SEMl-WBEKL, Y ■Wl>JpgPB3gL*m»i j FAVl-:TTKVIiJj:, N. c., TrnSDAY MORNIXc;, PECEMl’.iai :U), I8r)l. [M). 5J.1 iamaamsnrry■«*■>«» 1 i:i\ i'Kl> i;i)U \:;i) HV .J. ]\. XKWBV. j. n\i]Ts: sox, AND riN>rnii;T()!is. • -v'lni-'''t'l’kly ( >i:nK!1\ i:i: I DO if J ’lO if I'.ii 1 'iMiii;; tlio ' - !'»• afti'V tlu> vi'tir has : ■ :-i::iv-'.i; i!" [.or .•itimuM. if :i:i ■ ■: o'l ]*;ii l iluriir^ tlio . . .j li' u; i' •■>;; titl lUv voiiv :-'/Ml.NTS iiiscrtoil f>r sixty cents • ,,.i' iirsr. ;iiul thirty ooiits t'.u‘ oach ■ .11. a'lvcrtisomrn'.r : :r , r . ;tl n'.-i-' I; ililo r.iti-s. A'l- ,:li -tt' l In thi' Iilllll^tT (if K I- i'lM'y ^^i!l lie i-uiitiiiiioil ti'l ■i | •I'-.’- r v> t!: ■ lUvis-' ’>>i -t-i'uM. ' (>rSiijU'nnti'iid- Si .. •. '!' t I »' iU!i- ■ • 1 :;t I'lK- ! '.irt 1! ii,* ill ... : ii'liv lhi‘ 1'! li\ I' WiX PKll Sl lMM.V. r. )«ro iKiw roci-ivinj; oiir winter siipjily ot (I(ni\ls, vlonrs beliAv the Market lli'Mse. siiiitli ,,ii]c I’cr-. II street, wlieio iiiiiy be I'lUliil tin.' t'l'U iwiiiii artieles: Sl!;::ir of ,il! ;:i,iiles, t'l'ilee, • \ llhils. Miil.isses—sweet, :'i I'llils. S\niii—a sniierior article, (Ii'eoii aii'l lUaek Teas, Cheese of thri'P diifereiit |ualities, l!ii' ' 1’i‘inier .-iiiil Spiie, lii'jie ainl liajjririiijr, '.;l r.h's. Maekerel, .'^hucs aii'l I’lixits of e\tr:i laftre size, Sli.iv‘’s, ,'s| aies aiiil I'nrks, Ci’rii l’hiii;ri!s ;iml I’liiuts, .\ni-s Ilf the liest ItrainJs, I\ iii\ c.-^ ;i nil i’urlis, aii.l I run, .'.'MMiii II s. Ci.ttni, Yarn. \\ itii a ui'e:;l many lUlier articlfS elieai> for I'a.'Ii I r e\:-!t.i;i"eil for l’r"i!iu-e. (’all ,-inl .ee. I'UMSS ciiiir.K CO., lieiilio'.v, I'ros't. Uee. -JO. IS.'.l. :)(»-tf IMnrils iu)(l ^ri*(‘rs. J I ST re. aiu>nu. XKW (U)()DS. frST reeeiveil, mv Fall sn|)]>lv of Cl.tvril.'^, i'ASSIMKUKS and VKST'iNCS, TUIM- •MlNdS, \e., of the best ini.-ility. from New York. .\lso, the latest Hej^ort of the New York I'.KSlllON.'^. 1 entitiiuio to cnrry on tlu* TAlhOItlNt! lU .'slNK.'sS, at my St;tiil on Hay street, ;niil those who may favor m> with tlieir eiistoin mny ri'ly on havini; tlieir work done in .1 neat jin‘1 tasliionablo style, anl on the most favorafile term.s. .\i:Cini!.\l,P (Jll.Ml.VM. vt.-J7, ;:itf AUKY, cV €«. NKW FALL AND WLXTKll ii OOUH. are ivt' 1, ; \\ illl'll j^reiMis f,.r llei'^uv.-*. -M.tisy ri.iiiis are n.iw make h.inil.-onie [ ;>.s-iit.' l.ANTS an ITI’.I'KS, lew luinilre'l Kser- liloom, «hieh will ■ ld'.v. !•;, I I-J '.V t . .. l-'l wi-r Aii"t■■■- r lo.-i'l •. .:-i. Is-M. i.i 'i"i'i^i;i.)ii. r.owaii St. i, l..i'!i >' S;ei-1 SjnnU-s, I!>i of L:ii'li»-y s f'rait rei-s. .'tHf COLI.lUiK, N. i'. the rare of i’.ev. J. ■ . '.\i:h e";iijietcnt . ill .4=1 ratiiiM ti ll year-. t'’.iii:neii '■ -'H t!;e li'teeJith ;' tin- ' ':.u‘ arr.nrze- I. ! > i;a^ e till' [i llr.iiis of '.li-ir i!:iii'j:hti rs an I wanls t 'lirist’i^.-’s h>int!;i\ s. ■ ; t! :» ;>isti:iiti' 11 was the 1 ':-.i 'iitii-I'astern Nort!i n. in; aiil . 11 \': .|ir ir ex] to have .;ii iiisti- •rou^li ■*•11;; a ; 1,11 ;it;il ' I I with si’.'-ei •it:^:i.ili. I 'A itli (’u • iii l riiil !ieiu‘Z 111'..lie le ii;stitiii; ii will be s’.iee /■' . M s bc- s, As- ['hieal to vu- I -u a .s,.ful. I». I Mai ki-vel tor family use, in half an>l l.;artrr i-.irreN. .'^u]i. rii r Hal.siiis. in whole, half aii'l ijUaiter loMS. ■lust veeeivei-l atnl 'u r sa’e by 1*.. .v; Si»N. I»ee. 17. IS.M. I'.'-'it wicr: thibictS of the season, Jn^l I'ri’iiitl. r iNwiii'.A r Fi.ori; \ r.r.siir.N lu t- 11; K. 1KI>11 l O i’ATUKS an.I roDl l.ll. lot of s’lijieri'-r l’»t(X aiiil KNtn.lSll bAlllV .lilt.I. i:reat variety .'f I'ISH. in half .iml whole b.irreLs. —.\l,Sn — N.'arlv evi-v artiele ii' ;il’y kepr 'n the “O- uV .iii'i I’i.( i.“'l 'N l.AU I'iM 1: \ n 'treot. J -i »■ Watc lu'S aiul J‘\volry, At Whol!«ak‘ and Kt faii. .1. M. lilv\SI.KV 'O^^'^Ol'l.D res|'(»etfiilly inf.trm the p;;biie V w i;eiierally, that he has ret.irn-'l recent ly New ^ .irk. with (loei.le'lly a larpe a.s- s.irtmont of l%*ittrhes (ttn! Jeir(frtf. Mrinv .)f these Watch. s wer.‘ hoiiirht (' \.''H r»Y 'I IIF I’At'KAt’iK. .iml tlu-ret'ore lie soM \ery 1 >w. He has \\ atelu's of all kimls: I'hains, Keys anil Seals of a;l ki'.uls ami of ilie latt'st style*;; I'iii;r'r-1!iiiiis, 1 !ar-llilms, MeilalHoiis. of all sl/es, of r,n-jUsh aii l .\meriean mak.'; l.a- liies' riiatel.-iines; ( iitl I’ins; Collar atnl .Sloevp liuttoiis; .Shirt Stmls; llol.l Spefta.-les, li>:ht miuI h.'av\; (iolil I’l'iis aiul I’eiieils: liol.l aiel ."'ilver I'himbles; r,r;u-elets: .'^ilvi'r Krnit an.l I'.iitter Kiiive-i: Silver S|"i ’i;s of .ill si/es; lar3;e lot .'f I'lieket t'litlir'. ; Si V'^i'is. )iest ijiiallt;. ; I'liitton- liole .Sciss.-rs, .'■>11 r \ evi-r s ( .111;]iasses aiiil ( (lains: lii'triiiiieiit'; l;ii”e i|iiaiit;ty if fine anil I'nmiiinn I’istoN; tine aiul eoniino!i .>,11- ^f’e :ihil il"nbli‘-li.arrel Ciiiis: Came I'lijs; .Shot i’elts aii'i I’o v.i, r '•'la-Us: Militarv (i•>ll!^-. in- .•’uiHiijr till' IVis,. liriiMi .iii'l the 'in.illesi lintt.m: Violins aii'l extra I’.ow-; 1-iiites. 