SEMI-WEEKIi Y. VOI,. I.] FAVi:T'n;vii,LE, x. c., tiuiksday ai-teiinoon, novemukk 20, isai, ■aaMMsaBBBaucsaaasKub l i;i.\ i i:i) IJV ,1. n. NK.WHY. I i;i)\V \lil) J. II.\ 1,1: I SOX, Kl»IT(ti:s \M> IM’.OIMUKTOUS. , f.ii- t!ic‘ Soiiii-Woi-klv OiisKi.vKU I (.M) if; : i ill a'lviiiict': I .'>(> it' paid (luviiiji tli*-' iv t Mib.'i-i ii'’i"ii; or nl'tor tlio vciir lins \; '-.1. ;■ : :ii. V. I’l'kiv 'ii.-r.KVKR •'ji'J 00 jn>r aiiiiiiiu, it' ill a lvirife; r>u if paid iliii iiii; tin- r viptixii: (ir ^'i tK' alter tlic voar ' \ IT.TISr.NTS iiisvrtfil for sixty rcjit-: - uai'i : r till' firs', jnnl tliirty cvnts for ^ , i i iiii i'itl'Ui-:iti'>ii. V('iuly ailvertiscim-nts at reasunal'le ratos. Ail- . -.1' :i!(‘ t» stato tlio iniml'cr >!' . ik'-ircl. or they will be coiUiimcil till ii. 1 ■. a»'ci'rilinj;ly. ^ , - !.!■',1'rs til the I'Mitors must lie i'ost-j>aiil. A (’in’j)tMit('r for Snlo. AY. 1*1' '’e ^old at t’lic Miirk'-t House, oti V V fdiu'sday, ‘Jfith i.istaiit, at 12 o'clock, a ."tiiart. luuiost, s,il.or hnv—n ijikhI (’arjii'iitcr. A. M. ('AMl'i’.KI I.. Aiicfr. Nov. 17. lu-t.M iM.sln'ii IJiitlcr aiul ('lu'‘so. I'lllKINS (losl.en liulter, jiriuu' i|uul- ity. Ij'ixt's j'riiii** Clii'es*', 1 Idid. jiuro Winter Sti-aiiu'd Sjicrin >il. 1 tierce ^ViIlt(■r rictiiu'd IMeiu liod ()il, .hist roc'd and fiT sale liv J. 11. \ .MAIITINK. V IT -n'-:u IIINM) ALI'/S i'ompnu»iil irclatKt tlMoss Klltill KIM'l {Tl(l\. riii> I’l' jMratii'ii h:i' prove.I it.'t lt' ti> •f jri'.it et’ii'acy in the cure of (.'oin.'-h.', C.iM,-. • iiu I Huh. aliil other {iiilinci;i- atlr,-tioiis. [ i.'.i!.: t.i the tastf. and iiia_\ I'O iriveii t‘> — . i n witli perfcct mu-ci'ss and -;a;'ity. i: ' 11 il ingredient-' '>f whiidi thi.s Ciiitec- 1' 11.j ‘ 1 an- [inrely ve>:otal'!e, and are • ■ ; 1 tM!up"Mnded hy the I’l'ipriet ir witli ' rv Ml 1 care, and ;ire. .-i:i‘.rly, of jrreat ! ‘ ’,-n’iiii i!arv cnmplaints. r ! with tiiveotii-iis. Uv SAM L J. llIN>l'ALr.. I>rn.-.';t. \ > 'T, I''"'!. -intf a ^ m A ("F l'istiller.>i. Kor s.ile l>v S. J. IJlN.^liVLl'. ■ jMtf 18th Nov. 1851. w M.\i’ INTVKK otli'r for sale—- . ! i.hls. .K*:,r MKSS I'UUK. ‘ '. s. No. 1 Lard. ■' IJutter. fiuc ijuulity. 1 r:\ r--\nr. -i"tf i iii:sn c’li \c. fl ^ I' l’d.s. Mild l!:tlf-l>bls. liUtter .vKel --. Jb. I'' I' 'Xes Si>da ditt 1. 1- ' U.i 'Vine, ricnie. Sii;j-ar aiid I’os- ■ ! '. F' 'T ■- I'e IiV SAM'I. W. TlLLlN(jHA.-'T .v (’(». '7. 1''.1. Jtitf rWi: |- l'F,\ ll.I.K ItUANCll ( I, ) T H I \ ; J. Viillli; iV hill'ilillLL. TitUors^ A N 1> w II (I I, i; . A I. 1: A X I) K E TAIL ^'I.OT82!5:i:^, 11(1 Willhihi .'>/'• York, l»ni-. next at ^1r. I'aniel (’lark's i i:i i, after wiiii-h we may l>o fdtind iii the NhW SMIKK. MAT DlillK III IllL OF F,W f. Tl!!' I il-- r wuiiM li-avo to in- •1 liie iidiahitanr- "f F'ayefti!le ai; l \iciiii- t .:ii they luive openeii the aSove i^stahli.'li- • '' I inii-iid carr\in" 0:1 tlic hw^'.uesa in all - 'ii'h'"-. h:n. just received a 1ar;re of . ' I'u V'.i k. all of their ■•'.vu majiufactnre, ■ iiL' iri ’.art of * ( : .iks. ;t’,l ijMalities. ; 1 I ..’i)i-ed t'hith Surt Mit and Saek Over- e-. iTv tirade. ; . r .ill I I, ;in'i's-\vnji ileaver ditto. ditfii ditto, made I'Lvers- ■ • '.VI-,ir eitlier si le fnit. I i ! I ; .th. I’etersham and Kersey ( Ucrcoat?. > i;. >T\le. 1 • ail i I'li ' k (' .ats, Ilf Fri'tieh cloth. Mii>erl- I .iiaiii’ . e.jual to c'ts'Min ui.rk. ‘ "t> i.t'.il! kind:- an ! ijun’iities. ! ';i' Ft '-hidi 1 ‘ •' 'i- in. ■ : '■ •; 'a.ssiinere, in variety, j ■■ 'aUinets. Ki rf-f_\ !*. \c. ' "f .'atiii. ] lain and i'aiiev Silks. Silk Vel- '■ Wi.ii! \ I'lvi’ii!. ( .iihni'T*'. iiiei e, \ a- ^ .1. M ■ I 3i H':e». ' ■ . I't wliiti- and fiLTUred Silkn, foj' veddinp.s ■ I 1 :;t;e,-. in _ALSr> — r*)i! and tMiitiroidei-ed; (I'n- '::;i t'; 1 Ij-.iw cl'.-,; ( 'ravats. iVc. &c. _.VLS(»— ■■ -'".I as-JMrtmeiit uf iiiediinn ai>d cheaii • ' ■ I IIINi.. Ct,!"* 'oiM I5V .^IKH^■HA^'Ts nal others ■ i:.T i.t (’’.uthinjr t'l sell aj'ain. will do well ti) ' • I ex.miine our Stock. Orders tilled ut I. i’-M'.W VOIIK l’Kl('i;s.