■j-'A'y.ETT'j'yiii.ii.ss niiusiiiv. ji.\i'\r.v F, isi3. Imioktant from iiUiioi'E.—The At-1 \ PROCLAMATION, I amount rwjuired for a copy of the lantic brings accounts to the 24th ult. I />^ 7/;,, Paviu S. Keid, 7or-j recoinniond evcy h^ly >» the The elt^cfion for pref^iilent of Frnnce j ernor of tJie Stafr. of North CaroUna. cominoiiccd on the 20th, and was to con- State at lcai«t, to go and do likewise. It W'ill be found in the first phice to be gross- ti\m"'t!r r h "o H* “Ta" ' w;,s the onndidHte of the Whig party more uffendtr. could themselves p4sont; nml, "1 : Sr 7«"> i* gro»t par.i. | ,l.n ..„oe r, « clocio„ .he '.he . n [Uiiiy, ^\ Itii no tl ui t ot Jyouis * ; «in bias and pusonal prejudice, but re- being warmly urged by Mr. Gaston. Nor of ■ exhibited is a remarkable instance of geuc- Adtlresscs of adliosioii liave been pro- ;;-t, »)>'.';uh K. Rryan, Ksp was t'ented to the Prcsidriit from 115 places Wli!' j. I'll." of two of thehandsiin , i1i> (^"itli other causo.«,) i>revcnt.s •.11:: tlie urual attcutiou to the odit- ,f th. (>b'=('i vi r. M. ii’Ai. Ki.t: TioN.—At tlie election iiul , I of i’olice, and the fol- i,;l. iiu'U (' uiinisi^ioncr.s for the , _ y.t: , : \ 1 , .1 ;1H('S .'undy. •J 1’. 'I’iivl.ir. ,i IV (ill Arev. 4 '1'. S. liiiitrbth. A. A. M Kcfliati. f. Win. Ml L:>urin. 7. Will. W.irJi'ii. ' ATK {’oN V KNTION. The I’a- !, T e.tlls attention to tlie •\ ■! on '^iinie time and place ii ilil 111.' "f •'"1' State (.’onvenlicn, - 'lit' -Itli .’'londay (>f April as the \v' ^ li /•■ h,i\ e nn sort of ol»jec- \ ■ . «- fiu tlirr urge agr.iii that the •; ,11 -Ii' uM na-ft tit t!u- ('apital i>f •, . (O''I';' ciinvenicnf of aeci'ss, rf.,;. :.uc] ni re f'ppr''{ riate every . I'-, I'Oi.T place. 1! ' I' ' *hat its proposed time "w 'i.l * Li'ive tliree niMnths to ' : { ir (luveni'ir. to canvass the • ' ; ? \ t!:at till)'' til'.- t'piiiioii'of our •; ii. iviit .-( ■ tit-ns of till- I’nion, ■ ' ! a l andidate for the (’n siden- ’ ,\ a'.'iiMi 'd a reliable shape, up- ; \v. may art with eontidenee.” '.V lit of a ('■fUtral I'onimittee, ,|a' iuv of the diHieiihy . f se- ’■ 't of action :;ni 'Ug the ni“ni- 'l]\ccative ('oiiiniittee appoinf- ’■I't State (’"UVi-ntinn, .;onsist- :_r;i!li iii. ii in eai li of tiic ii:ne - 11,1 I>:'f rict-:. • it is ini]>ortant p 'p .•'lioiiM speak as to V leon’s success by an iininonsc majority. As ' ♦! > P f . j 1 formerly Speaker ofjrosity.—LetJtjer. far as heard from he iiad ‘2,00(1,000 votes, { JJorth ravolin-i ' ^ ” ^ I 'f Commons, and the recipient to ()00,000 ajrainst him. And the newt ti... fJ„„i u .• j mark in the Dem.Hrratic ranks, and nr.w of oth-r offu-es of trust and importanee. formof(M.vornmentinstitute.lbyhimwas quirod'furtheeloctoiniL'XnL.i-il(TtlTs"H-l*“fe7'f:''’" rub down the backs of j He omits all notice of Godfrey, th- ,u>t.!„o,i i,v 1,7c.ii,onn 207,0.10 -, “;„vtri“ng ag"'u Z|"'iviL of was cut off in the vigor of his da^'s, and j clemoncy of the Queen, in this instance, is j xXOTlCK. the first fruitP nf his fame. Nor of m. j exercised more as an act of friendship to- I * ll j.crsons indebted to tbe snl.scribcrs. 1./ 15. 3Ieares, who likewise represented the j wards the United States than from ar.y either note or account, are renucsted to town and county in-the Legislature, who particular claim upon its mercy which tlie imnicliate paymciit. Our Shop .nnt iti — ■ ■ .... . coiitcnts having heen tl-sfrf>ved t;y firo, it is iie- ce)sary thiit all our outstanding cU'Jits should , , I I i -i * ? - 11,. r C'>!lected bfforo W(> c!in re.>?uniP r.ur business, ly urged by 31r. (laston. Jsor or ■ oxfiibitea is a remarkable instance 01 gene- WIUTK & U \lioTK VU. ' ' ’ ' ’ ' Fayetteville. Jsn. 7. 54-aw Carolijj).'-.?) Ci>py. MARRIED. i III thi.' j'lace, on the Otli inpt.. bv the Rev'd .^daiii (lilchiist. Dr. .lOHN L. MK.^UKH of Wil- and the son f»f the! mingtnn, to Mi.ss lU'TSI'.Y liOLMKS, daugh- •Sk.c. 1. He it evartrd lu M/-r,V»of//-I wrn/./v 'satisfaction, iind as this | discoverer of the quadrant, wiio now lies I • • . i . _ 1 , \t the residence of Abel Hurt. luMontffome- IliNK: Th.- i> i.f . (' 1. ,■ iiits of time :ind pl-n-e. And - t’:.‘ p ipers will probaiily be di- it may bv-i*om‘ iu-> ■.■ss.iry '(•iitAc t’oniiui: te>- to ait. We ]ij> nd :i li>t of that ('o'lunitti-e, '• '.liar (’ol. Am llt.W J.iVNKR. ri ne.\t to that of fli-* la in the%-ntral l)’.'tri t. ^ (••1!respond with the other »’ •Kiia'ttec, and annouin-i- i'j» -t Wi-i’.ld b(> f.n-iiitat- '1.- r-'iiiuiittee uld at t > (’ 1. .loyni-r, at IL^llfix, ex- • ;r vii V. s as to tMui- an 1 place. ! Tivr. cuNtMiTTi;!-:. HV *7 S'tit* ('t nrenfi*tii ••f . / V,.; /_x. w. Woe Itiii .',f IJ.ui- , ( !. r>. itaiiher of iiuiki*, tieii. 1‘ r~ I Ilf (':ild\v. ll. •—('"i. H. L. K'ibard of Ib'wan. . ; ni uf S;ir;y. ('. I’arks of ’—II. W. t^ui 'li of Ijincoln, Absa- .M I ' .f Ansi.n, Alexaiidi-r Keliy of — X> a]'jviintjnent.s w. re made, —W'. A. l:ahaniof Orange, K. B. • !. 1 ■ i; ;iii\ill', Isaac 'ie;ig of t’iiat- >• — I’iciiMr ! Hinesof W.