S E Ml-W E E K !> Y. [VOL. 1.] I'AYKTTEVII.I.K, X. C., TIIUUSDAY Al'TERNOON, JANUAllY 1, IS5:>. saocKaEaczaBBKaaBBSBEB SHOEjfiaeim:; 1 K1NTK1> HY J. B. NKWBY. ! ['DWAKD J. hale & SOX, I'.liliol’.s AND rUurillKTOK!!!. t.T tUc Si'iiii-Wcckly Ohsk.kvkr W it’i I ,;,1 in (I'lv.dno: '>» if jiai.l (iuriiij; thv M';ir ''I or after tin- year has Wol'kly OiisKitvKit (Ml j>er aniniin, if j.ji.l ill :i'haiiio; *>• if l>aij iliiriiiji the ; vf.ii" "I after tlio year | J,;.. ,.\1 ire.l. ^ j inserte'l for!ii\ty t'ents , . . ,u;in' t'T the tir>t, ami tliirty cents for eaeli i 1 , ■■ !iii- I'liMicatiiiu. Yearly ail\ertiseiiieiitr^ .mvial ii’iitracts. at reasoiiaMe rates. ,\il- , r-.-i-r' :ir«' ri'inu'-tcil to state the iiuinber of . "*■ continued till | i, iiii'l i har;;e'l aeioplin^ly. j t" the K'liturs niu.'t he post-paid. : ]. F iihi rfoii I'cmnlr Arniirmrj. j rsMIK I'."f this School, tni'ler the] g ■ ii!"'’ l.iinit>*rton Uivisiou, Sons of' ■ I ..If. w;':’ he resunicl on the I’Jtli of rilOS. J. JOHNSON CO. 4ni'i anxious to settle their Imsiness at as early a ilay as po.s.'ihle. an>l wouhl re- s]>oetfully sn^;rest to their debtors the necessity of atteniliuir to their notes ami accounts. Fur ther notice neeil not he exjiecteil. Those havinji eiaiiii? ngninst them are invitol to setth-nuMit. Tllos. .1. .lOlLNSdN vS: ('(>. Farettoville, I»ei\ l!7. l!S'>l. 7’Ar Snh-cnhcrs have on fitnu/, ♦ >. 1 an.l J M \('KKU1:L, I’rinie auil Mess I’oi'k, Tanners' imd Sperm >il, >lue ami .\Tneric:in Kivets, I’aml and Moo]) Ii-on. roclvei'v. Hardware. vS;c. \\ ith a IIKN Kl! I. STM'K. to whiidi they in vite the attention of jiurchasers, at wholesale or rct.-dl. l.KKTt: vS; .lo|INSt>N. De.-. 27, is.-.l. MMHKU Dec -J'.*, \v.\N ri:i). ri]KT of seasoned Luni- lier w .intol. Ajiplv to S. J. I!L\SD.\i.K. ■)l-tf r y,. r V,// of' ."i )■ ’■ _ u l itini:. >pelliu}: and arithuietic. !ji"> dO i>ii iiraiiiniar and tieoj:raphy, 7 t .i!'i iiij:iier .Matheni.-itics, Hi )Mt N. .ii-.liii-tiMn for uhtft'iiee. exi'ept in ca.aoji ,.f De, W. V.. TUoV ISM. I’re.s't. r.Ql’iTV SAI.K. I ■ unf Sf/lr of 'rorrn Lots. rpV Mrtiie "fa Decree of the I'ourt of Ki(ui- b3 H "1 ti.i- coiinty of 'umherland. at the itrn;. 1 .'liall exi'oso to sale at i>ub- t; it tiio .\litrki't ilouse in Favette- . Ii \l .ii'I.iv tiif !uh d:iv of Kehrnarv next. \'\I.I AI!1.K i:STATK in r K .. > ttevi'.U-. viz: 1, 'f' o>, ll;iv stri'ct, J. ]J1- li i> ' 'M>i. eai-h I*'! feet fiTiiit, and runninjr ; Fl.iliiJin street, .ihout .’mS fett. , f|i'r L'Hs t'ri>iitiiiL' on Hay stroet, V •• • ■ Kiiirl'ind I.ot. taeh 2'* fe«-t front. 1 . hack to Frankiiu •■'treet, about ;j7^ ■J oacli iO front, ou 31axwoll st., 1 li.iitiiiij: liack ;ibout ];}•> feet, 1 1,1 r. (nrn. r id’ Maxucll and Frankiiu ■J7 i»et on M.-ixwell, anl running Iwck ■. ■ ’ !. Kr.iiikliii. r.’i tli;‘ liatnl iviiivr on Munifonl • , known as ‘Militjiry (Jreeu,' . i V Kj'.itiklin. .Muniford and .\laxwcll J I, •. fr ,.'x'i foot iivi lrocn ■ ' . ii= .jiii.i Mcl’hersoii's, jis per plot. _ 1. 1' "U li.Av strict, fronting *_H 4-1’J ! 'n'pi - 1 l^ot nU tile SnUtll siiK' of '!,: ■,! ! ! -rri'i.-t. j.iiiiiiijr T. .J. t-'urii'. i —1. 'J ;n>d ;} year.'?' credit, with in- ' niontii.s—interest paMiblc senii- . :—till' j’iir' li;;.-?ci> {riving bond with se- I" aj>]'r>'\ei| bv the Master. Al’.t li D A. T. .C.MITII, Clerk and M.ister, ■ olts ; ^n‘ I ‘i,shuri)iirh (.V. ('.) Miftua! I/i siifnnce ('onijtanif. ANT to an Art of Ineorpnration. a a I ‘ i!'|i'nv has be-n furnicd under tin-name .1 ’••tiif, f;r.KKNsr.oK«H(;H Mi- I. l.'.sr!‘,\N'K roMrANV.” .-md fully . ■ i bv the ai'pointment of the fullo«ing •- i/: V'dl.S SLdAN. rresik‘iit, “■ ('(JPFIN. Vice i’resident. I Ti'!'. ADAMS, SeiTet.trv and Trcn!?urer. t !• MKNDKNn.VLI., Attornev. ■ ilN A. MrUANi;, ) ^Il•('ONN^-l., y Executive Com. V'M S. i; an KIN, ) l»IHKrTOK.S. .'■1 an. .lohn A. Mebane. .' \li i'..iinel. Andrew Weatherly. .:ii' >. Itrinkiu. C. I’. Mon»lenhail. ‘ !l l.iiid':i\. Lyndon S«aim. •i. I'ffin. ,h-sse Slieliy, - .1' il r»Hxe. .Jonathan W. Field. ' > >'• ha.s now b-eti in successful ■ • i r sev.-r.il months, and will take 'i;.>*ti Dwcllii;" Houses, Stores, and other . Mi l i-Ii.-indise, Furnitur'*, Produce i 1.' ‘b;i .-t i,f this orpani/.ation i.s t> nf- ^ '.' Ill of Insurance whicdi shall operate ■' ..'itii il '.ciicfit of all its nicnilxrs. i!;i- ] ir advantages ariniiip from this ' ■ Iv ' l!;.i:uMiic' :ire. that the assured j*a.v no r.'i! ,i/-nial losses Hiid expenses >t the ' ■ . ,iiid i-xperii’nci- has jiroved the safety ■ 'it'.nl lii>urance Com]>anies, aH well as the v-i ■ 'i.