SEMI-WEEKLiY !■ m,mm EBBBSnSBOe [VOL. 1.] FAYETTEVILLK, N. C., TUESDAY MORXIXG, DECEMBER 0, 1851. [NO. 4f).] r-XTj-j . -lluwJUaLM J I'UINTKH 15V J. B. NKWUY i;|)\V\!!l) J. HALK & SOX, iJilTi'US AND 1MU»1’KIKT()UkS. :'. r fi"' Somi-'Vei’kly On.^ituvEU !^4 )0 if ■( in ’)!> if pnid durinjr tlit* ,,..7 ,1 vi;t.i-ri!>tii)ii; >r Jf") after the ye;ir h:is ,. \Vii Ai\ OnsKUX t;R Jji’J 00 per .‘imium. if v iui i.i n iv,\m i‘; $1’ •">• if pftid ciurinj: the ij. 5;itw, riptiun: i>r stftor the yonr j I'xpiro'l. \;'\ r,UTl>l!Mi;NTS>rttMl for sixty cents ■ f'lr the first. :ind thirty cents for cuch u iiil>Ki-atiun. Vrnrly a'lvertiseinents !it reasi>n;il>le rates. Ad- r:U,i' iio rt'questeJ to s^tate the number of , or they will be continued till . .j, ;ii . !i:ir>red accordingly, y t- the IMitors must he post-paid. ( II \u;ii dVKKR FOH > iV sox at.k: W Oi’i'-uis. I’urto KcfineJ, Crnshed, ! •'.11. 1 Havana Suijar. i ;_'.!ra. and uld Cmv't Java ruflTeo. ;.■! iiuniiy. and r.urlap-; Hajrping. ■iiid Tw ine. ■ • N .''.lit, M'la^cs. - • .ii'.'l ll:iisin.. ':i.!th.-‘ To^ls, .\xcs, Spndcs, .Sbovcls, ; tlics. ! ll.iltcr i'haiiis. ■ I' l llrM.p Ivon. 1 r id in ! >i!. ' 'i. r>r"wn, lied Lead. I’utty. lluckets. T.rooms. V ■' I t'!, in barrels anil li.ilf ilitto. \ _ . .•'i; «'s. Tanners' Oil. • P' r,- \yro. > ■ 1. r (irci'U and n'ai’k Teas. >■ ap, .''iiurt'. ■ ; r. li.iiLri'r. Spice. Nnt:m-a:s. iiid Adamantine ( .inilop. ! .1 r.'wder, ..Vc. &c. ^ I'-’.l. 41tf Or tmrrs! 4Prfi»iffrs! Ot'fin^es! f. Ni' I'>t. just received at % m s HANKSS. N .V C-., U-l. -48if 3 • r vea !ar;:ch.f of I'lM’KU LKATIIKK, ' V T nn rs' prices, whiidj we will take • n .1' Hides :>ir. ur w.>ild not refuse Ci;i)K T.WLOK. ;■ -. : 44-4w ! WANT .M0X1:Y, ■ :vi> U"»- on hand BUICK. •t 1 i\ih to e\c!iaU';rc for nionev. JOHN K. I'ATTl'li.sON. --■! 4t-4w i \.\\w K( >.M) XOTR'i:. I I l'l' l’K :rn.''.»I..'' will be received for * !i’ • ‘ I'ri riankin^r and tinishins ■ ’! I" ink I’l'iad. fri*ni \\ right's Folly to i: ..'I-, ai.d also for supplvinfi the neces- ■ ■■ tihd Innibvr for the .-.inie. ajiply t>i tlic I’risident of the ■ T ( ''ifl-.l U . Al.I.A.N .MA>'F.VKL.\N, I’residcnt. . .7. "'1. 44-oW IIAV. N HAY. ‘ lii.sliels (.’orn. For sab* bv W. li. LUTTKIILUII. •J. l^.l. 44-tf XOTK E. 1,1. pers iis h'.ldin>r claims ajrainst the late tirm of lii'H'ker X I’.uliar 1. are nMpustcd ; '. lit till- -nic t.i Mr. F. Fiilb-r. F.avette- .lOllN ('. i;L()CKi:K. I;u'i Nov. 2’». J-Ttf T I'jp’ iiiKh r.'iunod, I'ouiitlrr , .l.i' Liiusi. li;i.>i -onseuted to act as .\.rent | ti,.' i.iiiv l‘ 111 r.\ (illCLL.VK I V. \; 11,1. in t!ie I'nited .''tates. made by Wni. K -.-rrv ^.f Washinirton. These Mills ;ire of | •• li' iii. no brirk lieiiijr used in their »-rcctioii. ' •111 be taken down, n nioved "> mib-.s. iind : ^ .jr. T.iiion in 1*» h'liirs. IN.wer of Knjjine ’ : wii; l ilt I 'j.OOO feet 1‘ Koad Lum- r . I' J4 h*ni’S. These .Mill.s h:ive taken the ■ am at tlie M.iryland .''tate Fair over all :• i>. mid .re coiisi'li red the best in the world. ; ' I bf ].lt a‘!fd to receive orders. »Mtii-T for • ..ii_ i..K with or without the .Mill. Letter ! i -'•■ I t' H i. Hall v\iil receive i>romi>t at- j \\’iii(low Glass, 8 ,\ 10 and 10 x 1-. in jiood order, of excellent (|u:dity. I’utty, in Tin Cnii^tcri> and Illnildi’ig. Spanish Whitiii'C, in |uantities to suit. .lust receivctl and tor sale bv 15KVK15LV ROSE SON. Nov. 2-S. 4-1-ot Cumberland Superior Court of Law. SIM-XMAL Ti:UM. ■ 31' Notice is hereby given, that a .'>pe- i- ei.-il 'I'erm of (’umlierland Superior t'ouit of Law will be held on the ‘Jd Monday in Feb ruary 1 S.')2. for tlie of such ('ivil t'ases as were on the trial d.-cket at Fall Terni. 1851. Suitors and witnesses will t.ike ilue notice thereof and jrovern tiiemselves :tc'ordin}r1 v. 1>. (1. .MAC UAK, (Merk. Nov. 22, 18.')1. 4-Jtc Dr. T. D. II A I e; II, AS taken an Office.on Hay Street, West id the Hotel Uuiblinirs. July 14, 1S.')1. ' 4-tf I FAYETTEVILLE ('DXFElTlONEUY. CHARL3S BANKS, t'iftifcrt totter^ tNF()10LS the public, that he has relitted his^hment on (Jrei-n .Sti-eet. and has on h:iud a fresli supply of C.\ N 1)1 M.S. manufactured by liimself out ot' the best Loaf .Su^ar, Hud w ar- rantc'l free from starch. Hour, jiaste. .and perni cious I'.iints. His whole time :ind attention is now dovotcil to making (':indy. and he is pre pared to supply all orders with t'andies equal to any made in the United Stati's. Thi-se dies he warrants to keep in any climate: and he will sell to Town or (.'ountry mercliants. as chea]> a jioo.l and pure Tandy can l>e purehased in New York or elsewhere. Fiiyctteville, Oct. li!'