lEIBT SEMI-WEEKLY. [VOI.. I.] I'AYKTTKVILLK, C., I ICUUUAKY IJ, 185i. [.NX). M.] i-kintki> by j. n. nkwijy. K1)\V VKD J. HALE & SOX, Kl'irou.'^ AM> PKOrUIETORS. TO CONTRACTORS. ^5KALhI) pi'opos!)!^ for clearing, gruJing, plnnkiuj', bridging inul tinishing the Anson Plunk Hoiul, nnd also, for sup|ilving nil the nc- cessMiry luuihor, tinihers, nnd other niatei'inl for tile cotistruotion of the said roncl, will be re- ceivod iiutil the last Weilncstlny in Febniary p.;,-.'fiT the v'Jrmi->Veckly Odskuvkr >j!4 00 if next. For particular?! and specifications apply to the President at ('hcraw. Proposals will also l>e received at the same time for the cutting and hauling of h.gs, and sawing and delivering of lumber at tlic mill of the Anson Plank Pond Company. The loca tion ot th? mill and timber lan«l, will be shown on application to the President. ALLAN McFAKLAX, Presiik-ut .V. P. 11 C. January ol, 185J. 0:I-tlwF piiiJ in -idvancc: !i>4 oO if paid during the ve:ir of Mit'scription; or ^ after the year has p. - tlif 'Veckly Oii.^khver ^2 00 per annum, if jui'l i« HilMtncc; oO if paid durijig the rar (subscription: or ifo 00 after the year expired. \liVKUTlSKMl',NTS inserted for sixty cents jiiurf f'T the first, and thirty cents for esch ;,v,v>iir.ir piililioation. Yearly adverti.-ements • I'niitrai t«. at reasonable rates. Ad- nrc ro|vu'sted to state the numl>er of ilt'sirC'l. or thej' will be continued till •• 1 .iti'l fh:ir;:t'd accordingly. l,i-trt‘r trt the Kditora mu.st h» p«»st-paid. i.ixsi:i:i) OIL. Of Nurth Cani’iinn Linseed Oil. For sale bv TOOK & TAYLOR. {■'i ls.'i‘j, w XOTR'i:. rBllll.'11, U r^.;.:neil linving formed a Topart- K II i-'hn' uii'icr the style of .JOHN P.ANKS llIIcTIlKi’. f'lr carrying on a COMMISSION J'.: F'dlW \1\I»1NG lU’.'^lN KSS. all goi>ds dieni. or ordered, or produt-e sent for -i;- --'11 l»c jToniptlr attended to. JOHN HANKS. DAVID HANKS, iurt^n. Feb. *J, 1S.')‘J. tJotf S4^000 Julv 1 . LI5S. UAtiS AVANTKD, l>y IL BRANSON & SON. 78tf T's lUtOTHKKS. and Tow Roats tfvij!!*-.'!!. JLHevid Lewis, and James Cas- . ;;r>- to forwarti with despatch ^ ir c"ii-f:^ned 4 th* Proprietor, i Sifniiicr r.T'rfWrs is of li;:ht draught, >uiti‘d t*i ran i«i l^ir r aUr. She p09- s and *j - i. and is luiniirably .-ulapt- ■II and i-an acci'inmHliite about 20 . i'riiprietor contt.'njplj^tes running the IILi - It iTri *iU giTr sjvecial attenliou to :r. i'iit nnd stores; to towing, and i!'. nrt'Mi'i to the comfort and convenience From his lone experience a.^ t ijt :-'iu;rlon of the several Steamboat t\r iliink“ he can !rive satisfaction. \J=Tiltant« in the in!eri'«r he w(iuld say. * ‘i : "la shipped by him. will be deliv- • 'inMr A'.'ents in K.iyetteville. His .Vgent ; N is DAN ID il.VNKS, to whom all .iil' ati'iiis may be addressed, ai> Ageut of "■■iDipr l}r"thers. JlMIN llANK.^, Proprietor. !.!:iii-t*>n. Fell. 4, ISo^. t;3tf •JOHN 1). W IM.IAMS, i ;>mmiss ion A' Fortrttrdhtg Fayetteville, W. C. F .. . iN-'.i:. -,;:t£- K()){ SALK.—!2U,()(K) lbs. HA- ' J. D. WILLLVMS. ^ I-'-I. );5tf DK. LITTLL S (’OMPOl’ND TONK' PILLS, For the cure of children atkd half-grown persons ot Pale and Cadiiverous Habits, Suppressed or Paintul .Menstru.ition, Loss of Appetite, Torpiil or Confined Rowels, Swelling of the Feet and Legs, Kmaciation, Paljdtation of the He:irt, iVc. Ry the use of these pills he has often oired every disease ot this important class, which are always connected with, or dependent upon, a weak or enervateil state of the digestive organs. Those who are afflicted with the diseases enu- nieratetl, neel only to try them to reali/.e their good ert'ect: nnd that too, in the u.se of a single box of the pills, although it m.iy take several boxes to cure thent. The Conipoun>I Tonic Pills never nauseate the stomach, or disagree with the bowels, jior do tliey reijuire particular attcntii.n, exce’^t to take one three times a il.iy regularly. In no less degree of surcess have tlu se pills been used in cases of females, whose habits are not well established. Dr. Liitle~l>ear Sir: For over four years I was afflicted with an exceedingly obstinate and painful ulci'r on the itiside of niy ancle, from which I suffered extreme torture; and having applied to sevenil physicians, besides using many of the patent “nostnnns of the d.ay,’’ without any relief, and fe:iring, from my grow ing worse every d.-iy, that my last resort would be to the surgeon, to amputate my leg, I was induced finally to try you*- vitluuble Tonic Rit ters and Compound Tonic Pills. From the use of which 1 soon found relief, nnd in le.ss than one month was entirely well; .ind I have enjoyed uninterrupted health ever since, which has l>een about a ve;ir ago. Truly \ours, HKNRV TKMPLKS. Wilkinson co.. (ieo., June l>'oO. The fac-simile of the signature of Dr. \V. G. Little will be found upon the outside wrapper of each of his .Nledicine"*. Solti wholesale and retail, by the Proprietor, at his Matmfacturing Depot, No. 