SBMI-WEEKIi Y. [V OL. I.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEM15ER 27, 183L [XO. PillNTHO BY J. B. NKWBY. KDWARI) jT HALE & SOX, KlilTOllS AND rilurUlETOUt>. I’noo I'T tlic Sciui-Wcckly Ousekveu $4 UO if ] ill ailvaui’o; •> ( .'lO it' j>ai(l dHvliisi t!»o vo;ir >'f subsofliJtiou; or iiftcr the vcnr lins oxi'ircl. K. r the Wookly;nvKK (.10 jtcr uiiuiuu, if l>aiil in a'lvain’e: •'fiJ oO if durinp the \car of s'.ib.'iTiptii>ii; or !?!:> tK> after the year .'\j.ire.l. \I'\ IM’iTlSKMKNTS inserteil for !«iTty cents I r nan- fi'T the juul tliirty cents for each vHivlin,!! jnihlicutii'u. Yearly advertir^eiiieiUs ■ > fi'iitracts. at reasonable rates. Ail- vcrti-i'vs are reqiu'sted to state tlie tuiniber of ih*sire«l, or they will he continued till hi.i. ami charireil aocimlingly. jL lA ttevs til the Kdilors must be po!*t-pairl. WINTER GOODS. Cumberland Superior Court of Law. SPECIAL TER\L Notice is lierchy Riven, that a Spe- -H cial 'I'ertn of Cuinherlanil Superior ('luirt of Law will be helil on the 2d Momlny in I'cb- r\i\r_v for the trial ot Civil (' as were ('ii the trial ihn’ket at Fall Term. l^ol. Suitors and \vitiu>ses will take ilue notice thereof ami guvern theni!elves act-ordinj^lv. 1>. (J. .MAC IlAi;. Clerk. l!-2. 18o1. 4-Jtc Nov. lU)(Vr-\L\KERS, no want a superior article of Oak Tan V ¥ SOlJ] I.l'.VTIi lill, with French anil American CAl^F SKINS, can be supplied at our Store. J. T. WADDII.L. Nov. -JO, 1S.',1. 4Uf III*. T. O. llAE^il, Has taken an Office on llay Street, West of the Hotel Huili’iings. July 14, 1S'*1. 1-tf FAYKTTKVll.LE ('ONFEt’TlONEUY. CHARLES BANKS, Voiiferliottrr^ INFORMS the public, that he has refitted hi.s Kslablishuient on llreen .'street, and has on H IMI. i!ii'ursi^nei expeci lo open in n iHv or ■ , i , .•, i vi.i i-c! i- . i ■ , 1.1, , nf i'/w>nc hand a fresh snppiv ot AM>1 L>. niaimtactured H. t'v.i, a hand'oiue STIU 1\ Ot (iO(M>>. ... * I'i • . i i , , , . , „ . . ... „ii ..1 ■ 1 i hv huuself o»U ot the best I-oat M\'jar, and war- . tor the present season, all ot which ' * , ^ i , ‘ ,, ... , .,, , ! ranted tree Iroin .«tarch. tiour, i>:iste. .and pei'in- , , i>ersnnallv with care. !ind will he I . . . ... . , i • , .Ml.. 1 cious paints. Ills whole time anl attention i» tin ti'Cl untrv Merchants at a siiiaU advance. i , PAID for YOUNtJ NKCiHOFS. Apply to J, & T. WAni)li,L. Sept. 2o, 18r)l. -Jatf m:\v viuM. rB^ni' undersifrned have entered into eopurt- JL nership, under the name and style of l.«airrt‘iic«* A: Troy, For thv imrjiuse of doinjr a Mercantile and r>;!rt'i' business. We have taken the Store, No. 10 (iliKK.N STitFKT. fortnerly occupied by ■Messrs, .lohn lluske \ Son. OKI). W. I.AWHKNCK. JOHN 15. TK(»V, Jr. Oct. ‘I'l. :!5tf IIIITSJIPS, BOOTS & SHOES.' N„’.c-ubcr lM. IS-'.l. II. \ K. J LILLY 4:2-4w St, ^^choot^ K.VLHir.H, N. (\ fl^lll' l.'th Term if this School will com- M i-'-'iice on tlic Tth of January, 1S.'»!J, and ■ now devoted to makinj: Caiiily, and he is pre- i pared to siipjdy all orders with Candies eipial j 1 to any nifilc in the I’nited States. Tin se Can- : I dies he warrants to keep in any cliniatc; and ^ he will sell to Town or ('nuntry merchant.^, as ! cheap as iiood and pure Candy can bo purchased in New York >>r elsewhere. 1 Fayette\illc, t)cr. -S, l^.jl. 34-tf ti\e months. . ii i-ii!;ir containinjr full jiarticulai'S a.5 ; V \i-.. apiilv to the subscriber. .VLDEUT S.MKUKS. Hector. IN'.I. 41-7t N ' RaUUF.LS now landin". I Lhds. Mi’lasses do. F> ) f ile bv JI. Ur:ANSON & SON. 2\. 42-tf Plantation for Sale. i^Fir -iil‘-rriber offers f«*r sale her I’lantn- li kniiwn as the “Sh.-iw I’lucc.’" This • 1 ■iiitniiis ll>(> Acres, about one-third ii.. ti is > le;iie 1. It partly lies within the .,i, .lit'. iMi Cr.r.sii Creek. A j)ortioii ot it : iiK. re‘l The Kiver field cint.-iin.s pro- ■. !>'v.s. and pr'Hluce? p.uid Corn crops, •.i veral tniproveiiierits on the place. 1 . liirtln-r p.irticulars. in>iuire of .M:«jor ! 'li'l.eaii or Janies Uanks. ANN SHA^V. ’ . iti viiV. Nov. 20. IS.'.L 4-J-3t WaliT furnished by the undersized. Old ' c.m save Slo to *1'*. and new Mills • t'V prui'urin^ thi-'»e Wheels of me. i >’_• f“r the latc-t improvements in saw | - . iin hand, .''team milN repaired ,h’ Ut Orat'"-^ fur burninjr saw du-^t. sash . >. . ..rn sheiit rs. Ulacksniith irons, mill .^rc ir.i!'.;. backs for chimneys, frotit.i - '. aail castings of every de"(erip- I !■' t • .rder. ’ l .is jii't I’ctnrncd from the Orcat I'xhibi- 11.1 ■ prepare'] to famish mafhinery ot . .W -: improvement. .V few jmttcrns tor r I-J f-nr.‘ for yarils and cemeteries ■ ii '.'