. li'-'»l. o4-tf XEW (iOODS. ■TST reeeived. mv Fall sunplv of CI.OTH.S, •i tWSSl.MKllKS AND VKSTlNl.S. TIUM- MlN(iS. \c.. of the be.•^t ipiality, from New York. ,\ls >. the l.ilcst I’cport of the New York FASHIONS. I .'till cojitinuo ta carry nii the T.VILOKINCJ lU'.'^IN KS.. at my .tand on Hay street, and those vviio may t’avor me wiHi th ir custom may rely ,n h-iving their wi«rk d"ue in a neat and fashionable style, and on the mo?it favorable terms. AIK'HIUALI) (IFIAHAM. Oct. 127. 1H.*>1. :r»tf UEMO\ .\L. rfiur, Sul iscribers liave removed to the new B- I’rick Store, two ».est of the ’a]>e Fear Hank, where tlu'v are receiving their Fall Stuck of L)rj (JouJs. (I I'tu'i i It ll'inhriire xiul i'uth'ry, tui'/ Cr>K-hry. —ALSO— Ijiiots mill Sfiiiis, ni‘f lt“i» , Ktiifi, >t A'lti'fs. In fact, every thing usually called for in the nicrcaiitiie line, to whieh thc_\ in\ite an exami- iiatioTi. LEIOTK .U>HNS(N. Oct. l!7, l.S'.l. :;i-tf fBlHF, SriiSnUI’F.ll isieeKinng and oScrs i for sale, a v.ell selected stock of €w r oce r i € Lemon. .Soda, Dutter, and ^Vate^ (’r..ckers, 1‘ilot L5re:iil. Tickles anti I'reserves. Nuts. Kaisins anil I’runes. Tobacco a:'d ’jgars. Oi. the most reasmiable terms fur ('ash, or on time to imnctu.'.l customers. CHS.' r.ANKS. ■ No. '■‘i (ireen .'t. 1 Fayetteville. Oct. ‘JH. Ih.'tl. ;;i-tf ’ xoru’E. ^Sllll'3 subscriber is now receiving his Fall M. and Winter .Stork of F.\N('Y and .sTAI’LL C;OODS; Hats, (’aps, atwl IJnotsaiid .'“'liot s; Hardware and ('iitlery; IJlack^iniths’, (’iiojkth’, and ('arpelit. r,'’ Tools; Straw Cutters. (luni Shollers, l'li>u;.dis, cVf.; Htillow-ware; Heavy good.s tor Ne^^rofs, A:c. A:c. The above goods \\ill be sold ;it wholesale or j retail, to suit custfiniers. We sjiy nothing a- j bout how the above (.loods were liought, or liow thev will be sold, but we do s.iy come and see, at tlie Huske buildings. Green Street. V. TAYL015. Oct. 28. I’m ol-2ni . PAID fot YOrNtl NHCJKOHS. AppU to J. .Si T. WADDILL. S«?pt. ‘io, 18')1. 2i'itf .M',\\ I J U M^ ^■^HE undersigtu'd have entered into cop.irt- -II- nership, under the name and style of i.iawi*oBtcc‘ A: Troy, For the purpose of doing a .Mercantile and Barter business. We h.ive taken tin-Store, No. 10 (; KFK.V STKEET, formerly occujiied by Messrs. John Huske iV Son. (JMO. W. l.AWRENCE. JOHN 15. TKOY, Jr. Oct. 22, autf II. Jk Mon OFF Ell Foil SALE. IiniD. prime St. Croix Sl'fi.Mt, 2 hlids. New Orleans ditto, 2(1 bbls. I’vi'fined ditto, ;') “ (Iranulated ditto. ;!0 bags gi een II io ('offee, ;> •• tiov't .lava ditto, 7.”) kegs Nails, :{d. to (■) incli Spikes, 1 dozen llnglisii cross-cut Saws, casks Cheese, 20 boxes ditto, 10 boxes fine ('hewing Tob.-icco, Extra Wool Hats, Negro Shoes & lllaukets. Oct. 22. 18.51. :!:itf 1 Tf'/t! Tea: TcftH t'HEST YOCNt; HYSON, 1 ditto (iiiiiposvder, 1 Catty Imperial, For sale bv CHS. I?.\NKS. ('(it 2S. 1S.-.1. ■ ;',i-tf II ITS, nn, BOOTS & shoes. 'I'ho Sii!)scTihor still continues to carry on the ('Al>INr'T . I5CS1NESS in Fayi'tteville. and in addition to liis E.-^tablishment on How street, near Eccles's IJridge.* lias opened a large W.VllE l!OOM (^ri Hay street, nearly o]>posite the F.-iyetteville Hotel and one door East of .Messrs. Haigh i.*c Son's, where a gener.-il assortment of FI U.\5TUIIK Made by comi)Ctent and faithful workmen, may be had at ))rices corresponding witli the tinu's. .Mso. an ass'.rtment uf N"rtlieiii-maile FL'lvNl- Tl’llE. selected by himself, wliich will bo sold at a very moderate advance. DLNCAN McNFILL. Nov. ll>. 1S-'«1. :J8tf He keeps on liand an assortment of Fisk’s celel.rated METALLIC HCUIAL CASES, which hiive been highly recommended by Willie P. .Mangum, Henry('lay. Lewis Cass. Wni. 11. King, and many other illustrious characters, who have examined and witnessed their utility. •'%'rtr M'irm TIk’ iiH(lt‘rsijrii('(l lia\(‘ cnti'rod into copartncrsbiii. under the n:ime and style of H.\LL \ S.VCKKTT. fur tlie puipose of doing a Dry (i.ii-.l^ :iiid liar Iware Husiness, .and have taken the .Store •”> ili.ors East of tlie F.ivetteville Hotel. J. H. HALL. A. E. HALL. T. -M. SA('KETT. August 2*i. l^-'l. I'ltf 7 E arc now receiving a large and well sc- j lected .''t'.ck of (’omjirising every article usually kejit in that line, together w ith 1 ."io C'ast’s liodts and Shoes. llaK — .