'Jiil .M.irket street. PhiladelphiH, and Macon. Georgia. To Ih> had also of James Cain. Roekfish; \. \V:itson. Flui'nl College; Town.«end X l)ong- la»i*. Rennettsville; Dr. P. .M. Colicn. Charlc.'*- tun; C. C. Rarbee, Rurclaysville; P. F. Pe^cud, Raleigh. S. J. HINSDALE, .\gent for Fayetteville. Or. t7“|>7 II A I 4;^ II, Has taken an Office on Hay Street, Wesj of the Hoti-l Ruildingii. CHERRY PECTORAL For Ihe C'urr mC rorciiis, COLDS, iioakseaess, RRO.\(HITIS, ^lllOOPI\G-(Ol(ill, (ROI P, ASTiniA, AXD c’o\sr.iiPTio\. \ I ANY yonrs of trial iiisU';ul ttf iin(c\irini! the jniMir ^ in lliis Inn wi.i» for it an appre (’iatiiin anil by i.»r fxriTilinjf ihe most ^antfiniie (t| itv Nothini: Iml iis inirinNir vir- lUf*'* find Itie iiniuUtakahle t»€nerit roiilVrrrd on lhoUH»tnd:« o| ou!d orij*inatt* Hnd ihe rr|nilHtion it WluU* niMux iiit'fTior renirdit*’* ihrn'^t »i|H*n th** hnve liiiUMl and U*#»n di'-‘ard*»l. ihi^* has sained t>i**nd' l»y «‘\rr\ crial. confrrri'd U’nft'ns on ih** ;tl' tlicied ihfv rnn n^-v* r !oru**U niul pmdiK f‘d rurc-* i«hi nn- iJU*r«»U' Mn«l t«H» r(.'iii;trkahl»* to tie lor^ttiirn. Wliil** it is H fraud on the puldic to prt-lend th»Ml «ny «»ne nu'dtrine will infMllildy r»r«*—.1111 tlierc* at»utidnnl pro«t| iliMl iha t’herry I'ri'tiiral nii only » {*{‘n(*ral thintr. hut m1i;k>m invariably, cnrc tli«* tnalHdivK for which it eniployt-d. .As tiinr niak''s ihosr farin widrr and iK'fter known, ihis niedit int‘ ha^ "rndiiHlly hrrnjtir ihr b» ■'I rrlianre of (lie HttiK U*d. Ironi lh«* loj* ralnn of tliw Anit-r.can pra^ uil (o tlir pHlar**' of KMrojtoAn Kiujj'. Throii'jhout ihi** ♦*niir»* couniry. m e\rry Slatf. cuy, and milvrd almost t vfry liHiiiU't it cont;ilns. t hvrry IVrtonl i-* know r» a^ iht; Im'si r*‘nirdy t*\i»nt for dUfs»*s of iho *Mir«>Ht anti l.nn>:, :ind ; in many foreiitn rotinlri*"*, it rniiti^ ti» hi* extensively J usfd l»v tln »r nn'^^t iniriii»«*i>t l^hy^irians In lirrat Krit- j ain. h r iUt e and »*Tmany. w h**r»* ihe m*-diral sr«t*ncr« | have rourhfd Ihrir h»::hf*t ^»frfeclion. rh* rr\ l’r« t‘Tal Is ' intrmliu't'd, aind in ronviant ii'r in the .\rmit‘-». IlM'^pttals, ! .\lin!« hoit'^e^. I'lihtir ln>tiiuiiouit. nnd in d«>me'«tii* prac i liCc. the >ure>t r»*nird> iheir attending ThN'irians tan ♦•n»|»loy f* r the nmrr dani:*rotis aih-rtions «if tlit* limes.— \Wii in milder i*ase5, nnd for rhiidrcti it is xaltv pUM^an( and etierlii tl ti* rurr In fact. »onte of the niovt Malterin:; l4*>limoi»lnU Wf receive htvt.» iM'en fi*»ni pare nt who hMVe lund it ef)iiaci u.> in !»'*« » pirticulariy incidental to chihlhood 'l’h«* rhrrry IVctor.il is ninnufactnn'd hv » pranicul i 'heiiost. and every onnre of it uinU r lii.s ttw n e\e. w iih invarialile nrrijracy and care It is H**a|rd nnd proh cti'd by law froMi ciiuuterf*its. con'^iiueiil(\ can i»e relied on as e^nuine without adulteration We h»ve endeavored here to furn'v^h the ron.mnnity W ith a mediiine of such tntrin'^ir su|>eriori:\ and worth Hs vhi-uld cotiin»end itself lo tlieir ronfidence—a remedy Ml t»nc»» juile. s|H>edy and erferiual. w hich Ihis has by re- |>«'ated and coUiiiie'« iri.tl> proved il elf to be, nnd tru'>t l»y -re.it rare in prepariirp it with chemical accuracy, of unif4»rMi »tri n^ih to .tO«>rd rhy^ic‘ans m new at;*nt in which the> can rely l*»r the re^iMls, ami tlie with u remedy that will do for them all iliai niedictne ran do. Prepared and snIJ by Jamkk Aykr. Practical and Analytical 'hemi>l, l«*Wi:ll, Mas^ Sohl in K»\etteviUe hj S. J. IUNSf>\I.K; in Clinton, by \V VKHK-N JHI.\So.\ At *0.; nnd h> l)rup"i-(s anti l>ealers in Medicine evtrywhcre. January IVi'J. .V) 3m II m,l IPS, MOl'Sii SIKHS. -Hr TO THE PI in.IC. rWIHE subscriber has leasetl for a term of -B- years, of R. W. Rrown, Ks(|., his fire-proof Store, with his Wh.-irves, and is now in a condi tion to t:ike especial care of Spirits Turpentine anil other Naval Stores conimitted to his care. The Warehouse is well known to be the best and safest place in town for the storage of Racon, Lard, Corn, I’eas, &c. The lower wharves have on them four large new sheds, where Spirits can be safely kept from the rain ami sun. He is prej>ared to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds of produce sent to his care. He will also make advances when required. lie begs to refer to the follovvhig gcntlenieii; I’w. W. Rrowii, .lolin I’awson, O. (i. Parsley and Thos. II. Wright, K.s'is. MILKS COSTIN, Rrown's wharf, Wilmington, N. C. Sept. 12, IS51. 21-V F‘ n Kl’KN'l'INK I,AM) FOR SAl.K. OR sab?, :’>0:! acres of LAND on .Tames Creek, and (i40 .-leres on (,'ypress Creek, in Cumberland, convenient to the Western Plank Road, heavily tiiiiberi'l. :ind admirably adapted to the making of Turj>entine. •\pl>lv at this Office. Nov.’i'S, 18.')1. 