EMI-WEEKLY. [\()L. I.] I'AVKTTEMLLi:, N. C., JAM ARV *29, 185J [XO. (50,] Hi III 11* irKiimrrnr'imiiiaiii iT—tii in i mu li;lM'i:i> HV .1, li. M':\VliV. i 11)\V \1{1) J. II VLi: & SOX, , ; iM|;s \M> 1*i:i)IM;1KT0RS ookl v ' >r.sKH vKit I ►■> if ; , n ivsni v; I 'i> if i>;ii«l tluriuj: tln> . - ri| n"u; >r V i :iftiT tin' i';ir lia.-- \'. . U''. i*i;>n:VKi: >•> j'cr niiiiuiii, if I i, r: >!’ if jini'l iliirin;! tin* ' - i'i .ir no Mftor tlio vo:ir I '-I'Ml.N i> i’l^-i'Vtod uii' -5i\tv ('cut' I 1 tin- fii"t. !Hnl (itii-lv f'lr cacli I. ■ :i'ivcvtis»'im‘iifs 'I'.trai t'. at roa.'-’Halilc rat;‘«. A'l- ro 1to stato the niniihfr of ’ -^ir.' !. or they will tic contimu-il till I ari'orainrlV. , li.‘ Iviitura iinist !>•> |iOSt-p.li'l. .ilsT ! }ni '• ! list ri •■( I ■J: ■ i . t I-. • 1;. w " rii! ' :.,,.l !i n. 'ii i.i; i;ti: .V .KUlVSdN. m:\\ Cl {(>p iili.K. in>t i:. .1 I'.oSK quality a 11*1 foi st »N. I-;,I O/Ikc of the Fdifrttci'illc and Aor-j them }*l(mk Hoad ('umpmni, .Ia.m arv l,K.l> ri5« tl*( >SA L'' will 1(0 rc'i‘ivi‘«l. I'V t*itlu'r of tlio until tin.* l )th of Ki'l>ni:irv lU'Nt, fill- the lU-livfi v of aUout 170.- (Miu tVi-t r> iiK-a.'tir‘, of t^oiiinl vt'llow jiiiio 'I'im- I'or. at till' site of tlio jirojiosfil I’laiik Ivoail Hritl^o over tiic Cajio I'car Itivcr at ('amplK-11- toii. Sail tiiiiliiT to Ilf cut down this \\ inter. «tul (IvUvt v*-d ill siu'h ijwaiititifs, iiiid at «urh tinu's as tlu' niiiIoi>i}rn('il may tiiri'it: so that ; the whole is (ioli\eiH.l li\ tho ‘Joth .\pril no\t. Tlic ilinu'iisioiis of the tiuilier can lie seen liy ealliiiji upoii .lohii Waildill. Jr.. from whoni all , otlier ncie.-'.-afv information can l»e obtained. .loii.N WAlUm.L, .Ik. j .V. A. m,ki;tii.\.\. v.i-td] ]\. r.. MriiAi:. I 'm( Ih rillr and Soi/lhcni PLANK KOAl). raim; Stockholders of said ('ompany are here- ; IL liy iiotifi*'d, that the l.-ist instalment on i Stock was due :ind payalile at the liankof i’ay- etteville on the Ith instant, and I'.ll delin'iiu-iUs are reipiirt'd to (viy the same, or the provisions of the t'harter will lie enforced. j The Uoad is nearly completed, and all the | snl'scriptiou is uecess.irv to complete it. , 'I’he I'ircctors hope there will lij no delay in tiie pa_\ ments. I’.v oriler of the Hoard. AUriri* A. T. SMITH, Secy. .Ian. 'JO. Is.'i'J. rg^HK CO] •avtncrship heretofore e\istin;r hp- E- tween the vindersijrned ha"^ this day heen di^so!\ec| liy niiitiial consent. .\11 jicrsons in- delited to the sulix rilier.- will lile.ise call and settle thv'ir resjiecf.ve ilncs with .1. W. r,.wt-rs. wlni :;louc is aiUhoii/ed to close the concern. .1. w. row I KS. itoiJKnr luitiisiKr,. .lan’v 'JO, ly.'rj. ,'>s-;'w 10,000 t^POKTSyiE^i WANTKl). Subscriber 1ims> now one of the nmst extensive and hest assoi'ted sto»-ks i>';-,iiile and Sinj;le SIKlT (Jl'.VS. IMSTOLSof the most superior quality,—I'olt's Uepentin^ and .Mien's l!evolvinr. of every ipi.ality.— Pow der I’lasks. Shot .Tiid (lame I’a”'s, I’ercii^.^ion t'a)is of llnjrlish ami French make. Also, the m">t comjilete as'ortmenf of (!un fi.xturc.' th.at has ever lieen o!Ver'd in this section of country. .\lso. Sliot (iun“. Hitles and I’istols made to order or repaired. Hitles ni?t>le to order, and warranted to t'hoot from one to ti\e humlred yai'ds. Air (Inns mnde to orilcr at short iiutice. To all of which th‘ attention of Sportsmen nnd othei'i is respectfully inviteil. M. A. liAKKU, Si;/il lit' l/ir (Iiut. tlay street, nearly opposite tln .MarMe ^'ard. I'a vetteville, N. (tct. ti, IS-M. :2Mf 31II1* I) I F ii c t ) r V. Bv LAI li>i:!J. TWO DliOKS \mivi; il\l(iil \ SII\’S STOKi:. ravi*tU‘vilh‘, i\. i\ ,l;urv -2(1, Is.'.-J. .'..'.-IV EQUITY SALE. Iniportdnt Sale oj' 'I'oicn I^ots. «Y virtue of a Decree of the Tourt of Equi ty for the county of 'uuil)erljiinl, at the I'all Term, 1^*)1, 1 shall expose to sale at pub lic auction, at the Market House in Fayette ville. on .Monday the I'th day of February next, the followinjr VA LL AHLi; KK^VL KST.VrK in tlie Town of Fayetteville, viz: 0 liots oil Hay .street, joining K. J. Lil ly on tlie east, each ‘JO feet front, and runnintr back to Franklin street, .about :!7^' feet. otlur liOts IViuitiiig (in lluy street, west of tlie I'.tifrland Lot, each 20 feet front, ;ind runninj' back to Franklin street, about :>i8 feet, ’1 liots. each ‘JO front, on M ixwoll st., i and rtinninjr back about I8ti feet. I 1 JiOt, ctirner of 3Ia.\\vell and Franklin I streets. 117 feet on Maxwell, and runniii}: back l;j(i feet on Franklin. j Also, all the Jiaiid iyiiijr on Miinifnrd I and Maxv^ell streets, known as ‘Military ire«-n.’ 1 bounded by Franklin, Muniford and .Maxwell I streets. 