\LS(>— * A well selected .Stock of To all of which we invite the atrentimi of .Mer- ch.ants of the iii'erior. wlio will Iind it t i their interest to ex.amine our .''tuck before making llieir purchases. We will not be undersohl by any one doing bu:-ines.s in ihi s place. HALL \ SA*'KETT. Aueust 2-'i. 1 !'•’>!. I'ltf i)OMi:s ru's. ! flTTLE lliver (>snabergs: 7-f nnd 4-4 A .''heelings ahxa's t>n hand, and for siile at Factory j>rices, I'V STAKE 5: WILLIAMS. June 7. Isjl. 7'>tf Hi-usso!s and t)tii(*r C’ar|)('tiiiL^s, Hearth Hugs, Druggets. Crumb-Cloths, I’iano and Table Coveis. For sale bv STAEE X WILLIAMS. Nov. .'i. :{7-tf FILL m \W\m\ (i«(!!)S. y E have r‘ceived and are now receiving our .Sto._k of sr.MM.E .V I .\X(’V (iOODS, t'onsisting of ne.-irly every article nsnnlly kejit in the Dry (loods line. —AL.sO— -V FINK ASSoHT>!KNT OK L'ashioiiahlc I’oniicls, Ha{> Boots, S!i()(‘s, ^k'c. The above .Sto:-k we would invite our ciistom- er>. friends, and the public generally, to call xaniine before jmrchasing. C'aps, and examine l.ctore jmrcnasing, as we are termincil to sell tJonrl.s to suit tlie times. ALEX'K J(HIN.-(»N .V CO. Fayetteville, Sept. 2o, iSol. 2-'>tf le- ii \*'(>N. L.ard, Jind Fl«uir. for s.ile bv LEETE .V J('HNS(»N, 2 donrs West of C. F. liank. .4 DAII.Y I'.XI'IX' (iENEIl,\L assortment of ('OOl’EHS' of the best m.inufaclurcrs' 15 Nov. FCI.L cotintry-niaile liUEECIl- IN(I. for wagons. J. .V T. WADDILL. U), is‘>i. ;:stf TOC make, bv Oct. >8, 18.'>1. E. C. HALL, of Run e. :;2tf II 1 -.i; these Mills up any where within 10 • ■ 1 1-. • tteville, if desirable. II. G. HALL. I N - J ,. ls;,i. 4.;-tf .iiisrdi ()il. in (jiianlitics lo siiit.j - " ' ' 'lis. jmre Willl E LE.VD. in large and Kir. Ill'-if Paints Uji 1- wiili a , for roofs of houses, assortment of other ..i-d ;ind for sale bv 1;E\ EUI.Y iloSE SON. iv.-.i. 48-:Jt V\ \N i' or MO.NEV. Til 'I will* arc indebted to mo, by r \i.-.iU>it, will ple;is* settle by the 1st of • . 1 may be able to settle with those A. A. McKETHAN. is.'i. 4:}-tf m:\\ ( AKPE'riX(;. \ l’iOI,!,> Brussels, Ingrain and Stair ^ ‘ -riii-tiiig, ,.'|st I', —.\ LS( >— pikes and large Nails, new ani fashioaable i’at- l-' ki t.- ,■ 1.-I flilM*,; ;;n . ('Iiuri, ■hliuii ti laisins. 'hut. ate. .Salad and ('astor Oil, with our Stock of Hardware. •S. W. TlLldN(;ilAST .V f’O. 4;{-tf I UK iindcisigned have entered into '''liMi'tiicmliip, under the Firm and style of bl.l. \\ ^ .J(»NK.S, for the pur[>ose of doing '/ ' Mi-rraiitile ami l’>arter Ensiness, us ■ 'li.'tiilation of Turpentine. A. D. McLEAN. N. G. JONE.S. ' oiiiuiTviUe, X. C., Nov. 24, 18')1. 4.3-tf n KlM'.N'riNI': LAXl) IFOR SALE, sale, r>,'.t:5 acres of LA.ND on James ' i' i‘k, and r,4u acres on Cypress Creek, j'* * ‘*">b'rland, convenient to the Western I’hink I'!, heavily timbered, and admirably adapted iiial\ui;> of riirjjentin'j. M'FO\ ES! S'rOVi:S!! ^UIT.\i{LE for ('hurches, I’nrlors, Factories, and Stores. For sale bv C. W. ANDREWS, M..rkct .Sijuare. Oct. 27, l.'^.')l. -Uf ^SALEM PAl^Ji-MILL. rjlllE subscriber has taken charge if this old M- and well known Establishment, and is pre pared to attend to all orders for Printing PapiM*, Merchants' and Eactory \\ rap|)in^, cVc. The Mill has recently been tlioroughly refitted with new machinery, and the subscriber believes he can furnish I’aju-r of as gooil (|uality and at as cheaji prices as can be purch.ascd any where, N >rth or .South. CHARLES E. SHOHER. Salem, J(jne 7, 18’)1. 77tf Mrs. haso|)cn'd that largo and convenient bouife. near the foot of H.iymount, on Hay street. knf>wn as the Farmers' and I’l.inters’ Hotel, where she would Vie gl.’nl to accommod.itc gentlemen with I’oard by the week or month. Families can be supplied w ith pleasant rooms. .She is alsfi jirepared to accommodate Travel lers and their horses. Her .Stables are attend ed to by one well aciiuainted with tlie manage ment d' horses. Those who arc so kind as to patronize her, shall find that her greatest care will b> to jilease. Oct. 27. 18')1. H4tf mantua-makinT; & mili.ineuy. ^ ILOTH.S. ('asslnn res. :ind Vestings, for sale ^ by LEETE .V JOHNSON. 2 doors VN'est of ('. F. Rank. rg Vll i: M'4>TTI^II or( cltic B .M:inners, as preserved among the High landers, being an historical .and dcscrijitive ac count of the iiihatiitanls. antiiiuities, and na tional peculi.arities td' Scotlainl, by .lames Lo gan. Just received and fur s.-ile bv E. J. HALE .S: SON. \vi:ij)ox nori:L, X. ('. ^HE snbs’i’iber. who kept the R.-ii. Road Hotel in N irth Carolina l.ast ear, having taken the above house, ''pruill's. and for several ye.ars past .Mr. W. T. ^\hittield. who now keeps 1). EYMAX liriiiiAXK, s.or fii lli’frli tt’ /ill i’!)ii It/,', Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Tol»ari*o, »iid KEEI’.'s const.