tiiibsiiiv. JISH5V li. i?a. The is as famotJs for draw-1 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, ing nice distinction**, as that reniarkiible ' Frow an article in Urownlow’s Knox- individunl, in “Iludibras,” who wus »uid ville to have been able to i were ‘Distinguish nnd diviie A hair ’twixt North nnd North-west side.” Its latest att'.'mpt is to prove that the dif- . , forenoe betwivn the respective ftj-n'iiinnx \ writi'r ill fho l{:i!cigh Rejjister lionii- expre.>^el by Messrs. Badger and ^’enable, tlu‘ HouI'-ht I?. Gilliam, of with reference to Kossuth, is “wide and ;is the Whig candiflate for Gov- palpable.” We have publishml both .•speeches, one in whole and the other in part, and our readers can therefore per ceive, without a word from us, how ridi culous and unwarranted is such an at- teni{»t. The Standard has publislivd nct- thrr!—Jiat. Jityhitvr. PaVANMAII, Jan. 11. J THE COURTS IN CALlFORt^IA. i flank, but the cavalry finished the disordr f The steamer Magnolia, Capt. McXulty, ' Thomas C. Hambly, Esq., formerly of' into which they had been momentarily | W hig, we leftrn that the folioVring exploded her boiler at St. Simons Ishind,' York, Pa., but now a resident of Califor-; thrown, and broke the shaken ranks be-i the lute President Polk s classmates on Friday afternoon. Capt. McNulty, nia, in a letter to the editor of the York \ fore they had time to reforni, and the ! Thomas Oondy, and eleveu hands were Kcjiubliean, spPaking of a professional visit | eagles of that hitherto invincible Guard t IMt- (,'ninv! i nv'f- Viul ;ni"tlH'r in the Greensbonnigh Pa- *V.. IJ.VRNKs, Ks]. -■ ,. ,1 \\ hiir' L'l'od men, both. tir My opinion is that expect the road to your arrangcnu'nts I’llK I'l.ANK lloAl* TO SaLKM. A let- 111 Sail Ml > *ys, “1 fcH'l very sjinguine ,t :!u- [necessary to continue lloail to that place] will be sub- L.,,1 ,,r -I i-ured. ,ii ,;i, hi'iv. an ! uiakt' , .nlinir’y- ’I'V .iiuuial iiirotiiii; 't tlu‘ ^'tockholdcrs till' F,iViiti'\ille and Southern Plank ■i l « Ii' ld 1st ii\stant, and or- l.v tiu' ap])"iutnient of Charles ,! vw as I'lV'iiKnt, and Anh’d A. T. ,.:,li. ..., r.'t:iry. T'.,. I’nA. A. I'lcKi than, Km|. ,1,. :i till! n p'Tt of the operations of the •iipiMV duriii;: thi- j>ast year, whieii was ]' !. It apj'OiU's from s;iid report, ,r till' r :i I is I'^j niiles long; P2 uiiles Vi 1 ■ ■•M lI i 11 miles planked, .'iiix 4] iiiili's to be CMUipleted; f T 11 1! 'H'Os h;ive Ix'cn built; and that . -f tlnis t’.ir incurred is ?l*i,‘>.‘)7 ~t>. ■; t'ull 'W were elected directors for j.r 't'lit \ ;i): duo. K. McIntosh, l>an’l \ A. A, McKi than, G. IViuinir, J. Corros^jKmdeiico of th? N. Y. Exprrss. Washinc'.ton, Jan’y The I’residt'nt, Mr. Fillmore, is willing and anxious puldicly to announce his re signation of all desire, or wish, to be a «-aniliilate for his rt'-tlection. iTis New in June, 1818, viz; Matthew J. Common, of Kaleigh; David F. Caldwell, of Salisbury; Hf»bert Donaldson, of Salisbury; W ni. Mercer Green, of Wilmington; Will. H. Haywood, of Kaleigh; Hamilton C. Jones, of Salisbury; Kdw. Jones Mallett, of Fayetteville; Jas. Turner Morehead, of Guilford; Hall Morrison, of Mecklenburg; Kli Morrison, of ditto; William D. Mo.«ely, of Lenoir; James Knox Polk, of Mecklenburg; Hugh Waddell, of lirunswick; Abraham W . \ enable, »»f (iranville. Of the above class, William I). Mosely is an Ex-Governor of Florida; David F. Caldwell is oiu* of the Judges tif the Su|>e- rior Courts of this State; Wni. *'\1. tjrcen FOR rm? OBSERVER. A CARD. Quarterly Confereee n*‘*olutiong. I ^ • — —, , r- -- - r i o - , herc.18. wt* have tienril with regret that some I killed. All the passengers were sav‘d. to the town of Jackson, in Calaveras coun-' were pushed down the .slope. It was then i« Hiis cf>tnmtinit\ t.elieve or affect t« . 4i.„ — ..e xt ,.i. i._. _ ^ • ■> -.i i 1 bi'licvi' that tlie Mutliodist I’rotestiint Church ill thi.s town was orianizod to break down the -M. K. Chuivli, South: ^ --J I . . . Therefore Kesolved hy tliis quarterly meet- out, and she sunk in ten minutes after the Jn dig Countv Court before .Judge Smith, wild dismay. To se* the Guard in confu-! inp. That we never (Hd desijm to hreak down explosion. I and was disposed of 1it, I believe, the very j *' sight they had never l.oforc | DeMjnt7s~to ' thelUtJtJniori table on which Collyer, the county clcjk, 1 l'C‘hc«ld, and it froze every heart with ter-| The twowingsof theDemo-i "'“I : ennn.nii.ioM »t other i;la..cs, ,,f ..ther.s in eratie 1‘arty are strivin.^ to secure the ‘ perhaps very ex-i SfH those veterans refused to flv1 town who believe n. the hutual A',yA;, of . • il 1 1 I , 1 cusablv too. The counsel onnosod tome ' Ki'ilying trom Ihcir disorder, tiiey lonncu tiie innti!trv ami imtv. ifow ei,ir. u,.u,i.: tl,,. .;.2-h tic ilm« f,.r: tli- "I*",. wa» iirnifd with il liii-e l.uwic knife, | imd nirm>.l licn oly on llie enomy, I j ‘n“l tl', John Austin, the engineer, of New York, ty, says: i that the army, seized with a despair, jnd ton others were injured. The whole *‘Two courts were iti session, the Coun- ^ f'hrieked out, (juaril rccoilsj fJn' of the forward part of the boat was blown ty and the District ('ourts. My case was I O'uairf rrroih!” and turned and fled in Hesolved, tnrtlieriii* re. 