IlK.MAllKS OF -MH HAlXiKH, 111 Sriiato. .I.ui y 7. in roply to Mr. Stockton of Now ,IerM \. vii ii meuKiriiil i>r;4,\ iiig Congros!* to iIk- 1;i\v t'C lust sosmou, iiholishiiig till? piiiiislinu nt ot \vliiji|>inir iu the Nuty. Mr. Stofkt.m liiiviiiij: 'It'iiveroil a Iniiu:, (iv'nrtco;iio;il. ‘*I»iL:hfaliitiiir” spi'tvh in op- to tli-' m' anil tlio navy, its ul'M’inus a*-liic\I'liu nts, A:f., - Mr. H \ti(iVU. 'Flit'vit'ws tint Irivo Ik'OM i^ul'iuitffil to till- ,''rn:ili‘ I'.v tlic‘ IihiuhmMo f-' iiatiir tVmii Nt w Jci«-y [.Mr. >tocktu\3 have in siuno n’spt'i ts striu k nu* witii sur- ]; an l i a.^ tlicv liave boon tlo- li\n\‘l to tiic S‘'!i:itf uj'.ni an orca.'-iuii wlu'H it n't u"iai tor us to ro into li'- cn.'-'ions and lcnion-trations of tliis kind, aii'l as I am a niciul'or of tlio Xa\al (’I'Ui- nuftt'o, to who.sf »-u>to«lv lonir airo, aci-oi'd- iui t" ii‘V vifw. this inrMn)r;:il shonM lia\r Im !i infrustt'd if tlu' intMidt‘d to^ ni .k.- any di>po>iti..n of it for purpose.^ of d '^•u^.•'ion, and a> I onSfrta'.n a vor\ ilit- frvi'nt t>]iinion n)» 'n tin' siilijt‘-t-niatfot of thi- Petition fn»ii that whicli ii^is hcon so f :!'ril'iv anti (‘iiM|iU :itIy i'\|“ri'ss(’il l y tiu' li 'ii. ral'li’ si'iial >r tioni Ni'vv .ItMsi-y, T ,-,.nld n.*f thi'ik it ri^iit tl’-at r- in irks of this hind shi'uld iro f.irtli to tlu' conntrx \v tli'»nt an insta;;tanoons notict> troni souk' pi'iitIrnian wlin I to that ci'niniitti'c; and in thf al' of the tdiairniaii, I havo assnni. d tiio di.-char^i^ ut that nocc>.''arv duty niy>-If. It is, ill tiu' first placo, pn'pcr, upon t'Vi'ry i|!H'stion vf tiiis kind, tliat Wi- >tiinhi iiiid. I'Miidwhat i' tiU* suliji ct \\hi»di i.-^ p:c-. nti'd f T thi' (•on.'.idi ration of thi* Son ata. and that \vc .sh'iuld 1" k at it as it is. and not a- it is ntod to us hy oratori cal cxagiioratiuus. 'J he hi’m rahle sonator from Ni'W Jtrs'. y sp> aks of ad:ninisti'rin>r thr 1 isji to thi ' • :i^aihnt and inddt.' s,ii!nr~ unfil the flt'.'ii i> t' lai lit.mi their lia» ks. wlide the I>lo».l i' rnn.’iini: down to tlieir lifids. and he ;;"nin- ' or su|i]>ose> that the ]i'tifi"ii n''\v np >n vonr taliie i> an -ippli- c;.t.'U »' th^- S-;i:.te if tin- I’nitcd Statrs t,i i r ^i'ri-un.> nt;!l in n.'t 'rini:—I >h"ui'i .s.iy in intnxiii. in,;—such h 'rrildc li.irhari- tv inf-_> the s ? \ ic •, X 'W. 'ir, « liat is the j'eritiiiiK'' It i^ a s'lMpIr' p--titii.n tliaf tite 'nirre." "f tli-' I 'ni’eil S'.itfs \v!!I n >t"rr a ;ii^•■ipline to th ■ na\y wii ‘ h ha> exi'fed fi'.nn tiio in'fiti’.t; >n of l i. ■ n iv_\, and wITudi has been .li'.-.ntiuued 'nly during tlie la>t Si -r'iiiii I'f i' n_n It i' an applicatii-n to n sror*- to the navy a !’.i'. :]>iine whii h wont into oporati iii nndt-r t!;e sanefe'n of the iiniU'Ttal \\ a^hinL'ton, an.I whiih lias been cntiiaU'! iin l. r all >m-rtfdinir ad- niini'tratu ik> -f t^o :i.i\frniiicut. Snniy 1 n«'f i n >t .'.ly, tliat a.'kiu'j us to re store s.i^h a dix ipline is not U'kii»'j us t i- tluT ti- re't iru it t • intr ^iuee int.i the n:i- ^ V a 'V'tt ni f li'Triblf, barf, niivl de- if thoso were oxamplos ^. hieh wr «re ever ! the hotter; but if not, to after to follow, and if the ends then at- ^ bout by fear; tor the eud >alu.ible tirely op]>>scd to the change made by Coii- —made as wc all know, in a nnniner irregular and not according to wbat were tained were the ultimatuni oi of sound legisla 1: it not a contradiction jn theargununtl to the charac-1 tion by thrnstin«r in—as nn amendment I for the honorable senator t.. say that the I hoi,ora ^ permit ! upon a general Hppropriation bill, (the! very Iriiiiu'J tlie men | * , . d..c» civil i.n.l .liiil.lliialif l.ill, if I »in ""»• ; ot tl..s.-|re.. aInoj. : ut' i..n pres,I ,„„vis„ .,b..lisl, .ho j Iiii.k" , i’.J }n-Ilii.,iii.ii!iiiii He S-.V-. that the Anicri- ishmoiit hy tli.Biriug in the niivj-; iiiid ; „l,l. r,v...-.l ... .I.e nn.«.h,ovo,„ .enjo,,,-, , 'J "- ,,blo''.p!, i.Un „f n,„n. :.l.h....^.h, „V y„,h„n.; Mr. l>ro«iJon., « ot tins punishment. ■ i t The nix. ..l,i.T.i..n..fthehom.n,Wc?™. [I,:ui?] .l..r .n« .l,u. iy ..f |.u„isl,nu.,.. was A ..■na.or. I ho Amor,, an ^a,lor i,H.xnodient— it was unnecessary.— ' Mr. IJ.AIkJKK. I mean the Ameruan Now K t us S.-C how (hat is. As 1 have sailor. But 1 hope we can apply it o ’ rather as 1 should have said, it is both sailor and .senator. [liaughter.J It naval is merely slippinii fron) .>ne truth into although, as you know vast number of petitions and a]>plications upon this stibjcti hud been received b}' the Senate and referred t«» the (’ommittee on Naval Affairs, and, as 1 know, that committeo had been diligently engaged in collecting iuforniation Iroiii i;very ([uar- ter from whence it could be obtained, and i?hnient. Now, I would ask the honora ble senator if he would propose to have the punifihnient of the laeh introduced in to the United States generally. \ ou per-, ceive that all I meant is to have the sailor treated like any other citizen. Now, is the senator ready to say that he is willing to have the whoh^ I’nited States placed upon the Siime fiMiting in this respect with our navy? If so, then there would be some consistency in his position. Mr. Bakcku. Docs the honorable sen- rNDTAN VI3IT TO THE PHESTPEXT. » own people, I give each of you The NatiofKil Intelligencer gives an ac- ! on a valuable medal.” ' count of a parting visit to the PrcHident by * ^ be Medals were then |.l;i,.f.,i the Indian? from the fur west, (who had ^-^hiefs by never until now been within the region of " The'^Pre ’H ♦ *1 * ^ civiHzation.) The deputations consisted of 1 American flarwhich w’!"