Tiinisiiw. nr:('L'iiiii:ii is I'ii. Wkatiiki;.—Fir throe inorniiifrs CONGRESS. j Europe.—Tho followiDg further items' Tn the Senate, ou Monday the 15th, j are by the last Steamer: 3Ir. Jt»ues of reuuessce appeared and took j AttempU‘d Revolt in the AuMrian Army. his seat. I —Advices from Unmhurg to 28d ult., state After the usual morninfr business Afr armed revolt had been organized t!i*' 'riiiTiii'imftor has st>rxl nt 11°, an rnu'iial dogi'-e of rold at this season of the Till' sfvt'iitv of the season slionld have •* l ''•‘-'etiii" ou Saturday [v niii- l *'• 'h'viso a plan for tho relief ‘'v .iiK' ''f ili'if ->ifri‘rin!j wliirli the v inter .11 ahv.n> iiitli ts iipciu the very poor. \\\ l.nil't ii 'f. howrvir, tint ^vhen the , iiir.iittt'''^'V tl'-it iiieetiiiir sliall r I tln ir jtjau, tin' citizens will y e', ill t!u :r h:in.ls the means nee('s«;iry . , ;1 tin- l> iirV"lciit ]inrpose. WnEFLtn’B Historical Skettiies.-- ? But tWe was a motive for Wheeler’s Tt is very rftrely that coniinents are made malighity towards €rov. Morehead. It was to Kditors personally, resjK'eting articles he who, in 1H42-3, refused to sanction the' licui their own pen—at least where, as in bond whieh Wheeler offered as Treasurer our ease, sucli comments are not solicited of the State, and which a Loeofoco Leiris- by Editors theuiselves. ’i et in regtird to hituix* afterwards, after a great struggle, our notices of Wheeler’s Sketches, we have admitted was materially defective. It was reci*ived the Voluntary fli:uds of gentle- under his administration, likewise, tliat men of both political parties, who express Wheeler was near being sued for a defi- at length by Messrs. Butler, Foote, Rhett, Si any of the regiment.^ were eonip*)sed ^‘>>fhi!y ami irallant- ’oFFi:i: a natural indignation, that a lM>ok alx.und- ciency in his accounts as Treasurer. These ! und others. i chiefly of IIungarTans, who were said to be ^>’5 ^e should state, I’*'". before any further action be taken by his fB-OM TUB GRKENtiiHOltot'ou PaTKii^. JOHN A. GILMER. In connection with the formal noniina- ■ tion of Mr. Gilmer for the office of Gov- ernor, by the recent meeting of the Whigs HACOX Fayetteville Prices Current. ing with bad grammar, with errors of fact things could not be forgotten, and hence' 1„ the IIouSE OF RfPKKSEXTATIVES ' the agents of Kossuth, an.l of epinion, with laudation of the au- Gov. ^Morehead is whistled down the wind ! a rcs(dution of Mr. IJavlev. callin^r for in! i ^\^fo\ut\r.u-ary propaganda in Lon- thorsselt and his party friends, with at- of “Tfistorv ” as a nnn who h-id somehow ' f r f i - i f • fh)n. A laige number of officers and sol- ......n _ ... ' ’ . \ ^ furmatn.n from the President relative to diers had been arrested. tempts to bh.w up sniaU men into great or other put to be Governor, had misbe- Mr. Thrasher’s confinement in Havana, ' Several IIung:.rian n..blemen are impli- men,—tosay nothing of the omission of haved himself in that station, ami i,ow was adopted. cated. holds “a j>i>sition of great res]ionsibilitv, in whieh we are left to infer he will proba- i sutii w.; any notice of some of the first men of the J'tate, living and dead, and of a ‘'damning wifii f-iiiit ])iaise” of otluTS,—that siuh a book ,'liould be put forth as a work credita- The Senate’s resolution welcomii.}: Ros- , I’otoski an i.gent of K..s.suth’s, .1 -111 . h.'iS heen arrested !it rivsl It 11 w;;s receiveil, read, the previous pu*s- Wy_,^. lik,.wU.p,|,ositiou>vl,i^l, \\n,,r’crSi,,,M„«vi.,Umlnr,lero.l,»ndtl,,r...,..lui,.i. ,1,0,,, t„ revolt. , , , . J n'.‘iirr, and iiroela- srieeuti , le.u , t e preMous pu*s- found in his ])ossession addressed evidently think>^ would be much better Ide to North ('arolina! as a “llisti.ry of filled by his friend Romulus M. Saun.le Xoitij (arolina,’’ aiul as “l»iograj»hieal lu'Ai*. — J h‘ h. and . I’hmk .'^koti hcs of ht-r ilistiiiguislu-d Statesmen, 1.1' eiinipK'ted to Ji;linsnn\ille, dnrists, 1/iwvers, Soldiers, hivines, ite.” Uu the title page we fitnl the wonls, “'I’ruth is >tranger than Fiction.” This Av;;s apparently intended to give the public an inkling, in ailvance, of the haractor of the sueeeeding pages; and we must confess that in this instjiiict?, at least, the author is not tar wrong. Truth is stranger than fictiiin, in tht' pages i*f his “llistorv.” I’l AN i I ):,« luulcr toll, iirobably by t!ie lt of .1 iiaiMry. i’a^re h:!> l>Ocn apnoiiitt'd 'I'oll- '^ vi rat (' it-' N'*- :iud dohn i’. ll.m- k :;t A'ii ^''r 'Ugh. (late No. S. wlio, if we may believe this veracious ‘‘History,” is a great man, and no mistake. Ry the way, there are sevt'ral points in whieh Saunders and ^Vhel•ler arc conside rably alike. forthwith jiassed, 181 to 10. Tlie Nays He also lial witli him copies uf Kossuth’s were all Southern men, except one, six s'peeches in hngland. - - -- ' The IIungari;»u rcsidoiifc of Oeticral ^ Haynau has been destroyed by fire—the i>ensibly the responsibility of a race 11.01 U- ’ an incendiarv. llavuau canu' otfi-e in North ( arolin.t, not for friends, we happen to be aware that it w'ould be out of the |uestiou for him to accept the honor of a nomination, and conse(|uently it is unneeess:(ry to use his name in this connection. 