S Fi M I-W 13 E M li Y, -mnj9 tijiiM.j ajj'. 'Mr 'ywrram. -'W::'~ W JA. .M1J1 ;-M m Mgg—iWBB!« \ 0) . 1] FAViyrTi:viMj:, x. c., 'riu usday afternoon, dixfmbi:!’ is. [NO. 19.] ,.;vri;p nv ,i. B. nkwuy. ^V\l,:) J. llALi^ ^ sox, ,; , > \M> roKs. .dy.c.v -V.'.okK Oi.>Kl:vi;U S-l (>() if .- rs4 ,‘>U if tiio ;-■> Vv'iT li:is !)!!'r.i:VKH on per uniiiini, if iii-c; >• 'Iiiriiij.’' the . Ok- S;’> Ut :iftor ihv yc:ir ’> ; N !S iiisevic l ff-i-si\ty ri'Dls ;II: t tiiTtv tur t-arl. . ; I'lM'i ii iliK- r.-.ti"-. Ail- ■ t. i t.- 'tato t)\»- uumlu'r tit i .-r t!u‘v will In' till n'> i>r.rni;zl\ . must 1>e )H>>t I'ai l. PI.AN'PATION for iSAl.i:. tr-fV Tl:o Sul'si-ri’^cr otTvrs fur silc* lior l*!..\N'l’\’r lo^, kiiuwii n? tlie I’larf." riii.-i I’l.ditiUif ii C'litaii.s l(l') ii ri?*, ithout thir'l lit wl’ii-li i-j fiOiiitil. It jiartly lifS witli’m tin- To\'u limit', 1VJ1 Ci'iiss Cri'vk. A p.irtimi >t it is wr!l t'UilMT*'t!. 'I'lif llivcr ticM contains lirmhiclive int“aiIo« s, aiicl i rnluco^ frnyiJ Loi'u rii ro .-ire f'oviial ii.nu uvi iiiulits oil tlie I'laio. F-'T fnr:ii*r pnrtici'fir-^. itnniire "f Majur Aivli’il Mi'i.ean or .luiiu-s l$aiiks. ANN .11 AW. J'Myi'itevMle, N'«iv. tio, -lytf jrsr RKC’KIVFJ), ^|t. r>r)i,>. N’TtlitM-ii WH18KKV. Ivo. 10 1 .s*.:. W. TII.LINGIIAST .'i CO. 17tf di A Mi i.K roll SAI.K. llANbSttMK Ml l.K, _\i‘ar> oM. gi'Utle in liaruoss. Apply sonii. to r.ij.iAii IHv. 11. IS'il. 1 ri.LKU. 47-2t eniale College. Uli u-;itL’d in the i-aI f Ilf iU'v. .''ain - . : -I'! !jv I'Minj't'tcut us':>taiits. t; ' )■ raU-'ii I'lic 1 lu‘ r 'uiiiu I ■ c‘ i'H till' >i.l tiNU i\ .I\vrAllV. 1 A imil.inii :•! f. 1 [i.iiiii.- ■v'ca>i>'iis. fiin.'ist a' -'r any utlioi' suitalile V r an 1 >>f Caiiiv-. (iintliaiu. i >ti i»‘ I ani'ii'i.^' nr Miislin fur .... i i nj '-'t. >ir.'t"; in winter triiii- ii’.i.v >;'k \^;lvvt a:\>l l\l.v*>l wUh ; ill s'.iaiMU-r. tiiuuiu-tl p'.ain «;tU ..ill! ! uitii uliit»-, wiiluait :• :.n\ t! lnunin;_s. ~ '->'.111 Ilf tivo ni.inth'i. jiayatiU' I I'lMt !'U in tlio rr»‘;iara- , . >)!'. ill til-' (‘li’.'c-e i>ur.>ii* • ■ •, 'ri i-li.sriji-I'i.r !anjruativ«. -i till* I’vi- i:, ;; -i.iU'i\ iUt'l st:!ily I.atiu. , I r >tli*T ji'In ani'‘l in ,• . SM !'..i -ai-li Sillily. Kxtra . • ,!i riaiK- i:s«‘ I’f instrii- i : , :::• >n tliiijar. l)ra«inp atil ■\ -.r i-'i’.ir' in 'il ^l’>. -.1. l ill I iirU‘;^o mulcr tin* •,ri '• I'ri'iii.iit ainl his \s~:st- i I'l.iii. fil'.!. an-lliirlits [.iT ; 1 ' ,.ir.l i-an i>htain»-'l in the V - ,1 .' 't> rcnii'. rnrtlicr iiifiriiia- .! Mr> ssinc till' I'rrsiilont. r>v iir liT Ilf lUc lioaril. 1> rlM \f)ri( i:. Ik- ikc 1‘har.rf nt’ tlu' iihnijtiiis ciiinity. ;:ivfn. AppVu-a- K lia\o fiiriiH'il a ounipaiiy styloil the Snn\\ t ainp Manufavtviri;i;i t'ompivny, Ilf Alamaiiri- t'lnmty, Nnvtli fan'Hiia. two laik-s West Ilf the ('ain“ I’n-ek I 'iittuii Kact.Ty, mi (’anc t rock, at the I'linii'lry nxMieil liy li.-iviil Pixon >V llrntliers. aii'l win hi rcspvrltiilly aniinuiu'e tn the citizens uf .Maiiiaiice :iiiil the ailjiiining ('(•nnties. that we are nnw jiri'}‘areil to Maiin- t':n tiir»' in the lu atest ami ln-?t st_\le—U heat I'iir.i.s'jiii'j: Marliiius. fniii tw«i to six Imrse |iiiwer: tuttiiiL' .Marliiiies nf ilifFerent sizes; \\ ;.(>1 f'ar lin;: .\laeiiiiit s: il> iiMe ami siiifrle Mill ami 1 ai'tnrv iear: S.iw .•tinl (irist Mill Iruiis; etljre Tiiuls: I'nttnii V.nni ainl Vui'l l.*i1!s. \e. . I’crsiMis wisliin;! ti> pureliasi- wuiiltl ilo well tn i jlive ns a call hefnre )ivii’ehaMnj; elsewhere, as we are ileterniineil to sell cheap fur ca^ii. or mi ' time to punctual ilculers. niirlmi" experience in the M:.ni!factiu iup: T.ii.siness enahles us tn feel no he>itatiiiii in s:i_\iii.i' that nur wurk snail lint he surpasseil hy any sh"]i in the Soiitli. All li tters aililiVssell to the Ajrent »f the ('oinpanv at the Snow Ctiinp I*. •!., Alamance Cnuiitv, N. t'., wl'' ruceivo pmmiit atteiitinii. ;»AVll> I'lXON, \;:ent of the .S. C. Manufacturiiijx fi.iiiiiany. .^now t'rinip. l*ec. IS.il. 4(-l>tu riios. iiT riijjn(;hASr7 Anderson St., Fayetteville, N. C., MK. \V. \\ l.N.'iI.owV l.AW (iKKK K. Music neatly Imnnil at shmt ni'tice. I'.iniphlets ami iVrimlicals bnuml. an-1 ol,I l>!>nks re-hniiiiil, in a sul'stantial niaiiner. Deo. S. iH.'il. W AN'f oi' MOM'.V. 