tofore b( stowed on them, and intend, by strict attention to liusiness, to merit :i continuance. S. S. A KEY. P. SH EM WELL. J. II. MCDONALD. F.iyettifville. Sept. lo, IH-'il. 21 tf V^AHLIAS are now’in full bloom. Persons JL^ v.ishing to .select fine varieties should call and see them before frost. Strawberries and Kaspberries may now l>e }>lanted. .Strawberries .'*() cts. to !i!2 per hundred. do 10 to 00 ets. per ilozen. Peonies 20 to .'>0 cts. each. Plant now. Kaspberries !j2 to .“jid per dozen. Khubarh for tarts '2~i to .jO cts. each. Plant now. C. LUTTERLOH, Hownn street, tict. 21. o2-^5w SALE, the COW iu the e.iunty. Farmers wishing to imjirove tbeir stock, Hhould call and hnik at her. « - m m jpAID for YOL'NG NEtiKOES. Sept. 2.'), 18'. 1. A),i,ly to J. i T, WADDILL. 2:.tf w i:us'n;i{-s l- -^ltTO Dietionftry; ditto Oetayo; Wftlk- cr’s Octavo; Worcester’s, Walker’s and Webster’s School Dictionaries, ,S;c. Just receiveil by E. J. H.VLE & HON Oct. !•. PkWtING L\K. A FEW .301b Kegs, ju.st received and for sale by E. J. HALE SON. Vug. F ILL l\i) \1 L\Ti;il liOdllS. E have received and are now receiving ▼ ¥ our usual Stuck of | ST.VPLi: A: IWNC’V (a)(»I)S, Consisting of ne.arly every arfi«'le usually kept ill the Dry (ioods line. j —A IX)— ! A FINE ASSOin'MK.N'T «»F j l’'asliional)l(‘ Honncls, I fats, ('aps,; lioots. Shoes, vVc. ?■! le above .''toek we would ii'vite our custom ers, friends. !ind the public generally, to call | and I'x.amine befor*' purchasing as we .are de- j termined to sell Viood.s to suit the times. A LEX’II J HINSON \ ’0. Fayetteville, Sejit. 2d, IS.j]. 2;')tf DAGUERREbTYPB I’ORTIIAITS. A C. SMITH, Dagiierrean .Arfii?* hiving I 1 a • been instructed in one d' the hirgesr and 1 best EstabliHhments in New York, and by one I of the best .\rtists in New York or any where I else, would respectfully inform the citizens of! !• ayetteville, and persons living near, that he! has a Hooin in the Fayetteville Hotel fitted ii}> ' foi- t.aking Dagnerreotypei*, and would }>e very j much ple.ased to wait on those who may wish to have their Likcjiesses taken. He has tlie best materials that can be bought any where with out aiij' e.vceptioii. He intcuds stopping here only a few weeks. ('all Soon, if you wish a correct nnd good Likeness. He feels that he can satisfy those who may give him a call, if a correct and good Likeness will di it. Time of taking, from 'J j .\. M. until .') P. M. I Dark or black dresses best for taking; white I will not answer well. ! Priccs from Two to Ten Dollars. | Children one year old and upwards ta- ! ken, if they can be kept still D3 or 20 .seconds. ' Time for taking Children, from 10 A. M. until i 2 P. .Al. Instructions given in the Art. Persons taken in groups if the^- w ish it. Daguerreotypes and .Miniature T'aintings co pied for thtse who niny wish it. ° Oh, wad Some power the giftie gie us. To .see ourselves as ithers see us. It would from many a blunder free ns. And foolish notion.—Jii/ruit. Hut come when you will, A perfect likeness you’ll hare. If you only sit still'. Lovera are of all others the best subjects for sitting, though the most difficult to please. Secure the shadow Ere the stfbstunce fade.