SBMI-WEEKliY [VOL. I.] j'KINTKD liV J. H. NEWBV. FAYETTEV11.LK, X. C., rj:iJRl AKY 10, 1852. [SO. G?,.l HBMa—THn.unaTng i:i)\V Vlll) J. HALC & sox, \1 Roat Co'j> lifU’ i^tesiiiiois s()r'niKuxi:R, 11,1. Ill' in >r U'v to tako her j.lnce in the If V •,t‘ in a ft'w .She is ine luiiuh-C(i .r.\,• iVet loll}:, sevi'iitocn feet liejini, anii 1 I auil tlr.-iw.s nut exccedinj: twelve . « u -t.T. The ronijionv eniifi'Ient;_v exi'oct • • /> «'. in aiMiti'.'n to th. Ir .'tliei' '• ' boats, th.ey will In- in a >'in- tiai!'|'"rt all i'reiulit oent liy tiifir line !!.ncii certainty us any ■ II t!.-' riviT. The .'''•iitli»-ilM*r licinj; if t ili 'lt ‘>t ^’l.e wil; lie eual'ieil 1. IiKMlN'(i. I’ro^'t. K. .M. (_iiUU:i.!.. .\ee.;t. .NOTK'!:. fPTH’ 1. here!' t.iro ••X!!’i Lr ni:l-r M ■Ill'll i'l .1. II. .V It. r. Min-jiliy tliix A(-.| ti\ nni'iKi! .•cins"Mt, ■•: -e i'.iiohte'l t" tin’ t’r';!. }v note «,r lie retiiict«! t" ftll at It. F. Mnr- . . - !tle lieri-re tlii‘ I'ili of I'eijuai v ■ : ri '■ ' \cfii~t. Ati'l those h:i\ir^ - _ ■ t r; ,■ •'rr.'. iirc re iue>tcl t.. jire.'-ent .' 'II ■ .. 1 !*■ ' . J. w. MrUlMIV. It. F. Miuriiv. ; - . !'•*::. '’Iitf I'ii •:> li: -f* whit* lireail C>i;V. 1. S.-e.l Oritv ^ ■ (': 'V ^V•a^. ' - 1 .m l for s.i'.e hy 15. RitSi; ,v SON. ; 1-^2. in-::t i!i!sii iM)r \ *' A- l.iirol> Ilf N.irth'jrii, >uitable fur F 'T sale Iiy r>. Itnsi: \ SON. F _V \lil-ot ( ’'’ , 1 }t r.txl ('(i.sks, (i ^F rior iiiiality. ju.t rceejveiJ ami for * 1 I ly 1>. HUSK ..V SON. ; • i. 1 *? d’ I > lil'lfOKS .VM> rKOFUIF.TuKS. ‘.■I t'.ii' ''enii-\\>okly Ouskrvku $1 IH) if , ; ii. .ifivmce; .'St .jO if paid tinrinp the ;,r 1 'ul'serijiiiou; i>r after the year has ,:.MV1. ; f Weekly OB'K.itVKU -SiJ 00 per anniiia, if ; in a'lviuii'e: >>2 o> if pjii.l ilurinj' the ar »i' s!i1"'.Tiptiun; or S-3 00 after the year ;s o\''ire.I. i I r. riSl'.M KN'I'S in.'^erted for sixty eonts I r the first, and tliirty eents for eaeli iir.u I'ul'iieat’ion. \ early ailvevtisenu-nts .-•■ntraets, at re is. naMe rate;*. ,\il- ire reov.este 1 to state the nunilnr of i.' lU'-'ired. or they ^\ i'.l l>e eontinneil till , an I i.-h;irj:i'd aeeordii-'rly. l.ctters to the F.-lilors nwist j>iwt-]':iiil. rKUITS AXI) xr j'8! K.\N(il.S, Hjrs, l)atc.«, ('nrrants (.'itron, .Mnidiuls, Filbert.':. Ura/.il Nnts, vS:e. Jnst received Ijy i'llA S 15ANKS. L'S. unsii PO'PA roj:s. lUSFS. I’LVNTLMJ I'OTATOKS, for sale Fv W. II. LFTTFUI.Oll. .lan y 27. I S.'rJ. (jO-:',w s!:!XK 'rwiNi:. Shad Seine Twine. ,)iist received and fir .sale bv I’OOK \ .JOHN.SON. .lan'y I’S, isr.j. *;0-:5w Xi:\V !U)()KS. OS.'^l 'I’H. Fife .and .''peeches, 2’ic.; low Farn, Fy Kennedy: Thfi'r_\ and Prac tice •! ’!'«‘achiiiLr: Archlii.-^hop Feij;hton's Work.s; Inrnirs I'i.scourses on Scriptural I’ropheev: li.irper s Mai;a/,ine. bound vol.'*.; .Vnthon'a ('las- -sieal I'ictiouarv, \c. i;. J. half: \ sox. Fel. v -2. antirrs' and l^lantcrs' Alninnac. A t’lirtlar .'■upi'lv just recciveil. ‘k. j. llAI.i; .‘i SON. Fet/y -J. General Ageucy and Conimissicn Business. Suhscrihers have ihisj day enterel in- JS- to a eup.-irtnership untler the style of WUITAKKK. WHITFIKLI) .S: TO., for the purpose of doing :i general ajrcney and cenui:is.^ion bu.''iiie.'«.-‘. and in i tVcrinj: their ser vices to tlie piililic in that capacity they flatter themselves ;!:at they will be able t.i j;ivo satis- faciii'ii to all those w ho niay i'onsi*rn .any :•» Is. w.iT' nierrhaiidi/.e or country produce to ihein eitlici- to Sell on eoniniissions or forvard. .\s it will be (lur greatest .aim to please, we pledjre our'e!ves to spare no i ains in tr;> iiiir to jrive satisfaction. They respectfiiily solicit the patroiiairc of their friends :ind the public •reneially. Tlieir sti>re is No. ;! North Wr.ter Street, Dickinson’s Firc^proof buildiiij.’-. W il- niinjrton, N. I’. JOHN n. WIIITAKKU. J.VMI'.S W. WIIFI Fn'LI), A. A. 1*.. SoFTIF\l.L, I’ll ! l l:i Ni l s:—loliJi liawM.n, Fotter .s: Kid der, O. i. l’’.ey, ."^aiaiKl Feery Soiis. 11. Fn'iii h, ail'! Fliis .K .‘'litchell. .Fin. L”.'. iJ'-'iJ. Ai«i:i, ^2»a:is wi a.8. A; NKW FAM. AND WLNTKll i \. II. w Hi ri n:f,i), ' I.lull! r;irri;i!r* Miinufiu-tiiror, ■ ■ >■ 'I.' ini'rm the jiublii- - ! to carry on the i'; if-; ‘ir’nrhes. He r.tiirii.s >m1 p;!ir n:!;ie he has reeeiv- a strict nttention to biisintss. t I please all .