\iijjr t,. j| niembers; and no .stron^icr - lit r:,ii bi' |.rodiiced in tlier favor, than ' " I'l'Mlidriii'i. \>liii'ii they receive from the en- ' ' I" imiMiiiity wlii re such Conipanie.s are in PutdU Iki^/tla not (ilu'd^s Imjirove- tnrnfs. Ki'!"' As Aofnt for tin* .sale of tlu> only .actual kind of l’ortal>le .''team llnj;ine and t'ir- cular Saw Mills in the I'nited States, I wi.sli to eidijrhten the I'ub’-ic in reference to tlie n.iture ot (icorjre l’a;re \ t'o's I’atint Improvements. 1st. lie claims tht* end ph*y on the saw shaft. •Jd. Ctuide ri'!lei> l utiiiiuj: on eiHh side of the saw. ■ Id. MiiMK'r of connectinjr two c;uria"es to gether in’order to saw lot.j: tuitl'. .Mr. McKinsity >; n-trards the end play and •ruido rollers, they ari-. not \mj; th having: iu c' luiectin^ the carrv. -e toj_ether in ihis ,«cction of the country, :.Ni.rtn Carolina. i .\11 we want i is one lonj; carria;:e. In my mills I have an ! adju.'table collar on tlu s.iw shaft, which can be ch:in;j:ed nt tlu- option of the saw\cr, and keep the end play out. wiiiidi end J'lay 1 con sider unnecessary. Instc.nl of -ruide rollers I use bhicks of h.-inl wo*>d. wiiich in many instan ces 1 hvar they have dispensed with "uide ridl- ers till I’a_::e'9 Mills, :ind used the blm-ks of wooil. hen the rollers are used there is a continual stream of .».iw dust runnin^r down be tween them and tiie saw. whicti caii'c a ^n-at deal of friction; but the form ot the blocks of 1 are so constructed as to prevent any jam of the saw dust against tiie s.iw wii.-iti ver. ■\s rejrards .\IcKin>try’s Mill takin«r the pre mium at the Marxl.tnd State F.iir. 1 was mista ken. It should have been his Portable Steam Kngines ti>r t'ii'cul.ir .''aw .MillM. lie did not have time Uclore t!ie Fair came ofl' to t his Knjrine and Mill both ready for the ILvhib.tii ii. h ■ t'«)k only the I’oitabie Kn;:iue. which took the premium. These are now the ficis; and 1. .MS .McKinstry's .\jrent. and knowin^r tlie w.iiit-. of th«* Pulilic. W'.nld like to funii-h Port;i>')e .''learn Knjrincs and (’ircu!;.r S.-iw .MiUs of ilie above in.inufacture to tln>.se inti iidinii to iinesl c.-ijofal ill 5awinir lumber. 11. C. II.M.L. Fayetteville. Dec. '2'*, l.''.')1. .'il-'!f The tioltisbor"U;.>-h Telej.rraph and .''alisbtiry NVatcliman wili ea. h copy twice. O^ord Female College. In.stitution, locatoil in O.vforil, Gr.oiville Co., X. ('.. inder the care of I’ev. Sam uel Wait, D. D., aided by comi>etent as.sistanl.s, has now been in opei'ation one session. The next ses.-iiin will commence on the SKC(>Nl> .M>ND.\\ IN .).\Nl .Vl>\, IH.'rJ. A \iniform has lieeu adopted for public (iccasions. cousist- injr of deep blue Merino, or any other suitable fabric, for winter; and of Pink t'alicii, (lin-ih.am, or .Muslin, and whitv' t'ambric or Muslin for summer. The P.onnet. straw; in winter ti'im- med with deep blue silk velvet and liiu'd with li.irht blue Satin: in sunnner, trimmed jilain with Pink Iliblion ;md lined with wiiite, without tlowers, l.ace, or any insiile trimmiu”s. Ti.-nii:—Per session of tive months, payable one h.-ilf in advance. Tuition in the Prepara tory Department JjiD*. in the Collejro Conrs«‘ Si'll'*, witliont any extra charjre lor lanjruajrcs. or hijrher Fnj;lish throuirhout the course. Pu pils can t.-ike a parti.il course, and study l.atiu, (!reek. or French, or other advaiU’ed .studies in an Kn^lish course :it sj'lo for each study, Kxtra expenses; .\!usi«- on Piam) use of instru ment The same on tiuitar. Drauinjr and Painting in wjiter colors >»1‘J; iu Oil ^l-'). ■Needle \\ (ivk >^10. IJo.ard in 'olle«re under the immediate care of the President and lii.s .\ssist- ants. includiuji w jishinjr. fuid, and li;:hts per month, (iood b.iard can be obtained in the village on reasonable terms. Further infornni- tion can be had by addressin;: the President. P>y order of the P>oard. T. T. CuwKY, Secy. !>ec. ir>. 1S.M, ' 4?«-t1M NOTKi:. A TI'.\('11F,K wanted, to take charge of the . » Academy at Wliitoville. idtimbus county. N. lili;‘ial price will be j;iven. .\pplica- tion will be m,-ide to F. (leorjre. Ksii. or mys-df. •It tliis ollice. .1. A. M\ri.T.’'-i;v. Whiteville. Dec. D>. 1.''.">1. IS-ti' Air. A F.MK Ti:ST. Some months :i;.io. a .Mrs. W.ilkt-r, of Cr;iw- j ford county. Ia.. came to Dr. (iorman with Lor ! little dau;zhter, wiio was wret liedly affected with a f>ort of Tftfer, uoveriujf not f>nl_v her ■ head and c.eck, but i'xii.ndiutx to many j'ai-.s of tiie b'lily. Previous to coming to .\lacoii, every remtvly w ithin their reach had been usetl. lu»t ; wi'hout touchiiifr the case. In this condition ' l.ir. Little's Kinjrworni and 'J’etter ointment w ;i« ■ preseribeil, and the reiiult w aii, hy the end ot two weeks every vo«titje of tin) dlnoase was en tirely eradicated—a fuct well underbtood in the inri;rlil"'‘rhi.