—Slmk^pfitri'. 1, 1 Herring. 2'. •• •• :: .Mackerel. ls» Hales Hay. lt**i Pieces Ci.itiui l>Hgging. .’>► ♦ oil.s lJo].e. 2st Llis. Twine. llhds, .\IoIas«t>^. •'» Hhds. Fair .''iigars. •Vl I’.ags Hill Ciitfee. VV itli .\!iini and .S.ack Salt, nnd firoceries gen erally, f'l r sale at the lowest market prices. !>v ,INO. I). WILLIAMS.' .\ugus* M, 1 ''■'>1. 1 otf Enronniirc (’andinn. f |1HE uielersigned is manufacturing, in Fay- -I. etfeville. Boot and Shoe Poli.sh, far superior to the I’tlacking purchased in the Nortliern cities. He intends devoting his \« hole time to iu:inul:icturin‘.r .and veipling this \ery sti- p« rior P.>li^h. and c.ills upon .ill who think it to the interest of the Southern peojile to liecome independent of Northern manufactures, to give him their aid and patronage. He is prepared to >liovk, by trinl. to any one who «ill call upon him. the riixt nifif- Tn TiUi of his over all other or litiicl.inij now solil in North C.andina. Cull and have vour bunts .and shoes one*' cnnijdetcly bl.ackcd .and poli.slicl, jind be satisfied. This article is offered >it a j>rice imt higher than is u.-ually charged for other and inferior i(U.ilities. and a tiial is all that is asked tti se cure the patronage id' the fuiblir generally. The undersigneil exjiccts to vi.sit every por tion of the State to intrMluce his Polish, and nsk.s >iow in advance that Merchants and others visiting Favetteville will give him a call. A. J. W(»0DWAK1». June 21. iH.'il. 77-*)ni SALK.M I\\1‘1-:K-MII.L. ^B^HL subscriber has taken charge of this old M and w ell known Establishment, and is prc- jiared to attend to all orders for l*rintinir Paper, .Mcrclianl.s’ and l’'actory \\ rap|)iii^, The Mill has recently been thoroughly retitteil witii new nnu hinery, and the subscriber believes he can furnish Paper of as good cjuality and at as cheap prices as can be purchased any where. North or South. CHAKLES E. SHOHEU. Salem, June 7, IS.'il. 77tf Tin; iKi.KiiinTi'i) dick patent COOK IA ; STOVE, .S for sale by the Subscriber in lialeigh and Fayetteville; in lialeigh at his Shop ou Fay etteville Street, and iu Fayetteville at .Mr. .\. Si. ('ampbell's. The Subscriber hereby I'orewarns all persons from puivh.asing any of these Stoves from any jierson eith(*r in or out of North Caroliiin, ex cept from himself or his duly authorized .\gents. He has purcha.sed the exclusive right to vend this Stove within the State, and will prosecute any person infringing his right, either by pur chasing. selling, or using, any except those ob- tiiined from himself. JOSEPH WOLTERING. Raleigh, .\pril 10, 18ol. fJ8tf iiA(;(;iN(; and uopeT” OUK COTTON HAfJdlNC. AND RtH’E have arrived. (Uir friends can send in their orders, anil they shall be sujiplied. COOK & TAYLOR. August 18, 18-">1. 