“^^j Msares and ordeis will tie taken for flin> ' ' ■’ Ti;;. and exeentrd in the fashionahlu e and with des]>atch. •I. M. WIHTK \ I NI>i;illlll.L. A. (’. JIAUT, N I.. IT. K()iii:so\ (oi N'j'v. J TTKXTIOX;: rilill-: iiu-kM-Mtri.oti n-|,c.rttully -ivcs notice -M_ »,# iiW L'itizt'lis ut tlii: \iciiiit_v. that h(* hus 'iIK.iied (in KiitaMiMhmeiit at Mr. Niiriiient'fi late .!hL where he will keep a re;:nlar assortment '■! all kiii.U of ;.^ ('.ilieiies. Homespuns. Sattinett'-. .leans, ■ ■ ■-.. Mianket-, lloiitb and Slioes, Mats and '■ite-t fashioHH,) l{ortdy-ninde'L(»'riilN(i ‘ ‘ rt-i and sizes. Fancy .and Worsted !oodr; ■ " r with n full Stock of SS O VB'l Ml mb: riz: • ’^uiiar. Flour, Candles, T'djacco, Siiutl'. L. I!KANI)T, NVxt door to l»r. Mc'^uecn's Oflice., Nov. 1.'), l,s.',i. -ID-Im ’’ I'uid r.,.r Tallow iirKNiN;, £3il{irK T-') cents per ”:.ilion. Fur sale hv S. J. lllNSliAIii:. Nov. 17, l.'-'ol. }itf I\i^rr's ('irrifhtr-Satr Sfrrnn MULs. r I ' 111-: iiUilersi;:ncd is the authori/.ed .\i;erit B f"r the alii've valualtle Mills, and will lie jrla I to receive order-- tor ••('ireular-Saw Mills", to lie ]iVi.pelled ei'.lier l»y Stvaiu. Water or Morse I'ower. 'I'lie.-t' Mills Itave lieen u>ed on the Flank IJoads in Mary],and. \'ir^rinia. North .ind Snuih ( 'arolin.-i. and .are alwa\s approved, 'riiey are used and pi-eterred li_\ the (iia'cnville and I’.alciirh I’lalik Koad Coinp.iiiy. and ! ha\e the Word of some of the \ery experi' need directors of I'onip.iny to ,*»ay they perform admiralile. They :;re clieaj'i'r tii.ati .any other .Nlill. wiil perform letter, and saw more lumlier. .!NC>. .M. IK »SF.. lay cites ille, N. Nov. Kl. Is'l. J'.'.i-oni J)lsi;i/> rs of riirpr/ifi nr. fn.WL icduced the )>rice of iny SIMKIT 1>.\ ilKi',l..s t l Nl t'lO, delivered .at any plaee in W ilmini^toii. .Viter ('hristmas thc\ wiil he exti'.i s:/e 1. I’ersoiis w i^hinlr can contr.ict h.' the \ e: r on th«-se terms. HOOF IltON t'..r sale at Nt'i.'i per ton. A. M'.lttlAN. W'ilniinjrton, Nov. Id. IS.'il. ;”.t-'Jni r F AS .irST KKi'KlVKlt and offers for sale, tdu-ap.— T'> liajrs Mij'crior Itio ('Ol'FLF, halTc’.s ( oll'ce Sn^rar. .'.tl l.arri l' Mai-kere'i. Nos. 1. - .aii.l Loaf and tir.inulated Siij:ar. — ALSO — A larjre assoi tment oi' Iron .and Nails, .''hov- eS. Sj.ailes. 'I'rai'e ('h.iin>. Shnve’.s and Ton'.rs. liiacksmitiis' ilcilov..Vn\i!s. \ isi's, Hamnic.’s. I'I.anes. Aujrers .and ChiseL-^. Files, ('ol!in..i',' Axi '. .VC. AuLTUSt 1 'i. 1 . 1 Itf STI'IM .^lliSliLi: \10RRN, I'orik'r of Norlli ami Moiiiiim'nt Sinris, IS:«IliiEii»i’4‘, l.'-^.Si >N r>.\ li; 1 • ha\ in:r coiiip^leil thi ir e\- ten-i\e work-;. \' iiic!i i-; tiow one ..f tin- larLre^t e?tal>!i'iimer>t- i.| the kind in tliis coun- are preii.ared !■ till ail order-in their !in^. ^i/.. .^Ii»rble .>lante!^. >loiiunionts. ToniJ», ;ra\e >to»cs. Tablv Tops, Tilts, f. r tloors. Marble l.elter.'». I've., at a> reas 'ii.aMe rates a iK.' in this or aii\ other city in the I ni"ii. For iieaiity of exeiU'i -n and oiij;in.ili._\ uf de- siirii. their .-loik c.mnot be surpassed. They w aid res}.ecttii!;_\ iniite .I,.- , V'.' /jr and other to call an.l ex.ini'me I 'ri' i>urcli.isiiijr. Tl-.ey are al.- i pri i are 1 to fuinish the trade witli Slabs. F>lock.'. \e. to or der. A;1 orilers by niHil punctually attended to. l.’'i-4m WKiriNc; i‘Ai‘i:k. O ^ S| J ^ Kl'^VM.' as'.irte 1 French. F.n;i’,ish and .\nierican t'aji. l.ettir. l?atli I’o-^t. Ft.lio I'.^t. and .Note I'apers - ;i well se lected st'H’k. einbiai’in^r a "feat v.irii-ty of ipial- ity an.I price. Also, llristol I'. 1‘ertorated I'itto, Ti.j.^ue and l»r.'iwin)r Taper, and Statioii- ai v of all kiii'is. .Inst roceiviii^. K. .1. HALL vV SO.N. Sej.t. l.*^-)!. NO rU'i'.— .Ml .Vccnnnls duo the Ml rehants' Steaiaboat t 'onijiaiiy. f .r Frei;rht.s up to the I 't!-. inst.. nms: he p|.iiii].tly paid to the undi i>’i;ncd. as niiicii time cannot be L''iven to the ciiiKe'.'i n of the s m.e. .1. .'c T. WAI)L>11.L, late 'iits. Fiivfttevil'.e. .!:in. 1.’7, IS'")!. •'I 'tf 'roiru’C'o. IlIML North Caro^in.a and Virprinia Thew- iii^ Tobacco, bv the 15ox and retail. .1. \ T. W Vi)I)II-L. Octolier L’*), l.'