SEMI-WBEKL, Y. \OL. I.] rAYKTTEVILLE, N. C., FEliUUARY 3, 1852. [NO. 61.] 1 ill m i: 1' I>V .1 XKWHV. I;j)\V\|{l) J. HALE & SOX, i i.ii’dus vM> rii(>i*ini:n>KS. >iMlli-Wpoklv l>ll?KKVliR 00 if n iMil'*': *>0 if I'aiil iluriiip; the rii'Ui'ii; or uftcr tin* year lias Ofju'C of the VayettevUlc and \or~ them l*/an/>' Hoad C 'ompany^ .I V.M AKV *2)?, lSr)J. jjj^KAI.Kh rnoi’uSAI.S will 1)0 rercivfil. by oitlu'r uf the undersijriietl, iiiit’l tiie l”»th of Fi'liniiiry next, fur tlio tlflivfry of nlxnit 170.- (MM( li‘et 15 measui’e. »if siuiikI yellow pine Tim ber. iit the site of the jirojiosoil I’laiik lload I!rilj:e over the ('ape Fear Ki\er at Caiiiphell- toii. .''ail tiiiilier to he eut «hi\vu this winter, I iiiul (.lelivereil in ^ueh |Uaiitities, an>l at such c.., ,,,, the uiiileisiirnccl niav ilireet; so that K.UVKU 00 per uunutn. if ,i„. j, aelivere.l l.y ti.e ' April next. I he iinieiision: of the timber eaii lie seen by railing upon .lohn WaihUll, ,lr.. from \\hum ail I'ther neie^>ary intoi inatiou can be obtainel. JOHN \VAL»1)[!.I„ .hi. A. A. JleKKTH.V.N. ■'■•'-t.i] I». (;. MeUAi;. - ■f. ' Ml ■iiivsuce: ’>• if ilurinp the • » ;■ • rij'tiuii: or t>U after the year '1. j • j;i;Tl.''llM liN'l'S inserted fur ?i\ty ecnt! 5 r the lirst. and tliirty ccnt;* for each : ]inM:>Mti''n. Yenrly advertisements I at reasonable rates. Ad-! .-rs iri rt''-;ti'd to state tlie number of , ; - -in I. or they will be continxied til! I i, i ;:i-il .•it'C"rdin;^1y. ^ - !. :hi 1'. '-r.-rs must be jiost-paid. .11 > 1' r/» >■. IidV i s ^Iill .■'aw s, t'r>>ss-i ut ditto, ith Ui'llow s, ■lies and Ilun^injr", 1 J Maokerei. Li'.KTK X JOHNSON. ■■J, sl.W t-r- A f\' \T I'KOP " iir -nler. M(M.ASSKS. if .xiijiorior ijuality just rt-ei'ivod ajid ful ‘ 15. r.osE \ .‘^oN. Fatfetterille and Soiithcni IM.ANK KOAI). II l> Stoekliolders of said I'ompany are iiere- -M. by notitiecl. that the last instahneiit on .'toek «as due and payable at the ..f Fay etteville on the It'.i instant, and all delin'(Ueiits are rei(uired to p;iy tlie same, or the provi.sinns of the Ch.irter will he enfuree I. rhe lli>ad is nearly e'>mi>leted, and till the sub.seription is neees.sary to conijilete it. The Pirectfis hope there '%ill be no delay in tlitf i>aynu-iits. by order ot the noanl, Aia H‘l) A. T. .'S.MlTll. .'ee v. Jan. 'JO. is.'i’j. ^ ^ II1. eopartnei !>hi]> heretofore existing be- ■- tween the undersiirneil ha-: this il.iy been liss*ihed by mutual consent. .\ll persoi.s in debted to the subscribers will please e.ill and settle thi'ir n-s])eeti\e ilues w ith .1. \\ . Powers, who ali’Ue is authoiizi 1 to close the concern. J. W. I’OUKKS. KOUFKT ItKCl.^TKIl. .lau'v 10,000 !^P(IKXv*SJlEi\' WANTKD. Tlio 8uI)scril)or has now one of the most extensive and best assorted .stoeks Kouble and .Single .S||OT tiUNS, TISTOL^ of the most superior (|uality,—t'olt's Repeating and .Mien’s Kevolvinjr, of every tjuality,—I’ow- iler Flasks, Shot ami (inme Ihips, I’ercussion 'aj'S of Knglish and French make., the lU'iSt com]ilete assortment of (!un fixtures that hm ever been offered in this section of country. Also, Shot duns, Hifle.>5 and Pistols made to onler or repaired. l’ilie.« m.ide to order, and w:irranteil to shoot from one to li\e hundreil yards. .Vir (tuns made to order iit short notice. To all of which the attention of Sportsmen and others is .••■speetfullv invited. M. A. r..\KEK, Siijn of the tlun. Hay street, neai'ly oj'positc thu .Marble Yard. Fa\etteville. .N. Oct. t>, IS.'d. Uf^tf ii c t o r y. Bv FiAi i)i:r. TWO L'OOIIS ABIIVC liAlf.’!! \ SUN’S .VfOKK, Fnyol t«*% i\. i\ Jan'v 2'). is.'ii!’ .'.'.-IV (hil> Kni’iit out ill Part. \. A I Mrlvi: rilAN \ ■';:T';'h's til carry on the ('.\Uni.\(iK .■'INI >> in a’l its branches, at the re- ^ I 'tau'l, ipy>islte Liberty I’oiut. ^ ;iiiks h>r the ii'oeral pati'inafie he • III- rc'-ei\ed, and hi'pes by strict at- - i.i ;ind a lcsire to irive entire r iiii iit a ciintinuance of the same. : ; k'-! t tlic .:rcater portion of hi. Tim- nice tiom the manufat-tory, he has . .1 and well selected h>t of tho- ;n 'l Timber, of every ilescription i' '■ ii'iines.'?. which enables him to ret;iin aii ipal wi.rknien. lie i.s therefore now . ; :iiiy work in lus line in the verx . ; I lU the most favorable terni.s—as 'V rk Ilf the same ((uality in N. ('. I- n hand, completely finished, r !.■ ;ics, lor 1 or "J hor.«es; ... - i .«. an ! lo r.upgies. ;hni^he l, •.-I-.- fur - horses; ■.». lies for 1 aiid - horses; i'Aa_\', .:i;d ;;u IIu:_'L:ies: ■!i are ^if the most approve ! plan and :.l will cumpare with any work in the ^ ' ! 'r neatne.