31r. (r. is generous as tiie sun.-«liine, and comes as near hiloiujii\:j to hix f'rit-ixh and t() every body who asks his aid, as any man we ever saw. It would be hard for him to refuse any situation, either of hon or or of peril, whiih tliey miglit be dis posed to assijffi him. No oiio would feel I,;i!ruirM. .''t. i>oniiiij:f>, C(JTT( >X— Strictly j)riine, I’rime, Fnir. COTTON 15A(i(jrX0— Oimiiv, iMiiuk’c, IJiiilaj's. COTTON V.AllNji_ N.>. ') to 10, DOMHSTIC (iOOf)S-- JJrawn S)i*-otiii"s, ()su!iliiir!fs, FK A Til KISS— V\ hig^;, ten IjOcos, as follow.s: Itnnvn ot- MisSLsipiIrraS^^^^ incendiary. Haynau came ^'‘''•olm.i —not for iiessce. lioliail.i.v, Joluisoii of (MMirgiii, Jonos of UCar being burned to death in the house. l»olitical jiarty jtlonc, h>w- i.,u)n.I Toiiiie.sot‘, M:»rtin, Mf»relieal, Suvnjje, Sciirrv, c\ iT ^ ;is till KUnw^ its tflorious 1st. Sauinlers’s biography *'tephens of (Jco., Willliitns, ami Woodward—1*». The I'ay(‘tt;ville Observer ot the 0th, jn inciplcs,—but for the honor anl interest Ctim. occupies 57 lines in the book; Wheeler’s Mr. Smith of Ala. moved to reconsider •'‘^‘‘•uses the Journal of an attempt to keep ' of his State. If there is a devot(*d North ’ ' the vote just taken, and then aldre.'sed the j.eople from seeinir the i)roceediugs of i ('arolinian, ho is one. His affection for ], ,j; (ii i! Siu riiKUN I'koi'i.k!—Till' .•I't t'l \\liicli \vc liave all along regarded K .->ii!h mania ns tending, is alri'ailv ndia l'•'■"■d in several ways at the North. 1;. ,>t' tht' iiio~t signilicant .■-igns is the ; iwiiiir. which we copy from the N. V. n i.:!. as one of the incidents of the \. .. licM d;’.ily at the Irving Hoti.ve, ;iii\i"’i' committees, deputations, 1 hi'ii\an' const.intly v;aitiiig • ;r tura to ailmitti'd to ‘•tlu- pre- b-> lines. (^Such small fry as (Joy. .^Iore- de: were lawyers 1.0...1 ...... K 1 ; 1 I \ I .1 f'*’ uearly an hour on the sub- J ** " . * jeet of the re.solution; during whieh he was • d. J>Mth m tlH‘ Le;j:ishi- several times iiitorruptod hy of or- ture. 4th. ]}ith candidates f(tr (.'ongre.s.s, der. He expressed himself strongly op- (though Wheeler was not eln ted “because l">>ed to the resolution which had just been lA‘t no one suppo.v;e that we w ish to in- lie did not iret votes enough.”) Ath. Both iiinl explained the reasons whieh ti'itere with thi' sale of (’ol. Wheelers .i]ipointi'd bv (icn. daekson on the Frcnch book, l arliomit. ^\ c know well enough ('oinmission, (Saunders as a Commissioner, that >nch a book, tilK'd with matter ot a ht'eler as Plerk.') (itli. Both have been personal nature, is much more likely to frepiently defeated as Candidates for of- .“cll wlu n brought to the puldie notice fice. 7th. Roth are prime favorites with even by decided criticism, than when al- the author. Sth, and lastly, and mostly. induced him to offer a different resolution some days since. On motion of Mr. Hibbard, the motion to the two caucu.'^es at Washington. 'J'his is all a fancy of the Editors’ own. the mere coinage of their brain. We have no such desire, V>ut ini the contrary, have maje the action (d* the caucuses respectively, tin* basis of the leading editorial iu our jiajier (d‘ the ^th. The more fully everything can be given, the better for the cause which we advocate. Our limits will not his native State ^urji.isseth the l*ve of tho.xe who, favored of fortune, have found tlie lap ot the ‘‘iiood itM M'lt'acr” ;i lap. of ea.so and luxury: From (‘ariy youth, with her humble but indi'p(.-ndeiit an 1 haidv sous, he mixed the sweat of his brow with her soil; the scenes of his unaided efforts to sei-ure an education, of his incre.ising professional labors and reputation, and th(! LKAD- Wlicat, Oats, I’c.is. llM-, UlUllS— Dry. (troeir.. nt(»N — Swcilc.**, criinTiioii bar, fHtto. vide, L\U1)— .MBEJ! 18,. 1851, 1 Frt>m n 1 1 n T.,- ' ! ! !l •i' 15 L $ IT 14 1 ,10 i '"i 1 o« 2C: 1 i" I 1 lo ■ 11 ^ 1 ' : ‘ t \(* ! -iii * i 1 : 7A!' ; i *V' ’ i !' 1 bJii I'V 1 1 !(•' 1 1 iv 1 1 i !15 .“i i '* i, 1 10 sop ! r 4 *5 , i 4 ■)0 . 1 4I25 : : >JO ^ 8.'. '.•O' , ;55 f.ll ' so ■. X[> reconsider was then laid on the table. Cimgres.ional de- prosi»ects of any honorable ambition which Mr.c'rnn War.—Mr. Fitch asked the f^^, and at the same time keep up he may cherish', all lie within her borders. NllwOrlcan. animons consent .d the H.uise to intro- J''*’* ‘I''.'*’ ‘‘ F.perty in the State, made by oiLS- i i 4 J.S I: f (.'nlnrc'f Mrn.