I i. W'i'S.Tin'I'S^: SllKriiS.] Em \\ K iu3t I'cc''‘’I ■■' "f ‘lioice ri.ANJS iiii'l TI’.KIS. Miiioiii: wliicli arc ni-mv vHiiotif-; r. centlv iutriKluctMl from Cliiua, Mexico, •'iiii''. Mv St. i- ii'iw siit’li.-ient, Ixitli ns to qnnnti- tv (III i iiiin ir>. I" jiistil'v me in :l^^killj^ onlors ; r >t :iin thiuz in iin liiii*. Mil l Trt'os fiiu l>o si'iu nn\ ilir^tanct', j :i,■!>'.! ill V,'ill jioi lVi t salVtv any tiin«‘ ,Iur-: ■ wilU.T. c, i rm'in.dir. .-iroct, l-'u\ctfi*'illt’' I’. 1'. S. riowi,T !’"ts s kcj t I'T S\l/i' \M> MMl- I.AlUii; ta>ks« l.lverpool Gv"iuul ! I’. .jcn hnsli'.'Is cd.ir^f l!"ok Ahini Salt. ■>0 c.-isks iVfsli nnslakt'i! l.l.MK, .lu-it aii'l for sali- ^v ,r 11. .1. M vivriNK. iiHv !.t. FMvrttfvil’e, \hx-. S. 1S.-,1. -»i;-4t r S m.storioal Skoti-lu->.>f North • '.iruVina. ¥'2. Wilfv's N i-t!i ('Mrciina Ilfa.I.-r. .Tnt r.-iH-i'vc.l iVo^ii I'hila.K-'l'l'ia. j :? K. II \1.K ^ >t»N. ! HillsbDrough Academy. iicvt St'ssii'ii »'t' t!ii> In>titutiiin will ■ 4'»Miin*MU'0 “11 I llu* *t *iann- , av\ Tei-’n-^ I'l l-.'^iv"iiii K. lll'SKi;. rrinci|ial. \ ,v L’l'. 4'!-i'>w I'Oli SAL!:, I Fin?* Tiir|»'ii:!ii(' iind Ti'iiiIk'F I.aiids, E:i ISoSm'^oii i oiiiity. ailjoininu the latuls ol’.lo- ^ ^ P sfpli .''Hiitli .aii'l \\ illiain Tynfr. j 7(Ht A( TC' ’iiiiii;r tli»' l.-mils i>f Alox- , nii'iiT If. V. illiani li. (iriiiibli’V. ainl An- Kay. .Vrn'' in tlic t‘>rk of l^aft Swaini* aii'l 1’anrlnT iiu;'. l ij'iinin;: the laii'i^ of .In.>. r lie. An.h '1 li., .'. .\riii\l .'^iiiitii. anil .'lis. A’ .^’ . lo M» A r''. I'll wliirh i-^ 'itiiati-tlic >>1(1 N .nii'Mit iniU Sf.'!*. :i'ii"iniii” the lanii^ nt >ini'iu V i’ Uvi'r,. 11. r,. rr-'V. un i .liinin> M.iri^>ey. T:;.- a> iv - :iv • ;!y ln‘:i^’’y Tiin- 1 i -oi. an I tine 'rui-^>on;ine l,anil>, l.'in^j nn atiil ni;'. r 1.'in it II r U.. oi. l ii.'v \\il ' 0 >>1,1 in t. u't>. ivn'l -m aiHiai;”iii ;! ‘ i i;;.' tiTIi •• \;>' !v t> ol. >■! \ci'1. Ki ll. >. nil sr'L l.ui; ^1‘rt i. 1 ‘I ■ "'m . lO NFAV C.\nPKTING. l',()[,LS Hi-us.sil.s. Injrmin (in.l Stiiir (’.irpeting, new iiud fushionuble Pat- tcius. just received. —\LSO— 15 kcps Spikes and large Nuils, 2.') boxes llaisins, ;!0 Shot, . Inilij;'!'. Cliueiilate. Salad ainl ('a.^tor Oil, with nil adiition to our Stock of Hardware. S. W. TILLIXJHAST H. Nov. 2f), IS,')!. FA\ETTKV1I>LK niNFECTIONEKY. CHARLES BANKS, Confertio»tv»\ ■fN'Fon.MS the ]>ul)lic, that he lias refitted liin , 8. K.-ta)>lishineiit ..n (’.n en Street, and ha.s on j li uiil n (rrsli su|H>ly oI‘ CAN l)l KS, iiiiniularturca | in liiinseif out nV the best Loaf Sugar, and war- i iMiited tree ironi «tarch. tlour. paste, ami perni- eir.i.s (laints. liis w’lole time and attcntiiui i^ Mi'H devoted ti> ni.nkiiif' ('andy. and he is pre- pare-d to supply all orders with Candies eijual ti( aiiv iiiade in the I nited St!it-'‘. I lie.-^e ( .in dies he u.-irrant.s to keep in any clinnile: and he will sell to Town or r.uintry merchants, as cheap a^ good and pun- Camly can be pun-hasel in Nt w \ ork or i-lseu Ihtc. I'a;.ette\ille. (>*t. IS'>>- ■•'-t*' S VLKM PAPKK-MIIJ.. rillMK sub.sciiber has taken charge of this old »2L and V, ell known Ilstablishment. and is pre- p.-il'ed to attend to all orders lor I’l'iutiMix Al(’rcliaiits* and I'acton \\’ra]>pini:, «yc. The Mill has recently been thorotighly refitted with new machinery. :ind the suliscriber l>elieve.s he can furnish l*:iper of as good nn.-iiity and at «s chea}.* prices as can be purchased an\ where. North or South. (’FI Ain.rs 7. IS.M. i:. siior.n:. TTtf I.AM) S- '"ll.l .(■ . ii i i** . '"U 1! >usc. or. I'rt- V ,1 th i:-_ ‘f .!.ii'ua:-y ne't, at 1_’ \1 a n-a ’ I,.\N1> ■v.'-iiuini: 'i\t> 1 : - I ■ ■••'h i «■ I' i-e." i-u i'aj' « m l otin'V'. i>n \vi: . K.i' tie ilii . ■>.'! 'i « ith ai.pr i\ c > .'Salem. .June _ .Mrs. IJI'A’ll. has (>j)CM(*il th.it large and coinenient hon«^e. near . ■ . __ the foot of ll.iymount. on Ila\ street. known as the Farmers .ind I’I.-inters Hotel, when* “he woiihl be gl:id to ;iccommodate iientlemeu with Hoard by ttie week or month. F.imilies can be supplied with jdeasant ro4ims. Siie is aNo prep.-ired to .•iccominodate Tr.avel- lei ' and Their hor'i Her .''tallies are attend ed to >.v one wi‘11 aciiuainf.ed witli the in.ina;'e- ment o( horses. 1". >s- who are ^ ■ k!.id as to p.irro::i/o her. -lial. tii.'i tl t l.er _L; ea cst . ire w ill be to pb-.ise. ! (Kt. 1’7. !'V. ‘ : »tf Mixn '.-MA.'a.Ni; milllxkrv. *CL- K’-.i!’ l ’'tT lb t N lie’ , ('• _-e I . I, 11,,! T % mei;! i’l" ■ M-ii • 11 re 1'. V 1, '' rill with .1 I' • I r'a.! a ; Win - It Ml ;ii. 1 : I’bimi-^. ';i) III' • .r II;. 1 !• A T. SMi fll. r-i ri. j'.nd ' •i-'.T, 1 .t> Mif'. s;vl;- . II- •le III.', price: 1 0'' \er 'm b>n all h : Itrc' !'■ in kii. S(’llOOL IJrADKKS. II,Kvs tl ro!:.!.-! iie.-iib r- !';ir' ‘T '’ • ▼ 1st. 2J. -sd all: 4;'' Ilead'-rs: 'Ii-Iinl- f V K 'eeiic I- -a'. -r-^. - i. :ld an 1 4il; j,.rt': nt\ ^’nu! - H“-iilor: (irigir i*!; Klliot v t ,ni- l:i i. .''ch V He N i. I. :i, o atid 1: T ni'T- s I. ' Nr. ‘J ’ ''Ic s Header; Viiiatre Kt :;ii- V,.;v V-.r l;,.: : \... 1. -2 ;nid i’ai^-r- i' r -' Kf '‘r' r!n.' =li Ib'ad'Tt .A’•trr',-a'i vi’.e •• I !■■■ 'U Series. 4 j-art*: >. I. . . . ^ ' I - :.rts V ^ lIM.K \ .■'ON. T ■ . NOFirK. f^I-i: ' >N.'