1 liOt. fronting fjOi feet on (In'en st., between (Jee's :ind .McPherson's, as ]ier plot. '1 Lots m Ijuw street, froutiiiir 4-l'2 ! feet each. ! 1 tiniinjiroved Lot on the South side of I .Mumford street, Joinin;r T. .1. Curtis, K.sip i J'Kll.MS. — 1. '2 and ;J years' credit, with in- i terest after •> months—intrreyt jiayaVtle semi- I annually: — th“ j'urchasers jrivinjr bonil v.ith se I curity to be ajiproved by the Master. WK are now receiving a large and well se lected Stock of 1>RY C.JOODS, t’omprising every article iistially kept in that line, to^fetlier with L30 C’ast's i?oots niul Shoes. iSatM aaifl l'a|»!. —.\l,SO — A well selected Stock of Trt all of wliich we invite the attention ot .Mer chants of the interior, who will find it to tlieir interest to examine our Stock before making their purchases. \\ e will not be undersold by anv one doing business in this )ilace. ll.^LL & S.VCKKTT. .\ngvist ‘i'>, IS-M. I'ltf I'afriaii’c lYlaiinfcictorv. Kcc. -l-l. is.-.l. AKCM'l* A. T. SMITH, 'lerk and Ma.ster. I .'ilts iSiii'iit out ill Part. A. M Ki/rn\x t i ; curry "n tlu' ('A IllJI.V'lI' - S ■•.1 . iir:ni.-be-^. ;>t tin- re- , ' -? . d. opp"'ite l.ib. rty 1’. int ,;\n^' ii-r tiie li^i-r.-il p.itr>^nage he • r. ii-i-id. and hi pe> b_\ strict at- -..••-s Hilda Ic^ire t'l gi'e entire t.. ne.-ri? c. i.tiniiance ot' the satne. . p! til' "re iii-r p' rtiou ol hi' Tim- ^r.,; i-i- f; ni tl"- marufact. ry. he li . i aii! w •■U st'U'i ted lot ot tho- - i;. I 'liml.Hr. of every d 'criptiou - ;.' .m ", w hii'li etribics liim t" rct.ain '■ I v. ikiiu-n. He i» lliei elorc ni'W : i . Ill w i) k ill lii.H line in the very ) :> !>ii v-i —t Ti-rm“—:is ■ V .r; I.; ill- ' 'iuilit> in N. ■ii ' ..!id. I •iiMj ii-tely i. l. i* 1 .T lior-c-; . ;! 1 lo l’u;_'>:ies. ■.r v’; fii;i>!i;‘d. I .jt -i t 'f horsc;; 1 . - l"r I and J h.ir-e.^i; ay.'. M't -JO i;u;T”ies; :ii- ' I the nn'^t approve 1 plan and ; i V :!! c- inp.ire with any wi.ik in the t T ner)tii>-S'= and diiruliility. i„ fti «’ii>.;.i'j;cd in the a'xiv*- business ! \. iii - w-irk is Well known, • , !' t'. cti.'t iiier.' lor prmif of its I 1. w uk \varr.int-'d f-T ll! ti>'intU>, . tree of chal.-e sh.aiM it fail by bad >'■.1 - r matiTi-d. within that time. - \ ‘ \ir.lN *-\eciiled at .slji'l’t ln;tice, and !' I’lli.- Lo. 1-M;. Livery Stable Business. rB’IHF. -u'-criber int-nd' cariving on the B .above busiiKS as usual. Having .added considerable .Stock, he will be able to ji. com- m.. late the public, 'i’liankful for past tavors. he Solicits a continuance. J. \V. IMWFI'.S. ('ahi/i(f Fiirnitiire, ('hairs, ,.\r. ^ 11 K subscriber is rereiving the largest as- line e\rr bpt'ore juircliaseci (ire nshoroiiii'h (.V. r.) M idaal Insarauce ('onijKinij. tjU'HSl'.XNT to an .\ct of lncor|ioration. a ('oin)iany lias been formed under the mime andstvle of 'THK (i K KF NS 1!( ) K( I L'( . H .Ml- Tl'.U.' INSri’vANCF. COMl'ANV. and fully organized by the a]ipointnient of the lollowing •thcer-, vi/.; .I.\.M1'.S SI.OAN. President. .s. (i. ('(IFFIN. Vice President. PF ri'.U ADA MS. Secretary and Treasurer. P. MF.NDFMI \I.l>. .Vttornev. .KMIN A. MFIJVNK. ] .1.- 0(1 WWIW A XKi.r.t> WO.MVN , a good « to (')(»: iv .l.an'v Hi.’. sortmcnt in hi at the North, which, ufactiire. luakvs his '.'tiniT of t'liaivs, Ttll'lrS, Sofa; Stands. Uur.-aus, .''ide l>iar'!.',- .Ml of hirh V. ill be sold I 'ash, or i.n slo rt time t W. .) .M. togethi'i- w ilh his o« n nian- .Stock very couiiilete. con , In-d.'ti'.ids, \V;l'h iOiik MiiT (I lasses, ■1 r. iarics. \c. on the huse.'t t« rni foi ]oin- tual cii.-tomi rs. .Mc'»NNF.I„ . KAN KIN, ) KlbKCTultS. Kxerutive 'om. .lohn .\. Mebane. .\ndrew Weatherl_\. i’. Men>lenha!l. L\ndoii Swaim. .lesse .shelly. Junatiian W . Field. ook. A)’i TAVl.'i!:, oStf .11.UN NV. P. ( >ct. 1 --.I. AKr.i:. ;;.'itf iiM) 'iuli \ercs of fj \ ^ If fill' IWIl.L sell at the '.airt H 'U'C. on the se- ,-i.n I Mor.d.'iy in I't bruary. at I'J o'c! i k. too ;icve> l..\Nl>, known as tiie 'IcC ill tract, it is c nvciiieiit to I.ittle Ilivt-r. .ind near t!.e V ; Ikiu r.oad and I...n^street*!'iiurcii.—adjoin ing the ol .\lcl.aughlin and othei>. 'I'ernis made ktiovin in r-alc. M, f Au. t'r. •'i‘.'t.S A. dan. m-2. A CA\i\). r||m K subscril>er otfei^s his services to tlie pab- li.- in town or country ; to give pl.ins bT buildings, with .‘'pecificntions, I)!!!.*! of materi als. working drafts, &*.. and will al.so superin tend the e.tec)ition of Fcjiarate builiFings or im- jirirenient.'!, fora lui.'derate j>er diem allowance. liKlt. S. HtdtiiF.S. .lan v IH-VJ. ■>‘.'