. ■ V ■'^3 SEMI-WBEKIiY. Oi.. I. FAYETTKMLLK, N. C., TCEHDAY .MORNINC, JAM AUY IS.IJ. [NO. r.s.j «--ror- .|\,|.;i) i;V .) 15, NKW15V. :-\ \ill) J. IIVLH SOX, I.' \\!» IMtclMUKTOKS. . Wii'Mv l>H'l JIVK.i! oo iv , ,. J ‘.( I if j :ii,l iliu iii'^ the .; .III. r >>•"' .'i!!> r tlio vo;ii- li;i> ( ■'. t:i: ^'2 l»0 ji")' uii'iiiini, if , ■ >-,j .'lO it' j.ni'l (luriiijr tiu* I I' .i:: ..r nil ;it'tfr tin- vt'.'ir MI.NT> iii.-oi Icil liir>i\ly ci'iits I ' .t tlih ty rents t‘>>r e:icli " ^ i‘:trl_v .I'lvrrti't'nuMils ; t'. :il ro.is ratis. A'l- ■ !■» till* u\mi'>or i>l o ' •!• N'iM i‘c ri>MtiiiiU'l till ' _ i .-Mriliii-jtv. • :lii' F. tU"l> iiiusi he (’oi iN'rv ciu:i)rrous. A l-l* I'vVfioiis liaviti(r elaiiii^ ajraiii^t tlie ^ m 'niiiity of are re|iu*t«teil ti> |iresftit them tn Jun. MeL:\uriti, CK’ik of the •‘oiiiity I'oiirt, heforc the 1st Way of Fehruary next. withovU f-.vil. Nufiee i^ Iiorehy ;j:iven to all jmhlio t>Hii'ers. Veeeivers ot' jiuhlie innne\.>i, tliat they are re- ijiiile'! to h.ixe their neeouiits reaily to lay I>e- ^ fine the foiiiniittee of I’inanet. oil th.it «lay. a.>i rei|iiiri'il l-y law. 1>\ oilier of the ('oiniM'ittee. i. lil'.MINti. ('h ii. r.i\ette\ille. .Tan. l:’>. 'Hi-tll' Ni:\\ c\\KPr/riN(;. r>ni>sels. lir^niiiv ami Stair ('.iriietiii^, n»-w ;inil fa.'hion.ilile I’at- i^^^t receive'l. 1"i kevs Si.ikes .mil larjre Nail.-i. •_'*i lio\e> l!.ii>iiis, ;;i» .'-hilt. lnili;j.i. t'l .'Ci’Iate. .''.■i!.ol :niil I'a-^tor Oil, with an iiiiilitiiiii to mir Sti'ek ot ilanlware. W. Til,1.INCH AST vV ■(». Nov. L'ti. is.'.l. |::-tf teni> , MOLAssi:s. . I'linie artiele. : , . -t ■; rlM>'i-i‘ Inii’irial Tl!.\. 11. i.i:\NS»N \ .SON. ■J. NO'i'ic i:. i i ( .iMnty ('ouri. >. • . t: >■ 1 lih I'.i- C .iut Il.'ii'e ihiiif in the •• \ ' , . !. :i .11 lit Ilf "i\ nionl!i. ' •;. !!. tii llio l .'I.-.Ie of 1,. A. • alii'iit itU \ea)> i-f • '.i; ■ ■■>. ; n ! her ; V. ■ 1 I iiil il’en. one ..t!. \ '. r> "f .\ntes : i ! n \\i:’ 111- re-jtiiii'l of the r. 1*. ni;!:i;ci:. A'lm r. I •j. 1..I ! / r '.'tw Ml/I /■'/* ■'/!('. i . ::M'l Wi’^lelil I'lank lii'a'i . ■•••!’ .'Ml' "f -.r .'-'t-a;n • I IT ini^-«i froi:i t arth.-o.'e, • 1 lie.I ■ * '■'■••l ouiib. I" 'V;. ' it stau'is will he very . \ j v ;i.-i 'nim*iil.it’.iiL'. ■ I'laili- til the un'ler>i;.riivil. ; A i- Ll.r. WINSI.OW. 1'ri-'i ient. .Ve. .. ■]'■ t' wei-lv.s. \- \\\M w \.\ , . , 1.!.: ’ . r- .. Ma'f \.:l 1- • • nre !■ r . lei; a'' 'lit t.ie ' >t \laVi li . ; tj.e iivsent v.;!' T ■ ' wi-'l .iiiri'ifii-’l t'> te:n h ' :ii) Kn”‘i'h eiliii-atiori. ■. 11 n - k l.iiiirii.i tr'-'. 1 I'liiti' ii aie ■>". ami > 1 V. ill ' !• lUllit' il III ■ ■ V 1. 'i*' r!i1'!re‘'.‘'l 1 !',!.Ni'll. l.niiil'i rti'U. N. l*e. irsr I'.r.LS. N..nhern WlUSKl'.X . S. W. TlLl.l.Nt’.llAST \ I'O. 1t>. is.-.K 47tf ..i.s. siiia r.s, ccc. T-'T plaiitin;.; Tre“. 'lunhs. . . ?.'-i l ies. r;;-;.\>errie.-. ’ .■ .;r;er the ”V..iiinl the ' ^ ill r> iiii'l tl'e r'H't>i eh scr IT th it )iarkinjr "liieh t.aUes ■ I '-r. • • i- 'li'.: a !ti• _o h>'Ic atol .; . !■ :1-Ii I't -r.'W I-' rn. . I i' ;i iir-.;iire I'f ' el.iv. i 'e lioiiiiT. ail'! • ’:ftli‘ a-!-!" I'.- j hiitt ri_^';'.ii'i "C!i« r t';iil'-r A . ^i'ii- lit fi-iu-e or hi U'l'. a- I'l I.lit t'.‘ 'il'hlea rh,ili;.^e' that C. l.l rr'.'.lll.'lll. lln«:in St. i •. ; I a M'XirtllKM* of . •! riteii ;a::i»kn >i:kd>. ":n'-. i; I ■'! lilli le. "i tlie iT'iji ot lh-l. | S. T. ILWvI.l.'i .V >>N- ! ,\i) I OK S ALi:. J r I'tl ■1'= fi r sa’.i" hi> tract nt tlieie is .i ji'iml •Iweliin;' >.i\v an'i LM'.-t ini'.l, l\in" ; ; 1. nine iiiihv- ti"iii Fayette- j • ■ ;• miles tV"ni ('ajie Fear , ;r. !- itatf'ir'lsa r-ir''‘‘hanec. ■ ■■ 1 i.ii\e.- ...rea'lv rut. .‘iliil Irulil ' ' ; hi- i.|.i io il. • I !• , iti' II fur :i Turi'eiitiiie 1 :i '>n a)i|>lie!i- \!;i \.\ii;i. .Ml-\!!Tiirit. ■ u t f ■ i’ in.( i:i\ i:i). . ' 111! ,e alol half ilitto. . '. li li'l' an'I h:i!f hhls. half ' li! ■■ iIl.l.i\(.!!.\ST \ ■(). •'.Ttf Nn'i K i:. : r:ii other-, heen hiirnt n - f t!ie instant. 1 ! ; ; 1 v^iiii' iii'lehte'l to me. '"lint, t'l eall ali'l .settle, as It .MeL.M'f'injN. ■'.J. '.Ttf riios. 11. riM.iN(;iiAST, Anderson St., Fayetteville, N. C., oi riisin; \!i:. w . w i.N>i.n\v’.- i..\\v hkkk k. t;,-.' Mii-'.e »ie;it:v at >hi>rt iiotiee. I’amphlets aii'l l’eiii"lieals hi.iiinl. anil ohl r.i'i.k' le-h.Miiiil. in a su1>tantial nianiier. Iiei-. IS.-.l, F.tf Arry., .^Iu*biiwc!I iV 4’o. : B M \ ^ F 1‘ieee extra line 7-1 li'aek Freneh Cs ('l.tiTlI, t"i whieli they -wiiiihl eall the : :irti iiti'in Ilf the 1 iiMie. I dot. iSoi. ;::jif I IDO.IKUI .\ci\‘S \ aluahlo I T I M it i: K I. A N I) s Fdi: S\I,F. r3”JII' .''iihx i iiiei' ha.' |>»:rehase.l a!) tin- I.anil.' 8 ln-!"ii'_'in^ til the Kslate n| .\hr:;m Uiit.ni.'. • lei 'll. Uir j [ I iiu ii>all_\ in llnher-i.n r..iinty, and h'liii >iih'iif l.uin'ui ili'er. the .iitii lent nr- j Ovi'i* JLOO.sUKJ A( j l;ir;£e jiart liml;. Ttm^K reil. ah'l enUM'iiieiit t" I i.niiiher lli\er. v.i.i-rea i.ariie . iianlity ut I ini- l.er i' 11"« r.