- ^ i 'li tiie «’ib;.. ribcr arc re'] I-. ! ; r ; 'tc i t> 'Cttle during the Ill \ 't'. e-iM-iit •' ar iinr- due froju fier^ons ri 'i-iiiiu : "f t.iwii will be forwarded b_\ m.-iil. I't r.'' -- 1. ; :;iCi,!lllt' the silliscri- t.-r:;'; «al vet iirt Lin’fiT- h in ■'oi .e I re"e' IM' wisi SiiMti ( >. t. ' I. ■ just r>‘iurneil fi'ot.i the and be.iutifnl a"i>rt- r .MIl.MNKitV. .-onsis*- .i-l\ei li.ilinets. I ’ viiriou.' 'Oil-: and Fb'Wt‘i->: lie.; 1 raw |{..line's of ditl rent • i’“ ( . pe>; Ci*!! ir.' an I -t . i.ility i f Kid \C' rt: a new and el- ru’.it ;ili^;', of til' ni”'t ta-'i- ev liandsi.,,ie I’al- ”a-; vt 1- d l>oi» .' iiiid .1 Mead ••r . at t I'iaiii --’k 'd.Ulti 1' .mil ' II ks; a new st \ le .111-1 Tl in i.in-'s. nt all cob-i s .'-;-rtii."iii ot Fiowers aii't ■ s- Ml: !e in the latent «t'Ic -. " ..11*1 I i»;ik '. I). LYMAN nrnnANK, ,*^iiirtssor to Utthh .1- ISiu'lHfuh', 'NVholcsale nud Retail Dealer in 4'i^ar», Tobac'co, and Sniifl’, KEEI’S constantly on hand the above named articles, of the most popular !>rani..s, and wtirranted cf|ual to any iti the country. Hav ing made arrangements with an extensive hou.se ill Halt more, he will sell at Ualtimore f.rices, and respectfully invites the citizons of Fa\ette- \ille and leurroiniding country to give iiun a call. Front Street, next door to Me.ssrs. I’ol- lev ic Hart, (at the sign of THK Tl’UK.) ‘Wilmington. Oct. *•>. IHril. oOtf jjlTS.fll’S.IKiOKitSIIIIB. -I- IVf// and u^intir Stork. I H I . f||1HK Subscriber otlers for sale one of the .EL lar'zest .and licst assortments of (iKH)S in Iiis line ever ottered in this place. He is very thankful for the very litieral p.itroiia^re that lie has had. and solicits :i continuance of the same. Ilis “itoek h.as lieen si-lected with c.-»rc. au'l consists of nearly e\ery variety and style, from the best manura‘turers. He ii.as on hand .and otlcrs low for f'tif/i, at retail or bv the c.asi*. Latest styles (JentlemeTi s l$e;i\ir. Nutria. Moleskin. Silk. Urush and .\n- gola HAT."'. .\lso. .Icnny I,ind. Kossuth, ,\r- »ist. Itoiorh and IU-ad_\, and stiffened Fur and W ool Hat', for Men, Youth and I’xn.—in abun dance bs tiie tlo/.eii or ca.se. —AI-SO— \ >ery large supply of Cloth, I’bish. \ elvel and Fur C.M’S. of all iiu.-vlities, st_\lcs and j>ri- ces.—b\ the single C.ap or by the Io/en. A !..'()— Hoots ;hi(1 Shoes, of the following varieties, via: Fine Wafer-proof, fine C.-tlf. tine Kip and heavy Winter r>t>0'r.'''. .\l.so, 15o\s' and \'onths' ('.alf ami Kip Boots, (lentlcmen's Dress .'^•:ui*s. of Together with an as.«ortnient and Chil(.lren’s llO(>TS and .''llllFS. ^i/: .lenny l.imi. Kxcelsiors. tJaiters, ditto H.ilf. lUiskiiis. Slippers and Morocco Hoots. \'so. Ciei‘t'cincn’. airl l.adies' Itnbbers. With ;i good siipplv of Youths', Hoys’. Childrens and .'•ervaiits' heavy .'shoc'. ,\d of -.vhicli he ol.er^ low for >'i or on tiu'e to ] 'im Mial cu'‘toiiier«. I’lea-ii- ca'I and satisfy • oni'ehes before purch.-ising e •ewhere. .loHN THOMSON. .Miirkct Sf|U;iro. pt. jr.. l''-'.l. -I'.tt m:\\ (ioops. received, niv Full 'uppN of Ci, ►Til.''. (WSSlMFi.KS AMt VF.>r‘l\(;S. ti:im- 'IlN'i.''. \c.. o| the b.'st (Uii ity, from \rw \ I'l \N .. the latest lie;'.rt "f llie New ^ ork FA.'H! -N.". P'ly- ! '•till •■onfijMto to r;i;r\ i>n th • 1 \ll.OlUN'» lU SINKS'', at t!i_\ Stand on Htv 'tri'i-t. aii'l tlio^e who r.ix M' n'c uilli iln-ir . iisi.im mav reU on liaxing iho’r wi>r'.» doi.e in ' n’-it ’nd fashionable -«fylf. and on |!ic mort r.i\ -rabie tt rins. AIK Hir vi.i) tii; Oi t. J7. is.'il. :;jtf NOTICE. I subscriber is now receiving liis Fall B jind W inter Stock of FANC^ and Sl.Vl’LE DRY OOC>1>S; Hats, Caps, and Botinets; IJitots and Sli(>es; Jliiuhvare ami Cutlery; Blatl(sinitli.' , ( ami lools; t^ti aw Cuttc'i-H, (Jorn Shcllers, I’louolis, Ilollcw-ware; Heavy good.«« for Negroes, tVt'. The above goods will be sold at wholesale or retail, to suit customers, "e say nothing u- brint how the above (ioods were bought, or how thev will be sold, but we io say come and see, at the Hnske buildings, (.ireen Street. I>. TAYLOR. ::4-'Jm WV. ftre now rtxvtving ft l»rg« «nd well sft-1 >/,77 Anr?tm‘ Cfr>fh, MW f JP^TC lected titock of I Irons. French Jiiirr, Exopvs and ('ohxpie ; ^J'^Hl) ^ETNA insurance Coim • Jrons, French Jiurr, Empus anJ Cohujve j •..cuiance oin] .,n\ mi S/one., m Manv/ac„,r,rJ pric^. i tiiring lion.ses in this country, I rencli I'nrr, Co- j (j^,f,,|s. either j logne and Esopus Mill Stones, and the real An- i state I chor Bolting Cloth, are now enabled to ofler any j of these articles to Millers of the best qinility, t»ct. I’S. ('arolinian 2m i>Bl¥ Comnrisine everv article usuaHy kept in that ^ subscribers Laving made very farora-j Agency in Fayet?evi‘il“'^‘‘„ line toxethcr wi*th I ““'"•‘‘Hement of the nndrsi-„,.,| ' ti ’ * of the most extensive importing and manufac- | purpd issue I’olicies of htiu. ' ' 1.30 t'asrs Hoofs and Shoes. ‘ - - • • - ^ — • '■ Uat!!i a ml C apa*. —ALSO— A well selected .Stock of To all of which we invite the attention of .Mer ,,,ant,s of the int. rior, "I"* t " v ‘of cve.-v article i« xvrirrnntcd. interest to examine our Moik betore iii.ikmr i their pur(diases. We will not be undcrs«-'Ul b^' anv one doing business in this jilace. HALL \ SACKKTT. August‘J"), is:. 1. Ibtf find at lower prices than they have been here tofore furnished at in this place. .