%i UTO SEMI-WBEKIi Y [VOL. 1.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., TUESDAY MORNING, DECExVIBER 2, 185L [NO. / i ■> »i.j "I’UINTKI' BY J. H. NEW15Y. I’DWAKI) j. hale & sox, r.DlTORS ANl> PROIMUETOUS. I'rcc for the Soini-Vt’cckly Obskuveu !*!4 (K) if ii;ii I i» during the M'ar of sifter the year h:ia ’,x!,irc.l. l or the 'Vcokly OissniiVEH §2 00 per annina, if jiiiUl ii» nilviincc; !?2 50 if paid during the vc:ir of siibsoripfion: or $’5 00 after the year li;’.s expii'cil. \l)VI'in iSKMKNTS inserted for sixty cents per sijuiin' for the fii-st. and thirty cents for each sinoof'lii'r i>Hl)1ieatton. Yearly advertisements \,T cuiitructs. at re;ifionable rates. Ad- arc requested to stsite the number of jn^riions desirvil, or they will be continued till fo'.biii. aiui i liarped accordingl_j-. r.?>” Lett-rri to the Editoi-s mvut be post-jiaid. WINTER GOODS. ^ fSIIll- uiidvrsi:neu expect to open in a day or 3. tuo. a haiidsnHie STOt'K OF (.i(>OI>S, . ti'f tlie present seasiin, all of which Mpn- eV‘i'tO'l personally with care, and will be i fffrc'l toc"Untrv Merchants at a small advance. II. i: E. J. LILLY. Voveail'Cr i!t, lt?ol. 42-4w Cumberland Superior Court of Law. SPECLVL TEK.M. PI HLIC Notice is hereby given, that a Spe cial Term of Cunilierland Superior t’ourt of Law will be held on the 2d M onday in Feb ruary for tlie trial of such Civil Ca.ses as were on the trial docket at Fall Term, lojl. fuitors and wiino.sses will take due notice thereof and govern thenuselves accordingly. I). G. .MAC RAE, I’lerk. Not. 22, 18ol. 42tc isOOT-MAKKRS, WHO wjiut a superior article of Oak Tan SOLE LKATllLR, with French an.l American CALF SKINS, can be ^^unplicd at our Store. J. & T. WADDILL. Nov. 20, 18')1. 41t-f « ^ » m: AH) for \OLNG NEGROES. Apply to J. & T. WADDILL. Sept. 2o, 1851. 2otf NEXVn^KAL undersigned have entered into copart- nership, under the name ai»d style of Ijawroiloe & Tr«y, F or the purpose of doing a general Mercantile and liarter busine!?s. We iiave taken tiic Store, No. 1(1 (iRKEN STllFET. t'ornicrly occupied by Messrs. John lluske \ Son. GKO. W. LAW1!KN('E. JOHN H. TROY, Jr. Oct. 22, 1S51. yritf Sf* efSairif^s ^Seiiooi^ IIALEIGII, N. C. ilHK I'-'th Term of tliis School will e»>m- mcui'c on the Till of January, lSo2, and i.iiiiiii- tive montliM. F. r :i' iivular containing full particulars as 1 toi'i'iis. \o.. njtplv to the subscriber. ALDKUT SMEDES, Rector. N'.v. 1>, ISol. 41-7t Mi:iU'ER PO I'A'l'OES. IS.MtllKI..'' now l:indiiig. ^9^ ■ hhds. Mola.sses do. I’or sale by IL RRANSON & SON. ^ -_M. 42-tf Plantation for Sale. fS^Ill'. subscriber o‘Ters for sale her T’lanta- 9 lii n. kiiiiwu !is the “Shaw l*la«.‘e.” This I’ltntalioii contains llK* .Veres. al>out one-third if «!mii is clearol. It partly lien within the T nil rauit.. on ('rox. ('reek. \ porti»>n of it : wt :l tiui>» rcd. The River tield contains pro- I'l. tivi- iiieadow.s, and produces good ('om crops, iiicre ar- «. \eral improvements on the place. F r liirthur particulars. iniuire of Major .^l^Lc:iu or Jamc.s Dank.x. ANN SHAW. Fp.vctteville, Nov. 20. 1851. 42--it »r. T. D. H.VS taken an Otlice on Hay Street, West of the Hotel ihiildlngs. July 14, 1851. 4-tf FAYETTEVILLE”I'ONFECTIONERY. CHARLES BANKS, Confertiotierj iNF()RMS the public, that ho has refitted his E.*ital>iishnieiit on Green Street. :md has on hand a fresh supply of C.VNUIF.S, manufactured by himself out of the best Loaf Sugar, unl war ranted free from starch, flour, paste, and perni cious paints. His whole time an«l attention is now ilevoted to making ('andy, and lie is pre pared to supply all orders with Camlies equal to any made in the Uniteil States. Tluso Can dies he warnints to keep in any climate; and he will sell to Town or Country merchants, as cheap as good and pure Candy can be purchased iu New York or elsewhere. Fayetteville, Oct. 28, 1851. 21-tf ^^i :Tv (^)oiTs^^ I fUST received, my Fall stipplv of CLOTHS, ■ CAS81MEUES AND VESTINGS, TRIM-j MINGS, of the best quality, from New | York. Also, the latest Report of the New York ! FASHIONS. j I .still oontiiine to carry on the TAILORING lil'SINESS, at my Stand on Hay j street, and those who may favor me with thoir custom m.ay rely on having their work done in a neat and fashionable style, and on the most ' favorable terms. i ARCHIRALD GRAHAM. Oct. 27. 1851. ;i4tf ifi. ISi'aiiMoii A: Son OFFER FOR SALF, BHHD. jirime St. Croix SCG.Ml, 2 hhds. New Orleans ditto, 20 bbls. !>efinel ditto, 5 •* Granulated ditto, ;>* bags green Rio Coffee, 5 “ (iov't Java ditto, 75 kegs Nails, i!d. to (I inch Spikes, 1 dozen Kiiglish cross-cut Saws, 5 casks Cheese, 2(( boxes ditto, 10 boxes tine Chewing Tobacco, Extia Wool Hats, Negro Shoen & Ulaiikets. Oct. 22. 