^l W.l.x llcld lltl the following persons: tliei I V V M V Addressing the,,, j,e . , Ihrnf Arrii}>nhot‘ii.—Nea Neiha, or J^jU- present each of you a lik,. u gle-head; Nakoubatha, the Storm; Oa Nar- you it at your hi^m,-; ka, the White Cj-ow. member that yoii are one witir'*.T'' Three (’/iri/Dtjirs.—A'oki Vokamast,the are part of the same people ’ ^ ator desire me to give him an answer now? j White Antclo|>e; Kai \ e»)nnave, Little have only one flag. This 1' Mr. S nx'KTo.N. I slumld be very bap-1 (Mncf; Voi Vatosh, he who moves on the the American pe^ple ami tli. i,'^f,'j^, ^ r by the honorable propo.scd to degrade him? Does thi.s pcti- by moans of which, in case ,t was deemed ’h;!s ben. ur-M'd in tion that (,'ougress -shall pass a law ,,-y to j.reseive the use ot the hish, saiil, or •i i.uni^hnient that obtains in (>very . . s,. vice upon the irlobe; it obtained in our anothe,-. ^\ hat the senator says ,s tiiu .• i , • f . . , k. i ..vil sr,vie fro,n the (.,-.'ani-/,ati.m of our lb- savs, that such a man «mght not were cxceclingly d«-.s:rous of p,e.sent,ng to ,l„wn to the last".session of (’on to be degraded. I admit it. But is it the Senate some mea.sure of in.provement • M't'ss. It is said, too ^ • ;:;;;jiWTw'.i^nrwi;r.«m .u,.,..or„f,-wwprmm^a.; kind of of the ve.ssels of the country to whip all a,id at the sauie time ,ts hasty or excessi\e , punishnient. lie .savs that the common the urn uridcr their conimatid-tlio.He who applicatio,, j^yc.ited; a,.d while we ^ coui-seis to say tha*t the puni.shmcit is behave well and tlmse who do not.'' Docs the materials ready t.. make .v npoit nece.ssarv and 'cannot be dispcned with, it want us t require them to act like our which, as wc tclt pe,suade would be old friend. Cl leb Quotem, the scho(dmaster worthy the consideration ot tlie >eiiate— in the farce, who, when he was obliged to although without any iiKjuiry, without any h ave his si holars to go to a ,eview, w^ nt investigation except a li w iiioment s dis- lirst to the ami whipped the cussioii in this chamber this was boys all roiind, he said he knew ! attached to that ajipropriation bill and they would d‘.serve it in the eouis> of the pas.sel tliiougli this body—I say, n .twith- dav? [i.auirhter.] Th(> iietition eoiitains standing all this, 1, for one, am not now no' propo.sition of that kiinl. It asks us for ton liitig it. 1 want the policy of the py to have an answer at this time, and will yield the tloor for that lonl. you ever listen to wicked a.l • '• Fire Siau.r.—Ilaiwan Sitsa, one Horn; would tun, you against us . «!., V'lU 1,,. tllK Mr. Ba1)(;kk. I am totally opp».sed to ; Wambalupe Luta, the lied Plume; I’lm- come our enemies, yuu i„um Xv any law for whipping all the citizens of' kesko Wc( hasa, the man made of Shells; fl ig. Rcm*mber this. the form of ,n‘ci‘.ssity and jn'Oprietv «>f that Hi . ■ that the puni innot be dispt and there ba\e tlie snbjec Biit what more does the lionor.ible s.'uator say in reply than simply to make a stronger counter-asscit'ioii—and that is what.'* lie s;ivs that it is uniueessary, and that no otli'. i'r who is lit t(» co,ninaiid u sli;p e\er ncels the lash to a.ssist him in enforcing ,9 ilis discipline. Now, is that argument, or is it not anothi'r? ('ertainly tlu* opinion honoratile si ii itor is entitled to as miu h wei^Iit and cousii.leratii'n as the opinion ot anv other man in the country; but his opinion is no mor‘ an argument than the opinion of any other man. As I have said, he h::s n futt d his own projiosition by his own stat. nu nts. H ' says that be who is til to command a ship doi s not ni'Cil tin* la-h: y.'t he has cfrt.iinly told us in the fiib'ginm that he passed i']';'n llull.ot tiic ('oiisiitntioii, that I-.' was tit to n.niuiard a to be settled. diip an 1 be U'-ed tiie la>h. 1 le ha t--ra‘ ! ... re.' ■ tiirv ■r t L r- i' ) T V T i- =. X; uj’ T.ri .n> ( f pnnisiinu nt, •>nch n't be } witliout making the ir.rn -i. k \*'ih li'Tmr aii'l detv'ta- 'rh,;f i' tiie i]u,‘'tion pr-sented for ;!'! f T ..f tlio .''I'liate. Th lion- '••nat'T fr- iii X .Jt,-rs -y wa~ pleas- d '■r r it’ 1;. »• -i.t I m. k'.' the pn>]>o'i- ■;i i.r jr:--‘y to f h= li:i ?•■, hr WouM j tit; n pr.yiii:: for ’lie ■ 4\v ni 'p tn half a ceu- a. d i y W:i'hingtou and ai’ i Ij•II- 'Ucivs'-.>r', I'l'', put UnJiT tr uiplv-1 un!. r f«M.t. I ' '.i. t T w *ul i not al'. r T t • ’ . nnd un.)* j f t\ r. th,,., . f „ • f .> ti us lor ton ning it. iMth.T one :issri’tioii op]M..scil to simply‘to restore u feature in the disci]dine country upon that subject the oi.inion of the of our navy by which a man who oUends We have l.eeome dissatished with rmr past —a man who* by his condu-t sullies the experience; the gdones of the navy, the character M iiiidi irenerallv belongs to Ameri- aimirable state iu which it has always can .sailors—shall be made to .«.utl’er a yfun- ,naintaiiied itselfaml performed its duties ishnieiit for it, such as will j-estiain him ! ttiwauls the country nnd« r the ancient di.s- fn III it iu future, or at le.ast s'rve as a cipline, have faile.l to give us .sati.'faetiou warniiii: toothers not to f.ill into a like ujion this point. Now, I want no freijueiit ivror. ^ changes in the dicijdine of the uavy. I Now, tlif honorable senator says that it w.nit the ]utd»lein worked out by actual is a very clear thing, upon loiking into experiment wlu-ther this species ot puni."h- the report that we have here iu reganl to ment i> necessary to the navy or not. We the number of wh;pjiinirs and the nature can asciTtjiin that oiily by waiting and of the otVenees, that tiiis punishment is s. eing the operation of the present .