.'v. Ib'i'se i'liwers for thri'shinj; I.. (i:!;; w.i, i), !ind ?rindin;r corn, made A fioir-lioi-se I’l'wcr. witli jrriat mill r':, 1 pt to .Ml !>n«hels of cm per day, for Ik- ai.?o makin;r prep.aration to man- ■ :r.- I’.iL'c s celebrated S:iw Mills for saw- uuabcr.—will saw .j,iK^J feet of lumber per NKW (iOODS. I I L'ST received, niv Fall supplv of CLOTHS, j CA.'^SLMEKKS ANl> VKSTINOS. TlllM- I MlNcLS, ^:c., of the best iiu.ility. from New j ; York. .Vls.i. the latest I’eport of the New York ; j FAS!1H>NS. I 1 I still continue to carry on the T.A!’ ORIN'ti 1U'.''I«t my St.and on Hay ^ i sti-f. and .*'“'==«; f?»vtir me with tlu ir | ' cus'tom mav relv on their wurk done in | a neat and'fashiotut style, .-^1 on the most | favv>rable tvrms. AI’CHIDALD c.uaham. Oct. -JT, IH-'.l. •‘’4tt RKMinWL. : Snbscr lers have removed to the new JL Hrlck Store, two dour.- west ui the Cape Fear liank, where they arc receiving their Fall Stock of I Dnj Grxnh, Crftrniix, Ilnrdicure innl t'utlr/y, ntf ('njihfry. — ALSO— anil Sh'x-'i Hnpf, FisJi, of (liff) rent /.•/«(/.>•. In fact, every thinjc usually called for in the mercantile line, to which they invite an exami- nuti.m. LKLTK JOHNSON. Oct. 27. 34'tf rjlHi: srii.SCHlHLU isieceivinjr and offers JL for sale, a well selected stock of InrocerleH^ I.emon, Soda, Hutier, and Water Crackers, ■ l*il>'t ISread, I I’ickles and I’re.ierves, Nuts. Kaisius aiul I’rune.*?, ' Tobacco and Cijrars, (hi the most n?asonable terms furCa^h, or on : time to imncluul customers, j CHS. r.ANKS, I No, •» (Ireen st. FavctteviUe, (V‘t. '1^, 1S.)1. r*,4-tf II. Ki’aiiwoii A: .^oii OFFKK Foil SALK. IHHI!. I'riine St. Croix Sl'tJAll, ■J hhds. New Orleans ditto, 120 bbls. Refined ditto, r> •• (iranu’ated ditto, :50 bafrs green liio Coffee, •• (lov’t Java ditto, 7.') ke^s Nails. ;td. to H inch Spikes, 1 Kn;:Iish cross-cut .''aw s, T) casks Cheese, L’O boxes ditto, 10 bi'xes tine Chewinjr Tob.-icco. I'xtra Wool Hats, Ne^^ro Shoek \ iJhinkets. • >ct. -I-l. 1S.M. 3«tf V4’ftl T'call 1CHF.ST vorN; hvson, 1 ditto (iunpowder. 1 Catty Imperial. For sale by CHS. 1S\NKS. Oct 2s, 1 .■>]. * ;!4-tf I’iriJi. Tho uiuitM’siiriu'd lu»\o I'lilt'rrd I into copartnership, iiiuler the name and style of ! H ALI> \ S.VCKKTT. t>>r the purj-ose of doiiifr j a Dry (ioods .and H.inlw;;re lUisiness, and liave 1 taken the Sturc 'j ilnors lla.-t of the Fayetteville . Hotel. J. H. HALL. | A. K. H.VLL. I T. M. S.VCKFTT. j Au'fust IS'l. l*'tf I ! — ' W 1" are now rcceivinir a large and will sc- . w w Iccted .''t 'ck of 1 ; 1>11V I t'omprisiii" every »rticle usually kej>t in that line, to^rether with C'ns(’s liools ;iii(l Slit)cs. —.\L.'Jo— .\ well seiected .''tock of I To all of which we invlti- the altenti'ai of .•ler- cliants of ti.‘ iiitrrior. who will tiud it to their I il'tere.'t to examine onr .''1"ck belore m.-ikin;^ thfir puri'ha.'i's. \\ e w ill i.*f l*e unders^'hl unv I'lie doin^ business in this place, ll.VLL X S.\CKKTT. Aujtust '17>, iS-'il. •*'** 'I'h* Sul)scril)('r still continues to c.arry on the (WIUNET nC.'^lNFSS in Fayetteville, and in addition to his Fstablishment on I$ow street, near Kccles's l>ridge, ha.*' opened a larjre \\.\ltF IIO().M on liay street, nearly op](osite the Fayetteville Hotel and one door Fast of Messrs. llaigh iV Son's, where a general a.s.^ortment of F111.M riJRi :, Made by coinjietent and faithful workmen, may be had "at prices corresiiondiiijr with the times. ,\lso. an as-^ortinent of Northern-made FFUNl- Tl IlF. selected by himself, which will be sold at a very moderate advance. Dl'NCAN McNFlLL. Nov. 10, IK.-.l. "Stf HK keeps on hand an a.'sortment of Fisk’s celc-brated MKT.VLLK' lU lUAL wliich lia\e been hijihly recommended by Willie 1*. Mangum, Henry Clay. Lewis Cass. Win. Fi. King, and iinmy other illustrious characters, who have exaniined and witnessed their utility. I'MLI; \\\) \VL\TI:K (IOODS. I F have received Jiiid are now receiving our usual Stock of i)()Mi:s ric’s. J ITTLK Uiver Osnal.crgs: 7-*^ ami 4-t and for sale at '!>i’, ';men of fancy Castin; '' .'crvvr (tftice. V. 111. 1S.'>1. cair he .seen at n. G. HALL J1 -Oni THK DISTINCTION DRAWN. ’■i - present day, it is the usage of patent ;;c I’ri'prictors to offer thcdr articles with iii.>-niiatii>n, that ‘-they arc a .sure cure” • r the mo*t of the mal.idie.s to which the • race is yulijcct. The result is, that the • uenrrp.lly been most egregionsly ; them. It is ([ii.'ickery of the deepest ■ .u'T me iiciue fir the cure of diseases '‘■'•■’‘•r t.itally in their nature an l character; '••r iiist.ince, consuniption, or liver nffec- . 