W trIBT 8EMI-WEEKI^T. [VOL. I.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., FEBUUAUY 17, 1852. [NO. 65.J rHlNTEP IJY J. B. NEWIIV. EDWARD J. HALE & SOX, f.LdTDUS AM) FKOrRIKTORS. > TO CONTRACTORS. SEALKl) proposals for cloarinn, griKliiip, pliiiikit);;, bridging and tinisliing tlie Aiison I’lank Uf>ad, and also, for supplying all the nc- , c«!srtry linnber, timbers, imd uther material tor the coiistructivn of the said n>ud, ■will be re ceived until the luest Wednesday in Febrvmry P ■ .J f^.r the Si-mi-Wcekly Ouskrvkb $4 00 if next. * . For particulars and specifications applv to p;,id in advance; !^4 i>0 ,f p«id during the p,.,.si,Jcnt at f'heraw. veiir of I'roposuls will also be rcceivcd at the same time for the cutting and huuling of logs, and cipirci. sawing and delivering of lumber ut the mill of p.ir tht Weekly 0»^‘l;Rvl:R $2 00 per annum, if the Anson IMank Toad (’onii>any. The loc.i- tiou of the mill and timber laml, will be shown on npplication to the President. ALLAN McFAKl.AN, I’rcisideut .V. 1’. K J. January.*?1, l>^l!. 02-tlwF DU. LITTLK’S COMl’OUNH TONK' PILLS, For the cure of children and half-grown persons of I’ale and Cadaverous Habits, Suppressed or I'ainful Menstruation, Loss of Api>etite, Torpid or (,'onfined liowelu, Swelling of the Feet and Legs, F.maciation, I’nljiitatiou of the Heart, vtc. l\y the use of these pills he has often cured every disease of this important class, which are always connected with, or dependent upon, weak or enervated state of the digestive organs. Thusc who are atliicted with the diseases enu merated. need only to try them to realize their good etl'ect; .'iMil that too, in the use of a single l)Ox of the pills, although it may take several boxes to cure them. The Compound Tonic l*ills never nauseate the stomach, pr disagree with the bowels, nor do they reiuirc particular iittention, exccpt to take one three times a day regularly. In t\o less degree of success have these pilLs been used in cases of females, whose habit.s arc not well established. l*r. Little--l»eHr Sir: For over four years 1 wa.-^ .ifilicted with an exceedingly obstinate aud |)ainful ulcer on the insiile »f my anele. from whieh I suffered extreme torture; and having applied to several ph\siciar.s. besides using many of the ))atcnt ••nostrums of the day,” without any relief, and fe.iring. from my grow ing worse every day. th:it my last resort would be to the surgeon, to amputate n»y leg, I was induccil tinaliy to try your valuable Tonic Bit ters and Componutl Tonic Fills. Fn>m the use of which 1 soon found relief, and in le.s« than tme month was entirely well; and I have enjoyetl uninterrupted health ever since, which has been about a vear ago. Truly yours. HKNUV TKMPLKS. ■NVilkinson c>.. (Jeo.. June ISoO. The fac-similc of the signature of l*r. W. fJ. Little will be found upon the outside wmpper of each of hi« .Medicines. Si>ld wholesnle and retnil, by the I’roprietor, at his Manufacturing ltep\»t, N*>. ->1 Market stix’et, I’hiladelphiii, and Macon. (Jeorgia. To be had also of James .'aiu, Rockfish; ' .V. \Viiti«iu. Floral College; Townsend Doug lass, llennettsville; Dr. 1*. M. Cwhen, Charles ton; C. C. Barbee, BarclaysviUc: 1*. F. I’escud, Ualeigh. S. J. HINSD.XLE, .Vgent for Fayetteville. paid in ndvance; 50 if paid during the Tcar of subsi-ription; or $3 00 after the year h.i" \I)VKhTlSFMKNTS inserted for sixty cents j-jiinre for the first, and thirty cents for each i'uHlication. Yearly adverti.senients c«>t»tv;ct8, at reasonable rates. Ad- ■ *re rcv}uestcd to state the number of j .lesired, or they will be continued till forl>i i. -’I'J charged accordingly. Letters to the Editors must be post-paid. linseed oil. ^ lil'LS. North I'arolina Linseetl Oil. For SJile bv Oui>K & TAYLOR. Fr\: v y. It'o-- ^ ^ NOTICE. flllll' iindersigned having formed a Cop.'irt- B. ntT«liip under the style of JOHN B.XNKS \ UKUTIILK. for carrying on a COMMISSION’ s;;,! t )K\\ AUUI.NCi Ul slNtSS. all goods con- . -j'. -d t j them, or ordered, or produce scut for sj’o will be }>r>'mptlv attemled to. .1(*HN BANKS. DAVID BANKS. \Vniuiiigt''ii. Feb. 2. 1S.'»2. C:’>tf BUDTlll'RS l!.\L IHK .''tcanicr BlUKrFIEKS, and Tow Boats >t«'veiisiin, David Lewis, and James Cas- i.i . :irc preji.ircd to forward w ith dispatch iW jj. 1? r..u'‘ gned to the I’ropnetor. TIu .'•^toamev Brothers is of light draught, i'.'l «•!' 'u;H-d to run in lotr i~ater. She pos- Mii'l and is admirably adapt- ri t.> . '-in,;, aud c.nn accommodate about -0 ; -cr.-. iho I'n'ioietor con tom plates running the r • hiui-*cif. and will give special attention to »ivfr^::rUt .md naval stores; to towing, and ;!'«•! .itteiid to the eonifort and convenience .f I'a^M-nirrrs. From his long experience as ‘irut in N\ilmingtun of the sc^veral Steamboat • tvAnics. he thinks he can give s-vtisfaction. T M-rch:iiits in the interior he w*.uUl s.ty, thi; ;i!] fjoo Is sliipped by him. will be delir- n l 11 their .