-ik^', Andre\v : ll..lif.x, N:;tliaii Williams tf —n> -ji'e I'avis of Xew il tn'v i*i n. .V l>’Z7,ellof S imp'on, .Joliu A. ! i ' I U -1 n*-' >n. j-Mw ir.ls of (Ireen:-, . ’ii.._'t'.n, ■ if Crav;,n, J:>siah Ilalsev )•- ’!. ' * ; —P. T>.irr.es of X'^rlhamjiton, ' riionijt'"n of ]>. rtie, W. ]}. Sh.-panl ; -fink. —A mfetiii'jr ef the ' r‘ I'Vtli was In l I at Winston on . 1 ' : nlr., .-ind rt 'oluti ios were adopteil, ' -M -ndin;.' Kiilni 'iT fur Prcsi'lent. ("Jra- : ! r \ i. I- l’r‘ >id.-nt, (rilnn r for (iov- . -iii'l ii-'-‘. n>boront.'h as the place for ! t|:- \Viiiir State ('onvention; to -. i‘\ liv.- tli. Iegatc." won-app >inted. > V. ; of Stok s held a meeting on : ult. 'i’h.'V n'iminat(‘d rillin'irc ’11: f>r till- l*n >ideney and \’icC ■ ’ . -■> ! .1 ihn Ki-rr of Caswell, for ■ ■ r. T.v ntydeh'gates were appoint- ’ *• ':( onv'iifion, whi( h is roconi- ' . t - ! i'r i 1 at tj reen.'l'orongh. -\ I ,' ill 1 Ji!iiconi)»e on the->t)f h ult. : ■! :ii;i'...r ri '■■liitions and ajipninted ■ ' to till- ('on^ cntion. and departments. The London Times states that the rela tions of Nai>oleon to the llritish govern- nu-nt are unsati-factory; that th(-j' are e- (jually unsati>factory to the desjioiic pow ers. as Austria and I{ns^ia, whilst pleasel with the steps taken by Lmiis Napoleon, look njion his power as provisional, and it must give way to tiie re.storation of 1-,'giti- ma V. The republican clubs of I’aris have de cided that ni> repiiMican government can l»e attempted now in France. Iloliert .1. ^\'aikcr has declined the ban- iiuet otlered ti Ir.ni at Soutiianipton. Ilis letter wa> ]'o>ti-d and pl.iearded about town, lieadcd “Alliam-e with America.” 'I he snbjci t of hii alliance bctweiMi the I UTted States and (ireat Hritain for the preservation f freedom a>:ainst the advan- • * 1 • • • • cing t: ie r.l t!c.'piti>m was i-xcitinga lively inter, st througiiont the conntrv. lr.Ji'll-.L:-i'i;ee from it >me states tint the I’ope is Iii^lily {ih'ased witli the evi'uts that have tran>pircd in Fraiici'. l^ivcrpool, llcccinber io.—Sales of cot ton during till- last three davs *jO,(M»U bales, at an advance of id. tDNGllESS. In the Sln.vtk, on Monday last, a good dial of private business was introilutid, but nothing of public imj>ortanee o t-nrred except the intn.ilnction of Kr».-sutli, (of which an account is given below.) In the Hofsr. of I'f.fRK.sK.NTATl VK.s, on th.> anie day, Mr. ('aitti-r's n—olutioii ;i]ipointing a eomniittei' of tivt'to introduce L-tui> Ko-->uth to the House, was a-loj.ted, under the jirevion-; iiue>tion, l*2o to .’>4.— • Of the X. (’. members, Mi‘^.>.rs. Ashe, (’aldweil, Morelieel, Oiitlaw, .'^tanlv, an ! Venable voted agaiii>t the n'Si.lntion, .Mr. (’iingnian for it; and .'lessrs. I)aniel an«i n.K-kery were absent. Mr. Hrown of Mi.v. en leavorod to Iiavo the rules sn-pen led to introduce a resolu tion declarinir ♦liat the lIoU'C del liiu's to expr; >s an epini .n as to the quotion of int: rvcntjoii in the atlairs of other nations, liut the llou.'e would not .-u>p.-nd the ruK-s. till* sci-oml .Moiiilay ot Nnvi-mlii-r. ]>., 1 ^iacaulay. Iheri'tore take the book as ‘ admirable addr“..^ delivered at Chapel Hill is.. ), be nnieiidi'il l.y strikiii" out the words y u tind it, and altho’ when one purchases ; some years a'_'o. .'lT"ri •r'iit- firtl ‘iI .Is " I'V?'*'-i‘ ri'cord of by gone events is ex- Of Archibald M. Hooj.(r,k!io\vn throngh- MJsTii.t ni tittv urros ot iai*‘l tor six inoiitlis , * i i. i *i ^ i i , ^ \ ^ , ncM i.i-f,.ro ami at the dav of elcctii.ii,” so that :i-\regards the work now under m;t the State for his extcu.sivc research and tlii‘ .x;iiil i-l.inse of siiid section sl-all road as t'lil- ; eonsideration it is proper that a diflerent i- varied ac(|uiremcnts. lov. s: AH tVi-e wliiti- men >t the ape of iw.'iity- dea should exi.st, in order that future dis- | Of W'm. S. Hasell, the author of‘Alfred,’ one years (exrept as is hereiiiatter declared) apjiointinont atid vexation mav be ])r('vent-j an historical poem whieh wis deemed |.r, -i' lin.j tlie day nf any eiecii-.ii and si.all 1'=!c‘'^j^'"herous, , ],ook, (IX I.-)) but of which a A^y/'/A (’iro- bnvc pulilio taxi-s, .shall be entitled to vote ; others annoying, and very many unpardon- //isfuriiiii takes no note, for a in.-nibpr of ilie Senate. ■ able. The stat:.-ti..al iufi rmation, if we • ()f (’ol. William McRoe, T. S. F,., a Ski . _. hr It j'liriher 1 li.-tt the (*ov- j may judge ot the' whole by a p:irt soon to giMitleman f>f distin"-uish(‘d military talent, 11 nor nt the . t.iti bi .nul hi is beti b\ dircUed. , incnrreet, and therefore va- \vhos‘ admirable onalities of mind and to i.'>ii.- Ins rro.laniMtioii to the pi o|«!c i.f North 1. i . i- i- i i- n • . , i. ' , , luelcss, the biograjilnenl portnm full ot heart procured him early distinction and idundcrs, hurried unautiu'ntic details, and lastiujx honor. ()!’ whom Gi-n. Scott rts ot (’bathaiii, to SLSAN M. )\\ KN, daugh ter of Mr. Win. (Uvi'ii. In >r:iiijre eoinity. on tlie I'.'ith nit., .1AMKS V. IinUIKS. Ksii.'to Miss MAKTMA TIN.VIN, daiifrhter of the late Ufivi.l Tinniii. all of (>!-:tn;ie. DIED, III tliis town, on tlie l^th nit., after n short illness of 1(> hours. U .M. .I.V.MKiS KVKIAN. all'll I t yc.