'hiri.iiiets. Khi- •j-eoli-ts. Ae.i.rleons, ..fall kiiuls .-iiiil si/.i’s: Mu sic l!oxes; l\-rfiinii r;.: Soa|i; l-.ither llrnslies; ll.izors aiel .''troii-i; lr.‘ssin;i .111 1 I’ocket (’oinns; I’late'l ;ni.l llrit:iniii;i W .ire; aii l various *ither thiiiirs ti .1 te.liiin«i to eiuimerafe. I;-!*"" l'a!l ain! ;^ive itw a trial. C.ish ii iiN for i'l C-M alel Silver. '.VATrUK' :U1'1 .JKUf.l.llV Ml ii liii' I'ou 111 in:. t!;' ’st 'l.-iy vif .laiiil ii . at :l.i' lioi.,s.‘, '.vill be liire.l !or ■■ • tl. ■ .\l.Cl;ilKS bell liiiilijr to the M '.i'.liliS. ;Uv ' i. C'liisistil.;.; of im !i .ili'i 'io\s a!i‘l i;:rls. .\m ii-st ihiiii are . 1k.i1.'.‘ servants an 1 no ..1 oook.s. I)ec. 17, iS'l. fr r.ejv F ’‘/> ff ticatlv rf 1, ,V7-. .V. arket ,J. ,\1. ilK\."l.i;v. .ii'i' . na:ni is. j.\*r.%’ s.m.yi:. i'.'tf 0 i:) — .1 >• t. oil cry extr.i. 'ri s. Trust!-. \ i:. • i-ay iieiiih: 1'. !■ Favctlfvilh' aii.l Soulhrrii lM;:i;!v Ko.k!. \ 'MI'.KTIN'i : ih.'Sioekho: r> ; ■fc, 1 T 'vlUe a '. Soiniicrii 1” l'"i’ .•viKe II ■vlUe ; all V u ill be 1 ri,:'r-lav tlo- .Ml- M’lN. >oiHin-rii 1 lie- f/ , • •, . 1 -lau'.iai > i ~ eitlu r ia ULraoU ■ r !>y j.i St"> kkol b-rs in svi e.ii-s are r> iiate iia_\m. !as the T.o i.-’.ie!. A lie HI) A. T. (iiesJeil to tuako ■ 1 is iie irly tin- SMITH. Sec'y. -I'.'tm e I Mt 'dSSiiSiJixS^^ 1.1 m; .»r i;»A i: iier.iiii.r mi ih.- IHIS lltllilK Isons iiatr A fiiU i.'oatch. ali'l .'it In rHlHI-^ Subscribers are n.»w reeoiviii^ direct -HL from New York and IMiilailelphia, the lar- jiest and haiulsoniest Stock »f SldjUv and Fincif Dnj («nods That they hnvt* ever cxliibited in this in.nrket. embraeiiifr every v.-iriety of La.lies’ an.l (ieiitle- meii's IHir.SS COOD.S, amon;i which may be fonnd: 15!a.-k iind fancy watered :iiid plain !)res.s Silks; black and fancy Cobur;j:s; Lama T'wills; (iiriired and plain fancy and black Mohair l,iis- tres; Silk Warp an.l (,'rapc Hr.icailes; Swiss, Sc.itch an.l Cheiie Cin.;hanis; Saxony l)e-l..-vins; I'rein-h, l',n;rli.-h ;in.l .\mericaii I’rints; I'.mb’d Cashmeres; plain .litto; chaiivreable l)e-Lains; w.-itered an.l nee.lle-work t'ashmeres: chani'e.-i- ble V.ineses; l?r.>ca.le Ln.stres: .Koliaiis; black Bo(iiba/.ines: seoon.l-nioiirninL' I’oplins; plain ami watered Silk .M.intill.-is; col.ireil an.l iilack Vi-lvet Mantillas; Hroca.le l*.>plins; and a lar;je iissortni(-nt of llress Trimniin;;s; French and Knglish Merinos; Velvet Neck Hibbows jiiid Cntl's, K.MTillOiDKlilKS. French w.irkc.l Collars tin.l Cape.s; French w.irk«‘d (’iirls; Fron.-Ii worked (■liemisettes; I n- .Ier-Sle'vcs; Swiss and .laconet Trimniiii}rs: In fants' \V.lists ami Caps; Hem-stitclied and iiee- l!e-worked Linen t'amliiic Handker-hi.-fs. from 111 (-ts. t.» ^'1: .-iiid a beautiful assortm.Mit of ^’eils; everv v.ii-icty of Shawl.s, embroidered and plain: Thread. Cotton and Linen K lj;iii"S and Laces; black Silk Laces ainl KI"iiii:s. —A LS( >— l‘>!ack, bine, brown aii'l rreen French an.l Kiiirlish ri.iths; lil.-iek and taiicy 'a.ssinieres; i ('lit \’eUet, li;jiired .-ill I black .statin iin.l Vah'ii- I cia N'estiniis, ( vcvy haii'ls.ime: 1 Sattiiiets; I Ixeiitnckv .Ic.iiis; 'I’weeds; Linse_\s; Flannels, ; wm.i! .iii'l -ottiin: (>snabiir”s; I>rii'.iirets; H.imask i Table t'oths; ditto Napkins; Centre-Table t'ov- ' ei's, vei v tin.*: I’i.-ino (’.>v.“rs; iri.-ili Linens; Lin- I en l.a\Mi'; Tlirea.l Cainbries; Towelling's; (ieii- tlemcn's Merino .''liirts ami Ur.iwcrs; .silk .N'eck and l‘.'ck(-t Ilan.iki-rcliie!.'; Ladii-s Mt-rin» \’ests; Cashni.-r.' ;ind .'■•ilk Hose; ditt.» H.ilf-1 l.ise; the celelirat.*.! Salem .leans, bl.-ick an.l ^rr*v. I..adie.-j', (iciitleliieii s and Childrens an.l SH >F..'^. Mtn's. lio\s' and Inl'ants’ ll.-its and ('aps. VeUet, Satin, .Sti.iw and Fl.iit nc-.- r.oiinets. Ditto .litto .1-tto for .Mis*«es, \ii I Hvery article nsu.-tlly kepi in .1 Dry t^ooils re. We invite the piib'ic to call and exam ine oiir ia:'.:e ai;.l liandsonie .''tock, as we are al- \va\s a:i\ioils to show our •inod.'^. li’ /.vvy* Suifar, T>H nil f'>{})■'. AliF.V. SllF.MVv F.LL ,S: CO. retiini thanks to the eiti/eiis of Fay.-tteville. and the public irenerallv. f->r the very liberal patronafte here tofore tiest -we.l 'III tlu-iii, and intend, by strict atteii'ii'ii to biisiiii, ss. to tnerit a contit\U!Uice. HOC KIX (; IIA M A (’ AI) ICM V. rSlHF. ne.xt Term of this School v, iil cnui- inence on the 12tl. of .laniiary next. 'J'rnnf, pi r Si'xfion nf jirr inonllix: Classics, !j'17 -’)0 Kn^lish Iiranchc.s and >L-ithe- iiiatics. 1- *••• Filciiieiit.irv stmlics, S (10 l?o:ird. including washing and fuel, at a month. No .lediiction wili be m:i.lo in tiiiti.ui ab sence duriii;r the first two weeks. .\iid half of all charges must be jiaid in a.lvanee. The .sub.scriber lias ma.le Mi-rangemeiits to board a l;irp;e number of .students, with the in- j tentioii .»f c-.stablishini' a pennaiient in K.