'If ip'v r rhevimatism. Scientific medi- i' tiiat one remedy is to cure mly such • a.' are or anal.ipous, and con- I ut! there must be different medicines for 'lit 'lisi’.ase.r:. (>nackcrv hohls one re- ' icnt f'»r all or many disorders, ” .■.'ii;il.i^ous :ir not. ■ ; . at a pat' iit or guaranty of any kind . •.eriiiiieiit, and ought to be want- 1 i.itile has found it absolutely necessary, ail extensive brug Dusiness, to !' >v l’!i.u jiiaceutic:il Medicines prepared ; asi'. that are really good, if not in '• "1 any el' the 'lay. Some of these com- ■ iTe i :itirely new. whils.t others are an u-ii! Mpiiii tiie old j>lan. They are pre- i ! . '!n' hi-st liiaiiuer from select medicines, ■ Ti' j.ri i I',,I- maladies as they ' f ;,-f, or are very likely to do so, ’!-■ .\h 1 froni tliC fart th.'«t he has ' ti cure I great many cases with ■ ‘ 't ithvr j)hy.'5ici:m5 iiad failed in, as - tnat tliev .are iiuw extensively recoiu- '■ • 'iii.iiiy. he doubts not but that they ' u. . »ij|,v rinr, but rarely eijiialled from ' “ler. To illustrate, wherever the .Vno- ' ■'^ii l)r.i]..'4 and Vermifuge hnve been ■■ 'I, :ii;d it is the in ni:iny p1itce«, not • ; bial.-i but whole iicighborhoodi* are ' iiiicli fur the unparalleled success of ''■"I- 111 no (legree of succesH, however, ' '!i'- .\{(.i]i«;ine«, lliiiffworin and ' ’'•■I On.tiu,,,., a« l the French Mixture, been " not so often wanted. ili:MMlii;|| LUNdS. ■Nlairou, Aju'il li4y. , .\ftcr having had repeatetl I' ' •' "1 liciiionh.ige of the Uuigis, for which .1 , --...I !,)• (,f W istar’s Bal.sain I'r I.ini* NOriC'E. subscriber is now receiving his Fi M. and W inter Stock of F.\NC^ .and ST.Vl’l DR¥ iiJOODfS; Hats, iUitJ IJonnets; ami SlnH's; llnrdwure and Cutlery; lilack.smitlis’, Cooper.'s’, aii'l ('arpoiiters Tools; Straw Cutters, ('ora Shcllcrs*, Ploiijilis, tV'c.; lIillow-\vart*; lleavy gool.s for NegviH's, &»•. StC. The above goods w ill be sold at wholesale or retail, to suit cvistomers. We say nothing a- bout how the above Ooods w ere hmght, or how they will he sold, but we do say come and see. at the lluske buihlings, Orvcn Street. P. TAYLOlL Oct. 28. Carolinian I’m Jjt-lim STOVES! ST()V1:S!! SUITAULK for Churches, Parlors, Factories, and Stores. For sale by C. W’. ANDllF'VS, Market Stjuare. Oct. 27, 1851. -Itf sTi JC\ll»A PER-MILL. f HIHE euhscribe; lias taken charge of this old and well knovfn V^stablishinent, and is pre pared to attend to all orders foi Priiitiiii^ Mercliaiits’ and Euctory Wrapping, cVc. The Mill has recently hcen thoroughly refitted w ith new machinery, and the subscriber believes he can furnish Paper of as good (juality and at as cheap prices as can be purch.ised any w here, , North or South. CHAHLES E. SHOBKll. iS.'ileni, June 7, ISiil. 77tf UICYlf> has ojxMicd that large and convenient houae, near the foot of Havni*»unt, ou Hay street, known as the Farmers’ and Planters’ Hotel, where she would be glad to acconimodate gentlemen with Board by the week or month. Families can l>e suj>plied with pleasant rooms. t>he is also prepared to accommodate Travel lers and their horses. Her Stables are attend ed to by one well acijuuintcd with the uianage- nit'iit of horses. Those who are so kind as to patroni/.e her, shall find that her care will be to please. Oct. 27, 1851. -‘54tf Sheetings always on hand Factory lirices, by STAHK i WII.LIAM.S. June 7. l^ol. Hnis.^els and otlior ('arpotiiijis. Hearth Hugs. Druggets, Crumb-Ch.ths, Piano ^ and Table Covers. F«>r sale by Sl'AUll \ WILLIAMS. Nov. .'). IS.M. fglOBIO N’>':TIMI orCcUic M- Manners, as preservivJ among the High landers. lieing an hi.storicul and descriiitive ac count of the inh.abitants, aiiiiijuitics, and la- timal pcculiuritie.'* of ScotlatuI, by James Lo- can. Ju't received and b r sale by K. J. HALF SON. To Plank Ro?.d Contractors. fMMlK iiiulcrsigned is authorized to let to con- .H, tra> t the first seven sectioi.s of the Fay- ettevil'ie and t’cntre I’laiik lioad. extending from Fayetteville to Me.Vrthnr's Creek. 7 mile.-. The reports and ( st;matcs of the hngitu ercan be seen, by calling on the See\%. Juo. .M. Rose. Ai'plicaiiiiiS must be ni:ide ^eIy .soon. JNO. A>1LLI.V.MS, Prcs’t. Nov. 'i, 1^51. i-tf ST.VIM.I'; vV I A.NCY (JOOOS, ('onsisting of nearly every article usually kept in the l>ry tiooiis line. —A LSO— A FINK AS.'iOIlT.MFNT Ol' FashioiLihlc* lioniK'ts, Mats,Ca})S, Hoots, Shoos, 6CC. The !ibo\c Stock we would invite our custori- ers, iVivnds. and the juiblic generally, to call and exaniiio' I.ef.ire purchasing, as we are de- ti’riiiincd U* .''•.*11 Ooods ttt .^uit the times. ALFX U .loHNSON .V: CO. Fayetteville. Se|it. l^-*!. -5tf il S VCON, I.ard, an.I Flour, f..r sale by 15 I.FFTF .V JOHNSON, '2 di'ors W t‘?*t of C. F. Hank. IIiK'oii(Im* >II .'