SEMl-WBEKL, Y ■a«aa»iiM»iaMeuiaiajatae I.] I'AYETTEVlLl.l’,, N. C., TUESDAY MOUMXG, NOVi:MnER 18, IS'.I. [XO. 40.] ' n;iNri:i> nv .t. ii. Ninvitv. i;i)\V\iii) J. IIALK & SOX. ''tiS \NM I'KtM'I'.IKTOI’.S. lio-St'iiii-Wo»‘kly OnsKitvKU gft (>0 if ii- •• ivnnt't': 1 if I'-'i'il iluring tlio . w .'il'ter tlic year iv:ilu'P: r.i'.VKR $2 00 I'cr animni. if •'>•> if I'.niti (luring tin- ■ 'ir. >>r ii:’) no lifter the vear I I i^l:>lI'.N rs iiiserteil forsivty rents ' t!ii“ niH tliirty cents fi>r ericli Yenrly a'lvertisemeiit-i ■II!’ i''ts. :it rei)«» in:i1>lo r:ites. A'l- ; .no'^to.l t' t'no i\>in\lH‘r of . -..r ' 1. >r tlipy wi'l l>c ciMititiueil till i h:irz‘il arci r lin"'y. ' Tm tin' Ivliti're niusr lie post-i'niil. \v\\'ri:n. I X'TI'I'. M t.'iu-lu'r for fivi' or s'x cliil- | • 7 l'i 1:’ ye:ivs nf n^e. Aii 1 cutiiiir C'lUe- i and other Carpetings, Ilenrth llujrs, l>rup}rets. rrun-.b-Clotlis, I’iuiio aiul Table ('over?-. Kor sale bv ST.niU WILLIAMS. Nov. .■). 1S.')1. :57-tf I500TS & SIIOKS. K bave inHt reeeiveil n Inrjic aiul well neloetoil Stoek of UtlO'l'S AN 1> SllOKS. Nvliirli we otVer iVir .';ale very low by wholesale or ri'tail. Coiintry Merehuiits anil nil others wiM’iinrr tn j'luviuise w otilil lrt well to call aiul examine our st('ck at No. 1(1 t.;re'n street. l.AWHKNCK \ TUOY. Nov. a, IH.'.I. rn'Mli: M’OTTIJ^H nrCeltic JL Manners, ns {'reserved nnionj; the Hijrb- laiiilfrs, beinj: an histtiri al an-l (b-seiiptive ao- eonnt of the inbabitant.s, antiqxntii's. und na- tii'nnl peculiarities f>f Scotland, by .lames Lo- pan. Just ri'ceived and fur sale bv K. .1. IIAI.K v't SON. STOVIvS! STOVICS!! ^iriT.Vl^LK for Chnrehes. Parlors, Factories, ► * and Stores. For s.ale bv C. w. AND11V:\VS, >Lirkct Square. Oct. ^7, If'.jl. 84tf T :i y antr r.ian p i >!i ;l stiidy. iuir'/d. hnpiire at thi.- ifVice. :'.t f “7. H ; rior \\ inti r SjXM’m ('>!!.. ^ T nner’ in g^'o.l order. I uU'l r sale Vn- 15. IIOSK SiiN. !v-l. C^-vt I I 1.1 c untry-wade lU’.LKi il- IN'i. f''r wa-'niis. J. T. W.\DI*II,L. ■. I'-'l, :'.stf vI'IdN.'' w\i1 be recf'ivetl at the Of- ■ K;> vet'-''ilJv and .'■•iMitbern I’lnnk ^ T :! ki-cj’crs at two St.alloM^— •\r iinc'ti'^n near Fayetteville. No. ‘J • • .t r.ic ll'ickfisli.—until Tuesday •.l. il I» -1. A. T. SMITH. Sec, ;:s-'jt 0".»a; r W.'iialfcl Tor PowdtT. ; \ ■'-i s airo ;t box was sent to u« .'o in I'cni il mark, an 1 n: niher I? C'tujur.ol t’our keijs l’.>\Mlcr. ■: h:!-e it by I'.jvii;,: tlio fee? Hiid roi>K TWi.oR. m 'I'iie Suhsrriber still • •■■if's t'l c.'irry nn the ('.\15INMT ■'!NK.''S in l'ayett*'\itle. and in ui'Hi t > li\s L.stablislinii'nt on 1- -ir'-et, I'.ear l-ce!e'.s i'-ridfre. ! = I:,ri.- '.VAUK llOHM ,11 Hay • • -'.Ti* rlip F-'uyette\i'IIot'l ;■ V ,if Me-srs. Haiirh .s: .''iin's, ... -v- ;iS'ortmi‘nt of ni.M'iriii:. ' (■! Mit an'l faithful workmen, may ; 's eorres;i.ii!flin:Lr witli the time«. - nl N 'rthcrn-niad;’ Krr>Nl- • -1 i.v hiii'.'^cif. ^^hich will be sol^i : . '' ia;e :!-Iv:in.-i“. M NCAN McNKII.L. , ;--l. :’Stf —o- . 1 iivi :',n :i-' rtmont of Fisk‘« MMTAi.l.b' r.riM AL r,\si:. l.ccti hi;:hly reconnnend‘d by Uiilie ’in. l!i*r>rv t l.-^y. l.c«'is W ni. H. ! niaiiv 'tlicr ill«i>triou- «haracter-’, ■ aiiiiiH d aini iliiess.'il their utility. s*e^ti.VTs. .. nv ii: bl.'o’.i! aii.I reydv f;«r ikdivc- To Plank Road Contractors. ini', n>idersi;rned is authorized to let to con tract the first s»'ven sections of th(> Fay etteville anil (’entre IMank, extendinjr iVotn Fa\etteville to Mc.Xrthur's ('reek. 7 miles. Tlie rcj'orts and estimates of the Ln^ineer can be Pci'n. by calling “’n the Sec’y. Jiio. M. Rose. .\pi>licatioiis must be tnade verv soon. JNO. A. \\1LL1AMS, I’res t. Ni.v. ti. ;'-7-tf W KLDON IKVri.L, HVA/r,,,, X. ('. rE51IlF, subscriber, who kept the Uni lload Hotel in N:irth ( arolin.a last ■ “ar. havinj: taken the above lumse, { formerly S] ruill's. and for several years past kept by ^lr. . T. Whitfield, who now keep,*; , 'lie new lii.'lel iu WcUlon. and haviii" had the ' house th ron;ihly ren*iv;Kei’. an’. s\\j-"’'‘'d wuL : new Heds. IJeiMinfr ana r m t.ikcs tills metliod ut informing: liis tVicnds and the public irener.illy. that his liouse is iic'.v open tor the ' rei-eption of l{ail Koad pa.'.sen^ers, mid othertf who may f’avi.r liim with a call. | infliidiiig tlic best Oysters received liaily ll'oni iVrtsiiioiith, Va.. will ulw.iys be found re:uiy on the table on the ;irri\al ol the ; (■;irs. I The Weld"ii Hot(d is in the of the other ; hovive. :md is. tlieretm-e, ;ilthoiitrh within a few \:irds ot tii“ Laii i;>'.oi. almost entirely cut off fri.m the view of the ras>eii;rers. l>y that h.