at that ganip out of si^ht. — !■ ' load in this ninttor, I to know \vlint j KKMAliKS OF .'Ih. STANLY (*v C. it menus. It tiu* tl»:it (m'ii. is Oil liii' to ai.iu.iiit 11 ('•.miiiiuce to re- with tlioin, l>»t Gov. Soward will beat him ciitf wclcoiii*; Kt»f«sutli. TiitkT a r.'S'ilutimi of tht; Ilvnise, no iiH-ml'iT coiilil s|H‘:ik loiijriT tlian fivo min ute.'- iia tlii; sul'jcct. .'\lr. Sta.m.v moved to ainond flie nw- Inlion l'\ aidiiij; tlin. to tlic rull.ns iii^: “H»‘silv (], 'I'lrtt, in ;c! >])tinir this rt'.'iO- S''lutioj>, this lliiuso Jofs Ji'»f I'olii've that ^ L-iuis KosMitli, II >M_v strufT-Iiiig i» Whalf *, j to do all that courtesy ■ f hi.- (>i |.n ss.. ! c 'Uiitiy, Iia.s given hisap- ^ rt‘niir*'s towards Knssiith; hut it is due t> in..bati>u to i«r h.•^^ :tii\ syuniathy with the jjj,,, tliat his name be ut>t allnwud to ap- abolitioiiist'i. who. in a C'iiiv«Miti.iu nceiit- as saiictidiiiiiif tin- wi>he.s ot Iv held in I’cfMisvlvauia. (at whieh an ad- po unworthily, are willing to injure dnss was di livfn*d by «>ne of tin-in« iiil‘ei> jjj|„ rive themselves some poor advant- ot‘tills '■ with a wi k;il (b.sri'j:ard of th-- ohiigatious of thi.-eon.-tiliition and l.iws ],y ,j(, nioaiis free from danger, of the hind, procdaimed fli.;t they syinpa- havcbctn made within a year to invade tlii- isl:md of (’uha. in i)o.^.sc»iou FROM TlIK L1TFR.\KV WORM>. A CLEKRWL VIKW t»F CALIKOUMA. BX KKV. PAXIKL B. WOOI>«. ' fryjiig-pan is our only cooking utensil, tn ' this one of the company—who leaves work i bofi>re the others for the purpose—fries ?padc answers very use cotfoe wifhotit sugar, bread with- , . , ,, , • L. somc pork, which is rancid, and then, in o- , A the fat, fries some flour batter. After it is Not only in Pennsylvania, but in Ohio, a thing of an anomaly under «’>> «t c whirling up, m;m Wring the name of Kiukel is collect- cum.stances than the wonders of tlie t all- ^ . ?n«' inotiev, anti asserting that he intends furnia excitement, to'aid in abolishing slavery. T Ii-->ve .«een gver, played some strange s. veral of the Ohio papers publi>hing the ,-i;,l order, and it b i.roeeedin-** of meetin-s in whi. h the fact for the priest and the sinner, as |-,„M.vlvr,m n„J „.0ll fm- .l„- jud^» auj the ^,| vhu.t'.r, bv LMubbing tnircllu'.r in the tint ol tne > I l..,ve onlv time to add. Mr. Chairman, Saei'amento for what is theoretically held Here is an illu.stration of the advantages ^ ' - f. be the root of all evil, and j.rae-tirally of g.Kni fortune over industry. soudit afti'r, as the »umnnnn lx)nnm of hu- j i.rcK 15KTTKH Tll.\N lNr)i\'5TRV. man desire. ."^Ir. Woods is a clergyman, ‘ “A young man of rather indolent hal>- and wont tf> the f'alifornia mines with pick its, and witlnnit the jierseveranee and ap- aiid shovel to dig fur gold, lie was for plication wliii h, it would bo suppo.sed, are >i.\tern m iiiths, during the years of l ''4i) neee.ssary to in.sure suecess in mining, hap- and .lO, a praetical miut r, and adds his pcned into a valuable claim. Hiring a tcstimonv to that of others to the trials nian to aid him, he took out, in six weeks, and sulfi riiiL^'^. t!ie flnel nations of success ^l.‘)OU. Near him was a company ot six asked Mrs. Ix;c, in a low, bnlf-fdietked| Sfokts Coal.—We have reccivoJ aj \j •; voice, for tiie sudden changc in the girl’s speeimen of mineral coal from the lands of [ Walcll and .Jevvj'!..- William 3Iafhews, Ksq., five miles cast of i j rj \jii i i-i, *“'* Gernianton, which, so far as looks is c«»n- cemed is cfjnal in quality to the Deep, fi n,,,] jjj' manner had affected her. “O, yes, ma’am, very badly. I left Mary wrapped np in my thick shawl, and a blanket wound all around her feet to | river coal. It has the appearance ^f 1 ^ ">"l h,,, f. 'if #1 abettors. ‘We have no coal. It was to buy coal article to market inny not be airorded by f*! f.>i- ti.- wij that I wanted the money.” ' the Dan river as by J^cej. river. Mrs. liee struck her hands together, ami thize witli Kossutli in lii> •‘Ii'T.-u- dt\o{;oti to the o//r>>'l"r>U an 1 exprc.-ed the lu‘|K‘ that hi." heieulejin lal>or> in thi> bi'- h;ilf would i-on biee 'o tin- ovnthrow of !i|.|ir.-siiiii, not in Huniiniy ulone. hut in t/ir and tlu-'-nghotit the w irld.’ Mr. S. s.iid: I am L’’l’id t ' '-eo tint some trcji'l' ui u ill this part >f the ll' ii'e ;ne s .tislied vvitii re>nb;tii.n, and I hojie that thev w.l! v 'te for it. 1 'htill imt vote f..r tlu“ H 'ohition of the gentleman fn'in (; .'Ir. ';.r:‘' i , a.-^ it ii'-w .■'tan!s. 1 wish to do all that the cduntrY ri-tjUires. Hut Wf iiave had no opjcirtunity i f pre- «iiiting o\ir views up>)i> ttiis tjnestion ol national int'-rvention; ai;d thi n again a (ieinund has I,i eii inadt', in a solemn f>i !ii, t.i give to L )uis Kossuth the aid and in- fiuei'ci of the abiditioii society. 1 ha\e regardi-d hi.' mo^.enu uts with a gnat (•f iiitere>.| s^nee hi." arriv.:' in tlii' (oun- trv, and I het n liere wli !i flic* n-'olu- tion of wclei iiie from the n:i'e w ^ j:i'.'->d I ha\e \e‘td f.T it. Sim. til n i h.i\i- li III niy : y opeiii 1, aiid I thii.k it s t ine for t very nvU luun her , e-1. eially fii*i;i the Sonrlieru cuutry, t.' p -i'e ,111(1 -ee w liat tilt V are about. .\"W. !:■ k :it fill' f t f rhing >n tli-' fi '.ir. \\ ho :,r-i tlie iiio-t >tri nu"i;s and I'll. 111.'-^t in a iv'Katiin: fiii' rt -i.iurinn! — \\ li'i iiiii.'t ;ir.i« nt in vio| it::ii5 all ruli-. aii.l then ' iiiftinioni.'U'ly talkini: f g' 1 b li.ivi-'Ui'.' [' :li> ie :ti! .