—A coni- • .i{ flii’.tcen coliirt'd ni,-n. ”Mpp >intcd • >1 ;!i' tht' 1 J.i! ‘li'fcnet' of j'l'i's >’;> claim- I ,i' fu,.;:iv.' >l:ives,” wait'1 u]>on M. K "H'li _v 'tcr'l.iy morning, and preseiilt'tl the ti n ir of whicii will be aji- ; : III tiu- followiiiir t'xtracts: • '1 \ . K^KsfTll: Wi apjiear before yon • \ iiiag ■ t ■ a gn at princi]>le which i .;■:!! niief wiih > i uiui li ili>tiiictiiess, ; ! 4 1 wiih so much pow , • ' TM.if a ni.in ha.-, the right ti» the full xi; i' ■! hi' f:iculties and p iwcr in the ’ wi: !; _MVe him liiith. ami that it is , - I!': la!y f • levote all the energies of . ' f 1 m.iintaiu th.it right for him- : ,1 il ' ' ''iiipatriots." .M. K i,"\itii replied: — •1 i\ n.' mfei.tioii, geiitlom. n. ti>make - 1 believe yon do not expect it t ;;i ,11 !. ist night I haif an opportuiii- • , • ; my humble wi>hcs. on which r . n 1 liMiit' pro]i:*>itions ti> the }>eople ; ;iic I Miti'd .''t.itt >. Now. I know the • .!;i| niv of the |K‘oph* of the I niteil '• ■ ' t'irth. c.iu'c w hici. 1 represent, and 1 i "ii!i i, ii■ i_v 1; >p-- tlicy will be made a- . a?ter til ' stateiih Mts I made la^t •. lu. t!i:it the tinu' for fs>(x hal i. ail I tlr- t;iiic for lu-fintt has come. All 1 '.It r l ife 1 will take tiiis very ground • • \, ! v II' \v pr ' >f anil n.‘w testimonial 1' 'I nu‘ of synip.ithy. of the , , 'Il 'i' the fiieinlly fet'linjs to- r,.,r ...use. to ;,ii>\v. r, tliat wliile 1 V ..ir i 'U,' ] >p!e iij 'St . .idially 11' : f 'Vmpadiy, 1 hope f 1 iiicli'V'd to /■- 'tiling . t-Xpp.an'.’,] ’ I iS not opi 11 tin' ey- > of Sou- I:i ] • 1 ;e we 'lou t ki»ow wh it will.— r princ iple’’ wiiirli tlie-i- c. lorctl : ^ lii u" I x'ract f'.tun Ko"U'Ii’s ha- ' I' tli;.r whieh uiidoubtcd'y per- i ' 111. \'i’e will li it argue the iiiat- i‘ i- t pl.iiii and t-o delieate for I'llellt. :;re ulail tc^ >ic ir statdl in letters ■In :^'!iil! >n th:if lu inv of the Son- . . Ill nllrcr^ t.ike the true ground that ■ it’ I'Mice in the aHa’-i' of other govern- !.•' uia\ l*'a I 1-1 a jii.'tilication tor inter nee with t'u' Southern States, and "Il r!i l!: 4it',if;o’i'. All kiii'ls of inter- . Mr.- with ^'ii r p'*"ple’s affairs, they U'e iliri er attention to the very able ar- :V'Ml the National Jiitelligencer cm Ml j rt if the day. \N'>TIIK!t I'xriTK.MF.NT. The NeW Or- ; ■ p!e appear unwilling to be out- '!• hy t!ie Ko>,uth mania in New ^ ork. ‘ I'r'’.,:v la-t, a prodigious t xcitement, >1 iiiiiii'Mi' • meeting, rc'ultcd from the ' ' 'f th.- tit partun- of Mr. Thrasher, as ' f'T '^oain. they bttth murder the Queen's English most horribly. Tn still more rcmarkalile contrast with ^\ heeler’s notice t'f (toy. Moreheail, is his puff-extraordinarv of the late Hon. Cluirles Fisher, on m’hoiii nearly four closely print- tluce the following preamble and resolu tion: be necessary to a jiroper understanding of the united labor of hands and head, which Wht'reas, m the tliinl of January, 1S4S, the H ouse (d' Representatives if the Cnitetl States ileelared that the then existing war with .^Iexieo was “miiieccssiirily :ind uii- ••on.'titotionnlly begun by the Fre.^ident of the I’nited States,’’ which declaration, if lowitl to hill still-born frtmi tlu‘ prt'ss. We are thcreton' aiding Ctd. Wheeler in the .-ale ot his bt>ok, at tlu- >ame time that we are etiih'ivoring tt> vindicate the State from the 'I'.'p'.cion of regari.ling -;ucli ;i thing as a ••lli'torv. ’ It eeitaiii!\ dcH's oi'iitain a great deal of ctl pages are bestowel, full of every ex m.itter which it is useful ;o have emloilied, jiression of admiration 'which tlie ft'rtile which is ii'it otlurwise accessible to the imaginiition of the ;iuthor couhl pile up, reatler, (ainl which can be n lied on when- one upon another. We (hi not mean to evcT the reatler has other corndiorative say any thing tlisrespectful to the dead; the prill- sources of information as to its correctness.) but wt' think there arc few, if any pi'i>t)ns. As a correspondt'iit who knows Col. Whei 1- in North ('arolina. of any itarty, wlu> wouhl war, and a repnuch upon the li\ing , , 1 M 1 t I 1 • " iio tnigiit Its tiattles; that It was uufound- er remarks, “he lias a l'o»hJ meiiitirv and r;ink .'Ir. risher above (k>v. Moreheatl, in „ i i i * ' • ’ el in taet, and cxj)ressel n»t the opinion great industry—is a capital irleaner of other any respect, whetlu'r we regard talents, people's ideas, thoiii;h utterly incapable >f station, general n-'efulness, or patriotic de- grappling with .s-i grave a subject as His- votiou to the interests of the State. the subject, to give in full the debate which iK'curred in the House on the l>t inst., tht* whole gist t>f which mirht be put in a nut shell. We give all that is of interest in it as follows;-- \VH. .Join not. Now that is dt'cidt'tlly eool. ,V tiaily paper, as the Journal is, is dumb a week t*rrt>neous ti|)initins of the cause of that war, ami the views and motives of those engaged iu its active pro.'