V'KOM TIIK NKW VM!K KM’V.rS'^. FK VNt'K OF TMlNOy Tlll'Hn. 1‘OLl l !(’S AM> TllK IMvKSI J»KN('Y. WashINCTON, |)(n-. ‘iri. Tlu' \v«mi!i1-1»* |>v‘m(i(T.itir l*arty Itorc i? vcrv utKMsv in if? i>r.'s'ut (lilVjciiltifs. N>- ,u:n:iiiy it i aii-i>ow.Tfui, an.i tlu- whi^s lias .ti.-: | uua suou ai.i>:auv,i ti.,-ir >iu>iiHt to It witli ri''t'.''Hati.>n. ll-' ■ n i' .. ■ J • f A/#A.s Mintshr. ■ , , M i{.,t tnniULMi all ]• rami'. | i • . ilu‘s ait' omiiniiiti'nt m iMifli llaust s. I>»f ... it is iiiiw ill Uii* |)U-nituil 'I'lii* l-rinl nl I H'U. 1 tlu* iouiitrv ' , , 1 1 ■ 1 M 1 . tiu' sr. no.' Tlii' liistory >!' s.»nie >t j fii'nt s IfVo- ('ii .Moii.la} Iiavi' triviii lirii'tly flsi-whi'ii'; Imt th. . /. 1 11 I IVTi'KVlKW 1>KTWKKX rr.KSini^N’T FILL- ] Amo cnon^^rh to vJvi.y it, f';** ‘ ‘ moUK ANO KOSSI T!!. local nioveiuei.t^ i>l tlio paM ten 'l.iNS IMM I TCn^„ti, w .Itod on I boon nia.lo hv peasant^?. Ton thmi>aml of, On Monday last M. Ko^Mitli waited on J flmiii w-.'i-o at (’laniccv. TIh'V hold that the rrosidcut of tlic Tnitcd States. inf tl,o"tronu'i.lo„. oxoitoniont witi. l. wo | plnccs foU n.to tluMr l.at.d^. in tlu dilT^tn i t , r,iK.'^,nr.NT: Knii-litcnod by tho „nw .-^o.', l.v our iilos and rorivsjv.ndonoo, .lopartnn'nts; but ll.oy woiv not .ooondod, ^ institutions, when ! we !^moeodod to consolidate our natural , . , . , and l.i^turioal State’s right of solf-govorn-1 can'll 111 tin it i-i in tho ni^'st poril. IVtylv, tho lato ('liainnaii of llto ays and Mi'ans (’o'.utuitfoo, sots fortii tho u'onorai iiuri'itosilioii Ilf iho pro-'la\I'ry Uoinot rai-y t > liiix in witli tliv' Nortlioni Anti-Slavoiy 1'.'luorraoV. I'lio assH'iati’.'n, tho t oali- ti )M is S'> iiafi'l’iil in all rrsji'.'i t. that it oan siMnolv not aloiiir without s >mo ni>. itfr. 'l lioi-.' i> a ^ tioral undor loiio ol loliollion in fill' SouthiTii ami North ostoin ranks. Ail thinirs sooni to bo toiidinir towards sup- plaiitMi';: tho old sfa^ors j-ko^ ( ass, 1> tnir- 1 .ss, 15uoh:in.tii, .iiiil oflior Xoith 'rn r:in- diihitos, ail.I to sal>sfifuto f‘>r thorn (Ion. Huiior of l\y. If is tho polity of tho Northi'ni Kn-f ill Di inoi ra> y t>i taki- a S iii'Ii'Tii ni.iTi lor a oan lid ito, in ordor tlw'u.di him t > ^ovoni in tho l>i'imH ratio r.ii tv,—ba: t!io old sfn./rr. from all i|uar- f ai'o ri'si>ti:ii ihi' p ilioy, %ory iiu'iloo- tii ill\. h iwoV'T, it soi'Uis to mo. 'I'ho IK'- m M.itio Party, it is i loar, notwithstand- i.i'^ tho di'.-I.iimors ;>t MV. 1’ «lk of Tcnn., i:p >!i tho oriiMnization of tho llouso, intond b.itli Sfo.'ssion and Aholitioii as ; of 1 iiioi-rary. do;!. Houston l:;\s out tiiis jiroirranim ' in h: spoooli, thouL^h ho hi.Is hiLdicst f»r Abolition.— X 'W tlii-:-o two f imbustlblo i-li'nii'iits must s'i.iiior or 1 li- r , and sooiivr I tlioik ■ con- so.ino tho 1 >i.nn lira tic jiarry. Tho old iK-inocraoy South will not put lip with Soco^'ion. and the old I>. ni' -. raoy N Tth will n >t j";t up witii Abolitiun. No- V r'lult'ss. I v tho ooinbinatii'n of those op- ]: isito I li'UH uis, and by suppri ssin.f, as Bav!y sets forrh in h’s oaril, all ox- pri'S.jon opinion on tho ('om]»roiuist‘ IMls, >lr. H'ly 1 was in ido Sp'-akor of tin- Houso. 1 li> i h oti Ml. h>'Wi'vcr. thus, has „fh llousi s. >ut in.'our journal with a nar- i niont has appoand in tho niornni- sonii- ‘••■‘■■'^»r'7V''^‘1-ti!Vor ;ho I:!:.! Irala. tions of which oil,l ial papers, to tho oficot that “a I tlio 'Ihooardj'f .seems'to ho in all dirootions diph.niatic corps appoarod at tho rc.si- tho so. no ' Tlio history of s.une of thos,> (lout’s lovoo on Monday ^’V' vvc h .vo-ivon briotlv'olscwhoro; but tho ' .-ratulatod him on his suoooss. 1 Hritish journals till ■column aftor column j nuorroot so tar as tho ropros.'ntamo ot >viM, Iho't!..' rnit.-,! Slal.-s i. as 1,0 . I i,,)t at that lovoo, nor has ho yot toiniall} ()f this, then Ilo I tlOll. I . , , ,1 * ! 7’//. /Irifij, wo sav. for thoro | ro. o.-msoil tho prosont (.ovornniont , 'is now, ala.-: no othor channel throurrh | It will naturally bo asked whothor the | ; w hich tho world bi vond Kranco may ro- , result of tho approachin- vote will bo la I oivo intoiliiioiuo of Iho events that are .iro- vorablo to L .uis .Nap-doon. inir on within her b..rdors. There is not i is no' the least doubt. ;a new sji^qt. r that dari's t> iloiniir ai^ainst ‘ tho iK'Sp >t that has not boon silenced. ^ None are allowed tliat are not tho organs ta\oi. i i • 1 or oehoes of tho Klysoo. j" 'll ''‘"y liuiidivds ol 'I ho nio>t iiainful feature of tho npris- ot thou-a;ids of tho pea.^.intry. in-s that Invo taken plaoo (^and are yet ^ not think ho will bo able to establish liuii- ' iToing oil, f'T au^ht we know to tho contra- j r\.) is, that in many instances they are ot j a nou-p ditieal character; tho robbi'iy i t tho rich, tho sei|Uostration of their proper ty. innrder, insurrection, civil war; in nu'ut, by placing it upon the broad foun-1 ilation of democratic liberty: | “Inspired hy your history when wo had j to (ijrht for indopeiidonoe airainst aiinihila- | tiou by cenlralizod ab.solutisni: | “(’onsoK'd by your jioople’s synipathy ! wlion a victim of Kussian intortereiice w ith , the laws of Nature and of Nature’s (Jod: I “rrott eted in exile by the govornuKnt j of tho I'niti'd Stutosi, supporting tho Sul-1 t.in of 'I'urkey in his noble re.solution to ; FROM Tlin \VASm\nTON t'NIoN. TIIK HON. MR. CL.VV, OF KKNTUCKV. Wc notice that this great orator and statesman lias tendered his resignation to the legislature of Kentucky, in conse quence of hi.s feeble state of health. No individual, jirobably has ever retired from puldic life with a kinder fctding on the part of hi.s country>nen tlian Mr. (’lay will carry with him. We ,«:iy this with a full recolh;ctioii of the contests in which he has been enr!i;:ed—contests w hit ii arrayed him supreMk coniT. The following goiilk'iiieu have been ail- uiittcd, after examination before the Judg es, to practice in the several County Cuvirts of thi.s t^tato, viz: Ilobt. 