S E M I-W E E K L, Y. vol.. ’.] FAVLTTEVILLE, N. C., TUESDAY MOllMNG, JANUARY 12, 1802. [NO. 05] IMKD UY J. r>. NEW BY. \i;i) j. iiALi: & sox, ;lus AN’-> I'lioriur.Toiis. ; , Sr;.;i-Vn i-k y ()ii.'ii.i:\i;u { OO it' : L'; •V I -'i'* if puul duriup the .;.' ;\ •:r. i r ^ii’s ul'tor the yo:u‘ lias \\ ■, ■ ' ■■ ' ,;vr f',v;;i'. >!'J O') ia'i‘ unii'.uu, if •I 1 •'*' if iluring t!io • .'.M ri;‘ti":i: it 00 afur tl:c yciir ,,T' > •;'1 ilN i iiiM'i ii' l for •iixty cciil.s ;■ ••u'lii'i. aii'l tliiriv ci'ius fur (.■av.’li , atii'ii. ^ cai'l\ aiUorlisi iiu'iits : , !s. at i\a». ikJiIc rat. s. Aii- ;,i-. i\' ,ii>til .'tat*,' tlio ii..;i.b» r uf ! -irc'l. I r wii! ';>e ii'Utiime>l till ■ !. if_o ! a.'i iinliitgly. ■ •■' t. t’u' iir.i>t lie po^t-i'aiil. e i Cay^. :i severe l>_v die fire .r ii'.iit of tlio .hiiuiarv. I am ■ . • .11 o'.i :vll tl,"Se who i»ve imlel>leii ' 0 i,->-ui.,'.iIa!e ^layment. If tliey .. •„ • iv thev call. eituv.r ' " • f • t ■' m.'.' tialilr ••f .. i '11 ( a r rill'.res "1 iLHereiit kin'll. . • ,-he-l. au.l as many nu re nearly I viil seii al I’vi'i' lul I'o 'I\nihcr^ 'Vnrpentinc and Lum ber M( rclidnts. Tlir >*iil)SLri!n.r.s offer fur .;.!c one thoii- nainl at; i furtv acres of Laiul on (.'arver's Treck, in ('viiii'ierlainl county, eitjht miles North of Fjiyetti \ ilte. witliiii two nf the ('iijie Fear luver anil one mile of tlie Fayetteville a:ul lla- lei_nh I’l.-inlv lloail, juininy, the lauds of .linu s \ liarliee, Aiifius Hay anil others, oil which there is a saw mill iu a tluir(.m;.;!i state uf rci'aiv, on iie\er failiiijc stie:!i;i. 'i'he>e hiiuls are hiiely limlx.re'1. wrt'eriii^r itnliieenieiil> to jiersons wish- inj: to enitiark in th? 'I'inilier, l.nniher or Tur pentine hiisiness. I’t-fsi.iis •.vishiuix t.« iu;ri hase, will Call i>ii eil'.nr of the stiViscriliers. one livin;^ in l a', ctteville an.l the other on the ]ireiuises. .\lsii. one of the siih.'Criliers wonhl rent one I'OR SAf.E. W N pursuance of a Deed of Trust, the propcr- il t,v on ih;; t^ijuth East corner of the Cmirt Hmi.xe S«inare, known us Stuart's Hotel, will he sold on Saturday .Jan’y :il. lfci'>2, without re serve. Tills property is eonveniently situated for a lliitel or private bourdinj: house. 'i’erins of sale, '.*0 days for ai>proved Notes at ihink. 15v order of Trustee. A.. .M. I AMri'.ELL, Auefr. liee. ‘Jli, 1S’>1. ot)ts I'r no'f lift« e« route I Hoad. .Ian' Fear and lUaek l;i\er-*, iiear tin Sale of Lots for Taxes. ^ I’lHllF.AHLV to an order hy the Conrt of ^ a" A I’leas iind Quarter Sessions i>f ('nmherland jt'ounty, lleeciii'ier Tenn, IS'il, 1 will expose ; to }mhlic sale, for onsh. at tlie Court House it 1 nrju'ntiue h>>\es >n ?^har s. | Ju Favi'tteviile. >n the 1st .Monday in Mil roll next, the loilowinjr lots, or such parts thereof as will pay the taxes due the town of Fayette ville tor iS »0, and nil accruiiifr expen>*es, vi/: li Lots in Lower Fayetteville, 1). 8. .Maultfby, valued tax !*i;i Ui. 1 Lot on Hay Street, Neil iiay, vulued •'jiToO, tax •S'o ~^K 1 Lot on t'ourt House Sijuare, .Jiio. Stewart, valued Slo'"*. tax oO. '1 l^ots on Muniford and llohinson Streets, .\dani W\iine, valued -iOiMHi. tax i»0. «J. DLMINC, (’ollector. Fayetteville, l>ee. Term, 1.''-'>1. .’jtl-tf if ilic Fa \ t ttev ille and Northern I’laiik lU NrAN J/cNKILL. .J. JI. .;/cNi;iLL. V iS'iiI. .'iG-ot FOR SAI-E, Fine Turpentine and Timber Lands, 111 RoIh‘m>ii C.oiiBily. 6^ Ai'UES adjoininit the lands of Jo- seph Smith and \\ illiaiu Tyner. 700 Acros aljoiiiiii;f the lutnls of Alex ander .McIntyre, William II. CJriuisley, uud An gus Uiiy. I loOi) Acre.s in the fork t>f I’aft Swamp and 1‘aiither S«aii)j), adjoining the lands of .hio. I llliie. Arch’d JJine, Areli'd Smith, and Mrs. Ansley. lOijO Acr(\>;, (on which .'iitiiate the ohl Norment mill seat, i adjoining the lands of himon ('aidwell. I{. 1!. 'J'roy. and .innius Morissey. Tilt! aUove Lands ar^ frenera'ily heavily Tim- hered, and tine Tarpeniine Lauds, !yin^ on and i near LumluT RivT. They will he sold in tracts, and on accoiunio d:itin>r teruiK 1 .. « ol-" illiam MeNeill, or A. A. .M, X1;TI! AN. if WaiiK'il lo Kiiiploy to i;o to Alaliuma, A l>i;i('lx .MASdN, :i man tiiat is eompe- » tent to take eharjre of a joh of ai y t-xteni. k'i.ir sueh a man a liberal jiricc will be given. I Also, a Carpenter, who is com^.elcnt to do a |[>laiiijob. -Men «.d’steady habits are rei|uired. ^Vhiteor ■ >'!:ick will answer. Apply at the Store of J. iV T. W addill, or to ; W. WADiHI.; . .Jr. Jaunary 1, iS-’il.’. -Vl-^w r>.\KUI'M.S best Winter Siralued Ulcached 'i-/ Sperm Oil. .') liuxes S]ierm ('andles. , ti .Vvlainantine Canilles. ; For sale bv C. T. ilAI'vill >'v- SON. .lall. 2. .3:‘>-;;t \ >!'