-s and durability. _• ecu en^M;red iu the above business . ,-t l!tt years, his work is well known. I ■■.• I ' t'l i-M custvmcrs for prouf of its tv. Al.I, Ilk warnmti'd fi>r months, . .cd free i,f charjre should it fail by bad ii. h;[i nr ni.Uenal, within that tinte. Ui.rAii’.iNi; executed at short uoticc, and .n.ible terms. ^ - s ’>' Livery Stable Business. ! ^ H F. subscriber inter.'is e.irr\in;r on the nbii\e bu.-.iiie> as U'llal. lia\W,;; added considerable -''tock. he will l>e atile to .aceoni- mod:Ue the jiublic. Thankful for past favcr^. he S'licits a continuance. J. w. i*owi:iis. .lan'v L’O. oMf rou 111 UK. tNKtillO WOMAN, a -i.od (’o..k. ,\pi'!v to COOK .V TAVI.oi:. J.-in'y lil’. .'istf lOO -If/'f.s r>/ fit' >tdi. IWn.l. sell at the Court II..use. on the se cond Monday in Fcbru.iry, at iL’ o'clock, }MI acres I..\N1>. known as the McColl tract. It is convenient to Little Uiver. ami the Yadkin Uoad and Lonjistret t Church. — ailj'i’;;i- injl the lands of McLau^hr.n and others. Terms m:ide known at sale. A. M. 'AMri’i:i.L, Vuct'r. Jan. ll'i, IS'i'j. .'I'.tts A ( AIU). fB'^llF. -subscriber offers hi? services to the pub- J0_ lie i in town or conntrv to t:i\e plan.-* for buildin;_:s. v.itli speciticatii.iis. bi”s if niat'Ti- als, workiii;.; drafts, ,s:c.. and will suj/erin- tend the eXM'Ution of separate buildinjrs or im prove iiiciits. fora uiouirate per diem .-illiiwaiu-e. GF.(.>. S. llolHiKS. Jan y l!L o'.'-ot ('ahntrt h'nniitare. Chairs, H^HF. sul iscriber is re«eiviu;r the lar^ ■rtment in his line ever before [>un Vr. St as- hased at the North, w hich, together w ith his iiw n man- uoii'ture. niak. s his .'stock very complete, con- >istin;r of (’liuirs, 'I'alih's, Sotas, IJrtl.stiMiJ:;, ^Vu.'‘h Stands. Hiin-au^ Iv>«>kiiiLr la.sM >. .''iili* H.iaiilp, .''i i rctnrics. .Ml of whirh will be sold on the lowest teruis foi Cash, tir ..n sh. rt tiiue to t'unctual customers. .lollN W. n.VkKll. Oct. ;:'.tf l*arr'.s ( 'ireidar-Sa(r Sfeam Mills. f |XllL uudersi^ne.l is tlie authori/.ed .\"ent -M_ fi.r the valual.'le Mills, and will be j:lad to recci\e orders fir ••Circular-Saw >Hlls ", to be projiidled either by .''team, Watc'r or Horse power. These Miils have been used on the I’iank Koads in Maryl.and. \’ir;.:inia. North and .'South C.irolina, mid are always appro\ed. They are used and prefened by the (ircenville and Ualeijrh I'lank Uoad ('ompany, and 1 h.-ive the wor.l of .iiiiic of the \ery exjiei i'.nced Directors of thi.t Company to say they [.erform admirable. Tln'V are chcajier any ether .^Iill, will t>crform J.vtter. an'l more lumber. JNt». ,M. r.OSF.. Fa vctte^ iilc. N. C.. ^ov. l.I, 1S-')1. o'.i-oui EQUITY SALE. Important Sale of 'Voirn Ijots. BV virtue of a Decree of the Court of Ecjui- ty for the county of (’umbcrland, ut the Fivll Term, 18>1, I shall expose to sale at pub lic iiuction, at tlie Market House iu Fayette- tille, on .Monday the 9th dnv of February next, tho following VALUAULF: KKAL KSTATi: iu the Town of Fayetteville, viz; 3 Luts on llav .street, joining K. J. Lli- ly oti the east, eatdi 2(1 feet front, and ruuning back to Franklin street, about ;>7H feet. otln-r JiOt.s fronting on Hay street, west of the Kngland Lot. e;ich l!0 feet front, and running back t > Franklin street, about oTS feet. '1 Lots, each *20 front, on Maxwell .St., and running back about lotj feet. 1 Jjot, corner of Maxwell and Franklin streets, 27 feet on Maxwell, and running back l.'ii) feet on Franklin. Also, all the Land lying on Mnniford and .Maxwell streets, known as 'Military dreen,’ bounded by Franklin, Mumford and .Maxwell streets. 1 l..ot. fronting feet on Green st., between (Jee's and .Mel’her.son's. as per plot. '1 Lots ou J3oW street, frontitig •i‘J 1-TJ feet each. 1 unimproved liot t»n the South .si«le of Mumford street, joining T. J. Curtis, Ksn. TKK.M.S.—1, *J atul ;{ years’ credit, with in terest after ♦> months—interest payable semi annually;—the purchasers giving bond with se curity to be approved bv the M:i«ter. AKCli’D A. T. .>.M1TH, Clerk and .Master. Doc. -I'l. 1S.')1. r>lts (irernshcrouii'h (,\. Mutual //:suranee ('uni}ian\f. FCIlSl'.'iNT to .in .\ct of Incorporation, ,a Coiupar.v has been fornu'd under the name and style of ‘ THK (i UKKNSIIOIK »L( J11 M C- Tl .U. LNSUHANCK ('OMl’ANV, and fully organized by the appointment of the following Ofiicers, viz; J.\MMS ,'sl,().\N, I’resiclent. ,S. (i. COFFIN. Vice l‘resideut. rL’l'lCli .Vl>.\.\L's. Secretary and Treasurer. C. 1*. M KN 1>F.N H.VLi.. .\ttornev. JOHN A. Mi;i!ANK. \ W. ,L McCoN.NFL, ■ Kxecutivc (’uui. nM. S. KAN KIN, j l)iKKrT(ii;s. WE are now receiving a large and well se lected Stock of 1>RY CillODS, Comprising every article usually kei>t iu that line, together with 150 C -'a.scs Hoots jiiul Sliocs. Ilat!