SBMI-WEEKIiT [VOL. I.] . FAYliTTKVIl.LK, N. C., TUESDAY .MOKNIXC, JANUARY ->0, I8.)2. [XO. 57.] 1 lUNTKl) liV J. H. NEWBY. i;i)\VAin) J. HALE & SOX, i;i>lT"HS AM> I’KOl’IUKTt-'lliS. ; t llif Soini-AVoi-kly OusKllVEll $4 0«J if ,i.i i:i H.iNati'i': iluring tho . ir ot' the voHT lia.M K.rt: ft? Weckiv !>i!SKKvr.n $2 W per ttiuium, if in ri'lv.-mi’O; TiO if during the r .li' s'lhsi-rii'tiuii; or So 00 after the ve«r 1'' inserted fur sixty ccnt.x '’..r the tirfit. iintl thirty cents fi*r eacli 1-1!!'; i>'il)!ii':iti>>n. Yeiirly (nlvortinemeiits ,i I .'ntrafls, lit rciS'>iiiihlc rates. Atl- •j ;!r'- rOi|iu'ste(l to state tlie immbor of ; .Ic-iiri'il. or they will be cfiitimie*! till aii l -!iar;.:eil aceor'linjrly. l.cfn rs to iho Ktlitor!* mu.^t be post-pnid. MOLASSl'S AXl) I'ISll. illll'S. nevr crop .W(>/,.1>'Na su- pcriiir article, i;'. hbls. Kish. Just received. V. IV JOHNSON. 12. 1 ''■>■2. •■>'*tf ,'in'v XOrK’K. t; !. ).or'>'Tis ill Ichteii to the subscriber. . nher I'V iK'te or account, are re(|uested . ' iii i ■‘••ttle the same as early a, p^.-isible. j i!,';:iiv he found one dour West of Liberty 1' :it. witii tlie most 'f his ready-made w.>rk 1 tnuii the l.Hf fire. I’ersnn.s in want of ■ in my line of business, would do ; t’ ' ill. as 1 will sell clu'ap for ch.'»1i, or on f .p :i: i'roved note. srsi»v. :.',v I ). 1^'2. iV>tf 1 ru'l'UKU XO i'K’K. 3 ’ ;i'thi>! method of ri-tiirninf; niy siT\epre j .A' t" those sentlemeu who saved tL- ;r ''.n inv .''hop on the niorninjr of the :d : Isit f r their kindncs*^ and exertion. I A . i h.ivf l. st all. J.\MKS s?rN[>V. "Tr Mr, .lolm 0. Dove liiis j)ur- 1 VI- 't ''i in the “rr.'vision Store" at , A:,- '1 Vari. ani will conluct the business . r ■ ■■ V -''.I ii-> ''vn account. JOHN M.\(’R.\K. Kn'■•'t'‘vi^1e. Jan. 1. Candles! Candles!! Candles!!! KAVi;TTt;\ Il.l-K .MOl I.DC VNDLFS It : r at the Proprietor’s Store. -• . t. lUC di>'T of .Mr. K. (llovcr'.s iUy Icw- ■rc. rE^r. II' dcsir:»i2 t'- have their Tallow ninde ' 1 Hcs will ])ica«e send it in. A. .M. I AMIM'.KLL. 1 T_ • x.'.-j ' ■ ■ n. \\.\. AXl) SlVl FLl*:. 1>. indebted to us by Note or \c- will please call and settle. e are f in >nev. Interest w ill be char>:ed on lints for l''.' l aflcr this date. H.' 1H5A.NSON \ SON. 1. l-.Vi. -''^tf loon ()R.\X(n>S, b 't .if the jeas ill. Just received snd r s.ile bv CH S HANKS. •'. l''.'‘J. -Mtf srOLKX, t'lie subscriber, on th*' "J-ith l>ecein- r last, niy .“^a Idle Haps, in which there ■■ Mie Hun ir'ed and Sixty Hollar.s in ca.nh. : j iv « reward of Twenty-five Dollnrs for ■ f t • cnvict the thief, or tlie fiatnc amount tiie 111 iiiev and no iiuestiotis nsked. A. I.OVK. [', .b >..n I 'lunty. ,I;m. >'i. I>''»l2. .>l-:tt xoru'K. I 1.1, per^'in.'i indebted to the .«Mibscriben«, by A ••wiier note or account, are re]uesfed to ;p ,iiii!i'diiiie payment. Our Shop and its ^ - liavinc been ilestroyeil by tire, it i.s ne- t'.iaf all our outstaniiiii}: delit.** should ...C' le i before we can resume our busines.s. WHITK X UAHOTK.Vr. I' ■ ttevi'ile, .Ian. 7, IS'iJ. I ir'iliniaii copy. GAKDEiV SEED. I'resh €tHfi Genuine. sami i:l .1. iiixlsnALK I fl j"'*t received and otfers for .lale. >i ve- M rv large supplv of (uid (Jenuine t>f this year’s growth, among which are the fol low ing, viz: .Vsp.vHAcrs. I! K A .N -•—F,arl y (' h i n n. Karly Valentine. Karly Six W eeks. Karly .Moh aw k. Larce l.inin. Mkrts—Karly Hk>ol Turnip. Has.'»ino. l.onp lllood. M hite French Supar. Y ellow. ('AnB\«E—Karly York. Flat Hattersca. Large Ox Heart. “ Flat Hutch. Karly ."^UfrHr l-oaf. L.irge Hrumho.iiL iM uiuhead Savoy. ' A I' I.l n.nw KK — Karly London. UKOT— K.irly Horn. Long ((range. ('ki.f.kv—W bite SolitL (.'t I'l'.M tiKit—Karly ]luisin. Karly Clu.ster. Lnng Green. Ktj; I’l,\NT. \fK.v—Smith's Karly White. Sweet or Sugar. Lkttick—Large (Ireen Head. Ice I’oss. Large Cabbage HeaL .Mki.o.n—riim .\ppie. Nutmeg. .\lountain .Sweet WHter. N ^ST^UTM .M. • >Klt A. l»MON — l.arge Ued. W hite rortugiil. I’Mtsi.f.v—t'urlud. I’.Mi.'Mf— Long .'>!iiio(ith. Teas—Karly Charlton. Large Marrowfat. rri'i'EK—Long Cxxenne. Hull No!*e. Sweet .''panish. I'lMTKiN —Cinnectir:;i. ItAiiisii—Karly Long .Sparlet. Karly .''carli-t Turnip. Hose col’d Winter. Long .''almon. Si-iN Am — Hound. !VI.SIf Y OU VKliK.TABI.r. Ov.STk'.R. Sot Asii — Knrly lUish. Ti'MMo—Large Heil. Large .'smooth. Hear .'sh.