\gents in Fayetteville. His .\getit i:. U iliuinstou is D.VVID B.VNKS. to whom all ■aaiinii.iti'>ns may be addressed, as Agent of ;li* Str.oiier I’rutliei's. JOHN BANKS, I’ropnetor. Wi'.Liiiiirton, Feb. 4, *)Otf JO!IX U. WlLiJA.MS, i'ommission 4* Fonrnrding »nev€h4nit, Fayetteville, N. C. Fel>. iV'.-i. SO,000 July LBS. R.VGS WANTED, by II. BRANSON & SON. T' CHERRY PECTORAL For lh«“ Cure of (orGiis, roLDs, iioik$e.\ess, BRO.\( IIITI8, HII0OPl.\G-roiGII, CROI P, .\STII1IA, AXD I'OXSl.'IIPTIOX. \f .\.\V yrnr-. Ilf trial, in^teml tt iitip.iirlnp ^ «'onn(ien*4‘ in ihi^ mrtrK’int*. w**i» im it {in 1 ciHiioii nii«l iiiiiiru-ii liy I'.ir exc.'t'dinu lli** iiio't ■‘:»i>uuiiie f.\|»o»‘t«tiinv of ii* rriciiiN, .Noililni! Inn ii> iiiirin>ii- vir- tiu-* anil III.- loiiiii'Uikiililc iK-iiefit nti ihoiiiHnils of*rers, rtmUl nrnrinal.* nnl (Uc ropiUuli«»n il eiijnyi. While iiroij iiil'eri'T reiii»-tlif.> llirii'l iiimhi ilie riiiiiiiiuuiiy. hvf l;iiltl niul Iwfn tli'-Mril.«l, llii" Ini'* tdiieil fru'intx l>y ••vt ry tri«l, coiiterri-d in the »!■ lliciril tliry c.iii iievrr sii 1 pripiliu cd riirt.-,- loo nu- uKTniK «ii*l li*o reiii'Tkolil.' l‘> •>•• ti>r»i>licii. VVliiU ills » fr»uil on the (luUlir to iiri-U'iul lh»t niiy tinr iiMMlicin** will iMin*—»lill lii**rt* i> aliiitidMnl liHMil tliul the I'hrrry i|i>r iiol only i* h ^eiifrxl ihini', liiii iiivariulity, cure the iiialutltes Itir which it i-i eiiiployril. .'\^ tune makes r«cl'* i\i«li*r ami he!t*T know n, this IIK-Ilii iiie h«» srrtilu.ulN U conif thr li«'I ri-Iwinrc iil" ll>f nlflu leil. lr.iiii ilie los i-Hliin iif tin- Aiii-Tiran ii*-.i-‘!inl, l' lh- |> ilncc III Kiini|HMn Kiiif'. riirniiiilM.ui ihi> emir.- rotintr). m e\»ry city, nml tmlt'fil r\ery liMiiilcl it rcini OII^. lu rry IVrlonl kiKiu n tlir lir t rt-medy i-Minil l.>r ili-r istv. of the 1'liro.il «inl l.aii)(», niiii , tn man) fiiri-isn riitnurif«. it i« in lie p\i«-n>ivcly li-.U hv Iheir ini«-lli2'-iit I’hy>iri.oi!- In Croiit Hrit- ’ ain. t'r.tnt'*^ anil i«-nnnny, \\lH*r»*Ilic iit.difnl | havo rrai li«-il tlieir liiclif*' l«-rtrctii.n. I h-rry IV. i..rat is . inirmliii .-a. and oi r«n-.Uoit iim- in Itif \rnti.-!., II>~|ii1hIs. Alni» ll>'il-.—. TuIiIk- In'litnlions. ai;d in ri"lin 'Hr pr.ic- i lie.-, »•» llir »urf>l reni.-dy their altfnilii B I'hV'U ian' ran | I' f llir iiion-d.ini;.'r'>iiN atliTtiiin-il tin- lioiC'.— M-.I in nnldrr ca'i .•>. and lur i hildrm it is -ale. i»!.-.isnnt .lint etrectu «1 til rnr.v In tact. »i>ine nl thr nm'i tiituTini: tf't.niiHiial.s wt'ri-i’cive lia\* Iktu j*-ifi-nl' w h«i li i\i- tiinnd it ettlcaciiiUs in iMsrs (Mrtlt iiliirt) iiii-iii« iil.i! ; III chililhiHid 'riir I hi-rri IVct.iral i- niannfartnr.-d liy i* prarliral ( lu-iiii't. H>'d pv« r\ ounrf lit it itnilrf bis n« n e\H. with invari.-.hlf nn urarv and rare II 'l ali d and |irtiliTli'il | tiy l.nv l>..iii riinnti' rli il>. ron-fqin nil) inn In- n-lled iin , as KPnuine Hillnuil »iliilt«T»liiifi We havf rMileaviired h.-re to farni'h the ciiM;inunity with « iiirdii iii.- ut surh inirinsir »nii«Tiiirnj and v»nrlh an rhoiil.l ciMiini-nd ii»ril In iheir ciintidpiiCt—a riMiH*dy nt Iinrr safiv .iifrdy and elT.-i-l'ial. whirli this h«« liv r.?- iwated Mid i-*«uutU‘' trials (.rni-d il'i lf tn hr; andtrU't lij i>rcal t ar«-111 prr|mrine It w ith rhi'iiiiral an itrai y. •! uioforin 'in neth m »H..rd I'Jiysicians a now asi-nt on which lhi \ ciin tfly tnr tli«- lic*i tr*ulu. and thr artlu-tcd »ith a remedy tli.ilv\ill dn li^r theiii nil that iiitduiiH- cnn dll. l*rn>"red Ri«i wild Uy Jimes C. .\vitR J’raclicnl and VnalMiial Chrnii't l.iiw»ll. .Ma-s Sid'd in Kmetteville hv S. J. MlI.K: 'nClinU'n. by W.\KKK.N J>illN:^‘>N fc « " • and l>v llru^l;l^ls and Ik-Hlers ill Medicine fVcryw Ih tc. January ‘Jti. If'j- 3'" HITS, (IPS. BOOTS ssmi;i -t- TO THE PUBLIC. HE subscriber has leased for a term of years, of U. \V. Brown. Ks(i., his fire-proof Store, with his Wharves, and is now ii> a condi tion to take especial care of Sjiirits Turpentine and other Naval Stores committed to his care. The Warehouse is w ell known to be the best and safest place in town for the storage of Bacon, Lanl, Corn. Teas, &c. The loAVcr wharves have on them four large new sheds, where Spirits can be Siifely kept from the rain and sou. lie is prepared to reccive and ship, or soil, all kinds of produce sent to his care. He will also make ••idvaiu'cs when required. 11c begs to refer to the following gentlemen: li. W. Brown. .John Dawson, (J. tJ. I’arsley and Thos. 11. Wright. K,-.is. MILKS ('OSTIN, Brown's wharf, Wilmington, N. C. Sept. 1-, 1851. "l-\ ~ Tl iiPEN'I'lXE [.AND FOR SALE. flOll sale. acres of L.\Nl) on .lames (_’reek. and ti-40 acr‘s on ('ypre.s.s Creek, ' in Ctnnberlanil. convenient to the estern I’laiik ; Koad, heavily timliered, and adniiralily adapted ' to the making of Turpentine. 