14tf 1 fMlHIS LINE OF HO.VTS is atitl In success- ful operation on the Cape Fear River, and continue to ofter many faoilities to the shipping public. Persons jiatronising this Line, may rest as sured that their (Jools will be brought up with •liv^atch, utkd at the very lowest rates of freight A. W. STEEL, President. T. S. LrTTEHLOH, Agent at Fayetteville. P->>. r,9tf S.VMl EL J. LOVE, wlio was convicted for tlie murder of Kubert J. Lester, .at .''priiig Term of Ciiurt, 1S-M . Said Love is about 2l or'21 years of Hge, six f'ect two inches high, (not cert.ain as regnrils his height, but sujipo.sed to be there.a- bouts.' has dark hail, and of a sallow complex ion. with :i downcast look; some oi' hi.s front teeth a little i|ec;i\ed. and follows the occiijia- tioii of a ('.irpeiiler. 1 will give the ab;->ve rewanl to any person who will apprehend the said S. J. l.,o\e and lodge him in .any .tail in this .'^tate, orOneHun- li'cd and Fiftv Doll.ars for his s.ale eonfinemctif in any Jail iu the I'nitcd .States, so that I c:in get him. JOHN INGRAM, Sheriff. CMinden, (’., ,\ug. Mn, iS.'d. 2t-t'iin rou sALi:, ONE lot of I Jind cont.aining 2 a-Tes, with a »-uufor(able Dwelling He\i>e and Kitchen thereon. The abcive property is in half a mile of Riibeson Institute. Kobesi.n county. .\lso. Four .''hares of the Cajiital .’'tock iu s.lid Institute. For further particulars, in|uiri‘ >f ALFRED JACKSON. Ciimberl.and county, Sept. I, IS.'d. ]stf ~ !). I.VMAN lU’in^ANK, Siii'>' lisnr to 11‘ttrh »(• }{tirhnnJ,', Wholesale and Retail I'lealer in ('i^ar^, Tobarco, and Keeps const.anfly on h.and th(‘at>ove n.anu**l articles, of the most ]>opular firands. and w.irrauted eijual to any in the country. Hav ing made arrangements w ith an extensive house in Haltinii.re. he will sell at Haltimore prices, and ia-s|>ectfnlly iii\ites the eiti/ens of Fayette ville and surroundin;'country to give him a iTill. Front .'*treet. nevt do..r to Mt ssrs. Pol icy Hart, (at the sign of THE Tl'RK.i Wilmington. Oct. iNol. ;>ntf I'ive ilollarw K«‘«varfl. KAN.VW.V\ from the sub.scriber, on the 10th inst.. a negro girl by the name of Caroline. Said girl is profmbly lurking about C. -Montague's, as I hired her fiom him. 1 w ill f>ay the above reward tor her delivery to me, or conrmement in our jail. Said (’andine is about 20 years of age—ijuite t.all for that age. JOHN STEWART. Fayetteville. Oct. D?, 1H.‘>1. :’,ntf l()(),()()() Acrcs Vah^lde 'J' I W i: U I. A N ]) 8 FOR SALE. HE SubscrilKT has purchased all the Lands ' belonging to the Estate if Abram Dulxiis, , dec d, lying ]iriucip.all\ iu Uobe.son contity. and on iKith sides of Lumber River, the ditfurent sur veys containing Over 100,000 Acre.s; I large p.art find}' Timl>ered, and c*»nvenient to j Lumber River, where a large cjuantity of Tim- i ber is now ratted to the Oeorgetown niarket. These Lands are very valuable both for the i Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a large part is well suited, being iu a region ' where the Turpentine yields more alxindantly j than any other .section of the State. Tlie Lands ' will be sold at a low price, and in quantities to suit purchasers. Information respecting the title c.in be ob tained by apjilying to the Hon. Robert Strange. Hon. Jas. C. Dolil.in, or .V. A. T. Smith, EsTi-, (Attorneys at I,aw.) I undersfjind there are many trespassers on these Lauds, to all of whom notice is hereby given, Hiat the law will be enforced against ail such ofl'enders. Application for any part of the Lands can be made to myself, or to John Winslow, Esq., who is duly authorised to make s.ale t.f the .s,ame. THOS. J. CURTIS. FHyettevjllc, N. C., Sept. 1, 1845. 