w ahk, ’ SEMI-WEEKL, Y. ^'it [VOI-. I.] "' ll.vi ^•lu- I'iiiin ■ ■ LT'- •‘'^' cd Mn jir, ;''„;’"'Jr,E.,; -•■• 01 ir.stru- , .i:,J '; ii_ (It! V • iin.ltr thf ■‘ '•■■;; V.- ... ‘-‘-(•a ;,, t’M I"P o , , ‘'■in,l li.'W i. vMr '' 'i-KAV. V.-- Hi-;. ' *ntitiue • •• f'nr.»r ■!' lli'W. ' - ■ tvrrr >i . rr i5,’: -McKaV. Itf i:i:d. ittinr. "^n.\[.i: iM:ED, ■ i. ur«r tilt ; ,- r .- :if seys. ^ r. m K- '■/ ;,. i.i it j£' I ,r ,,rt r:ipiJ!.'- " 4-tf _ iclui**- .HV :.n:^-l th- ni: (•■'nif>!-".'- 111..-, = ^ i"i fs t, I ■ anil 'ii"' '’ hf ..,1 t.: li..r^ tip -.1* , Mill .1. J- i,,:.here. .1. ..I- u- t>’ ),„I1 ;• , r ... ,(i. ;i. rAYI/r i KVIIJ.i;, N. C., I EBRUARV 19, 1852. [NO. (i(i.] P —TrfryiV1Cli7TT-ag s«ar g.,----- ■■y*rg»i»ir»Ma.r«.i3»t:aaTy. 1'KI.ntki) iJV .). B. m:\vi}y. ! ilDWViU) J. ilAM: ^ SOX. i;i>ri'Oiw> ANl> riUH'UlKTOUS. ,!,.r til" Si'iiii-WfoU’iV »>iisi;uvKU I 00 if ; i:i ,t l\aiux*; uU il’ (laiU Iuriii_;i tlie , ;• . . r.U 'M.i ii'tiiii; or > j ultor tlio lius . ‘‘li'Ki’.VK.u (M> ]ior iinnniii, if ; in U't' .iii' v; -'ill if ii:ii'l iluriiiLr tlio I I : -'I'l-riiai'.ii; "r ^’> (Ml ;.fti'r tlic . ‘\; ii’i'il. \ j.\ 1; 1:T; S I'\|' A TS insorti'.I !'.i-si\tv oi-iit.'' 1 - >■ i '!■ t)i«‘ tir*it. thirty I'cnts fur i-tu-ii ,, :, 1; ;..,MK-iiti«>ii. Vvarlv lulvt'rtiMiiivuts > ! V-. lit! .lets, ill ri,‘;t> 'n:il>le iMtrs. A'l- ■V:(; i' n'-'iiU 'toil to state t!u* iuiml)iT of i. or tliry will lie i-oiitiniicl till ,. ;t!!'l i-lr "Ztil :u-i-:iriliiiL:ly. - l,-. .:='r'‘ ‘ i till'IMit' rs must p‘'st-]n»il. r. s. LrrTi'JiKoii. r 0!' w a r din;? \ o 111, Fayettevillej W. C. FUUll'S AND XlI'l'S! ^'^K.\N;iIS, Fi*rs, Itiiti'H, Ciurimts t'itron. * Aliuoiids, FiliHrts. Hra/il Nuts. i*i;c. •hist rt‘rt'ivoi{ liy l’ll.\'S |!.\NKS. •Ian. u’!S. ti(i-if General Agency and Commission Business. rg t n K li'u! i!icriln*r.'i ii.’iM' tiiis lay «’iifiTcl iii- & to a f;iii.irtiiiT.>ilii[i uiiikr tlu‘ nf VvlllTAkKK. WiHTriKM) \ iO.' for the i>'.ii iinst‘ nf (iniii^^ a jicnoral agcin'V and •■uimiiis>i"ii li\i>.iiic.s. Mid in (itlVriii*; thfir scr- vifHs In tht- |>iililif in i!iat caiiacity tlify li.ittiT thoiiiM'l\o.. that th»‘y will ho ahlo to frivo satis- laoti..n til al! tli'-.'v wlio may consijru any fiiiui!.-;. w.in .', nuTohaii'ii/i‘ ir ouniitrv jiroihuo to tl.t in oithor til soil i‘!i Ciiminissions ur forward. .\s it will )h‘ unr jrrcatv..i' .-lim to ploaso. %vo pledirc iiur''.-'vt's to sj' irv no ] ains in tryinf: to pive -I'lu'i-.il satisl;,i-ii«in. ’I'hcy rosin-i tlu!iy s ilii-it tlio j' ltrona^f of tlifir frionds and liiv i.uhlic iifiiorally. ’fhiir stiTc is No. r! N'urth Water Stn-et. l!i»-kiiisiin's riro jiroof building, Wil- miiigton, N. JdliN U. WlIlTAKKr., .iAMi;.- \v. wmrriMi.D, A. H. ISOI TIIALI.. 1U i Ks;—I'.lai I>awsiin, I'ntti'r \ Kid der, (I. ti. l“;ir-icy. S.imufl IN'i ry \ Sons, (J. II. Krom h, and Kllis .\IilolH‘lI. • Ian. Is.'.J. I nrnr To>rn for Snfr, i I- .-..111 i n till* 1st day of March ■ J. SiNty seven aeros uf 1,.\NU. lyin^ r>r;inel!. a^ ut ti.i'es friim town ,-I'l a uii'.e ..f the I’i.-uik Ili ad ti ila- the hiU'ls i'f .Indtre St •:in;;e, V riJit. 1’. T. ll;:i-!i. an.I *',,1. J.din W Tll.LlNtiH AST. Aiiefr. .i w FoiiikI. '-fr at ;t I’ lrTy. ;i few we«'k.« a;ro. a I . • lirieeU t. ^et with jr.ild Mi;d topa/. ;,;i e ii.id hy the owner .■» ai'i'lic.'itiou i M;i:u rv Mio Intyre olfers for sale: 1: u:l;l;i.^ n... \iai kkiu;i.. : i '■;. ks hew liiec. •J.' ' e:,s n w I'.uekwlicat Flonr. ]■' ■ wliiti- ('laritifd Sntr:ir. ^ .' s. ( ru-ihe.l and l’i*w Ii red Sti^ar. 7 ? ’i.s. St. Croix S\i;r:ir. _ .xe' Li.;il .Snirar. : Lard. ■ -Is. elear Me^^ T.irk, ■ . Iti. 1hv BJboi’ly Toiiil ISoijm*. ' i l ers'ui' iniUdited tn tlo iiieh'rs'cr.cd ’h -l- l>y imtv I.r acenui.t must -ettle un :;i»' tirvt lay 5't March. 'l'h‘ fa:iin;i . is.iiii.y find tl:-ii ocoiints In : ;i e. .]( tii.- t fill I r. J;i:i lil.N JHNFS X ‘ ‘*”'tf I'ii n. t O ?1 11 I J»i !»i I « \ \Nl> 73HWAHDING MERCHANT, ll'ilniiiiston. .1*. C. I’l' .mt'T j.ers iiial attention jiiven to all ■ ,••■..1'. an l Cash Ivanecs made on I’ro- . 'hil'i'vd to other )iorts or si'id in this ... 1-. 1'.2. _ *Uy N • M >>/,' for I hr l^rojflr. A(.i:N'rs \\ \N'ri:i). Oi.iiM t!' Hhiiii) ofUu' lliu’irfirian War, sin f nut:itf Ulsh,ri/ ./ 11nn;/n rij, : // ^ '(/•:•/ j > i:;i/I'll! h Hill noh- /. /// iilDst iJ isti I';l H ‘J Otn rf, ■Il \iitiii nto- riirtra;:' and ilhistratiniiij. •lil 'i-rilier is )imw |iuhl‘isiiin;r the above \ :,i- i. \\ ..rk. and i.IlcF''11 ■era. terms to . vl: fii aet a» Tra\ellin" .V;ients ii: i ,1- ' i, ! :i« s.'. |ll..-;t-Jllliii. 1!. M.VNsl-11 1.1'. I’liblishpr, V'lrk St.. New Haven. Ct. ■ l)4-ot]>d ,; j) OA'i .1. T. uf me si;/i Ti.i> t.- ;;i' bill, still. t.;tf H o/v/t, eiimj'leU'. For ^ .lollNSON. j J-vVV S^iK oiirauv t3i«* oi9 Aiii.v, SUKMWKI.I. c\; ('»». liavo iu-t n*- fcived a sjileii lid asS'irtmont of Si’/i .n i’d.isi- nttr . lilaek and p,rey. to ^^l:ieh they would c.ill the ait.-iiti.'U of th* Jiublie. 