SBMl-WBEKL, Y reFSaBBC* iUL' WmL st VOL. 1.] fayi:tti:villk, n. c., tlesday moumng, dhcemheu ^:3, [SO. 50.] llNli'l' I'V J- 1>- XLW l>^ . l ll,V\i.l) J. 11 ALB & SUN, T AM» ri:>i>i;ii;TOKs. ! ill OU'Ei VKR 54 00 if if paid diiriug tlic liliti'.iii: or ^r> iiftiT the yc.,v lias , : )usF.uvKU -5'- 00 per nnnnri, if iii. i'; «'*' if I'lii'l duriiip- tlie . l ij'ti.’ii; or §3 00 after ihi year PLAN TATION I'OR SAI,K. Tilo J^ul'scribcr nfl'ci-3 fnv kiIc her ri.AM'ATK'N, ku'.iwn nj* the ••Slui'v IMnce.” riiis rimitatii n ei'iitniiis 100 litres, ahout otie- tliii'l ot which is L‘le:irril, It parcly lies within lUe i'uNwi Uniiv>. uu (,’rt'ss Trei k. V pjrlioii of it is will thiilierv'!- 1 he Kivcr tielii eoutaiiis I ri«iliK’'He »nenilo'\ iukI pro'Iucva jrood Corn 'r,>ii-j. riiiTi- ;iro pe\iriil i)iiproV. iiiOiits ou lUe I'hxe. r>>r further pnrtieiilai inquire of Miijur \nh\l .Mel.euii or .lames liuiiks. ANN’ SHAW. »vi'ttpvillc, Nov. IIO, pj; I'[Si;\n.N i'S inserted forsi\ty eeiU'^ ,ro 1' V the ti: -*;, aii.l thirty cents for each , ) r II. .irsr uK(’Kivi:i), 1515LS. Northern WHISKKY. I'ec. 10, KS'.l. TILLlNCJlIAfiT & ro. 47 tf W arly adverti'^eineiit.-i : ■ •. ntrai-i^ at rcas-'nahle rates. Ad- , T.o n-'iiiesteii to .•^tate the niinih«‘r of , ii 'iri’ i. or they will be eoutinued till . ' . ' .r_' 'l ai'-( I.ft:or t‘^ the IMitors must be pot-paid. \U LK VOW SALE. 11AN1*.''(>MH Mi'Ll', 0 year.■ old. gentle in harness. Applv soon, to KLI.IAII Fl'Ll.KR. Dec. 11. It-'^1. 47-i:t A Osford Female College. ,, li'cated in Hxl’nril. . \ iinder tlie eare of Rev. ,ani ,1 . j; I> . idl'd hv e>'iii|ii-tent assisijint.s. v.'ii m (']'er.iti"U one session. The , .n « !, i-iiinnie»!ee mi the S'Kt'OND V‘; !\ .lANlAUV. A : d ("r puUiii'iiciMsi'iiis. e'insist ■ ; Meiinn. (.r .iiiy otliei-suit:ible • r "iiiti r; and "f I’ink ('alioo, (iin!rh:im. , , II. 1 wh'tc t'anibrii- »>r Muslin for r.ii.iH't. straw; in winter trini- ! •( |i Mue silk \elvet and r.nel witli - • : in .smniiit r. ti itiunrd plain with id iiiud with white, witiiout 1- ;\ny inside trinnnin^s. i' ; ' "ion of fi\e ni'intlis. jiayahlo ■I' i'nit' 11 in the l’jep::ra- ! ’ Sli*, in the ’i>!!e)re Cuiirse charge fur Ian;.rnap'ts, - r;n ijii'iut the course. I’n- ! ir:i:i! •••■urse. anil stmly Latin, , ; I 11. r ether :id\anepd studies in T .It ^Iti fi r each study. Extra . . M i' ■ "11 ri:iii.> use nf instru- ; i. .'iini' iiu tiiiitar. I'rawinji find « : T !• !"r' in (>il >;1.'>. • '»li> i'.'i:ir 1 in rdleL'e under the : - • at' '{'the I’residenl and his .Vssist- ; iwij H :i-:.iii!r. I'n;-’. and liprhts .SS per I,. 1 J.:::ird can l>e ubtained in the n.'.t'ie ttTin.s. Furth-r ’iifurnia- ■i:: 1 by a iuressin^ the I’resident. r>y ..rJer of the l>oard. i :r. NUV. .'^ee v. >.’.-1. 18-tlM Sotifht'i’ii TlaIIIIih(*9lire*. ' 1’ have formed n company styled the W w SiiMW- t'linip .Manufactnrin" Company, of .Mainanee Cminty, North Cnrolinii, two miles West of the Cane ('reek Cotton Factory, on ('ane Creek, at the Foiuulry owned l>y Ihiviil Ilixon \ I’rothers, and wm id respei'tfnlly announce to the citizen#! f'f .'!:anance and the adjoining t'onnties. tliMt we are iinw pn-piirefl to ,M;inu- tacturi" in the neatest and best style—Wheat Thra.shinjr .M.-ichines, from two to six power: I'uttin" .Machines of dilTerent sizes; Wool (’;ir(.linjr .Machines; doubl«- aiil siir^Ie .Mill and I'acti^-y (Jear; Saw and tJrist Mill Irons; cU^e Tools; Totton Yarn and Wool Lolls, lic. I’ersons wishinfT to purchase would d«.> well to give us a ciill betore purchasing elsewhere, as we are ileter'nined to sell cheap for cash, or on time to punctual dt ah rs. ibirlon" experience in the .Manufacturing Husiness enables us to feel in» hesit:ition in sajin;; that our work shall not be surpassed by any shop in the South. All letters addressed to the .\pent of the Coinji.nny at the Snow Camp P. 0-, .\lnmance Covintv, N. C., will rticeive prompt attention. KAMI* I>L\oN, Agent of the S. C. Manufacturing Company. Sncw Camp. Deo. 0, ISOl. 4T->m r# Ti.\KHKLS for Diatiller.i. [P S. J. Nov. 17, 1351. For Kale by HINSDALE. ■ 4.ltf THUS. II. ril.lJNGIlAST, kh>k-ri.