'I’lidSc wli'* :»rt* 'nulel>t(‘l tn ni>*, I'V N-te I.r Acc.'Unt, wi’.l ph use settle hy tlie Ut of .1 :.nii.'irv, tiiat 1 iii.ny he ah!c to settle witii those jor ^ ^ J • ® IVMUlllLS lor biijtillers. For sale Lv f .>S. J. hinsi>ai'k, Nov. 17, IS.'il. 4titf 18th Nov. 1851. M INTV UK oifers for sale— 1 •”> hhl.s. clear M KSS I’OKK. a bills. No. 1 t.ar.l. rt kej»s lJulter, fine iinality. I.ilii rty I’oiut. 4(>tf 10,000 S1»>K AVANTK1>. 'Flu' Siihscribrr hns wnw (MI^' of the most extensive an l best assorteil stocUs Pouh’.e lunl JSiiijilo Slltl T (!l .Ns, I'l.Sl'tU.S of the ni'ist superior ijuality, — Colt's Kepeatin;' anil Allen’s ltevolvin;r. of every unality.—I’nw- der Fiiisk.s, Shut aiiil (lame U:ij:s. Percnssii ii (':ip.i of Kii'rlish anil French make. .Vlsn, the must complete assortment of Uiin fixtures that has ever bt>en nrtcreil in this sectinn nt country. Also. Shut duns, Kitles aiiil I’istols uuule tn nriier or repjiireil. iJitles iii.-i'ie to nnler. ami warranted to shoot from one to five huiiiJi'ed yiirils. Air (inns iinnle to order :it slioi't notice. To all of whicli the atteitfion of Sportsmen and others is resi>ei'tfullv invited. M. A. r. VKKll. Si;/n f t' the (inn. Hrtv stn'Pt, nearly opposite tlic Marble ^ :ird. Fayetteville, N. (‘.. Oct. h. is.'il. 2Stf 'Fht 4'hmt^r hits bovn matfvl ^ B ^ II K Subscribers liavini; si.'ld out their old ; I. Stock of tJiio.ls, have the ple.a.sure now of siiviuu to their fvieu Is. that they are now open- j in^ .'in entire NFAV .'T(>('k of 1>IIV ; llAUDWAKK vV ( i ri.l.UVJ HATS AND SHOES, 4i rort'i'ii’s of all ^ low for (.’ash. or cx- : •uiitrv i’roduce, or to ! FAl.L, 1851. T\mks kvi.i; fS now receiving a very large und general as- s irtiuent of mi\ GOOB>N, I’lircliased by tlie I’aekiifre for C.\SH. Those wishing to |iui-ch:i.se (ioods :it reduced jirices, will please call itnd exaiiiiiip, as l?:irgaiiis may 1(0 expected. J)OliTlN(! Aiikcr I’ranJ, Croiii No. 1 to Itl, uncommonly che.-ip. 0."> l‘ack:i^'(s HOOTS AM) SHOKS, elienper than ever were for .‘•ale in this market. Oct. 4, IS.'il. liStf >*> i > i i C l‘v. ^^T.VIUl & U'I..Ll \M.s i a\e rei'i' vei’ to tlie Store r_-ccin V occuni.-d bv ,\ir. Ji.hn J. Starr, on:- dior vest of .Mes.sis. II. !5r.i:^snu .S: Sun, where they liaxe j >•. ceiled alh^lrinu^ to the Sjiriiig purch isi's nf Sta;ib* .>nd j-an ‘ l>”\ (.;()()Ds. examine (,'ouiitry ■mr stocic .lune 7, IX'il. liS are re |UestCii to I an l hiiuil I j.a iis !!. .''T.VI!!’. .\]. WlMdAMS. 7-V:f m:s.sons I a Mi SI(\ W II. \S iilT.AK.'.K ^'Tould re;.j)e tfnlly in- ii 4* fo’ ii t le ciii/ ’ s o. i'r.yet'M-vi ie and vi- cii..ty. tl 't bt hasaj.' Miic iii .i’ii«'i d j-.iv;ng l.es- S‘ !'s ,i toe 1 ino Forte. tie ’tn "us for tl' ) ei 1 )iatr' r. tn her to' -ri. lis h:i;.ks rv.eivfd. fUe SHi.ie. ■. ei.'Oiii of TOIiAC'C'O. shall re- A (lOOl) STOCK on hand; and 1 . » ceive regularly, Iroin Messrs. .1. .lones .v ( o'.s Factory, ijUalities assorted frmii common to vt‘r\' tine, wiiicli 1 will sell at lowe.-t maiiutac- tiiring prices. UTi,i:v. f.f.tf F.ayctteville, .\pril :’>, IS.'d. oNK, 'iMUH's\Nnn{.\V''rs; j K ■ .\VlN(i located myself in Wilniingti n for \ H I the purp^ise .if dning an .Vgeucy Uiisi- j ness, |iei sons wishing to sa\(* time and inoiieA , will find it to flioir interest to send tlieir pro- i diice to the c:ire of 11. .'haw, and the returns | will be forwarded forthwith. | P,Ol>F,KlCK SHAW. j Wihiuntrton, V-t. ’JH. 1H;M. > J). 4.y ^5? .flcljdtiriti A IIK now rec.'ivir.g a large .iiul general ;;s- ... a sorimcnt of STA1M.1-: AXn rAN(’V §>2l¥ «rUK>l>S, IIAKDV. v t i’ TI.KRV. —.\ !.S()_ 7') bags llio, l-.-igiiira and .!.-iva Cotlce, 10 hhds. Sugar, 7') jiicces Cotton llagging, .'id coils I’.aU' Uope. 1(H) kegs Nails, assnrfcd. H tons .'■wedc’s :iiid l.iiglish Iron, s.acks l,iver]iool .“^alt. With Loaf, (.'rushed. Powdered and (! rannbited Sugars; (ireen Tea; Pe))pcr; Spire; (linger; I’owder; Shot; I’.ar l,i.'ad; Taiile Salt;-liar and Fancy .'^o.qis. With a greit v.-iriety of other articles, to which we invite the .itteiili"ii of jnir- ch.i.scrs at whob's.ale or rei.ii;, as low :is any other lionse in tlie pl-"-e. 1). .V W. Mcl,A! 11 IN. Oct. IS'.l. llAlii FOR i':.AS:’i:ii:N(;, r.oitar. ■ir*- l 1 t''“ b.-.st li. ^^l^'iA^^KH. f»-111 lieits a .'oiit nt’.: sli.iil bi‘ taken for t;. his pi '.lils. 1II.