^Oilll AkKV, km W f;i.L \ liavc re ceived a splcn lid as-ortment of Sal^m f'a.'ti- Mack and grc\. t.> which they would call the attenti'Mi .f the pnblic. TIk.'C g..ods will compete in tiualily and !urability with the V>est ^iorthern Cassinieres. and are much cheaper. r-imri.;" f>«"‘ ‘ Fav^ttrvUle. N. C„ Oct. U. Kv'.l. 80tf ST()UA(ii:. ^ 1'. have! l>rick Warehouses Vv in till- rear iif onr St'>re. in v.hich we «it'>rc cotton and nther ]>rotluce. 1>. a: W. .McLAl lUN. N..V, 1. 1 Fttll 4tnd M'intcr Stock. 18 5 1. ’3^IIF Subscriber offers for sale one of the E- largest ;ind assortm*nts of GOODS in his line ever offerel in this jtlace. He is very thankful for the very liberal patronage that he has had, and solicits a continiiaiice of the s.inie. Hit; stock has been selected with care, and consists of ii‘!,arly every variety and style, from the nMiiiifacturers. Ho has on hand and offers low for (.'nxh, at retail or by the case, l.atcst styles (ientlenien's Bea\er, Nutria, Moleskin, Silk, Brush and An gola H.VTS. Also, Jetiny Lind, Kossuth, .Vr- tist. Bough and lleadv, ;ind stiR'eiied Fur and Wool Hats, for Men, Yoiitii and Boys—in abun dance by the dozen or case. —ALSO— .V very l.irge supply of Cloth. Plnsh, Velvet and Fur C.\PS, of all )u:ilities, styles and pri ces,—by tlie single Cap or by tiic do/eu. —ALSO— IJoots and Shoes, of the following varietie.s, viz: Fine Water-proof, fine Calf, fine Kip and heavy Winter BOOTS. .Mso, Boy.s’ and Youths’ Calf and Kip Boots. Oentlenien's Dres.s Shoe.s, of various qiuilities. Together with an assortment of I.fiiiirx’,’ and ChiMrcM's B(>OTS and ."HOLS. viz: Jenny Lind, Lxcelsiors, Oaiter.s, ditto Half. Buskins. Slippers and .Morocco Boots. .Vlso. (ientlenien s and Ladies’ i’ubbers. With a good sup])ly of Youths', Boys’, Childrens' and Servants' heavy .Shoes. .Vll of which he otters low for f'oitfi, or on time to punctual customers. I’lease call and s;itisfy yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN C. THOMSON, .M.-irket .''•mare. .Sept. li«. 1S'*1. -iltf .Vltrv, »illlMi\VKM. & to. NKW FALL AND ^VLNTEH CiOOWS. n 99 m _ are now receiving ilirect and I’hil ■ gest and banisiuiest Stock of Sfdulc (tnd (^oods Watches aiidJewolry, At Wh»leN,tlc and Ketail. .). .M. UlCASLEY Wt)VLl> respectfully inform the public gene>"!Uy. that he has returned recent ly from New Yijrk, with decidedly a large as sortment of ttttff cJmTfri/. Many of these Watches were bmight for C.VSH BY TIIK l*A(.’KACiF. .nnd can therefore be sold very low. He has Watches of jill kimls: (,'hains. Keys ami Seals of all kinds and of the latest styles; Finger-Bings, Kar-Bings. Medallion.s, of all size.s, of Fnglish and American make: La dies’ (.’liatelaines: Cuff Fins; Collar and Sleeve Buttons: .'ihirt Studs: Ciold Spectacles, light and heavy: Gold I'ens and Pencils; Gold and Silver Thimbles: Bracelets: Silver Fruit and Butter Knives; Silver Sj*oons of all sizes; large hit ot Pocket ('utlcry: i^cissors, best rpiality: Biitton- ' hole Scissors, Surveyor's Comjuisses and Chains; ! Mathematical Instruments; large quantity of I fine and common I’istols; fine !ind common sin- I gle and double-liari'el (luus; (tame I’.ags; Shot I Belts and I’owiler Flasks; Military tJoods, in- i clinlipg the Ba.s.s Drum and the sm.illest Ibitfon: Violins anl extra Bows; Fiutcs. Clarionets. 11a- ' geolets, .Vccordeons, ol all kinils ;ind sizes; Mu- ' sic Boxes: rerfumer\; .''oap; Lather Bru.^hes; ' Kazors auil Strops; Dressing and Pocket Combs; ’ Plated and Britannia Ware: nnd various other ! things too tedious to enumerate, j Call and give me a trial. \ Cash ]iaii for old G«ld and Silver. I W.\TCHKS and Jkweluy ncatl}' Itepaired. I Fn^etti viJU', X. ('.—Xnrfh-Eitst Corner of Mar/cet ,Sifii(ir>‘. J. M. BKASLKY. NOTICE. The steamer Chatfiani will leave this plao« every Monday and Thursday at i o chiok, M., (instead of 0 o’clock as :it pre.scnt,) com mencing at 7 o'clock Monday 10th inst. Time of leaving Wilmington, every Tuesday and 1-ri- day »t 2 o'clock P. .M. JN(>. D. WIIJ.IAMS. Agent Cape Fear .''tcauiboat Co. Fayetteville. ^March •'!. fMlHF Sab.oribcr I. froni New York and Phil.i'lelpliia. the lar- ... 11 Mj jiiori.: Ol o - ‘ i.'l ( lurry without stopping it, 1 urn happy MANTUA-M.^KINTx & MILLINERY. ‘ ’*Ni u,u your Auudyiie Cougii Drops have 1 Mil!—iii,t only of -IlDt ■t tilt* lungs, >)ut '• iltll'iU;;!! the cough and inrita- I have no more henior- several months have elapsed 1,1V is much stronger.— '“■'lieiiii; [ lijive found to suit my ease the Balsam of Cherry; iu faet, 'Ujii'ri.,1' t(i it iu every way. ^ ours, respectfully, II. L. SHAW. • '|■-.