^.'il. ol-tf \SO. 41.] l '>. C. IIA LI., OF liO.MK, Siirrrfsor t,/Surkrtf To., SS now receivinjr his Fall STOCK of (;OOl)S. cotisiMtinj; vd' u gv lerul assort uient of ])rv (Joods, S;Hi(lk*r\ , I lats, C’aps, Slu)o?5, I l:ir(l\var‘, (Groceries. A tnueli larjier and more general stock tlian over opened on the Faist side of tlu' Cape Fear —wiiicli he is )irepared .and determined to sell to punctual customers, eiilier at wholesale or retail, at ^ircatly reduced jirices. f.ic-,)'' lie Would call ]iartirular attention to his ?tock (if !> M I’l'.'-, .\.\1> S||()|i.S, 'I'tie .assortment is unusually lar;re, and of every ijuality and st_\le; .and h.ivinjr lieeti boujrlit for Cash, lie can nnd will .sell them very low. \ou that wish I’ar^ains will find it to yonr interes’ to L'ive the Stock an exnmination befoio bu\ ini: elsew here. -Mw.ivs on hand, a jrencral stock of CIUK’F- niFS. Oct. IS, DAILY A (il'NLIlAL nssortment of COO I'F. US' -'m T00 1..S, of the mftiiul'acturers' make, by K. C. n.\LL, of I’onie. Oct. IS. l.s.'il, ;{i'tf Second Fall and Winter Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots, Umbrellas, Bonnets, &c., for 1851. ^I^TAUH ^V1LLIA^1S beg leave to .mnounce to tlieir customers, iind ;ill tlmsc visitinjr this place to buy (Soods either at wholesale or ret.aii. that they are now receiviufr their second supply of Fall and \\’inter (ioods, which wiil be Sold ;il tlie lowest jtriees for cash, or on the usu- :il time for pood [lajier. We respectfully invite tlie attention of Coun- trv .Mircdiants to our new stock of (Joods. as we teel assured that we can otl'er inducements un- surjiassed by any wholesale house in tliis town. «. .V W. Oct. ol. 1S.')1. ;'iCitf i W l',l!.-'ri'.l!-S r.\I!T(l I'ict; I’itto Octavo; 'Walk er's (l.-taxo: WI>1 . ".'ter s. Vi'al'ker s and WeTIster's School l>ictionariev, \c. .lu.-it receivc'i Iiy K. J. ll.VLK \ SO.\. Oct. 10,000 W ANTL1>. Suhsrrilx r lia? iionn oih* of the most extensivi' and best assorted stocks Uouble uud Single SlloT (H NS, IMSToLS v>t the most su])erior ijuality,—Colt's llepcating ,‘ind .Mien's Uevolviii". d' evei-y quality,— Pow der F'lasks. .“-^hot and (iame I5;!gs. l’ercus.->vin Cajis of Fnglish and I'rimh make. .\!-o. the most complete assortment of !un that has ever been offered in this section of country. •Mso, Shot (luns, Ilillcs and I’istols niaile to oi-iler or repaired. llitles in.-ide to order, and warrantcl to shoot from one to five hundred _\ards. ,\ir duns made to ord(*r at short notice. 'I'll all of whiidi the attention of Sportsmen and others is resj'ectfullv invited. '.M. A. r.AKLi:, >'■'//« of I/ll' (,'un. H:;y Htreet, nearlv o]>posite the .Marhlc Vard. Favetteville. N. C.. >ct. U. 15^-’>1. l!Stf 'E'he 0'ltftufie has bven matlei r jjj ^ H K •Subscril)ers having sold out their old B stock of (loods, have tlie pleasure now of saying to their friends, that they are now open ing :;n entire NHW iSTO(M\ of 1>11\ ii IlAliDWARK Cl 'VlAMY, HATS AND SHOES, rorcries of all hiuds^ All of which ive will sell low for Cash, or ex- (diaiige for any kind of Country I’rodnce. or t(> punctual customci.s on time. COOK TAYLOK. Sept. 22, 1H.->1. liltf c()Mi‘iri rnox i)i:fij:i)! Clothing: Vlothlnffl ^TOW receiving, direet from New York, a su- perb lot of CLOTHlN(!, made up in the most fasliiotiable style and of the best materials, eonsistiu'.r of black and biwiwu Frock and l)rcss ''oats; Cjotii ()verco!it.s; Cassiinere i’ants. seve- r.d varieties; I'anev tirenadiuc Silk, Satin and Twilled Silk \>sis. All of whicl’. will be sold low-er than any concej-n of tiie kind in town, JUid ; if not a.-i representetl, the money will be refund- ; ed. Call and see. further addition to the i Stock is daily exfiected, and due notice will be j given. Oiie door Last oi Cook iV Taylor’s. J. ti.MlTli (’(). 1 Lotus, Cas.^in-.ef 's. and Vestings, for sale by LLKI'i: .lollNSON. l! doors \\ est of C. F. linnk. Ar«*y, ^>>ii(‘ni\vrll V 'o. E B A VF, one pi'-ce extra tine 7-1 black French b9 CLOT!;, to which they -would call the attuiti.iii of tl e public. Oct. 1'i. IS-M. ;'.:>tf 1)\H.v \:\vva 'i'i:i>. I'ONS of llool’ ll'iON. suitable for Spirit b;;rreis. by 1'. C. H ,\ LL, of Itome. Oct. 1>. l.'