'I’hnt the .M. I’. (Mnireh I was fnrn.ed of persniiss who h:i 1 >K-loii}red to her \ati( and tie business, thus far; the Hunkers getting the ride every now and then, and the Barnburners about as often getting upjxirmost. It it said that Gov. Marcy can receive the vote of the Brtrnburners and Hunkers from New York; but this nikiv YlitiL'nu flkA /.^ I 1 that hung like a broad sword by his side, and I was perhaps the only unanncd man in the InKly. Tiie Judge hail his (a>U re volvers buckled on—the sj>ectators had theirs—the grand jury, ^c., ami, as I said, the sheriff and his assistants theirs. In , I 1 - , 1 4. • 1 ! r* ' Jinu I Ur I M tiiv IIIO aiui nobly str(.i\e to stem the reversed tide ; jicctmrn.g to Christ’s ordinance. Kesolved, Ilf battle. For a lung time they stood and | tl.at in onler to ili.s.iimse tl.e pulilio mind, the let tlnJ cannon balls plough through their j ■•il>ove pre;inihie nuU iisoiutioi.s be printed iu ranks, disdaining to turn their b.icks to the foe. 3Iichi‘l, at the heal of those brave battalions, fought like a limi. Ti> ot this State. the town p;ipei». F. ll.MlIUy, Cb.iirniau. J.\.s. G. Smith, iScc'v. .Ian. 1'-, IPoli. Fayetteville Prices Current. JANIAUY 15, 18o-2. From his name altogether,—as in private he has all along refused it,— Mr. Web»ler and (ten. S^cott are the hig candidates—with Mr. Critten(K-ii as a contingency in case there can’t be agreement there. 'Alas! the regnhir .students, under the days (if Henrv ('lav are so numbered as to tuition of an able and learned Faculty in (teneral (’ass will be the last choice of the The Tniversity is in a more prosperous H.-.mburners, an.l only voted for on com- condition at tins time than ever before.— puUion There Were at the close of the last session iiave him thought of as a candidate but little nion*. /•’/ almost every department of Science, at thi“ head of which stands one of old liun- comlie’s noblest .sons, the Hon. I>avid L. Swain, liL. D., a most worthy ami learned gentleman, at once an honor, ornament and treasure to any people. Besides the thr \) iisliinijtnu ('urrrsjxtiiiffuf nf thi ('litirlcsftiu (’niiriir. Kossuth, though overwhelmed with crief at the intel’igence ot tin* iniprisonmcnt of «iisti!ignislied persons who formed the his mother and sist‘rs, by Austrian power, graduating class in ISIS, the University- is b(‘iit on the tultillnient of his mission to cd our State has given to the I'nion two the I uited States. He is about to leave Vice-Presirlents, viz: W. P. Maiigum this city fitr Annapolis, at the invitation und(‘r John 'J’yler’s administration, and of the liCgislatnre ot Maryland. lie is Win. K. King under Millard Fillmore’s They prefer Douglas, Marc\’, Butler, Houston, or almost anybody el.se; aiul having treated him badly once, they do not relish any thing like an acknowledg ment that they were wrong in supporting Mr. Van Buren three years ago. Seeing what we st'e, and hearing what we hear, an alliance between men of such opposite principles and feelings would seem a moral impossibility. But “poli tics,” we arc told, “make strange bed fellows,” and everybody will see the truth of the jiroverb when Hunkers and Barn burners attempt to sleep in the same bed. -.V. AVy>r/'.N>. UACOX— ilalll.s, Sicles. Siwm'iiler.s but the earth (which''was trampled into a the overv. iiehning numlx r j deep dust) except four or five bonrds fur | their retiring footsteps. Last tlie Judge to sit on. The building was isingle battalion—tlie debris of ground—no window.s—the collar b('ams a i Death trav(‘rsed tho.se eight battalions with i few inches higher than my head, one end rapid footstep that they soon dwin- : of the house entirely ojien, and no floor ,dlel to two, which turned in hopeless dar- about 25 feet long and about 15 wide. Yet in this simple building the most per fect order reigned. Everything transpired with dignity, and the law looked as much, if not more maje.stic than in brick and mortar with granite pillars in front.” l!io. the “column of granite” at M.irengo—was j I,u*ruira. left. Into this Napoleon flung himself.— | St. i)ouiin}ro, Canibronm*, its brave commander, sawi*****’'^— with terror the Einjieror in its frail keep- ' Strictly prime, ir * I Irniie, Mig. lie was not struggling for victory; | p.,ip he was intent only on showing Imw the COTTON 1?ACJ1N0 — Guard should die. Approaohiisg the Em-^ (iunny, Dhpatch in Paix r-mnkhuj.