^ilnile Ilf the sign.'itnrc of Dr. W'. G. t'linid upon the outside wrapper I Ins .Medicines. • III L( -ale and retail, by the Proprietor, 'l iii .t let..ring Depot, No. 2i4 Market • ' "111'lelplii;; and Maeoii, (ieorgia, 1 . be had also of James Cain, Uockfish; a, Horal ('olb^ge; Townsend A; Doug.- 'lettsville; Dr. P. M. Colutii, Charles- ' ■ HarLc“, Barclaysville; i*. F. i’escud, lIIN'^DAIi;. Ageiit for Fayetteville. ItS. W.VLTON has just returned from tlie if JL North with a new and beautiful assort ment of Fall anil inter ^11LL1NF.K\, consist ing of silk, satin and velvet Bonnets, of various prices; Plumes, Itibbons and Mowers; Head Dresses and Caps; Straw Bonnets of different ipiality and price; Inside Capes; Collars and Uinlersleeves; very best quality of Kid Gloves; .Mitta, long and short; a tiew and elegant style of Dress Trimmings, of the inosi lash- ionable kind, and a few handsome Dress Pat terns; watered and plain itilk Mantillas; v;l- j vet .Mantillas and Cloaki; a new style of Bon- , net Linings and Triuiniings, of all colors; and a I handsome o«sortment of Flowers and Head Dresses 1 Dresses made in the latest style, like- i wise Mantillas und Cloaks. Oct. U, lt?ol. 30-3m \vi:[.i)().\ noi’E!., MVAA/n, A'. , a raiHK SulKseriber. who kept the Bail H_ Boad Hotel in North Carolina last J.^1. 8. year, h.-iving taken the above house, foiincrlv Spruill’s, and for .-several years past ke}>t by .Mr. W. T. WhitflcM, who n..w keeps ^ tlie new Hotel in Weldon, and having had the house tliori'iighly renovated, and supplied with new Beds. Bedding and Furniture, takes this methotl of informing liis friends and the public generally, that his house is now open for the reception of Bail Boad passengers, anvl others who may favor him with a call. Supper, including the best (Oysters received daily froni Portsmouth, \ a., will always be found ready on the tabic on the arrival of the 'ars. The Weldon Hotel is in the rear of the other liouse, and is, therefore, although within a few yards of the Hail Boa;!, almost entirely cut off from the view of the Passenger.s, by th;it house, and the Southern Ticket Olhce. Pa.sscngers have to pass by, and almost over the steps of that house tt> get to that of the subscriber; and to jirevent I’assengcrs, the L.ndies, particularly strangers, from being deterred tiuin crossing the street over to his house, in the night, or in bad weather, they are earnestly rei|uestcd to in- ipiite of tlie Pas.sengers, on the Bo ifs or Cars, w ho have stoj.ped at his, as to its ijuality and standing as a Hotel, whether they have met with nice:- Beds, or a better Taf.le, >outh or N>rth, where there is not a good City Mar ket. He is determined to keep his house equal to the best and second to none. The Ticket OfBcc for P.altimore by way of Petersburg, llichnioiid, Washington City, iVc. is in his house. The Ticket Office lor Baltimore, bv wav of the Seaboard and Roanoke Hail Bond, and the Bay Line, is in Mr. Whitfield’s house; but the Proprietors of cither house will procure Tickets for the Passengers from the other Of fice, while they are at supper, J.IMKS GRESHAM. \Veldon, Nov. 4, 18ol. .i7-lm $30rrilEWMiD! 1'^SCAPKD from the Jail of Kershaw District, on Monday the 14th day of July last, SAMFKL J. LOVK, who was convictel for the murder of Robert J. Lester, at Spring Term of Court, 18-51. Said Love is about ‘JO or lil years of ago, six feet two inches high, (not certain as regards his height, but supposed to be therea bouts, ) has dark hair, and of a salloAV complex ion, with a d>wncast look; some o‘. his front teeth a little decayed, and follow s the occupa tion of a Carpenter. 1 will give the above reward to any person who will ajjprela^nd the said S. J. Love and lodpe him in any Jail in thii .State, orOnellun- ilred and Fifty Dollars for his safe continement in any Jail in the United Slates, so that 1 can get him. . ^ 1 “ JOHN INGKAAI, .Sheriff. I CamdCT, S. C., Aug. 30, 1861. 20-6m RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. M lOMK in to the Cheap Store, North side of ^ ' llav street, one ab.ive the corner, and buy iK''v liry tinods. .\lso. ln'ady-made Cl.-tiling. Hats and ( ai>s—great \aricty. ISA.VC DODD. Nov. 4, 1 S.')l •" 'tf ^ l-'CLL .LT> country-ma le BBLLt'lI- ■ INti, for wapons. J. .S; T. W ADDILL. N..V. lo. IS'.I, 1). lA M.N.N l!r!il!A.NK, fu tt’ lliwhdnh f WhnU^.iU inA lUtaii L>caUr in aiiil ^iiiilf, F.LI’.'^ coii.'-tiiutly on hand the above nameI articles, -'f the ini'St popular brands, and w.