\i>i:k, Anderson St., Fayetteville, N. C., OI*rO."lTE Mlt. W. \\'l.\.LOW‘s I..\W tiKFU'K .Music neatly bound at short notice. raniplilet£ and I’eriodic.als bound Books re-bound. Dee. li>ol. and old in a substantial manner. 4Ctf NO'FK i:. iirit wanted, to t.ike charge of the ;. at Wir.tevi'.N‘. Columbus County, ' ; . 1 i'l'c will be given. .Vi'plica- t" (■'. G> ortre. Ksij. or m_\self. WAN’P OK M()M:V. Those who are indebted to me, by Note or .\ccount, will please settle by the Ipt of .January, that I may be able to settle ^ith those I owe. A. A. .McKKlli.VN. Nov. Ut'.. IS.'il. 4;Mf J. A. 10. IS.'.l. MAL LT:--nY. 4s-tf Fjr I'luM 's. Kiu-. «'iiron. «’uiT:vnts, Vl;uond.. r.razil Nut."*. Kntilisli ^ I’ecan Nuts, ’ake (.>rn.i- .' i tiin^t-r. t'loves. t'innamDU. ■■•I. Chocolate, llrandy I’ine Sar'iini ;-. Salmon, 1‘ickles and . s. find t'rui kTs. w ith a variety ■> ''M. numerous to menti'jn. •^V#r jFirm* 5^*Tiik undersigtied have entered into ('op.ntiiiTship. under the Firm and style of .McLL.VN & .loNF.S, for the purpose of doing a general Mercantile and Harter Uusiness, as a!*o for the distillation of Turpentine. A. D. .McLEAN. N. (i. .lONES. PamcierTille, N. C., Nov. l!4, 1851. 43-tf '.s i:ank; fireen street. 4stf j: hk \Ni)v. f fine .\pple Ihnndy, the h.rl l:Tst \-ar. i TAYLOR. Js-li rLKPEN'riNE LAM) FOR SALE. *^1(^11 sale, acres of LAND on .lames ^ Treek. and *341 • acres on Cypress Creek, in Cumberland. con\ enient to the estern I’l.-ink, heavilv tiiiibcr*‘d, and adiuiriibly adapted to the making of Turpentine. Ap[>!v at this Oftice. Nov.lf?.'>l. 18th Nov. 1851. UT M.\C IN'TYHE offer.s for nale— • l.j hbls. clear .MF.S.S I’OKK. !i bbls. No. 1 Lard. i> kegs Untier, tiuc quality. Liberty l*oint. 40tf 10,000 9«POKT.^.nE:.\ W.\.NTK1>. The Sul)scril)cr lias now one of the most extensive .and best n.ssorted stocks Double and Single SIlOl' Ctl'N.S. I’lSTOLS of the most superior (lualily.—Coil’s Repeating and .Mien’s Uevolving. of e\*ry nuality,—Pow der Flasks, Shot and (Janie ll.-igs, rercussion Caps of En^rlish aiifl French nnike. Also, the most complete assortment of Gun fixtures that has ever V>een oftVred in this section of country. .\lso, .Sliot (>nns, Ritles and I'istols made to onler or re[>aired. Ititles made to order, and warrantetl t;> shoot Iron) one to live hundred yards. .Vir (inns made to order at short notire. To .ill of which the at’ention of Sportsmen and others is respertfullv invited. M A. 15AKEU. Svfu of the Hun, ll.ay street, no.arly opposite the Marble ^ ard. Fayetteville, N. C., (,)ct. (>, 1S.')1. ‘JStf The f'hftitffe has been mtnlel ^ Bill K Subseribers having sold out their old JL .'stock of Hoods, h:ive the pleasure now of saying to their friends, that they are now open ing an entire NEW .'sT!CK of D21V umyuH, HAliDW AUi: vV i { HATS AND SHOES, imi'ocerics of all kinds^ .\11 of which we will sell low for C-ash, or ex change for any kind of Country Produce, or lo punctual customers on time. CUOK & TAYLOR. Sept. 22, 18.>1. 21tf | CO.MI’KTITIO-N DKI'IKD! | Clothln/fi nothinff! OW receiving, direct from New Yiirk, a su- | perb lot ot (,'L(J THING, made up in the fashionable style and of the best m.aterials, consisting of black and brown Frock ami Dress Coats; Cloth Overcoats; Ca-»simere I’ant', seve ral varieties; fancy Gren.'idine Silk, Satin and Twilled .Silk Vesta. .\ll of which will >«e sold lower than any concern of the kiml in tow n. and if not as represented, the money will be refund ed. Call and see. A further addition to the .“^toek is d.iily expected, and duo r.otice will be given. One iloor East of Cook iV lavlor s. J. SMFlli vV CO. Sept. 22. 2ltf 1' \ VK I'Ti A ll.I.K KItA.Nt II c I. o TIII \ ; J. «. WIIITI': & lM)i,lUlll.L. MPrapers^ Tailors, A .N D WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 110 WillKini street, A^r ^nrk, .\E\T Ulinii TO TilK B\Nh (!F rAI’K FK.AR. M'ayetteviHe^ •’%*. €\ FALL, 1851. .lAMl'.S KYlir IS now receiving a very large and general as sortment of im\ ciooDs, Purchased by the Package for CASIL Those wishing to purch.-ise Goo«ls at reduced prices, will please c.all and examine, as Hargaiiis may be expected. liOLTlXG CLOTll.'