-;;t I*aT('s ( ' I rrular-S(iu' Steam Mills. f H^Hi: undersigned is the authori/ed Agent fi.r the aiio'.e v.i’uabie Mili-t. aiel will be ghol to recei\'‘ ordci> tor 'ircular-Saw .Mil’s”, tl. be projicned either by .Sfeaii^ \\ ater or Horse power. The'C Mills h.ave been used on the I’iank i’o.id> in Maryland. \ irginia. .North and .~oulh ari'llna. and ari* alwa.\'‘ apjiroved. They are usi d and ].releried by the (Jteenville and P.aleigh Plank Itoad t’ompany. and I have the woi'il of soine of the very experi'.nced Directors lit til-it Company to say they perform admirable. Tivev arc ilioiiper than any other .^lill, will j>erform bci’i-r, nnd s.nw un-re lumber. Favetieviile. N. C. ■INi). ,M. !..y. i:‘i. is'.l- P.(JSK. A 11. J t'arti. d a seveic ! ■'- l*y the lire f the Jd .January. I am ; .,i I . :i' .'e wiio are indebted diate ]iaynient. If they full, ]>:iv wliat they can. either negotiabb' at I'.ank. .\. A. .McKMTHAN. .■.:’.tf ,S W'ilSKrA .1 ' I .ititiel -’ >il. I ' i-eived and tor “^ale by C ALI. AND Si:rrLK. 1,L tho'e indebted to us by Note « r .\c- ount. will plc.i-^e call and 'i-ttb'. \\ e are in v.ant of Inti-rest will be charged on all Aci ount.i tor 1S-'1 afti-r thi' date. 11. lJi:.\N.'nN \ SON .lan'y 1. I''".:,!. • ’’itf Unu) ()R.\N(n'.S, fHlllF best of tlie season. .Inst received and J. for sale by CH S UANKS. Jan'v' o. 1 ■''•’iH. Dt • lames Sloan. \V. .J. McConnel. William .S. Kankin Jed. II. I.indsay .Shllb.-ll (i. ( 'otlill. William H. P>ecce. T\ re (Heiin. This('ompaiiy has now been in .'ucces'tul operation for several moiith>. and \'ill take lii.'U' up*m l>weHing Houses, .stori’S. and other liutldings. Merchandise, Furnitur**. Produce iVc. The object of this oigaiiization is to af ford a .wystein of Insurance which shall operate tv r the mutual benefit of all its nii*mbers. The pi'culiar advantages arising from tliis nimle of Insurance are, that the assured pay no more than the actual los>;es and expenses ot the Ciimiianv. and experience has proved the safety Ilf .Mutual Insur.ance Conipanie>. as well as the great saving to it'^ member.-; and no stiMiiger ar;Tument can l>e produced in ther tavor, than the confidence which they receive from the en tire community w here sucli Companies are in successt'ul operation, I .Vnv infuriiiation respecting the jirinciide,** ot the t'onipany will be cheerfully furnished by the .Secretary, or anv of its .\geiits. ■PKTIIP. .VDA.MS. Sec'y. Sh^- Tlu‘ Sul'scriher having been j.ointed Agent, will receive applications make surve_ pany. fWIHF. Subscriber having taken the F.stablish- M- ment of the late A. C. Simiisoii. (situated ojiposite W. .McIntyre's Store. ) intends carrying on ilic C;irri:io[(' .Manuractiirinji Hnsiness Di all its various branches, and would re:-p«‘ct- fully solicit a share of the ].nblic jiatrouage. liiiving had considerable experience in the business, :ind havin.ir been eni]j!oyed in sonie ol the most extensive k,-'tablishments in .New \ ork and New .lersey. he Hatters liimself that lie can jrive He w.irrants all his work to be tnade of the best material th' surrounding country affords, and by e\p«-rieiu-ed workmen: and should .any of it fail, either in material or workmanship, in twelve months froni the time ot it.s deli\i*r\, he will rejiair it free it ehar^ie. fc: lll’.P.M K1N 1 done in the neatest nnd best manner, and at the lowe.^t possible prices. A. II. WHITFIKLD. Fayetteville. Feb. 11. iSoO. i tt TO COT l'O.V l>I,.\.N'rr.KS. *800 IJOO lbs. Twine. .lust recei'vd and for sale chenp. by PKTFK P. .luilNSON. Au'.r''.st lb. is'il. J FAI.L, 1851. 7AMHS ICYl.K tS now receiving a very l.nrge and gener.il as sortment of Purchased by the Package for (WSll. Those wishing to juirchase (Joods at reduced jirices, will please call and examine, as P»argain8 may lie expected. J>()LT!N(! (’liOTHS, Anker IJrund, from No. 1 to lO. uncr>miuonlv cheap. D.-> Packages IJOOTSAND SHOES, clu'aper than ever were for sale in this market. Oct. I, 1S-')1. I’Htf (li AUDITA 8EED I'resh and Genuine. S.A.MCKb .1. Ill.NSIUI.E A S.just received a!il offers f>r sale, a ve ry lar''e supply of Fresh and (Jenuine «.iK»JE.V SEEn, * >f this year's grow th, among which are the fol lowing, viz; .\si>,\K.\fii s. 1 ’> K-\ .N s— F'.arly China. F.arly ^'alentine. F.arly .Six Weeks. F.arly Mihawk. Large Fima, ISkkts—Early lUood Turnip. Uassino. I.ong lilood. liite French Sugar. Yellow. Cahb.agk—Karly York. FUit liattersea. Large >x Heart. Flat l)utch. Karly Sugar Lo.if. Large Drumhead, Drumhead .S.-ivoy. CATM ri.ow K11—Fa rly London. Cauuot—F.arly Horn. Long ((range. Cki.c.uy—W Idte Solid. ('i cr.MHKi: — Farly Kussia. Faily Cluster. Long (.ireen. Er.c Plant. ('ui:n—Smith's Karly White. ^ Sweet or .Sug.