!!i Carolina noiiu'stic I. Is. of s.ij't-rior in.dity. oii con- : :,!'e ;.i Ka--li>rv iiiiees. ,\p- IV F.4i.4; SON. '.■■'1. : .•^{ •'1 r.r \ar'i'.>ns sizc'.-*. ■ ’ :ird .' I’Hieut r.iii'jies. .-. and ^'ei..T>.l u.--.'.'rtmer.t of ■ I'ld Amcne.iu If'in. sMii.i'o'.e J. , 1 ;iT>. ;.h ; l'"r s.'i'f I'll lavi>r.:'>'.e terms. F. iio.'i: ,v s(»N. ’ . .)m v ■ -r ; ‘ I-. i*v ai.d -i-nd their bill. i: IM'Dl fl',!) i'Alil',. ' ;! T .'.i't> 1‘etwvon'VVilrnin-jton. N. ■ r ! •„ ..V. Fare \ i:i Uel- I r_. i;;. ii;ii n 1. ati 1 W .-.'hin^iton F'.rf^ni'iUTh and Noit’-'k. . at the of the Wil- K-’• ll. il 11' id (’•■mj'Mny. at ..r the o;li. e of the F-.iitimore ■ ! .n.pMny. anii Ilf tiie Ualtiioore •; .. . 1.. 1 t'l'li'.Van'., I'l att Street, .-tf IMON \r this In'litutimi is iv pletiiiii. It i^ l.ir^i/ 5111 i.f It i' I'iea'alit w m tio and locate'! in a fine I. :.n i is; ;i \itv '.liuliri'Oi.' part of \ t'AvU(* r.iii',-s wi'-t froul Lum- i S’luih I'f li;e r'lad le.i'l- 1.. f t-i All'r'l'iviile. . '>1 .11 of this 1 iistitiiti'.n ^^•i'l com- -• -i i Ni'iiiday of .lanurtiy, un- ,i Mr. (iile» Leitch. who is a ;rra- Fniversity uf N'Tth t. .irolina. riz: 7’: ,-7:: ■ f T'n'i'tu, /"T Si sail.u, riM liir.: and writinu. DO Ln;.’.i. h liramniar. (icojira- ■ . . i ILst 'ry. 10 00 .! ••k. i'reneh. and the lii;.;her i - .if M:i:lii lirltii.S. 12 OO :;ii III- olitained at tlie .\'-ademy. and , it .li't.uii-i-' in the h‘iuhb'irliood, at \ l irs p'T ni'iiith. I • ’ : .!'■ Trii'ti'cs. .JOHN TAYLOH. S.-c'y. j _ 1 '1. o:;-tf ' I ■iir M()ri;an‘.> IVniale Semijiary. | t ti'i iii will i l'.se "II tlie tirnt day - V iiriiitli.' li'im .laninu" witli ,I i.u- .'^(•nioi- t ia^s. 'i'he l.ee- ! • l iiiH'Uts in i’hil'.'ophy. ' liemis- j I ii 'iny. fiive to thi.' tiriii ;iieat i ,1, . , I') till! r'*;rular eoursi’. 'J'he . ■ s^ i.l be ta«_ht liv the I’nnei- : ti' i^r.iduatin;: pupils.— ■ ’■! . i' 'atin>r and lirawin.J’. are skil- j i.M- U'U.-ii prices. ! xs, j.er month for lioard, I 'I- I v.n, ; ' ■ I -...t 1. I liistitutii-n in the State j r .:,!e :.i. l iiidiviilual instruc-j ■ ; li. .I'* h iiiit' i .iiiitnrts. :ir V .Oi I. i.n the 1st day of i 1'I -. L'''.L’. 'j.;-;‘.tpd iJ ILLl- im I'OS S ILL r l..i'viii;r lo.iermiiK"] to make . tiK- >.MUh 'N i-st hi'xt Fall, i. on Lower Little Hiv- '. li-r. ‘i|. i.iiid. 1 o mile.'from F.iyette- I'oi I ! • mi;..-.', of the Fayetteville Koad. II !ii- advantatoously divided, aS .• .ot tiirci- jrood dwellin;rs .•uid ■ It part of thi‘ trai t where a . 'imfortable dwelling and I - ■'I ' I w and jri ist mill, the • I '.' i -.i w..:: ]ileiity of good tim- laui-e of making Turpentine— rut within 1 to .■» luile.s of u : 111 the 1.1 nd cleared, some •’i!!i\ati.:,i. and a l.-ii'ge body, ■ ' 'if !’iiu‘ Land, tolerably well ■■'I- Tiirp.-niine. I Ilf 1,111 1 oil ('ape Fear liiver, - i 'i : t;ite of enltivation. These ■■ I I ir Wi le valued H-'i years ago - pir.i.re. ..•■ii! I.f till- 11 1vig.ition of the ' i ;i i.’ii i>. these l.iiid.i very r.-ilu.-i- ■iii(i.; ^ 1,., tlic Itiverm.iy ship their ll'ilii tlicil" bain doors. ' II ’..it .'Uch iaii'ls are ollered for ' Tlie F.iyetteville .•iiid l>a- I- id. when ciinplete*! to Lower these laiida within 7 to 6 " lid on very Pa.sy and ae- 111!-. :is the .Hiili.M rilior intend.s ■ l i:: Iren, who ;ire about lo re- ■' ’II':. 'i\ i-st. Ill- may l.e found Ht ■■'d .n ajijiFu-ation to him. or .). ■ "■ l.iiids may bf examined by any 'Illy. .\Li:XANl.»Lil WiLLIAM.S. Mi:u(’AX'riLE Mvru i-:. |1HK saliseribcr eoiuiinm cd the bu>ine>s of .Meri'handi5iiig, in ( artiiago. on the Istot .iHan.-irv ac the well kim'.wi Stand lately ix-enp;ii.l b'/ H. He will ke«‘p on haul » vrncnil a'^sortment if l*U\ (iO(M>.''. • iUOCFlilF-^. riAr.liVVA l:i:. >\e. Ile hopes to reri-ivi,* Ji iil>era) share of the pii’olie patron.ige. (iLO. S. ('OLK. ' l)ee. •J'.', .'.::Mtpd I A ( Ain). un.lrrvigiied taki s thi' op)Mprtunity o' lat.irniing his frieud> ••iiid meii haiitr- gt-ii- er.ill-i. t!i.i‘ iiavi!i;r bi-eome interi >;ted in the liou-^'- Ilf FAI Vr .'c W INKUIiFNLi:. No. .'>1 I North ;’.d >tifet a'love .\rih, I’hiiadi-lph;a. he I will l>e pifpaved to tluin there thir eemii'g 1 ■''I'rin^. with an I'l.tire new :ir.d will >eie« ted j ."t .ek i.r HAiii'W.\i;i;. cltlfhv. ci ns. ,vc.. ; puri h.i.Nt-.i :it the b'we.vt ca.'h price.- here and in ' F.uri.pe. whif!i will be -.•Id to them on th.c m>isi ' fav.iiali'.e terms and at redui-ed prices. W.M. M. lAUTKIL t l>ec. :;l. I'^.'il. 0-J-lm 1 NATION A I. J^KUIKS OF .