—Few arts ; pi-ror, he eried out, ‘/i'ffirr! h, t/nu nnt art- I I>nndee, have been more improved than this, as they „o nnd „/ yo„?' And, ! roT’m^'v^ R\«— will acknowledge who have rt'ad a descrip- closing mournfully yet sternlv around their I m tion of the old mode, and compared the I (>xpiring eagles, those brave hearts bade , DOMESTIC (JoiiDS— present to it. 1 he Ijouis\ ille (.(lurier of a ! Najmleon an (*tcrnal ileu; ami, flmging j lirown Sheeting.s, late date relates a remarkable instance of themselves on the enemy, were soon piled ' O-nab'M-s, To Aijn'niUiinil J^roifitrfiontt.—The (’cnsus i i i of repirf, of the agricultural prrwluetions of ^ .* ^ ■‘•‘‘t with the dead at their tect. the r«it..d st;.te«. rnnU-esthr. nnn.lw.r nf »:>ys, “the paper ou which; “Many of the officers . this morning s editi(^n ot the Courier is next to be the guest of the State (Jov- admini.'tration: to the Kpi.'^copal Church ernnu'nt of Pinn.'ylvania, at llarrisiiurg. two J’ishops, viz: (’ieero Hawks, of _ _ ,, 1 i> I 1 11 il 1 I hen he is to visit the great est. He .^lissouri, and .J:imes II. Gtey, of 'J'ennes- the United States, makes the number of paper on wiiicn ; “Many of the officers were seen to de ... iK.rles Benbow, J. H. ( ook, aeecptc.i the invitation of the he^Msla- see; to almost everv Southern and South- acresof improved land in the Tnited States « odition ot the Courier is stroy themselves rather than surxive de ni.i A. h. Hall. turo of Indiana, and al.so that of M.issa- western State. Senators and Uepreseiita- llli,*4-2,0(M); the bushels if wheat raised F”>^od was m r>mie s f,>at. Thus, greater in its only defeat than tives in (^mgivss; the Ht»n. U. M. Saun- D*4,75t9,li30; of corn r)5»l,.5SO,t>.'>8-; pounds ders, our late minister to Spain, and the tofiacco ll>9,iii{2,4!>4; of bales of cotton .>1. K hail was rc-ehctcd President, A r. Smith re-appoint‘d See’v. (>N(5 K KSS. N itli.rii mail having failed this i,:T. \vi' have no news of the proceed- ;■ ( I'.gvc'ss on Mon hiy last, except jr.-pliic lb ^patch to the Charleston '. '’.ifjnir that “nothing of interest i ill roii;:rcss to-dav.” chusctts. 'I'lius the east, west, :ind north, vie with eaeh other in rendering him hom- lion. Daniid M. Barringer, our present 1 ho.»e who anticipati'd that his course minister to that ('ourt; the Hon. ^Ir. Ma lt !A.—The Legislature of Goor;:ia “ C i a preamble and resolution siime- ■f the ordinary course of Icgisla- ;tj j>-.irs that the States Kights I ' if’ (J orgi.i, nnler a re^^ojution of • I. _ 'latiire, had a block of mar- .V i as u contribution of that State .N.ii, .umI Washington M onument, I . ‘!'id to be insri^w'd upon it the ‘'i he ;'onstitution as it is; the it \v;i'. ’ ()n hearing of this act Kx^> il nev. the Legislature resolved •r!',.' ■iiid in.'i-ription does not truly tlif si iitiuKnts of the people »>f towards intervention in European , ;iikl i" deemed an unbecominir wouM be checked, and that t!ie New-Vork furor would be abatel, as he proceeded further into the bowels of the land, are mistaken. 1 he notice taken of him in \\ asiiiugton, by (’ongress and thc‘ Presi dent, and the « hief jiublie functionaries, not only encourages him, but attr acts to him thi' curiosity and admiration of liistant States and communities. That he will give a new and datigerous impulse to the sentiments of a great mass of the j»eople of this country, is no longer to be doul»tetl. '1 he politicians aiul a.-jiirants of tiie dav now use his words, and walk under his shadow. (bi th»“ *ve of a l*ri'siilential election, parties ami their le.iders will f il- I'lW his steps and cling to his skirts. '1 he good sen.^e of Fillmore, the moder ate counsels of Webster, the impressive warning of Clay, and the general c»^ris“rv- at'.sin of the Southeiii menib«-rs of Con- gres.', are apparently, an insuffieient barri cade against the ru.-h of popular feeling roils. T > the n)i*niory of the Father of ■ ‘ , '•y. ’ Therefore, the Legislature '' rint 1 Invk to be withdrawn, and t ■ l"‘ pri j»ared of Georgia marble, 'iiti’ile inscription upon it of the ' : • State ot (leorgia. i ll','] r'i'eedin" d"cs cn^dit to the pa- -:ii r the Leicislature. V ill.iMK.Nr.—The British Army ' ’i. I periodieal jiublished in Lon- ■ y that the (’harts of the North and !i .^’l uitic Ocean, published bv Lieut, r. lury, of the I’. S. Navy, the head N.if! nial Ob.servatory at Wasbing- th- Kossuth’s companions are not as dis creet as he is, since their arrival in this cou\»try. Although Kos.-iUth him.self is not to b' blamed for the promuli^ation of opinions by two of his followers, in New York, the public will think it strange that foreigners, just landed on our siiores, and to whom an asylum from oppression has iH'en given, .should begin to talk about our “eompromise la»vs,” the extradition of our slaves, and reform in our land laws. 1 here is a degree of impertinence in this proceed ing whii h will nn^st assuredly be resisted by the intelligent people of this cuiutrv. Indted, it is hard to treat the su\>ject with becoming moderation. Humility would not only l>e commendable, in the ca.se of these Hunirarians, but it would eidist svm- soii, bite Seeretary of the Navy, and the ll'in. John Bnincli, also Secrct.;ry of the N.ivy; to the Supreme Court of North ('ar- olina, a Judge, Pearscm; to the Superior ('ourts, our present able Judges, viz: Hattie, Bailey, .Manly, Settle, Caldwell, and Hilis; to the State «f Florida a Chief .Justice in Wulki r .Vnderson and a Govern or in \V. D. .