15. (Jilliain, Jn, Cntnlorland; Jainos l>avis, Jiobeson; A. M. Erwin, McDowell; W. S. Devane, New Hanover; A. S. Merrinian, Asheville; M. J. McDuf fie, (’uniberland; W. T. Marsh, Washing ton, N. II. Hieks, (Jranville; A. D. ITuwkins, Ijouisburg; W. H. IJailey, Ilill.^- Scxton. C,_AVin (bir'lncr, Dnnid f'mt, t i , ry'wi*“ ‘ 8—Daniel Stcw.irt, .losoj.h A.!;,n>. , Eniii.s. ’ it_[,„vet Hy:«l.s, Tliof. .J,,l,iis.,n. I* r v !*•—'Vni Strwart, .his lbn| — .- ■■ I-' 11—I;icol> \Vc.sf, Lovct W Ciixlwiti. 12—Diiniol McDonal'!, .Jolm i> t McLelhm. 1.3—Daviil McNcill, Anson Wni]o [. 14—.loliti Murphy, Sen'r, ])„ ' John Mcriiail. y.h iniinst men and nicasnres that were dear i borough; \V. F. (irreon, Ijouisbnrg; Kngene ! ]r>_Kar.|‘.l Armstrfn' E/.-Vipi . . .... , 1- I.’ /-1 11 o 1 T. . #» • \i I... I- ° 'r'N I'\ ('lew’oll, Salem; Jno. liaiUiain, Murjiliy. .Fr oee.ssarv to us as I ('howan; W. S. Hill, Clrec n.sborough; \\ . i ■•'•sloia la.vli.r, .Jas •'.uy, lore was never a ‘ S.^ Ma.suu, Raleigh; Willl^.m H. Jones, ! revcntvil u.s fr(un j ake; I.)a\id (.alter, Hyde; Xebulon Ji. j —Ne'w.sDm Aiitroy, |. lilitv. and nafri- \'aiice, ll-.nconibe; Wni. II. Johnson, Mavwell. Joh;; f. , F„ir,-lo,h ■’"'"‘Mur. luis, besides ; undergo the very danger of a war, rather his personal popularity, all tho inllucne*' than leave nn]>nttected the rights of hu- of tlu“ Homan (’athofic pii“si!iood in his ;iii;inity aganst lius.so-A ustrian despotism; 21_.T„sei.li Bullur.I, M n i K Avcriit. ' -J .V lariio numt.'or of flie >isif self perm.montlv. His reci'iit Irionds will turn aiT.i’U'-i inm bi'b>re long; compression mu.'t f.iil at la't. th e.'i^. shiut, tho inauguration uf a new Koign ot Terror so',-iiis to bo tho objoi't often in view. 'I'hus, in a letter from (’ >ndom to tho (^NajioK'on s oHieial nioiith-p; 'CO, howevi'r. it will do to remem ber^ wo are told that— "Tho town was f »r a nioniont invad'd bv band' a!;Si.mbled in the surrounding coinnmnes. The intention was to gain |),»,..e>i(in of tl'o cash-biix of tho roi’oivor, i'Ut the measures taki-n were so strong that tho rioters throw down their arms ,;n l fii d. At N ic Fozons.ic a body of coif.itrv potiple went to the m:;iki t armcl Kestored by tho rnited .^tatos to life ' liecausi* restiu’od to treedoin, and by tree-1 dom to activity in behalf of those duties, I which, by my nation’s unan'.nious coiifi-, j donee and sovereign will, devolved upon i • mo; i “Uaised in tho eyes of many o]>].ri'ssed I nations to tie; st.inding of a harbinger of ' hope, because tho star-.s|>angled banner svas soon castintr pr 'tei tion around mo, . motive was concerned, but niistakt'U chief ly from its niisconcejition of the per.sonal Hualitios of the man called by the public gratilude to take charge of the responsi bilities of the jircsidenoy. When Mr. ‘i'_’—Jonathan Carter, llcnrv Averitt. V:i ofi.faio I), I'K.iM rilK Mill. UK rilK sot TH. Ur.NoVATINC SOlTllFF.N Mu. Mi.itok:—I have b. ell roa.lingaiid j j,, S !1 i>road-ea>t t.’io see t!i. ])• III K !Mtie 2'u-t\-. c 'iiiiiiitt' ‘-'s Wi'! 1'. 'igna til ills tV' ab.iiidoii, 1 t’ao (i-.-ii. iJayly u tai.'iks. in tilt' : truTli i>., >’ieh eb'Ulor'S .Ts S; 1 wllieh 11.'W c '’.111 s of disunil'ii in .^s sodti as his n:.moi;. it fnuud vent in ;n all sid-. s. >!r. Disney ti 'st as^i;_:;i('d him. and vi- utter iiiee to what ho ard I poak i t'. Tho r*'al di'iorilant anil lai-eratini: eessioii atid A^' litionism. till bulk I'f the 1 *enio- .■vtlu'sand h.:tehi ts. derlariiig that k'ero gi'ing to do f"r the rich. Tho'c . 1 awMV by the pri.ji iiraml.sm of >e- ■?!■>, ej -.'n’y witii they men, eret sk ej 'n!y s.ti I tluy lau-hi'd ;it tile llepublie, and wi'l.ed f"r pilla-^^o.— rhoy were not abh' to realise their de sign.'; but bi tween Vii' and Am h a si-r- ji .-int of hus-ars, carrying a liisp.itch, tell in with a bi dy oi’abinit ‘Jim. Alter in.ik- ii!_' a c'iuraL''’ "Us i- sisfa;ie , ho was ni.iS'i- In !, and his b ) |y 1. ;’t on tin.' rn'.i!. Hi- hoi'i . w.iuiided an 1 e.iveri-d with 1 hm 1, ”a'li‘]'t'd b.H'k ti'iiii wh ill e he haii e iiiie. craMo par^^v. e:inr. it w..ik toirether evcii to spr.'ading alarm thri'iigh all the | l u es it ni.ike a IVi sident to diviilo tho s|ioil'iniiler. p.issed thrmigh. In laany of tho com- The hi;Ts, theri'foro. as stroiniin num- nniiies. t’lo secr^ t s.n ieti. s wro lu f»/■- tliinking altout onr condition as farmers ^ aiul eitizv US. ();;r country was once fre.-h. ; our lan ’is rich, aiul they brought l.uth a- i biindanoe of tho luxurifs and eoiuforts of ; life. babiir re i'ivoil a gimd rowanl, and j our hearts wore nutde to rej,)ice, froni the \ fact that our land... were pruductivo. I’ut, alas! tlio>e days of jiro>perity are gone; 1 the fields tli.it once brnn.Jit large and ro-| nnn; r.itiug crops, a gr> .it many of them. ' are re.liued to sedge gr.iss, all saerilieed with iriillovs. I sjieak to our shame, for i it is our taiilt; and th.it a man is ungrate ful to jiosti-ritv who loaves hi.s plantatiim wur.'O than he foiiiid it. l-'vory man should improve his lands every year. 1 am eon- vineo 1 th.it this e::u be done, and in order to which. 1 will iiive you a plan, the result of mu( h study ami s >me expi riciici'. Fir't —if our i.Ttid.' are hilly, v e must ditch thrill pr' perly. N 'Xl—a rotation of erop.s . all 1 rest if our 1 iiids are neec'-ary; and to dll this, we 'h iul l have our farm dividid into f mr tield-; plant one in c>>rn. ofie in C"itoii; >.’