1851. 3«tf Ti>7fr. ICllI-ST YOI'NG I1VS(,)N, 1 ditto Gunpowder, 1 Catty Iniperiiil, For sale by CIIS. ll.VNKS. Oct 28, 1851. ' ?,4-tf I'irm 'ril(‘ MIultM sii:il('(l lllV( ciittM'cd into eopurtnersliip. under the name and style of HALI. A: SA('!\r.'l'T. tor the jiurpoyo of doing u Dry (.ioods and Hardware Rusiness, .ind have taken the Store •» uours East oi the Fayetteville Hotel. J. 11. H.VL'L. A. E. HALL. T. M. S.^CKHTT. August 2'). 1851. V'- n;tf E :vre now receiving a large and well se lected St"ck of iloU'hki^K WaU*r Wlierls ^ 1 \ \ ti.. f’lriiished by the undersigned. (Md ! H \1 is r:tn s.ive !;!10 to i>15, and new Mills s'.M t s|'t. ijv procuring these W heels «>f me. I I't 11^ !'>r tlie latest iniprovfrnents in saw in:;'? r, iistaiitiy on liand. Steam mills rei>aired liir lualiKiit. Grates for burning saw flust, .s.asli ci.rn .ohelkrs, IJhicksnuth irons, mill s. geiriii:!. backs for chimney.s, fronts 1 r lir -places, and castings of every descrip- ! ":i. made to order. lie lia.s just returned from the Great Exhibi- t. 'ti. aiMl is prepaied to furiii.>«h machinery of tlie latest iiiiprovenient. .V few ])atterns for t'tu:-y r.iiiiiig fences for yards and cemeteries e'.pe.ted (lrii!y. Horse Powers for threshing ;;r.i:u. sawing wood, and grinding corn, made I" ni’.K-r. .1 four-horse Power, with grist mill t'"' i^riud 10 t) .'>(> bushels of corn per day, for iie is also making j)roparution to man- utii ture Page’s celebrated Saw Mills for saw- '.I sr lumber.—will saw 5,(Ji»0 feet of lumber per ■V specimen of f.incy Casting can be seen at 1 'liserver )tlice. II. G. HAl.L. \'.y, I'.t, 1851. 41-3m THK DISTINCTION DRAWN. At tlie ]>resent day. it is the u.«age of patent i.if- lii'Wi*- l’ri>p>r'etors to offer their nrticles with H ri-c >niuiendation. that ‘‘they tire a sure eure” t"r ;ill nr the nmst of the maladies to which the iiunnui race is subject. The re.sult is, that the I'Uli'.ir ;i'ut‘ral!y has been most egi'egiously i.M;lf'l by them. It is quackery of the deepest uj'i-. t i iitrer medicine for the eure of diseases tlirit iliffi*r totally in their nature and character; ' I'lr instance. consuni|>tion, or liver affeo- t: dropsy or rheumatism. Scientific nieli- ' iiie liokls that one remedy is to cure only such afff.-tioiis as are similar or Hiialagou.s. and con- J^‘''iu. iitly there must be different medicines for 'iitUTeiit disea.ses. (^u.ackery holds that one re- iiK>ly is suffu ient for all or uiany disorders, "liftlier analagoiis or not. "itlii.iita )iati‘ut or guaranty of any kind ff' 111 ■^iivcriuiient, and none ought to be waiit- ^ i. l»r. i.ittle has found it absolutely necessary, ■ II i '>ii'liictin^ an extensive Drug Business, to Iiau* a !rw I’liai-iiiaceutieal .Medicines prepared ‘■f taniily use. that are really good, if not in •I'baiM e c,f any of the day. Some of these com- |"'iiii.l, ;ii(. (-iiiirely new, whil.^t others are an '■!n;.riivciiicnt ii[ir.n the old plan. They are pre- t' li'f'l ia tlic lif-it iiiaiiuer from select medicines, -III :iif i.i'cscribeil for such maladies as they '•i‘l .•i>Mirfdly cure, or are very likely to do so, II I mlicrs. .\nd from the fact that he has ^ eii.tlilf(l to cure a great many cases with •''I", tliat (itliiT physicians liad failed in, as wfil iis that thi'v are now extensively,reconi- li-1 li_v many, (le doubts not but that they Hot only sujn rior. but rarely equallel from •in\ ijiiirter. To illustrate, wherever the .\no- and Vermifuge hare been " I ti’icil. ;ind it is the case in many places, not "iil\ iiiilivii|uals but whole neighborhoods are ’’I " to viiurli for the unparalleled success of I III iii> less d«'gree of success, however,' 'ti“ bvsju'i.tic .Medicines, Ringworm and ' ft'-r (French Mixture, been t>'t . Iiiit they are not so often wanted. OP jut; . . -Mjuioii, .\pril lt49. ntt ""l . *—-^fter having had repeated ” I *' ^ Ilf liemorrhage of the lungs, for wliich •'t U'*1V' ' * ' Wist.ir’s Halsam t., I * Ix'n \ without stopping it. 1 am hapjiy ’ |ii 'iriii vou your .Vnoilyne Cough Drops have ^ K'H me—not only of the eough and irrita- jf tin* lungs, but I have no more hemor- ^ '“^e, although several months have elapsed ^I'K.e; bcsiijcx^ niy breast is much stronger.— '*'*^'iiciiie I have found to suit my case ‘•'K I liftter than the Malsam of Cherry; in faot, •■J- t r superior to it in every way. Yours, respectfully, ,, n. L. SII.VAV. I *'*‘--hiuiile of the signature of Dr. W. G. y ' found upon the outeitle wrapper ^.icli (,t l,i. Mu,Heines. ‘ "'I wholesale anil retail, by the Pro|irietor, bt 1 7'“‘'''aeturing Depot, No. 2»U Market ' ' aud .Macon, Georgia. \ ^ " James Cain, Kockflsh; ■itsoii, Floriil (’ollege; Townsend & Doug- !