^fcution: Theretore— /irso/rr(f. That the said declaration was a libil against (mr country’s cause, a stigma upon the memory d‘ tlie brave dead .pr pi*e-Ik s were made by eniocrats, am! the nicet- ti>ry.” ^Vhat is to bt' rcgrettctl is, that the materials which he has collected with so much inilustry, IkhI not fallen into other hands, in which they might have been moulded into respectable >hape, corrected of their errors, ami deiiutletl of their party bias. Then the bt^ok might have been what it purpiuts to be. Our jmrpo.-^e at ]>n'sent is to copy the whole «.>f w hat Col. \\ heeler » t>ndescemls ti> 'jay of oue who, as a patriotic citizen, an eminent lawyer, a popular oratt;r, a distinguished statesman, has few etjuals in this f'r any ^tli r .'^tate. See the w rk, pau:»>s •>, ft«r the ftilltiw^ng: ‘‘.Ii>hn Mo*ly Morehen'l i- a re'ident t»f tl;i> ('ounty; he w.i' born near Roeking- b itu ('ounty, t(h .July, 17!*''; t ilucate.l by ILv. H.ivitl ('.ddwell, and gra'Iuatcl in 1''17. at the rniver-'ity. He stiidicl law, aii'l pracrisetl the profc^sion for many years with great suc«‘ess. ‘•In I'^lil he repre.scntcd RtH-kingham in the Htius'' of {’ommoiis. lie moved to (liiilfoni, aii'l representeil this county in the IIoue of ('onimoii'J, in 1 ami 1 ^:27. ‘•In l^n he was t IccteiHr'lvernor, over H'«n. II. M. Saumlers, aijtl was again re- tlee1-.l. • It wa> (lovernor Moreheail’s fortune to n;n hi." i.olitical career in heated party times; in tin' anlor of his temper he might .' •iiietinii- have • iJivfii to p.'irty ^lint \va5 meant for iiiMiikiii'I.'’ “He is now Frcsith nt of the Ceiitn'l K.iilroutl, a position of great respttnsibility.” This is one of the very few instances,— (imleed may we mit say the instance? it is the only one we recollect at this mo ment '—in which the authtir so f.ir over comes h'.s habit ot us to venture upon its oppi'site. Ami who is it that is thus destined to go tlown to future geu- eratifins in “History”? (3ne of the imist entcrprisiiiLr ami energetic men ot the age. One who, the artificer of his own fortunes, has been engagc‘1 in more enterpri.'^es ft.tr the advancement id education, of eom- merct', td" m:lnufal•ture^. of agriculture, of the mechanic arts, of internal improve ments, and the tlevelopeineiit of the mine ral wealth of the State, than any other Kwik in llAI.tliill.—In a postscript to Tuesday’s Ol»erver, we jmblishetl a short account id’ the t!isastrt>us tin' in Ualeigh on Monday la^t. 'J hi* following particulars, as to the losst's of individuals, tS:c. we ob tain from ycstenlay’s Rt'gister, which savs: It i> imjxi.'sible, at present, tt» form any (•' rrect estimate td the entire loss td' pro perty. We subjoin, as uearly a> wt* are ald! to ctxiipile one, a list of the ,-uflerers from the fire: Jiirhnnl Sun'tJi.—The large brick biiihl- in*.', mentioncti abovt'—original cost J?14,- OtMl—inMiraiice ?.’),•(•(»; tht* frame buihl- gs occiipictl l>y Mr. Croek'*r, and Mr. A. uneontratlicted, may hereafter lead to Juatter of sm h import:inee that the wlude country is ringing with it. Then, in a “leading editorial,” it sinKkingly mis states the facts. Three days after this, it pnd’esses to give “the whole gist” of the matter; ami what tli>os the reatler sujtpost* it jtublishes? The official rejiorts? or a fair statement d’ them? Not at all. Rut it ettnteiits itstdf with copying the remarks of yfr. Mt'ade anti Mr. Kichanlson, 1j'»cos, ami of Mr. Fttwler, a free-soilei from Mas sachusetts, who sjHike ngainst the ^\ hig resolution to abide by the Compromise, movetl to lay it on the table, ami refused to abitle by it when alo}iti'd! Fowler’s statements wt're all di^provetl; yet the Journal relies ujitm the testimony of this rank frec-soiler, ami conceals trom it> ‘"be- ni'dited readers” all the re.-ll Anti this td’ the people id’ the United States, but that tiidy t>f an accidental majority in Congress. .’VIr. Stephens, of Georgia, objected. Mr. Fitch movetl a susjMn.«-ion td’ the rules. The Yeas and Nays were calh'tl for- Yeas lU8, Nays .'>4. Twt»-thirds not vot ing for susjtension, the motitm was reject- etl, anti the re.solution wa.> mit received. Restdutioiis respecting reportetl obstruc tions of the laws in I tali, seizure i>f Ame rican vessels at Cuba, the reported treaty between Spain, France ami England re- sj»e« ting Cuba, and tdhers, were atloptel. Sonil (’aroI.1x.\.