•il '.i.ri "ii-^t h. iv who is not u: nr in «lem t-d'' g t!i it I. ■!;- is K -urh l>e pii il, 1 a hn>- U 111 thi> 11 ;l-e'.'' 'I':!, h '11 T.lhle Wl' lli- h. r tVoni )li!.t, i ,^lr. (rui'iinL's, ■ aii.l tli'-.-e ti'om liU'ef;'. M ' r-. .'i inn and I’ant 111!, ai: 1 ■>i!u rs, ar.- ne e.iii! 'T in al.ini;: t ' 'l.-bate an.l w. 1."iiie K' s;;th. t >iie -f the n liti’ill'11 tr. ni .^bi' a- ( liu..-etf>. who sir- lu-ar iii.-, .Mr. IJantonl. ha> sai'l Kossuth is a '’St ito-riL'hf- man." A lu w idea ■ .f State riuht-! 'I'haf - ■iitlemaii ;itt..iiii .1 his jtr^ >. ut p isiti' i! I y iii.s oj.p....ifinii i.( t!i.‘ t.l'_ilive .'l.iVe law, wllicll he .lelioiillCed \iilat!MLr •'.'' I'i'-dit'. ’ I.oiii' K 'SsiiMi is j-r'i laiiniii'j in Ids 'J: '"eh ^ II'- i^ a •■.''tare-ri-ht'” W'Lat i.~ the Hit iliin_' "f :1|!-- I;e\\ tl -tilh. !> l till* ’IfieUl !1 tV'*m ' airl .'bi":*--'-".■ t ■ s - i-. (i.-Ming' tri'I K iiit-'ul ’ tiriik tl. it th*.* la*’- .\1 ,ii?i..n ' 'iiv. iiti.iii in l\ iiii'ylvatii:i wa' advoeat- in:T .'■'tato r!-!;t.' in al.iptiiig tho re.-xilu- tioH' whieh 1 hoM in mv hand, ami will iii'.-rf ill my remark'!.'' I wi.'h I Iia.J time t • r' li'l them. ,\ meinl t.r of this 11 ■ ^Ir. (liiMin'.'s^: vs 1' pre'fiit at thf* iiHctiiii: whi rc they pa'St d re^' iHiMons eoiiLM'at ula t iii^ lli(* c >iin- try uj 'in the ai ou ft il ..f ':i'tn- r Hma- w;iy. u J( .'li. enii-.l ill the ('liri'tiaiia mertb r, a- K '.n:r a si.:n of tlieir .■'Ut ei ''. and iii'jii at inr til.; r. pt*al of th" filiritive 1 V" law. '1 liey al'O p.i'-e.l a res'ilution J!i whieh tii'-y express--.! a h.)f. ■ tlie c;..>rt' Ilf Ki 'Uth ••w-.iild coiiilm t to the over'hruw uf di .-poti>iu in the I'nited r'tut.->.” [The )»ror-. c-i.1'm'_'s ri f. rie 1 to by Mr. S. were th'i'i- liaij at :t 1' •nvi'lltioh of •‘the lie mhers and ‘riend' ..t' th-- I’eiinsvlvaiii.i Anti-Sl.ivery S •eiefy,” hell at I’iiiladel- I ‘lia W"i k bi f)rf la.'t, whieh i.' .-.liil to have Im-i-ii ‘*];,r^r,.ly attenilc-d,” and at whieh ad- dM->se.' W'jre di-livere-l hy 11 >:i. d. il. lii|- diii'ijf';ind the !{"\. W’m. Jl. l-’nrnes-. and a rc' 'bitioii adoj,tei] rejoieiiig at the ai-- i| of '.;tiier ll.iiiaway, and aiioth r a.S folliiW';— ‘‘/i' 'Hi.'it till* ('i nventioii re(-oni- nu-ii.i to ill'- Kxi-eiltiv I* 'iinillllttee of tile I'eiinsylvaiiia A lit i-.'''la verv .''oeiety to ]>re- Jiarc an a Idre-s, for preseiitalion to !iOui> Kofsuth, explosive of sympathy with him ill his lii-roie ijevotii.n to the causi; of Im- inan freedom, :in 1 ofcariiO't hope that his h- reul'*:i!i labors in this behalf will eon- d'ie‘ to the overthrow of ofipressioii. not in Il.iii;'ary alone, hut in t!i*- I'nited States, and througli'iut tht? world.”] n tw an; Ko-'Uth’s efTorts to ai'l the aholit.on i f .'livery in t!u; rnit«rd States? Sir, 1 eanii'it go in .siieh eompa'iv to honor him. 1 tliat 1 should reluctantly e nis -lit even to ;;o to hea'.eli in Slu ll eom- jiaiiy. (i.,.iii;.ditf‘r. ] IJiit I iieeii have no ap|)reheii'ion mI' kind, for these State rie'nts' men in the ‘eharn- l-hoiiM;’ abolition party an* not bound in that direetiim. I «-oull not follow them, no matter how sa cred the flag they pri. tended to raise. j sliould desire to examine the font of the standard bearer to .-^ee if it was not cloven. 1 would^not believe siieh men were in the right path unless one rose from the (.lead to assure me whi n I ran Miiionir the leadi-rs—the members from .'i I"ai liiisetts (.^Iesrs. .\Ianii and Kaii- touh and the meuiber from Oiiio, (Mr- ;i.i-iin-.^ Mr. ('h linn: *\ustria, Uus'i, and a ivoeates with propriety of a Power with whic h wo are at peace. Our whole country ha« been agit.-ited by the malignant efiorts ot fanatics, North and South. Canada is not alw.i_\s (uietj the worl‘1 is >e uiinir to bo uii'cttled, aiM a War is still proclaiiiu-d against the South l>v tin' eiu nm-s of tin* eountry. Is this a time for us to commit our>elves to Kos suth’s doi trines'.:' 1 thiiik not; and my dutv I'oiiijiels me to vote agalllst thi.s reso- liitii n as it now .'tainls. The N. V more biit:r [■artii u’l.irly . ‘•Coiiri* r” li(-eiMiies more and in il' .-lilaek' u]ion Kosuth, uj'on tl'.e jtoiiit ot his 1 >’iiii£ 11 iin"-ai V, wliiih he ilaiiii" (loveriior ot 'I'lie testini 'iiy relied iit.'>n t > show he is not w hat he n pr* '. nts himself is th.- leller aiiille>'. d to lb 111 Mltl pui li'hed by hi' iVieii'l (Itu. K!ipk:i. in 1 .s late “War of 1 n.h j i tid-'iiee in i 1 ;!ii_'arv.' and i> . ’V:. . !u-:\e tl!.:t all hi' ; : - *. n i ii' in this i.' ale f.l , ....1 he is not I \, I Fx' I’a'.. .i •It w 'r II }. - ali: ha.:. b- , ;ii 1 :!■ s r.'pre- 'ti.e llu!i_.irian pt 'j'l. ;—- t: r fr m K is>uth to l»er.i An:I T i;:, I'^l'.'. i' ii'.f tiie ■- 'w.i.-.i'' \eirnin_' t‘-r lil'e in lu. . ' in.- to h i'teii aw ly. I i:.>. 1 ;;lll . liV'Ue. 1 r'::it lllV JT 'elict- e.'li|i‘ ol'II- xi lUS to 'in* . tUltrV. " and disap)iointmeiit, ami the develojuneiit of vice and i rime, tint are in.s(*p ir.ible fn in lite 111 ('alilornia. J he lu v. Mr. \\ oikIs s experience will siijiply him with i-mlless illustratloiis lor a lon^ lite of st-rnioniziii^ on tlie ti*xt:—Ijoci of rirlifs is tin rout >f tU I'll. 'i'he Kev. Mr. Woods walks into a gam- bliirr saloon at San rranei.s(-o, on the prin- eiple, p'/ohahlv, that vice to bt* hated must lir.'t be .'t en, ainl thus dc'^eribes tne t san hiancisi’o. ‘ ba't e\eniiig 1 walked around to about l;!:y of the eanihling tables. A V(dunie i-oul'i n It d. 