-ifleil ti. the (.fm ;_'.t..w n ni.liki't. Thi-'C l.iiiil' .ire \er_\ \:iln;Mi- h.ith !• r tin- ; 'I'i, anil Ti;ri e:itini-. for liieh i.uri'H'r a ’ la—_e ji.irt i' v.ell >nitei|. heiiii: in a i« ”ii.n •\ lore till' '1 iiroeiitilie \iehl.' nnirc ahiiii'l.intl y li:ali alt_\ otllei'set tinli i»f tLe .''I.iJe. riiel.aiiii' V :'.l I'.- —iM at a I' W jiiiee. aiel in t'. s'lit ]'Mlelri'! ls. liil'i.miatii.n r -ipe> t'njr th‘ tilh' ean he oti- t.iineil hy ajiiil.vno.^ t.. tl;e II' n. lo'hert .•'traii-e. H'ln. f.‘I'l.li;.)!!. ir A. T- Smith. F>.i.. .\tti'riie\ s ;it Fan . I I i;iiiler't;inii there .are tiiany ti’»'lia"i-rs ..n the'e Fanils, til all ot whnm imtieo i' hereby j;ivei'.. that the l.iw will he elifi.reeii :i^ain>t all >ueh .itieliiler. AI'l'lieati.iii fur any )iart r»f the F.-iiiil' e.in he Iiia'le ti. ni;.'elf. i.r ti. .Ii-hii \Vin^^.«. F'lj.. who i' ilii!\ auti;i r;.' il to n;ake 'ale Ilf the same. I ■ TlloS. .1. » FIFflS. Favetteville. N. f’.. Sept. 1. 7'ltf JiOOK HIM)i:UV. \V. n.MlDIK has resunieil the Uiok l’.in iii;;r Jhisiness :it the new Sture next ilimr to Mr. IJeasley. .lewflli r. where lie will r»-- eeive aiiii e\ee'ite hiniiiiiir in any 'tyl* il»-'ireF Air.rn^t 1. -tt A PUOCLA.MATION, 1\>/ Jlis l>AVlli S. 11k11», (lnr~ tnmr of tJi>‘ Stuh'n fy i'll rn! I no. WiimtKAs. three-fifths of tlie whole nunihcr of iiiemhers of e:ieh Utilise ot the (ieneral .\s- •semhly iliil at the last sessimi ji.ass llie tVillowiiijr Act: AX A(^T to :»iiu‘]ul llu‘ I’oiistitution (if Xiirtli I'aruliiia. WiinuKxs. 'I'he freehohl ipi.iliiie.-itinn now rc- unireil fur the eleetors for tuenihers nf the .SeH- ate i-iiiitliets with the fiimlanientiil prineijiles of liherty; Thervfore, Sk.«'. 1. />» it rniiihi} hij (hr Hemrnl Afffnthhf lit t/if S.'iih’ of ^trt/i ('iimtiiiii, mill it /.« lunht/ \ rnarliil /.i/ tin' iiHllmrilt/ J' the xmni'. three-lifths. of the whole niimher of nienihers of eaeh llou.se ; coneiirrintr. that the sv-eoinl el.-mse of tliinl see- ' tion ot' the first .\rtiele of the :inieinleii t'oii.'ti- tiitiou riitifu'il hy the peojile of North (.’.•irolina iHi the see.-nil .Mninl.ay of Noveniher. !>., 1S;!.‘>. he aiiieuih'il hy strikiii;.: niit the wonls ' “anil |>ossesseil of a freehohl within the .'anie ilistriet of tifty tieres of liiml for six months next before auil :it the ilay of election." .st> that the saiil clause of saiil section shall real as fol- hiws: .Ml t'lee white men ot' the ajie of twenty- one Nears (except as is hereinafter ileclaveih who have heen inhahitaiits of any one ilistrict within the State twelve nmntlis iiiniieili.itely preceilinir th«‘ ilay of any election ainl sh.ill have ji.'iiil pnhlic taxes, .'hall he entitleil to vnte I fur a menihrr of the Senate. Skc. '1. Hf it fiirthir ri'in'!i'1, That th«‘ Hov el imr Ilf the .'>t:ite he. aii'l he is hereby liirecteil. til i'.'iie his I'rticlaiiiatiiin tn the penpU' nf Nnrth ('.•iriilin.a. at lea.-t six mmitli.' h*-f.ire tin- lu'.xt eleetimi fur meniher? of the Ceneral .XssemMy. >ct:in^ fi'lth the pnr\ii>rt of this .\et ami tin ameii'lment o(' the »'nnstitutiiin herein propo.sed. which I’riiclauiatiiiii shall he aceiim|iaiiieil hy a true :iiii| jierfect ->[i_\ of tiie ,\ct. aiitlienticated hy the eertiticate nf the Secretary nf ."stale, ami h.ith the ri.iclam.-itinii ami the t'opy nt this .\et, the tioveriior nf the St.ate shall caii>e tn tie )iuh- li.'heil in all the lu-w sp.iper.' of tliis .''t.ite, ami pn'leil ill the t'l.urt Houses of the re.'pective t'oniities in this St.ate, :it lea-^t six iiinnth be- t'lire the eleetinn nf memhers tn the next (ien eral .V.'.-emhly. Keail three times and aj:re«'d to by three- tillh.' I't the whole inimher nf mcinhers nf.acli Ilmi'r" re.'pectively, and ratitied in (ieiier.tl .\s- ^emi !v. this the -Itli dav nt .(atiuarv. F''‘il. .1. V. it(ii;i!iN.'s. IF W . N. Fl'U .\i:i»S. V. S. NATIONAL SKlUlvS OF standard School Itook^, I'LIIFISIIIID IIV A. S. iFVUNKS v'c ('()„ '(1 .Fohu street, Nevv York. ^■^11K iitteiition of .School Teachers, School (’oniiiiittees. and the friendn of Kdiication jrenerally, are invited to the following valuable Text IJooks for .''elmnl.s, Ac.idemies and Colleges: l>.\Vli:S' MATllF.MATK'S. Itetail price: l>:ivies’ Fir.st Fessnns in Arithmetic, F*^ l»avi«‘s’ Sehnol rithnietic, Ihivies" iirammar of .\ritlimetie, h.avies' Fniversity .\rithmetic, l)avies’ Flenientary .\l_iielira. I)avies' lllenientary 'ieniiietry and Tri^x oiionietry. Ihivies' I’ractical Oiei.imctry and Mensu ration. I*avies‘ Bourdon's .\ljiehra, hjivies' l,e;;eiidre's tieoinetry. new eilitiun 1 hiivies" Illements of Siirveyin^r, T h.avies' Fojric nf .Matin'inatics. 1 Chambers' Treasury of Knowledge, flark'.s Flenieiits of l)i-a\vinjr. Chambers' Naturtil I’hilosophy. Ileid and I’l.