7Gtf JH.VVE Just received from New York niv FALL AND W INTER Stock of Goods, Consisting of a goner:il nMortmeut of Dry (Joods, Urorerirs, Hardware, ('iillcry, \r. I ^'11 barter for TURPEXTIXE, tip any kind of I’rodticp. Nlt^aiii aii«I Freight Koaf^, 4 RE all iu excellent order fur business. Our Tow Hoats have been recently repaired and made good .as n-w. We have also added .a nri’- Flat for low w.iter. and well .ad.apted to the service. She will carry 7x> bbls. merch.andize. and draw only 2n inches water. Tho.si- f.avoi-ing us with their patron.age, may exjiect as prompt and che.ap service in every jiarticular as any other I.ine can otlVr. DEM1N.. Pres t. U. M. ORItELL. Agent. .\. D. CAZ.M'X. .\gent at W ilmington. F;iyetteville. Dec. 21. Is'itt. .'.0-tf I trni At.’C Ltrcni St(ddc,s. Ihiltimore I >..9 n f I rjiiii: r ndcrsigned having formed a Copart- Jl nershij) to carry on the Livery Stable Bus'ness, Respc tfully inform the citi/.ei:s of Fayetteville and the Public generally, that tliey can be ac- coninuid.ated on re.asoii.able terms with lloi-M'o.. A: otlior V«-liicl(‘«, at such times as they may wi.sh to hir‘. )iy ap plying to tlie subscrihors, as they :ire well ]>re- pared to carry on the P.usiness. h.iving refitted •and renewed the Establi.shnn-nt. with the addi tion of some fine Horses and new Vehicles, .and are satisfied that they can give satisfaction to all who may wish to hire. -\nd therefore call on them to give us .a tri.al. J. W. POWEIl.'. ROl’.EHT ItEOlSTER. Sept. IS. Is.'tl. o;:v Oct. 28, 18.^0. N. KING. 10 lullcB North of Fayetteville, 48tf WRITING PAPi:il. REAMS assorte.1 French, English J-«tter, Hath Post, Foho Post, and Note Paperii—a well se- ItHited stock, on.hnicing n great variety of qual- ity aud price. Also, Bristfd Hoards, Perforated Ditto Tissue and Drawing p„per, aoa Sbition- ury ot HU kiudiL Just rcceivinjjf Sq.,.29,lS51, K' * SO^-- BIIOTIIilRS li.m;, steamer HROTIIERS and Tow P.oats, Jl STEVENSt>N and DA\ ID LEW IS .art' j)re- pared to forwanl witli DKSivvTni, all goods con signed to the Projirietor. The Steamer P.mthers is of light draft, and well suited to run in low water. She po.s.sesses power, and spet*«l, and is .admirably adapted to towing, and can accommodate about 20 passen gers. The ]>roi)rietor contemplates running the Hoat himself, an«l will give special attentioti to way freight and naval stores; to towing, and will al so attend to the comfort and convenience of Passengers. From his long experience ns Agent in W ilmington of the several Steam Hout Coiu- jianies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. To Merchants in the interior he would sav. that all Govxls shipped by him, w ill be delive»*ed to their .\gents in Fayetteville. His agen« in Wilmington is JOHN C. LATT.V, to whom ull communication.s may be iuhlressed, as Agent of the Steamer Brothers. JOHN B.VNKS, Proprietor May 1.5. 