>vsfem. ken in teinis of hi-b c-mnu ndation of P.-r- p. rfe.-tly useb'.ss, becaus,- the oflenccs are If it sIk.11 prove to be entirely iua.le.iuate, rv, tin’ eon.(i;, r,>r ot the lakrs; ot .M,)iris; not diminishfil. Is that of \Varrini;'ton; i'lid otln r heroes ot our naval scrviiH’, anu ha-- shown that all tl.c'e men Wire tit foi-ommand ships. Vet they man w^ re to come for\\.irl and call upon all nf.I«'d the la.'h; tiny u.sed the lash; s.'ciety to abolish all puni.-'hments, and they fornicl tlu ir men ninb r the ili.scipline trust to tlie gentle inliiieiiee of moral siia- ,'f t!n‘ la>h. Now, in u.'ing this term 1 do not to s iv they wen- engag' d in iiicessanf friirel!.iti.>n. Nobotly a.-ks tor that. Put they held it as a means of di.-- l ipline t.> form in the -^ailor habits ot obe- dii iue and vubmissi.m to order-, 'riies.,' nu u m-ed.-.l tiie la-h—as the lion- (.r.iiiK- 'fliator ii;is 'aid in efleit. .\lld if. h.- il ls sh.iwn, they wi ietit t.>eommanl :• ship. 1 a'k th>- Senate if he has u't re futed his eW'i j-o;.;t;ou. An.l he tells us, iu anticipate ii of what lu“ s!i{«p>ses might be a reply tn/iiiii>u- f sjit isfaetory coiielnsioji—one justly drawn? Tan it stan l the test of examination? Suppose a and it ..-hall seem to be neces.-»ary to restore tbi' ]tunishment, with j.roper safeguards again.'t its abuse if they did not un der till' (dd law, then it will Ik.* restored by a community satistied that thi“ punishment is a nee* ssai \ one, and wmay then hope •ion to prevent th.who have a disposi- t> ha\i .■'.iiiie upon the subject, au'l tioii for puttii.:: tlnir lingers into their neighbor's poi kets from stealing their p.K ket-bo. k', tbo-e who desire to steal hor,'. s {Voii. Lrettinir o\cr their n.'ighbor's h; iL'es, or those who an* bloiMl-thii'ty fi >n. i nttin;: tlu ir nei'hbor’s throats; it csiape all further agitation with ie«:ard to it. 'l iiat is my view of tin- matt. r. The,c- fore, for my own j>art, 1 liav.* no dispo sition to hav(' the subject d' this memorial furlher uoiicid at this .'.»ioii. if the honorable .senator from New .Jersey [.^lr. Ills to no* that the > ar:_’i.meiii miiiht StM kton] pn fers, I, for ne, am jxTteetly Used in that c.i-e a.- the bon tralde willinir that this |M-tition shall b* laid s. nator h...' otlered in thi up \. ar criminal cah'ii' )h !/ — that wli. ii he was in punished fir munler, \e., and s.iy, i.Muand of a -iilp he U'. d the la-1, him- h dd! :ill your punishmfiit.H have 1>« it. And win? lie -id he acted in o- no avai!; th. v have done no lie eoul l take ir, which show- the minilier of those who h.ive been piin- i.-heii t >r steahn^r, h.iw many h.ave been P.e- II of upon the table, aixl not be called up again. I want no hasty changes, backwards or that t'orward-. on this subjeet. I a.- lioi.orable gentleman tiiat if our na\al .«‘r- \ice can be carried on with ♦ tli. ii ney, and if- ch.nacter m.iint.iinoil without n sortiu;; b,-d lilellcc ti the biw I law ,‘f • nir t de 1; 'I'i I lii' f {••. t.ti.ia Mi l ne Jer .te; •w u, it It ’it. - . 'U_r ..f 'tlleer- >1 le SenaTi tIi- ir ] ■- ,Uic in V '■ ,= ■ •; .. ''y :u tlr- b ^ 'r *;. - r JUe ?.» tho '' ■ . • w I ^;t ,1 t;:' v jre>. nt. i« ; . r. 1 ;,f. i;*’Ie is gain . i.' iu 'i..' ; Ualilbcr or elsewh'T'', ■ - 1 I; . : V rvations which do n >t • ii!' .t- .f tlu- «jui*stiv>u under the I r t:..n , f th,' S. nat* ; and to j .;ii' i d.-;r' to ii;\i*e your attention t'.r :i \' ry few niii.ut. s, w ithout innlert.-.kiii:.'' ti t w th,- iioiiorabh- s.-uaf.T tlironidi til- w le of 1, s I-marks, ,t u> notiec in 1 !ai! fie v.arioiis -tafeiiient' he has m idi- up'li til;- sni>j‘ i-t. ll^s oljeetions to that j '.'ii.-iiiueiit w; h It i pr-.p.■-'.•d to re-tirc t • rhe di'i ipriie of the navy divide theni- -elve.' into tw,i iit'ads; and, s,> f;ir as 1 see, my ta^k will V).* a v ry easy on.*, for the bo;;i.;aide .-eiiitor hiuiscll has distiiicth' refute 1, in tin* course of his remaiks, both ijt till se :il )! eti iU'. i he first that tir.s pani.-hnieiit is [lO.s- itivt !y ,iiisehievon- that to -ul jeet tli^- s.iilor to till' l,!.sh i.' t.» ti’.ieh him to 1m' a lowani; that if you e.'.cpei t him to m.;in- t:;ui the glory r f th.i country, to jn.iintain ], - e->ion of thi’ public .-hips, and to resi-t tile in,my who a.-sail> him—if you do not wi-!i t,> !,iiii,l -hii s, ii"t t‘>r y,>ur«elves hot f r y - ir t n. niies—you must atM-li.-b the l.-h; f.r by aeeu-toiii’ng the sailor t,» that s i- 1;mi' i;t. yiiu d"prive him d’ his ]>rin- I ,j'b ' • h,»n«,r, ami make him a coward. ^\iid y t, -ir, iu the same breath the hono- r tide .seiiator ,-eininils us of those gallant aii i nold e uehi'’veiiients which ilistiniiui.-ihed th** progress of the late war with Kn_daiid — iifise victm-Ies ujion the ocean and the ,!• \er a law ,‘t the I’nited States re- i|uirinL' a coinmandt r * f a sliip to use tiie lasli. ( ii'loiib’e ]]y the '.iw authori/t" li,m to ii-e till la-h wh I, it is in>e,|fii!; but it lii.ike- him the j’idge .f that — the - b* judgi ; he ha-: no a-se—,irs in bis tribunal, n.^ jury to dctirniiiie when the la-b I- t,» b” us.