4Uf w. .N'OTICK. A TE.VCHI'R wanted, to take charge of the Academy at Whiteville. ('oluinbus county, N. C. liberal price will be given. Applica tion will be made to F. George, Ksij. »r myself, at this otiice. J. A. MAULT5RY. Whiteville. Dec. 10, I8'>1. 48-tf jbi.vK~ T Fall Slock. 1 8 .3 I. July 14, liv’d. 4-tf rBIIIF. Subscriber ofl'ers for sale one JL largest and best assortments of GK)DS in hi.s line ever offered in this place. He is very thankful for the very lil>eral p:itronage that he has had. and solicits ft continu.-ince of the , .same. His stock h.-is been selei-ted with care, and consi.sts of nearly every variety and style, from the best manufacturers. He ha.s on Laud and offers low for Cixh, at retail or by the -ase, latest style.-* (Jentlemen's Reaver, Nutri.-i, Moleskin. Silk, lirush :ind .\n- gola HATS. -Mso. Jenny Lind. Kos.suth, Ar tist, Rough and Ready, and stiffened Fur and Wool Hats, for .Men, Youth and Roys—in abun dance by the dozen *.r case. _AL.S0— •V very large supply of Cloth. Plush, Velvet and Fur C.’VPS, of all qualities, styles and pri ces.—by the single Cap or by the dozen. —ALSO— Hoots and Sliocs, of the following varieties, viz: Fine Water-proof, fine ('alf, fine Kip and heivy Winter ROOTS. Also. Roys' and Youths’ ('alf and Kip Roots. Gentlemen's Dress Shoes, of various qualities. Together with an assortment of I.ndift', Misses’ ami Children’s ROOTS :ind SHOKS. vi/,; .Jenny Lind, K.^celaiors, (Jniters, ditto Half, Riiskins, Slippers and Morocco Roots. -\lso, (Jentlenien's and Ladies' Rubbers. With a good supply of Youths', l>>ys’, Childrens’ and Servants’ heavy Shoes. .Ml of which he offers low for (’anh. or on time to punctual customers. Please call and s:itisfy vourselves before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN C. THOM.'^ON. Market Scjiiare. Sept. 2t;, 18'>1. 20tf ~ 10,000 !»iPOKl\^.TIK.\ W ANTKD. Tlie Snbscrihcr lias now one .f the I) Denlistrtf, It. KE.\ i* now au ti»c FnyeltwiR* Hot«L ' I'l will be ple.-used to attend to any cull* !v.,(,.ssion dviriag his stay of a week or II. C!. FayetteriUc M'ouutlry. CASTlNtJS OF EVERY DE.CRIPTlON MADE TO ORDER. fitjf' A lot of Rabbet Met.il for sale. \\ inalow j-trect, Sept. 1, ISol. If^Y R. M. OKRKIJ., FOEWAUiir.u nnniissiii.N ^ilrciiant .\t I'ayetleville, C. Mar.h U>, IS.'>1. 02-tf } ;rrtfville. Feb. 0. 6::tf II. I.. IIOL.MKS, \ 'I'iie Stoainor Cliathaiii Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. will resume her .seini-«reekly trips ^ jkFFU.'E on corner of Front and Princesw streets, under Journal office. Dec. 12. 48-tf T. C. WORTH, co)i>ifssio\ i\u fiirwakdi.m; )ii'Rrin.\T. WIL.MLNG rON, X. C. Feb. 1, 18.->1. 57 tf WILKINSON i:sLi:u, DEALERS IN 'tni/'f cttonari/, Vurtiijn fnnfs, To- biirro, and Snuff, AND IMPORTERS OF !^l’I»EUIOR CIG.IRS, AT WIKILKSAI.K AND KKTAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. u this place and Wilmingtoii, iMi .M>nL-iy ii inst.. leaving F'ayetteville every MON- 1 TiiritSDAY thereafter, at 7 o'clock . iiid running through the same liiy.— '■i.ti M i}minrtm every Tf'ESDA^’ and FRI- u t.-r tlie arrival i^f the Curs from the Steamer G«v. Graham, with as 1' H I'riat's m»y be necessary, will run ■ with tie Chath.im. as often as may ■" iry to carry ail F’rcights that may c.'- 1.-idditj-Hi Ilf another large Flat (the ■■ ''b l',; -, to tbis Line, affords increased •' r tin* shipping public. (tj)ds shall li UT qui'-k traii.“it by thi.s Line un JNu, D. WILLIAMS, Ag't Cai>e Fuar S. R. Co. ■ -■ J. c;;tf i.ooo r.** HEADLEY’S LIFE OF KOSSUTH. •irsT PCRLISHED, TiiK i.in: OK i.iins kossith, liii'rriior of llunsn'V. ITH ti‘;,)f the Distinguishel .Men. » :ai-l Sci-iKs of the Huiigari:tn Revolu- T' uijirh is add,‘d an appendix, contain- ---.ii . to the People of the I'nited .*ii; r ■ iij' -t important >)f the addresses, i/f the Great Magyar Chief. . author of "Life of the Em- Aug. 7, 1H.')1. lltf N. B. STAKIU CK, Troy^ \*orh^ iRox rorxDEii and machinist, ^ , Mau,./arU,rcr of Sham Mills oml IloUrr,, of the most extensive and xf iin I ■ 1 />/ A. f.. Doulde and Mngle SHOT GtNS, ll^U>L»ot J/ill Gcoruu/oJ allhnuh, Ihujlis,ii. j superior quality,—Colt's Repeating fJ'^HE undersigned, as the Agent of the al.ove ' Allen’s Revolving, of every ,,uality,-Pow- •J. i" '’..if'-;: P--I K, .1 /' .f !!. 1'‘Life of Lafayette," etc., Iiii-tioti by H'>race Greeley. In W'l. Volume of 401 pp., with an l’"ifrait. Price ■ ■•f ^.M.ftd in erory county in the ii-'t already oecu[iied,) to sell i^ir w'prk. 1' is believed that al- • ihuj family will be glal of the 'i!' |j ''»i-itsiiig the Life and Speech- Hungarian. Such is the present Ii ii 'iiji the unjiaralleled saleof the work. Address DE1U5Y & MILLER. .\uburn, N. Y. ' ' “py sent by mail, jrt-f of postage on the firi(M.