S E M I-W E E K 1, Y. „| I, I I htt--|^»^iuijujJI.|. LUUIIJMW. [VOI-. I.] ^-u ij I wm r III T"ti—nriii~r~ i i niii iibi ni~inTT ~i'"*wtiwii iiiib'wi^'ib ri ii 'irnwmii—ti rnwlTii FAYi:TTI-:V!IJ.K, N. C., l‘]:nia\\UY 5, 1S52. [XO. G2.] I KINTKD BV ,). ]i. NKWIIV. i;i)U \!.‘l) J. uaij: sox, !;i>;i !::s and pkoi’hikI'oiis. ;..r tiic Si'mi-\N>i'k!v Oi;-i;!-.\i;i; ."j; 1 (It) if ; -lO il' jni.l (hiriiifr tin- Kia rrs AND Nr rs! liAN(il,S. rifis, hiltos, Cur'-iijits ("uriin. Ahiiiiii.i.s. !!r;i/.il Nuts. \c. (list n-fiMviMi liy ClIA':' BANKS, laii. 2S. * C.n-tf iiUSil PO'I'A'i'Ol'S. l’.i'I,S. iM.AM'IMi I’UTATOKS. 'ti'.a; or alt^r ilio vcur lias alo liv W, \‘i : k’v I'i!'i.!’.VKi; NJ 00 jii.r if i:i :i i\a:i' 0: X'J oO if jijiid linriiiir tliv ,r'.I ''. riiHi.'ti; Ilf oo .liu'r tin- vi.'ar i:T;> 1'M I’N’l'-'' l'..r sl\ty I'i-iit-; - t .- t!u- til-.- t. ly ooit.': ■>;• f;u-li _ I ■ 'if iti.ni, M'ivfi tistMiUMits , i;!r.u;>. at I'oas .ual'ii' r;itcM. Ad- , ;'v t t sfitc till* mniiln'i- cf ■ I' 'h-o.l, .-r tlu\v will 1)0 contimii'il till ■;1 >!i-n-^f'l acviir'liitiilv. i.',' ■ rs t'ltlic iMiti'i’.'must 1)0 Jl^•^^t-I•ail. 'I'w lm:. l,r>S. I i(ir Sliail Sfiiif 'I'uiiio, .lan'v L’S. ju>t rocvivi il and for saU- liv (■(KH X .lUIINSuN. IS.'J. IS ::i m:\\ hooks. j ()S>1 'I’li. I.iff ami Sjiooi’lu's, ll'ic.: Swnl- | ^ l'*n r>:iiii. liy Koiiiifil\; 'I'lu'ory aiil I'rac- j t'co ot 11‘iU‘liiiiAr^.•lll^i^!lo]l Loijilitou s N\ orks; j iiinur'j hiso. iiiMS oTi Si-riptural I’rojilioi'V; liar|p( r's MaL'n/.itu-. ln.un.l Aiitlion’-s Clas sical rii-tii jiaiy, \c. I i:. .1. iiAi.i: vv SON. j Fol. y 1. I / (//•/.'/f '-.v* ;>>;/ l^lfiiitvrs' A!HKViur.' A rurtli( r suj>j>l_v jii>f i;. J. II '.I.K \ SON. Fet. li \\ ;jri 'llri Boat ’o's >t*\v s!ivr, SOr'ni i: u n i:r. ^ ' >■ l- > t'l take lior iilai-o in tlic in a li w tl.iNS. >in-is I'l'o !;iiii(lml • li'i t li'li;:. I'ci’t lio.iill. :U;'l i: .111.1 Wi';n\> III I \crf'lii!ir tv.olvo ’ •r. I'lio iiiiii.^iiiv ciiiiliili iit’\ oNi v. t ■ /.' in .-i.I-liii..!! to th.lri'iuT I- .i t.'W li.>a!-i. tlu'v will lie ill ,i i i.ti- t. .;ii'|ioi't all lrt'i;il:f 'cnt liy l!i«‘ir line ■ iii-li itTt.iiiity alnl lrs]i;iti!i its any tl'fi'i\or. Till- Si.mlu'ii.cr i r.Hir "f I ft \v:iti r, will fU.-: .u-.l 'V"- (i. ni'MINi;. Pros't. K. M. Oitiu;!.!.. \--iit. i;o-tf NO v\r\:. •'liM> lii'rt'totiiro cxi>tiiv.r iii; lor -’i. II. .V K. F. MiM'i'liy i> tills I iinirnni i-'iis«'iit •li t'. the tiri.i, iiy imto i- 't> •! to i :il’. at U. F. Mur- 'I'.'if tin- l.'itli i.f [ i'hniary a' f“ 't. .Vii'i th.'^c l;:n in;: :';rni arr rnjuosti-I to jmsi iit General Agency and Conimission Business. >ul.s rilicrs liavo tl.I?; day iiiti'nil iii- Ja to a r 'iiarliii-rslii|i iindfr tlic jt_\ lo of WllirAKKi;, WilFlFiKi.U \ CO..' for tin' jiui of doiiij: a "oinM al agt ncy and connni.-;.';"ii liu.>inoss, and in ollciiii” tluir .-^i r- \iiT>^ ti till- ]'i;Mii- in dial t-aj'acity tlioy f;altor tln.iii'ol\(■> t'aat tlifV will 1k‘ :iMo to iiivc salis- I'a. ti' ii to all tlio>o wlio may i-.'i;bi;rn any ;ro"ds. wari •.;. nu n-li.iinfi/i' or fiointiy ].roiiu-f t.> liuiii fitiii r tc' M'li nil f' liinii.'sl.'iis or f..r\\aid. ,\s i: uill In.- our trri'atost aim tn v o jili'd^ri' i'uri ;\ s t.i lie II. ].aiii,' in tr'iiiu tt> jmvo _i:ci:or.il ^-a•-s!:;!-;!■ !i '!'li'y r si ci ttiilly soli, it tin- ]>:itr"!i.iLr' of tlu'ir fiuinl-. and tlic ]nili!ii' irnu‘1 .illy. 'J ln-ir st-iiv is .No. Nortli Water Strvct. l)ifk.iii.--on‘s l'iri--i>i'>of liuildiiiir, Wil- mi!'.::ton. N. JOHN It. WHlTAKF.lt, JAMKS W. wiin Fli:i.I>. A. A. li. sol Til A 1.1,. -.loliti U.iuson. I’ottcr \ kid- cn. .■'.umiol llfciy vV Soli', ti. \ ' lit'-lull. •n-tf 111 ; KKKM K«i: dcr. O. (i. I ’:I1 ^If N . l:. Fiflr li, a;i ! V.V,'.: •T.ni. l''-'.J. It"’ ■■ .ts:s:i\ ?s»2ii V8U i.i.i. € o. XKW IWI.L AND WLVTKll ii OO J>S. xNATiOXAL SKHIK8 OF Staiidart! 5^cliool ltook!i, I’l IM.ISMFD 15V A. S. ISAItNF.S CO., •*>1 rlolin stroet, .Now York, attention of Soliool Toueliors, Soliool ( iiiiiiiittovs. ami tho friends of Fdiu atinii ireiierally, arc invited to tlio folUiwiii}: valii.iliK- I e\t Ijook.s for Svli*ol>. .\i adeniios and (’ollegi s: J>AVli;S’ .M.VTIli;.\l.\TUS. I’iCtail iirices. l*a\io.s' First Lessons in .\ritlinietie, l>avics' Seliool .\ritlim(*tic. Uavies' (Grammar of .\ritlmictif, i)a\ies' I niviTsity .\ritlmietie, !■> Davies’ lileinriitaly .\l;r»'!ir:i, 7') !)a\ies' Flementaiy ‘.icometry and Trijj;- olioiiietry, ' XI 00 Davies' I’raetieal (Jeoiiietry and .Mcnsii- r.ition, 7.') Davies' IJoui'.jon s .\l;;elir.i. 1 H.'> Davies' l.oji'enilre's (ieonieti'v. new edition I ;i7 D,i\i(s' Fleiiiciits of Siirve_\ iiiij, ] Davies l.ojxil' of Matl.