1 -\pplv at this Office. Nov.*-JS. ISol. NOITCE. A TEACHER wanted, to take charge of the J^L Academj- at Wliiteville. C»>lumbus county, N. (’. A liberal price will be given. Applica tion will be made to F. George, Esii. or myself, at this otlice. J. A. MAULTSBY. AYhiteville, Dec. 10, 1851. IH-tf .ftM;ncit.7.yTS’ ai.v*;. T' ins LINE OF BO.\TS is still in snccess- t'ul operation on the Cape Fear Uiver, and continue to offer nniny facilities to the shipping publie. IVrsons patronising this Lino, may rest as sured that their (Joods will be brought up with dispatch, and at the very lowest rates ol'freight. A. W, STKKL, President. T. S. LI TTEllLOll, Agent at Fayelteville. Feb. IT), ISO 1. iV.t tf NOriC’E. F.tLL m mm goods. 111E Subscribers are nowr receiving a -well JL selected stock of Staple and Fancy DKV tmODS. Among their stock will be found the latest styles of Ladies’ and (lentletnen’s DRESS (iOOUS, together with a good assortment ol llcady-inai.le I'lnthiiig; I’nibrcllasj Hats, Caps, ami liomn ts; all kind.s of IJoots aud SIhh's; (.’arpcting; Saddle.s, Bridles, \\ hips and ('ullars; Hardware and Cutlorj'; Loa- tlicrj Holkiw-wareaiid (’rockery-wari'; Loaf, J.iunip, Cru.-^hed, ('larificd and Brown 8u- f^ar.^; Teas; Jlio, Laguiia au I .Java Coffee; .■^alt, M(ilas.se.'*, Iron and Nails*. Witli many other Goods, which will be sold verv cheap for ('ash, or on time to those who pay punctually. We would be glad if onr friends and the public generally would give ns a call. J. T.' COUNCIL & CAIN*. Peiit. 1, 1851. l^tf lltf w. H A I II. Hhv Street, Wcsj I’OK S W.E.- Ibit. BA J. D. WILLIAMS. f.Utf III*. T. D. n.VS taken an )flice on of the Hotel liuildings. July 14. iNil. -1-tf II G\ HALL, Fnyeiteriiic Foundry. C VSTIV;S OF EVERY DE.SCRirTION MADE TO OKDEK. lot of Babbct .Metal for sale. Winslow street, Sept. 1. lS.jl. 1S\ Fall and n*iitlcr 1 8 .j I . Slorh'. jDentisirf/. ■ "ki:- KEA is now at the Fayetteville Hotel. mP ;iid will be pleased to attend to any call)? jjis Profe.ision during his stay of a we«W or l-n i:iy5. Ki’ ettc'ille. Frb. ti-5tf R. M. OKREI.L, FORWARIIING ('(nnilSSUIN MKRCHAM AT Fayetleville, 3i. 1'. Mar.h 10, IS.jl. 11. L. HOLMES, tV2-tf \ 'r\ie Sloamer Chathum Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. will resume her semi-w eekly trips •cn this place and Wilmington, on Mondav I'ith inst.. leaving Fayetlfville every MON- .V au 1 THrUSI».VV thereafter, at 7 o'clock A- and ruuaiii|!; thmugh the same day.— WiiioinfU.d every Tl'Jii5D.\\ and FRl- I'AV, a!t*T th- arrival of the Cars from the N'rtSi. The Steamer Gov. Graham, with as . Tii'.v Boats as may be neccs.sary, will run ;.iK-xi„ii with the Chatham, a. often as may ■ ;i'1 ■•s«;trv t» carry all I"r»‘ights that may >r. fbe .vMition if another large Flat (the ‘■►ii ■ M,-p.ar., to Uii* Line, afford.s iuci-eafced ' luie- tor the ship]ting public. tiood« shall ' ' . V !i:ive as (juick transit by this Line as 'tiicr. JNO. D. W I LLI .\ MS. Ag t Cap* Fear S. 15. Co. ,FFICE on corner of Front and I’rinccss 48-tf K' !• !•, 1.000 \v.4>iTi:i>. HEADLEY’S LIFE OF KOSSUTHi Jl ST ri BLISHED, TllK LIFE OF LOUS KOSSUTH, (ioifrnor of Hungary. ll’iril r,M!iie.>« of the Distinguished Meti, »* .m i Scenes of the Hungarian Revolu- ' r . is uddel au appendix, coutain- itir Addre.ss to the People of the I nited .!'! t!ic iii'.nt important of the addresses, Ji'l .•;.eeclie,'» of the Gre;it Magyar Chief. iliM'ili'V, author ol’ ••liifcofthe Em- •Life of Lafayette,"’ ct^., bui.i'liu'tion by Horace Greeley, in ! iiii I'J «!■.. viilume of 4*)1 pp-. w'ith an 1- Portrait. Price iiH.’i'). A^ciit^ Wanted in every county in the i .“^tatH.s. „„t already occupied,) to sell piipular work. It is believed that al- '■ ' ly Dinlniij family will be glad of the iiimity .,f p.i!jsc.s;sing the Life aud Speech- till.' ii';lj!e ilungarian. Such is the present ‘■' i’i'Jiifrom the unjiaralleledsaleof the work. AlJre.-'- DERBV & MILLER, ,\uburn, N. Y. I'opy sent by mail, frre of ^lostaijr. on o Dec. 12. _ T. C. WORTH, rOM^HSSlON AND FDRWAKDl.Ni; MERrilANT, WIL.MLXG l'OX, N. C. Feb. 1, 18.-.1. -"'"tf ^ WILKLNSOX vV: ESLER, DEALERS IN VonjhtloiHtri/, Furtnjn Frinl^, To- Larro, a ml iSnitjf, and IMPORTF.US OF Sl’PKItlOIt ll.4V.i*\A ,\T WiIOI,ES.\LK AND ItK.TAII.. Market St., Wilmington, W. C. Aug. 7, 18 >1. N. B. STAUBI CK, Tr«#/, .Vew IVr/., lilOX founder and machinist, Mnnvjnrturtr of Hlvam Mills and IloUrrs, Mill (Jean'n;/ of all hiiuh, J*lovjh^, dr. ^HE undersigned, as the Agent of the above E •V 1! A K.1 pt ot thv price, j)o»t paid. .1 r, 'I I'm an d licaullfiil liesidcnce FOK sale. I’llh SiihscribtT wi.«diing to remove to the ^ 'Uili-wc.st, would sell his lands in this iijif.u reasonable and accommodating iir(> about or T',000 acres, all lying li'i'Jy. aiiil of w liich 4K) or 500 acres are 'll'ji' ifi'in. The Plank Road of the Joint '■ ''iiipatiy, from Fayettevill# to Raleigh, fun witlii,, one mile of the resilience. Most liiii'ls that are in cultivation lie within v ,,f the Cape Fear River, adjoining ' 'if .]