-iin's Chemistry .-iiid Fleetricity, IFamilton's Vej^etahle and .Vniiiial l‘hys- iolo;ry, C'.iambers' Klenients of Zoolojry, I’ajre'.s KU'inents of (ieolo«:y. 1‘arker s First Festions in Natur.al I’hilo- snphy. r.'irker's ('nmjiemlium nf School I’hilo- s.iphy. Mclntire on the F'C ot'the (Mobes. Fulton \ I'.astin.in's Fnpy I’moks^Nos. I, anil •», eai'h 1*^ Fultnn .'i: Fastmau's I’enmaiiship. -- Fultiiii \ F...--inian's l!onk-keepin;r (Sin- •lle and l*nnble Fntry) F.ronks' First I-atin Fessnns. llronks' Ovid s .Metaiiinrphn.'es, ilrook.'' (’ollectaiiea F\an;_’i-Iica, l>rn.ik>' Fii 't (ireek l.essmis, I’arkt-r'.' First 1 Header. I’.irker'.' Seeniel .■( Iimil l!e:ider. I’arker's Third .Schon] Header, I’.-irker's Fniirih .''clmnl Ueader, I’arker's lihetorieal l!eader. .Marlin's Othnejiist, wnrds ol priiniiiici.itinn, -n Nnrthend's Fittle .'>|ieaker. Northeiid's .Vmerican .Speaker. Ni.rtheii.F' .'iclinol l)iatnj;ues. Willard ' lli>tnry nf the I iiited St.ites, Willard's Fiiiversal lli'tnry. I -ii /,aehi>'> New Aiu 'ricaii Sneaker. 1 ::i Nl (HI ")U i;:; .''N ] (III ^300 I .iKEY, SIlK.n dilliciilt .Stvtk III N'iiIitii t'vi:ui.iN\. i 11 I/I I' hf' Si rr t'lr;/ '•! | 1 Wiil.ivM J'ceretarx nf State, in and fi r the St.ite "f N 'rth I'ari lin.i. dn hereby cer- tii'_\ th;it the fnre'_fi.in^r i' .i tine aiiil )ierlect cnpv nt an .\ t I't the lie'oeral .'.'. nib].'t this .''tale, drawn otl fri'iii the nri;^inal nn tile in tl.is otti'-e. tii'.eii under my hand, tlii- -'iist d.iy nt l)eieniher F" )!. w\F iin.r,. .V -' An I* ^VirKUKv-’. ilu* sai*l Ai t t*»r :i- meriirni'j: tin- Cnnstitiitinn of the .State nf Nnrth Cari'iina ?n a' tn ciiifer nii every i|ualilied vnter for the IliiU'e nf Cniiimnn.' the rij:ht to vote al- s>i fnr the S*-nafe; Nnw, therefore, tn the end that it may be nia.le ktmvvii that if the afnresaid amendment tn the Cnu'titutii'ii .'hall be agreed to by two- thirds of the whole representatinu in each house of the next (ieneral .\s'emt.ly. it will then be submittfil to the penple fnr ratitieatimi, 1 have i>.>ued this mv I’roehim.ation in eonlnrmity with the ]'rn\i.'>iiins nt the betnre-recited .\ct. Ill testimniiy w hert'nf. livvin .S. I’kik, (tov- ornnr nf the .Mate nf N. rth Camlina. hath here- untn .set hi> h.ind and c.-iu.'ed the (ireat Seal of the ^aid State to be aflixed. > pea i\er. .\ny nf the abnve F.m.ks an be fniiiid at liie P.iM.k.'tnre nf K. .F lia\e vV Snu. Fayetteville. .Ian V 1, Fs.V_*. .-.Ill NO TK i;. .1 F. S. n H AVIN; sustained a severe h-'S bv the fire I ll on the ni'.'ht nf the 2d .laiiuary. 1 am c.mp. Ile.i to call on all tlmse who are indebted to me to make immediate )i:iymenl. If tliey caiiii'.t settle in lull, j ay what they can. either in cash or notes le^otiahle at IJaiik. 1 have saved J'J Carri.ijres of ditlerent kinds, ciimjiletelv tinished, and as many iiinre ne.arlv tini'iied, which I will sell at reduced pi ices for e.-i.sh nr notes at l!a:ik. A. A. McKKTllXN. JriiT v:tf S|)riii!i ot \ JirK)Us sizes,; Silital.le for llilhhar.r.' 1‘att it liujTuieS. i Fik^•wl^e. :i larj;e and iieneral a^snrtment ol | ,'ittedes. Fn^lisli and .Viiicncaii Iron, suitable lor Just c*‘i uii'l l**r on f;»vorjl»ic ft'rin.". Aj.ply to H. UOSF Favettevilh-, .lan'y •'>, F^»'_’. .)..-»)W in:i)r(.'Kn I'Ain:. II IK IF( i II Tickets bet ween W ilmin^itnn. N. B. C . an'I Italtimore. Fare •'SiVia Wel don. reter.'hur;:. Kicliniolid, .■in.I Washili"ton ('it\ or vi.i Weldon. I’ortsmoiith and Norfolk. For Ticket' applv at the Ollice of the Wil- min''tnu and Italei-^di Fail Koad Cnmi.any, iit Wilmin'Miin. or at the Oilice of the Ihiltunore Steam f'acket Ci.mpany, and nf the lialtinn.re and Ohio U.'iil U-'"! Fnmpaiiy, I'ratt Street, I’altiniore. _ .Ian. 1, 1S.VJ. -tf I NION ACADKMV. 1!IF huildinu'*'f this Instituti.-n is now in state of completion. It is larjro and 'nn\(;i: making. ' ''I- have just opened an Ks- |"iit I'.r c \P.U! \C.F MAKINC.. in ■ ! ll:. i.; - ill this jilaei;, with eve- i "!!'ii|c''tl'i the raliie. iitiiieiit of wiiod-work. piiint- ■■ ir'i!!-'.‘. :irk. they have experi- ' ll. and the whole w ill I'eccive their " '.t- 111. ■ li.i'i d the litrlit nf llubtiard's '|'r;ii;.'s. which i:i hijjhlj’ re- .1 I I'. ./ri-at impr'ivement. ' I iiit all work ;:ni!ij: from their . i ' ill a|ipe.ii;iiiee aii'l durabil- ■ ^ :i the St.ite. 'i{()DGEKS&(a xN. coinmodiou.s. It is pleasantly l.K:ated in a line neii;liborhooiF and in a very salubriou.s part ot I'.otTeson countv. twelve miles west Irom Funi- berton. about half mile .south nf the road lead- in" trom thence to .Mtordsville. The tir-t session of this Institution will eoni- mence on the Jd .Mmiday of .lanuary, iS-'.li, un der the care nf Mr. (iilei Feitch, who is a ^^ra- diiate of the Fniversity of North Carolina. 