‘l!i:itics. 1 'li.imoers' 'i'reasury of Knowledge, ('lark's Kleiiients ot DraA.inir. ('Iianiliors' N:i:iiral I’liiio.soiiliy, Keid and D.iin's ( hoiiii.strv ami F.le« trieity, Hamilton's \ e^^elaMe ami .\nimal I’lix.s- iol.i”y. (’haml.vrs’ i;iei!lents of Zoolo^ry, Tape's F.leliients of (ieolo^y. 1‘arker's First l,es>ons in Natr.ral 1‘hilo- sopliy. I'arker's ■umiiciidii’.m of .'^c!;oo! I’Lil')- S'.[>1iy, Mcliit’re on tlio 1'm> of tiie (Holies. T.’i Fulton \ F..i-it;iiau's ('o]._\ I’moks i .No>. 1. - amt eai'U D' Fiiltoii \ Kiistm.in's I’einnan-^liip. l!li Fidton \ ll.i'tiiian .s ilook-keeidnjr (Siii- ^'le ::iid DouMe Kiitrx i 7-'> I’lrooks’ First Latin l.ess.'iis. i’.roi.ks' Ovid's .Metainoriiliosos, Froiiks' ('iilleetanoa K\aiiireliea, llroiilv-,' Fir.'t (iroek l.i .-.''iiis, I’arker's I'ii'st .'^>,!i 'i.l Kia'Kr. I'arker s Seidiid .''c'.iool Keader, I’arker's 'I'liird 1 lle.-ider, I’.ilkel's Fourth Si li.iol Ite.oU".’, Parker s Illietorieal Keadrr. .M.irtin's Otlioepi.'t, words of ].roiiiiii>.-iation, N'ortliend's Liiile S[xahcr, Nortliond's Amerie.in .''jieaker. N'ortlieml's Seliowl Di.-ilojrucs. U illar r> lli.-'ti>i'v of tlie I liit*‘d .''tatis, Will.ird's 1 niveisal History, Zai-lio's Ni'w Anici ie.in Spi...ker, Any of tlio aliiive 1‘onks laii Le foiin.! r.iMik't' re of K. .1. Il.iie vV Sun. Fayette>ille. Jan'y 1, 1>'-‘>'J. in A i)i:siUAiiM: ii!:sii)i:Nc’i: i-oii SAi.i:. rBlllF. .''uliscrilier now of^ns lor sale all liis 1 0(1 M-:\v c’uop MOLAs:si:s. nilD.'^., a prime nrtiele. Also, 1 chest of clioieo Imperial T'l.V. For s.ilo liy il. IJK.i.N.SO.N vS: SON. .laii’y 1'.), .j"tf Sf( (i/a Sdir Mill for sale. '2'llii-; Fa_\ eltevillc .‘ind \'t'est-ni I’lank Itoal tl ('oiiij.any wii! sell one of their Ste nii S.iw Mills. th‘ one loeatel 17 miles from ('.irth.i^o. or one of these l.ic.ite'i near .\shliororijrii. The jirii-e i.l the .Mill as it stan.l.-; will ho very ! low. and the terms very ai ■..•iimniMd.'itin;.-. ' .A piilie.ition ma\ )>e ma letothe uiidri>i;ined. : i.DWD LI:K WINSLOW. I'residi ut. ^ve. ' Fayctt'.'ville, .Ian. Ill, Iso-j. ,')7-:;w j I..VN!) !'OU SA!J:. I ^ ^II K siihsTiller o!!crs for sale his tract of 3- LAND, on v.hii h t'lci-e is ri iroud dwcliiiiL: i an 1 otlier oiit-hoiisc . .saw an.I jrrist mi'.l. lyiii^ ' on the F/.izah-t!i r. ad. nine miles from r'ayetto- ' ville and two aii'i a half n;iles from 'ape Fear llivor. I To TiirjientiiH' L'Cttors it afi'ords a r.ire ch.ine-'. i as there are ‘.t.nno tmxes aln'adv ut, and from j :;o to lU.OIM! mi-lit still l.c o|!ened. ' It is also a ^.nid loc.itioii for a Tiu jientinc Distillery. ; Terni."5 lihoral. and iii.ido known on apiilic.i- tion. N.n'llANlFL McA IITI! L 11. .lan'y 1'.'. 1'.-)L'. ■.7tf ('arolinia’i copy. .irs'r iii:( i:!\I'j). 'mg Al.ACA llAiSlNS. hoxev and half ditto. * T S. liiitter ('rackcri. liar;-.!' and half bb's. I’icnic do, half liMs. llv&ou Tea. S. W. TILL!Nr:HAST .V CO. •lan'y IM. I'-.'-J. .')7if Norui:. vVlN^i, wiiii seviral otlieis, Leen I'lirnt out on the i;i. lu of the ;'■ 1 ip-l-mt, 1 Would c.iriiestlV rcpie't lit rsi'li> iiideote ! to l.ie. either l>y n..te o'- ac i ount. to ca'.l ar.il s 'ttle. :• 1 am in need monov. a'LF.\H .McLArcilLlN. E. C. IIAIJ., 0|.' Slirrt nf Ihill, t d’’ Cn., SS now receiviii;.'' his Fall STOCK of (iOOD.S. eons’.stiii;' of a ;^ener.il assortment of Dry CJ()o!s, Saddlery.! lats, ('aps, Shoes, iliinlwiirc, (Groceries. -V much lai-j;er and more jreneral stock than ever opened on the Fast sid.e of the Cajie Fear —which he is propareil anil di'termined to soli to punctual customers, either at wholesale or retail, at LTc.itly reduced prico.s. ivoiild call fi.-irticnlar attention to his stock of llOO’i'S ,\ND SilOlCS. 'I'hc assortment is unusually larjio, :ind of every |iiality and siyh-; and havi!i;r heoii hou^ht i'or (.'ash, he caii and will si‘11 them very low. 'toll th.it wi.-.]i r>ar;iain.s will find it to your interest to jri\e the St.)ckan examination hcl'oro ljii\ iiiji el.-.ew here. .\hvay.s on hand, a iieneral stock of (IIIOCK- TIIIE Sf:OTT3SSl or Ccltic Manners, a» i)rcserved amonji the H'gh- lartders, being an hi.storical and descriptive :w:- cmnt of the inlmbitaiit'*. antiijuities, aud na- tiuniil peculiaritii s of .Scotland. l>y .iinucs Lti- j^an. .?ui«t received and for sale l>v K. .1. HALF & SOX. Oct. IS, IF.'.l. 8Jtf Oc Tctt! '3'ca!! ('IIFST VOCNC HYSON, 1 ditto (; uniiii wder, 1 C.itty Iiiipei'ial, F.ir sale bv CHS. I’.ANKS. t. i;s, IS.-,I. ‘ ;M-tf ditlicu'.l Jan'v 1'.'. IS'i’J. i^tf the -fl SS E => T Mcni’iiv Ml . "tt c.>i?N. 1 ' i»e O'. i;. lies I rl nnsH po'i'\ roi:s. id' .N.utli.-ni, siiitiMo t’ F'T s lit- liy 1*. ,v .>i*N. ■j. 