*^fliool llook«, ^ 1‘F1:1.1S1H;D i’.Y A. S. i:.VUNi;s .v CO., ,')1 .lohn street. New ^ ork. . r g^H F. tittfOtii n of School Tfachcrs. .'iclio.,1 i a. '.,iiiiiiittees. and the Iriends of F.ducatii’n ! generally, are invited t.. the tollowing valuable I Test Uoiiksfor Schools, ,\ca leniies and College.-c I DAVIES' .MATIIE.M.VTICS. I iietail juices. I bavies' First l>«'s«ion.- in Arithmetic. L'* ! l>avies .'-chool .Vritliin* tic, , Ii.ivics (>lamni.-ir of Arithmetic, -'^l Iiavies' rni^ersity Arithmetic, •> liavies’ Klementarv .Mgebra, 70 iJavies' F.lementary ‘.ieometry anl Trig- i oniiinetry. lta\ie.>' I'ractical Geometry and .Mensu ration. I'avies" Ihiurdon's .Vlgebra, 1 ll.ivies' Legenilre s leoiiietry. new edition 1 liavies’ Elements of SHrveying, 1 Uavie.i' Logie of ^lathematii'.-. Ch;iniber>' Tretusury of Knowledge, t 'lark s Elements of I*ravving. Ch.-imbers’ Natural l’hiloso].hy. Li-id and linin's ( lieinistry and F.lectricity liami'.tou's Vej;el;ible aud .Vniuial I’hys- iology. Chambers’ Elements (d‘Zoology, I’age’s Elenicnt.s of'leology. I’arker's First Lessons in Natural IMiilo- sopliy, 1’arki‘r's Compendium of School I’hilo- siiphy. Ml Intire on the l'>ie d' the ('ilobes. Fultiiti \ E.'istman s • ojiy iJooks Nos. 1, 2 and o. Fulton .V Kaj-tman s IN nman.sliip. Fulton vX Eastman s llook-keeping (Sin gle and Iloulile Entry i Uro.iks' First Latin J.essons. I’irooks' Ovid's Metamorphoses. F.rooUs' Collectanea Evsingelica, lirooks' First Creel-: I.es.'^oiis. I’arker's F’irst School l!‘aler. I’arker's .''ecoiiii .''chool l’ead»T, I’arker's 'I’hird .S-liool K-adcr, I’arker's Fourth School l!t*ader, l’arker > llhetorical Header, .Martin s Othoepi>^t, words of lifiicuU pronunci-ation. Northend's Little Speaker. --J .Noriln-n'l’s .\mcrican Speaker, *'•> Niirtheiid's Si-hool l>ialogues, Wiliard's lli.-tory of the Viiited States, 'ij Willard's Cniversal History, 1 Zacho's .New .\merican Speaker, 1 '1> .\nv of the above Uook.s can be found :it the r.ookstore of E. .1. Hale \ Son, Fayetteville. .Jan'y 1. 'yl-'.'.m NoriC'i:. LL persons indebted to the subseriVier for Noric'i:. -Ml persons imU-bted to the subscriber )ire\ious to .ianuary 1S.>1. are reijue.^ted to call immeitiately and settle their ai-counts. other- wi.-e thev will find them in the h.-indsof an oHi- ccr. ' W.M. r. .MALLLTT. ,\L 1>. l)ec. 22. IS-M. :>0-lw xo rici:. sub.-;cribi-r having, at !>eceniber Trrm. M. I.''-')1. of the Court of i’leas and (.luarter Sessions for the county of I'nmberland. iiuali- ti.-d as Executor to the last W ill and Testament of Sarah I'.-i«son. di-i- 'l. heri-liy givis notice to all pi-rsons having cl.iinis .-igainst the Estate, to present the Same, daly .-lUThcnticatcd. within the time jiri-.'cribcl iiy 1,-iw, or this notice will be pleadod in liar ot their ri-covery. lieb'ors to the s.ii'l 1-Istate will please make iiuiiicdiatc li.i,> Uicnt. W. U. Lt-VE, Ex r. Dec. 20. IS.'.l. IJFE INSURANCE. L'ndersigned lias been ai>pointed .-Xgent of the North (Jarolina .Mutual Life Insu rance (,'ompany. J-^very member forlite partic ipates in the jirofits of the (,'ompany; and the annual premium for life mcniliership. vthere it amounts to >i;iO or more, inny he jiaid (die-half in eash, and the other h.-ilf in a note at 12 mouths. Debtors’ lives nir.y be iii!-:u.'’ed by creditors, man may insure his own File for the exclusive I)enefit of his family. The li^is of slaves may be insured. This system is rajiidlv growing into favor, all over the civili/,-d world. It is one l»y which a family, lor a small sum annu.illy, may be }iro vided for, after the death of its liead, on w h se exertions they in.iy have been depemh'nl for a supjiort. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live lung .ai'ter taking out a Lite I’oliey. Ilxplanatoi-y pamjdilets. and the necessary iilanks, luruislied on :i}ii>lication. E. J. HAI.E. Fayetteville, June IS-'jO. 72 1 ()(),(}(){) Acres N aluahlt; T 1 M IJ i: K I. A X 1) S ; Fl'i; SALE. ' ^H^HE Subscriber has jtarchaseil all the Lands ' jH_ lieloiigiiig to ilic restate of Abram Duboi.-i. I dec'll, lying jirinciiiaily in H(»iiesi.n county, and j on both sivies of Lumber iiivci, the diiicri.iit sia-- ! vcys containing i Over 100.000 Aci’os; I A large p;irt finely Timbered, and convenient to ' Lumber Iviver. wliero a large quautity of 'I'im- l>er is now rafted to the (ieorgftown m.irket. Tlie.sc Lainls are very valuable botii for the . . Tinilier and Turpentine, for which jnirpo.sc a EACT()R\ DRUMS vS:C •\XS, large part is well suited, being in a region And to ,h. all kind of work of Factories. j Turpenthie yields more wvi^ix- ^ • I 1 V .