-intly on k.and the above named articles, of the mo.-t in.pular brands, and warranti'd eijual to any in the country. Hav ing majlc arrangements with an exti’iisive house in llaltimore. lie will sell at Haltimir‘ jirices. and respectfully invites the citi/ens of Fayette ville and sriirroundiiig cuuntry to give him a c.ill. 8ei>‘ 1 I’l nt Street, next to Messrs. I’ol- lev iV H:irt. ‘at the siirn of TIII^ TI RK.) Wihningtoii, Oct. !•. !8->l. ;>Otf r" T mm ' at this ( Wfice. l»--il. J» / 44tf oj all liinda, t’ jr s;ile at this Ufiicc. R.S. WALTON has just returnol fpmi the North with a new anl beautiful assort ment of Fall and Winter MILLINERS, consist ing of silk, satin and velvet Ronnets, of various Jirices; Plumes, RiblMins and F'lowers; Head Dresses and ('aps; Straw lionnets of lifierent quality and jirice; luside C’ajies; Colhirs and Undersleeves; very best quality of Kid Gloves; Mitts, long and short; a new and elegant style of Dress Trimmings, of the most fash- iointble kinl, and a few hanlsome Dress I’at- teruB; watered and jdain silk MiUitillas; vel vet .Miintilhis aud Cloaks; a new style of Bon net Linings and Trimmings, of all colors: and a handsome assortment of Flowers and Head Dresses Dresses made in the latest style; like wise Mantillas and Cloaks. Oct. 14» 18.51. aO-3m foriuerly kept by th' new Hotel in Wehhm, and having had the house thoroughly renovated, and sujiplied with new I5eds. Rediing and Furniture, takes this method of informing liis friends anl the public generally, that his house is now open for the reception of Rail Road jiassengcrs, and others who may favor him witli a call. .Sujipcr. including the best Oysters received ilaily from Portstnouth, Va.. will always be found ready on the table on the arrival of the ('ars. 'I'he Weldon Hotel is in the rear of the other house, and is. therefore, Jilthough within a few vards of the iiail Road, almost entirely cut olF from the view of the Passengers, by, and the .Southern Ticket Office. Passengers have to jiass by, and almost over the steps of that house to get to that of the subscriber: and to prevent Passengers, the Ladies, particularly strangers, from being deterrctl from crossing the street over to liis house, in the night, or in bad weather, they are earnesth re()Uesteil to in- (jiiite of the Pa.ssengers, r>n the Roats or ('ars. who h.ive .stopped at his house, as to its quality anl st.aiiding as a IDitel, whether they have met with nicer Reds, or a better Table, .South ir North, where there is not a good (,'ity Mar ket. He is determined to keep his house equal to the b(“st :irid second to none. The Ticket Oflice for Raltimore by way of Petersburg. Richmond, Washington ('ity, \c. is in his house. The Ticket Office for l>altimore, by way of the Seaboard and Roanoke Rail Roatl, and the Ray Line, is in Mr. Whitfield's house; but the Projirietors of eitlier house will ’jrocure Tickets for the Passengers from the other Of fice, while they are at supper. JAMES GRESHAM. W’cldoti, Nov. 4, 18.)1. .TT-lm REWARD! I ^SCAPED from the Jnil of Kershnw District, ^ on Monday the 14th day of Jtdy Inst, S.\.MCEL J, LOVE, vviio wns convicted for the murder of Uobert J. l^estor, at Spring Term of ('iurt, 18,')1. Said Love is aliout 20 or 21 years of age, six feet two inches high, (ncit certain as regarfls his height, but suppojieil to be therea bouts,) has dark hair, and of a sallow complex ion, with a downcast look; some of his front teeth a little decayed, and follows the occupa tion of a ('arpenter. 1 will give the above rev^'ard to any person who will apprehend the ssiid S. J. Love ami lodge him in any Jail in thia State, or One Hun dred and Fifty Dollars for his safe confinement in any .Jail in the United .St.ttes, so that 1 can get him. JOHN INGRAM, Sheriff. Caci-ler, S, a, Aug. JO, l«jl. 20-Gra gjiijyc^ VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BIHERS, THK .MOST rtjri FAMILY MEDICINE «» K T II E A G K ! liseil by riiysifiiins of High Stnndlii?. 'Ihe-e JM I'TKHS remove all secretions, puiilv tiic blonil. Rive j^reat lone ami vijror lo .li>;ev'iiveorK;ui.. fortify the Kvsteni against nil UiUum •liscHse, cau Inkeii itb salety, at no time de)>i)i* iHtiiij; the pjUient being grateful to the most deli- cutc stoniHch. uihI reiiwirkuble lor their cheoring, invigorating, strengthening, anl reKt(»rati\e proper ties, and an invalinihle anti sure remedy for i)Ysri:psi v IX its worst forms. .Mso, l.iver ( Dini.laints, .Jaiindi-;e. Hearltmrn, Con- tivencKS, Faiiitiiess. Disorders tlie Skin and I,i\6r, Loss of .Aniiftile. l,ow S|ijrits, Norvoin lleHdache, (od.lineiis, riilpiutioii of tlie Heart, SiiikiiiK and Kiill- ne>.s of \V(.