^.'il. .’.Jtf .11 s'r ui:('i:i\i:i). .MFN'S and lioys' SADDl.HS. of every • ipi:ilit_\ and st\le. Some vei'v fine. .\1- so, liridics. ( olbirs, \\hips and \Vagon Harness. I’y 1,. H.VLL. of Koine. i o.-t, IS. 1i H // hr Rni,r,:1 Ay tin' /Jmf risr in thr /til, r, ^ Tons of sw!-;i>i;s iiioN. bv i:. C. IIAI L. of Home. Oct. IM. l,-.-.!. ;;0[f DAILY i:\n:( 'n:D. 4 «;i:nkk \i, .\^s>ktmfnt ..f iioi.i.ow'-, . * u \i:L. bv L. C. H.\LL. of F.ome. ^ Oct. >. 1>.-.1. ;;^,f . IN sroKi:. i LOl (i nnd I'l 'Uiili C.-istings. (’orn ."-h.ell- Jl. ers. Cultivators, .''traw •'utter>. and .--iiin- ning \\ heels. F. C. HA LI,, of I'.,.me. O. t. l'^. l-'.l. ;:_>tf \\ iilclics and 'I'lic Sulisrrilx'r repectful!_\ informs the j>ub- !:c. he has just return ed fi-i.m the North, with a fine a.'M'i tment of Cold and Silver W TC n FS ; Cold ^ , F'iU, (iii.-ird \ Vest Chain?: (ioid.^UNer. Steel an 1 (iilt Ke\>.: llrtMst I’ins; Finger iiiiiL's; (ioM. .“-^ilver. Steel and .Shell Sj'ectacii-'.: (loid .and Silver Fcn> and I’tncils: (lo’id an I .'^ilver Thimliies: Uracflet^; Lockets: C.lid an.1 .'-^ilver llelt lliu-kles: .'^leevc lUittuns; Clasps; Silver Cups;Mtisic Uoxes. Sil ver Fruit and Ihitter Knive^: I’ort-nioneyr l*ur- ses; a tine assortment of Walking Canes; Fl.-itc-d t'ake I’la.-'kets ai;d Cast rs; ji large as^oitnient of tine and -onimon .\ccord'Mns: A iolii.s: Flutes; Fifes: .Surveyors'Coin]i!i‘i';e-; (’h.ains: .NLithcma- tical Instruments: Ladies' Work lioxes: fine and Common doiibl** and single barrel (inns: I’istols of every v.-iriety: (lame Hags: Shot Fouches: I’ov.di'r Fla>ks; I’ercussion C.ijis: Hog ( ollais ■iiid C.-i!I.s; fine Pocket ainl I’en Knives: Scissors; K.szors; Nee'iles: 'hessmen and lM-ard>; H.-iir. To'.th. N;iil, l..ather and Flesh Flushes: Note l’;ip.?r; I]:iveloiies: and a great \ariety ot Fancy (toods. Khjltt tnnf (>)ir-ilnj/ ('LOCKS. I’ rs will jilease j;ive me a call. 'locks. \\ atrlics iind .Icu elry ne.irly Uepaired. W. 1’U1(>11, Hay street. Sept. '2, ls.-)l. lS-;;m J). 31! *}lvIr'm A Li; now recei\inga large .'ind gener:il as- i » sortmeiit of STAI'LH AX!) FAX(’V .T ^ A Caf)i/t(l Fitrjiifi(rc^ ('hairs, 1 IK subscriber is receiving the largest as- JL s. rtment in liis lino ever tiefore purchased at the North. \>hich. together with his own nian- tif: cture. makes his .''tock very comjilete, con- si,tii;g of Cliairs, Tallies, Stifa."-^, IJi'dsti’jids, Wa.-'li ! St;iiiils, Hiiroaus, LoDkiiig I s, | Sil(‘ IJoanls, Secretaries, AH d which will be sold on the lowest terms for Cash, or tn short time to punctii.-il customers. j JOHN W. HAKKU. I Oct. 30. IS-M. ;',.-itf I .11 ST ]u:ckivi:d, .Xcw fi'all and Wiiitrr f II III-' subscriber is now- receiving liis Full H- Stock ot'Coods. C(insisting in ]>art of .Sta ple ,ii;d Fancy Hry (iomls, selected by iiimself with great c.ire, conijirising all the fashionable dre> goods for l.-idies' f'.-ill and winter wear. .\ls.i. Cl-iths. Cassimeres, Tweeds ;inil Jeans, for gentlemen's wear. Also. ;i good stock of Ibiots Htid Shoes of eve- ly description: H.ats. Caps, F.onnets, and Um- iir'llas. .\l>'i. I>ed and Negro lUankets, Ker seys and l-i.'Uinels. ;tnd a great v.-iriety of other gooils: ;ill of w hich w ill he Sold very (diea]i. Call and examine tor v.iurselves: it shall cost notliing. W. S. LATTA. N.'V. SN.MU IlC.s, Itleached and rnbloached i Sheetings, t'oi- > ile l>v | LKLTF. .V Johnson. j '2 door> \Vc.--t of C. F. 15:ink. IIAKDW AUK (Sc C rrLi:iiV, B200TS A^B> —ALSO— 7’> bags Hio. L.-iguira and Java Coffee, 1(1 hhds. Sugar, 7-'> pieces Cotton llagging, .')l» coils F>ale Fkope, Id'l kegs Nails, assorted. H tons Swedes and i^nglish Iron, oOd sacks Liverpool f^alt, With Lo.-if, Crushed. Powdered and Granulated .Sugars; Creen Tea; Fcjij'cr: Spice: (Jinger; Powder; Shot: Le.-id; Table S.lit: and F.ancy So:ips. With a great variety of ither articles, to wiiich we invite the attenti in of )iur- chasers at wholesale or ret:iil, as low as any other liouse in the j l.ace. 1). k W. McLAClUN. Oct. IH.'H. L'Stf I Tl\1R FOR PLxV^TEKlXG, i K. S/nif/i.s' 'I'oo/s for Sa/c, (t/ul S/top ^ for Rent. I K Ti'i'i'r ccufly oc-? cunied by i-i'-r.