« 1 ui- 1 tliMii :inv soctioii ot tin? Also, 11M )1 IN(J, 11 I lUM N I, aul >tl! kimlij 11. :s. rwKsru. -l(J-l) \v 't'iii *V Shci't-Sroit 3IAAU1 ACTOJIY. AT WIIOLKSALE AND UETAlJ.. r\ T. nUrrd\s OLD ESTAI’.LISHED TIN AND SHEET-IHON ■\VAHE MANLFACTOKV IS HEMoVED to the South-East ('orner of .Market Square, reaiiy with the necessary maehinerv and materials for m.ikiug I^lrc iHHuranec. ^S^llE ,KTNA Insuruiice Conijiany if Uart- I'oid. liavitig p,-iid tin# ta.x imposed by the Revenue Law of the late I-egislature, will coii- linue its Agi-ncy in Fayetteville, under the management of the undersigned, who is pre pared to issue I’olicivs of Insurance on liuild- ings or (iooils, either in this 'I'owii or iu miy part of the .^tate, on proper appacution, de scription of the I’ropvrty, Alc. I'he .I-;TN.\ COMI’.V.W has been in operation about oti years. Its cajdtal is The Hon. Thos. Ix. iirace was its first I’resident, and he still hohis that oftice; and several of its first Lirectors are still active and etlicicnt mem bers of tiie Hoard. It ha.s at all times siistaineil the highest eh.iracti-r for the f.rndeuce of it« mauagenii-nt, and for the lilierality with which it has ever adjusted iis losses. E. J. HALE, AgcnL .March 10, is'il. C2-tf HENRIETTA LIKlT 0? “ jr*'« ^ r F'r> Stcassi mad ISoat^^, A HE all in excellent order for business. Onr Tow' Hoat.-! have been recently repaired and made good as new. We have also added a luw Flat for low water, .tnd well adapted to the service. She will carry 70i bbls. merchandize, and draw only 20 inchcs w.-iter. Those favoring us with their patronago. may expect as jiroinpt and cheap service in every particular us aiiv other Lin«“ ran otFer. O. DEMINC. Vre.s't. IL .M. OHltELL. Agent. A. D. C.\Z.\rX, Agent at Wilmington. Favetteville. Dec. 21. IS.'iO. ")0-tf DAIJ.Y i:XPECTEI>, A G EN EU.\L assortment of C O (' t' E 1* S ■ xj3l TOOLiS, of tiic Lcot nuni'a.,c«,tuicia’' make, by E. C. Il.Vl-L, of Koine. Oct. 18, 18r>l. ;.2tf , Tea! Teal Teal! n CHEST VOl’NC. HYSON, S. 1 ditto (.Junpowder, 1 Catty Imjieriai, For sale by CIIS. II.VNLS. Oct. 28, 18.jl. oMf of .!olUJINi. done om short notice, and by e.x- perienced workmen. A constant supply of TIN kept on hand, lit holosale and Hetail. Country .Mendiants and I’ei.lhirs can be sujiplicd at the very lowc.M priccs. C. w. ANDHEWS. Sept. 2R, IS.'.O. :!0-V iliundaiitly The Lands and in quantities tu yviD Firm ly Sell' I AW I'll Stable S. w L\'n:u sul’Pi.v. i""E are now receiving onr winter supply ot (ioiids. H (lours lieiow thf .Mark-t Hou.se, s.'Utli side I’erson street, where may be uild the lolb'wliiLT .irtiiles; .''ug..r >.,f a'd ^radcfe, 1 'ott.-«‘. •*) II lids. Cuba Molasses—sweet, '■’> lihls. Synip—a su[>i-rior article, (trecu and lUack I'c-.is, Chei ,>e ol three ditli rent liUalities, Hic-‘, I’cjiper and .-'pici-, I’.opc and UaL'ijing. lilt r»lils. Macki-rel. .hncs and HiMits of extra Urge size, Sho\els. .''pad(-s and Fork.s, I'i.rn I’loughs and I'oints, .\x‘s of the be-t brands, kniv*-i jiiid Forks, Nails ,-tnd lr>ili, .■,U.(«i,» lbs. Cotti.n Yarn. Willi ;i great many other articles cheap for 'a.-h or exch.uiged for I’roduci’. Call and •^ec. (TIOSS CHEEK CO.. C. 15cnbov\. I’res't. Dec. 20, o'»-tf s3(K) 111 AUD! \I’ED from thr .lail of Kershaw Di.-tric'j $I 0«l 1 2.' 1 (Mt ■h 10 on .Mond.-iy the 1 Ith day of .Inly last. S.V.MFEL .L LoVE, who was convicted tor the murder >f Fi"''>-rt -L Lesfr. at Spring Term of Court, I'^.'il. Said l.o\ e is about 2»> or 21 years of age. >ix feet two inches high, i imt o-rtain as regards his height, but supposed lo 'ue tlii-n-H- bouts.) has dark hail, and of a -allow complex ion. with a downcast look; some of his front teoth a little dec.-iyed, and follows the occupa tion of ,-i ('arpenter. 1 will give the a'MVve reward to any ]>er»on who will apprehend the said S. J. Love Hiul lodge him in any .Lail in this State, or One Hun dred and Fifty j*ollars for his safe continenieiit in any .iiiil iu the L'uited States, so that i can get him. .lOllN 1N;KA.M. Sheriff. Camdi'ii, S. -\ug. -io, 1S.)1. 2l-*>m RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. €1(»ME in to the Cheap Store. North side of llav street, one door aJiove the corner, and bviv new' i)ry tioods. .Vlso, H(*ady-uiade Cloihing, 11.its and Caps—great variety. ISAAC DODD. Nov. I. 1S.‘>1. ;iT-tf SALlvM PAI’EK-MILL. fHlHE subs'-ribtr has taken charge of this old y and w ell knovvn l-;.«t!l>lishmeiit. and is pre- jiared to attend to all orders tor Prinfiii^ l'a})rr, Merchants' and I'aclorv \\ rappini^, cVc. The Mill has recently been thoroughly refitted 7.', : with new ni:i hiuery. and the .-nti.scribcr believes ' he can furnish l’a]>er of as good i|Uality and at :’,7 i !is cheap prices as can he purchased any where, North or South. ('HAHLES E. SHOI5EK. Salem, .lune 7, 77tt 'Tlic Suhscrihor continue!