WBEKIi Y. n, jwjj.. fvnxmaoKs ■Ti'.MamLjGe.jjg’Si ■'T;T > ■~;.ggr''\r;iujt jj^'sg? a3gw»gys!g>-3gf? l'AVl"r'!'l-.V!l.1.i;, N. (.',, TllUKSOAY Al'TKIiNOON, JANUAllY 8, 1851>. 1 itaac-.^^z [SO. 01.] iz3f m, I' "i-a ;,\iK|l l!Y .). 1!. MiWliV. ,v \uii J. I! vu: it sox, ; |.,i:> \M» !’lii'l>Uli;T()!.S. .iii-W',H-Uly Oi;>v,i;vKl; 1 OO if : !\ in’r; ^-1 •'* it' luvitig tin* ' . li;';;.*)!; uc ai'U'l' tlio vciii- lias r-.j. ; i;\ i r. '^'2 00 ]n-r nnimni. if ; > 'J ‘>o if jiiiiil tliiriitjt tlic i- n; i^r ■‘^o 1*0 ai'ti'r tlu' vvar ! N ! S r.r sixty ci'iits r ;. aii'l octits li r oat h ' : 'ti. \ ■.irlv a‘lvi'rii.'i‘iiifiits j ;it rt rates. ; ;c l til >tatv t!;v ir.iiilv'-r t.|' r tiii’v ^'i^ !.v' I'lPiirih-.ici! till : ; r. rlin lv. ! • * I V ' nil’.'; l-‘ j'-.st-iiai'l. i lo iunhv)\ 'I'Ki’pruttuc ftiid J^^urn-\ hrr Mvrvlnniis. \ 'I'lu' s'.Msfi iiil'rs (ilft-r for i>ii“ tlmii-1 sanil ainl forty acrc.s of I.aiid mi ('.-irM i s *'r>‘('k, ill ’unilH'rlatiij coiiiity, ci^lit miles North nt ■ Fax etlevilli'. i\ithiii two miles uf ihe I ,i; e I ear : !;i\e- jtiiil uiie mile if tl-.e i-’ayi-tti \ il!e ;.u l Ka- ; lei;.li i’iaiik lluail. .ioiiiiiijr the lamls uf .Ii.nes \ ; i’:a-hi-e. .\i>siis l!r\y ami i't',ui«. on which there ! is n saw mill in a thorough state of icpair. on I H niM er failing stiealii. 'I'hese l.iii'l' are finely , timlivreil. ( lleriM;! in-hu eiiu lit.- to ;iei iii.-. vvish- ! injr to enihaik in tlip Tiuilier. I.iimlier or 'I’lir i 1 t»iit;iie l.usine'S. I'ers ins wishin;^ t > |is;vi ha-'e. ' I will mil (Ml either of the snhserili. p.s;, mie livinj; 1 in r _>etlovilli’ .iii'l the uther on the )'iemist's. | Also, one of the suhseril.ers rent one ; or raore T.asus ot rurj>entine ln.\es on sln.re.'-. Iietweeii t ape Tear au l lilaek Ui\ers, h ar the route of tiie I'ayettexille aii'l Northern 1‘laiik ' lloa'l. IT.NC.V.V .l/cM'.li.!.. .1. il. .)/cM;iM.. •hui'v IS.'i’J. roR u.\ W-.inin! to Kniploy In u;o to .\i;'.ha!na A I’lill K mail tliaf is eoi’;! t“llt to take e'i.ir;;i* (if a Jol> of any exte Hell a l::an a liheral priee will l>e Ci9rd^ leil a severe lo« 1'y llic lire of tln‘ l2>l .laliiiarv. 1 am ._at ■ ill all til' • e >vlio ari It.iyineiit. ) :iy V iiat tiiey tialilo at I’.-r.ik. "f ilelited If the_\ ■an, either For : Als' . ( ;.|;K i.tt I. ^^llo is eoiii['i teut ]ilain j..l>. \leii ^ifstra'iy iia' its are re'i'iir lilaek will ausuer. Aj'l'lx at the 'i'. \N a'liiill. or to IM'll. to ,h> '1. Vi'hite or 'tore of .). \ Jaiiuarv 1, '.''.'r. i m 1 fi'er. nt kiini-' ly iii"ti‘ iie.ir’ ne. 1 I'l’.ee.- !■ .mm: i.e I'l rm t >il. it M inter Str.-.ine' SALi:. ■ iir.sii.incc of a l»eeil of'I'riist. the jirojier- on the Soilth J!ast earlier of the ('ourf ilouse S.|U;;re. kiinvii as Stuart's Hotel, will he sohl i;ii S.iliiiilay .lan'y li4. IS’iL’. with.mit re serve. 'I’hls (irojierty is eo'r. eiiieialy silualeil for a ll.itel or )'ri\ai-' h.i.udiiijr house. 'i'erm.' of sa'.e, V i Ja\s f .r u] ,iroveiI Notes at Kai.k. !' V of'ler i f 'I’l I'.stee. •\. M. C.VMl'l’.;:!,!,. .Vuet'r. l>ee. J-.’. la’s'll. oUts 2:il9 of Lots for Ta-jres. ('•!! r.'i^V r.l.V to :;n ( I’ller liy the ('oiirl of . VI. rie;; s .iv..! Jua i ter >esi-’iis of ('ii nilleriaii'i I'oiiiity. l\-e*-mlier 'I’erni, InOI. I will e\]iose to jo'.Mie sa'.". for ea>h, at tlie I'ouit lioiise in Fayetteville, on tlie 1st .^io;n|.:y in .Mar'.h ni'\t. the i'.ii'iou Iul: h't.'. or s'l. li j'.iris ;iicre *f as will }.,iy file t:. - ; ■ 'Iiie the t ^v. II of Fayette- \ille f'T IS.'ii. an l all aeeriiiii,:;- exi.eiisi'.'. l.ots ill t.'.wer Fayetteville. 1*. .Ma'.ilt.'liy. viiliieil yi'L’’). tax -rio i;;. 1 1,i.;i llay Stri. t, Neil l'..iy, 'laliie'l ^T’l t^.x 7-V 1 I.'t ..n !'. ;ivr Ilo'.i-c juari-. .Iii.i. Stow;irt, 1''. t'l\ > 'I'k L' l. i's oil Miiir, 111 an 1 iioliiiison Streets. .\il.nn \\ \ line, value.1 i. FF.M'.Ni;, Ci.llei-tor. l'a\ettev'.l’i'. I'eo. Tei'm, l.'^'l. -lil-tf No'f'K’i:. A” ]>er'-"!:s ’tl-.ileli;.' 