-. Mahler.V .S.hwartz, on Hay sttet. are f"!' s.i’.c and rent. Immediate P' ,' gi\en. It present> a rare ch.'ince for a g 1 lll.u-ksinith. ,\n e\(-e!lent Slid Worm for s.-ile. .id ijded to a .■’'.(■ bill. .'■^till. A:i early aiiplic.-it;m will se cure a bargain. ;00K .loHNSON. N..V, 1. is'.i. ;;r.-;:w Oi'diSi^csI s! ^fratti^cs! I ^ SW|;i:r ou \N(ii:S. new crop, JL Just received and for sale bv CM.VS. HANKS.' Nov. U. 1>’>1. o‘''-lm Koirr. Mi'iX’iii'j.L, ,\ri )/'.• (ill/r jiir Sfrrrf, H.-is alwavs on liand a supply of Uaciiii. 'I'liLarcii, I’liutr, Sittrar, (’offtH*, Tea. 3!'il is^(‘s. Snap, Caiitllcs, (’oftoii Varii, Sliiifiii^s, ('iitlrrv, (’riKkiTV, aii'l (I lasswaro. —also— ■\ Large stock of Foreign and Homestic Ll- ♦ ^roltS, e'niiraciiig Western and N. C. W his key: Fiencii, -\pple ard Fe.-ich 15rand\:-lamaica and .N. K. Uiim: Holland iin; W ines of diffcient kinds. .Ml of which have liei'n purchas(“d low for Cash. Those wishini to jujrchase will do well to i-all hef.ire {mrchasing elsewhere. [ Nov. 1. is/ii. r:.;-:im riu s r SALi:. t^l HSC.VNT t'l the provisions of a l>eed of 'i'nisl exectued to me by Kob't Cociiran. ' 1 will expose to s.-de at puVi’.ic Auction, on Sa- tur lay. the (ith of Heccmber next. ;it the Mar ket House in the town of F.ayi tteville, the inte- : rest of the said ll ib't Cochran in and to ii l^it and imju'ovenients on the West side if tireen .Street, neai' Lccles's F.ridge. and .-iiljtiining the residence of l>r. I’n-nj'n W. liobinson. Terms made known at sale. W. .(. ANItFF.SON, Trustee. F.iyrtteville. Oct. :!0, ].s.')l. .■■>-'>-ts NI'AV MUSIC. f'^HK Falo Alto Waltz, by L. H. Whitaker 'f Fayetteville: the .Mary I’olka, by do. Hotli new pieccs. For sale bv K. .1. HALF, & SON. V)m: riiorsAND kaits. .WlNli located myself in Wilmington for the jiurpose of doing jin .\gcney !5nsi- nes.'. persons wishing to save time .and money, will find it to their interc.«:t to send their pro duce to tlu‘ -are of 11. Shaw, and the returns wi:I be forwarded forthwith. F.oHKUlCK .SHAW. Wilmington, Oct. 2H. 1S.')1. o-'i-om II. G. HALL, Fat/rllerille FouHdry. CASTlNtJS OF KVKHY DFSCHIPTION MADK TO OKDKFi. A lot of llabbet Metal for sale. Winslow street, Se))t. ], iS.j]. 18Y JOHN I). W ILLIA.MS, ~ Coamtifision *1* M'orti'/trdinf; •IMcrrhatil^ Fayetteville, W. C. Feb. l.'i, is.'jO. K. M. OKUKlX, F(Hav.\i;i)i\(; rii)niissiij\ iii:kciia.\t .\t rayelleville, March Id, ]H.')1. Ci2-tf ~ T. C. WORTH, rOlIMISSlO.V AM) F(lj{\VlllI)I\(; .IIEIU’IIA.M, W IL.MlNCrmX, X. c. Feb. 1. 1S.',1. ,-,7tf SA\ a(;i: cV mkarks, Commission and Forwarding Mer- chants, .w V \\ IL^ll.NC'JON, X. C-. SCOT']' cV HALDWJX, (Siirrts.ii,rx to Scott. Keen V Cn.) Fdshionfililr Mcrcfnint 'J'tillors, AM» DKM.KIIS I\ (ionlloniPii's I’ioliiiiij!;, Koady-niade, OF THK FlFiST gi'.M.lTV. Also, a Complete iissortment of (Jents' 1>IIF,.S,S C( »Ol»S. .Tf«/•/»> f Strcft, ( Wllniington, N. c. Jan. ]-'i, 1S-")1. .‘i-'n pd .lOSHIMI II. IILOHXini. vonnissioTd AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, ll*il»nini^toii, C. JtirrY” I’rompt peismal attention given to all Consignments, and ( ash :idvun;'os made on .Mer chandise to be shipped or sold in this market. I'eb. 1, L''’il. r>7y .1. K. 'rooMiCR, ~ CoiniiiissioH and Porirard- ,lB(>rrlia6}f, WlLMlNd'l’UN, N. C. Kefer to H. llranson & Son. i ,, „ ... ,, r avetteville, N. ( . A. A. McKethan, ( Feb. 1. Is-'-l. r.7y wii.KLxsox i5c i:sli:r,~ I>KALi;r.S IN ('nil f) rtiunnri/, Fon iijii Frvit.'i, To- Itiici ti, tnii/ Siiiif}, AND IMl’OllTLiLS oF .>^1 l>Fi:iOll IIAV.WA C'lOAKS AT WII(»I.K..VI.K AM> HKTAII.. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. -\ug. 7, 1 ‘'•‘>1. 11 tf X. n. srARiux'K. IKON F(»rxin:ii axd macmiixist, ,Mii>1IIf'ltrfiirrr nf Stiiim .1////. am! Jioif»-r., Mill (Si'll,1 nij of nil kintl}-, Pluiiijh.'^^ dc. rHlllF. undersigned, as the .\gent of the above B. Kstablishmriit. will order any articles which may he wanted, ou ajijdication to him. The Steam Mills manuf.-ictured by Mr. .''t.-ir- buck have bi^en tested, and are highly approved on the I’lank Hoads jibout Favetteville. LDW'D l’lF WINSLOW. Fayetteville. SejU. 4. 