‘ind jriv* ;r'ncral sat- i I' lit a continn.iiiee of th* i'r; ’ !' !i his Work to t>e ni.ido of the ■■ :..el by exjievien.'ed workiiieii: .'ind ■ ! \ ir t.iil ill twclTe ni..;irl;s witli fair ‘ w^.i-V.Tivan'^Iiip or jn-iUiiiil, In; ^ ' .s '.tlioiit eliar;re. . ' I'iihi'.: to liu\. woiiM I,! \ 11 to call ■ ! ■■ li.' Work liefoie jiiuehas'iiiir, as it ■- i: p;i"eil t'oi- ^' -ie. ■•'.-/ai|i-e. and • lie I-di'termii.ed t-, sell low for -li t: Time. ■ - • ■ I'. ii ;-1 .,i] and pronijitly at- ; I'i'l’\1 F.! Nf; neatly ('xci iited at short •• • . : :..u . -1 ]..,--ih;e ]iricrs. Feb. -J. 1 '..-.2. »;itf W Wl'Kl), '' '■ 'F r Wa^ron. ^ r. 1?. MALFFTT. . 1 t)I-tf w. L. sMrrii, ^>:hr, I „ Jjiir.llrilS IlllHll t'.’IL.NllMiTON, X. (.'. 1^-v.-. t;(»v m:\\ (;o(M)s, •I - I III, I, 111 at thr ('{nth i iiif Stoi'r ij •' ^F WIllTi: a: INDKIUIIFF. * .■ l-.-.j. f.ltf S ' I r.;i :ve l, a laiye and beautiful ussort- Al.'o, Valentine Writers. I'v w. I'laoK. ^''•■.2. 01 td riliers .are now receivinfr direit fn.ini New Volk an 1 Fhila>ie;piua..the lar ,H'.'t and h.iiid'oinest .^:.ic!; i;t' Stdnh (uid I'fi/irii f)nf (ioo(/' That they ha\> ev> r exiiibitcd in this market. eml>rMcin>r every \arii t\ ot F.idies' and (jentle- men's 1>1;FSS (:ooi).S. aniens which may be | fouii'l; IHack and fancy w.aterr I aTnl ]i'ain l>ress , .'•ilk': black and fancy t'oliurirs: F.ima Twills; I tijrured ;.nd plain fancy and b'.:ick Motiair Fus- : tres; .''ilk arp and I’lape llroea les; .Swiss. ,cotch ainl Cliene ;inj:hams: ."^axony l>e-F;iins: Frcnch. r.ii”lish .and .'.inerican I’rin's; F.mb'd t’ashmeres: jilain ditto; ch.iiiireab'.e l>e-Lains; watered ami needle-work Cashmen-s; chanp-ea- Fle 'i i.neses; Itroeade Lii.'tres: i)ama."»k .llolians: k ibiinba^ines: seeonil-niourniiip Poplins: plain .and watered .''ilk .Mantillas; l and iilack \ elvet Mantillas; llrocadt* Poplins; .anil ;i Firjc ;i's rtmejit of l>ress TrininiinL's: French and Fi.;.ili.--h .Nlerinos; Velvet Neek liibbons and • ’uir-=, vVc. ENllillOlDKUIKS. French worked t'olhirs and Cjii>C9; French Worked rufls; French worked C'heniisettes; I’n- der-.''lceves; Swiss and .Jaconet Trimmings; In fants’ Waists and ’aps; Ilem-stitclied and nee- dle-workeil Finen (.’.inibiie Iliindkerchiefts, from lo ct.s. to S'l'. and a beantiftil assortment of Vei\s; every v.ariety of Sh.awFs, embroidered and pl.iin; Thread. Cotton and Linen Kdgiiigs and Laces; blaek Si'.k Laees and Edgings. —ALSO— lilaek, bine, brown iiskI green French and Fnglish (’lofl.s; black nnd fancy Cassiuieres; Cu: \'elv»'t, fi;;urcd and blnek Satin and Valen cia \'estings. isome very handsome;) Sattinets; Kentucky Je.Mis; Tv.>-eds; Lin.^eys: F’lannels, v.i.ol and cotton: O.-naburgs; Druggets: Damask Taiile CotiiS: ditto Napkins; 'cntre-Talde Cov ers. M rv tin:': Piano (.’overs; Iri.--h Linens: Lin en L.'iwns: Tiii’e.i 1 t'ambne.-; Towel!in;zs; (ien- tlenien'.'i Merino Shirts and Drawers; .*i’.k Neek r.i! 1 pocket i!andker.'hie;'s; Laiiies’ .Merino Vests: ('ashmere and Si!k Hose: d.tto Ifalf-llose; the eelcbr itcd .'^alem .Jeans, black .and grey. Fa lies', .'Iciitlemen's :ind C'hildren’s IJtJOTS and SHOKS .Men’s, Is»\s’ and Infants’ Hats .-ind f’apH. Velvet, Satin, .Straw and F'lorence IJonnets. Ditto ditto ditto for Misses. And every article usually kept in a Dry tJoods .''tore. \Vc invite the public to call .and exam ine our large .and handsome .Stock, .is we are al ways anxiou'; to show onr (loods. MV' Lfiji Sii;/iir, Tk> (mtf Cnffre. .VPiFV, SIIF.MWKLL A: CO. return thanks to the eiti/.ens of Fayetteville, and the public generally, lor the very liJieral p.itronagc here tofore bestowctl on them, and intend, Ijy strict attention to business, to merit .a continuance. S. S. ARKV. I*. SIIK.MWKLL. .1. K. McDONAI.l). Fayetteville, Sejit. lO, 18-31. Ultf “'rOBACCOr PRIMF] North Carolina nnd Virgini.a Chevv- ing Tobacco, by the Hox and retail. J. .S: T. WADDILL. October 25, .34-tf D.Ml.V KXIM'ATK!). TONS of HOOP lilON, suitable for Spirit barrels, by K. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, l.S.-;l. .^2tf NATION A I. SP:IUE8 OF NfaiidarfI .Scli«ol Itooks, PFi;i.lSlli:i) I5Y A. s. P.ARNl’.S .S: CO., 51 .John street. New York. ^B^of i'chool Teachers, .Si'hool fl- ( ommittees. and the friends of Kducatioii generally, are invited to the following valuable I ext Uooks for Schools, .VeaiU'mies and Collegt s; DAVIKS’ MATllFM.VrU'S. Retail prices. D.-ivies’ First Lessons in .Vrithmetie, IS Davies’ School Arithmetic. :!7 Davies’ (iramniar of .Vrithmetie, :’.l D.ivies’ Fniversity Arithmetic, 75 Davies’ F.lement.iry Algebra, 75 Davies Lleinentary ','ieometry and Trig onometry, jj;] 00 Davies' Practical GeoTuetry and .Mensu- r.