'ii-nt I -I ('nshs. ; ed and f. !;. Ku.-'L •v .''•iN. \. il ■'!h: ’A VI ’ li. w ill I rn:i n, l.iiiiil Cairiiiuf’ MHiiufariiiD''’. ■I I.D r-]ici-tl'd!y infi i:u 'he public • ill sti;. c.,nt:i;ii*' t c-irry on the in .ili it' ^.f.inchfs. He icturi.' i ! !■ ibera! Jiatr'.i:; l;e h.i- receiv- ’ I - ' a strict :itrfi.t':!iii t'> biisiin ss. -! i. t. ji’oMSP all ;i|; I tji^-c |ii-ntral sat- 1 t" ni'Mi: a cmitlnii.inco t.f the same. his Work to b- ni.idc of the . . I 'i\ I'Xpor-i-nced workmc:i: alnl ■■ lai* in twf*ve iirin'h' v.iih fair I -’' w I'-bill o: li; iteri.i!, he i '!:..iit i ll.I i-.j I-. i;.; to till', . Would do v.fll to call ■ ^^.'i■k bff'ijii Jiitr.h: 'i ii;^. as it ■ill'' d t'-'f if, t f;_':,lii-e, all! Ill' i> lettrmiiicd t'. hcll low for ' !• lilne. ,i. tii^y reif’Md and j ri in] ’.ly at- ' r:ili w ;tly eve, ■ -Mil'.' pi-i. t-. J. I' -'-'J. w ■r W.i^fMii. C. 1’.. 'It'.1 at short • iltf M \I.LFTT. • ;]-tf W. I sMri'ii, III Irii. HnihlIii'i^ ILMIXCTO.V, .N. (’. ' t;(iy m:\\ (,o(M)s, ^ 1 . •/ th‘ ( 'inth!n'f Shiri' nj r II F, Sul.M-ri!" rs are n..w rci-eiviii" I’ircct M. friilM New \',ii k aii'l I’hiladelpl.ia, the i;ii - ;rest ••ilal lianiN'imest .''tock of Sli!>tl ,111'I / (ini'If f)r>i (toods fh.-it lilt-;. h:;M i -i-r xhiiitcl in tl.i' market, embr.iciii^ i m'! % \,.iiit; ot l.adi-s' and (.ciitie- m.'Ti'' DliK.s.S OCMiD''. ani' li^ v.hidi may In- fiiiind: Illack and tancv w.it. red .ind ; l.iili Dro's .^’.11.'; libick .iiid l.iiiiy Ci.liur..-'; L:.ma Twills; ti;;iile.i afi.l pl.iiii l.iiii ' and bl icr. Muhiiir l.us- tic.'; .•'ilk \>;irp ainl Cr.-ipo llr'C.i’tc:^: Swia*. .■scotch aii'l Chetie (iiiijrhams: S.ixi'iiy D*'-Li'in>; Frcmh. Fn^^li.'h and .\merican I'rints: Finti'il ('a'liMier*: plain ditto; di:ni'/cable I’c-l.ains; ■A.'it' 7-ed .inil neetlle-work ( .ishmorcs: chanjrea- ble Voneses: llr.-i ii'le I.iistres: Damas:c ,lIo!iai:s; !.!:ick KiiiiiK.i/incs; socoii'l-m.iurniiii: I’oplins; p :iin an'l w.'tti’ifd Silk Mantill.is; c.iluro'l and bl.ick X'elvet .Mantillas; I’.f.cade I’uplin--: and a ! larj^e ass. rtment of liress TrimmiiiL's: French aii'l F.ii'.^i:-*!! .Merinos; \el\et Neck l.i'obuus ami * Fieiicli 'vork'd Collars .Mi'i Ca| cs; Froii. li w.iiked Cutis: Fren.-h wor’Keo Chemisettes; I U- 'Icr-S'.vs; Swi'' and .Li. i'i;et Trinimin;.'; In fant'^' \'':ii'ts and ('a]is; Hciii st'ti hi'il and tiee- d!c Worked Lim n ambi ic I Lai.dken hiefs. from IM cts. to aii'l a be.iutiful assortiiit lit if \ cils; e\erv varietv of .shav.ls, cmbroiilori.'il ami ].'lio; 'I'hn .id, C. t‘on and Linen IMgin;_'s ami L..1 -s; blnck Si k Lace« ami F'\i:in;rs. —.\LSO — I'.l:;. k. tii- .wii and "rccn Fn'nch and I'n^ i'li C'i.ib“: black and fancy ('a'-imercs; t'lit \'e'i' > t. fi;_:ircd :ind black Satin ami X'alen- cia \ fstin^rs. isome vor_\ lianilsniiu';; Satliiicts: Kentucky .leans; Tv. eeds; I.inseys; l lannels. W ill and cott'in; o..na).i;r^s: Dru^r^ets; l>ainas'K Table Ci'ths; ilitto N.;pkins; Centr.--Table Cov- Oi’s. Verv tine; Fiaiio ('overs: Irish Linens: Lin en Lawns; I hrea'I ( ambrit s; '1 owel!iii‘.:s; (!en- tiemen's .Merino Shirts ami Drawt*rs; Siik Neck and I'licki t Hamlkerchiels; L.-oiics' .Moiinti \'ests; ('a shmere a nd Silk 11 ose: tli tt'i 11 alt -11 t>se; the ce!ebratr-.| Salem .li'aii«. black ami jrrey. Lailies'. (ieiitU men's ami ('hildren's l!Ot iTS and SID M;S. .Men'.*:. ;!ml Infant.s' Hats and Cap.s, Velvet. S.itin. Sir.iw aii'l Florence I! iiiiiots. Ditto ilitto 'litto for Mi'ise'i. ,\nd every article itsin.lly kept in ;i I’l'y (loods Store. 'Vc invite the public to call am! exam ine our lar;:' a^id li.iii'isonio Stock, a.s we are al- wa\s anxiiius to show our (loods. llV l.i'ij> Sm/tii', Tm (un1 A1:FV, SHKMWFLL .'i CO. retnrn tlinnk.s to the cilv.ens of Fayetteville, and the public ireneral'y. for the very liberal ji.itrona^re hcro- toftire best,,well on them, and intend, by strict attention to business, to merit ;i cintinuance. S. S. Al!i;V. P. SUF.MWHLL. J. K. .MCDONALD. Fjiv*'tte\ille, So]it. l-i, 1S.)1. 'Jltt TOnA('CO. P.IMK North ('arolinn and Virjrinia Clipw- Tobacco, bv the Pox mid retail. J. .'c T. W.U'DILL. October!’.'), ISol. -M-tt I)A!I.V Ti:i). TO.NS of HOOP IRON, suitable for Spirit barrels, by ill;; ab.iut tiiin Acre.', situated IJ miics Last of Fayettevi'ie, on the (loldsb.iruU”h road, com monly known as Palm_\ra. It li.is :i ^iMid .lweiiiiir lions.-, oiit-Kiiil'Ii^ins. \c.. a:; l a 'tore whi-n- a lar;; ' .iinonnt "t biisi- ne' is d'lio*. an 1 ilii're.is. Liir dai' \ . I'll ' is a rar,' ch.inci- f .r In: iientiiie ■ rtti is. inerchal.ts. Ac. and will 11. inu t" jmri hr:' tion. can appl.' oil. a baiirain. .\n\ one wi>h- and wishin*: further iiifurma- CWPvlU \ (;i: M A KINO. Mib>.