7V/-// of Tiiiiioii. firr S>."Kiii>i, I'lZ: Siiellin;r. rea'lin^ and writin;;, ^ ••• Vrithinetie. Fii^rlish Cranimar. (Jeo^rra- phy and !Fi.st:.ry, ^ K* 'Ml Fatin, (ireek, French, and the higher ^ branches of .Mathematic.s. 1- l*,o ird ean be obtained at the Academy, and at convenient di.stanees in the 1, ni from live to six dollar.s per month. llv order of the 'J’rustees. _ JtJllN TA\LoU, Secy, llee. ‘J'.i, IS.-jl, .Vcir Firm, "I'Ik' iiii(!(‘rsi;xn(‘l liuvo ciitored | into 'oj>artner,->hi|). under the name and style of llAFF A: SACKFTT. for the purpose of doing a l>rr fJoods and Hardware Uusiness, and have t'lUen tiic .Store •’) loors Ka.st of the Fayetteville IIoteF J- I*. IF\FF. A. F. MAFF. T. M. .SACKFTT. AutnisfJS I'j'f llniie at the City of lUlei^h. on the I thirtv-fii't day nf I»eeeniber. in the , , vear of nur Fmd one thousand ei'^ht - - hundre'l aii l filty-one, and in the 70th ve.-ir nf our Independence. liAVlli S. Ki;ii». IK the (inveriinr. ■I'lli.M\ Sktti.k, .Ir., Private See'y. I’ersniis iiitn whn'1* liatids thi.s I’ri'cl.imatinii niav fall, will please si*4* that a enp_\ .-f il i> pnsti’d np in the Cniirt llon.-e of their r"^pec- tivo counties. [■’* rou rm: i aumkks. ^Tl!.\W Cl TTFItS. Cnrn Shellers. Harrows. l’loii;zlis and I'loujrW fixtures of ditlerent iintterns, \c. ,vc. For s.ile by .1. .V T. \VA1M>IFF. Oct. 1. IS.'il. ! DL7^ North Carolina Domestic Wll'illell Cnnd'. of Sllperinr l|llalify. nll cnll- hi'ri.i.ieiit an I fnr s.ile .it Factnry prices. ,\p- ,.rvtn i:. UOSF .V .oN. .lan'y 1. t.w nLllllLKLIMIJil'IIKSlLL f 9AHF ,'ubscriber havinv: determined to make B reiiiov.al to the Soulh est n*\t I* all, nfl'crs for sale his FAN US mi Fnwer Fittle lliv- er and nn ('ape Fear. :;7.'»l acre^ nf up land, l '» miles from F.iyette- ville, and vvithin I tn .» miles nf the !• ayetleville a'l'l llaU'if'h I’lank llnad. This tr.ict m.iy be advant:i;reously divided, as there are on the* tract three 'lw“llin;:s and out-houses. On that part of the tract where he iH'sides. ther*' is n eomfortabh' dwellinji and all nut houses; a roo'l saw :ind trri.-t mill, the saw mill ninnin.ir two ?aws: plenty of lim ber. and a tine chtince of making Turpentine— about :;i'.,iMiO boxes cut within 4 to miles of .a Still. :■'»> iicres of the land cleared, some swamp land in cultivation, and a lar^c body, I verv rich, to clear. .Uso. 17IMI acres of Tine Fand, tolerably well timbered. i;ood for ’I'urpentiue. Als'i, ll'> acres of l.-iiid on Cajie Fear Kiver, l.->0 ;ii re.s in a hijrli state of cultivation. Those lands on Cape Fe.ir were valued *_»•> years ago at Kl to 11 dollars per acre. Tlie improvcmeiit of the navijratioii of the Cape Fear lliver renders thf.se laiid.s very valua ble, as the planters on the Kiver may .shij. their produce directly from their barn .loors. It i.s »iot often that such lands are ottered for sale in this county. The Fayetteville and Ila- lei^li I’lank K«iad. when completed to j.ower Little Uiver, brin;rs these lands within i to S miles of Fayetteville. The.se lands will hi, sold on very easy and ar- coniniodatinv; terms, as the subscriber intends 1 to settle with Iii.s children, w h» are a'toiit to re- I main in the South We.st. He may be fouml at ! his residence, and on application to him, or .F j S. W illiams, the lands may be examined by any i oue wishing to buy. 1 AI.KXANUEU WILFF\MS. I Jari’v 1, iH/i.;. A I.F per'.in> iii'leblcl t.. t’ne siib'. iiv.er f"r (iiiiids piirchaM'd at Fhual Cnlh'i;e. .irc re- i|Ue>tC'i tn ni.'ike immediate i>aviiieiit. either t i Mr. Ilii-.'h McArii in the in-i^'iilii'rhnnd. i r tn Limself in ('hcraw. ll. i;. ,M' \F,N. Cher.'iw, l>ec. l'' >i. .id-tl ii{i-:!)i:M/s Ki:i‘()iri's. i S I' publi.'hed. \»’l. 1'- Faw. and \ ul. 1 Fijuitv. Price Si'i and >*'’i. I hese are small xnluiiM'S. ill ciiisc^iuence f»f the Ke]inrter makiniT new arr;in;:ciiiciits tnr pnbli.'liiii'r. I’miind Vol.'. e.\chali;ied fnr Nn.'. ji' ll^lla1. F. .F II \FF v'v SON. I»eC. 1'.'. IS-’il. \viN'n:K sriMM.v. '**7'F, are unw receiving mir wint-‘r siipi>l_\ ^ ^ of (innds, doors below flu* Mark‘t Unu>e, south side l‘er>nu street, where may b*' fnuiid the fnlliiwin;: articlc>: Siijiar nf a’,'. ;:raiK >, CnfT.-e, .■> Hhd>. Cuba Mnb.'ses—sweet, .'I llbls. .'•\iiip—a Sllperinr .’irticle. (ireen and F>lack Te.is. Cheese nf llirce diflerciit 'lualitics, I’.ii c, I'epper and .''pic»-, Kn|te .iii'I F.-iiTiriiiL:. • lO r.bls. Mack. rcl, Sh.iC' .ind F.nnts nf extra lar;_'e si/e, .Shnvcls. .''p.'i'ic'i and I nrks, ( nrii l‘iiiii;ihs and I’liiiits, .\\es nf the bc>t brand'. Kiiive> and Fnrks. N.iils and Imn. .'.U.IMMI Ills. Cntti.n Yarn. With a ;;reat m.iny nthcr articles cheap fnr Cush or exch.'in^ed for I’ru'Iuce. C.il! :iud .'=cc. Ci:( >SS Cl! FFK '( C. I»eiibnw. I’riV' t. Dee. L’O. IS'.F .'>l-tf H .I.SCAI’FII fmm the .lail of Ker.'h.-iw Iiistric'j aJ > I Monday the 1 Ith ilay of July last, .'.