S E MI-W B B It 1, T. V(M.. I.] rAYKTTKVIIJj:, N. C., '11 ESDAY MOIiMNG, JANUARY ‘2T, \8o2. Miuji ■ ■— [NO. .‘f).] Pl-lMKl' HV ,1. It. NKWHV. I'J'U AIM) J. HALE & SOX, vNi) nun'KiKTous. , - >. 1 . ockly OnsKiiVEU W if . .l ivftm'o; ^4 .'lO if paid during the • «:ih^rr;i>li"U: or afti-r the vojir han - f a.-.k’v i»i;-'i'UVKU 00 per uniiiiin, if ; it! aiivr.n. iv ■'>• if paid durinp the '■ •a'ls riptU.ii: (>r >!:’> (,M» after tlic vrar - t ;NI|'.N'1'S iusorlcd for sixty cents 1 . !i.‘ind tliirty cents for each li.Mt’-'ii, Venrly ndverti«enuMit« : , T'. .It reasoiifililo rules. Ad- • 111 ,«t:«te the nuniher of ■■i. >r they will lie cuntiiiued till r_- 1 .u-i-orilin^ly. IMit'-rs iiiu«' lie po!»t-p;iid. \i:w I'KOl’ MOI.ASSKS. . ^ i>riine article. . v,f ■>". 1 >1"f I'hoicc Imperial TKA. . „ v H. IJK.VNSON AC SON. . •. I--. r.Ttf NO riC~K. • . f I ■|ii>’''erl;ind ('I'unfy Court. 2 • ‘'I S.iTur !;i\ the 1 Itli I'eliniiiry ■ l!.'*' f 'lirt 11-;ise d r iii the '• •• .I'.f. .>11 ;i ereilit of si\ usoiitlis. ■ j ti> till- >>f I,. A. •. -a’ .!; l;ti. liO years of 'It : I. :iv.d her t w 11 i-hi’ilreii, one •■'her yo;»r' i.f Hce. Note? : ' sciMirity will be rcpiired of tlio F. I*. HUKKi'K. Adm’r. j'lT-'itj'd ^5’ ts >» ';/• ^Il/I for .'n/c. f.viileand Western I’laiik Ko.id ■ wiii ell one of their Str.-nn Saw ■ 1 17 mileti from ('.-trtli.tire. '■■ited near ,V‘lihorou;jrh. . :iir \l-'l it •‘tands will he very ■ r!.!> very ai'i-*iniuiolatiiifr. ni:iv he ma le to the «ndei i»i}riieJ. i:i>u ;> i.i'.K \viNsi.t»\v. I’rersideiit. \c. . .T in. r.'. .'.T-.'U- •It V,man i-opy two weeks. ]\\Al \\AS'VVA). ' f th‘ Lunitierton Mule \c.nd- ;sh ' |ir>'iMire a Ti-afher fi>r ihi' t' ■ : .ivieTice aiiout the 1st March .•'h time the present S('.,,i,,n will ■ !.f iim>!t he well i(iialified to te«.*h r- : . :. > of ail Knglish eduoati'iii. ;i :i':d lirei’W lanjiii.'igcs. r.iti''* I'uiiion ait* •>S, >!ll>, and 'H. i-r )f Scholars will be limited to ■ *' iii can ho addressed to \' Ki; KN* 11. I.umbertnn. N. C. 7-:5t ru! T ;s. siiurp.s. vvc. •’.v., for plantinjr trvoi^. «hruhs. ■ 'inc'. strawberries, r:isp>nTries. ■ . ihe :lryer the prounil the het- - • ! *' '-• in round the roots clo.ser :th-oit that p^ickin" which takes t weather. ■I t; i.r shnib. di}T a larj^e hole and , ri''li enoiiirh to jrrow pood corn. !•,; -t i a mixture of m^llotr clay, t.-il'le matter, ami a littU-ashes plant fij{s and otlier teinlcr ■ A , ■•1 1* of a tViii-e »ir house. ji i hut the sudden ch.instes that COI NTY CUEDrrORS. tl/L person.s having clDims against the ( otinty of ('umberland are retjueyted to present them to .Ino. McL.-iurin, (,'lerk of the ( outity 'ourt, before the 1st ^,f KeKrunrj ne\t. without fail. Notice is lu'reby given to all juiblic OfficerB. rrcciver.x of public money.«, that they are re quired to have their accoinit.s ready to lay be fore the ('omniittee of Finance on that day, a." reriuirel by law. Hv oviler of the Committee. DKMINO. Ch n. F'Hyetteville. Jan. IJ?, lSf\2. ij6-t1 F NKW ( AuTMyriNG. IJOl.I.S Hru.^sels. Ingrain and Stair JL*" Carpeting, new and fushio»able I’iit- terns. just receive*!. —also— 1-') kegs Spikes and large Nails, 2') boxes Kaisins, o(( bags Shot, Indigo. ('hi>cnhkte. Salad and f'astor Oil, with an atidition to our Stock of Hardware. S. W. TII.LINtlllAST CO. Nov. ISM. 4■•^tf Jl'S l' RK( r.lVKI),' lU’.L.S. Northern WIII.'^KKV. Olr S. W. TILLIN(.;HAST jt (,’(). I>ec. 10, IS.M. 47tf TIIOS. M. TILL1N(;HAST, BooK-ni3rnr>ie. Anderson St., Fayetteville, N. C., 01*)’(.>S1TK MR. AV. WlNSI.OW’.s; 1..WV OFKU'K. Music nently houtid at short notice. Pamphlets and I’l'rioilicali* bound, and old Ib.oks re-1 riimd. in a .«ul ,'tantial m.inner. l>ec. S, 1''.'>1. 4'itf A rev, ^hniiwrll ^ t'o. HAVK one piece extrj* tine 7-4 bl:ick French CLOTIl. to whicli they would call the attention of the public. Oct. 1-'.. IS.'.l. .^’tf lOO.OOO Acrt's \ ;il(ial)lc T I M i{ i: n I. A N I) s FOH S\I.K. IIK Suliscribcr has purchased all the Lnnd.s fl liclonging to the listate of Abr.nm Dubois, dec •!, lying pr)!ii ipall_\ in l{oheson cmintv. and "11 both sides of Lumber Ui\er. the different t»ur- veys C"iita;ning Ovor 1()(),0()0 Acrc's; l.-irge pj\rt finely Timbered, anti convenient to Lumber Uiver, where .a large (piantity of Tim ber i.x now rafted to the tieorgetown market. These L.anils arc very vabiable both for the Timber and 'I'urpentine. for which purpote a large ]>art is well .