-irrantcd ec(Ual any in the country. Hav ing made airaiigi nients with an extensive house in Baltiinure. he will sell at F.altiniore prices, and r> .'pcctfiilly insites the eili/ens o' I'ayette- ‘ ville and iurroiin.iing country to give him a call. ' I ri iit Street, next door to Mc>srs. Pol- k'V .V Hart, lat the s'gn of THK 11 BK.i Wilniingfoii. Oit. 18..1. .>1*tl aVH*- VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, 'lllK .MOST iorrL.\n. family medicine t) P T II K ;t O E ! llsptl by riiysiri’uis of Hi?h Standing. 'I lie'p UITTKKS remove all morbid iecrctiotii. p.uily llic I.1..0.1, f rnf", Il.CP-tive.>,K..ns. touifv tUo stoin a(; all Iu ii . can l.e taken w itli KUtetv. at lu. Uine debiU- lUe Kiatetul to the niost Jeh- catc voia rcniMiWalile lor their ili^tiiuK. invicoiKliiiiS- siieiiKtliPmut?, and restoialive i>u>l>er- ties, aiitl HU iiuabialili! aiul sute rcnied) lor I)Y}Sl*!:rSI\ IX ITS IVORST FORMS. Also, I.ivcr I ,.n.,.h.i..ts, JHUMjlice tivefipss. l-aiiitncss, ))isor.Iers of ll>«. t>Uiii Lom of \|>pelite. I.ow S|nnls, Oi.l.liaess, I’Hli.iiatioii of the Heart. Siiikii f? and l- uU. nes« (.1 \Vei({lit at the Ston.ach. eausi-d b> aa iiiniiiie stal.: of which loiid to dc*jilitate and wei»ten the Hjsteni. F J M . V I.. E S \Vl.osu(ter from a morbid »nd unuataral condition w ill tiad this .Mcdiciae of INESTIMABLE VALUE. In . ...K, of UK.NKU UKBlLIXy. this Vtit- Ciae X* IS 1.1 KK A ( HAH.M . THOXTSABrDS Han- tested its cBicucy. and thooKSurts move arc now ha'Tern^el^eporn^rV^Tnme^^ ct tiWt U ‘those who Ua^e been i,ermaacntly Call on the .igent, atid gft a PlJIPHI ET, l ontainiag the (>rtilio(.t*>i» of Ketnarkabjo Cuies and ;>"e htgh in -tVcc b> the Public I’less -cau t*e ha I ot the Ageius, ircc. i®®- Large Q,uarts $1; Pints 50 Ceuta. Sold by «// the Principal JJrugt(uts tn th« CnilftI Statts und Canadus. rrinojl'al O.Uce, liJ KUL'IO.V ST- For sale by S. J. November 8, That they have ever exhibited in this market, i enibracinjr every variety of Ladies' and tlentle- : men's 1>BF.''.'' ;(K)1).'. amon^ which may lie I'ouiid: P.laek and fancy w atered and plain Dress Silks; black and fancy I'oburjjs; Lama Twills: tijrured an I plain fancy .and lil.ack .Nlohair Lus tres;' Silk Warp and Crape Brocades; .“swiss, Scotch and t'hene (lin^hains; Saxony l)e-Lains: French. Fn;;lish and .\merican Prints: F.mli'd Cashmeres; plain ditto; chaiiireable Be-Lains; wateri 1 and ncolle-wovk Cashmeres; clianrca- ' Me '^'oneso.s: IWoea lc Lustres; Iiain.isk .Koliaii.''; blaek P.uinbaiines; second-mourninfr Poplins; jilain and watered Silk M.aiitillas; colorel and Mack Velvet .Mantillas; Brocade Po|)liiis: and a larire assurtment of Bress Triiiiuiinis; French and l'n;;!ish Merinos; \ civet Neck Bilibons .‘ind Cufis, .>cc. KMr.ll()ll>KUIKS. French worked Collars and ('.-ipes; French worked t'ulfs; French worked Chemisettes; Ln- dcr-Sleeves; Swi>s and .(aeonet Trimminfrs; In fants' W.iists ;ind ‘'aj's; Hem-stitched and nee dle-worked Linen ('ambric Handkerchiels, from in ets. to >!•■>: and a lu'.iuiifiil assortment of Veils; e'.erv variety of .''haw Is, einbrniilered :ind plain; Thiea I. Colton and Linen Elgings and Laces; bl.ick Silk Laces .and Ldpn^'s. — LSO— F.lack. blue. br>>wn ami }:reen French and Fiijrlish (’loths: black and fancy Cas.siniercs; , Cut A’elvet. fi^rmed and black .'satin and \ alcu- eia Vestiii"s, (some very haii'lsome;! Sattinets; Kentucky .leans; Tweeds; Liiiscys; Ilaiincls, w.iol and cotton; Osn;iI>urti5; Dru^ijrets; Dauiusk Table Coths; ditto Naj kins; Centre-Table Cov ers. verv tine; Piano Cuvers; Irish Linens; Lin en L.awns; Thread Cambrics; rowellinj^s; (icn- tlemen s .Merino Shirts ami Drawers; Silk Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs; Ladies' Merino \ ests: 'ashniere and Silk Hose; ditto Hulf-llose: the celebrated .''alem .leans, black and grey. Ladies', (Jentlenien’s autl Childrens BOOTS and Sll( >FS. Men's. Boys' and Infants' Hats and Caps. Velvet. Satin, Straw •■ind Fl.irence Bonnets. Ditto ditto ditto for^ ,\nd every article usually kei>t iu a Dry tioods ."^tore. We invite the pul>lic to call and exam- inc our larjie and handsome Stock, as we are al ways nnxioiKs to show our (ioods. UV h'vvp Siii/or, Tm (tnil .VBKV, SHLMWFLL CO. return thanks to the citizens of Fayetteville, and th"^ jniblic jrenerally, for the very liberal ])atron.*ijre here tofore bestowed on them, atid intend, by strict .ittcntion to business, to merit a continuance. S. S. ABFV. P. SHF.MWFLL. J. B. .McDON.\Ll). Fayetteville, Sept. 1-5, 18.)1. -Itf H.WF just received frotn New \ork, my FALL AND WINTHB NO'i'ici:. FALL m \VI\T1'1 IJOODS. fH K .Subscril'crs are now rcceivin't a well JL selected stock of .'Staple and Fancy DUV (iOOD.’^. .\monr their stock will be found the i latest styles of Ladies’ and (Jentlemen's DBK.