-ition, 7.-, Davies’ Honrdon’s Algebra, 1 Davies’ Legei. Ire's tJeonietry, new edition 1 :!7 Davies’ Flements of .'Purveying, 1 .'>0 Davies Logi- of .Mathein.atics, 1 'Z-> ('h.-imliers' Treasury of Know ledge, 75 Clark’s Klements of Drawing, 7.”» Chambers’ Natuntl Philosophy, tl8 Reiil and Hain’s Chemistry and F.lectrieity, 75 H.'imilton’s and Animal Phys- itdogy, 75 Chambers’ llleinetits of Zoology, S8 I’age's l-ilenients of (.ieology, 75 Parker's First Lessons in Natural Philo sophy. US Parker's Conipenditmi of .School Philo sophy, 1 OU Mclntire on the Fse of the (Ilobes. 7-'> Fulton \ Kastman's (.'opy IWioks (^N'«s. 1, ami eacli 10 i’ulton iSc I’.astman’s Penm.anship. '2'2 Fulton & Kastman's Hook-keeping (.Sin gle and Double Hntry) 7.') lirooks’ First L.-itin Lessons, 50 IJrooks' Ovid'.« Metamorphoses, 2 0(1 Brooks’ Cidlectanea K\angelica, .”(t lirooks' First Creek Lessons, ' 50 Parker's First .''chool Reailer, 15 Parker’s Second .'^i hool Reader, 25 Parker’s Thir l .'^chool Reader, :!H P.irker's Fourth .'School Reader, tio Parker's Rhetorical Reader, 75 Martin's Othoepi.-t, words of difficult jronunciatioii. ;>7 Northend's Little .Speaker, 25 Northend's .\nierican .'^jieaker, t'>:) Northend's .''choyl Dialogues, NN illard's History of the Fnited .'^tates, t>;( Willard’s I History. 1 .!7 Zacho's N«'W .Vmeriean .''pc.iker. 1 25 .\ny • r the atiove Rooks can be found :it the F.ook'tore of K. .1. li.ile \ .Son, Fayetteville. Jan'y 1, F'''>’J. 52--m i)i:siK \r,Li: iii^siDKxci: FOR SAU:. ^H^HK .''ub.'criber now otl'eis for sale all his B- Tnr]'entiiie .-iiul Farminji L.VND. cont.iin- ing abinit •'**0 ,\cres. situated 12 miles Fast of I'ayettev ille. on the (ioldsborough road, com monly known as Pa'imyra. It has a g ;.id dwelling hotise. out-buiMings. \c., and .1 St'.re where a large amount of Jiusi- ne.‘-:.'= is done, .nn 1 incre.-isiiig daily. This is .-i r:;re ehanee fur tur[>entine getters, men h.ants. v^c. and will lie sohl a barg.ain. .\ny one wish ing to ]>urehase. and wishing fnrther informa tion, can applv on the preiui.'cs. to .1. \V. MFRPHV, or P. T.WLOR, Fayetteville Jnlv 2i;th, ■ «tf i:. C. If ALL, OF t^iirrnsor oj /liil/, Si(r/,-rff {'• Co., .S now receiving his Fall STOCK of GOODS, . consisting of a genera! assortment of -NKW C ROP MOr.ASSKS. 11HD.'^., a prime article. .Also, I chest t»f chciice Imperiiil Tl'A. For .s.-ile by H. RR.VNSON SON. .Jun’y lO, 1852. 57tf Si cam Saw Mill for sale. Fayetteville and AVestern IMaiik Road! I ^I’V ( « 00(ls, f^juld ic'FV , I 1 Jlt.S, C^H j)S, ^^lioos, llanlv.aro; Croccru'S. .'inls, tho one lueattMi u inik*s ( arth:i;jc, | ’ ’ or one of those located near Ashborough. \ n>»‘'h larger and more general stock than The price of the .Mill as it st.inds will be very I on the Kast side of the Cape Fear low, ami the terms very accomm-idating. ' j —"hieh he is pre]>arel anl determined to sell .Vpplication may be made to the nnder!.itrned. I customers, either at wholesale or KDW'D LKK \V!NS1,0W, I retail, at greatly re.luced prices. President t'te. ! "onld call particular attention to hi.- 57-.‘Uv i liOOT.S and SHOFS. The assortment is unusu.-illy large, !ind of every iiuality and Fnyett'-'ville, .Jan. H», 1S52. LAXl) Foil SALK. rBlHlC subscriber oHei-s for sale his tract of I L.VND. on which there is a good dwelling and other ont-honses. saw .ind grist mill, lying on the Fli/abeth road, nine miles from Fa.vette- ville aii'i two and a half miles from (,'ape I’ear River. To Turpentine getters it affords a rare ch.ancc. as there are It.OOO boxes .already cut, and from SO to 40,(KM) niight still be opened. It is .also a good location for a Tur])entine Distillery. Terms liberal, nnd made known im applica tion. NATHAN IFF .Mc.VRTIU R. .J.'^n'y 1S52. 57tf CaroIini:in copy. ~ .irsT iJi:( i-:!\ Fi). ALAGA RAISINS, boxes and half litto. Itutter ('rackers, l)rirrels and li.ilf bl>ls. Picnic do, half bbls. Ilvson Tea. .S. W. TILLINGIIAST \ ('). Jun'y ]!>, 1852. 57tf xo'ficm:. ~ .WING, with sever;il others, been burnt out on the niornii'g of the :;d instant. I would eariH'Stly request person- iii'Ieoy i| to me. either l>y note or account, to call aiel .'cttle. as I am in need of monev. Ai.FX’R .McLAFCHFIN. .Tan’v T.t, 185'J. .■)7if sl.\le; and having been bought for (.’ash, he c.iii and will sell them very low. \ oil th;it Wish liargains will find it to your interest to give the .'