-i(?ht at the Sloiiiacli. and h11 other diseas«i ea.ised h) ail iiiiiaire slate of the hlmHl, liver, etc.. whicli tt^iid to dt^>ilitate and weaken the sjsleni. F K >1 A L K S Wlio Slitter from a morbid and iinnntural condition will find this Medicine of INESTIMABLE VALUE. In Ai.i c*.»« of (;KNKK M. Ufc.BlLlTV, this .Medi cine A( ’I'S 1,1 KK A ClIAlt.M . thousah'ds Have tested its eltieac) . and •.housands more are now under tiealni.-nt . and not ore solitary ca,.e of fiiiliire has ^et been ie|«)rtcl. Vol.mies could lie filled with certificates of those who have been peiinunently f iire^l. Call »n the Afjent? and pet a PAIIPHLET, l ontaiiiiiij? the • ertificates the high e.>liination in hv the I’ublic Press hich thi.s Medicine is held can lie had of tlie .\ gents, tree JFatl ftiifl It'iiiter Stork. 1 8 f) I . ^H^HK .^I'bscriber oflVrs for sale one of the larjic.-it and best assortments of (iOODS in his line ever offered in this place. He is very th.TiikCnl for the verv liber.-il p.-itrona^e that he has had, and solicits a continuance tif the same. His stock h:is been selected with care, and consists of iiearly every variety and style, from the best mantilaotnrcrs. He has on hand .and offers low for Carfi, at ret.ail or by the c.ase. latest styles Gentlemen’s Ueaver, Nntria. .Moleskin, .Silk, I’rnsli and .\n- ;roIa H.VT.S. Also. Jenny Lind, Kossuth, .\r- ti.'-t, I’oii'ih and lU'ady, ;ind stiffened Fur and Wool Hats, for .Men, Vonth .and Boys—in abuu- dance by the dozen or case. —A LS()— A very larjre supply of (Moth, rinsh. Velvet and Fur C'.VI’S. of all (pi.ilities. styles and jiri ces,—by the single Caji or by the dozen. —-AL.S( )— lioot.s nnd Slioes, if the following v.arietics. viz; Fine Water-proof, line ('.ilf, fine Ki}) and heavy Winter 1! ( M) T .S. ,\lso, IJoys’ and Youths’ (’alf and Kiji ISoots. (Jeiulemen's Dress Shoes, of' various qualities. 'I’ojiether with an as.sortnient | of I.adiff', Misses’and (’hildren's liOOTS .md i .'^HOKS, viz: .lenny Lind. 1',xcelsiors. (iaiters, ditto Half. I’uskins. Slijij'ers and Morocco lioots. Also. (Tentlemen’s and Ladi‘s" Kubbers. With \ a pood supply of Voiitlis', Jhiys'. (.’hildrens’ and i .Serv.ants' heavy .Shoes. j All of viii.di he offers low for ^or on time to pnnetual customer'^. I'lease c.all and s.itisfy vourselves before pnrchasin^j elsewliere. i JOHN (’. THOMSON. ■Market Square. Sept. if., 1H.‘>1. -JOtf Aisi:v, A: c«. NHW FALL AM) WLXTKK da. A ■m.m fli«‘ «ll .'^orlli Aukv, Sii KMWKl.l. ('«). havo just re ceived .a splendiil assortment of Snhin t'anxi- th-r>', blaek and irrey. t.i which thry woubl call the attention ot the public. Tlu>e roods will cmpete in nuality and dur.-ibility with the best of Northern (',i.'simere>. and are mueh cdieaper, ranjrinp from (i'-M cents to n1 jter yard. Fayetteville. N. ('.. Oct. 14. 1S’>1. oOtf s rou \(;i-:. ® a’’ F, have eomnio.lions briek Warehouses V » in t!ie rear ^f our St. re. in which we store eotti'U and other jirodiiee. D. .V W. .McLAl UIN. Nov. 1, is.'il. ;!7-tf RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. M 10.ML in to the (.'he.ip Store. North side of H. H:;v s’reet. one door ab.ive tin' corner, and bu\ new Drv (ioods. .\lso. Ready-made Clotliiiijr. Hats and Caps—tircat varietv. ISA.U' DODD. Nov. L 1!'-)1. ;i'-tf Large Quarts $1; Pints 50 Cents. Sold by nti tht Priucijial Dmg^iits in the United Stattn und Cuundas. PriDcipal t.)tKca. 1-ii KL’LTUN ST.. X Y.. u>. stairt For sale Iiy S. J. IHNSD.VLL. Noveuslcr 8, 1851. y rfiHK .Subscribers are imw receivina; direct JL from New York and I’hi’.adclphia. the lar gest and handsomest .Stock of St(t})lr nnf Fanrif Jh'i/ (iootfs That they have ever exhibited in this market, enibracin'/ every variety of Ladies’ and Gentle men's DliLS.S (;0(»DS. .amonj' whit h may be found: lil.-ick and fancy watered .and jilain Dress .Silks: black .-ind I’ancy (.'oliurjis; Lama Twills: fijriired an.l plain taney and black .Mohair Lus tres; .Silk W.-irp and ('rape lirocades; .Swiss. . .''Cuteh .and ('hene (iin;jrbanis: Saxony l>e-Lains: French. Knirlish and I’rints: I'mb'd Cashmeres: plain ditto; ehan:reable De-Lains; ' watered .and necdle-work Castime.-es: ehan^ea- ' ble Yoneses: liroe.aile I.ii.