—On std>er secoml thoughts the Ijogislature “has agreed to none but those who have likewi.'C toilet! can aj»jireciat('. Tiie.'c, it is true, are a- niong the be-it and highest (jualitieiitions tor office; but they may be united in an intlividual whose personal circum>tanc('> reijuire that he shouhl not attempt to test them before the ]>ubiic. Such, we con ceive, is the ca.se with Mr. (idmcr. In- heriting little but an unsullied nam* and habits td' honest industry, his sole tlejiend- cnct*. for the sujiport aiel etlueafion of a growing family, renting iijion a }>itife.sion which has hecome profitaide, but wdiich once abandoned can never be rt'sumt'd;— it were too much to ask him to hazanl these personal prospects for the .'^t'rvice of his party ami St;ite. His h>me tluties n*- «|uire the flower of his years; they are al- reatly tliviilctl by a th-votion of much td‘ his time and talent to the interests of the State; he cannot iioi’' th) uitire for his friends and his party, ami at the same time fulfil the obligations which he feels that he owes to his househ'dtl. Thus much is due Mr. Giinu'r’s charac ter a itl position before the jmblic, in order to prevent disappointment in any tjuarter. We would sotiiicr risk the cause of tmr party and the interest td’ our State in his hainls than tho.se of any other citizen and Cuba. 27 ■ ;■•> New Orlcau.', (none.) OILS— I.inseetl, ‘.Ml 1 Tanners’, HO ' 7i> S.\I,T— Liverpool, ipack.'i 1 ■)0 1 I'.O .Mum. (bu.) >0 SEED— Flaxsecif. 1 •JO 'lo\ t-r. noiif. SHOT— " • "olii’.uon. per bag, 1 7o r.iifk. 2 SIM HITS— Pcacli biamiy. .*>( 1 .’>.v Ai.jile I 47 f ••o Northern '• 40 N. Whiskey. It; ■')0 N. E. l?uni. -10 .lamaica Itnm. '2 2 French Bra ml v. '2 \j American Gin, :;o |i» Htillantl tiin, 1 '.0 2 Sf(;.\K— i.oaf, 1 n IB ('rti.'^hed. 10 12 St. (,'roix. 1 I) I’orro Hicti. ’ 7 0 New Orleans, f) ■; H TAI.t.oW— j 7 TOBACCO— ' U'Mf, j r ,1 M.iiiufactured, i 15 1 :’.o WHITE LEAD— 2 2;') 2 .Oo WINDOW GLASS—8 10, , o M lo X 12, I oi ; I '“1 il wool il8 1 20 is what the Journal calls giving “all that deejdy regret the necessity which retpiires is of interest,” “jiubli>hing every thing fully,” for tiie beiietit td' its can.'^e! UKVIKW OF Till-: M.\RKET. There is no charifre worthy of uoticc siuco l;iit issue. Cotton steatly at full priee.s. Tlip lot of lio^s which we noticed in onr last is still misoltl. The people here are not flis- .Vdams, as (Jroceries—m* insurance—loss consent to the sale of a site fi>r a Liirht about two brick tenements t>n Har gett St.—loss tstimatetl at something like ^ItlOO. .!//>•. Sfidirt.—'I’he Hw dling t'ccupietl l)y Mr. hitt', w ith the Post (►ffiee; ami the Shot' Stort' ticcu)>ictl l y Mr. Hcpkin. Nearly everything in Housi- ami Office saved. No insurance, ami h>ss between o and ? .^l^. l’« pkin, we are >orry tt> learn, b»st his entire >tt>ck tif go-nls. His h>ss is esti mated at from ''0(1 to s>lOMI. n . /*. Jhifi/iiiis.—Sadtih* anti Har- ne^ c; pridiably ?S(M). ./. I*urn’/.—The Store tK'cnpietl by .Air. (iritliee. .'Vlr. (I’s goiMls mostly savetl. No insuriiuct—lo>.'- 7 tir jfSOO. T. /'. Fi'itfriss.—His brick store and tiwclling. l''uniiture and gools sav*‘tl.— lnureti for ^00. Lo.'.- from SljIKIO to •/. />. linntlKir.—.'“^tore blown up. (lootls mostly savetl. Insured for two- thinis the vi'.liie of tht' htuise. I)iiriil Ditilh'tf.—(IriKt'ry on Hargett St. (iimmIs savetl. lit)ss stmie 4 or No insurance. ./. Wii.iilJ).—(Grocery. !oods savetl. Lo.'S from 4 to i^.’»00. No insurance. L. Ail'tinx.—(trocery. No insurance. Lo.>is from 4 to //. (). mu.—(jroeery. (lootls savetl. iioss about v>l0(M). From the various accidents by tire, break- agt* iu removal, «!te., t.'ce., we have but lit- House on RuH's l.^'land to the Fetieral (Jovcnimcnt. ” A short but very warm, if not hot dis cussion came off in the Hou.«e, uptin the Ni>rth East Rail Rtiati bill. T)iC Jjerff—Siifurtfdi/ MiiniiiHj.—The Hungarian furore, is about as great as ever, at the corner d' Rroadway ami Chambers street. The crowtl in the recejdittn room, is as great as ever, anti dejuitatitms fn m tlistant towns and cities, are all waiti’ig, each its opportunitv to atldress the illn.s- , trious stranger. The attendance i>f ladies t *an is unusually numerous, we remark. The passage td’ the Senate Re.solution him to kec]i his name out of the list of tho.se from whom a .selection of staiidanl bearer is to be matle. Ami iu saying this, we km.w that we tmly echo the cordial »•> take hold nt 7.U The owucrs speak of sentiment of bis neighbors among whom bnc^u of it then.selves. he has lived from his youth up. WIL:\nXfiTON MAl’KF.T. , l^:ioon Iliiuis II to l‘J ets., isitlen an«l eJhou'- SahsDury is dt'stined, we thiuK, to re- ders 10 to 11; stock li;rht. Xo late sales of ceive as much, jierhajis more, benefit fn»m ('om. Lard very genree; sells at IL* to rj.’, ct-. the Wtjrks td’ internal inijntivement now in Hour—Northern 4 lo to t 00, liHltimtire •'» oo Mam hester Road, denounced it as unfair ttt tlicui, and declareil that if the charter were granted as it then reatl, empowering the new company to .