‘, post paid. K.J. fi:i-3 (im! Hcdutiful Residence lOU SAI.K. I ■ •'''ih'rribcr wishing to remove to the '■ Would sell his lanls in this 'ipriti reaxonable and acconimnlating ri- ;iii. ,,r acres, all lying ^ ""iy, and 'if which 41)0 or 5M) aeres are i I'- itiiiti. The Pljink Road of the .Joint i. , ’"'I'^iny. from Fayetteville to Raleigli, ■ [r.. ' niile of the residence. .Most I ‘‘ii'ls th.it are in cultivation lie within ^ uiii •- ,,t Cjip^. Pear River, adjoining , I"'' ''t -I'lhn C. Williams and otiiers. ;hi. . 'situation is very desirable, from it is surrounded by the best of T V '‘f'l Society. '"'''! riber might say much more by way ■' but he deems it unnecessary, as t'. purchase can call and see for Estublishmont, will order any articles which may be w.ante»i, on application to him. The Steam .Mills manufactured by Mr. St;'.r- buck have been tested, and are highly approved on the Plank Roads about Fayetteville. EDW’D LEE WINSLOW. Fayetteville, Sept. 4, 18.')I. 20tf I.EjSSONsIn MUSIC. LH. WHITAKER would respectfully in- • form the citizcni of Fayetteville and vi cinity, that he has again commenced giving Les- sons'on the Piano Forte. He returns his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and humbly solicits a cuitinuance of the same. All pains shall be taken for the advjinccment of his pujiils. In.-itruction also given on the Guitar, jjiajr Pianos tuned and repaired in the best manner. L. II. WHITAKER. August 21, 18.>0. 34tf m:w carpeting. g A ROLLS Rrnssels, Ingrain and Stair JL"* ('arpeting, new .nnd fashionable I’at- ternri. jyst receive>l. —AI>SO— IT) kejfs Spikes and large Nails, 2;> boxes Raisins, 30 bags Shot, Indigo, Chocolate, Salad and Castor Oil, with an addition to otir Stock of Hardware. S, W. TILLINGIIAST & CO. Nov. 2t‘>, 18.)1. 43-tf FPLL SET? country-nuide RREECH- ING, for wagons. J. & T. WADDILL. Nov. 10. 1851. ;i8tf der Flasks, Shot and Game Rug.s, IVrcussion ('aps of English and French msike. Also, the most complete a.>«sortment of (inn fixtures that has ever been ottered in this section of countrv'. Also, Shot Guns, RiHcs and Pistols made to onler or repa red. Rifles mad« to order, ami warranted to shoot from one to five hundred yards. Air Guns maiie to order at short notice. To all of which the attention of Sportsmen and others is respcctfullv invited. M. A. RAKER, Sign of the (lun, Ilav street, nearly opposite th^ Marble ^ art!. F.nyetteville, N. C., Oct. b, 18.',1. 2Htf Mar 1 >Ie l^ictorv” 18th Nov. 1851. MA(' INTYRK offer.** for sale— i '> bbls. clear ,M KS.S PORK. 3 bbls. No. 1 Lard, o kegs Rutter, fine i^uulitv. Liberty Point. 40tf 1'A VI; r rI \ 11,1,i; I!u A 11 C I- O T II I A ; lESa’ASLISUMENT. J. M. WlllTi; & LMIl'llllILL, JPrapers^ Tuilors, A N 1> WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 110 H illiiun afreet, \eir York, .\E\T Donii TO Tlll^ Bi.NR (IF L’UM: FKAll, Faf/rtleviNe^ .V, i\ Thk Suli.st-rilu'rs wunld loavo to in form the inhabitants of Favetteviile and vicini ty. that they h:ive opened the abuve Estublish- nient, and intend c:irrying on the businc.ss in all its branches. They h:ive ju.st received a l.nrge stock of K a: % B> v-71 V i>i: ci.o rii i From New York, all of thvir own manufacture, fieaj"-('uL NTUV Mkkciiants ainl otlicrs in want of Clothing to sell again, will do well to call and ex:iniin* our Stock. Orders filled at e-iTNEW YORK PHl('ES.-’?Ha Measures and orders will be tak» n for fine Clothing, ainI exeeuted in tli*' most tii.'^hionable .stvle and with ile>pati h. J. .M. WHITE & CNDI'RHII.L. A. C. HART, Ajnit. Nov. 17, I8')l. 40-;'m F.VVETTE11.LE I’ON FE( ’TKJN EKY. CHARLES BANKS, 1NFt)llMS the public, that he has refitted his Establishment on (Jreen Street, and has on hand a fresh sui)plv of C.\ND1ES, manufactured by himself out nf the best Loaf Sugar, ami war- rantc'l free from starch, tlour. p.iste. and perni cious paints. His whole time and attention is now devoted to making Candy, ami he is pre pared to Kii|'ply ail orders with Candies eipial to any made in the I'nited States. The.'C Can dies In- warrants to keep in any flim.ate; and he will sell to Town or Country nK rchants. as cheajt !is good and pure Candy can be purchased in .Nfw York or elsewhere. Favetteville, Oct. -X, l^i')!. ;!4-tf Ui:\VARl)! 1'^SCAPKD from the .l.-iil of Kershaw District, li on Moiid.-iy the 14th lay of July last. S.K.ML'EL J. LO\'F, who was convicted for the murder of Robert J. Lester, at ."Spring Term of Court, 18.'