«u>e. and the .'' ■r.rhcrn T.cket OHice. ra.'-.^enirers li.tve to pass by. and .almos'. nver tln' steps '«f I that h“U>e to ^'ct t tli:!t ot the suliscriber; and to jirevent Passengers, tiie l.adies. parti»‘\jlarly |;;ers, from bein;; '.leterred from crotMnjr i the street ov-r ti> his house, iti the iiifiht, or in j bad weatliLT. they are e.irnestl_\ reijuesteil to in- t ciuite of the I’assenvr* rs. on the l!"ats or (,'ars. i who have ^tllp]'ed at liis hotise. as to it.s ipiality i and st;indiii;r as n Hotel, whether they have met witii nicer lii'ds. or a better T.-ible. South : or North, where there is m-t a ^ooil ( ;ty .Mar- i ket. He is leleriuiiie(i lo keep his house eijual ; to the best and second to nrine. The Ticket Otiice fT raltimore by way of i reteisbiirjr. liiclmi'iiid, Wa.sliin^rtoii ('ity. vVc. is in his loMise. 'I’ho 'I'icket (*fhce t»>i‘ I»;i!timore, ■ bv wa\ of tlie Sealt-ard ami Uoanoke I’ail Hoad, and tlie Hay Line, is in .Mr. Whitfield if house: I but the I’ri’prietors of cither house will procure Tickets fur tlie ras.-enirers Iroin the other Of fice, while tiiev are at supper. JAMKS (iKLSHAM. WeM'.w. N..V, 4, ;',7-lm F.VYKTTKVIIJJ-: KKNFKl’TlOM-UY. CHARLES BANKS, SNFOIIMS the public, that he has refitted his Kstab'.i.'«hm‘nt on (^reen Street, ninl has on ! haml a fresh supply of t'ANUIKS. manutnctured 1 ity iiitnseif'out i-f the be^t Lo;it Suj^ar. :ind war- 1 ranted free from starch, f.our, jiHSte. and perni- ' l i.ius paints. liis whole time iind attention is now- levoted to m.ikinpc C.indy. iiiid he is jire- pari-d t'l Siij'ply all orilers with t andies equal to aiiv made in the I'nited States. Tlo-se ( .in dies fie ivarrants to ke,;p in any climate: and he will s.dl to Tc.wn or (’ountry laerchants. ;;s cheap as ^ i'>l ninl jiure ('v.ndy can be purchaseil in New ^ ork >ir elsewliere. I'avetteville, ()ct. ISOI. "4-tf RAISINS and FIC^S, rUOr II.VLSINS, in whole, InilC, anil ([Uarter bo.\es. Fres It Fi^s. I'ickle.*) and Prunes. Soft shell .\lmond«. Filberts. Walnuts. 15ra/il Nut.s. ('ocoji. ehoonlate. I'reserved Oinjrer. (Joshen Hnt'er. in I'Jlb. kegs. Smoked F.eef and Tonjrnes. .Inst received and fot sale bv ‘eii.vs r.ANKS. Oct. IS.'.l. :’.l-lm j l^r()pi).s:ils for Plank Kond Contracls. SK.\1,F,1> VlkOl’OS.VLS will be received by the timlersifrned. President of the t'heraw I and -\nson I’lank Koail t'oinpany, for contracts I for the clearinr. gr.-idiiig and j>lankin5i said : road, :ind for the nec‘”'iSary lumber and timber. I to be delivered on the road. I The contracts will bo h't otjt, in s^i'tions of .1 I mile or more each, or for the whole road. I l’erstns wishii\ji further iufornxatioti on the i subject, obt.ain the same by applying to the ■ President for a copy of the Fngineer's Keport. I Proposals will be receivt'd until the ISth day ' of November next. .\d lrcss, (post-paid.) TllOS. K. POWi;, Pres't. All SIC. A NKW supply of .Ml'SK', for the Piano ^ Forte, .lust rcceivel. K. J. HALE & SON. October 27, IS.'d. H ITS, nn, BOOTS & SHOES. '*4“ Siock. ;i-tt C'heraw, .S. Sejit. 3*, P'-M. Tva! Teai Tea!! &i IIKST VorNCr HYSON, 1 ditto Cunpowder, 1 (,’atty Imperial, For sale by THS. P..\NKS. Oct 2'', IS-'il. ::t-tf Noi'Kiv tl.L those indebtefl to me, either by note or account, will p'ease call at the .Store of Lawrence ,V Troy and settle, as 1 am closing niv f.irnier business, and wish h quick settle- ml-nt. JOHN H. THOV. .Ir. Oct. 12;:. IS.'. 1. :;:mw .Mrs. lU'A II. lias that 'nrgc and convenient hoiisc. near ;J?J^jgtbe foot Ilf H.iMn'iunt, *in Hav street. known as the Farmers' and Planters Hotel, w here she would be (ihid to ;ircomiii'nl:ite gentlemen with Pioard by the week or month. Families can be supplied wiili pleas ant rii'>ms. .''he is ;i!so prcjiiireil to ac-omiio'date Travid- lers and their ln rx-s. Hn Stables are attend ed to bv oiu' well .’icquainted with the ni.inage- mcnt of horses. Those who are st kind :is to ]«atr>ini/e her, slnill find that her greatest c.-ire will be to please. Oct. -27. is.'.l. ;utf MANTl A-M.VKlNr, MILUNKUY. WiUcIk's and Jnvolry, ; At WIiolcK.'sU' and ESotail. ! J. M. liKASLKV 'Ol'Ll) respectfully inform the public generally, that he h;is retiii-ned recent ly frnm New York, with decidedly a large as sortment of fiitd Jftrefri/. Many of these \Viitches were bought for (W.'^ll : PiV 'rilF. l’.\( ■ K.\t i 1>. aiid can therefore b(> s tbl j very low. He has Watches of all kinds; (^'haiii.'-', ' Keys and Seals of all kinds ami of the l.atest ] styles: Finger-Kings, I'ar-Uings, Medallions, of all sizes, of Fnglish and .Americ.