>ckiii^haiii. further int.u inatioii, lie l e- fers jters.iiis at :i t.» their ac.piaiiitaii- tes ill this couiitv. CF.o. n. WL'l'MOItK. I’^hnin. r>ee. Ih’il. 4i-*4t FOR vSALK. 1LI be ,!old at the .Market House, on Fri.lay .laii’y lid, IhoL’, at 12 o'clock, the LOT on the corner of .\Lison and I nion struets, a.ljoining .Mas.iiiic Lo.ljje lot. 'J’erins at .sale. .\. ,\L 'AM1’1!!:LI-. Au.-fr. Dec. lO. IH'il. 47^t» w NOI'ICK, A Valuable Tract of Land for fiale. ^ ^ A('I!FS of hm.l lyiiiir .ui both sides n" of (’rains creek in the upper e.l^r of Cuniberl.ind c.uinty, joininsr the lands of M-('alluni. An^iis .loiinsoii, mid others. acre..-ot it i.s |ro(..l butt.iin laii.l, well timbered with white an.l red oak, suitable tor staves or timber .if any kind: it is one of the liest raiipes for stock of all kimls. ]>erha)>s in the county, with a tine .spring of water .iii it within three iviiles of the I’iaiik I’.oa.l rnnniii" from Carth.ijre to Fayetteville. In a.l.liti.iii to that, himlier can be rafted .lown the creek to Little Uiver. .\ny persi ii wishinjr to piirch.ise said land will call u;>on .\n^ns .J.ibns'Ui. who '\ill show them the laii.l; or ad.irc.-s II. .McIntosh, at l*itt^i')llronJ;h. Term.- easy t.i the pMrehaSOr. None of the .said laml in cleared—no improve ments of any kind. nor.KRT McINTOSH. Scj't. Ii'.', IS.'i]. •J-'^-oinw .4 I')!! SAt.r,. r (nsijrnment,--- JOi) l!aj:s hite Corn. Di Firkins prime Hutt.'r, Cf H.ixes che.-i]i T.iha.-.-o, 7 llarrelb oid live Whisker. ■INO. D. w'lLLl.VMS. Fayetteville, Dec. I-'), 1S-*>1. -18-*;;t Jtrwnnl. .\N.\W.\V from the subscrilxT, on the l-'ith Au^, ISA.VC. a tiri};!it mulatto. The said boy i.s about 2'i or 1*7 o' 1. -'i feet IM or 11 inches hi;ih; has lo!-.^ .lark hair, in- cliiie.1 to curl, blit when combed lies in wavi-s; lar^e mouth, and shows his t.-etli verv plainly; he lias a small scar over one e\e; his manner is easy: erect, but when spoken to has a .l.iwnrast look. Init r.')ilics with a smile. Said bov m.-iv ha\e heeii iK-.-oyed otl by some white ju rsoii. or he may attempt to pass himself as :i tree person. I will jrive the above r«’war.l f>r his appreli.-nsion :ii:d delivery, or his confine ment ill any Jail so that 1 can .ret him; .ir Fifty D.illars fur his delivery, and proof sufficient lo emivii-t anv pers'ni .if liarboiin^ him >r aidinji him ill ^ettiir.: aw iv. WlLLl.VM I’ll »ST!C:;. Seu'r. i)ockcr_\'s St.irc. llichnioml co.. N. i' > November IS, l.''.'»l. t 'a’ax'I'i:i). NF.dllO \V().>1AN of "rood moral charac ter an.l hoiM'st habits, who i-ali be fully recommen.Ied as a tirst rate ('..ok, ami is not over thirty years old. For such a servant the hi;^h(-st m.-irket jirice in cash will be the subscriber. Addi-ess, A. D. 'AMIM’.LLL, r>eniiett.'v:!l.-, .Marl'" l)ist., t'. .Nov. 18, is-'.l. ntl.l I’l'LL SF/rs coiintry-iii.-ldc DUKKCll- lN(i. lor w aiions. .1. ,5c T. WADDII.L. N.iv. D). is.'ii. ;:stf IJ-tf ••pt. s. MtKV. SllF.MW F.LL. K, McDdN.M.lV M. 21 tf IVK l.\ IS.M. e. m:iv rest as- ■ ,(• I.r.iii _ 11! op » Itii r . i .i ■ >•' lit' i ei"h t. W. s riTL. i’r. si.h iit. 1.1 I'TLKI.i'll. A'.:clit at i I Itcvii;.-. .'I'l tf ; il'!v ? 5 DoS la UcAvaiMl. ■NfVllLS .'-I't.Kl-; '.r..kc:i • II Fri'l.i\ !i'_'i't. i'.‘'li D. c.. iii'f . . - t' :»rv III’-- ' ii- iM.* SI It' \]\K Hi i - ;.rl wi.l *1 o\i- Ti: al. !/sr»i:in'Y ioln'T. rilacIutyi'G offers for sale; t.iii'-;. lail' bills i.WIIKAT. . .f :'i.- 'i;!:! iiv. \v !)i:fj/s iM'.poK'rs. •i.'il. \'ol. 12 and V..!. 7 1‘iice 'ii; and ^-i. Thes-- arc '. .il i-.'ii ■.i''|ii.-ii.'e ot the !>e|iorter •; ;;ir_- '.liesrs i'.i- jiiibli.sliin;j. M l..iu.: -l I'.r Ni.s. ;is .iMial. i:. .1. 11A 1.1; SON. '{)\i s wa:. ■ I I'. e J of Trust, the ].r.-pei-- :;ii t;.(st c fii r of the r.mrt • , s .'- liiart'-^ Hotel, will be .I II.' 21. 1 -'2. without re- , r: . :■ c ,ii\e;iii ntly situated : . M !. II'. r iii ni>e. • I ia > f..r a| -.r i. cd -N'lti s at \ M. t AMi’lH.LI., Auct’r. .'.(its w A.N'ri:i), S . f TL llITN- I'i-i'tilery at the la.i r.ri.l-c on i'.i_' liockfi-^h. The best | rice will be paid. F-. r further iuforni- iiiireof.j. 1,11 'A'. Miiri.h;.. at the IJri.l^ie, or • McKv i’i..iii. Fa\'.'c. D. ■ ;s. l-^.'il. _■ t'Mf !'()!{ SALi:, 'a’T V ri.\N I'A'l 1'>N in Cnmbriland county. n I PI ”■ Litt!.-Ki%.-r. I beiii-«-,iiidistanl fr. in F:i_\cttcvill.- and l'i!l.-'ioroii”h. 1 contain- iii'j .lii.ait three liun.!i'‘d a.-r.-s of Laii'I. titty .it wiiich .-irc l.iw ^irouiids, in.-’.is.-.l with a iro.i.l Icnc-. .iii-h-d. .-tii.l re.i.iy tor p!.ilitiii;_'. .\lso, a iro.. I orchar.l, l.m- spring' water, aini tob rable imi r..\cii;c:it>. F' r tern.:!. fj'{*ly to F. .1. Swaiiii in \Vi'ii.iii'-'ton. r. J. SWANN. Dc-. s. l-'-M. _ KAXAW AY aii’.OM th.' siib.scriber. at hi.s residence, on the Sth iiist.. hi.-' tw.i N-}rr.> l>o_\s. .JIM and I'L Tl.lI. -Hin is of a yelhtw, •« l«‘et 4 or ."i inches h;^:h. s.piar.-l.uilt, int. lli}rent. almnt 21 \iars old. and weighs about 12-> «ir l-I'i U's. I’l-ti-r is about tIn* .same • f*»‘t S or Dlilich- is hiiili. liLick. with a down look, tiioii-.di plea- s.-iiit. .