-^tres: D.aiiiask .Kolians; , lilaek Homliazines: seennd-mournin,:; Poplins; plain and watered .''ilk .Mantillas: colored ind : bla-vk \'elvet .Mantillas: Ibocade I’oplins: .and a ! laijre .assortment of Dress Trinimin;rs: French and Kn^lish .Merinos; Velvet Neck Uibbons ami Cuffs, iVc. E.Ml}U011>KrJE.. Fretich worked Coll.irs and (’aj>es: French worked (’ntls; French worked Chemisettes; I'n- der-.''leeves; .Swiss and Jaeonet Trimmings; In- . fants' W.iists and Caps: Hem-stitched and nee dle-worked Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, from 1(1 cts. to iS.'i; and a beautiful assortment of Veils: I'very variety d‘.Sh.-nvls, embroiderel and plain: Threail. Cottm and Linen Edgings and Laces; black Silk Laces and Kdgings. 1 —.VLSO— ! r.l.ack. bUie. brov n and green French and Kng'i"ili Cl.iths; blaek and fancy (’a>simeres; Cut Velvet, tigiii-e.l ani! blaek .'^atin and Valen- ci:i \’estings. (some very handsome;) .''attinets; Kentucky .leans; Tweeds; Liiiscys; Flannels, and Ciitton; Osnaburgs; Druggets; Damask , Table t'iiths: ditto Napkins; ('ciitre-Table Cnv- ers. verv line; I’iano Covers; Irish Linens; Lin-’ en Lawns; Thread ('ambries; Towellings; Gen tlemen's Merino .'>hirts and Drawers; .''ilk Neck and 1‘iu-ket Handkerchiefs; Ladies’ Merino Vests; Cashmere and .Silk Hose; ditto H.alf-Hose; , the celebrated Salem -leans, black and grey, 1 Ladii’s'. (ientlemen's .and Children's liOOT.S and SH( )FS. , .Men’s, lioys’ .and Infants’ Hats and Cajis, Velvet, .Satin. and Florence Ibmnets. \ Ditto ditto ditto for Misses, And everv article usuallv kept in a Drv (lOods .''tore, ! We invite the ]uiblic to call and exam ine our large and handsome .Stock, as we are al ways .anxious to show our (ioods. 1^' /.vvyi 7\i amf AUKV, SHIvMWKLL CO. return thanks to the citizens of Fa\etteville, and the public generally, for the very liberal jiatmn.age here tofore bestowed on them, and intend, by strict .attention to business, to merit a continuance. S, S, AKLV, 1>. SHL.MWFLL. J. U. McDUNALD. Fayetteville, Sept. l'>, 18ol. liltf iH.WK just received from New York, my FALL AND WlNTF.ll Stock of tloods, ('onsisting of :i peneml assortment of Dry (loods. lirorcrics, llanhvnrc. (’iillfry, \f. 1 will b.arter for Tl'lll’KNTlNE, or any kind of I'roducc. N. KING, 10 miles North of Fayetteville. Watclies and Jewelry, At Wholesale aiisl Hctail. J. M. HKA8LKY ’W'WT'OrLl) resjiectfully inform the public \ w generally, that he has returned recent ly from New York, with decidedly a large as sortment of t\*ntrhvn •Wetrefrff. Many of these Watches were bought for (.’,\SH I?Y i’HL I’-^CKAGK, ami can therefore be sohl very low. He has Watches of all kinds; Chains, Keys and .Seals of all kinds and of the latest styles; Finger-Uings, Kar-Iutigs, Medallions, of all sizes, of Kiiglish :iik’. American make; J-a- dies' Chatelaines: Cuff I’ins; Collar and .Sleeve Huttons; .Shirt .Studs: Gold .Spect.acles, light und heavy: Gold Pens and I’enciis; (!old and Silver Thimbles; IJracelets; .Silver Fruit and IJutter Knives; Silver Sj'fions cif all sizes; large lot of I’ocket (’utlery; .'^cissors. Iicst ipiality; r>iitton- Inile Scissors, Surveyor's (Joni)ii.sses and (,'hains; Mathematical Instruments; large ipi.antity of fine auil eomuion l’i>tols: tine and common sin gle ami double-barrel (luns: (!ame I’ags; Shot IJe'ts and Powder Flasks; Military t'loods. in cluding the U.-iss Drum and the smallest I’.iitton; Violins and extra I’.ows: Flutes, (.'larionets. Fla geolets, Accordeons, of all kimis and sizes; Mu sic lio.xes: Pertumery; .''oap: L.ather IJrushes; K.'izors and .stro]is; Dressing ami Pocket Combs; Plated and Jlritannia '.Vare; and various other things too tedious to enumerate. Call and give me a trial. Ciish paid for old G*ld and Silver, WA'iriiKS and Jkwklry neatly Repaired, lui^i/tcrilh’, X. ('.—Corner of' Markfl Sipixrr. 12-r,m] J. M. 15KASLKV. NOl'Kl’.. nil m Wl.NTi'R HOODS. TB'S H K Subscribers are now receiving a well M selected stock of .Staple and Fancy DUY (;(»OD.S, Among their stock will be found the I latest styles of La.lies' and Gentlemen's DliKSS G(>OD.s, together with a good assortment of Ready-iaade ('Inthinir; I'mbrollas; Hats, Ca]»s, and Honni't.^; all kinds of IJtidts and ;^hoos; (’arjtetino; .Saddle.