-I "Uciion :il» gi\ in cm tb J I*,.'■ I’i.-iiios tiMieii ■ HO re) ?n: uncr. !■ Au.i.u.st 24. IH.'.n, _ A n!> KOl’i’i. /ft 1 11 ()TT(»N P..\:(r\(i AM' P'»PKhave: airiv'“d. Our friends can send in tlieir orders, a id t!ie\ shall be siijij iiei!. fO( K \ 1’AYI (5K. .\u:.'.i»it IS, ih.'.l. lUf n\V. W !!fSK!-:V. NOTIIi:iI lot of Williams's Old Uectifictl P.VK Wllisi;i;v. just re ■i \ ed. \ T. WAI>I>ILI. 27 tf a .■^o;i sale bv .1. .V W \1)I>1I.1.. i'7tr O. t. 1, IS.'il. Arrv, .aatvrlS S*. i > All of which «e will sell change fi r any kind of ( punctual ciistoniei> oii tinK*. TAYLoll. 21tf ' (\if)i/irt Fiini'itur\ ("hdirs, I f ■IIIK subscriber is receiving the largest .ny- I B. sortmcnt in his line ever before purchased ! nt the North, which, together with his own niau- I iifactiire. makes his Stock very comi>lete, eon- i si>ting of ‘ i (.’liairs, TaMop, Sufas, lii'ilstiviil-, Wasli St.itnls, 1>uit;iiis. l^onkiutr ilasvcs, OW rece.ving, direct from New ^ ork. a su- jierli lot Ilf Cl.OTIIINtJ. mad'- up in the ! ,\11 of which will be .«old on the lowest terms for F (ii-'.rge. F.s.j- or iu\ *elf. iw e. Nov. 2*'., If^Al. A. A. McKKTM.VN. 4.:-tf COOK Sept. -JJ, IS.M. coMi’F/ri'i'ioN i)i:fii:d! ClolhtHf/l i'lolhinfil most fashionable st\le and of the t.est materials, ' Cash, or on short time to punctual cust.uners. consistins: of black ail 1 brown Frock and Dress j JOHN U . uAK .b. (’oats; Cloth Overcoats; Cassiiuere Pnnts, .seve- | Oct. oi>, IS.il. r.'il vnriefies; fanev (iri'nadiue Silk. Satin and Twillc'l Silk Vests. .\ll of which will be sold Inwer than any concern ot the kin I in towji. .‘iiid if not as represented, the inoiie\ will be retiiii'l- od. Call and see. further a l lition to tlie Stock is dailv expected, an 1 due noti»‘e will be J JB A \ K one piece extra tine 3 ii Cl,( ) to l.ir'u lhe_; attention of the ]iubi..-. Oc:. 1 ■>, l.'' .I. ■iiM I'reiicb •all the rina iS yew Ltrvrif Sltihlca. -Stix rH'';i!K rn'lersigtied bavii g t. ni.cd a Copurt- M. nership to c.itiy mi toe Livery Stable Eu'i’r.e.ss, P>es|M ruil\ iaioi in the cit’ i i. of F; etteviile • iiiil the Pui-lie geiierai’.y, tii.-it tl.t v t.in bi‘ :ic- ci niniii lated "U rcasnna ‘'.e lern.^ with at -^ucli times as tin . le. iy wis’,. ti liin'. by »l- ji'vi.ig the 'id'Scl be. s. as ti c\ ;:rc a'ch p!'>*- II. G. HALL. Ttiyelli'i'iUc I'attttdrt/. (’VSTiNC.'^ OF FVl'KV DK.'icuiPTlON .MADF; TO 01U)1,U. JHcj/" lot of Mabbot Metal for sale Winslow street, Sept. 1, 1S51. .U'liN l>. WILLIAMS, Coi^ti.tiasion M'orvrurding • fivrchattl^ Fayetteville, W. C. Feb. l-'i, is.'itt. R. m.Orrf>i,l, FHK\T.\UIM Mi rilMV.lSS!',\ 1U:R{'HA\T AT ! Msrcli HI. V'^'l. b j-tf T. 0. WORTH, ; roMViissMiN ,\\» fuuw auimnj: meri iia.vTv ; W ILMINC TON, N. (\ 1 Fell. 1, 1H.',1. 'i7tf SAVAiJF vV mi:arfs. Commission and Forwarding Mer chants, .. .. ^\ II.MINCTON, N. C. sc'o i r cV r.Ai.DWiN, I'dslnomildc .Mci'chtuit i .^NII liKAI.KllS l;> 1 (’lolhini^, ll«a(iy-mado, ; OK Tin: I’lllST t^l AMTV. i comjilctc :iHsortment of (ieiit.« lUlh.SS (iOOl)S. .HarSnl Sirrft, \Vilinin,i!;loii, N. C.- A! "•jtf l> \ !!.V To ..1 Ii. banel.s. bv i:xiMA rn>. »i‘ IKiiN. snit.iiiie I ^r .■~|ilri ^ I t.i i-ari' "11 the iiiisii, aiiti ri'liewcd tbe j ^tal ti.iii of some tiii‘ ibii-' ale s iti^fied tl: nil will' mn.v v. .'.lid tiieref.il \ ;:rc AC II li.ivii n !itt-'1 'linfiit. V th the aildi- .iii'l li. w \ eh.i les. and t the rail 'jivc sa'ilr act lOli 1 o ■ it f • bill-. • -:,M 111, ili ill 111 uive i!s a tri.il. .Il 1 11 s Si iiTT ( ( I. S II M.!IW IN S .1:11). I*'. ISol. . pd F.. I Oct. is. 1S.‘,1. ■ f P.ome. w, i’o\\n:s. )1.KKT lil.i.ISTl II. LI o-'df i^lveu- (>ne d-e.ir T.;ist ot t ik ,x T.ulm's. J. SMITi'l CO. •Jltf MACLTf'^RV. 4N tf . I'i.s. i':tr..n. Cn.rants. . v):ii ';i I’ri/.i' Niiis. V.ii.lish Mits. l’e> all Nuts. Cake Orna- ■i (liuiier. C!ove. CinnaiuiU, ,1. Cli :C!'late, l’r..iidy Fine - S.i;-line.-. Salmon. Fickle'and - 1 I 1 .i. keis. with a \ariet\ ■ I. nil. rolls to irciiti- n. r \NKS (Ire.n street, istf I \1 Li: r.ii \M)V. .t fine Apple I>randy, the : t w e had last year. OOK T.Wl.oIl. 4H-U !i. 1.. IIOLMI'.S. 7 at Law, Wilmington, N. C. K on C'.ruei' of Ft- nt an I Princess ■t' un h r .lonriial oilice. 4S-tf TJort^ Cirolina Kerseys. >:|[;M" i:i,L ,v CO. have just ro- ; I PiT'.:*- lot nf ••Sal'*ni Ke;-cys, " ;'f our Planters as tbe liest goods '. iT are offered in this market.