-lid w.l-hs I'l-') or D'.M i>ouii'U. 1 will irive their appreln’tision aii.l lo.lfrment in aii\ .Jail s.» that 1 ^/et them, or ^10 their deliverv t.i me at my r. siiien.-e, ir half the a- b.ive r«^vard for eitli. r. 1 think they are ina- kiii.: their wav North. i:. (’. F.F/riiKA. Ueedv Creek, .Mnriou Dist.. S. C. Dee, 1.'., l.SM. ■ WA.N ri:i). fHlHF. wishes t'l purcha.-e 0. It s. K \CS. lor pric ' will Ik- jiaid "ii Ko. kfish, CcRil KINli.ii.l \. Mc.MIl.LAN haxeentcrel • into eo;.artiier''’.i-.i in the Di'tillery ol Tiirp.-ntine. and havf erect.-d a St:Il on thi- W e-^t -^ide of tlie Fayelt.-\ilk-and Western I’laiik Ibia.l, miles from Fax el ti \ille. w hi.'b the lii .li.-st «-.ish ..II deliverv in Fa M-tfe\ilie. DVVID MCin'IIV rlan l. \n_'. 2H. l.'.-.ini Mav 71tf KINC. McMlLL.\.N. F wi-li ‘o biiv 2'> iMXt b. rrels Turpentine. ■ KINC .V MrMlLI.AN. s:50!> 11 S:\VAUI)! SC A I’FD fr.itii th.' .lail .if Ixershaw Distric-j ..11 Mon.lay the i4to diiy of .July last, SAMI i'l, .1. l.OVl'., who was convicted for the 111111*'!. r ot K'lbeit .1. Li‘.''t*r, at Spring leiiu ot t'oiirt. IJ***!. Said Love is about 2* or 21 years ot asix f.-et two inehe.s lii;_h. ( certain iw r;-ai-ds his liciu'lit. but snpposed to be thcren- l.out',; has dark hair, -an.l of .1 >iallow i-omplex- ioii. with a downcast l.Kik; some of his fr. nt le.-th a litt'e .le. aye.l, and follow.s the occiii'a- tion of a arjienter. 1 will iri\e the above reward to any per!«i'n who wili ajijireh.-nd tin- said S. .1. Love and lo.bje him in any -lail in this State, or t Ine II iiii- dred and Filty Dollars for his .-'ate ciifmeinent ill aiiv .lail ill the l .iite.l .''tates, no that 1 can sret hi 111. •llHIN INCIIA NL Sheriff, t'am.len. S. Au-. IS'M. 2t>-f.m i “ RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. a 10N1F. ill to the Cheap Store. North si.le .if ^ ' n ;t V stlH'V't. >l*»uV tlUuVO tllC CUlMK'T. and bnv'n.-w Dry (i.mds. Also, I’ 7' r.bls. .Nu. 1 H.-rriiijr. •J.') •• '• Mackerel. I'lH F>al»-s Hay. Pieces (' l’a;::.:in;r. .’>1 '.»i!s I’.ipe. 2'>l> l.b,. Twine. ;‘it Hhds. Mola.sscs. .'1 Hhds. Fair Su;rars. .’ill I’la^s Ki.i C.itfee. With Alum and S.tek Salt, and C.rocerics ^on er ill'. for sale at the lowest market priccs. by ,INO. D. WILLI.WIS. .\ll;ZMSt 1 I, 1 S.(l. 1 -itt 'ro c'orrox iM>\.N'ri:us. • IMF.CFS I'OTTON H.MIClNii, 7.'. coil^ i:.‘pe. 2**l I'is. Twine. .’list rct.'ei\eil and sale cheap, by j*i;ti;i; i*. johnson. Au' D), IH.')]. 1 Ht Clothinir. ILit.s ami Caps- Nov. L -^reat variety. ISAAC DODD. :^T-tf Lots for Taxes. I ; |. r : .'v the CiJtirt .f 1 ? :■ ■ n~ i.f I 'imberlaiid 'i . : i -’/I. 1 will I I il. at li.i- Court House :i i|..‘ ir>t M-^ii-iay ill -March . . . . r >iicli parts tliercol I - .i'l.- tin- t.'Wii ol' Fa^'ctte- . . ;v . : e\, vi/: r 1' • ':.-\i;le, D. S. .Maiiltsby, SAl.HM l>.\l‘KU-MII.I.. f|[^IIL subscriber has taken charjre of this old JL and well kn.iwn Fst.-iblishnient, and is pre- jiare.l to atteml t.» all onlers for l*riiitini^ P:ij)or, .M(Tcl):ii)t.s’ iind I'actory \\'raj)|)ing, \'c. The Mill has recently been thorouv:hly refitted w ith iH'W machinery, aii'l the siibscribc-r beliovcH he can furnish I’aper it as ^ood i|Uality iiiul at 115 cheap jirices as can be purchased any where. North . r South. ClIAKLLS !•. SH(MH-.r.. Kiileui. .June 7, 1S-')1. .M \NTU.\-MAKING & MILUNEKY. s5() U(‘\var(!. trv^ I Ii“ altovo p-w.-iiil will 1k‘ pai.l fur th(- delivery to me. ..r for coiitinement in anv .iail so that 1 set liii i. of h neprro man ii.'ime.l .IIM. formerly the p.-i.perty of h b>ra Mc Lean, on .lnnipin^ lliin, Ciimberlaii.l c.uinty. I lioii^ht him about two years a;jo. .luring all whieh time he h is Ixn-n riiiiawav. I ho is lurkiiiir about the iiei^!il-.oi b. .id in wiiich he was raised. I the Little iiiver Cotton Fa.-tory. He is .iliout 1.'' «.r 1'.* vt.ii.s .it ajic. vellow coiujilectioii. st 'lit built. Any infoini- atioii. ad'lresse'l to me at llalti^h. will be thankfullv receiv»>d. .lOHN MeLMA.N. .lohnston county, N. Dec. 1. 44*tf D Ml.Y I'.XIM'.C; l’KI>. A I I'N'Fll \ L .•I'isortment of ('OOP K II S' TOOLS, .if the b.-st nianiifacturers' in.-tke. by 1^. C. H LL. of I’onie. O.-t. IS. 1S-.I. "2tf Ij.ihue: s. 11^1^: OK VAi.rAJJLi: and £*i*«j)erty, ( 'tan liK iii'Di'j of ,1)1 mill I'lf ^HK sub.scrili. r.s. as Fv(“i-iito}s ot the late lUchar.l J lines, .ifti r f.-r sale the very val- ^ uable I PLANTATION IN li.-d possesse.l .if, cont.-iininir ahout 27nO a.-res. a little ner li.iif of which is i-li-are.l and in ,-i hi"h .«l;ite ol' cnltivntion. This Flant.-itioii is situate’.! on the north si.le id lar Hivcr. in Fd^rec.unbe comity, six or s.-ven niil.-s east .if: the liailroa.l. iiml nine miles above Tarbonuijih, : a.lioininj' the of Hi.-liard Harrison an.l j otiiers. There is on the pr(*mis.-,s a l.-irire !iiiii | c.iiiitortable .Iwellin^ with eipht r.xims and ail ot the lU'ce.ssary out Inui.sPii ;ui.i ti.xtiire.s, ot the best kind and in "o«»l or.ler. j We will not jjo iiif.