^, Anker Brand, from .No. 1 to 10, uncommonly cheap. t'5 PaekiigeH KOOTS AND SIIOKS, cheaper than ever were for sale in this market. Oct. 4, 18.‘>1. 2Stf S’ NOTK, K. ^TARR & Wll.-LLVALH have removed to the Store recently occupied by Mr. John D. Starr, one door west of Messrs. H. liranson Son, wlu re they have ju.^t received additions to the Spring purchases of Staple and F’ancy DRY GOODS, (yonntry meri hanta are re'iuested to examine our stock. J. r>. ST.VRR. J. M. W1LL1.\MS. June 7, 18.')!. tf li. TOHACCO. tGOOD ST(JCK on hand; and I shall re ceive regularly, from .Messrs. J. Jones & Co’s Factory, tjualities assorted from common to very fin*. which 1 will sell at lowest manufac turing prices. .1. UTLEV. Fayetteville, April .3, tiOtf ONE TIIOrSAND UAlTs7 i U.VVIN'fi located my.self in Wilmington for' the purpose of doing an .\gency Uusi- ness, persons wishing to sa^e time and money, will timl it to their interest to send their pro duce to the care of R. Shaw, and the returns will be forwarded forthwith. RftDERlCK SHAW. Wilmington, Oct. 28, 1H51. 3ij-3m D. Sf U! .UcLuuriu 4KE now receiving a large and general as sortment of STAPJ.E AND FANCY IIAUDWAKE Cl'l'LEin, BooT.*>» «hoi:n. —ALSO— 7.') bags Rio, Laguira and Java (1,’offee, 10 hhds. Sugar, 70 pieces Cotlon l>agging, coils IJale Rope, 100 kegs .Nails, assorted, 8 tons .weles and English Iron, f»00 sacks Liverjxiol Salt. With Lo.'if, Cnisbed, Powdered and (.iranulated Siigjirs: Green Tea; Pepper; Spice; Ginger; Powder; .'shot; IJar Lead; 'i'able Salt; liar and Fancy So.'ips. With a variety of other articles, to which we invite the attention of pur chasers at wholesale or retail, as low a-* any other house in the pi ice 1). 6i W. McLAlRlN. Oct. C. 18.^)]. 2>Sif 11A m F() R pT7a s' I’ e r IX(;, Ei:^SONS 1\ Ml rSK'. H. WidTAKKR would respectfully in- for.u l!ie citizcr.s of Fayettt*vi le and vi cinity, th-'t be has ap -'n c^mi: nri-d giving L*‘s- : sons (.11 the r'iino Forte. He retrrns his thanks i for tl e lii^eriil patr ii ige he.- itoi irc received, i and hum: iy ^>olicit8 :i ron^'ni; inct ot ’■.he same. } All pains shall be taken t«.r the a-ivac.ceuicul ot j his pupils. I Instrunion al«* given on the O’litnr. Pianos tiineu ..nd rep'tir«*d in tbe best manner. L. H. W if Ii ."VK Ki^. ; Vu'^ust 24. 18.'0. 34tf j AN!> KOI'!'.. j ^^IR COTTON IJAGG’Vt; VN I) HOPE have j ^I' arrived. *iir fri'iids ran send in their or'ler-*. arul they shall be suppiied. COi'K A .•\u;rU8l 18. IS-'l. TAYi.nii. 1 .tf RYI*: W ll!SKi:Y. A NOTHER lot of Williams's «»ld Rectified Jm. RYE WHISKEY, inst received. J. oc T. WADDILL. Oct. 1, Is')!. ^7tt 3 tty Finn AVjc Li eery Stables. [J^OR .sale bv Oct. 1, 18ol. J. & T. WADDILL. 27 tf 44tf ('ahinct riiruitnrc^ ('h(ilrs„ t^c. HE subscriber is receiving the largest as- I. sortmcnt in hi« line ever before purchased at the North, which, together with his own man ufacture. makes his Stock very complete, con sisting of (.'hairs, Tables, Sofas, liedsto.nds, V«' Stands, liureaiis, Looking Cilasses. Side lioardi?, Secretaries, i^e. All of which will be .sold on the lowest terms for Ca!»h, or on short time to punctual customers. J(»ilN W. I5AKER. Cct. 30. 18.S1. «*'tf Second Fall and Winter Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots, Umbrellas, Bonnets, &c., for 1851. ST.VRR A WILLI.\MS licg leave to announce to their customers, and all those visiting this place to bny (Joods either nt wholesale or retail, that they are now receiving their uecond supply of Fall and Winter Goods, which will be ; sold at the lowest prices for cash, or on the usu- j al time for good paper. j We respectfully invite the attention of Coun try Merchants to our new stock of (Joods. as we | feel assured that we can offer inducements un- : surpassed bv anv wholesale house in this town. S. .1- W. Oct. 31. 18-ji. STIMM MBLK WORKS, (’orner of North and Monument Stn‘ets, l(:tl(iinor«s .^l«l. 1SS».>N it li\1 RD having completel their ex- Arev, *II A: ’o. II AV E one piece extra fine 7-4 black French CLt.tTH. to which attention of the pubLc. Oct. 1.'., th.'V would call the :^2if DAIl.V KXIMX TI'.K. TO.N.s of HOOP IRON, suitable for .spirit barrels, by E. (J. H.ALL, of Rome. Oct. 1>», 18.