^losldy; to Mis.souri a Senator iu Thomas H. B'liton; to Alabama another in th«‘ person of Win. K. King, who is al so Prc.-'ideiit of the Senate; to the Armv a Gent‘nil in the late Duncan L. (Minch; and lastly, Gen. .lo.seph Lam‘, the Marion of the Mexican War, who was born near iialcigh on the 4th day of May, 175>t». .V. Aiyiis. BaltiMoKK, Jan. 11. The steam ship D.iniel Webster has ar rived at New York, bringing dates from San Fraiiciseo to the l.')th ult. The miners continued to enjoy a state of unprecedented prosperity. The Indian troulilcs at San Diego have been K'ttlcd, and the tro«»p.s disbanded, l^isiness ex hibits no improvement in prices, in const»- • juence of the markets being overstocked of 4(M) lbs. each, 2,474,214 bales; butter H12,*20*2,2SO lbs.; sugar hhds. of lOOO lbs, each; maj)le sugar y2,75*J,2t>^> lbs.; hay I8,(l().5,o84 tons. | The fidlowing is the return of the crop in 1S,)0, in the six States that prodiu'c the mo.st; and w« add the number of improved acres of land in each, whi h shows that Mii higan relatively prinluces the most per acre, and Maryland next: liiibh. of wheat. Acres of Iniifl. I’ennsylvauia l'i.48i,UU Ohio * Vir;;iiiia ] t). 1 .'>((, 1 o*; New York 13,078,077 ]l.’.2S'>.i77 Michi)'ni> 4.91K, 106 l.'.ej;{,.'»K2 Maryian'l 4,l'.i4,t>SO 2,7'.'7,'.*«»') Maryland pnKiueed in iS.iO, 11,104,»81 bushels of corn. There were five States that produced over fifty millions bushels ea(di, viz: Ohio, bushels of Indian corn iV.>.7f5f,7-V) Kentucky, •• /is.'.i'2'J,7x:’> Illinois. “ 57,I'.i?^.’JK;{ iiidisnia, “ iVi.SS7,;'>f)4 Tennessee, “ 52. l:;7,8t>;} paper-mill. Tiu* rags were soon converted other corps of men in gaining a victory, into the article we ordered, ami at fifteen ; tlip ()id (iuard pass'.'d from tlie sta!X(', and minutes bt.dore eight o clock the paper was the curtain droftped up^»n its sfr;i ige career, delivered at our ofBee realy for the press, [t had fought its last battle. Ihis is certa^inly an instance of remarkable ! “No one can contemplate the termina- expedition. , tion of its history without the profoundest emotion. I'lie irreatness of its dec'ds and In a lHlt-mmii.—We w’ere nuuh amus ed by an incident related the other dav. A gentleman who had been absent for a considerable time, and who, during his absence, had raiseij a pretty luxuriant crop of whiskers, moustaehes, &c., visitel a relative, whose child—an artless little girl of five or six years—he was very fond of. The little *:irl made no demonstration the grandeur of its character end‘ar it to all who love heroic action and noble a- ( hievements; and as one runs back in im agination over its terrible campaigns, it is with the deepest sorrow he is comj>clled to bid rt farewell on the terloo.” I FK.\TIIKHS— ! I Lont— Siijierfine, I Fine, Scratched GIWIS— Corn. I \Nheat, Oats, I I’e:is, Itve, ; UrA. I (ircen, IKON— .''wedes, j Ditto, Kiiillish, L.\UD— Li;.\D— common bar. wide, fatal field of Wa- | MOI.ASSKS i'ubii, i New Orleans, (none.) (^nmprtidnnl—A corres|>ondent of the i OIL ' li l:; 10 lo I I 4 4 J -) 4! 00 !-o ;hO il" ' I) ill 10 118 :lfj iia r.j kT '.'0 !s- 11 towards saluting him with a ki.ss, as was ’Ch ristian Socialist, writing on competition, usual. I prints the two following handbills, which “Why, child,” .said the mother, “lon’t . lie saw stuck up side b\’ side iu Bethnal- you know your uncle Hiram? Why don’t , green:— you give him a ki.ss?” “Why, ma,” return ed the little girl, with the most perfect simplicity, “I don’t .see any placel” “Old Chun h, Bethnal-irreen.—Persons can get married, bans, certifieates, tc., in- cludi d, for ;’)s.” Marriages S(demnizod af the New Church, Bcthii:il-green, bans and certificate im lud- ed, tuily 2s. (»d.” TIIK IMl’KKlAl- fjl'AUD OF NAPOLEON. BY J. T. HKAIiI.KV. On the ovorthrctw of the National Cm- ventim of France, the troops which hail ' The been organized for the protecticm of that I M ARRIE Dj State Department at Washington, in pur- body from the violence if the nnd. became * suance of a resolution of (’ongress, has ad- the guard of (he Kxecutive Directory. It • ‘ dre.s.scd circular letters to American minis- was composed of 120 fiK>t .soldiers, aiid 120 (\tnt of hvlmj nhriHtil . The reports rJative to the di.scoverv of t*TS and crmsuls, inquiring the expense of cavalry. Nap.deon, on being made First - ' livHU'. Mr. J>awrence answers, not by Consul, announced that the guard of the 't iM-aiitiful Specimens of }>athy and sup[>ort. Inipudeiiie and for- * d engraving it has ever s'en, as ^ '• ly finished as they are .scientific ■ ir detail. \Ve very much fjuestion i : whether tliesi- charts do not her- "I liher American triumph in this year ■' ! rs; at least we have seen nothing t];. Ill in this country. So far, in- I'-' we from such scientific results, ’ w • -.