-irs and ‘.t moiitlis, youii{;est son of Kdwnrd and .Mary Kvelyu. Fayetteville Prices Current. .JA.Ni Ai:V 8, 1N>2. pioi (';!rolin:i. nt le.-ist six months bdore the next i-lecti.m I't-r nieinbcr'; of the tJeneral .\sscinblv, si'ttin>: terth the purport of this .Act iind the anu-ndnient of the t’onstitution herein [>r.>|io.'ie.l, \\liich rroclaniMtien shall be neeom|‘.-inii-d bv a true and ]>‘i leet cojiy of the .\ct, authenticated by the certifie.-ite of the Secretary of .State, ami ll. til the I’roehiniation and the eojiy of this .Vet, the (i.'vernor of the State shall e:iiise to be jn.b- lislie.l in nil th.' newssjiapers of this .-St.-ite, .-uni I'fisteil in the t'our* liou.sis of the resi>ecti\e I’onnties in tiiis St:i!e, at least six leonjhs be- f.'re tiie elei-tion of ineiabers to tlie next (ieii- oral A'siiiilily. Itead three times ;uid ajrre.-d to by three- tifths of the >vhole niiiidier of members of each From political favoritism. In his notices of the jiroiir.nent men of the ililfcrent counties, gentlemen of distin-uish.'d ability, who wielded great inlhienee in their da\’, are o- mittcd altogether, while others of mediocre rank are prominctitly thrust forward. Ma ny id these historical notices are v(‘i v mea gre, when cojii.ius information miglit rea dily have been obtained; oth(-rs are nnne cessarily intlatcd. Xo',v we can vi-rv easilv undi-rstand the difl'n-ulties .'«pringing up in the way ut the author, in his i ii leavor to 11. iu( 11 1 ItiM 1_\. .Old i.itiliid in (lomral ,\s give a runnni:^ bmgraidiv ol tin' notabh’s semblv, this the :^ltli li.iv ot .bmieirv. liS->l. >■ ,i c i . d the Mate, and are piepare .1. r. im»i;i;in. s. ii. t'. W. N. i;i>U AKHS, s. s. .Stmk or Noin n '\noi.iN\, t (Ijiire of S'rri'ltiri/ nt Sm/i'. ) 1 WiM.iAM llil.l.. Secretary of Stnte. in and for the State of N rib (’:sr.>li:i.-i, lo hen by oer- til'v tl-.at the foi-e-j:. ii’.'.r is a true and ['erfeet to cxense many iin|>ci foctiiiu.> and .-liort comings, but apart from the jMopriet\, in the lirst place, of tilling a thick volume with local and bi ographical incidents of no immediate or prospective value beyond the circle in which tln-y oci-nrred, the iiccessitv of pre marked, that “he combineil more of genius I and military seii'nee with high courage j than any other ollicer who p-irticijrited in the War of 1811.” Ainl Mr. (\ilhoun ■ likewise declared, tiiat “his tah nts and; character wore of the highest order, and i that he only lacked fipjioj tunity to diatin- ' gnihli himself as a military chief.” Of ('apt. A1(‘X. Swift, an oiheer of great ! merit, win* served his country with dis- j tinetion during the Mexican war, ainl died ' a few ^ears since. j ()f \Vm. H'“ury Wright, Lii'utenant of, the r. S. Fngitieers, a man of -splendid i ability, who graduated at West I'oint with * \ - the highest hoirirs id'the Institution, and (■ ojiy of an .\.et of the tieneral Assembly ot this sentiiig an iiiijiai tial and just record of men State, dr:t\vii otl In.m the ..rifrimil on tile in this and tliinirs. so that the fame of her citizen,', otlii-e. tiixen under my haml, this ;!I>t il.-iy of ^,.1,;^.}, is |he jrlory ef the State, wei-hed WM. 1111.1.. .sVr'v ->f. lieeeiid er, Is-M. I' in tlio l’kcgi>ter noniitnites the :i' fli Ilavner a.s the IiIlt catidi- nii.r. tij.ti-'n I)inner of Members of :t;el oilier^ to KoS'Utll, WaS tO ... y. ~f--r(l;iv. ; ■ ” TAM i;s AbTKK (’asi'.s.—When i' ■ r .1. iiv^Tcd his sj.cec h in the ■' the I\iissurli resolution, the - •!i lard attackc'l him furiou.-ily "■ 'i'-’ "uneing his positions, and the iii' ii!' wliii li they were supported. '"iu«-ni!y. Mes-~rs. A^he, l)anit-l, and ' ' , ' t'-d jTi-ciM-lv in accordanec with h I ' \ ii-W', ;.nd .^lr. Venable spoke ■ la-- piiri'ii-e. 'J'his ha- furnished - ■ ■ ' ' the Standard, and whilst it '■ ' nn:;naniniify to retract it.- abuse of !>“!_• r, it adroitly fills in with the ■' i ri' nt. It ‘went off at half-eoc-k,’ • ■ ail . yi“ ri-a lily to jierceive how the • \'-;.d .'it>, and to trim its sails ac- iili.l y. '■'1'" X.\Tio.\AL Convention. I'- I> niocratic Xational ('ommittee ’■ -^1 upon the first day of June next le time. IJ-iltiniore as the })lace, '■ ‘di.ig flicir X.i*ion:d ('unvention. rUKS’-.NTATloN )!' COVl'I’.Non KOSSI TM TO T!1K SKNATK OF TllK 1. STATI-'.S. Tiiis imji'.sing ceremony in hon- r of the gre.it HunL'’ari.in, and in testimony of the aptuovnl by our governm ‘lit of the cause of liberty in Kiirope, whieh lie represent, took jilaec V(‘.sfci(l,iy iu the Senate ('liam- ber at one o’cb'ck. '1 he proceeding, ' thojitrh aUiTU't in it> signiticanee, wa- un ostentatious in its character. As no .-.im- ilar ]tr'seut.iM.m to cither House of ('>n- Cress ha-' occurred, except in the case of ; U'-ral Laf.iyi-tte, we deem it ]>roper to note the details of the pri.>cecding with I exactnes. At tln‘ appointed hour, tlie Senate, on the suirgestiou of its J'resiiicnt. suspended its u-iiial business, (iovernor Kossuth, in his official costume, and with his sword at ‘ hi-; side, appc.ired at the main cntrame, preceded bv two member >f the committee if intro.lnction, . General .'Shield-.