‘d. He is the • ne -npri me ju,l_'c up- lU his own sliip. lie is the ma-ler and reign up,,I liis .jUarti r-dcek. The law says to him in • fl* t; when v. ii -li.ill deem it neci >>ary for controliiiig aid your ves.». I, t’-r tr"ver:iing V'-ur men, for re-irainini' mi-eondi’et, f,r gi\ing a {>ropT deirn-e • f onler to the -hip, an l ctru ii iicy to th" -erviee, y.>u ;ire :ii liberty to u>e the bt'li. 'I'iiat I' all. 'I'hi* hoiiorai'le senator that w In n be w as in commauil of ; man who ki.ow - if his bi'art will 1 it except in his -ity; h(* u- d What law.' There then f >re no puni.-bn.i at .-honl 1 be inftiet- 1, and to that piuii-liui'lit, I sh.ill In* a-rcluctaiit el. Why. sir, no man ever suppo-etl f.r one moment that any in.-titution of sK-i ty ceul 1 j»revent the recnrrem e .tf cr;m*‘. Hut we mu-t ascertain, befoie e.'iiiin:: to the con lns;,>n of the honorable senat ir. what would have beci the comli- tioi. of tbii.L''s in th>‘ navy, and what the ,if things in « Icty iu the 1 have -upp .-eil, w, re all legal restraints re- move.i. Why, ,-ir, the spirit of evil Would rise rctrc.shcd, like the giant re freshed with wine, an 1 iro forth to the ruin and destructi.'ii f s-K-iety. The sen- ut, r’s argument proves thi-, if it proves to M j It ii .-toll'd a- anv one can Ix*. 1 was'd to ab'di'hing it. becau.s* I thought it was m e. >-arv to retain it. Put if i: i- found to be unn- ees-ary t. n*tain thi." nnib' i f pnni-!imi nt, then I .-h.ill be as much oppo-ed to it.- r. -loratioji a- 1 was to its abolition. 1 an. in.liflertnt as to the refer, n-e of this petition to the (’•mmittee ,*n Naval AfT.iirs. por the pres( nt. I an. willing to let it go upon the table without fnrlher consideration. Mr. SrtM KTuN. I liave Ik'cu accustom ed h, rctof(.ro to bxik up to the honorable ', ii.itor from North Carolina [.^Ir. liadger] fir coun.-i 1 upon important matters, an l 1 anylhin:^—that the 'system of punishment have always had great pleasure in coii-i.l- >:■ V' -iiip he US4,‘,i it. Vet 11' him and the kindlints- -nj p.*.-e that he ever ux* ju,lgnii nt iu ease of m e.' un ii.r coii'ideration, sevi-rc as it was, was not m,,M* than ad.i .juate t, the pri .s»-rvation of a t. lerably .soun l ami healthy cou'iition in the n.ival s. rvi. i; an I iu my opluion, it proves nothin;; ,ii'>re. 1 sli, uld be extieniily gl.-.d to se? such a comlitiou ot thintfs that our otfii crs coiihl it ohiy wild, it wa- ai tu illv needful to n-c it. and f rbore u.-in._' it wl.en it was not. There Is no one lui'e, 1 supjio^c, who iloubt. for a mom* Jit t'uit he was i mineiit- ly lift' d for a (-ouim.-.nih r of a v. -sel, or at li-a-t was w hen be w i- in the strvit c.— Thus I think I have here a ili.-tiiiet n'l’uta- tion of the h iii'»rabie L'entl'man’s own j.r.'P' sition. It i- p:eci.-ely 1 o^'i. ,il. II ■ that is fir to c 'miuainl ;i sliij: lei | tor the u.-e '>t tne bi.-h. It i.- n fufe>l v. i v simply. N 'W, if is known that all the distaigui-hell coinniauileis in fiur service, the hon rabh* L'futh inan him-elf includetl, ering him worthy of confidence both heie and cl.sewlu re. Put, however much I may regard the iii'lividual—h .wevcr muvb I may c-teeiu his great ai-'iuiremeiit- and great learnintr—Vet, at the risk of being th '*Ui^ht ijuite p.'.'su111ptu**u.s, I mu.-t .s;*y to the .''eiiate that 1 lo not think the L'cn- iin,lu, t tair ships ovei the wiile .-nitaee of tleman fro,;. N'^rtb (’.•‘.rolina [Mr. Padi{erj th'* fM-eau and the service be alw.iys ea;rit*d on, always and nn b r.dl circumstances, by fr, e aii'l willing min i-, an.1 under the st.iis ami sfrij>(s there j.evcr sbouhl beany n-'ces^ity ter re.-,>rtlng to any punishm, nt. \\ e woiil ! all rej,iii:c ;ii that. I should be c\tr-'mt-iy gIa-1 t'» believe that the par- ticnl.r puni'lin.ent ailubd t.» onld be dispensed with; but it does n,it help tin* m.itt, r any to -ly that we are treating the sailor like a slave. 'I'hat conveys some thin;.' to til',: iiiind that is sho«kin*r—tcrri- c.,,iim,ind needful. b.. dll' 'J he re fore the la.sli i.- ble. X .w, the honorable senator would did need ainl dn.l Use the la.-li as an itistru- not object at all to putting a sailor in inu.s, pi ct wa.s to have ,uv arguments attempted ment of authority. I hey were all (it t't or even iu double irons, as a puui.-hment to be turned into ridicule. for his mi.-b( li ivionr. 1 should be extreme-' Mr. P.vixiKU. I be>' jiaidon of the seti- ly gl.i'l to know how ji man can have nioj-e ator. 1 intcn.led no sucli thiu''. J he honorable s, nator eommenceil h;s th'- appea.aiice of a slave than w hen he Mr. SrurK'ia>.\. 'That was the wav it remarks by saying that that goverr;,licit has hi> hands and legs led withdou- tippeared to nu*. The. gentleman at any t which lule.s bv b>\e, an.l not by ble irons, and he hinisi*lt lockel u|» iu the rati*, took advantage of the opjiortunity to Vet will gen- disj.lay to the S. iiate, at the oxj'onse of is thi. fear. h.abit of ili.-tru-ting these ab.-?ractions. I do not know fliat we are exactly able to form an idea of is the bc-t i^ov rn- nieiit in till' absti'a(.t. It we coniine our- selve.-; to tin; afi’iiis of this up,m whicii we live and our ancestoihave lived, Now, sir, 1 am a good d. al in the jirison-room on board ship. tlen.‘’n in iron alicetions all tunc'l to :. h.iriuoniou> silion to loyi*, to rcvei'ciice, lakes which h.ive made the name.i of those . . , ci iiim.inders immortal, and have shed a ^ leator, were bistre around tiiis country, of wliiili i shall only say that 1 shall i-lK'd to belie\e tint th i" fl*'' , like a slave; and then he went on to insti- di-p.