‘od. S.iini- ten >r a do/.t n important ca.«os, and, anioujr them, two or three obstinate Scald- heails, have been cured recently by this reme- 1 tly, and but one failure repi rtcil in the last four montlis—tli.-it was one of twenty ye.-irs standin',r. iiivoUin^r probatilv the whole system. KXTUAOKDINAKV SLCCF.SS. i Cut.'ineous atfection.s, known :is Sc dd-nead, old or obstinate Tetters, and s unc otliers. are extremely difficult to cure—indeed, are inctira- >)le by most of tiie pr«‘parations physicians or dinarily jirescribe. From Dooly county, nn e.xtraordin.iry case has been ^riven, of a man w ho lias ii.-ul a chron ic Tetter upon the chin ;ind lower lip for fifteen ye.irs. that h.i l rc.'isted every tiling—which has rccetitly heen cured by Dr. Little’s l’inj;worm and Tetter Ointment. It has ln’cn iicrtectly well for several months, thouuh for years pre vious thought to be incurable. Dr. Little—Sir; 1 take pleasare in inforuiin;r you that a sinjrle bottle of your l!inj;worm and fetter ointment has cured a 'letter lor me on the hands, of three or four years' standin>r. ^Signed) JiMIN l». ,lt)N'LS. Talbot county. Dr. Little—Sir: "^'our P.iu"Wf'rm nnd Tetter Ointment has been applied in several cases in niv family, and has cured every one promptly. • (Si-ncd) J5. TIUCE. Talbot county. Fl!OM A LA 15AM A. Talla]>oosa county, .\pril 1840. This is to certify, that Dr. I.ittle's Uingwoim and Tetter Ointment cured ii llingworm ot twti vear.s' standin*r, when every thing else h.nd f.til- od. In another similar case, 1 have known the I^\pr i li risttaas: R.MSINS. I’riines. I’i;rs, Citron, Currants, ('ocoMiiut'. .Mnioiiils, Hra/.il Nuts. Ku'.:lisli Walnuts, lia/.lei.uts, I’ecaii .Nuts, ( aki Orna- meiits. Preserve 1 (iin:er. Cloves, Cinn.-imon, ^lace, (Jin;;'r. t'oco.i, Choi olaie. lirandy I’ine .\pples. ('ht rries. .''ardine.'. .^'.ilmon. I’ickles and Presi-rves. Cheese and Crackers, with a v.-irietr of other articles too numerons to mention. For s.ile low. by Cir.> ILV.NK.S, (.ireen street. De.-. 1.'., ls-,1. l.'^tf North Carolina Kerseys. A HLV. .''HF.M'vVF.LL .v CO. have just re- ... » ceivcd a larjre lot of ‘‘.S.-ilem Kerseys, " known to all of our Planter.® as the lu-st '.rixids for nejrroes that are oflereil in this market.— Those who have been waitiii;^. had l>ettfr c. nie and zi't supjdied. as tli»'v ;ir.‘ jroinjr oti i .ipiii!_\. Favitteville, !*'C. l.*>. 4.''-tt i ~ No’i'ic’i:. Tlic i’ulilir an* infornicil tli it tin- 'ilt». riber is the authorix'd .\i:> nt for the sale of .M. K1N>TI;VS Po!;T.\l!i,K SAW .MILL.'', m.inutu tiirv 1 iu W ^...liiiiiiti'n City, ot iior>’ I power enjiiue. leC'*moti\e b.dler. whiidi are the ' only actual Portable .'^aw Mill'he has ever seen —no brick beinsr us''d in their eri'Mioii. Thos'' I in want ot thi-'.e .Mills will lind it to their a'l- ' vantajje to c.ill o:i the .sul.sx’riber. Mr. .McKiu- . stry informs him that (ieo. Pa;;e vV '■>. have i never maiiufactuied a Poii.ib’e Kii^ine like the above, ••md tlo-refore their ri^ht is iu nodnii;:er . of Leinir iufrin;;eil nj>on, as there i» no necessi ty of duiii^' 1*0 in this a'_'c of improvement. ‘ II. ti. IIAl.L. Fayetteville, Dec. D*. litt iU)0 1-MAKKUS, ■ r Hi) want a superior .-irticle of >ak Tan , T F Sf»LL LL.\'l'il LI!, with Fren. li and .\mi ric.iu .'.\LF SKI.NS, can lie supplied at our Store. J. & T. WADDll.L. 41tf I’AYKTTEVII.I.E liKAXCll Cl, ) T 11 1 \ ii J.WHITE & I .\!l!:il!llLL. IPrapvi's, Ttiiiors^ A N I> WIU)Li:SALi: A NM) UHTAIL no U street, Xtir Vmh, \r\T DIKIK TO Tllli n\M (IF ( AIM: FKAIJ. M'afjii’tterifte, C. Tiik Suli.scrilicrs woulil Ik'it leave to in form the inhabitants of Fayetteville and vicini ty, that they have openctl the above Kstablish- ment, and intend carrying on the business in all its brauidies. They have just received n lar^e stock of Ki:.vi>v-viA i>i: I'roin New ^ cirk, all of their own manufacture, consistiuj; in jiart of Cloth Cloaks, all ipi.alities. lilack and colored Clotii Siirtout and ijack Over coats, every "rade. Labrador and Lamb's-wool P>eaver ditto. Ditto ditto ditto, made revers ible. to we-.r either side out. IJeaver-cloth, I’etcrsh.im and Kersey Overcoats, every style. Dress and Froi k Coats, of French cloth, superi- uv ijUality. e’(Ual to custom work. Sack Coats of .all kinds .and iu.ilities. Pants of tine Frenidi Doeskin. Ditto of f.incv Cassimrre, in variety. Ditto of .'i.-itiinets. Ke:seys. I.VC. Vest-:, of Satin, pl.iin ;in 1 fancy Silks, .Silk Vel vets, W ool Velvets. Cashmere. Cassimere, \'a- lonci.