1 to tlie .Slllis.-rilier ' t I .i.;nn iv_\ 1^ )1. are rejiiest‘-il to laill aiiil -elt'.e tliiir aeiMUnis. other- •\ uili I’ll I tk’ 111 in the 'uaii is of .m utli- V, .\i. i’. .'.!A!.i.i;rr. I'OIJ SAT.!:, Fine TiiriH.*ntiiii‘ and Tiir.k'r Laiids, 8ii 4 oniftly. 4 h .\’|tK'S adjoininp: the lamls of-fo- O .sejili Smith iunl William Tyner. Ttl'J Aci'i's adjfiiiiinL' tli«‘ l;nii!.s of AU“.\- aniler .MeIiityj-c, \\’illiaMi H. (iriiiisley, ainl Aii- jrns IJay. Acrc.s ill tl'o fork nf Kai’t Sw;iui]i an l I’antlier S waliiji. adjoiniirz the lands of .) no. IMiie, -Vrch'd Uine, Ai-eh'd .'smith, :iiil .Mrs. .\nsl(>y, lUi)() .Vc-rcs, (ii!i wliicli i‘s “ifn.it!'tl:r (‘1(1 Nornieiit mill seat, 'i !idjoinin;i the lands of >1111011 ( aMwell, K. 1^ 'ri.i_\ . all ! .)uniiis .Morissey. 'I'he ahove L.inds are p:enera!ly heavily 'I’itn- hcred. and tine 'riirpemine l.niiiN, Win;' on and ne:;r l.Mmh'-r Itiver. Thi^v will lie ,'jold in tr;u ts, and on .•icfommo- d.itiii;! terni' . rf.'Villiiini MeNeill, or It. 8. FKKNrn. I.iimlierton. I>ee. (i, l!S-'>l. 'i'in *%' iron CEVfiT MAM'FWTOllY. AT Vi'nM.i:sALi': AXi) h:-:tail. hvd " t M. h. S; i'nii 'a;i il .\d;lh, \. ,V. MeKF.TH W. '.lie liv . T. il. ,Iaii. J. 1; i 1' xoni I:. '■•rilier h: v'ni;!, at I»eei-!ii'i>-r T •riii. of till t iiurt of I'ieas and OiiaVter r the e'lUntv of ('iimlierk.nl. ijilaVl- 01,:> i:.^rA!n.isiiKi> TIN ani> siii:i;T-n:o.N .M \ Nri'.\ T(»K'i' i;FMn\ i01> to the Sou:h-F..ist (■ornt‘r ol Market SijU;'.re. re;;dy witli the i.vcei'r-ary iiKiehinerv .ind ni.iterials lor niakin-j IWtDRIMS .\n i to ilo all kind of w .ik of I'aetorii s. I i;' to FI N11, (i I 'i"! I.K I N» and all kinds of .It liini-N( t. done i.w short notice, and Sy ex- ]ii I il n I 1 V. or' nil n. I \ eon>tai:t s;qijily of TIN ke;it on hand. uii;f.-y M'-n liaiits lowe.iit NO'l'K i: iiin:-ni f'd Mi .liC \ N sii'.>eril .\ii Ti lial-.'l; Ir.’’uarv 1 - ‘'J. at 1! uri'm.’.ed liv r. II \ eon>tai:t at W iiole.s.de .and K illsine d at the 'Cl le sii'iiiiH letopv t.ri 1 n th i: i.-'i: XNliniAVS. lave, or hand n ^ener.il (ill-M’Fiin.s. liAi; receivo ..oi r.;I jile:ise mak« IZOS. \ :n H>u \ i;i:. \e II 'I..:!..' rim* Mt .111 iron, siiiir,! i.()\ 1:. 1; uuei w IN r 1: n i:)\ linSK Wllit 111!. Ui:*! iii- Sulvs'. n'.x'r still les to I'.irr;. mi the 1 .11>I Ni I :;y el te» ii !e. ;ihd his F.Mi'hrieu t. near Iv'de-'s I! \V.\1:F, 1; HIM iin II :te the I'a ■■t!.\i’le I! Fa't of .\les. r-i. II ii'.:h \ S rt'.a.ut of ••ili.ive ,\r'li. to '.'e them an 'Av. \i;i;. ( I vi.'.iiN till- k.\\i''t i :i'li ] I •h w i’l Ilf '•'lid t nis an'! at re iina ; iirn W .M. 'd l-’I. lit I ni;ii-_ VIM!;!:. o_'-llll rknien, mav I iniietetit and lalthlMl w ) riei" ei-ri ( sji' I'.'lii.^r '‘ilh the tiim";. a"^i rtn-ent ot N. riheni li.ade I'l Fi.M- di eted l.\ liinirelf. wii',-h w ill I.e sold Ivaliee. I I .r.\N KN Al. or lie h; ni; 1": rri!i.. 1!.!» it a virv liio'U'rate Nov. I". I^'ol. 1 ."III. T;o!\ lit mtiiii I e~. all 1 the It are lliNiti 1 to tl. •ks *■ r Si l-.iioN. e.i lem Jf.WlK.S .M.'.T!!F.M.\Ti > .irn tiier nrticli I’r" 111 the il V th P fr F ki '-| ' on li.iiid eU eeli'lirated Mii'i'Al.I.li' F.C U I .\ I. i'.X.'-M;: In ilir ,\:\W nf Kim i'aw Uistrii-'i liv last, n\ leteii lor tin I i ;ii;.r T'-rm ot (1 iii'Jii t iii\ 1. eliient:ir\ r.' nil nt.u \ le; I \ . I.I i\ !' S \ .'dl 1.1. leati Hid Tl iiu't r t. iii.t 'II ii.ifi i.all. .11.'1 ilowne.i't I'lok •itIM i'lV.. with iiiiet:v. in'% f I.viS’h. «! I ' irol; ij V. ar'l t'. anv ] K' s i;'! •!. 1'0\ .• and ;ii t' ' M. te. 1.1 I ine linn- r li;.-' '.ale ■ nl II ', .So lli.'it I > all I haia I rea- ui I w ritin ■li tirainiii ini'.I’l Kain : 1 and i-1 m.'trv ::i (I *)' III tin 111 aiiv ir^'t liim. r;;r. •M'ir r;;n'.'I.'0, > ?.I'VklL AND I '■ i:ie;it ;tT tlj It Tij‘ \7H0LESALE. riu*r. ll’iiri. n.il; '(■j!ial(‘ Si-riiiiiiirv. til la '1>I> ' n.rtr, s , i itin.u.'. F.asri'tan's iai'k-kt il I li'.nlj'e i,iitr\ I ir t 1 atin Les ( Ivid’s \let;iii|f,r]i1:oses. ('iiHeetaliea Kvaiiseliea. First (ireek Fir't .'