'eiibe th.'ir >pleii.lor or tln*ir I' al 1 raet ions. 'I'he halls themselves .••.If \a>f and m.igniliei-nt, spread over with tal'l. s and i:ii]d' iiieiit.' for g.inibling. 'I'he pieture-; whi h dt eorate tin m iio pen of mine s!. 11 1 s« ribe. 'I’he bar-rooms an- tiirni'ln 1 with the in >.'t exp n>ivc liijiiors, n i-are or attv iiti.m being spari-d in the ‘III’>nn‘I ■!i nj (///./ tul'ii’iii' / of th eiii. The mU'ie i' p i foime.l often by prof.-."ors, and i' of the lie-t klll'l. ’I'he t.iides an* 'im-- tiiii s irr.iee.l, or di-irraei-d. by teiii.iles, w li - 1-' nn- at tir't m.i'k 1. and who are em- I'l.iVed t" 1 al the l', or wli • e.mie ti pi «v I 11 til ir ow n ae. onnt • The P.iiik e -11' 't f a s 'lid pile of >ilver ei'iii, siir- ni'iunte'l b\ the e .Ml n eurn-m-y iif as m -.i.y •- >iuitrit o a-i th. re ari- diip-s ab-iit th- t.iiiK-. )!'t. n a 'aek or tw.• of l-ailion. I't till IIITI :.t' I . an.I t!'. I Were f T' ':_n I.Ill' '!aV I '\eii!’;; nt .-;i t'..- n-i-'- !! -^lid t!;e army -. tbiii::' w >.'-1 .f »- ■!. .-Ill'tliei tiirii; l ut then i'ii-_'’' \ flu- i;.i\e't "fall oiir ."rp"—■ aj '(■nt. I'l.Ic's tills le, I am .i; aii'i I will n. v r 0 till- a' i'taii'-e e\i n i f my iiiea'iiie.' Ilf terr'iri'iii, to aiiil robi»i iy. t > n .ju;. .tion .-ion', i\.e. -!:i III tlle -h r. if t" will it r- , t..k' • army— ht t I •!'- ■^inij ly a miiK r month top of ill. ■ it iif- ind. p. n- I'lrt st.iy. f tile ia- t t.' n''.-nt pre'flle d. 'tiaerii n, ' and oppre-s- M- ' w !th a 1 w iloliar'. wa 'nrj'r'.'ing. aii.l t • 1 am w: It i.' f.r ii :.f IIniii.'-irv’ ‘•If ever '.-nr.- tIi -elt Ilf ih- Ko t.-li ii irreat re-j i-f. K): 1.liming' to }.- rTii. • ! VtTil T til. my III '.n- ■ l'.', iii-jn! berate f.i if lit what iiirier ■' •y-: m=tt.-r h ' I I—t- 'ii\ il • I .rin- li " 1, it i' Iji'u*' "lltil. All'l if lit- i' ll"t whr't lie ].i. - to be. th- n what i' he'/ \Vh it w iiiM Wl- d'-:i •miti-ite a le' hiiinbh* in lividiial who >1., .uM (-l ine am iig n-^ aii l attempt to Ciillei I fund' un h r fal.'e pn-ti iices and in the name of a p >.jiic who had repudi ated him! “If any p r-on but boiiis Kossutli wt-re t I be guilty Ilf the dec-, jit ion he has so de- liberati-ly |.raeti.-(l iijii.ii our eountrv:ii(*ii, he woul'l h" den-iiim-ed an impo>ter. \Ve ci.nt -nt uur-elve' with -xj>osiiiir his fil 1,1,ml—let I,till 1.' deei.le u[: '11 hi.'true I'ha- raet r.” A SLOW 150AT. a ste.imboat cominir up the dppi one daik night, an.l tin* C.ip- to “riiu --hoiMre.l us.o'’ replied the (-ipfain. ■e.ire some uj» al-'ii:/ n, I hav* he:ird it said that , and llaynau have friends in this llotise. I might refer this unworthy remark to the on tin- other siiit*. Tin* author ot it will Imd ainonir his politn-al fri nds men of p itri..tiMu \>|ual to his, V, iioKe deportment he hail better imitate, who are hs firm in their (iiijiosition to this resdlution as any on this >iili.* of the House. Ceiitlemeii of both partiis are oi(],(isinif it. I in*n .Mi's, Wa' phiyinL-- eari! in tie- Social H ill. 'I'he m.ite -ti ppt-d in; “('.iprain. out of w -od; not en >it_di to shave with.’’ ‘•King the bell.’ “.'how a light, and the slion-.’’ The m.itc went out and the eapt lin went on with the LMI11I-. In a f’ew moment' the mate retiirneil. l-'oiind a, sir.” 'I'in- eaptain h-ft the table aiel \ve»it out. ‘•llow do you sell yiiur woi.d.''” ,'houte.l till- (-aptain to th- peujne at the '“Tw’o and a half.” “Timi iniK li,” .said the eaiit.iin. “ll >w- evi*r, take a -ord or two and look furtln r.’’ -\ couple of cords were tak'-n in, the g.ime was re'Uined in the Soi-ial Hall, and tie- boat went on. A half hour elajiS'.-d, when the matt- again appeared. *■( )iit of wo'id, sir.” ‘•ii.-ll and b^ht—my deal.” 'I he Old-rs wi-n- obeyed, and the mate again announced a wood-yanl. The cap tain went out. “What’s the prie*' of wood',:'” ‘•'I'wo and a half.’’ * “'I'-.xi high; but will take a eoiipb- uf cord.s till We can do better.” As before, a couple of cords were taken in, and not twenty minutes elap.scd before the mate ag;iin appeared, hit d Wood, sir.” “ Illi'g tiie bell.” “l>i-tter take more this time.’’ ‘•.'^liow a light.” ‘‘It’,' (j.ine, ,'ir.” In a f(-w minutes a wood-3ard was again “rung np,” and the steamer 1> went in. “How do yiiu sell yf»ur wood?” ‘•'J'wo and a half.” I “ I wo and a half be d—dl’’ cried the capt.-iin. “Wdl, (-aptain,” answered the wood man, “w.- will put it to you this tiim w h . h li l.ih i - ] 1 ii-e-l up 'll tin h. i. nt ni 'i. y t . 'en 1 one iiom d ii! i ow’ii r' d'.iriiig my .V i >\ I't t. n \ -ar' (-.line to um- 11 i' ‘run of liK-k’ Im hewiMerin;:.— 'ii ‘ei! tii.:iut«s he wa> tie- owm r of a y.//, • f ,'.I\r, With '..III.- ii'.I.l. In one minute III re lie w 1' w:th"Ut a d ' ThiiikrnL' !y oiif turn of the eird' to d' uhh* hi> }'i ;fif'. Ill- l. 't the wh'-l ■. 'I’he inst.iIlCi'« of i/r. at d bi. k oil th - j>art of the phiv- i-r' .’.re \ -ry rare, liut they s.’iiietim-s o;-- I iir. A ! i\\y* r of thi' city reeeiitly sw -j? t'lr . in ;>i - c'. ning. A young (-.iiii'’ fr. iij the St itt s in one «if tln- 1 ('t 'f ^Mi'-r'. and was prejiirin.j to .j.i t'» th.- n.ia-'. II.- h.'ir' 1 t*-n d"llar', tii'l w nt t-i on.-' f t!ie f.iro bai.k'. Huring th.- ni/h; an.l a p.irt . t’ tli. n. xt fireiio.m, he had W 'ti win n he made a n so- bitioii never to ph;y mon*. and returned h 'iiie in the m-xt st-.-mn r. Mr. H.ivid'on. tin* agi-nt of the Ib’th'fliil U, .'