70.J. and Miiiiiiiirr a cos rr.MK HALL, ('ftnirr Pratt ffrr>t ami ('nitre Market Spare, ]iA L TIMOHK. f JIHE largest and best stock of READV- MADE ( LOTHING ever offered in Haiti- more. Dress. Frock ami Sa^k COATS, all co lors, qu.-dities and sizes, from i^2 .50 to .$^1 r>0 and npwanls. PANTAL(X)NS at .'SI to $.3 50 and ujiwards, embracing all styles of fancv, plain and plaid Cassimeres. VESTS of every variety at corresponding prices. Also, a large assortment of Hoys’ Clothing. Importing our own Cloths direct from Europe, and manufacturing on the ni*>st extensive scale, enables us to otTer inducements to jmrchii.'sers not to be gurpftssetl by any (,’Iothing Establish ment in the Ctiite(| JStateg. The proprietors are determined to make tho Wholesale Rooms the point of greftt attrnctioti, and have now made up more than ft(*,0«K) OAUMENTid, from tho finest iguality to the lo^eat io prio*», , in thu Custom Depurtuit)«t will alwhvfc he found ihti oholcest selecHori of CLOTHS, 'cA.'i. SIMER^S aud V{JHTINCt»4, which will he mado up at the shortetit nottce, wul ^tvu;, and a fit alwi*ys gMurauViinl. ‘ . #Bg“ The uue price system fttricHy adfiert'd io. ! Remember the name and plac-e, Corner Pratt .It. and Centre Market Space. | H n. COLE & C\ .Iroil, 1 i a ve f..r!!!erly C;inticld, l’>r’ i'. , corufr ij I'loyf'.i unt! , (No. 227.) which, they are i'u:t'.!e_'iu ; ; . order for the W HOLE-Ai.!'. W v i'( 1! JEW EI.UY Ui;>INi;SS, to be .qa :a-.l-.o. ... 2*tth of.111!y. In c.al!ii;g tiic f’ttention .(' tlic ■ . new concern, wc nunlii ;i the ;;u-t i'. !; associated with l ue of tie, iin'>t t . dry M.antif.K’turing INtal.l;-!inn i;i«; .: try. v.hich nn;st give a deciiled ;ni\ .i;-.. all otlu rs iu this i;;.irket b^r s!i|,j.;.,_ with .lewdry at maiuifactiiri r.-' j.?;; ;; in thi.' brauch of trade 1. ne s.i i ' . tween Haltimore and tlic S' tithei'i an ' Merch.ant.s. W e desire to call particular att. n*’ •:.. Watch lep;irt!nciit, which will at . supplied with a great asso.'tnienr ir. ;., i,. . celebrated niiiniifaclurers. .and kept ii. ruiiiiing ofilef. :>■> th.at p'.ircha.'iT' m:r. take them, with a w ritteu guai-.iutci- rin; „ will iiei'foiTu correctly. This branch of the biirsiness will re,.:; •. csiK'cial attcntieii of one of the firm, n;. « ten.'ive and jmictical knowledge o) il.. ... , will, we hojic. give ns a j)lace in the i.'1,:, of buyers. We respectfully invite you to ,.i!l u|. :. . when you iie.\t visit our city, coiiti'ii i.- lieviiig th.it an examiiiatii 11 of eur 1.,,. proveto you that they are better che.aper th:in vou have ever seen in th>ni.,fV aud assUre yoi; that no effort i c r; ou our part to make the aciiuaim.iiai- mutual benefit. L. H. MH,LEIl fv CO. Old stand, fi.rineily occ’.ii iiti v Canfield. Hro, \ Ch.. .s. , r- Her of (,’harlcs cc 1 a'liii.i i'. -V June 1.''’>1. Il-V lll.FEHENCrS: Messrs. AVyeth. Hlackh ck \ Cy. («wyu. Reid iV Ta\l--r. James Hodges iV l!r. tli.r. Hurst vV I'erry. Murdoch. Duer F.vai^s. ; Stelhuann vV Hinrichs. ' .^'aiigston A: Co. Harthlow, (JwMi iV (■(). l!ie!y iV rendit tou. Cushings \ I'ailey. .fi.liii .'iiirphy iV ('o. Moure vV (irifiiii. A DI TY OFTEN NEG l.F.cTCf. Many families .are already in the 1j ■ • keeping a vermifuge on hainl. and wiici .