-ribcr.'. have just > pened .in i'.s- JS tabli.'hnii lit f •!' C A. I; It I A i F. M \K!N(., in all its varioii' braiielu s in tl:;' pi.ice. '.vitli eve ry f.-icility for ciiliili!;-tili,;r llie >aliu‘. In ;»1! file dejiartnieiifs of woo,l-\\ork. p.iiiit in;r. trimming aii.l iron-work. the\ hav.- exj'eri- eiii t .1 Workmen. :ii.d the wlmlc wi;l leceivc their un livi h’d :itti'nt:'i;'. fhe\ have purc!ia'* d the i;L:'it fif Hidibar.l' ^SIHF. .''t*‘ainer l!l!( * TH FlI.s and Tow P.oats, fi, Ti;Vi.NSON anti D.VVID LKWIS are pre- ]iared to forward wiih DKsi'VTi'il, all jl'oods coii- si^ne:! to the I’ri prieti r. r.ioSie:imer I’.iotliers is of li^rht tlr.il't. ami well suiti 1 to run in low wat'-r. .''lie ]>ossesses jiowev, and spee 1. and is admir.ilily a'lapted to iowin;r. ami can accomnio'late about 2i passcn- V:er». 'i'hr proprietor contemiilate-; runniiiir the lloat hii.i;-elf. and will jrive special atteiitioii to w.-iv frei;rht an I naval store*': to towiiifr. :ind will al- «ii attend to the comfort and eonvonionce of Passoti;.; rs. From his lon^r experience :is .\frent in Wilmiiejtoii ut ihe sover.il Ste.am P.oat Com- p;i;ii«'s. he thinks In' c.-i’i jrive s.itisf.-iction. To Ml itdiaiits i:i the interior he would say, that al! (binds shi; ped l>y him, will be delive«-ed to tlieir .\;:ent' in Fayetteville. His arcn« in j \\ ilmin;j:t'II is .l(»HN LATT.\, to w hom iiil commuMicati.iiis m.iy bo aildrcssod, as .Vgont uf the Ste i:iii r P.. i tiiers. John r.,\N!\S. I’rojirietor. Mavl.'«. 7-J-y Sale of Lots for Taxes. A (J r. i;i;.VP>LV to an order by the ('onrt of /a Pleas atid (>n:irter .Sessions i»f Cuniberl;iii'l County, December form, 1 will expose to public sale, ftir ca.-^h, at the ('ouit House in Fayettovilh', on the l.st .Monday in March next, the followin^r lots, or .such partM thereof as will p;iy the taxo.>i tluo tlio towu of Favetto- vil!e for 1S.*>0. and all accruinpc expenses, viz: 1 Lot on Court House .Snu.-iro, .Jatj. .Stv-wart. ^ valuoil tax •'s'.t .'■)0. '2 i.ots on .Mumforil and !’obir.«on Streets, • >* .\tlaiii Wynne, v.ilutil SDHKt, tax n-’i (Ml. K.,.vi.t...viik.. ]1„. Watclu's and Jovvoli-y, i Al aii«l Relaii. J.M. ]Ji:.\sLi:v ■^^T'OCLD respectfully infortn the public V T ^renerally. that he has rcttirneil recent ly from .Ni w York, with tlecidodly a large as- sortuieiii id' ansi .Many ofthe.se Wattdics v.erc bi.nifilit for C.USII DV Till] PACK.\(iF., and can iheiof> rebo sold very low. He lia.s Wati hes t.f r.ll kinds; Chains, Kev« and Seals if .‘vll kinds ami of the bitj'nt sfylvs: Fii;;ior-liin;rs, l'ar-l!in;j-s. .Medallions, tif iili si/.es, of Knjrlish ami .Vmorican mak‘: L.a- ilies' Chatelaines: Cuff Pins: Collar ami .^lee\P lJuttons: Shirt .Studs: (!oM .spectacles, li^ht and heavy: (!old Pens and PonciI.s: (!old anil .Silver Thini'des; l’.rac‘!ets: Silver I’riiit and P.iitter , Knives: Silver Sj'oons of all sizes: larjio bit ot ' .Made by competent and faithful wo- ;nien. may i Pocket Cutlery; Scissors, bost (piality; P>utton- ! bo hail iit ]iricos correspondin'; with the times, j hole Scissors, Survoyoi 's Ci-mpa.jses and Chains.- j .\lso, an ass'irtmeiit of Northern-maile FCIiNl- ! TFKK, selecto'l by liinisolf, which will be soM at :i vorv iiio'lerate inlvanco. DL'NCA.X McXKILL. Nov. 10, IS'.l. o8tf K kcojis on liaii'l an assortment t»f Fisk's celelirate l .MKTALLK' DLKIAL ('ASKS, wiiich have been iii^riiiy recommemiod by Willit' P. .Manfrmii, Henry Clay. Lewis C.iss. Wm. 11- Kinjr. aii'l many other illustrious characters, who have exantine'l and witnesseil their utility. 'riui Sui).scriher still continues to c.-irry on the C.\ BIN FT ayotteville, ami in Cst.iblisliment on How street, near I’ccles'.s nrid;re, has opened a larjrc \\.\I5F. ltO(>.M on Hay street, nearly opjiosite the F:iyotteville Hotel anti one door Fast of Messrs. lL-iij;h Son », where a ireneral assortment of il IH SINK.SS in Faye \ .‘I'ldition to his Ks 1 Uli.M l URI ., Mathoinatical Instrument.--; '.ii?ie tpianiity of tine ami common Pistols; lint* :iii'I coniinon sin- rlc ;iKd (loiiblc-barrol fiiins; (L-nne Jl.iiis-; Shot I’olts ami Powtlor Fhisk.'^: .Military (iools, iii- cluilin^ the I’ass Drum anil tiio smallest Mutton; Violins iiiid e.xtr.-i ISow s: Fiutes. Clarionets, Fla- j;eolcts, Ace.irtleons, of nil kinds ami si/.es; AIu- io Pioxos: Porfuinory; Soaji; l.ather IJri'shes; ll.-izors aud Stroj's; Dr('ssin^ ami I’ocket ('oinbs; Plated ami Britannia Wait*: and variojis other thinfrs too to'Uous to onumer.-ite. (.’all and iivo mo a tri;i’. RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. ! “''‘i OMF in to the Choaii Store, Ntii th sitlo of I ^ ^\ ATCllLS asid .IhWl-l.lU lioat \ ^ 'lav str«'et, one tloor :ibove the corner, | KejmireiL , , , '.nd buv now- Dry (ioods. .