« and C'ap$. —A !.S( »— A well selected Stock of H,1KD To all of which we invite the attention of .Mer chants of the interior, who will find it to their interest to examine our Stock before luaking their jmrchases. We w ill not be undersold by anv one doing business iu this place. HALL & S.VCKETT. August lh')l. Ititf Carriiiije Miimifiictorv c5 w John .\. Mebane. \ndrew Weatherly. C. 1’. Memlenhiill. Lyndon .'swaim. Jesse .'^hellv. Junathau W. Field. sl Card. ( ALL AM) si:i”rLi:. A LL those iu'lebted to us by Note oi ..'m count, vill please call and settle. W ill want of nioiic;.. Interest will be char;j all Aeco'.ii.ts for I '-'il after this date. II. lillANSON & Ac- .‘ ai'C ■ I on SON. ■ itf Jaiiics Sloan. W. J. .McConnel. William S. ilaiikin. Jed. II. Lind.say Shubal i. 'oflin. William II. lleece. Tyre (tlenii. This Cotnpany has now been in suceei-sful operation for several months, and will take Uisks upon Dwelling Houses. !stnres, and other liuildings, .Merchandise, Furnitur'-. I’roduce, itc. The objcct of this organi/ution is to af ford a sv'tem «.>f Insurance which shall operate for the liiutuid benefit Af all its memliers. The jiec'diar advantages arising from this mode of Insurance are, that the assured f>ay no more than the actual losses and expenses of the Company, and experience has proved the safety of Mutual Insuram-e Companies, as well as the great saving t(.i its member^: anl no stronger argument can be produced in ther favor, than the confidence whi.'h they receive from tht en tire community where such Couijianies are in successful operation. Any iiu‘(u luution respecting the principles of the ('ompany will be cheerfully furnished by the Secretary, 4ir anv of its .\gents. ‘I'KTFll ADAMS. .Secy. The Suliseriher having hoen aj>- pointei! .Vgent, will receive applications anl make surveys to cflect Insurance in said Ctiu- punv. JOHN -M. IIOSK. Fayetteville, Dec. ’Jf), ISOl. ol-oin "IHK Subscriber having taken the Kstablish- meiit of the late A. C. .Simpson, (situated opposite W. McIntyre's .Store.) intends carrying on the Carriatrc M;nmr:ictiirin^r l*,iisiiicss in all its various branches, and would respect fully solicit a share of the public jiatronage. Having had considerable experii'uce in the business, and having been employed in some of the most extensive F.stablishnients in New York and New Jersey, he flatters himself that he can give gVneral satisfaction. He warrants all his work to be made of the best material the surrounding country affords, and by experienced workmen; and should any of it fail, either in material or woekmanshij>, in twelve months from the time of its delivery, he will repair it free of -harge. gSaj" RF.l’AIl'klNCi diuie in the neatest and best manner, and at the lowest possible prices. A. H. WHITFIKLD. Favetteville, Feb. 11. IS.’in. 7tf TO ro r rox plan i'EUs. I’lKCKS COTTON r.A(jilNti, T.-. coils Itoi-e, JOO 11.3. Twine, Just received and for sale cheap, bv PKTKK 1’. JOHNSON. .\urust 1*'), I'^^.'il. lltf FALL, 1851. 7a.\ies kylF 18 now receiving a very l.-»rge and general as sortment of DRY CiJOODS, HITS, tlPS, BOOTS & SHOES. TIlFi .SnbscriJier offers for sale ore of the largest and best Rs.sortnients of GM)L>.S Purchased by the I’aekage for (WSH. Tiiose wishing to jmrchase (ioods at reduced jirices, will please call and examine, as bargains may be ex]tccted. ' \ '•* Ii"" ever offered in this ]>lace. He is H()LTL\(; Ci.OTHS, Anker Hrand, ! very thankful for the very liberal patronage that Iruiii >0. 1 to nii0(»iiuih>uly t-hfaj*. lu(K) ()R \X(;i:s, HXllF. best of tlie s(;iii,,ii. Just received a! 9. for s.lie bv CHS HANKS. .lall’v .'j, l.''-'.J. oltf \i:\v Fimi & m liooii.s. f ■ ^ H F. subscribers are now receiving from JL -N. York, a large and "eueral assortuicnt ol Staple and i'aneij Dr if (loods^ ; s j^^tained a severe loss by the fire • riiglit of the l!d January. I am caii oil all tho-«r v\ho are indebted ik - in:.a li .te payment. If they • ill fMii. j.ay what they can, either - 1'.. itiab'e .it Hank. A. A. .McKKTHAX. jotf y' nn.r- WHISK LY. T.iniiel's' (»il. i-i-ceived :ind for s.ale bv V. 1LLKI.N(.:S .V C(. .';'.'-‘Jw CHERRY PECTORAL Kor iHr 1 ur«* ol (OliillS, (OLDS. IIO\RSE\ESS, BR0\(HIT1S, WIIOOPIMi-roiGII, ( ROIP, ASTiniA, A.\D (0.\SI.>1PTI0.