1S')1. I’Utf ^^.\DDLF',S nnd liridles, Vagon and liuggy W'hijis, for sale bv LKLT1-: .V JOHNSON. - doors West tif F. Hunk. Fall & Winter for 1851!! Fashioniiblc •.'flerchant Tuifoning AND UIIAUV-.MAIIE CLOTIllNfi ESTAlJLlSiniL.NT. SCOTT & JiALDWlX, AViiiiiiiistoii, 4KK opening direct from their Manulactory, and from newest iniportations, iv largo iis- .sortiuent of Gcnik'nil'll\s Wearin,2; Apparol. comprising every v.-iriety of Husiness and Dree.** ’o:its,—I’ants beautifully cut, newest style and | best woi ktiiiinslnp,—Vests, a number’epp vari«‘ty of ]iatterns, finest and medium ijnalities. Also, every style of I nder (iarment worn by (ientle- men, ol tlie best (lualities and most approved cut;—ami we would call particular attention to our 1‘atfnt Yoke Smm Shirt, the best fitting gar ment woi-n: and also the new and beautiful style of iMaw crs, sold (.'Uly by oursehes. y*V TIIK />/'KSS l.IXE. we are j'repared to “liow iij> a most splendid assortment of Crav.'its, Scarf's, (iloves, Susjienders, Night C.-ips, iVc. \c., in all a complete variety, latest style. OCR MniiCHAXT T.\ ILon 1Xa I>K- /',) A’-)/A'A’7'is Conducted hy Cutters of'eminent skill, ii'id (ill our work got up in the bt'nt style ! pos.?ible. (Ire.-it iittention )i:iid to the newest : and mo^t apjiroved fashions. :is v. e jmt ourselvi’H ' in possession ot' the monthly lleports, direct | from I’aris and New York. j (ientlemen visiting Wilmington -will find it | piite to their iidvantage to call and examine I our Stock. I Terms Ca.uli. and :ill (ioods sold at fair prices. SCOTT \ 15ALDW1N, .Market St., W ilminjrt.iii, N. | Sejitember 2‘J. IS.',]. L'l-tl.) jid j Tin 1* Sheet~Mron %%*at'e ! MAVUI'ACTORY. I AT W11()1J:sa1,K AXI) UKTAIL. I F. T. OLD KSTAHLISHLI) TIN AND SllFLT-lHON W AHF .MAN! FACTOUY ! IS UKMoVF.D to the Sonth-F.ast (’omer of Market Square, re.ady with the necessary machinery and materials for making FACTORY DlilMS kCAXS,| And to do all kind of work of F.actories. Al.oo, KOOFINtL Cl TTKIlINf:. and all kind.=> if .JOHHI.N(J. done on short notice, anl by ex perienced wtirkmen. A constant su]>ply of TIN kept on hand, : »it Wholes:ile and Ket.-iil. C'ountry .Merchajits | and I’eilhirs c.-in be suiiplied at the very lowest prices. C. W. ANDHKWS. Sept. 1S.M>. C1.\N!>LKS.—‘‘Patent. Pe.arl, s'nd Fayette- > ville Mould," for sale by LKKTK A JOHNSON. 2 doors W est of C. F'. Hank. for thh FARMKRS. STH.\W Cl TTKH.s, ('(,m .Shellers, Harrows, I’loughs and I’bmgli fixtures of different- patternr, ivc. Fo*- sale bv J. i';:‘t. W'ADDII,].. Oet. 1. l«.-.l; -J7tf %^*ew €woo(U. rWlHK Snliscriber is nowreceiving a lar;;e ad-' JH. dition to his Stock, consistitig of Drv (I’oods, (.’rocerit's, Crockorv, ilarduare, Hats, Caps, iioots and Shoos. —also— IIoll(»w-\\ are, lifathcr, Window (^ilass. White Ijcad, ('liee.^o, ^Nlackcn-l, i^c. kv. iSrc. Which he offers on reasonable terms. He (dl'ers for s.-ile .a 1,‘irge stock of Foreign and Domestic LIQUORS, vizi ]>(> bblfi. W hi.-key. ;">* “ A]i]ile Hrandy. Id “ choice “old Nash,’ vears old. 10 *■ old Hyp AVhiskey. His stock of F'OHKICN LPjl'ORS -were se lected with earc! iinl are of superior (pialityr Tliey consist of— ■‘Godard” Brandy. ‘‘Otard” do. ‘•Ilennepey" do. ‘•()ld Lo'tdon Dock’’ dittoi Holland (iin. Jamaica Hnin. Irish Whiskey. Madeira Wine, fiujierior. Sherry (bi. do. Port do. choice, i very fine.'. Sicily Madeira hi. —IN (iL.\SS— Champaign Wine, of “ileidsick " ;n\l ottie/ favorite brand". SpHrkling Hock, in junts jsnd •pi.-irt*'. Still ilock. do. do. London Porter. fih^'^All kinds of !‘riiducc lion^lit at tin- Market price in exchange for C.oods. W. DRAFC.HON. Sept. 1. IS.'.I. IS-.-lm ^1(>L1)S, Travelling and Packing Trunks, for sale bv LKKTK .?• JOHNSON, " doors W est of C. F. J5;ink. Carriaij(‘31annfactorv» 3IcKETIIAN JTILL Continues to carry on the (WRHI.VfiK Hl'SlNl'iS.'^. in all its iiranches, at tlie OLD 'I ,^OH sale bv Oct. 1, iSol. J. & T. W’ADDILL L»7tf ALMAXACS. 'irilNKH'S North Carolina, and Hhnn's I'armers' and Planters’ ,\L.M.\N.\('S. just j received and for sale, w holesale and retail, bv ! K. J. HALK .S: SON.