> a detailed stateiiu-nt .d ' the superiority ..f this I’lantation. but invite ell persons wishinjr to pnrcliaso valuable laml t.» examiiio thi.s. plat .if the l.-iii.l. with a siir- V(‘V ot' till- cleareij p.irtioii.s. is lett in the liandt» j T A i)i:siRAnu: !Ji‘:sii)i:xc'K I'OU S.\LK. 7^^111' Subscriber now oft'i-r.s for sale nil his Jl- Turpentine and Farniin;i L.\N D. contain- iii;? abi lit titli) Acre.s, situated 12 miles Last ol Fayetteville, 011 the roa.l, com monly kn.iw 11 as I’alniyra. It has a iroo.l dv.elliii;.' house, uiit-biiildinps. &c.. and a store where a l.irire am.unit of biisi- ne.-^s is .lone, an-l increasin;r .laily. 'I'hi.s is 11 rare chance foi- turpentine ;retters. merchaiitsi, I'tc. an.l will be sold a barjrain. .\iiy one wish- injz to piirehtise. and wishinjr further informa tion. can ajiplv on the pri-mises. to .1. W. Mi niMIY. or P. T.VVLOl!. F.nyetteville. , July 2iitli, l.Sol. ^tl 1 rage’s Improved Fcrtalile Patent Circular Saw Wills. fS'XHK .''iiliscribers be^ leave to inform their H Irieiids. customers, ami tlie public ^.-ne- rally, that they have greatly eiilarjied their fa cilities for maniifacturin}: their eelelirate.l IM- PlMiVLD PnUTAllLF, PATF.NT flUCl'LAU S.VW MILLS; can fill all ..rders with jiroiiipt- n»-ss. and, theretorc, solicit a share ot public ji.-itronaire. They laanufactiire mills of three difTcri'iit si/.es. The --tirst class" mill is .so e.instructe.l. by the conJiinciiM- action ot' t^v.i circular saws, -ne from aimvi-. and the other from )iel(»w. as to eii.-ible it to cut timl-cr of lar;^e diinensions. X i/.: of 4'i inches in ilialiietcr. This Saw mill, with a 12 hoj-se encine and boilers, c.iiiiplete in all its parts, except snioke-st;ick, co.sts •'S2,ii.'>-'i; with the smoke-stack, the ]iri.-e is >2.Dl'). and can cut from S.IMM) to D>.Hi(i feet of lunibi r p> r ; .lay, ami with jdeuty ot hands to han.lle, call cut 1-'..IH)0 feet. The ••soc.m.l class" Saw mill, a.ljiisfe.l with one saw, with a 12 h.irse power enuine, and boiler, c.imjilete in all it.s parts, ex.-ejit snioke- ! stack, costs S:1.,S!.'): witli sinoke-stack. the jirice is ^J.It can cut from 'MiOO to .‘'.(MHi t'eet per d;i\ . j The --third cIhss” niill. a.ljustcd with (iiie saw, with a 10 horse jiower einiine ai.d boiler, coiiifilcte in all its ]-arts, except smoke stack, co.-^ts •'sl.L2i>; with snioke-stack. •'^1,4;mi. i It can cut troni to li.iMlll feet a .lay. ' .\11 (if these mills are .-alciilate.l f.-r steam ir wafer power, while the last is well :idaj>fed to j be worke.l by horse jiowcr. They are ma.le of ' the very best materials, by the most skilful , workmen, simple in their principles, of preat str.'ii.irfh. power, and efiicieiicy. and jii:ide w ith .In.- re^aril to effective service an.l diirHbility. They can he removed fr.uii one pin.-e to another with stri'iijr teams, are easily mana.ire.i, ntnl not ; liable, w lien j.roperly manajied, to pet out of : rejiair. It is sa_\inir of them than they de- i serve, to aflirm. that they can each, with the j .s;ime jiower, i iif more than double the ijuantify : of liimlier than can be cut by an I p .-iii.l Down. ■ or (iaii}' Saw—cut it with a truthful lini-. e\eii- j ly iiikI .snnioth. I’nless otherwise order.-.!, tl«- subscribers’ Saw mill.s are all adjusted with s:iws of inches .liameter. 12 feet carria^re. 21 feet w:iy.«. The se-ond class mill can c arry with any saw up to bll inches—-’)4 indies they look u]ioii The thinl c-las.s mill T.AP.Oia’.US WANTI'.n. riflHF. subscribers wish to employ F.irty I-st- M lii.rers, to w.irk .m the I ayi-tteville and l?alei;:h T’lank Ito.-i.l. bctw.'cn this place mi'i- Kiiifisbiiry. Wa.ires 7'> cts. per (lav. .\jip!icatiun may be to cither .if the, subscribers. .lOHN P. McLFAX. THOM '.S .1. liOPilNSON. Fayetteville. Dec. IS. IS.'il. .i(»--4t I. irltaric Male «.V I'cmule Acddcm ij. The H.xofcisi's ot‘ this Iiistitiiticii will c.iiiimeiice .)ii the 1st .lay of .lanviary IS.)., iin.ler the cure and direction of -Mr. .losiali H. llrooks, M., w hose re]iiitation as a teach.-r is web known. The is sitiiate.l 111 the coiiiitry. '.I miles Smitliwest of Ashborou.irh. ami is desiiriieil to he pri-paratory t.i th'* .Sojihoiiiore and .lunior Classes in C.iHejie, ami iil.Mi to afford the laciliti»-s totlmse not pursuinj.,' a coi1c.:iute course «f aciuirinjr a tiiofoi'.^li kn.twlc.l;rc .if all the Fn^rlisli Iiranehes. a>ul th * Latin. (Ireek. Hebrew, French and Italian Ian-' pniMjics, t.i any extent that may be :-.iuirc.L— 1 he iiei^'hli.iriio.iiJ is uiisurpa.ssetl l.^r health and morality, ami is entirely free from those t^-mp tati.ins f.» vice ami d' so cotiinnm in towns and vill.ijies. and lias many otlu-r ad\: 11- friveii by ! i;iij:es :is a situation for .i liti-rary iiistit.itt. n. Much atteiitioii will be paid to the niann. rs and iit neral .le]>ortiiient of th“ stii.lents. A siipj'I.v .if books and sti.tiouery will be kept coasiantly on hand near th.' .\cadeiii.v. Tuiti.iii—per Session of five m’-nth.