■suited, being in a region whiTe the Tiiri'cntine yields more abundantl’. than any other section tif the .''tate. The Lands will be -told at a hiw price, and in (piantities to • 'lit purcha-'ers. lliK’riiiation respecting the title ran be ob tained hv a"),lviii!i to the lion. llobiTt Strange. Hon. I)obbin. or A. T. Smith, Ks-i.. (Attorneys at Law.) I understanil there are many trespassers on these L.'inds. to all of whom notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforced against all such offenders. .\pplication for any part «f the T.,.ands can be maile to my'iclf, «r to .lohn N\ in«l'->w. F.srj.. who i dulv authorised to make sale of the same. THOS. J. ( L ltTlS. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 1, 184A. 7*>tf II. c, H TTLULOIL llowan St. .',7tf (;aki)i:n si:kds. rfi-eived. a large a-'snrtment of Lan- •h‘>; celchrated i \1'I>KN .SI'KI>S. war 'll and Li'nuine. of the crop of 18-il. S. T. IIAWLKV & SON. ! - ‘.L’. .'>7-*’>t LAM) FOK SAI/k. ■■ -. ji^cr oflcrs for sale his tract of li. ih whirh there is a good dwelling r !i iivi‘s. s iw and grist mill, lying ■ ■' th r":id, nine tniles from Fayette- m I a h:ilf miles from Cape Fe.-ir : • ' j-' tter'i if .Tff'irds a rar" chance. '.’"Ill hi.xcs already cut, and from ■i.i^lit still be opened. ti "1 hi-ation for a Turjientine - ' ' I’ !’id made known on applica- N \TIIAM1;L McAl’iTIiril. ^ ; '.J /i7tf r I{i:( K!\ Kl). \1 tMixex and h.'ilf ditto. kiT.. 1. ii rel'- and h.alf bbls. dn. halfbbN. BOOK lilNOF.UY. AV. H.VKDIE has resumed the Book liinrling IJuiHines.s at the new Store next door to Mr. HeHJiley, Jeweller, where he will re ceive and cxccute binding in any atyle desired. •\ugust 1. '27 tf •1 Card* n.WTNti suntnined a severe los.s )y the fire on the night of tiie lid .lanuary, I am compelled to call on all tho?c who are indebted to me to 'make immediat“ jiayment. If they catinot settle in full, pay what they can, either in ca.sh or notes negotiable at Ihink. 1 have saved iJJ Carriages of dilTcrent kind.s, | counties, completely finished, :ind as m.any more nearly fini.shcd, which I will sell at reduced prices for cash or notes at liank. A. A. McKHTIIAN. Jan’y •'>. IH.'ii.’. .S3tf A PROCLAMATION, By Ilif. Kxrdhnry David S. Gov- crnnr t>f the Sttitr of North Carolina. \\nKur..\s, three-fifths of the whole nttmber of members of each House of the (Jeneral .As sembly (lid at the lust se-sion j»a«.s the followinjt ■\ct: AN* ACT t(i amend A\c Constitution of North Carolina. AN iiFHF.AS, The freehold qualification now re quired for the electors for members of the Sen- ■ite conflicts with the fundameiit.al principles of liberty; Therefore. Sk('. 1. /If 1/ enarlfii },y the (ieniritl Afsnnhlp oj the Statf of S'orlh Ctirnliun, ami it is hrrrhij enaetfd hy th' authoriti/ o/ the fame, three-fifths of the whole nttmber of nteinbers of each House concurring, that the sei >nd clause of third sec- tioji of the first .\rticle of the amended Consti tution r.atifieI by the people of North Carolina on the second .Mon«laj’ of November, A. I>.. ls:?ri, be amended by striking out the wonls “■ind possessed of a freehold within the same district of tifty acres of laml for six month.s next before and at the day of eh'ction." so that the said clatise of said section shall read as fol lows: All free white men of the age of twenty- one years (except as is hereinafter flerl.ired I who have been inhabitants of any one district within the State twelve month.s iiMinediately preceding the day of any election and shall have paid j)ublic taxes, sh.-ill be entitled to vote for a member of the Senate. Sk’. ll. />• if furthrr (nnrtrt^. That the fiov- ernor of the .St.-ite be, and he is hereby diri-'ted. to i-xue liis I’roclamation to the peopb- of North Carolina, at lenst six months Viefore the next election for members of the lieneral .\ssemt>lv. setting forth the purjxirt of this .\ct and tin umeixlment of the Constitution herein (irojiosed. wliich rtdolamalion shall be accoiiipaiiied by a true and perfect copy of t\\e .\ct. nnthenticatcd by tiie certific.ate of the S>-cretary of St.ite, and both the I’roclamatiim and the copy of this .Vet. the Ciovernor of the State shall cause to be pub lished in all the newsjiapers of this State, and pi steil it) the ('*>urt Hou.*:es of the respective (’otinties in this St.ate. at le:*st six months be- fnre the election of members to the next len- eral Assemlily. Head three times an«l agreed to by three- fifths of the whole number of members of each House respecti\ely, ami ratifieil in (ieneral As- fcemblv. this the lllth liav of.Ianuarv, I'^-M. J. (’. 1»»U1UN.‘ S. H. C. W. N. KPWAKDS. S. S. St\tk ok North C.mioi.i.na, t of Seerttnr;/ of Su::r. i 1 WiT.LiAM Htt.i., Secretary of St.ate. in and for the State of North t'arolin.-i. do hereby cer tify th.at the fnrecoing is a trrie ami perfei-t copy of an .