-elect just what j>t»int tht'V pleasetl on the Mantdicste** Road we.»t td’the (Ireat IVtlee, they very well under- taldishmeiit. Insurance —loss hat it meant just t>n the west bank td’ that river, and if b»catotJ there, the t>th*r ]{oad was ruined, autl it would not be worth the while ttj l»uild it. The bill however pa.*seil in that .'^ha]>e. .Messrs. Ashmore, lilackwell and W. H. Evans, tipjM>sc‘tl if; Messrs. Hunt, Miildle- toii and Memniingcr advocated it. SoLTH (’aium.ina Gi.'Xs.—An official report pre.'H.'uted to the Legi.slature, shows that thiring the present year 4f jiieces of cannon, (),000 muskets, 1,000 rifles, 1 ,(.*0(^ pair of jiisttds, 1,000 sabres, and 1,(M»0 swt)nls, have been contracted for. The small arms are manufactured within the State, the eanmm at Richmoml, Va. Quan tities of powtler, balls, and military ac coutrements, have also been contracted for. An Incidk.nt.—The proprietttr of the Irving House, at which M. Kossuth is tie ihuibt that the value of property de- .staying, recently suspemled from his lioii.se, The friends of the Wilmington and welcoming Kossuth to the (^apital and to .... 1... i> I .1. 1 *he country, wa# a matter ot much gratu- latitm, with the crowd in ami about the Irving House. It evitlently affortletl the great Magyer the liveliest .sitisfactioii, ami he repeatedly expressctl his sentiments to that effect.—Kjftrt'ss. other of the interior towns of the State. It has fi>'* a number of years received a large mountain trade, which will be greatly increased as the works of imjirovement arc completed. Ami there is a promptness anti energy in the business men of that place that must se cure .success.— Grf f ii>^f»>roiii/h Patrwt. Gov. Wright, td’ Indiana, in his annual message to the legislature, stromrly urges . ,1- 1 • . 1 • .1 T> u- the petiiile of that State to abide bv the A ashiiiffton letter in the Jsaltimore • * . •V am ti' re nt]\ interruiiteil by cries of • i c : v; ::: aii l otl.t r like evidences t,f single iudivitlual ever known m the State. •iiiciit ai d aii'.Mv fe!‘li*ig at tile course All his energies, all his wealth, have been ' at 11 v.uia. H'-'olatioi s were einployctl iu North ('arolina. e think we cannot be mistaken in saying, that at the .samt' moment in which he was engaged in u most extensive jiiaidice at the Rar, a pnictiee whieh of itself wouhl have bro ken tlown the physical and mental energies of many a man less gifted Ity nature than himself,—lit' iVas tin* stde jii'ojt:ctor au'l j>ro* iirieter tif a large and costly feUiale Acade- ill:ii'_' iiji'in th'-tieneral (fovern- Ml 11.1 ^Ir. 'J'hraslicr s instant T" I t HI i n i!'i?; ii). Were orderetl to l>c tor- I I’r -itleitf aiiil to Congress. ■' T..1 -\V'' It arn that on Satunlay • 'f ]-r.'N.iii') in tho neighb.tr- i’' Hri'lge, Sampson county, " ■ ' ' _ ■ ill a tpiui i'e! ah'l i..i affray ' ' la- 11 I; i-!iging tu u Circn.' c.'iii- ; • ii'i tliat oa ■ pel-’111 was kiH>-tl ami i'il,I T (1,111,,„,.]y vounded by the Cir- •' ■ ■ ' We have not heart! the names. ' * .I' u- ri'its ami murders are ! i'C?m- \' ry fiiiiinii'ii. They can beu'tndetl ■^yiii;_f auav fi'ojii the (’irciis and Uav- - 'tiiiiiir t't tl', with the Circus men, ^ iiiiiin;;toTi Journal tiiinks that ' - "f Illinois for I’re.'ident and I' 't \ irginia for \ ice President '■* ■ troiig ticket." lie think it \ery tpiecr licK't, for Douglass ' ^ ■ '."iiijir'iniisc; man, (thfuigh he - ' -li' fiiL'itive law we believe,) and I . • ' iiltiM o////-cnmjir()i;jise 'iiaii. !i;i: | lt.\, Joi:i, R. j’OIN.sKTT. ‘ ' ''ni:_;u,>!i '1 eitizeii of S-.uth Caro- '• > ■ tebiirr, in that State, on , ^1 il; the Tod year td‘ his age. ' iv leariie'l I'.i iii. bail served in .^lilli^ter to .Mexico, as ‘i.-cretaiy td’ War, tic. stroyed will (*xeeed •?•’),000. 'J'he N. (’. Mutual Insurance Co. loses about 61 .T.'tOO. The Register says the fire could have been ea.sily extinguished without serious damage, but for the want of water and fire-engines. The Raleigh Star mentions that an im portant mail bag was missing from the i’ost Officc after the lire. We presume it is till! tme w hich came here by mistake, I and was returned by luesday s stage. 'I'Ih; Wilmington Journal is very ftmd of tl llin:r its “beniirhted reath.'rs” that the Sun, .says— There is a strong mt^ve making by the friends of Martin Van Rnr( n tt> effect a restoration under Wm. O. Rutler, of Ken tucky. All tht' free soilers here in Ct>n- gre.