\lso, lleatly-irado j 1'A. C. Co ('lothin^. lat? and Caps—^roat vaiietv. ISAAC DODD. Nov. 4. 1s.')l. o7-tf 1 J-Ciin] of MarL'i t Sijimr*-. J. .M, lU'.A.SLLV. I n the premises, to .1. V\. .Ml KPHV. ..r P. T.V\'Lilli. F.iyctte'llle. •lulv th. l.s.'.l. Stf wliic'fi i.- hiirhly le- improvenieiit. IjiiK >)f fo^ir-IinrKi f.iiv.i ]'n i/itl'-r iHr tu M Ihi.lif. .SiiJiscriber.s h.iviie.: secured the mail M. cmitrai-t mi the at'ove Line, will eomineme Tlll.s D.\^ . runniiii: a Lino' f Four lloi.'- Post • 'nachcs. Daily. Le.i\iiijr l ayettoville ut '> P. .M., ;ind iurivii'g at Wars.-iw at \ p.-ist 'I ,\. ,M., in time for tl;c Cars N'Tth and South. l!e- tnriiiii;:. le.-ive Warsaw on the arrival of the (':irs. ~!iy alioiit 1 or "J P. .^l.. and arrive at Fay etteville in t.'n hours. Fvery care w ill Uo taken to rcmler (he line pleasant, cnnvenieiu, and .-■.-ifc. for Travellers. .\ Line of .St.-i^-es will be est.-iblisheil as n'.n .‘IS ).o>ible, by the Plank l!oa'l, from Favt tte- ville vi.-i ('artii!nr- ami .\sheboroujrh. to Lexiii"- ton. .Salem, and .'•a’isluiry. .McKlNNoN MrM-HLL. Fayetteville, N. ('., .^u^. s, iSol. 11 tl WaN'I'I'J), r.ABP.FLs of T^^.^l'.N- -^^^^.^p'1yMPTiN F, for Li.stillei y at the Plank Koail liritljre on Bi;r tiockfish. The bt st market j.rice will be jiaid. For lurther intorm- atiosi. in ;t.iro ot .lohn W. Murphy, at the Lritl^e, or of .\. A. McKethan, Fayetteville. Doc. l.S, IS.'il. ' P.'tf IN S'FOUi:. FL()U(!1LS !inii Ploi!"h Castin-.'. Corn .'■ holl ers, Cultivators, .straw- ('utters, ami.-'pin- ninir Wheels. F. c. n \i.l. of noiite. Oct. IS, ■•'.•Jtf \\~RAP1‘]N(; M ^ |k IM'i.'M.'' .Me'liiini size, 5 tl.'i Piluo. tor Cotioii Yarns. From Maiitoo Puper Mills. Ibileijrh. For sale ! Pat 'iit fur P.ii;.r:zy ;iiin;.; I c.‘miii"U'le 1 as a very irri They will w.-iir.-int ai'. work iro:nir tr"m their F.-^t-.•''.ishmoiit 0’|Ual in ;ippear.iuce an I 'lur.ibil- ity to ;iiiy done in t!ie State. TIi 'V 'Milv :','k a trial. iXiu't:;.: u»w:EKS&ni-XN-. .L-.n'y 12, IsVJ. .■.7-Jni Tiios. II. 'riLLiN(;iiAsr. Anderson St, Fayetteville, N. C., ITK ^^t. V.'. W ! I'.V' S I..VW iM'nci'.. j(,. ■ .Mu.'ic M.’at'y b H ■ I al shurt i.i-tice. i’amp •ts ai. 1 Pi'ii ’I’l i'' 1 'ill'l l. Mi'l o! 1 1.!;.' rv'-bouii'l. in a ^u'.st.-niiial mann. r. Dec. S, Is.'jI 4'itl .\rt*y, «V '«. P 11 .\ VL {>n.' piece e\tra line 7-1 black I'rencli S> ■- CLO'l'H, tu which tiiey would c;il! the atteniiiiii of tli-,' jui'^lic. Oct. IS'.l. 1 1 s I ()(!.()()() .\(“K'S 'V 1 M n i: K I F'»P. S.\!,l ribel has purt N'alua [)!(• , A N I) S ’Hi; : l'i'loii;j:in>r ti tlcc'd, lyii'-v: pii;;c on both sides of L vev s cont,'iinin;j: IS '.1 all till' I.-inds L>t:!te of ,\'iram Duhois, lally in Ui besun ootinty. ami liber Kivcr, the tl'U'ercnt siir- I Tl biw bv IL .lufy 1S.-,1. llAlii I'OIl riJ>Oil sale liy il.' (Jet. 1, 1R.-.1. NKW P.K.VNSON 1.S: SON. ;:tf I* F. C M. WIIITF rNDIiillllLL, tiltf Oct. !s, H LL, of Ibiiiio. 8:.’tf r - . a lari’-” : |,,i l)i aiitilul ass'irt- \ 1, V,i!'-i;tii.e \N l itt rs. '■ W. PBIOI5. ' ■-■li. illtd I'oli s.\Li:, M. li H. .McPHFKSON. -. (;i-::t ^i»0 Ka:\VAKO. ’ ''' \U.\V from the subscriber, a neirro au't'd abmit 2~i, about six feet hijili, "';'"Ni'in, nai...''t W.VKP.KN DI{AKK, ' " "''-r hy tr.i'b'. It is sii]i[iosed he is ma- " IV t., Fa_\etti'villc, N. ('., v.liere said ^ ' ' ■ '"I Pos'ibly he is endoavorinp: to ' I he aliove rrwanl will tie ]iaid for •Mii.'itii.ii ieadiii" to his detoctifiii. N. C. TKOWBHIDC.K. (ja., .Jan. 04^ Ib-j;.’. 01-^1 r 111 r\itfcftrriflc 1I(p1cI^ ' KAVirrri'A iiJ.K, N. c. I |111ISlar;re .nnd splendid Buildin;r has now been in successful operation since May j iMP.t. The I’ethliiifr nml Furniture of all kinds j is new, ami the rooms convojiient .'IH'1 pleasant. 1 The Table is always furnished with the b.jst | th; market affords, aided by a fine veget.-ible ^rardcii. Pioar'b'rs, F.oilpors, an'l Travellers will fin'l 'le- sirable accomniodatioiis anil attentivf servants. No pains w ill be ?iiared to j;ive entire satisfac tion. Families can lie fiiriiishod with lurjre, airy, front tloiiblt' rooms, cunvenicntly .‘iii'l liaml- somely furnished. .\n oxperit'iK'o of 2d v'enrs will enable the les see she Inipes, to give general satisfaction. ANN BUOWN. June 1, 18-30. 28-tf Pi.AS'n:uiN(i, •J. v'c T. WADJ>ILL. 27 tf (JOODS. FUST rocoivo'l. my Fall sup]>ly of CLOTHS, ('ASSl.MFP.FS AND VFSTINGS, TUIM- .MlN(iS. \c.. of the best tiualit;, from New York. -\lso, the latest P.ej.ort of ihe New York FASHIONS. 