>- e'Hi.mand of an armed foicewhoha'.ebeen , tute a conipari.son between their puuish- . . _ '•■■l'l">y to be able to lead mi nts in a very faeetiims manner. P,nt ne.r great reator, were tney left without about their troops as it were by a charm; , the point I want to luiinr the senator down .ov.i , ‘"nn'V.ce of ot fe:ii.''— to w.ioin puni.shmeiit was unnece.«s;;,-y.— ' to befo,-e the Se,iato is 'this: In the first .all be entir. Iv -at- ' 'V‘>' 3'‘“ ^=‘1 1' t has told us of the gallant (lei.c- I place, all that 1 have a.sked for the \mer- 0, und(r,'’.>'\7^^‘' however a-: ral Wolfe, that , ican .saib.r is he .shouhl be treated tiii.-? or aiiv ufhcr in Hlilication tlic* law, it Tn:iy Ik* to us tn : “His example h:u1 a jnap:n(*t‘s forco, of those noble commanders may ever be socii ty in which all men | Ami all wm* .iwilt to I'ollow whom nil h.ved." able to e.jual. 11.'W were the b.'cd? ■ do ex.ictly everything that is right Put if the gemral who commands the a,-- I ndcr what discipline wei’i* th.-y trained? ' ""''"".i-' that is wrong, merely because my has not that attractive magnetic power, Was it not with this v; ry discipline of the j ^li'>iifaiieous disposition to do so, it is : so as to c.iuse his men to follow him from lash whic'a the houoiabk* senator '' 'Tno such goyernment ever | love, then the interest, not only of the N,'W .Jersiy must be abolished in or- ■ f is I officer but of the country, requires that (ier to make tlieii, br.avc? Why, .sir, every ! renovation of human character.— ' they should be made to follow him through victory which w have gained, every n on-!I h'i'r. The poets tell us that the herds ument of naval renown which ut that hi'- . act by the double influence I v.duntarily followed Orpheus when he n ccivcd with shouts of joy and grat,N ! ’"‘I*? apj.licatiou at one | went through the fields with his pipe.s; 1 ition f rf iii one itoi iion of the nation ‘‘t another of punish..lents. j but the ordinaiy h‘rdsmen of that day, the other, and tl.e nienioiy ,,f which I.- j •'cverflu lcss, hatl to carry goads and thongs now ch. risheil by us all with hoimst na-iI beg pardon for refer-j to drive before them their reluctant flocks. e cannot argue from these particular in- st.inces; we must adapt our laws to the genei-al condition and cha,act*r of ma,.- kind; a,id I think it would be as unwise for us to speculate \ipon the capacity of the commanding ofhcers of the navy to I’nited Stati Mr. S'lix KToN. 1 should bo VI ly to iiave that ibnie, sir, and to have by juiy for them if wc could. Put the gen tleman Hays wisely, w»* di> not want all the pcopb* of the rnitetl States flogged. No, sirl Th‘ honorable .s*‘nators are not g'»- ing to take if thcnselves— Mr. P.MxiKH, (in his .«eat.) Present com]).M.y always excepted. Mr. Stocktu.v. if i> determined that the ex(*cutive heail of the governmei.t shall not get it—that tl.e nn n.bers i:f Congiess shall not get it. Now. sir, t 11 me why the scr.itor should n>it be fb>gged as Well as the sailor. I shtuild like to know why the men wh.> peculate upon tl.e pub lic fluids, who put tlii-ir haii'ls int') flic geip' f.casnry, di fjau'b-rs of the g'»v- ernm. nt—w hy they lUL'ht not to be Hog ged as well as the .siiib)rs. Let him an swer that. As I .said before, the g^enfle- m.iu knew when be beg.m that be had no good cause, and 1 aiii glad to see that, lawyer-like, he has worked all round the ci.cli- so as to iKiiie back to the \fry same jdace from which he started; a,id nr>w he says be is willing to give then, the baw. 'riierefore 1 move you, sir, that it is inex pedient that the pravi ruf tl.Cte petitioners be granted. squ satisfaction of the latt r. After the return of thr Iruli.m. frf,m i Mr. lica announced the object of the vi- White llmise we bad an certaining the result of the ihiv's'r.’ ' taiy Stuart, Po-tmaster (lencal 11 ill; At torney (Icneral (’rittcnden, ie. ings on their m tnls. 'I'Ik y delighted, and represciue. they experienced in tl.e iifti weight heav ily on their sp,nts sit, a,id informed the Indians that the Pia sideiit woubl listen attentively to any thing they ,night hnve to .sa}'. 'l lie President rciiiarkcJ that ho was h ippy r>n this occasion to meet his red chil- tlreit once more, and would be glad to l.ear whateM r that might have to s;.y. Here SOUK* inovcmcjit was made by the Indians for a snide, w hich was di cliiii 'l at pri .'cnf,as they were inforn.el, l-ecausv' the ladies who were ihere might be inc. nve- nic.ced by it. To this they .seemed veiy reailily to asM-nt. then advanced, slioi^ik l.amis, ami adiiresscl the Pri>ident. He had coiiK* to see his (rieat Father, and was in,iced to see him. He would not now say tnore tiian how glad he was; lie Would wait till fi e others had sfioken, ami wculd -peak last. The Pre.'^sident lejdicd by .saying he was to meet iiis led fricnii; bo hoped the (Ireat Spirit had su.i- li '1 upon him and bU ssed him since he had been in Washington with good health and ^ ^ happiness; he w..uld gladly hear him after pres.sed State, no can dfiilit. Kv.-v the other- h id ib ne. * 'l^y's deveb'pments that fliccamiib.' \(irnuf/ttfhn advanced, and .