\ct if the (;en» ral A'^senilily of thi.s Stiite. drawn otl from the original on file in this oflice. (liven under my hanil, this :11st day of Ik'cemlier. IS'il. M. HILL. S'c'v f,j ^tdt'. ' Am> iirp.r.^s. the saiil ,\ot provitjes for n- mending the Constitution of the State of North Carolina so as to confer on every qualified voter for the House of Commons the right to vote al so fi>r the .‘'enate; Now, therefore, to the end that it may be . made known that if the uforesail amendment to the Constitution shall be agreed to by tw**- thirds of the wlnde representation in each house of the next Ceneral Assembly, it will then be : ■uhmittefl to the people for ratification. 1 have iisuei this my I’roclamation in conformity with, the provisions of the before-recited Act. In testimony whereof. l)\vii> S. Kr.in. (lov- j ernor of the .''tate of North Carolina, iiath here unto set hi.-* h.and and caused the tireut Seal of the said State to be aftixed. Done at the ('ity of I’n’.eigh, on the i . , ■^thirty-first day of December, in the ‘ • , year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fift_v-one. ami in the 7bth vear of our Independence. DAVID S. KLID. By the Governor, Tiior.^s .'KTTi.r., ,Ir., T'rivate Sec y. I’ersons into whose hands this Vroclamafion niav fall, will please see that a copy of it i« j posted up ill the Court House of their re*pee- i tive counties. fol' tK NATIONAL SERIES OF ^^taiKiard !$ckool Rooksi, PUHLISHED BV A. S. BAIINKS & €()„ r>l John street. Now York, attention of School Teachers, School A Committees, and the friends of Fidueation generally, are in\itecl to the following vabialile Text Books for Schoids, Academies and Colleges: D A VIKS' M A TIIL .M TICS. Hrtail prices. IS r>o llEWAilD! ' i.m.vf.. u. TILLINOIIAST .V CO. .)7tf n NO'l'ICI',. ‘h si'veral f'thers. been burnt •• iii'iinintr of the :!d instant, I ri ■|iic'.t persons indebtel to me. r 1 I in!i!t, to call and settle, as llOHlfV. ALi;.\ U M. LACCHLIN. .')7tf S|)rinx Steel of various sizes, suitable for Huf.b.'jrd’s Patent Buggies. Likewise, a large and general assortment Sweiies, F.nglish and American Iron, suitable for C.-rriage makers. .lust received and for sale on favorable terms. Aj.ply to 1$. BOSK .t SON. Fayetteville. .Lan'v o. IhO'J. .j3-6w FOR rilF FARMFRS. ^^TK.VW CUTTERS, (’orn Shelters, Harrows. ^5 rioughs and 1’hmgh fixtures of difTerent patterns, &c. &c. For sale bv J. &'t. WADDILL. Oct. 1, J7tf nC7^N*rt}i C'jirolina Doiiu'stic Woollen (ioods, of superior quality, on con signment and f'jr s.ale at Factory prices. .\p- ply to B. KOSi: SON. Jan’y IS'.C. r>:l-t;w RKDUCKD FARE. rB''^HIini'CiH Tickets between Wilmington. N. I. C . and Baltimore. Fare $1^. Via Wel don, I’etersburg, Richmond, and Washington City, or via Weldon, Port'smo\ith and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the Office of the Wil mington and Raleigh Bail Road C ompany, at Wilmington, or at the Office of the Baltimore Steam I’aeket Company, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Bond Company, Pratt Street, Baltinitire. Jan. 1, ISVJ. 53-tf T MAKfN(;. .ilii-r- ha\e just opened an Us ui..i,t f,r A IMil A» i K M\KIN;,in ' "r.Hielii-s Ml this place, with eve- - ' "M'luctitig the .same. 'h ]'ii tments of w ood-work, paint- i;; '.iid iron-vv'ii k, they have cxperi- ' "" 'I. ami the whiJe will receive their : 'lli..I|. !‘"ii j|,,, rijrlit of Hubbard’s T -priiip-. whirh i.i highly re- ■'I'l v ;_'rfat iniprovenient. iii 'oi ;,ii \vi,rk going from thdr ' i|'ial ill appi :iranc- and durabil- ■ ill the State. ' trial. " : UODflEIiS^cHUXN. 1-, Is.'/* r- •> • ) * ^ —• ;* i. 'm I N ION ACAI)F\fY. r^HK building of this Institution i.s now in JL a state of comjiletion. It is large and commodious. It is pleasantly located in a fine neighborhood, and in a very salubrious part of Robeson county, twelve miles west from Luim- berton, about half mile south of the road lead ing from thence to Alfordsville. The first session of this Institution will com mence 1,11 the 2d Monday of Jannary, un der the care of Mr. iile« Leitch, who is a a;ra- ibiatc >f the I'niversity of North Carolina. Terwx fif Tuition, per Session, rii: Spelling, reading and writing, 00 .\rithmetic. Knglish (Srammar, Oeogra- jihy and History, 10 0f> Latin. !nck, French, and the higher liranehes of Mathematics, 12 00 Bo.ird can be obtained at the Academy, and at ccinvenieiit distances in the neighfiorluxtd, at from five to six ilollars ]>er month. r>y order of the Trustees. JOHN TAVLOR, Secy. Dec. 2;», IH.'