.'.ys that '■'tut- I’l'the jir ife"'-'! :^amhli-r.' s-ud home by him t > KngLiii l the averag ■ sum of •?17,a month, .'d inv trii-k' an* re--ort- eil to in .jriler t.. 1 ring [>er' 'ii' to th(- ta ble. An I ye-wi?iie-~s a.' iir-- me that he ha' ,'i t*ii th-- pn'i.l. nt of tht- lank sli]i se en tly iiit'i tiie h.ili 1 of .'Mine oil--, elnjdoy- el tor tiu- j'Uipo-v Ilf ihei'\ing otlnr.', a iiu.intiry r>f ctiii. ()u reeei\ing this, In- W 'uid le.iV',* the roi'iii, but ' toii n-turii. and jire'fiit him.'. If in a noisy m.inm-r at tln- tahle. and boMly *| down’ the vi-rv III'iiey h.- ha I reei-ived. In fi\e miniit:.' the tal-ie uiiiiM he surrounded by lager I .;y,r-.” >lr. W l.s' s journal snj>plit-s us with '-'lue extrai ts illii'tr.iiive nf a miiii r's life. II.\»t> WUHK .\T Tin; MI.NKS. ‘•'Fo-lay I t.i;>k :i pair of .-toekinis t.i d.irn, oil'- of my sh..,-s to mend, and the -|> !!io( rat:e Ki \it*w’ to read. \\ liih; we jv!.> .1 our 11‘ edles, our toiiirues were i-ipial- ly l.u-y .'peaking of mutual frieiula industrious and persevering miiu rs. '1 ht-y labored on assiduously, we(*k aft**r week, (or a jieriod of four months, and at tin* end of that time they had all made about 61. Mr. Woods’s book is evidently a faith ful narrati\e of his own experit>nct*, with out any jin-teii'^ion to litt-rary finish or comjirv-heiisive \ iew. S.MAIJi DKliTS; ()!!. Wli VT H\K l)(»LL-\U.S I’.VlI*. Mr. Ht rriot was sitting in his oifiee, one day, w lieii a hid eiitt red, and haii h-'l liim a sin,ill slip of pajier. It wa.' a i>ill for live 1 liars, dm- t> his shoemakt-r, a pour man who livt-d in the iie.xt sijuare. “'I'lll Mr ( that I will seitle this soon. It isn’t just ion\enient to-ihiy.” 'I'he boy retired. .Now, .Nlr. lleiriot hail a five dollar bill in his |iiiikt-t; but, In* felt as if he couhln’t part with it. lie ilidn't liki- to be entire ly out of mom-y. So, acting from this im- ptilst , h«- had .sent the hoy aw.iy. ^’t-ry still sit .'Ir. Herriot tor tin- next tive min- utt-s; vet his thou^rhts ware Ini'V. He W.lS Uot altogether sati.'lit-d Wllll hllllsclt. 'I'he sh II n:.iker a pour man, and m-i d- ed 111' iiioiit y as so. n as t-aiiied—he was un.a i\i'ed of this faet. “I .tlinost w i'll I h id St nt him tin* fivt- d liar',’” saitl .'!r. Hi rriot, at h-iigth, half amlih.s. “He wants it wtir.v than 1 do.” Ht- iir.i'i d still f.ii till r. “1 In* fut 1.',” heat length ex( laimi d, starting up, “it s (irant’s nmnt v, and not luiiie, and i' m-iii So saying. Herriot t left l|i' otbc. “Hid } >u j_r, t tht nil iny. Ch.irlc.',” said (jrant, a.s hi.' hoy t-ntt-rt-d the slu.ji, I'lu-re wa' a gooti uf t ariu-stiiess in the slii-e- m :ki r's ti-nt-s. “No ,'ir,” r. j lied the lad. “Hldll't get the m uiev!''” “No ,'ir.” “W a.sii’t .'Ir. Ht rriot ini,'’ “Vt-', sir; hut he .said it w.isn’t lonven- ii-nt to-la\.” “ 111. dearl rm'- rr\! ’ came fn>m tln- .'h-‘eiiiaker. in .-i h pit 'e.l viu-e. \ Woman was sitting in (Iraiit’s shop when tin- buy eaine in; sin- lia-l iiow ris.-n, and Ie;iniiiii on the louiiter; a look of di.sapp.'intmi nt in In-r face. “It can’t be lit ljnd, .'Irs, bee, ” said • irant. “I was sure of getting tin* mom-y from him. He iie\er ilis.ij>]ii>intei me l>e- fore. Call in t-i-morrow, and I will trv and liavt- it for \ou.” '1 he W'lin.iii looked troubled as wt-11 as dis..ppo.n?ed. Slowly she tiii-ned away and left the 'hoji. A few miiiutt s after her departure Ht-rrii t (-.inn in, and after some wxrds (if apoh'L'y, )iaid the bill. an (-xjiression of pain was about passing her lips, w ht'n the tbtor of the rottm opened, j and the shoemaker’s buy came in. I “Here are two dollars. Mr. Grant sent I th(*m.” ! “Oud bless Mr. flrant!” The exclania- i tion from Mrs. IjCC was involuntary. I On the p.irt of Harri(*tt, to whom one dulhir was due, a gush of sih-nl te;irs mark- ; ed the efb*ct tliis timely supj>Iy of money i produced. She n'(-( ivcd her jiurtiun, and, withuut trusting her voice with wonls, hurried away tu supply the jiressing want I at liiuiie. j A few dours fr'in the res;dem-e uf Mrs. ' T^ee liv(*d a man who, some ft-w nninths ' b(-fore, li-id be(-uine involved in trouble ' with an evil disposed person, and had iieen I forct'd to (h-feiid himself by im*an.s of the Kn>ijrnti')n.—We regn t to learn that iht re has been but little, if any. ahafMiient of the nsu.-il emigration from some section.s of our State, during the pist Fall. That the important works t.f Infenial Improve ment, whith are now in p;-ogrc.s.«, h.-ive had the efl'ect of keejiiiig many iist-ful citizeii' with us, who had resi.ilvcd to try their f itiiiH.' in other Ian Is, wt* d > not doubt. Still, it is rf-port*d, tliat from thoso sec tions, into which the infiinnci* of these improvements will not exti-ntl, tiiere has been carri( d off during the l i-^t thr.-e months, mueh w.-alth and t*nter])ri/e. W»; det-ply regret to hear this. It makes the heart .si(-kl II :d the p'licy of our Legis- l.itors, during the last fifteen or twenty years, been markt-d by the liherality which char.ict(-riz(-d manv States of the law. He employed Mr. Herriot to do what was n.juisite in the case, for whieh I umh*V(doped n*- servi.-o the was five dollars. The M'nrces, howmuf h more j. .werfni would bill had been n nden-d a few days before, >" 1, int-.-lleetual and the man, w ho \va> jioor, felt very anx ious to pav it. He liad th(‘ moin*y all m.ele iij) to within a dollar. 'J hat df-llar .