>is are moving that w.iy, ami an' at tive to get their presses at home committed the same way. Should the movement succeed we shall have— First, Wm. O. Rutler. t>f Ky., for I’re- sident. Seetmd, Gen. Pierce, of II., Vice Presitlent. Third, Thomas H. Renton, Secretary of State. Fourth, Messrs. Riair and Rives, Pub lic Printers. Fifth, all the prominent I'nitm IVmo- crats td' the South are to be ostracised. Sixth, all the prominent I’nion Dcmtv crats tif the North, sutdi as Hiekin.son ('ass, Ruchanan, \'C., laid on the shelf. This is tht' short but comi»rehensive in honor of the hero of the day, the flags programme of the movement. An attempt compromi.se measures. of the V. States, Hungary, and England Nothing would .M-em to be more ai>propri- ate, or more grateful to the guest and his enthusiastic friends; for he and they pro fess to Imtk to the Tnited States and Eng land for aid to restore him to the head of his people, ami to compel that freetlom for them which they have not becu able to win for themselves. Rut the iiifi f/i't/intaiidjiafrinfic “mob,” which day by tlay fills the streets in front will be made to ajipmpriate Kossuth Mr. (?lay is not dangerously, but .‘seri ously ill. Hr. Jack.';t)n, f’rtim Philadel phia, has been sent ft>r, and is now atteml- ing him. The di.-^ease i:« bronchitis, t>f some years’ standing. The doctor insists on Mr. Clay leavinir 'Vashington, ami tm taking him tt> IMiiladelphia, to his own house, to be taken care of. I think -Mr. Clay will consent. Thr Tr>‘n,on •’» l’/n7a(7r7j)Iila.— In the Unitetl States Circuit Court on Fri- M ARRIED, At T.ittle Ittickf.sh Villape. f>ii the !tli iii>t.. hv Hev. Mr. beiittin, Mr. KlNNoN rilll.li’S tii Miss M.M’.V ANN .MONHtiH. la Kohesoii county, on the 27tli ult.. hy the Kev. .lohii C. Ilu''"iiis, Mr. \\ 11,1.IS MOOltli to Miss MAKV MIdZA TH()Ml*.ON, thuiKhtcr of.lose{>h Thompson, E.'«q.; all of l{t>hcst>n. DIED, In Raleigh, en the li^th inst.. of Consump tion. Mrs. .'1 .'^.\N K. McKKK. wile t>f lir. Wm. Jl. McKee, ami ilaiijrhter of .loel liatlle. tlee tl. anti .Mary 1’. liattle. late of Kdireeoiiilie county, in tlie ;{;!d year of her ajre. Fiiydtfville and Soiilliern Plank Road. tMKKTINfl of tiie Stoeklitdtiers of the Fay etteville !iinl Southern I’lank Hn«d (’oin- ]'nny will he lieM in the Fayetteville Hall, on Tlnirsilay the first day of.January A tvill iitteiidaiice, eitlier in person or by jiitixy, is le- siralile. Stofkkttlilers in anears are refpiested to niak« iiiHiieiliate payiiieut, as tlic Itoad i.-^ nearly liu- islicd. Ai;«’H D A. T. SMITH. Secy. I>ec. ir,. 1S.')1. 4‘.Um lU NGAUIAX BOOTS. ^ FKW eases more of these superior water- to .» 2-'». I.UHiber—Flooring Boartls 12 (H) to ]- 50, Wide 7 r>0, Scmitling 8 00. Timber— sales of 1 raft sliippin-r at ^lli per .M.. and rafts at 7 iiO to 9 •'*>, Sales td‘G04"> bhl.s. Ttir- pentiiie at 2 lo for Soft, aud 1 ItJ Uj 1 15 tV.r Ilanl. Spirits 20 ets. The sfilcs of cotton at Xew Orleans last week annninted to 40,000 bales, the hii-nrest of the season. The receipts at that port are 121,Mit> ahead of la.st seawn. At ('liaHestoii. t'otttm firm at 7 to S'-J. At New Orleans, on .Monduy last. in.oOO hah s of Cottim were st)ltl at st'.'adv prices. ^!iti- tlliiijr 7;! to 7)1 ibjlasses lias tieclined to 21.1 a 21^ It is statetl that the hon.«e of Hill, Mel.ean, s: t’o. the larjrest eottmi operators in New York, ha.-> failetl. The rumor createtl a ^reat sensa tion. as it was an tiltl established, popular house, Ailiiiierfiarv of ST. JOHN THE EVAX(;ELIST. e-*s3“Thi.'» day will l»e eelebrated by the members of Plin'nix Lotlg'e. ,Nr*. 8, by a l’nbli(v Aiiilress by a member, iit tlie Fayetteville Hall, tin Satunlay l»ec. 27, 18.')1, at 11 o’clock. The public are resi>eftt‘ulh- invited to attenI. The nit-nibers of i’lif\'iiix Lotljre. an l all Masons i'r poo'l stantlinpr. are reiuesteil to meet at .Mason ic Hall at 0 ti’clock. Procession will be formetl Mt in o'clock. I?y onler of the \V. M. J. li. tEliG(\'!'0.N. .Sec'v. I>ec. 17. 1851. The Stuis of Temperance at Avcra.sbo- roujrh will liave a Celebration at that place on the 2'>th Deeenilier. au«l Sons of Temperance,, the pwlilie {ri'nerally. and batiies in j>!irticuhir, are most cordially invited to attend. .Several A'ltlresse.s will l>e ilelivered, nmi tke Fayetn*- >ilk' Uaml kave beer* eRgacetl. M. D. J. TAYl.on, K. S. proof H0(_>TS. just receivetl ami for .sale b^ COOK \ .KtHNSON. -tVl-IJw 1 .Mackerel for family use, in half uni quai-ter barrels, Superior llaisins, in ^-hole, half snd ijuartt-r boxes. .fust received and for sale bv B. llOSi: 6: SON. 1)00. 17. 18.'il. 4‘.i-3t f the Irviii.^ House, no st,t.ner .saw the day app!icatit.ui was made ft.r the di.scharge ‘deatl anti i tla; . , • I * f>f nil the prisoners charged with treason ot Eir'land than they became vndeiit- . . ^ -.i ^ it , i lu connexion with Castner llanaway. A\ iiig J'arty is ‘‘brtdien uj>,’ my, of a l.irut,* cotton factijry, a gfdd mine, buried.” Wc doubt not that many of its j ly enragctl, ami instantly demanded of the , 3Ir. Histrict Attorney Ashmcatl ret|uest- a tannery, a blacksmith’s simp, a tinnery, a v'aders b('licve it; however little the Editor proprietttr that the obnoxious flag should | ed that all the prisoners named be held to .tt.n* mills, b.iats for the navigation of the l,i,„.self doe.s. If the Journal would tell be removed, or they would remove it for answer for the minor charge of uiisde- Daii Rivcr,\tml perhaps oth*rs. The two them that (ien. Jackson is to be the demo-! bin.: The demonstration was not to be , bLn Dec. 1^, IXM. WAN TKI). 