.I. .Vcir Firm, Tlu^ uiulersi«^ne(I have entered into cojiartnership. tinder the nnrne and style of H ALL .'C SACKKTT. for the piirjiose of doing a Dry (toods anl Hardware Bu.siness, and have taken the Store o doors East of the Fiiyetteville HoteL J. H. hall. A. K. HALL. T. M. SACKKTT. August 20, 1861. IGtf ViLlllllLKIJMISlOllSiUi. ^■'^HK subscriber having determined to make Jl. a removal to the South West next Fall, offers for sale his LANDS on Lower Little Riv er and on Cape Fear. :!7')1 acres of up land, L'» miles from Fayette ville, and within 4 to miles of the Fayetteville 1 and Raleigh Plank Road. I This tract may be advantageously dividel, as I there are on the tr.icf three g.M»d dwellings and out-houses. On that part of the tract where he resiiies, there is a comfortable dwelling and all out-houses: a good saw and grist mill, the saw mill running two saws; jdenty of good tim ber, and a fine chance of making Ttirpentine—■ about 2>,f*00 boxes cut within 4 to 'y miles of a Still. acres of the land cleared, some swamp land in cultivation, and a large body, ver}' rich, to clear. Also, 17fM» acres of Pine Land, tolerably well timV>ered, good for Turpentiae. Also, 41-^ acres of land on Cape Fear River, l.jO acres in a high state of ctiltivation. These lands on Cape Fear were valued 25 years ago at 10 to 11 dollars per acre. The improvement of the navigatiou of the Cape Fear River renders these latifls verj' valua ble, as the planters on the River may ship their produce ilirectly from their bam doors. It is not often that such lands are ofTcreil for sale in this county. The Fayetteville ami Ra leigh Plank Road, when completed to Lower Little River, brings thes« lauds within 7 to 8 miles of Fayetteville. These lands will be sold oti very easy and ac commodating terms, as the subscriber intends to settle with his children, who are about to re main in the South West. He may be found at his resilience, a:ii| on application t^> him, or J. S. Williams, the land.>- may be examined by any one wishing to Vmy. A LEX AN DEB WIL LI A .MS. Jan’y 1, 1H.',2. 5;i-4w :’.K 1 f>0 ;■)(> i oil ■ r.o .'■>0 1.'. O", ;!s li;: Davies' First Lessoiifi in Arithmetic Davies' School .\rithinetic, :!7 Davies’ (Irammar of .Arithmetic, ;;i Da vie,s' Cniversity .Arithmetic, Davies’ Elementary .Algebra, 7') Davies’ Elementary Geometry ami Trig onometry, 00 Davies’ Practical Oeometry anti Mensu ration, 7'» Davies’ Bourdon's Algebra, 1 2-"> Davies’ Legendre's Ceometry. new edition 1 Davies’ Elements of Surveying, I Davies' l>ogic of Matiicinatics. 1 Chambers' Treasury of Knowledge, Cl.ark's Elements of Dr.iwing, Chamlx'rs’ Nuturnl I’hilosophy, Beid and Bain's Chemistry and r.lectricity, Hamilton’s Vegetable and .Vniinal I’hys- ioh>py. Chambers’ Elements of Zoology, P:ige's Elements of (Jeology, Parker’s First Lessons in Natural Philo sophy. Parker's Compendium of School Philo- sojihy, Mclntire on the I’se of the Globes, 75 Kultot\ S: Eastman's Copy Books (Nos. 1, '2 iinrf ;i. each 10 Fulton A Kastman's Penmanship. 22 Fulton iS: Eastman's Book-keeping (Sin gle anil Double Entry i 7.') j Brooks' First Latin Lessons. I I’rooks’ (hid's Met«niorphiises, 2 Brooks' Collectanea Evangelica, Brofiks" First (ireek Lessons, Parker's First School Be.aiLr, P:irk(‘r's .Second i^chool Reader, P.arker's Third School Reailer, Parker's Fourth School Reader, Parker's Bhetorical Reader. Martin's (Mhoej)i>t, word.s of difficnlt jiron uiiciation, North« lid's Little .''peaker. Northend's .\merican Speaker. Nllrt!lend'^ Scliool 1 •i:ib>gue“. Willard's History of the I’nited St.ites, Willard's I'niversal History. 1 ZhcIio’s New American .Speaker. J 2'> .Vny of the above Mooks cjin be fouml ;it the I’ookstore of E. .1. Hale A: Son. Fayetteville. Jau'y 1. lS-')2. •'>2-;?m NOTR'i:. A LL persons indebted to the .•subscriber for , iBi (ioods piirehnsed at Floral .’ollege, are re- qncited to make immediate jia\mi-'nt. either to Mr. H iiirh .Mc.Vrn in the neighborhood, or tn him.-»elf iu Cheraw. D. 15. .Mi-.MIN. Cheraw, T)er. 2n, 1>'.'>1. .'n-u' IRFDFI.I/S RFPOK rs. fr.ST publi.^hed, \'al. 12 Law, and Vol. 7 Equity. Price .'»0 and Tiiese are small volumes, in conse»iuence of the Reporter making new arrangements for publishitig. Bound vols. exchanged for Nos. as usual. E. J. HALE i SON. Dcc. 10, L«.'»l. WINTFR srPlM.V. WE are now receiving our winter supply of floods, 8 doors below the Market House, south side Person street, where may be found the following articles: .Sugar of all gra!es. Coffee, 5 Hhds. Cuba Mol.asses—sweet. •T r.ltls. .*^ynip—a superior article, • irecn and Bl.ack Teas. (’iiee.'se of three different qualities, Rico. Pei>per and Spice, Rope and Bagging. tlO IMds. Mae’Kerel. .‘^hoes and Boots of extra large size. Shovels. Spades and Forks, Corn Ploughs and Points. ,\xes of the best brands. Knives and Forks, Nails and Iron. .''