\. M any >rnr'.I ilKtrJui Itf inHtHirinff itiP piiltlic i Miiiult nr»’ ill ihi' iiH iiinnr. l«»r it an Hi \vw >i'l*aii« if siiji rior ijuality. just rec’d . iiii-1'..rnment. and for sale by H. UOSI-: & S )X. i NOTICH. .li.s are f.irbid trading for a note to .Vic.van'lcr .McKellar. or I .ii\ion.. for the sum of Filty > le ,1 iiuarv 1 ^'iJ. i-Lii.ll i;. McKLLLAlt. . '. . c.. .J:in. 1 S-’iJ. .I'.'tf SA \ E COST. Tsgi: i.,isT \ "I .iis indebted to the sub.scril)ers. by I':i.-i-..niit, are hereby notified that •' iii'l not4*s not settled by the first ■ I \' will be ])la;ed in the hands of : .1- I •.llection. HALL, S.KCKKTT CO. ; - Is'-j ."ilt-lni AN r\Tl().\ FOR SALE7 1 '• deti-rmii.ed to abandon entirely I' ii;pt J at I'arniing, 1 offer for sale '1 .ii'l on which 1 lately resided, three l.i:iiili( rtoii. It contains HIMJ acres, - ' ; "hich ;ire c!'.ire 1. This offer pre- ' ‘ ill li;.;cmeiit.s to persons ;!itv .ill 1 excellent water. making Timber and lio.xe.- alre.'idv 'Ut.) ■' '! : ii'ilitie- fi.r rim-, . jn oiiu ■ ' dwciling and oiit-hoiis( ' ’ - tiirilty tlrchards (ir.ipe \'ines. ' ' j.iie'e and ea.-v terms. ‘l{. F. Ti:OY. ' Ml, i’li.oi ..-on Co.. N. ('., I J in. -Jf, ^ ' I'arnit rs, (Jftrdcncrs tS' f lorists. f R ^ j I I , g I r. . ; ib‘r, having been ajipoifitel by l’- N. Strong vV (,'o., of Weathers- • .'oU- Aiiciit ill .Noi-tli Carolina for tlie ' .r iVKDK.'N .'sKliU.S. offers i‘>‘d retail a very large an«l full ' "■ the Ijest (i:irden aul Flower ' ' 'ii;,ht(.,l the rrowth of 1H.‘»1. •' ■ > V. ill re(.ei\e prompt attention. L. H. Wi;iiH. t 'li, N. c,^ 19, IH-VJ. 58-Ow H (irrants J'or aalc here. || Iioli.riflj liy I'lr i-\rc din* tin- iim«t v.ini'iiii)*' •ii« III It' trn inl«. .\iilliiiiu liut il> iiilriiisii' v.r- UiC' il»‘ iiiiiiii'Uik.ilile lii iiflii toiili trcil i.ii ilii.ii-niiils ■ of «iill* rT'. I iHilil iiriL'iiirtl*'Mini mail.lain liic ri'|iul:itiun il i-iijoy'. \\ loir 111 my iiilcrii.r rcineila' llini'l ii|mhi i!ie ci.iiiiiitii.ily. I’jtii*'*! hiiii lie**n ili^r.-ir.l* il. liii^ lia^ K.tii;'l Iririiii!! liy, cnnri-rri il licn-ti!s on iln- »l tlirieil tliry ran never furufi. niiil |>ri.(lii .i ciii'ri l.m iia- iiirri'll'* anil tint rtMii;;rK.:lil*‘ lo In* lursolleii Wtiilr it i* n l>:iiiil on tlie |nililir Ki |ir'tciid timt itiiy one iiM'ilitiiie will inf«llilily cur#'—sliil llirr«* i..« iitiumftiit |>riM>l timl 111*- I licrry IVrloral ilor not only as » "i thini:, Iml »lmu>l invariably, turc ilie iiial;.ilie tor w !.ii li 1 111* eiin>l.iy«'il. I t.iiif iii.ikeji lliC'e fiict w iilrr nnd lirtt^r know n. this ^ iiMMliciiie liaN er-iiliiariy Iiitoiih' tlie lir't r*'Iijiiirf o! the jilHuu-il, fr.Mii ilif lo« l aliiii l.I til*' \iin riran |i.-.iN:iiit. In Itn- |iiln-i-'ol iairo|M ill KiiiL''. 'riiroiiiilKHii tlii' entire riiiiiiir\. in i vf-ry ."'t.iti-. tiiy. ami inl-i'il Hlino't cvi-ry liMiiiU’l II rnni.iiiis. I lurry I'trtnral i> Kanwn h> llie be^t . rclii.'ily l il^iiil lor ili-i-.iscs o| i|i« 'I' ami I.In.):', iiiiil : ill niaiiy lorci"!! couiiiries, it i' coniiiii: to li«- eMeiisively ii'ca l>\ lliiar ni.i't iiiU-lli"ciil niy» In (ireat i’.ril- ain. I r.oii' .i riiiany. nln rt-llii ni«ili« al m icik ts hH\f rc.o lirii llirir lo;;lie'l |wrU rlion. li»-rr\ I’l i li.rHl ix I inlriiillH'* tl. mill in runstanl ii'*- ii: the .\rint*'s. Ilii'pilal.*. ! Mills Ilou *:s. I’lililii Iii'lin.lii.ii.'. ioi! ill ||. Iiif'tir (ir.u:- j tit*’, MS III** slir**'l rciiifily tl.eir alli'ttiiii.i! I’li\'iri.iiis can CiHl>loy l-T lh*r iiion- ilaiici-r-.iis atliTlinns of the liiiiEs.— I AUo ill iiiiiiier t'a.M >. niiil for rliihlreii il is .safe, pleasHiit ' ;tml eriVrlUHl io riir** In lacl. soiiir of llie most ti.itleriiis te?tiliionial« werctciVc li.ive Ik-i ii Ifom parriits w h*i liHvi: Ii.iiikI It * tfieaciiius in ca»« » p.irfu iilHrly ii.cident^il III rliiUiliiMi«i. The l licrry r li> is iiianuracliireil hy :i prarliial hfiMisl. anil **»i r\ ouiir*-*if it uiiilt r liis o« ii eyt-. « ith iiiv;iri-l>l«‘ Hd urar’y and tar*-. It is 'cal* *1 ami |ircil* rteil hy law from counti rl'' its. r*>n'«qui-iitl> tail he relied on .1' ^♦'aaiii** wilhimt ailiill**rali*i!i. Ue have einieavnrtd here to fiirni.-li the toii:iiiiiiiily with a iiifdirin*' of 'iirh iiilriii'ic siii>erioriiy anil wurlli as 'hoiilil tomiiifn*! it-clf to tht-ir tonlidcnrt;—h renieily at oiiti- 'ale. 'i** *dy ai.d *-ifi tliii,l. whirii lliis ha> hy r*-- |iiMti-il and rniiiiile'' trial' proved il'elf to he; and tru-t hy ijrpal * are in pri-pariii!; it wiih cliemicHl Hcturacy, o) uniionii 'lren,{lh tti luionl t'hysi* ians « n»-w H(!*-nt on rthicli iht y can rely (or Hit- l»-st r*‘'iilts. ami the aiiliru-il with a r. iiiedy th iiw ill do fur tlifiii all that nieiiiriiie I'lLII *lo. I’ri pared ami'nM hy .Iamkh .\vicK. rrHctita! and .Aii’ily I'hi-iiiist. Low* II. .Mh'S .'iiid in I'aji'Ui ' lil*' l.y J l!l.