•■ di'.ol i!e:o|.-j I’arUer’s .Se. i.irl Seh-iol I’ar'Kcr s 'I'liird Seliool lieader r.n ker's I'oiirth .•^eliool Ki .I'h-. P.-irker s Khctoi ira! ileadtr, .M.n iin'- (>th'ieinst. ’.vor'l- )iroini!i''i;'.tion. :hi n.i'.' I.irile Si.eal.ci M llii ' .imu.iean Si'faker, Nm ti.eii i'.' r houl Ma’.ojriies. \V;’,.ii 'i'.' I'i'tory of the Ciiiti. r I s riiiversal U’.story, Z.ii Ii.i’k -Nevv .Vnierieaii Sjujnker .\n\ of tiie above r.miks «.an be foun F.ookitore of K. .1. Hale S n, Fayetl -vine. J;Ul V 1. i'"'-- Ilf this old -iao.i:.:i i.i ,;f. al d is I’l-e ill .. . - an!'-* !'a:)!)iiiir. TSTST-tUlJ.) r^-,1.1 pared t I'i.ii mix iCiOlN th- lie.'ii thoi ll'J^il'.V I I . ,. .|ii I’ty a’ii! .-It . ha'e l an\ ivliere. new la III' i-.'ii fiirli''ii as ehiaji juu-e' ; No, th ii-iiit lu.r.s I-;. :-'i!(ir.hi:. ;f M1LLIM-:U\ .fVNTl A-M.\KLN(i f,; \V \'..TUN has just rettirned fr in the Il a new ;.ii.| I.eaiiiitill assor A iMtcr .M 1 M.l N F.llV. eon ilk. s.'itiii and velvi't lioiinets. ot var:ou-> I tin n.£Si teriuui" 1 tt) make t\ 1- ; n.’.’.t r l.iulf lliv- nu lit IXSl RANCi:. UiidefsiL''ned ha.s been m'lxiinted Aneiit -* of the North Carolina Mninal l.ife Insu rance ’>mi>any. F.very member for life piirtic- i]iates in the profits of the ('onn>any: iiiid the ;iiiiiual premium for life membersliip, where it iimonnt.s to >;;I0 or more, may be jmid niie-li.-ilf in i',Th. n»?(l the other halfiti a note at 1- jnont hs. l)ebtirM‘ live.s may be ini'ured by creditors. man niay insnre lii.s own life for the ('xchi.«ive benefit of bi^ f>imily. The live» of slaves ni.'iy be insured. 'i’his sys’eni i!5 rapidly growin" into favor, iil! over the civilized 'rorld. It is one by which :i familv, for a small sum annually, may be pro \iil*'d for, nfter the death of its head. t>ti wiiose exertion.'! they may have been dependent for >i siipjiort. It is a jrood inve.stment of money, even if one slioiild live lonir after taking'out a l/ifc Policy. Fxplaiiatorv pamphlets, and the iiecessarv ISlaiiks. funiished on applicatimi. 1;. HAI.K. I'ayettcville. .hine ISoO. 7- 100,{)(»() .\crt'S \’alu!il)le 1' ! M B 1: U 1. A N 1) S Foi: s.\i,K. Subscriber has purchased all the I-.ilids , _H ln luii;j;iii;z to 'Jiv F..-tate of .\bram Unbois. 1 de‘'d. l\iiii: priin ip.illy in Kobeson coniity. and i on b.ith sides of Lumber lli>t-r, tiie dit^'crent sur- vevs contaiiii;i)i Over lOJKOCU) Acres; A lar;re jia>’t finely Timbered, iind convenient to Liindier F.iver, wli'.'iv a L-iiyc (juaiitity of 'l im ber is now rafted to the (ieorp-town market. Tiu'sc I.allds are ve|-y vahl;lii!e both for tiic 'I'imber au-l Turpeutine, for which jiurpose a l;ir;:e )i;irt i.s well .-iiited. be;n;r in :i rejrion whei-e Tiie Turpentine viehis nioro abund.-intly th.in any other seetii.n of the State. The l.and.s w ill be Sold ;it a low juice, and in ijii.mtities to suit piiivdiasers. rniation resjcctin;' the title c ii>;i to the lion. F.obert Fire liimsrancc* ^1^11 K „KTN.\ In.surance (..'oiupuny of llart- ford, having'' j»aid th* tax impo.«ed by the Heveniip Lnxv of the late Lejrifilature, will con- titiiie its Ajiencv in Fayetteville, under the nianajreineiit of the iindersipied, who is pre pared to issue I’olieies of ln.sur:inee 011 Huihi- iiitrs or tioods, either in this 'J'owii or in any part of the State, on }>ropev iipp’icatioii, de scription of the I’rfipiTty, itc. The .KTN.\ CoMr.XNV lias been in ojierntion aliout oO years. Its capital is The lion. Tlios. K. llrace was its first President, anl he .still hoM.s tlnit oifice; and several of its first Iiirectors are still .active and oliicient mem bers of the l’>o:ird. Il has :it all times sustained the lii^hest character for the juiideiice of its manafremcnt. and for the liberality with vvhicli it has ever .