^7."‘' tt«'ille; Dr. P. M. Cohen, (^larlee- I'l ilejo-b l’“»’L’laysville; P. F. Pescud, ■- J- HIN8DALE, A^ent for Fayetteville. Ri:.MOVAL. ^BlUE Subscribers have removed to the new ■L Hrick St*»re, two doors west of the Ctipe Fear Hank, where they arc receiving their Fail Stock of Drj Gomh, Groii-rit'K, J/unficarc mtl Cntlrr^, iiiul Vnji-hcry. —AI.SO— anif Shift'.'!, tfH1 liop*", /"'isJi, of tlifffrent hhuh. In fact, every thing usually called for in the mercantile line, to which they invite an exanii- ' nation. LEETE JOHNSON, (.k-t. 27, 1851. 34-tf , ^■THE Sl'BSCRinER is leceiving and offers ! A for sale, a well selected stock of i iwrocerles^ Lemon, Soda, IJutter, aud Water Crackers, Pilot Rread, Pickles and Preserves. Nut.s, Raisins and Prunes, Tobacco and Cigars, Oil tlie most reasonable terms for Cash, or on time to punctual tu»iomers. CHS. RANKS, yo. i> Green St. Fayetteville. C)ct. 28. 18.'»1. .‘{4-tf NOTICE. subscriber is now receiving his Fall a. aud Winter Stock of F.\NCV and ST.VPLL DRY Hats, Cap.'i, and Bminets; Hont.'j Slmos; Hardware and Cutlery; IJIack.smith.s’, Ooopcrs’, aud Carj)enters’ Tnols; Straw Cutters, Com i^licllers, &c.; Ilollow-ware; Heavy gouds for Negroes, «tc. &e. The above gools will be sold at wholesale or retail, to suit customers. We say nothing a- bout how the above Goods were bought, or how they will be sold, but we do say come and see, at the Huske buildings, Green Street. P. TAYLOR. Oct. 28. Carolinian ’2m i!4-2m nT(VVES! S'r()VES!! (^UlT.VRLE for Churches, Parlors, Factories, and Stores. For sale by C. W. ANDREWS, Market S(uare. Oct. 27, 1851. ;^4tf SALEM PAPER-MILL. f UlIIE subscriber has taken charge of this old JL and well known Establishment, and is i)re- parcd to attend to all orders for Printing Paper, Merchants’ and Factory W rapping, cVc. The Mill has recently been thoroughly refitted with new^ niachinery, nnd the subscriber believes he can furnish Paper of as good *iuality aiul at as cheap prices as can be purchased any where. North or South. CHARLES E. SHOBER. Salem, June 7, 1851. 77tf Mrs. lilCViL has opened th.at large ami convenient hou«e, near ' I i• iiMlf foot of Haymount, on Hay street. known as the Farmers’ and Planters’ Hotel, w here she wtuild be glad to accommodate gentlemen with Roard by the week or month. Families can be supplied with pleasant rooms. She is also pre})ared to accommodate Travel lers and their horses. Her Stables are attend ed to by one well acquainted with the manage ment of horses. Those who are so kinil as to patronize her, shall find that her greatest care will be to please. Oct. 27, 1851. 34tf MrVNTUA-MAKlNG & MILLLXERY. djl RS. WALTi^N has just returneJ from the North with a new and beautiful assort ment of Fall and Winter MILLINERY, consist ing of silk, satin and velvet Bonnets, of various prices; Plumes, Ribbons and Flowers; Head Dresses atxd Caps; Straw Bonnets d’ different quality and price; Inside Copes; Collars and I'ndersleeves; very best quality of Kid Gloves; -Mitts, long and sliort; a new aud clcgaut stylo of Dress Trimmings, of the nuist fash ionable kind, and a few handsome Dress Pat terns: watered and plain silk Mantillas; vel vet .Mantillas and Cloaks; a new style ot JJou- net Linings aud Trimmings, of all colors; and a handsome assortment of Flowers and Head Dresses tSSs^T Dresses made in the latest style; like wise Mantillas and Cloaks. Oct. 14, 1851. 30-3m w miY • 'omprising every article usually kept in that line, togetiier with ir>() C'ases IU)ots and ISliocs. Ilat« asid ('ap>». —AL.^O— A well 9elect*d Stock of To all of which we iiniie the attention of .Mer chant.'' of the int> rior, who will find it to their interest to exuiuine our Stock before making their pun-hases. We w ill not l»e undersoUl by any one doing busines.'i iu this place. ' HALL vV SACKI'TT. .\ugnst 25, 1S.’>1. Ititf I)()M j fflTTLE River Osnaberg.«; 7-8 atid 4-4 i J Sheetings alwa;, s on lund, and for sale jit 1 Factory prices, bv I STARR eS: WILLIAMS. June 7, 18.51. 75tf Brussels and other ('arpetinjjs,! Ilenrth Rugs, Druggets, Crunib-Cloths, Pitiuo I and Table Covers. For sale by | STARR \ WILLIAMS. Nov. 5, 1851. a7-tf rnor(\-itic IL .Manuel'S, as preserved :imong the liigh- laiiders, being an historical and descriptive ac count ol the inhabitants, anti|tiities, and na tional peculiarities of Scotland, b/ Janies Lo gan. Just rccei\cd an«l for .