-i. Marseilles. \c. X e-it*;. of vvliite and fiLCureil Silks, for weddings and parties, ii\ variety. _ A l’S( »— .Shirts, pl.-iin ;ind embroidered: Collars; I'n- der-.''hirts; Drawers; Cravats, \c. \c. — ALSO — ,\ jrood assortment of medium and cheap CLOTH INC.. (’ol NTItV .>! r.KCHAXTS ainl otln rs in want of Clothing to sell a^ain, will do well to call iiiid examine our Stock. (Irders filled at Ni;W VoUK PKICKS.-Tiifl .Measures and orders will l>e t.iken for fine Clothiii::. and executed in the niost fashionable style and with de-i|i!it«di. M. WIHTF. rNDFltlllLI,. A. llAirr, Nov. 17, l^.'il. 4u-:’.m llolrliki«K Walc'i* 0 1 \N bi' fiirnishe l b\ the iii;ders'jrned. (»!d ® .Mill' call save ^lo to •'^l.'>. and new Mills v::o to >j;40. by procuring thc'e Wheels of me. (’.•:'^liii;i for tlm l.ite't improvements in saw mills coiistant'v on )i;.nd. Ste;i;ii mi'!' r«>paire 1 throii.'hout. (ir.it"i forbuininj: >-ivv dust, s.ish weights. Corn slieller'. Illacksmilh irons, mill s|iin ii«'s. .leariiiz. b.ieks for chimneys, fronts for tiri- pi.ices, and castin;.rs of every desrrip- tion. made to onler. lie has just returiu'd from the ire.it Kxhil>i- tioii. and is prepared to furiii-h machinery of the l.'itesr improveim-nt. few patterns for faiii'.v railing fence., for yards .and cenu-teries e\p-eted daily. Horse Powers for threshinji srain. sawin;r wood, and jrriiidin;r corn, made to order. A four-horse Power, with irrist mill to jri’in I I'l to .'i(( bushels of corn per day, for •iiooil. lie is also makinjr prejiaration to man- ufa.-tiire Pa..'s celebrated .Saw Mills for s.iw- iii^ lumber, — will saw feet of lumber p*-r day. .V specimen of fancy Castinpr can be seen at the Observer Otlice. (^i / rttlar-StiU' Sfrdm .Mills. undersiprned is the iiulhori/.ed A"ont B- for the above valuable .Mills, and will be ;ilad to receive orders for •■t’ircul.ir-S.iw .Mills", to be ju’ojielled cither by .Steam, W atei' or Horse power. These Mills h.ive been UFed on the Plank lloads in Maryland, Virjrinia, North and South C.'irolin.i, and are alvvay.s appi-oved. They are usiil and preferred by the tireeiiville and llaleigh I’l.-mk Hoad t'ompaiiy. and I have the Word of Some of the very expei i'.nee.l Hireetors of that Coni|K-iny to s.ay they perform iidmirable. Ther are che.aper than any other .Mill, will perform better, and saw more lumln r. .iNo. .M. itosi;. F.'yetteville, N. (’., !1ov. L’,, IS.'il. Di'itll/( r.s of 'I'lirpciil!nc. SHA\'iC reluced the iiiice of my .SIMP.IT I?AllltlCL.S to -SI till, delivered at any pl.ace in W ilmiiijrton. .Vfter Christmas they vvill be extra sized. Personsi wishinir can contract by the ve.ir on these terms. llO()l‘ liKlN for sale at Ni'-'j jier ton. A. moik;an. Wilmington, Nov. ](l. L'.'>1. o‘.'-i’m j are several hundred of these Wheels | fi- in ojieration in ilitiereiit eoimties in N'oi-th j Carolina. Fov proof of their great advantages | over the common fiutter wheel, or any other ' whe.ls now ill use for saw mills, we contidentlv | refer to tho.c who have iipjilied liiem to their | mills. \\ e c.iu n'commend t!i-m )i;irtleulMi'_v fi-i- their SM] eriority in casrs of a low hc.id oV vva'er. or ba-: i water. | We still keip a supply of Wheels, suitable for diilerent he.ids ol' water, at W ilminglon. New- | bei n. W .-i^iiinjitoii. Ldenton and F.i vetteville. j '1 !.e wheels may also be hail if I], ,\. Ilrevaid. I.iiicohiron. and I'li.ih WeMs, I’eiersliur;;'. Va. Pels us wishing to obtain ilie right to use the wheel.s. will be served in application to D. ■MvNcill iV Co., Fa vettev iile, .N. C. I). .McNLlLL. A. A. .McKKTHAN. D. J. .McALISTKU. Feb’y -2-2. 1K!0. ■>ti-tf liK.V.MS Medium si/e. fi”) •• Pdue. for Cotton Yarns. From .Manteo Pajier .Mills. I’ab i'jh. For sale low by li. Pdl.VNSON SON. •Inly 1S.')1. 3tf m'M mwmi wm, I’orner of X(»rlli and Moiiiimeiil Slm'ls,! ISal1iiii4»r‘, :t|d. Sisson \ n.MIU* having completed theirex- tensive works. (vvhicdi is now one of the largest establishments of the kind in this coun try.) are prepared to fill all orders in their line, viz: .Marble >liiutels, >loiiunients. Tombs, CJrave Stones, Table Tops, Tiles, i for floors.; .>lai'ble I.etters, at as reason.ible rates as can be had iu this or any ether city in the I nion. For beauty of exei uiiou and originality of de sign. their stock caiiuot be surpassed. Tiiey Would re'peetfully invite Arrhiti rts. IS111I4I, rs. ('ill.hill Mtil-iii and others to call .-iud examine before nurchasinj:. They are also prejirired to furnish the trade with Slabs. IJlocks. \c. to or der. L->’“ .Vll orders by mail iiunctuallv attended to. L’';-4iii Ar«*y, A: 4'o. jT ■ .W'K one piece extra tine 7-4 bl.