•idjusted ith losses. K. II \LK. Aireiit. March 10, 15C.1, f.2-tf DAILY i:XPECTED; A (11'.N KK.VL assurtmeiii of r » O I’ L K S ’ TOOLS, of the best niauufaeturcrs’ make, by E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. LS IS'.l. Tra* Taft!! ^ rilKST VOl N«i IIVSON, J3L ] ditto (lunpowder, 1 (,'atty Imperial, For sale by Ci!.''. l!.\NKiS. Oct. -JS, 18/)1. * ol tf •Vcir Firm, Tlic unI('rsi:j;iu'(! huvc ontttrccl into copurtnersliip, imder the iiaiae nud style of ilALL it SA(’KKTT, lor the i>iirp(jse of doinR n Dry Ooods and Hardv.-ire Ittisiness. ainl have t>ik'M the Store •"> doors Kast of the. Fayetteville r-'- HEIJRIETTA LIKE OF T*. r^Srnisi asEil iXoalw, A r. F. all in excellent order for bii.siness. Our Tow llo.-its have been recently rep.-iired and iii.ide "ood a.s new. We have .also added a //i/r Flat for low water, and w«dl adajited to the servici!. She will carry Too bbls. merchaitdize, and draw oti\y 20 inches water. 'I'hose f'avoriii;r us with their patroiia;,re. may exi'cct as jirompt and cheap service in every jiarticular as anv other Line can offer. C. 1>K\!IN;. Pres't. 11. M. OHiiF.LL. Airent. P. r.'.Z.M'X. .Airent at M'ilminjiton. F.'ivetteville. Dec. -^1. ls.->0. .'lO-tf be ob- ■tranjre. Smith, Ksii,, Ini tallied Hon. .las. Dobbin, or A. T. I .\tt"rne\ s at Law.) 1 uiidei 't.ind there are many trespassers on these Lands, to all of whom notice is hereby "iven. that the law will be cut'orccd ajiaiii.'t all .'llldl olfeli.lcls. Api'li. atimi for any )iart of the Lands e:in be i made to myself, or to .li.hn NVinslow. Lsi|., who | i.' diilv authoii.'scd to make sale ot the same. . Tiios. .1. cLirns. AV//’ fVr;/t tV Ac//' L'lvcnj Hotel. An^'tirt ‘Jf’i, .1, IL HALL. A, K, HALL. T. M. t?A( KKTT. 16tf t'l T U; V EG ET ABLE Fayetlev i'.le, N. Sept. 1. L'-'L"). WAN ri:i). ri'.tf mI)00 ft. .\slic Luiiil er fi r \'>’a"otis. 1 to C iiiclies thick. It. Se:i.'i.ncd O.-ik Lunibi'i-. 1 j- to :! inches. Ill'”* ft. White O.ik and Hickory, for .\xletrees. It'Oiift. White O.ikfiir Tongue.*. Polsters and Shifts. liKi p.-M ();,k litibs. for 'arts .•md W.ijrons. :Jti(iii .''■piiki s. For V. hi-, h the l.i-hest ca.sh price will bo pnid. .\iiplv .'ooti to I.. I LLl.KK. \\Liy 1'.'. 1S'>1. lux^K niNi)i:uY. \V. H.MIDIF. has resmncil the I’.ook li « • Ilitidii.L'' i‘iu>iness at tiie new .''t "re next Mr. 5!ea ^h'V. .lewelier. v. liei'e he will ri-- ut»' bindiii'.' in anv stvic ih'sired. J7tf d'li.r t ceive and ex AllLMlSt 1. Fi'k's whli h have been l.;-lily reci.i.iiiieii'h’d b\ \« illie P. 'Vili;xi.in. l!cnr\ rki'.. Lew-' as;. \'ii». 11. Ki’ij;. I’. 1 many otiier iniistrimi'J (diara-. t'-rs, who li;r. e examined and witiies'' d their utility. * ►!«* ’ioilh Ai’.i.v, SiiKMWi.i.1. ’“• h iv‘ jost ri'- ci-hel .1 sp!eii'li'l as- .rtnient of S,i/riii w .. black aii'l .ir-y, to which thr_\ woii'nl c.ill the att-tition of lii» )-ublic. These froods will ,^i;i,pete in itUailtV aT: 1 durability \.'.;h the be>t Ilf Northern ('as'iniei.'s. and are niiicli cheaper, "inj; frotti ceiils lo ^1 'J'* I'er _\ai d. 1 ;iyftte\iile J fivCeltie .yjiTiiK'ls. a' j.n servi '1 ;imoii^ the Hi;.:h- l iii'lers. beiiiL' an histnric.il an 1 d( Si ripti\e ac count of the inh.:bit.Ill's, arui|uit'.es. and na- tien.il pei u’.i.iritii s of Sc..tlaii'l, by '•all, .lust voi.'cived aint lor sab* bv 1:. .1. II \ I.K :i l.ir^re and well se- « ^ 1: :in* Ti'tw rc riviii;x V ^ lei-te.l Stock of BUY ^i001>S, (■omprisiii;.! e\« ry « t'clc visually kept in that line, t' -ether w ith iTjO C’ast's Hoots aixl Shoos, and 4"a]>s. —ALSO— well selected Stock of M,S eiS9 To all of which we invite the attention of Mer- cl'.aiits of till- interior, who will tind it to their interest to cxaiaine our .'