‘^ale by i:. J. HALF & SON. To Plank Ro?.d Contractors. f B ^ H V. undersigned is autlioi izcd to let to con- JB. tract the fir^t seven set tions of the Fay etteville and ('entre I’laiik Roail, extending from Fayetteville to Me.Vrthnr's Creek, 7 niiUs. The reports and estimates of the Engineer can be seen, by calling on the 8ec’y, Jno. M. Rose. Applicati'.Jis must be Lnnle very soon. JNO. A. UILLIaSiS, Pres’t. Nov. fi, 1851. «7-tf ~ \VELi)()N liori^., WcUon, X. ('. THXHE subscriber, v.ho kept the Rail S., Roa^ d Hotel in North Carolina last year, ha\ing taken the above house, j foi'uierly Spruill’s, and for several years past { kept by Mr. W. T. Wliitfield. who now keeps ■ the new Hotel in Weldon, nnd having had the house thoroughly renovated, and supplied with : new Reds, Redding aud Furniture, takes tliis methiMl of int'ormiiig his friends and the {lublic j generally, that his house is now ojien for the | reception of Rail Road jiassengers, and others wdio may favor him with a call. Supper, including the best Oysters received daily from Portsuiouth, Va., will alwaj--4 Ik; found ready on the table on the arrival ot the Cars. The Weldon Hofei is in the rear of the other house, and is, therel'ore, although within a few yards of ti»e llail Road, almost entirely cut off from the view of the Pa.ssengers, by that Louse, and the Southern Ticket Office. Pa.ssengers have to pass by, and almost over the stejis ot that house to get to that of the subscriber; and to prevent Passengers, tlie Ladies, particularij’ strangers, from being doterretl Irem crossing the street over to his house, in the night, or in bad weather, they arc earnestly re()uested to iu- quite of the Passengers, on the Boats or (.'nrs, who have stopped at his house, as to its quality and standing as a Hotel, whether they have met with nicei' Beds, or a bettei" Table, South or North, where there is not a good City Mar ket. He is determined to keep his house equal to the best and second to none. Tiie Ticket Office for Baltimore by way of Petersburg, Richmond, ANashington City, f;c. is in his hoii.se. The Ticket Ofhcc for Raltimore, by way of the Seaboard and Roanoke Rail Road, and the Ray Line, is in Mr. Whitfield's house; but the Proprietors of either house will procure Tickets for the Passengers from the other Of fice, while they are at supper. JAMES GRESHAM. W'eldon, Nov. 4, 1851. 37-lni $300 HKWARD! 17SCAPED IVom the Jail of Kershaw District, J on Monday the 14th dny of July last, SAMUFH. J. LOVE, who was convicted for the murder of Robert J. I.e.ster, at Spring Term of Court, 1851. Said Love is about 20 or 21 years of age, six feot two inches high, (not cer tain as reganls his height, but supposed to be therea bouts.) has dark iiair, and of a sallow complex ion, with a downcast look; some of his front teetli a little decayed, and follows the occupa tion of a Carpenter. 1 will give the above reward to any person wLo will apprehend the said 8. J. Love and lodge him in any Jail in this State, or One Hun dred and Fifty Dollars for hie safe etmfinement in any Jail iu the United States, so that I can get him. JOHN INGRAM, Sheriff. CastdeH; S. 0-, Aug. 30, Idol. 20-6oi 'I'he Subscriber still continues to carry on the C.\RINP]T lU'SlNHSS ill Fayetteville, and in addition to his Kstablishment on Bow street, near I^ccles's Bridge, has openel a large WARF R(K)M on Hay street, nearly oppo.site the Fayetteville Hotel nnd one door East of .Messrs. Haigh &, Son’s, where a general as.?ortmeiit of ITIUaM'rURE, Made by comj»etent and faithful workmen, may be hail at j>rices corresponding with the times. -Mso, an assortment of Northern-iuade FURNI- TURF,, selected b_y himself, which will be sold at a very moderate advance. l»l'N(’AN McNFILL. Nov. 10. 1851. ;!8tf E keeps on hand an assortniiMit of Fi.k’s celebrate.l MKT.\LL1C P.CIUAL CASKS, which have been highly recommended by Willie i*. Manguui, Henry (.’lay, Lewis Cass, Wni. R. King, and many other illustrious charaiters. v.ho have examined and witnessed their utility. H-:: xk'fkr I’lliL l.M! \ll\TLll (iO(ID!. T’ V; have received and are now receiving our usual .''lock of 8T.\PU: vV IWNC’V (JOODS, Consisting of nearly every article usually kept in the Dry Goods line. —ALSO— A FI.NK A.:S(mT.Mi;.NT OK i’'ashion:ible IJonnels, Hats, Caps, Roots, Shoes, \'c. The above Stock we would invite our custom er"*. friends, and the public generally, to call and ex.'iiiiine l»efore purchasing, as we are de termined to sell (lOods to suit the times. ALLX’R JOHNSON \ CO. Fjiyetteville, Sept. 2^i, 1851. 25tf .VCON, Laril, and Flour, for sale by LLETi: .V JoHNStiN, 2 iloors VVest of C. F. Bank. Fail and ll*itttcr Stock. [ 1 8 T) 1 . ^BIHE Subscriber offers for sale one of the fl. largest and best as.sortments of GOODS in hi.s line ever offered in this place. He is very thankful for the very liberal patronage that , lie hilt; had, and solicits a continuance of the I same. His stock has been selected with care, j :rad consists of nearly every variety and style, I from the best manufacturers. He has on hand and offers low for Cii»h, at I retail or by the case. l:itest styles (ientlemen’s : Beaver, Nutria. .Moleskin. Silk, P>riish and An gola HATS. .Vlso, Jeiiiiy Lind, Kossuth, .Ar- Watchos aiul Jewelry, At \Vliole$«nKc and Ketail. J. M. IJEASI.EY WOl'Ll) rejfpectfully inform the public generally, that he h.