„hn C. Williams and others. -^hiivf viituation is very desirable, from it is “urrtiunded by the best of .jT,‘ iiiid boeiety. f ,1 niight say much more by \ray '■ deems it unnecessary, as 'y'-liiii;: t') tmrchase can call aud see for lamls can be divided so as to suit , litnlirr information can be given by nj)- , *" tlie Hubscriber, or by letter addrcss- Miii at Kingsbury, CumV>erland (Jo., N. C. fH' J. Establishment, will order any articles which may be wanted, on application to hint. The Steam .Mills manufactured by .Mr. St-.tr- buck have been tested, and arc highly approved on the Plank Roads ab.ut Fayetteville. EDW’D LEE WINSLOW. Fayetteville, Sept. 4, 18>1. -^^ti LESSONS IN MUSIC. LH. WHlTAKEH would respectfully in- • form the citiions of Fayetteville and vi cinity, that he has again commenced giving Les- sonson the Piano Forte. He returns his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and humbly s(»licits a continuance of the same. \\l pains shall be taken for the advancement of his pupils. _ ^ . Instruction also given on the Guitar, ibay'- Pianos tuuel and rejiaired in the best manner. Auj?udi 1H50. ti4tf m:\v~ca u peting. ^ Brussels, Ingrain and Sbiir B ('arpeting, new and fashionable Pat terns, just received. —ALSO— 15 kegs Spikes and large Nails, 25 bo.\Cs Raisins, oO bags Shot, . Indigo, (’hecolate. Salad and Castor Oil, with an addition to our Stock of Hardware. . .ir n>f I r IKIlll ,VKT & C(). fMlHE Subscriber oftVrs for sale one of the , ,, 1 largest and bi ?t assortments of GOODS I* A 1 L I 1 h \ 1 in his line ever offered in this place. He is very thunkliil for the very lilx’ral patronage that he hart had, and siwlicit.s a continuance of the same. Hi.' sti>ck has been selected with care, and consists of nearly every variety and style, fnuu the best manufacturers. He ha,‘ on hand and offers low tor C.ifh. at retail or bv the ca^e. latest styles (lentlemen s Beaver. Nutria. .Moleskin, Silk, Bru.vh mid An gola H.\TS. Al.-«->. Jenny Lind, Kossuth, .U- ti.st. Piouph and Ready, and stiffened Fur and Wool Hats, for Men, Youth and Boys—in abtin- djince by the dozen or cii“e. A very largo supply of Cloth, Plush. N civet and Fur C.\PS. of all qualities, styles and pri ces,—by the single Cap or by the dozen. _Al-SO_ IJoots and Shoes, of the following varieties, viz: Fine Water-proof, line • alf, fine Kip and heavy Winter Bt)OTS. Al.-o, Boys" and Youths’ Calf and Kip Boots, ttcntlemeu's Dress Shoes. «if various qualities. Together with an assortment of Mis.-es’ and Children'.s and SHOES, viz: Jenny Lind, Excel.'iors, Gaiter.s, ditto Half. Buskins^lipl>ersand Morocco .\lso. Gentlemen's and Ladies’ Rubbers, a goo«l suppl}' of ^ ouths , Boys , Childu .'servants' heavv Shoes. All of which'he offers low for Cash, or on time to punctual customers. Please call and satisfy yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN C. THOMSON. .Market Square. Scj.t. 2t’., 1851. ^ 10,000 POUTS.11 K[>i WANTED. Th(' Subscriber has iiov one of the most extensive and best as.sorted stocks Double and Single SHOT G L NS, PIS IOLS of the most superior ipiality,—Colts Kcpeating and Allen’s Revolving, of every quality,—1 ow- dcr Flask.s, Shot and Game Bags, Percussion Calif of Engli.«h and French make. Al.so, the most complete assortment of Gun tixtures that has ever been offered in this section of country. Also, Shot Guns, Rillcs and Pistols made to order or rejiaire*!. Rifles made to order, and warranted to shoot from one to five hundred yards. .\ir Guns made to order at short notice. To all of which the attention of Sportsmen and others is respectfully invited. M. A. BAKER. Si'/n of the dun, ]j.,y gti-eet, '‘■•‘■'•iv i.tmnsite the Marble \'arl. Fayetteville 18th Nov. 185L MAC INTYRE offers for sale- 15 bbls. clear .MESS PoRK. bbls. No. 1 Lard. 5 kegs Butler, tine (juality. Liberty Point. 40tt T' A Y I ', r r K \ 11,1, i; I! It .n j i i L ) T II I .\ J. Ml WIIITI'; i liMll'RIliLLi MPr/tpi'i's^ Tailors^ j A N l» . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL | i'i.oTiiii:u?, i llO WWiatn sfnt'f, Xur Vorh, l NEXT DIHIR TO TllK B\.\K OF (’APli FLAK, | Fayrtterilte^ V. j Thk SuLseribers would In'o leave to in form the inhabitant'^ of Fayette'ille and vicini ty. that they have opened the above Estabh,'>h- meut. and intend carrying on the business in all its br.-iuchcs. Thev have just received a lar;:e stock of RA i>V- n i> i: €' i-OTn i \ From New York, all of their own manufacture, ('ttl NTHV .M KftcilA.NT.'i and Otlit rs in want of Clothing to sell again, will do well to call and ex:iiuine our Stock. Orders tilled at «K.r-NEW YORK PRlCES.