-in make; I.a- ■ dies' ('hatelaines; ('ulf I’ins; ('ollar and Sleeve ; Piuttons: Shirt Studs; iold Spectacles, light and heavv: (iolil Pens and Pencils: tlold .and .'Silver Thimbles; l’.rac(dets; .Silver Fruit :iml liutter Knives; Silver Spoons of all sizes; largf lot of Pocket Cutlery; Scissors. l>est i|U«lity: p.uttoii- hole .Scissors, Surveyor's t'ompasses and t'h.ain.s; Instruments; l.-irge quantity of fine and common Pistols; tine and conmnm sin- i ele and ilouble-barrel Ouns: CJame IS.ags; .Shot IJelts and Powder Flasks: .Milif.try (I Is. in-| eluding the liass l!ruin and the smallest liutton; . Violins and e\tra Hows; F’nites, Clarionets. Fla- ’ gt'dlvts. Acei.rdeiiiis, of all kinds and sizes: Mu sic P.oxes; Perfumery; Soaj*; Lather Prushes; Krt/'.!'* and Strops: Dre’-xing and PoeUe* ('■f.ttibn; Plated and I’.ritannia Ware; and v;irioU«f other things too tedious to rnunierate. Cull and give me a trial. Cash paid for old t.i'ihl and Silver. W.vTCiiKs iiiul .Jkwi.luv neatly Hepaired. Fni/r(triilfr, X. ('.—~ Xort])-En ft fnrner of Mtirh'i t Sijiuirc. ‘ J. M, r.F..\SI.F,Y. .Subscriber ofTirs for sale one of the .11. largest and best assfirtments of IO()l).'> in his line t’ver offt'red iu thi5 jdac '. He is very th.'.nkful for the very liberal patronage that he has had, ,‘ind solicits a coi.tinuance of the s.ame. His stock has be-n selected with care, and cr.ns'sf.s of nearly every variety and style, from the best manuiaeturers. He has on hand :uid ofl'ers low for ('afh, at retail or by tlie case, latest styles (^entlemcMi's iJi.iver. Nutria. .Moleskin, .“silk, llrush and .\n- gola ll.\TS. Also, .lennv Lind, Kossuth, ,\r- Knconrn^c \orth Carolina. rW'^IIE tinilersigned is ninnnfacturing, in F.ay- JL ettcvillp. Boot and Shoe Polish, far S'lperior to the Pdacking purchased in the Niirfhern cities. He intends devoting his wh(do time to manufacturing .and vending this very sn- jierior Poli,‘'h. and calls npon all w ho think it to the interest of the Sfiuthern people to become independent of Northern manufactures, to give him their aid and patronage. He is prepared to show, by ithnr.lul, /r>ul, to any otie who will crill npoji liiin, the roxf .tiipe- ri'iri/i/ of his ov*r all other poh'xfir.* or hlarkintf now sohl in North Carolimi. Call and have your bfiots and shoes once completely blacked and poli.uhe'l. and be satisfied. This article is ofl'ercd at price n-ot higher than is usually charged for other and inferior qualities, and a trial is all that is asked to ne-, Itough and Iteady, .-mil sfitl'cned Fur and cure the jtafronage of the public generally. Wool Hats, for Men, ^'outh and Hoys—in abun dance by the dozen or case. —ALSO— \ very large supply of Cloth. Plush. Velvet ■•in'! Fur ('.\P.‘>. of all qualities, styles «nd pri ces,—by the single Cap or by the dozen. —A1>'0— l»of)ts and Shoes, of the following varieties, vi/,; I’ine V> ,‘iter-proof, tine Calf, fine Kip and heavy Winter PiOOT.S. Also. Piiys' and ^ Youths’ Calf :ind Kip l>o,its. Oentlenn'ii's Hress Shoes, of various qualities. Together with aTi assortment of /.n>/irs\ Misses'and Children's LOOTS and .SIlOl'S, viz; .L'nny Lind, Kxcelsiors, (iaitcrs, ditto Half, liuskins, .Slippers ami Morocco I’.oot'--. Also, (Jentlonien's and Ladies llulibe!'S. ith a gooil supply of Youths', Loys', Childrens' and Servants' heavy .s;hoes. .Ml of winch he ofTers low for /'n^h. or on time to punctual customers. Please call and satisfy votirselves betore jinr.liasin.r e\s'where. .I(»11N C. THOMSON. Market Sqnare. .Sept ‘Ji'i. l^'-il. ‘J'ltf The undersigned expects to visit every por tion of the .St.ate to intrmluee his P(»?ish, and asks now in advance that Merchants and others visiting Fayetteville ^^■ill give Iiim a call. A. .1. WOODWARD. June 21, IS.'jl. 77-fm SAI.KM I>A1>KI!-M1I,I-. rHlHI- subscriber has taken diarge of this old .Bl and well known Kst.ablishment, and is pre pared to attend to all orders for Printinr Paper, Mcrclujnts’ and I'actorv \\'raj)j)injr, *S:c. The Mill has recently been thoroiighly refitted with new machin -ry, and the sn)!.=«.riber believes he can furnish i*aper of :is good (juality and at ns (dieaji prices as can be jmrchased any where, North or South. CHARLKS L. SHOl’.FR. .Salem, .lune 7, IS.'il. i tf THE CEI.LIllilTF.II ilK'S i'lTtM (OOKLXG STOVE, B S for sale liv the .