^, 15ridlt*>. Wliiji.s and (’i)llar.s; Hardware* and Cutlery; Lea ther; Hdlltiw-ware and ('rockery-ware; Loaf, linni]>, (.'rushed, ('laritied and lirown Su- o-ars; Teas; llio, Laguira and Java Coft’ec; J'alt, ^lulasses, Iron and Nail.s. With many other Goods, which will be sold very cheaji for (':ish. or on time to those who pay jmnctiniily. \Ve would be glad if our friends I and the public generally wotihi give us a call. ; J. T. COUNCIL & CAI.N. I .Sept. 1, IS-'il. iStf Encount^rc yort/i Carolina, fWlHK umlersigncd is manufacturing, in Fay- Ji. etteville. Boot and Shoe Polish, far superior to the Blacking purchaseil in the Northern cities. He intends devoting his whole time to manufacttiring and vemling this very su perior Polish, and calls upon all who think it to the interest of the .Southern jieople to become imlej>endent of Northern mantifactures, to give him their aid ami patronage. He is prepared to show, by ahfubite trial, to any one who will call u}ion him, the cnxt fuf-c- I rinritti of his over all otner pulixhrs or hbichiuj I now sold in North C.arolina. Call and have your ' boots and shoes once completely blacked and jiolished, ami be satisfied. This article is oriercd at a price m>t higher than is t;su.illy chargcd for other and inferior |Ualitics. and a trial is all tliat is askel to se cure tlie patron.'ige of the imblic generally. The tiiideisigned expects to visit every jior- NOTiCK. f S^ILK Steamer Chatham will leave this p!u« u every .Monday and Thursday at 7 o'clock, A. M., ( ifo'elock :ts at pres(-nt,) con;- menciiig at 7 o'clock Monday l(th inst. 'I'irne of leaving Wilmington, every '1'lies lay and Fri day at '1 o'clock P. M. JNO. 1>. WHJ.I.VMS. .\gent Cape Fc.'ir Ste:iinboat Co. I'nvetteviHc, March .'5. IHIOTii!;nS Li^E. rW^HF, Stciimer lil’OTHIll’.S nnd Tow Hfi.ats, H. STKVKNSON and D.W ID LKWLS are pre- [lared to forwaril with Dj;.si>Arcii, all goods con signed to the Proprietor. The .''teamer lirotliprs is of light .’.raft, an.i well suited to run in low water. She jiossesses power, ami .“peed, .and is a'lniirably adajited lo towing, and can accominod.ite about l!it passen gers. T!ir proprietor contemplate.s rnii'iing the Uoat himself, and will jcive sjifcial aftentii-n to «av freight .‘iJid ntival stores: to towing. :i!iil v.ill al so attend to the 'onifort and eoiiveriience of Passengers, Fi-oin his long e.xpericnce as .\gent iu Wilmington of t!ie several Ste.-im l!oat (,'om- panies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. To Merch.-ints in the interior he wouM say. that all Goods shijiped by him, will be delivi“-ed to their .Agents in Fayetteville. His agent m Wilmington is .lOHN (,'. l..\TT.\„ to whom ud comnmidcations may be addressed, as .Vgcnt of the .Stc.imer IJrotliers. JOILV IVvNKS. Pr-'ipriclor. May I,"). ~‘-~7 J^LACKSMITIIS' BLI.LOWS, Anvils. Vise.-.- .“^crew Plates, and Hammers, fi-r s.ale by LKKTi: .• JoiIN.:oN. 2 ( M'cst of ('. F. ibink. C a rr i a ge Ai aim I'a c t or y riJ'^HK Subscriber having taken t!;e I'stabli.-h ' JsL nient of the late C. .*^impSon. (situated opposite W. .McIntyre's .Store.) intends carrying on the Carriage Maniinictiiring niisincssi In all its various branches, and would respect fully solicit :i sh.-ire of the public ji.atromige. Having had considerable experience in the business, and having been emjiloyed in some of the most extensive Lstablisliments in New York and New Jersey, he Hatters himself that he can give general satisfaction. He warrants all his work to be maile of the' best material tiie surrounding country affords, and by e-^jierienccd workmen; and siuiuld any of it fail, eitlier in iii.atei ial or vvorkjnansliip, ia twelve months from the time of its de'ivcry, Lo will re}.air it free of charge. RKP.\IP.1N done in the neatest and best manner, and at tli2 lowest possible prices. A. H. WHiTFlF.LD. Fayetteville, Feb. II, 7tf tion of the State to introduce his Polish, and j nf fo,ir-hi,n>r P„sf Cixirhc::, frovl asks now in a'lvance that Mendiants and otlicrs ■ • • visitintr Favetteville will give hir.i a call. A. J. W(,>ODWAHD. June‘Jl. IS-'il. 77-iim T IHI.S LINK OF lUbVf.s is still in success ful operation on the C:ip*‘ Fear lliver, and Continue to offer many facilities to the shipping ]iublic. Persins ]iatronising this Line, may rest as sured their Goods will be brought xi]> with dispatch, and at the very lowest nites of freight. A. W. .''TKF.L. President. T. S. Ll'TTl'.llLOH, Agent at Fayetteville, Feb, I -'), 18-M. * .VI tf Oct. 28, IR.jO. 4:Jtf WAN Tl«:i). The Subscriber wishes to ;?()0,f>00 lbs. ll.VGS, for which the highest c.ish prices will be jinid on delivcrv in F;ivetteville. DAVID MLUPHY, Uocktish, Cumberland, .Aug. l!(I. ISol, lo-dni KINfJ and A. Mc.MILL.VN have entered into cop.irtuership in the Distillery of Tnrjientine. and have erected a .'