^tock an e;amination before buying elsew here. .\lwavs on hand, ii general stock of GROCK- RIFS. Oct. 18, 1851. ;}2tf Tf'ff! Tial Trail tCIIFST VOl'NG HV.SON, 1 ditto (iiinpowder, 1 C:itty lm]ierial. For s.ile J)V Oct. 28, 18.-,]. Sale of Lots for Taxes. AGRI0F.\1{I,V to an order by the Court of Pleas and (|iiarter Sessions of Cvunberland County, December Term, 1851, I will to iiublic s.'ile, for cash, :it the Court in Fayetteville, on the 1st .Monday in March next, the following lots, or such ]>arts thereof as will pay the taxes due the town of Fayette ville for 18.50, :ind all accruing expenses, viz: 1 l.ot on Court Hou.-^e .S(ju:ire, .Jno. .Stewai t. valued >jil500, t.ix .“S'.t 50. 2 Lots on .Mumforil and Robinson .Streets, Aduni Wynne, valued ^lOOO, tax 00. G. DK.MING, ('ollertor. F:ivetteville. Dec. Term, 18'>1. .3o-tf SrOTTSlSJBI orCeltir JL planners, a?; pveserveii anjong the Hiirh- liinders, being an histv rie.'il imil t’lescriptive ac count of the inhabitants, ar.ti>(nities, and na tional peculiarities of Sciitlatiil, by .James Lo gan. receive*! and for sale by K. .J. U\LF .Si SON. i;.\NKS. f'f four-Jmrsr I\>sf Cottcfirs, frftin J'nI/IKn Uh to U»/■.'••//«•,— J-Uiili/. fH^HK Subscribers having secwrel the mail -■L contract on the above Line, will commence TIII.S D-W, running a Line of Four Hojsc Post Coaches. Daily. Leaving Fayetteville at 'i P. M., and arriving at Warsaw at A p.-ist 0 .NF, in time for the Car.s North und South. Re turning, leave Warsaw on the arrival of the Cars, say about 1 or 2 P. .M., ainl arrive at F:iy- etteville in ten Lour«. Evrry care will be t.iken C'ARUI >IAK1X(;. f ■ 1 HF su'iscribers h.ave .just opened an F.s- tablishment for (’ VR I! 1 .\( i fi .M.VKING. in all its various liranches in this ].lace. with eve ry f.icility for conducting the same. In all the departments of wood-work. T>aint- ing, trimming and iron-work, they have »'x;'eri- encod Workmen, aii'l the whob' will receive their undivi'ied attention. 'I’iicy have purchased the ri'^ht of Hubbard's Patent for P>ug:'y springs, which is highly re commended as a very ini|)rovement. They will all work going from their Kst.iblishnient eipial in apju’ar ince an I durabil ity to any dom* in t!ie State. | Th“V oidv ask a trial. i i!oi)(ii:;i!s&i;r.\x. .lan'y 12, l.**52. •>i-2ni TIIO.S. II. riLMN(;i!AS'l\ IS»OSi.-ISO \ Anderson St., Fayetteville, TJ. C., ITE >IK. \V. WI.NSI.OW'S I,AW OKUCK. Music neatly bound at short notice. Pamphlets .>nd Periodicals l>ound, and old Rooks re-bouiid, iu ;k subst.intial m.ainer. Dec. S, 1.S51. I'ltf thrill well ^ €'o. rHllll. .'teamer IIRO I’ll Fll.'' and I'liW I’oats, K S fFVF.NSoN and DAVID FFWIS are jire- pared to forward with Dksi'.vtcii, all gtiods con signed to the Proprietor. 'J’he Steamer Rrothers is of light draft, and well suited to run in low water, .''he po.ssesses pov. IT, aii'l speed, and is :idniiral‘ly adajited to towing, anil acconimodate about 20 passen gers. The pro]irietor ce.ntemjil.ates running the I’oat himsel ", :in'I will give sfieei.-il attention to way freight and stores: to towing, ami will al so attend to the comtort and convenience of Passengers. From his long ex]>eriein-e as .\gent in \V'i'.mington of the .'^team Roat (Com panies. h- thinks lie can give s.itisracti.m. To .Nlerchants in the interior lie would say, that .all (iooils sbi]i]>ed liy him. will lie di livc-ed to their .\gents in Fayetteville. His agen« in U ilmingt';i is .KiHV *' F.X'l'T.V. to whom :id comninnicafioiis may be .-iddrcsscil. :is Agent of the .''teamer Rrothcrs. .JOHN ll.VNK.'!. Pn.priet'.r. .Mav 15. 72-v T 'r!i(‘ Suhscrihrr still continues to carry on t!ie IJI.NKT RFSINK.S.'' in F.ayetteville. Jind in addition to his Fst.iblishment on Row street, near Iiccle.s’s Rridge, has opened a large \N .VRI'j R(HFM on Hay street, iienrl.v opposite the Fayetteville Hotel and one dotir K.ast of Messr.s, Haigh Son s, w here ii g neral .-issortmcnt of Fuii.M'ruiii:, Made by comjietent and faithful workmen, may be h:id ;it j>rices coria'S'ponding with the times. .\lso. an assortment d' Northern-made FFRNl- TFRK, selected by himself, which will he sold at a verv moderate advance. DLN(’.VN McNKlLL. Nov. 10, I.''i51. ;)8tf HF2 keeps on hand an as.sortment of Fisk’s eelebratc'l MFT.XLFIC IlFRlAL C.VSFS. which have bee’.i highly reconnneiided l».v Willie P. -Mangum. Henry Clay, i.ewis Cass, Um. R- King, and m.iny other illustrious char.aeters, who h.ave examined and witne^ised their utility. RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. \OMF in to the (,'hea\) St»>re, North side of H y H.av street, one door .above the corner, and buv Dry Gooijs. Also, Rcady-nnide Clothing, Hats and Caps Nov. 4, 1851. -great varictv. ISAAC DODD. I -tt iiVid Jowelry, .