-ts returned recent ly from New York, v.ith decidedly a large as sortment of H\itrhes and Many of these Watches were bought for C.\SH BV THK P.\(’K.\(iK. nnd can therefore be sold very low. He has Watches of all kinds; Chains. Keys and Seals of all kinds and of the latest NOTICE. fH'^HE Steamer Chatham will leave this pln.r*# JL every Monday and Thursd.ay at 7 o’clock.. A. M., (instea'l of !t o’clock as at present,) coia- inencing at 7 o’clock Monday 10th inst. Time of leaving Wilmington, every Tuesday aud Fri day at 2 o’clock P. >1. JNO. D. WILI.IAMS, .\gent Cape Fear Steiimboat Co.- I’ayettevill?, March 8. tist. Rough and Ready, and stiffened Fur and I styles; Finger-Rings, Ear-Rings, Medallions, of H lli‘ old Aukv, Shk.mwki.l A: C>. liave just re ceived a sjtlendid assortment of S,r/fni Cufti- iiirre. bl.-ick and grey, to which they would call the attention ol' the public. TlK‘>e goi.ds will conijiete in quality and durability with the best of Noribern (’assimere.s. and are much cheaper, ranging from ti2A cents to Ji’l 25 per yard. Fayetteville. N. C.. Oct. 14, 1K')1. SOtf s roK Ii hiiNC coiiinio lious "lirirk Warehouses in the Tv-ar of our Store, in which we store coiion aii'.l other produce. D. W. McLACRlN. Nov. 1, is.'.l, :57-tf RETAIL AND WHOLESALE.'' ^ lO.ML iu to the Cheaj) Store. North side of * Hay street, one door above the corner, and buy new Dry (toods. ,\lso. Ready-ni;ide Clothing. Hats and Cap great variety. ISAAC DODD. Nov. 4. 1H51. :i7-tf \\ ool Hats, for Men, Youth and Boys—in abun dance by the dozen or case. —ALSO— .V very large supply of Cloth. Plush, Velvet and Fur C.VPS, of ali qualitie.s. styles and pri- —by the single Cap »>r by the dozen. —ALSO— IJoots and Shoes, of the following varieties, viz: Fine Wiiter-proof, fine Calf, fine Kip and heavy Winter BOtJT.S. Al.so, Boys’ uiid Youths’ Calf and Kip Boots. Gentlemen’s Dress Shoes, of v.arious qualities. Together with an assortment of Latlien', Misses’and Childn'n's I>0()TS sind SHOES, viz: Jenny !..iiid, Kxcelsiors, CJaiters, ditto Half, Buskins. Slijipersand .Morocco Roots. Also, Gentlemen’s and Ladies’ Rubbers. With I a good supply of Youths’, Boys', Childrens’ and Servants’ heavy .’^hoes. i All of which he offers low for Coxh. or oti time ' to punctual customers. Please cnll and satisfy i yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. i JOHN C. THOMSON, -M.irket Square. •Sept. 20. 1851. 2f)tf j NEW FAJJ. AM) WINTER m sc ^ rBillK Subscribers are now receiving direct i i from Nev. York and Philai|tlphia. the lar- ! gest aud handsomest .'>tock of I Sldjtlv and Fancy Dry (roods , That they h.ive ever exhibited in this market. all sizes, d’ English and American make; La dies’ ('li;itelaines: ('uff Pins; (’’ollar and Slijeve Buttons; Shirt Studs: Gold Spectacles, light and heavy; Gold Pens and Pencils; Gold and Silver Thimbles: Bracelet.s; Silver Fruit aud Butter Knives: Silver Sj>of>i;s of all sizes; large lot of Pocket (’utlery; Scid.sors. best quality; Button hole Scissiirs. Surveyor’s Conijas.«es and Chains: .Mathematical Instruments; large quantity of fine and common Pistols: tine aud common sin gle :ind double-barrel Guns; !ame Rags; Shot Belts and Powder Flasks; Military (.ioods. in cluding the Rass Drum anl the smalle.si Button; Violins ami extra Bows: I’lutes. Clarionets. Fla geolets, Accorileoiis, of all kinds and sizes; Mu sic Boxes; Perfumery; Soaji; I^iither Brushes; Razors and .Strojis; Dressing aud Pocket (!omb.>4: Plated and JSritannia Ware; and various other things toi tedious to enumerate. Call and give me a trial. Cash paid for old G»'ld and Silver. WatchK. ;md Jkwli.hy nejitly Rei)aired. VtjitUviUr^ K. (\—y,nrf]i-Kist Corner t‘f Morlcf'f. 12-fiiu] J. M. P.KA>;i,KV. FAIL \\ir\Vi™ GOODS. H K Sub.scribers are now receiving a well _B_ selected stock of .'^tajde aud Fiincy DRV GOODS. Among their stock will be founl the latest styles of Ladies’ and (Jenilenieu's DRI2S.'' GOOD.'s, togeth»“r with a good assortment of Heady-made (’lothiiig; t'liiltn'llas; Hats, Cajis, and Bitntn‘ts; all kinds of Ho.its and (’arjH tinjr; Sa«ldles, l>] iil!es, Wliips and (’ollars; Hardware and ('utlery; Ir'a- BROTHERS LINE. T'^HE Steamer BH.f)THEHS and Tow I’oals^ STEVENSON and DA\ 11) LEWIS are pre pared to forward with Desi'atou, all goods con-- signed to the Proprietor. The Steamer Rrothers is of light dnift. siid well suited to run in low water. She jiossess**,^ power, and .speed, and is admirably adapted to towing, and can accommodate about 20 passen gers. The proprietor eontomplates running the I’oat himself, and will give special ntte itioii to way freight and naval stores; to towing, aud will al so attend to the comfort and convenience of Passengers. From his long expericucc as .