(W oiu' in wheat and o.its; I t the other liel l ri 't. Take all fit Ids in rotation, and our land is all rested every fourth ' b 'vs as ever, aini now laore nati 'Mal and c itii 'lie tlian ovoi. have but to b-t thi' e.'.'.'i. n aud Aboil';!,iiii>in that calls itself Deiii'>eraey. work t'uot’n-r, and work ntV it'clf. It ‘.aniiiit do wli::t it is trying tn li ■.—siuntlu r t..i slavf'-v or a’-ti-'! iv rv t biij, th:.t (• .-.'s l>i TU'’'.T-iiy. Slavi- r\ :s 'Uch I’l eii inent i f ihi' (i >v rnnii nt, tint it will :'!i 1 i;,u.'t i-i'iip out, and v*. !i“!i K I" '. thi^ unnatiird eoaliti-n will -plit a'lUid.-r. >b-a that c ne t- T iii_r. s«. s nil a' M ale of \ irgini.i ib ;’s, uu l>;su- ‘U slave;y i'-u. ;ni l ,-.s (’l. v l .nd d- s. on I'i-unioii anti-s!,iv; rv is'Ui . thi'U^h b .til are e:dl-, d D in i-rat'^. niU't kirk, and r: VO. and tear. : am ss.d t thiT. Mas- sarhii'ctts and ( ;|.i.i l>i i;i;» racy, and Ala bama and ('..i.-Iiiia Dnuocrary. are eh ini- c.i;y m ae ..j j. -;re tiiaii lire and water. *niU't ;.!:■! \\:;1 1 ^rroy flie othrr, :l as tht; W let i!l a httl - ( Kxygi'ii > ii; r, r.i-:r . 1 ;.i. n'' in th. S iiito -iro, it ]' .'-ilyi -, lie i'.- ii'i-iirii int than in the ll"U'e. 11 'U'''in ■' r. !i. ! ;■!'f >r N'lrfhrrn v i:.'.'. D-i.\ irth, i : !' for .''outhern V t s. ('li i> a l), iii'rra?, a;,,l i> Ji.itl.-r l>.l;_-'i>a I* III i.rat, and P i i' Hii’i! r. W i.krr ;s a 1> iii'icr.it, and S I i' iving ot Al.ib iiiia. \\ in n S nator a" ^p.•.lk-;. .'■■11.ill r !• niu-t t .H i\v ;it'. r. I’li-n; iis, a y.iunj:. bat aliie .''cii- T'T'ir. nu'k'ii d in tb: ^o j >r.t';c;d tra- % tri'd the ofh.r day to uiiravrl til' 111. .S)u li a p;iity wi'h no cf'iisistenrv >t jir;nripj.-. u i iil.-utity of intere>t, n.» i 'V". tiiif on til*' Cl j;‘rary, all ;niiniositv. s. ■ ni'r ..f l:-- v l . Ifitcraiid 1.\.‘ h nii' I !i":i::!i to ',\.n a I‘rr.^-|il, iitial V ii t’ ly. It w iiii.l die tin- ■’ ly aft^ r. 1. '"’.I ':l inii if-r tiiat numin.diy k' I n in vv. Will 'tiriiik till’ll, and it.- v.ill !-inibl. :,11 to r, thrr. e ii'-vo^'arv I'.' V.- fnr tl: I :lr ■Ts it ■■tave' an mfi/Kii',. 'J'he niii'f horrible threat'wer- iitfered .-iLMinsr thf l.indod pniprirtor*. :ind tlu‘ hitur of thrir death was to In- an- iii'Uneed by the torsiii. 'I'ho in W' fiiin I’.iris ahilii pri veiitr 1 t!iis lew of leial- i't I lu lvlrr'. S- v ral i f the j.ri'pri- t U' liav • !■ .rr^ a Ii I t!.. ir I: >'.i'. ' and .iini 1 til -ir '11 \ ints." I if ■' VTV tr;ii', 'ill' are- unt is _ive;i bv a Nap 111 iii;st i-dit'.r, aU'! tin r- f-ri^ :nay in- a little I xa.-ji rated—and may iu>t. l>ut a' 'I.nr uf tlo- e.irrr-p •■id. nt- -'f ile 1, .n- • liiii j.iurn il' i I’lrnal' th -t v> !^ in iitiv in- vei-ii agaiii't the Priin . -I’rosi ; nt ti-Ii us tal. ' (juite ;;s !iad, W'- ei ■ ii it disp '-c 1 t-i I'iok iip in the '! It •ni.^nV' ewii nf thr sfirnti'11111'/ :i> :i fietinn, de'iiriii'd to t xeit-' fh“ public juind so a> to reenneilc it te. a strong .’'hlitary l>e'j> ti>ni. l-'ur exam|de, wr h.ive it nil l'- '1 Miigh.'li aiithi'i'itv th; f the I’ll fri t "t F'rcalii’a '-r wa' put to df.tli in the iii'i.'t brutal manner, ’l lio murd,T- i i's, after W'lUii liii.' him vrith a b.iviiet. sewrd him up in a sa. k :in'i th. rr b ft him t-i dir trniu li.s' HI bl.i -d. 11 'W t!ir ‘*ifiiViT;i- ni nt" til It is, N,j. ,l, ,.M H.: ile.'ign- ilealinL' with the in-::will br in i', rrel by tho f ill. M de>p iti li, wliii h thf Mini'ter i f W'.w ii ... ;eMrr'.'e'l to the V ;■ ril'U ‘ j.1 II' r..l in C' 'iniiiaii.l nf . ^ ; ] ; — -Dir (—'.1 I*. M. ‘‘All arni' d ’!'.-;irr. I tinii ha- rr.i'.'d in i’aris by vi.^nr.iu.' repr« ' inn. and t!. ■ ..n.r riiergy will havr tin* .'aiiii' i fi.-efs e\i rv- V, I.ere. i> in i', brinttini' with t! . iii pill iirr, rapi . and inr.udi iri'iii, :ir‘ plariiii: tlirni- ive.; out I'i' the pah' nf the law. With su.di prr- it;s tin re (all be le) jiarlv. or sumni.itiie.r, tie y ar.' to be .-ittai k- d" aii l d.'prrs' d. F,\rry man that n -i't' ou-bt tn b,‘ at mice s’lnf, iu the nanii' of m-. il■tv drfrn In- it>^-lf 1. L' Mmalrlv ." ()ni'-t'nu t!) of the d. -tiarfnionts of I'raiie.' are le.w under martial l..w. 'i'ho war. ir 1.' is«ent;al tn iriiiail;. has iint bi en be- ;:i in the ni;in;!f;trturing rnwi; , in the jiriin i- pal citie.', nr i:i the great e^n'ri s i f juipu- iatinii. ^\ e hrar of no movements at Koueii. Kill nt, Havre, Lvons, or M ir- 'I'illos, and t'le na^oii tor thi>, we think, is t nnd in tiie f.e t that tlv nnnien>'* stan'iing arii'ies whli-h cons'antlv ie.v't tiirse cities arc siudi as ti> ovi r.iwe iii'Ur- ' reetmn, if in.-urrei tion were \\ ithdraw flies ' troops, and we ajipreheni .uld 1 .•ur't fnrih which would iii- yrar. I'laiit tiie field in corn, and plough , , ,V.'.dution to' tlie'imp. It Ileep v.llllo siugirard' s.rep, alid ynu wil beeausr it is coldMollt thal h iv o corn to st'll wliru w aii our corn •rn keep, and last time. fi'.iiTnry. wh ! ' r-ouiify. that siu li a D. i!!o- cra’ie j-arfy -iioald fall assiiialer. Its Sr- la--'iiiui.-in ."■util ly wl.leh it exists, is f it: 1 t > ] e;iee and hiiriiioiiy in the I'ninn, :iiel it • .'.bnlitj,iiii.'ni N"i'!,, l y which it ab I exi-*s, not les,' fatal to thr I ni in. ' '1• 1 n; i;'., the ’eiistitntion, the bodv I’o- 1 ';e, ;;r.^ toin by * \vo ureat jmwers North •■"•'•d .■'‘Hith. i he uM In nioi,r:a V, that are i ^n:lud, rail not alwavs nd under, or, stand in, ti.is 1 (•era*ii>n. Thev ai'i' )u>t lew tie' trui k on whi-ii thes,. limbs of ■ ji' rd hang.—but tl'e; trunk will sooner or i lafi r bleed t i drutli, thus con.'tanfly reinl- j ing as it is, asuieb'r. All efiorts' to cut ; oil rlie.