.O.OtMl lbs. Cotton Yarn. With a great many other articles che.tp for (’ash or exchanged for Produce. Call and see. CROSS CREEK Co.. C. Benbow, Pres't. Dec. 20, 18.'.1. oO-tf S^^SC.VPIM) from the .fail of Kershaw Distric'j -A on Monday the 1 1th day of July last, .SAMl'EL J. LOVE, who was coi.vieted for the murder of Robert J. Lester, at Spring Term of Court, 1S;>1. Said Love i.s about 20 or 21 years of age, six feet two inches high, (not cert.ain as regards his height, but .supposed to be therea bouts, i has dark h.aii. and of a s.allow ’oniplex- ion, with a dowiica.st look: S'.me of his fivint teeth a littlo dccayeil, and followjj the occupa tion of :i Ciirpeiiter. 1 will give the above reward to any person who will apjirehend the said S. .1. Love am! lodge him in iiny Jail in this State, or One Hun dred and Fifty Doll.ars for his safe confinement in any Jail in tiie United States, so that 1 can get him. JOHN INCRAM, Sheriff. C.imden, .S. c.. .Aue. :iO, 18.'>l. 2tt-t')m RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. ^ tOME in to the Cheap Store. Ni>rth side of ” ' Hay street, one door above the corner, and buy n(‘w Dry (ioods. ,\lso. i:cady-inade Clothing, Hilts and Caps—gre:it variety. L>A.\(' IiODD. Nov. 4. is.'il. ;i7-ff T SAI.KM I'.M'Klt-MII.I,. 'HIE subs’riher has taken ‘liar!ie of this old and well known Establi.shment. and is pre pared to attend to all ord-rs for l*rintin^ I’nper, M(‘rcli;uits* and Factory W'rajjj'ino;. ‘-Vc. The Mill has recently \ieen thoroughly refitted with new machinery, and the subscriber believeF he can furnish Paper of as g’Mid quality and ;it as chea[i pricis as can be purcliased ;in\ where. North or South. c!i.\r.Li;s E. siior.MK. Salem, .lune 7. I' -M. 77tf '/’ii# *V SUeet-Sroii l%*4ire MAMJFAC TORY. AT WIIOI.KSALH AM> IIETAIF.. T. OLD KSTABI.L- IlKD TIN \.\D SHEET-IKON W.\KE .MA.NI I’A' TOIIV 1.S KEMOA’LD to the .'^outli-Easi (’orner of M.irket .''ipiare. ready with the neces.'aiy machiiierv and materials I'.ir making FAC rOiiV DUrMS ikCANS, And to do all kind of work of Factories. Also. ROOFINC. (;rTTi;rvlNC. and all kinds of .lOlHHNCi. done oh short notice, ami by e.v- perienced worknu'ii. hrif' A Constant su]]il_\ of TIN kept on h.and, at Wholesale and Retail. C.iimtry Merehants and Pedlars can be supplied at the very lowest prices. C. W. ANDREWS. Seut. 2«. l.".‘.'i. ^fflHIS LINE (>F B(».\TS is still in eucces'!- -EL ful operation on the (’ape Fear P>iver. jind continu- to offer many facilities to the shipping public. Persons p.itronislng this Line, may re?.t as sured that their Cioodh will be brought np with dispatch, and at the v-ry lowest rates of freight. ■A. W. STEEL. President. T. S. LI TTI.BLOH. Agent at Fayetteville. Feb. 1.-,, IS.-jl. * r>'t tf IJni .«s(‘ls and otlier (.'ar{)etin^.«. Hearth Bugs. Druggets. Crumb-Cb.ths, Piano and Table Covers. For s:ile bv STARR & WILLIAMS. Nov. !/, IH;')!. 37-tf F'^irc I0ss99swiiice» ^S'^iir; yETNA Insuraiice Company of Hart- ford, having paid the tax inipoaed by the llevcime l,aw of the Late Legislature, will con tinue it.s Agency in Fayetteville, under the management of the undersigned, who is [>re- jiar'd to issue Policies of Insurance on Build ings or (ioods, either in this Town or in any part of the State, on proper application, de scription of the Property, SiC. The -ET.N.V C(>M1’.\NV has tieen in opemtion .iliout :;o years. Its capital is The Hon. 'J hos. K. Brace was its first I’resident. and he still holds th: t office; and several of its first Direclor.s are still active anti ellieient mem bers of the Hoard. It has at all times sustained the highest eharaeter f"r the prudence of it,- management. .-tid for the liberality with which it lias ever adjusted its losses. E. J. HALE. Agent. March 10. IS.-.l. 02-tf AKKV, & CO. NE^V FAiJ. VNI) WINTER r|ii HENRIETTA LINE OF ,ri'- - fx- Mlensn aii«i KoalM, A KE till in exceib ’it order for Inisiness. Our Tow Bi at,* have b«'en recently repaired and made good as new. \\ e h.ive also added a »>ir l-'l.at for low water, aod well adapted to the service. She will carry 7I0 blils. merchandize, and di-aw only 20 inches water. Those favoring us with their patronage, may expect as prompt .and cheaji service in every particular .as anv other Line can offer. (i. DE.\IIN(;. Pres’t. R. .M. ORRELL. Agent. A. D. CAZAl'X. Agent at Wilmington. Fayetteville. Dec. 21, IS-'O. i'lO-tf s roK.v(;F. "'^E h.'ive comnii'dioiis brick ^\ jirehouses in the rear of oiir Store, iu which we store cotton and other piHMlii- e. D. W. Nov. 1. 