-)1. ;'.2tf t^aifcltcrUlc EAVET rEVIIJ.E, N. C. large and spl -ndid Ihiild’ng has now been in successful opi'ration «>ince .May 1811*. The Piedding «iid 1-urniture of all kinds is new, and the rooms convenient ami pleasant. The Table i« always furnishetl with the V>est the market affords, aided by a tine vegetable ganlen. Hoarders, Lodgers, ajid Travellers w ill lind ile- —Ctvi4> rBlHE Undersigned having l.-rn.ed a (?vp*rt- B T.ership to carry uii tiie Livery Stable Bu.'i'ness, Respe.-tfiilly inform the ritlzei •• oi Fayetteville and the I’ublic general’.y. ttiai they can be uc- commolated on reasonable terms witF at sin.’h times :is the .' may wisii to hiie. by ap plying *0 the subscrib'TS. as ti'ey are well pre pared to carr\ on the l>;isiii‘'s~. havir^ refill d and renewed t>ie F't:ib’ishnient. viih the addi tion of some fine Horses and nrw Vehii-le-, and are saf'sfied that they can give (M.tlsfaciion to all who may wish to hire. \nd therefore call on ih*;m to give us ft trial. J. W. POV. fR.'. KOliKKT UrAilSTKR. Sejit. IH. l!?i)l. 2i>y II. G, HALL, FayetletiUe E'onndrtf. C VSTINGS OF EVERY DESCKIPTION MADfi TO ORDER. JfeT' A lot of Babbet .Metal for sale. Win.slow street, Sept. 1, 1851. J( >l IN T). \V11 AAA M s, f.'omtnissiott *V I^ortrardittiC • ft I' t'dt an t, Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. 10, l.sjO. R. .M.OliiUCEL, Fi‘K\T.ARDI\G (’ir-nilSSIC.N lltRrilA.XT .IT rayelleville, >. M»id. 10. IS.'.l. t^‘--tf t.~cTwo^h~ fOM.riSSIOX \VJ FURWAIIDING >lERni\M’r VV ILMINGTON, N. C. Feb. 1, i8r,i. r.7tf SA\ A(iE cV MEAUES. Commission and Forwarding Mer- chants, W n.>nNiTo>, N. 56-1 . S('()fT iJv P.AEl) WJX, {^Suerfssorf to S^ott, A.iH to.) I'ashtotmhle laiKH'Sf ASt> liKALl.r.S is f;enllt‘mpn\s nothin';, Kcady-miide, OF THE FIH-^T QUALITY. Al?o, a C'-'inplete atisortnii nt of Ocuts DnES.S GOOi .fiiii'tut StrrrU ■ \Vllmin;ton, N. C. i');”)Vpd '“.lOSEl'll j rO.TI.mSJ^IOX AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, I €\ j Jjt? ■“ Promj't personal iiltention given lo alF ! Consignnients, and Cash advances made on .Mer-- j chaii'lise to be shipped or ■■lold in this maj-ket. Feb. 1, iSM. •'•'‘J , I. lUi uwis ( Jan. lo, Ib-'I. Kiicoiii*a;?e Soiillierii cliniiicM. Sira hie accommodations and rounding country, that they have commenced the ' ‘ ‘ ' Curria;;‘ Ou-iiiioss, II. I.. HOI.Ml.s. jA*::-nsy at Law, Wilmington, N. C. V *■ ■'f' ' •' L-tS, Ull r;ier 't' Front ;incl Princess ■r Journal office. 4s-tf Thf, Sul»eriKtrs would In ir leave to iii- form the inhabitants of Fayetteville and vicini- tv, that they have opened the above Establish- 'I'llj.: Ulldrrsiuni'd, I 'oillldcr i carrying on the business in all S.\W .MlLLi" the I nited States, made by m ; K li 1i l>■. I..OTII I C» McKinstry >f Washington. These Mills are of From New York, all of their own manufacture. Cast Iroiii no briek being usel in their erectii'n. eonsisting in pari of largest estaldishments ot the kind in this conn- | trv. ! are prepared to till all orders in their line, viz: >larbJe .>iantei«, Moiuimciits, Tomb**, C;rave >tones. Table Tops, Tiles, ifor floors.) .Marble I.ettcrs, «fcc., at as reasonable rates as No pains will be spared to give lion. F'aniilies can be furnished with large, airy, front double rooms, conveniently and hand somely fumisheil. An experience of 20 years will enable the les see she hopes, to give general satisfaction. ANN IJROWN. June 1, 18.'»0. 28-tf 1^1* JOII.\SO\ JC.>sr RECEIVED and offers for .sale, cheap,— 7-'> bags superior Rio C(JFFEE, 2.‘) barrels t'offee .Sugar. r»0 barrels Alackerel, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Loaf and Graniriated ."sugar. —A LS( »— A large assortment of Iron and Nail.'=. Shov els, Sjiades, Trace Chains, .'sh»vels and Tongs, Planes. Augers and Chiscl.i, Filet. Collins's .\xes. \c. August 10. It'.’il. 1 itf EDrt’i Cirolina Kerseys. - . SilEMWELL .V CO. have just re- ••1 a large lot of •■Salem Kerseys,” • ■ ill Mf our Planters as the Itest goods •' that are offered in this market.