^lrs. !,• t* owt-d him, and sin* had jiroinis- (*d to gi\e it to him dnriiig the d.iy. I'or hours he had waited exj>0(-ting h(*r to (-unit* in; but now had nearly lmv(-ii her up. 'I'here Was another little bill of three dol lars whi(-h had been .sent into him, :ind In' had just com luib-d to po ;mI pay that, when Mrs. bi-(! calh-d with the balaiiei* of tin* iiionev, um* dull;ir, whit-h she re- (-eiv. il t'rom the shotmaker. (Irant. H alf an hour lat«-r, .md the p.H-ket boi.k of.'^Ir. lb rriot was no longer cinjity. His ( lit nt IimI e.ilh d and p.iid his bill. 'I'he five dollar' h:id come back to him. IMPOMTATIONS OF CCANO. f'lilii/ iiliDiif //.s Itnjio.'fniit'r. This valu.-ibh> m.mure, coni-crning wh;ch ‘-0 mu( h W l' published a few years rgo, not fillen into di'ii-^t*. although tln- he 'iiall h.i\e it.” prcs' has long bt-i u aliuo't sih-iit on thi.' ■k up hi.' hat .-iiid siihject. S'l far from thi' is the fact, that. from iii(|uirii s we have rei-ently made, we have gaiii(*-I the as'uram-e, that the im- jiorls of tin- bi't (jualily h.ivt- b(-t n st^-adi- ly incn*asin;f, until tin-y have amount, d to abiiur tons in the last twt Ivt* months. W (- n-fer to tin* South Anieric;in tJuano. wliii h. it is well known, is all de- rivi-d from a .*ingh‘ s]n,t, the two small islands of ('him he, on the eOast uf I’eru. 'I'he .\friean (Iniiiu, great |U'iiitities of which wer.- imp *rtcd into Kn_daiid a ft-w years sim-e ch; flv fn ni b haboc, h,is m.w d;'ip|MMred from the mirket, the .sni.ill deposits having been e.xhansfed. This is the h ss to bf ri-erett.-'l, Iiccaust* of its far infe;ior v;iliie, whieh is the|ucnce of tin* (in nching rains i f thi'.t clim iti-. 'I'Ik'sc, by carrying off the soluble ingredients, greatlv dimini'h its fi rtili/.ing ((Ualities. (luaii.i is the t-xerement of birds, whith has bt-i n at-eumiilating for ages on the sjxtts wht-re they liav*‘ resorti-d in great numbers. 'Fhe I'hinds of Chiiiche are siirroumh-d by wat(-rs. abounding in a re markable ih-irn-t- with fish, by whit h vari ous kinds of fowls Were attr.-icted. until the pn scnce of vessels sent for guano, drove thetu awav. An immense mass of that “Kun aini get this bill change,1 into sil- manure was found on the surface, in many ver for me," .said the shoi inaki r to his parts feet in thii-kne"; and it.s baviii'jr boy, the m iineiit his cU'toun-r depart- b(*cii firovt^d. about ten vi*ars sim-(*, to (-uii- ed. tain peculiar fertiliziiiir pr >|M*rties, in a “.\uw," saitl In', as .soun as tin* 'ilv(*r highly coiici-iitrat(-d state, tlic 1‘eruviati was placed in his hands, “take two (hdlar* gov(-rnm*-nt assumed the inuiiop.dv, and to .NIrs. Lee, and three to >!r. Weaver a- have (h-rived a large reveiun- from its ex- t-ros« tin* street. 'I’cll .^Ir. W caver that I |>ortation. 'I'hen* are oth -r depo.'ites in am oldigcd to him for h.iving loaned it to different parts of IVrii and H divia, but nn- this morning, and .sorry I hadn't nutit- at om-e .«o a( (-es.sible and so abiind- and as mm h in tin- house when he sent for it an hour ago.” “I wish I had it, Mrs. Klden. Hut, 1 a^suri you that ! h.ivi* not,” saiil Mr. Wc.i- \cr, the tailor. “I paid out the la.'t dol lar just bcl'ure you caim* in. Hut call in to-ni.irrow .-iml you shall h;ive tin* inoiiev ml find that they a- t‘> ei rfainty." ) “Ibit wli:;t am T to ih* to-ilav'/ I have not a et-nt to bless mvscif with; and I owe rhed KAKNlMiS AM» I'(»I\(iS. ‘‘./ii)i. itl/i. 'I'o-niirht Wt* have wt*i our wet-k's t*arniiigs, mount to I >“0. "J'in. ♦>///, Sinnltn/. A cloudy, un- ph-asaiit day. 'I'liis f ireiioon made a ‘dutl;’ hnt what w;is to be done for a string with which to til* tin* bag/ I looked (*V(‘rv- I where, hut in vain. At list 1 thought of my shoe strini', whieh I used for this pur- , p.i.'C. Wht-n ail was n-;nly, I found that ' the duff was too large for the ketth*, so I ; hoi’et] une (Mid fii't, and then turiicl the . uth.-r ;iiiil boih'd that. I “Lawyers, doctors, (lergymen, farmers, ^ soMiers, tiescrters, good and, fnun . Kiiuhind, from .\iiieiiea, from China, from the, from every country but Kiis- sla and rlapaii—.ill, all at work at tln-ir I cradles. 1'roiii m.iriiing to niuht is heard the inci .'sant ro( k, rock, mckl ()v(-r tiie whole mine, in streamlet, in (-reek, and in rivt-r, down torrent and thmugh the val- hy, ever ru'hes on tin* muddy .s(*tl;nicnt Ir.-ni t(-ii thousand busy rockers. Checr- ; fill words are seldom h(':ird, ni'ire seldom n(*edle woman, two went to the grot-er, on j the boi.stt-idus shout and laugh which indi- account of her debt to him, half a tlollar (-ate success, and which, when heard, sink was paid to an «dd and needy colored wo- I to a lower ebb the spirits of the unsuccess- nian who had earned it by scrubbing, and ^ fill. \W' have made fid c(‘iits each. who was waiting for Mrs. ^Veaver’s return I "Jun. 10///. A friend jmt into my from the tailor’s to get her duo, iind thus i h.’iiids to-day a copy of the Huston .Journ- be able to pr(^vide an evening and a morn- . al. \\ t* laid it aside tu re;ni in the even- iug’s im*.-il fur herself ami cliildren. 'J'he , ing. Hut liuw was this to be accomplish- oth(*r half dollar was paid to the baker ! I il.'' ’I'he luxury uf a catidh* we could not when he called toward’s evening to leave adurd. Our method was this: we cut and tin; accustomed loaf. Thus, the poor needle ant. 