- to carry on the 'Ml .\ FT lU .'^INF..''.'' in I'ayetteville. and in addition to his Est.ililishment on Uyw street, near E>-cles s l>ridge. has opt‘iied a largi* W \ L l‘. Ktni.^1 on H.-iy street, ncarlv ojipo>ite the j-'ji\ etteville Hotel and one door F.ast of Messrs. Haigh A. .Son s, where a general assortment of FlTU.MTl Ri:, Ma'le by eoinjietent and faithful v..rkmtui. may be had at prico corresponding with the time.•^. A’so. an assortment of Northern-made FI llNl- TFHE. selected by himself, which will be sold at a verv moderate advance. DUNCAN .McNEILL. Nov. 10. IS.'.l. oMf 'B'3 E ki'ei'S on hand an ass- rtment of Fisk s 1 i celebrat.-d METALLIC F.C U l.V L C AS E.-. which have been highly reconimended by Willie 1’, .Nlaiigum. Henry Clay. Lewis I a.--. Win. K. King, aii l many other illustrious eharai-ters, who have examined ami witnessed their utility. i:ii oiirau«* Um* «»UI l^orlli AliKV, StlKMW t.1,1. vS: (’«•. have just re ceived a splendid assortment of Sultni mrrf, black and grey, t.i which they would call the attention of the jaiblic. These goods will compete in (piality and durability with the best of Northern Ca^.-imere.■>. and are much cheaper, ranging from t2.^ cents to sj'l 2-> per yard. F’avetteville, N. t’., Oct, 11, l.''ol. -JOtf ^ t' will Vie sold at :i hnv price, suit purchasers. Inforniutioii respecting the title can be ob tained Ijy .-ipjilying t.i the Hon. F.obert .''trange, Hon. .Lis. C. Dobbin, or .\. A. T. Smith, Esp, ^.\ttoruey> at Law.) 1 iinilerstaiid tin re are many trespa.ssers on the^e i.ands. to all of whom notice is hereby given, that the law v\i'.l be enforced a^^ainst ail such otleiiders. Application for any jiart of the Lands can be made to my-jclf. or to .lohn Winslow. F.si|., who is duly auvlioriacd t^> make sale ol the same. THOS. .1. CLH'I'IS, F.'iyettcville. N. C., Si-pt. 1. IM-i. 7*'tt WAXTEI), I'.OOO ft. .\slu- Lumber i'vr W agoiis, H to 3 inchcs thick. I't. .'^.•.isoned Oak Lumber. 1 to m inches. ItHMl ft. AVhite t »ak and tlicMny. for .Vxletrees. D«it) ft. While tlakfor Toic.'i.-s, liolsters ai,d Shafts. ItXI I’l.-t 0;ik Hubs, for Carts and Wagon.-s. •JOOfr .-^pi.kes. For which the highest cash price will be paid. .Vpply siioii to E. FI LLLH. May I'.t, iS-jl. 72-tf •Vew I'inn. Tiio undorsiuiu'd have entered into copartnership, nn.ler the name and style of H.\LL S.VCKETT. for the iiurposo of tloing a Dry Goods and Har.l-.vare l>usiiies ;. and. have taken the Store 3 doors E.ist of Iht' F'i; vcttjvillo Hotel. J. H. H.VLL. A. E. HAf L. T. August 2f>. 18ol. rg'^HE Undersigned having formed a Copart- .fi. nersliip lo carry on the Livery Stable Business, Uespe.-tfully inform the citizens of Fayetteville and the I’nl'ilic generally, that they can be .ic- commodated on rcas'.nable terms with lloTM'**. *V olSst'i* at such times as they may wish to hire, by ap plying to the subscribers, as they are well pic- pared to carry on the Hu.-iness. having refitted and renewed the Establi.-^hment. with the addi tion of sfiine tir.e Horsi-s and new \ chicles, and are satisfied that they can give satisfaction to all who niav wi.-h to hire. And therefore c.dl on them to give ns a triaL .1. \V. I’O WE US. KODEHT ilECilSTEn. 2:!v ROOK iUXl)i:iiV. W. H.MIDIE has resumed the lUiok | Hindir.i; Hiisiness at the new Sture next | doir to Mr. I’.easley, .Icw eller. where he will re- : ceive and execute binding in any style desired. Augu.st 1. Jej.t. IS. ~R01iT. ;•///’.' rtf or Celtic _ ManiuTs, as pr.*.-t‘rved among the High landers. being an historical and descrijitive ac count of the inhabitant.^, an'iiiuities, and na tional peculiarities of Scotland, by .Jaine.s Lo- "-an. .Just received and for sale by E. .1. HALE & .SON. W MT" 1'’ are now receiving a large and well se- V * lected Stock of BUY CjJOODS, (.’omjirising every article usually kejit in that line, together with 100 C'n.'jes Boots nn! Shoes. Ilntw aiil CapM. —ALSO— well selected Stock of To all of which we invite the attention of Mer chants of the interior, who will find it to their interest to examine our Stock before making their purcli:i.-*.s, e will not be undersold by any one doing business in this )dace. HALL .\n;r'ist 2'i. L''.'il. SACKETT. Itltf C a r r: n jr e M a i intact or v. (ioods purchased at Floral College, are re quested to make immediate payment, either to .Mr. Hugh .VIc.Vrn in the neighborhood, or to himself in • 'heraw. D. r. .MeARN. Cheraw, Dec. ^o, ISol. i>o-tf B'iriy Hollars KewaiMl. .M*A( INTVUE'S STOKE was broken • open m I’l iday night, l!