-iped. l-arge Velluw. Tt llXIP—Fiat Hutch. Kcd 'I'op Flat. Large Norfolk. White (I’.obe. Loug Tankard. Hutu Hnga. XOTICE. tTr,A('HKI\ wanted, to take charge of the •Academy at Whiteville, Columbim county. N. C. A liberal jirice will be given. .Vpjdicft- tion will be made to F. George, Esij. or myself, at this oftice. J. A. MAULT^HY. Whiteville, Dec. H\ IH.'il. 4S-tf North Carolina Kerseys. A UKV, SHKMWKLL i CO. have ju«t re- eeived a large lot of “SHlem Kerseys,” kiH'wn to all of our I’hinters ns the l) good.s for negroe.s that are otFered in this market.— Th ose wh.) h.ive been waiting, hud better come and get supplied, as they ar«* going «ill‘rapidly. Faj^etteville, Dec. 1), *lMi'>l. 4S-tf xorTcK. 114^“ The I’uMic iire itifoniu'd that tlic stibscriber is the authtirised .-Vgeiit for the sale of .McKl.NSTKV'S HOKT.VHl.K S.\W ,MH,1.S. niHnufnctured in Wnshiiigton City, of ‘20 Imrae power engine, locomotive boiler, which are the only .actual Hortable .Sjtw Mills he has ever seen —no brick being used in their erecti«m. Those in want of these >Hlls will tind it to their ad vantage to call on the sutiscriber. Mr. McKin- stry iiUorms him that Geo. Page & Co. have never manufactured a Hort.-ible Kngine like the abi>ve, and therefore their right is in no danger of being infringed upon, as there is no necessi- tv of dtiing s ) in this age of im]>rovement. H. G. HALL. FnyctteviPc, Dec. 10, 18'>1. 47tf lUiOr-MAKKRS, HO wnfit a snjierior article of Oak Tan ▼ ¥ SOLK LKATHKH, with French and .\merican C.VLF SKIN.'', can be supplied at our .'^tore. J. .S; T. Nov. -JO, 1S.-,1. WADDll.L 41tf .irsr Kix’Kivi:!), HIH.S. Northei-n WHISKKV. S. lH?c. 10. TILLING HAST X CO. 47tf vv > \(.K. Tut MK. Fayetteville, S. J. Dec. isr>l. IIINST>ALK. r.itf B .M:\V AUUIVAI.S. till,' late :irrival.s we have rcceivel MO- hh'Is.. tierces and bbls. riSli.—We Iiave Salmon, Mackerul in bbl.s. i a T !. . an i Mullets .'itid Herring. •. V', ..\v jilHiiting Irish Potatoes. COUK & TAVLOll. , l^'.'.J. .'>4-Hw- $IOO Ki:\VAKD. ^H^lii'. M- re\rard will be given to any j>er- 8- - 1 «Im will ntipreliend and deliver to r. .it Hrnwnsville, Marlboro’ Dis- ■ ' ' .. li NKlJHO HOY, who was stolen • iiii I'll tlie 17tli Dt’eniber, inst., with the ' I liiiii. The negro boy is aV>out " :■!■!- light eii'nplexioii. can't talk :i>i'u:tlly b.iw-legged, with a small scar ' 11 .11 tlie right side of liis nose. ‘ ■ ■ • \v:is seen ill the possession of a low, lii! wng'iiier, who was driving two bay JOEL ALLKN. '•: :iv.illc. S. C., Dec. ?.l, ISol. ■>4-;lt I'ALL, 1851. .lAMHS KYI.K •V ri'ceiving a very large and general as- '■tll|l*!lt i)f 1>31\ UOODSiH ” : t>eil by the Package for CASH. ThofiC t.i rMiri-liase Goods at reduced prieen, jpicM-.. .,,,,1 examine, at) Hargains may LN(; cloths, Anker IJraml, " N‘i. I t') ID. uncommonly cheiip. HOUTS AM) SHOES, ■ ' I’n'r thuii «‘ver wt*ro for aule in thia nuirkct. ^ t 2Htf I MARCH OF IMP1U)VEMKNT. In the age of progressive knowledge, many things heretofore dark and obscure have become clear and firactical—not only in relaticm to the arts and sciences, but in every department ot human industry. In no branch, perhaps, has the march of improvement been much gre.atcr than in the healing art. in producing safer and more efficient remedies thnu heretofore kn^iwn. Nothing is so effectual or so often netded as the \'erniifuge prepareil Viy Dr. Little to cure children of worms: besides being always s.ate anil sure, it will restore feeble or puny children to health again if given a few times. Many ca ses of fever, violent cough or croup, hurried or difhcult breathing. \c., originate from worms, Rii'l .“ire coiiseijUently cured in a very short time by the use of this medicine. In Monroe countv, a few days ago, a child wan violently ^ attacked with n cough and fever, and after sev- ' eral tlayii of regular physicing its life was de spaired of, when Little s Vermifuge was given, which cause*! the exj>ulsion of u large quantity i of worms, and the child recovered inimediately. | Families consulting their own interest, will litid it greatly to their advantage to procur«*the article in dollar bottles, and use it as advised for all the common ailments of children. Gen- ■ erally speaking, more than half the cases tiiat occur are from worms, as little as many may i think of it. Hy those who have tested it, and many have, the fact i.s well know n that Dr. Lit- ‘ tie s .