1*M>HK‘.S of Tl lUM'.N- /^\w TINK, tor Distillery at the Plank Hoad P.ridpe on l!i^ llocktish. 'J'he best market j>rice will be pnitl. For further iiiform- atitin, inquire of John W. Murjthy. nt the Hridjie, or tif \. A. McKethan, Favettevillo. Dec. 18, 1851. ' 4Utf head, that he never was deceived in the character of one of tho.'^e whtuu he thus s« - Iccted a:j his ct>-workers. The only in stance, probably, in which his sound jmlg- mciit provetl to be at fault, wa.s iii the e- rectitin of a cotton factory aud thi.s bc- V:i: . r. HU't:li , , iu this demtuistration. fjvery ^ sitlenid the State Impeless with any other that he relies up-, mail, and asserted that Cass wtmld be beat- , ].’„„iaud as well as this country. And cn 1 (»),()(»(>, VaKi Ruren 50,>00, and that Ex-Secretary Walker openly proposetl, Marcy had no chance at all. j S(uithampton speech, a combination Kk.ntucky II. S. Skn.VTDU.’—Hon. Jno. | of the two countries, which, he said, in a cause the action of the government temloil Thomp.'^on has 'oeea eleetetl tti the Sen- | regular -4th of July strain, might dcf^ “a tt> inijiair its value. (Jov. Morehead s years from the od of .March, vvorld in arms tigent'y in gcttniu the Central Ivail Road 1S,33, wIk'u .Mr. L uderwood s teiiu \\ill untlt;r way, is wtrll known. It is not ti>*> 3Ir. Thompson is at pre.seut Lieut, much to say, that but f.ir the tact that he Kentucky, having been cdect- cousented to be at its heatl, it never would have been ct»mmi'iicetl. Anti such a man to be NICE THINGS OF THE SEASON, ./ws/ Jlrn in tl, Buckwheat floi r t;t».>rn:N bi r- TKR. HUSH POT.XTOES anti CoDFlriH. A lot of superior 1U)X ('in.K.SK. ('.\SIv and ENGLISH DAI HY ditto. great variety of FISH, in half and wIioIr’ barrels. — ALSO— N'earlv evcrv article usuallj kept in the rRO' CEIIV aud PL50VISI0N Dl'SlN'KS.S. LAWllENCR TP.OY. Green street. on Upper Little Hiver. (being equitlistant , Dec. 17. 18.'>1, 40-2wsw FOR mui^ day of January, .-.t the .'fark-^ ill b** hired lor the ensninfr yenr, NEGROr.S belonjring to the Estat** of John' , eonsistinj: of men »ntl women. Amongst them are excellent ■1 tind gootl cooks. Der. 17. IS.M. ‘i''tf FOR SALE, STATION in Cumbe: ler Little Hiver. (beir from Fayetteville ami Pittsborough.) conttiin- — JY PL.\NTATION in Cumberland cttunty. The incident is one to be marked, as au unwelctune sign of the times. died POUT OF Dec. lo.—Schr. Sea l>ird from Charleston. 14.—Schrs. Elouise and James G. Kiujifrtuii N. York. Joseph H. Flanner from P>arbatloes, via St. Thomas. 15.—Brig Susan from St. Thomas; Schrs. S. Powell from New York, Wm. Hart fnmi Philatleljdiia. IG.—brig Zebra from Turk s Islantl, Hr. brig Sea frtuu Trinidatl; Schr: U. A\ . Brown from New York. F. Miller, a young printer, died at cd to that ofhce by a handsome pittsLurg, ou Thursday, of lead fever, although the big candidate for Governor contracted by the practice ot putting type ■ jj,ini; ©n Tuestlay the 2.1tl inst. litruh of Fiii/f^ttcellle, Dec, 18, 1851. Thursday next being Xmas day, this Bank will be oltKsed. Notes payable on that day must be paitl or renewed the day iKifore.— Noies ftir renewal or discotint. should be Icnigetl RAN A WAY ’Mrs. Hardin’s School for Young Ladips, flHOM the subscriber, at his residence, on TIIT.T, the 8th inst., his two Negro Boys, JIM j ’ and PETEK. Jim is of a yellow cast, 5 feet 4 | Xear r ai/rtteeUlc, A. f . or .5 inches high, SHpiare liuilt, intelligent, about I ~ c • t *1 • i-' 21 years ohl, and wei.nhs about 12.-^ or bJO lbs. ’ TflK next Se.-Mon td this hAMII.Y Peter is about the same age, 5 feet 8 or 10 inch- Scnt)oi., uiider the immeiliiite charge of Mr. an? es high, black, with .‘V down look, thtmgh plea- Mrs. Hanlin, will fommenre on Friday, the '.'ill* .sant, and weighs 155 or 100 poiuids. 1 will • of January uc.xt. Pre).arations have l.pen made' give for their appreliension anti lotlgnient tor the rccei>tion ot an ailditioiml ni.mbcr of in nny Jail so that T get them, or -ii-to for their ^ puj-ils, luit earh notice is rct,tu*sted fr..m those tlelivery to me at niy resilience, or half the a- bove rtiwartl for either, king their way North. 1 think they are ma- ■llawkcd at by a niousinjj owl’”. was defeated^ in iuM luoutk. 1 Itl W. G. iiROADi'OOT, Caili’r, K. r. BETHEA Feedy Creek, .Marion Dist Dec. 16i ICOI. S. C. desiring place.i t’or their diiughters or war'ib’, the Schotd being limited :n number. Tilt* present Session ^vill clo.-;0 on the if'ta* iustaut. rr. II. HARi-fy.- r«t:. 13, ifJl

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