*th Dec., inst,, II i|uaiitify of Dry (ioods, t'utlery and Can- stolen therefrom. The aViove reward will li.l to anv person that will give such evi dence as will convict the parties of the break ing ;ind stealing, Dec. 2-1, IS.)I. and dle.« tie 1 MA.VrrA-MAKLM; ii MiLhLNKKY. '4. ^ ILS. W.VLTON has just returned Irom the North with a new and beautiful assort ment of Fall and Winter MILLINEKV, consist ing if silk, .satin and velvet Honncts. d'various jirices; I’lnmes, Kibbons and Flowers: Head Dres.-es and Caps; Straw llonnets of dillerent fjualitv and price; Inside Capes; Collars and rndersleeves: very best (pi.-iliiy of Kid Gloves; Mitts, long and short: a new and elegant style of Dress Trimmings, of the most tash- iouable kind, and a few handsome Dress Pat terns: watered and ]dain silk Manfill:is: Yel- vet .Matitillas and (.'lo;iks; a new style ot l>m- net Linings and Triinming.s, of all colors: and a hand.Koine assortment of Flowers and Head Dresses Dresses made in the latest style; like wise Mantillas and Cloaks. Oct. 14. isr.l. 80-:im WatclM S aiul Je\v(‘]ry,| At Who!t*:^alc aiad Uflail. J. M. iii:ASUi:Y ^mrol'LD respectfully inform the public V V generally, that he has returned recent ly from New York, with decidedly a large as sortment of Zl'afrlifs aitf Jnreirff. •M.my of these \S atches were bought for C.VSH IIV THE I’.VCK.VtiE. and can thcrelbre be sold verv* low. He has Watche.'^ ol all kinds: i bains, Kevs aiul Seals ot all kinds and ot the latest styles; Finger-Kings, Kar-llin,n». Medallions, ol’ ali sizes, of Enirlish ami .Vnierican make: La dies' t'liatelaines: t'utf Pins: Collar and Sleeve Huttons: Shirt .Studs; idd .''pectacles. light and heavv: (iold i’ens and Pencils: (iold and ."^ilver Thiinbles: Hi a. elet.'^: Silver Fruit and liuttor Knivc.s; Silver Spoons of .ill .«izes; large lot of Pocket I'utlerv; Scissors, best (|Uality; Ibittou- hole .''ci.'rsors. .Surveyor's Coni]>asses aud ( h.-iiii.'!; Matheinaticiil Instruments; large t)uantity of tine and ciimr.niii i’istols: tine and conimon sin gle and double-barrel (luns: (!aiue Itags: .Shot Belts !ind Powder Flasks; .Military (ioods. in cluding the P.ass Drum and the sm.illest Hutton; Violins and extra Hows: 1 lutes. ( larionets, Ha- geolets, Accordeons. of all kinds and sizes; Mu sic Hoxes; Perfumery; Soaji; leather Hrnshes: Razors and .Strops; Dressing and Pocket ( ombs; ; Plated and P.ritannia Ware; and various other things too tedious to enumerate. Call and give me a trial, ('•■ish p:iid for old J»)hl and Silver. Watches and Jew'klkv neatly I»e]>aired. \ A. (*■—( iirmr i of' M'tr/.rt 1 ‘ M. HEASLEY. r>f)tf |RlJ)l-:i.l/S ;{KIH)R'i\S. 01 ST pul-lished. Vol. 12 Law, and Vol. 7 Eiiiiity. Price S;:} r.O and S>-L These are small voluiiKS, in consc»|UencL‘ ot the Kejyorter making new arrangements for publishing. Hound \ols. excliatiged for Nos. as usuiil. E, J. Jl.VLE & .SON. l>ec. l'.», isr,l. l^lants aiul ^rrcos. 91'ST received, a lot of PI,ANTS and TliEES, amou^ wliich are a few hundred Ever greens for Hedge.s. .Many Plants arc now in bloom, which will make handsome jvresents. (’. Ll'TTJ-]HI-Oir, Rowan st. Also, Flower Pots. Ladies’.Steel .spade.«, Hoe.s, i,c. Another load of Limlley's Fruit I rees, Dec. 22, ISOI. oOtt mm M.uiiiLi: uua..., (’orner of North and Monument Streets, | Raltiiiior«‘, | MSSON vS: HA mil having completed their ex- ; ^ . fn:«TS'> L, s IIUIS T.INE OF r.OATS is still in succos.s- fiil operation on the Cape hear iiiver, and largest establishments of the kind in this conn , try.) are prepared to fill all orders in their line, | punlic. viz: Marble Mantels, Mouumeuts. Tombs, i Grave stones. Table Tops, Tiles, (for floors,) [ Marble I>etters, at as reasonable rates as i can be hud in this or any other city in the I nion. j For beauty of e.xecution and originality of de- ' sign, their stock cannot be surpassed. They | would respectfully invite Arrhite.rtK, JiniMfirr, | Cithhtfl Makerif and others to call and e.tnmine j before fiurchasing. TJiey are also prepared to furnish the trade with .Slabs, Blocks, &c. to or der. j((i!r‘j“All orders 1'j mail punctually attended Per.sons ]>atronising this Line, may rest as- .snred that their C.oods will he brought uj) with dispatch, and at the ver\' low«‘St rates of fi eight. A. W. STEEL. President. T, S. LFTTERLOH, Agent at F.iyetteville. Feh, tv9r,l. ♦f 1 Brussels and other Curpctinojs, i Hearth Hugs. Drugpetii, t’rumb-Cloths, Piano j and Tal.lo Covers. F'or siile by STAUU & -WILLIAMS. 1 Nov. 5, 18.5!. oi-tf f giHE Subscriber having taken the Establish- 8 ment of the late A. C. Simpson, (situated ojiposite V.'