\n«idyne Cough Drops ami Vermifuge will ■ cure most cases of chihlren and half gr**w'n per sons quicker than any other remedies, adopt what course you ma}'. I The follow ing case, from a Tery respectable I : planter «>f Houston county, dcnionstrnteK an im- , portant principle. Read it: j i Houston county, .Vug. iM'.l. ' Dr. Little—Dear Sir: After having used sev- j ! eral Vermifuge medicinep, and even Calomel. ' w ithout success in relieving our child of worms, we then gave your Vermifuge according to di ' rections, which very soon caused the expulsi«m of a large quantity of worms. .Vfter that the child Kot well immediately. I E. EZELL. I The fac simile of the signature of Dr. W, G. , Little will be found upon the out»iIe wrapper of each of his .Medicines. Sold and retail, by the Proprietor, at his .Manufacturing Depot. No. 2bI .Market street, Philadelphia, and .Macon, G«’orgia. To be hal also of .lames Cain, llockfish; \. Wat.xon, Floral College; Towii.scnd X Doug lass, HennettsNille; Dr. P. M. ('ohen. (’harles- ton: C. C. Harbee, Harobiysville; P. F. I’escud, Raleigh. S, J. HINSDALE. Agent for Fayetteville. 1-OR TIIK FAKMKUS. ^TKAW' CUTTRK.S, Corn Sbellers, IlarrowB, Ploughs and Plough fixtures of different patterns, v'cc. &c. For sale by Noiilliorii Mniiiiraoliirr. E have formed a company styled the .''now ('’amp Manufacturing ('ompany, I of .Vlamance County, North '.iroiiiia, two miles I West of the Cane Creek Cottcm Factory, on (’ane ' Creek, at the Foundry owned by D.nvid Dix'*n j vV Hr-thers. and woi Id respectfully announce to I the citirens of .Mamance and the adjoining I Counties, that we are now prep.ired to Manu- i faeture in the ueateift and best style—Wheat I Thrashing .Nlachines. from two to six horse I power; f litting M.Tchines of different si/e.«; I Wool Carding Machines; double and single Mill , and Factory Gear: and Grist Mill Irons; ; edge Tools; Cottim Yarn and Wool Lolls. \c. ' Per.“ons wishing to purchase would ilo w*>ll to ' give us H call before purchasing elsewhere, as ‘ we are detennined to sell dienp for cash, or on I time to punctual dealers. Our long experience in the Slanufacturing Husiness enables us to feel no hesitation in saying that our work shall I n«t be Mirp:i«i,ed by any shop in the South, i .All letters addressed to the .\gent of the I Cf)nipuny at the .'^now Camp P. •., .Mainance I County, N. C., will rwceive pnimpt attention. ftAVlD DIXON, Agent of the .S. ('. Manufacturing Company. ' Snow Cump. Deo. 1*, IH.’il. 47-*iu TllOS. II. riI.lJX(;HASTr nooK-Bi.\i>i:K, Anderson St., Fayetteville, N. C., OPI'OSITK MR. W . WI.\SL(tW’.> LAW OKKIC K. BijY ' Music neatly bound at short notice. Pamphlets and Periodicals bound, and old llotclikiHS Water Wlieel« ^ IAN be furnished by the undersigned. Old * Mills can save -ifro to $1.3, and new Mills •i'HO to .1(40, by procuring Wheels of me. ('asting for the latest improvements in saw mills constantly on hand. Steam mills repaired throughout. (Jrates for burning saw dust, sash weights, corn shellers, Hl.-icksmith irons, mill spinilles, gearing, tiacks for chimneys, fronts for fire-places, and castings of every descrip tion, made to order. He has just returned from the Groat Exhibi tion, and is jirepared to furnish machinery of the latest improvement. \ few patterns for fancy railing fences for yarils and cemeteries expecte*! daily. Horse Powers for threshing grain, sawing wood, and grimling corn, made to order. \ four-horse Power, with grist mill to grind 40 to ;»0 bushels of corn per day, for !}^:>'>0. He is also making preparation to iP'in- ufacture Page's celebrated Saw Mills for saw ing lumber,—'vill taw feet of lumber per day. \ specimen of fancy Casting can be seen at the Observer ('fTice. H. (;. HALL. Not. 19. 1S.-V1. 41-3ni 7)X1-: TlIOUSAXl) UAITJ^ U.WINtJ located my.self in Wilmington for the purpose of doing an .\gency Husi- ness, persons wishing to save time and money, will find it to their interest to send their pro duce to the care of U. Shaw, and the returns will be forwarded forthwith. KODEHK’x SHAW, W’ilniington, Oct. Ih-'il. ;>.)-ym Second Fall and Winter Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots, Umbrellas, Bonnets, &c., for 1851. iJT.VHH WILLI.\.MS beg leave to announce to their cu.stonicr.^, and all those visiting this place to buy Gools either at wholesale or retail. tli:it they are now re'eiving their second su)tply of Fall and Winter (iooils, which will Vie sold at the low est prices for cash, or on the usu- jtl time for good paper. We respectfully invite tin- atti-ntion of Coun try Mendiants to our new stock of (ioods. as we feel assured that we can offer inducements un surpassed by any wholesale house in this town. S. ,r W, t.)ct. :n, IS.'