‘«iid ho had ^ aiikecs are c/ij/zrz/fy her up. aiid wi; ron.e to .see his (Ireut Father from a long, vt rv long, distance. lie had coiue to shake The Ai r. pahoi. s Were j.oor; th(*y had nothing in their cuintiy; tin y wee ,iot Iiko the whites; ai.'l he bojK.ll their Father would take pity upon them. Ho 1io|m d his (lieat tors of the Bank ('f (b or-^. frwn, s c Father Would give him some tniblenis, in have declared a divid u.l of i! jir e i.t.! r order to show people w hen lie got home the last half year, c.juul to I’J j,tr c i:;p.r that his (Ireat Father would do something annum. for their nation. He was glad to see so 'J be Meiciiants' Bank of ' Lenw Li [T' "■'■re ii'ir, iftiiii' (,ff if, wcigl.t that had been therct.,t,,, Th \ ■ as soim as they saw the j:" knew he was a gof.d i.,an, atid tU kjj ledge of this c.'iiipletcly ri.!iivcil tii - anxiety. We have rea.son to think marks of the Pre.-^idviif on .hi-iij;,p..^^ occasion will be of gnat .s,T\:ce tr 'i'. ( ause of peace on ti.e \V, s;m. Huii.stU were conceived in the right .'■{.irit, a,,,] ; the judgment of the \ct.'ran irit ’i charge, must proiluce evi-iy \^av'ii,i-v cffects. ' ' it is thought that the I>. ,ri leave Washington thi.s wei k tur tL,ir ri- .spective homes. .MOKE .«;>rTH C.M50LIN.V Orri!F..'S]f,'; 'J'hat South Carolina is a crui'Ilr reduce her to the of meat. It really tnak. s f|,(. l,,.art i,i jdiilanthn pist bleed wht-n he read^ unmistakeable evidincLs of ruin a-:ii- follow ing; Bunk —The .f Iijr,. The Capitid at W.i-hington, which was endaf.gored b}* the late fire in the' Library of Congress, built at a total cost of iiands, to be friendly, to be at peace, nearly tw«. millions of dollars (SI ,47f‘»,;. 'i'lie north wing was commenced in 17l*M, and was tiuisbed in ]''?•(*. It cost ne.arly half a million. The si iitli wing was c n.- n.i neeil in l^c;j a,id finished in l^O'-i, and cost oyer >';‘.no,UUU. Th.* centre was com- n.i need in IMS and was in 1S*_;7; it cost nearly a niillion of dollars. The entire building covers an acre and a h.ilf m.niy meeting here as friends who hail for- declared a dividend of 7 per i--nf. o|Uii' The length of nierly been enemies, and Intjicd that the 14 per cent, j'cr auuuiii. I'Miy rintendct and Agt'iit will be able to , bu-’.ncss. and l'*>i!0 feet of ground fV'int is o')o.^ feet; depth of win PJli; east proji ction and sti ps, di*ptl. west keep jK*aee hereafter. After his long visit projeetion an.l step-, depth, S.’?; height of here, his j>eople will be very glad to have wiiiL's to tnj) of balustrade, 7l; height to him l.on.e again. top of centre dofue, 1 P‘*; Senate rl.ainber, Wnmhulujte a Sioux, said that he length, 7 1 feet, height 4'); Ilepresenfjitives’ did not eo,ue here of his own aco,d; he do., length feet, height Hi; l.eigl.t of "as invite.l lieie. lie Iiad been well re central ibifumia, 1M». Tl.e 'Mounds of the ceivcfl and kindly trcatel. a,.d he would in has treated my argument with fain - -s ty any lU' ans. He has made his own state- m ut of my argument-, and thci ileclanHl that 1 have myself rcfuti.l them. His spceeh S' ','111 s to have bee., chaiucferlzed by th if kind of sentiiHcUtal levity which iloes not .ij piar to me to be in very good taste. It perhajis wnuld ivif have beiii in ju'ifc'.fly good ta.-fc towards any senat.>r; but it appears to me, situati-d as I am, I ha'l a right to extteet s' ne tbiuir a little more considerate from that gcntle- nian. The last tiling' I a riiri.t to cx- Capitol cmbraie ’J'J* acres, surrounded by a subst infial in>n railitiLr, tlie length of w hich is four-fifths of a mile. Mnrtitlt'ltf nf Xnr }'>, /,■ it, l —The total numlier of deaths in the city of New ^o.k, duriit;: the year P's.')!, was 10,75’); ot tb,**e 4.1‘42 W' r* 111,11, :5,*».';> women, ’>.7'.*.'' boys, and irirls. The irreat- his own country return this kindness to fi.e whites he might meet there. A tieaty had Ik This reminds us of an aiu-ciLto :v the late ^Vatkins Leigh. W lu n he w r,; to South Carolina as Comiiii.;-i.;mr i.''■! this State to interpose ai..J pnv nt t, threatened nullification, he wa.'. a? a ni ’• ter of course, i.ands, jik ly eiitirtaiii dtu people who are proverbial for tluirhof - tality. On one occ;'.sicn ho w-.«d.uiu.v the house of a plaiitir. Hi.* jn li.-Ldiii,- ecu made—a treaty of peace. All the In- bogaiiy table groamd wifii tlio w.,'(:li' -f diaus had shaken I.ands; tliey we,v n> bm- every delicacv that cartli, a:v aa; ger each other’s enemies. He was poor, could furnish;* the brilliant li_hi> ¥ r r- i.e no leai-ning, but ho was somebody fleeted from the ni,i-si\c .silvir [latt, aiJ in his own country; he had male peace, the ruby wine b!u.-^!;ed tcniptiiij:!} tnr' .:. and he hoped it would be good. He hoped the hcaw cut j.lass dee;iiiter- Pur : ty that wb'nevcr wo put a man = my arguments, the versatility fif his s;e- we treat iiin. like a slave? hy, iiius and his philulogieal aii'I classical iu one s(use of the wo.d wheuc\cr we erudition. seize ;tn ofTeuder an.l deprive him of the P>uf in reality there wa.s nothing that exe.-eise of his liberty ami put him in pris- the .scr.ator .said that seems to me to be or.. We are fre;.tin^ bin, like a sl.’ive; but wor'hy of any r.'pis', with one excejition; we wiil tiiKl that thei-e never has I any it is because he has shown himself worthy ! and it’.seems to be ncccs.sary f>r me to say .such gova-rnment ... it, whether human or of sucli troatmcnl; it is he has out- ’ .soniefbiiig in leidy t'> that, not on my owii divnic, forone sing e instant of time.