- an 1 Mr. S. \ ard, ; and followeil i.y tlie third mem ber, (leiu-ril ('a s.^ ami advanced in this • iiih-r till he st-iud in tiie c. ntre of th - Senate chamber. (.Jen. Shields, the chairui.-in of the com mittee, then .said: “Mr. I’kesipk.nt: We have the honor to announce to you ]joui> Kos.-'Uth, and to • introduce him to tlic Senate ot the I nited States.” The President of tlie Senate then rose and said: “Ijouis Kossuth, I w-Iconie yon to the Senate of the I nited States. The commit tee will -onduct V'lU to ihe seat which 1 liavi! caused to b‘ prepared for you.” I (»ov Ko>suth bowed in ai-knowh-dgment of this jiublic reception, and, being con- .lucted by lien. Shn-lds and .Nlr. Seward to a M-at immediately in front of the Stcre- tarv’s table, took his seat, with (icn. Shields on his right hainl, and Mr. .''cward and len. (.’ass on his h it. Mr. Mangnm then rose r.nd said: “For the |iur])ose of affording to the members of this body an oppmtunity to pay their respects to our ilhr-'tiiovis guc.-t, 1 move that we do now adjourn.” ^ 'J he iiJf>lion was carriel, and the Senate adjourned. Tin,* Fresident of th'> Senate and other senators then left their seats, and, as they approached (Jovernor Kossuth, were s-verally pre.sented to him by the members of the committee. The entire front and side ga'lerie.s of the (.'hamber were completely lille'l by the | ladies, who iiad as.-cmbled to witness the c( remonv. Many ladies found places on the floor of the Senate, the rnh^ having been suspended with a view to their ad- mi.ssion there. The reporters’ gallery was assigned to gentlemen, and was also crowd ed. 'J'here was no applause—the ,=peetntors apparently ri-frainiiig from Diiy such de- mon."tration as unsuited to the occasion | and tiie scene.— M iis/ii)t/fon. [ niou. nien.lue.: the t'oiistitiitioii of the .St;it.- ot .N'orih ('ai’oli.Mi >11 -IS to enter i>ii every .|ii:diii('l voter for the IIou>e of (’oiiinioiis the rijrlit to vote al so for the Senate; Nl■^v, theref re, t.i the end that it may be m.-ule kiii'Wii that if the aforesnid amendiiieiit to the ('oiistituti.iii sh;ill be f>"roe| t-i by two- thir is of the w hfle repri-.-et^tatj. n iu oaeh iionse i.t the next (ieiieial .\>se:iili*.y. it will then be 'Ubiiiitteil to the p.-oiile for r.itilie:ition. 1 leive issued thi-i iny I’mehiiiiatioii iu .•iiforiiiity with the cro\ i.'i' iis of the betore-recite.l .Vet. In testiiiiHiiy \> iiereof, Pvvin Hkii*. !ov- ernor of the S'-ite of North t'.-irolin i. hath liei-e- iiut' set his li.-Mi'l nil.I i-.-iuse.l the tiieat Se.-d of the s.lid .''t:ite t> be atlixed. _ _ 1‘oiie at tbe C'ty of I’aleifrb. on tbe ) thirty tirst day i1’ l>e.-eniber. in the L in a true balance, should be handed down, as lionorable ini-. ntives atid models for fu- •\m> Wiikfkvs. tlie s:ii l .\et jirovi.les for n- ' ture imitation, the neces.'itv, we n peat, if the attemjit was made at all, that it should have all the sanctions and authority of his tory, is strkingly apparent. Inasmuch, theridore, as Mr. W iiecier’s hiographii-al sketches are incomplete, remler slight praise in some instances, and i.ndue eulogy in o- thcr.', their omission altogether, would have bciii more in aceordaiice wiili those prin ciples ot enuitable right, with which as a ni.-niber of the b-ir, he is presumably con versant. As it is, they do injustice to ma ny and iiec-j.-.-'arily impair all conlidence in the Wirk. W'e liave s.-iid tint the bo.-k aboiuide.l in errors, here are some of them. Tiirn- ieg to Xiw Haiiovi r, we timl that W il mington is distant from Kak-igh one bundled uu'i forty->ight mile -. Tiiis may be correct, but tiie u.-'ual travelling route is via the Rail Itoad t» (lold'boro', and from thence to Hah-igh. 'J'his route is one hii:idn-d and thirtyd'our miles long, 'riirongb Sampson county, unlos we are misii.f ruled, it is one humlred and twenty od.l miles. ’J hi- annual j'rodiicts of Xew Hanover county, are set down as follow^: :»U,'.b')l barrels id'Turpentine; !:•(».bu'hels of Corn; 7j4tJS ponn Is of Wool; 61 1,17'^ Worth of l.uniber; lu'.» liarrels of Fish. W e do not know the source from whem-(' these stati.-'tics are ubtaine.l, but they j>re- sent a very jio. r figure indeed, and are wretchedly inaccurate. 'I'iie '('urj*-ntine crop of this County, for the last year a- mounti-d to some (JIt.OIH) bl>ls. A' re^'ards Lumber, Heaven sjivc tin* mark, ??14,(MKl for one year, it is amiising indeed, 'rin-re are nine steam .siw mills iti this place alone, which probably saw feet a year, at a valuation of .?4S0,(»(M); 1(U> barrels of l-'ishi a whole twelve months worki .''ueedeii and Hew lett, , - , , , . , , and tiie other li!iermen on the coast, who On the other hand, we ix rceive that the ! , .1 i • * i , , , 1 1 1 X- unfretniently bring to the shore at a book has to undergo the ordeal ot pretty severe criticism, not only on account of its stvle, but iiniecuracies in m.