■tock belore niakinjr ' their purchases. \\ i* will not bo iindt'rsoKl b\ anv one doinir bii'iness in this ]dace. ' ■ HALL >v: S.M'KLTT. Ail'.nisf _ I'itf Cr. 3ianiitact>rv. '^IlF riidt rsifrned havln;' formed a Copart nership to carry on the ' Livery Stable Bus'ncss, I lle?p»'ctfiilly inform the citizens of Fayetteville and the Pulilic generally, that they can be ac- 1 comniodated on reasonable terms with at such times as they may wish to hire, by ap plying to the snbsi'riber.s. as they are wtdl ]irc- I pared to cany mi the Itusiiiess. havinjr refitted ; and renewed the F«tablisiniient. with the addi- ; tion of some fine Horses and nc^v Vehicles, and I are satisfied th.it they can jrive satisfaction to all who may wish to hire. \nd therefore call mi them to jrive ns a. trial. .1. W. FOWKllS. i:or,HKT it];(jiisTLU. Sept. IS. is.'il. --‘y uoirr. .Mnx ni'J-L, .,!/• y'.i.- JiDir, (ii/i'rsjiir: f Has .ilways on hand a supply ol IJacoti, ToliaciMi, Fl.uir, Sii^'ar, Cuffi'O, 'JVa, .Mula.'.^os, S(i;ip, (’aiiijli s. Cotton Yarn, Shcotin;.'s, (’ntU rv, ('inckery, ;:inl (jlas.-waiv. —.\LSO— .V larjre stock of Foreiirn and DoniC'itic Ll- tjrolL'^. ei.ibracin;.r Western .-iiid N. Whis key: French. .\]']de aiii’t Pi‘:n h llr.indy: .l.imaica and N. K. ll'iKi; Holland (iin; V, iiies of diticrent kinds. All of which have 'loen pnrcba.sed low for Cash. Those wishiii: to f.urchasc will do well to call before juirchasin^ elsewhere. Nov. 1, IS'il. N'oliniii's roui'l uitli ho !«ave ^»crmuuo*.tIy I bAoll NOl'iC 1:. ,, A r r, ,.,.,sons indebtcl to the sub.scribor for ‘ ; A l...rchase.l at Floral College, arc re- 1' ■ e ^ , V 1 j ii'.iiiiediate pa \ menr. eith'-r to ^ I Mr. Hiiph .\'c.\rn iii the iieijrhborhood or to' hilii*-;; If ill Cherav.. I D. n. .Mi-.\!>N. I Ciieraw, Dcc. :^o, I.s.')l. 60-tt i 5'ii'iv E^oS!ar^ SCrwarJ. MAC INTV UK'S STOPiF. wa.-, bt'oken I open on I" riday niixht, l*ivli Dec., inst., and a i|iian'ity of Dry (mods, iltlery arel ali- dies St ile.’i thi'-iefroni". The aliove reward will be ii:ii'l to any persi.n that will ;iive such exi- deiici.' ;is will con\;ct the jiarties ol the bienk- Kllibi.iiS and Flowers ■••Ilf le 1, :i.-: L' .- aii'i i.r the tTMc! where rtali'.e dwe'l;ii;r an 1 V and jiri.'t lin'd, the s; nlerity of {:'>od tim- makiu.^ Turpentine— it'ain I to 5 miles of a ' kill.I cleared, .some ’1, and a lar;.t.* body, pia.it; new I Ion tl i n.-: vet .NLintilias and Ci W ‘ i t (’ 1 i ^ ‘ i \ ! 14 i ‘ * 1 i ^ ^ \i aist* tivlai!. J. M. 'pc'-tfii'.ly infi.rm the ]iublic thi.t he h:;' n'tiiriie l recent ly fi-oi!i New Vork, with dicidediy a lar;ze as- ^..^lnlent of 1*3 • and •f’ir’(rt/, Manv of these \\ .itcdn s w i re bmifrht for C.VSH VllK P.VCK.V'il-. and c.in therefore be s(dd -.erv !.:w. He l'.;is W atches of all kin.l,': Chains. Kc\s ;iu'l Seals of all kind' and «.f the latest s:\le-: Fin?' r iCIIL''. Lar-!!in,L;s. Me.lallions. of all sizes, of Lii'jlish and American ni.ike: La dies' Cliatelaiii.’.-: CiPJ Fins: Collar and Sleeve iittmis: Shirt Studs; Cold .''pec tael is. li;.:ht and h('aw; CoM Pens and Pencils; C-.M and Silver Thiiiibles: P.rnilets; Silver Fruit and I'.uttei- !\ni\es: Silv. r Si.ooiis of all si/.es; lar;re lot of k.et (11!: r\: Sci'sm-^. best (luality: liiitton- 1 hole Sei.'sm-s. .surveyor s ('oiiipas.'se.'; and ( haiiis.' : Mathematical Instruments; lar;re ijiiantity (d ^ fiiK' and conini(iii Pisto!': fin‘ and common .'.in- j >r!e ami double-barrel tluiis: Ci.ime l-a-s; Shot lielts .111 1 Pow ’.I !• I’lasks: f j'Mi!', .'■’Subscribe]- Viaviti'r taken the F.'tab'.ish- .iL nient of the late ,\. C. Simi son, (situated opposite W. .McIntyre's Store.) intends carr\in;r on the C'arria«j:o MaiiuractHriii!! I’lisiiM'ss In all its various brancliLS, and would respect fully SiiVicit a share of the public ].atronape. liaxiii'j: had consi lerab'e ex;>erience iii the bu'ii.e'-, .ind !ia\;r.- been emp:"ye'! iii_ soiiie of irk OK r»o.Vii:, fS now reccivinij: his P'all SI'IK K of (i()(H)S, consi.stinii of a 'Ti'iicral ass'rtment of i)rv (Joods.^Saddlcrv, llats.C'aps, Slu)('s. n.'irhvar*. (Imcorit.'s. .\ niiicli larj:* r ami more ireiieral stock than I.vi-r op* l ed I'll tlo I'.TI'I .':•:■■■ of the ( Mpp Fe. r uhich he i- ].rip; rcd aiel d. term'med t i '*11 1-1 punctual cli'Ii'iiii IS. cilhtr al uhobsale or retail, at '.rtally rcduccil pricts. l -C 11*' v.'ould l all partieuiar aneiiiii'ii to ii:s stock of LIMITS AND SlIi.H'S. The .