-ir. I LiiTTicK—Large (irecti Head. ♦ Jce Coss. I Lar''c Cabbage Hoad. ' Mr.i.ox—Pine .\pple. i Nutmeg. 1 .Mountain Sweet Water, j X \sTi urn .M. (>K1!A. »Mos—Large Ued. \\ hite Portugal. Pa it^I.KY—Curled. HATS, f.IPS, BOOTS &SilOE!i. rnll and UVMfcr 18 5 1. StocL'. rWlHK Snliscriber offers for sale one of tlic JL largest nnd hest assortments of (>>(>Dt> in his line ever ofi'ered iti this jilni-e. He is very thankful for the very liberal patr.mage that he "has had, aud solicits a continuance of the same. His stock has been selected with care, and consists of nearly every variety and stylu, from the best iiiaimfa«.ttirer*:. He lias on hntid and offers low for Cafh, at retail or by the case, latest style.s (ieiitlemen 3 Beaver, Nutria. Moleskin. Silk, I’rush and An gola H,\T.S. Also, .lenny Lind. Kossuth, Ar tist, Hough aiul Uendy, and stillened iur and Wool Hats, for Men. Vouth and l?oys—in abun dance by the do^en or case. I —ALSO— I A very hirjre Pujiply of Cloth, Plush. Velvet and Fur C.\PS. of all qualities, styles uiid pri-* ees,—by the .single Cap or bv the dozen. — ALSO— Hools and Snoos. (if the following varieties, vi/.: Fine Water-proof, tine Calf, tine Kii> and heavy inter P.OOTS, ,Mso. Pioys’ wml Youths' Calf and Kip IJoots. (ienlli'inen's Dre>s Shoes, ol Together with an assortinenl ' and ('hiblren's P>('tT.s and SHOKS, viz: Jenny land. Kxcelsior>'. (iaiters. ditto Half. 15ii.skins!siipper.«aiid Morocco IJoot';. Also. (Jentlenien's Mid l^adies Ilulibers.' U itii a good supply of Youths , IJoys , (.liildretis and .Servants' heavy Shties. All of which he offers low for C.t- h, or on tunc to iiunctual customers. Pleiise rail and .satisfy yourselves ltefire piindiasiiig elsewhere. .lOllN C. THOMSON, Market .S.iuiii-e, Sept. LH'i. IWil. •*-‘*'tf TriU»ENTJ-VE j.ANI) FOK S.\LF. I'^Oll sale. .‘^^'3 acres of I.AND 'in .lam ^ Creek, and H4U acres on Cypress Creek, in Cumberland, convenient to the W estcrn I’lauk Hoad, heavily timbered, aud adiiiirahly adapted to the making of Turpentine. Apply at tiiis Otiice. N'ov.'l’H, 18.31. various iiualities. of MissO' lUf w. ; P.vitsMP—I.ong .Sniixith. NOTICE. Pkas—Karly rharUiti. f ■'JUK Steamer Chatham will leave this plaeu ! i.arge Marrowfat. Jl. every Monday and Thurs lay at 7 o'clock, 1 pKtTKU—-Long ('ayenne. .V. M.. 'instead of 0 o'clock as at )ire.-nt.) com- | Hull Nose, mencing at 7 o'clock Monday loth iust. lime 1 Sweet Sjiani?U. of leaving Wilniiiigt. n. every Tuesday and Fri- Pi .MfKt\—Connecticut. aj. to eflcct Insurance in said t'oin- Fa\etteville, De-. ll'i. 1 .loHN '.M, M. Ho.'^K. .‘.l-oia GKERRY PECTORAL for Ihr C'urr of rOKillS. (OFJ)S. II01KSE\ESS, LRO\(HITIS, WIIOOIM\(;-rOIOH, (ROI P. ASTHMA. A.\D C O\Sl >IPTIO.\. M\.\V yc.ir-i of triHl. in«le»il III iin|>-oriti2 Oie (iiiMir r.iiitiiU’iir** ill On-* m»-(iiriiie. h;.» wi.n tiir il iin :iitj>n 1I.LKIN;S ,v CO. .'.'-■Jw- if 'U| '•nor j-.aiieiit, a I i|ualit\. .;ust lei d for sale by HOSK \ SON. ily a** a rurc lh»* iiial.nlic'. !•» niTMl k liirii 'N()'i i( i:. :i-c forbid tra'Vnri for a note [.• t'l --iMili r M'-Kellar, or II.. fur the .'iim of Fifty .;„ii:.;WV r-.:!, i Ki'i.i: i:. MiKFi.LAn. S, ( .I,,„, IS.'C'. -V.'tf w i: (os'r. Jj.SST €\a¥.E.. ill ii'bti'd to the suliscribers. by • unt. ale hereby nitified that I ii..t-' iii't settled by the first will be placed in the hands ot • .Ill'll. H,\LL, SACKKTT C((. .'.'.(-im 1 i. \ N i A'i lO.N I'Oix SAI.i:. ii •teriiiiiied to abandon (‘iitir'ly ii'iiqit' at fari’iing, I otter fir sale : ;iid on w hich I lately resided, three l.iiiiiberti n. It conta;ns •'■■00 acres, : V, I, K-h a 1 e cleared. 'J'his otier pre- ;i- wii, ' iiiducenieiits to persons ri.itiiiii .111.1 imti.ri. tv liv i ir iloi!: lti- ii'i'iiuif \|ie iMliiiii' III il> lrn-iul«. .Noiliiti!.' I.at il' iiitrin-ic \ir- tui X lui.t Ihe miiMi-t;ik;il.:- li.-ti.-lil r..iil. rr. il .'ii 0...il'»mli Ilf-iiiiiTer*. roiilil iiriu'iii«t-Nnil iii.ii>lHiii tlic ri-|uilaliiin 11 fiij.'X'- While iMMi.y iiil* rii.r reiiieiln ' llirii>l iiihui tlie t'l■mi:iiinily. liii'e (;iil«'il lOiil lii’i ii ilt'rjir.ii'il. Ihi"* ti:i^ 2:«'||* I iritaiils liy i-vrry trinl. ri>iifern il liem-tiis on ilif al riii'O'il lliey can iM'xi'f lnr:/»'i. aial jiri'iliii eil ruri;» ton nii- iiii ri'ii' mill ti'o rciinrkalilr In III- liirsiilU-ii W'hib* it i* H I'r.iiiil on the tmMii' lo |ir»*liMiil thai Hny .me ii.i-.iuiiie will inlillil.ly . ar.—-lill 111. r.- i' alninilanl |,fi»il that III.- h.-rry I’. i l'ir i 1 iml lltinii. I'Ul ;;lifi«i*t iii\;irialily it i*. fiioiliiv.’.i- tail.- ii.ak.-' Ihf»- faels wi.li r ami iK-Ut-r know n, this liiHilirliic ha- |>r.ihi.illy lit coine the h. «l ri-li:!iii e ol ttie fnini ih.