-sny |'articu- lars. In his i iideavor.H to make the work i-i-rt/ aci-eptabb- to thi‘ representatives ol the Wealth and iit‘rature of the State, he has loaded it too much with jlmf-f'mn t'fi/- I i-:ir of i.iir l.or.i I'lie tln-iisa?.') ei;jl;t — - hiMi'lred ar.d fifty-one, and in the 7'>th year of our liitl.-peiiJi-aee. D.mi) s. ILldl.). r>y the (iovernor. Thom >.s S'TTLK,. .Ir.. Private Sec y. I’ei-'"lis into whose han.ls this I’ro.-himation may ta'l. wilt p'.-:ise ser tlnit a eojiy of it is p.'ste l up in the (‘ourt Ibaise of their respec tive Cellllti.-S. WllKKt.r.I’.’s Hi TdKlCAt. SKKTCiniS.— W't' (-o;if-nne the extracts from oui exchiin- res—in broken do.^cs—the presi lit being a pri-tty strong one:— WHKHLKU’S HOOK. Mr. Wheeler'' **I!i.-'torical Sketches of Xorth (’a.-oliii:;,” arc published, an«l in coui'C of di'Iiverv to siil»crib-rs. A copy was laid upon oiir table a few days since, bv the aiT'-iif in this place, but we have hal no opportnnitv to c.xamine it except in a very cursory manner. W'v ar.' pleased to see in it many rare colonial docnments official papers relating to revolutionary evi-nts, and imiiortant sta- ; ‘V’ '’“‘'■"j . . , 'ill 11-1 ot ijiiuioer 1 trstical matter,' wnieh have been hitherto difficidt of acci s to the ( ommon readers of till- conntrv. l!ACt)X— I!;ims, Sides, Shoidiiers, Western, 15i:i-;S\V AX— t'OJ'FKK— llio, La^iiirn. >St. i>oi(ii/ipo, t’OTTON — Sirictly prime, I’riiee, Fair, TON r.AGGINt; — (iiiiili y, I'uu.lee, rurbips, VAHN-S— to 10, , , ,, • , ,n • DOMFSTK' (;00DS— was the ai.Jihor 01 a “1 racfual 1 reati.-e on ; jli-.nvn Slu-eiing.s, .Mortars,” now a stau lard aud valualde ! Osnabur^rs, work. : FI'ATHFK.S— OfCapt. Samuel 3fcKen/.ie, of Krnns-; wick, greatly distiniruished, who was an . ui'eitine, ’ fr • . . * . , . j r 1110, actor ill the brilliant op>rations in .^lexico Scratched during the last war, and died there after (JRAIN— the capture of the city. j ('oni. Of Samuel it. .Jocelyn, the first Kipiity j lawyer of his day in the .^tate, who.c pro- | feS'ional ability in this ilejiartnient of jn-! ){\e' risprudeiice was siuli, that an oarne.st t lIlIiKS— desire w::s entertained during his life to i I’r.'", I'stahlish a s]>ecial Court of Chancery, in order that he might be made th(‘ ('haneel- , ‘ s7e.Ies, c mmon bar, lor thereof, an-1 doubtless this Court would : liltto. wide have been created but for his charaeteris- • laijtlisli, tie di'inelination to assume this or any L,\!{1>— otiier office. .Mo} His notice of Hon. .John Stanly, of Cutiii Xi'wbern, that nnrivalh’d debiiter, is brn-f i New ()rlcaiis, ^noxie.^ and poor in h-eil. In faet but eight lines OlbS— and three ijuartcrs are iK vu: .-1 to his life j I.ir.see.l, and service^, and the br.lanee, s.-niefhing ’ over a page, to an account of his “unfortu- " * i,;vorpool (sack ) nate affiir with (ri*v. Speiirht.” And V»y j Aliiin*. ()ui.) the bve, it seems to be a peneh.ant of the SKF,I>— Col.’s to ri.eord all the duels that have taken jilace in liy ^one years, forgetting ai'parently that their relation can serve no n.-cfnl pnrpo.si- whatevi-r, but may have a ■ tendeiK-y to re-oj.en old wound', and ex cite ancient and nearly extinguished ani- mositi-s. I CapT. .1. II. K. Bnrirwin, who was kill- 1 ed at 'J'aos, in X’ew .Me.Kico, and of whom . a brii-f noti(-e is given under the head of! (’raven (’ounty, belonged to W ilmington. I There are numberless other mistakes ! and short ctimiug to which we have not the h-i.'Ure to advert. Some of them have lieen pointeil out by other papers. We ; dislike repetition. We will record two j more only and leave the subject. Onr ; To '.i.A 1 r It' l;;. 10 18 If) in 4|oO 4 4 IM) I '.lO ISw (none.) Flaxseeil, ('lover. SHOT— ('oinnion. per bap. llii.-k, sriiuTS— I’each I'l.indy, Apple “ Northern “ N. Whiskey, N. F. Itiim. •latnaiea I’um, French r.ramiy, .American el in, Ilollaiel Gin, .\ It — bn.'i f, ('riishe.l, ."^t. Croix. 1’orti.i Ivieo, I *'* !' i]0 j i *' !- lUO ,i;o I 1 |-,0 40 1-20 f-i 10 ur, fo i;o 85 11 liS 1 .30 Sl'G 47 ), -10 i: 4.^ :4i! 4.3 40 ii ' li '1 .-,0 o» li 40 .'ill I 1' 'll s ils :lo „ ;12 ' 0 ! I 7 ! '■ ^ s i ' |l 8 |1^ ii .'*.0 ► ' ! 1! ■ '21 i ■>5 -4 ils 1, 20 NKW ARRIVALS. ^ tlic Ittte nrrivals we have liiivo received .MOLASSKS. in hluL-!.. tierces and bbls. FISH.—We li.‘ive Salmon, Mackerel in bb'..^. mill tiHtf hbls., and .Mullets and IleiTiug. -■Vlso, yellow plHUting Lish i’otatoe.s. (-’(.KM': & T.vVLOn. _.Jan-y H, 1H.j2. DCj^Mrs. S. I.. Sjiiitii \vislu‘.^ to sell her I'AIUtl.VGE nnd HOKSfS. The Ciirriagc is a fine one, und the H.-rscs pool .aTnl gentle. A ba;gain mav be h..d bv anp'lying t.: 'vi. (J. .M.vTninws. .Jnn’y 0, 1.S52. .'»4-2t 7()(H) OUA.NGlvS, rS^IIF. best of the soiisoii. J-a.st rec-cived ai.J JB. for Sale by rii'S i;anks. .Tan'y -i, lS-'i2. 54tf STOLEX, f^KOM the snhsoriVier, on the 2-'th Decem ber last, my Saddle ]5:igs, in which there ■were One Hutnlrvil and Sixty Dollars in cash. I will pay a reward of Twenty-five l»ol!nrs for proof to convict the thief, or the same nniouLt for the money aud no ijuestions asked. A. LOVK. Robeson county, .Tan. fi, 18.^2. 