‘subscriber :n I’aleigb ST’fl Dr. T. 1>. HAIon. Has taken an Office r>n Hay Street, Wtsfc- of the Hotel 15'«ldingH. .Uily 14, 1«.M. 4-tf I). I.YMANIu RliANK, SiO'rcisfinr Jlittch- «f* Iiiirbiui7cj Wholesale and liotnil Dealer in Tobacco, and Simlf', KEF.P.S constantly on hand the above named articles, of tb^* mimt popular lirands, and warranted equal to any in the country. Hav ing made arrangements with !in extensive hon?c in Maltimore. he will sell at Raltimore prices, and respectfully invites tUc citiien* of Fayette ville and yurronnfling country to give liim !i call. Front .Street, next door to Messrs. Pul ley it Hart, (at the sign of THK TURK.) Wilmington, Oct. l\ IH.'il. oKtf J()0,(}0() Acres Valuable T I M B i: R I. A N I) S FOR SALF,. HE .‘Subscriber has purchased all the Lands- belonging to the I'st.ate of .\hram Dubois, dec’ll, lying principally in Robeson county, and on both sides of Lumber Kiver, the different sur veys Containing Over 100,000 Acres; A large part finely’ Tinibored, and convenient to Ltimber Kiver, where a large quantity of Tim ber i.s now rafted to the (ieorgetown market. The‘»e f,«nds are verj- valmilile both for the Timlier and Turpentine, for which purpose a large j'.irt is well suited, being in a region where the Turpentine yields nmre abundantly th.ui any other section of the State. The I unds will be sold at ;i low price. :ind in quantities to suit jiurchascrs. Information the title can be ob tained by applying to the Hon. Robert !^trange, Hon. .la». C. lioWun, or A. A. T. Smith, Ls'j., (.\ttorneys at Law.) I Tinderstand there are many ti«spa*sers oa these Lands, to all if w hom notic'e is hereby B I'aveftevillc; in P,alei?h at Ids Shop on F.ay- | piven, that the law will be enforced against all etteville Sf'-et, an-i in i'ayetteville at .Mr. A. M. j such oflenders. .%isi:v. x c o. N1-:W I'AI.I. ii \M> WlNTKll I’S. W \LToN has jnst returned from the .North with a new and beautiful assort- jnunt t.f Fall and N'inter MILLINLRY, con.vist- ing of silk, satin and velvet lioimets, of various prices; Plumes. P.ibbons and Flowers: Head !>re«ses and Cjijis: .‘'traw Ronnets of ilifTcrent quality and price; Insi.le * ai^es: ollars :ind I nderslceves; very b«'st quality of Kid (iloves; Mitts, long and short; a new and elegant stvle of Dress Trimmings, of the most fash ionable kind, and a tew handsome Dress Pat terns; watei*ed and ]lain silk vel vet Msntillas and t'loHks; a new style ot Pion- net Lining* and Trimmings, of all Colors; and a handsome assortnuiit of Flowers and Head Dre*.sf^ I'Xf" Dresses ni:. le in the latest style; like wise Mantillas and Cloaks. ! Oct. 14, IS.M. ;^0-.^m « \n> for YOFNt; .N'KCflluKS. .\pplv to J. T. WADDli.L. L'.')tf ept 1S.">1. nm. c. I varieties. . l a. hardy... vai’i.ius coI.ts. '.•.".uu ma.y t.e planted now; a* to .'lO 1 . iits I Sonie of v:i(ioii. Tri es, at .Mtcts. to ijil each, some ■ rne fruit this year over S inch- l:'-e ' ^1 :t per thousiuid. for hedges, : '■ '- s. t‘ ])cr liundn-d. to X.’, per dozen. M! a few d.ays a large ad- . 1 iireMi ’.iour c :;:id Hardv i.l. TiiiRLOH. iwe.n St. FAMILY GROCERIES AND ' R’ ' '■ i; •■n hand a large and good » T T. ; i ;,f all articles iu this line, ; ' f i.i-eji on hand constantly a good ■f Cl, as to be alile to sup- ‘r .m I'amilo's in town >r coun- ' ■ i!:r ■•rders. and if we do not Ill- j.rice, then v-e will make LAWUKNCI-: & TIIOY. ' --.1. a7-4t More New G-oods. rUKSFI AHIUVAl.S. r : I'l- jus' received the following arti- wliii-h we offer for sale very low: l’ 'ik .N I 1, '2 and o ^I.ickcrel, in 1 and wliiile i f dry ’di1 Fi.-^li. :fti r. and Water f'ra'kcrs. k, Li iii i!i ••111! Sn'_r:ir il^i. Simfi', S,i;_Mr, S ,!r. )i-i.ii, kc. L.\\\ r.llNci: ,v 11'.oY. :;7 It I! Ni:\V COODS. frST received, my Fall supL^v of CLOTHS, caSSIMLRKS and VLsriNfiS, TIU.M- MINtiS, iVc.. of the best quality, from New York. Also, the latest Repoi-t of the Ne« \ ork F.VSHIONS. j I .‘1111 C'-iiitiniio to carry fn tlx' ■ T.\ I LnRl.Nf! HUSINI'S.^. at my Stand o!i Hay . street, and those win* may favor me with their j custom may rely on h.iving their work done in tieat an l’fashionable style, and on the most ‘ favoralile terms. AllCHlP.ALD CJRAHA^L i 0«t. -J7. 18.'.1. o»tf j HKMOVAL. rBllIL Subscribers have renu)ved to the new ISrick Store, two doors west of the Cape Fear Rank, wlieru they are receiving their Fall .Stock of ' />/•:/ ^ drorrrim^ Ilnrdircirc (lud j ('ii/t^r//, (in'f ('rorhrrif. ! _AL.S0— m>1 Shor., 7i'VA7'”.7 Jiopr, J'lsh, of tfiff'i'rnit L imh. hi fact, every thing usually called for in the meiH-antile line, to wdiich they invite an exami nation. LI'L1L & JOHN.stlN. Oct. 27, 18.'