•(■m to be one hundred years be- ii labors of Lieut. Maury.” Ki \ wpiNd.—We learn from the Wil- -■ II .I'liirnal that a man named Bell, ' n vt w.is arrestcil at llocky Blount ’ in H lL'' eonibe county, on Monday in possession a negro girl be- - to ])r. Stith of Clinton, whom he ' : :ivoriii_f to carry off in the cars ■il" 1 up e of selling her as his own ; ! y 11 ■ has been lodged iu jail at .r.i .;mii._-1,_ f,,). tria]. Am i!)g th*' Cuban prisoners, rec ntly '■ 'I" i t y the (^iK'cu of S[tain, is only ' ' T!) in N rrii Carolina, viz: Tliofs. L. ^ ^ - 'r McNeill,) who, we uuder- ’ fpi la Robeson county. * ' MMKUt K OF TIIK LaKKS.—TllC liuf- A lv ni.M-r jaiiilis'ies a list of 204 dis- > 'II tlio |^:ikes during the year 1851, . "i'i' !i 7:1 lives, and S7C0 ' ■•y. w.-re liwt. wirdne.'-s will, on the contrary, create aver.sion and disgust.—A/rx. Gazrtfr. A (rlnrionx Jirspnnxc to th^ Jlnm*' llun- f/ry —Professor Anderson, the mag nanimous Wizard, gave flve thousand poumls of bread, and four thou.sand pounds of meat to the poor, on New Year’s Eve. This is pnictical charity; it reaches the right .sjiot—the stomachs of the .starving ' the poor. It is worth more than all the div nations that have been sub»«ribed (not giveu), tc- the *au.sc of “downtrMhb-n hu manity” abroail. “Feed the hungry,” said the jieacefiil Redeemer of men; and “inasmuch as ye have don(! it unto them, ye have done it unto me.” Jesus Christ was decidedly opposel to raising funds for the prosecution of Foreign Wars—decided ly opposed to the intervention of the sword. Fkki)ti!k H l norv—ClothkthkNaki;i>, were his constant injunctions, and his daily example. But ‘he religitm of the lied Republicans of the present day, seems to regard the precepts of the (rospel if Peace as the obs(jlete code of “Old Fogy- ism,” scarcely more binding than the prin ciples of Wa.-'hington; or the “ill con sidered compact” of the Constitution! Truly, the children of this generation are vastly wiser (in their own conceit) than the c^iildren of light. iiumeuse ijuantities of gold in Bear Val ley, Mariposa (’ouiity, are contradictory. [The Philadelphia brought accounts to New Orleans, which repre.s*Mit that the gold was iliscovercd by four Mexicans, who ill order to be more certain of protection, took some Aiu> ricaiis in with them—but before doing stj, iu the spice of one week they had taken out over ^200,1*00 of gobl. Within three week's after the discovery, it was stated that over were ob tained.— ^ 'harli Mnn ( 'oiiru r. The Editors of the Savannah Republican have b(*en shown a one hundred dollar bill of the .>Ierchants’ Bank of South Carolina, at (,’heraw. 'I'iie bill was signed by T. Wright as President, and W. (itKlfrey as Cashier, and made payable to R. Martin, it is dated July o, isOO. The bill is a counterfeit, as no bills of tnat denomina tion, or any other over twenty dollars, were ever i.s.-5ued by that Bank. .saying what it costs him to live in Lon- Directory would in future be the guard of don, because he fortunately is able to sup- the (’onsuls; and he immediately raised its port any style that he chooses, but l-y numerical force to 2,0S9 men. This was showing what it costs an American mini.s- the nucleus of the far-famed Imperial ter to live respectably, ending with a eon- (]uard—the “Old (tuanl of Napoleon”— elusion that the present salary is not quite which became, as it were, a part and j>ar- half adequate. Mr. L. pays §(>,000 a year cel tif the mast(>r-spirit which called it in- for house rent, and over ?1,0(M) for car- to existence, ami who.se history, from its Hon. .JOHN .MeQl FJ’N. if ."South ('jirolinii, to Miss !SA!J.\If K. (b.iifrl.ter of Col. .Joseph and Ciiroliue I’ickeus, if the for mer place. In Ul.'idcn county, cm the 1st iiist., at 9 o'clock, A. M.. bv Hev. II. H. .loties, .1. I). HI SS, Es((. to .Sliss ELIZA CllIlIFF, all of Bladen coJiutv. i liinsced, Tanners’, S.VLT— Liverpool, (.sack,) Alum, (bii.) SEi:i>— Flaxseed, Clover, (none.) SHOT— Common, per bag, I’uek, SPIUITS— Peach Po.iuily, Apple Northern “ N. ('. Whiskey, N. E. Rum, Jamaica Rum, French Hri.i.dy, American Gin, Hollund (.Jin, SrCAIt — Loi.f, Cri!shed, St. Croix, I'orto Ilico, New Orleans, •iO it ‘28 DIED, At Savannah. Geo. on Thursdnv Inst, T)r. HK('- I TALT..O\V— TOK McNEILL, lately of ('lio'. S. C. (son of j TOBACCO- “bloody baptism” at Marengo to its anni hilation at Waterloo, i.s ibdineated in the work before us witli a vigor and spirit- stirring reality for which the author of -the and the Times.—A’i Y. Mirror. The importations for the ® Turnndo in Mi.