54-:!t GARDEN SEEDT I Fresh tKftmhic: SA MUFjr.lTlnNSOA LE Mas just received and offers for s.ile, a ve- rv large supplv of Fresh and Gi-nuine Of this year’s growth, among which arc the fol lowing, viz: Aspab AC.es. Be.vns—-F.-irly China. F.arly Valentine. I F,;irly Six Weeks. ’ F.:irly Mohawk. l.ar;ie Lima. lU'.F.TS—Karly I’.lood Turnip. “ ISassino. I.oiifi Idoiid. ^Vhite French Sugar. Yellow. (' Ii n o E — !•: a i ly Vo rk. , F'lat r.attersea. L.trgc Ox Heart. Flat lMit h. Karly Sugar Loaf. Lartio Drnmbea'l. Itri'.mhcad Snvoy. rAfi.iKi.iiw r.i!—r.arly London.' (_'aurot—Karly Hern. Long t)r:inge. ('ki.efy—W hite Soli.l. . ('» ef.MUKH—F.iirly I’nssia. Karly ('luster; Long Green. F-Oe. I'l.ANT. CoK.N—Sndth's Early White. ,\veet or Sugar. Lktti ck—I.arge Green Head. Ice ('osp. L:ii fe (,'abbage Head. Mki.on—I’ine .\p>ple. Nutmeg. .Mountjiin Sweet W.iter." Xasttrthm. Okka. (J.Niii*N—Large lied, j White Portugal. pArsi.ivY—'nrl(d. Pabsmp—Long Smooth. I’EAs—Karly C'harlton. Large Marrow tut. rr.rrER— 1.(>n 2 Ca ven ne. Bull No.se. Sweet Sjiaiiish. rt.Mi’Kix—('onuectient. Kaiiisii—Karly Long Scarlet. I F'arly Scarlet Turnip.' I Rose col’ll Winter, i I.ong Salmon. isiMVACu—Hound. Salsify or Veiiktmii.f. (Jyste&.' I Sqi'.vsu—Karly lUish. Tu.mato—Liirge Red. Large Smooth. I Tear Shajicd. ' Large Yellow. lu hi.' sketches of the di'^tingui.-.hed men of each comity, he iucliidc'^ the li\ ing as well as the dead; and it is a very dilh- cult matter t.i do justice to the living, iu the eyes of (-otemporaries, by any attempt at personal history. IJi-sides, wlu-ther Mr. W. be conscious of the fact or not. liis par ty |iredilections are sonietiiiu-s perieptible in this department of his work. There are said to be several inaccurate statements—indeed, some were to be e.\- jiectcd iu a work of its e.xtent and charac ter. They may md, however, be of disad- | vantage; for wdiile they may be corrected in a second edition, they w ill serve to awa- 1 keii investigation, aud end in a full devel opment of the jiuiilie desire for a full and accurate history of Xorth Carolina, such as shall do ample ju>tic(^ to the .'^tate, j 'I’he book is only sl: trln/, and lacks, both in ]>lan and e.xecution, the dignity of a I l>ut as a repository of much, very j single haul, an amonnt c.xeeediiig the above, must laugh at this statistic. The.-e are set down as the products of Xew Han over County. Xot a wor.l about th.- llice crop of this and the adjoining county of JJriMi'wiek. Is not Kice a product!'' One of the chief stajdes of this sectifui of coun try. It may be a matter of information t'» .^lr. Wheeler, which we chei'rfully give for the bemdit of subsenucnt editions of hi'i work, that there are some ei;dit or nine , . - . 1 X’ rn 1 1 • ' * Orleans, Iriciid Strong, of tin* N. ( . iidegraph, is taT.LoW oinitte.l in the list of IMitoi's of tiie State, Toi!.\('i'0— and .Judge Potter, of Fayetteville, one of ■ Leaf, the o'llest .Tudges in the country, known ^vHlTl''I*F^^ throughout the State by nine-tenths of the window cI VSS peojde as having been appointed by .lefTer- | m ^ " sou, a .Judge of the Ifishirt Court, is | WOOL— handed down by a lawyer and historian to succeediuir g>'nerations as a (’ir>-ui( VonrX .Judge. And this is hi.(itr^. The Lord look down. l-'or ourself while we de.«ire that (’ol. Wheeler may receive ample jieeuniary re compense fo^ his zeal and indu.stry; while j avu.MINOToN ^^RKkT. we heartily recommend the purchase of Turpentine 2 I-'., Hard 1 lo. Nothing liis l.MH>k by o\'i*ry sou of .North ( :iroIjii;i, in Spirirs or T.ir I 70. Sliin^Ios for it is a valinible work beyond dispute, ■'! IJ.L Timber—1 raft [.rime mill sold at llj, W(‘ iicverthelc.ss must protest ai:ainst its 1 very inferior nt t: market nearly t.are. LtoO recei.tion abroa.l as a specimen \d' Xorti. ’v^'^hel.s new t'orn v,!.! fr....i vessel at ;.).! cash. -8 X 10, RKVIKW OF THK AIAKKKT. (’ottoii m,-iy ]>i‘ consiih'red a little hoary nt present i|Uotatioiis. Trade in general is begin ning to resume its fornn-r activity. The ,\tlantic’s news has ha.I no effect as yet on the New York market. million pounds of Hough l»iee rai.sed an-j everything ]>ertaining thereto, as to gulj mially on the margin of the Cape Fear, j down a history with a smack, men-ly be- Airain he omits all notice of the (iround ‘j'tion atiroa.i as a s]M'cimi ('arolina literature. We are not so in- ' tensely in love with Xorth (’arolina and ; .\t ('i.eraw. Cotton 7 to 7.]. Sales of the week ">00 bale.s. Freights have d.'clined, and are scarce m com parison to the niimljer of ti-ansient vessels. I’ea ( top of this (^»^nty, which is worth jotting down. We are infornn-d it reaches to the snug sum of ?T), or 7.^,0(l0 per annum. Xothing is said about the value of the iu ."s|>irits of Turpentine, iu Tar, Pitch, itc. He puts down the ]iroduet of Turjien- eause it is written by one of her sons, while at the same time the afore.s-inl his tory is full of inisstati-ments and errors, and blunders of eomposition enough (were he alive) to burst old Lindley Murray’s sides with laughter in the perusal. “ IIV/.N-o/i.”—Mr. Wheeler is mistaken in his statement that the county-s-at of the new' county of Vudkin, (Wilson,) was honor of Louis I). Wil.