\.~li\I.K; 'nl'linton. hv W.MIltKV .1>I1N>".N' & •')., ai.d hy l)riij'j;i»ls and Dealer' in Mediime evcry w here. J«nu.Jj 3ni TO rilE IHULIC. rBllin subscriber has lea.scd for a term of ■ vears, of H. W'. Urown. Fs*i., his lire-jiroof Store,'with his Wiiarves, and is now in a condi tion to take especial care of Spirits Turpentine and other N-uVal Stores committed to his care. The Warehouse is well known to be the best and •safest jilace in town for the storage of Hacon, Lar«l, Corn, Peas, &e. The lower w harves hare on them hirpe new sheds, v. here Spirits can be safely-kept from the rain and sun. He is prejiai'ed to receive ami ship, or sdl. all kinds of I'l'oduee sent to his care. He will also make advances when reijnireil. He begs to refer to the following gentlemen; R. W. ISrown, John Dawson, U. (.!. Parsley and ! ThoH. H. Wright, F^sijs. MILKS COSTIN', Browu'a wharf, Wiluiiugtoii, X. C. j Sept. 12, ISul, 21-Y A PLAIN C.VSi:.—TKY IT. ^lost cheerfully uo 1 state that a little negro ■ child, three yeai s o!d, was attended three weeks by a ph\sitian, who at length said it must die. ■ 1 then began i'.si;ig Dr. Little's N'criuifuge, wheu very soiiii a larg^ iiu.iiitity of worms viere *lis- charged, and by tiie end of two da\s it could sit U]i, and tjui^k.y lecovercd. 1 h.ive given this medicine to gro'.Mi jiers uis who were com plaining, and fouuJ it to relieve tlieiii in the same way very pjomplly. In uiy neighboihood Dr. L’s medicines are much used, ;.:i l hiv'hlv approved of. 'jOilN D. (ilUT.MAX. ■ Dooly CO., ia.. Feb. A IIL.MAIIKAISLI: cask. When a medicine proves .'o valuable as Dr. ; Little’s Vermifuge, it should be known to the | w liole country. 'I'o a little negro chiM nineteen i months old, tliat had been sickly lor nearly a \ear, 1 gave three teaspoonfuls of this medi cine, according to directions, in one day, and ijy tiie next morning one hundred and ninety- two large v.*irins were tli.scharge(.l. it com- . meuced mending at once, and was soon I'estored. j 1 have given this Verniituge in several other il.stances witJi the hajipiest etlect. | 111 my iieighborhoo'l, w here there is much of | it used, 1 hear it spoken of by all in the highest terms, indeed, as never before having b«en eijiialled. JA.MKS M. DItAXTLKY. •Mouroe county, Cia. Head the following extract of a letter, ilated IJaker county, March 4, Dr. Little—Sir; 1 have lately used your \ er- mifuge in the case of my little boy, who had all the o_) iiiptouis of worms, with high fevers fol lowed by spasms, which lasted three hours, and at one time so violent that we even straightened him out for dead. I’reviously, we Isad given him every thing for worms wo could hear of to no avail. Your Vermifuge was now commenced, and by the next day he had discharged a num ber of large wonns, and soon after recovered entirely. Yours with much respect, .MOSiiS C. lU LLAUD. Dr. Little—Sir: In my family I have given several vials of your Venuifuge, as well as Fahnestock's, ami find yours the most eft'ectual remedy I ever gave or knew id'. \ ours, \c. (Signed) r.KKKY HrJLVEW. Talbot county. DR. E. COOK S LMPUOVED CATIIAKTIO TILLS. These are the ])ills that are so valuable, to be given in all cases of pain in the head, back or limbs, dullness, want of appetite and fever; also for jaundice, liver complaints, enlargemeul of spleen, \c. The fac-similc of the signature of l>r. \\. G. Little will be found ujion the outside wrapjier of each of his Meilicines. Sold wholesale and retail, by the l*roprietor, at his Mauufacturiug Depot, No. 20-1 .Market street, Pliiladeljihia, aud Macon, Georgia. To be had also of James Cain, Kockfish; A. \\ atson. Floral College; Tow nsend Doug lass, Jieiiu* ttsville; Dr. P. M. Cohen, Charles ton; C. C. jWrbee, liarclaysville; 1*. F. I’escud, llaleigh. , S. J. IIlXiiDALJi, Ageat for Fu^-cttcviUe. (;il()(’KHIi:S, IIAKDWAHK, Hats aud C’aiis, IJoots and .''hoes. Among which are: Coffee, .'sugar. Cotton Bagging, Hale Hope. .Nails. iiidow (ilass, .Swetles and Knglish Iron, .Sack and .Vlur.i Salt. Imperial and P.lack Tea*, Pe]i]ier, .Vlspice, (iinger, Powder, .'shot, I5ar Lead, Uar and Fancy Soap. Together with a great variety of other arti- cle.s, to which they invite the attention of the Jiublic. and which they are determined to sell as low for (.'ash, or on time to those who pay promptly, as any house in the .Southern country. Proiluce of all kinds, at the highest market prices, taken in exchange for tJool.s. .McLKAN .V JONKS. Summerville, X. ('., Dec. H, It^.'il. 47tf xorici:. fl'^HK .s^tcamer Chatham will lea^e this plats* JL every .'Vlonday and Thursdav at 7 o clock, \. NL, i instead ofo'clock as at j>resent,: com mencing at 7 o’clock Monday HUh inst. Time of leaving Wilmington, every Tuesliiy ami Fri- dav at 2 o’clock P. ^L JXO. D. WILLIAMS, Agent Caj>e Fear Steamboat Co. Fayetteville, March DOMESTIC'S. ^ 11TTLK lliver Osnabergs; 7-.H and 4-1 ^ .Sheetings always on hand, and for sale at Factory jirices, bv STAKll i: WILl.lAMS, June 7. 