-o limbs, even that made by .Mr. ' j*olk ol leiin., and Mr. •lohnson of Ar- j kar.sas, in the 1'nnocratic caucus as set '■ forth by Mr. l>ayly, h.ive. faih d. D.‘-; iiioeracy stands a coalition of I>isunion i Sree.sslonisfs, and Disunion >Vbnlitinnists. i Jt exi'ts only by being ultra pro-slavery : Sou'll, and ultra anti-slavery North.— 1 i .■ ... , , . Wiihout this ek'nieiit of .slaveiy, it would ' I”.?;,,,,, '‘''twoen . ami .jiitiu persons wi-re jiresent, and among s '.V p. .1'—file t iry or the ir l-rijipor i-. I think, tho best. (latln r ynur e.irii as early a p I 'il !e. turn in y nir sfi ik, atid eat nut the ii. l I; tie'll start a j.lnugh, aiel vve I’.il 1 I:: i\ rni-'l 1 v e;rriin!sfaiicr' wh.it ' rt I f a pl ‘U.^h. If the irrnuiel i' i natnl ivi-r largrlv with pra-viin's atid lmm". wo sleiul 1 ajiplv a gn.i.l turning pl'‘Ui:h; but if the L'rnuiid i' I lean, a '.[U '-n- pniiit 'coot- rr an 1 iie.n'biMnl will an w. r; bre.ak the tie! i . I 'I' and drrj,, jet it lir l>y, till _V *U want to 'iiw V'Jir whi;,t, ! fuw ,ird w Inat is 1h st fnr nur chin i'r. i pri pare tho serd b_v sii.ikinj it in a brin iiiade fiMiii coiii- ni'iii .s.ilt fi mi si.\ to eight hmir', and while Wi t, rnil the wh. at in sl ick>‘d liinr; ■ ynu e.tn s. \v it w- t nr h-f if iret di v; abniit i'r iin f!;. e j-i ks t i a bii'lirl i' thick c- n lu-h nil e 'nini m iaiel; lime is a prfV -nt- ' ive of smut, and ;:ives flu- ynung jdaiit a \iifnrms i:r.n\ih; t.e.' -dt drivi.' .iway in- .'I I fs. W 1|. .It 'hniild b" philiuhed ill il ep; oiir in :i is i- p riiniigh; and if thr ground !' i ul!i, it is bi 't to p;." a rake over it. If is nwiiig to the mu-h m.iiiiirr wr snw iiur wli.at th.a w ■ have so ni.iny failures in th.it ernp. ,\rt= r ihe vvhe.if is cut, turn in yne.r sr-~ k to ^l. an ynvir fi.-ld; and. ai -nt th ' If. f duly, s i\v and plnugh in a. I - uf a p rk nf J.. I' J r r.'. 'I'iii ',. are intciidi .1 fnr manure, and about the hist nf .''i pt iiiber, thi \ sh"i:i i In* turned undt r with .1 t'irnin/-pi! ai_h. 'J’l'.is fii-M n.iw •_r, , p.'t for one yr.ir; but it i> best to s r.v .-.n.'ther i ll p (it p 'a> in duly thesanif V- 1. ^ 111 rest _\niu ii. Id. aii.l turn yi^ir \ I ' unih r, thr I|.'\t ."Si pfrlllbrr; by tilis- •ini ', VC.' l; i\.- thn-r m- l',.ur vei^rotablr ' ni iftejs tiun- I ami niixrd in our land. | '1 hi.', witii tho r. t it lias rrreived wil! j’T' pire the land t i make a goml crop of enff '1 V. i'hoi;* ;:;iY ni.irc Ui:.111110. N"VIT- thel. w'r .'liieiibi manure every acre wo pla; t, ;ind to this riid, we .sliouhl have a ditch iu our lot, cnnstrui ted in sm h a ;.T;ini.- r as to catrh all tlu- wash. It is b('f t ■ have this reservoir covered with bo.ir:! -. Kv. iy thing in the shape of ma- nnrr .-h ail.l be put i th- sp.ing or se;is ai n.itioii, alike jiowerful as frte, ready to protect the laws of nations, even in distant parts of the oiirfh, and in tho person of a poor exile; ‘•(.'lu't rcd by yniir jieople’s symp ithy. so as frecnien ciieer—imt a man whatever, but a principh'; ‘•I now bow before you, sir, in the pnmd jtosifion ( f yourgre.it natinn’s jruest, getie- rouslv welcomed by a re.solution of the ■ ('mirress > f the I'nited States, with eiiual , e.-nero'ity approvc'l and exrcuteil by your i Kxci llelley. “I beg leave to express my fervent thanks, iu niv name, .and in tin- name of inv a"0( iafes, who, afti'r having shared my nii'f. rfuno.'', have imvv the row.ird to sliaii' thr honor and the benefit which the great n publie (,if tho I nitei! ,'*'tatrs was jdeasod upnii Hungarv by bestowing it fVerlv-ciiO't ii chief when he iie- i.;ine’ a porseiutrd vietiiu of dospiotie vin- Irllr' "1 bi'ir leavi' to cxpri's my fervent th.ink' in my country’s name tiKo, vrhich, amidst the .sorrow' of its di'sol.uinn, feil> ili' i red bv v iiir oountrv’s gi iierosity, and nding fu- tt tho time .Ir.iV’.' ne r wh"ii the eternal code of the iw of iiatinU' will bee me a re.ility. •• I'l C'idi nt I I stand bi-tnrc ynur Kxeel- ncv a liviiiL' prnfe>tation agaiii't tho vio- nco of foreiL'U infrrfrrrnei* npprrs'ing the to us, and the vindication and suceess of which seemed almost as necessary our own existeiici'; but tin moment in which they prevenlvd admiring the courage, ability, and j.atri- \'aiice, ];-.neombe; Wta. II. Johnson, Maxwell. U otism displayed by the leader of the party ! Tarborough; (Vrus (j. Jvmmond, Monroe, | If—F V Drecce, John T IIot,ri„p. . which opposi'd the election of (ieneral| I iiion t o.; A. M. Scah;s, Kockingbaiu; ' n. c.i h. i> i .Jackson to the {»! esili;n(*y, and tlu* iniMiii-! Win. J. !lou>t*»n, Oujilin; Iraiicis liinl, i-^vans. ' ^ neiit acts .»f his administration. We never iJortie; .''.iniuel \\ . atts, Martin; J doubted that this opjiosition eommenced Pinckney Scales, Ilockinghaiu. from a ]»oinf (d‘ view right us far as the And the following gentlemen have been admitted to practice in the .several Sujkeri- or (’ourts of the State, viz; («eo. K. ]l. Singeltarv', Nash; N. Me- 'joaii, Warrenton; J. 11. Mendenhall, (luilford; 'I'. Ii. Hargrove, (iraiiville; Clay ib'jirecated as a calamity that toiii* (d l-'iiuriiey (leorge, (’olumbus; ^\ . A. J^it- jiublie seiitinu nt which would rowaid niere th'john, lM\moiith; W. L. Tate, Morgaii- niiiitary talent with the highe-t civil sta-! ]}u..b«e, lialeigh; Jame.s J. tion in tint world, he gave utterance to a Iredell, lialeigh; A. 11. Joyce, DaIIbury, conviction right in it.self, and accepted .^t^kes; J. N7 Montgomery, Caswell; V. most cheerfully by those who rojectcil the IJarringer, (’harlotto;* Jos. Ma.steii, .-..i—John I, Atkins. Mai-,r X .M,.t illustration which was in his mind. That >Vinston, Foi>yth (’o.; I’. M. Allison, .irehVn'Mnion.n. ' ‘ M;;., Elijah Fislior, I'uncan W,.., ,, Smith. ■ •' -4—Carr Iliirgrovc, N.itlian K Mr Lean. •J.'i—(Jiles Hnni, W 1’. Ha,ii. v,...,, •.2'‘|—lUnjannn .