'I'hese jr.ii d.s will com|ieti‘ in iiu.ility and duraliility with tlii.' best of Nnrtiiern (';l.'^imerl■s. .-iiid :.re nincli eheaj.er, ran;_'in;: froni oi'iits to .xl p^r yard. F.iyefte\ illt*. N. C., Oct. 14, 1S.‘>1. :;ntf aue:v, A; c o. NKW FAIJ. AND W INTKll i>!^. a 9S • 11F. .SuliM-ribers .-ire iinw receiviii}: direet -H- tV'.m New Y'lirk ;ind I’hilade^idiia. the l.ar- iret al|.l li.-indsnniest .Sim-k i>f Staj)li' h'ftncij Dnj ('mods That tin y have ever i-xhlbited in this market, embraeiii'r every v:iriety uf b.idies’ .ind ientle- men' liKli.''S i(HM>S. iuiii'ii^ whieh may be f. ;;iid; l’>l;.ek al.d faney watered and Jilain I’re.'S .Silk.-; bi.iek and fan>-y CnKurus; l.anir', TwilN: ti^med :ind Jilain taney and b! ii-i» M.di.air Liis- tre>; Siik Warj. :ind Craj.e !’>r>'ead',s: .Swi''. Sc'iteh and Chine (iin^iiams; Su\on_\ lie-l.ains; French. Knirlish and .Vnierieaii 1 rints; Kmb'd Ca.->limeres: jiiain dittu; ehan;r.-able l>e-l,aii.s: watered .and needie-wmk Cashmeres; eli.-in^e.-i- ble Y.ineses: IJrocadc Lu.stn s; l);ima.-k .Kolians; black rMiMibazines; secnnd niniiri.in^ I’ojilins; J.'.iin and w.-itered .''iik Mantillas: eiilored and black Velvet .M.intillas: llrueade l’o[>lins: ;ind a l.ir;re ass'.rtnieiit of l>ress Trimming's: French and Kn^rli-'h .\lerinos; \ elvet Neek Ki'.boli.' and Cnll'. A;r. French v.' iiked Cnllars and Capes: P'reiich v'. i.kid Cut^>: French W'.rked Chemisi ttes; I n- der-S eeves; Swiss and .I.icnnet Trimminjis: In fants' \> aists aiel ( aj's; lli*m-stiteh> d and nee dle-worked Lim n i ;;mbi-ii- lliuidkerehie!'. from cts. :o !i!.'i; and a beautiful u>-..rtment uf Vcil.=: evt ry varict_\ of Siiawls. embri.: lere l in'l plain; Thr. ad. Cuttmi and Linen Kd;:ings and Laces; black Siik Laces and Ld^imis. —AL.'^O— l‘)laek, blue, briivjj and L''reen French and Kn.:’i>h ('Kiths; bl;iek and fancy (’asj'imeres; Cut \'e1vet. li;TMri'd and black .Satin and \ .-ilen- cia \ e»tin«fs, "'nme very liatid“'>me: .Sattinet'^; Kenti'fky .le .ns: i'vveeds; l.insey>: Flanmd>. w. and cttnti; ('snaourjis: llru^^r ts; l>:tma>k Tab;e Ci.ths; ditto Na;ikins; rentre-Table ('nv- tw>. verv fjrie; 1'iami C.ers; Irish Linens: l.iii- en I.awii.'^; Thread Cambrie:^; I'owelliniis: (len- tk’men's Merino Shirts and lir.iwers: Silk Neck and I'ccket ilatidki rehief.. Ladies' Merino Vests: ('ashniere a;;d Silk ibise; ditt.: Half-Iiosc; the celebrated Salem .le-iiis. black and grey. Ladies', ticntlemeu's and v.’iiildrcu's 1>(KJT6 and .s!lt >F.S. Men's. Ili-vs' and Infants' H its juid Caps. Velvet. .Satin. Straw and Florence I'lonnets. l»ittn dittii dittii till- .Misses. ,\!id every artii Jc nsu.illy ke|it in a Dry Goods St. re. l.-[f 'Ve invite the public tn call and ex;im- ine our l.ii ire and h;indsi>me Stuck, as we are al- w.ivp aiixiiiiis tn hiw mir itimds. Jltrif' ii'r /.-'•i/> Smjur, Tm nil 'nffir. .\I!liV. .sjiKMWKl.L \ CO. retuiii thanks to the eiti/!ens uf Fayetteville, and the public "eiu niliv. for tlie very liberal patromifre hrrc- tiifi.re )ie>t'.wed i'H tlinn. and infeiiil, by stjiot nttimi in to business, to no riJ a cintiniiance. .s. S. AKI.'V. A nKSlRAliLl’: RKSIDKXCI': FOU SALK. Subscriber now offer.s for sale all hi» J3_ Turpeiiliue and Farminj: 1...VNM, contain- iti" .Tbi'jn tHKl .\cres, situated 12 iniK'.s K.-ist of Fa\etteville, on the (ioldiborouj;h road, cotii- nionly known as I'almvra. It has a jiood dwellin': house, out-buildinjrs, ..Vc., and a store where a larjre amount of biisi- ne.'S is done, and increasinj: daily. This is a rare ch:niet‘ for turpentine getters, merchants, I'ce. and will be snld » bar^rain. Any mie wisli- injr to purchase, and wishinir further iufurmu- tii'ii, c:in aj)]ilv on the premises, to .J. W. MntlMlV, or P. TAVLOil, Fayetteville July l!‘ th, Stf WaN'I'K!), I’.AiniFLS Ilf Tl ItPEN- TINH, fi r Distillery at the I’lank llii.nd Ijridiro (>n F.i^ llockfi>h. Tlu‘ best mark(‘t price will be j-aid. Fi r further inform ation, Iniiuire of .Jidin \\ . Muri'hy, at the Ilrid^e, or of A. .McKetiian, Fa vettev ille. i'ec. 18, 1S.-,1. ■ .p.itf IX s roRi:, K J L )l (ills and l‘lou!ih ('astings. Coi'ii Slu'll- JL ers. ('ulti\ators. Straw Cutters, and Sjiin- ninjr Wheels. F., C. 11.\ LJ., of Home. Oct. 1.'^, isoi. :;::if W. L. SMITir, i^Ojf'nr hi Jjtf'.tints DuUdnnj^ \VlLML\(JTON, N. C. Jan'y tiOV NFAV ('IM)P MOLASSFS. IIHU.S., a jirinie article. .\lso, 1 chest of choicc Imperial TK.\. For sale Viv .Jan’y lO, 18-VJ. 15UANSON vV S(»N. oi tf .H s r Ki:( K!m:i). VL.\(i.\ II.VI.SIN.S, tioxes and half ditto. I’lUtter Crackers, barrels and half bbls. 1‘icnic do. h.ilf bbl.s. Hvson Tea. S. \V. TlLl.lNdllAST iS; CO. .I.-in'y l‘J, IS.'jl!. ;')7tf JfiL FAAF/r ri'A iijj:. x. (\ fgllllSlariie and splemlid I’uiliiinj: has now -M. been in sueee>isful oper.ition since M:iy Isl'.'. The l>eddin;r and Furniture nf al! kinds is new :in.l the iimiius c->nvenieiit and pleasant. Till- T.ibie is .-ilway.' furnished with the best the market aif'urds, aided by ;i fine vejritable ;*:irden. llii.