•,'.irtniei.t i i*^ unusually lar;j‘e. jind «d e\*. ry ijiialit_\ and ' plx le: .‘ind havinjr bi'cn bmi‘;lit lor ('ash, he c.tn I and will sell them very low. Viui that wish I!arji;iins »ill find it to your ' interest to j:i\e the Stock an exauiination before j Luyii'.ii else'.vhere. i Alw.ivs i.ili hand, a n-eneral stock ol (IlKX'F- ' ' ! Oct. IS. IS.M. oJtf ,M illtarv 111- aii't ! nnnii'n; issortment of f i';iii- I. ilid. t'llerably Well I 00 ( ape Fe.ir e ot .•ii!ti\ati"ii. •e V;.', u. 'l Ui ver. These years n*.;'> I. 'i»"iin til ■li .t -u- T!i k will' , - t!.i . tion of the 1 • -■ .i;i'l.' \ery vnlua- .■ Uivi r may s!iip their leir b'lrn doors. ■ h l.inds .ire oll'erod for i‘ Faveftevilh* an'l Ha- n e-Ini'.ileted to Low^'r •e hiii'N within 7 t^ B I’d (^iti very e.ifv ati'l nc- tiit' su>.s'-riber inten'ls • II, who are ;Lb'iiit to re- 11!• ni l' bo found at ,i,l;r itimi ' I him, or J. .11 \ !i(- ■ xaiMine'l bv any nel Limn;.'.'- l'.;iiri'Oine Dri'SSes ;r Dres.se-! made in the wise Mantillas and Cloaks. .1. •ts of diil'i-reiit ('ollars aii'l of Kid Cloves; ••iii'I c'e';-nit ' Triiiiniiii,^-^. ol tk'" most i:i'h- .‘i!; l a f"vv li.'.ii'l'ome Dress P it- 1 :'.ii'i iilain sil’k M ini.Has: vd- a new styli' ol Puiii- , of all colors: and a Flowers and Head ■‘'I clndiii'i: the Lass Drum and the sn'alh'-^t Liitton; e:\tia P.ows: Fliiti s. ( kn ioiicts. M.i- ordeons. of all kinds .iiid sizes: Mu- I'erfunury; Soap; Father Lrushes; ^^tro]";: Dressin;;' aii'l ■ket ('onib.‘-.: in^' and Dec. : Vitf M.F.N \ND IIJ.IA.MS. Ov- 1 w fUl DKM/S R!:iH)!rrs. J SI’.'ST P'lbli-^hcd. Vol. lli Law, and V(d. 7 j K.piitv. Price V) and These arc , small volmr.es, in coii.«eiiuence of the Ik'portcr ma!:in;i new arraii^itemeiits I'lr ptiblishiii". j Uuund vo'.s. exc'!iaii;j:ed for Nos. as uual. , £. .J. lI.VLi; .'t SON. Dee. 10. IS.-,I. i^iaiits and 'rrc'rs. gl'ST received, a lot (if I’L.V'TS ,;i; I T!: amon;' wdiieli are a few hundr'.'l Lver- ' greens for lled;'es. Many Plants are now in Llooni, whi' h v.nl make handsome presents, j C. LC'i TLIll.f IL rv'>\r:’,n st. 1 .Mso, Flower Pots, l.'.idics’Steel Spsides, IIoCJ. i &c. Another load of Lindlcy's Fruit rees. Dcc. 22, H''l. * Oct. I 1. iM ! vl (’urncr of l:ite.«it st^li': 'like- :;0-:’,in f^lSSON i-'* tensivi ^1 woiiy, Ndrth and Miiiuiiiierit Sinrls, f.>Ii:S. \ Pi.\I!U» liaviii;^ completed tlicircx- works. (which is now one of the r}; st estiibiisliiiients of the kind in this coiiii- tiy. , are prepared to iill all orders in their line, vi/.; Mantels. Moniinieuts. Tombs, C.rave !»tones. Table Tops, Tiles, (for floors.) 'larbic Kettei’h, at as reasonable rat‘S as cir.i be had in this or any other city n tiie I nioii. I’.ir heauty of exeeuti'.ii aud orivrinaiit" of de sign, thvir stoek c I'.iieit I'j surjiiisscd. I hey W'.nld respectfully i>.'-it--' Aril-:!■ r'>. Ctihii A Mtih-rr.i aii'l oth'-rs to call and tixaiuine b-forc piireli:',siii;j:. They are also pn p:ired to iiu-.iisii the trade witii Slabs, Lbxdv.s, iCc. to or- der. : Ml oiiiL-r'- by laail j.t’.nc!Miuiv attend'Jil • :v-lm \ iolins an. irc'ilet', -\c sic Pioxes; ll.i7.''is aril. , I'l.ited :ind r.ritaiiiiia V.are; :iiid v.-iii'U’s i.ther iiilii”S too te iioiis to eniimeiMte. .■/'■Call and irive me a trial. Cash paid for old tJ*'ld and .''liver. A’l'( II KS aud .Il-.WKI,IIV Itepaired. ttvrilli’, A^. of Miij f.-'t Siniiirf’. 12-fim] ■ ' . JIS-:ai'SB, the most extensive I ;.'tablishments in Ne\ ! :iiid New .lersey. he ikitters hiiiiself tbat he can j irivo silli&lartitvU. ) ! lie Av;irr;iii^s Jill Iiis to inufli* *»| the ; 1 best ni.iteri.il the siirroundinjr eoiintry alb.rds, j i and li\ experienced workmen; •■•tid slimild any I of it tall, either in material or woi-km.in.