\.MI FF J. F()VF, vxho was cniivictcd fnr tiic murder of Kobert .1. Fester, at .Spi inji Term ot Court, .''aid Fnve is :ibout'JO or-I ycai of a;.xe. six feet two inches hi”h. 'not certain a^ re«rards his height, but siij'pnsed tn he thci'ja- bouts.) has dark hail, aiel nf a salh^'v cnmplex- inii, with a dnwiic.ist look; .-'ime ot ii!-» Imnt teeth a little decayed, ami I'ollnwi the oc> ujia- tioii of a ('arpenter. I will jiive the .-ibove reward to any ]iersnn who will .-ipprehenil the said >S. .1. Fnve aii'l In ljre him iii any .lail in this .Slate, nr One Hun dred and Filly hnllars fnr !iis safe cunliiieiiient ill any .lail iu the Fnited .St.ites, sn that 1 can };et him. .JOHN lN(ii: \M, Sherilf. Camden, S. C., -\u;.r. nO, IS il. llU-liui RETAIL AND WI-IOLESALS. €1(>^IF in to ihe Che.ip .'^ime. Nnrth side nf ' Hay street, mie ihmr abnve the ci.riier. and buy new Diy (Inmls. .\lso. Ileady-lnai;.' Clothiii'i, IFit.s :i!id Caps- 'ircat variciv. IS.V.VC liODD. Nov. 4. Is-M. ;;7-tf SALK.M l»Al’i:ii-\i!LL. THII F siil'^criber has taken char.;e of this old .M_ and well know n Fstablishiiient. aiel is [>rc- jiared to attend tti all orders for l*riiUiiiir l’a])cr, .Mcrciiaiits’ and l-'aclory \\ ^:lj>|)iIlL^ The Mill has recently been tlinroiij;hly I’cfitted with new iiiachinerv . :iiid the .'iib.'i riber believes he call liinii>h I’aper nf :is ;^n.ni i|ii;.'iity :ilid at as cheap prices ,is can be [iiiri li.ised any iierc, Nnrth nr .''nlllh. CM.Mll.FS F. Siior.Fi:. Salem, .lujie 7. l^ M. i • it 'i'ni *V S!tcet»3rini ISVerr V. AT Wimi.KS.M.K .\Mi l;KT.\ll,. S’\ T. ‘ OF!» FSTAF.FISIIFH TIN \Ni* SH FFl-I F.oN w ,\!:f m.\m f.\ctoi:v I.s llF.MoVl'.li tn the .'^Iiuth-Fa>i Cnnier nf .^l irket .''.|iiau‘. ic ;dy with thi' i;ecc.'Sary niachiiierv aii.l iiiatcii.ils I'.r litakiii” FA(. rouv Dia .MS twxs, And l l i!n .ill kiii'l nf wurk nf Factnrics. .\lsn, ItOOl'lNd. tiF l 'rillilNi;. aii'l all kinds nt .lOf.r.l N( I. d.iiie iiH shni t li'iticc, and by e\- j'crietii i d wni '^aicii. J.'; .\ cn!l>t;i:it .'llpply "f TiN kcjit nil ll.llld. C 'aiiti v Nien haiit' NKW FALL AM) W INTKll i.lNF OF nOATS is .still in sncce.'^s- _S. fill nperation on tlie Cape Fear Fiver, and cniitinwe to offer many faeilitie." to the shij>piii" jilitilii'. I’ei^-i.is i>atrnn’.'iiiir this Fill*', niav rv5t as sured lh.it tiicir (ien.Is will be brnii;;ht up with di.'pateli. and at the verv Inw est rates nf frei^iht. A. W. STFFF. I’resident. T. S. FF l TFIM.OII, A;reiit at Fiiy«-t(eville. Feb. 1'., IS-'.I. ‘ tf Uriisscls aiu! other ('arpctiii^s, lie.n th Uiiiirs, 1'i u;r;rets. Cruni>>-Clnths. I’iann aii'l Table Covers. Fnr s.iie bv .>T.\l’.ll \ W IFFF\M.'!. Nnv. IS.-,!. ;:7-tf Iusur/iisi‘€» ^B^lll> .Vl’I.NA Iiisiir.iiiee Cn!ii|i:iiiy ni’ Ilart- fnrd. ha\in;r p.iid th* t:ix impn.'cd b_\ the nevciiiie F.iw nf llie late Fev;islaliirc, will mn- tiiiiH' its A;.rencv in F.iyettex ille. under the management of the undersipied, who is pre- paied to issue I’nlicics of liisiirance on lliiild- iiies or (Innds, either in this Town or in any j.ait nf the .'^tate, nn prnper aJipHcatinll, de- seriptinii nf tlie I’rnperty. \c. The -FTN.\ ('().M1’.ANV has tieen iu nperatinn abniit oil yeai>. Its capital is The linn. Tho'. I\. Fi.ice was its first I’lesident, 1 and he still hnM> that nfliee; and several of its ! first llirectnrs :ire .'till active :iiid eJlicieiit mem- i bets nf the F.naiil. It has at all times sustained i the hi.i;hest eliaractcr fnr the priideiiee of ils | m..nai;emen!. and tor the liber.ility with which j il has ever adjusted it.-- Insses. F. .1. IIAFK. .‘.;rent. March 1(1, I. 0:i-tf HEWaiETTA LIKE OF I' at U l, ile'-ih and I’l |iricc'. Sej.t. !>' 1 UeMil. I'au he sitnplied at tl’.e very Inwest C. W '.NliF F'nVS. ;;'.i-V m A 11 F all in excellent nr.ier fnr biisine.'S. (>ur ’i'nvv I’mats have been recently repaired and iiiade -nnd :is new. We hav> also added a a-"■ Fl.it fnr Inw vvatv-r. and well adapted tn the service, .''he will c.irrv 7'Ml t>hls. merchandi/.e, and dra'.v mily "JO inched water. Thn>e favi.riiiL' n with their jiatmnaL'e. may exjiect as prniiipt and ehe:'.)> servu't* in every paitii ul.ir as anv nthcr Fine (•:in nller. (i. UFMINti. Fres't. I!. M. Oi:i!FFF. .\-uiit. .\. 1>. C\'/..\FN. .\,L'cnt It Wilmiii”tnu. Fayi’tteville. lU’c. I’l. 1>-)H. ..l-tf s'roiiA(;i:. 'F have coiiimndinus hrick W.andmuses If in the vear of mir Stnre, in wli'icli we 'tvire cnttoii ;ii.d nther prodin e. , 1). W. McFAFUlN. > Nov. 1, is.M. ni-tf I 'I'hc iiit uim 15FS1NFSS .".'IditinU t lioW '11 Sal9 of Lots for Taxes. A iUFF.\F>FV to an irder by the Cnurt of J’h-as and t.^hiarler Sessions nf Ciiiiiberland County. l>eeeniber Term. IS-M. I will expose tn Jiublic sale, fnr cash, at the Cnurt llnusc | in Fayetteville, on the 1st Monday in >F.irch i next, the fnllnwiii;r hits, or such p.arts thereof | ;is will pay the taxes due the town of Favette- I ville f'lir Ih-"*!), and all aecruin;.r ex)iens*‘s. viz: 1 Fnt oil Court Mouse .Sipiare, .Ino. .Stewart, valiu'd :i;I-j(H>, tax $'.