-'rders. l.i'dL'crs. and Tv.ivellei 'i will tin.lde- sir.ible iicciinimnd.itions and attentive servants. Nil jeiins will be s]>ared to frive entire satisfac tion. Families can be furni.'hed with l.irjre, airy, front double rooms, conv cnieiit iy and hand somely furnished. .\n exi>erii'nce of ‘JO years will enable the b-s- >ee, she hopes, to j;ive jreneral satisfacti..|i. .\NN lilloWN. •lune 1, is.'itt. '_‘s-tf \v\iw\nsii pai‘i:k. J 4 ^ IIF.VMS Medium si/e, B •JP ^ * >'•'> nine. for'otton V;irns. From M.inteo 1‘aper Mills. I>a!ei;;h. I'. r sale Itiw bv II. mi.VNSt'N vV S(>N. .JulV It, :;tf xi:\v ciooDs. !r.sT received, mv Fall snpplv ot CLOTHS, CASSl.MKl'.KS AN!> VKsr'lNtiS, TKIM- MIN'ti.^. \c.. I'f the liest ipi.ility. from New \ ork. .Mso, the latist lleport of tlie Ne\v Y ork F.\SHlONS. fer.-'T I still contimic to carry nn tlic* T.MLoUlNC lU .siMiS.s. at m_v .Stand on Hay street, ;ind tlo se who ma_v favor me with their ciisli in i!!ay rciv on h iviiiir their work done in a neat and fashionable tty'e. and on the nio.st f,;> ..r.il k- terms. Allt Uir.ALU C.IIAHAM. Oct. J7, :^ltf LAXl) FOR S.U.F. IIK .subscriber olFers for sale his tract of M LAND, on which there is a {rood dwellinp and other out-liouses, s.nw and frrist mill, lyinjr on the I’lizabeth road, nine miles from Fayette ville and two and a half niile.s from Cajie Fear lliver. To Turpentine getters it affords a rare chance, as there are '.•.tlUO boxes already cut, and from :)> to 4n.l(Mt mijrlit still be ojwned. It is also a j:ood location for :i Turpentine Distillery. Tt-rnis liberal, ami imide known on ap)ilic:i- tion. NATII.VNIKL McAUTHl K. •Lui'y ]!•, iS-'iJ. 57tf j Carolinian copj'. ~ NO'l'K'F. ” WlN'ti, with several others, been burnt WINTER SI PPLY. K are now receivirip ovir winter supply ww of (Jnods, 8 doors below ■‘he >L-irket Hoii.se, .south side Person street, where may be found the following; articles: SufTur of iill prudes, Coti'ee, 5 llhiLs. Cubji Molasses-—sweet, 8 l.bls. .Syrup—a sujierior article, (ireeii and iilack Te.a.s, Cheese of three diH'ereiit ((Ualitius, Kiee, Pepj>er iind Spice, Hope and Uagijinir, ■.» Bills. .Mackerel, Siloes and Itoot.s otCxtra l.ir^e .size, Shovels, .spades and Forks, Corn Plourhs and Points, •Vxes of the best bramls. Knives and Forks, .Nails and Iron, ."id.OOd lbs. Cotton V.'irii. AVith a {Treat many other articles clieap for Cash or e.xcliaiiged for Produce. Call jiiid see. ckoss ci:i:f.k co., C. I’eiibow, Pres't. Dec. 2D. ijO-tf 1III-: joi'OTTi^ei or cdtic ■Manners, as jireserved nmonfr the Hi^jh- laiiders. bein;r an historical and descriptive ac count of the inhabitiints, antiijuities, and na tional jieciiliarities of Scotland, by James Lo- Just received and for s.-ile bv F.. J. IIALH & SON. T K. C . lIAMi, OF llOMK, df Hull, S'trf.-ftt f' Co., '.S now receivin;: his Fall STOCK of (iOOD.S, . consistin'; of u {jeneral assortment of out on the mornin;: of the ;;d instant, 1 D,.y ( Jood.s. SaddlorV. I liltS. C'jin.s, oils indebted to me. ■ t. ... • . * wmild e.iriiestly reipiest persons indebted to me, either l>y note or account, to cull and settle, as I am in nee.I of monev. Ai.FX'U McLArCHlJN. .Jan'v 1'.'. 1S.')2. ■)7tf 'I roi! \{'C(). (iOOD SToi’K on hand: and I sh.ill re- c-iv.' re^ul.-irly. from \le.-.'r'. .1. .b ne-; .V Co's Factory, oii.-ilities assorted from coninion to very tiiie, which 1 will Sell at lowest manufac- turinp:(irices. .4 J. P';iotteville. .\jiril ■'!, 1' L’TLF.V •;idf W ItOO I'-M \ K I'.liS. Ho wa!it a superior irtiele of O.'ik Tan SOLJ; Li:.\THIil!. with Fretiih and .\merican ('.VLF SKINS, can be supplie l at our Store. J. .V T. WADDII.L. Nov. 20, l^.'il. fltf NATloXAI. SKUIKS OK ^faiKiard .School Pl'Lil.lSliLD i;v A. s P,A UN KS vN: ('O,, •')1 .lohn street, New Vork. ^H^HK attentinli «f .School Teachers, .School JL Coinmiltees. and the friends of Kducatimi (lenerallv. are invited to the loiluwin}i valuable '1 ext Uooks lor .Schwols, Acadeinies and Collejres: DAVIF.S' MATHKMATICS. P»etail prices. IS c\\inu\;F MAK[\(;. ' liiiiiilirrtoii, i\ ^ H F. subscribers have just opened an F,s- ; talilisliment fur ' \ KK1 .\( i K .M A KI N( i, in . .all it> Various braiiche.'' in this place, with eve- ' ry facility for conductin;; the same. | In all the dejiartments of wi.otl-work, paint- | in^. trimmiivjr and iron-work, thev have ex].eri- ■ ence l wi rkmen. aii'l the whole will receive their , undivided attention. They have piirch.-ised the ri'jht fd' Hubbard's Patent lor I’iU";.ry spriiiir-^. hich is hiirhly re- ' coiiimendi '1 :is :i vi-ry jiieat improvement. They will warrant all work jroiiijr from their F.-t ilili.shliient e.ju..il in appear.ince al; i diirabil- ; i'_v to .-niy done in th(' State. Thev onlv .‘isk :i tri.al. ' U^^'l^ann : KOlXJKUSiicGrXX. .lan'y 12, l.s.'>2. o7-2m Sale of Lots for Taxes. A ; I’.KK.X 15LV to an order by the Court of j Pleas and Quarter Sessi-itis of Cumberland ' County, Di‘ceiiib*.r ’I'erm. L‘.'>1. 1 will expose to public sab', for ca'h, at tli(* t'ourt House i in Fayetteville, on the 1st .