— ,i\“ been waitiii'j:. had lictfer come .,1.. 1, as thev are going otT rajndly. l)ec. I-'.. 'l>ol. 4x-tf ■'rM.NIHllVlLLK / r nalc Smiii/ar;/. . T ' s,.j| will rf-o)M‘ti nil 'J liur.s- I''.-,::. p. >'7 per month. ’ > , ‘ f..innii'diM;is lioi;s s ill the !. . i.-i,; M tor one Session. ' '.li l.F, \N. I’rincijial. • . 1)0-. I’M. 47tl.I NOi’ai:. I ■ l i!ii- aril iiiiVrtii' il that tlie - ,i; .\gent for t!ie saie . VS I’l i!.T.'-AiV MILi-S, . I.iii.'iai City, of ■J.-> horse i . ■•■hi.ii '.e i."lo-r, which are the 1 . ■■ '.iw i.c ii.-is ever sven ' . ' '.’I I' e'.r ci-cctiou. Those ■ d-,;s ..ill i.nd it to their ad- :!i til.-ribiT. Mr. Mc'xin- ■ tii.il ieo. Pa;_^e ."C ’o. liave • i-da P.i)M'lle I jigiiii? liku tlie ! •' -i.-: ii'. 111. a- l iglil is in no danger r.ii i d ih ,ii. as tliere is no necessi- - . .11 thi - a'je of im]irovement. H. (I. IlAl.l.. ■- 1)"V I'l, 1^‘jl. i7tf •^Vir j 'I'll>: u’li'Joi-ioiicl lia\i ciiti'roil iiitii . Coji.iitnersiiip, iiii'ier the l irm and »tvle ol i Mcl.KAN .V JONKS, for the purp-i-e of doing a general Mcreanlile and liarter P.n-iuess, us j a'.ro for the disti'il-.itimi of Turpentine. A. l>. Mcl.KVN. N. (.;. .JONKS. SiimnierTille. N. ('-. Nov. 1!4, IH-jI. 4o-tl i rRPi.N’riNi: land Foil SALK. ■^OH ‘ale. ;v.f.: acres of LAND on .Tames Creek, and iVtt* acres on Cypress Creek, in ('iimKiTlaiid. i-onvi'iiient to the estern I’lank lloail, iie.i\ily timbered, and mlmirublv -.dapted to the niaking of Turpentine. .\i>l'l V at this >fbce. Nov.'::''. uiKU'rsijiiK'd, Foimdrr and Machini-^t. has consente.'i to act as Agent f..r the only actual POllT,\ 1!I.K CIllCri.AK SAW ■'•11,1. in the Inited States, iii.ade by W m. Mc'Kinstry of W.ishiii;:ton. The.se .Mills are ol Cast iron, im brick being used in their erection. Thev an >ie t.iken down, removi-d -'> mib s. and put in ojicration in 1> hours. Power ot Knirine •JII horse; will cut l.'.,'HM> feet I’lank Koad Lum ber per -2i hours. These .Mill.s have taken the iiremiuiu at the .Marslnnd State l air over all others, and ire consideied the best iu the world. 1 would be pleased to receive orders, either lor the Kngini'w'-th or without tbe .Mill. Letter ad ires-e.’ to II. (i. Hall will receive prompt iit- tentiou. • , • 1,1 1 will put these Miil.s up :iny where within K* miles of Favettevillc, if ilcsirable. 11. (.. HALL. Nov. I?!''!. Norin:. I'tLi \\i! \vi.\ti:r i;fl«!)s. 'i |\HF. .'snbscribi'r.'! «r* imw receiving a well •te l st 'ck of Staple and Fancy DH\ j CO(»l>.'s \iiioti'j: tiicir stock will be fo;md the | stvles of Ladie.s- and (lentlemen's DllKSS (iOODS, together vsith a good assortment of lli'adv-iii i'lo ('liithiiiL'; riiibn lhis; Hats, ('ajvs, and H.miu-ts; all kinds ..f IJoots^ anl Slii«‘s; CatSaddU!."*, IJridUi.s, N\ hips :ind ('"liars; llanlwaro and (’iitlfiy; I^oa- tlicv lldlliiw-wareaiid ('rockoiy-w-in'; Lutiil., ’nished, ('l.!iili-d and \)v>nvn Su- irars; Teas; Hio, lia^rnira aiid Java CdfFeo; Salt, .Mola.-si'.s Iron and Xails, With many other (lood.s. which will be sold verv che.in for Cash, or on time to those who pov punctnallv. We would be glad if our friends and the public generally 'vould give J T. COl N IL ( AIN. IP.', I. .•sept. U2. 1 Si'll. IWiyi'THVll.I.K r.l!A.NCll (’ i. ) T II I \ ii J. M. WlllTi; (!L IMIi.nilllL MPrapers^ Tailors^ A N D W Jl o L K s A L K .V N D K K T I L 11(1 Wi'IIitiin A'If 1 NEXT nf»nu TO iiiK n\Nh UF r\rK fh\r. i^affctlt'rillr^ t'. 'I'ltK SnKsv rihers \v«mld heo le:ivo t«i iti- form the inhabitants o| F.iyette'ille and \icini- tv. that they have oju-ned the ahove Kstablish- nient, and intend carrying on the luisines.s in all its bram hes. Thev have just received a large stock of Ki^ \ i>i - ’I A i>i' ■.) riiiX" From New Voik. all of their own manufacture, consisting in p.irt if Cloth Cloak.s, hU .|ualities. Ulack and colored Cloth Surtmit and Sack Over coats, every grade. I.alir.idor and" l.aliili'«-wool He.iver ditto. Ditto 'litto ditto, made revers- ilile. to wear either sidt' out. 15eaver-eloth. Petersham and Kersey Overcoats, everv st\le. Dress and Frock Coats, of French cloth, superi- ur i)U:ility. eipi.-il to custom work. Sack Coats of .-ill kinds and qualities. Pants of fine French Doeskin. Ditto of fancy Ca«‘simere, in variety. 