-ick French H S ('LoTH. to which they would call the attention of the public. o. t. 1.'., ]N.‘)1. :’.-Jif Ii. ii. liALI.. M'iCffCtffi' ate lynsti CA.STINCS OF LVLllV DK.'H'UIPTioN MADF^ TO OKDi:U. ^•Ti^ \ lot of i’abbet .\ietal for sale. AViuslow strc'.'t. Sept. I, I80I. JbV Ji)llN I). WILLIA.MS, VotttmisHtott *}• I'ortnn'diitg Fayettovillej K. C. I’eb. 1.'). IS III. R. AL ()!nn:Lf., Fi!invAiu)i\i: rini^iissi(!.\ i’kikham at l':sy«“tSi‘vsllc*, A. March 10, IS-'ii. *il!-tf Tl. I.. ilOLMl'.S^ ^ Attorney at Lav/, Wilmington, N. C. FFICI-; on corner of I rout ;,nd Prince&s strc'-ts, under .Jonriial oilice. J>cc. 1-J. tf F.iifosirajs^t* Nonllifru rliaiiii'M. rB^lII’ .Subscribers respectfully- announce to jL the citi/.ens of Fa v etteville atnl the snr- rouudingc‘'tHitiy, th.-it they have commenced the .\t the old Stan 1 formerly occu]iied by Simp.son .•v .Mi L.-iuchliu. (one door b«dow .\. Mi-Ke- thali's.) where they are now ]U‘epared to nmnu- f.'icture to ordi'r .all kinds of UlDINfl \F.lll- CI.l'^s. friiiii a Sulkey or llnggy to a iiine-pas- .-••nger Co.-K-h. which, for stvle and ilurubi'ity. sh.ill not be ' irp.assvil by any est.atili.'hinent iu the place. ‘ ‘ They hope, by a stri. t attentioji to l.usiness. .and a desire to ji’eas-' all who may lavor them with a call, to merit a share of pul.he ji.atronage. l. '.r IIICP.M IMNd le'ally exi eiited at short notice. :ii;d l.oW llll than ;.i:y other establisli- ment in the j>lacc. THOMAS V. AVHITK. J I N ICS P.. KA IJOTFVU. Fayetteville, Feb. 17. l.''-j1. .'>'.*tf T. C. WORTH, (■»1!>1!S.SI(I.\ A.M) Filial Ai!li!.\(i .IIFIU I1A\T \v jl\un(;ton, n. (\ Feb. 1. IS.-,I. .',7tf SA\a(;k\v mkauks," Commission and Forwarding Mer- cliants, V Wilmington, N. (\ Si'OT'r iV f{AIJ)\MN, (/// Srr//f^ - Fdsluoiidhlf Mrrr/ifHit 'J'(iHor>\ AN'I> MKAKKRS IN Uenlli'iw'n's (.’lothiiij!;, Kcad)-made, OF THK FIRST UCALITV. .\lso, a complete a'^ortment of (ieiits' DIIES.'^ Mi:uci:u po'i'A'i'oi'.s. (lOODS. .flarkt! Sti'ft#, •Il i.n s S( (iTT ( • S fUi.inviN. ^ .Inn. I'). IS.'il. Wilmington. N. .'t.'yiid Nov. JO. 1^.1. jrsr fJO De.'. 10, 1S.-,l. Ki'A'i:i\ i:i), orthern W'liL''KFY. W. Tll.LLNGIIAST .V CO. 17tf ]'•>, IS.'jl. 1;\\LL, 1a.\ii:s HAi.L. 41 -:>m 1851. KVLif Tons of Hoop IKON. stiitabie for spirit b.arrels. by I'. C. H.\LL, of llome. Oct. IS. is.'.l. oJtf Nov. P>.\ 11 It I'. L.s !IIIVV lali'iing. •j hii'.s. Molasses do. For s;i!e bv H. lillANSON ;i. SON*. 42-tf ' .lONKI'l! R. ilLli.SJiOM. \ N I> FORWARDING MERCHAKT, Prompt jiersonnl attention given to all t'onsiirnments. and Cash advances made on Mcr " chamiise to be shipped or sold in this market. Feb. 1. i>7y ffrrillc Sl(f(rL ivvviy!”n:vii.Li:, n. c. T'" large .aiel s]i1endid I.uild'.ng ha the !iy, miles nitoniiatioii resjiecting the firinciplcs of ointment used with entire success. iiii'aiiy will be clu-erfullv furnished by .'i-cri tary, or anv .if its Agents. ‘i*I;TKU -\1>A.MS, Sec y. The Sub.seribor huvinjr boc*n ap- !" ;mci| ,\jr,.Tit, will receive fijijdicutiouH nnd --iii\e_\s to effect Insunince ill said Coni- JOHX M. I’.OSE. NIAV HOOKS. l^llh m„I Girls, by ll.iwtlioriie; 1,allies’ Guide, or Skilful iiM'vvif,.. I.iiicrson’^ Arithmetics, kc. ’ rtli' r supply of The lluruioiiist, with l"’"!lt 11 ,tCK. ItAlLV FXPP.CTED, I'lrtlit-r sMjiply of Uooks .suitable for New I’ri-si-iits. E. .L HALE & SON. I'OR SAI.E, I l-.WI of four Mules, » Timber AVajton, a fi";i I W'iigon, il set of Gear. Price !j>42o '■ "liole. FAKQCtlAKD SMITH. M ii‘rland county, Dec. 21*. .'iltf NKW IU)OKS. llu^' .\uieriian Almanac for 1852} 1;. I’l'i'ket .Mniaimc; The Fifteen Decisive I "* *he World, from Marathon to W'ater- ' Inipiessions of F.nghiud aul its I’eo- ^ lliijih .Miller; Svviillow l>avn, revised edi- ■ iiiii-tr.ited. by .1. P. Kennedy; Don Qtiix- ' ■ 11 ‘ iiioroei-,,, illustrated; London and tlie ‘ •'■■"II. illustrated; .Vbhott’s Histories: Lis- ^ -1 .liyl Muter’s Surgery; 15ullion’s Cicero; Mil' ,, (.iirves, Functions and Forces; Tooke’s ■"‘flieoii; Letter Writers, .tc. kc. .Just rec'd. ,, K. J. HALE & SON. I'''. L. W. KOl5F.UT.‘5oN. Auburn, .\pril 1S4‘.>. Dr. I.itt’e—.‘'ir; 1 liave cured two cases of tsciild-heads in my family with ytiur P.ingworm and Tetter Ointment. Hespectfully, &c. I w.M. o. Mooin:. I The fac-srniile of tjie signature of Dr. W. 0. Little will be fe.jnd upon the outside wraj.per of each of his .Medicines. Sold wholesale and retail, by the Proiu-ietor. at his Manufacturing Depot, No. l!