\(on.|;iy in .M.-ircJi next, the follow iiijr h.ls. or such parts thereof I as will |iav the taxi'S iliii“ the t.iwn «d Fayette- I j ville t'or IS.'iO, and all aceruin{; expenses, viz: ' I 1 I-ot on t'ourt Hmise .Si[Uare. .Iiio. .Stewart, valued t;tx ' I 2 Lots on .Muniford and Ilobinson Streets, I A'lam ^\ymle, valued >JlMM». t;ix •••■ 1 !. DKMINtJ, Collector. F:ryetteville. Dec. Term. 1H.')1. ;>0-tf RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. 1()MK in to the (’hcu}» Ston*, North siJe of Ilav i*iu‘ tlu' au‘l Imiv iic'v I>ry (mmhIs. Also, Rcu'Iy-uia*le 'iothiug. Hats au«l —"rrat v.n’uMy. Shot's, 11:inl\\ art*, c ii occrics. -V much lar{rer and more {ren.'ral stork than ever opened on the Kast side of the C.-ipe Fear —which he is j'repareil and di'terniined to sell to |>uiictual customers, either at wholesale or retail, at (zreatly reduced prices. He would call ]iarticul:ir :ittention to his stock of 1!0(»TS .\ND .'lloLS. I'he assortment is unusually laijie. .iiid of every iiuality an.l style; ;ind bavin;: been liouj;ht for Cash, he caii and will sell them very low. Vou tli.-it wish Pi.irjr.'iins will tind it to your interest to jrive the .Stock an e\aminatio:i bclore buyiii{i elsewhere, •Mwiivs on hau l, a jreneral stock of (JUOCE- Klli.S. Oct. 18, 18.')1. ,02tf Ti’/t* Tva! Ttai: iCllKST VtHNi; HVSON, 1 ditto (Jiinpovider, 1 C.itty Iiii].erial. For sale bv CIl.s. I'..\N1\S. Oct. 2.S, 18.')1. ‘ ;M-tf NKW FI KM. under>i{rn»‘d li.-ivc entered into copart- M. nershijv. under the name and style of Ijawroiloo A: Troy, For the purpose of doiiij: a jreneral .Mercantile and IJarter business. We have t.-ikeli the .Store, c. T. iiak;h cV son OFl I.R FOR sale: Orleans, Porto lUco, Ilefined, Crushed, i. « Loaf and Havana Sujrar. P>io, l.airuii.i, and old Gov't Jiiv.a ('offee. Dundee, tiuniiy, and Durlaps Bagi^ing. Piojrc and Twine. Iron. Nails, Salt, Molasses. Cliee.‘»(» and IL-iisins. lllacksmiths'' Tools, Axes, Spades, Shovels, Hoes. Scytitles. Tr.ice and ilalter Chains. P>and and Hoop Iron. White l,ead in Oil. S].anish P.rown, Ited Lead. ;i:iss. Putty, Ibickets, ISrooTT.**. Mackerel, in bari-eLs anil halt ditto. Neirro Shucs. Tanners' Oil. Tin Plate. Wire. Superior fJrren and Pdack Teas. S.ileratus, Soaji, Snuff. Pejiper, (iiiijrcr. Spice, NutinejTs. S] enn and Ailaniantine Candles, liar Le.-id, Shot, Powder, ^c. c. Nov. 28, 18-'il. -Iltf jKi:i)Hr.i/s uFPoirrs.^ SrST published, \'til. 12 Law, and Vol. 7 Fijuity. Price ¥-'5 50 ami >s:;. These are sm.'ill volumes, in coiisc»itirnce of the Ileporter makiii|r new arranjrements for j>ubli.->liinir. P>iiund vols. cxcLan'red for N’os. as usual. E. .1. HALE & SON. Dec. 10, 18.-.1. JU)()K~HlNr>KUY. W'. IL\ItDIE has rc.siimel the IJook la Ol • I5indii;_.r Ilusiness at the new .Store next door to .Mr. P.easloy, .Teweller, where he will re ceive and execute binding in any style desired. Auicust 1. 2Ttf Dl{. LlTTLI.'.s ('OMPOCND ToMC PILLS. For the cure of children and half-jirown )>ers« tis of Pale and t'adyverous Habits, Suppressed | or Painful Menstruation, Loss of Appetite, Torpid or Coliliiied IJowels, .Swellin": of tiie I'eet and Lejrs, Kinaci.-itioii, Palpitation of tin* Heart, vXc. liy the use of these pills he has often cured every disease of this important class, which are .ilways Connected with, or dependent upon, u w eak or enervated state of the di{restive orirans. Those who are afllieted with the diseases enu- mer.itcd. need only to try them to realize their ;rood effect: and that too, in the use of siii{rle box of the pills, altiioi’.fih it may take several boxes to cure them. The Compound Tonic Pills iK'ver n.-iuse.ite the stomach, or dis.ifjree with the bowels, iior do tiiey reipiire jiarticul.ir attention, except to t.-ike one three times a ilay regularly. In no less dejrree of success have these jiills Ik en used in cases of females, whose habits are not well cstabli>hed. Dr. Little—De.-sr .Sir: For over four rears 1 was alllicted with an exieediiifrly obstinate and ]iaint ul ulcer on the inside of my ancle, from which I sutl'cred extreme torture: and having applied to several jihysicians, besides xisinjr many of the patent ‘•nosti'ums of ilie day,’’ without any relief, and fe.-iring. from my grow ing Worse every dj\y, that my last resort would he to the surgeon, to ai-.inutate my leg, 1 was iiiduceii finally to try your valuable Tonic Bit ters jiiid Compound Tonic Pills. From the No. Ill (;1M;KN ST15KKT. formerly occupied by wse of which I soon found relief, and in lcs.s Messrs. ,)ohn Hiiske .V .Soii. (.Ko. W. LAW HENCE. JOHN 15. Titov, Jr. Oct. 22, 18.-.1. ;;;:tf \yiU III- lu frircil 1,1/ the HI t!c n'irtr, ^ TONSofSWEDKS IIION. by E. HALL, of Home. Oct. IS, :’,2tf fl! .}ir[jtnu'in celvliis: a lartre and general as- /> i I»C now lec sortment of STAri.H AM) FAX('V a i Faypttevi'lle. Sept. 1- P. SHKMWI’LL. J. K. .McDoN.M.D. is.-,l. 21 tl ■r p. Ji - J iliuMi J - .1 \ an l ISov;, S.\DDLFS. of every ^ • . and style, some very line -\l- 1 '. I .:.ii3, \\iii|..