^S tU)ODS. tojrether with a {rood assortment of j llcady-iuade Clothing; Ttnhn'llas; Haft*, j ;inrl ]5 nint is; all kiiKl. of lJi>ots atnl Sliia'.«; Carjxtiu^; S;ilill(..>, IJridlc.s, liip.s I und (’dllars; Ilanhvare ami (’utlory; Lea- : thcr; llolliw-\varo:iiul(’'rockory-\varo; Loaf, Ijump, Criislicd, ('Ijiriiied and I'Srowu S\i- •rar^; Teas; llio, Lujruir.i and -]ava Coffee; Salt, Mola>ises., I mu and Nails. AVitii many other Goods, which will be sold verv cheap for Cash, or on time to who pay punctually. W e would be glad if onr friends and the public generally would jrive us a call. J. I. COUNCIL cS; CAIN. .Sejd. 1. IS-'il. ^f'tf BROTllKUS L1\E. Tin' Sfeatner BP.OTHFBS and Tow- Boats, STEVENSON and DAVID LEWIS are i>re- pared to forward with Dk.'I’all good.i cou- sijrtied to the Proprietor. The Steamer Brothers is of lijjlit draft, ami ■well suited to run in low water, .''he p■>&^esse.'^ power, und speed, and is admirably adajUed to towing, and can accommodate about *_’» pas.'cn- gers. The projvrietor cojitemplates rnnniit" tlic l>oat Jiiniself, and will iive sjiccial attention to w.iy freight and naval .“tores; to t'living, and will al so attenI to the comfort and convenience tf Pa.-sengers. From hi.-^ lon^ experience a.- .\e(nt iu Wilmington of the several .^team Boat Com panies, he thinks he can give satisiactiou. To Merchants in the interior he wcnihl Say. that all floods shipjied >>y him, will be delive»-ed to their .\gents in Fayetteville. His aucnt in Wilmington is .TOHN C. L.ST'f.V, to whuni .'ill communications may be addressed, a. .\gent oi“ the .‘'tcainer Brothers. JOHN B.VNKS. Proiirietor. ^layln. ‘2-y BL.\CKSM1THS’ BFLLtUVS, Anvils. \ ises, .'. rew I’lates. and Hamnieis, for sale by LI-KTi; .y .lOIINSoN, 2 doers West tif ('. F. Bank. C a rri acre M a i ui fac tor v. Kncoura^e ^^orfli Carnlina. f n’lIIF undersigned is mannfacturing, in Fay- Jl. etteville, Boot and Shoe, far superior to the Blacking purcliasel in the Northern cities, lie intends devoting hi.s whole time to manufacturing :in'j vending thi.s very su perior Polish, and c:ills ujton all w ho think it to the interest of the Southern jieople to become independent d" Northern manufactures, to give him their aid and pationage. He is ]>rei>ared to show, by ahitiihile triaK to any one who will call upon him, the ruM mt/ie- riorili/ of his over all other fiodxhr! or Unfkti’ff now sold in North Carolina. Call and have your boots .'.nd shoes once completely blacked and ptilisheil, and be satisfied. This article is o11erel at a ]>rice iH)t liiglier th.'iii is usu.'iliv charged for otht*r and inferior ijualities, and it trial is all that is askel to se cure the jiatronage of the j ublic generally. The undersigned expects t^i vi-it every por tion of the State to introduce his Polish, and a.-^ksnow in advance that Merchants and othei-s visitinir Favetteville will give him a call. - * A. .1. WtJODWAKD. .lune 1!1, l?-'.l. _ .wiaccii.i.vTs^ T' I Sfock of Coods, Consisting of a general assortment ot Dry (lotuls, {Irofcries. llardwure, (’iitlery, &f. 1 will barter for Tl'IlPFNTlNE, nr ;iny kind of Produce. N. KING, 10 miles North of Fayetteville. Oct. -28, 18o0. ful operation »ui the C.ipw Fear Biver. and ■ continue to oiler muuy facilities to the shippiii] public. Persons patronising this Line, may rest as- ■ surcd that their (ioods will be brought up with i dispatch, ami at tlie very lowest rates of freight. ! .\. w\ STFKL. President. T. S. LUTTLB 1.011, j Agent at Fayelteville. i Feb. ]•'), IWL " i" WANTKl). fWlHE Subscriber wishes to purchase filKl.OfKl JL lbs. B.VtiS, for which the highest cash prices will be iiaid on delivery in 1*ayetteville * DAVID rdCBPHV. Bockfish, Cumberland, .Vug. 20, 1H->1. lo-(>ni KING and A. Mc.MILLAN have entered « into copartnership in the Distillery of Turjieniine, airl have erected a Still ou the West side of the Fayetteville and W estern Plank Fioud, S miles from Fayetteville. N. KING. jl„v y.—71tf A. McMILL.VN. HE Subscriber having taken the L.'^tablisli- uieut of the late A. C, Siiunson. (situateii opposite \\\ McIntyre's Su>re.) intends can-ying on the Carriaije Maiiurcicturinir Bfisiiiess Jn all its various bnniche.*, and would respect fully solicit a share of the public patronage. Having had considerable experience in the business, anil having Tieen employed in some of the most exteniiive J'stablishments in New York and New .lersey, he tlattere himself that he cuii give general sati.sfaction. He warrants all his work to be made of the best material the surrounding country affords, and by ex])crienced workmen; atid slumld any of it fiiil, cither in material or workman.