-"j£ai Measnri 8 and orders will be taken fir fine t'lothing. and executed in the luust tashionuble stvle an ’ with despatch. J. M. WHITE .S: rNDERHILL. A. C. II.MIT, Nov. 17. 1851. HAY. BALES HAY, 5U0 Bushels Corn. For sale by W. 11. LUTTERLOH. Dec. 1851. 44-tl THE rElKBIilfFl) BUI pTtem COOKLXG STOVE. fS for sale by the Subscriber in Raleigh and Fa\«'tieville; in Raleigh at his Shop on I-ay- ettevillc .'^trcet, and in Faysttcville at Sir. A. M. '.impbcll''. The Subscriber hereby f.ircwarns all persons from purcha."ing any of these .'^toves from any person cither in or out of North Carolina, ex cept from himself or his ilulv authorized Agents. He has purchased the exclusive right ti« vend this Stove within the State, and will prosecute any person infringing his right, either by pur chasing. selling, or using, any c.vcept those ob tained fi-oin hinibclf. JOSFPII WOLTERING. 1 R.ileigh, April li*. 1H51. _ OHtf ! 'I'KEES, SlllU liS, S:e. HIS a tine .sea.son for planting trees, .sbrubs, gra]>e vines, titrawberries. raspberries, vVC. lu Wittier, the dryer the ground the bet ter. as the soil fills in round the roots closer and lighter, without that packing which takes place in wi't wcaiher. To plant a tree or shrub, dig a large hole and fill with soil rich enough to grow good corn. The best cotnpust is a mixture of miUoic clay, dccuniposed vegetal>le matter, ami a little ashes or lime. Always plant figs and other tender tree.* on the .\'>rih side of a fence or house, as it is not the cohl but the suldcn chaugca that injure ihcni. C. LI TTERLOH, Rowan st. Jan'y l^^ I'^'cJ. •>*0 .MOLASSI'.S AND FISH. iniDS. new crop MIH. ASSKS, a su- jiorior article. •J5 bbls. Fish. Just received. P. P. JOHNSON. 1:2, 185:i. 55tf NEW ARRIVALS. \’ the late arrivals we have received MO- L.\S.‘sK.''. in hhds., tierces and bbls. Fl.'sH.—We have Salmon. Mackerel in bbls. anil half bbls., and Mullets and Herring. .Also, yellow planting Irish Potatoes. COOK & TAYLOR. Jan’y 8, 185-2. -51-8W 'r' Cdhlnrt Furniture^ ('lidirs, 6fc. ftJlHE subscriber is receiving the largest a- B sortment in his line ever \>efore jviirchased at the North. \vhi-h. tugether w ith his own man- ufucture, luakco his Stock very complete, con sisting of f'liairs, Tables, lictsti“aos, a.-li Stands, IJnrcaus, l^uokitif' (Jla.-scs, 8i(U‘ IJoanLs, Secrettiries, .Vcc. ,\11 of which will be sold on the lowest terms foi Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. JOHN W. BAKER. Oct. .‘50. 1851. «5tf WHOLESALE Walch and Jewelry Store. L. H. MILLER &: CO., ImjKtrtvrxj Mnnufacturcrs aiul Johhm oj .Jiicvlrtf, ami J'anc^ Goods, Have leased the OM Stand formerl}' occupied by Mesisrfs- CanficM, Brother & Co.. South Ea»t conur of (’harhx and Jiultinore streri*, (No. ‘2-27,) which tliey are putting in complete order for the WHOLES.-VLE W.ATCII AND JEWELRY BL'SINESS, to be opened about the 20th of July. In calling the attention of the trade to the new concern, we mention the fact that we are asst>ciated with one of the most extensive Jevi- elry Manufacturing Establishuieuts iu the coun try, which must give a dcci«lcd advantage over all others in this market for supplying dealers with .Jewelry at manufacturers’ prices, o feature in this branch of tr.ide long since needed -be tween Baltimore aud the Suutheru and W’csterD Merchants. We desire to call particular attention to the Watch department, which will at all times be supplied with a great assortment from the most celebrated manufacturers, and kept in perfect running order, .so that purchasers may at once take them, with a written guarantee that they I will perform correctly. This branch of the business will receive tbe I especial attention of one of the firm, ■wVio.«e ex- 1 tensive and practical knowledge ot the butines4 j will, we hope, give u.^ a place in the coiuldcHvc of buyers. 1 We respectfully in\ite you to call upon ".3 ! :viion you next visit our city, confidently le- I lieving that an esumination of our Goods wiil j prove to vou that they are better styles ^nd i cheaper tiiaii you have ever seen in this nniruet, ! and assure you thiit no elioii shall be wai-ting ! on our part to ma’se the acciuaintauct^ oue of ; mutual benettt. i L. H. MILLER i CO. Old stand, formerly occupied l;y Canfield, Bro. \ Co., S. E. cor ner of Charles Baltimore sts- Baltiniore. June 18.51. 1-i-^o REFERENCES: Messrs. Wyeth, Bhu-klock Co. (jwyn, Heid Si Taylor. James Hodges i Brother. Hurst & Berry. Murdoch. Duer Evans- Stellniann X Hinrichs. .Sangston iSi. Co. Barthlow, Gwyu & Co. Ricly ii: Pendleton. Cushings ic Bai'.ey. ,)ohn Murphy .V Co. Moore & Griflin. *10 Jan' (’ONFKI’TIUNERY. CHARLES BANKS, C'o»ifcetiotn'»\ INFORMS the public, that he has refit.ed his Establi.