1 Si'll. 7.”*tf DAILY EXIMX'ri:i), A GHNKHAL assortment of C O O P F. P. S ’ T O O L , of the best manufacturers’ make, by K. C. Oct. IS, 1H.',1. H.\LL, of Home. ;!2tf ‘L^) Packages HOOTS AND SHOE;, cheaper than ever were for sale iu thi* market. Oct. 4, 18.')1. -iHtf GAllDl^A^SEED Fresh am! Genuine, SAMTeL j. ilLNSDALE HA.S just received and offers for .sale, a ve ry large supply of F’resh and (ienuine Of this year’s grow th, among which are the fol lowing, viz: Asp.\;v.s. Hk.vss—Early China. Early Valentine. F.arly Six Weeks. F^arly Mohawk. Large Lima. Hkkts—F’arly IMooil Turnip. •* Hassiuo. Long ISIood. White French Sugar. Yellow. (,’.\BU.\UE—Karly York. Flat IJattersea. Large Ox Heart. Flat Dutch. Karly .'sugar Loaf. Large Drundieatl. Drumhead .Savoy. ('M LifuiWKK—Karly London. C.\KitoT—Karly Horn. Long Orange. C K I. K U V—W h i le Sol id. lei .MUKK—Karly Ilussia. Karly Cluster. Long (Jreen. K(i(j Pi.\NT. CouN—.‘smith's Karly White. .Sweet or .'sugar. Lktti c E—1-jirge (ireen Head, lee Coss. Large Cabbage llra'L Mei.ox—Pine .\pple. Xutmeg. Mountain .Sweet Water. N \sTi I'. rn M. * Ik i; V. (*NH>N—Large lied. White Portugal. P vKsi.Ki—Curleil. P.MtsMi-—Long Smooth. I'r.A.s—Karly Charlton. Large Marrowfat. Pf.iteu—Long Cayenne. Hull Nose. .Sweet .Spanish. Pr VI !• KI .N —('oniiectieut. K.viusii—Early Long .Scarlet. E.-irly Scarlet Turnip. Uose col’ll Winter. Long .Salmon. .'sMN.v'ii—Uound. .S,\|.sUY o« Vti.KT-im.E Oystf.i:. .Soi ASH—Karly Hush. Tom.vtu—Large lied. l.arge .'^mooth. Pear .shapeiL l.arge Yellyw. Ti KMi"—Flat Dutch. iled Top Flat l.arge Norfolk. White (Jlobe. Long Tankard. Ivuta I’aga. ! he has had, and sclicits a continuance of the I same. His stick has been selected Tvith carc, and consists of nearly every variety and etjl*, : from the best manufacturer.^. He has on hand and offers low for Coth, a& retail or by the case, latest styles Geutkuitii's lieaver, Xutria, Moleskin, Silk, Urush and An gola HAT.S. Also, Jenny Lind. Kos.suth, Ar- j tist. llotigh and Ready, and slift'ened Fur and i \\oil ILats. for .Men, Youth and Boyu—iu abvm- ! dance by the dozen or case, j —ALSO— I -V very large stipply of ( loth. Plush, Velvet , and Fur C.VP.sJ. nf all ijualities. sivles and pri* ‘ ces,—by the single (.’aji or by the dozen. —ALSO— Uoots and Shor'i, of the follow ing varietie.s, viz: Fine V.'atcr-proof, line C.ilf, tine Kip and heavy Wiiiter P.OOT.''. -\lso. Hoys’ and YoutVis’ l.'alf and Kip l$oots. Gentlemen's Dress bhoes, of ' various qualities. Together with an assortment • if Luilir.t', Misses’aii't ( hildren'“ l?oo I'S and SlHHiS. viz: .lenny Lind, Kxcelsior-, (iaitors, ditto Half. 15uskins, .“slippers and Morocco Hoot.s. ,\lso, (lentlemen’s aud Ladies’ Kubber.^. Witli a good supply of Youths’, Jioys’, Childrens’ ai (I .Servants’ heavy Shoes. All of which he oli’ers low for Cash, or on time to punctual customers. Vlease call and satisfy j’ourselves before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN C. THOMSON, .Market Si|uai-e. I !>•;, IKil. 2)tf • ti rpentlm: land FOll SALE. ^Oll sale, acres of LAXD on James Creek, and ‘>40 acres on Cyjire-ss Creek, I in Cumberland, convenient to the W estern I’lank Koad. heavih- timbered, aud admirably adapted , to the making of Tui'peiitiiic. .\pply at tiiis Otiice. ! Xov.':!S. JtS.'>]. 44tf F 18th Nov. 1851. MAC IXTYllK offers for sale— l'> bbls. clear MESS I’OllK. :•! bbl.». No. 1 Lard. h kegs Hutter, fine ijuality Liberty Point. 40tf w. Oxford Female College. Tins Institution, located in Oxford, Granville Co., X. C.. under the care of llev. Sam uel Wait, D. D-, aided by competent assistants, has now been in ojieratiou one session. The next session will commenci on the .SE(.’OXD .MOND.VY IN J.