-on, iif j ('O.MMI'JICIAI. RKCOKI). ,I:in S—St'r Henrietta, with goods for Row land X MeK;iy, .Jones .i Ilufliii. W .\lbright, .7 V.'liiteh''ad. W Mnr]>hv ('o. N K McTUifhe. D .1 Mc.Mister. R W floidstnn. II .\ Lon-lon, II R ! examiiie this. Ti u.\ir—l lai Dutch. Ited Top Flat. Large Norfulk. While (ilotic. Long Tankard.' Ruta I'aga. Saiie. Tiiv>:E. S. .T. HlNSDAl.K. Fayetteville, Dec. 31. ''4tf OF VALrAlJLF Kcnl and ProperfVs Comnu'>i itii/ I'lfl) nf Jifniinrij IS;V2. fM^HK snb.scribers, as I'xecutors of the l.-ite fl. Kichar.i Hines, otl'er for sale the very val uable PLANTATION H*' died possessed of, containing about li700 acres, a little over leilf of which is clenri'd and in a high state of cultiviition. This Plaiit.-itioii is situated on the north side of Tar itiver, in Kdgeconibe county, six or .seven mi'es east of the liailroiid, :ind lune miles aliove Tarborougl;, adjoining the himls of Richard Harrison ami otliers. There is on the jiremises a large and comfortable dwelling with eight rooms and all ol the necessary out houses and tiitures, of the bfst kind ami in goo.l ijr.ler. We will not go into a dct.‘\iled statement f-f the superiority of this I'l.-intation, but invite all persons witihing to purchase valuable land to A plat of the lan.l, with a sur- H.'iyes Son, Mickle .\she, .) H Haughton, of the inter'or. ami sumlry pers.Tis in town. |»OI«TOF t'iri/. uuich, that is valuable to the Xorth Caro v .i . • • n' i linian, to be found no where else collected I “'J'*'" iu similar space, we have no hesitation in ' '**• tine in Hrunswick county as less in v.-ilue, i • • .» e M’UIVMS than the product of a gentleman resident ''='J'“‘d in lonoi o .oiii.s . ‘‘j" ’"’ j .7,.,,, r’_v,H-s V.ats.m from Sedgwick, W.in- tliere. ^ , I'^dgeeouibe It was named for the late ' ^ Turniii"’ from sfatisties we will 'dance Joseph ilsoii, for mauv years .'^idicitiu- ; ii.,yon, Tangier from M.-itnnzas, Kagle from ° I oil the circuit in whiL-h \ adkiu county is ; Martinique: Schrs Suffolk from New].ort, Vir- ' situated. We speak on the authority of j Siinia (iriflith from N. York, Wm H Smith from “one who knm-^:'—(;rrrn.horo»-jh At. ! •^•‘•»,!rwick. Loduel from fas at biography. Hi^ says that Col. .Tames Moore, id’ Brunswick, died at his brother’s house vcy of the cleare'l jiortions, is left in the hands of .Mr. Isaac R. Fanner, on t!ie premises, wh.) is well aeiinainted with it and will »ive any : information to persons wishing to pureh.nse.— j We will sell it in onC tract, or divide it into , two or three, if not di.sposed of at private sale liefore i^e I'Jth of next .January, we will, on that day. at 2 o’clock P. ^L, on the premises, oiler it at jmblic sale to tiic highest bidder, it has not been iu*eessarj- for a phj'sici.-ui to visit it during this year. We will also* sell at the name place. eommendir.g it to public patronage. (t ri i'n>tf/oroii;/fi I\itnit. tKil JhiDK'r to KosautJi. Ihe nt-ltublie states that a dinner was given to (loyernor Kossuth on Saturday evening by FltOM TIIK WII.MlNtiTON IIV.RAJ.T*. “WilKl'LI-irS lllSTOliY OF )l. r\KIILi*\.\;' “1-hery time 1 W heei.fk 'bout I jump Jim ('row." A fri(“i)d has suirgested the above e.vtraei The truth is, Col. .James Moore was or dered to take command of the Southern Department of the I nited States, consist ing' of Xorth (^'andina, Sfnith (’arolina and IjUt)' t'rnm Mr.riro.— PiqMiUir Ou'hrrnk. — Flii/ht 0/ Cuntrajdl runfirmt il, d v. Xkw ()ri,kans, I>ec. ^9. The steamer 3Ie.\ico has arrived w ith ad vices from the City of Mcxico, to the Utth ult. On the Kith, a popular outbreak oe- tine. Me.; liarnue I'niline from N. York. 4— Rrigs Kli’,^!'dietli anl ('oninieree from Martin^pie. •Iiilia Moulton from St. Croix. Helen F Ityder from Roston. .John R i).iw from New York, Ver- m >nt from Kden, Me.; Schrs. .Jane (' Patterson 190 j\'S‘:aitoEs, Of the most valuable kind; among them are three car]ieiiterH, (one of these a w beel-wright,) two lilacksmiths, one pidnlcr, three tirst-nite (leorLna, having been appointed a (ieueral : curred against all foreigners, in eon.s-r|ueiiee the l*re.ilent of the ri.ite.l Sta'tes, at wl.ich from a once popular song as an appropriate , ;,pp„intvd to this command bv the j and seventy woumled. were Jireseut the family of the I’resideiit; motto to adorn the title pages of future c- ....... - . and Ira Rrewster from New York. .1 .\ Hobart i },.,use servants, (one of them a seamstress,) from Providence, .John fi Fiixoii from I’oston. | jf„o.l ostler, and some ol'the best cotton-pickers St I.eon from New Relfor 1. •'>—Rrig Chiirb's j j,, the State. Henry from New \ ork; I>ut.-li (Jalliot .\gnetliH : ALS(') . 1 i-i -ill- 1 1- 1 ! ^ 1 • • : -ir • • ! trom .Xmsterihim. (j—P.r. Rrig Triumph from The Stock and ('rop. cojisi.sting of about ]‘'0,) Ofhcerin the (.ontinental line, aud died ^ of a reduction in the tariff on provisions. , | barrels of corn, 200 bushels of rve, 4o> hush- while on the eve of joining the army. | Many stores were destroyed and lives lost, i ■■ ■■ j ■ ■■■ . of peas. :•>.