‘^inith, Ji,iiK-.s ( • Hraiich. "I'm, liT—H KHiot, Jno Kllidt. M MiN,.in Alex r Walker, John .\icV., ' i V.illiani.s. -Jmvl —Saiiiue] D I’ii.kiii, J W ii,„i„,. I’ipkm. f.i bi 't( Upnll it ho should af terwards have bi-i n dispo.'cd to reieive with distrust, or criticise with .severity, measure.-iemanating from a source that jiCi.^^se.T^ed not his eoiilidence, was to ^ have been exiM'ctcd, and involved lio con sideration les.'oning his claims to the ro- s]M‘ct of his countrymen. .^Ir. Clay will retire foom the public councils with tho assurance that bis labors Inive coiitribiiti'd to the ghuy of his coun try and to the perjietu.itii’n of it.s I nion. anil, thoii-h in t surrounded with the halo of military ;ii hii veinents, that they are not the loss worthy of tran initting his name to p. stcrity as a patriot and stafcsm.in. His life wil! fill one (d' the brightest pages as an illustration of the sneec.'S which a- wait.- an individu.il who, without the ad vantages of fortune in early life, can reach in our country the highrst posts id' honor. We trust that retin im nt will restore his onfcebh'd frame, and th.it the |uict sh.idcs of Ashland may vet be enjoyed by him nianv vi ars. Th*- Citlrnlntiiiij MnrJmif.—C ll.Sed to think it vv.is a jest—the idea of a cal culating machine; luit we have s. eii it and its ingenious proprietor, Mr. Fuller, wlio substantial. An agricultural jicojde .-hould is imvv stopping at the Irving HoU'C. 'Hie be, atid is always the most conservative. M. .^ic Dow ell, Morgan ten. Rih iyh. ^nrfsnri/ to the South.— The iiistitutii ns of the South are all nee- i ssarily con.scrvative. Our .st-eurity con sists in our stability, in our adherence to Black, the old, to wh»t is true in the old, to what h.is been tried and proved by the exjieri- eiice of our two hundred years of life in America. We dare not experiment on this expi rionce. To a j»ooi, adventurous j>om- ple at the North, with nothing to lose, ex- jierinieiit is always productive ot some re suits. With us, a heedful veneration of what has been tr.insniitted from our fa thers is the .'ccret of our safety. Our region is increased by native growth, not by the influx id’ a foreign pojuilatioii. 'I hese are neces.'arily adventurous and ex- jierinieiital. 'I'hi y risk nothing when they call for a change, and demand a progress to the unknown and iiKlefinite. This is not the ca.se with us. We risk everything by change. Our progress is neees.sarily but it is mu-r! ^\’e have few fluc tuations. If we make less show than our Northern neighbors, our condition is more :;i—liciij M.-n-ison, IIccKji M. Ntin W n Walk*. '■ ■’>'2—Mark Wade. Ji,o ], P,ctl,p; ^>•5—Malcoiu McKay, .laiiies Holloinati. '• •’"n.n Hoiic. .\:Wn NeilH'lark. Nafliaii Miiflcr Ih,, 't ,, McKae, l>a,iicl Mur.l, -'i Luilr.L h. ■ii\errign rig’t of tiaf ■■le- t i re-ula-' their iVVi; dnlilr'tlr en!ic‘'nis. “1 stall.1 b' fi'i vmr F.\ri lien, y a living .;ni,'fatinii ag.iiii't •• iifralizatinu ..jijip -^- llg thr Statr riirht nf '| If gn\ eriiniellt. ••.'lay 1 be allowrd to t.ike it fnr au a’l- :urv *' ’ ''ter tiinr- fhat. in landing on tiie ].pv 'h ires • f thi' gloiinus republic, 1 I, laiidrd in a fi 1^ and |i ivvcrful c lUnfry, wh.i.'i- hull iri'd ('hi. f Ma_;str.ite proclaim.' t I tho vvnrld fh.it thi' ((Uintiy caniiof re main in.lifrcreiit vvhrii the str nig arm nf a fireiizti pnwrr is iiivnkid to stifle jiubli,- .'.■ntiiie nf. and n pro" the sjiii it i f freed' ni in any country'' “I thank ( inl that He deemed rue not uuwnrthy to act and to sufici for my fith- erlaiid. •‘I thai.k tin] fh.it th-' fate of my cnun- try b rame sn intimately cnnin ( fed with till fate Ilf librrfy and indrjH udi iice of n.i- tioiis in MurojH-, as fnrnierly if wa' inti mately rniiTioeted With tho .security of ('ill isfrn.lnin. •'I thank Iod that my cmintrv’s un- nientrd wo, and my per'onal snfleriiiLrs. breamo an opportunity to srok a manites- tation of the 'pirit and priiicipKs of your republic. ••.'1 ay (I.hI th' Almighty blessyou with a Iniig life, that ymi may l>ing enjoy the h.i|ip.nr.'s to .'. e ymr cnuiitrv great, glori ous, ;ind f'rcr, the coriier-sfone of interna tional jiistico, and tho column of frecdoiu o:i tho e.ii'h, as it is already an asvluni to the oppressed. "Sir, ! pledge to your cfuintry thecvcr- ' isting g-afitu le of Hungary.” The J’resident n plied briefly !■) .'I. Kos suth’s aiMress, in substance as follows; “1 am happy, (loveriior Ko.s.suth, to wel come you f(i this land of frecdoni; and it givi.' me ph'asure to congratulate you up on vour reloa.se from a loiiir confinonu'ut in rajiiditv and accuracy with which ill liusi- iics.' prnldriiis are .'idvcd is truly surpris ing. It noi'ds only to be .-een to be ad mired. Although an Ann rican invention. It has bren exf. nsively snhl in Fhigland, l'r;iiice, (il rniaiiy, and Holland. 1; com pute:* interest at e\cry pnssilde rate per criit.. up >n any sum id' money, for any h ngfh of time, both at three hundred and '■\t\: jiiel three hundrod and sixtv-five days tn the yi ar, and has a most {lorfect timr-telrgrajdi to coinjuite tho nutiiber of days any note has tn run. To VM>rk eijua- fions for pa v nieiits. or average id' accounts, is one of its conven;eiiccs. I'ojiies have been pureha.snl in Wa'iiington by all the dop.irtments, for use in their public ot^ices, a' well as by the jirincipal bankers, nier- ctiants, and mechanic.'. Lrss time is re- ijuired to iditain an answer to any busine.'^s (|Ue>tion than to pn-pare the st.itemont.