%! Whol€'«nl«* and ISrfaii. j7m. Ol’LD i-esiieetfully inform tlie public gt'ner dly, th ;t he has returned recent ly from New "Vo)!:, with decidedlv a large as sortment of ll'dtchCH (isul Many of these Vatehes were Vi.ught for ('.\SII BV Till] P.\CK.\iK, and can therefore be soM veiy lovT. He has Watches of .all kind®: Chains, Keys and Seals of all kind^ aiel of the latest styles: Finger-Rings, Far-Ring*;. Mednliions. of all sizes, of linglish and Anu rican make; La dies’ ChatclaincH; Cuff Pins; Collar an'l .^leeve Ruttons; Shin Studs; Gold .'>]irctacle'i, li);l;t lui'l heavy; Gold Pens and Pencils: (Johl and '^ihcr Thimbles: Rracelet.s; Silver Fruit and P.utter Knives; Silver Sjiofuis of all si/.es: large lot ot Pocket Cutlery; Scissors. bc;->t ([uality; Rntton- hi.le Scissors, .''urveyor s ('otn[masses «ml Chains: Mathematical l*istrc.nients: large fpiantity of fine and eoninion Pistols: fine «nd common sin gle ami double-b.-irrel ( misis: (i:;m^ B.'lg-: .shot P)c!ts atn! Pow'lcr Fla.'^ks; ’'lilltary C.,ciis, jn- cliiiling the Drum and the .''nMlIest Rntton; Violins an.I extra Rows: Flute.-'. Clarionets. J l.-t- geolets. Acc.irdeons. (fall kind.- :ind .--i?!''; ^ln- • ic Roxes: PerfiiiiHTy; .'oap; Lather Rn’she; ISazoi’s :ind .'^trnps: Dres.'ing ami Pocket Combs; Plated and Rritaiinia W.ire: ami various other things too tedious to enumer itc. l-C^- Call an'l give me a tri:;l. Cash paid for old (.1»M and .Silver. AVatciil.s ;iK'.l Jkwki.kv neatly l»epaired. Viiijrtlcfdh', X. C.—Cnriifr' of Mm hit lli-rm] J. -^1. RFA.'-LFY. I IFWF jnst receiv»d fnin New York, inv F.VJ.L AND WINTFR Stock of (soods, ' Consisting of a general assortment of Dry liooils. (’irorrrirs. llarilwari'. rnllrrv, i\f. 1 will b.-irter I'or TL’RPFNTINK, or nny kiii'l of Prouace. to render the line pleasant, convenient, and safe, j jf | A VIC one jiieee extra lino t -4 black 1- rench for Travellers. ! * ■ CLOTH, to which they would call the _ A Line of Stages will be established as soon attention of the ]»ub blio. as possiJde, by the Plank Road, from Fayette ville via Carthage and .Vsheborough, tij Lc.ving- ton, .Salem, and Salisbury. .McKLNNON* & McNKlLJ.. Fayetteville, N. C., Aug. 8, 1851. 11-tf W.V.Vl'I'.l),” I’hink Road Rridge on Rig Rocktish. The best market price will be paid. For further inform ation, in piire of .John W. Mnrph,v, at the Fridge, or of .V. A. McKethan, Fayetteville. Dec. 18. 1851. " 4'.itf IX STOHF, 12)LOU(iHS and Plough ('astings. C'orn Shell- ers, Cultiviitors, Straw Cutters, and Spin ning Wheels. E. ('. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, 1851. :Wtf Oct. 1.'), is.',l. )2tf !()(),()()() Acrcs \ aluahie r 1 M r. F R I. A X I) s FOR SAL!-:. XFW FlUM. niiF uii'Ieifcigned have entered into copart- ners’iip. umler the n.-inie and style of l.»a« X Troy, For the jMiriiose of doing a general Mercantile , and I’arter Iiii'iness. We have t;iken the .“'tore, i No. lO (il’I’.FN .'^ I'RKF.T. formerly occupied by ' ■Messrs. .John Huske \ .''on, ! (iFo. W. L.VWRFNCK. ! .JOHN R. I'RoY, .Jr. j Oct. 22. 1S51. o.'ltf j xoricF. ! Tli(* I’uMic are iiitoniieil tli.'it tlio stibs.-riber is the authorised .Vgent for the sale of .M KINSTRVS PORTAP.FF SAW MIFFS.; manuf;;ctured in Washington City, of 20 horse ' power engine, l‘>e Miiotive boiler, which ar“ the only actual PortaMe .'»aw Mills he has ever seen ' —no tirick l.ieing used in their erection. 'I'hose ; in waiit (>f these .Mills will tind it to their :id- vatit.ige to call on the subscriber. Mr. McKin- stry infi rms him that (ieo. Page v'i Co. have never m^iiiufactnred a Portable Fngine like the ; above, anil therefore their ri^ht is in no dan.irer ■ of beinir infringed upon, as there is no necessi ty of doinir so in this aiie of improvement. H. (F HAFL. ' Favetteville. Dec. H>, lS-51. 47tf , WaltT A 1.V.N be furnished bv' the undersigned. oM * Miiis can s.ive •'i^lO to ■'Sl5, an'l new Mills : •'S;;:j t'l ^10, by procuring these AVheels of me. ! C;:.'ting for tho latest im]'rovements in saw j mills constantly on haiuF Steajii mills repaire'l : throuizhout. Grates for burning saw dust, sash | N. KING, 10 miles North of Fayetteville. 4:>tf Oct. 28. 18.)0 T IIH Subscriber has jiurehiised .