1H.')1. McLAUP.lN. :’.7-tf A CARD. fBlHF undersigned take.s this opportunity of JL informing his friends and merchants geu- eriillv, that having become interested in the house of FAUST .t WLNEBRENER, No. OS.l North 3d street above Arch, Philadelphia, he will bo prepareil to see them there this coming Spring, with an entire new and well selected Stock of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, &c., purchased at the lowest cash prices here and in Euroi»e, which will be sold to them on the most favorable terms and at reduced prices. WM. M. CARTER. Dec. 31, 1851, 02-liu Sale of Lots for Taxes. AdREE.ABLV to an order by the ('ourt of Pleas and (^tiarter Sessions of Ciimberbitnl County. December Term. I Sol. I will expose to public sale, for cash, at the Court House in Fayetteville, on the l.st Monday in March next, the following lots, or such parts thereof as will pay the taxes due the town of Fayette ville for 1850, and all accruing expenses, viz: 1 Lot on (’ourt House .Scjuare, Jno. Stewart, valued :j15(K>, tax 50. 2 Lots on .Mumford and Robinson .Streets, Adam Wynne, valued .$1(KM), tax !*5o 00. tf. DE.MINti, Collector. Fayetteville, Dec. Term, 1S.51. 50-tf NOTICE. I'HillK subi}cril>er having, at December Term, S. IS.'d, of the Court of Pleas and 4uarter Sessions for the county of Cumberl.md, quali fied as Executor to the last Will and Tcstuinent of Sar.ih Dawson, dec'd, hereby gives notice to all persons having claims against the Estate, to present the same, duly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Delitors to the saiil Estate will please make immediate payment. AV. 11. LOVE. Ex’r. Dec. 2(J, 1H5I. .Vitt WANTKl), :{(MH) ft. .A.she Lumber for Wagons, U to .1 inches thick. OOOO ft. Seasoned Oak Lumber, 1} to inclics. lOOO ft. White Oak and Hickory, for Axletrees. 1000 ft. White Oak for Tongues, Bolsters and •SliaftH. 100 Post (Jak Hubs, for Carts and W’agons. 2000 Spokes. 'I'lu' Siihscriher still continues to e.arry on the C.\r.lN!' i' BU.'^INES.'' in F:iM“ttevi!!e. and in addition to his Establishment on Bow street, near Eccles's Bridge, has opened large AUl. l.tiOM on l!ay street, nearly opposite the I’.iyefteville Hotel find one door East ot Messrs. Haigh it Son where a general assortment of 11 JJ-MTUIIE, M:n!f h\ nii*l faithful workmen, may be h ad at prices ci>rresponding witii the times. Also, all assortment of Northern-made FUIINI- Tl'RE. selected by himself, which will be sold at a very moderate advance. DINCAN McNElLL. Nov. 10. IS.M. o^tf E keeps ui han.l ati assortment of Fisk's celebrated METALLIC LI UIAL CASES, which hav(.- been highly recommended by Willie P. .NIangum. Henry Clay. Lew is C.-iss. W ni. R. King, and many other illustrious characters, who have examined and witnessed their utility. flu* oIjI ^’orlli Akkv, .'^ilKMWKl.i. \ ('). have just re ceived a s|ilendid :issortment of Snlein mr//', l)lack and grey, to which they would call the attention nf the public. These goods will comjiete in quality and durability with the best of Northern Cas.>imcres. and are much clieapv;r, mnging from liJ' cents to >^1 2-> per yard. Fayetteville. N. C.. 0''t. If. l.'^.il. Ilotf HE .Subs‘ril>ers :tre now receiving dlrecl from New York ami Pliil.adeliihia, the lar gest and h.nn'Nomest Sfo'k of Si a pi c nnd Fancy Dry tfoods That they have ever exhibited in this market, embracing every variety of Ladies' and (Jentle- men's DRESS "0)0DS. among which may be foNiid: Black and fancy w.ati’red and plain Dresrt Silks: black and fancy ('oburgs; Lama Twills' figured and plain fancy and black Mohair Lus tres; Silk Warji and Crape Brocades; Swi.w, Scotch and Chene (iinghaiiis: .'^axoay De-Lains; French. English and .\merican Prints; Emb’d (’ashmcres; jilain ditto; changeable De-Lains; watered and needle-work ('ashnieres; chiingea- ble A oneses: Brocade Lustres: Damask .iKolians; black Bomba/.iues: second-mourning Pojilins; j)lain and watere.i Silk Mantillas: colored and bh'ck A elvet .Mantil'.as: liroeade Pnpiins: and a large assortment f f Dress Trimmings; French and English .Merinos; \'eivet .Neck Ribbous and ('uffs, \c. EMliKOlHEIUES. French worketl Collars and Capes: French worked Cuffs: French worked (’hemisettes; Uu- der-Sleeves: Swiss and .Jaconet Trimmings; In fants' M'aists and Cajis; Hcm-stitchefI and nee dle-worked Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, from lO ets. to nnd a henutit'ul lissortment of A'eil.s; every variety of .Shawls, embroiilered and Jilnin; Thread. Cotton and i.inen Edgings nud Laces; bluck Silk Laces and Edgings. — \i.SO— I'.bick. blue, browII :;nd ffn-rn I'rcnrh and English (,'loths: bl.