«hment on Green Street, and has on hand a fresh sujvply of CAN D1ES. manufacturel \iv biiiiself out ot the best Loat Sug.ar. and w;ii- riinted free from starch, fiour. paste, and pcini- cious pjiint.s. His whole time atul attention is now devoted to making Candy, and he is pre- ]>ared to supply all orders with Candies equal to anv matle in the I. nited States. Ihese ( aii- dies he warrants to keep in any climate: and he will .sell to Town or Country merchants, as cheap a? good and pure Candy can be purchased iu New York or elsewhere. Favetteville, Oct. ’JH, IS.jl. C4-tf REDl CEI) FARE. | rWlHUOl’tJH Tickets between Wilmington. N. B and Baltimore. Fare 8i:l. Via Wei- i don. Petersburg. Richmond, ami AVashington City, or via Weldon, Portsmouth and N«»rfolk. For Tickcts ap]>ly at tlic Oflice of the VMl- niingtun aud Raleigh ll.-iil llo.-id • ompany, at Wilmington, or at the Office of the Baltimore Steam Packct Company, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1, 185-i. 5:i-tf 03^1*1^ undorsijrned, Founder anil .Machinist, has confeiited to act as Agent for the only actual P(HIT.\BLE CllK.’l LAR .SAW .MILL in the United fstates, mtide by Wm. : .McKinstry of Washington. These .Mills are of i Cast Iron! no )>rick being used in their erection. Tliey can be taken down, removed 5 miles, and put in operation in 1»> hours. Power of Engine •JO horse; will cut 15.000 feet Plank Road Lum ber per —4 houi*s. These ^lills have taken the , , ^ premium at the Maryland State Fair over all thanks to those gentlemen who saved the ^ euisid‘ered the best in the world. niX ill lUC OU _ , , . , , . _1 NOTK'K. VI.L persons indebted to the subscriber, either bv' note or ticcount. are rt:quer*ted to call and settle the same as early as possible. He may be found one door West ot Liberty Point. Vith the most of his ready-made work saved fn.m the late fire. Persons in want of anv articles iu my line of business, would do well to call, as 1 w ill kell cheap lor cash, or on time for approved note. JAMES Sl'NDY. Jan'y 10, _ i»5tf FlRTUERNOriCE. r take this method of returning my sincere S5S300 RI'AVAIM)! n '^SC.M’ED from the Jail of Kershaw District, goods from niy Shop on the morning inst. Piut for their kindness and exertion, would have lost all. JA.MES STNDY. FAI.I., 1851. J.\.\li:s KVI.K !S now receiving a very large and general as- With Childrens' and S.VMl EL J. LOVE, who was convicted for the murder of Robert J. Lester, at Spring Term of ('ourt, IH51. Said Love is about lit! or 21 years ‘ of a''e, six teet two inches high, (not certain as ! regjuds his height, but 8ttp)ioM-d to be therea- ■ bouts.) has dark hair, and of a sallow complex- j ion. with a downcast look; some of his front teeth a little decayed, and follows the occupa- j tion of a Carpenter. | 1 will give the above reward to any person wliii will Hm)rt*ht‘ii^I the sani I^. *1. Love and I , . wno wm appniMii i • • frnin \o 1 to 10. uncommonly cheap, lodge him in any Jail in this St.itc. or (hic Hun- ' fJ'.m .no. i to n . i i . j .Ired and Fifty i)ollars for his safe confinement in anv Jail in the L’nited States, so that 1 can "•et him. JOHN INGRAM, Sheriff. Camden, S. C., Aug. ;10, l8-il. t!0-tim 9 sortment of 1>HV ,JOOI>S, Purchased by the Package for CASH. Those wishing to purchase Goods at reduced prices, will please call and examine, as Bargains may be expecteil. H()LTlXr ('LOTUS, Anker Brand, ST.^ND.\RU .\.ND MISCELLANEOL'S it O OKS. AC.Vl'L.\^ "S, Hume's and Robinson’s His tories of Fhigland, in various editions; .\listin s History of Europe. 4 vols; llallaui's Middle Ages; Thiers's History of the Freuch Revolutiin, — vols, illustrated; lytlcrs Univer sal History, large and abridged eds; Prescott s Ferdinand' iind IsabcUa, Mexico aud Peru; La- baume’s Campaign in Russia: Cooper’s Naval Hi.story; Mansfield's .Me.\ican War; Trumbull’s Indian Wars; Campbell’s Lives of the Lords Chancellors of England, 7 vols; Campbell’s Lives of the Chief Justices of England, 2 vols; Lives «»f eminent English Judges: Lives of the Queens of Scotland, 2 vols; Ladies Historical Library, 0 vols; Memoirs and Works of Alexan der Hamilton, G vols; Marshall’s Washington, 2 vds; Colton’s Life and Times of Henry Cl.iy; Kennedy’s Life of Wirt; Wirt’s Life of Patrick Henrv; S«)uthey’8 Life and Correspondence, Charles Lamb's do; Autobiography of Leigh Hunt; Life and Genius of Burns; Life of La fayette, of Paul .lones, of .lackson, T.aylor, Scott, Marion, Franklin, &c. &c. 8hakspeare’s Works, in 1, 2, and 7 vols; Sheridan’s, Ben Jenson's, Beaumont and Fletch er's, Massinger and Ford’s, Wycherley aud Con- i irreve’s, Dramatic W orks, Eng. lllusti'ated Lds; I would be pleased to rcceive orders, cither for | &c. the Encrines with or without the .Mill. Letter Johnson’s AVorks, and Brtswell’s Lifcof.Tohn- addres.se.