(»4 Mai'ket street, Phihidelphia, and .V!hcui, Georgia. To be had also of Janies Cain, Uockflsh; A. Watson, Floral College; TowiiSieud iV Doug lass, Henuettsville: Dr. P. .M. Cohen, Charles ton; C. C. IJarbee, Uarclaysville; P. F. Pescud, Italeigh. S. .1. HINSDALE, Agent for Fayetteville. NEW Fiini & m (iooi)s. ra^HI'' subscribers are now receiving from JL N, Vork, a large and general assortment of Staple and Fancif Dry Goods, (i llOCEKIES, IIAIIDWAIIE, Iluts and Cap«, Boots and Shoc;j. Among which are: Coffee, Sugar, Cotton Bagging. Bale Hoy»e, Nails, Window Glavs, Swedes ami English Iron, Sack and .\lum Salt, Imperial and Black Teas, Pepper, .Vlsi>ice, (Jinger, Powder, .Shot, Uar Lead, liar and Fancy Soaji. Together with a great variety of other arti cles. to whicli they invite the attention of the public, and which they arc determined to sell as low for Cash, or ou time to those who pay promptly, as any house in the Southern country. Produce of all kinds, at the highest market prices, taken iu exchange for Goods. .McLEAN & JONE.S. iNoiitlierii 18 a II11 ra’tail**'. K have ‘oinied a eoiiipaiiy styled .Siiiivv C.imp Manufacturing Comi': of .Miimaiice ('ouiity. North ('aroliii.i, tw West of tlie Cane Creek Cotton Factory, oji Cane Creek, at the Foundry owufd by David Dixon iS: lirothers, and woi Id res]«ectfully announce to the eiti/.ens of .\lamaiue and the adjoining Counties, that we ;ire now juejiared to .Manu facture in the ueatot and best style—A\heat Thrashiiiir .Machines, from twn to six hor.'e power; Cutting Machines of different si/.es; Wool Carding M.ichines; rlouble and single .Mill and Factory tie.-ir: .''.iw and (irist .Mill Irons: ed'.je Tools; Cotton Yarn and Wool Lolls, &«. Persons wishing to j.urchase would do well to give us :i call before purchasing elsewhere, as we are deteruiined to sell cheap for cash, or on time to jiunetu.il dealers. Our long experience in the .Manufacturing Bttsincss enable.s us to 1 feel no hesitation in saying that our work shall nut be surpassed by any shop in the .''outh. .\il letters addressed to the .\gent of the Company at the Snow Camp P. O., .Maniance CountV, N. C., will roceive pnunpt attention. DAVID Dl.NoN, Agent of the ('. Manufacturing (,'omp.niy. j .‘'tiow t'amp. Dec. 47-i'Ui ; 'rilOS. IL 'nLLLNdllAS'i', ' Anderson St., Fayetteville, N. C., I OITOSITK MK. W. \VI.NSL0W’’S L.WV OFFICK. jjViy- Music neatly boued at short notice. 1 Pamphlets and I'eriodicals bound, and oM liook.s re-boi.nd, in a substar.tial manner, j Dec. 1S > I. fS now receiving :t very large and general as sortment of l>i?V C.JO«H>N, Pnrchasi'd by the Package for C.VSH. Those wishing to purchase (ioods at reduced jirices, vvill please call and eiamine, as llargaiiis may be expected. l>)IiTIN» ('LOTll.'^, Ankir l>ranil, from No. 1 to 10, uncommonly che.qi. nr. I*a(:k:t-rs 1500TS ANI> 11 ( cheaper than ever were for sale in thiii market. Oct. 4, IS.'.l. -JStf 'I'OliAC'l'O. A GOOD STOCK on hand; and 1 shall re- ceivc regularly, from .Messrs. .1. .lones \ t'o's Factory, nn.ilitii's assorted from common to very fine, w hich 1 w ill sell at lowest manufac turing jiriccs. now ■ .May 1>^}'.I. The Ueddiiig and I'uriiiture of all kinds ! is new. and the rooms convenient and pleasant. The Ta'ole i.s alvv.iys furiii'hed with the be.-t the 'ii.-.rkct affords, aided by a fine vegetable ■ garden. P.oarders, Lodgei s. and Tr.ivellers will find de sirable aci'ommoiiations and attentive servants, j No ]>ains will be sjiared to give entire satislac- | tioii. _ I F.amilies can be furnished with l:irgo, airy, front double rooms, conveniciitly aiid hand somely fnrni'hed. An'experience of 'JO years will enable the les- j see she hopt s, to give genera'. satisl.uMiou. , ANN r.ltoWN. j .lune 1, IS-'A 2S-tf J. UTLKV. t;otf P'ayctteville, .\pril -i, IS.")!. ONi: 'rilOl SAND KAl- rs. PU WIN’ti located myself iu Wilmington for 9 M. the ]iurpose of doing an Agency I’usi- ness, jtersons wishing to save time and money, will tiud it to their interest to send their i>ro- duce to the care of K. Shaw, uud the returns will be forwarded fvirthwith. P.ODHl'.lCK .SHAW. AVilmingtou. Oct. 2H, iSol. I].j-oiu P. F. H B AJ' .U’ST IILCF.IVKD atnl offers for sale, fi B. i heaii.— 7;'» bags su’ierior llio C)Fl'KIi, harrr's Sujfin*, .".0 banl^s .Mackerel. Nos. I. 'J an-1 o, l.o.if .-Old tiranulated .Sugar. — ALSO— A I.'irge assortment of Iron and N.iils. .shov els. .''p.ades. Trai'c Chains, ."hovels and T-mgs. P.huksmiths’ P.ellovvs, .\n\ils. Vises, llanimer-;. Plain's, .\ugeis and Chisels, Files, Cullius s .Axes. \c. .