=)() fat hogs, •2~>Q out ho>^s. i>s lica 1 Some of his military letters can Ix* found j The raising of the siege at (’erralvo has | ("VII VXD Sl-'[”^rT I"' | of cattle of the most improved breid. in Moultrie’s History. He was the first 1 been confirmed. Caravajal lost four killed I ^ i* it i ♦ * v 1,, a- j them arc many tine milch cows, n i-l nine yoke •’ * LL those iii.lebted to us by Note or Ac- | v„„„g oxen, large and well l.rol e: one pa.r count, will }ileasc call niui settle. flov. Kossuth anti lady, with Mr. and Mrs. ditions of the late History of Xorth (^aro^ We do not fancy it much, for altho’ I conceded by every reader of this ‘tary of .state and *>irs. eosrer; me nee- new anu valuable work, that it is a most W, li:ivi- received from tln^ Publishers, " '"id and the 1 Utei iiatioual Magazine ua-.ury. I'ulskv, Capt. Ma.ssingberd and Mrs. .das- lina. We singbcrd, of the suite of Kossuth; the Sec- 1 it mu.st be i H'tary of State and Mrs. Webster; the See-1 new and va retary of War; (Jeneral Scott; Com. Morris daring specimen of composition, written in and ladv; Hon. Win. K. King, J’resident genenil defiance of the rules of the Lnglish of the Senate; Hon. Linn IJoyd, Speaker (Jrammar, yet it cannot al.o be denied that of the House «d‘ lU'Jiresentatives, and Mrs. there is u ma.ss of historical and biographi- IJoyd; Uev. I>r. Pyne; Kev. Dr. JJutler, cal incident collected in its pages, of grea-t chaplain of the Senate, and Mrs. lJutler; interest :ind value. ihe industry and {»er- Mayor Leno.x; (k*n. Cass, Ciov. Seward, . severance manifested by the fompih r, for and (leu. Shields, the Senate committee; such he is aiul no historian, in gatheiing 3Ir. Ampi;re, a distiiiguisheil t^nnnit 011 a together from the rubbish of the past man^ visit to the Fi*nch Minister; J’rofessor events and records ot the revolutionary eia, Henry, of the Smithsonian In.stitutc', and are highly eommcndal)le and entitle him to Mrs. Henry; and Dr. Kane, of the E.xplo-1 gratitude. For our i.art we acknowledge Fill*' ExjKJdition. \. the obligation, aud having iuvested the pe- Continental Congre.ss. His notic(!S(>f Cornelius Harnett, Archi bald Mcliaiue, .Judge Wright, and Timo- tliy IJludworth, four very prominent aud distinguished citizens, are very meagre, and might have been easily rendered more full by enquiries in this place. No notice whatever is taken of Hon. Wm. II. Hill, who fornuTly repre.«ented this District in Congress, and held th‘ oflic(; of I'liited States District .\ttorney, a \Veaie| of horses, one pair of splcii.liii thoroi.'.;h-brvMl tw.i very tine po- p.ishot, Ci-eiirbtmi the P.ishon elect of' money Interest will be charged on bloo.k.l mans. V V I; ' 1-i 1 nies. l.'>0 head of sheep, 1 e Xew \oik Diocest', and successor of, H. DR.\NsoN & SON. 1 .uKy nniin.ls of Coltotl. t' tin’ Hislioj) Onderdoiik, has puldished a letter, | iu which he declines th."* acceptance of the otlice. The chief rea.son assigned is the difl'crences existing between portions of the Church. TJte liflrri.'te 0/ the Cuban J*risnurrs.— The new’s froni Sfiain is that the (^ueen has pardoned all the ]'risoiiers taken in .Jnn’y 1, 18u2. 54tf 8 BOO REWARD. the seed from nc: r pounds of coitoti, two gins, oi-.e whent I threslier, three s:ni.lli-s .-tml bri*iles, fort\‘ cas. s j of plaster and lime. i};bt w.tgns. ten .-i^rts. i : sides of leather, housi hold ai.d kitchen furni- genth-mati of influence and ability; nor of | the (,’uhan invasion. For this aet cd cle- fiis .-son the celebrated .loseph A. Hill, the ; meucy they may thank the United States orator of the Cape Fear, and undoul)tedly i (joverument, which ha.s perseveringly the fir-^t man of his age in the State, who I interceded in their behalf, notwithstanding represented the town and county on sev- i that they had forfeited, by their acts, all eral oceiiaions in the Legislature, and who 1 right to any such interwssion above reward will be jiiven to any per- i ture, and all tiie fnrmirig implements of every M. son who will apprehend and deliver to j description. The s:ile will continue from day the subscriber, at F>rownsville, Marlbjro’ l)is- j to lny until every thing is disposci of. trict, S. C., his NEGRO BOV, who was stolen [ Tkk.ms of Sam;. —The b.ml will J.e sol.l on a from him on the 17th Dtcember, inst., with the | credit A one, two, and tiirec ye.-ir.;. Londs thief who stole him. .The negro, bov' is about • bearing interest from date, with iipjM'oved sec^i- three ^ears old—light complexion, can’t talk j rity, will be required. The oTier prei>er:i wi.l plain, unusuHlly bew-legged, with a small scar ; l»e .sold on a credit ot six months, ioi' ail sum? from a bum on the right side of his nose. j over ten dobars; all under tli.it iiiu. ent. The boy was seen in the jiosse.^siou of a low, t the purchaser giving bond and security before stout-built wagoner, who was driving two bay horses. .TOEL ALLEN, rhcj Erownsvilhv s. l‘cc. ."1, ISol. 51-31 the propertv is dc1i\''rcil W. R. SMITH, I , PETKU K. IIINF.S Dcc. 1, 1S51.- F. v’rP ■

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