.1. rj^HK .SI BSCRIRKR is leceiving and oflers B for sale, a well selected stock of fw r o c e I' i e H ^ Lemon. .Soda, Rutter, ami ater t rackers. Pilot Rre;id. Pickles and Preserves. Nuts, Raisins and Prunea, Tobacco and Cigars, On the nmst reasonable terms for Cash, or on time to punctual customeri*. CHS. RANKS, No. o (Jreen st. Fayetteville, Oct. 28, 18-)1. ?)l-tf Norici’:. 11 HR suliscriber is now receiving his P'.ill and Winter .Stock of F.\ NC\ andSl'.M’Lh Ni:\\ riu.M. rgTllF. undersigned have entered into copart- ■ nership. un lcr the name and style of Ijawrciico A: Troy, For the j)\ir]iose of doing a general Mercantile and R.irter business. We have taken the Store, .No. loCRLLN STRF.l'T. formerly occupied by ■Mesais. .luhn Hu.ske \ Son. C.F.O, W. LAWRF.NCK. .loHN 1?. TROY, .Ir. Oct. 22. l.'s.M. * ■’■'tf Ifi. llraii%o:i A: Son ; OF IF. 11 Foil SALK. . HIID. ] rime St. (’roi:^ Sl'i\R, B 2 hhds. New Orle.' ditto, 2'* bills. Refined ditto, •• (iranubited ditto. !’iit bags green Piio CofTt'e, “ (biv’t .lava ditto, 7.'i kegs Nails, ".d. to inch Spikes, 1 dozen Lnglish cr iss-cut S;i\\s, .'i casks t'h‘“ese, 20 bo,\es ditto. 1(1 boxes tin»' ’hewing Tobacco. Kxtra Wool Hats, Negro Shoes .S: Plankets. »ct. 22, 1«')1. •^•’tf 'I'OliAiXO. I^RIMF. North t'arolina and Virginia Chcw- intr Tobacco, bv the Rox and retail. ' ,1. T. WADDli.L. October 2'i, IS.'il. ot-tf .Vf?ir Firm. Tli(‘ niul(‘rsi^nc(l hav(‘ (Mitcrt'd into copartnership, under the name and style of H.\LIi & SACKF.TT, for the purpose of doing a Dry (Joods and Hardware lousiness, and have taken the Store o doors Fast of the F'.ayetteville Hotel. -I- II- hall. A. R. H.VLL. T. M. SA('K1:TT. August 20, 1851. Ibtf ^ E arc now receiving ii large and well se lected Stock of I; ■ , I’ot Wav I- -a!" bv L.VWRLNC ' ■]. rOOI>, Patent 1 pp'-i- ai.'l Sob) Tl’i't^ . ’7- It s'i'()i{A(;i:. • " coiiimodioti'; briok \^arehonses I i: rear of our.''tore, in which we 'II aiiij ether prodiu e. 1). W. .1. McL.VLRIN. .•‘.7-tf retail and wholesale. ’’ ' t-. tbl- Clieaji Store. North siile of ^•■‘et. one door ab,,\e the corner, ' H'\\ l)ry •lood.'^. .\lso. Read3-iii!ide ll.i; and ( a]),s—-gi'eat variety. is.\.\c i>oi)D. ’ l-l .'J-tf 1>HV CiJOODS; Hilts, f/ips, and IJoiiiicts; IJoofstnnl S1ii*o.hj j Hardware and Outlcry; lilacksinitlis , ('(HijxTs*, aiil ^^:ir]»'Mvt(‘rs I oolsj Stra\v ('utters, Corn Sliellers, \c.; linllow-ware; Heavy gtMxls ! t'lir Xegr.H:s, tScc. I The above gomls will be sold at who'tesalc or retail, to suit customers. We say nothing a- bout how th(“ above Ciomls were bought, or how the.y will l*«- s.ohi, Vmt we do siiy come and see, at the Huske buildings, (ireen .Street. P. TAYLOR. Oct. 28. (’aroliuian 2m o4-2m ClIKt’KS, ON ALL THF. RANKS IN’ FAYKTTKVILLE, Just Printed and for Sale ut this Office. \v 1>UY CiOODSii, Comprisitig every article usually kept in that line, together with l.")H C’ascs IU)()ls and Shoos. Elat! and —ALSO— ,\ well .selected Stock of MUIMID lf\lRE. To all of which we invite the attention of Mer chants of the interior, who will find it to their interest to e.xamine our .Stock before making theit Wi? will not be tindersold by anv OIK) doing business in this place. HALL & S.VCKKTT. ICtf ffiflHi' Su'iis,ribers are now re.ei\ii.g direct .B from New York at.H Philadelphia, the lar gest and Stock ol Staple aiul I a/ia/ Drtj (inntl^t That they have ever exhibited in this market. rmbracincT every vjiriety of Ladies and (lentle- met\'s DKF.SS iil'nDS, atnotig v hich may be found: lli.ick ami fnncv v.atered and jilain Dress .‘■'ilks; black :nd laney Cubr.r:rs; Lama I w ills; figured and plain tancy and black Mohair Lus tres; .''ilk W.irp an ! t'rapc Rroca Ics; .Swiss, Scotch and Cheiie tiinghams; Saxony De-Lains; French. Kngli.-h and .Vmerican Prints; Lmb'd C.Mshmeres: |l^•lin ditto; D»'-Lains; watered and i.ecdle-work Caslimeres; (diange.'i- lile Yoneses; l.ustres: Damask .Kolians; black Rombaziiifs: socond-niourning Poplins; plain and watered Silk Mantillas: colorcl and black Velvet Mantill.-is: Rrocade Poplins: and a large assortment of Dress Triuunitigs; French and F.nglish Mt rinos; Velvet Neck Rilibons and (’ufFs, iVc. i: .MDIIOIDKRIK.^. Fretich worked C.ilbirs and ( apes; Frcnch worked ’uf1s: French worked Chemisettes: I n- • ler Slei-ves; Swiss and .laeonet Trimmings; In fants' Waists !ind Caps: Heni-stitidied and nee dle-worked Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, from !