-ick and f.:;icy Ca-^simeres; Cut A'elvet, figured ;ind lilnek Satin and A'.alen- cia A'estings, (some very handsome:) Snttinets; Kentucky Jeans: Tweeds; i.inseys; Fhiunel.1, wool and cotton; ( tsnaburgs: Druggets: Damask Table Coths: ditto Napkiii-:: Centre-Table (V.v- ers. very fine: Piano (,'overa: Irish Linens; Lin en Lawns: Thread CamVirics; Towellings; Cten- tlemen’s Merino .S’nirts and Drawers: !ilk Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs: La'Iies' Merino A'tsts: Cashmere and Silk Hose: ditto Half-Hose; the celebrated .Salem Jeans, black and grey. Ladies’, (ientlemen's and Children's lU)f>TS :ind .SIDJES. Men's, B«ys’ and Infants' Hats and ’ap5. A'elvet, Satin, i^traw ond Florence P.onnetd. Ditto ditto ditto for Mi.s.xe.*. -\nd every article tisually kept in a Dry (iooda .Store. SnT' 'Ve invite the public to call and exam ine our large and handsome .''tock, as ve are «1- i Ways anxious to show our fioods. ! ]\'i' /iKp Sti'/fir, Tm ond I AllEV, SHE.MWELL X ('(). return tliank^ ; to the citi/.eiis of Fa\ettevillc, and the publia I generally, f'r the very liberal jiatronage here- i tofore hestowed on th'^ni. and intend, by strict atttiitiou to business, to merit n continua'xcc. S. S. AREY. P. SHl’MWET.L. J. R. McDONALU, Fay*‘tteville, Sept. 15. 1S51. 211f 100 Dee. HAY. BALES HAY, 500 Bushels Corn. For sale hy W. H. LUTTEBL(»H. 1851. 44-tf Cumberland Superior Court of Law, SIM’X'IAL TER.M. PUBLI(.’ Notice is hereby given, that a Spe cial Term of ('umberland .'superior f’ourt of Law will be held on the 2d Monday in Feb ruary 1>52, for the tnal fif such Civil Ca.ses as were on the trial docket at Fall Term. 1S51. Suitors and witnesses will take lue notice thereof and govern themselves accordingly. D. O’. MAC RAE. Clerk, Nov. 22, 1S51. 42tc T IIIK f«iC'0'B’'S'BSIi liiAl'IB., or(’cltic Manners, as jireserved among the High landers, Vjeing an historical and descriptive ac count of the inhabitiints. antiqtiitie.s. and na tional peculiarities of .Scotland, by .lames Lo gan. Just received and for sale bv E. J. HALE .S; .SON. Watches and J(‘wriiy, At and Kctail. J. :\i. ri:asfky WOULD respcctt’uHV inform the public generally, that he has returned recent ly from New York, with decidedly a large as sortment of lfV#/r/ir.s ftiiri mfeirclrt/. Many of these Watches were bought for ('ASH BY THE P.\('K..\(!E. and can therefore be sold very low. He has Watidies of all kinds; Ch.ains, Keys and .‘^eals of .all kinds and of the latent styles; Finger-Rings, Ear-Rings, Med.illions, of all size.**, of English and American iii.ike: La dies’Chatelaines; Cuff Pins; Collar and .‘'leeve Buttons: Shirt Studs; Gold Spectacles, light .and heavy; Gold Pens and Pencils; Cold and Silver “ ■ ."^ilver Fruit and Butter VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, IllK M(»ST rOPL'I-.AR FAMILY MEDICINE > F T II E A G K ! Ilsetl by Pliysiriaiis of llish Standing. 'I hc'#* Dri''rK.HS p^Tiiove all inorhi-l secretions, piiiil) tWc lilnod. give and vijfor In the oilortily the stem apain^t all lutnr# .’.ivea^e ran I t* tak»Mi ilh salt'iy. al no time* dehili- isiliujf ihe j.blieni —l*»'in>» jjrRtelul to th»» nuist .'»toiw;ich. rprn:«t kabl» Tor th**ir rheerin^f, ii;Vatinjf *«iih«*tjiinr» hu1 c jji'oj-er* tio' Hii.'. 4u i:ivalual»li» an.i kmo* rt»n»edy lur i)vsrj:i*si\ i\ ITS ^voust for.ms. l iver ( omj'I'MtitH. .Jann lirc. ffrart^'Min. ro» liveno.vs. f aintness. ni On* Skin iuhI I.i^er, l.oHv ot .\|>|»'tite, I.ow S)>iiit. Nertous iieadache, rai^’it^tion of the Sinkiiif? and Kull* DCS*; of Wcijrht at the SiomHrli, And h11 other di^easet can.>«*l t»v an iujpmt* .'tate of the bl»KMl, liver, etc, Hhit h toi»*l to deWilitate and weaken the «y»tem. V i: M V I. K s \\'ho snrtor from a njoiVid and tjnufltnrftl condition will tiiKi this Medicine of INESTIMABLE VALUE. In Al I « •>!'-5KN!.I: aI. HK.DM-1 TV. thij cii.v IS t.lKt. t TSOUS.A.m) s Hate tf^t^d ii'j etlicac>. nnd IhotKHndH Tnork* aro now iind«*i ti*';il!ii»*nt ; and not our ) ra>e «•! failjne i.us \*‘X l-» » n iejM»rted. \ ikinine** could Le filled w:ih o**T*;ticai«*s of those uho ha\e been peinianently CUM-I. (all on llic .Igent, and ifcl a PiJIPHLKT, Containing the ertificatee of flemaikalile *'ures. and the hiffh estimation in which this .Medicine i» h«#ld bv the Public -can be had of the .Agentt, liee. Larg^e Qxiarts $1; Pints 50 Cents. Sold by nil thr Principal Druggists iu the I'nittd States and Canadas. rrincipBl Oflicp, i :: H 1.1'ON S T.. N V. uv> «tair« For .sale ).y S. .1. II L\SI>.\ LK. Novcnilicr S, IH.'il. 3S-v II.VVK just received from Ne\. FALL .XnD WlNThU York, my Stock of Goods, Consisting of a general a.i‘;ortinent of Dry Goods, liroffrirs. Ilariiwarp. (’utlrry, U. I will barter for TUBPFNTII^E, or any kind of Produce. N. KIML 10 miles North of Favettevillc. Oct. 28, 18A0. " 43tf C. T. IIAIGH (k SON ~ OFFKll FOR SALK: KW Orlcatis. Porto Ilico. Ucfiued, Crushed, J. « Loaf and Havana Sugar. l!io, L.