.l. .-iiitf Pn^rr'.s ('irrnhir-Sair Sfcdin Mills. r|iHE undersigned is the aiithori/e'l .\gent -I for the jibove valuable Mills, ami will be gl.ld to receive orders fur “(‘ircu!ar-.''a w Mills”, to be propelled either by Steam. Water or Horse power. These Mills have been u.sed on the Plank Hoads in Maryland. Virginia. North anil South Carolina, and are always approved. They are useil and preferred by the Greenville ainl Haleigh Plank Hoad Company, and I have the wonl of Some of the very experienced Directors of that Company to say they perform admirable. They arc cheaper than any oflic-r .MiU, will perform better, ami saw more lumber. JNO. M. HOSE. Fayetteville. N. C., Nov. 1.", 18')1. li'.t-.'lm rOBACX’O. ~ M^llIME North Carolina and Virginia (,'hew- JIL ing Tobacco, by the Hox aud retail. J. T. WADDILL. October 2'», ISol. M4-tf •itjsr i{i;ci;ivK,i). I*y' MEN'S and Hoys’ .'>.\DDLE.S, of every • ^-9 quality and style, some very fine. Al so. Hridles, Collars, Whips and Wagon Harness. Hy E. C. HALL Oct. 18, 18.',1. of Home. :i2tf llotelikiiiiN’Mi \ (‘rtirai Water Wheel. I^H'^IIEHE are several hundred of these Wheels Ji. in operation in diflerent counties in North Carolina. For proof of their great advantages over the crunmoii flutter wheel, or any other whewls now in use for saw mills, we confidently refer to those who have aj>]>lied them to their mills. We can recommend them pjirticularly f*r their sujteriority in cases of a low head of water, or back water. We still keep a supply of V.'heels, suitable for different heads of water, ut Wilmington, New- bern. Washington, Kdenton uikI Fayetteville. The wlii'els niay also be had of K. Hrevard, Lincolnton, and L’riah Wells. Petersburg. Va. Persons wishing to obtain the right to use the wheels, will be served on application to D. •McNeill .S: (.'o., F’avetteville. .N. C. D. .McNKILL. A. A. McKKTHAN. D. J. .McALlSTKll. Feb’y 22, 1840. 5*)-tf TO rili: IH HLIC. fBIHE subscriber has leased for a term of -fl. years, of H. W. Hrown, Esq., his fire-jiroof Store, with his Wharves, and is now in a condi tion to take especi.d care of Spirits Turpentine and other Niival ht* res committed to his care. The Warehouse is well know n to be the best and safest pl.'ice in town f«u' the storage of Hacon, Lard, Ciu'ii, Pe:is. &c. The lower wharves have on them four large new sheils. where Spirits can be s.-ifely kept from the rain and sun. He is prepared to receive ami ship, or sell, .‘ill kinds of produce sent to his care. He will make advances when reqiiiri'd. He beps to refer to the following gentlemen: R. W. Hrown. John Dawson, O. (J. Parsley and Thos. H. W right, Esijs. MILES COSTIN, Hrown's wharf, Wilmingtor.. N. C. Sept. 12, IS.OI. 21-Y rUKSlI CirU'KKRS, &:c. HI*LS. and half-bbls. Hutter Crack‘rs. 10 boxes Sola ditto. 12 ditto Wine, Picnic, .ugar and Hos- ton Crackers. For sale bv SAM’L W. TILLINGHAST & CO. Nov. 17, IH.-,1. 40tf 15 Hook.s re-boiind. in a substantial manner. Dec. S, 1S’>1. 4')tf Tl liPKX riXH LAXl) FOR SALE. 1^'^OR sab-. ai-res of L.\ND on James Creek, and *il0 acres on (’ypress Creek, in Cumberland, convenient to the W estern Plank Road, heavily timbered, and admirably adapted to the making of Turpentine. .\j)pl v at tiiis (Hfice. Nov.*28, IH.'il. 4ltf Julv I. LHS. HAGS WANTED, by 11. HRANSON \ SON. 78jf II. G. HALL, Ftiyetterille CASTINGS OF EVERY DKSMlIPTlON .MADE TO OHDKH. A lot of Habbet .Metal for Bale. Winslow street, .Sept. 1, l>^ol. 18V XOTKE. FILL m wwm GOODS. JOUX I). WILLIAMS, t'ommissioH *V M'orivfinfuig mflereltfiett., Fayetteville, N. C. ® \ HE Subscribers are now receiving a well ! jEL selected stock of Staple aud I'aiuy DRY (iOOD.'. .Among their .stock V ill be fi.und the I latest stylo.s of Ladies’ and (ieritieuien's DHE.S.S (i.)Oi>S, togetiier with a good as.-'ortineiil of Kfii»!y-iii;iilc (,'liitliiiijx; I iii)‘1’l11u.«; Hats, IJtiiiiu't.s; :ill kiinis ot iluot.s Sli(»(*s; (';ir{!ftiiio; Saddlr,^, Critlli'.s, AVliijs , aiul Collars; Haidw:’ro and ( lUl;')}'; Loa- tiici-; llnlh vv-\varc and ('nickoiy-waro; Ijuiiij), ’rush(‘d. (’lariticd and lln.wii Su- jrai>; Teas; Kin, i,aei;lra and -Java (.’nfi'ee; •Salt, Mola.s.'so.s, Iron :ind Xai’s. With many other (ioiids. which wl'it be sold very cheap fi.r Cash, or on time to tbo'^e w Iio )>a_\ ' punctiuilly. W e would be gbid if »uir friendd II I TIOr \1 l"'S **“•’ I’ublie generallv W‘ uld give us a call. II. I J. I I \ / IJ.»I I . J T* C( :VNCIL \ C \ I.N. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, rj. C. sept. ' isti FFK'E on corner of Front ami Princess, ~ U. M. OliliKLf., forw.ardim; (o^niissioN TiKRI'iiam .\t L'ayelleviSle, i’. March 10, *1S')1. tl2-tf 4> streets Dee. 12. under Journal oflice. 48-tf X DAILY KXriA TKI). TONS of HOOP IRON, suitable for Spirit barrels, by E. C. H.VLL,>f Home. :t2tf w. A lOltACCO. • I'Kil) STOCK on hand; and I shall rc ■ ive regularly, from .^leHsrs. J. Jmes A l""'t'iry. |UalitieH as.sorted from common to tiiii'. wliich 1 will sell at loweat nianufac I'l-iv.-, J. UTLEY. . ■ -“'ille. April 18.'»1. tiOtf srovi:s! srovKSM ' > Md.K for i’hurclw's. Parlors, Factories, "i'l M'.re^. For sale bv C. W. ANDREWS, -Market Souare. K*l. Cltf Oct. 1, 18.M. M a r h 1 (3 J. Ac T. WADDILL. ;27tf Factory. Bv GEO. LAUDER. TWO DOORS .ABOVE HAIGFI k SON’S STORE, Favetle% ille, IV. Jan’y 2», 1851‘ f>5-lVpd Arey, Ji*lieiiiwell Sc Co. H.WE mie piece extra fine 7-4 black French CLOTH, to which they would call the attention of the public. Oct. 1j, 18->1. 22tf 18th Nov. 1851. M.U' INTVRE offers for sale— I'l bbls. clear .MESS PORK, bbls. No. I Lard. !t kegs Hutter, fine quality. Liberty Point. 40tf “l A vi;i riA ii.i.i; iTii,\.\cir c I - ) TIII .\ ; J. ]\. WIiri'E & li.NDlUlllilil;, I^rapers, Tailors^ A N I> W H O L E S A L E .\ N D R E T A I L llH Wlllldm stm-f, ^fir inr/.', \QT DIKIK TOTilK BA.\K OF I’AI’i: FEAR, JFaffettevHle^ .V. C. Thk SnltscrilnMS wotiM Ix'j; leavo to in form the inhabitants of Fayetteville anl vicini- f, that they have ojieneil the above Establish ment, and intend carrying on the business in all its branches. Thev have received a large stock of KK.\I>V-T1 AI>K From New York, all of their own m.-vnufacture, cor.sisting in part of ('loth Cloaks, all qualities. Hbick and coloreil (.’loth Surtout and Sack Over coats, every grade. Labrador and Laml»'s-wool Heaver ditto. Ditto ditto ditto, made revers ible, to wear either side out. Heaver-cloth. Petersham and Kersey Overcoats, every style. Dress and Frock Coats, of French cloth, superi- «r quality, equal to custom work. Sack Coats of all kinds anI (jualities. Pants of fine French Doeskin. Ditto of fancy Cassimere, in variety. Ditto of Sattinets, Ker.seys, &c. Vests, of Satin, plain and fancy Silks, Silk ^ el- vets. Wool Velvets, Cashmere, Cassimere, ^ a- lencia, Marseilles, iS:c. Vests, of white and figured Silks, for weddings and parties, in variety. —ALSO— Shirts, plain and embroidered; Collars; Un der-Shirts; Dnivrers; Cravats, &c. &c. —ALSO— A good assortment of medium and cheap CLOTHING. Country Mkrchants and others in want of Clothing to sell again, will do well to call and examine our Stock. Orders filled at aS:^NEW YORK I’RlCKS.^Siffl .Measures and orders w^ill be taken for fine Clothing, and executed in the most tashionublu stvle aud with despatch. J. M. WHITE & UNDERHILL. A. C. HART, A;/mf. Nov. 17, 18ol. 40-;im Oct. 18, 18.-.1. M r^dfff'ftrrllfr llfitcl, FAVivr rrA ii.i.K, x. c. ^■IHLS large and splendid Huilding has now M. been in successf'ul operation since May i 184'.*. The Hedding and Furniture of all kinds I is new. and the rooms coiivrnient .-ind pleasant. The Table i: always furnished with the best the m.irket affords, aided by a fine vegetable garden. I Hoarders, Lodgers, and Travellers w ill find de sirable accommodations ,and attentive servants. No pains will be spared to give entire satisfac tion. Families can be furnished with large, airy, front double rooms, conveniently and hand somely furnished. .\n e.xperience of 20 years will enable the les see, she hopes, to give general satisfaction. ANN HROWN. June 1, 18.”>0. TIIK n:Li;iii!iTti) liiiK imtem COOKli\i STOVE, 1.S for sale by the Subscriber in Raleigh and Fayetteville; in Raleigh at his Sln>j> on Fay etteville !str"et, and in Fayetteville at Mr. A. .M. Campbell's. The Sub^criber hereby forewarns all persons from purchasing any of these Stoves from any person either in or out of North ('arolina. ex cept from himself or his duly authorized ,\gents. He has purchased the exclusive right to vend this Stove within the State, and will prosecute any person infringing his right, either by pur- ch.asing, selling, or using, any e\cej>t those ob tained from himself. JOSEPH WOLTERING. Raleigh, .