* •'»>. •J Fots oil Mumford aiel Itoliinson .'Streets, \daiii Wynne, valued NKKMI. tax N.i Oil. C. DF.MINC, Cnllectnr. Fayetteville, Dec. Term, IS-'il. 'lO-tf _ NOTICK. flf^IIF sitb.seriber liavin". at December I erni. M Is'il. nf the Court of Fleas and (.Quarter Scs.'iniis fnr the county nf Cumberland, niiali- tied as Fxecutor to the last W ill an.l Testament of S.irali D.iwson. dee d, hereby ^'ives notice to all ]>ersniis haviiij; claims ajrainst the Fslate. to pre.sent the saiin*, duly aiilheiiticateil, within the time prescribed by law, or thi.s notice will be ple.-ided in b;ir of their recovery. Debtor.'! to th‘ said Fstate will please maVe immediate iiavmcnt. W. II. FOVF. Fx'r. Dee. :;(», IS'.l. w anti-:i), nOUO ft. Ashe Fnniber for W :i;.lons, 1 J f thick. :’.0(l(t ft. Seasoned Oak Fumber. 1 ; tn D«M> ft. White Oak and Hickory, fnr Axletrees. IDdU ft. White Oak fnr TniiL'ueji, F.nlsters and .Shafts. inO Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and W.il'^oiis. •JIlOO Spokes. For which the highest e.-i.'sh jirit e will be paid. .\j>plv soon to t' I FFl.li. May I'.t, IH.'iI. Su!)scrihcr slill carry . u the C XlilNF’f in l';i\etteville. and in his ilstabli'hiuent on near llccles s l»rid;j:e. has i.pcned a lar;je WAllF UOOM nn Hay street, nearly nppnsite the F.iycttev ille ll itel aii'l line dnnV Fast nf Messr.-. Hai.-h .V Smi'.'. where a "eiuT il assm tment i't J'H UMTl III:. M.i'lf bv ciiiiiiictent and faithful wn|-kmeii. may be had at prices cnrropniiiiiiip: with the tiines. .Mso, an a.'s'ii tiiicnt nf Ni rlheni-made FI FM- Tf 1;F. >elo> teil by hiiii>eU'. which will be sn’.d at a v( rv nindcr.ile a'lvaiice. l»l NCAN McNFU.F. Nnv. III. I'V'll. F keei.s nil h.ind :in a"'irlmeiit nf Fisk’-^ celebrated MFTAl.FlC I:FIIF\ F CA.SFS. which h.iM- been highly lecnmiiieiidcd b\ Willie P. Mau;.imu. Ileiirv ( lay. Fi’V\i.' ( as>. \\ ni. F. Ixiiiir. aii'l m.iiiy nther illiislrinus char.icters, whn have examiiie'l and witiies'cd their utility. lli* «l«l \orlli Akkv, Sll il 1 W Kf.l. i'; ('>• li;ivf jii.'t re- ceivela splendid a'Si.rtment nf S,i!'i:i ^'i/'m- black and -rey. f.. which they wmtld call [ the atteiitinn of the public. These iiomls will I’l.miiete in ipi.-ility and durability with the best of Nnrthem Cas.'imeres. :ind are much che.ii.er, i rair'ing fmm il.’.'. cents tn ."Si -■> p*‘r vaid. j Fayetteville, N. ( ., Oct. 14. 1> :.1. nlUf^ ifHIBII'i nr Celtic I IL .Manners, as ]ircservcd aiiinii}; tlie Hi;_di- I landers, being an histnrical ami de.'cripli\e ac- ' count of the inhabitants, Miitiiiuiliis. and na tional peculiarities of .Scotland, by .lames Fo- |^•ln .lust leccived ;Hid Inr s.ale b\ '■ F. .1. IIAFF .\- SON. rSi. sm ^ ;A. • n K Subs'.ribec.' are now receiving direct 3. from New ^ :.rk and Philadelphia, the lur- ger^t a*id handsnmc>t Stock ot Shtjtir (ukI doods That they have ever exhibited in thiK market, emhr.-iciiig evi-ry variety of Ladies' and tieiitle- luen’s DllFS.S (KKM*.'', anmiig vvhiidi iii.ay he fnund: Filuck and fancy vvali-red atid plain Dres.s Silks; 1ibi‘k mid fmn-y Cnbiirps: Lama Twills; figured and plain fancy and black Mohair Lus tres; Silk Warp !iud Crape Froeades: .Sw i.'S, Scotch and Chene (.iinghams; Saxony De-l.nins; French, Fnglish and .\mericaii Prints: Fmb d Cashmeres; plain ditto: eliiingeiible Dc-Laiiis; w.-itered and needle-wnrk Cji:.liniet"es; changea ble Yom-ses: llrocade Lustres: Damask .lioUans: hl.ack Iiomb.i/ines; sccnirl-mnuriiiiig Pnplins: pl.iin and w.-iiered Silk Mantillas: cnlored and iil.-ick ^'elvet .M.-iiitillas: F.mcade Pnplins; and a I:ir'.;p as.snrtmeiit nf Dress Triiiiniiiigs; French .•iii'l Fnglish .'deriiins; \’elvct .Neck llibbniis and Culfi*. \c. K>niHOlI>KHH>. Kn'iicli worked ( ol!ar« iind Capct^; Froticli worked Cuffs; French worked Chemisette.'^ I n- der-Sleeves: Swiss and .Fi( oiiet Trimmingf!: In- faiit.s' Waists and C.ips: lleni-stitehed and nee- dle-work»’d Finen Cambric llainikendiiefs, frniii In ct.«. to Si'i; and a be.'Uitifiil assi'it'i'.ent of Veils: every varictv nf Sii.-iwls. cmbroiilered and pl.iiii: Tliiead. Cnttmi and l.ineii Ivigiiigs uml Faces; black .Silk Laces and Ldging.s. —.\I.SO— P.l.iek. blue, blown Mid green Freneli »im( Fn*.rli^li Cloths: bl.ack and lancv' ( .*!ssiniei*4*h; Cut Velvet, figured and black .Satin ami \ .ileii- eia \'estings, (.some verv h:iiid>nme:) S.-ittiuets; Kentucky .Ie:ins; Twecus; Finsevs; Haiinelt*. wool aiui cnttnii: Osnaburgs: Driigvrefs: DaJiiask Table ('oths; ditto Najikins: ('entre-TabU* Cov ers. verv fine; Piano Covprs; Irish Finens: Fin en Lawns; Thread I'.-inibrics; Towellings: Ccn- tleiiien s .Merino .''hirts and Dr.iwers: .Silk Neck and I’ockot Handkerchiefs; F.