^xisnijtjti.—On Saturday, 1st ultimo, a terrible storm pavsed over a portion of .Mississipjii, demolisl.ing outhouses, timber, fencing, and very tiling else in its track, which was several miles in width. (jne of the most distressing calamities conscfjuent upm this visitation happened on tiu- jtlaiitation of Dr. W. Q. Poiiiue.\ter, in Noxubee county. His dwelliiig-hou.se was completely prostrated, together with .seven of his servant’s cabins and other outbuililings; but, what is still more la mentable, Mrs. Poindext*r, the Dr.’s wife, Mrs. P., the mother of W. R. Poindexter, Prim ip.il of the Female Institute, George, •son of (_’apt. James Poindexter, and a negro boy vere instantly killed. *Miss Poindexter, .“ister of W. R. J’oindexter, was so severely injured that her recovery is considered doubtful. Dr. P. had his shoulder di.slocated; Mr. George Johnson, nephew of Dr. P. was slightly injured in I the Tnhune th« foot, and .>Ir. Paulette was severely but not dangerously wounded on the head. Some six or ei^jht servants were more or riages, horst's, coachmen, &e This leaves but for all other expenses. linititnorc Sun. Capt. Penny states in a letter to the London Times, that he had latel}' learnt from (^apt. Martin, of Peterhead, that he commanded a whali*r iu 184.’), and was the last person to communicate with Sir John Franklin. He told him he says during the conversation, that he had five years’ provisions, wdiich he could make hust seven, and his jieople were busily engaged iti salting down liinis, of which they liad several casks full already, and twelve men Wi re out shooting more. This fact, which is not doubted apparently, has ‘reated re newed hopes for the safety of the expedition. SLAVERY IN CALIFORNIA. The strong feeling lately exhibited in beating of a drum or a bugle note to cheer the mining districts of California in favor j their .steady courage, they moved iu dead of introtlucing slave labor into that por- silence over the field. Their tread was tion of our territory on the Pacific, has, like the sound of muffled thunder, while we perceive, had its effect on many citi- ■ the dazzling hemlets of the cuirassiers zens ou the Atlantic coast who, well aware flashed long streams of light behind the of the innumerable advantages that would dark and terrible mass that swept in one accrue to them were they permitted to em- strong wave along. The stern Drouot was plo}' that particular description of proper- : there amid his guns, ami r.n every brow ty in the gold regions, are daily making 1 was written the unalterable resolution to arrangements for the transportation of conquer or die. The next moment the themselves and slaves to that section of artillery opened, and the head of that our posse.ssions, and that fine steamship, gallant Cf>lumn .seemed to sink into the Will. McNeill, Esq. of Robeson county, N. C.) Dr. McNeill haij jrone to Florida, accompanied by his younjr wife and his brother, in hopes to stop the niv.aires if coiis.imption. Hut, tindinji no benefit from that climate, he whs eiideavor- in" to return home, when death arrested his proirress at Sav.-iiinah. His rem.iins were cnr- Le.'if, Mnniifactnred, I WHITE LEAI>— WINDOW GLASS—8 x 10. 10 X 12, 1 WOOL— I i;;o II 40 11 i :! 1 20 i42 :| ,40 il o| |( i;iO iloO : H) I y i ~ i f. 18 !l ] 25 2 oO .40 13 |l2 I ! ^ ' 8 ! ! 2 25 I 21 -'I 20 Napoleon and his Marshals is so universal- | ried throu^th this p aee on Tuesday last, to be ly admired. * We cop3' a portion of his description of the charge of the Old Guard at Waterloo: “The Old Guanl felt the pressure of i'.ninen.se responsibility, and rc'solved not to j)rove unworthy of the great trust com mitted to its care. Nothing could be more imposing than its movement to the assault. !t had never recoiled before a human foe, and the allied t\>rces beheld with awe its firm and steady adv.ince to the final charge. For a moment the bat teries stopped playing, and the firing ceas ed alonjr the British line, as, without the intern'd nminp his kindred in Robeson ciunty. On the 2‘.*th ult.. at the former regidence of Nrtthini Mendenhall, dee’d. in (Miilfonl countv, N. C.. his widow, PIIEP.E MENDENHALL, a^od (‘>8 years. , On the 22d ult.. of seMrlet fever. .T.-VMES N. ^ FI'LLEK, of Yi.nceyvilb-. The deeeased was a lawyer, and a young man of promise in his pro fession. Suildenly, in W.ishinfrton City, on Friilay nifrht last, of tlisease d'the lienrt, Hon. LEM UEL S.VWYEIl. formerly a Heprisent:itive in j Conpress, for nearly twenty yeara. from North Carolina. i In Sniithfield, .lohnston Co., on the 10th inst.. Mrs. .J I'Ll A A. TELF.VIH. wife of Dr. A. F. 1 Telfair, after a severe illness of four d;iv«. REVIEW OF THE MARKET. The only material change in the market is in ('oTTOx, which on Tucsiay v;cut up to 7.J, and to-day that price is fully maintaiued, with a considerable ciuantity conui.g in. AVI [.MI N(JT( >N M A R K ET. New N. Bacon, hog round, lo^. Corn in demiind, last .sales at (>o. Turpentine—Soft 2 L> to 2 20; Hard 1 20 to 1 3(1; .'Spirits held tit 28 cts. Tar 1 (io. Liverpool S:ilt 1 10. Tw» rafts Timber sold at ^j'll. At New York, on Monday Inst, cotton was very tirni, at previous pricts. S.ales 2^0 bales. .