— " i: oe been waiting, had better come • :• 'v-l. as thev are going off raj'idly. : e. Dec. I-'). IS'.I. 4'‘-tf They can be t.akcn down. reniovel miles, and put in operation in I'i hours. P.twer of Engine 2i» horse; will cut l.'>.^>'*> fee: Plank Lum ber per 21 hiurs. These Mills have taken the premium at the .Marx land .State t.air over all others, ami are *onsidered the best in the world. 1 would be pleased to receive orders, either for the Engini s with or without the MilL Letter iuhlressd to H. (i. Hall will receive prompt at- Cloth ('lo.-iks. all ipialities. I’daek and cdored Cloth Surtout and Sack Over coats, e\er_\ grade. Labrador and Lamb’s-wool Heaver ditto. Ditto ditto ditto, male revers ible, to wear either side out. P.eaver-cioth, Petershai. and Kersey Overcoats, ever\ style. Dres« and Frock Coats, ot French cloth, superi or ijii.ility. equal to custtplii work. 1 will put these Mills np any where within 10 ■ Coats of all kinds and (|ualities. .-r.M.MKRVILLE ' nntf i'iiimlc S(‘tninarq. ' r.i' Si-h .] will re-oj»en on 'J'hur.«- '• Is.',2. i.' n t.if.ire. P.oanl i^^7 per month.. - I" ■ \erv commodious houses in tiie 'll lie rented for one .'session. A D. M« LE.\N. ■ N ( . bee. \ IttOl. 47tlJ NO ri( i:. i u' I’liMif :irc iiit’oriiied that the aiitli ris.'d .\gent for the sale Ki ' l livs P»!'T.\ULE S VW mills, ■ ■ ' in W ashiii;rfon City, of 2'l horse ■ 'i>'. I'll'.iiidtive b>ii!er. which are the ' i’ Ti.i^ie Saw .Mills he has ever seen .( I T !i'i-'i in tlieir eri'ction. Those !■ .Mil’- will find it to their ad- - ; "n the %;ih.>:'riber. Mr. McKin- ■’iiii him that (ieo. Pa^e Co. have nil’ riired a Portable lji'.rinc like the ■ l i ilicir right is in no danger ‘ 'i;ii.ri'd lijKiii. as there is no necessi- • V '■ ill lliis ;ige of iiiijirovement. miles of Fayetteville, if desirable. H. G. HALL 43-tf Nov. 20, ISoI. nil iM) well H. G. Dor. 10. lls.-,l. HALL. 47tf i r.i’i ll m •: ..1 ^ 1, i-o.T- an- now receiving irom '' K, 1 ir;'!- afifl general assortment of (Ill i i iiiK' i Drii Kini:.', If.MiDWAUK, ’■ ‘ ''111 t aj»s, lioot.s allJ Shoes. AruTiiig which are: ' -■‘f. ' "Uoii liai/giii'.r. Rale Rope, '"'i' V (Su edes and English Iron, I, ' .S:,i(_ Imperial and lUack Teas, , ■ ’ Lu r. Powder, .■'hot, h i|- .ii.l 1 II, V S ia]i. ■ "'t'‘ a gre;it \ariety of other arti- ■ they invite the attention of the "ll ' !i tiivy ;ire determined to sell '1- O!, tiiiie to those vvlio piy j lioii c ill tiie .Southern country. 5 _ ..;ii !'. ;i( the highest market ; '' a ' .i ll 'iiHi' {'nr Goods. i \|.1,1-:\S JONES. N ■ . Dec. is;,l. 4,tf U- >'»r \i aki'.k.s, .1 '.i ,i iioi- article of Oak Tan '• 1-1. \ I'll I:.!'., with French and hi KIN.'', can be supplied at our J. ii T. WADDILI.. 41 tf NO'J'K'E. rglHE Snb8criV>ers are n»>w receiving 8 selected stock of .'■tajde and lancy DR^ CiOOI'S. Among their stock will be found the latest styles of Ladie.s' and Gentlemet ’h DRESS GO(,)DS, together with a good assortment of Ileady-ni.ule Clothing; riiibrcllas; Hat.s, Caps, and lionncts; all kinds of Hoots and Shoes; Carpeting; Saddles, Bridles, hips utwl Collar.s; Hanlwaro and (’utlery; Lea- thfi’; Ilollow-ware and 1'rocki‘ry-wari'; Ijoat, Lump, Cruslifd, Clarified and lirown .Su gars; Teas; Uio, Lngnira and .Java (’ofFec; .Salt, Mo!, Iron and Xails. \Vith many other Goods, which will be sold very cheap ff-r Cash, or on time to those who pay puiictnally. e would be glad if our friends and the public generally would give us a call. J. T. COUNCIL i. CAIN. Sept. 1, 18'. 1. IILNSPAI-F.S Cowifttmtff Mrflmut .JWifuit I'Oliiil tOM'l'iCTlON. This I'reparation has proved itself to be of great efficacy in the cure of Coughs, ,ddn. Whoopitig Cough, and other pulmonic affections. It is j)leas>nt to the taste. anl may be given to voung children with perfect success and safety. The medicinal ingre«lients of wliidi this Confec tion is conijtosed are purely vegetable, and are selected and coinpounfled by the Proprietor with accura. y and care, and a're, singly, of great benefit in pulmonary coniidaints. For sale, with directions, by SAM’L J. HINSD.VLE, Druggist. Nov. 17, IH.'.l. _ l'Ui:sil ( liAC’KlOIiS, ^c. ft 1U5LS. and half-bbls. Butter Cracker.s. fl. 10 boxes Sixla ditto. 