1 Ditto of Sattinets. Kersexs. \c. Vests, of S.atin. plain and fancy Silks. Silk \ el- ; vets. WonI Velvets, ('asliniere. C.as.siniere, A a- I Icncia. .Marseilles, \c. i \'ests. of white and figured Silks, for wed.lings I iiiid partie.s. in varii ty. — .\I,SO— I Sliirts. plain and enibroiib'red; ( ollars; I n- der-Sbirts; Drawers; Cravats. \c. &e. — ALSO— A pood as.sortinent of medium nnd chejip CLoTlUNd. , (’orN'TUV MkuchaNTS ;tnd dthcrs . in want of Cb.tbiug to sell again, will lo well to | call mid exumiue our Stock. Orders tilled a^t ; jgSr/V'NKW VOlUv FI!U’I;>^.'"»jHB j Measures and orders will be t.:iken for tine (Motl.ing, and ex(‘ciited in the most fashionable | style and with dcspatidi. Second Fall and Winter Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots, Umbrellas, Bonnets, &c., for 1851. ST MU: A Ix'j* t*. :t!»nnutir*‘ tt» tln'ir aU F N, -tul i!M I • ill’' cijieratioii U'i c. ha llow .\lav ^ ^ Ills l;iri;e and H, been ill succe ;SF,|. Ti.i- loddii... is new. and ibe rooin i.;i\(’iiieiit .iimI jilfa'aiit. riie Talib- is alwav' tv.riiislied with the best this ,,lace to bv»y C.oods either at wholesale or j the market atb.rds. aided l.y a ti'.e ve.^o.taKle retail, that the\ are imw recei^ing their .ec nd . garden, supply of Fall and Winter (Jii.hIs, which will l.e , Itoard 1 at the lowest prices for cash, or on the u^ii- i -ir iliie ; No pail;' w ;’l tie ']i Lodger', and Traveller-v.il! toiddi • 111 llto l;il ;• II** ;i tT ■ lit. V *' d paper. We resiiectfullx invite the attention of Cmin- try Mercliants to our new stock of (ioods. as we f.-el a-sured that we can otler inducements un- d b\ ;.ii\ wholesale house in this town. S. .V W. 1, I'^ol. F.MCOiss*a|Lrc‘ So«:tlier« 12c- rhaaiics. ;.;t,crs resj.eetfully nonoiine*- I.s . F.'- i’.i ville and ll.e TMal ll >•; ^:;\e cor. ■ncT.ce BStfsitsi«.». w Cue citi.-ei r'.in.oing c..!inu -111- 1 the surpjissei Oct. '.btf sTiuM yimui ruriHT of Norlli ami Monument Strt'els. SlSSoN vN: P>.\1PD having completed their ex- ten>-i\e works, which is now one of the Inrgest .•st.itilislimciits of the kind in this coun- tr\‘. 1 are ]irepnred to till all order’' in their line, viz; MarhJe .Mantels. Monuments. ’I'oinbs, ;rave !»toi»fs. 1 able Tops, Tiles, fm floors. Marble I.etters. »tc., at as reasonable rates as can be had in this or any other city in the I'nioii. For lieaiity of execution and origin.ility of de sign. their stock cannot be surpassed would res,,ectfiilly invit.' I Cuhinft :ind others to call and e.xaniine ! tiefore ].nrcbasing. Tiiey are also jueparcd to : furnish the trade with Slabs. F.locks, A;c. to or- ! Ml orders by mail imnctually attended EB I'hey f'J*, I'amilie- can bo furnlsin d '.\iili lacze. .-i iy, fr..nt doiiiile ro..nis, . on\eiiieiilly .iii'l liand- .soTiielv tiirni'lied. .\n'experience of ’Jd Mv.i t w iM e>la^^• the les see -he holies, to "i\i' general -iatis’-action. ANN P.lioWN. .lune 1, iN.n. -S-tf ^ P. P .lOii.XSO.v \S .irsT HF.Cl’lVF.D and otters f. r s.ile. clicaj>,— 7.') ba"s sujverior llio (’(>1 ' l.L. ‘J.'i liari-el- Collee Sugar. .”iO barrels M.ickcic;, .Nm.-. 1, J and -i. L"af aii i (Iraiiui.iie 1 .''Ug.ar. ■ —ALSO— ' A larcre a'^sortnient of I;-on and Nails, .'-’hov- i els. S]>ades. Trace Ch.tilis. Shovels ai. 1 TonL'S. ! P.lacksmiths' P.ellows. .\nv;’«.. 'liar.ime. . ; I’lanes. .\ugers and ('liis-is, 1 ;.vt, ( olliiis s I .Vxes, vVc. ! August I'-i, I'-'.l. 1 _ 'roi’> \(A (>. lltIMT-: North Ct voliiia iiid A ircrii ;.i Chew- in-i- Tobacco, l.v the Ilox and ret lii. ■ ,1. >x T. WADMLL. i-fober'J-'i, 1J--.1. .li tl :iu'l j ill ' At the I,Id Stand t’oVltierly ..cr!;pied !•; Simp-on I ,S; Mcl. iucldin. i one dour helovv ,\. McKe- ! tiian's. 1 where they are iiow preiiar.-d to maiiu- i fai'tiire to order all kind.- of KllM.'*' \ 1.111- ! CLF.S. li'im :i Snikey or loig'>:v to a nini'-pa"- i -,.,vjer Co;ich. wlsi.-li. f..r -tyle ' -l:all tl' t lie sMrpa.-s'-J hy any ■ the place. j Thev hojie. iiy a strict attention to luisiness. i and a dfsire to ],!ca.-e all who ma\ favor them : with a call, to merit a share of jiiiblie ji.iironag-. i X.- .Y P, |:P \ir.lNC. ni atl\ executed at slim t ■ 111 tice, an I LOWLll than any other establish- I ment in the pl.icc. I TllOMA V. WlilTK. ' .ll Nirs 1’.. r.AFiOTF M . F;ivetteville, Fel). ii, lS-i1. •iV'tt Bf-i:: • ^llF sul.scrilier !;.is i'.ist rt>- cei. »‘d and oti‘‘is l^r sale. m.in 11. i.n a i]\A li« o n.