-idies' .Merino Vests; Cashmere ;ind Silk Hose; ditto Half-Hose; the eelebratfd Salem .leans, black and jtrey. Ladies', (ieutlemen's uud Children's FOOTS and Silt >F.S. I Men's. F.«ys‘ at\'l Infants' ilats and Caps, j X'elvel, .S.-itin, .''traw and Florence Foiiiiets. Ditto ditto ditto fur Mis>es. .\nd every article usu.-illy kejit in a Dry (ioodrf Stnre. jr;_.v- Wr invite th‘ publie to call and exam- itie nur lar.iie and handsome .Stock, s.s w«' are al- wavs aiixinus to shnw our tioods. £rv“ n’ /.v»y; Siiilir, Till (till} Ciijli'r. .\P.FV, SllFMWF.LL .'i CO. return th«nk% to the citi/.eli'^ of !■ ayetteville, :ind the public ■reiierally. fnr the- very liberal pnlrnmi?e hrrc- tnfnee t)i‘stiivvt'd on them, and intend, liy !*trict ,-ittcntinn to bu.Viness. to merit a enntinnance. S. S. ai;f\ . P. SMFMWFLI,. .1. I{. McDONALD. F.iyettevillo. Se]it. I-"). IS il. -Itf ! IIAV. f 15ALFS H.VV. .'(iin IIusIii'I:* Corn. For sale by Dec. ll. IH.'d. W. IF LFTTFUFOIL 4 I-tf Cumberland Superior Court of Law. Sl’lX’lAL TKUM. PrPil.IC Notice is hereby given, that a .Sjic- cial Term of Cumberland Superior Court I of Faw will fit* held nii the lid Mnnday in heb- 1 riiary l.^VJ. fbr the trial nf such Civil ('ase.s a9 i were nn tfie trial dneket at Fall Term. F^^ il. j .Siiitoi-s and witnesse.s will t.ike due notice thereof ,'ind irovem themselve.' accnrdingly. D. (i. -MAC U.\F. Clerk. Nov. L’l’, IS'.F 4liic V E G E T A B L-E DYSPEPSIA BIHERS, I iiK. Mosr roi’i f..\ii FAMILY MEDICINE O K T II K .V tii K ! I sell 1)V I’Insiriaiis of llish Slniitlin?. ■flic-.' IUT'ri-.i;S leiiHUP ;ill niiiiliil surietimn, PMIIU li.e 111 1 isni- 1,'ie.il I.iiii- iOi.l vij;.ir li. llie le.;i 'li' t- 111 ;;:ill' Inrlil v I lie «> -leiii ;ii;aili't all liltio • .li'. M'C o;iii"l'e t;ikt u w illi '^ili lv. iit im time ileliili tillin'' till- |'.*li>'iit I'l iii;; urjo.-inl 111 llii- iiiii't ilfli- IMII'"'"la-iicli. ati'l H iii:nl,iil.l.- Inr tli. ii cliremiK, Ol V i-.i.i .^liii;; .111*1 i r.-t'ii‘Oi'i* Jii*>l'Ci- 111*', .ili'l 111 iii\.'lluiil'ie .'in'l ^lIl.* leino.lv l"r i»vsri:rsi\ i.\ its m oust for:>i.s. \l-.i. I.l\.*i I iimiil.iiiit*.. laiiii'lii e. Ili'iiilliiiili. III- li.eii. *.>. l-iiiiitii.'-'. Di'.ii.liT'i»l llie skill mii.I l.i\er. I .1" 111 \|i|*i*lit.-. !...» S|.!lilN. Nfi*i.ii' ll^j.hn-lie, I .C. lii,'vv r.'li'il.ili.iii i>l 'lie ll.'.iK. Siiil,iii..{ .111*1 1-ull- l,|.'-- el U *ijrlii 111 tlie Sliiiii.ich. :iinl nil ntliei ili'ra«*-l f;i:i'.*il ll) ;ni iiiH'Hii' '*i:iti* 111 ll'*’ l'1'ii.l. Ii'**i'. etc., v. '.ii. ll toii'l :i> 'l.*l«ilit:ile iiii l weiikeii llie »leiii. 1 II.WF iust received frniu New \ork, iny FAl.L .\nD WlNTFll Stock of j!oo(U, Consisting of a general assortment of Dry (ioods. (I’rorcrii's. Ilnrdwiirc. riillrry, kt. I will barter f'or TFIIPFNTINF, or any kiml of I’rniluce. Oct. 2S, 1S.">0. KIN(i, 1(1 miles North of Fayettevillo, 4;Uf .Sjiades, Shovel)*, V i: >i A 1. i: s 1;0 i iiiiHtitMtal coii’Utiun UiMi tlii'* 1 n inches iiiche.s. A CARD. raiHK iinder.signed takes this opportunity of B iiifornrnig his Iriouds an»l merchants g;u- erallv, that having become interested in the house of KAFST \ W 1 NKliUFNFK, No. OSA North Htl street aliove .\rch, Philadelphia, he will be j.repared to see them there this coming Siir’iig with an entire new and well selected Stock of IIAUDWAUF, CFTLFllV, (JL'NS, ic., uurcliased at the lowest cash prices here and lu Europe, which will be sold to them on the most favunib’lc terms uml at reduced prices. W.M. M. CAP/PKU. Dec. :J1, STlvlM MlKIILi: Wdl'.KN, (’urner of North ami Moiiiinu'iit Slnrls, ICsiltiiiioro, Sisson & ILMFD having comi.leted thcirex- tensive works, (wiiich is now one of the largest establishments of tho kind iii thi.s eouii- trv,) are prepnred to till all onlers in their line. viV,: Marble Mantels, Moininieiits. Tombs, Crave >toiies. Table Tops, Tiles, (for floors,) Marble betters, t.tc., at as reasonable rates as eau be had in this or any other city in the Union. For be.Mity of execution and originality of de- sii'ii, their stock cannot be surpassed, I hex would respectfully invite Cahiiict Mid-rrg and others to call atid examine before purchasing. They are also prepared to furnish the trade with Slabs, Blocks, &c. to or der. Jfejy- All orders l>v mail jtmictually attended to. ‘ % Watrln^s aiid J‘\v(‘lrv, At aitd Uciail. .1. M. in:.\sLi:v 'cm/'oFLD rcspectinlly infnn.i the public w\ generally, thal he has i.'tiinicd iccent- ly from New Vnik, with decidcdly a large as- soitnicnt of llVftrhf’H and .Maiiv of these Watches were bought for C \SH P.V THF P.\CI\.\(1F, and can therefmcbc >nld verv low. He has Watches of ail kind,'-. Chains, Kevs and .Seals nf all kinds and nf the latest .!tvU*s: Fingcr-lliiigs, Far-F.in^s, Me.lallions. nt all sizes, of FiiL-lisli .-iiid .