• n; the usu.-il flisturliances occur a5ii"i:g c',, ofgivingitto them. The result i?. ti ' effect is not only asteiiishing, but eft-;! ■ ible. in causing the expulsii.n of «irin'. at other times, few or none are li'. ic.n''-. veriiiil'uge, jierhaps. ever bei'erc iiitf'. • done so much gool. or been so Iiv.di'v of by those who have used if. ;is tlint J'T-v ^ b\- Dr. Little. Another peculiarity it'tlii*-' icine is. that it never fails to iiiij iovc jii i . all feeble .and droc.i.ing children. uiiciLvr:. , have wi.iuts or not. To give c.aloiiiel. pink root. is to I’t i" the age of iniproveuient. when .1 ri iir •' Little's Vermifuge is to he had; w! ' i > i;' surpi'ssed, if equalled, by .anv thiii^; •" qiiiring nothincr afterwards. VER-MlFl'GE FOR PLANTATK»N I>f' Tlie Proprietor has jmt it iiji in I'ellir' ' ties, which arc one-third cheaj>er. •ni'l “ ■" vials which arc al>out double the si/eet stock's, and at the same price. Wlie.-'c Read the proof at home; Ta’bet (’. iriiry. Dr. Little—Dear Sir: I have i>res i;l’C'l; Vermifuge in scver.-il cases, and lec! '■ tancy in jironouncing it su]nMi'T t'l I i stock's. Perry's “Dead .''hot,” or any ‘Uni 1 have ever used. (Sigucil) JOHN S. Sli.vnCV. M. I' l>r. I.ittic—Sir: 1 li.ive ii^cd F.ilni'"'' '• and Comstock's Vermifuge, as well s' Vnuri': ' ]>aration. in niy family. I h.ave fi’iiii i ;■ ''' niiudi superiir to either of the:n in '■ cases 1 have given it. In fact, it I’liH.' the juirjiose without anything elsv; i'>s; .''- is not unpleasant for children to take. (Signeil) JA.MLS S. SAM'KI:.' Talbotton, M.i\‘ IS.')!!. ^ Dr. Little—Dear Sir; 1 chcerfnlly st.iie, i-'’ 1 h:ivc used in my family your \ ermiluS'' '' sever.al cases witl'i entire s.atisfactii'n: iii I'*’® have never known it equalled. I Fahnesto«'k's, Perry's “Dead Sli"t. !Ui'l i*r- Jayne's, but with no such results .is v'ur?-' siiies, you furnish nearly double as the s.ame price. (.Signe(i) OHRIiN I>. • Macon coiintv’, Ala., April 18')i. The following order, among many. i>'>^ received; Fort G.aincs, March If- • , Dr. W. Cl. Little—Dear Sir; Wo "ill t* you to send us, by the first ojipertiuiity. i"f" dOKcn of your Vermifuge, and four do/eii .y*' dyne Ctuigh Drojts. We are entirely cut Vermifuge, and our customers say they e.iu“ ‘ do without them. Respectfully. DILL .V ALKX.\^■1'^^_ The fac-simile of the signature ot I'f ■ '^ Little will he found upon the outside wrapi'^ of each of his .Medicines. . , Sold wholcsjile and retail, by the at his Manufacturing l)epot. No. street, Philadelphia, and Macon. , ^ i,. To be had also of .lames Cain. Ih'C A. Watson, Flor.al College: Townsend iV 1’""^ lass, P>ennettsville: Dr. P. M. Cohen. ton; C. Harbee, Harclaysville; P. 1- Raleigh. S. J. HINSD.VLE, Agent for Fayetteville^ August 15, 1851. 11-yopd I KOOK HLNDKKV. ^ RW. TfARDlE has resumed the 1"'^^ • Rinding Business at the new door to Mr. Beasley, Jeweller, where he wi ^ fcive and execute binding iu any style dcsii"" August 1. , \VR.^T>|’IW 1>.\I>KK. J RK.VMS Me'liiini size, ■ vlr f').5 “ Blue, for Cotton’ijirn"'- Fnun .Mantcu Paper Mills, Raleigh, i''*’’ i'" low bv II. Bi; VNSON -Ji July 1851.