-l to 11. G. Hall will receive prompt at- son. 2 vols each; Burke’s. Addison's. Goldsmith’s, JSterne's, Fielding’s, and Smollett s W orks; (lolU- .sniith’s -\niiuated Nature, 2 vols; Burke s, Cluit- ham’s, Phillips’, Curran’s, aud other Speech^; Modern British Esstiyists, 8 vols: Waverly No vels and Poetry: Irving’s Works, Putnanrs edi tion, 15 vols; Cooper's Select \»orks, 12 vols; Bulwer’s Works; Dickens’ do, coinplet# in 4 volfl; Gil Bias; Don Quixotte; &c. &c. Colmau’s European Life and Manners; Lord Holland s Foreign lleminiscenccs; Stcphens’B travels in Egypt, Arabia, 6wC; W alter C«)lton’s Works; (inice Aguilar's do. viz: Home Influence, Mother's Recompense, \'ale of Cedars, &c: W ar- ren’s Ten Thousand a Year, and Now and Then; Hyi»erion; Swallow Barn, by Kennedy; Alton tention. I will put these Mills up any where within 10 miles of Fayetteville, it ilcsiruble. H. G. HALL. 4;j-tf Nov. 20, 1851. T Fire iHsnrance, I''HE -KTN.V Insurance Company «)f Hart-j ford, having paid the tax imposed by the j Revenue Law of the late I.egislattire, will con- j tinue its Agency iu Fayetteville, under the ! management of the undersigned, who is pre- i pare^l t\> issue Pi.»licics of jiisurancc on Luilil- , ings or Cioods, either in this Town or in any j pa'i t of the State, on proper application, de nearly ojiposite the Marble Yar p, N. C., Oct. b, 1851, 2Htf Marble F net dry. S. W. TILLING HAST Nov. 2*;, 1851. __ FULL SETS country made BREECH ING, for wagons. J. & T. Nov. 10, 1851. WADDILL. :58tf D. S. WILLIAMS. WANTED. rjIHE Subscriber wishes to purchase :}00,000 JB. lbs. R.\GS, for which the highest cash iirices will he paid on delivery in Fayetteville. * DAVID MURPHY. Rockfish, Cumberland, -Vug. 20, 1851. li-Gm Ulunk Warrants for sate here. By GEO. LAUDER. TWO DIKIRS ABOVE HAIGH k SOM’S STORE, Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, 1852. « UNION ACWDEMV. rg^HE building of this Institution is now in a a state of completion. It is large and commodious. It is pleasantly locate*! in a fine neighborhood, and in a very salubrious part of Robeson county, twelve miles west from Lum- bcrton, aiiout half mile south of the road lead- iii'z from thence to Alfordsville. The first sc.s.sion of this Insfitution will com mence on the 2d Monday ol .lanuarv, 185_, un der the care of Mr. tiilci Leitch, who is a gra duate of the University of North Carolina. Tcrm.1 ot' Tvilioii, per Session, riz: Spelling, reading and writing, ^!8 00 Arithmetic, English Graiuniar, Geogra phy aud History, 10 00 Latin, (ircek. French, and the higher branches of Mathematics. 12 tM"* Board can be obtained at the .\cadeiny, jind at convenient distances in the neighborhood, at from five to six dollars per month. By order of the Trustees. JOHN TAYLOR, Sec’y. Dec. 2‘>, 1851. •Vctr M'^irtn, The undersigned liuvc entered into copa> tuership, under the name and stvleof HALL & S.VCKETT, for the purpose of doing u Dry Goods and Hai'dwai-e Business, and have taken the Store 5 dooi's Last of the 1 ajetteville Hotel. J- »• A. E. HALL. T. M, SACKETT, .Vngust 2f), 1851. Ditf ^ FOR I'HE FARMERS. ^TRAW' CUTTERS, Corn Shcllers, Harrows. Ploughs and Plough fixtures of different lt.> I’aeka-es BOOTS AND SIIOKS, cheaiier than ever were for sale in this market. Oct. 4, 1851. ‘28tf llAII.Y KXl'l'XTKI), A GENER.VL assortment of COtlPERS’ TOOLS, of the best maiiuf'acturers’ make, by ... 1, ..... II irf-ke- l.aveniiro; Humboldt s Cosmos; Reveries The'^'FTNVt’oV/p^^^ has been in operation | of a Bachelor; Home is Home: Lady Wortley’s about :;o years. Its capital is «^:i)0,000. : Travels in Amcrica; Arabian Nights; Georgia E. C. HALL, of Rome. 82tf ilf. >5-lY KING ami A. McMILLAN have niterpp a into copartnership in the Distillery of Turpentine, and have erected a Still on the West side of the Fayetteville and W estern Plank Road, H miles from Fayettevillii. May 9.—71tf N. KINO. A. McMILLAN. w tW^nted. E wish to buy 20,000 barrels Turpentine. KINti & McMILLAN. patterns, &,c. &c. Oct. 1, 1851. For sale by J. & T. WADDILL. 27 tf WAN FED, 3000 ft. Ashe Lumber for Wagons, 1 A to o inches thick. :1000 ft. Seasoned Oak Lumber, 1 ^ to -i inches. 1000 ft. White Oak and Hickory, for Axlctrees. 1000 ft. White 0:vk for Tongues, Bolsters and Shafts. KK> Post Oak Hubs, lor Carts aud Wagons. 2000 Spokes. ' _ For which the highest cash price vvill >>e paiiL Apply soon to F^LLEK. May 11', 1S51. Oct. 18. 1851, Candles! Candles!! Candles!!! Best Fayettevillemouldcandles for sale at the Proprietor's Store, Hay street, onij door est ot Mr. E. Glover s Jew eler's Store. Persons desiring to h: ve their Tallow made into Candles will please ■«end it in. A. M. CA.MPP.ELL. Jan'y 10, 1852. 55-:5m josr ui:ci:iviii), BBLS. Northern W HISKEY. OtP s. w. TILLINGHAST & CO. Dec. 10, 1851. WE are now receiving a large and well se lected Stock of DRY OOODS, 'oiuju'isiujj every urticic ubuully kept in th:it line, toj^etlier wiih I.jO Cases Boots and Shoes. Blatsi ani Cap;;). —ALSO— A well selected Stock of H»tRO n\lRE. To all of which we invite the attention of .Mer chants of the interior, who will find il to their interest to examine our Stock before making their purchases. We will not be undersold by any one iloing buainess iu this place. HALL vS; SACKETT. August 25, 1851. TO COTTO>rPLANTERS. T'lECES COTTON BAGGING, 75 coils Rope, 200 lbs. Twine, ipit.il i'he Hon. fhos. K. Brace was its first rresilent. and he still holds that office: .