‘sll the F.-tn'ls weights. Corn .«heilers, Hlacksmitli lions, mill M * . . _ • II . - 1 i* _ 1. \VRAP1MX(; PAPFK. RF.VMS Medium size, “ Rlue, for Cotton Varn.. From Mauteo Paper .Mills, Raleigh. For s.ilc low by H. RRANSON ^ SON. July't, 1851. ::tf HAIR FOR PFASTFRiXC;, j^OR sale bv Oct. 1, 1851. J. & T. W ADDILL. 27tf lei,. I’OR SAI.F, M. H. McPHFRSON. 2. 1''5l>, i'l. '''\"AV from the subscriber, a negro '‘i iii, a;jei| jilxmt :j5, .about six feet high, , • “‘plexion, name.I WARItKN DP.AKK, ■ I "-iiii-r by tra'le. It is s'.ijiposed he is uia- ' ■ ' w:iy to Fayettevi!l», N. C., where said ■ t,.'. ■ ‘''''d. Possibly he is (‘ii'ieiivoring to The above reward will be paid for ' "‘*'^''>naiion leading t'j his detection. . N. C. TROWRRIDGK. -"‘fc'u^ta, (ia., .Jan. 24, 1852. lU-'Jt L^difcffccille IToteJ, FAYiyr rFVHJ.F, x. c. II LS large and splendid Building has now M. been in successful operation since May 1849. The Redding and Furniture of all kinds is new’, and the rooms convenient iind pleasant. The Table is always furnished with the best the murket affords, aided by a tine vegetable garden. Roarders, Lodgers, and Trnvellers will find de- siraJde acconimod.'itions and attentive servants. No pains will Jjc spared to give entire satisfac tion. _ . ! Fatnilics can be furnished with large, airy, front double rooms, conveniently and hand somely furnished. An exjierience of 20 years will enable the les- aee, i»he hopes, to give general satisfaction. ANN RROWN. 1 Juue 1, 1850. 28-tf XFW GOODS. fUST received, niv Fall sup)>ly of CLOTHS, CA.SSI-MKRFS AND VF:sTINGS, TRIM MINGS, iS:c., of the best qu.alify, from New York. Also, the latest Rej»ort of the New ^ ork FASHIONS. I still contiimc to carry on the TAILORING RFSINI-SS, at my Stand on Hay street, ami those who may favor me with their custom may rely on having their work done in a neat and fashionable style, and on the most favorable terms. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM. Oct. 27, 1851. ?54tf TOBACCO. A GOOD STOCK on hand; and I shall re ceive regularly, from .Messrs. J. .Jones & Co’s Factory, qualitie.s assorted from common to very fine, which 1 will sell at lowest manufac turing prices. J. UTLEY. Foyetteville, April 3, 1851. OGtf ROOT^IAKERS, WHO want a superior article of Oak Tan yOLK LEATHER, with French and American CALF SKINS, can be supplied at our Store. J. & T. WADDTLL. Nov ‘20, 1851. 41 tf □Cr'Xortli Carolina Ootnestic | Woollen Goods, of superior (piality, on con- ; signmeBt and for sale at Factory prices. Ap- | plv to U. I10.SK & SON. Jan’y 2, 1852. o3-6yr 1 belonging to the of Aliram Uiiliois. dec d, l\ing principally in Robe.-^on count,'', and on both sides of Lv.mber River, the different sur veys containing Ov('r lOIKOOO Acics; .\ l:irge jiiirt finely Timbered, and conveniciit to Lumber River, w liere a l.-irge ((Uantity ot Tim ber is now rafted to the (ieorgetown m.nrkct. These Laiiil!" are very valualile lioth for the Timber au'l Turpentine, for which purpose a larire ]>jirt is wHl suited, lieing in a re^rion where the Turpentine yicld.s more abundantly than any other section of the .''tate. 1 he Lauds will be sold at a low jirice, and in iiuaniities to suit purchasers. Information re."pecting the title c:in be ob tained by appl.ving to the Hon. Rolit rt Straii.^e, Hon. .Jjis. C. D«*bbin, or A. T. .Smith. F.'^'i., (.\ttorneys at Faw.) I undcrst:in 1 there are many tre.'passers on these Lands, to all of wiiom notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforced against all such offcti'lcrs. .\pplication for .any ]>art «f the Lands can be made to myielf, or to John Winslow, Fsij., who is duly authorised to make sale of the s.-uiie. THOS. .J. (.'FliriS. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 1, 18F5. 7(>tt Sj)ring Steel of various sizes, suitable for Hubbanl’s Patent Ruggies. Likewise, ii large and general ass'irtinent of .Swedes, English and American Iron, suitable for (Carriage makers. Just received and for sale on favorable terms. Apply to RO.SE I's: SON. F:iyetteville, Jan’3’ 5, I8.)2. ;>.T-f»w WIXTFR SI PPIA. WE are now receiving our 'ivinter supply of Goods, 3 doors below the Market House, south side Person street, where may be found the following articles: Sugar of all grades, (’offee, 5 Hhds. Cuba Molasses—sweet, 3 Rbls. Syrup—a superior article, (ireen and Rlack Teas, Cheese of three different qu.ilities, Rico, Pepper and Spice, Rope and Ragging, fiO Bbls. Mackerel, Shoes and Roots of extra large size. Shovels, Spades and Forks, Corn Ploughs and Points, Axes of the best brands, Knives and Forks, Nails ami Iron, .’iO,OOD lbs. Cotton Y'arn. With a great many other articles cheap for C;ish or exchanged for Produce. Call see. CROSS CREEK CO., C. Ucnbow, Pres’t. Dcc. 20, 18ol. 5'J-tf spimlKs, gearing, backs for chimneys, fronts! f' T lire-jdaci'S. and castings of every dcscriji- ; tion. maile to order. | He has^ist returned from the Great Exhibi- | tion. and is prepared to furnish m.