- 111!! .Mliin .if lie- .\nn ri. :.ii |i'-..'anl. to KuriiiKMn Kin::-. ■rhniuL'li.iiit ihi' niiri' r.iiiiiir\. in eM T> .tit.-. city, ami iml.-. il i.lin.i-l ev.-ry Il iiiil. l it i iiiii iiM'. herry I’l i ti.ral i^ known a- ihi- hr-t reni. ily extant lor iti-. a-e> of the Thr.ml i.i-.i! l.iii.S'*. an.l in iii .nx lor. is-n r.iiintrie-, it is roinitiir n. li.-.-M. ii'H.-ly u-eil h\' th. .r nn''l i:il.-lli::i iit niy>i.Mn:. In tJreal Hril nin, I r.im *-ai,il .. rniaiiy. nlii-rc llie innlii-al "t-n.-.'s h.ive ri-.o hi il tlii ir loi'hf'i |>erli'i li.in. li>'rry r.i ti'fal i» inlr.«lil. e.t. ami in r.in-tanl ii-e in Ihf Arnii.'. Ilo-iiilals, .Mias llmi-e'. l iihlo Insliliiti.ms, ami ill (l"Mie>lir prar- iic'. .1' i!i.' Miri'si rriii' i'.y ihc;r atli-mlii.!: l’h\ n iiiii' > »n . iMiilin It ihf iimrf l.im!. riiiis iilfiTlion'ot the Itmiis. .\l-ii in iiiii.l. r ar.il f-.r hil.lr.-n il i.- -'mI'.-. |.le..';iiit j ami fireclil tl to ciir*- In |:icl. »oni' ol ill.' liKist tl.ilK riiiE i te'tiiiioiiials we n reiVe h ive liceii rroiii pirenls u lio liitv.* liiio.il il . ll;‘-'icii'US in I'ases jiHrtiruiarl^ iiiiri.lnital to rliililliiii'il. , , Th.' rhi-rr\ iVi l.iral is iiianiifarnirt'.l liy a praclii-Hl ' Cl'. ini'I »ml i-'i r> i.iiecc of It iimli r hi» ow n \e. with : invarialiie a. i llM. y aii.l . ar.-. It is s. ale.l ami |.rot.-rtr.l , l,y laxx frmii . nunt.Tf. il'. con'eniientll call he relic.l .in ' ,ns I'enni'ie willi.nit a.liilt.-raii.in. Urhave oii.ieavore.l h.-re t.i liirni'h the coaainimty ' willi a iiieili. iiie of Mich inlrinsir »iii.eri.iriiy hihI worUi ' , „ Inail.l to iheir .•.iiili.l.-nr.--a rpiii.Mly at oiiri- -.ar.,', 'i« e.ly ami elli illial. whirli this Im.s hy (••- ! '|i,-;.t.'il ami cmialle'.' trial' pr.ive.l il ! Iiy >.!r.-»i rari' in iir.'|iaiint; it with tiiiJiinii 'Iren^ith to allor.i I lij'ioi.iiis , IN tii. h thi \ . an rely I'lr tli.- l«-st rt- nil A 1*1.AlN C.VSK. —THY IT. Most cheerfully do 1 state that a little negro chihl, tliree \ears old, was .itten.led three weeks by a jilixsiciaii. ix ho at length said it must die. 1 tlieli bCjjaii using Dr. l.ittie s \ eriiiitiige. xvlu'ii verv SOI,II a large ijii.nntity of wi.inis \xcie dis- (diat'ged, and b\ the end ot txvo da\s it I'oiild sit up. an.I i|uit*kly rectivered. I ha\i* given this medicine to grown pei.'^ons who were com plaining. aii'l f'liind it to relieve them in the same xx a\ >erv pi omjilly. Ill my * neig!ib..rlioiil Dr. L's medicines are much n.'cd. and highly approve'! of .John d, (iii’/r.M.vN. Dooly CO,. C.a,, Feb. ISoO. A IM.MAllK\PiLi: CASK, When a nie.licine jiroxcs so valuable as Dr. Liule’s Vermilug‘, it should be known to the wiiole country. To a iittlc negro chil.l nineteen nionihs old, that had been .''lekly tor nearly a vear, I gave three leaspoontuls of this nie.li cine, iK'cording t.i directions, in one day, aiil by the next morning one hundred and ninety- txvo large worms were discharged. It coin- mcn«‘ed mending at once, an.l was s.ion restored. I have given this Vermifuge in several other in.stances with the happie.st effect. „r , i In niv neigliborh I, where there is much of ‘ « 1 . , .\i:\v Fiini & ,\i:\v liooiis. fBIMK sultsciibors uro now rccoiving iVeiti ■ Vork, IV Iiirji** iin*I jxMK*rnl a.HS»rtun‘iit of ; Sfajde and i'anen Drij (ioods^ CIKK’KHIHS, 1IAR1»WAKH, Hats and ('aps, lioot.s and SIkh's. .Vinoiig which are: Cofl'ee, Sugar. Cotton I$aggiiig. Hale Itope. Nails. Windoxv (Jlass, Swedes and Lnglish iron. Sack and .Vluni Salt, Imperial ami lUack Teas, Pep]ier, .\lspice. (iiiiger, Poxvder, .'^hot, liar Lead, Uar and Fancy Soap. Together witli a great variety of other arti cles, to which they invite the attention of the public, and which they are determine.l to sell as low for Cash, or on time to those who pay protuptly, as any house in the Southern country, j’rodu'ce of all kinds, at the highest market iirices, taken in exchange f.u- Cioods, I .McLKAN & .lONKS. Suniiiierville, X. C., Dec. S. IS.il. 4itt day at - o'clock P. M. .INO. D. Wll.l.IAMS. .\zeiit «'a]ie Fear .Steaialaiat Co. Fayetteville, Marcii o, i)()Mi:s ru’s. LITTI.K Hiver Osnabergs: 7-S an.l 1-4 Sheetings always on hand, an.l for sale at Factory prices, bv ■ STAHH & WILLIAMS. June 7, l.'''»l. ->H DAILY i:xPE('n:i), (ll'NKKAL iis«iortment .if COOPKHS' TOOLS, of the best manufacturers’ make, by K. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. IH. IK'.I. :i'-tf \ ,'heiiii i:ar. ali'l I xcellent water. inr making Timher and ,||^■0 boxes already cut. i dxvelliiig alii !!y Or. liar'l r.r.- :.n'l eas oiit-liouses. .n; 'Irape \ ines. . t. i iii.'. P.. K. TP.OY. T Ian n Co.. N. «' . -L l'"-VJ. V.'