-; Primarv l.njrlish braii'lios, -SI •••! Common l-.n^iisli br.iiielies, ’> Higher •• Laii^ua'ies, 1- I', ]n-r niont!i, •nc’iidinj^ li^ht.® .'iii'l v> asu- . . For fnrtht r iiarticulars. n.ldressthe PnncipaU at (irav's X, Uaiidolpli county, N. » . 11. (i. .MI PJ>A( 11. ALKX'll S. tlllAY. /. tU SH. Hi’.M'.V Fl'LLFl!. WILLIAM H.VM.Mc 4M-2 IL lioiu in L. MAirnx. Xo. Noifiii Fko.nt Sri!i.i;r, F2tiiali‘ipiiia, (%)inr,iiss}on Mcichanl for ilic sdlc of ('oifon (ur^ \\ ooiloi Sarna, OFFFIIS his service s to Southoni Munura.--' turcis for the .“ale of tl.eir Yarns on c. ni' missi.m. an.l respeotfii’l.v supfjiests that a tho- routrh a.*.|Uaiiit;ince with the ^arii tra.b*. uii*i witii the Manufactiirn:;_' iritorrst :en.Tally, of this iiives him facilities for proiiiotiri" their int. rests. Any iiuormation c. iiceriiinj* the dcman.l for \ arns in this market. ;l>eiiir tin* principal consuming market l.n‘ N ana? in the Union.) will be jn-oinptly furiiishcl. On lets for all kiinis .d Cott.iii and \So.i,’c!i M.-ichinery of the best ctinstniction. w ith l:ite.-i. imj rovciiients. will be executed 011 the lowest terms if the market. Uefcr tn Thos. .\llibone I'hiladeli'l..a. IJclibow. Fiiyetteville. .lamvs Kyle, .Jr.. ditto. Dec. 2tl. 1S.'»1, ‘ ■•'»*tf XOTlClv subscriber hereby f.ircwariis all per- B sons against j:;ivinfr ere.lit t.i any memi er of his family on his account without a written or.ler frotii himself, ami espe.-ially \^ni. Smith, who has .served liis time with me as 11 Taihuv and li.-.s been .lischargc'l. 1 frive him his tinie.- MK'HALL SMITH. Lnmb-i(oii, T'«-e. 12, 4.''-'*'ltj d .John Me ..I Mr. Isaac IL Farmer, on the premise.^, w ho ’ as the .lesirable size, is well iiciuainte.l with it an.l will jrive .niiy | can carry either a 4S, .»0, or •>2 inch saw a.l iiif.innatioii to persons wisliiiij: to purchase.— I vant.-iireoiisly. t. Neil llii .Uu' jll. ll-i ,lare, .'110. Stewart, ■ 1 ;i»id {{■.biiiiit'n Streets. ■>.1' 1 -r 1 ‘MiH. t;i X -i-'-'i ll!i. C. DLMiNCi, CoF.ectur. I' • "irm. 1^.->I. -Vl-ff \n ri( !•:. "Il-* i’..l--lit.-d to flic sii1iscrib(-r •r. I'.’il. .ire ri’ii'i''St'.'d to cull I i iib- i!i(-ir accounts, otlier- .. lln ni ill the haliilsof an ifii- Vi\|. P. M.\LLi;rT, ,\L D. NO ri( K. ' .-r I'M- in;;, iif D. ' i.iiit .if Pli-.i = i.lii i-cember Term. ■: ;ll|.l ,1 I l.ind, pi.i''' a'l'l nif lit i:. LO\ F„ Lx'r. .»(itt lU 111 11 • 1.' . .pl.-t r. lioors. -e ^uiii-rior water- c.-iM il and for sale by >llx ..K .plH'xSON. p.' ’-.v J'fttl and ll'iittcr Stftek. 18 5 1. I I rfi'S II I: Sul scriber olfers for ualc 0110 of tlip Bi larj.r(-st aid best ai-'s.u'tniciits ot (i()()DS in his line ever otl.-r.-d in this place. He i.s vcrv thankful for tlic very liberal ]>^'e that he ii.'is had, and':its a c.uitinuaiiee of the same. Hi/ .stock ha.v been selected with cftre, and coimistK of nearly I'vory variety and stylo, from the best nianiifaclurci-s. He has on hand ami .>fler» low fir Ldxh, at retail i.r by the, latest styles Ci-ntlenieii’s I>(-avi-r. Nutria. Moleskin, .''ilk, Ilrii.'h anl .\n- (lo’a H.VTS. .\lso. .Jenny Lind, Kossuth, .Vr- ti t, l«.ui"h and, and stiHetie.l I-ur ;ind N\ ritl Hats, for .Mon, Youth and l>»ys—in abuu- dance bv the dozen or case. —also— .V very l.-irjrc siiiijily of Cloth, I’liish, \ civet an.l Fur CAPS, .if all iualities, styles iind jiri- ei.j; _|,y the single Cap ir by flic .lozen. _also— l>0()tS JHWI S!lOOS, the foll'iv’inj; varietio‘». \i/: W atcr-i)!-oof, fine (•'alt'. Kip iin.l heavy Winter : .-^i^^li ;in •;'.^'ir.. .ii>,i. s .ii.r ChiMr...a%.iJl>OTS -m.l l\/: .ten ! iml. (I'litcr.s. - ; r.S.lV.d I ro*P*l i'ools. I, •iitleni(*n s an'l Ladies’ Itubbers. Wrtli n fr'iod stippl.v of Y.iuths', l.oys’, Chil.Irens’ iiml Servants’ heavy Sli.x-s. \U of wlii.'li h(* .iffers low for ^ V/'A, or 11 time unctual customers. IMease call and satisfy xoru’!:. rB’illF, Steamer ChatliMiu will leave this p’a.>*! a ev.-ry and Thursday at 7 o', io.’k, .M., of'.* «» rloi’k Jis i foiii- iiiencinv!: .‘it 7 o'clock M.uday DUli iiist. of leavin;: Wilmin;;toii, every Tiic.sday aii'l I ri- dav at 2 o'clock P. ,M. .INO. D. WILLI.\M^. A;.rent ('a|.c Fear .teainlK»at ('o. F«vetteville, M:irch •!. PjS. W.\LT0N ha.4 returucvl rro»» the \ortli witii a new and he«utifiil iisfi.irt- iwciitoV Fall and Winter MILLINF.l’vV, cotwi^^t- iii'i; of silk, satin and velvet l$oiiii(ds, ot various jirices; Plumes, Piibbon.s and 1-lowers; Hca.l We will sell it iji .me tract, .>r .liviile it int.i tw.i or three. If 11..1 disposc.l of at private sale before the 12th of next .lanuary. »e will, on that .lav, at 2 o’cl.ick P. NL. .ui the premises, (dlcr if at jiiiblic sab- to the hifrhest bi.hler. It has not been necessary for 11 physician to visit it .luriii^r this year. Wc will also sell at the same place, IJ)() A'JblGllOES, Of th« most Tiiluable kimh .mioiig them are three carpenters, (one of those a w heel-wri;iht,) The cist of one of their •■thir.l class ’ Mills aid horse power, all complete, is S'-i4il—with out the horse power, It can cut with 4 horses, from l.N'O to I.'iiMl feet, with > horses fr.iin l.Sdd to 2.