'riie tratle is tlicn foie limitt-d to the ('liinche. Our farmers will feel nn interest in learning, that this artii h* is nniisiiallv ri sing in deiii.-ind in some parts of the Cnioii, and is evidently dcstim>rl to be of public as Well as private valm*, for time to (-ome. 'I'he worn uut l:inds uf Viririnia and ."Vlarvland havt* thus far n'ceived the chief 1 H'liefit fn»m its application, and to so milch at the groci-r's, w here I deal, that such a degree, that laiiti in souio districts he won't trust me for anything more.” has ri.sen in price ten per cent, within a 'I’he tailor looked troubled, and the wo- short time. At the same time, its intro- niaii lingered. Just at this moment flie duction has been commenced jii other shoemaker’s l»oy ( iitt-rcd. jiarts; and, from appearances, (leurgia and “H(*re are the three d(dlars Mr. Mant other S >uthern States are .soon to share borrowed of ymi this niurning,” said the l;irg(*ly in its benefits. lad. “Hesaysht*'s .sorry ht* hadn’t the The advantages t»f this kind uf manure money wh(*ii you .sent fur it aw hile ago.” w ill be t'asily ajipreciated, when the ful- ' Huw the faces of the tailor an.l his iit'o- lowing facts are taken into view. ('Juano dlewumaii briglitenctl - instantly, as if a is .so stnuig a manure, that :500 lbs. have gleam of sunshine had penetrated the room, bt'cn estimati*d, by very respt'ctable au- “H( re is just tlie money 1 owe you,” thority, as ctiual to thirty h.atls of farm-| said tin* former, in a cheerf’ul voice, and yard manure. I’lu* diffeVeiice of expense he handed the three dollars he had re- in transportation and in spreadimr is verv ( cived. A moment after and he was alone, much in favor of the former. * ' but with the glad facti of the poor woman. whose need he had been able to sujiply, distinct before him. Of the three dollars received by the The fulluwing comparison has been pub lished: (’oiiinion manuro..';0 wncri n lo.nls at 2r»c llau'iinp it. 10 lnvs, nt ^1 aOc. CoHting aii'l sprt-iilin; t>ii one acrt? and physlt al stri ii^rth an^l infiu.-netl L'*t us unite to forward tin* gn*at cau.'c of I 111 jiniveim-nt, and our State w ill yi t stand ( I’cct .im' iigst the proudest and most jKiwcrfiil of her Si'ti-rsI Huzza f r th - (’eiitral—the Wilmington II-ads—i the lload.s—I he Navigation Improve ments—the ’rurnplkes—the old Uileigh ' :ind (iaston lb>ad, one and all! A | and irl.-ri.ius future is yet in store for our P(-opic. Let tin 111 Wait awh.L- longer, he p.itnnt, cbiig to tin- pruspt ci of a hright-, r liny fi-r the ohl St.ite. w'hii h h is burst up on Us. durin*^ the hi't two ur tlin-e ye;iis, and all will be riirhti “Who will take (-ar’ of a P'(jile that will not t.ike c.ire uf tin mseh ■ s.'’’ Vv hciliLr \\ lugs or Hein •- crats, in (-v.-ry tiling (onin-itcd with the moral, intt llectual and phvsit-al advance ment of our State, h-t the watchword be, IN\V.\1U>. Ri’li i-jh Ui'j'ifti'r. K>'I'Ofif inl Sfiiiir fnf thr W .ill I n'jfou .]/./((«// «/.—'I he j'opuhir A'Senibly oi tht; Haneatic II jiublii-. t-tunposed of the free towns uf H.'.inimrg, Hr.-meii and Lubec, has unanimously vut-d that a bi.M-k uf stuuc slji.uid be prepared with a .'uitabh* iiiscrij ti.iii, ami f.trwar.lcd to tlu* United States tu be placed in the Washingt-iii Natiun.d i'loiiuinent. It i.' s.ii.l that the .''.-nate will s.incti'>n this noble act of the Ass.-mbly. I’ () i: T II V. TMK MiiIiKKN F.Kl.l.R. Eftrarf frum \ r>iem, reatl nt !hf Inic Munch-■’•n-r I A*. H. j I'uir. Tlio il:iii;rlil’r sits in the yiarloiir. Anil rticks in h»*r cffsy cli.-iir: .'^lit-'s cla-l in lit-r silks aiiil satins, An.l jt.*wc1> :;re in Iit-r h:iir— J>lie winks a ml pijr^lles and simpers. Anti simpers f>n«l pijr^lt-s mni winks, .Vinl tlinii?:li she talks liut a little, 'Tis vastly ninre tb.iii she thinks. Hi-r fatlii-r jr«>t.-s clnd in his russet, .\iiil ra;::zeil anj svcly at that— llis (-.lats are all iut at the oILmiw, lit* we.-irs .-i sliockinp l>ai| ii.-it. He’s Imar.liiifr aii'l savinp his shillings, Sn c:irefiii!^ i.-i_v l>_v day. Wliili* she. on her ht-aiix an«I pootlles. Ik thniwiiii: liieiH »M away. .'“'In- lies a-l>eil in the ni .rniii'r. Till iM-ar’y the limn- ef noou: Tln.-n C' iiie.s (hiwii sii.-iiipiiij; an 1 snarling:, f’cv-auso .she 'vr's called su sni'n: lit*r li.-iir is siill in the papi*;s. Her c1:t-t-ks still datildt-d with paint, lU-iniiins of l;er l:ist ni^^ht's li'iislies, r.t-f«>n* silt.- intt-iidi-ti to fjiiiit. Sl-.e d'l.-its up. I) im n unsh.-iveii, .Vii'l men with --the th.winjr hair.” Shv's cli.'i-.ifiit tiv.-r ni-.’.istaches, Tht-y pivt* siK-h a fi.roijrn air. .''In* talks Ilf Italian nnisic, .\ii'I fiillii ill h'Ve with the moon. ,\nd thii' Init a mouse should lucet her, ^'lu■ sinks auay in a swoen. IUt feet are so very little. Her hands are so very white, Her jt*>vfls are .so very heavy, .\nd her he.'id so vcrv licht: Her col'>r is ni.-ule of eosmeAcs, rin>u_s;h thi.s she never will own. Her s made iiinstiy of cotton. Ht*r heart is inade whtilly of stone. She falls in love with a fellow, ho swt'lls with a t'ori-ijin air. He niarries her for ht*r nioncv, Siu- nnirries iiiin for his hair; One of the very best niatt-hes— lliilh are well mated in lite. She's pot a f«.t)l for her liushand, H(*'s put a fool for his wife. HOI,!: t*' 20tll of.IllIV. In c.allinp the attcriti .n «.f new c'iie«-rn. we m. lui. n tI,.. nssociatt-d witii «ik* of tin u,. (-Iry .Maiiufactiiriiig Lst.-iliiirl try. which niii.