. Mclntyrc's .Store,) inteiuls carrying ou the j Carriaj^e Maimtacturinii [iusin‘ss In all its various branches, and would respect fully solicit a share d'the puMic patroiiap". Having had considerable experience iu -he business. :ind h:tvii:g been t'mp'.oyed in soiiu^ ot the most extensive Establishments in New \ ork ' and New .lcrsi*v. he flattei-s hiniscll lhat he cun ' give geiK-ral s.-itistjn-tii.ii, ^ i He warrants all his wi.rk to be made of the j best material the surrouiiding country atiords. \ and bv experienced vvorkmen; and should any j of it fail, *‘ither in material or workmanship, in twelve months from the time of its delivery, he will rejiair it free of ch.arge, 1>EPA1RIN0 done in the neatest and best manner, and at the lowest possible prices. A. H. WHITFIELD. Fayett(*ville, Feb, 11. ISoO. 7tt TO ('O'l'I'OX PI.AX1KUS. PIECES COTTO.N HAOUING, Vi? 7-') coils Hope, 2(10 llis. Twine, •lust received and for sale che.-ip. by I’ETEIL P. JOHNSON. .\ugust 11). 1S-)1. 1 Itt MITCHELL, Jimr, f/tilrsjiie Sfrvt f, Has always on hand a supply of Bacon, Tobacco, IMnur, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, ^lohisses, .'lUip. CuikHc.s, ( uttoii \ iiru^ i^heetinjrs, Cutlory, Cruckery, aud (I his.-warc. —ALSO— -\ larse stock of Foreign and Domestic LI- Ql'OP.S, embracing ^Yestc^n and N. his- key; French. A'ijde aiul Peach Hrandy; .lamaic.'i uml N. E. Kuni; liollaiid Gin; W ines ol dificrent kinds. .Ml of which have ^>een jinrehased low for Cash. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call before purchasing clsewiiere. Nov. 1, IS.'il. 3(;-:hu E. C. HALL, OK llOMi:, l' (o.y S.S now receiving his Fall .STOCK of (iOODS, consisting of a general aasortmcut ot Drv Goods, Saddlery, Hats, Caj)s, Shoc's, Hardware, CJrocenes. much larger and more general stock than ever opened on the Last side ot the t ape tear -vshich he is pre]>ared and determined to sell to punctual customers, either at wholesale or retail, at greatly reduced prices. ^pHvy^He would call ji.articniar attention to his stock of P.OOTS AND SHOES. The assortment is nnusu.-illy l:ir,;ro. and of every i4uality and stvle: and having been bought for Cash, he can aud will sell them very low. Y'ou th:it wish Hargaius will find it to your interest to give the Stock an cxaniinaticn before buying elsewhere. Always on hand, a general stock of GllOCE- 111FS. ' Oct. 18, IS.'il. oLtf Ti^ KINO and A. McMlLLAN hav» entered • into cop.irtner.-hip in the Distillery ol Tui'pt-ntine. and h:ive erected a .Still on the W e.st side of the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road, S miles from Fayetteville. N. KIN(L Mav y.—71tf A. .Mc.MILLAN. ll'anleit. ' i: wish to buy 20.0(M» barrels Turpentine. ‘ KlNti .’Mc.MlLLAN. M. SACKETT. Ditf ( y . i ' r- ' VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BiTTSRSi 'i'HK .MO.Sr I’dl't FAMiI-iY MEDICINE (» F T II K .V t: K : [Isfil by r.'iysirians of iliirli .Miin.iin?. 'll.evc UI I'TKIt.S ri-niiivr all mnitii.l M-i-u'tii.ii», puiilv tiif liliiiid, Rit-at tiii.p iiii.l ''K"! lo tl;^ .liJfes'tlVf I.I){-I1S. fllltily lllf '.Iflll H^Hll.M i.il lllllll# •li-fH'.?. c-aii Ilf t-dkcu witli al i.o tia-e dot ill.. Utin^ llie Jiiili.-Iit—I'fiii^ Jfiulei^iil lo lii' rm.-t ileii-_ Ciite Rliiniiich. ami lOTiini'Wul.Ve lur li**'.'" im ij(iiiMtiii .MM'ni'tlifiiiii-", lil t ie-.i.:!iitii 0 j.roj-er- ties, aiiil *iii jiivaliiai)lp aiiv) s.uie I'tait'l v i«.i- n ITS HORST Alsu, l.iver Cornplainls Ja'iii‘V:ce. Mojii ll-ui n. >«. 1-aintiu*»-4. itrr*: ’l ih** SWiii and Liver, Loss (»I Appetite. Ni*rv»»U'i iie:»daeh«. I’ali.itatii>n of tUt‘ Me.tit. 8ink*i»>r aud i ue>s ol‘ rtt and »>li oti*e, di?-t*’iNea by aa siHlc of Uie bl**od. ii;er, clc., whicli teiivl tv> dfchilitate and wtitkci* lUi; r f: 31 V i.KH Who suffer fioin a uioil'i l an M'nn^ifual coiiJiUou ill tliis M*«nci!»e »t INESTIMABLE VALUE. Ill *11 Airi of UKNKI! M. DKUH.ti^ , tlu. .Me 1.- cilie At IS I,IKK. A ( 11 VKM ; T30irSA3fI>S Have its erttcnry, nmi nn\T. miller ; hihI ii**t one soIifai\ ravc ot has > ct rej>ortfd. \ r oertiticale^i ol ihoaC vs ho l.ave ] vi .xiaueiilJ/ cuie-i. Call on the A^ent, and cet a Pi!ll*nLr.T,‘ t imtaiiviuK the t erlilioBtes of lit-miirkulik- i aiid the liiilh e~liniBtioii iii wliich thisMc.l.i-wie i-. li»!j by the I’ublic I’re^b—can l.i; Irad of the tice. Large Q'aarts $1; Pints 50 Cents. Suld by off the Priurifiat /»rtfin the 'L'nitui S/a/ts inn! Canudm:. frincilial Oftice, 1-ii KL'LTON ST., .V Y-. u.> Mai™ For sale by S. J. IIINST.M.F.. Novenilier S, 18c'>l. srORACiK. E have coniniodions brick V ar; houses in the rear of our l^tore, in .' hith store cotton and oihcr produce. K. \V. McLAl LIN. Nov. 1, 1.'