— Full jirinted directions accompany the wnrk. It is learned by one or two hours’ study and pra. tiee. It oc*cujii*d a prouii- lu nt jdace in the Crystal I’alaco. M 'I'l IIynijih. Thr /fmrfh’irii 7’/*.. with birds singiiiir and flying fmui braiirh to branch, «.SlC., m.iy be .'ee:i here. ('all and .see it before it IS sold. When our eye c.iuiht the above in the advertisement of ^Ir. 'I’uttlo, d Hroadwav, vve were reminded that wo h.ad sot ti this nio>t wondi rful j>iece of mechani.'in—the mo't curious and iflective that we have ever seen. 'I'he tree is shelter‘d under a glass sh.ide. and though very beautifully exceutcil, is, (*f course, the minor part of the attraction. The mechanism is wound u]i, and then coniinriices the son*; of the ('hir'isfoti \cirs. .M()LASSI:S Hni>S. Tii-w croji (’rtrileii.-is ainl Ncuvitas V'i^ MtibA.s.sKS. 4 hh'Isi. heavy Triiiiihiil Molns.xc.**, Siipcriiir .-irtiele. just arrivdl hy .''teaiii'T Kver- prccn; VMiiild b«- solil to deliver fmni boat, tiv JSO. H. vN: J. .MAHTlNfL J.-iii. 1. IJ'.'jl!. ull-of €^om»non Schools* A T II nici-tii;;; of tlic Hoard nf 8uperiiiteuJ- .Jm ents, held tliis day, January 1, I’ns'-nt — Kdiiaru bet* Winslow. Chair man; ("ill. Al**.\anler .Murchison. Him. l.auchlin Itithiiiic, Juhn Kvans, ilsij.. Hector .McNeill. F.sii.: The I'liairJFan made a roport as to the st;ite ff the I»ehiiol I'liiid tor the }ui«t vear, which was unaiiiiiioiisly aiioj.ted :ind ordered to lie recorded. Thr follonvitig resolutions were unaiiiiinjHs'Iy ad.i|ited; Kfsolvcd. Thnt tlie ('hairnimi pay to each I'istnct h.iviiij: 40 children and a less niiiiiher th.ii 40, the siini of jirovided tliat in all cases proper returns are made of the Schools having been tnupht. KcMilvcd, That the Cli.-iirmaii jiay to the I>is- tricts having more tfian 40 childrei-. the snni of eijrhty eenls for eaeli chilil in the liistriet. jtro- vided tiiat the proper returns are made of the t'chools huviii.; lieeii tauijht: and llie iniiiiher of children shall be t:iken from the returns iu:ide and to be m.ide uj> lij .Jaiiutiry 1, 1^52. Resolved, That t'le ('hairnian he directed t» jiay no liistriet, unless tlie propt r returns arc made. llesiilveil. That fruiu tlii..» date. J:in. 1, 1 S.'ii*, nil money will be held loiijtrr than two vears; and it in that period no retiir».s are made and ;ir,—lohn Ray, Ji^r, Ak-s’r Md Liiil. M McLean. 37—l)aniel JlcCormick, A Tim I’attors'n. ;;H—Heetiir McNeill, J S lUrrin"i..„ I:,,, .Ve.\rthur. n'.)_D 15 (’amen.II, Ij 1) C:iin» r..ii. a W ( t'lon, 40_.«; K Johnson, .b.hn M M, i ,• liuie. 41_p„,1jert .'^nd»h. N Smit!, 4-—Ho^Icriek >fe(’niuinieii. .\i..;!l Airlub.'ild I’attersoii. 4.’.—.Miinhich Mel>uff;e. M:i’i-.,;u V-'- ' I) Mct'askilb “ • 41—U I> (iillis. IJolw-rt tJrriliiirii. I. 4-'i—Wni Mcl»iariiiid. .Mi],.,,] ■ Lanion. 4i—lohn 'McFadycn. Chri'tdj.lKfr Mnr:r ■ L>uncan iirchiscn. •1"—Neill Ibiy, Dnncan Mcl.;tiKiiI\r,V bald Kay. 4H—(.'has .Munroe, John bruHn \i,- (Mill.) ■I'*—^'eiH Me««iij;!in, m Mcl,:iui-liliu Li.nia Black. ' ■ Oo—Malcoiu Mcflreiri'r. iMi^ .Iidiii Hay. ■'»1—*>jiniel S Met’iilinaii. Neiil 1! ]!!ui'. Ii:r J (iilliK. •'i-—I>!iii'l ’ rnrrie. Areli il liuie. 'V;n 1;;-, —Colin .Mcl'iae. ’ 1’ .Mallett. .\ni:i.vi .'wun, *•4—W .1 tSniith, J P.vnie. .1 i' •>■>—.\rtlnir Iiavis. Neill C .McNei l,.I.,ImM.’- L>ii|i:ili!. •>f.—.\Ified Jaekbon. C 1'. Tys'in. Nuil.stVil- b;in:son. •'>7—William .“^haw. liunoan .Miiiirie. J ;i 'lUnroe. ot'—b-iines O Cook, Kjrbert C Hall. Clisr^? K .Melver. —.\ii liihald MclHifSe. Alex'r .Mtl’l.ir' Duncan >h-.\rtlmr. t;o—James Baker, W J J.iim> ff .'strange. (il—E W Itarpe. AV T F’ri/o’l. .1 T Wari?.!i. ♦i'J & (m—Joisepli Arey. Thus .) .J 'liii;.,!;. .!l 1* Lem aril. 04—l^huin Carver. Zaeharltdi r',uniLi(.T. .’.2- (Irew C Ktiy. ■>:'>—Vm MeMilbin, F.obtrt .VcKintum, I'.-i.i J/urphy. 17—Thomas J/atthews. .Viir(I"i-li .Vi-L‘">I. *;S_Areird Ibiy. .V 1’. (bia.s. •'>'.*—W’ H I’artin, John .\d:oii'. IMw in 70—Fcter C;inipliell, Neill blue. >.'• , I’herson. I 71—L l> Crjineriin. .^.,,,,^.1 t’ Sniitii. ' 72—I) lJuie. Foster .’/:is.'ii. b ('..rnl'i’W. 7:>—[{ I' beldi'ii. W J Ki'Hy. .bon.i I'-irr o I 74—Robert Tolar. Wia .V Kin;.'. Tli. .n':;!.’ ! The Chnirnian of tho Hoard rcine.si.'lL:i! i!’ ' numlier of children may he ].;irtiiu;:irl_i ^a^'a and retni-ned, as it is iiii]i"S>ili;e t.. ui.-.l.- ■ returns to the J>tate thsit the law ri-'jiiiri-.-: ■ as the I»oan.l have adopted the iii.ule "!• Imting the fund [ler head, as f^r a? tin*.'' «"■ Tearhers may be dis;i{ipoiiite.l In jrettini't.'-' p:'.' - . . , . , When it is known and recollectcil. tl.u! :n the estiniatr I,-. thi.' ditrh early iu Turkey, and your safe arrival here. As as pnssiblo. Start an individual I sympathized deeply with fianic \nlvc all I’iaiirr in coi,{hi;^ration. .\nd wh.lr thr.-r portions meet tin* eye on every side, what is ooinir ,n jn the pa lace of the usurper!:' Hrilli.iiit Court As semblies, music and daiiciiiir, and merrv making. ‘Xero liddliiio—Konie buriiiiiL''l’ ,11 t 1 ' ]'h uiih i.r plou_lis, as the case may ^ you in your brave struggle for the iudc- i ' iiirrnw as deep as you can with pi iidonce and freedom of your native laud, a .'hovel-jilough, aii'l, if ymi think it iiec- J he American people can never bo iiulif- cS' M V. run aiiothor in tlio same furrow; ! fi rent to such a contest, but our polic}’ as (•''iiimencr hauling frnni your dit(h and , a nation iu this resjioct has been uniform cvi-ry other place you can g‘t manure; ' fr(un tho commoncciuent of (Uir govern- placr your manur.' in tho furrow, and with i ment; and my own views, as the Chief Ex- a tuining-plough fling a head on it; coii- j ecutive Magistrate of this nation, are fully tiiiiie so the field over. i and freely expressed in my recent mass;igo no .SeholHrs t:night. the nioiiey ibie to thcr>e l»is- triets «hnll l»e luersed in the •reneral fun !, and I f^tafe of .Niutli ( aroliiia. ibstriliuted at the I’lid of th« two V'ei;rs. j only 1 in 7 of her white pojiulatii’ii 1^"* veitr* ■ ^ Ri'S.ilved. That the ( h;iirni,'in ca\ise to he ' ajie can ro;id and write: and tiiat iii .iiir i merjred in the general fund the iiioiiey coming it is thoiipht there are ! -'> 0 «iiitc 'Mfr ?1 to the l>istricts. Nos. lo, o(l, (>(>, agreeably of age that eaiuiot road :ind write, aii.i , I 1 r • 1 ■ 1 • . last year,—no ] C.iroliiia. one of the old tl.irti en. sunK t!i' biid.s, which i.s a reiiitiik.ild^ faithful mil- SoIiooIr having been t^iught. i people of the countv of t'uiiilicrl.'uiil tatiou of the natural not. s of feathered W alter .