\j>ril 10, 1851. tiStf undt rsiijHcd, I'oinitior and .Machinist, Ii.ts consented to act as .\gent for the only actual POHT.\HLE C1R'11..\R .*',\W MILL in the United .''tates, made by Wni. .McKinstry of Wa.shingt»>n. These Mills are of ('ast Iron, no brick being used in their erection. They can be taken down, removed •') miles, and put in oj>eration in D> iKoirs. Power of Engine 20 horse: will cut l-'i.OOO feet Plank Hoad Lum ber per 24 hours. These Mills h:ive taken the premium at the Maryland ."state Fair over all • itbers, and arc eonsi'lcTed the liest in the world. I wouhl be pleased to receive orders, either for the Engines with or without the Mill. Letter addres.se4 to II. G. Hall will receive jirompt at tention. , I w ill put these Mills up any where w ithin 10 miles of Favetteville, if desirable. H. G. HALL. Nov. 2f,, IS.'.l. 4.‘i-tf C()M1»KTITI()X DKl'lED! Cioih i69ffl Clolh ii9ffl JOW receiving, direct from New \ ork. a .su perb lot of t'LOTHINti. made up in the most fashionable style ami of the best materials, consisting of black and brown Frock and Dress Coats; t'loth Overcoats; Cassimere Pants, seve- ] nil varieties; fancy Grenadine Silk. Satin aiul ' Twilled Silk Vests. All of which will be sold j s Revolvin, lower than any concern of the kiinl in town, and | Flasks. Shot and if not as represented, the money will be refund ed. C.ill and sei‘. ,\ further aildition to the Stock is d.iily expected, and due notice will be given. One tioor East of Cook ,Sc Tavlor s. J, SMITH ’0. Sept. 22, 18.-) 1. 24tf T. C. WORTH, rOinilSSIUN ami FIIKWAHDI.NC .MEUniAM. wiLMixcrrox, x. (’. Feb. 1, 1S.')1. ill tf ' sAVA(;i: (Sc MKAUi:s, ! Commission and Forwarding Mer- cliants, r,r,.y WlLMINfJTON, X. ('. .I0M:I'!I R. !JL!tS:X(!M. ^ «K\KKASj c on.111SS10.\ AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, n'ifiNhisftoH^ .V. €\ jgiV?"' Prompt personal attcr.tion given to all Conslgiinient!'. and. Cash aihaii'-es made on Mer chandise to b> shipjjcd «>r sold in this market. Feb. 1. 1K.-,1. ■'>7y .1. i:. to()Mi:k, ('ontmission antf ForivtsrfJ^ in^ •Ifrrclianl^ \viiAnN(J ro.N, N. c. Refer to II. Hrans.m Son, ( c. A. McKt'tlian, j Feb. 1, IS.'.l ^7y ^ ’ WILKIXSOX vV i:si.KU, DEALERS IN (’(III fret ion a r>/, Kaniijn I'Vidfs, fn- httrra, niul Slinjf, AND IMPORTERS OF Sl'PKKIOIt II.VVAli.4 CIGARS, AT W Ilt»LKS.\LK .\M> UKTAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. .Vug. 7. 18->l. 11 tf S'' .NOT UK. ^T.\RR & WlLLijNMS ba\e removed to tho Store recently laciipicd ’i.y Mr. .lohn D. Starr, one door west of ,Me.,-i.-^. H. Hr.-aison Son, where they havyjnst re'-eive*! aiMilions to the .“Spring purchjjses of StMph- and l’iin'v l)P>Y (i(M)DS. (.'ountry merchants are reouestid ti> e.xaniine our stock. June 7. 18."(1. H. STARR. M. WILLIAMS. 7.:)-tf '1' »r. X. ». HAIMII, Has taken an Ofticc on Hay Su-eet, West of the Hotel Buildings. July 14, 18i'l, 4-tf I)i:siUAnLK RKSIDLXCE FOR 8ajj:. IHE Subscriber nttw offers for sale all his Turpentine and Fai'iiiiiig L.\ND. contain ing ,‘ibout tUIO ,\cres, situatol 12 miles I'.:ist ot F.-iyetteville, on the (Joldsborough road, com monly known as Palmyra. It iias a good dwelling house, out-buildings, &c., and a store where a large amount of biisi- Bess is done, ancl inereasing daily. This is a rare chance for turiientine gettei'S, merchants, lie. anil will be sold a bargain. .\ny one wish ing to purchase, and v.ishing further informa tion, can apply on the premises, to J. W. MCRPIIY. or P. T.WLOR. Fayetteville. July 20th, 18'.1. ‘ 8tf The €'hanf^e has been mjttfel fJj^H E Subscribers having sold out their old M stock of (loods, have the pleasure now of saying to their friends, that they are now open ing an entire NEW STOCK of I>RY CiJ001>S, iLvunwAUK & Cl ri.i:uY, HATS AND SHOES, Groeeries of all kintfs^ Ml of which we will sell low for Cash, or ex change for any kind of Cimntry Produce, or to punctual ( ustoincrs on time. COOK & TAYLOR. 24tf U. STARIU C'K, Troifn .^Vir II?OX FOrXDKII ANI> MACHTXIST, .Mmmfurturrr of Sfn'tn J/fnii/ lioi/fi's, MIfi (>'nrhnj o f uU l^loinjjia^ d'c. fH^IIE undersigned, as the .\gent of thealiove JL Establishment, -ftill order any articles which may be wanted, on apjilication to him. The .''team Mills manufactured by Mr. Star- buck have been tested. ani are highly approved on the Plank Roads about Fayetteville. EDW'D LEE WINSLOW. Fayetteville, .Sept. 4, 18-')]. 2»tf 10,000 W ANTED. Tlic Su!)