-tf ?iardf fters I'lorisls. 1 in r, h iving lieen ap|iointed by I’l. N. ."tr..tig N: Co., of W eathers- -N'-'-nt ill .North Carolin.i for the ! 111. i;- :: VKDLN SHKDS. offers I n a xerx l.ii^e :iod lull ! i'l .-t l.;,;deii ;:iid il'V. cr I tai- >-:r"V.:;; :.f ls:,l. ■' " ■ " 1- .'ifti-ntion. II WLPiI’., .lai) r. /()!' sfilf here,. IlH til hr; nn.l tru-t l al ni’ciirary, of a iicxv iit'cnt on nnil the ntfii. lf.l vMlh a r.-iiie.ly llial xx .11 lo lor tli.m all Hint iiie.linne "'l^!''l’.Hr.-.l ami s.ilil hy JaMKk f. Avku, rractical and \ii:ilx lii-'.l 'liimi>l. I.iuwll, .Mm". Sol'll in K-.\.U"viUr hx ..1. III IVI ,K: m (linlon hy W \ril.N .i**U.NSi>.\ i. to.; aaj hy l»riiKi;iM» Itealef' ir. Mi ilicine evtrj xx here Januivxx ^r,. |s.V> 50 :iin_ 'TO 'ni!-: IHMU.IC'. [ini' stihscriher has Ic.-ised for a term of years, of H. W'. Ilrown. Ilsij., his fire-Jiroof Storo,* v. iili Iiis Wharves, and is imw in a ci'iidi- tion t’o take especial care of Spirits Turpentiiu- :,iid other Nuval Stores committed to his care. The Warehouse is well knoxvn to be the best ami ' x ife«t iilace in town for the storage of Hacon, ' Lard Corn. Peas, xS:c. The lower wharves hare on them four large new shcls, where Spirits can ' lie fa^'-lv kept from the rain and sun. He is : prei-Mred to roce'>'i: and shij.. or sell, all kinds , III ,iri,iluce sent to his care. He 'vill also make :id\at.ce.'^ w hen rciiii’.reil- -i.'^., to rxifer to t!:e follow ing gentl.-men; l;'i„\vn. .lohn Daws.on. O, C. P.irsley arid 11. Wri.dit, L.sijs. MILKS COSTIN, Urown's wharf, Wihuington N, C. Sept. 12, 1!. W. Thos. it used, 1 lie.ir it spoken of by all in the highest terms, iiuleeil, as never betore having been eiiualieil. .lA.MKS M. UHANTLKY. Minroe county, ia. Head the following extr.-ict of a letter, dated ilaker county, .\Iarcii 4, IS-iH. Dr. Little—Sir; I have lately used your Ver- mituge in the case x>f my little boy, who hail all the sxmj'tonis of worms, with high levers fol lowed bv Spasms, which lasteil three hours, and at one time so violent that w e even straightened him out for dea.l. Previou.sly, we had given him every thing for worms we could hear ol to no avail. Vour X'ermifu.L^e was now coiumenceil, an«l by tlic iie.xt day he ha.l dischargc'l a num ber of large worms, and soon after recoverexl entirelv. Yours with much re.sjiect, .MOSKS . HI LLARD. Dr. Little—Sir; In my family I have given ] several vials of your Vermituge, as well as j Fahnestock's, and find yours the most effectual 1 remedy 1 evei' gave or knew of. \ ours, .N:c. ! ' HKKRV liKLVKW. I Talbot county. j D't K ('OOK’.S IMPROVKD C-VTllAHTIC PILLS. These are the pills that are so valuable, to j be "ivi'ii ill all cases of pain in tiie he.id, back or limbs, dulliu'SS, want of appet.te ami fevei, altio tor Jaunlice, liver coiuplaints, enlai j^einciit of spleen, icc. The fac simile of the signature of Dr, W. G. Little will be found upon the out,'ide wrapper of each of his ,\lexlicines. Sold wholesale and letail, by the Proprietor, at liis .Manufacturiiig Depot, No. 2b4 .Market street, Philadelphia, and .Macon, (ieorgia. To be had also of .James Cain. Koekfish; Watson, Floral College; Townsend iS: Doug lass, Heiinettsville; Dr. P. .N!, Cohen, Charles ton; C, (,', Harbee, Harclaysviile; 1’. K, l*escud, Raleigh, S. J, HINSDALE, Ageut for Fayetteville. Oxford Female College. Tills Institution, located in )xtord, ii-aiivilleCo., N- C.. under the care of Hev. Sam uel Wait, D, D., ai'led »iy comjietent assistants, has now iieeii in operation one session. The next se.s>ion will commence on the .SKCOND MOND.W IN .JANCAHY, IM.")!!, ,\ uniform has been adopted for public occasions, cousist- iny other suitable fabric, for'wiiiter; and of Pink Calico. Ciiigham, or .Muslin, and white Cambric or Muslin for summer. The Honnet. straw; in winter trim med with .leep blue silk vtdxet an.l line.l .vith light blue satin; in summer, trimnie.l plain with Prnk Ribb.in an.l line.l with white, without tloxvei's, lace, or any inside trininiings. Tr/'finf:—Per session ol l.ve m.uith.', payable one half in advance. Tuition in the Prepara tory Department ^10, in the College Course S;J0, without any extra charge for languages, ir higher Kiiglish throughout the course. Pu pils t^iu take a jiartial course, and study I.atin, (Jreek, fr French, or other advanced studies in an Kn’glish course at SIO for each stu.ly, Ivxtra expenses; Music on Piano use x>l instiu- ! ment ^ The same on lJuitar. Drawing and i Painting in water colors ."iil J; in Oil •i’lo. 1 Nee.lle Work ^10. Hoanl in College under the 1 immediate care of the President and hi* Assist- I aiits. including washing, fuel, ani lights ]>er I month. Ciood board can be obtained in the [ village on reasonable terms, fuithci inftirnui- I tion can be had by addressing the President, i H_\ order of the i>oard. j T. T. (iuASi'Y, Sec y. Dcc. If), li-jl, 4H-tlM Koivr. Mrrc HELL, /iiiir, (Ullrsjiie Sfri'it, Has always on hand a supply ot Bacon, Tol);ieeo, Flour, Siir.ir, t'ofTee, Tea Molasses, Soap, ’andles, (’otton Yarn, Slieetiiijxs, (’utlerv, ('roekery, and (1 la S'ware. —ALSO— larire stock if Foreign and D'lmcMic Ll- Ql'OR.S. embracing Western and N. C. Whis key; French, .