-ind several of its fir.«!t Directors are still active and ellicicnt mem bers of the BoJird. It has at all times sustained the higliest character for the prudence of its mauiigenicnt. and for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. II.VLE, .\gent. March 10, 1H51. 02-tf LIFE INSURANCE. IIHE Undersigned has been appointed Agent of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insu rance Company. Every memlK-r for life partic- .Scenes; &c. lic. British and .Xmeric.nn Female Poets, illustra ted; Poetical Quotations; Byron’s, Scott's, Mil ton’s, Moore’s, Pope’s, ('owper’s, Dante’s, Tas so’s, Kirke White’s, Thompson’s, Hemans’s, Burns's. Coleridge’s, Young’s, Butler’s, Mother well's, Collins tiray and lieattie’s, Shelley an4 Keats’s, 'haucer and Sjienccr's, ('ampbeU .s, Tom Hood's, Tupper's, Pollok’s, llalleck a, and Bryant’s 1‘oetical W orks; &c, iXC. P>ibles, Prayer Books and Testaments, of va rious styles and prices; MeUille’s, Manning s, and Chapman's Sennona; Sketches and Skele tons of Sermons; English I'ulpit; Pulpit Cyclo pedia; Leighton’s W.irks: Hoffman’s Canon Law; ipates in the profits of the Company; and the 1 .. y |,r nial„iers, and Chal- annual premium for life ll mers’s Institutes of The^.iogy, Sermons, aud amounts to ^ioO or more, may be paid one-halt j Addresses: Horne on the Fsulms; in cash, and the other halfin a note at 1:. months. Lowth and Whitby’s Commentary ou Debtors’ lives may be iosyred by creditors. I ^ do, 0 vole; A man may insure his own life for the exclusive j Divine tlovenmient; Chnrnoek ou benefit of his family. The lives of slaves may i Attributes; Neanders Life of ChriBt; bein.sured. „ i Butler’s Analogy; Wilson’s Manual of Church This system is fi*j»idly growing into favor, all I ' - - ■ > over the'civili/.ed world. It is one by which a family, for a small sum annually, may be pro I vidcd* for, after the death of its head, on whose i exertions they may have been dependent for a ^ support. It is a good investment of money, e\en if one should live long after taking out a ' Life Policy. Explanatory pamphlets, and the ; necessary Blanks, furnished on j * E. J. HALL. Jtine 1850. 72 SHIKTS Just received and for sale cheap, by PETER P. JOHNSON. .Vugu.st IG, 1851. lltl C VLI. .\.N'D SKTTMi. A LL thos« indebted to us by Note or Ac- count, will please call and settle. We are in want of money. Interest will be charged on all Accounts for 1851 after this date. U. BIUNS^JN K SON. Ju,ii’y 1, 1&52. 54tl Fayetteville, BCTTO-N’S SHIRT KSTABlilSllMFJT, 179 MarkH Street, IIAI.TinORE. fBlHE largest and only B Manufacturing Whole sale £st4iblisbmmt in the City. The capital *»d force engaged enables tai* %t all times to offer to Country 51erchants and Deal ers in SHIRTS, COLL.\RS, LINEN and COT TON DR.YWF2RS, great inducements—more than usual efforts having been made to render the assortment of these articles full and com- plete. The Stock on hand is large and well as.sorted for ->fen and Boys. All orders from the Country attended to with punctuality and despatch. jfeiy- Uemeniber the Name, a/>d I'Vo. 179 :tlarket Street. T. tv. BETTON. I August 15, Itjl. li-ytcd vata; Clark on the Promises; Hannah More’s Life and Private Dev«»tions; Doddridge’s Rise and Progress: Pilgrim’s Progress, beautifully illustrated: Baxter’s Call, and Saint’s Rest; Trench’s Notes on the Parables; linck’s Theo logical, and Union Bible Dictionary; Gilfilian’a Bards of the Bible; Peep of Day, Line upon Line, &c; Jay’s Exercises afid Prayers: Thorn ton’s, lierrian’s, and Barnes’s Family Prayers; Deems’s Home .\ltar; Wrought Gold; Hawk- stone, Laneten Parsonage, The Earl’s Daughter, Gertrude, Walter Lorimer, and other religious tales, by Sewell and other authors, &c, &c. Miss Leslie’s, Soyer’s. and .American Cook ery; Miss Leslie’s ind Miss Beechcr’s Ueceipt Bwks; Mrs. Randolph’s Virginia Ilt.iBewife, &c, &c; Downing’s Ladies’ Flower Garden; do Fruit frees of America; Flower Garden Direc tory; Barry’s Fniit Garden; with a variety of useful works on Agriculture, Fanning, &c, &c. A large stock of School Books, Novels, Gift Books, Stationery, &c, &c. For sale at the Favetteville Book Store, by E. J. HALE & SON. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Tn HE Subscriber wishes to seR one-half the Fayetteville Water Work'. Neither of the present proprietors haTing time to give their personal attention t© the property, the purchasw can have the management of J», Jta- kii:g it a valauble iflvcstwciit. ir . , - Oct. 1, 1S5.1.

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