\ugust Hi, li^.'il. 14tt TOli \('C'0. KIMF, North C;irolina an ' Virginia Cliew- iii"' Toliacco, by tlu‘ P>ox lud letail. ■ J. \ T. W ADDILL. Octi.iber li-'i. 1S;')1. M4-tt TO 'viw: Fi r.Lic. rfflHK subscriber has leas'd for a term of IL years, of 15. W. l‘riwn. Fs-j.. his fire-proof ."'tore, with his Wharves, and is now in a condi tion to t.ike rspct'ial care of .''pirits Tnrjientine and other Naval Stores comniilti'.l to l:;s r.iit’. The Warehouse is well known tol.elhe be.-t and s.itest ]>lace in town for the storage of P.acoii, l.:ird. ( orn. Peas, i'(:c. The lower wharves have on them four large new sheds, w here .'■pints can be .';;felv kept from the rain and sun. He is ] repan d to receive and l.iji. or s‘'ll, all kinds of ]:roduce sent to his c.re. He will also make iidv.iiices v.heii rei|uired. He begs to refer to the followiug gcutlenien; U. W. HT-ovvn. .lohn Dawseii. O. G. Parsley and Thos. H. Wright. K.siis. .MILFS COSTIN, Priiwn's wharf, Wilmington. N t'. .Sept. li!. IS.'.l -1-V IILNSDAr.E'S MrclfJiuf i liHilil (OM-iariON. This l*rc]i;iratiiiii h:is prnv.''! itself to i be of great elhc.icy in the cure of Coughs. Colds, j \\ il (loping (’i >u;;li, and otlior pulnionie a flections. , Il is plcasiiiit (o the laste. an I may be given to i voiiiisr children with perfect '■.lecess :ind s ifety. 1 'flic medicinal itigredieuts of wiiicli this Contec- 1 tion is couii>osed are purely vegetable, and are I sclceted and compounded ’>y the Projn ii tor with ^ acenr:'c\ and c ire, and a.c. sin.^ly, ol great '■ beii'f: iu pulmonary ci.iap;a;;ils. For .iale. with directii i.s. by I S.\M L .1. IllNSDALK. Diii.jrgist. I Nov. 17. U-'>1. dlitf . FUh:sil C'llACKI^US. ^c. p.m.s. and half-bbls. Butter Crackers. 10 l)oxes Soila d;tio. I J ditto W iii(“. Picnic. Sugar and LJos- toii Cracker.':. For sale by SAM’L W. 'i ILLlN'illA.'^T \ CO. Nov. 17, i^i'.i- •ti'.tf WAN r OF .MOM'.Y. > Tbo.c who arc iudcbtcMl to me, by Note or Account, w ill please settle by the 1st ot .)auuary, that 1 uiay be able to settle with tho.se 1 „we. A. A. .McKETHAN. Nov. 20, 185L _ Finn* itndcrsigned have entered into ('i jiartnership, under the Firm and style^ of .VcLE.VN & .H)NLS, for the purpo.se of doing a general Mercantile and Barter Business, as al^o for the distillation of Turpentiue. A. D. .McLK.VN. N. G. JONEtj. Sunimerville, N. C., Nov. 2t, 1851. 4o-tt Tl KPKN I INK LAND Foil SALE. ilOH >«ile, aitS acres of LAND on .Tames Creek, and rt to acres on Cypress Ci-eek, iu Cumberland, convenient to the W estern 1 lank Road, iieavily timbered, and admirably adapted to the making of Turpentiue. .\pplv at this Office. Nov.*2H, ie')l. ('nhintt Furniture., Chairs., r*lHE sub.scriber is receiving the largest as- X sortment in his line ever before purchased at the North, which, together w ith his own man ufacture, makes his Stock very complete, con sisting of Chairs, Tables, Sofas, l)cd.steals, W aslt Stands, l>ureaii.s, Looking («lassc.s, Side Boards, Seerctarie.s, &c. .\ll of which will be sold ou the lowest terms for Cash, or ou short time to punctual customers. JOHN W. BAKER. Oct. 30, 18'1. ihl: i'i:LLiJK\ri':ii hhk rrriAT COOKJ.XC; STOV K £.S for sale by the Subscriber in Raleigh and Fayetteville; in I’aieigh at his .''hop on fay- etteville Street, and in Fayetteville at .Mr. A. M. ('ampbell's. The Subscriber hereby forewai-ns nil persons from purchasing an.v of these Stoves Iroui any person either in or lutt of North C:u-oliua. ex- cej)t from himself or his duly authorized gents, lie h:is purch.-ised the exclusive right to vend this Stove within the .''^tate. and will ]irosecute my person infringing his right, either by pur chasing. selling, (>r using, any except those ob tained from himself. .lOSKPH WOLTi:i;iNG. Baleigh, April 10, IS.-,I. Ostf FOR THi: FAKMFJ^S. 1TP.AW (TTTF-HS. Corn Shellers, Harrows, 7 Ploughs and Pbiugh fi.xtiires ot diflerent patterns, iS;c. icc. For sale by J. \ T. WADDILL. Oct. 1, -"If Marble Factory. C;3i*rsas»'!^ aii«I II i I’.TV-Klti HT Carriages and Buggies now _S, finished, aiel ou hand—eighteen of which are P>u"'"ies. .Vll at low prices. .accirdinti to f-eish. " A. .McKKTH \N. Sejit. ]S, 1S")1. lio-tt (I C'WS- BAIlllKLS Nov. 17, 18--.1 for Distillers. For sale bv S. J. HINSDALK. 40tf .). K. TOOMFU, Commis.siott ft»nf F'jtrtvard-* i tlierch tttti, VVlLMLNdTON, X. C. Kefcr to U. Br.mson .V .Son, » v. f^.. A. .McKethan, ) Feb. 1, r,7y ~ \\Ti7kTXsoN DF.AI.EKS IN Coilfccttijii'ii i/, Forcii/n J'mitH, Tu- hann, tnitf Sinijf, AND IMPOilTEKS OF SE l*S:!lIOR IJ VVA.\.V ;i«A£is, AT WIloLKSALK AS I) lOITAIL. Market St., Wilmington, W. C. Aug. 7, IS.-.l. lltf N. H. STAill’.rCK, Tro9f^ .’IV#r IKON rOl'XDKli AM> MACHIMST, Minnifiirtnn r nj ,Sfrnm -1/ //.s iliid JJoilci’.