>aiid \\;:_^on Harnes.s. E. C. ll.VLL, of Jlomc. l^M. o2tf \’(‘rli('al \\ alor vVluJl. . \ rr.al hundred of these W heels • in diffeiunt coiintie.-,in North ml of ilieir great jidv.-tiitages tliitter wheel, or .iny other .\ in U'c for saw mills, we contidently . Ii 1 linvi- ajiplied them to their ,ii ri eoiiiniend them jmrticularly r; rit . in ’f n low liead ot w 'er. ;\e>. p a np].'y of Wheels, suitable for 1 I i- -rf wa;er. at Wilmington. New- -l;in_ton. hdcntoii and Fayetteville. '■ V.. ■ - ihiiy ;i!-o be h.id of E. IJrevar 1, 11. and rri:i!i Wells. Petersburg, Va. 1’“ ! - li. V. \hiiig t I obtain the ri,_'lit to use the ■' i,i. !-erved oil application to D. 1 ...i' -- F.i\ctteville, N. C. D. .McNlilLl- A. McKFTHAN. i). J. McALLSTEi;. ^ r I'.i. oii-tf ^locoiid Fall and Winter Stock of ^t^ple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoos, Boots, Umbrellas, BonnetSj &c.j for 1351. 'I Alii! .\ WILLI \ .MS beg leavt* to announce “ t . in i|. jind all those visiting t'. iiuy tioods either at wholesale or .t they are now “ceiviiig their second ! :i.i an l W inter .Joods. w hich will be ill- ..u i.,,t pi ices for cash, orontheusu- • ■ '■ - id paper. ; •"i!u)ly invite tlic .ittentioii of Coun- i : l.aiit- tu lur new stork of fioods. as we II -d tiiat we can offer inducements iin- ' i 1.;. anv wholesale house in this towu. S. 4' • ::i. l.^^.'ii. ;{r,tf lli>uiiett:i BoaJ CoN >‘\v SOUTIIFRNKR, nj~ ILl, )>e in order to take her place in the line in a few days. She is one hundred and twelve feet long, seventeen feet beam, and four feet hold: and draws not exceeding twelve inches water. The Comjinny coiiiidently exfiect that with ilii>' IJ'xi/, in addition to tlleir other Steamers and tow boats, they will be in a con dition to transport all freight sent by their line with as much certainty and despatch as any line upon the river. The Southerner being of such light dr.ift of water, she will be enabled to run at all times. 0. DF.MINC., Pres’t. K. M. OilHELL, Agent. Jan'y 28, 18.',2. 0(>-tf Norici:. fBllIE partnership heretofore existing under A the name of .1. H. S: H. F. .Murphy is this dav dissolved >iy mutual consent All those indebted to the tirui, by note or account, ure requested to call at 11. F. .Mur phy's, and settle before the 15th of F'ebrinry next, and thereby save cost. And those having c laims against the firm are requested to present tiiem umueiiintely. J. W. M I'll PHY. Jl. F. MUUPlli. Jan’y 2ti, 18G^, 'i'Jtf T()HA(€(). lUME North Carolina nixl Virginia Clicw- Tobucco, by the liox and n;tail. J. cN T. WADDILL. October 2.”), 18,")1, IJ4-tf I) MI.V KXPFt TFD. ■M (K» .III hS I* Daxies’ First Lessons in .Arithiiu tic, D:ivies' School .Vrithmctic, Davies' (Iramniar of .\rithme1ic, Davies’ Cniversity Aritlimetic, Davies’ Fleiiicntary .Vlgebia, Davies' Elcmcntnry ‘jeomitry and Trig onometry, Davies' Practical Geometry and Mensu ration, Davies’ Bourdon’s .\lgelmi, 1 Davies’ Legendre's Geometry, new editiui 1 I'avies’ Klcments 1 Sui ve_\ ing, 1 Davies Logic ol .M.itlieniatics, I (.'hanibers' Treasury of Knowledge, Clark's Elements of Drawing, Chambers' .N.-itural Philosophy, Meid and Bain s hemistry and l.lcctricity, Hamilton's Vcgitable and .\nimal Ph\s- •ology, Chan.tiers’ I'lements of Zoology, Page'.i Elements of Geology, Parker's First Lessons in Natural Philo- sojihy. I’arker's Compendium of School Philo- so])hy, .Mclntire on the I'so of the Globes. P'ulton iS: Kastman's Copy P'ooks (N ami Fulton .S: I’.nstman's Penmanship, Fulton iS: Eastman's P»ook-keepin gle :ind Double Fntry) Brooks’ First Latin Ia'Ssoiis, Brooks’ Ovid’s .Metamorphoses, Brooks’ Collectanea Evangelica, I’.rooks' First Greek Lessons, P.-irker’s First .School Header, Parker's Second School Reader, Parker's Third School Header, P.-irker's 5'ot».rth School Itcader, Parker’.s Hiietorical Rc.ider, Martin’s Othoepist, words of pronunciation, Northend's Little Speaker, 2■> Northeii I’s .\nierican Speaker, Northend's School DialopiieM, 'i'* Willard's Hi.story of the I'nited States, Willard’s rniversal History, 1 I Zai lio's New .\nierica:i .speaker, I 2-> ! .\iiv ol’the above Books can be found ,*it the P.ookstore of F.. ,1. Hale Son, Fayetteville. Jan'y 1, 1S.')2. I’.Sni- difFicult ISAAC DODD. Nov. 4. 18.')1. 37-tf riios. II. TiLMN(;iiAsr, isooi4-isi\ Anderson St., Fayetteville, N. C., (i1M‘hs1TK mu. W. Wl.N'SLtiw’s 1,AW OFFK'K. Music neatly bound at short notice. Pamphlets and Periodic.-ils bound, and old Books re-bound, in a substantial manner. Dec. 8, l.‘'.')l. 4;tf Aroy, A: ■ g AVK one piece cxtra tine 7-4 black French SS Cl.oTH, to which they would call the attention of the public. Oct. lo, 18.'>1. 32tf I()(),()()() Aci'fs V'aluahle r 1 M Ii i: K F A N 1) s FOH SALK. ^ SJ ’ IT I^ .Subscriber h.is jiurehased all the I.amls 3 belonging to the Estate of .Vbram Dubois, iiec'd, hing principally in Hobesoii county, atnl on both sides ot i>umber Itiver, the diflerent sur veys contaiiiing Ov(‘i* 1(H),000 Arr*s; ■V large j'art finely Timbered, and convenient to Lumber Hiver, wliere a large quantity ot lim ber is now r.ifted to the Ceorgetown ni.irket. These L.ands .