-^h ]). in twelve luoiiths froni the time ot its delivei v. he will repair it free of ch.irire. Ill^P\lI!lN(i 'lone in the neate.st and be^t manner, and at the lowest possible prices. A. II. WillTFIKLD. Fayetteville, Feb. Tl. lN>(k _ 'I'O (’Ol'lHKN l>i.\N'rKiiS. tii:( i;s cotton i:A(a;iN(.:, 7.-, coils U''p>, •JtiO lbs. Twine, Just received and for s;ilc clicaji. by PF.TLll P. -lOilNSON. •Auirust Di. L'-'-)l- ^ KJNC and ,\. McMlLL.VN haw entered • into coi>artner«hip in the Distillery of Turpetitine. anil have erected a Still on the We^’t side of the Fayi tteville-ind Western Pl.ink Hoad, S miles from Favvtteville. .N. K1N(L y;.;v '.i._71tf A. McMILLAN. F. wi'h to V.uv 20,0(MI barrels TTtr]>entinc. KINti .S: McMILLAN. r.b W nc:\tly (^oriii'r P.i: ASLF.Y. rHlinS LjNL of I.O.VTS isstill in siiccess- XL fill operation on the ('a}ie I car Uiyr, .iiid continue to oli'er iiiaiiy facilities to tiie saipping pii>)lie. I’erson.'? patronisin'r this T/ine. may rest n.'’- sured th.it their (Joods will >.e bro.irht np with dispat'.h, anl at the very lowest r.-itcs fil freip;ht. \ W. S'I'F.LL. President. T. S. Li TTFP.LOH, A ei.t at Fayetteville. I '). 1S.'>'. NO ricj:. steamer Chatham will leave thi.« place EL every .Mmid.iy and Thtir.sday at 1 o dock. A. M.. (in'steail of'.I u'l'lncU as at ]>re.seiit.) cuiii- menciii.'i at 7 o'clock .Monday loth inst. Time of le iviii'jr Wiimin^iton. every 'I’uesday and Fri- ilay at - o’cbick P. M. .)NO. D. WILLL\MS, A^'ent t'ay.e Fear Stcaiiib^iat Co. r.iycttcville, March o. l-el r.KSSOXS IN .MTSK'. fH. AVH1T.\KKH ironld rcspectfnlly in- A • form the citir.ens of Fayetteville and vi cinity, that he has a^'nin comuienceil "iyinp: Les- .sons'iin the Piano Forte. He returns bis thanks for the liberal patronape heretofore received, ai;ii humbly soli.'its a coTitinnance of the same. \11 pains .shall be taken for the advancenient of ano otiu-r (’arpeliiiirs, I his pii])i:s. i. No. 1 Herrinir. n't •• '• ■) .Mackcnl. loo I Hay. ]«HI Pieci's Cotton P.a;rjrintr. ! .■>0 foils Uope. j :200 |,bs. Twine. ;!0 Hhds. .Molasses. Hhds. Fair Siijrars. ."lO Ikiss I’io Coflee. With .Vlum .iiid Sack Salt, and Croceries zen- erallv, for sale ut the lowest market prices, by .JNO. D. \MLLIAMS. Anirust It. 18')1. L.tl ~ KANAW a"v ~ t^UOil the subscriber, at his residence, on the Sfh inst.. his two Ne^ro -HM I and PKTLP.. .lini is of a yellow c:ist, •'> feet 4 ) or inches hiiib, sijii.'^re biTdt, intellijrent. about i ’J1 ye.'irs old. and weijrhs about ]-•> or 1-iO Ibs. I Peter is about the s.ime aire, •"> feet S or 10 inch es lii^b. bla.-k, with a down look, thoujili plca- j sant,^and wcijrhs 1-V, or D'lO pounds, f will I i-ive ^I^oO for tlieir apprehension nii'l lod^iiH^it ! Tn anv .Liil so that 1 iret them, or ^40 for their ' deliverv to me at niy residence, or halt the .'i- bove reward for either. 1 think they ate ma king their way North. . “ F,. C. W'.THrA, Reedy Creek, Marion Dist, S. 0. Dec. 1'.. NI'AV FIKM. IHK undersipcncd bftve enttrwl into copart nership, imder the name and style of ija%vrence A: Trov, For the ]mri>o)»c of doiiifr !» ^ncral V«'rcantilc Hearth I!t:jrs, l*rup:f;ets, rnnib-i lotlis, 1 i.mo and 'I'.-ible ('ovcrs. I'or sale by Vyn.LIAMS, Nov. .'v. L'”1. T Distriietioii also «ivcn >u tbe tinitar. fttrT" Pianos tuuc'l and rep.iired in the licst | :Tncr. L. H. WHFl'AKKR. ttf I luunncr. .Vusii't -L 1P->0.’ and Pcirter business. 'Ve have taken the Store. No. HXiHF.KN STttLLT. formerly occuj.ied by Mcssi'b. John Huslie S Soti. C.KO. 