\ supply of bi St Anchor Bolting riotl: coti- iH this l-rop,.,. ;V“ si-nption of tiie rropert\ '-'‘''ri. The .ETNA CO.Mi'A.NV h ii about I-^O venrs. Its -mi.Ii.i • )>• 1*^—> ■V it.' Ca rr i a M a m i fac tor y. Oct. i, 1S')1. l'X-1 jnewjmeow A pair of 4 ft. ‘1 inch Colo>.'-iie .Mill Slones tm hand; :ind daily CNpected, jiair of feet (• inch • Ksopus Mill Slone.s,—and would invite an e\- ; ainination of them, u.s they will be found supe- j rior for Corn. i I The Hon. Thos. K. F>race \v;i' it' , and he still hoMs ihat oft„-(.; j first Directors are stiil ani\,. amj ''f i;, ! berr of the Board, it h: - ar :i;| ''itir.. I the bigheFt character fi-r tl,,. , r,!"i ’ I "I'li-iipp ‘ j I 1 management, and lor the li!.*i;,im I it lias ever fidjus;ed ii*. 1.>>| idju March 10, IHGl, itii » ■‘let, L. .1. 11 \].l; various ot .Mi.^sos W^atclK's ami Jowolrv, At WholoHale aiiil Itclail. J. .M. BEASLHV ! WOn.I* re«i.ectfully inform the public generally, that he has returned recent Iv from New \\>rk, with dccidedly a large as sortment of M%\ttrhrs ami Jciretri/, Many of these Wattdies were bought for ('.\SH j$V i'HE I’.\CK.\«JL. am! can therefore be sold very low. He has W.-jtcbes of all kinds; Chains. Kevs iinti Seals of all kinds and ot the Latest st^•les: Finger-Bings, Lar-Uing.s. .Mcdallii>ns. ol all sizes, of F.nglisli and .Vmerican make; La dies' ('hiitelaines: t'ufl 1‘ins; \)ll.ar and Sleexe Huttons; Shirt .Studs: liold .''i>ectac'es. light Jind heavv: (Iidd 1’i‘iis ami I’encils: tiold and .''ilver Thimbles; Bracelets; Silver Fruit and Butter Knives; ,'iiher Spoons of all sizes; Large lot of l’o«'ket Cutlery; Scissors, best ipiality; Button hole Scissors, .‘'iirveyor’s t’ompasses and Chains; NL'ithem.atical Instruments; large qu.antity of fine and common Pistols; tine and common sin gle and double-barrel (luns; (lame Bags; Shot Belts and Powder Flasks; Military (ioimIs. in cluding the Ibiss l»ruin ami the sm:illest Button; \’ioliiis and extra Bows: Flutes. Cl.arionets. Fla geolets. .\ccordeons, of all kimls and sizes: Mu sic Boxes; Perfumery; .''uap; Lather P>rushes; Bazors !inl Strops; Hressing and PiK-ket Ci.mbs; Plated .and P>rit:inni;i W .-ire: and various other things too tedious to eniimi'rate. Call and give me a trial. (’ash jiaid for old tJold ami Silver. Wat IIKS and .Jkw ki.HY neatly Bepaired. t’liif tlrviUf, A. —.\orffi-/'Jitff ('ornrr of Sijuiirr. l.'-r.m] J. M. BI'ASLEY. .um:k€ Mj WAN'F]:!), :'.00i ft. .\slie Lumber for Wagon', 1 ^ to 3 inclics ; thick. :{0l)O ft. Seasoned (Jak Lumber, 1 j to ;! inches,. loOti ft. White 0:;k and Hickory, lor .\xletrees. i'KMi ft. White (.bik for Tongues, Bolsters and Shafts. 100 Post 0;,k Hubf?. f(ir tl’arts .and Wajrons. Spokes. If Jkrrr ii ‘if ll, ftiit-r. TONS of .sw;;i)i;s iiti.x ^ i:. I'lAi.i »ct. !*. 18.'*]. DAILY j'l n UHNKUAL ASS()I:TNIKNT W AHK. bv Oct. 18, Ls:,r. E. • ilAl.l,. f H^HK Subscnber having taken the Fstablish- JL ment »if the late A. C. .''impson. situate,! opjiosite W. .McIntyre s Store.) intends carr. ing oti the C'arriane Maimracturiiiij; I’tisiiu'ss In all its v;iriou.« br.anches. and would res|»ei t- fully solicit a share of the jiublic patronage. Having h.id ci.n.siderable experience in the biisiiit-ss. and having been eni]>loyed in some of the most extensive I’stablishments in New ^‘ork .and New .lersey, he flatte rs hinisell that he can give gem-ral satisfa«'lioii. He warr.anfs .all his work to be made of the best material the surrounding country affords, and bv experienced workmen; ami should jiny of it fail, either in material or woi km.inship, in twelve months from the time of its delivery, he will n-pair it free of charge. P,1-'P.\1 BlNtJ done in the neatest anil best m.anner, and at the lowest fiossible jirict’S. A. II. WHITFlKI.b. Fa vet fe\ ille, Feb. 11. lN-»0. 7ff .\jinlv soon to .May I'.t. l.'*-'.l. H. rl LLKU. r2-tf IN S'l’OUI'. 2^ LOl C IIS and Plou::li j,, ( iiip, -tl 1 '1 bln.'s I.INE OF BO.\TS is still in sm cess- l;ki 1- a; I '.'I. li.iii'l rtiem in for settlement. .'.V.M L .J. H1NS1>\LK. 4t'-tf VII' t. r V>>1 Nti N I• IloK.';. \|-pl' to i .1. .v T. VVAM.II.I,. Si.pL. 1 ;. L‘.lf Ni:\\ I'lKM. ru^Hi: ini'b'rsij;ned have en’fred into copart- JL ncr'liip. under the name and stvlc of lia%«roii«’o A: Troy, For the pu; j» >e ol dmnu' a general Mercantile .and Barter ^ll'il;t \» e h:;\c t.iken th« .'itore. No. 1 o (; i;LI.’.N .''TBKKT. I'lrmerly occupied by ,\Iessr. .) .!in Mu.'ke .V S.m. *;ko. w. ?. wvr.KNci:. .lollN i;. TK(»V. .Ir. Oct, -22. l,''-’l. .'l^'itf riM’KU Li'.vrilKIi. i; have a l.arKclot of ri’PI-:B LLATIiLB. It famuTs' prices. wlii h »c will take _'re'-n 1 r di v Hides for. or w..uld ti"t r-fuse las'i. ’ l«iOK X TA\LoK. I'ec. L’. Is.'.l. 4»-lw \7 Sale of Valuable Town Property. R WII.L 'Cl! at tiie *' :,urt House in »'arthaire. M I'H :!i- 1 r 'l.-y if .I.-iiuiarv lu'xt. a Lot and ! • 11 : = in rhe '1' > ii nf I'artha^e. situated • ■n th*' N rtli-Ka : I'.rner i f (he jmblic ^.pi.are. in -‘i e e pl.-ici- f r busini ''. .\ credit of in'‘'i'i;s w i. .!• L'i'i'ii. .-md bond with good S' ii’itv rc,|ii;rf l i.t ihf piireha'Cr. i;i !/'.i;].ill .McNABB. Kn X. r i. I'.'1. 4.,-ts i IM'i F '1 liiJ’S I'OK S.\LiT. 5C.'^T n-x-ix e.l. a li,» of ch'-b-e THI'.K'^. fr..rn Lirid'ey ' N;- -erii s. pi rsons «i-'.i‘,u4to L -r t .'Vii b'.