-ire very valuable both for the Timlier and Tnrjientine, for whieh purpose a largo jiart is well suited., being in a region .wh’. rethe Turpentine \ ields more abundantly ill ' than any other section of the State. Thu Lands will be sold at a low price, and in quantities to suit purchasers. Iiitormatiou respecting the title can be ob tained bv ap|ilying to the Hon. Hubert Strange, Hon. Jas. C. D*obbin, or A. A. T. Smith, Lsq., (Attorneys at Law.) I understnud there are many trespas.sers on these Lands, to all of whom notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforced against all such offenders. Application for any part «f the Lands can be made to nr, self, or to John Winslow, Esq., who is duly authorised to make sale of the same. TllOS. J. CL'KTIS. Fayetteville, N. C„ Sept. 1, 18 45. TOtf 1 00 NKW iU)OKS. NFW (;)(M)S, ■'//•/,/ ,// (lifi ^ 'lu/li iiiif Shu'f A: Feb' y .1. M. 1>.')2. WIIITK .Si I NDFHHILL. Oltf J^OSSVTH, Life and Speeches, 2'>e. S wal- • '111.11 1 ■ I'J’ Kennedy: 'I'heory and Prac- tAnS of l]OOp7uON,'Juit!ilde‘f[.r Spirit | t'cc of Teadiing: .\rchbislmj> f'*- /W I rrels bv ■ I iirncr s Discourses on Scnptuiai liopHet_\. K. C. HALL, of Home. } M.irper’s Magazine, bound vols.; Anthon's Clas- Oct. 18, 18.jl. ;?2tf Blank Warrants for sale here. sic.il Dictionary, &c. Feb’y 2. E. J. HALE & SON. NO'l'K'F. The I’liMic are iiifoniicil tlmt the subscriber is tlie authorised .\gent for the sale of McKlNSTUY’S POKTABLE SAW MILLS, manufactured in Wu-ihington City, of 20 horse ]iow*er engine, loC'tio'tive boiler, which are the only actual PortjibU' .Saw Mills lie lia.s e\erjA.*eii ,|o brick beiiisr used in their erection. Tho.se in want of theseMills will fi»'l 't to their ad vantage to call on the subscriber. Mr. McKin- Htry informa him that Geo. Pago & ('o. have n‘vcr manufactured a Poi'ta’ole Kngine like the above, ami therefore their right is in no ihinger of being infringed upon, as there is no necessi ty of doing 80 in this age of improvement. II. a. HALL. Fayetteville, Uvc. ITtt I IfARDWAUF cV C’FiLFRV.l itoo'ix snm'ss. —A LS» >— 7.") bags Hio, Lagnira and J:iva Coffee, 1H hhds. .Sugar. 7."> pieces Cotton Bagging, ."lO coils Bale Hope, loti kegs N.-iils. assorted. 8 tons Swedes and Knglish Iron, .■lOO sacks Liverpool S.-ilt, With Loaf, Crushed, Powdered and Granulated .Sugars: Green Teti: Pejiper: Spice: Ginger: Powder: Shot: Bar Le.ad: Table S.ilt: Bar and Fancy .Soaps. With a great v.ariety of other articles, to which we invite the .ittention of pur chasers at wholesale or retail, as low as any other house in the jilace. D. & W. McLAFIMN. Oct. fi, 18.')1. 2Stf DAILY FXIMX’TFI). 4 GENEHAL ASSMITMENT of HOLLtnV- W.AHK, by L. C. II.\LL, of Home. Oct. 18, 18.') r. ;i2tf NO'l’K i:. A LL persons indebted to the subscriber for Goods purchiised at Flor.-il College, are re quested to make immediate payment, either to Mr. Hugh Mc.\rii in the neighborhood, or to himself in Chcruw. D. B. iMcAUN. Cheraw, Dec. 20, 18.')1. ;'iO-tf North CarolinaKsrseys. A HEY, S1II;MW1:LL CO. have just re- . » ceived a large lot of "Salem Kerseys," known to all of our Planters as tl'.e best goods for negroes that are offered in this market.— Those who have been waiting, hud better come and get supplied, as they ure going off rapiilly. I’ayetteville, Dec. I-"). i.S.")]. 48-tf Noil flier II 71 a mi lac* Jii IT. E have formed a eompany styled the Snow ('amp Mtinnfaeturing Comjiany, of .Vlaniance County, North Carolina, two miles West of the Cane Creek Cotton Factu-y. on Cane Creek, at the Foundry owned by David Dixon & Brothers, and woi Id resvectfully announce to the citizens of .Maniaiice and the adjoiuiiig Comities, that we are now jirejiarcd to Manu facture in the neatest and best style—Wheat Thrashing Machines, from two to six horse power: trutting Machines of different sizes; Wool t’arding .Machines: double and single Mill and Factory Gear; Saw and Grist Mill Irons; ed'^e TooLs: Cotton Yarn and Wool Lolls, i^c. Persons wisliing to ymrchaso would do well to give us a c.-ill before jmrchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to sell cheaji for cash, or on Ume to jiunetual dealers. *urloiig experience in the Slanufacturing Business enables us to fee! no hesitation in saying that otir work shall not Ik; surpassed by any sliop in the South. All letters addressed to the Agent of the Coirpaiiy at the Snow Camp P. O., Alamance County, N. C., will receive jirompt attentiwn. DAVID DlXoN, AKent of the B. C. Manufacturing Company. Snow Camp. Dec. 1*, 1851. 