>1. Said Love is about 20 or 21 years of age, six feet twt» inchcs high, (not certain as regards his height, but supi'osed to be thena- bouts. i has lark hair, and d'a sallow complex ion, with a downcast look; some tif his front teeth a little decayed, and t».llows the occupa tion of !i ('••irpenter. I will give tiie above reward to an\- person who will a]>prehend the said S. .1. Love and loige him in any .lail in this State, or One Hun dred and Fifty Dollars for his sale confinement in any Jail in the I'nitcd States, so that I can get him. JOHN IN(’.RA.M, Sheriff. Camden, S. C., Au". ;{0, ly-'jl. 20-tjni I NION AC’ADIvMV. rOlUE buibling of this Institution is now in JL a state of C‘'inpletiui. It is large and conimolious. It is pleasantly locateil in a fine neighborhood, and in a very salubrious part of Robeson county, twelve miles w«-st from Luni- berton, about half mile south of the roail lead ing fi'om thence to .Vlforilsville. The first session of this Institution will com mence on the 2l Miuidny td'.lanuary, 1S.')2, un- der the care of Mr. (iile' Leitch, who is a gra- I duate of the I'niversity of North Cjirolina. ' Terms nf Tiiitimi, per Seefion, rt:: \ Spelling, reading and writing, !j:8 00 j Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geogra- ' phj- and History, 10 00 I Latin, (Jreek, French, and the higher j branches of Mathematics. 12 00 I Roard can be obt«incil at the .Vcademy, and j at convenient distances in the neighborhood, at from five to six dollars per month. Ry order of the Trustees. JOHN TAYLOR, Sec'y. Dec. 29, 18,')1. .^o-tf* IIIIS L1M-] »F RO.\TS is still in succes.!- fnl ojicration on the Cape Fe.ir River, and continue to otfer many facilities to the shipping public. Persons i>atronising this Line, may rest as sured that their (ioods will be brought up with dispatch, and at the very lowest rales of freight. A. W. STFKL. Presileiit. T. S. LrTTERLOH, Agent :it Fayetteville. Feb. 15, IS-II. r»'.( tf IIAV. RALES HAY, 5lMJ liushels Corn. For sale by W. U. HTTERLOH. 1851. 4 4-tf too NOI'ICK. FlU; l.\D MI.\TER GOODS. HE Subscribers are now receiving a well JL selected stock of Staple and Fancy DRY CiOODS. .Among their stock will be found the latest styles of Ladies' and Gentlemen's DRESS GJODS, together with a good Hssortnient id' Koady-niade ('lotliiiig; T'nibrollas; Hats, Caps, and Jionnct.s; all kinds of IJoot.s and Shoes; (’arpetinjr; Saddles, liridlcs, Whips and CoUars; Hardware and Cutlery; Lea ther; Httll«iw-ware and (’rovkory-ware; Jjoaf, Liinij), (’rushed, (Marilied and lirown Su gars; Teas; Ijaguiia an I Java CoflFec; Salt, .M olassi's, Iron and Nails. ith many other Goods, which will be sold very cheap for Cash, or on time to those who pa3’ punctually. We wouhl be glad if our friends and the public generally would give us a call. J. T.’ COUNCIL & (’AIN. Sept. 1,1851. I8tf Dec. THE (’L'LiTBRATED BL'CK IMTt.M COOKIi\(; STOVE. Is for sjile by the Siib.scrilx'r in Raleigh and Fayetteville; in Raleigh at his Slioj) on Fay etteville Street. and in Fayetteville at Sir. A. .Si. Campbell's. The SubscrilK'r hereby forewarns all persons from purcha.xing any of these Stovi-s from any person either in or o>it of North Carolina, ex cept from himself or his duly authorized .\gents. He has puridi.-ised the exclusive right to vend tins .Stove within the State, and will prosecute any person infringing his right, either by pur chasing. selling, or using, an\ except those ob tained from himself. JOSEPH WOLTERING. Raleigh, April I'.t. 1851. (i8tf ^ TUKKS, SIIUCHS, S:c. ~ f H IS a fine season for planting trees, shrubs, B. grape vines, strawberries, raspberries, \c. in SVinter, the ilryer the ground the bet ter. as the sfiil fills in round the roots closer and lighter, without that packing which takes place in wet weather. To plant a tree or shrub, dig a large hole and till with soil rich enough to grow gooil corn. The best compost is a mixture «d' mellow clay, doconiprised vegetable matter, and a little ashes or lime, .\lways I'bint figs and other tender trees »m the \'rlh side of ji fence or house, as it is not the colil but the sudden changes that injure them. C. Ll'TTERLOll, Rowan st. Jan'y 1'.'. 1H52. 57tf .M()LASS1:S AND KlSll. HHDS. new cro]) MoI.ASSh'S, a su- i j»erior article. 25 bbls. Fish. Just received. P. P. JOHNSON. Jan'v 12, 1852. 55tf NEW ARRIVALS. By the late arrivals we have received MO- L.VSSES, in hhds.. tierces and bbl.s. FL''!!.—W’e have Salmon. M.ackerel in bbls. and half bbls., and Mullets and Herring. Also, yellow planting Irish Potatoes. Jan'y 8, 1852. COOK & TAYLOR. ’>4-Hwr yilitj fjll (%thhfct Furnittire^ Clutirs^ ^ c. HE HubscriV)or is receiving the largest as sortment in his line ever l>efore purehased at the North, which, t>gether with his own man ufacture. makes his .St,,ck very complete, con sisting of ('hairs, Talile.s, Sofas, IJed.'tteads, Wash Stands, Hureaus, hM»king (jtla.sses, Side Utiards, Secretaries, .'te. All of which will be sold on the lowest terms foi ('ash, or on short time to ])unctual customers. Jt)HN W. RAKER. Oct. .W, 1851. 