\NCA11Y, ISri'J. .V uniform has been adoj'ted for jiublic occasions, consist ing of deep blue Merino, or any other suitable fabric, for winter; and of Pink Calico, (iiiighsim, or Muslin, and white Cambric or .Muslin for summer. The P.ouuet, straw; iu winter trim med with deep blue silk velvet and lined with light blue satin; iu summer, trimmed plain with Piuk Uibbon aud lined with white, 'without flowers, lace, or any inside trimmings. Xfrms:—Per session of five utonths, payable one h:ilf in advance. Tuition iu the Prepara tiry Department •'j>10, iu the College Course without any extra charge for languages, or higher ICiiglish throughout the course. Pu pils caa take a i>arlial course, and itiidy Latin, Greek, or French, or other advauced studies in an English course at >ilO tor each study. Extra expenses: Music ou I’iano u^e ot instru ment The same on (iuitar. Drawing and Painting in water cidors ?:>12; iu Oil •':Sl.). Needle Work l>oard in College under the immediate care of the President and his Assist ants, including washing, fuel, and lights ^i>S per mouth. Good board can be obtained iu the village on reasonable terms. Further informa tion cau be had by addressing the President. By order of the Hoard. T. T. GKANDY, Sec’y. Dec. 16, 48-tl.M — noTICI^ 7 f WllIE copartnership heretofore existing un- JL der the luiiue of J. A. Ilowland i: Co., is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. * JOHN A. KOWLAXD. (ilLHKKT W. McKAY. JOHX C. MOOllE. The uudcrsigiied will continue the business of the late firm, at their former .Stand iu Lnmbertoii, under the style ot ROU- L.VXD & McIv.W’, where Goods of every de- scrii>tion cau be bought on the most reaitoiiable tenntt. JOHX A. ROWLAXD. GILBEKT W. MoK.W. LtUBbertoo> July 1, IdGl. ICf KOirr. MlTl'IIELL, Ar> i/'k Jiljir, fM Sho fj Has always on hand a sujiply td' lJueon, Tobaeeo, Klour. .''uirar, (’oflce. Tea, M '.>, Soa{>, Candles, (!otton Yarn, t^heetinj'.s, (’utlery, Ci'txkery, and (Ilassware. —.\LSO— \ large stock of Foreign and Domestic 1.1- (^COKS, embrai iiig Western and X. ('. Whis key; French. Apple ami Peach Brandy: .lamaica and X. E. Uum; Holland (!iii; W ines of diiVereiit kinds. All of which have ’>eeu ]iurcha,sed low for Cash. Those wishing to purchase will i.lo well to call before purchasing elsew heje. Xov. 1, ISol. UH-;’ni W ICING and A. .McMlLLAN have enterep • into copartnership in the Distillery ol Turpentine, aud have erected a Still on the West side of the Fayetteville and Western Plank Uoad, S miles from Fayetteville. X. KING. ,M„v y.—71tf A. Mc.MlLLAN. It/(’(!. WE wish to buy liO.lMKI barrels Turiiontine. KING vV .McMlLLAN. Molasses and fish. HiIl>S. new crop a su- /^W perior article. ‘lo bbls. Fish. .lust received. P. P. JOHNSON. Jan’y 12, 1S.'.2. Ootf ximcE^ A LL persons indebted to the subscriber, either by note or account, arc re»iuested to call and settle the same as e.irly as possible. He may be found one door est of Liberty Point, with the most of his rcaily-niade work saved from the late tire. Persons in want t>t anv articles in my line of business, would do w ell to call, as I will sell cheap for cash, or on time for approved note. JAMES SUXDY. Jan’y 10, 18.')2. yiiti FURTHER SiVnCK. Stake this method of returning niy sincere tlianks to those gentlemen who saved the goo*ls f’nim my Shop on the morning of the ISd inst. But for their kindness and exertion, I would have lost all. JAMES SCXDY. S.v;k. Tiiy VIK. Fayetteville, Dec. S. J. 31, IH.'il. HIXSDALE, .j4tf NOrU'E. FILL 1\D \h.\ti;r goods. ^ H E Subscribers are now receiving a well selected stock of Stajile and Fancy DRY' (iOOD.s. Among their stock will he ftiund the latest styles of Lailies’ and Gentlemen’s DRESS (.iOOD.S, together with a good !issortmeiit of Heady-made ('lothiiijr; rniiirt'lla.'^; Hats, (’ajis, and Huiinets; all kinds of Boots and Shoes; (’arpcfiii^; .''addles. Bridles, \\ iiips and ('olhirs; Hanhvare and Cutlery; Lea- ther; Hollow-ware and (’niekery-wan-; Ijiiaf, liUiiili, rnished, Clarilied and Brown Sii- 1 .\Yl',TTi;V]l,l,l', iiU.VNClI C L O T 111 A G J. WHITE & IIMIKIiillLL, Mfrapers, Tailors, A \ I) W II O L E S A L E A X D RETAIL CI.OTlllGKS, 110 Wiffkim Xkw York, >E1T DOOR TO THE BWK OF C.\PE FE.\I, Faffetteville, .V. €, Tuk would bo^ leave to in form the inhabitants of Fayetteville ami vicini ty, that they have opened the above Estftblinh- ment, ami intend carrying on the business in all it.s branches. They have.just received a large slock of -11A l>i: C'I.OTHI From Xew York, all of their own mauufacturi*, consisting in part of Cloth Cloaks, all fpialities. Black ami colored Cloth .Surtout aud Sack Over coats, every gr.ade. Labrador and Lamli’s-wool BcHver ditto. Ditto ditto ditto, made revers ible, to wear either side out. Beaver-cloth, I’etersham aud Kersey Ovfc;coats, every style. Dress and F'roek Coats, of French cloth, superi- 1 »r iiuality. eiual to custom work. Sack Coats (d' nil kinds and qualities. , Pants •if fine French Doeskin. ' Ditto of fancy (’assimere, in variety. ; Ditto of .siattinets. Kerseys, &r. ' Vests, of Satin, plain and fancy .Silk.s, Silk Vel- I vets. Wool \ elvets, ('ashriiere, •'assimere, Va- ! lencia. .Marseilles. i.v;c. j^ars; Teas; Hio, J.aoiiira and Java Coffee; ! Vests, of white ami figured .Silks, for weddings Salt,, Iron ami Xail.