-ichinery of. the latest improvement. .V lew p.-itterns for 1 fancy railing fences for yarils and cemeteries ; expected daily. Horse Powers for threshing grain, sawing vvooil. and griinliug com, made ; to order. .\ four-horse Power, with grist mil; I to grind 40 to 50 bushels of corn per day, for 1 .'s;’,50. lie is Jilso making preparation to man- j ufai'tiire Page's cek-hratcl Saw Mills I'or saw- I ing lumber,—will saw 5,000 feet of lumber per ; 'lay. .V .specimen of fancy ('asting be seen at the Observer Oflice. H. G. HALL. Nov. If, 18.-.1. 41-;hn DAILY FXIMX A GKNFRAL ASSORTMF.ST of HOLLOW- V.'.KRF,, by F. C. H.VFL, of Rome. Oct. is, 185l'. _ :i2tf U. 11! • fir fj (lifr i it A RF now receiving a large and general as- XvL. sortment of STATLE AXf) FANCY l>il¥ l,JOOI>S, llAliOW AUK A: CIT TI.ICllY, Ei^>oTS A.\i> jshob:«. —ALSO—- 75 bags Rio, Laguira and Java CotVee, ]0 hhds. Sugar, 75 pieces (’otton Ragging, 50 coils I’>ale Rojie, 100 kegs Nails, assorted, 8 tons Swedes and English Iron, r)O0 sacks Liverpool Salt, W'ith Loaf, ('rushed. Powdered and Granulated Sugars; (ireen Tea: Pepper; Spice; Ginger; Powiler; Shot; Rar Lead; Table .Salt; I’ar and Fancy .Soaps. With a great vari ty of other articles, to which we invite the attention of pur chasers at wholesale or retail, as low us any other house iu the place. D. & W. McLAURIX. Oct. fi, 1851. 28tf XOTICE. All persons indebted to the subscriber for (foods purchased at Floral College, arc re quested to make immediate pa^nient, either to .Mr. Hugh .Mc.Vrn iu tlie neighborhood, or to himself in Cheraw. D. R. McARN. Cherjiw, Dec. 20, 18-51. 50-tf ]Vi7l be Itei civcil f>>/ the Jirst rrae in thr River, T(JNS of SWEDES IRON, by t# £. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, 185J. 32tf VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, TllK .MOST POP! L\ll FAMILY MEDICINE > K T II K .V O E ! llseti by I’livsifiiiiis of lli;h Slaiitliiig. 'i liO"** Hrr'l'K.US remote iiil l >i**cretinn«, pmiiv llit* Mnti.l, jrive ^leat tone au»l vi^oi to the H tii jXuuH. fniii!) iliosystom agaiiust all liilm« I-*11 l'«* Ukeu u ill» saicty. at iu» tinio the iGiiicut -ln'inj; I'latt li;! the most deli* calf stoiM.«ch, an.l leniaikuMi* l»r thfir clieeriuj(, iu\tvNlorntive jiiojiCT’ ties, aiul *ii iiivalual*!*.* aiul suie ifine^ly for DYSiM'IMV I\ ITS U OIIST FOKMS. Al‘‘0. I.ivor romplMijiH. J;»tiin1ice. Ifoaitlmrn. (■)•• livc*>«*'*s. ^■ai^tl»e^s. ul'tljt* Skin uii‘l l.i^er, l.»S'5 iif Aj'l'etite, I.ow Sjirit-*. NeiTims JleH«l:»t'i»e, I'HlpilHtion »f the Heart. Sinkii't' f ull- ne»»s oi VVci;^i»l at the Stomach, ail i)!!!!*!' lisea'-es ail iinjinio strite i>l th«* bh>ot1. li^er. etc., which len l iu dfSilitate a:id wt aken the 8> >teiu. V i: 3! A !. i: s \Vho''iWfoi finm a moihi-l aihl uniiatiiral roiidition u ill IiihI this Medicine t)f INESTIIVIABLE VALUE. Ill All I , ,.lCKNKK\l. DK.BIl.lTV, this ciiii- AI TS I.IKK. I 11 \KM '. TBOUSiLrJDS llavp t, vte.l its otlirsK'j , ;iinl inoit- iiro now iiii.icT tuMlim'iit ; Ill'll not I'lie sii«tar.v oasi*'>!'failure liH'. \ et Itefii ie(M»i‘U‘.i. Wiliiiiieis coiij.l tilled with Cfiiitiratu» »l t!i«i>c ulii> lia\e bffii |einijiiently riiic.l. on 111? .Ison!, and get a Pl71l*Hf.iyr, 1 rmitr'iiiiiij; tiie ertiliratps of liemaikaMe Cures, aii.l thr h»^h e-'ii'naluMi in which this \ ediciiie is hvid hy tlic I'ul’liC I'u•^s - can he hail of tlie Agentw. liee. Large Guarts $1; Pints 50 Cents. Ho!U by nil thr Vrincipal in the I'nitnl Stairs mill Cauudus.|ial Ottire. I-.'J Kl i.'l O.N ST., .V Y.. up stain For s.ale by S. .J. HINSD.VLE. Novemlier S, 18”»1. o^-y C. T. IIAIGII SON OFFKK FOR .SALE; "^^EW Orleans, Porto Rico, Refined, Crushed, Loaf au'l Hayaua Sugar. Rio, Laguira, and old (Jov't Java (,’ofTce. Dtindee, (Junny, and Rurlaps Ragging. Kojje and Twine. Iron, Nails, Salt, .Molasses. (.'heesc and Riiisins. Blacksmiths’ Tools, Axes, Sp.ades, Shovels, Hoes, Scythes. Trace and ilalter (.'hains. Rand and Hoop Iron. White I..ead in Oil. Spanish Rrown, Red Lead. (ilass, I’ntty, Ruckets, Rrooms. Mackerel, in barrels and half ditto. Negro .