^a \M* r3RWARDING ITERCHAKT, {L-.- Piohij.t personal attention given to all CoiisiMiii ents. and C.ish udv!inc s made on Mer- chaliiiise to tie slupjied or sold in this market. Feb. 1. IS.'. I. J. K. 'iH)OMi:R. »’7ierchatit^ WUAIlNC’j’ON. N- *• Ueler lo !1. r.ialison \ Son, . , ^^.i.in.viHe, N. - \. \. Wclxethali. t Feb. 1. l^ol. _ \V ILK IN SON ^ i:SLFR, DF.ALLllS IN (\.„/'rcfit>inin/, Fnri i.fii Frinl.i. ^ nff, 7*0- hiiiro. iiikI .'.Nil I.MPOuTEKS OF s! £»i:ssioii ii.iVA'^-V ,\T \viiiLKs.iir,K .\Nn n.)'.TAii,. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. .Vn;r. 7. 1 Itf FKESH! TEAS.! (iran mid Ill(u k IVas, ) of very su]‘erior iiuality, con- Sept. : \ ii.il .^3v; Hr . ' , ai liow reeei^ iii.L'’ *rotii 1, 1 .. :ieral a.ssortment of •' ! ' I/:(’ I /)rq iiA!;i)\VAi:H, I ■; , !'. - in; I '• \!i. , ; w ' i'-h are ; I’-.i_'iiig, P.ale lloii«‘, '■ ^ •‘de-allil r.ii'^i'iisli lrili. " - I. Iiir-'i rial aod F-laek Teas. . •. I ■.(■r, I’ow der, .shot, : ! lie. Soap. ' j.ivit variety of other ;irti- ta.-v ;!'\!te the ailuilioii of th“ ! ! -. v .'ire iU t> :'.;i.iii'd to sell . 'P 'U ti;iie to th‘se >> ho p.iy !. , ^ . I !■ !u till- .'-oo.thern counti y. nil-, at the highest market ■ II . : ■ il ;. Il” c- t'ol- ( I O' 'ds. '.!■ LI.AN >V JONLS. ' . ( . 1»C( 1 S-l 1. I )o r M \ki:rs. ;! I ijri-ii'ir article of (>ak 'Ian ii 1.1. X'fllFit. with French and ." I\1N.'-, can be -applied at our lilXsD.M.KS nil;. J. M. The 111 t:on is eomposei s dected and c uup ;iccuiacy and car lii'iie.it in pulinoii iry j.,;i lii.\iI'CT.. Tuts j'rcoi.iratio’i has jtrovrd it.-'elf to be of griMt ‘fti-u-y in t!ic cure of Coughs, Cobls. W hooping I oui.di.’and nther iiulmonic nttection.s. It is pleasant to tiie taste, and may be given to voiini- children with jierfect .success and satety. iicinal ingredients of which this ( oidec- l are ]iur(dv vegetable, and are mnde I by the Proprietor w ith •. iiiid are, singly, of great '.jinplaints. For s.ile, with iFirections. liy SAM'L •!. HINSDALK, Druggist. Nov. 17. IS.',1. 4(ttf ^ FUl-:sll ( UA( lUU.S. and half-bbls. liutter (’rackers. HI boxes Sod I ‘I'l*;’- 1_* ditto Wine. I’icnic, Sugar nnd isos- ton Crackers. For sale by SAM L W. TILLINIIHAST ( O. Nov. 17, 1 Sol. ■ 15 - .Oui. WADDILL. ilu aiiil I f III UT V-I'M( • IIT (’arriapes and Hiiggies now M finiHlied, at'd on hand—eighteen of which irc 15n'>^-'-ies. .Ml at low prices, according to i finish. M'.-KFTHAN. I its, laOi. «o-tf WHITK it T’NDF.HIllLL. A. r. IlAllT, Nov. 17, IS'iI. 40-oin 1 \ N tie furnished bv the undersigned. Old ' Mids can save ?j;!U to .“i;!.'., aiid new MiH.s to bv procuring these U In'cls of me. • .isting for tlio late-t imi.rovenients iii r.iw mills constantly mi hand. Steam mills re]iaired throimhout. Crates forbnrning saw dust, sash weights, corn shellers, 151iicksmilh irons, mill spindles, gearing, 'lack.s tor ehiiuneys, frfuits for fire-places, and eastings of every ilescrip- tion. made to order. He has just returned from the Great Lxlnbi- tion, and is jirepared to furnish machinery of the latest improvtineiit. A few j.atterns b.r faiicv railing fences for yards and cemeteries expected daily. Morse Powers for threshing 'M’ain, .sawing wood, and grinding corn, ' r.i onb'r. A fmir-liorsc Power, with grist mill to grind 4(» to 'i* bushels of corn per day, tor .-smSii. lie is al.so making prejiaration to man ufacture rage’s celebrated Saw Mills for saw- i,„„her,—will saw feet of lumber per dav. , . A ,«peciin.-n of fancy Casting can be seen at the Observer Office. 11. G. HALL. Nov. 10, 18.')1. 41-:;m NOTICF.—All Accounts due the >Ierclnints’Steamboat f'omp.iny, for Freights up to the I 'lth inst., must be promptly paid to the undersigned, as much time cannot be given to the collection of the same. .1, ^ T. W.VDDILL, lute Ag-Mit.s. i’aycticviilc, Jan- 27, Ibol. iotl K. liALL, OF liO.MK, SiK-n'Aittir of' Ihtll, Sifk»tt t(- To., IS now receiving his F.ill STOCK of (i(>OD.S, con.sisting of a general assortment td Hrv (ioods, Saddierv. I lats. i'aps, Sli()(*s, Hardware, (irocones. \ nincli lar’^er and more general stock than vver opened on the Fast side of the Cape Fear — which he is prep.ired .