- tlie 1.!!ii.jj- -d. are advi'ci t.i .-i-ti'i i:i tiii"r rders iiiiiii..‘ i‘,..tely. before tin .■i",.rt- ■ iiieiit I-; broken. 1 oacii aU'l -Xpj.’.e Trees, ij^l'i per hun'lred; — Vl -'>0 per do/en. Avrieot. J' i-(‘’,t i-M.-!'. Nfi tarire. i’-'. ee':;.-; each. .\ t(*\v Pbinis. lit !:,-:tr.:i;; acre. l'-> ,iri I’.-ars. C. IJ TTLKl.Oll. \;’t. Jlowan street. I>e '. Isi.jl. b'l-lW 'i'i:A(';ii:ii wax'fki). ^ ('I.N i f.K d \' i|’i!»Iifi“.? to tearb the Kng- .. *A li h. I,;itiii and (in ek l-;Miguag"s. v ill fuid a sitiiMtinn wifli a lib'-ril salary, on apjilic.-itioii t" .bilin ; . '^mitli i.ml i’.iothers. -JM miles North I i .1 \ •-tt-\ ; lie. 'ir by letter adilre'i>ed to Fay- ' Hec. ;i. lK.-,l._4.',-]ni i i'. F. ii \i.;{i VKR foi> ,s vi.k: IIW Orleaii.-, I'ort.i i'ico, Kefined, Crushed, J. ^ I,' at and lla->iina Sug.ar. • .ill, l,af.'uira, and ob| liov't .lava Coffee. I’undi'e. (liiriny, and Burlaps Bagging. II..|ie and Twine. Ii"ii, ,\;iiN. Salt. .Molasses. • heese and Uaisins. Blacksmiths’ Tools, Axes, .''pades. Shovels, II I---. Scythes. 'I I'ace aiel Halter ’baii;s. I iiid and I luop 1 run. V'biti- Li I'l in ^ lil. ^ jKioibb Br'iwii. Bed l.t'ad. • ila"'''. Putty, Biii-I.ets. Brooms. vlMckerel. in barrels and halt ditto. Ni':jrn .^!n'c“. raniier.'i' Oj', "i 'll l"iiile. Wire. Siii-* |-io Cir.-ii an:? Blaek Tea-.. S ili i-iitos, .''iap. Snuff. 1 • pper. 'linger, spice. Nnfii'^'crs. ■ •Tiu :kiI .\daniantiiie ( .iliilles. L-.r be:. .. ,b.,t. l’ii\.der. tVc. iVi-. ■\'|V. U'- Is'il. • ':f fPranges! f^rans^es! ^ .N(.> 1 li LB bit, j.irt receive, .-it Ci; S BANKS'S. -L;tf 1 Tra! Tval Teat! in:sr vorN; iivso\. 1 ditto tiiinji.'wier, 1 iiijii-riiil. 1 C-;ttv F.lr t. J>. I.' lie I'V flL' 1? \\K: .:i-tf I. •\*ctr I'irm. Fhr iiii(!(‘r.iirn«Ml haN«‘ r*nl*r«‘(l co|iar'ner'hip. under tlie n.-ime and style id lilt Ii •LI. ■a lir\ •I" t-iUfii t!i( H..U1. • Kr.'i'T, f, r the pill poS'- of doing ;i!i i H-irdwar*‘ Bu'iiiess. aiel bnvp ,re door' L ol tlo- Fayetteville H. H\LL. A. i;. I! \l L. T. .M. .''ACKIlfT. .1. Htf lli> ol«l ’\oiili Aukv. Sil KMWKI.I, \ (’>. liavo jii-t re ceived a : plendid a'soitiiient of Snl-)n Uirrf, blaek :'lid -_'rey. t.i wliich tl.ry would call the attei'.'ioii of tho pobli.-. Thv'e goods will conn etc in ijUality and 'inrabilit; with the b.-st of Nortbfrn 'a"inierc'. and nre much che.-iper. raniring from tij' cent' to xl J.'i jicr yard. Ffi. etrevii'e. .\. ( ., Oct. 14. 1>-')I. ."Orf S’F()l{A(;i:. Iiiive cominodiouo brick Wan limi'cs in t ie tear of our Store, in wjiirh we st'ire cot Ion .and other prfidnce. It. .V W. McLACBIN. Nov. 1. iH.'il. ;'.7-tf W'\ !»().VIKS’ri(_'S. fl'fTLL Biv*T Osnabergs: 7-^ and t-1 .'sh-^etin^s always on hand, and for sale at F ie‘.f'.-y prices, by STAHH & W1LLI.\MS. June 7, !■ -'il. 7-';tf lirusscls and other C’arj)oti!i;s, Hearth Bugs. Diaiggets. Criimb-Cloths, Piano and 'fable ('overs. For sale by STABB \ W ILI.I \MS. Nov. .'i. is.'ii. ;'.7-ff HAMA i:xi‘f:c'n:i), tiF,NF.K,\L assortment of COOPKUS' if the best manufacturers’ Tool, S make, by i:. C. HALL of Borne, :VJtf akb:v, x c o. NHW FAI.h A.\l> WINTKK ii OO l>N. H L .'*ubs, riber- are now receivinjt .iii-crt H. from .New York and I'hiladelphin, the lar- iT'-st and handsomest Sn»ck of Stfiplr finil f'o/trif Dry (roorls Th.at they have e\er exhibiti'd in this market, enibrarin;r every variety of |.:tdie'' .-iTid tJentle- mcn s l>KK.''.S iJooH.'s. ;imong which may be fouii'l: Black .nnd fancy waterc'l .and plain Hress .''i!ks: black aii'l fmicv Coburgs: L.ama Trills; tigui-d and plain fancy and black Mohair Lus tre': .’'i.K arp aii'l nipe !!roead s; .‘'wis«. .'•eotcli and Chetie ttin^hams; Saxony Ue-L.-iin': Krcncli. Kngli'h and American Prints: Knib'd ('ashmerc': plain ditto; changeable i)e-Laius; WHti-rc'l :iiid neei|le-worlv Cii'hmeres: ch.angea- Me N'oTie'i-': Brocade Lustres- l>ani.ask Eoliaii': black Hoiiib.-i/.ine*;; second-mouriiing Poplins; plain and w!iter»‘d ."“ilk Mantiil.as: colored and black VfUet .Miintillas: Bro,-ade Popliiis; : nd :i lar'.'C assi.rtiiient of l>re>» Trimmimr'*; French an l llnjrlish .Merinos; \ elvct Ne.'k Biobon> «nd Cuffs. ,yc. FrMich worked Cijllars mid Caiie**: Fr«>nch Worked fiifl'- French W'lrked • liemisi tie.'; I n- der-S'.a-\c«: S«is' and .Jacotict Triiuniin)!': In- fant-i \V.lists .and t'aps: IIcTU-stit••hed and nee- dle-workcd Linen t .imbric Handkerchiers. from lo cts. t.i S:’-: and a bcautilul assortment of Veil-.; ev> >-y \.triet_x of.'ihawls. embroidered ali'l plain; Thread. Ciitl.ui .-ind Linen Kdgings and Laces: black Silk Lace' ;ind Kdgiiigs. —also— Black. Jilue. lirown and green French and Kngl.sb ( Iotl.-: blai'k and lane\ ('!issinieres; Cut \ el’et. figured .ind black Satin and \ ale:i- cia \e *inirs. .some ver_\ h.-indsoni'-;) .Sattinet«; Kentucky .le-.ns; Tweeds: Linseys; Fl.annels, Wool Mill cotfi n; Nnabiirps; I•ruj.r^etx: Hiimaik Table Coths: ditto Nai'kiiis; Ccntre-Table Cov ers. very tine: Piano 'o\ers; Irish i.iii?ns: Lin- eii La vus; Thread Cainbrics; Towellinns: (Jen- tb-i’U ii's Merino Sliirts iiii'l Hr.iwcr-*: .''ilk Ne-k aii'l I’ocket Handkerchiefs: Ladies' .Merino \ fst'. *'.-isbmere and Silk ilosc; flitto Half-Hose: the ei ijbrated Salem .leans, bbu-k and grey. I.a lies’. (li'iitlemen's and Children's B (OT.S a nd .s 11( (M.S. .Men’s. Boys' and Infants' Hats and Ca|is. \ eivet, .''