• cts. to JiNo; :ind a beautiful assortment of Veils; every variety of Shawls, embroidered and plain; Thread. Cotton and Linen F Igings and Laces; black Silk Laces and F.dgings. —ALSO— Rlaek. blue, brown and green French and F.ii"Iish Cloths; black and f.incy Cassinieres; Cut Velvet, figured and black .Satin and Valen cia Vestings, iSome very handsome;) Sattinefs; Kentucky .leans; Linseys: Flannels, wool ami cotton; 0«nabnrgs; Druggets; Damask Table Coths; ditto Na]ikins; Centre-Table ('ov ers, very fine; Piano ('overs; Irish Lint*ns; Lin en Lawtis: Thread Cambiics; Towebings; C.en- tlemen's Merino Shirts atid Drawer.^; Silk .Neck nnd I’ocki t ll.andkcrchiefs; Ladies’ Merino Vests; C;ish:ncre and Silk Hose; ditto Half-Hose; the celebrate l Sab-m .leans, black and grey. Ladies', (ientlcmen's and Ciiildren's HOOTS nnd SID •1-i.'^. I Men’s, 1’. \ys' and Infants' Hats and Caps. ^’elvet. Satin, .''tr.iw and Florence P.oiinets. Ditto ditto ditto for .\nd every artii^le usuall.v kept in :i Dry Ciooils Store. i 1“ in'ite the ]>nblic to c.ill and ex.'iin- 1 iiie our larire sind handsome Stock, as we are al ways anxious to sl.ow our (Joods. 8rif“ h'i'i'p Siiijiir, Tm n)ul .Vlll'.Y, SIILMWFLL iS: ('O. return thanks to the citizens of Fayetteville, and the ptifilic generally, for the very liberal patronage here tofore bestowed on them, and intend, by strict attention to busim-ss, to merit a continuance. S. S. ARLY. P. SHKMWFLL. ,1. II. MCDONALD. F.’iyetteviile, Sejit. l-i, 18ol. 21 tf P. 1» J)!L\SO\ UAS .jrST RnCKIVED and offers for sale, cheap,— “•'i bags superior Rio COP’FEF., 2'i barrels CofTee Sugar. o(l barrels Mackerel, Nos. 1. 2 and 3, Loaf and (Granulated Sugar. —ALSO-— A large assortment of Iron and N.‘»ils, .Shov els, Spades, Trace Chains, Shovels and Tongs, IMacksmith.s’ P.ellows, .\nyils. Vises, Hammers, IManes, Angers and (’hisels. Hies, ( ollins s .Axes, kc. August lb, l.^l. \u m wmw (iooiis. ■nL have received ami are now receiving ▼ W our usual Stm k of S'l'APLK A: fancy (JOODS, Consisting i f iie;ir’\ ovory article nsnally kept in the 1 )>-y (1(11,ds line. _.\LSO— A KINK .\S>OKrMr,NT or I'ushion.iblc Boiiiicls, 1 lals, Caj)s. Uoots, SIkh'S. cVc. "I^The ab.i\e Stock we wouM invite our cnsfotn- er-. friends, and the public generally, to call ■and examine before jMirehasing. as we are de- terniineil to sell (ioods to s,,it the times. ALLX'I’i .lOHNSON ('(^). F.iyctteviile. .Sept. 2-'-. iN'il. 2-itf CamplieH's. Tiie .'Subscriber hereby forewarns all persons from j'urchasing any of thes(‘ StoYes from any jM-rson either in or out of North ('arolina, ex cept from himself or his duly authorized .\gents. Hc> has purchased the exclusive right to vend this Stove within the St-ite, .and will prosectite any ]ierson infringing his right, either by ]mr- ( hiising. selling, or u'-ing. any except those ob- t.aineil from himself. .lOSRPH WOLTRRINC,. R.nleigh. Aiiril lO. ls--.i. bstf ^ r,A(a;iN(; and koi'K. «1R C(»TTON RA('.(ilNC AND ROPF have arrived. (>ur friends can send in their orders, and thev shall be sup’died. COOK & T.VYLOR. August 18, 18-‘)1. 1-ltf I Application for any part of the Land.^ can be lade to myself, or to .lohn Wni.slow, Ksq.. who- is duly authorised to make s;ile if the s.ame. THOS. .1. rVRTlS. Favetteville, N. C., .Sept. 1. 184-'i. 7'»tf H.\TK yxM. reoe.ived from iNew York, my FALL AND WINTFR Stock of Goods, Consisting of a general assortment of Pry lioofls. (Irorrrips, llnnhvarf. riillrry. iVr. 1 will bnrte’! for TL llPliNTlNI'', or any kind of Produce. N. KINn. 1(1 miles North of Fax'efteville. Oct. 28. 18.’>n. 4;;tf FRESH TEAS 'THIS LINK OF RO.\TS is still in snoces.s- sisting of rf'^HK suliscriber ba« .iust re- ■_ ceivi’d and ofh rs for sale, .1 su] ,il.\ of continue to offer many facilities to the shijiping (irrcnattd lilarlr leas. j,t,>,vic. Persons p.atronising this Line, nrty rest as sured that their (bmils will be brought up with disjiatch, and at the very lowest rates of freight. A. W. STF.F.L, President. T. S. LLTTLRLOH, Agent at Fayetteville. Feb. lo. IS.".!. tf Of vi'ry superior fpiality, con- Very fine ••Hvson.'' Do do ‘•Imperial.' Do do •'Young Hyson." Di do ••(toloiig.'’ These Teas were selected by a good judge, and are recommended as ••first r*ite. S. .1. HlNSDALi:. Oct. I I, l>ol. WAN'PFJ), nooo ft. .\she Lumber bir Wagons. 1.1 to inches thick. ;;ti('.0 ft. Seasoned Oak Lumber. 1^ to :i inches. D*uu ft. White Oak and Hickory, for Axletrees. D»ic ft. White Oak for Tongues, Holsters and Siiat':s. D»i Post 0:ik Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. •Jt)( M( pokes. For w hicdi the highest cash jirice will be paid. .\pply soon to I"-. II LLI.b. May I-'. l^-'*>- 'I'o wim: m \ki:rs. K h.ave :i few b.arrels of fine old .^pp’e r.taiidv for sale; such :;s those who want to make 'CJpf. such :;s those good wine should iret. (OOK vV TAVf-OR. K,. 