\. Huske, J. T. Warden, and AVilliaui " hat .aid they can to make the il"- ‘i warblers. Hut tho most wonderful part is ^JeLanrin, apjiointed the (.’oinmittee of Exami-| KI>NN ’I> LKL lN:^b(''. nwiini'^'' the motion of tlu; birds, w hich are four in t*'*" the year j .Tan y .b '' ’3—— number. Near tho foot of the tree is the tho'^'vearliv**' "j NATIONAL SKHU>’ largest bird of most exiiuisitcly beautiful The boundary of the I>i^r:et No. 5o was »1-* ^1:illdai*d ^cSiOOl I500l»*. plumage, which (jiiietly sips the dews from tered. in accordance with the reiiucst made to ' V115LISUF.I) BV V S. 1> VffNK.’' .v t"- an artificial miniature grotto, ever and Boartb | " ' ;,i j.ii.n stri'ot. Nf" ' aiioti ijuivering its half-*xpaiided wings, Siatt'mnit nhowhi^ thf umouutx up 1o Jaumini .-ittention of .‘'ehoul Tr:uli>’r>. with that peculiar motion which young I? r.'Urred to in tht \ J[ (\>inmittees. and the frieiiiis't Wui^';:“ generally, are invited to the tiillnwinr 'l ext Books for .''chools. Ae;idi iii!t'S.iii'l'-’''‘‘'^t'^ ' 4 1,, ,1, VT . 1 , , * .1 1 1 orii should follow cotton, and shuiild i to Congre.ss, to which you have been pleas- iMitiic Alondav iirevions to the departure i • . i • -i .. , . v. , ’ .... ^ . X. .1 . * ‘ i lie jii.iiitoil in tho cotton rnb'-o. teaiuer, wc' see, tlii'io was a bril- laiit .--oii'ee at the Kly.seo.—one of irreatir frrrow undor the old coMon stalk? Run but ..nil .-.I,ill- ,n I IU- i.i^.-^re. line oi oieatir i l .1 i , i ^ plrudor than there had been for mnufhs i I-"' l'*;;P ant your corn, av.i run j tnuis of Kurope. ed to allude. 'I’hoy are the .same, whether sjioaking to (’migre.ss here or to the iia- I>iie up to Jan. IH.j], $ 81 f»0 one furrow on each side; when the corn ‘Should your country be restored to in- bi' in a iniiinrify’in bofii Houses cd’ Coii- gro.'S. A\ Kvk o.v; illK Caj itoL. them the i’l pr s .\unein, thr Ministers of j llus.'ia, Ausiria, l*ru.-..s!a, Spain, the No- j therlands, IJrlgium, Naples, iVe., tiie Cab- ' inet .Ministers, a considrrable nuinbrr of ex-r(']irosontativr.s, and nearly one hnndrrd | , generals. Knyalty in most roy.il attirel j j \ sort of rlnliilee (d the disjiots in hon(.)r • ] of tho overthrow of the llejiuhlie. I j ^\'elI, what is the next scene in this I ' hiiiiiiliatiiig farce l-'rance has begun again j j to playl' \\ ill tlu' Jilophrts showy I iJAI.TlMfiHi:, Doe. ‘Jib _M. Kn-_.;uth has been highly honored during his brii f sojiu.rii hero. Without iiianifesting .any undiir enthusiasm or runn ing into extravagant fonlories, our cifizctis have honored him f.-r his cau.se. 'J'hey believe him to be seiein.-. in his great work ofhunian freedom, and as a laborer in that caii'o, they have striven to manife.'t the I iii.itioiis of their hearts lor the tiinnijihaiit spread of universal liberty throut:ho\it the | ('omiiiereial writes,— world. He ha.s n.ei.vered fV..ui hi.'b.tlgn.', I „prisings have taken place in and i^cnponaei. in health. J he private | ji,tv departments. Twenty-five are Senv aryof Mr. U ebsfor, J ulukrstand, i n: ed nj.,n Inn. ve.tcn.ay, tnid tendered j hill an ,nv,tafi(,n in l.ehalf o the Soereta- , ,l., de.^troyed-that IV ot . .ate to niert hnn at Ins residence. , ,hc. litu,. remained. 'M. IJona- I Jiarte has .'hut up, by force, nearly all tho '/'" o , r„,/„n.—A new .sjueies |oj.position printing est.ildishmi'nts. Tho.so d ( otton, called fhr (Inldeii Chafi, has j which remain can i.uhlish nothinir but t.reii culfivafi'l iiurinu the jirisent season what seem." bv the ph.iiti'is el ?daniigo and Sumfcr , Ministers. countie.', Al.ibania. J hi' vveid is diiniiiu- tarts to couie up, run a board lU' Inu’.so- | dependence and freedum, 1 should then wish you—as the greatest blessing you could enjoy—a restoration to your native land; but, should that never happen, I can only repeat my welcome to you and your comjiaiiions here, and pray that (J(.)d’s blessing may rest upon you w herever your lot may be cast.” rake ove r it. Corn jilanted in this way is bonrfited by tho manure of the previous yi ar almost to as largt' an extent as if the laaiiure was put there tl j .same vear.— There are ni.iiiy advant iges in manuriiiir nil this jilan, but I have not the opportu nity at this tini*‘ to urge ihoni. Wheat shonM folhiv/ after corn. ^I’liis plan of ro- fafion, rest, and niaiinriiiL', will have tho Ijiherty of Sptu ch.—At the dinner given ired eflect, 1 think; and T recommend ^*3 'd New \ork to M. Ivos.suth, II the faniiers at least to give the above a I iHier was hissed ihnoi aud si/emr.d aim, I'ool, and deliberate con,siib*ration.— 1 hv pret^unx'd to iloidit the. proprirtj 'J’he I'aris corre.-pondent of the N. Y. ^ '“*t .“^ay tho plan is clear of defects; it . ^./ ehioiyimj the j>oltcij of this cuiintrj/ to may be inijir.ived lui; and 1 hope .some one ! the views of the Hungarian chief.