1 contiimo tu carry 011 the TAlJ.OlSlNd P.l SlNl'SS, at my Stand on Hay street, and those who may favor me witli their custom may rely on having their work ilt>nc in I a neat and fashiou-iblo style, and on the most i f.ivo:':ib.'c toni's. ! K* liiii.VLiJ i_»I.IiAM. Oct. 27, Is.'il. v4tf .\ larjre jiart finely Timbt ro'l, ami convenient to Lumber Kiver, wliorca lar^e CjUaiitit’ ot I'im- b-i- is now- r.-ifted to the (ieorLT'tov. 11 m.niket. Land5 art' \>rv v.ilu.il'b' Loth fur the I'imlier and Turpt-ntine. for which [Mirjiose ;i lar;_'i' ) ;irt is v.cil suited, bcinji in a. rei:;iin wiu-retho Turin'ctine yiMs more almndantly than ali_\ ofiior sect:oii ot the ."tatc. Ihe Lanus will bo .sol'l al a low price. :iml in iiuantitic's to .oiiit piirchascis. 1 ntormatitiii rcsjiectinjr the title can be ob- \ tainO'l liv :iiiplyiii^ to the lion. lto!:er! ."Ir;'ii;.re. ! 11..n. .L-is. C. iJobbin, or .V. A. T. Smith. F.c 1., : I (.\ttornoys at Law.) ! I umlcr.st.-ind there .-in' iminy tre-^iiassers on j i these Lamls. to all ^f v. (!om notice is heroliy i I riven, that t!io law will be cnforc’.'l a;.i.-iinst all : such otr.'iidcrs. ! .\ppiication for any part of the L:ui'ls can be f ^ made to myself, or to-I ■I;ii V*inslmv. 'Is'p. who • is tliilv authorise.’. !•> niaiic sale ol t:ie s.-ime. TIloS. .1. Cl ll'flS. Fayetteville. N. .Sept. 1, IHl i. ()tt S[)rinijf Steel ot various si/,es, suitable for Hubbard’s Patent l>u£r;zies. l..ikow'ise, a lar;j.-o aud "oiieral assortment of Sw-t'ilcs, I'wij^lish and .Vmeric.iu Iron, sii:taVile for ('arri.-ia;e makers. •lust receivo'l aud for s.ile on ia'-ora'-'le t''rms. -\pplv to 1>- K(*>''l'j .SON. F.'iyt'ttevilli'. Jan'y ‘). 1S.j2. -.O-ihv \\ lNTi:ii sriTI.Y. are now receiving our winter supply WW of(Jootis, 'loors bcl.iw the .Mark-'t NKW FIRM. fpiHF. iiiider«.;irn'-d have ontorod into oopart- W. iiors'iip. uml'-r the name and style of rrtsci* A: Ta*oy, J-'or tlio [iiirposf of doiii^r a ;:ejicr.“.l .Mcjcantilc and Darter t'lisiness. W e have taken the .Store, | N'l. I'l (il!F,l-iN .s’fUFFT. formerly occupie! I>y : .Mc'sis. .lohn Hiisko .V Son. CFO. W. LAWP.FN('E. J(»HN J!. TUOY. .Ir. Oct. 22. IS'.I. ^-Jtf i NOriC'K. I E fTlu' I’liMie aiT iiifttriui-il flint the ; sub>cribcr is tie' inithorised ,\'.rcnt for tin* sab' ! .if McKiNSTP.Y'S PoltTAP.LF, SAW MILLS, maniif.-ietii! ed i l Vi ashinsrion City, of 2d horse ! I .iwcr eii;iiiic, l'.c..mnti\e li-iilor, whic h nro the ' oniv .-ictii.il I’ort.ible .s.-nv Mills he has ovei-seen j —no lirick Iiei:i;j: used in their erection. Those i i:i \.;int of tlics.' .Miiis will !;nd it to their ,-'.d- vanta'j'o to i-all .ill the suLsrribcr. .Mr. Mtdvin- st; ' i!;t'i rnis him th.it (ico. Pap:e iS; C>. have ; nevi'r r.ianufactured a Port.ible Lnjrine like the 1 abovi'. aii-l therefore their ri;>ht is in no tla!i;ier of beii:;^ iiifriiijied upon, as there is no nocessi- tv of ■; iiijr so in this .-ij^e of improveinei't. 11. ('.. HALL. F.iyt'ttovino. Doc. Ut. IS.',!. 47tf Wafer ^ 1.\N be furni.-hed by tin* umlersi^ned. OM ^ y Mills c;in save ^spi to !?]•'>, and new Mills S.: 0 t 1 -'Oo. hv pi'ocurinir these Wheels of mo. C;.'t4.’!;' for the l.-itest improveuients in saw mills constantly on hand. !teaui mills repaired throii;:liout. (irate:- for bnrniug saw disst, sash weiirhts, com shellors. Blacksmith irons, mill spimlics, ircarin", backs for chimneys, fronts fi r fire-pbu es, and castin|jrs of every tlescriii- tioii, m.-ide to order, i He has just returned from the fireat F.xhibi- tion, ami is iii-ei>.ired to furnish laachlncry of I the lati'st impiovcnu'ut. few jiattertis f'>r f.mcy railinir fciiccs for y.-irds anti cemeteries ' oxjiected tlaily. Iloi-se I’owers for threshinjr ! irr.-iin, saw-iii!r wnod. aiid irrimlinjr cc.rn. made to oi-'ler. four-liorse Powt'r. with prist mill to erind l> to bii.'hels of corn per thiy, for K-:;.'il. iii> is also inakin,; preparation t.i man- ufacturi' Pa^e s celelo-.-itc-l Saw Mill“ tor saw- iiii: lumber,—v ill saw -'i.DOil feet tif lumber per day. I .\ sjiceimeu t'f fancy C.-istin;.^ can be seen at the Observer Ollice. H.VVF just ri'ceivcl fiom New York, my I F.VLL AN1> WlNTFll , Stock of (ilood.s ! Consistinir of a ‘reiu'ral .-issortnieiit of 1 Dry llotuls. (irorcrirs. lliirdwnrc. Cnllfry, \r.' 1 will harter for TUIIPFNTINF, or any | kiml of Produce. j N. K1N(5. ! 10 miles North of Fayetteville. Oct. 2S, IS.'.O, ‘ 4:5tf T' Vov. lit. is.'.l. Ji. G. HALL. 41-om Ucljaurut 'rOHACCO. 4(!0()U STOt’K oil hand; an 1 shall re ceive regularly, from Mossr-. •!. .loiies iS: Co’s Factory, ipialities assortel from common to very fine, w-hich 1 will sell ut lo"wost m.-uiufac- turingjirices. F.iyetteville, A]>i'il 3. 