22-tf Ki**ours»g» tlio old l^orlii Atiky, SiiF.MWKl.i. \ ('o. have .iu.-t ro- ceivc-d a spletidid assortment of Sti/f}n firnni- mrrf. black and grey, to which the.v wotild call the attention of the jmblic. These goods will eomjiete in (unility and d»iraliilily w itli the Viest of Northorn Ca.ssiineres. and are nnich cheaper, ranging fVom *i2j( cents to sjsl 2”) per yanl. Fu.vetteville, N. Oct. 1 L 1851. ."Off NOTICK.—All Accounts due the Merchants’ .Steamboat (’onipany, for Freights np to the loth inst.. must be pnmiptly paid ti> the undersigned, as much time cannot be given to the collection of the same. .L .N: T. WADDli.L. tite Ag^'nts. F.ayetteville, Jan. 27, 18-51. fibtf J//7/ Sf'^nrs, Aitclior ]inlhuj Cloth, JroDs, Frpnch Bnn\ U.-iopns ami CoJfxjne Mil! nt Mfinii/trrfurrrs' primt. rHlIlE subscribers having made very favora- B. ble arrangements for obtaining from one , • 1 1 I of the most extensive importing nnd mannfac- every Monday and I hnrsdiiy at i o clock, | conntTrv. French Rurr, Co- .V. M.. i instead of‘.I o clock as ;»t present.) com- ‘ mencing at of leaving Wilmingt ilav at 2 o'clock P. .M. .INO. D. WILLIAMS. Agent C:ipe Fear Steamboat Co. Fayetteville. March NOTICE. ;jTARR Vi lLLlAMS have rcTiioved to the .Store recently occu]>ied by Mr. .lohn I*. (Sfarr. one door west of .^lessrs. H. Rranson ,S: Son, where they have just received additions to the S]iring pundiases of Staple and l ancy DR\ (iOOD.S. Country merchants are reijuested tj examine our stock. .1. R. STARR. .1. M. WILLIAMS. .Tune 7. 1 ■'•i1. .»-tf Norici',. T 1HR Steamer Chatham will leave this place | ad of o elock as •» ) I""'-; i i„jrne and F.sopus Mill Stones, and the real An- o clock .Monday 1 L.),or Rolting Cloth, are now enabled to offer any ilniington, every ^articles to Millers of the best quality. S' Sta^i'e liiiK' to rnillK Subscribers. Mail Contractors from I. Favetfcville to Raleigh, will contnience operations this day. with new and comfortable Co.acbi“>, "ooil horses, and carM'ul Drivers.— The Fare is FIVF, DOLL.\RS—same as before, riie St.age Houses are. in Fayetteville, the I ay- etteville^ Hotel, in Raleigh,' the Yarborough House; but Passengers will bo conve.ved to such other Hinises as they may stdecf. The hours of departure will be. nntil further notice, at half- past '•* P. .M. from I'ayetfeville. and at 2 P. iVl. from Raleigh, daily. The subscribers hope, liy nnremitted attention, to secure a liberal share of the travel. MFRDCM'K Me KIN NON, DAVID McNKlLL. ; Favettevill-'', .Inly 1, is.'il. 78-tf and at lower prices than thev have been here tofore furnished at in this place. A supply of best ATiclior Roltin" Tlotli con stantly kept on hand. 'J'he i|U:ilitv of everv article is warrnnted. .IN(). 11. .S: .T. MARTINH. Oct. (’i. IBol. 28-1 me'w^meow .\ pair of 4 ft. 2 Inch Cologne Mill Stones on hand; !ind daily exi^ected, j.air of o fe«-t (i ineb Fsiijins Mill Stones,—ar.d would invite an ex- aminafi.m of them, as they will be found snjie- rior for Corn. ;U)0 CASKS l.I.MF, I'OirSAI.lf, .\pply to I’>. HOSE tV SON. Nov. 10, WAN ri:i). rO'^IlF. Subseviber wishes to purchase .'JfMl.OOO _S. lbs. RA(iS, for which the highest cash prices will be paid on dcdiverv in I ayetteville. DAVID Ml'Rl’HV. Rockfisli, (’nmlierl.‘»nd, Aug. 2(1, 18-»1. l-»-(im i;iNi nnd A. McMILLAN have t'ntered • into copartnership in the Distillery of Turpentine, and h.-ive erected a Still on the West side of the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road, 8 miles from Fayetteville. N. KING. A. Mc.MlLLAN. May 0.—71tf Sf Yriifr/#. R wish to buy 2(\(>*>(^> b.irrels Turpentine. KING .S: McMILLAN. T' i-ltf NOTlCi:. I' Uili l\l) 1’ August 2o, 18')1. DOM I:s'l ies7 Little River Ot^nabergs; 7-8 and --4 Sheetings always on hand, and for sale at Factory prices, by ! un,e I, 1851. STARR & WILLIAMS. 7 3-tf 11 IHE Sub.scribers are now receiving a well j selected stfick of .Stajde and l';inc.v DL\ i (i(t(HtS. Among their stuck will be found the latest styles of Ladie.s’ atid (Jentlemen s Dl’.RSS GOODS, together with a good as.sortment vif Ueady-made (’lotlun^; T uibrella.s; Hats, Caps, and liunnets; all kinds of IJoots and Shot's; Carpctitig; Saddles, IJridles, liips ;ind ri.llaris; Hardware anl Cutlery; l-ioa- ther; 11(illow-warc and Crockery-ware; Loat, Ijtiitip, (’rt'shed, ('larifiel and IJrown Sti- jxars; Tt^as; Ui(.