^ j Aim (ieni'iii'i'il (i/t /. Imix, J’liiiiijhSy iix' rS^HF. undersigned. :is the .\gent of the f'.'iova JL Kstablislinient, will order any articles j whi(di m.-iy be wanted, on application to him. The .'''leaiii Mills inaiiu!'aclured by Mr. Star- buck have been tested, and arc highly approved on the Plank Itnads about F:\vetteville. FDW’D l/l‘:i^. VvlNSl.OW'. Fayetteville, Sept. 4, 1S-')1. 20tf WANTKD. Tilo Sul)Scril)or lias now one of the most extensive and best assorted stocks Double and Single SHOT GL’N.S, PISTOL.S of the most superior ipiality,—Colt’s I’epeatinj^ niid .Mien’s Itevolving. of every quality,—Pow der F!;is!;s, .Shot and Game ii.igs. Percussion Caps of F.nglish .and Frencii make. Also, the most complete ass irtment of (Juu fixtures that has ever been offered iu ihis si-ction of country. .\lso. Shot (luns, Itilles and Pistols made to order or repaired. P.iffes made to order, nnd warranted to shoot from oue to live lur.idred yards. Air Guns made to order at short notice. To all of which the att'^ntion o^ Sportsmen ahd others is re.specli'ullv iir.iied. '.M. \. ilAKF.ll, f ihf dun. Hay street, nearly opposite the Marble Vard.- Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. (,, 1H51. liHtf ' ii.uR I'oii Jilt’ S.unuuorville. N. H, IS.il. I7ff 18th rjov. 1851. M.\C 1NT^'I^F offera for sale— 1") bbls. clear MKSS POUK. .3 bbls. Nv 1 Lnrd. o kegs lJutter, tiue iiuality. T.ibertv Point. 40ff w. Second Fall and Winter Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats Caps, Shoes, Boots, Umbrellas, Bonnets, &c., for 1851. NTAPvPv W ILLLV.MS beg leave to announce to their customers, and all those visiting this place to bu3' Goods either at whr>le*ilc or retail, that they are now receiving their secotri supjilv of Fall and W inter (ioods, jvhich will l*e sold a\ the lowest prices for cash, or on the usu al time for good paper. We respectfully invite the attentiim of Coun try Mertdiant.s to otir new sti>ck of Goods, as we , feel assurel that we can ofter inducements un- , surpassed by any ’.vholesule house in this towu, o,.t. :n. L'''i1 T. WADDII.L. •_'7tf •"-ir By GEO. LAUDER. TWO DOORS ABOVE HAICll & SO?!'S STORK, Fayt'tleville, IW. Jan’y 20,T8.51. u;>-lApiJ DAILY i:xpix:tki). AOKNEBAL A.'^SOirr.MLNT of HOLLOW- W.VUL. I»V K. C. H.\LL. of Rome. Oet. IS, IS';r. - Orfntfffs! Orttn^es! Orangesf A NOTHKll lot. just received nt ('IT'S BANKS’S. Nov. *25, 18-11. 48tf ”i'in:TrFsri™7\N~7L\^^ V William Hou.ser, of (ico. A further su}i- jily of this new .Music Book, with pntent notes, just received. Al.«o, fnrtiier sTipplies of the Boston .Vcademy’s Collection; ’srmina Sa cra, &e. &c. K. .r. HALE & SON. December •>, 1851. WRITlMi 1’APEET , M Ui:.AM. fissorted FrrricR;‘Ei>illsh «iid .American Cap, I>etter,,B»ttii Finished, and a very large assortment of Work | Polio Post, nnd Note Papers—a well s« jiartly ffnished, which, lor elcgnncc of shape and finish, will compare with any fitlier work. Persons wishing to bny, wimld do well to call A. A. MclvKTITAN NTILL c'utinucs to carry on the C.VltUl \L BU.SlNF..''.''. in all its iirauches. at the OLD ST.\ND. He retunis thanks for the liberal pat ronage he lia? heretofore received, .and hopes, bv .«trict attention to bu: iwes' and a desire to give entire satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. Having recently increa.sed his Imsincss, he has on hand a veiy tine assortment of Carriag(‘.s, liarouclic.^, Hujr.^ics, llocka\vavs, and 8ulkc\s, .TlTS r HFC KTVKD. ^ MKN’.S and Boy.s’ SADDLES, of every # finality and style, some very fint*, .\l- so. Bridles, Cidlars, Whips and Wagon Harne.!». ]?y I"'. C. TfALI.. of Konie. ‘u.-t Ik. ism ;:-'tf lected stock, oubracing a great 'lariety t.f qtial- itv and price. .Vlso, Bristol Boards, rei-for.itrd Hitto, Tissue nnd Drawing Pa];>ef, and Statifin- aml examine the work, as he is determined to | jjry of all kindr*. Jast receivinjt. sell LOW for cash, or notes on short time. | E. J. IL\LE & .''ON. All Wcrk warranted for tweltc months. | Sept. 29, ISol. and repaired free of charge, should it fail by i ^ ^ I. ’ badwcnkuiaushfporntaterLl. j \ GOOD INVESTMFM. llepairinjr faithfully e.xecu- r|pllE Subscriber wishes to sel? onc-haif of ted at short notice, on very reasonable terras. ^ JL tlie Fayetteville Water Works. Neithci F.V.YETTEVILL.E SkI’T. 22, 1S.51. j of the present proprietors having time to give ’ ! their personal attention U) the projierty, purchaser can have tbe mnnagcment of it. mv king it a valuable in'f'-tjiieur. i:. .1 M Ai.t. M.-t, I. ISM S0,000 JiiU I. LBS. P.AOS WANTED, by 11. r.llANSO.V .V Su\. 7Stt

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