--)1. -M-tf i)()M iOS'I'KS. B" ITTLK Kivcr Osnaberfrs: 7-S and -i-4 £ A Sheetiiips always on ha.id, and f .r sale at Factory prices, by yTAIlll YVILLl\.MS. June 7, L^51. * * ~Tiii: ni:siM:iuTN iiAKiC Jfc V William llonser. of t’.eo. further .-iup- .B J? ply of this nciv .Music f’.ook, with p;i?ent notes. ju.«t received. A1si. furtlur mppHes of the Bi ston Academy's Collectioi.; ('..nnina .Sa cra, &.C. iCC. E. J. UAL'.: .SON. lleeember •”>. ^A~GO()l) t>nliscritier ^ijhe* to s II one-half of the Fnyetteville Water Wnrks. Neither of the present j.rojirietors havinp time to civo their personal attention to the projicrty, thtj purchaser can have the nianiijitnitnt it. niii- king it a valuable invc»fmcnt. E. J. HALE. Oct. 1, 1851. T .Norici-'.. ripilF .‘^teanier Chatham will leave this place B. every !Slonday and Tlnirsdjiy at 7 o'clock, M., (instead of O o'clock as at present.) coin- niencins at 7 o'clock Monday 10th inst. Time of loavinp Wilinin;;ton, every Tuesday and Fri day .it 2 o\‘lock V. M. .INO. H. W1LI.I.\AIS, .Vpent Cape l-’car Steamboat Co. F.tyctteville, March :J. [ J :sso‘N S L\ M US Ic. Ill, WiriT.AKKR would respectfully in- f.irni the citizcn.s of Fayetteville and vi cinity, tliat }iO has iijrain comnienci'H fririnjr I-c.s- siins ou the Piano Forte. lie returns his thanks for the libernl patronapp heretofore received, !uid humbly s(>Iicit..« a continuance of the same. ,\11 pains .''hall be taken for the advancement of his jinpils. Instruction also p:iven ou the Guit.tr. Pianos tuned and repaired iu the best nianner. L. II. \Nilir.\KKK. August 21, 1S50. dltt' 7;‘> Pbls. No. 1 Herring. 'lo '• •' '> -Mackerel. 100 Ihiles Hay. 10l> Pieces Cotton I’agging. ')(• Coils Rope. 2io Ltis. Twine. ;;o IIlids. .Molasses. 5 Hhds. Fair tSu^iars. .'>0 Ihijrs Kio Cotfee. AVith .\luin and .Sack .Salt, and Oroceries gen erally, for sale at the lowest market prices, by JNU. D. \VILLI.\MS. .\u"u»t 14, IK."*!. l->*t _ ranaway g'^UOM the snbscrilicr. at his rc.-idencc. on ^ the 8th iii!«t.. his two N'ctrrn loys, .JIM and l*i:TKFi. .Hni is of a yellow cast, 5 feet 4 or [) inches hiph, square liuilt. intelligent, about 21 years old. and weighs about 125 or KKl lbs. Peter is al.out the .same at:e. •') feet 8 or 10 inch es hijzh. lihick. with a down look, thoufrh plea sant, and weighs loo or HiO pounds. 1 will Mvc ^SoO for their apfuehension an«l lodpment Tu any .Jail .so that 1 get them, or $40 for their delivery to me at my residence, or half the a- bove reward for either. 1 thin'x they are Bia- king their way North. E. C, HKTHEA, Reedy Creek, Marion Dist., S. C. Dec, 1.5, 18-'L 40tf of every iUl i\KW riRM. undersigned have entered into copart- M. iiprdhip, under the name and style of I^anrriicf* A. Troy, For the purpose of doinp sv geneml Mercantile and Harter business. W e have taken the .Store. No. 10 (}REEN STREET. formcrlT occupicd by Messrs. .John Iluske iS; .''on, CKO, W. L.\WRFNCE. .KUIN V. TIIUY. .Tr. Oct, C2v and ^Siiirsiiier cz: ja ^ '' J8T a la « COSTUMl-: tlAl.l,, (Vjrncr Pm ft strfvt anl ('nifn' Marhtt SjxlCf, BAL TLMOh’L. rg'^lIE largest and be.'it stock of KKADY- B made 'L(*THINO evir ( fl'ered in Palti- inore. Kresfi, Fmck and .“ack ^'0\'(S. all co lors, i|iialitiefi and sizes, froui .'i.2 lo .r-i f»0 an.I upwarils. P.\N1 .'VLt.it.^NrS at ^^1 tf> ^.> oO and upwards, enibrncing all styles fancy, plaio and pljiid CassiTnercs. \EtSI.S ( variety .'it com-spoiuling prices. Also, as.sortnient d' i5oys’ t'lothing, Impt.rting ourorn Clotliji direct fr.n» F.nrope, and manufacturing on the most exti-!isi\e scale, enables u.s to offer indncinient.s t; j.i;;-. I.asers not to be .“urjia.sscd by any Clothit.L i . ' .i -.--h- luent in tiie I nited ,^tat(.«. The pruin .' ti r.-. are determined to make the Vhole>;ale t;.ii ..is the point of great aftraetion, and ha\.‘ ii.-iv i;:.iue up more than 5t*.OOU Cr.\ H M F.N fl.i iu luo finest iiuality to the low(st in i r..i-. In tile Custom Dejiartfient ivill ah'a; s be found the choicest .sol'*;-tii.n of 1 Loi ti.''. . \.S- SIMEHES and VESTINC.S. vrhirh will be made up at the shortest notice, and iu tiic lati'^t .-it} Ivj, and .a fit alway.-) gu.ir.ir.tied. jfs^'The one price system st.'ictly adhered to. Benieni^ier the nnrrie .ind f.- Corutr Pratt St. .Tnd Ce.nirc Mnrkct Space. II. II. COLF. .V Cu. August I-*), 18-51. II y ip-l •VM A !*ITI’LV of Ffc?h Groiaid CMIN .MEAL kept for saIc at the Mill, L»ii- .\u i-!'• u's. Grinding of Moininy aiicl Alci;l ‘l.'Ui' jn.i.intlv. FayPtteviUe, March l8ol. 1-tf Af.MANA(\s. rBK TiNEK S North Caroiira. and I’.imu’s -3l Farmers’ and PlMiiterb' Ai..^L\NAi jtisi rcccivtd »viicl fur tulc, v I'olc.'a;'' and r. lail. . bj r. HALE d .=‘'N.