1851. .J. UTLEV. t'.Otf IJOO'l'-MAKKIiS, WHO want n superior article of Oak Tan «OLF LK.Cl'HFlt, with Frt'iich luid .Vmerican C.VLF SKINS, can be supplied at our Store. J. & T. W'ADDTLL. Nov. 20, 18-'>1. 41 tf DAILY rr.i). 4 CFNLl’i.VL ASSOMT.MFNT of HOI.l.OW- . » WAHF. by K. ('. H.\1,L, of Koine. Oct. IS, Is.'iT. :l2tf >'3 ? t' a KF now receiving a larjre and pjoncra! iis- sortment of STAPLE AND FANCY lY ^001>N, !l.\i:i)W.'J!E 1.V Cl ri,l-'.KV, B5«OT?^ ATVW —Al so— 7-’) bairs Ilio. Lr.jruira and Java (.'ofiee, hhds. Sii-rar, 7-'i I'iece.® ('-itton Ba.^gintr, .'.(I I'oils ll-i'e il'jpo, .i'U kop- N iils. a^-ort-'-I. s tons .Swedes ami Fnirlisii Iron, .')Oii sat-ks Liverpool Salt. W ith Loaf, (’rushed, Powileroil ami (^r.-Muilatetl Te.-i; Pepper; VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, TllK .MOST rOPl I.\K FAMILY MEDICINE > K T II K -V c; K ! llsfd by riiysiriiiiis nf l!i?!i Stnndiii?. •j li."p Bn'TKiiS rrniove all nioilii l secretioin, piiiilv tli«’ lilii.i.l, Ki'f tjifiit tone aiiil ' to tlie ilii;..Aiv f 1.11;;!!!-;. toi til} tin- ■Jti'iii ai;-.iiiist all lutni« .*i'ra«P. can In- t.iUeii « itii faft-ry. at 110 time dehiii- tii'.iiiK the ir.iti.fiit—lioiiiR f'ralfiiil to the ino.-t tleli- cale stoiH.ich. aiiJ it iirii kal.le Ini' tlu ir clieeriiig, iiu ii;iir»liii;. s.tieni;thciiiii;;, ami ieNtorali\e inojier- tiON. aiiJ -ill invalnabio ainl bUie rt-nieily for i»vsr!:rsi \ i\ its wori'T forms. .M'.i. I.ivert oini.laiiitn. .)aiiii.li.-e. Ilcai tli'irn. 'os- ti-.ciit?s». f-.iii.tiifss, I'i.'iir.lei.'I'l the Skin ami l.i» er, l oss of .A|']>0tite. I.OVV S|iirits. Ncitoiis Hcailache, tii.liliii«*ss. l Ml|iitat;oii lit the Heart. Siiikin;; anil I-nil- iii‘>.; 1.1 Wciii-ht al the Stuniucli. .Tiul all otli.-i lUNpasei caiiM'.l liy Hii iiiipure .talt' ot tht* bl'Hi.l. li\er. etc., which toii.l to ik'liilitate ami weaken the nj-'teiii. V i: 31 .V 1.1: s Wlio stitlcr fiiiiii a inoilii.l anil iiiiiiatiiial coiiilitiun will tiiKl this .McJicino of INESTIMABLE VALUE. llF.DlX'i:!) V.WIE. lIUOl'CiH Tickets betwtfTi Wiimin-;ti:i.. N' ('., au‘1 r>altimore. Fare^l.I. Vi.iNS' i 1 ibiii, Pott-rsbur.ir. lii'-hmoiid, ami W.ishinutoi. j CitV', or via Weldoiv, Portstuoiuh and N>rfi!k. j For Ticket.'! ajiply at the (Hliio of theV, ii - miiiirtnii jiii'l ltalci;j:h ll.-iil l!i..-id Compans . a i \Viliiiiii''ton, or at the Oiliee of the llaUimoti- I .steam P.-ickot 'ompaiiy. :tnd of the P.nitimorf land Ohio Hail ilna'l ('oiiii-any, Pi.-itt .street IJ.'iltimore. •Ian. 1, lS-')2. .')o-tf DCP'riii: uiul(‘rsi^nc(l, I'ouiidcr atnl Machinist, Inus consoiitoJ to tict as Agent for the only tictu.-il 1’(MIT.M’>LF ClltCl L.\ll S.\W' Mll.,1. in the United States, mii'k* by Wni, .McKinetry of Wasiiinirtoii. Those .Mills .‘ire of Cast Iron, no brick being nse'l in their erection They can be taken down, removed o inilos, ami put in oj>eration i»i K> hours. P»wer of l.ngine 20 ht.rse; will cut ]-').('>(HI feet Plank Roatl Lum ber per 24 liotirs. The.se Mills liave taken the lironiinni at the Marvhtml State Fair over till others, and are ctinsi'lered the bost ill the world. 1 woit'd bo jiliMised to receive orlers. i.'itlior ftn’ the Fu”incs with or without the Mill. Lett, r iiddi-essed to (1. li. IL-ill will rcccive projiipt at tention. I will put these Mills np any where within D> miles of Fayetteville, if dcsira'ob'. H. C. HALL. Nov. 2C, 1M.'.1. 4:]-tf Fire InsnrfSHce. rjlH F, AH'NA Insoraiiee Comp.-iiiy of Hart- fonl, liavinjf p.nid the lax impo.sed by the Reventtc Law of the late Lejzislc.t'tre, will con- iiniie its Ajrency in Fayetteville, tiii'ler the inaiia'reuient of the umk'r^l;:r.eii. who is pre- paiTd to issue Policies of Insurance on P.uild- ings or Ciootls, either in this Tow-ti tir in any jiaVt of the .State, on i>roi er :ippl;cation, de scription of the Prop« rty, \c. The .l-yi'N.V ('O.MI’.\NY has been in operation abi at oil years. Its ca] ital is §>:j00,000. The Hon. Tho.=--. K. P.race was its first I’resiilent, ami he still lu'l'ls that oflice; tiinl .'n'veral of it;i first Directors are still active :iml efficient mem- bors of the P.oaril. It has at :.ll times sustained the hi'.;best ihariuter for the pru'leiice of its iii.-inaj:e:i!ciit. .-ii;d for t’lC liberality witii wliiclj it h.-is » ver a'ljusted its los-^es. K. .J. HALF, ,\.crent. Alarc'i D), IS.'l. •'.■J-tf }Al'E INSrUANCi:. Hou.se, south side i’ersoii streit, where may be | Sugars; (ireen Te.-i; Pepper; Si>ieo: (lin^rrr; foini'l the following articles: i P.iwder; Shot; liar l.ead; I able .Salt; I>ar and □CP North Carolina Domc’stic Woollen (loods, of superior i|uality, on con- sijrnmeBt nml for sale at Factory prices. .\p- ply to 15. UOSE .'i: SON. Jan'v 2, 18.