«rril)(>r Iris how oik^ of the most extensive and best assorted stocks Double and .'iagle SHOT (JUNS, ri.'>TOL.'^ of the most superior quality.—Colts Rejieating of every i|uaiity,—Pow- i;inie H:igs. Percussion Caps of English and French make. .Vlsfi, the most comj'lete assi>i*tnient ot (lun fixturi*s that has t‘ver been oflered in this si’i'tiou (.if country. -Mso, Shot Guns, Rifles and Pistols made to order or rejiaired. Rifics niaile to order, and warranted to shoot from one to five hundred yar'ls. Air (inns uialc to order at short notice. To all of which the attention of Sportsmen and others is ri.'Spectfuilv invited. M. A. RARER. Siipi oj lh> fi’iii. Hay street, nearly opposite the Marble \ ard. Favetteville, N. Oct. •, l.'^ il. 2Stl Jjiiir of fottt-fiorm Po:t ('oiulu -', front Piii/ctlrrifh' to IJ {//•.>.■«/'•,— fW^lIE Si’.bseribers having secured the mni^ EL contract on the above i.iiir, will cnmnienco THIS D.VY. running a Line of I'our li.ivse Coaches. Daily. Lraxing Fayetteville at •> P. M., ami arriving at Wai.-^r.w ;it i jiast 0 M., in time for the Cars ?\f>ith and .' Re turning. leave Warsaw on tho ai’rival of the Cars, say almut 1 or 2 P. .M.. ami arrive at Fay etteville in ten hours. Every care will be taken to render the line ple:;9ant, cuuvenient, and sai'e, for Travellers. J.ine of .''tages will be established tis soon as possible, by the Plnnk RoafI, from Fayette ville via Carthage and .Asheborough, to Lexing ton, .Snlcm, and .Saiisbnrv. .McEI.NNON k McNElLL. ; Fayetteville. N. C.. .*.ug. 8, Jl-tf WAxri'J). r F * r 'i I N E. for Listiller\- at tho Plank Roail I’lridge on Hig P.ockfish. The >iest market j rii e will be paid. For turtlu-r inform ation, inquire of Jdin W. Murphy, at the Hridgc, ‘ or of McKethan, Fi'vcitc\ille. Dee. 18, 1H.‘)1. ' -JOtf li ITS, (IPS, BOOTS lUilOlX HAIR I'OR g^^OR sale by (>ct. 1. 1 Bol. pi.AS'n:RL\r., J. & T. W ADDILL. 27 tf DAILY KXlM:cri:i). GENER.KL ASSORTMENT of IHM.LOW- V» AHE, by E. ('. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, 1>.'.1. ">-tf A I!! .l/r/>««/•(// A. A. McKETIIAIV ^TILL continues to carr>- on the CARRl.VGE HUSINESS, in all its branches, at tl.e OLD STAND. He returns thanks for the liberal pat ronage he has heretofore received, and hopes, by strict attention to bu.siness and a desire t» give entire sjitisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. Having recently increased his business, he on hand a very fine assortment of Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Uockaways, and Sulke} s, Finished, and a very large assortment of Work partly finished, which, for elegance of shape and finish, will comparc with any other work. Versons wishing to buy, would do w’cll to call and examine tlie work, as he is determined to sell LOW for CHsh, or notes on short time. All Wtrk warranteil for twelve months, and repaired free of charge, should it fail by bad workmanship or niaterial, DCT Repairing faitlifully e.xecu- ted at short notice, on very reasonable terms. Favetteviixk, Skpt. 22, lsJ51. Hlanks of aJI kinds, For Bale at thia Office, Sept. 18.'i1. XEW CARI’K/LLXC;. ROLLS Hrnssels, Ingr.iin and Stair Carpeting, new and fa.shionable Pat terns, just received. —ALSO— lo kegs Spikes and large Nails, 2') boxes Raisins, ."0 bags Sliot, Indigo, Chocolate, ajul Castor Oil. with an addition to our Stock of Hardware. S. W. TILLINGHAST & CO. Nov. 20, 18.",1. 4:?-tf FAYE1'TEVILI.E CONFErrnO.NEKy. CHARLES BANKS, Confectioner, INFORMS tho public, that he has refitted his Establishment on Green Street, and has on hand .a fresh supply of (^ANDIES, i lanutactured by himself out of the best Loaf Su.rar, and war ranted free from starch. Hour, paste, and perni cious paints. His whole time and attention is now Icvoted to making Candy, nmt he is pre pared to supply all onlers with Candies equal to any made in the United States. These ('aii- dies he warrants to keep in any climate: and he will sell to Town or Country merchants, as cheap as good and pure Cand3’ can be purchased in New York or elsewhere. Fayetteville, Oct. 28, 18jl. jJ4-tf n. iV A RE now receiving a large and as- /a sortiiient of STAIM.K AND FAX(^V 1>11¥ 1L\1U)\\ ARH cX ( rTU:RY, BOOT'*! «HOI:jS. —ALSO— 7.") bags Rio. Laguira. and .Java Coffee, 10 hhds. 7*> pieces Cotton Ragging. .'lO coils I’ale Rope, 1(10 kegs Nails, assorted, 8 tons Swedes and English Iron, oO(» sa-ks Liverpool Salt, With Loaf, Crusliel, Powdered and (Jrannlated Sugars; (ireen Tea; Tcppcr; Spice: Ginger: Powiler; Shot: P>ar Lead: Table Salt; Har and Fancy Soap.s. With a great variety of other articles, to which we invite the attention of pur chasers at wholesale or retail, as low a.s an_\ other house in the place. I>. & W. McLAI'RIN. Oct. 0, 18.