* KItSI-'YS. Siittinets. and Hlankets. for sale by LKKTK \ JOHNSON, 2 doors West of ('. F. Hank. Kiicoiiras^c' 4'iiacBirM. rWTHK Subscribers respectfully jinnotince to -M the citizens of Fayetteville and the sur- rounditig country, that flu-y have commenced the ISitsiiifsK, At the old Stand formerly occutiied by Simji.son iV: Mcl.auchlin. («iue door below A. \. McKe- than's.) where they :irf- now ]>re)>ared to manu facture to onler all kinds of PilDI.N(t VKHl- CLI]S, from a Sulkey or Hnggy to :i nine-]ias- senger Coach, which, for style and durability, I shall not be surpassed by :iny establislinient in j the i>Iiice. I They hope, by h strict attention to business, ! and a desire to please all who may favor them . with a call, to merit a share of public jiiitron:ige. liKPAlIilNtJ neatly executed at short s ST.\NI). He returns thanks for the liberal p:it- mnage he h:is heretofore received, and hopes, by strict attention to business and a desire to give entire satisfaction, to merit a continuance of tlie s.-ime. Having recently incrciised his Imsiness, he has on hand a very tine assortment of Carriajrcs, Jiarouclu's, llu^ries, Rockaways, and Sulkcys, Finished, jind n very large assortment of Work )iartly finished, which, for elegance of shajie and finish, vrill co-nip:ire with any other work. T’er.^ons wishing to Imy, would do well to call and examine the work, as he i:* determined to sell Low for cash, or notes on short time*. All W'( rk warr.uited for t^velve months, and repaired free of charge, should it fail by bad workmanship or material. DCT^ Repairing t’aitiilully r.vocti- ted at short notice, on very reaHoiiablo terms. FaYKTTKVII.I^K, SkI’T. 'Ji'Jt, ls'>l. fB^Hl-^ Suhscriher having taken the Kstabli.sli- A incnt of the l:ite .\. C. Sini} son. ^situate I ojtposite W. Mclntyre'p Store.) intends carr\ing on the Carriage Mamifartiirinir Busiiies.« In Jill its various brandies, and would resj>ect- fully Solicit a share of the jmblic patron.age. Having had considei'able experience in the business, and having been enifdoyed in ?ome of the extensive Fstablishments in New York :ind N\ w Jersey, he Hatters himself that he cun give general satisfaction. He warrants all his wurk to bp niadc if thr liest material the surrounding country affords, !ind by experienced t^-orknien; and shouhl any of it fail, either in jiiatcrial or workin,inshi|i, in twelve months from the time of its delivery, he •will rejiair it free of' charg(“. 1?KPAII!lN(i lone in the ne.ntest and best manner, and at the lowest possible prices A. H. ’WHFrriKLl) FHVCttcvillc, Feb. 11, I80O. 7tf OOTS AND SH()K.s. Sole and Vj-.jier Lea ther. for sale bv li:i:tk s- Johnson. il tlooi s We(5t of C. F'. IJank. B 11'T Tacks and American llivets. ffir salf' by I.FKTK JOHNSON, ‘J doors We**t of C. F. Hank. HENRIETTA LINE OF r*: notice, :md LOW'Kil than tiny other establish- i ment in the place. I THOMAS V. 'WHITK. I Jl'NlFS H. RAHOTKAU. I Fayetteville, Feb. 17, 1S-'>1. 5'Jtf IV Firm AV«' Ft very Slahlcs. Mtoaiii and Frri^lil EtoatN, A ViK all in excellent order for business. Our Tow Hoats have been recently repaired and made gooil as new. We have also added a ni’K' Flat for low wjiter. and well ad;i]ited to the service. She will cari‘y 7(M) bbls. merch.-sndize, and tlraw only inches water. Those favoring us with their patmnage. may expect as prompt :ind chea]> service in every jiarticular as anv other Line can ofl'er. t;. DKMINt;. Pres't. Pv. M. ORRKLL. Agent. A. D. CAZ.VrX. .\gcnt at Wihnitigton. Fnyetteville. Dec. Ill, IS.'iO. TiK-tf M a r b 1 o F a c t o r y. icpt. 22, IfcjJ. >:itf FAVF/FTEMLLK, X. C. rW’^HlS large and splendil Huilding has now licen in successful operation since .May 184'.). ’J’he Hcdding and Furniture of all kinds is new, and the rooms convenient and pleasant. The Table is always furnished with the best the market affords, aided by a fine vegetable garden. Hoarders. Lolgers, and Travellerswill find de sirable uccoinmwdiition.^ and attentive servant,9. No pains w ill be sjiared to give entire satistac- tion. Families can be furnished with large, airy, front double rootiis, conveniently and hand somely furni.