^till on the West side of the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road, 8 miles from Favetteville, N. KING. May 0.—71tf A. Mc.MlLLAN. E wish to buv 20.('(M^ barrels Turpentine, KING McMlLLAN. J'iii/pf(i ril/‘ to II —Ihiili/. rWlHK i'ub:4cribers having secured the mail -BL contract on the above l.inr. will commence THIS DAY. running a Line «.f Four Hor-*- I’l'^t ('oaches. Daily. Leaving Fayetteville at (i P. M., and arriving at Warsaw at 4 past ti ,NL, in time for the (.'ars North and South. Ke- tuniing. leave Warsaw on the jirrival of the Cars. Siiy about 1 or 2 P. ,M., and arrive at Fay etteville in ten hours. KvTy care will be taketi to render the line pleasant, coiivenicnt. and siife, for Travellers. A Line of St.-iges will be established as soon as jiossible. by the I’lank Hoad, finm F^iyette- ville via Carth.-ige and .Vshcbi.rough, to Lexing ton, Salem, and .S.alisburv. .McKlNNON & :\lcNKlLL. Fayetteville. N. ('.. .\ug. 8, 18."^rl. 11-tf 1(H),000 Acrcs V^aliiuble T 1 M H E U T. A X D S Foil SALE. ^HTIHE Subscriber has purchased all the Lands IL belonging to the Estate of .Abram Dubois, dec'd. lying principally in Robeson county, and on both sides of Luml^er River, the different sur veys containing Over 100,000 Acres; I A large part finely Timbered, and convenient to ■ Lumber River, where a large piantity of Tim- ; ber is now rafted to the Georgetown market, i These Lands are . ei-y valuable both for the j Timber and Turpen ' ie, for which purpose a I large part is well suited, being iu a region I where the Turpentine yields more almndantly i than any other section of the State. The Lands ' will be sold at a low price, and in (piantities to ! suit purchasers, i Information respecting the title can be ob- I tniued by applying to the Hon, Robert Strange, ! Hon, Jas, C, Dobbin, or A, A, T. Smith, Esq,, , (.Attorneys at L.-xw,) T miderstand there are many trespas.'^ers on 1 these Lands, to all of whom notice is hereby I given, that the law will be enforced against all such otfeiiders. I .Application for any part of the T-ands can be I mnite to mvself, or to John Winslow, Escp, who 1 is duly authorised to make sale of the s.ame, THOS. J. CURTLS. ! raye N. C., Sept, 1, Ibio. 7(>if W 7*> I5bls, No. 1 Herring. 2o 3 Mackerel. 100 Bales Hay. 100 r'R'ccs Cotton I’agging, 60 ('oils Rope, 200 Lbs, Twine, W Hhds, Molasses. 5 Hhds, Fair Sugars, 50 l>ags Rio (’oft'ee. AVith Alum an«l Sack Salt, and Groceries gen erally, for sale at the lowest market prices, by Atigust 14, 1851. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. 13tf Rope »nd Uagging, and l?agging Twine, for sale by LEETE JOHNSON, 2 doors West of C, F. Bank. TO COTTON PLANTERS. PIECES COTTON BAGGING, 75 coils Kopo, 200 Ibe. Twine, Just received and for .^ale cheap, bv TETER P. JOIINi^ON. August 16, 18'»1. 14tf NEAV supply of -AfT.SIC, for tlie Piano Sta^e I^iiie to lia!ei^!i. THIHE Subscribers, Mail ('ontractors from -H. Fayetteville to Raleigh, will comnicnce operations this d.ny, with new and comfortable Coaches, goo«I horses, and careful Drivers.— The Fare is FIVE DOLL.VILS—same as before. The Stage Houses are. in F.tyettevilie. the Fay etteville Hotel, in Raleigh, the Yarborough House; but P.'is.sengers will be conveyed to such otlier Houses as they may select. The hours of departiut* will be, until further notice, at half past !•* P. M, from Fayetteville, and at 2 P, .M. from IL-ileigh. d;iily. Tlie Mubscribers hope, by unremitted attention, to secure a liberal sharo of the travel. MrUlMX’K McKTNNON, DA'v'lD McNEILL. Fayetteville. July I, IS.'il. 78-tf W ANTEin oOOO ft. .Ashe Lumber for Wagons, 1 ’ to ‘! im lics thick, ;WiO ft. Seasoned Oak Lninhcr. IJ to •''1 inche*. 1000 ft, AVhite Oak anfl Hickirv, for .Axletreos. KXK) ft. Wliite Oak for Tongues, Bolsters Shafts. 100 Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons, 2(MM) Spokes. For which the highest cash price will be jmi !. Apply soon to E, FrLLER. May 10, 18.51. 72-tf TO WlNlfMAKERS. ^ WE have a few b.irrels of fine old A}i]>!e Brandy for >.ile; such as those whr. want to make good wine cliould get, COOK .k TAYLOK. Sept. in, 18.'i). 22-tf A Forte, just received. E. J. HALE & SON. October 27, 1851. 3lG)ik Warranti^ for sale here. :u£2 A SUPPLY of Fresh (iroiind ('OU.V MLAI.. kept for sale at the Mill, late .Nndersou's. Grinciiug of Hociiny ai:d Me;d done promptiy, P'aycltevi!le, March I80I l-’tf PRINTING INK'. Fl'U :’(Jib I cjrs. iu;t rc'civcd ba'- r-y S: I'L ind f'r

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