-.1. I'all ami JV*sitter Stock, 1 8 1 . rH^HE .Subscriber ofi'ers for sale one of th« Ji- largest and best assortments of (iOODS in his line ever offered in this place. He is very thankful for the very liberal patronage that he has had. and ^’olicits a continue nee of the sanie. His stock lias been selected with care, and consists of nearly every variety and styl*», from tlie be.«>t manufacturers. He has on hand and offers low f.,r O-'.'A, at retail or by the case. l;ite.-t .styles (ieiitlenicn’s P.eaver, Nutria, Mokrkiii, Silk. Hrnsh and .\n- gola H.VT.S. ,\lso. Jenny Lind, Kos.-uth, .Ar tist. R4>ugh and Ready, and stifl'entd Fur and Wipiil Hats, for Men, \'outh aiulHoss—in abun dance by the dozen or c;ise. —ALSO-- very large supj'ly of Cloth, Plrsli, Velvet and Fur 1’.'^. of all )Halities. st\le.s and pri- vc.',—by the single Caji or by the dozen. -—AL.SO— liools and Sliocs, of the following varicticK, viz: Fine Wator-i roof. fine 'alf, fine Kip ami heavy Winter 1500T.S. ,\lso. Hoys’ and Voiuiis' Calf and Kip Hoots. (ientlenieTrs Dress Shoes, of variii’.’.s f|ualities. Together w ith an atsf.rtnient of Liii/i'x'. Misse*;' and ( liiMrf n’s HOt »T.S and SHOES, viz; Jinny Lind, Excelsiors. Gaiters, ditto Half. Hiiskiiis, .Slipjiers and Morocco Hoots. .Vlso, Gcntlenii ;i’s and Lalies’ Kubbirs. With a good sii)i]tly of Youths', Hoys’, Childrens’ and .Sei vants' heavy .‘'lux :;. Ail of wbich he oliers b.w for r»nh. or on time to ]iunctu:d ciistonii rs. Please cftll and satisfy yourselves before purchasiinr elsewhere. JOHN C. TH0M.-0N, Market Si|uare, Sept. 21’,. 18.-, 1. 2'Uf , LX ST()RI% FI,OU;'IS Mild Plougli Cat*lingH, Corn Shell ers. Cultivators, Straw Cutters, and S|iili ning Wheels, i E. C. HALL, of Rome. * Oct. 18, 18'*1. CV2tf \VRAPPL\(^ PAl’i'U. J RllAMS Medium si/e. *•^1* (',0 Blue, for Cotton Yarns. From .Manteo P.'iper Mil’s, Raleigh. For sale b,w bv H. HRANSON k SON. Jul’y 0, IS.-.l. 3tf mizz ■ ^ 'CTx jar. • COSTUME 1L\LL, (\>rmr Vrotf i^frrrt nvd ('nitre MorJ.rt Spnrr, HA L TlMOllE. rW^HE largest and best stock of RE\DY- M \DE CL(»TH1NG ever offered in Ihilii- more. Dress, Frock anil Sack CO.ATS, all co- j lors. qualitie.s and sizes, from •'f2 ';0 to So oO and uj.war.'.s. I’ANTALOONS -A si to i’f.'. .'lO ' and upwaids, embracing all stylo.® of fancy, ! plain and plaid Cassimere.’. '\ E.'''r.S of every ! variety at corresponding jirices. Also, a large assortment of Hoys’ Clothing. Importing our own ('loili* ilirect from Europe, MlNfiS, \c.. of the best quality from New and ninnnfactui ing on tho nn ,«t cxtriisiTC sc.ilc, York. .Also, the latest Report of the New York | enables us to ..ffpr inducements to purehaser^ F.VSHIONS. j not to be sun^nssc I by any ('lofhing E.-tablish- I still continue to carry on the* 1 ment in the L'mted .Mutea. 1 oe proprietor? are .... .ivi-o.-' 1 II tleferi.iineil to make the W hol^snle Rooms the T UI OTll\(i HUSINF>SS, at mv Stand on Ilav 'ie>ernimeu 10 m 1 * • . . . ..r niul huve now mado XKW (iOODS. frST receiveil, niv Fall supjily of (^LOTUS, (WSSIMERES AND VESTINGS, TRIM- 1.111,,\>11,* r * „ •* . T^oint of -Teat attraction, and have now made street, and those who ma\ favoi me with thi.y V GARMENT.^^, from the custom mav relv on having their work done in "r , . . ' 'rV,.«l.;ona>.le «tvle. and on the most i quality to the lowest ,n pnce. _ a neat and fashionable style, and on the most favorable terms. ARCHIBALD GR.MTAM Oct. 27, 18.')1. -"^^tf In tiie (’u'tom Department will always b« found the choicest selection of CLOTH.S, C.\.S- SIMERK.'' and VESTING?. T.hicb will be made up at the shortest notice, an 1 in the latest style, and a fit always g;iarantied. The fine price s;. stem strictly .'idhered to. orner Pratt and Centre Market Sp.icc. T»AV1D MCRPHY. j H. H. COLE ft CO. 1 A:*.':.-. !% 1S51. 14"Cp.l WAX THO. The Sub..r-,...r >. pur.b..c .m(«0 j KSf n,. pr.„- s;,...n. ’hs RA;S for which the highest cash I Remember the name and place, (. prices’will be paid on delivery in Favetteville. ^ MMrket S.,.aer. WID M l^HVnY. Rockfish, Camlicriandj Ai.g. 20, 16,^]. 1* '5n»

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