.atin, .Straw and Florence Bonnets. Hitto ditto ditto for .Misses. And every article usually kept in a Dry (ioods Store. Kr-iT 'Ye invite the public to c.-ill and exam ine our large and handsome Stock, as we are al- w-;i_\s Mii'iiious to show our tiooils. u- /I'l'rp Tia ('offt'i'. .VBL\, SIILMWLLL & CO. return thanks to tlie citizens of Fayetteville, and the public generally, for the very liberal patronage here tofore bestovsed on them, and intend, by strict .attention to busine.s?>, to merit a continutiuce. S. S. ARKV. P. SH KMWELL. .1. B. -McI'ON.VLD. Fayetteville. .Sept. 1"), IH.M. Ultf continue to oiler mnn_\ facilities to the shippitig pnblie. Persons patronising this Line, may re«t as siired tJi.it their lioixis will 1k' br'ioght iiji with di«patch. and .it the ver\ lowest nifes of freight A. W\ STKKL. President. T. S Ll TTLBLoII. -\gent ut Fa'etteviilp. Feb, l.'i. IS.'il. ■ .V.t tl WA.V'FKI). rj|"^HK .'•ut"‘erilKT wishes to purchase :i0o,0Mi S. lbs. BVttS. lir which the hiidie't «-hsIi prices will Ik* j>aid on deli\er\ in Fn\etI-\ille I>\VI1> Ml BI IIV Bot-kfish, CiiijiJwrland. \ug. JO. 1S-'»1. l.'i-bni nt fnn r-haritf ('unrhrt, from ("//• (n — Ilttthf. rBlHE SuliMrribers having secvred the n-ail fl con'ract on the abo\e Line, will commence Tlli.s I>.\\ . ri'iinlng a Line of Four IL-i.se Pi st t'oaches. l>ai!y. Le.aviiig Fayetteville ;it b P. M.. a:id arriving at Wai>iw at ^ past fi .\. M.. in til le for the i'ars .North aii'i .South. Be- luniiiig. leave Warsaw on the arri.al of the C.-irs. s:i_\ about I or '1 P. .\|.. .-ind arri\e at I'.ay- ctteville in ten hours. I!\er\ care will be t.a'.en to render tiie Lne ple.-is.ant. C(invenient. and s.»fe. for Tia\eliers. \ Line of will be e«t.ablished ns S“On !is possible, by tiie i'lank Boad. from 1 axcttc- ville via t arthage ainl Ashebonnvjrh. lo Lexing ton. Salem, and Salisburx . .McKl.NNON McNLlLi.. OF VALUAHI.i: Kf'al anil l*crM>i6al 6*i*opc*rly, Com nt*: nr ill'/ \'lth of .ftnmnry [T H I* subscribers, .as J^xeciitors of the late Bichard Hines, offer for sale the very val- u.able PLANTATION He died possessed of, containing about 270il acres, a little over Imif of w hich is cleared and in a high state of cultivation. This Plantation is situated on the north side of Tar Biver. in Edgecombe county, six or seven miles east of the li.'iilroad. .and nine miles above Tarboroiigh, adjo’tiing the lands of Richard Harrison and others. There is oji the jiremiscs a l.-.rge and comfortable dw elling w ith eight rooni.s and all of the necess.iry out houses and ti.\tures, of the bi-'St kind and in good order. Vi'e will not go into .•^ detailed statement of the su[ieri.*i ity ol this Pl;'Utatioii. but invite ait person.s w is!iii.g to purchase valii.able 1: nd to examine this. .V plat of the land, with a sur vey of the cleared jnirtii ns, is left in tlie hamis ers, (,'ultivators. Stiaw i iiig W heel.i. E. ( Oct. 18. IRol. I tlT'*. \. >i( Ki: r ^JTILL continues to carry mi tla- ^ Bl'SINKSS. in all its br.uicl,|.. ,,t STAN1>. He returns thanks f..r thi- iit„.r ronage he has lierototore receixfd, ;,„,i j, \ b\ strict attention to business aii.l give entire satisfai.tioii, t', of the same. Having n-eently ijicre;Me.l i,i- 1, has on li.and a very f.nc assor:nie!',t t,f >f .Mr. Isa.ac B. Farmer, on the jiremises, who CtllTia^t'S, I*arOHch('S. i>n is well acijuainted with it and will give any i.'iformaiion to jiersons wishing to purcli.a.se.— We will sol. it in one trii'-t, or divide it into two or thr»-". if not ilisposed of at private sale before tile IJth of next January, we will, on that day. at li o’cIik:’; P. .M.. on the premises, offer it .at j iiblic Sale to the highest bi !der. It ha.s not beeii necessary lor u physician to visit it liiiiang this \ear. e will a!so sell at the s;ime place, Euo Fa-ett« ' ille. >1. C.. An;. '>llb KlNt. and \. McMILL.VN into copartn* t'liip in the have entered |iistiller_i ol Turpentine, ,'ind liaM- erected a .''till on the West sifji- of the Fayetteville an.I Western Plank Road. S miles from Fa\ette'ille. N KIN;. Mav y._71tf A. .McMILLVN. \\ IIV# I#/’#/. 1 i«h to l>n\ llo.iMNI barrels Turj>entine. KIN; \ McMlLLVN. Ito J?a*(‘uulh ^HL ''ubscribeis, .Mail Contr.act(.irs from B F:ivetfc\ille to Babi:ih. will comiin'nce operafii.ns this d.iy. with new and eiimfortabic t'oacbes. go«»d horses, and c:'.r«’ful Hrivers.— The F.-ire is Fl\ 1', ImiLI.AB.s—same i.^ before. The .Sta^e Houses are. in Fayette\ille, the Fay etteville Hotel, in Baleigh. the Yarborough lliMisi’: but Passengers «ill be eouvexedto sindi o|ln‘r House' ::s the\ niiix select. The hours of flej-.arture will be. until further notice, at half- past I*. M from I'ayettcville. and at 2 P. M. friiiii Raleigh, d.iily. The subscribers hope, by Of the in'', t v.iluable kind; anie.ng them .ire thr e Car;-, ntcrs. i one of thes.- a w heel-w right.) two blacks.nitiis. one pr.inlvr, tluve tirsi rate house f rvanis. (one of them a seamstress.j a giHxl osfler. and S' me of the best cotton-pickers I,''‘l. 11-tf in the .''tute. —ALSO— The .'