47-tiin than one month w.is entirely well: and I h:ive enjoyed iiniiitt.rrupted health ever since, which has been about a year ago. Truly yours, llENKV 'rE.MPLF:S. Wilkinson co.. (ieo.. June l8'iU. The fac-simile of the si;.nature of Dr. AV. O. Little will l)e found upon the outside wrapper of each of his .Meriicines. Sold wholesale and retail, hy the Proprietor, at his Manufacturing Depot, No. 204 Market street. Pliii;idel|ihia, and Macon, (Georgia. To be had also of James Cain, liuckfish; \. Watson. Floral College; Townsend iS: Doug lass, Bennettsville: Dr. P. >L C(dieii, Charles ton: C. C. Piarbce, Barclaysville; P. F. i’escud, luileigh. S. J. HIN.SD.M.E. .\gent for Fayetteville. LI:SS()NS IN NU^IC. j H. WHIT.VKEH woi'.ld respectfully in-j form the citizens of Fayetteville and vi- ' cinit^-. that he has again commenced giving Les sons on the Pi.iiio Forte, lie retiirn^^ his thanks for the liberal ji.-itronage heretofore received, and humbly solii-its a eontiniiance of the same. ' Vll ]i:iiiis shall be taken for the advancement of i his jiupils. 1 Instruction also given on the Guitar. | Pianos tuned Mid repaired in the best ! manner. L. 11. W HITAKFH. August 24. IS.'iO. ;>4tf I I.. M-AV I'\!!i‘K'l'lM;. HOLL.S Brussels, Ingrain and Stair Carpeting, new and fashionable Pat- ti-rns. just received. —AL.-'O— I 'l ke-js Sjiikes .iiid large Nails, 2’) boxes Itaisiiis, oO baufS Shot, WIlOLKSAr.E IValch and Jewelry Store. L. II. 311LLi:U & CO., IntjMtrterXy Moiivfitrtnnm mid Johlji rs oj Jet/cclrif, onil Finui/ 0(/f)ds, II.”»ve lea.H'd the Old Stand formerly oi'cupied by Messrs. ('anfiel'i, Brother X Co., .Soi/^A /•Jant Corner of Vharlex oiid IJultimore ftrret.*, (No. 227,) which they are putting iu complete order for the W HOLESALE W ATCH AND JFWELHY BUSINESS, to b« opened a1»vH» tke 2oth of -litly. fn call'tng the attention of the trade to tlic new concern, we mention the fact that we are associated with «ne of the most extensive Jew elry .Manufacturing FJstablishmeuts iu the coun try, which must give a decided advantage over ali others in this market for siipjilying dealers with Jewelry at manufacturers’ price.s, a feature in this branch of trade lung since needed -be tweeu Baltimore aiid the .Southerntiud Westeru Merchants. We desire to cull partienl.nr attention to the Watch department, which will at nil times be siip)ilied with a great as.sortment from the most celebrated maniifactureis, and kept in perfect ruiiuing order, so that purchasers may at oiice take them, with a written guarantee that they will j'erform correctly. This bi-.inch of the business will receive the esjiecial attention of one of the firm, whose ex tensive and practical knowledge oi the business will, we hope, give us a place iu the coufideu»yi of buyers. V.’e re.spoctfuITv frivfte you to call upon >i9 when you next visit our city, confidently be lieving that an examination of «ur Goods wlil prove to you that they arc better styles snd cheapci than you have ever seen in this market, and assure you that no effort shall be wai.ting on our part to make the acquaintance one of' mutual benetit. L. 11. MILLER & CO, Old stand, formerly occupiel by Cantield. Bro. & Co., S. E. cor ner of Charles &. Baltimore sts, Baltimore, June 18;')1. 14-Vo UEIEUENCES: Messrs. Wyeth, Blacklock iS: Co. Gwyn, Ilcid & Taylor. Janies Hodges & Brother. Uui-st & Berry. Murdoch, Duer & Evans. Stellnianii iS: Hiurichs. Sangston \ Co. Barthlow, i\vyn & Co. Riely & J’endletoii. Cushings X' Bailey. John Murphy Co, Moore & Griffin. STANDARD A.ND MISCELLAXEOLS ROOKH. I^W'AC.M'LAY’S, Hume's and Hobinson’s TU.s- ^Til tories of Fhigland, iu various eHtions; .Misoti's History of Europe, 4 vols: Ilnllam's , Middle Ages; Thiers’s History of the Fi"eiicli Hevtilution, 2 vols, illustrated: Tytler's t’niver- sal History, large and abridged edw: Prescott’s Ferdinand and Isabella, Mexico and Peru; La- baume's Campaign in Piussia; Co.iper s Na^al History; MansHeld’s Mexican War; Trumbull's Indian Wars: Campbell’s Lives of the Lords Chancellors of England, 7 vols; t’ampbeU's. , Lives of the Chief Justices of Fngland, 2 vols; I Lives of eminent English Judges; Lives of the I iueens of Scotland, 2 vols: Ladies’ Historical i Library, vols: Meiimirs and Woiks of Alexan der Hamilton, (J vols; Marshall's ^Vashinxton, - vols: Colton’s Life and Times of Henry Clay; ! Kennedy’s Life td' Wirt; Wirt's Life of Patrick Henry; Southey's Life and Correspondence: , Charles Lamb’s do; Autobiofrraphy if Leigh Hunt; Life and Genius of Burns: Life of La fayette, of Paul Jones, of Jackson, Taylor, .Scott, I Marion, Franklin, &c. \.c. Shakspeare's Works, in 1, 2, au‘.1 7 vols: Sheridan’s, Ben Jonson's. IJeauinoiif and I’lettdi- er's, Massitiger and Ford's. Wycherley and Con greve’s, Draniiitic Works, Eng. Illustrated Eds; iXC. &c. •lolinson's Works, and Cosweirs Life of .Tolm- Sfm, 2 vols each; llurke’s, .Vddisou's. Gohlsniith's, Sterne’s, Fielding’s, and .'Smollett’s Works; Ciold- smitli's Animated Natui-e, 2 vols; Burke's, Chat ham's, Phillips', Curran’s, and other Speeches: Modern British Essayists, 8 vols: Waverly No vels and Poetry; Irving’s Works, Putnam’s edi tion, ir» vols: (.'ooper’s .Select Works, 12 vols; Ihihver's Works; Dickens’ lo, complete in 4 vols; Gi! BLts: Don Quixotte; &o. &c. Colman’s European Life and .Manners; Lord Holland's Foreign Keminiscences; Stejiliens'f* travels in Egypt, .Vrabiii, fi:c; Wajlter ('olton’s Works; (Jrace Aguilar’s do, vi?.: Home Intlueuce, Mother's lieeompense. Vale of Cedars, &c: W'ar- ren's Ten Tho»tsan! a Year, niid Now and Then; Hyperion; Swallow Barn, by Kennedy; Alton Locke; Lavengro; Humboldt's Cosmos; lleveries of a Bachelor; Home is Home: l*aly Wortley's Travels in .