- raged tl.e laws of his country, the account, but on'account of the subject. , \ le u that jinn.eval ])air from whom wc ty ot preserving which is paramourt to all '1 he lumorable senator says that 1 said baml and I have sc.arcily one taste in common. He wishes to live in the coun try, wliicn I hati*. I like the fi.ernionie- tcr at soventy-liye degrees, which he liates. He likes to have the children brought up at home i,.st»*:id of school, which I hate. 1 liki* music and want to go to concerts, which he hates. He likes roast pork, w hieh 1 hate; and 1 like minced veal, wiiii'h he hates. There is but o,ie thing which we both like ami that is what we cannot both have, th. ugh we are alway tiying for it—the la ’ bad luek as a mother IIl’NGAHV vs. Iir.NTiKIl LOOK i Tins nm RK. Aj'propriatinu.—The B.'aril of .\liitf- men made an apj>ropriation, last fvemn?. of §7,000, to lb fray exp. ust'S atMi'i r,: have all sprung wore placc'l, in perfcct and considerations of advantage to him. ' when you fl,e .sailor you treat hi,n lifippv innoi.'eiice, in P-iradii-^e, with tiieir Doubtless there have bc(*n ,iien ii like an .Vmeriiaii citizen. I ask nothing mo,e. Now, 1 ask the honorable senator if .\merican citizens are ever scourced n.)W? Mr. B.VDiiKR. Certainlj-—certainlj". Mr. SrorKTo.N. That may be the iu North Carolina. 1 believe they are y obliga- -f //.// /.y was married 'interview, of all things’ to be y ur .jucst in for 111v m.-uey. 'I'hat was ten vears a^o, ^period of prospLritv.”—}ii 'hwnt‘1 and tiiev liave been ten years of purgatory’ '•*' the distance I have iiad bad luck as a wife, for inv liu's- I'f Father. He liad left wife, children and property to come here, in the I.ojh* that all would be right. Tl.e distance lie had coiiie was very great. .AJy Great Father, (.said he,) look ^ at us all; we a,-e very iM>or; we are all in reception of the IhuiL'iinan skins; wc must comc to you for help; we ;'he previous appnpnaii'5 l.ojie you will give us s(mie emblems to j?o,OdU, makes prove to our people that you will take com- 1 AX1> o.n this. passion on us. hen he left l.onic he had j Frozen to Deoth.—Tlie recent many animals; does not knew if any are vailing extremely cold wcaflior i-F-'-' b ft. Hoped he would be scut Lome on ■ lei to that which used ti ihstiiigiii^t horseback. Also, he hoj>ed he would get winters .some }iars .ago. ami ha'l't'’'- ’ ast word. I Inive lia.i ^ ^*ttle pix ket change to pay his way with, its (juota of mist ry to the p.w avd frifj“^ .er, for two such : P'tipatrick and the Supej-intendent less. On Friday last, wc saw ^. pas.sionate, selfish, u,ima„ageablc boys, ; they would want .some little mo- dren on Broadwny, beggnig, baref"'>| never tormented a feeble woman si,^ce I know till he had seen Maj. | Safunlay morning we met a boys bega,i. 1 wish I had called them I some others what the ^ woman, of re.spe'jtablc appcaraiito. both ('ain. At this mnment they have were, but now he had seen greater cinders from a b:ir,el of coal .. quarreled over their marbles. ^lortimer i ' ^*^’p'd lie would not be sent herself from perishing. '1 he siiff^'|’'".- has torn ofl' Orville’s collar, and Orville j but up the Arkansa.s, which this last freak Of the loo-K'iii' lias applied his colt-like lieel to Mortimer’s I that river his people lived, subjected the penniless are iiiulfi^'''''' ribs, while the baby, Zcuobi;i, in niy I.ip, } on the north fork of the IMatte. | and better imagined than de.scrili'l' who never sleeps more than half an hour • _ I’resident told them how happy he j On Tuesday night, an old at a time, and cries all the time she is - awake, has been roused by their din to scream in horus. I have had bad luck as a, for I have never kept ha,nber,naid more than three tion-il pri'le, was gnined by sailors, u'llile ’ President, upon such a d.iring, coiiraoiMnis sailors, but sailors wh' J[Laughter.] We encourage and wi’.'c for.i.eil under the di.sclpline of the children where wo can; but when lash. N av, it .seems to mi; that nothin-r »ot do, we can be plainer than, as i i.ave .s; lid, thu't tliem. W e endeavor to have tliem flu.- obj-etion of the honoralde senator is l'>vo to us; and when we suc- rcfute.l by hiiii-.'lf; for, .si* fai from speak- ,"* that, it affords us tlie highest de- iiig of these achievements and exploits us Kratificution. But surely if we do but ihe of our naval renown, higli and no- i.i reafter to be emulated and excelled, he ‘‘‘ohng, if we are faithful to our.selves sfieaks then, in glf»wing terms of clo- them, we do not leave tlieni with- iuence which 1 have not the power of la.i-, eiKjreive means. The gu.ige or the grace of elon,ucnee to be able to equal, ami brings them forward as thj gloriou.s exumplcs we are to follow. And end is to be accomplished—that is, obedi ence and submission to what is right. If we can bring that about by eucourag>ment and the persuasion of love, then -ju much supersede tiie nece.ssity of punisliment by atti-acting the love of their sailors towards theni, as it would be for any individual ble compa,iy. [Laugiiter.] Mr. Stocicto.n. In n*gard to Dela- waie, she is .so small I do not know that much weight should be attiiched to her ex ample. As for Virginia, I do not know ai)out fltigging there. I, however, do not wish to treat this matter in a laughing way. I say that, however it may bo iu North (’aroliua, Virginia, and Delaware, the American citi'/.cn generally is lifted herdsman to throw away his goad and high above the degradation of the scour'e- thong, and take his flute or fiddle out into and all I ask for the sailor is, that lie the neld.s, and endeavor by piping upon ‘ '' ' them, to induce his sheep and kine to fol low him home from their pastures Now, upon the subjc-ct of this petition, I will say this: although I was myself eu- should