12 ditto Wino, Picnic, Sugar and Uos- ton Crackers. For sale by SAM’L W. TILLINGHAST & CO. Nov. 17, 1S-'..1. aiil f ■^lllUTY-EioHT Carriages and P.uggicsnow M. finisheil, arnl on hand—eighteen of which ar‘ I?u"''-ics. -Vll at low prices, according to finish. A. A. McKETH.AN. j tie|it. 18| IbOJ. liiKtf Pants of tine French Doeskin. Ditto ot fancy Cau.simere, in variety. Ditto of .'SHttinets, Kersevs. (Sec. Vest-*, of .'satin, plain and fancy .Silks, .Silk \ el- vets. Wool \ elvets, (,’ashrnere, Cassimere, Va lencia, Marseilles. .V;c. Vests, of white and figured Silks, for weddings and parties, in varit 7. — ALSt>— 'I'OttACC’O. iRlME North Carolina and \ irginia (’hew ing Tobacco, by tin* Rox .Hnd retJiil. J. .V T. WADDILL. 4-tf can be hal in this or any other city in the I nion. | ni^p\ij,miihs’ Ucllows, .\nvilt. Vises, Hammers, For beauty of execution and originality ot de- | sign, tlu'ir stock cannot be surpiissed. They j would respectfully invite \rr},ilrrti. Hiiilf/frr. ■ Cabind and others to Call ami examine ' before purchasing. They are also prepared to , furnish the trade with Slabs, lUocks, fi:c. to or der. jKjr .^11 orders bv mail punctually attended to. ' E. c. ii.vlL, 01' HOME, ! Surrrs»or uf Ilalf, Sockf'tt if* Co., IS now receiving his Fall STfK'K of (lOODS. consisting of a general assortment of Dry Goods, Saddlery, I lats. Caps, .Shoos, Hardware, Ciroccries. ! A much larger and more general stock than ever opeinfl on the East side of the Cape Fear j which he is prepared and determincil to sell ' to punctual customers, either at wholesale or ,1. E. TOOVIEU. t'ommisnion aud ITovicard^ tllerrhant, WlLMI.NCn'ON. N. (’. Ref*r to H. Uranson Son, ) etteville, N. C. \. \. McKethiin, ) Feb. 1, 1S;')1. . ^viLKLNSON S: ESEl'.U, DEALERS IN rWlHE Subscribers respectfully announce to, Forci(jn Fruits, Xutx, To' Jl. the citizens of F'ayetteville and the sur-| ' hnrro, ao(f Snujf\ AND IMPORTERS OF . srpi:KioK iiiva:%a cio.irs,^ At the old St^ind formerly occupied by Simpson . wiinr FSat V AND RFT\Ib & ^IcLauchlin. (one door below A. A. .McKe-j ^ TCI n than'e.) where they are now prep.are'l to nianu- i lu&rKet St., WllmingtOn, iW. y. facture to order all kind.>j (>f RlDiNti \EHl-t -Aug. , ISol. CLES, from a Sulkey or lUiggy to a nine-pas- scnger ('oach, which, for style and durability, j shall not be siii^iassed by any establishment in I the ]dace. They hope, by a strict attention to business, ^ ^ j n ■/ and a desire to please all who may favor them , Mtnu/icfur> r oj Stf om Jl ilix nntl w ith a call, to merit a share of public patjonage. | Mill GetirilUf of all A'ni(l>, Plomjhs, rf'c. fiiSf" REPAIRING nentlv executed at short! " ■ and LOWER than anv other establish- rilHE undersigned, as the Agent of the abov« M Establishment, will order any articled ! which may be wanted, on application to him. 1 The Steam .Mill# manufactured by Mr. Star^ j buck have l»een tested, and are highly approved ■ on the Plank Roads about Fayetteville, i EDW’D LEE \VINSLO\\. lltf notice, and LOWER than inent in the placc. THOMAS V. WHITE. JUNIUS R. RAliOTEAU. Favetteville, Feb. 17, IS.M. 5?'tt X. n. STAR BUCK, Troy^ .IVm? IRON FOUNDEli AND MACHINIST^ I FRESH TEAS. T [IHE subscriber has ,i'*Pt re- cei .ed anil offers for sale, a supplv of (ir* en nud lilark '/'cas, of very superior i'i.ilitv-, cnn- Fayettev ille, Sept. 4, AI>MANAC'S. 20tf Shirts, plain and embroidered; Collars; I n- i „t greatly reduced prices. der-Shirls; Drawers; Cravats, itc. i^c. i gv^[ie would call particular attention to his _AL.sft— stock (d’ ROOTS AND SHOES. The assortment good as.sortment of medium and cheap js unusually large, and of every quality and CLOTHlN(il. style; and having been bought for, he can fi^^CoVNTRY .MF.nniANTS and others , a«"l "‘>1 sell them very low. - , . . .. .11 I ^11.^1 You that wish Rarcain.s will find U to your in want of f lothing to sel again w i i o w interest to give the Stock an examination before call and examine our Stock. Orders tilled at nieresi to gi>t u.t. jjK^rNEW Y(HIIv PRICES.^ ,. r f ‘ Tlw^iys^on MoasurcP tmd onlors will be lor nin? : Clothing, and executed in the most fashionable | ^ g.