\niericn; Arabian Nights; Georgia Scenes: &c. iS:c. British ami .Vmericiin Female Ports, illustra- Iiidi* Cliweoljite. Salad and Castor Oil, with | (p,|. Poetical tiuotations; Bvron's, Scott's, Mil- ;in addition to our Stock ot Hardware. S. W. TILLINGHAST & Co. Nov. -ill, is.'il. 4:;-tf FIFi-: IXSFKANCE. ^I^HE I'll leisigned hasbeiii appointed Agent " of the North Carolina Mutual Life Jtisii- rance Coiiipiiny. Every memlier for life ji.irtic- ipates in the {U-otits of the Comjiany: and the aiinu:il premium for life menibersliip, where it amounts to Si-’iO or more, may be i»aid otie-half ; in cash, and the other half in a note at 12 months. | Debtors' livi-s may be insured by creditors. .K m.-in may insure his own lit'..' fer the e\ehi.«ive benetit of his family. The lives of slaycs may be insured. This system is rajiidly growing into favor, all over the civilized world. It is one by which a famih, tor a small sum annually', may be pro vided for. after the death of its head, on who.«e excrtio7i.*i they may have been dependent for a snpjiort. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy. Explanatory pamphlets, and the necessary Blanks, furnished on apjilication. E. J. HALE. Fiivctteville. June 18.')0. 72 SrOUAGF. WMT’E have commodious brick Warehouses # w in the rear of our Store, in which w^j store cotton and other produce. D. & W'. McLAUUIN. Nov. 1, 18.31. 37-tf roN's SHIRT ^•STillLiSllMl:^T, 17!> MnrLft Strut, KAI/rillOUi:. TH'^HE largest and only i Manufacturing W hole sale Establishment iu tlie City. The capital and force eii{:ageii enables me al all times to offer to Country .Merchants and Deal ers in SHIKTS, C(iLL.VKS, LINLN and Ci)l- TON DP.AWKILS, great inducements—more than usual efforts having been made to rentier the assortment of these articles full atid com plete. The Stock on hand is large and well assorted for Men and Boys. -VII orflers from the Country attended to with pvnictuality and despatch. Ilemember the Name, and .'\o. 179 .llarket J^lreel. T. W. BETTON. August ].% 18o1. T4^pd IJlatilis of all hinds, For talc at thit. Officc. ton's, Moore's, Pope's, Cowper’s, Dante’s, Tas so's, Kirke White's, Thompson’s, Ilenians's, Burns's, Coleridge’s, Young’s, Butler’s, Mother well’s, Collins Gray and P>eattie’s, Slielley and Keats's, Chaucer and Sjiencer's, Campbell’s, Tom Hood's, Tupper's, Pollok’s, llallcck's, and 15ryant’s i’oetical W orks; \c, \.c. bibles. Prayer Books and Testaments, of va rious styles .md jiricts; Melville’s, Manning's, and Ch»iinian's Sermons: Sketches am! .‘Skele tons of Sermons; English Pulpit; Puljiit Cyclo- pelin; Leighton’s Works: Hoff'man's Canon Law; Iiick's Theology; Life of Dr Ch.ilmers, and Chal mers’s Institutes of Theology, Sermons, and Loctnre.s and .\ddrc.«sc.“; Horne on the i*sfilnis; Patrick, Lowth and Whitby’s CommentAry on the Scriptures, -1 vols: Comprehensive do, 6 vpjs; McCosh on Divine Goverument; Charriock on Divine Attributes; Neandtr s Life of CTirist; Butler's Analogy; Wilson's JIanu.il of Chnrcli Principles; Ho]'kiiison the Confessional; Pusey- ism, its ('auses and Cure; Butler’s Old Truth" and New Errors; lieatlings for Lent; Sacra Pri- vata; Clark on the Promises; llannuh More's Life and Private Devotions; Doddriiigc’s Kise and Progress; Pilgrim’s Progress, bonutifully illustrated; Baxter’s Call, and Saint’s Hest; Trench's Notes on the Parables; Buck’s Theo logical, and I'nion Bible Dictinnary: fJilfillait s Bards of tlie Bible; Peep of Day, Line upon Line, &c; Jay’s Exercists and Prayers; Thorn ton's, Berrian’s, and Barnes's Faniily Pnivers; Deenis’s Home .\ltar; Wrotipht Gold: Hawk- stone. LunetfHi Parsonage, The I'arFs Daughter, (iertrude, Walter Lorimer, find other religious tales, hy Sew ell and other nuthors, Ac, 4:c. Miss Leslie s, Soyer's, and .-Vjucricau Cook erv; Miss Leslie's .tiiJ Ali.s.s Beecher llec ipt Bonks; Mrs. H.tihIcIi^Ii’s Virginia Housewife, &c, I'te: Downing’s Ladies’ Flower Gxrden: do Fruit Trees of .\merica; Flower (Jan'eji Direc tory; Buriy's Fruit (Jurdeii; with a variety of useful work.s on Agriculture, Farming, ^.c, &c. A large stoik of School Books, Novels, Gift Books, Stationery, &c, &c. For sale at the Favetteville Bot-’k Store, by E. J. UALE \ SON. T' V (iOOl) lNVEST.A!i:.\T. IIK Subscriber wishes to sell one-half of the Fuyc-tteviTle Water Works. Neither of the present proprietors having time to give their personal attention to the property, the p»»rth«.‘«er cun have tlie ni;in«gemeiit of it, ma king it a valuii’olc invcstuitat. L'. J. il-VLE. Oct. 1,