--t jrfVo a .It-c;.,,, all Dtlicr.s in tliis inarkt-t 1. r with -leui-lry at iiiamifai-ti,v,-t in this liraneh >f tr^nif j, j.., t ivcen Ijaltiniore and the .S|,i,. Merchants. \Vc lU-sire t» rs^l parti.-u’.. Watch .h )>artni(.-iit, xhit-h \.| Mif.)>lieii witii .1 pn-.-it .-I.'.-.,:! •), ceK'iiratc 1 ni.-i!iutacturtr>. .- riinirm;: or'icr. so tli.-it pii.-i-: take them, with :i v, liin.;] , ; V. ill p.-riorni corrt-ctiy. This hranch 'if tht- I.U'!;, .. esjx-rial attfiitioii of one ,,f ji , teii.sivi* and Jiiactical kn..-.' :.-| will, we hope, pive us a | 1.1 liu_\ ers. Wc rtspectfully iinite vmi f when y.n ne.\t \iiit .,;ir ',i: lit-iin^ that an exMTiiiuMii, )-r.ive to yr*u tiit-\ eli»-.t[i‘-r than _\iiii li;ivf c>., and a-s'Ui- -10 tliii. ii. i.i; on ‘ur pai-t to niakt* tin- iiiiitual hfiietit. I- H, \!!1. 0].I St :l T:.I. rii . : ('aiilioM. IH.*r ..f ( IJalt’iiKire. .linn* i.'-.'. 1. i'*i;i i;i;i..\i c.. Messrs. Wycti:. 1’.:^ ' , i"yn. hi;; .... T..-.|.,;- J.iiiu-s lio;’_'t.s hr [i 11 urst \ i-i-v. ^l iir-lnfli. 1 StvHinniin \ Hi'.;-,;.-; .''anpst-.a Ov r.,. r-iriii’.'-.T, i;\v\n r I'.ii-ly X 1 ., ■ ,i!. , t'ns'.iiijs r,;,v... J:.l.!i 1.- ^ M- re X I .tt.-r , i ■ ? i ■' '■ A-ri 'ii"^ ■■ j if this offii "I -1.. ,; .. ^ • our givn ti.f Tr,-: , ^ ing of tl 1 Mini on 3Iond ciccti'd ' ' II’ . . 1 h’wiiig J ' ■ : V I f ensuing . f $ Ward N '■ «tti I, ;. . . -i* ' II! IV. ; , •; / .4 $ '' • - , II >) XL iir ( '1 liv ■V K ;r. l;-\. .ST.VM).\K1) ,\M) I: SI oo iir-, ^^.\r'.\i;hAV.". fliuu.--.r,l i. : l')rit-S tli' Lli_iii,i.i. m \a;;. ,, Alisi.n'i! llistiiry tif K:ir 4 , Mi.Idle .\'rt'?; Tliier,''> i! • i. j • lU-volntiiin, - vul.s. il^iis^i-.i, sal lii.'l..ry, lar;.'i' an i li . l-’t-i dinand an.l If-;.:.. ,!:i, . ■ halinif S ( i.l..( ii: j;-,.i .Mal.-f.el.!'.-. W Indian Wars: 'ain} :.«■ I ' I.1-. , 'hance!li'i-s of Li ;;l:iii i, 7 Lives tit ihe 'iiief J l.ivis (.t’ vii’.Iaci.t 1!.-;^ !-';i .'ii.i,_- Q'leens of Sf. thuni. Library. '.i vii!-: .Mt-in ■!!> U tier li:iniiltii|]. *i vtils; Ciiltdi) s Lite ai’.'i i Kcnni-.iy s Life of \V;r.: V*. Henry: .'“tuitliiy's !.'.:c ;:i. ^ i • 'h;irlcs L.■ln;’.'^ d* ; i. Hunt: Lilt- ;:i:il (j i.iii^ i:n;i,«: f.syette. o! I’anl .hu-!.; i:. T .Ma:;t>ii. Fran'n,iiii. iV'.-. iVc. .'•hakspcari* s W.-ik'. in , Sheri.Ian's. r»fn.!..ii= n's. n: er's, .Mtt"iii,i:er an 1 F. ri'.'. \'i-. preve's. iiraniatic Vt'i.rk.-'. hh.'. iVe. \e. .Itihnson’s Works. :i- -1 IJ -wt-ir,; son,'J\)ls each: I'.iirki-i■ii^.'l.^,. Stt-rue's. f'ieldiii_;r's. aii i.'^iii' .itti smith's Aniiiiait-.i .Nrmiii-. '2 v. ham's, I’hiilips’. Curr.-ii.' : ii i .M.'dcrn llritl^h ist'. S vels and Poetry: Irvii.L'^ V^l,I:^'. tiiin. l-’> vt'I.': ('ef|it-i ? St It cl V,; Unlwcr’s W erks; hifk* ii>' 'i.i (iil Ulas: I'tiii i,;ni\.iiTt.-: s lair.'i' .-Ml .-i:. i r- Hiill.ind's Fnr.-iirn rit-hi.i.!.-,v, tr.ivels in I’pypt. ,\ia'i:;. A;-: '^.li'-ri Works; (Iince-Vuiiii.u s 1 .. \!!• ■. !. .\hitlier'b r>ev-iiii!pi‘n>c. A u'.t ■ \ rcn's Ten Tlinns.-ui.i .-i Vt-:;r. iiii i Hyperii.n; .'-'v.ali w v.. i _. K Lfcke: Lavm^rr..; Hi;nii., ! li ' t (»f a ih-iciieltir; Hi.iiie i? Il 'iiu-: I Wa A.- ' Triive’s in .Viiit-rica; .\r.i!'ii.i'. > I Scem-s; .Vt*. \i-. I Hritish and f ' I ted: Pi-t-tii-.-ii nuiilaiiinis: hM"!. ; tun's. MtMiro’s. I’l'pt-'s. I'l r'- 1 ■ ' s.I S. Kirke N\ hitt-'s. Tli.'ii:; ■ j Iturns's. ('i.ifi i.h't-'s. ^ tnir'.'s. i; ! well's. I't.llias tii-jiy ami ilt• -. ! K(*ats's. t'ha'ii-er ami Sj--i t-i >. 'J't Hi's. Tiipjii-r's. I'l.r.’k'r. i!.;.. , Uryant’s r.ictieal Works: ,\i-. ^ 1 i’dhlt .s. I’r.-iyer Il'.'iks roi-I i i >1: ' ; rions styles and rri«-f>: Mchilii--^. 'I- ' and t'hapnirtn's .s^i-rnn.iis: r'*'.i-ti-hi-> :tiii'■ tons ot .'st*rm'>ns; Kiijrlisii I’U'i'it; ' pedi.-i: Leiprhton's Works: II uiinii'' " ’'I : Dick s Tlieelojry: L.lci't lir ( li:i!:i!i r>.' iners's Ins.'itntcs of TIu-iIhl'v. , I Lecttires and Aildrt-s.-t-s: Ili.vti^ .iiiil:-'i-- l’atri..-k, Lou th and W liit'.y s I 'ii.m the Scripti.rcs. ■ vti'.s; « iiii ii-Ih-I ''''’' • McCt/sh on liivine Ct^M-nn.H-a:: ' I'ivine Attril'ntcs: Nt-an ’ni ' l.ifo i’* ■ ’ Diitlei's ,\niilo'.:y: ' I*rineinlos; lloiikiiisun the ism. its ('an.'t's .-t!i'l I IIIc: ISiit.t i’- ‘ ; and New rrror.': llca.iii.,:;'- t- i' . vata; (’lark on the ^r. nl;^■;': ‘ Life and I’rivate lit-velinii.'; lii>:- an.I I’roiii-fss: I’ilRriia's l’ni;-:i"- .''’' '' p illustrated: H.-iMtr's t'lill. n'l'l Trench's Notes en the r.'ir:i'!i'“: lopical, mill I'nion I'.iMe I>ii-ti' iwr• *''' I’v Hone dust, "O Inisliels. at 5o ccnts. Hauling and spre.-uling Gn.-ino. .“^00 11..?. at i*:] Spreatlinp •ST •>0 ].> on :? (»0 no uO 1 ',0 .i18 (Ml .S'.! tm 1 (Ml Bards of the I'i Lino, t'tc: .l.-iy’s I'scrt ist'■ nii.l ton's. Picrri.-in’s. ni.‘! llarac-." 1 , Deems's Home .\lt:ir: Uri'Ur 't stone. L:iiifton I’.-irs.'iiai;*-. i In'hi'**' (icrirnde, Walter Loriiiit r. ;ai'l ■ tales, by .'sewell an 1 otl'cr ;iniii'H'- Miss I.eslie's. Sovcraii'l Ar, erv: Miss Leslie's .-iinl Utioks: Mrs. Itaa.l'.li'h's Vii^i:..* ''' &c, t\:c: ]>i)v tiiiip’s l,:nli(s llti"'-’. nnr^-a; ri..«tri.:a-'i--^ tiiiir i/ciii hill'' iriioilril v ith us lo-uiijlit. 'i'he ea]itain had nothing tu say, but took th(! woimI, and gut (juiekly uut uf that stifl currcnt, which the boat was unabh? to stem. '1 he H was so “sojcninly slow” higs and Dcmocr.ifs, actuated hy pruiei- the capt;iin him.sclf used to say she {lit—-liiui, true and unflinching men have been unite ill opposing it. Sir, if I wen-to say the s;iine of any i.iie hei(' lit^ spoko liko one ’"'ee said made th wh'i had hi-cn intimate with discussiujis ;it ) b"uihvilic in si tl’.e I'ivi- I'liints, ju \(w Vurk, and then* i Western Snnts. 