— liinn* able than myself will take it into J'-'t the meeting could be thrown into consideration. ( onie uj), gentlemen, and put your shoulder to the whei‘1 of prosjierity—give one steady juill on the subject of renovat ing onr lands; and if vve should succeed in I birds display when the demands of* thei7 ' appetites are .satisfied by the attention of the jiareiit bird. ; ^ On the tojunost bough is a beautiful 5. humming bird, which poised in the air ; •'> with fluttering wings, i>ersistingly sips jV’ nectar from the honey cup of some favorite ; 1 ilowi'r. On the lower branches are two j i;;' ; small humming birds, brilliant with me- b>! tallic hues, whose motions are the I'reafest marvel of the whole thing. They leap from bough to bmigh, without any visible ]i,’ I cause ot locomotion, save tlu'ir own juyous j 20, I nature, now twittering aloud their" ox- , stacios, and aTu>n fluttering their gay pin- , niage, and waving their graceful pinions, j j seem to be intoxicated with delight. Mr. , Tuttle has a host ot beautjful atul *urious tiling^ in his store, but for niarveilous in genuity we have .seen nothing to equal this “hawthorn tree,” which by the way is u /ac-siiudf of that which excited so much surprise at the (’rystal Palace. -V- i . Commpi'ftal. ^ I ir Si :ood to the I’resident and his ecstacies by a declaration i)i facor of lib er! yl Such is the consistency which has marked some of the meetings held in favor of 31. Ko.ssuth. We thought the members of the liar, who like to indulge in the lar- -T, ail, 3-J, lf>2 (K» lU fK) 40, 45. It is understood that Mr. Clav is ex- I .•11. « . J i 4;( 54! ceedingly desirous of appearing once more ^ ' on the tl(M)r of the Senate, that he may em- jiloy his farewell voice in cipposing and vyaruing his countrymen against the in sidious doctrines respecting interveution which M. Kossuth has promulgated. to tiieir virgin fertility, it will be a day of rejoicing to all. Yours, &c. J. II. AVILLIAMS. I>nth f Mrs. L'ntd.—AVc regret that One (d the most important sign.=; id' the I Miss Lind h: r’s death. In have been tho last to restrain any man iu the exercise of that right. lJut a mania appears to have .seized upon the jieoplc of New York, and to have deprived them of their reason An American citizen dare ,iv.„„diw.«■..!V...JM.U1I. ;;iz'11"^>'*«•% , , -, Jffoiites.—The sale of tickets for the experiment, and bnng back our lands 1 p-st liberty of sjieech tliem.selves, would Lola Montes’ first appearance in this coQu- try, wa.s held on Saturday. The seats 1 brought good prices—those iu the private i boxes sold from SI3 to $20, and seats in ! I?’ the dress circle from to 611. There' ^ was some exeitemeut attending the sale and the bidding was (juite spirited. **“*> Uti, 58, f(), *)1. G4 & I (i:-., j- t)(5, ti7. Ihip for Isol. >:i; OO 4 OO iir> •-*0 17 ll'.t Ot) 2 -) 00 40 (M) 12 tM> o 00 7 04 20 0«» 2 00 2.’> 2.') (K» 13 00 2.') 00 ‘2o (K» 2o (M) r>0 (Ml 2o (K> 2o 00 2o 00 00 2o OO 30 00 2-j 00 25 00 10 00 90 (K> 85 50 Due by I'istricts. 40 50 32 00 • i.ilitii.n i 1 1 ■ 1 11 in .Slid will. It 1' .'.ml, ).rl(l hvc ■ lutnn has this clas' made the hast move- •'■■■* ... IiiiiiiJk d pnuiios, and yi.ld,'nn, tliiid nmrr IIK lit lsl- IslJ .....I 1 k.t s I than ;,t;y n’li(r siieeir> planted.— ('/('./■// , I , , , tliat Miss Lind will sing again in this I An Iri.shnian, a few days since, bouidit • ' of Cl It "V 1* -iT ’ ^1-’ • ;‘ """‘'y- The public will deeply J-ynipa-i a family l]ible, aud taking it home, made (We/ ‘ i ‘ i / estimable lady in'hi'r atilie- i his first record as follows “J‘atrick D 1 It that the Kepubhc ha. had vital i tion. [ boru Sept. 20, 1S10, aged five yctxis.” ’ Counterfeit S20 gold pieces have made fi2 0» 81 00 25 00 13 24 13 111 34 ()7 5 00 25 (Ml 17 tH» 25 OO Of the School Ovuniiitlees Jur the 1852. HAVIEi^' MATIlbM.VTU'S. Ket.iil prtcf- Davies' First Lessons in .Vritliiuetic. Havies' Sciiool .Arithmetic. Davies’ (Jriimmar of Arithmetic, Davies’ rnivevsitv .Vrithmetic, Davies’ Elementary .Mirehra. Davies' Elenieiitary 'ieoiiicfiy ami onometry, Davies’ Practical Cieometry niid ^b'Il^'e ration, ^ .''i Davies’ I’.ounlon’s .Mgehr.n llavies’ Legendre's (ieouietry, new Davies’ Elements of isHrve.ving. Davies’ Logic (>f Mathematics, Chambers’ Trea.sury of Kiiowledi-'P- Clark’s Elements of Drawing. CliamViers’ Natural I’hilosiiphy. ^ , . Reid and liain's Chemis'ry and • Hamilton’s Vegetabo.* ‘.'.ad .\iiin'i‘l li'}- iolopy, (Chambers’ Element.^ of Zooli'ft.v. I’age’s Elements of Gi ology, Parker’s First Lessons iii Natural 1 sophy, , 1.1 I . J’arker’s Conipoiidium of ^clinoll n sophy, Mclntire on the Use of the dlohe.'. Fulton & Eastman’s Copy books ^No^• ■ 2 and 3. Fulton & Eastmnn’s Ponm.'uiship. Fulton & Eastman’s Rook-keepii'i^ • pie and Double Entry) Brooks’ First Latin Lesson*, Hrooks’ Ovid’s Metamorpho.^o.i. Brooks’ Collectanea Evmigobca, Brooks* f'irst Greek Lejisons, Parker’s Fii'St School Reader, Parker’s Second School Render, Parker's Thin! SehiKil [{(‘ader, Parker’s Fourth School fU'udor, Parkrr’s Rhetorical Reader, Martin's Othoej.iet, words of ]ir.iiiiliieiation. .Vortiieiid’s I.itlle .speaker, Noi thcnd's .\nici ie.in Sjieaker, Di.strict No. 1—A 11 Dewar, T W Spence, Jas! Northend’s School Dialogues. A Johnsuu. : >\’illard's llistorv of the L iiited J'ts their appearance in Cincinnati. They are ■ 2_t; W Pepram, Henrv Johnson, Ki.ns Page. \\oli excoutod and boar a faithful rctieni- ii—John A Senter, Wm Piinoo, II S Gower, ulauce to the genuine. In wci^ht tht'V I ^Jtihnsdu, Lewis McKinney, Alcx’r are deficient. ^ “ t Bnidley. I o—John Cmskius, Alexander McLeod, AVm Willard’s I'nivcrsal liistory. j Zacho's New Amei icjin Sjioakcr, ,] nt ”■ .\nv of the ahove books can he f'”'" |.i^. Bookstore of E. J. Hale \ Son, F.ivi'V., Jan’v 1, lS-->2, Idii clot*'. yr$s

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