-liip. in twelve months from the time of its dcliyery, he will repair it free of charge. BF.PAl UIN'« done in the nentest and best manner, and at the lowest ]>ossiblc prices. A. 11. V.'HITI ILLI). Fayetteville, Fel>. 11, Ttt Jjinr of foHr-]it)i'!it: Pu!>f Coorlntij Jnml FnifrtlvA'iUe to H «/>«./«•,— rS^llE .Subacri^iers haviiri sccured the mail L contract on the above Line, v. iil eonunencc TllI.S DAY, running a I.iue of Four lluisc Po.'rt Coaches. Daih*. Leaving Fuyctteville at ij P. M., and arriving at Warsaw at I f> \. M.. in time for the Car.s No'*th and South. Be* turning, leax'O Warsaw on the arrival ot the Cars, say alxnit 1 or ‘J P. and artive .a Fay elteville in ten hours. L'very care will he taken to reinler the line pleasant, convenient, and .safe, for Tr.ivellers. A Line of Sta'res will be es'tablished .is Kooii us possible, hy the Plank Uoad, fro;n F iyettc- ville via Carthage and .Vsiieborough, to Lexing ton, .Salem, ami Saiisburv. McKlNNON McNFlLL. Favetteville. N. C., -\ng. S, 1S.)1. 11-tf N Y-. uji staiw illNSlLYLK. Sy-v 100,0(H) .\crcs Valuable V 1 -M B K \l 1. A N I) S FOIl .!ALi:. '^a^HE Subseril>cr has )>urchased all the Lauds i ■ belonging to the E.'.tate of Abram Dubois, dec’d. lying principally in Bobeson county, and on Itofh si'les of Lumber Biver, the different sur veys containing I Ovor 100,000 Acres; ■ \ large jiart finely Timbered, and convenient to j Lumber River, where a large quantity of Tim- 1 ber is now rafted to the (Jeorgetown market. ' These Lands are very viiUmble both for the Timl>er ami Turpentine, for which purpose a : large part is well suited, being in a region wdiere the Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other section of the State. The Lands will be sold at a low price, and iu quantities to Isuit purchaseris. Information respecting the title can^ be ob tained by applying to the Hon. Robert .‘'trange, Hon. .las, C. Dubbin, or A. A. T. Smith, t;si., (Attorneys at Law.) I I understand there are many trespassers on these Lands, to all of whom notice is her-jby given, that the law will be cnforecd again-ji all , such offemlers. .Vpplicaiion for any part of the Lands can be made to mv ^lilf, or to John Winslow, Esq., who I iB duly authorised to make sale of the same. TllO.S. .L CUKTIS. i FiyeUevillc, N. 0., Sept. 1, ISiu. 7titf Mf\e Uteri. WE to buy 2O.l)0tt barrels Turpentine. KING & McMlLLAN. 75 libls. No. 1 Herring. 2-’) “ ** 3 Mackerel. 100 Bales Hay. 100 Pieces Cotton I’agging. .')0 f’oils Ro]>0. 200 Lbs. Twine. :»0 Hhds. Molasses. o Hhds. Fair Sugars. .*>0 Bags Bio Coffee. With Alum and Sack Salt, and Gr..ceries gcn- erallv. for sale at the lowest market prices. »>y JNO. I>. WILLIAMS. August 14, Ibol. OPE and Bagging, and Bagging Twine, for sale by LEETE .V JOHNSON, 2 door.s West of C. F. Bank. R TO CO'l TON PLANTEUS. P1E ES COTTON BAGGING, 75 coils Hope, 200 lbs. Twine, Just received and for sale cheap, by PETEU P. JOH.nSON. August Iri, 1851. MUSIC^ Anew supply of for the 1'iuno , • H.-^LF. &SON. I Oct )l>cr 27, li'ol. ^ j Blank ^V^lrrants for sale here. Sta^e liiiie tollaloijch. fBlHE Subscriber.^, Mail Contnictors from B Fayetteville to Baleigh. will coninicnee operations this day, with new and cemfe.rtablo ('oaches, good horses, and careful Driv,‘is. The Fare ia FlYE IKJLLABS—.same a.i before. The Stage Houses are. i« f ayetleville, the Fh,\- ettcville Hotel, in lialci^ih, the \aiborngli House: but Passengers will lie convcved to siich^ other Houses as they may sclect. 1 he hours ot departure wiB be, n'ntil further notice, at half past 0 P. M. from Fayettev.lle, .‘iiid at 2 P. from Kaleigh, 4aily. The suliM-.rlbers hope, Ly unremitted attention, to secure a liberal shar® of the travel. MCUDOCK McKlNNON, DAVID .McNElLL. Fiiyatteville, .July 1, 18->1. 7H-tf WANTKi\ ofH'M) ft. Ashe Lumber for Wag'ns, 1 \ to ." inch*"^ thick. .StOO ft. Hc.isoned Oak Lumber. I5 f> ” inche*. 1000 ft. White Oak «ul Hickory, for .\xlctrecs- lOOO ft. W'hite Oak for Tongues, Bolsters and Shafts. 100 Tost Oak lIuLs, for Carts and Wagons. 200> Spokes. For which the highest c.ash pnce wdl he paid. Apjdy 800U to I fj'l'LB. Mj»y r.L 1«51. _ _ '--tf TO WINK .M.\KERS, WE haio a few barrel.s >f ftnc old Apple- Br.indy for sale; ouch as those who want to make good wine should get. COOK & TAVI.OB. Sept. 1«. 1851. 22-tf A SUPPLY of Fi’esh fJrouiid (,'OUN MEAL kept for s.ile at the .^iilI, late .Vndersoii’s. Grinding of Hominy and Meal dune nromiitly. FayettuviUt, March I-*-- InUXTrNG 4i r.\V ;i^jlb Kers. ii;'i rc. eix- 1 ar. i for ^.,Ueby ■ f’ J. HALE SON. Aug. 1;:.

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