•'tock nr.d Crop, consisting of about 1-'lOO sf;irk.s ort^'dilir. busiiels of rye. 400 bush els of pi-as. '.l-'.u fat hogs, 'Jot* out liogs, tii^ head of cattle of the m st improved breed. Among them are m.in; f.ii'- n ilch cws. an,| nine yoke of _\ oung osen. large and well broke: one pair ol iiorsi-s. one p.iir ot spieiidiu ihorougiidtrtil fillies, three blouded mares, two very fine po- ni-s. l,‘)0 head of sheep, the .seed I'roni in-.ar 4i0.ih»0 pounds of cotton, two gins, one wheat thresher, tiiree s.addles .and bridles, forty cask.s of plaster and lime, eight w.-ipons. ten carts, i>fj siidi-s of leather. Iiousehoid jnid kifclieii fiirni- tur*'. and all the f.arming implements of every dcs.-riptiofi. The s.-ile will continue troni day to day until every tiling is disposed of. Tkkm' S\i.K.. — The land will be sold on a creilit of one. two, and three years. P*f>nds UocIva\vay.. and .'^iilkc\,. Finislir.l, and a very birj-e ;i--.,r'ini.!;r ,f v, .. partly finished, which, for (■!•./, • -c finish, will cf.mpare w ith aji\ ,t!.i r w.^rk Persons wishing to buy, wi.iil,' ,1, n.” . and examii.e tJie work, as lo- : ili-t.T' .- sell IJJW fi r cash, oi- notes ,,n i;,. ,. All Wi rk warraiite.l t .r anu repaired free of cl.argc, rl. .ui 1 ■; butl workmanship or m.ateriti!. GCr l’c|>airinj tin!ii!ull\ ted .at short notice, on very rc.:'• . FaYF.TTKX ILI.K. Sni'T. ’I'L. h.'.l rr HENRIETTA LIKE GF ^ N “ r- A unremittcl attention, to secure a libi-ral .share be.aruig interest Irom date, with appro\ed secu- 7'> Pdils. No. 1 Heiring. 'lo •• •• :! .MackercL 1M( P»ilcs Hay. loO Pi«*res t'otton lt--gging. •'’>0 ('oils Rope. 1!MI I,bs. Twine. oO Hhds. Mol.as'es. •"> Hhds. Fair Si.gar'. •'0 Bags Rio Cnfl'ee. AVith .Mum and Sack .Snlt. and Groceries gen erally, for sale at the lowext market priee. b\ •PNO. 1>. WILLIAMS.' .\ugnst 1 I. IS.'il. i;Uf Vi) c'or i'ON !>f.antkks7 IMF-CES COTTON BACCINO, 7->»‘oil' Bope, •J(M1 lb'. TW iii^, .tust reeeiverl and for sale cheap. t>v PETER P. JOHNSON. ,\ugust It), 1S.')1. Htf of the tnivcl. MI IIDOCK McKlNNON, DAVIH McNLlLL. Favstteville. .Inlv 1. Is.'il. 7S-tf ’Fo WINK maki:ks. K have a few liarrels of fine oM .\jipTc I’randy for sale: such ij^ those who want to make good wine should get. 1 ooK a: T.\^ I.OB. lb. IS.-il. oo.,f rity. will be reijuired. The other projieily will be Sold on a credit «>f six montlis, for all stuns ov«-r ten dollars: all under that .‘iniount, e.ish: the i>nrchaser giving bond and security before the jUMpertv is delivered. W. R. S.MITH. > PETER E. lilNES, , I>oe. 1, l.‘'-')l. 4tit.s ^Iraiai and lln.itv llE all in excellent onb-r .'.-r b-.s;:-!’". Tow Boats have been rcL--at v p ■ : and tnaile gof-d as n-w. We har^ - i- rifir Flat f«ir low w.ater. and nell .-i l.-i;,;.. ■ r service. She will -arry 7'>'i M.I.'. ui,-r'-)'.iu , and draw only liO inches water. Tlio.'io favoring us with tlicir [i.itr'>n:i;-, expect as prompt and cheap seivivc in , particular as anv other Line cm ..tfn. (.. DKMINt;. !’r.-t R. M. oi:i:!:i,i.. \. :• .\. T*. C.\/, \1*X. .\gent at Wiliiii'.-! I. Fayetteville, I>ec. lil. iS.'iO. ' Pall & Winter for ISSli! M:\iMhlIe .flrrtfiaiti T.;i!oring AND Ri:\nv-ini)r fLuTinM; tsT\:!!.isiiVL\T. Exrs. Sept. A \I) I h:i\e ii'iw on hand l!'_*-'«.o(M» BRIt'K, xL that I wish to exidi.atipe for monev. .loHN E. P.VTTKli.soN. l)ec. 1. is'.l. i l-4w S'F()\ KS! s'fom:s!i .jjl IT.ABLK f'l.i' Cliuri he'. Parlors. I'.aclorie'. I or s.iU- tiv hK>,()00 Acrcs \ aliiahk* T 1 M 15 !•: \{ !. A N I) S FOR SALK. ^B^HE Sub"icri!>er has j>urcha'eil :ill the Larels i beloniring to tin? Estate of .\br;im Hubois. de«-'d. l.\inir priii'dp.illy in Btibe«on couiity. and on iMith sides of Luml>er River, vevs cont.ainin^i the ditlercnt sur- “ and .''tori'S. Oct. 1'7, ISjI. W. ANHBEWS. Market .^i|u:ire. :i4tf c XOTIC K. TB^HF. Steamer Chatliani will leave this pla«'p I. everv Monday and Thursdav at 7 o'clock. ,\. M.. (instead of *.♦ o'clo-k us at present,) com- iiiem'iii); at 7 o'clock Mmday 10th inst. Tim«* of leaving Wilmington, every Tuesday and I’ri- day at '2 o'clock P. M. JNO. |». WILI.IAMS, Agent t'lipe Fear .Steamboat Co. Fayetteville. March .'5. V lie V Over 10{).0(i0 Acres; .\ large [lart finely Tiin)>errd. atid eotwenient to Lui ilK*r River, w here a large ijuantity of Tim ber is now rattl'd to the tle rgetown market. Thesi- Lands are very valtmble both for the Timber mul Turpentine, for which purpose a large part is well suitel, being in h region where the Turi>entine yields more abundantly than any otiier section of ilie State. The Lands will Ik.' sold at a low price, and in quantities to suit pundiasers. Information i-r.specting the title can he ob- t.'tined by a]>plying to tlie Hon. liobert f'trjinje. Hon. .las. C. I>obbin, or A. A. T. Smith, Es-j., ^.\ttonioys at Law.) I understand there wr^ nniiiy trespas.s'rs on these l.ands. to all of whom notice i« hereby Siven, that the law will be enfon-ed ii-rainst ail ,,.rvnrs such offenders. ' j Terms Cash, and all tb.o.ls r-t ^■'T^ I Application for any part of the Lands can be SCUTT & B.VLDWIN. ■ maile to myself, or to .lohn Winslow, Esq., w ho is duly authorised to make *ale ol the same. THOS. .1. Cl RTIS. I F.iyetteville, N. f'., Sept. 1, 1845. 7Gtf Wilm'ii.L -t’.I September '22. 18'»1. 80,000 II. BRAN.'^uN Jnlv 1. Ni.v. 'j.'.. L'C.l. HAY. f r.ALi:.'' H\Y. JE- .3^1 liii dil ls Corn. I'l.r sale by ■; H. LL'TlKRi.oii 2. i«r,l.' .u-tf ■ C’amberlaBtl Superior CSurt of Law. mm:.' iA]. .Nolici- ■■ liercti'. given, that a ,Sj.e'- *'•' •‘■1111 ot I niiibciia'i.j Superior Court t 1 u , . bi- bi.i., (I,,. o,| M,,„,j.,v i„ Feb- rr..'iy \ - , . i ,r .1,.. ,ri:,l ,,f (-ivil‘( ;,ses a- ■■ ■■ -I.