'W. LAWI?LN('L. .H'HN V«. TllOV, .Ir. Oct. nil-, .'idST I'Oi’t t-.VIl FAMILY IdEDICINE O K T It K A « K ! |isd liy I'liysiciiius of lliili StHiidiiij;. bin'K.U.S remn\e nil nu>i?»il prcivtittns* ptji'jlv t’lO ^ivut loiJ** and a fo the e or^aiiK. loriily the system ai\ • can l»t* taken u ilii >:al»fty. m uo tiiiiu tlebili- the to the most c:iie stoiimrh. anti romJiikahle f*»r tlivir choerii'ifj iii\i^f'i.ttiitji- stu iij^tht-iiiiifi, autl e anl ill invnlu;thle ai*l sure refitc-i\ I'or l)V!irr.FSi\ I\ ITS M OllST FOiniS. (.ivor I I Hi! jil;f ill l'. -I'fOi M.l in'. lli‘?irlliiiin. ( o^- tivene.is, Kaintncss. l)i'in.l.T>i ot tin'.skin ami l.ivcr; l.os ol Aiii'eti'e. b>w Siiiitii. .Neivoii* lleHilartiB, l iili.ilalioa .it till' lli'ait. SinVinK nii.l l iill- ne'r ol U i i..rlit lit Oie St.mia. l.. aa.I nil ollii-r iti«c.Me» r-.xi'tfit l.y im iun'mi* >tii.ic ol lli** t.U'o.1, liver, etc.,' wliu'li leii.l U> ili'ViiliiJiiv ami weiiLeii the kj hlciii. F K >1 \ I' S WliO su(fi.r fieiii s nioii.i.I ami iiiiiintiiral condilioii will tind this Mo«iicinc of INESTIMABLE VALUE. In Al I »'»■ of (JKNKK \I. I)KIJILIT\, lliis .MeJi- Ciiie ,V J'S I.IKK .4 Il.Mt.U ; THOU'SArrss l!aro to«te«l it oIIica«\v. thoii«H!Ml« r»rr» now ; aiul not OTIO M»li?ar\ lift*. \ et ie|»oi l« fl. r**ri»rtcaies of those I' III O' 1. C;iU «n the .Ipent, aud Rft a Pi*S?:nXT, I tiiitaiiiiiiK the criirirat«- ot i;i-mio!>a?il.' a!i»' anit t\it* in w Uu*U tui'; N l.-lu by the I'liblic I're^is—can l>e LhU of the !iee JTtT- Large Quarts $1; Pints 50 Cents. Sold l>t/ nil Iht Prinripal ItrnsL'it'Is lu the ' t'liitnl StnUs mil/ CuiiikIiis. PriBCiiial Office, Iii KL I.T^.V ST., .N Y . nj>'trJr* For sale l.y ?. J. HIN.SD VLK. Noveiiib»'r S, It'-'il. "'"y s roi^viTv:. J V. have coniniodions brick ari l.onscs in the rear of onr .''tore, in which we store cotton and other produce. D. W. McLAi r.IX. Not. 1, If^ol. :>i-tt ~ i)( ).M i:stTc 8. H" ITTLF Itiver O.'tiaber^rs: ami -1-t B A ' iiei :.lv;l\.- on h;*l d. all'l I'l sale at r:iel..l\ l.rii-i'. !•' .-T.UtR .V WlLI.IA-'Ifr. J line 7. 1 .''ol. -’it ih:s!m:iuan iiaui% fC 51 V WilliHin Hoii.- r. or Ceo. A fiirilii r ,-ui>- pl\ of this new .Music Jlook, with patent notes, just reeeiv»'d. Also, liirther snj'plics of tin? Iioston .Vcaih'tiiv'f> t oll*,‘etioti; ( aiiiiiiia Sa cra. \c. iVc. i:. J. HALE Sox. I 'ec« niber •'>. 1 1. A crooi) INVKSTMLNT. f Snbscriber wishes to »oll otie-balf of _i«- the Fayetteville Water V.drV?. Neither oi the present proprietors tiavinj; time to pive iheir pcrs-'Tial attention to the pve'icrty, the ;>>iv-.'Laser can have tb.e Tiiaiitiger.ient of it. nia.- kinjr it ;i ^,'iluable invi'stnient. L. .1 H \LL, Oct, 1, 18ol, ^iprisi^: nitci SiiiiiiiieB* -S3 ^ C5 »w«r .b • COSTLMi: HALL, i'nnur J'ratt i^frrf’t niul Viiitn- jlnrhd Si>n,-r, BA L TlMOllK. fKlHK larjrect and lest stock of r.LADY- M\DK Cl.OTIllNO ever offered in l>alti- niore. Dress. Frock ati'I Sack f OAT '. .t11 co lors, (i-.ialities and .size?, from "'O t-i S.", and upwanls, I’.VNT.M.OONS at s-1 to n;{ r,0 ami upwards, eniliraewi^ .nil st\;es oi i.‘.nc\, plain anl }ilaiii Cas“inieres. \ F.S'l S ui" every v.ariety at eorresj.ondinjr prieis. Also, a larjrc nssortin«*nt of lloy.'s' Cl ithmT. Importing our own Tiuhs ilirect from Liircjio, ;ind niannfacturiiij: on the most extci;sive .scale, enables n.i to oflVr indncements to pu; rh: .*r8 not to be siiriiassed l>y any Clothirj. Il.s^ bli.sli- nu'Jit in the I'nited Stat* s. Tlic jiroj rieti >s are 'letermined to make the Wholesale Lo' ms the jioint of great attrnctifin, an'l have riou mndo up more than -V.OdO C,Alt>ILNTS. Irr'.n the finest (iiiality to the lowest in pric'. Ir\ '.lie Cnstem DejiartiiH-rt w.ll a’.v.ays bo fottn'I ttie cnoice't se!ei tir;r! of CLOTfl.''', C.X.*^- SLMLUKS fin.-l VKSTlN'iS. i^hich ^^Il! l e niaje tip at the sliorter^t nofiee. an l in the !nti : t style, and n tit j.lwa\s pll^.^«nti^r^. j^i'f-'The one price hysteni‘•trictly adl.(,red to.' Hemcniber the nnnie and (i'.;ic'. ;. ^ Corner I’ratt si, am.1 Centre Aiarket Sjite.?. II. H. COl.F, 0^ CO. Augiifil l-’», 1 J-yopil .’(EX B ^ * Sn’Vl.V .-f Fre:-*b (irmu.d COHN MK.vL kept for f'al.' Ut the Mill. Inte .’nderson’s. (Ir'mdint' «f Honiiny .ind Meal (lone ]';i aiptly. FHyettevill**, March l**'i1 IJIf Xl>1AN ACS. rgll’KN KIC.'' N'ot th Cnroliria. at.d 4- Fiirmeis' and I'huitir-' .\L.M.V.'- '* S, jiitft received and i'or sale, wb*>1«..H>i!o mid retail, hy T. riALi: .“c

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