\nicric.in make; Fa- dies' Chatelaines; Cutl Pins: Collar and Sleev«- Fiittiins; Shirt Studs: (inld Spectacles, light and heavy; (inld Pens and Pi'iicils: Cold and Silver Thinibles; P.racelets; Silver Fruit and Flitter Knives; Silver Spoons of all size.s: large lot of pncket Ciitler.v: .^cissms. best niiality; P.utton- hole Scissors. .Surveynr's Coni]iasses and Ch:iiiis; Matheniatic.il liistrumeiits; large i|Uantity of fine and common Pistols; fine and common siti- irle and double-barrel CuO': Came Hags; Shot P.elts and Powder Flasks: Military (ioods, in- clndin"- the |!ass Drum and the smallest Futton; Violins :ind extra Fows; Flutes, t.'larionets. Fhi- ii-eolets. .\ccordeoiis, of all kinds and sizi’s; Mu sic lloxes; P(*rfnnu*rv: .Soap; F.'ither ilruslie.s; Uaxors and .Strops; Dressing and i’oeket Combs: Plated and F>ritaiinia Ware; and various other things too tedious to enumerate. Call and give me a trial. Cash paid for old G^ld and .Silver. Briy*’^V.\'i' iii;s ami Jt:\vKi.itV neatly Hepaircd. Fiii/itticUIr, X. r.—Xiirth-Eiisf Citrnir nf Miirki t Siiiiiin. ‘ .1. M. I’.FASLFV. INESTIIVIABLE VALUE. In .Ml I >.i .1 1.1 liK.NKi: M. liKllll.irV, this .Me.li- Cli.i A I'S I.IKK. \ I I! MiM '. THOUSill^TDS ti’^teil 11' ellieiM'V . aii'l llnllI':iIlll^ mule :ui’ iinw j illnU‘I 11 i':il 1111*111 : iOnl im! ..lie siiiiTllIv Cli.*e.il liiltllie M*i I..'. II 'I. ' i.lillii.*' cm.1.1 I.r llll.'l « ill. 1*1*1 lil'ic.iU*' III 11.I1-.C \x lio li.ive lieeii jvciiii.«in*inly I* me 1. I'all oil tlir .\srnt, ainl fr«-t a 1 ...Iiiiiii.i..' il.e 1*1 lilii HU*'nf lien.Ill kiilile iii^« »H'l I 111** \ ’1. «"'ill'*'''''" '■''.‘•'U t'.o' Veil iliil.■ I'.lil in llii" I'ul'hc l l.*-- ciiii In* liu.l .11 ll.e V>ri-iit., life Large Quarts $1; Pints 50 Cents. Svid by nil till /’rinri/iti, D, ii'^ant!. in the I'liltiil mill Canadus. Prir,ci|.al Crt-'.-c. I'.'; H I.TIIN ST . N V. tio-Uur» | For sale by .1. IllNSDALK. Nnvember.''^ l.S-il. ;*.K-y j:. V. H.VliL, OF liO.MH, ^nri-cssDr >/ Ihllf, Sin /,'i ff l' S now receiving his Fall STO( K nf (lOOf).s, C. T. IIAKUI & SOX oI’l'Kll Full SAl.F.; FW (frleans, I’orto i!i«'o. Ilefined, Crushed, .4.^ Lnaf and Havana .'■^iig.-ir. Ilio, Lagnira. and old (iov t .lava Coffee. Dundee, (iiinny, .-iiid P.iirlaii.f Jhigging. Pioj-e and Twine. Iron, Nails. .Salt. .Mol;i.ss(‘.'‘. Cheese and Ilaisins. l»lacksmith>' Tool.*, ,\se> Hoes. .''c_\thes. Trace and llalter Chiiiii.s. F.aiiil aii'l Hoop Iriiii. W hite Fead in (»il. Spanish Frown, Fed Lead. (ilass. Putty, F.uckcls. F.ioniiis. Mackerel, iu barcels and halt diltii. Nc'j:ro Shoes. Taiiner.*j' Oil. Tin Plate. Wire. Supi'rinr (Irreii and I’laek leas. Saleratiis. Snap. Snutt. PeppiT, (iiii;ier. Spice. Niitnie^H. Sperm and .\daniaiitine Candles. I’ar Fead. .Shot, Powder, ^lc. »\.C. Nov. 2S, IS.'.l. 4ltf w:u hr J!, I l l n il {»/ III! l!i s Ul the Hi'nr, ToNSofSWFDFS IFoN.by K. C. M A LL. of' Home, I Oct. IS, IS.-,I. consisting o* Heiicral assnrtiaeiit nl FFLL .SFT.S country-made I5KFFCII- ■ ING, for wagons. J. v'': T. WADDILL. N'.jv. 10, ^'^tf Dry Cioods, Sa(l(ll('i \. I C aj)S, SliCM'S, I 1;u{1n\ :!«•(•, (Jroccrics. A m.ich larger and lanre general sti ck than over opened on the F:ist siih* ol the ( ajie Fear — which he iis prcp.avc! and determined to sell to i.unctual custoiners. either at wholes.ile or retuil. ut greatly r>-duccd prices. ; woul'i c:il1 attention tn hir' stock of F.OOTS AND ."lloFS. The assortment : is unusually large, and of every iiualitv and i St vie: and haviiijt been bnu;.;ht fnr (.ash, he caU j and will sell them very Inw. j You that wish Fargaius will find it to your \ interest to iiive the .Stock an exaniiiiation before I buying elsewhere. ^ _ i Alw.ivs on hand, u general stock of tlUOCK- niFS. ‘ * Oct. IS, IKil. "-«■ I ‘JTeu! TfttI Ten!! ICIIF.ST VOFNC: HYSON, 1 ditto (iiinpiiMder, 1 Cattv Imperial. . For-ale by 'MS. FANKs. Oc;. 1’^-'. I?"'!* 1SR0T11!:11S \M. raiMK Steamer Ul’.OTH FF.S and Tnw P.oafs, JL STKVFN.SON and D.W ID LFN' F"^ -ire pre- jiared tn forward with DksP.vti n, all gnmls con signed to the Projirietor. The .Steamer Frntherf" is nf light dr*ift. iiiid well suited to run in low wa.'er. .''he pos-essi-s jiower, and S]ieed, and is admirably .-idapled tu towing, and can aecniiimodate about i.as;>en- gers. The prnprietnr emitemplafes riiiiiiiii'r the Unat him.self. .ind will give special attcntinn to way frei'/ht and naval stnres; to tnwiiig. and will iil- .so attend to the cniiifnrt and conveiiieiiee of P.issen'.'ers. Frniii iiis long experience as .'.gent ill Wilmington of the several Steam Foat Coni- paiiie*. he think- be can sati,«‘.'act;nii. Tn Merchants in the interinr he would »i:y, that all (inn.ls shipped by him, will b,* lU'iiveeod to their Agents iti I'.nyetteville. His agent ii) Wilniingt'iii is .DUlN C. L.STT.V. tn whmn all e.omtiiiinicaflolis may 1k' adilre***sed. .i« \;:i‘nt uf the rftLaiiicr llrotliers. JOHN L’ANKS, Pr,*rri.*t*^r. { J ■*;

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