\pple and Peaeh Pirandy; .lamaica anxl N. K. Rum; Holland (iin; \\ ines xit different kinds. All of which have *i»‘cn jnirchased low for Cash, Those wishing to juircha.se will do well to call before purchasing idsewhere, Nov. 1. iSol. KINC. and A. .McMlLL.\N h.ive enterep • into copartnership in the Distillery ot Turpentine, and have ercxtcl a Still .'ii the AVest side of the Fayetteville and Western Plank Hoad, H miles from t avetteville. N. KINO. ».—71 tf A. .Mc.MlLL.^N. iWtnted. WF. wish to buy ‘JO.OOO barrels Turpentine. ‘ KINO .V McMlLLAN. M()1.ASS1:S AND I'lSil. HHflS. new croji MOIjASSI-'.S, a su perior article. L’.') bbls. Fish, .lan’v V2, IR'. .lust received. P. P. .lOHNSO?.' .').>tf NOTK'i:. VLL persons indebted to the subscriber, either bv note or account, are reipiested to call and settle the same a3 early as pos^sible. He may be found one .loor West of Lilu-rty Point, with the most »d his ready-made work saved Ir.iiii the late tire. Persons in want of anv articles in my line of business, would do well to call, as 1 will sell cheap for cash, or on time fiir appr.ive.l note. .lAMKS SCNDY. Jan'y 10, 18',2. •’'•jtf El RTIiER xo rici: RaiiIsh—Karly Long .Scarlet. Karly Scarlet Turnip. Rose col'll W inter. Long Salmon, .S|-ixArii—Houn.l, S.M.siKV oE Vkuktahi.k 0\stkr. Sqvasii—Karly Hush. To.matu—Large Red, l>.-irge .Smooth. Pear ShaiK-.L Large Yellow. Tt usip—Flat Dutch. Red Top Flat, Large Norfolk. W bite iltibe. Long TaJikanL Rtita 15,-iga. \nK. fllVME. S. ,T. HINSDALE. Fayetteville, Dec. 31, 1S'>1. «>4tf NO i'K e! \'\ii i.Mi \vi,\ti:r aoi)s. II K Subscribers are now receiving a well B selected stock of .Staple an.l Fancy l)R\ (iOODS. .\nioiig their sf.iek will be foun.l the latest styles ot Ladies' and Cientlemen’s DHKSS CiOODS. together with a gooxl assortiuent of | Head v-iiiad(‘Clotliini:; I'iiibrella.>;; Hats, ('a]'s, anl liomu ts; all kinds of liuots and Slioi s; ('jirjietinjr; Saddles, liridles, \\ liips and Collars; Hardware and C'utlery; I^ea- tlier; Ho]low-waie and ('rockery-ware; Loaf, iitiinj), (’rushed, (’laritied and IJrown Su- ' irar.s; Teas; Uio, Lagnira and .lava (’offi'e; Salt, Molasses, Tron and Nails, ‘ With many other (Joods, which will be sold ■ very cheaji for I ash, or on time to those who ]>ay punctually. We would be glad if our friemls and the luiblic generally would give us a call. J. T.‘ COI NCIL & (WIN. Sept. 1. l.S.M, IStf xotTce^ ^T.MIH ."t V.1LLI.\MS have remove.! to the .St.ire recently occu|iied by Mr. .lohn D. Starr, one door west ot Messrs. H. Hranson & Son. where they have.iust received additions to the Spring piir.diases of .Staple ami Fancy DR\ (lOOD.S. Country merchants are reijueste.l to examine our stock. .L H. STAHH. J, M. WILLIAMS. .Tune 7, LS-M. 7->-tf S' North Carolina Kerseys. 4 HKY, SHKMWELL & CO. have .just re- ceivcl a large lo^ of "Salem Ker.neys,” known to all of our Planters a.s the best goods for negroes that are xiffereH in this market.— Those who have been waiting, had better come and get supplied, as thev are going off rapidly. 1 *1 tj- t *r 18th Nov. 1851. M.\C ISTYRK offers for sale— ir> bbls. clear MK.SS PORK- bbls. No. 1 Lard. •S kegs Hutter, fine nuality. Liberty Point. 40tf EAYErrEV1 LI.i: \\\{A NC11 C L O T III A (i lEgmiBllISIIMlMir, J. M. WIIITl] & liMIEIIIlILL, J^rajters, Tailor a, A N D W II O L K S L E A X D P, E T .M L CI.OTIIIERS, no Wiffiitm s(irt(, A' jr York, XEIT DOOR TO THE BWK OF CAPE FE.IR, JFaifettevHle^ C. Thk Subseriber.'i Would beg leave to in'* form the inhabitants of Fayetteville and vicini-* tv. that they have opene.l the above Establish ment. and intend carrying on the business in all its branches. They have just receivcl a large slock of IIK A DV-:t1 A I> ■: c: I.OTII I « From New Y’ork, all of their own mauufacture, consisting in part of ('loth Cloaks, all iinalitiec. Hlack and colored (.Toth Surtout and Sack Over coats, every grade. Labrador and Lanib's-wool Beaver ditto. Ditto ditto ditto, made revers ible. to wear cither side out. Heaver-clotb. Petersham and Kersey Overcoat.s, every style. Dress and Frock (''oats, of French cloth, superi- I »r quality, e.jual to custom work. Sack Coats of all kinds and qualities. Pants of fine FnMich Doeskii*. Ditto of fancy ('a?simere, in variety. Ditto of Sattinets, Kersi'ys, .Sc, Vests, of Satin, plain and fattey Silks, Silk \ el-- vets. Wool Velvets, Cashmere, Cassiniere, \ a- lencia, Marseilles, \c. Vests, of white and figured Silks, for weddings and parties, in variety. —ALSO— .