> With many other (ioods. which will be soM very cheap for Cash, or on time to those who pay punctuall^N. Wewouhl be glad if our friends and the jiublic generally would give us a call. J. T.‘ COl'XCIL CAIN. S(“pt 1, 1 S-'il. IStf and parties, in variety. — \L.‘«»— .Shirts, plain ani embroidered; t'ollars; Cn- der-.'shirts; Drawers: Cravat..^, kc. Kc. —ALSO— .V good assortment of medium and cheap CLOTHING. Coi NTUY Mkiu'HANTs and others in vv.ant of Cl'ithing to sell again, will d'l well to call ami examine our .Stock. Orders filled at t-^.-^NEW YORK PRICES.-*^ Measures aud onlers will be taken for fiuo Clothing, and executed iu the moat fashiouablc style aud with despatch. J. M. WHITE & rXDERHILL. A. C. HAllT, Xov. 17, IS.'il. 4tl-’jiu F.\YETTE\ ILLE ( ONFECTlUiNERy. NOTICE. Store recently occupied by Mr. John D. Starr, one door west (>f .Me.ssrs. 11. Branson iS; Son. where they have just receiveil aiMitioiis to the Spring purchases ol Staple ami Fancy DR\ GOOD.S. (.'ountry merchants are reijuested to i examine our stock. J. H. ST.\RR. J. M. WILl.I.VMS June 7, iXol. 75-tf ^ North Carolina Kerseys. i CHARLES A REY, SHE.MWELL i CO. have just re- i VontCCilOUer, ceived a large lot of ••Salem Kerseys,” : JNFORMS the public, that he baa ref.ttcd hifl known to all of our Planters as the best goods Jl Establishment on Green Street, njul iias on for negroes that are offered in this marV;et.— h ind a fresh supply of t, ANDIES, luauulactured Those who have been waiting, had better come h^ himself out of the best Loaf Sugar, and 'wsr ■ and get sujiplied, as they are going of!'rapidly, ranted free from starch, Ceur, paste, and pcrc:- F.'iyettevillc, Dec. I "), ixfil. «^-tf j cious paints. His whole time aud attention is * ! I now devoted to making Candy, and h« is prc- .lSrtHlllrtl*tlll*C. j pared to supply all order-* with Candies equal E have formed a company styled the • to any made in the L nited State.-i. These Cu.i- Snow Camp .Manufacturing Compr.HV, i "arraiits to keep in any c;imate: and of \lamance ('ountv, North Carolina, two miles 1 >«• Country merchants, ns West of the Caiie Ci-eek Cotton Factory, on Cane 1 cheap as good an-l pure (’aiidy can be purchased Candles! Candles!! Caudles!!! Best favetteville mould candles for sale at the Proprietor’s Store, Hay street, oue door West of Mr. E. (.Hover’s Jew eler’s Store. Persons desiring to have their Tallow made into Caudles will rdease send it in. A. M. CAMPBELL. Jan’y 10, 1802. 55-oiu SEW arrivals. By the bite arrivals we have received MO LASSES, ill hhds., tierces and bbls. FLSH.—We have .Salmon, .Mackerel iu bbls. and half bbls., and Mullets and Herring. Also, yello'A’ plautiiig Irish Potatoes. COOK & TAYLOR. ‘ J*oV 8, 1SG2. ii-2w Creek, at the Foundry owned by David Dixon & Brothers, and world respectfully nuuouiice to the citizens of .Vlauiancc and the adjoining Counties, that we arc now prepared to .Manu facture in the neatest an«l best style—W heal Thrashing .Machines, from two to six horse power: Cutting .Machines of different sizes: Wool Carding Machines; double and single Mill ami Factory tJear; Saw and Grist Mill Irons; edge Tools; Cotton Yarn and W'ool Lolls. iS:c. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to give us a call before purchasiug elsewhere, as we are determiued to sell cheap for cash, or on time to punctual dealers. Oar long exf*erience n4-tf in Xew \ ork or elsew here. Fayetteville, Oct. NOTICE. TE.VrHKR wanted, to tRVcch*.r"C of lIic Academy at \\hitcvil!e, C*.Iumb‘is county, A liberal price will be given, .\pplica- tioii will he made to F. George, Ee.j. or myself, at this ofiice. J. A. M.YULTflRV. \\'hiteville. Dee. ]f>, l>^.il. 48-tf A X. c. 4S1'PPLY of Fresh Ground C(.>RX MKAL kept for sa.e at the Mill, late .Anderson b. f..el no hesitation in nivin. tbHi our work shall t.rindiug of Hominy «Tid > eal done pmni ' ly, F.'iyetteville, March lf>51. 12tt feel n»> hesitation iu saying that our work shall not be surpassed by any shop in the .South. All letters addressed to the -Vgcnt ot the Company at the Snow Camp P. O., .\lamance Couutv", X. C., will ruceive prompt attention. DAVID DIXOX, Agent of the S. C. Manufacturing Company. Siiow Cuiity, Dvvi- 17*.ai ALMANACS. raiURXEU'S Xorth Carolina. «nd JL Fanners’ and Plunters’ ALM.VXACS, jaet i rcccired and for sale, ivbolesale and rctaH, by 1 ' X. J. 4 SON. i-iW-