>, Lagnii’a aivl »Ja\a (, ofFoe; Salt, Molasses, Iron and Nuil.s^ With many other Goods, which vvijl be sold vcrv eheaji for Cash, or on time to thut>c who pay puiictually. We would be glad if our friends and the public generally would give us u call. J. T. COUNCIL &. CAIN. Sept. I,.ie51- $:3()(> RKWAllD! I^sr.VPED from the .Tail of Kershaw District, on Monday the 14th day of .Iwly last, S.VMI KL .1. LOVE, who was convicted for the jnurder of Robert .1. Lester, at Spring Term of Court, 18-31. Said l.ove is about 20 or 21 years of age, six feet two inches high, (not certain as regarflrt bis height, bnt «np[iosed to be therea bouts.) has dark hair, and of a sallow complex ion, with a downciist look; some of his front teeth a little decayed, ntid follows the ticcup.'i- tion of a t'arpenter. T will give the above reward to any person in time for the Cars North and South. Ue- apprehend the said S. .T. I.ove and turning, leave W;irsaw on the arrival of the !,•,„, j,, ;,nv .lail in tliis State, or One Hnn- Cars. say about 1 or 2 P. >L, .-ind arrive at Fay etteville in ten hours. Every cave will be t.‘»ken I Tjine of foill^oai (^onrjim, frf>n} i Fdtfi Ht'riHr to n — Dai/i/, I rWIHE Subscribers having secured the mail Jl contract on the above Line, will commence ' THIS D.VY. vnuniniS a f.ine of Four Horse Post ! Coaches. Daily. Leaving Fayetteville at ♦> P. I .M., and arriving .at Warsaw at i l> *> A. M., to render th‘ line pleasant, convenient, and safe, for Travellers. A Line of Stages will be established as soon as possible, by the Plank Road, from Fayette- ; ville via Carthage ;ind .Asheborougb, to Lexing- | ton, Salem, and Salisbury. McKI.NNON i*!: McNElLL. Fayetteville, N. C., Aug. 8, is.'il. \l-tf 7'i Rbls. No. 1 Herring. i 2-3 “ “ n Mackerel. i KlO Rales H.-iy. 100 Pieces Cotton Baggifig.. ;")() Cirils Rope. 2Ht f.lis. Twine. "(I Hhds. Molasses. .'■> Hhds. Fair Sugars., oO P.,ags Rio Coffee. With .Mum and Sack Salt, and Groceries gen erally, for sale at the lowest market prices, by ■INO. D. WILLIAMS. August 14, 19oI l-'^tf dre^l and Fifty i)ollars for his safe confinement in any .lail in ti.e I'nlted States, so that 1 can .JOHN INGRAM, .Sheriff, f’amden. S. (*., Au>r. :io, 18.'.1. 20-Hm FOR SALK, «NE lot of I>and containing 2 actc.s, Trith n comfortable Dwelling House and Kitchen thereon. The above projierty 'i» hi half » mile of Robeson Institute, Robesou county Also, Four Shares ol' the Ckpital Stock in said In.stitute. For further particulars, inquire of ALFRED JACKSON. Cumberland county, Sept. 1, 18-31. 18tf WKRSIT.U’S CARTO Dictionary: ditto Octavo; Walk er’s Octavo; Worcesters, Walkers and [ Webster's School Dictionaries, iVc. 1 .Tnst received bv L. -T. Il.VLE X SON. Oct. 9 Ilotcliks!ii«’« Vcrlical Wafer* AVIiccl. HERE !ire .several humlred of these Wheel.'? in operation in ilifFerent counties in Nortlt Carolina. For ]iroof of their great advantages over the common flutter wheel, or any other wheels now in use for saw mills, we confi»Iently refer to those who have applied them to their mills. W'e can recommend them jiarticularly for their superiority in cases of a low head of water, or back wfiter. We still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for different heads of water, at Wilmington, New- bern, Washington, Edenton and F.-iyetteville.. The wheels nuiy also be had of E. A. Rrevard,. Lincolnton, and L'riah Wells, Petersburg. \ a. Persons wishing to obtain the right to use the* wheels, 'will be served on application to D- McNeill & Co., Fayetteville, N. ('. 1). McNEILL. A. A. McKETHAX, D. J. McALlSTER. rcVv2-2. 184^1. _ _ STlviM.MlPiBLir WORKS. Corner of North and Momnnent Streets, TSscltimorv .^1*1- ^IS.SON & B.A IRO I>aviHg completed tlicir ex- ^9 tensive work.?, (which is now one of the largest establishments of the kind in this coun try.) are pre]>ared to fill all orders in their liii'*. viz; Marble Mantels, Moiinnients. Tombsr Grave Stones, Table Tops, Tiles, (for tloors, j Marble I>etters, &c., at as reasonable r i:es as c.'in be had in this or any other cit.v in the I nion. For beauty of execntion and originalit.v of de sign, their stock cannot be surpassed. (hey wouhl respectfirdy invite JrcA/ZfcM. /ivj/'.V', Cabinet Molrern and others to call and examine before purcha-ing. They are .also iirepared to ; furnish the trade with Slab,% Plocks, ltc. to or- Vll orders bv ni»il punctusll.v attended to. ' ■ 2fi-4m W RITING PAPER. M RE.VMS assorted French, English «nd Americiin ^ap. Letter, Bath Post, Folio Post, ami Note Papers—a well se lected stock, embracing a great vjiriety of qual ity and price, .tiso, Rristol Hoards, Perforateif Ditto, Tis5ue ami Drawing Paper, and Station'^ ary of all kinds. Just receiving. E. .T. HALE X SON- Sept. 2?, 1«31..