be treated like an American citi zen, and not like a slave. The slave is perhaps as universjilly punished in this way, when he deserves punishment, as the American citizen is freed from such pun- even a I namoer,naiit more weeks. And as to cooks, I look back be- wildeiid on the long phantasmagoria of faces flitting ‘ • as* a mariner of thunder-gusts a,id hurricanes in the (.lulf of Mexico. My nciv chambermaid , bounced out of the room yesterday, flirt ing her du.ster, and muttering, “Real old : maid, after all,” just because I showed , her a table on which I could write “slut” j with my’ fingei's in the dust. I never see i ,ny plump, happy sisters, and then glance j in the mirror at my own cadaverous^ long, doleful visage, without wishing myself ;m I old maid. 1 do it every day of my life. I Yet half of my sex marry as I did—not for love, but for fear—fear of dyinr old maids.—.)/>*.«». F. Ji. Hall. ® Bad SeluHjl Mutes.—A gentleman at Kaston, (Md.) not over twenty-five years of age, informs the editor of the Star that ... •0\e of his school mates had coniniitted I lo .-..V, . „„u Iiieui now nappy ne | VMi luesHay n,gnt, an eiu -r- , was to see them all; hoped they had spt'nt ; named Tillman, iieing without a i'"^ '*■ time in \\ ashington; was glad ! shelter, and not aware perhaps * , t at they had made treaties of peace, and | Could be acconuuodated at tl‘C said that the Great Spirit would always , house, crawled between t"'> l“^'-'l'' ^ “iT bless them if they faithfully observed these ; ber in West street, and wefit ' ^ treaties. W'e know you arc poor, but in I was found dead ami frozen on Older to be better oft it will bo liest for > ing morni,!^. Another negro,cal' r .‘itorn.ily through my kitchen , *‘*y the and have re-j Bunco, and aged sixty y^"'*'';’ r remembers a rapid succession to agiiculture. llie Government j frozen to death in a shed on (anl"" t't the rnited States looks upon you as its I Brooklyn, on Thursday children; it will send persons to teach you j have no doubt that other cases of .1' to culti\ate the soil and to manufacture 1 character will occur ere tbe jijj cloth to wear instead of skins. Hlere a j the welcome return of spring- * ‘ ^ loud Ugh, ugh, from the Indians.J Our I duty of those who are blcs>^‘J j^ people desire a road through your country i to open their hearts and to California and Oregon; they might also | lieve to the best of their abilities t want to purchase some of your lands, but j of their less fortunate i'. in every instance you shall be paid a fair | those who are rich be extra ^‘^'‘"^''**,^^1!'t compensation. If in any case they misbe- least while winter eontimiP-"' ‘ have or refuse to pay you, make known ‘ " —■->»>' • the matter to the agents, and if our people are in the wrong they shall be punished. Some of you have asked to go home on horseback; this we cannot grant; you will return with the Indian agent, partly by the railroad cars, which go as much fa.ter than a horse as the wind does than a butfa- 1 . - I Ir*. The Commissioner of Indian Vfl’uii'M hTveme/wWK -T TT" two will j.rovide y«m with money to pay alf school girls at a fe,,ialo sc.nitiary sent tTtfirrw^nM y‘'»r till you return home to'your ington, Pa ’ ‘ another ™ 1 " I’resi- days .since, another narrowly escaped going the same dent, - - voyage for a like offence.—i?«*. >S’u«. rigorous. “lie that giveth to lendeth to the Lord.” Tho above facts, clipp^^'^ wur city papers, are recoiiin*'^"^ especial attention of the .Viii.r rt-tun the system i f [.unishment for citizens that 1 wo mofr ^lotrox. ■Ii0ww:._\(*e, Jjittle J he President adnujni.-he.i i’ prevails under the laws of the I iiited Leavt*r, and \\ obchitchie, the Hiiiite’i. though tin; nieilals were for i-^.j *** States at this time; and I was very wi II j Three Otto vi^mev, or iriie. of divilual, the flags were -mvi i, t,j satisfieil with that which apjdied to s,iilors ■ »ono of the tihoi f. Pahtookekrehmee, the or baml. He had given tlum ^ " before it was abolisbeij at the last session ('cdarTrec; Hiiokoj.eo, the Wife; and How- the confiden e he lepo.scd ii, tU,' of Congri'ss. Now, I wish to ask the bon-j epee. Good Day. Tin re was an loiva wo- their friendship an.l faitiiluhuU* “ orable "'senator if be desires that sailor.s n.aTi, who gbirics in the and j.eople of the rniti d Stm. s. “It'' shall have all the pri\ib'ges of cirizeiis of ['"etic designation of Mahwemcc, the Bud- ;my thing, ni;.kc known v,ur' the Cnited States. Docs h«* intend that ling Leaf. your friend Coniniis.^iomr j i-, bills shall be foun.l them bv grand The Indians were aecnmpanied to the will take care to snpplvv.ju \vih..r ' juries, ami they be brought to trial l- foie White House by Mr. Lea, Commissioner of i.s nece.s.snry.” ' ' ‘ r ju.Iges ami juries, with all the ceri ni.iiiies Indian Aflairs, two Interjircters, and t»fber A general sli.-ikin-.; of han>b , attendant upon the trial of a citizen of the persons. Among tin* persons i.rcsent at place, during which 3lud:.tne K ..fV ' the interview were .^Irs. Fillmore, Madam Countess Pul-zky showed piirt^-u'''' Ko.ssntb, and the (’ountess Pulzsky; Secre- est in the squaws pix-eiit, iiiueli ended to our city papers, are ydi fu»'^ eommittee,” and their to our city fathers.—Acjr ‘7"^ .soKV ,iiW;f It* ., has ing .to frighten a ‘as a token of niy regard for you, I ing ghost, they unhappily , and as a testimony to take home to your 1 that they frightened her into

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