•iiul determine 1 to sell to punctual cnstomers, either at wholesale or I retail, at greatly reduced prices, i Rh^' IIc would call particular attention to Ins stock of noOTS AND SllOFS. The assortment ' is unusually large, and of every ipiality and ! style; and having been bought for Cash, he can j i and will sell them very low. 1 Vou that wish F>argains will find it to your . : interest to give the Stock an examination before buying elsewhere. .•r-n/iri.’ .Mways on hand, a general s.oek ot tiUO( l,- lUFS. * Oct. IS, lS.ll. l?l KNLN(i FLUID. JpitK’K 7') cents per srallon. For sale by .Nov. 17, IS.'il. Koirr. sisting of \'ery fi; ' * Do ilo • Do do • Do di Tin se Tea s w i "o and are roi ‘’nii..:‘ud •!1>~ •in.. >1, r,\Li m .1. HlNSDAL’r:. 4*tf PtfiTf 's Circulnr-Siiw Slcain f ■llli: undersi'-Mied is the autlion/cd EL for the above valuable Mills, and wtl W -lad to receive orders for -Circular-Suw Nhlls . To be propelled either by Steam. W ater or Horse power. Thc.se Mills have been used on the Plank Hoads in Maryland. Virginia, N-'’tl' South Carolina, ami are alw.iys api.roved iliey are used and preferred liy the C.reenville and P.aleigh I'lank ll-md Company, and 1 have the word of some of the very experienced Directois of that Compativ to say tl.ey perform Th. v are cheaper than any other .Mill, will pert’orm better, and .saw I’ayetteville, N. C., ^■ov. 1:’-, Distillers of Turftciitiiic. ^ fllAVK reduced the price of luy Srilll T HMlltKLS to f^;l i't, delivered iit any place in Wilmington. After Cluistiiias they will bo extra sized. Pcrsoiisi wishing can contract l>.v u"7car ..n tlK-,. tvrms. H«'-N lor s.K' v-,r, i«r ion. ^ M(H;r,.\N. ^Vilmington. Nov. D^, *'"* WUAI*F1N(t I^AIM'JL J KKAMS Medium si/!', t or, “ nine, for Cotton ^ arns. From Manteo I’.iper Mills. Kalcigh. For low tiy II. I July D, lo61. An // J, ir\ ll.is alwiiys I 11 h imi a sujiply of IJacmi, Tidiaei'o, i'li-’.r. Sugar. ( iit^“‘, Ii'a. 3I(»]as.sos, Soa[i. i'aiidl'.'.'-, t'.'ttim V irii, k'licctiniTs, ('u'lfry, ('ri'cki'i’v, and (;’i tssware. V LS( I — A large stock of F.oei-n and Domestic 1.1- 'ir(.>HS, embraciii'.r Wesi in and N. * • 'Miis- tii'v; French, .Vpj'le and !’«. - h I’.raudy; .Jamaica and N. K. Ituni"; llollan I (iiii; Wines of diilci'eiit kinds. All of which have bueii ])urcliaspd low tor Cash. Tln'se wisliing to purchase will do well to Ciill ln'fore purchasing (dsewhere. Nov. 1. is.-.l. iOllDJi. W»7 K are niw receiMi.g our I’all .-11111 Vv inter V W Stock, coii.sistiiigof a very general sc- lei-tion of ll;ird\Nart' and ( titlt'i’v, Saddlcrx. Loatlier, Hals and C'aps, lioots and Shoes, Iron, Steel and Nails, and Staj)le Drv (ioods. \> ith 11 large Stock of GROCEKISS, BAG JINCS KO.'E: U.-.. Pcrs.ais > i'itiiig nds niar;;et !.■ piwcb. sc it wiioie.s^.le or lietaii, would do well to gnc ns a ^ can. '«'■ 'VADPILL. Mi.; st'-eit. ; Sejit. -‘.I, U'-'il- ~ ^ Tiii: (’i:llbk\ti:i> lu k i.iti wt COOKING’ Sl'OVM'i, S.'s for Side bv the .';i'iscribe:- in Ualeigh and FaxettevillV; in F.aleigh at his Shop on F.ay- ctteville Street, and in f avetteville at Mr. .\. L Campbdrs. Tlie ^ul.sci-iber hereby forew.irns alf persons hasin-;! anv of these Stoves from any lina, ex- ent frriii liimselt or ins >ni! v‘ aiiuion/i d .'.gents ' • • • I •- vend al." liyson.” I bv n good iui'.gi', ■! 't li.te." .1. lilNSDAl.F. ;:itf Oct. 1 L l^'il. « Vorllral %VaU*r ||4-‘I. rB'MlFKK :ire several l.inidred of these'A heels _fl_ in opeiation ill diflerent counti> s in North Carolina. Foriiro..fol iheir great advantages over the common tlutter wheel, m- aii\ other wheels now in use i-.r saw mills, we con.ideiitly refer to those who have aiiplied them to theii I mills. We can reci innicnd them parlicubirl\ I for their siijieriorit.. in cases of I w head ot I water, or tiack water. • , • I We still keep a supjily of 'Wheels, suitable for dillereiit he.ids of waicr. at Wilmington. New- berii. Washington. F.denton and The '.vliecls may also Ik Liiicolnton, and I'rial Pt'rsoiis wishing to wl'.e(ds. will McNeill iV C Feli'v SI. 1H4'* Fayetteville. Iiad Ilf F,. .\. P.revard. Wells. Petersburg. Va. ! tain the right to use the be served on applic.itimi to D. Favctteviile. N. C. j). McNFII.L. \. A. McKLTHAN. D. .1. M -ALISTFIL 0*i'tf 31 I';: (tor). •>.-v 6'■'ii ••f- '’* •' ■■'iS-' N. F,. S'FAUIU CK. Troif, »Veir I'orf.’