35tf I 15 "iMii T|„. ve lands can be diviiled so as to suit birth^r t., th( ''iiu at Ki - I''"-: WANTED. fB^HK Subscriber wishes to purchase 800,000 ■ lbs. RAGS, for which the highest cash inf.,rmation can be given by ap- P^ces will be paid on delivery in Fayetteville, subsc riber, or by letter adflress-I , , , i - r iigsbury, Cumberland Co., N. C. Rockfish, Cumberland, Aug. *.0, ISol. lo-Om D. S. WILLIA.XIS. '32tf Blank Warraiiis for sale here. By GEO. LAUDER. TWO DOORS .^BOVE H.IIGII & SON’S STORE, Fajetlcville, Jan’y 20, 1852*. 55-1Y T(^ KING and A. McMILLAN har« cntereji i.^ • into copartnership in the Diatillery ot Turpentine, and have erected a Still on the West side of the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road, 8 miles from Fayetteville. N. KING. May y.—71tf A. McMILLAN. W*anted. E wish to buy 20,000 barrels Turpentine. KING & McMILLAN. w »Vew M-'irm. 'I'he undersigned have entered into copartnership. unler the name and style of HALL & S.VCKETT, for the purpose of doing a Dry Goods and Hardware Rusiness, ami have t4»ken the Store 5 doors East of the Fayetteville Hotel. J. H. HALL. A. E. HALL. T. M. S.VCKETT. August 20, 1851. lOtf FOR T|Iin^RMi:RS. ^TRAW' Cl'TTERS, Corn Shellers, Harrows, Ploughs and Plougli fixtures of different patterns, &c. &c. For mile by J. & T. WADDILL. Oct. 1, 1851. 27tf WAN'ITT)T 3000 ft. .Ashe Lumber for Wagons, 1 i to 3 inchcs thick. 3M>0 ft. Seasoned Oak Lnnrbcr, IJ to 3 inches. DM>0 i't. White Oak anl Hickory, for .\xietrees. 1000 ft. AVhite Oak for Tongues, Bolsters and Shafts. 100 Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons, 2000 Spokes. For which the highest cash price will ’>e paid. .\pply soon to JE- FULLER. May I'J, lt;51. 72-tl' NOTICE. 4LL persons indebted to the subscriber, cither by note or account, arc reiiuested , to call and settle the same as early as possible. He may be found one door West of Liberty | Point, with the most of his reaily-made work ; saved from the late fire. Persons in want of any articles in my line of business, would do well to c:ill, as I will »ell cheap for cash, or on time for approved note. JAMES SL'NDY. Jan'y 10. 1S52. 55tf FIR riii:R NoricE. take this method of roturniiig my sincere thanks to those gentlemen who saved the goods from my Shop ou the morning of the :5d inst. Rut for their kindness and exertion, I would have lost all. JAMES SINDY. FALL, 1851. ".I.\Mi;S KVI.H IS now receiving a very large and general as sortment of miY ui>oi>s, Purchased by the Package for C.VSH. Those wishing to purchase (Joods at reduced prices, will jilease c.ill and examine, as Bargains may be expected. l}()l/nX(r (M.i(.)TIIS, Anker Brand, from No. I to 10, uncommonly cheap. I'ackages BOOTS AND SHOES, cheajier than ever were for s.ile in this market. Oct. 4, 1S51. 28tf DAII.Y i:Xl’ECTED, A GLNICRAL assortment of COOPERS’ TOOLS, of the best mauufacturer.s’ make, bv E. C. HALL, of Rome. t)ct. 18. 1851. o'2tf Candles! Candles!! Candles!!! EST FAVETTKVILLE MOCLDCANDLES for sale at the Projirietor's Store, Hay street, one door West of Mr. E. Glover’s Jew eler's Store. Persims desiring to have their Tallow made into Candles will please send it in. A. M. CAMPRELL. Jan’y 10, 1852. 55-;’.m JUS r REC EIVED, 1 RRLS. Northern WHISKEY. vHr s. W. TILLINGIIAST & CO. Dec. 10, 1851. 47tf E arc now receiving a large and well se lected Stock of 1>U¥ ('omprising every article usually kept in that line, together with 130 Cases Boots and Shoes. llafM and Cap!>i. —ALSO— A well selected Stock of H.lRIPn\lRE. To nil of which we invite the attention of Mer chants of the interior, who will find it to their interest to extimiue our Stock before making tlieir purchases. We will not be undersold by any one doing business in this place. HALL & S.\CKETT. August 25, 1851. l(!t*‘ TO CO l’TON IM.ANTeI^sT PIECES COTTON BAGGING, 75 coils Rope, 200 lbs. Twine, Just received and for sale chcap, by PETER P. JOHNSON. August Ifi, 1851. 14tf REDUCED EARE. r||'lHROU(iH Tickets bet ween Wilmington, N. JL aii'l Raltimore. Fare!$18. Via Wel don, Petersburg. Ricliniond. and Washington City, or via Weldon, Portsmonth and Norfolk. For Tickets apjily at the Office of the Wil mington and R.ileigh Rail Ro;id Company, at Wilmington, or at the Office of the Raltiinure Steam Packet Company, and of the Raltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, Pratt Street, Raltimore. .(an. 1, 1S52. 53-tf DO^'l'iiK Hiidersi^ned, Founder and Machinist, has consented to act as Agent for the only actual PORT.VRLE CIRCCLAR S.