\t Charleston, cotton firm at 7 to 8^. At Columbia, cotton to S. Hamrr Female Acrtdcmy. COMMHIJCIAF. KKCORI). i rW^ H E exercises of this school will be resnmed — — j JL on Mondny, 6th of Janiiarj', ]H,j2. Coii- .\RRIVALS. ductcd as heretofore. Principal instruction by .Ian. lo—Stc.iiner Chathatn. witli goods for : .Mrs. .Mary K. Alli.son, formerly Miss .Mary E. t'le Isabel, hns on several occasion had ou board some jia.ssengers with their servants en route for the Pacific. On her last trip, she took out a large number, amongst whom, as we learn from the Yorkville Remedy, were twenty young men with as many negroes, from Burke and Catawba H Cole, Wnl! & McDonald, Alex Livinjrston, E Mitchell. Rev W P>arringcr, (' F \ D R C(*mpa- ny, and others. .Tan !•')—Steamer Everjrreen. with goods for H G Hall, .1 H .1 Martine, (’ 15 Mnllett, A A McKethsoi, E M Holt. Cook & .lohnson, F H Fries. E .1 HhIc I't Son, A Hunt. S T Hiiwley .^on, J S FulUerst>n. ('(nik I'V: Tayhir, Brown. Fra ley Co, T lanebMck, D G nodenh.-inimer, .1 D ; Willitims, n H (’ole, J D Eecles. H .lames, FI L 1 Winslow, Cnpt A H Dyer, C F & D R Co. W H i — Putney, .\ W Steel, J C Latta, R ,M Orrell, Rev Wiley. Some assisUinee r«;ndereil and general supervision by the siil'scriber, or Dr. .1. F. Alli son. when not on professioual dutj’. We have repitireil and eularp;ed »iur House, so as to nc- comrnotlate any reasonable number of yonrg Ladies. Pmard !j5 per month, including every thing, (no extra.) Tuition as heretofore. Latin taught if reituired. O. WILEV. Mount (Jileiid, .Montgomery Co., 1 N. C-, Dec. 2>, 18'>1. 5ij-Gw “pnn busi- ill earth, liank after rank wont down; yet they neither stopped nor faltered. Dis- i N .McKay, (J S Deming. solving .ti(juadrons and whole battalions, disappearing one after another in the de- ' PORT OF II..TIII\jiTO!V. structive fire, affected not their steady courage. The ranks closed uj> as before, and each, treading over his fallen comrade, pressed unflinchingly on. The horse which •tb f very large, and do not seem at ^ abated from tho.se of last }car. There is In the last four years no anticipation if a money press- " "t lives has been and of pro- ure in eousequeiice.—A', i )^-."TM4(;. , V Acir i^trumcr.—A finf '/i / f'uiin iitluii—Primar}’ meetings launched 1' ' !i lu l l. t!ius fir, only in the coun- Messrs ;'f 'iuilford, Granville, Cumberland, tended ^.iinp^on, Onslow’, Oaven, Bun- folk. ki s, Foi>ythe and Orange—11 about 850 tons burthen, and of (he follow- l he .season for the Ciunty Courts ing dimensions: Extreme length, 250 feet; ; "'Hiiiig oil, and it is earnestly to be beam, feet 10 inches; and 11 feet hold; I'" iliat (.(ir friends will in no instance she is about f)0 feet over the guards, ami ' ^'1 taki the projier steps to have them- her wheels have about U feet C inches sur- ' ri pr. M ilted in Convention. face. , idl things, a full reprvstntatiim ~ r; ~ . ■nd,l,R,.,,i>trr. I’acifie, Capt. Nye, of Collins’ line, has made twenty-two pas.sages counties, North Carolina—some, says th Ic'is injured havino- some of their limbs Remedy, hardy looking fellows, who seemed | Ney rode fell under him, and scarcely had broken. The calamity appears to have have their share of the gold du.^t, he mounted another before it also sunk to | happened during the niuht hard work or hard kncM-ks can bring it. j the earth, and so another and another, till ; \ f. vu ..Lovn 1-Wt \dMm» on The following is a list of their names: R. ^ /Ire in succession had been shot under him; tl.; ^ i^lsiir.side of t ie riv;r.‘the’two C. Perkins and four servants; Thos. Wal- ‘then, with his drawn .sabre, he marched ARRIVALS. .Tan 10—Schrs lioyal Purple from ('harles- ton. E H Rowley from New York. 11—Schr Fidelia from Philadelphia. 12—Schr Hornet from (,'harleston. NOTICE. 4B.\R OF IRON, sold by us, is left with US, which the finder snys he found m the Southern Pl:ink RoaI, 4 miles from t^iwn, on 2t)th Dec., which the ow ner ciui have by paying expenses. D. & W. McLAFRIN. Jan’y 11, 18.j2. .3’,-2t NOTICE. 1 ^^TR.AYED or stolen, on the :!d inst., a com- * nion sized bay M.VRE, with her left eye I deformed nnd blinl, and white spots on her j back, caused by the s.iddle. Her left hind an- 1 cle \)lack and swelled; a white spot on the fore- j head; black niane and tail; uhoiit 10 years old. 1 A liberal reward will be paid to any person ! taking her iiji, nnd giving rae information at i Trov, .Montgomery countv, N. 0. ; ■ ' *AARON WRIGHT. I .Tan'y 12, 18'>2. A 1’) barrel 'rurpontinc Still ; for sale.—Tl.e Still and all the fixtures are com- I plete ami nearly new, onl^ run part of last . Summer. THOMAS McDANTEL. Jan’y 10, 18;'>2. 