‘hit^.s, jilain and embroidered; Collar?; Un der-Shirts; Drawers; Cravats, &o. &c. —ALSO— go.1.1 assortment of medium and cheap CL( n il INC, ('OCN'TIIV MEHriT.VNTS and others ill want of Clothing to sell again, will d. well to call and examine our Stock. (Orders tilled at at^^NEW YORK PRICES.-^ Measures and orders will be taken for fine Clothing, nnd e'xecuted in the most fashionable style ami with despatch. J. M. WHITE & UNDERHILL. A. C. HAllT, A;r»f Nov. 17, If^ol. F.VYKITEVILLE CONFKCTIOxNERY. CHARIiBS BANKS, Confectioner^ 1NFOF.MS the public, that he has refitted hi.5 Establishment on Green Street, and has on hand a fresh .supply of CANDIES, manufactured hy himiHdf out of the best Loaf Sugar, and w ar- ranted free tr.jm st.ii. li, fJonr, paste, and pcnii- ciou.s paints, Hi.s whole time and att*ntion i.^ now devoted to making Candy, and he is pre- Jiared to supply all orders w'ltU Cun\ies equal to anv made in the United Stnte.s. These Can- \i . ..♦•.-..i.MM.r C.imii-iHv die-! he warrants to keep in any climate; and .... . - , >!="” \ i,e will sell to ToAvn or Conntry merchants, a.- Etake this method of rctunnng my sincere Alamance (’ounty. North ( and pure Can-lv can be punduiscd thanks to those gentlemen who saved the j West of the Cane Creek Cotton Factoiv, on Cane } vT.tW ori.Ki*whei-e ‘ g.io.ls fi^im my Shop on the morning of the od j (V^ek, at the Foundry owned by David Dixon ‘ (Kt IHOL Ji4 tf Hut for their Uiii.lncs* and e.xertioii, I I Hrothers, and woi.ld rcsjiectfully nniiounce to ■ j • ’ — Fayetteviile. Dec. lo, 1?^.;1, 4H-tl StHifliei'ii ^Tlamiracliii’e. have f.irmel a company st.vled the iiist, would have htst all. J\MES SUNDY. NOTICE. rB'^HE copartiierfchip heretofore existing uii- I. der the name id'J, A. Hcw land &, Co., is this day dissolved by mut.uil consent. .loHN A, Rowland, OILHERT W. .McKAY. JUlIX C. MOOKE. Tlic undersigned will continue the b’.'.siness of the late firm, at their former Stand in Lnniberton, under the stvle ot R()\V- L.V.ND iJi. .McKAV, wheie Uooils of every de scription can be bought on the most reasonable terms. .JOHN A. HOWLAND. tjlLHKHT W. McK.VY. Lumbcrton, July 1, IbSl. Itf Candles'. Candles!! Candles!!! j KST FAYKTTKVILLK MOULD C.\NDLKS for sale at the Pr»ii>rietov's Store, Hay street, one door ^\est of Mr. K. (Hover’s Jew eler’s Store. Persons desiring to have their Tallow m.ade into Caudles will Tileasc send it in. A. M. C.V.MPHELL. Jan'y 10, 1P-V2. .jo-:3m ~ NM:\V ARRIVALS. Y the late arrivals we have received !MO- _ L.VS."'KS, in hliils., tierces and bbls. fish.—We have .Salmon, Mackerel iu bbls. and half bbls.. and Mullets and Herring. Also, v'cllow planting Irish Potatoes. COOK & TAYLOR, 6-1-8W the citizens of Alamance and the a.ljoining Counties, tliat we arc now prepared to Manu facture in the ne.atesit and best style-—Wheat Thrashing Machines, from two to six horse power; l.'iittin;: Machines of diflerent sizes; NOTICE. ATF, SCHEK wante'i, to tal-J charge of the Academy at WhitcviHe, Columbus cunty, N. C. A liberal price w dl be given- .\pplic.M- Wool ('ardiiig .Machiiiet: double and single Mill tion will be made to F. (.ieorge, Lbq. or nivbcif, and Factory (iear; Saw and Grist Mill Irons: at this ofiice. edge Tools; Cotton Yarn and Wool Lolls, &c. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to ; irive us a call before purchasing elsewhere, ii.“ ; we are determiue.l to sell cheap for cash, or on time to punctual dealers, (‘urlong e\i>ericnce j in the Manufacturing Hnsiness enables us to i feel no hesitation iu siivinp that our w.irk shall not he surpassed hy any shop in the South. All letters addressed to the Agent fit the i t’onipnny at the .Snow Cump P. (•-, .Mamance I CoHntv,*N. C., will roceive prompt attentiou. j DAVID DLXON, Agent J, A. Whiteville, l)ec. 1\ Ibol- M AULTS nV. 48-tf jvm 4 SUPPLY of Frefih (iround CORN MEAL kept for sale at tlie .Mill, late .Anderson's. Grinding of Hominy and .Meal done promptly. Fnycttcville, March l"tf ai7manai:s. rilURNEK'S North Carolina, ar,d Blums Farmers’ and T’lanters’ L-M.\ SACS, just 11-' j r«iriiicio *iu ' *, Jl of the S. c. Manufacturing Company. receire.l and for sale, «^OV Snow Camp, l>cc. 9. 1801. 47-Oiu I E. J. HALl.