^tf gtvle aud with despatch. M.'WHITE & UNDERHILL. A. C. IIART, J/*:7it. Nov. 17, 18-’»1. 40-8m lU ilMNG FLUID, RICE 7.") cents per gallon. For sale liy P Nov. 17, 1851 S. J. HINSDALE. 40tf HoUrhkiMM Water ^\Tieel« 'IAN be furnished by the undersigned. Old j pffo-e's (yirClllar-S(tU' Stcnni ^lills. IHK undcrsiin*(J is the authori/.^d Apeiit ~ t 1 ffir tHt' jil'Kivt* vjilujible find t'iH V)C Ca.sting for th« latest tmprovements in | f,,,. ..circular-Saw Mills’’, mills constantly on hand Steam mill.s repaii ed R • C y Mills can save •'{^10 to $1.>, and new Mills •S.^O to Si in, by procuring these heels of me. October 2.'), Is.M. Koirr. >irr(’HEEL, Art-j/'s lu'ir, fiillc-^ftH' Sfrtef, Has always on hand a supply of Hacon, Tobacco, Flour, Sugar, (.'offeo, lea. Molasses, Soap, • 'andles, Cott^ui \ arn, Sheeting.s, CutU-rv, Croekory, and trla.ssware. —ALSO- large stock of Foreign and Domestic LI QUORS, embracing Western and N. ( . '' his- key; French, Apple anti Peach Rrandy; .(amaica and N. E. Rum; Holland (tin; Wines of different kinds. All of which have b»en purchased low for Cash. Those wishing to purchiise will do well to call before purchasing elsew here. Nov. 1, 1M.-)1. 30-3m F,iiiii \vi\ti:r (iooiil WE are now receiving our Fall and W inter Stock, consisting of a very general se lection of Hardware and Cutlery, Saddlery. Leather, Hats and Caps, Hoots and Shoes, Iron, Steel and Nails, and Staple Dry Goods, With a large Stock of GROCERIES, BAGGING, ROPE, &c. Veraons visiting this market to purchase at Wh»les»le or Retail, would do well to give us a call. bisting of Very f;iie l>o do Do do Do d'l These T*’HS wei'e and are recoinuicndi d as Oct. 14. IS.M. • lly-on.” •Imperial." ‘Vtiiing I'yson.” •i)‘iong.” selected by a good judg'’ first r-'te.” . J. HINSDALE. ;{itf BURNER’S North Carolina, and Pdnm’* Farmers’ and Planters’ .\l.MANAt_S. just received and for sule, wholesale ami retail, by E. J. HALE \ SOX. T Jt'ST ItKCHlVKI). "1^ MEN S and Roys’ SAI'DLE.'^. of every" # qn-xlity auvl style. som»' very tine. .\1-- so, Rridles, Collars, Whi]>s and Wa'ion Harness^ Hv E. C. HALL, of Lome. '(,)ct. 18, 1851. «2tf VrrlU-al Water Wlaorl. f ■^ilERE are several I undred of these Wheels ■ in operation in ditlerent c* untios in North Carolina. For proof of their great advantages over the common tiutter wheel, or any other wheels now in use for saw mills, we confidently refer to those ■who have applied them to their mills. W’e can recommend them particiil.iily for their superiority in cases of & low head of ■ water, or back water. ! We still keej) a supply of W heels, suitable for j ditlerent heads of water, at W ilmington, Noh- I bern. AVa.«hington. F^denton and F'Hvettevill*-. I The wheels may also be had ot E. Rrevard, Lincolnton. and Uriah Wells. Petersburg. Vf. I I’ersons wishing to obtain the right to use the i wheels, will be served on application to D. McNeill A: Co., Fayetteville. N. C. D. McNEILL. A. A. M. KETHAN. D. J. .MeALlSTER. Feb’y 22. IS49^ Marble Factorv. MEitcKi: roi:s. 25 R.VRIvELS now landing. G hhds. Molasses do. For sale bv H. Li’.ANSCN & SON. Nov. 24. 42-tf NEW BOOKS. ■■WARri'.R und tl;e Internationnl, for Dcccm-' Ji.jL bcr; The OldGuartl of N'apol .‘on. ly Heafl- lev; Raiichir's Horsemanship; isai.c (’heek, Ih'.^ .Man of Wax: Lewis Arundel, or the l. iil Roail' of Life; Naval Life, by Lt. Lynch. U. S. Navy; W'esleynn Theologj-; Rurder's Village Sermons; All?ine's Ahirm; Mechanics for .Millwrights^ Machinists, Engineers, &c.; Zachos’s New Am^ Speaker. Just recfived. Dec. 10. E. J. HAEE & SON. are used iip I preferred by the Greenville and tion, and is prepaied to furnish inachiiuri of that Comn-inv to sav they perforin admirable, the latest imi.rovement. A few patterns „u,er Mill, will fancy railing fences for yards and cemeterie“ ' v ar*- tni.iner expected daily. Horse I’owers for threshin grain, sawing v.fu.d, and grinding corn, made ^ to order. \ four-horse Power, with grist mill to grind 40 to oO bushels of corn per day, for He is also making prej»aratim to man ufacture Page's celebrated S.iw Mills for saw ing lumber,—will saw 5,0t)0 teet o1 lumber j'ei day. A specimen of fancy Casting can be seen at the Observer Office. 