55*^2t .11. Jacksm and William ami two servant.s; j on through the English lines. (’harles Dickens, iu the last number of Robert Long, Wilburn Patton, Thomas i “But just as the victory seemed won, a J/onsfhold Woidx, says that the watch- Walker, Wm. Dorsey, Henry England, : file of .soldiers, who had lain flat on the words of France are no longer “Liberty, philo Kaylor, Michael Keller, Is:i:ie Whi- ‘ ground behind a low ridge of earth, sud- Ktiuality, and Fraternity,” but “Liberty, senhunt, Monroe Webb, Daniel Hicks, Jo-j denly rose and poured a volley in their E{uality, Fraternity, and Muidcttri/.” \ ab Hicks and three servants of James C. 1 faces. Another and another followed, till —— „ Smyth’s. (»ne broad sheet of flame rolled on their 1 he City Hotel, ou trout street, San understand, likewi.se, that .several I bosoms, and in such a fierce and unexpeet- iM.c, ..».T I whieh once rented for t.)OOU ^ther parties from North Carolina are about i ed flow that they staggered back before it. hint;,,,I 7//y/r.—A company is at across the AtLaitic—the longest of which \ starting with their slaves, and that the | Before the guard had time to nilly again "'d ill course of formation, for the j)ur- oceujiied twelve days and eight hours, and . agent in this city for the Isabel has seve- j and advance, a heavy column of infantry I ' "t ciiii viiig into operation a remarka- the shortest nine days nineteen hours and The L'nite"! States Navy, at the com- ral applications for passage, and we have i fell on its left flank in close and deadly ^ lit, which has for its object the thirty-four minutes, doubtless the shortest mcncement of last year, consisted ot 11 little dmbt their labors will be attend-j volleys, causing it in its un.settlcnl state to Ilk"* ' ^*1’^ pa.s.sage, mean or true time, ever made.-— ships of the line, one of 120 guns, the re- ed with such success as to induce a very j swerve to the right, At that instant a '‘ "'L'. in a nietal of harder material than The average of all her pa.ssages is under mainder of SO to 90 guns; 14 frigates of largo emigration from the slaveholduig I whole brigade of cavalry thundered on the ' ‘ '1 leail and antimony at present eleven days. In fact, steamers of the frotn 50 to 60 guns; 21 sloops of war of States, during the next year, as from | right flank, and penetrated where cavalry ; >''1 ill casting ty]>e in a mould.— Collins line have dtme better this winter from 20 to l(i guns; 7 brigs and schooners, all aec»unts there are there certain sea- ’ ’ at __i. i the most important im- than ever before. Their passages lately 5 large steamers, 8 2d cla.ss steamers, 7 sons, as in the Southern States, when ne- ! which has taken place in the have been astonishing. Cros,sing the At- small steamers or tenders, and 5 store ves- gro labor is alone available with stifety to *yp*“ for the last three hun- lantie to the westward in the middle of sels—a grand total of 75 ve.ssels of all de- pealtb in damp and marshy localities. }' ars. hnylisk pajmr. j winter in less than 11 days is wonderful. ] scriptions. Allowed by law 7,500 men. 1 Charleston Courier. had never gone V>efore. That intrepid Guard could have borne up again.st the unexpected fire from soldiers they did not see, and would also have rolled back the infantry that had boldly charged its left COUNTY CREDITOHS. VLL persons having claims apiinst the County of Cumberland aie retjuested to present them to .Tno. Mel.:iiirin. Clerk of the County Court, before the 1st day of February next, without fnil. Notice is hereby piven to all public Officers, reeeivers if public moneys, that they are re quired to have tiieir accounts ready to lay be fore the (,'oinniittee of Finance on tliat day, as required by law. By order of the Committee. G. UEMING, Ch’n. Fayetteville, Jan, 13, 18o2. 56-tlF A TEACHER W AN'l’ED. WH, BEATTY and Calrin J. Dickeon, • of Bladen county, near Beatty’u Bridge, liiyrroN’s SHIRT ES'nBllS!iML\T, 170 M(trl{ct St rat, BAi/rmoRK. rII 111 !•> larcest and SHIRTS [11IE largest anil only Miinufacturing Whole sale Estiiblishment in the ("■ity. The cnp>ital and force engaged enables me at all times to otter to Co"ntry .Merchants and Deal ers in SHIRTS, COl-bARS, LINEN and COT TON DRAWERS, prreat iniiucement.s—more than usual ettorts having been inale to render the assortment of these articles full and com plete. The .Stock on hand is large and well assorted want to employ a Teacher who can teach the ; for Men and Boys. , _ English Language, and the different rules of i All orders from the Country attended to Arithmetic and Mathematics. We do not want ] with punctuality and despatch, any of those fine tjilcnted young men, without j Remember the Name, and^ industry, or eiierpa', or sobriety. 179 :narket Street. W. H. BEATTY. I T. W. BEITOX. Jau’/5, 1852. 55-2w I August 15, 18-jI. M-yojKi