. IRON FOrNDKli AND MACULXIST,. MoinifiH lnn r of Sh atii Mi/l.^ anil HolU r:',- MUi CxtrhK/ »/ .ill L'uoh, FloiKjh^, lie. rgiHK undersigned, as the .\gont of the fibovc-' m. Kstablishment, will order any .irtieles which ni.iv be wanted, on iip|dication to him. The .''team Mills manuiaciiiri i’. by Mr. Star- bnck have been tested, and are biglily ivpproved on the l lank Hoads a’l-.ut ;■ :.ye!tevide. KDW’D LFi: WINSLOW, 1 F.-ivetleville, Se]it. 4. 1S>1. almanacs. ^■11'liNI'ir.'' North Carolin.-i, and F.luiii s I Farm. rs‘ and Planters’ ALMANACS, jn-t ' received and for sale, wholesnle and wiail. by !•:. J. n.VLIO .'iON. I ~ .iFsr iji:ci:ivi:i). 7' mr .MF.N’.'sand Hoys' !S.\ 1 *!.)!.i-^.S, nf every tpialitv iind s'rle, some very tine. .\1- ,-o, F.ridle. . Coll.irs, Whins and Wa-.'on Harness . ; ,;y K. C. H-M.L. of Uoiiie. *Oct. IS, is.'l. ''-t'' M!:iH'Fjj lM)'r.\'l OFS. P.MtLF.LS now landing. 0 iile;-. .Molas.ses do. l’.,r s.ile b\ H. Ki:ANSON \ SON. Nov. -Jl. NKW IU)01S. M.\r.ri,ll :ml the Intenifitioiial. for Decem- Iht; Till Olfl (iuard 1.1 Napoleon, tiv Head- ;ie\; Ibinchrr'^ llorsetuanship; isiu '.! Cheek, the ' Man of Wax; Lewis .Ariindi 1. or the Lail Hoad I Ilf l.ife: Na\al Lite, by Lt. Lyin li. I. S. Niixy, I Wesle^ an TLeolopy; llnnb r s Village Sermons; ! .\l1ciiie s Alarm: .Me lninici» for Millwrights,- I NLachinists, F.ngineer'-, \c.: Zacln.e’s New .\m Speaker. .lust received. Dec. 1(1. F. .1, half: \ SON. BSOOiiS for' the MSoliifaifs, 1 he Uoiiie liook ot'tln' l’i fnro.sf|i'f ' ( hristnias with the I'oetf—a( ollection of ,*-otig-. i ( .1 rills an.i ib scriptive verses relafin-r to tbe tes- i tival of Christni.us, hnely enibellislied: Women- I of Larlv Christianity; Ti e l.and of llondage. itH* \ncient Monuments and pri-till condition, b^ ,( \l. Wi inwrig’ t. I*. Kve-’nt-: nt D.aisiW- ■ -.,11 Man. r; F.ioh ol the 1 assimis. In 0. P, R. l imes- 'lhe>n.iw Fln..e: Tlie liemendier Me; j The Aniiiratish; 'Hie Dew Drop; Flo> ers of Love- i liness: The Iris; .Vmerican Female rods; Poems . l,v ,\meiia; Hritish Female I’oet.-; 'r.ieSUak- ' si -are G’lt l^ook, first : nd secnd »eri s. The )‘l)ove elc atit Ix-oks aie il ustr:.ted with ' si.lcndid Kngravlngs. .Ius» n ceivtd. ' F-. HALK \ SON. BV LAUDER T\VO \ii‘iVr initlli J'*'' ^ SiflKL, a y r«t \ 6 n *, >. ^ / • .tan’v 2!1, . .-.VlVpd from pure person either in or out ot North ' : liims(-lf or his -Inly autiimi/cd He has purchased the exclusi'e rigid to tiii.s Stove within Hie State, and V. ill prosecntc ,,nv person infringing bis right, eirli.o-tv ].nr- i ' ‘\.';,,pnicing a great van.-ty of fp;a1- it ind thrice. Al.so, llristol lUiard.s. Verforated \vurriN(; vwim. ^ V.V\MS ns.s- rted French, F.ngbsh :'..id Au'crican (’ap, letter, liath | Pott, Folio P;st. and Note l*apirs-a well pc- Doc. DI. Nl'AV UOOkS. *’The American Almanac f"r Sn-firiis' PiK-l-et .\1manac; The Fiitcon Decisive P.allles of tbe ’World, troin Mar.i:hiii to Water- loo* First Innire^sioi.s .d t njil.-ind find its 1 00 pie’ bv llugli' Miller: Swalb w H.nrn, r. nsed edi tion, illustrated, l>y .1- !*- Kenne.ly; Don iuix- iriurtmted; Lmidoi: and the i)lt; :iu\c. t>t!’ sale liU.VNSON ii oif basing, selling, or using, aiO tained from liiniseU’. .ICr^ F.i'H R;ileigh, April 10, I s.. I. T'oit riiK I'ADMkks. 'W CFTTFILS. C. -n Siiellers. il:;rrows ^ Ploiighs and Plon.-h textures of di'tercnt paltcrtii, \'3. Nc. For sa’e by ' J. ii 1. itV unl - 1 » ■ Ditto, Tissue an.l T>rawing Taper, an I Station- ,.f all kiti'ls. Just recftvjnjj. i:. .L HALt: V SON. ote, half morocco Kxhibiti.in. illr.slrated: Al Hist. rie«; L18- ti.ti iiiid Mnter'P Suri-e P>uilion's Ciccni; Pierce s Curves. Fe.tictions and Forces; Tooke’s paiitlie.in; Letter Writers, .tc. \e. Just rec d. * F.. J. HALE \ SON. Dec. \y'y. Oct. 1, l»wl. WADDILL :;7tf Sept. li^fi- _ 'VTT M tSUlTLV of Fresh Ground ( '1 kciU for sale at the Mill, late ,\;e.er!- Griii.lin^.f Hominy ^nd Meal iouc i’ayctt.'ilk', Muroh MLAL rsnn S. or Celtic ^ Mi*aaeT-«, a? oreservod am- ng the High-' binders. Iieir g «n histiric.-il .'i:id d*'.s-r;ptive nc- count ol the iiiliaiiitaais, anUijiiities. ai-d iu»- tional ]>ei nli.irities rif .s;co*!aiid. tiy .' imes Lo gan. Jjst ivccivcj itii'l tor sal” by ., ■ K J UiVLL i

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