-iguira, and old Cov't Java ('’iifTcc. Hundee. (Junny, anil Burlaps Bagging. Bope and Twine. Iron, .Nails. Salt, Molasses. Cheese and Itaisiu5. Blacksmiths’ Tools, Axes. Spadej, ShoTels, Hoes, Scythes. Trace and Halter Chains. Ibind and Hoo]) Iron. White Lead in (HI. Spanish I’.rown, Bed Lead. ;iass. Putty. Buckets. Brooms. ! Mackerel, in barrels and half ditto, i Negro .Shoes. Tanners' (Jil. I Tin Plate. Wire. I Superior (Jreen and Black Teas. I .Salcratus, Soap. Snuff. Pepper, (linger. Spice, Xutinegs. Sperm and Adamantine Candles. Bar Lead. .Shot, Powder, itc. ic. Nov. 2H, 1«.')1. 41tf U'tV/ Ite Rrcc.iccil }>)/ the Jirat nW in (he Rirtr, TONS of SWKDES IllON. i>y 99 K. C. H.VLL, of Boine. Oct. IS, IK.-.l. .3'jif E. C. HALL, or KO.ME, Surec,sor of Hall, Snrketf f: Co., IS now receiving his Fall ST(K^K of GOOI.).'^ , cousi.>-ling ot a general ass'irtment of )0 Spokes. Knives: .'Silver Spoons of all large lot of , i\ /'i ||.it5 C’mus For which the highe.st cash price will be paid. Po^ket Cutlery; Scissors, best quality; Button- *ijOO(LS, 0«ia(ll0r\ , I l.ll. , .\pjdy soon to K. FULLKB. _ i i i May 10, 1.C51. 72-tf ^hrhli; works, (’orncr of Norih iind Monument Streets, j^I.SSON & B.\l BI> having completed their ex- tensive works, (which is now one of the largest establishments of the kind in this coun try.) are prepared to fill all orders in their line, viz; Marble Mantels, Monuments, Toinbs, Grave Stoues, Table Tops, Tiles, (for floors,) Marble l^etters, &c., at as reasonalde rates as can be had in this or any other city in the I nion. For beauty of execution and originality of de sign, their stock cannot be surp)assed. They wouhl respectfully invite Arrhihcl!’. ISuildrr-'s. Cafnnct Mo/,->rs and others to call and examine before purchasing. They arc also prepared to furnish the trade with .Slabs, Blocks, &c. to or- ler. All orders by mail punctually attended to. li-im to |iunctual cu.'itomers. either at wliole-sale or retail, nt greatly I'.-duceil priccs. Jtoj' hole Scissors, Survey or's Com]»asses and (’hain?,- ; Silocs, lliirdwjirc, (iroceru' Mathematical Instruments; large .piantity of and more general stock thsiii fine and common Pistols: hue and common sin- opened on the Fast side of the Cai-c Fear gle nnd double-barrel C,uii«: Came Bags; Shot he i^ pn-pared and determined to sell Pelts and Powder Fia.vks: Military (ioods. in- eluding the Hass Drum ami the sn'aiiest Button: Violins and extra Hows: I'inte.-*. Clarionets. Fla- geidets, .Accordeon?;. of all kinds and sizes; .Mu- ' j,t,>ck of I’.OOTS AND SIlOF.S. The as.-^ortment sic P.oxes: Perfumery; Soap; Lather Brushes: : unusually large, and of every quality and Ba/ors and Strops: Dressing and Pocket (’ombs: : i„„j hiiving been btmght for Cash, he ciui Plated and I5rit:innia W:ire; and various other ^ ju them verv low. things too tedious to enumerate. | Vo,, that wish Bargains will find it to your Call and give me a trial. , interest to give the .Stock un exiiminatiou before Cash ]iaid for old fi«tld and .Silver. | el.sewhere. JSe^'WATOIlKS uiid .fKWKI.rtV noutlyAlw'i’iys on hand, a general stock of GROCE- Bepaired. ; lUFS. Fdi/etkti'ffi', X. —Xorfh-KiM Corner 1 Oct. 18, 1K>I. .'’,2ff T' BROTHERS WM. of Marki( .T. M. BKASLEV. FI LL .SF.T.S country-madc BBEKCII- 1N(1, for wagoTis. J. & T. WADDILL. Sot. 10, 18-31. 38tf HF, .Steamer BUOTHFItS and Tow Bo«t»», STK\'KN.S(»N and l».\\'II) LKW IS «re pre pared t.i fitrward with I>i:««pvrrii, rtll goods con signed to tli^“ Proprietor. The Steamer Bii.therfi if of light and well suited to run in low Kat^r. .''he ]iosse>-^-s He Would call particularattcntii.il tf» his | power, and speed, and is admirably adapted to towing, and can accommo late about 2*> pa.scu- gers. Th*> projtriefor confeniplatcc running the Bout himself, and wiil give sj>ecial attention to way freight nnd iiaral stores; to towing, nnd will al so littvnd to the comfort and convenience of Pa.s.xcngers. From his long experience as .\gent in Wilmington of the several .Steam Boat Com panies, hi* thinks he can give satisfartion. To .Merchnnt.t in the interior ho would say, that nil (Ioods shippel by him, will be deliv*-*-cil to their Agents in Fayetteville. His agent uj Wilmington is .U)HN C. LATT.\, to -whom commniiic.ations may be nddressed, aa .\gent i>f tivc Steamer Brothers. JOHN BANKS, Pr>priefer. May 15. Tral Tfftl TcaH I CHEST YOrNG HYSON, 1 ditto (lunpowder, 1 Catty Imperial, For sale by CHS. B.ANKH. Oct. 28, 1851. ^