\W MILL in the United States, made by Win. .McKinstry of Washington. These .Mills are of Cast Iron, no brick being used in their erection. They can be taken down, removed 5 miles, and put in oi)er;itioii in 1»> hours. Power of Engine 20 horse; will cut 15,0(M» feet Pbink Road Lum ber per 24 hours. These .Mills have taken the premium at the Maryland State Fair over all others, and are considercI the best in the world. WHOLESALE Watch and Jewelry Store. L. II. MILLER & CO., Jmporteis, Munufarturers ami Jobbers of Watchfs, Jeireh'ij, and Fanrt/ Goods, Have leased the Old Stand formerly occupied by Messrs. Caiifielil, Rrother Co., South East corner of Chnrltx aud HultiMore streets, (No. 227,) which tliev are ]>utting in complete order for the WHOLESALE W ATCH AND JEWELRY RUSINESS, to be opened about the 20th of July. In calling the attention of the trade to the new concern, we mention the fact that wc are associated with one (d' the most extensive Jew elry .Manufacturing Establishments in the coun try, which must give a decided advantage over all others in this market for supplying dealers with Jewelry at manufacturers’ jirices, a feature in this bnincb d‘ trade lonjr since needed -be tween Raltimore and the Southern and Western Merchants. We desire to call particular attention to the Watch department, which will at all times be supplied with a great assortment from the most celebrated manufacturers, and kept in perfect running »>rder, so tKat purchasers may at once take them, with a written gnamntee that they will perform correctly. This branch of the business will receive the especial attention of one of the firm, whose ex tensive and practical knowledge d' the business will, we hope, give us a place in the confiden^-e of Iiuyers. We respectfull}' invite you to call upon ’i.s when you next visit our city, confidently be lieving that an examination of our Goods wlil prove to you that they are better styles i.nd cheaper than you have ever seen in this market, and a.ssure you that no efibrt shall be wai-ting on our p:irt to make the acquaintanc© one ot mutual benefit. L. H. MILLER & CO, Old stand, formerly occupied by Canfield, Rro. & Co., S. E. cor ner of Charles & Baltimore sta. Baltimore, June 1851. 14-Yo REFERENCES: Messrs. Wyeth, Rlacklock Co. (Jwyn. Reid & Taylor. James Hodges & Brother. Hurst & Berry. Murdoch, Duer i Ev.ans. Stelhnann i't Hinrichs. Sangston Co. Barthlow, (Jwyn & Co. Riely & Pendleton. Cushings & Bailey. John ilurphy iS: Co. Moore & (jiriffin. STANDARD AND MISCELLA.NEOIS HOOKS. "MW AC.VULAY’S, Hume's atid Robinson’s His- iTM. tories of England, in various editions; Alison’s History of Euiope. 4 vol.-j; Hallam'ii Middle -\ges: Thiers’s History of the French Revolution, 2 vols, illustrated: Tytler’s Univer sal Hist^iry, large and abridged eds: Prcscott's Ferdinand and Isabella, Mexico and Peru; La- baume’s ('ampaign in Russia; (,’ooper's Naval History; Mansfield’s .Me.xicaii War; Trumbull’s Indian Wars; ('ampbell’s Lives of the Lords Chancellors of England, 7 vols: Campbell’s Lives of the ’hief Justices (>f England, 2 vols; Lives of eminent English Judges; Lives of the (Queens of Scotland, 2 vols; Ladies’ Historical Library, 9 vols: Memoirs und Works of Alexan der Hamilton, 0 vols; Marshall’s Washington, 2 vols; Colton’s Life and Times of Henry Clay; Kennedy's Life of Wirt; Wirt's Life of Patrick Henry; Southey’s Life and Correspondence; Charles Lamb's do; Autobiography of Leigh Hunt; Life and Genius of Burns; Life of La fayette, of Paul Jones, of Jackson, Taylor, Scott, Marion, Franklin, &c. &c. Sliakspeare’s Works, in 1, 2, and 7 vols; Sheridan’s, Ben Jonson's, Beaumont and Fletch er's, Massinger and FonT.s, Wycherley and Con greve's, Dramatic Works, Eng. Illustrated Eds; I would be pleased to receive orders, either for ' the Eii)iines with or without the Mill. Letter Johnson’s Works, and Boswell's Life of John- addres.sed to II. G. Hall will receive prompt at- | son, 2 vol.« each; Burke'.s Addison's, (.oldsmith's. tention. I will jiut these Mills uj» any where within 10 I miles of Fa vetteville, if desirable. j II. G. HALL. 1 Nov. 20, 1851. 4:!-tf I Fire Insurance. ^I'^IIE ,1”1'N.\ Insurance Company of Hart- ford, having ji.aid the tax imjiosed by the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue its Agency in Fayetteville, under the m.aiiagcment of the under.signed, who is pre pared to issue Polieies of In.siirance on Build ings or (tofnls. either in this Town or in any p.irt of the State, on ]>n*per aj»])lication, de scription of the I’rojicrty, iS:c. The .ETNA COMl’ANY has been in operation about :’>0 years. Its capital is 1$300,000. The Hon. 'I'hos. K. Rrace was its first President, iiiid he still holds that office: and several of its first Directors are still active and efficient mem bers of the Roari. It has at all times sustained the highest character for the prudence of its manageinent. and for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. HALE, Agent. March 10. 1851. 02-tf I.IFE INSURANCE. T^HE Undersigned has been appointed .