\gent iu Vv’ilmington of the several .'tcam JJoat Com panies. he tiiinks he cnn give satisfaction. To Merchants in the interior he ivouM say,- that all Goods shijiped by him. will be dclive.'^ to their Agents in Fa_yetteville. His agei>»- in Wilmington is JOHN C. L.\TT.\. to whom Ml comiminications may be addres.sed, as Agent uf the Steamer Rrothers. JOHN IJ.VNKS, Proprietor, May 15. 72-v L.VCKS.Mri'H.S’ BELLOWS, Anvils, Vi.-^e.a*,. Screw Plates, and Hammers, for sale by LKETE JOHNSON, 2 d»ors We.«t of ’. F. Bank.- t FCLL SKT."^ (■•■iintry-madc BREECH- •JP ING, for wagons. J. & T. WADDILL. Nov. u», KS51. ;;stf n. LY.\L\N P.lMilJANK, t^urci'sso/' to Jlftii'h it' litu'lmt!Ic, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ( i^rarK., T(»l»a4'€o^ and EKPS constantly on kand the above n.amed articles, of the most ]>opular brands, and wurraiiled ei|Ual to any in the country. Hav ing made arran^eir.i nis w ith an extensive house in Baltimore, he v.ill sell at Baltimore prices, and r spectfully iIl^ites the citizens of Fayette ville :ind surrounvling country to give him a call. Front Street, next door to Messrs. Pol icy .'v Hurt, (at the s gn of THE TURK.) Wilmington. Oct. 0, IW.M. ;>t*tt 16H!)vcs. VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, ■IIIK .MOST rOPl LAR FAMILY MEDICINE ) F T H E CJ K I Usftl by riiysicians of High Staiuliiig. 'I liet! Ijrr’t'HUS remove all moi-bid secretion*, purilv the )zi\e great tone and xifror lo the iliKe-*livenii;:i«»»*. f«»itilv thesvstem a^jainst all lulnr# aiseae. can betaken u ith salVt>. at no time tlebili- tutin^ the patient—l*eing j;ratelul to the must deli cate sUmiaclu and leniurkahle for their cheering, invi^oraitng, sirengtlieninj?, and rostor»*tive piopcr* ties, and an invaluuhlc and liUie leniedy for DY8rKPSI\ l.\ ITS WOItST FORHS. .Also, Liver Coiiiplaiiits. Jaiuiclice. Ucaitbtirii, Con. liveiiesx, Kaiiitiicss, Uisonlers ol tlie Skin and l.i\er, 111' .-\i>|«?tilo, l.ow S|iii-its, Ner'oiis lleadar.he, Oiddinen8, I’ahiitation ol ihc Heart, Sinking; and r ull- liess of Weiifht at tlie Stoniacli. aud all oilier disease! caused tiy an impure state of the blood, liver, etc., wliicli tend to detjilitate and weaken the syatem. F K 31 A 1^ E S Wliosuftcr from a morbid and unnatural condition will find this Medicine ot INESTIIVIABLE VALUE. In AM. of GK.NLRAL DKDILITV, this .Medi cine ACTS I.IKK A rll\K.M '• TKOVSASSTDS Have tested its cllicacy, and thouHaiids more now under treatment; and not one .olitarv case ot failura has vet been iiri.oried. Volumes could )«• ti.lcd with c«rl)licutes of those who have been (jermaiiuntly cured. Car. on llie .Igent, and get a P.l.WPOLET, 1 ontainins the (. ertiiicates of Bemailiable Cuiet and the l.iEl. estimation iu which this .Nicdicuie is held by.the Public Tress—cau b« had of the Agent*. Iiee. Large anart$ $1; Pints 50 Cents. Sold by uU the Principal Jh vg^uts in the Unittd States and Canada*. Principal Oflic«"Tui FULTO.N ST, N V.. up twin For sale by S. J. lllNbL>ALi». yoveial?«r 8, 1301, Sf -y men s I»RK.'>.S (iOOl)S. among wliich may be found: l’.l:i-.-k and fancy watered and plain Press . .'>ilk»; black and liincv ('olmrgs; Liiina Twills; j , figured and jdain fancy and black Mohair Lns- ' j trcs; Silk Warp oiitl Crape Rnx-ades; Swiss. | Scotch and Chenc tiinghams; Saxony De-l.ains; j French, I'nglish and .Vmeric.m Prints; limb'd (’.ishmeres: plain ditto; changeable De-Lains; watered and netdle-wmk ('ashmeres; changea- ; bit* Yoneses; Rrocade I.nstres: Damask .Koliaiis; black Ronibazines; second-mourning Poplins: \ plain and watered Silk Mantillas; colored and j black \’elvct .Mantillas; Rrocade Poplins; and a , l::rge assortment of Hress Triiiimings; French i aii-l Kiiglish .Meriii'is; \'elvet Neck Ribbons and | ('nrt's, i:c. K.MBll()lI>EUTKS. ! Krench worked t'ollars and (’iipes: French j worketl ('ufls; French worked Chemisettes; L'n- ; der-Sleeves; Swiss and .laconet Trimmings; In- ; fants’ Waists and Caps: Hem-stitched and nee dle-worked Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, from 1> cts. to Js-’i: :ind a beantil'ul ns.sortment of ■ \'eils; every variety of Shawls, embroidered and j plain; Thread. Cotton and Linen Kdgings and ; Laces; bl:ick Silk Laces and Edgings. j —ALSO— j Rlack. blue, brown aud green French and . Kiiglish Cloths; black and fancy Cassimeres; j Cut Velvet, tigured aiul black Satin and Valen- ' cia Vestings, (some very handsome;) Sattinets; j Kentucky .leans; Tweeds; l.insevs; Flannels, I Wool and cotton; Osiiabnrg^; Hruggets; Damask | Table Coths; ditto Napkins; Centre-Table ('or- | ers, very fine; Piano Covers; Ii-ish Linens; Lin- ! en Lawns: Thread ('ambries; Towellinrs: (Jen- tlemen’s .Merino Shirts and Drawers; Silk Nock and Pocket Hamlkerchiet's: Ladies' Merino Vests; Cashmere and Silk Host*; ditto Half-Hose; the celebrated .S.