1-:iriKtl h.:s courtesy. I shuuld ni t be iiiun ^11) (M) ^ ^ ^ iiv-vtiit: The value of (tuano is now pretty well twoanda(iuarter, as tin. tlil^thi^l pih d up a .,uantity of dry brush in a cor- woman ha.i been aide to tli.s.'-harpi^Tur to-) in! t ” ]ut*ar the hre, and after supper, w hile debts, and, at thi? same time, re-establish 1^ . ^, .iiid orders have been one ]>ut on the brush and kept np the her credit with the gnwr and baker,/roni tor gn\-itt*r aniount.s than before, hhiz(*, tin* other would read; anti as the whom came the largt'st portion of the food South, as well as from other bh-izt! died awa}-, so would the voice of the consumed in her little fainily. leader. Our wurk to-day has amounted And now let us follow ^Irs. Leo to S(l (-(uits ca(-h. “•A/yi. -JOM. iunIau. Th.* .slntrintr :,n,l her visit to Iho .sh^./aher*' ‘"^truct him iH. No child goes alto- (juarters. ■^y, I unjust than lie was r,*i.o chnrged thos(‘w ho o}>! this rc.solution as b(-in-' the friends of Haymm. ° 'I’his matter demands very t-an-ful con sideration. \Vh(-n w- see th(*‘c.iurs(* adopt ed by the r.bolitioni ts; when W(- .s,*u the [irot-t etlings ot the aholition cuuvention- ' when we look to the Senate and there find Mc.'.srs, Seward and Sumner taking the ■ hange—it 'I'he girl’s countcnaneo brichtened as „ • e . • o had hmg enough been appropriated to the she came in; but there was no answering Jegetat^on'^fs rcverTdle ^ fields— • Lrttvr Wi Sterti.—The folluw- | Satau, and its conversion to a brightness in the countenance of Mrs. Le^ i ji * nittcn on the envelo{»e of an | i‘ot undesirable. who immediately said— ^ r which passed thnmirh the i “^Ve lead here a stningely wild life. As “Pm very sorry, Hurriet, but Mr. Grant I . ■ . ® IlilM . £T A'^ X - _ TI -11 ^ -1 Hint to Lfttcr ing lines, written unpaid Ictti J’ortlaiid p(’'st office the other dav, may i bring our pn)visions, jiut me off until to-nmrrow. He serve a.^ a hint to corresjiomit-nts'to pay ! cooking and labor, t.S;c., w^e hadn’t a dtdlar in the house.” their j^ostagc on the score of economy; never was a wise thing yet to make les|M*rate, for one who hath no hope gotnl hath no fear of evil. “The jxist an extra gain huts inatlt* your l.-ibt wa.*) not prf'jiaid; The Hunie is true with this rt-j>ly— J on rt lot/ two and so have said he j were obliged to bring tht-ni ourselves. Wc The girb.s di.siippointnient was very /• I oote, with his faniilj’, siiiled , tluM(*fure left behind us everything which great; for the smile she had forced into lork for New Orleans in the -V larpe stiwk of .'st limi! 1> r.ooks. Strttiouery. Kavetteville l?oi.-k i^torc. hy I-;. .1. IIAll Mrs. ILinlin’s School for Yoiini; Ladies, AT ROSK HILL, Fn/(t{t>rilir.^ ^V. ('. I UK. next Session of this F.vmij.y S( nooi., under the iininediate charpe id' .Mr. anti ' ^ frees of .\iii ^ .Mrs. Hanlin. will ooniinenee on Fridav, the'Jth ' ^^iirry's Freit i:ii-.h n: '' " ; of .L-niuary next. Preparations have* heen made j '’seful works on .\prion’itviiv.^ -. for fhe reception of an additional number oft A larpe stiwk of .^,-lioti! I-■. pupils, but early notice is rciuested those ’fr*' *' desirinp places for tiicir danphtcrs or wards, the School bcinp limited in number. The jirescnl J^esbit.n w ill close on the 20th instant. W. H. H.MIDIN. Pec. TO. 1K.51. -J8-itOJ iiirrro.Ns SHIRT KSj'lllLlSll.^ll'^T, 171> Mnrkt't Strrtf, BAri'i.noKi:. r flHE Irtrpest anti only Manufacturing V.'hole- could by any po.ssibility be dispensed w’ith. life iiist.-intly faded, and was succeeded by Georgia on Friday. lie wdll f-s-1 Vn iron pan, w’hich w e use for washing a look of deep distress. | sume the Executive chair of Mi.ssi.ssippi i yf’U want the money very badly?” , about the 8th of January. | I gol Ij serves tilso for boiling our coft'ce. A 1 sale Establishment in the City. The capital and force engaged enables me at all times to offer to Coantry >[en-hants and Deal ers in SHIRTS. TOLL.V RS. LINEN and COT TON I)R.\WKRS, great indueenu-nt«—more than usual efforts having been made to render the assortment of these articles full and com j'lete. The Stock on hand is large and w ell ay.sorted t’or Men and Hoys. .\11 onh-rs from the Country attended to with punctuality and despatch. Remeniiier the Nam«>, and i\o. 179 .Tfai'krf T. W. r.ETToN. August l-->, 18-31. l)-vopl j MAV llOOKS. The American ^ . Swonls' Pocket .\hn;m:K*: Th'‘ ■ Ibittles of the World, frt.ui : loo: First lniprossi(ins of ‘' pie, by Hiiph Miller; Sw.iH"" . tion. illustrated, by .1. V- Kfiai'-'.!.-. ute. half morocco, illu.':i:>t' '• I'.',*,. , ’ Exhibition, illustratcl: .Vlihait :- ' ^ . ton anti Muter's Stu-irt'ry; I*"' ^ .. Pierce's Curves. Fnnftinns ' Pautheon: Letter Wrin-rs. i:. J. 1! ■ Dec. 8, 18ol. rsKi-rf. fr» ANLETT'S AKClllTF' T: Ha pentevs’ New Guidt*: • T'U. ant ami Kiir.-il .\rt-hitect: .''lia" ■- 'V , j, liH-tiire: Miiiif'et-'s Mcch.-mic.-d ■ Mull.Ill ..«'i\il Liijiiiiet-riii^r: liiil*"!'", -tth li-lifioii; .Mt'fliaiiic?' ft-Nt Own H-.t-k: Ibiiltier s Milltvi-i}*lit’s Xssi'taiit; t':ihii‘’t "‘J’','. holsterei-'s ('oni|.;iiiioii: l>yt*r :ui'l * ■■.jr .i -- Conr,>»(iii II. iiii'l otlit-r wt>rk' el ' ter iiad uiilily. i'or .s.iK- >'v ' .\ i:. .1. H.vhi- October -7. !>'-'> 1. ■r j' u Yi is / Mf iiH

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