-I :,t Fall T-rm. IK',I. ''-u.ir -11,1 v^ill take dll- mdice tbi-li-'.I al.d i:..ve.ii thi ni.--hc a.-crdii ■.j-. .• '*• KAI:, Clerk. '■ *— ‘ l::te .Sul>sf*riI)or still' eontinues to carry on the C.XBINET l>r.si.\ES.s ill Fayetteville, and in nddii;on to his Establishment on Bow stri'ct. near I-ieeh's's Bridge, has ojiciied a l.-ii-fr' V B B IIDO.M on ilav street, nearly o],,,osite t!ie F.ayettevillo Hotel ani! one door Mast of Messrs. Haigh Son’s, win re a gener.al assortm- nt of FiriiiMTLiii; Ma * - by coiiipetent ami faithful workmen, mav lie h.id at prices eorresp.inding with the times. -U^o, an :is-.ii-tni-nt of N'irthern-made Fl’RN'i- II bl'j, selected by hims‘If, whiidi will be sold af a very nio.lcrate Hdvanee. l.LNCAN McNP:ILL. !^300 RIOVVAKD! BKOTIIl'RN mi. Steamer BROTHKILS and Tow Boats. ST i-:V KNSt )N aii.i D.V V11> LEW IS are pre pared to forward with I)ksi>.\tcii, all goods con signed to the Proprietor. The Steamer Brothers is of light draft, and well suited to run in low water. She posse power, and speed, and is admirably adapted to towing, and can accommodate about 20 p.assen- gers. Tlie proprietor contemplates running the Boat himseli, and will give special attention to way Iriiight and naval stores; to towing, and will al so attend to the comfort and convenience if Passengers. From his long exjierience as Agent .• • X . ■ . . - . , • I r- ■■■ Fayetteville. His aeen* in rtrrni "n . r; VV f''"*‘•‘^«-t>iin a« { Wilmingto„ is .JOHN C. LATTA. to whom »il b m s 1 h ^ I .‘‘r'l ""PI;'«‘'1 to bo therea- | communications m.ay be addre.s.sed, as Agent of ! boiib'. ) has daik hair, and of a sallow complex- the Steamer Brothers ion. with a downcast look; some of his front teetl: .a little decav'ed, ;;nd follows the occupa- I M.av ir> tion of a ('or]>enter. | ' * I will give the above •John ILVNKS, Proprietor. 72-v . reward to any person V II.W'K just received from New Y'ork. mv who will apprehend the .said S. J. Love and I ■- FALL AND WINTER lodge him in any .lail in this State, or One Hun- i ^tock of (jioods, Nov. 10, IH.'il. 38tf T. I>. ElAl€,;ai~ f11»» M .r*. of fi ,i,ei ‘'■“•y ii, i1, HI-; keeps on l.uiid an as.so,-ti„eut of Fisk’s celebrated ,M L I .VLLK.' BCIU \I. f’A.SK.S Iiich h.-ive been highly recommended by Willie P. MangMiii, Henry Clay, I,ewis Ca.ss, Win. I{. King, and many other illustrious characters wild have ex.imined and witnes.sed theii*utility! •1-tf 1 lUunk Warrants for sale here. ilred and Fifty Dollars for his safe confinement in any .lail in the Unitod States, so that I can get him. .lOIIN INOUAM, Sheriff. Camden. S. C., Aug. ;{0, 1H.‘)1. 20-r.m RETAIL AND WH0LESALe7 d 10.MK in to the Cluaji Store, North side of " J Hay street, one door above the ciuaier, and buy new Dry (Joods. Also. Ready-made Clothing,'Hats tlnd Cfaioj—^reat variety.* IS.L\C DODD. >OY. 4, Ibul, ay.jj (’onsisting of a gener.al assortment of Dry (loods, (iroririps. Iliinlwarp. riitifry, &p. I will barter for XniPKNTINE, or any kind of Proilucc. N. KING, 10 miles North of Fayetteville. Oct. 2H, Ig.-iO. 43tf JJUuikii oJ all fit If (Is, for 9ulu ut tLIs OfQct). VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BinERS, TIIK NUtST I’Ol’l l,\U FAMILY MEDICINE K T II K ,V (J K ! lisrtl by Pliysiciaiis of ill»li Staiuliiig. 'IliC'^ BITTKIIS riMiiove all niorbi.) •eei«tiin^, p'liii.x Mil* !i| I '.j'OHt toiu' mii.1 \ ii;.*r to the ilii{-.mri)ii{;ins inuiiy the >.) *teiii a^,»int all liitur* oriii »i.- t.-'Ui-Ii " ith ^-.If.-iy, if ii.> lin.^ vl.'tiili- t»l: m liir |,.tif.,: Iioiiip j;i-ai.-!iil to Uio iii-i«t ;!eli. c»i - «ioaiiK-li, »n.| r.-iii.irUal)|.- f,ir eliperini^. iiiMSoi.Tiiii,;. .treii;;tli.-iiiii;j, an I restorative |iroi>e'r- tic' Hn'l '111 iiivsl'i-il»l.- if.l sni'o r^fnedy fur i>yspi:psi\ !\ ITS n oKsT for.iis, •W«o. I.it-er ( nia|>liitiitii, laiinlii-r, ttrnrtlmrii, Coi- ti»i-ne.;s, l-Miniiies^, lluor.Iors ol tlie Skiii uiiil I.jver, l.o-» of ,Ai.|..-tite, I.ow S| iiitN. Neiv.Mis llea.Uclie! • iii.liiifSk, I'll I (.11.It ion ot tiic lieiirt. SiiikiiiR hiiiI Kull- Ilf 1 ol \\ ei^jlit at the Stomach. hihI nil othei .li.sease* rait«.Nt h> HII irii|iiire -.tate of the liloo.!, liver, etc, which teiiil to lit^iilitMte ainl ueukeii th« b^»teni. P i: M -\ ¥. K s WflO from a mothi-! niifl Minmtnral condition will thul thin Medicine ot INESTIMABLE VALUE. Ill All. CKNKUAl. DKBll.ru, th|. .\ie,li cii e AI IS 1.1 KH: a I 11 \ U.\l ! THOUSANBS H»r» tfsifil iu pfTirar> , hii.I thoiKioiils nion- nro now nil Icr tieatnit-iil . him! not one solitHry ruse of railine hn ) el l.ccn loiMiiltd \ oliiines (-on'M !i- iil|,.,| « ;ti, ce, linoatt.* ol th »e who Iihnc l>cen oerniHiienih i-iiieil. €«n on thf .lyrnf, .tnd r'oI a P.lTlPMf.KT, ront.niiiiiii; the erlilicHtei of llenmi kut le I nrev «m| thr liiii,li estinm Kni in w i.ic'i this \ vilicitie js l,r*l,t Ii> th.? I iiJvlic 1 1 ess--I an l.e hi..l •.! the AK-iit^. lne L&rge Quarts $1; Pints 50 Cents >'«// Av «// //ir Viiiifiptil I the I >1 tal S!,ihi uJnJ ( A (iool) l\vkstmi:nt. i ^■^HK Subsc-riber wishe.s to sell one-half of' the Fiiyetteville Water Works. Neither ^ of the present projirietors havinj: time to pive I their |H-rsonal Httention to the property, the'rfflHB sulwcriber has b ase I f r purchaser can have the man.ijxement of it, ma king it a Taluiible investment. E. J. HALE. Oct. 1, 18.',1. TO ■nil', I’l IM.U'. '"JIHE subscriber h:is le.ised f r ” JL years, of it. W. ilrown. i;.