*ilHl feet fi. r .la^-. F.U'zines au.l boilers contracte.l to be built by th.i sifliscrilier.s. are so constructe.I as I.) burn the slabs,—a «:reat a.lvantajLO, Where ni.ire carriaL''e than 1’2 feet .Tre or'lcre.l, .“i;;! per f.iot, extra, is char^e.l for each foot over number. If a lai-frer saw than 4H inches is .irdere.L tho dirterence is chnr're.l, extra,—if 1 {{jUITIIIlRfi mi rilHl-: steamer lUlOTHKKS aii.l Tow P.oats, .I STKVFNSOX ami DAVID LFWIS are pre- pare.l to forward with Dicsi'atcii, all good.s cou- sijrne.l t.i the Pr.iprtefor. The St.-am.-r P.rotliers is of li"ht draft, ami well suited t.i run in low water. She possesses power, and sp.-.-d, and is adiiiir.ilily a.lapte.I to tow;n_'. and Can iircommod.i* ' about 2l pn-s.sen- Al to ]) Voursclvea before purchasiiijr elsewhere. JOHN C. THO'ISON, Sep:. 2'i, lb-31 Market Snuare. I’Gtf .Ti r.'S. lo ;ov. iii^. and ^\ill al- j s.i att,. lid to th.? comfort aid conveiiience of j Passen^j.Ts, Fr.iiii his loiiiz experience as .\uent j in iliii’in^iton ot the several .Steam P>o:it 0111- punies, he* thinks he ean f^ive satisfaction. , To Merchants in the interior he wouhl say, j that all Ooods Hhippcl by him, will be deliverc.l | to their .\»ents in Fayetteville. Hid iisicn* in Wiliuin>itjn is JOHN C. LATTA, to whom •'ill communications may be ad.lrosse.l, a.i Aj'eiit of the .'^tc.'imer I’votliers. JOHN H'NKS, Proprietor. .May 15. "--y .piJility an.l jirice; liisi.k* Cajie.s: C.illars inul I iidersleeveH; very iK-st .jiiality ot Ki.I (ilo\es, .Mitts, lon^ and* short: a new luid elegant styh- .if Dre^s I’riiuinin^s, of the most fa.sli- iomible kind, an.l ii few hamlsome Dress I’at- ferns; wafcre.l ari'l plain silk Mantillas: toI- vef Mantillas ami Cloaks; a new style of P>.in- iii-t Liiiinjis and Trimmiiiirs. of all colors; ami a hamlsomo a.-sort.'uent of Flowers an.l Head Dress.'s DroiiiJe.-? ma.le in the Ifttest style; like- wixe Mantillau aii'l Cloak.s. Oct. 11, is.-.i. :5i)-nm M'. W FI KM. raillF under.signed have entere.l into copart- i nership. iin.lcr the name an.l style of Lawroiicc Jk Troy, For the purpose of d.iin^r 11 fiom-rnl .Merciintile and ISarter business. e have taken the Sitore, .No. lOCIlKKN STUFF,T. formerly occupied by Messr.s. John Iluskc S: .‘^on. (iFO. W. LAWKENCK. Jonx 15. TKOY, Jr. Oct. 22, 18,31. -tf T4>a! Tfft! Tea!: ('lO'S’r vni'NC . i uii|i iw iiv;r, i.ty Imperial, For sale by Oct 28, 18.-)1. Dresses an.l Caps; .Straw P.oiinets of ilifferent j hliicksinitli»«. one p;iintcr. three first-rate ' h.mse servant.s, (one of them a i*eanistress.) a jrood ostler, ami some .»t the best c.iitou-pickers the .State. —ALSO— The Stock and (,'rop, cuisistin.e of aliont b.arrels of corn, 20D bushels of rye, 400 bush els of ]iCM.5, ;)’)0 fat hogs. 2-'>0 out h.ifr.s, tih liea.l of cattle .if the most improve.l bree.L .\nioii}r theiii :ire many fine mil-h c.»ws, and nine yoke of youiit; .)\en, lar^e ami well br.ike; one pair of hor«c.s. one pair ot spli-ndid thor.ui_.^li-bi t d tillies, three bloo.Icd marcs, two ver\ tine po- nie.s, l.'iO hea.l of sli.-ep. the seeil fr.iiii near 400.(X»0 p.uinds of cotton, two }iins. one wheat thre.slier, three sa.ldlc.s ami bri.llcs, fort\ C.-isks of plaster an.l lime, eifihl wa>:oiis, ten carts, oti si.les of leather, hoiiseliol.l and kitchen tiirni- ture, and all the farming impleiiients of every de.scription. The sale will c.mtinue from day to tl.iy until every thinu: is .lisposed d'. Tk'k.m.s ok Sai.k.— The laml will be soM on a credit of one, two, and three years. IJonds bearing interest fr.un .late, with approve.l secu rity be over the jiiireha.ser jriving the property is delivered. W. U. SMITH, I PKTER 1;. JI INKS, , ' ■ Dec. 1, IS.'il. SAI.i:. ILL he sol.l ;.t the Town House, on Fri day the 2d .lay of January next, at 12 o’clock, (M.) a tract of L.VND containing si.xty acres, known as the “Sl,^w Place.” on Cape STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, MOOKF col NTV. Cnit/i dj riroa ini'l (Jntirffr (Jrlulii r T rm, 1 S;> 1. .Mcxamier an.l Daniel .Mctiilvary, r; (iilvarv ami others. Petition f"r pr«>bate of a U ill. IT apju'ariny; to the satista.-tioji of the t oiirt,- that J»din .Mctiilvary. Alexander and wife .lemiett. are nut inhabitants ot this State: It is tlicref.ire Or.lered by the Court,. that publication be ma.le for six weeks in th«r Fayetteville Observer, notifying said Defemlants to appear at the next Term of this « 'onrf, to be liel.l the County of Moore, at the Co-. rt House in Carthage, on the fourth ,M. ii.b.y in January ne\t. then and there to jiha.l. answer, or demiir to the said, . r the same will he taken pro confesso, an.l hear.l e p.-irfc as to them. Witness, .Uexan.ler C. Curry. *le.-k .