11. G. HALL. Nov. 10, 1851. 41-:im NOTICE.—Ail Accounts due the Merchants’ Steanitioat (,’onipanv’, for Freights up to the l.'jth inst., must tie proni[>tIy paid to the undersigneil, as much time c{innot be given to the collection of the same. J. & T. W.XDDILL, lotc Ag'jnts. I i'uyottvvilliS'^an* They are cheaper than any perform better, and saw more lumber. JNO. M. Fayetteville, N. C., Nov. 13, IS-jI. ROSE. 39-3m J. iu T. 1851. WADDILL, Hhv street. *24tf Distillers of Titrpefitine. III.WE reduced the price of my SPIRIT RARHEi-S to >H1 f)0, delivered at any place in Wilmington. After Christinas they will be extra si'/.ed. Persons wishing can contract by the year on these terms. 11001’ IRON tor sale „,SMper«n. A. MORO.\N. Wilmington, Nov. 10, 18.31. S'J-Jm \VR rPPlNf; PAPER. J RE.\MS Medium size, S[ or. “ Bine, for Cotton Yams. From Manteo Paper Mills. Raleigh, tor sale low by U. BILVNSON & SON. My t/, ^ Sept. 22 THE CELtBR\TED lilTR IMTK.M COOKING STOVE, IS for sale bv the Subscriber in Raleigh and Fa.\etteville; in Raleigh at his Shop on Fay etteville .Street, and in Fayetteville at Mr. A. M. Campbeirs. The Subscriber hereby forewarns all persons from purchasing any of these Stoves from any person either in or out of North Carolina, ex cept from him.self or his duly authorized .Agents. He has purchased the exclusive right to vend this Stove within the State, and will prosecute anv person infringing liis right, either by i>nr- cha.«ing. selling, or using, any except thoFC ob tained from hiniself. JOSEPH \\OLTr.RING. Raleigh, April 19, 18.')1. G8tf i SPZ,E.'%'nMD BOOHS for j tii€ MilrtidaffH. I The Home Book id tlie I’ictiireMnicj. j Christmas with the Poets—at'oilcction tit .Sonj;8,. j Carols and d ^criptive verges relating to the les- i tival of Christmas, finely rni>>rl!i5!ied; omen I of Early (’hristianity; Tlie Lnnd id' liondjige, ittf j Ancient Monuments and pre.seiit coiifiition, by J. M. Wiiinwright. T>. I>.; Evcrinp' at Donald-- I son Maii*-r; l>ook of th** I iission.s, b^ 0. I . R^ ! James; ”1 he Snow Hake; The luniember Me; j The Anihianth; 1 he De-^ li.-oji; Flowers of Love- ! liness; The Iris; .Vnierican Female Poeis; Pt>eiii» ! Itv .Amelia; British F’eiu.nle l orts; The Shak.- I speare Gift P.ool;, arst and second series, j The above ele.^aM b;oks arc illustrated with splendid I'.ngravings. .Tujt receivtal. Dec. H*. E. J. HALE dsi SON. By c;eo. I.AUDER. TWO DOORS .UlOVli llillill ii SUN'S SlOKff, Favettv^ ille, Jaii’y 20, 1851* .VO-lYpd iTiN^' p rmi. I^T^AMS asscrtc^ French En^^h and American ( ap. Letter, Bath j >i,;ter s Sui Post, Folio Post, and Note Papers-a well se- Cnn eB. F.inct lected stock, embracing a great variety ot cyial- itv and price. Also, Rristol Roartls, Perforated Ditto, Tissne and Drawing Paper, aud Station- arv of all kinds. Just receiving. E. J. HALE &, SON. Sept. 20, 18.')!. ^ _ NEW HOOKS. I The American Alnianr.c f>*r 1S52; S'^ords’ Pocket Almanac; The Fifte!n lie^Hoive' 1 Battles of the 'A'orld, frf»m M.irnthon to ALater- I loo; First Itni>resii>rn of England and its l’^>- I pN», by Hugh Miller; Sw.allow Itarn, revised edi-* tioB, illustrated, by J. P. Kenned^; Don Quix ote, half morocco, illu'trated: Londoi' !in'^>the‘ AbborT’ |ii«tories; Lis- SurK**‘v: Kullion^s i icf^ro;' ction? Forces; I'ookeV Pantheon; Letter Writers. .!tc. &c. Just reed. E. J. HALE & SON. Der. 8. IS-M. FOR THE FARMERS. ^^TR.AW' CUTTER.S, ('orn Shellers. Harrows, Ploughs and Plough fixtures of different patterns, &c. &c. For WADHTT-L. 1 GrT^dinrof Homiity and ^cal done prompHy Ott-ltltiQl- ’ Fayotteville', >V»rch.1@l: SUPPLY of Fresh Gronnd CORN ME.AL kept for sale at the Mill, late Anderson'- - — ■ * 1 pr . 12tf ‘ fnilli: ^♦"OTTI^tl nr Celtic- ■ A .Manners, as preserved among the High- j laiiders, bein ' a'l historical and descriptive ac- j count ot the inliabitaiiis, aniii|iiities. and na-' tional pecuHarities id" Scotland, by James Lo- i gan. Juft received und for nale by , t E. J: HAl^ & £^-

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