=i|.. Store, with his Wharyes. and is m'w in ' R. Princii'iil (‘fi I For sale b.v hoveaiber ti, IJJGl hi I.rtlN .S'l',. V.. till stairs S. J. niNsnAi.F,. y I-II'K IVSUUA.NCK. I ndersi.iriied has been appointed \frent of the N.>rth Carolina Mutu:il Life Insu rance (aimpany. Kvery member for life partic ipates in the profits of the C«*mpa!iv; and the annual premium for life membership, wliore it amounts to iiJJiO or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other haU in ii note .at 12 months. l>ebtora’ lives may be insured T>y creditors. .V man may in-jure his own life for the exclusive benefit of his family. The lives of slaves mav ; be insured. I This .sy.stem is vapidly .crowiiijr into favor, .all over the civilized world. It is one by whieh a I family, lor a small sum iinnii.ally, mav be pro j vided for. after the death of it« IiomI. ou whose j exertions they may have l»een dependent for a I support. It itf u jroikl tnveiitmeiit of money, j even if one sihould live loU|t t»fter t.-ikin); out a I Life Policy. Explanatory pamphlets, and tlte I neoea.sary Rluuks, fMruiklieU application. ' K. J. HALR. j FuycttovlUe. June 1850. 70 rm: ni-:sr>KRi;r>rTrvHiV ■ i?' "of Ceo. ,\ fvrther sup- m » pK ot this new Music Rook, with patent iiote^. ji.st received. Al.so. furth.-r supplies of tlie Hostiin .Voademy’s Collection: Carmina .^a- cra, kc. I'ic. Thos. II. Wright, Ksijs. Rrown's Avharf, iluiii'r^"”-■ Sept. 1L», ISol. TiMt A' SJicet-Sroit 3IAAUFArr)K^ Doccaibcr 6, I8i)l. E. J. hale & .SON. ;; lu >■' SrO'l'T vV llALl'Wi.N. IVihiiin 4 RE opening: direi-t fr m tlieir M r, ' ' ' and from newest jmjiori.itii,:;^, .-1 !,v -“ sortment of Onilcnu'ir.s Wrdriiiic coiiiprislii'^ e^ery v.iric ty of iiu^ille^'.-iii'i Ci,:>t.—P:-.nl> be.iutifillly lilt. i;e«,-: 't • l>e>it w orkmaii>liip.—Vests, a niniiln i li".' of patterns, finest and nicdiiini .1^- ever;, ^t\’e of I'lider t.i:irr.:!,-;it wi.rn 1>_\ (i men. of the best nv.alitie aii'l im. 1 ri],|,r cut;—and we would i-a’il p:ir;ii 'il:ir itirt:-" otir Yok' Srui^i Shirt, the bi-'t !!nni; --'■ iHciit worti: mill also the new ;ui'l iH'.-iutilii. of Drsiwerv. oiiI_\ liy ourselves IX TIIK IHiKSS t;nnns LISE. preparetl lo show up a most sjiieiidiil of ('ravats. .''carfs, tiloves. Siisiieii'liTS N - • CajiK. I’tc. \c.. ill all a complete v.-inei.v. style, ni'R MERCIIA.XT T.U f. i> !•' f S'' rAI!.^lt:yr is eonducted l.y Cutter--t'fiiiin -t skill, and all our work jrot up in the'■(•-t'' possible. tJreat attention paiil t*’ 'lie ii‘»f and most .-ippniyed fashions, m' | in p(is.ses.-ion of the montIil\ lU'!" r!'. •I:''' fn'in Paris .md New \Hrk. . Uenllemen visitin.i; W ilinini'ti'a "ill finl |U!te to their advantage to ca'-l tion to t.ake especial care of .'•j'irits lur!'' '‘'^ and other Naval Stores eoniniitteil in ln^ j 1 U* I i I V !.■' 1 * V I 1'he Warehouse is well know n to be ili«‘ W „ ^ place in town for the st.mi.e i--- resumed the Book ' L«nl, Com. Peas, .tc. The lower 1 ♦ Vf" Husiness at the new Store next on them four larce new sheds, wlier..'! ' divir to Mr. Reasley, .Icweller, where he will re- be safelv kept from the rain ami ctMO and execute binding ui any style desired. 1 prepared to receive and ship. 1 r ^''1 ; , —" -j of produce sent to his care. He "ill .advances when required. , j He bc^s to refer to the R. W. Rrown, .John Dawson. *. I:*''' .' AT WI101.KSALI-: AM) F. T. OLD F.STARLISHKO TIN \M> ‘ WARE MANUF.\ TOIJ' ^ IS REMOVKD to the Soutli-Kasi * ■ ^ Market Sipmre. re.ad.v "ith il"' nifichinery and m.'iterials tor makin- FACTORY DKIMS .V ( -\nd ti do all kind of work of F.-i ’t"'''''■ Al,-«., RO,)FlNC, fil rTKRIN';- of .lOf’IWNtJ. done on short imtiei'. :i,ii* [lerio'.ired workmen. 1,.^;:!, A constant sujipU'of TIN at Wholes.ile and Retail. Coiiiitiy and Pedlai’s can be supplied at I’'--- ,v. Se^t. leOO. £I)\V •J i;di' p^ce tl '^ai-1 i» jear of : ^spired. for the Wi '^lyaid in j’C.ir ' Las ex pi S^DVKir ^.sipiare aiilBceeding l^gpecial vertisers a f0^i: i, 'ind Let Kfo Tii'^ I (Jfjtnville C urt W iit. I hat now br neit >essio[ MpND.VV M =^'1 i|A of ileepj for cr Miis'iii, saiiuicr. With light blue I'ifik I’.iiihl flolk i r^. l",el ■:S'frnl^:—I OM half ;ii [ tury l)ep:ii| $20. or II :‘ i' I' pllg e.-iii talj Gi«ek. or II an Liii^li'h fsxpeiisi-^: m«i5t > ■>. I'4i)lin." ii| Nifcii!e ' imi^ediate ini.'liid raHitli. c.:'i viUn";e on i| tiw 'all be| T. T. r.n| J>ee. Ifi, Ati:.v{ V.aibj N4'. ,\ lil tion will bej at tins otlicl Wiiilevilll ^ I\A RMSi.'j ^fi^iuits, ii| I04lits. Pr^ M|pe. fJin;. A#'e^. Clu| of4h'n. r aril For Pee. l.'i. I 1C,. I At\orne> OFl'l I- street t>. I'J. WD 4 UKV. l^Dlwii to :i for ne'^roej who }TCt 8U|j ettevf M'tir p'J* 'I'll 1st .1:1 .Jeriiis a- ^liere ar Ti|nge. Avh .if II miner’ T i - Tl! ib-ji MeKl ®i|t'llf.ictu pik er eii^ri aetual 7-?|> briek lilt of ^^•it.i;r* to iiifoi-j *Wer m,inl tfftir' doiiiJ :i*''ayettcv JW I »^'n ' * , i '.m Z: •e, SiJ Wl-'k atiil f^PlKT. V.lj '•'■ id, i '"^rethoj 3. to 'lie, ;in(] >iov. jlleptly, ; •bice - tak ““ **'.oau . i>Ti\ pv'v. -u I