‘'hoes. Tanners’ Oil. Tin riate. Wire. Superior (Ircen .and Rlack Teas. Saleratus, Soap, .'nutf. Pepper, Ginger, Spice, Nutmegs. Sj erm and .Vdamantine Candles. Rar Lead, Shot, Powder, &c. &c. Nov. 28, 18.51. 44tf ^IR^EIjT’S REPORTS." fl.’ST published. Vol. 12 Law, and Vol. 7 P2quity. Price ^■‘l 50 and These are small volumes, in conse'iuence of the Reporter making new arrangements for publishing. Bound vols. exchanged for Nos. as usual. £. J. HALE & SON. Dcc. 1'?, RE!)rC']:i) TAiU:. IHROCCfll Tickets between Wilmington, S. (\, and Raltiiuore. F;ire N];?. Via Wel don. I’eters’or.rg, Ri’hinnnd, and Wa.shingtoti City, or via Weldon, Portsiiu uth and Nurfolk. Fur Ticket.^ apply at the (.Ittice of the 'Wil- niingtdti and Raleigh Rail Roa'l ('ompany, at Wilmington, nr :it the Ofiice of the R.'tUinioro Steam I’acket (’ompany. and of the Raltimore .•ind Ohio Rail Road Conn-any, Pratt Street, Raltimore. Jan. 1. 18.j2. 1X17^ riii: undersigned, Founder anl Machinist, has cons«'nted to act as Agent for the o!ily actual PORT.VRLE (,'IRCUL.\R SAW' MILL in the United .'States, made by Win. McKinstry of Washington. These .Mills are ol' Cast Iron, no brick being used iu their crcction. They can be t:iV;cn down, removed 5 miles, ami put in operation in l»i hours. Power of Engine 21) horse: will cut 15,000 feet Plank Road Lum ber i>er 24 hours. These Mills hare t.aken the premium at the Maryland State Fair over all others, and are considered the best in the world. I Would be I'leaseil t> r*'ceive orlers, either for the Engines with or without the .Mill. Letter .•iddresse.i to H. ti. Hall will rveeive prompt at- tentiim. 1 will put Mills uii any where within 10 miles of ravettcville, if dotirable. 11. C.. HALL. Nov. 2ii, l'^.')!. l:: tf‘ ri'^HE *KTN.V Insurance Ci.nipany ot’ llt.rt- I’lird, having jiaid the tax iujposcl by the Revciuie Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue its Agcney in Fayettc^ille, innler tho management of the umlcrsigned, who is pre pared to issxie Policic.^ of Insurance on liiiiM- ings or Ooods, either in thi* Town oi- in any part of the .'^t.-ite, un pr.ijicr iipplictitimi, *le- scrij'tion of the I’ropi rty. \e. The *iri'NA CO.Ml’AN'i' has beoT\ in operation about oO years. Its capital i* m;S()0,00>. The Hon. Tho.. K. I'r.-.ce w;is i»s first I’rcsideiit, :ind he still holds office; »*nd .He^eral of its tii.-Jt Directors are .-tiil .k ti»» and eHj ieiit mem- Ixis of the i: inL it .it all tiiiies sutrtaincl the highest » i:.iracter f..r the prudence of it,» niaiiageiiiei'.t. and I'or tiie liberulity witii whicU it h;-.s iver a'!jiisti.d it& loss'.j. r.. J. II.VLE, Aircnt. Manh 111, IS'.l. f-i'-tf LIFE INSrR.rMlT. I'ndfrsigne'I lias been appointed .\gent of the North Carolina Mutual Life iusu- rance ('ouipany. Every member forlilc partic ipates in the profits of the Company; and the annual premium for life membership, where it amounts to *:;o or mor»*, may be pni'l .ne-hi.U’ in cash, and the other half iu a note r.t \’Z months. Debtors’ lives may be insure.l by creditors. A man may insure his own life for the exclusive benetit «)f iiis family. Ihe lives ol slaves may be insured. This sy.stem is rajiidly growing into favor, all over the eivilize.l v.orld. It is onebywhii ha family, for a small .«um annu.illy. mr-y be pro vided for. after the death of its heii'l. on whose exertions they nujy have been lepei.dent for .a support. It is a good inve»tment of monfy, even if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy. Explanatorv [ nmihlcts, ami tho i necessarv lilanks, furuislied on application. L. J. HALE. Fayetteville, .June I80O. 72 iii:'ri'()'>j'S SilIRT ESTABI;!S!niH\T, 170 Mo lilt Strut, B.lf/3'S^SOKi:. fgIHE largest nnd only _H_ Manufacturing Whole sale Establishment in the City. The c.iyiital and forco engaged enables me at all times to offer to Country Merchants and Deal ers in SHIRTS, CJLLARS, LINEN and COT TON DRAWERS, great inducements—more th.m usual efforts having been made to render the assortment of these nrticles full and com plete. The Stock on hand is large and well assorted for Meu and Boys. JjqjT All orders from the Country attended to with punctuality anfl desp.atch. Remember the Name, and No. 179 Hai-ket direct. *r. W. BETTOS. Augjit 15, leSi. li-j^pd

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