\gent of the North ('arolina Mutual Life Insu- j ranee f'omp:iny. Kvery member for life partic- ' ipates in the profits d' the Cotnpanj-; and the j annual premiutn for life tnembership. where it I amounts to ^80 or more, m.iy be paid one-half in cash. :ind the other hall in a note at 12 months. Debtors' lives may be insureil by crelitors. i man ni.iy insure his own life for the exclusive benefit of his family. The lives of slaves may be insureil. This system is rapidly growing into favor, all over the civili/.ed world. It is one by which a family, for a small sum annually, may be pro vided for. after the death of its heail. on whose exertions they may have been dependent for a support. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy. Expl.anatory pamphlet^, and the necessarv Blanks, furnished on application. E. J. HALE. Fayetteville, June 18-50. 72 inyi’TON'S SHIRT l':STlBiilSIIMK\T, 170 Mar he I Street, BAI/I inORE. nnd CALL AND SETTLE. All thos* indebted to U3 by Note or Ac count, will please call and settle. We are in want of money. Interest will be charged on all Aocoants for 1851 after this date. n. BRANSON & SON. Jauy I, o4tf SHIRTS rH^HE largest nnd only JL Manufacturing Whole sale Establishment in the City. The capital and force engaged enables me at all times to offer to Country Merchants and Deal ers in SHIRTS, COLLARS, LINEN and COT TON DRAWERS, great inducements—more than usual efforts having been made to render the assortment of these articles full aud com plete. The Stock on hand is large and well assorted for Men and Boys. AU orflers from the Country attended to with punctuality and despatch. Remember the Name, and 1^0. 179 Tlarket Mreet. T. W. P.ETTON. August 15, 1851. 11-yopd Sterne's. Fielding’s, and Smollett’s Works: Gold smith's Animated Nature, 2 vols; Burke's, Chat ham's, Phillips’, ('urran's. ami other Speeches; .Modern Rritish fissayists, 8 vols: W’averly No vels and Poetry; Irving’s Works, Putnam’s edi tion, 15 vols; Cooper’s Select AVorks, 12 toIb; Rulwer’s Works; Dickens’ do, complet# in 4 vola; Gil Bias: Don Quixotte; &c. &e. (.’olman’s European Life and Manners; Lord Holland's Foreign Reminiscences; Stephens’s trnvvls in Egypt, .\rabia, itc; Walter Colton’s Woi ks: (jrace Aguilar's do. viz: Home Influence, .Mother's Recompense, Yale of Cellars, &c: War ren's Ten Thou«an«l a Ve.ar, and Now and Then; Hy])erion; Swallow B.-.rn, by Kennedy; Alton Locke: Lavengro; Humboldt’s Cosmos; Reveries of a Bachelor; Home is Home; Lady Wortley’s Travels in America; Arabian Nights; Georgia Scenes; &c. \c. British anl American Female Poets, illustra ted; Poetical (Quotations; Byron’s, Scott’s, Mil ton's. Moore's. Pope’s, (’owi)er's, Dante’s, Tas so's, Kirke \Miite's, Thompson’s, Henians’s, Burns’s, Coleridge’s, Young’s, Butler’s, Mother well's, Collins Gray and Beattie’s, Shelley and Keats’s, Chaucer and Spencer's, (.‘ampbell's, Tom Hood's, Tuj>per's, Pollok's, Halleck’s, and Bryant’s Poetical Works; &c, &c. Bibles, Prayer Books nnd Testaments, of Ta- rious styles and ))rices; Melville's, Manning’s, ami (.'hapinan's Sermons; Sketches aud Skele tons of Sermons: English Pulpit; Pulpit C^’clo- pedia; Leighton's Works; lIoA'man's Canon Law; Dick's Theology; Life of Dr (.’halmers, and Chal mers's Institutes of Theology, Sermons, and Lectures and .Addresses: Horne on the Psalms; Patrick, Lowth and Whitby's Comuacntary on the Scriptures, 4 vols; Comj)rehensive do, 6 vols; .McCosh on Divine Government: Chamock on Divine Attributes; Neander's Life of Christ; Butler's .Analogy; Wilson’s Manual of Church Principles; Hopkins on the Confessional; Pusey- ism, its Causes and Cure: Butler's Old Truths nnd New Errors; Readings for Lent; Sacra Pri- vata; Clark on the Promises; Hannah More's Life and Private Devotions; Doddridge’s Rise aud Progress: Pilgrim’s Progress, beautifully illustrated; Baxter’s Call, and riaint’s Rest; Trench’s Notes on tlie Parables; Buck’s Theo logical, and Union Bible Dictionarj-; Oilfi’lan’s Bards of the Bible; Peep of Day, Line upon Line, &c; Jay’s Exercises and Pniyers; Thorn ton's, Berrian’s, and Barnes’s Family Prayers; Deems’s Home Altar; Wrought Gold; Hawk- stone, Lnneton Parsonage, The Enrl’s Daughter, (Jertnide, Walter Lorimer, and other religious tales, by Sewell and other authors, Ac, &c. Miss Leslie’s, Soyer's, and Americaji Cook ery; Miss Leslie’s and Mi.-s Beecher’s Receipt Books: Mrs. Randolph’s Virginia Housewife, &c, &c; Downing’s Ladies’ Flower Garden; do Fruit Trees of America; Flower Garden Direc tory; Barrj ’s Fruit Garden; with a variety of useful works on Agriculture, Farming, &.c, &c. A large stock of School Books, Novels, Gift Books, Stationery, &c, &c. For sale at the Fayetteville Book Store, by E. J. HALE & SON. A GOOD LNVESTMENT. The Subscriber wkhes io sell one-hulf of the Fayetteville Water "iVorks. Neither of the present proprietors having time to give their personal attention to the property, tlia purchaser can have the managemer>t of it, ma king it a valuable investment. £. J- ILU.E. Oct 1, 1851.