-ileni .leans, black and grey. Ladies’, (ientlemeu's and Children’s ROOTS and SIIOKS. Men’s. Roys’ and Infants’ Hats and Caps. Velvet, Satin, Straw and Florence Ronnets. Ditto ditto ditto for .Misses. .Vnd every article usually kept iu a Dry Goods •Store. We invite the public to call and e.xam- inc our large and handsome Stock, as we are al ways tinxious to show our tJoods. HV ki'ejt Sniffir, Teti ond Cpjjf'. I .VRKV, SHLM'AKLL iS: (''O. return thanks I to the citizens of I'ayetteville, and the public I generally, for the very liberal patronage lipre- tofore bestowed on them, and intend, by strict attention to busines.^, to merit a continu.ince. S. S. ARRV. P. SHKMWKLL. .1. R. MCDONALD. Fayetteville, Sept. lo, 18')1. l!ltf B H.Wli just received from New York, my a FALL AND WINTER embracing every variety of l>;iilies’ and (Jentle- | ther; Ilolluw-waro niul (Vnckcrv-ware; Loaf, Lump, CriislKMl, ri;iritied ami IJrown Su gars; Teas; Rio, Laguira and Java Coffee; Salt, Molassc.s, Inm uml Nails. With many other (;ools. which will bo sold very cheap for ’rsh, or on time to tho.se who j):iy i punctually. We would be glad if our friends and the public gencrallv would give us a call. J. T.' COUNCIL CAIN. Sept. 1, 1«--)1. If^tf i Kncoiira;c Xorth Carolhm. I f HTHK tindersigned is manufacturing, iu Fay- I JL etteville. Boot and Shoe Polish, ! far superior to the Rlacking purchased in the j Northern cities. He intends devoting his whole ! time to manufacturing and vending this very su- I perior Polish, and calls upon all who think it to , the interest of the Southern peojile to become I independent of Northern manufactures, to give . Lini their aid and patronage. ^ He is prepared to show, by ahnolulf trifil. to ' any one who will call upoii him. the luixt fttpe- rioritii of his over all other or hlarkinif now st.ild in North Carolin.n. (’all and have your boots and shoes once completely blacked and polished, and be sati.sfied. This article is offered at a price ivot higher than is usually charged for other and inferior qualities, and a trial is all that is asked to se cure the patron.ige of the public generallj'. The undersigned expects to visit every pir- tion of the State to intrixiuce his Polish, .and asks now in adv.ance that Merc’iiants and others visiting Favetleville will give him a i:all. A. J. WOODWARD, .lune IJI, l>'-jl. 77-(jm Carriage 31a iiufact ory^ Stock of Coods, (insisting of a general assortment of i Dry (ioods, Grorcrirs, liiinlHiin*. ('iitlfry, kc. I will barter for TURPENTINE, or any I kind of Produce. I N. KING, 10 miles North of Fayetteville. Oct. 28, 1850. 43tf 100,000 .\cros V^aliiable ' T 1 M I) E R r. A N I) S FOR SALE. I 'EIHE Subscriber has purchaseil all the Lands ! ■ bt'longing to the Estate of .Abram Dubois. ' ilec’d. lyin;t principally in Robeson eouuty, and ou both sides of Lumber River, the dift'ereut sur veys coutaining Over 100,000 Acres; ; A large part finely Timbered, and couvenient to ! Ltimber River, where a large quantity of Tim- ' her is now rafted to the Georgetown market. ' These Lands are very valutible both for the ^ Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a I large part is well suited, being in » region : where the Turpentine yields more abundnntly i than any other section of the State. The Lands ; will be sold at a low price, and in quantities to ^ suit })urchtvsers. j lui'ormation respecting the title can be ob- I taiiied by applj^ing to the Hon. Robert Strange, j Hon. Jas. C. Pobbin, or A. A. T. Smith, Esq., j (.\ttorneys at Law.) I 1 understand there are many tresspassers on I these Lan'ls. to all of whom notice is hereby ! given, that the law will be enforced against all i such offeiidei-s. ! ^\pplication f*or any part of the Lands can be i made to m> self, or to .lohn Wiu.slow, Esq., who 118 duly authorised to make sale of the same. 1 THUS. J. CURTIS, i rayettCTille, N. 0-, i-'ept,1.18i-3- 75tf .Jii:uin,i,^• TS’> £ji.vj:. fJlHlS LINE OF RO.VTS is still in success- JL fill operation on the (’ape Fear River, and continue to ofl'er many facilities to the sliipjiiug public. Persons patronising this Line, may rest as sured that tlu*ir (Joods will be brought up with dispatch, and at the very lowest rates of freight. A. W. STEEL. President. T. S. Lt^'TERLOH, Agent at Favetteville. Feb. l-\ l.