-f out- sii'l Court, at Office, tlu* fiuirtli Monday of ] Octolier, D. IH'il, and in the 7(;t!i year • t' mt-iicati Indcperidence. A. C. CCllllT. ■. ■. [Pr. adv. n:! .'iO.] 4> - Av Factory Stock for Sale. jg-v>"TiiK Suli.scribrr, :i« Ahiiiiii'M‘;itii' of the I'state .if David Kime, dec'.l. will otlei' for sale to the highest bi.hler, .iti .M.iii'fiy th“ I'.ith day if .lanuary next, at the ('lilnmbia ('..t- ton Factory on Dee\) Kiver. in l]i!i t'oiin tv. Ti'-eiilti-Oiin .S/iirtx, of -SlOO e:i. li. of tli.- f’apital Stock of the Deep Kiver Maiiulactiiring Coiiijiaiiy. This Factory has been new ly erect, d and put into operation with .M uhineiy of tio- newest and most approve.l ilc.scrii tion. '1 he Factfiry building is a large, substaiitial Lricii luiil.liiig: ami the family houses, st-ue )i loss saw is rci(uire.l, the iliffereiice in price is ^ ^ ■ . deducted. With slight n.hlitiotial c^pent^e for i ^c., are in uo.i.i st_\ 10 .d biiil.iiims. n. 1 fixtures, their Saw mills can be u.ljuste.l to seat make shingles ami laths. Tho siibscribiTs .seize this fiecasion to say, that no jiers.'ii ither than theiiisclvos. in. or owt of. North Carolina, has any itiith.irify, .lirectly, or indirectly, to construct their mills for Bale, or use, in said .State. They, therefore, caution the public against purcliasing any Circular Saw Mill involving the same jiriiiciple as that of Paios's Portable Patent Saw Mill, as. by s.j do ing. they will rcii.ler theIllselvc^ li.-ible to be .itue.l for ilaniages, by action of tresj'ass, as well us by injunction. They deem this caution ne cessary, as from ccrtniu a.lverti.semcnt? trans- mittc.l t» them by one if their agents, it i« evi dent that certain jiarties are bent \ip.m violat ing the rights granted to the subscribers by kt- ter.s patent fr.>m the L, StJites government. Tbc utiiler.sigiied have seen, wi(h surprise, the statement ma.le in North Carolina j)ajw.-rs, that .McKinstry’s mills h.-i.l tJiken the iiremiiim nt the Mnrylaml State Fair. So far fr.mi such power is peri'aps sui pass. d b\ a* Hard V is an «i]>poriiinit\"tl''re.l H’UVinUT irwill uuiv, »> im «.’’I *'•' . 1 • • I 4i * ritv w^Il be re.iiiire.l. The other pr.ipertv will being the fact, they unhesitatingly i'tnriii, that 1,0‘sohl on erclit of six months, for all ‘sum.s that gentleman .vkvkb exhibited a baw mill at ,ver ten ilolhirs; all under that amo-int, c.ish; the Fair .if the Marylaid State Agncuitiiral the iiiireha.ser giving bond an.l security before Societv in his life; an. t CHS. P.ANKS. U4-tf 'The uiKlersi^ued luivo entered into copartner.^diip, umler the name an.l i^tyle of 11A LI, \ SACKF.TT, for the purpose of .loing a Dry an.l Hardware IJiisines?, and have taken the Store o doors Fust of the !• ayettCTille Hotel. J- 'f- A. F- HALL. T. M. H.V( KKTT. Aui;.;:-. 2v, 1&5J. Deep I’liver. . t.i capitalists to make a |irofitabie ii.vestmeia of, as is n.iw oifcred. The sde will I>k without reserve, and on a crciit .if si.x nuitiths, Px.n.l an.l approve.l security w.ll lie rt niured. 1;. J. SKLLLUS. .Vdm n Dec. 10. IS.')!. 4«--'ts XOTICE. eop.Trtiiership heretofore existing mi' _H_ der the name vf .1. K.iwlini.l Jt Co.. i*» thiii .lav .li,ss.ilve.l bv mutual consent. * JOHN A. i;oWl,AXD. OlLP.KliT W. McKAf. JOHN ■. MOnllF. 'riic iin(lersi|rned will corilinLu? the of the late firm, «t tlicir f...Tnu‘r Stan.1 in Lnniberton. luder th* ‘?td« 0^.1^**'' ' LAND \ .McKAV. w!..-r^ n.KMls oht^F scripti.iii ran tie bought on the iiiofit rcasouablw terms. JOHN A. i;oWI,^H. i CII.FiLilT W. .Mi KAV, .Tii’iy 1, I!'-'I- opinion «if hi.« love of truth, to believe that the statement in was ma.le either with his | consent or knowle.lge. j Per.sons disp.i»«>.l to pnnduise arc referred to | the sub.scriliers’ Agent, JOHN M. KOSF. Fsq., | F;ivetteville, North Car.ilina. Lvimbert. so'i’ici:. rS^H F, un.lersig!'i-d. having deti riniiici! to c n 3. tiiiiie his ou'iness in Wadeibov.aiph, tiikevi this metlio.l of inforniiug the pfiblic fhai he may still be f.iund at his ohl stand. South of the .\n- acres, known Fear Uiver, joining llaig'n. .Shaw an.l others, on the Norihern e.lgc of the Town if Fay.-ttevilie. Ternia, ti m.iiiths’ crciit; with ap{ rovcd Bocurit v. AP.Cll D A. T. SMITH, Clerk and .Master, licc. 8, ib'l. 'itta For terms, &c. applications by letter to the , .son I lot .‘I, where he will kep coiisiaiiti^ "» subscribers, will be pr.imptly atteiide.l i h:iii.I a fuil assottnient .»t t ic ino,-t t ii' to. as well as for pamphlets containing every Li,uors. Wines, Conlials, riirar-- aii.t otl’cr re- possible kirwl of information relative to their fre.shments n.snally fouwd in this 9ocfion i J f I... A 1*.. I......... II IITw mills, as well as various other ma.-hiiics made by tbeni. In the latter ens:os a ;>i-«t-ol1.-e -^^iI'm^) siiouM be enclosed, as the law of ( ongre-'S le- ."iiiires pri^paymeiit .iti pap'.rhlttfs. .V.Liress. iF'>KOK PAUL \' strict att.’iitii II f.i hit* ; .. , .1,1.I . rd. r. .. i. I LP;-4tj N irlii Sohr-M.-ltr, iie.'ir Hi.ltiiiiorc St., CIjlwO' eo”intry, H* hv bjs’, i prcsei-...tio;. i f g.>. ’• i'l- unccasing care f’f'i tl c c-n. f irt .- Tid ci;,, , ofhis cii.^t'a;. rs. to Mer'r ■ :.l recivi a , sliare of tlie public pafi-o--' -'c. WM. W. T.r