-.2, Tjo-'iw >Su;rar of ill! tri'ados, | ('olfeo, j o Hhds. (’iiba Molasses—swot't. ;; P.bls. Syrii)'—a superior artit.Io, (ireen and Dl.-ick 'leas, Clie.'se of three diflerent rjualities, llice, Peppor .-md Spit.e, Piope ami P»afr}iin}i, 1)1 > iibls. Mackerel, Shoes an.l Hoots of t'xtra large size. Shovels, .Spa'les and forks, Com Plon;lis an'l Points, .\xes of the best bramls, Knives and Forks, Nails ami Iron, •70,()(l'» lbs. Cotton Yarn. With a frreat many other articles ehe-ip for Cash or exchange'l f'-r Pro-luce, ('all ami «tee. Cll(.)S.S CUFFK CO., C. Jk'ubow, Pres't. Dec. 20, 18-jl. F.iiic\ Soaps. With a great variety of tdher articles, to w hich we invite the attention of pur chasers :it wholesale or retail, as low tis any other house in the place. D. & W. McLAl'KIN. Oct. ('.. I80I. ^■'tf NiVricK. 4LL persons indebted to the subscriber lor i (loods imrchase'l at Floral College, are re- ipiested to make immetliate piiyment, either to Mr. Hugh Mo Vrn i;j the iieighl>orhoo«l, or to i himself in Cheraw. D. IS. McAllN. Cheraw, Dec. 20, 18-jl. 50-tf Wif/ 1)1' Rrrt'irril }>tf fhr rtfie hi the Riri r, TONS of SWFDF.-^ IP.ON, by i># E. C. HALL, of Rome. 18, lP-31. ,i - .It «;i--.NKlt \I. OKBtl.lTV. this .Me.li- cine ,\l IN l.IKK. t il \I!M I TKOUS ASTD S Have tested its ottirarj . ami thoiisaiuls inoi-c are now tiii.lei tn'atii^eiit ; ami not one .-.nlitai y ra^e ol tailni e ha« \ et l een ie|iorteil. Vi.liiinef con I.l lie fillt'il with ^ cei lilicattiS lit those who ha\c been pel nianentlj rgUlF L’ll'Ui-siglieil has been ii]!]i',iiitoil .\gent cure.I. JL fan on the Afffnf, and Rct a I»VHF!II.KT, 1 niitiiiiiiii" the ertiticBfes nf Kpmarkntile t iiirs. anil the loj^h e'tiiiiatioii in uhit-h tliis V.eiticine is l.vl.l |t\' the i*'iliiic Ties?; ean hi' hail ot* the .Agents, tiee Large Quarts $1; Pints 50 Cents. Su/J in/ (li/ till- J’riiirijiol fM rifiintfs in the I 'jifliiJ Stfiirs Olid Cdniiiliis. PriDcii al omce. l ii H I I'O.N ST., N V . up stain Ft.r sale l.y S. J. HTN.SDALF. Novembers, IS-”*!. :>S-y C\ T. iTaIOU SON ()Fi:':;ii FOR salk: 1’W Orlet'.ns, I’orto llico, lieiined, Crnslioil, Lo;'.f ;’.i',d Havana .S’ugar. Ilio, L.-igiiira, and old (iov't .lav.-i Ceflto. Dun b'o, (iunny, an ! ! Pi.>j^e a-1 1 ''\t‘.i e. Ir >;i, Nu;!-, S.i;r, Muia'--s. 1 'lu'eso .-iiid ll.-iisiii'. hlacksmitlus.' Tools, Axes, .Spa'les, Shovels, j Hoes, .Scyth. s. Trace an'l jlalter Chains. j liaml and Hoop Iron. White Lead in Oil. .Sp:inish itrowii. Red Lead. (ilass. Putty. P.uckets, Piroon-i9. Mackerel, in tiarrels ati'l half ilitto, Negrti Shoes. Tanners (*il. Tin Plate. W ire. Sujierior (Jreeii ami Bhick Teas. Saleratus, .Si ap. Snuff. Pepper, Ctingor, Spice, Nutmegs. Sj erin and .V'laiuantine Camlles. l!ar J.e.nd, .Shot, Powder, &c. &c. Nov. 28, 1851. of the NiU'th Carolin.i .^I•,ltual Life Insii- ratiee (’ompany. Fvery member for life partic ipates in the profits id' the ('ompany; and the annual premium for life membership, where it amounts to n:’>0 or more, tiiay bo paid one-ha it in casl., and the other half in a note at 11: mom iix. Debtors' lives may be insiirctl by cre.litors. \ nijin may iii.'^ure hij owii Lto tor tlio excl^i^i^e benefit of liis family. '1 he lives ot siavcs ii’ay l»e insure'l. This system is raiiitlly growing into favor, al! over the civilizeil worl'L It is one by which a, famil V. for a small sum anntially, may be pro vide'! for, .sfter the death of its liea'l. on whose exortitiiis they m.-iy have tiCeii tK-pentlont for ;i support. It is a g>xid invest!;i,'nt of inont-y, oven if tine shouM live itig alter taking oiu i Life Pt>licv. l!\plftitatory { airphlets, :iU'l tl t nrces siirv P.laiiks I'.ruishi il oil ai j.'licati'.n. i' 41tf IREDELL’S REPORTS. fUST published. Vol. 12 La w, and \ ol. - Equity. Price !>'•> oO .ind 1 hc.>*e are small volttines, in consequence of the !eporter mttkin'r new arrangements f(*r publishing. Bound vols. cxchantjed for Nos. as usual. K. J. HALF s';: .soN. Dcc. H*, 1S31. r,ETT).\'.S sii!?tT i’,sTi.niiif;!i,iii:ri, IT!) M(,/■() Slnrf, BjAi/riTioui:. raiHF largest nn'l only 5- Manufacturing Whole sale F.stabii'hnn*!it ill the City. Thecajiital and force eii;c-ige-'l eTiables me at till times to offer to Country .Morchaiits and Deal ers iu SHIRTS. Col.LARS, LINKN and (JOT- TON DRAW KRS, great intlucements—more tJian nsncl efforts having been made to render the assorlment of these articles full and com plete. The Stock on hand is large aU'l well a'S'irte I for Men anf^ Hoyt*. All orders fi-om the Country attended t r with punctuality and deypntch. Remember the Name, nnil .\o. 179 .^arkel T. W. FFTTON, Au-n.t l.J, 18jI. ll yrpd