-shed. An expej-ience of i:(> years will en.-ible the les see, she hopes, to give general satistaction. AXX BROWN. Juje 1, I80O. 28-lf FALL, 1851. .(.\MKS KYLE IS now receiving a very large and general as sortment of OSIY GOOD8, PiirchaKed by the T’ackiige for CASH. Those wishing to jmrchase Ooods at reduced prices, will please call and examine, as l^nrgains may be ex]>ected. HOI/riXTr Ci.OTlIS, Aiikcr Brai\d, from No. 1 to ]t), uncommonly cheap. 1‘ackaort‘s 1500TS AXJ) SHOES, cheajier thtin ev«‘r were for sale in this mjirket. Oct. }, 1S-‘.1. -stf 'rOHAC'C'O. A (iOOD sroi'K on hand: and 1 shuIl )•■- ceive regularly, from Messrs. ,1. .lones >V Co's Factory. iualities as.sorted from common to very fine, which I will sell al lowest manufau- turing i)rices. J. L'TLLV. i'ayvttoviHc, 3, Ibul. 6‘jtT F,Ri)Tni;ns TlfTK Stp.mier HHOTHiniS ntid T »w J’o;if.». STKV1-^NS(>N and D.AVlD 1-KWlS are pre pared to forward with Desi-.\t( n, all good^ con- , signed to the Pmjirietor. ! The Steamer Hrothers is of lig’.it draft, am? ' -well suited to run in li'v wat»‘r. !''h»‘ jios'csse:* 1 power, and speed, and is admirably adajiti'd tf ! towing, and can accommodate about passen- i gcrs. I The proprietor contemplatcji ninning the Boaf I him,«elf. and -will give special attentioii to way freight and naval stores: to towing, atid will al- I so attend to the comfort and convenien(‘e of 1 Passengers. From his long experience .v; .Vgent ■ iu Wilmington of the 8ev**ral Steam Hoat Com- 1 panics, he thinks he can give .ssitisfaction. j To Merchants in the interior he would say. 1 that all Ci(xids shijiped by hrm, will t>c dclive»‘ed j to their Agents in Fayetteville. His agent tn Wilmington is .JOHN C. L.\TT.\. to whom all communications may be addres.sed, a* .\gent of I the Steamer Brothers. j JtdfN B.VNKS. Proprietor. May l.">. 72-v B rjflllK Undersigned haviisg fonned a Copart- Jl nership to carry on the Livery Stable Bu.sness, Respectfully inform the citiz.cns of Fayetteville and the Public generally, that they can be .ac commodated on reasonable terms with & otSior VofiicI«*s '■ at such time.*! as they may wish to hire, by np- I plying to the suliscribers, as they are well" pre- I pared to carry ou the Husiness. having refitted : and i-vucwed the Kstahlishiia-nt, with the addi- j tion of some fine Horses and new X’ehicles, .‘tiid ai-e satisfied that they c.sii give satisfaction 10 all who may wish to hire. Anti therefore call on them to give ns a trial. J. W. POWERS. IWBKUT KEO’ISTER. Sept. 23-j By GEO. LAUDER. TWO DOOUS .\BOVE ll.lKiH k Sn\'S STORFr Fayellevillr, IV. .T:in y 1S51. oo-lYpd WHOLK, half and i)Uarter Bbls. and wholfe and half Kits Mackerel; also, half bbls. Shad, for sale by tEETE A JOHNSON, SOtf] 2 doors \Ve,st of C. F. Bnnk. RYE WHISKEY. ANOTHKR lot of Williams’s Old Rectified RYE WHISKEY', just received. J. & T. W ADDFLL. Oct. 1, isr)-}. 27tf H. BR.\NSON ^ SON. July 1, 78if I lilanhs of all kinds, for lii'f ±--' 03 :e. LA('KSM1T1IS’ BKLLOWS, Amib. Vise-.. Screw Plato?, and Hammers, for sale by LKKTL .)■ .lOHNSOX, 2 door.*! Wc't of ('. F. Baiik TO THE PI HI.IC. The .subscriber has leased for a term of years, of R. AV. Brown, Ksfj.. his fi.'-e-proof ! .*'tore, with his Whiirves. and is now in a condi tion to take especial care of Spirits Turpentine' and otkcr N‘ival Stores committed to his c:ire. The Varehouse is weii knciwn to be the i-ept.-mff safest place iu town for the storage of P>acou, Lard, Corn, Peas, &r. The lower v. h.Trvcs have- on theAi four Targe new shed.s, whereSjiiritscnn be safely kept from the rain artd sun. He is preparwl to reccivc and ship, or sell, all kinds of produce sent to his care. He will also make advances when required. Ife begs to refer to the following gentlemen: R. AV. Brown, John Dawson, O. ft. Pjirpley and TI106. H. vViight, Ksijs. MILKS (,'0.''T!N. Brown s whiirf, W«. N. C. .!ci)t 12, IS.'jI. I l.'i- - mvsK’’ A NEW’ supply of .MfSK^ for the Pi:*no JsL. Forte. Just rcceivc 1. K. J If..:. HALK 6:

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