-4ol. ■ fly tf w rjlMIE Subscriber wishes to purchase 8(X>,tOO B lbs. R.VtiS, for which the highest cash prices 'will be i>aiil ou deliverv in Favetteville. DAVID MURPHY. Piockfish, Cumberland, .Vug. ‘JO, 18ol. lo-dm into copartnership in the I)istillery ot Tur}>eiitine, aud have erectoil a iStill on the West side of the Fayetteville iind \\ esterii Plank Road, 8 miles from Favetteville. N. KIN(}. May9.—71tf A. .McMILLAN. ll'^anted. T E wish to buv 20,(KHI barrels Turpentine. KING it.Mc.MILL.VN. ryiHE Subscriber hnvii'.g taken the Establish-^ i ment of the late (’. Simpson, (situate>i opjiosite W. Mclutyrc’a Store,) intends carrying' on the Carriage Manut’acturiiiir IJusinc-s.s In all its various branche*’, and would respect fully solicit a share of tae public piitron.age. Having had c*onsiderable experience in the business, ami having been employed in some ot the most extensive Establislmieuts iu New York and New .lersey. he flatters hiuiself that he catr give general satisfaction. He warrants till his work to be made of the best material the surrounding countrj’ affords, •nnd by experienced workmen; aud should any of it fail, either in material or workmanshii>, in twelve months from the time cf its delivery, he will re])air it free of charge. REPAI RING done in the neatest nn'f be.st manner, aud at the lowest possible prices.- A. 11. W HIT FIELD. I'ayetteville, Feb. 11, 18ol>. Ttf ir Line of fonr-horsc Post (’onchcn, /rum >/vttevillt' fn —Doily. ra^IIE Subscribers having secured the -BL contract on the above Line, will eoiaiii;-uce THIS D.VY, ruuuing a Line of Four Horse I'ost Coaches, Daily. Leaving Fayatieville at ti P.- M., and arriving at W.nrsaw at ^ pimt 6 A. M., in time for the ("ars North aud South. Re turning, leave Warsaw fin the nrrivtil of tho Cars, say about 1 or 'J. P. M., an.l arrive at Fay etteville in ten hours. Every care will be takert to remler the line pleasaat, conveuient, and sai'e, for Tr:ivellers. .V Line of Stages w ill be establi ;licd as Boon> as possible, bj' the I’lank Roai. from Fayette ville via Carthage and .Vshaborongh, to I.cxing- ton, Salem, aii«l Saiis'r>urv. McKLNNON & McNClLL. Fayetteville, N. C., Aug. 8, IS'l. 11-tf 75 lUils. No. 1 HeiTing. ‘Jo “ “ o .Mackoril. loo Bales Hay. 100 Pieces Cotton Ragging, 50 Coils Rojie. 200 Lbs. Twine. 30 Hhds. Molasses. 5 Hhds. Fair Sugars. 50 Bags Rio Coffee. With Alum and Sack Salt, and (Jrn'eries gen erally, for sale at the hjweet market jirices. by JNO. I). W'lLLLAMS. August 14, 1851. 13tt OPE and Ragging, ami Bnggiiig Twine, for sale by LEETE 4 JOHNSON, 2 doors West of F. Bank. R TO COTTON PLANTERS. PIECES COTTON BAGGING, 75 coils Rope, 200 lbs. Twine, Just received and for sale cheap, bv - PETER P. JOHNSON. August Ifi, 18t>l. l ltf MUSIC. ANEAV supply of MUSIC, fpr the Piano Forte. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. October 27, 1851. Blank Warrants for sale here. Stage Line to lialeigli^ fB^HE Siib.scribers, ^Lail Coiitracti>rs froiii- JL Fayetteville to Raleigh, will commencp' operations this day, with new and cOTnfortabl«» (.’oaches, good horses, and careful Drivers.— The Faic i.s FIVE DOLL.\RS—same as befure. The Stage Houses are, in Fayetteville, tlie Fay etteville Hotel, ia Raleigh, the Vav?>oror.gh' House; but Passengers will be conveyed to suclt other Hou.ses as they may select. The hours of departure will be, until furthei' notice, at half- pa.st 9 P. .\I. from Fayetteville, and at 2 P. M.- from R.-ileigh, daily. The subscribers hope, by unreniitted attention, to scc-ure a liberal sliar*3- of the travel. M UR D()C’K McKINNON, D.WID MoNEILL. Faywtteville, July 1, 1851. 78-tf Wastevk .■{000 ft. A.'ihe Lumber for Wagons, 1J to o inches thick. 3000 ft. Seasoned Oak Lutnber, 1} to inches. 1000 ft. White >ak and Hickory, for .\xletreea. 1000 ft. White Oak for Tongues, Bolsters and* Shafts. 100 Post Oak Hubs, iTor Carts and Wagorw. 2000 Spokes. For which tlie highest cash price will be paidr Appl3" soon to E. Ft LLKR. May 19, 1851. 72^tf TO wTnK MAKERS. WE have a few baiTcls of fine old Apple Rr.mcly for fuilo; such as those who' want to make j^ood wine should get. COOK & TAVLOK. Sept. K>, 1851. 2‘J-tf ^ jwsL m-c: 4 SUPPLY of FresU (ironnd CORN MEAL kept for sale at the Mill, late Anderson’s. Grinding of Hominy and Meal done promptly. Fayetteville, March 18ol. 12*f PKINTlNGlNi^ A FEW 301b Kegs, jnst received »ml for’ sale by jE- J. HALS & SON. Auj. 13.

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