R> 8 13 M I-W E E I£ Y l'AYl”rn;\ N. C., 1'I'.1!UUARY »l, 185->. [Nv). GT.-J PUINTKI) BV J. B. NKWHV. I'.DUAltl) J. IIALE & SOX, I'DiroUS AND rUOl’llll'.TOUS. FlU rris AND Nl f'S! I KANliKsi. Figs, Katos. ('uiTiUitf* Citron, | Ahiiciuis. Kilborts, r'razil Nuts. &c. .Iisst i-i'ccivf'l by Jan. ‘Js. fllAS 15ANKS. 00-tf r lUe Spiiii-V.’coklv Ohskuvf.r !i! t (X* if i:i a.U.Mii e: ^ I uU if paid lUjrinj: the , : or .'liter tlio has • xpirc 1. ,. \Vi(kl_\ t>«sKiivKU >!2 00 per anmiin, if J-V \ ill !ulva:ifo: .30 if p:iii.l iluriiij; the VI- ;r i^f ^ii'-'^crijuioii; or ('U after the \ car > fspiri'il. \])\ r.lvTI^K'IKNTif in.'ii'rtcd fcr sixty i-ontx larc f'lr the and thirty ccuts fur eaeh |. ; j.uii]io:itii>n. Yearly iidvcrti>ciiieuts . c uiitraets. at ri'a^on.ihlc niW-r*. Ail- :ire rcinu'steil to state the rminl'er of ^ dosireil. or they will be coiitiinicd till . i ,!i J !'harj:eii arcorJin^rly. {.^i' l.viier-i n> the r.ditur" must ])ost-) aid. r. s. Ll TTKKLOll, lorn nrdi ii;; Ag:fiif, Fayetteville, N. C. ]i',, i/ind nc(tr 'I'.^’rn for Syilv. ■ tif siiM on the 1st day of March 9 V Sixty-seveii iu res of l..\Nl*. i>>JT . ;ii. 1, lU-AUv-h. iilmui iuile> f .uui town 1 J uiiliiii liii^f 11 mile of the I’laiik lliTid to I!a- • ■; 'iuiniiii the lauds of .lul>^e Straujre. .. W liirht. C. T. llai^h. and t.'ol. Joliu \\ M.! 1N.:;. -Vurt r. 1 \1'V ifti at a r.irty. a few wt viis asro. ii iia'.r l;r:ii ' ^ t. M t witli p>'.d »:;■! t>-]>az. :i;i lie ii;i'i \ tile owner ou ai'j'lic.itiou poiN'r. W. MacIntyre offers for sale: r.Aur.Ki-s No. mackkium,. 1 1 s.Lol;> lifw IJiee. I’*) s:u k> licw liuckwli'at TV'tir. 1-! bill', white riarified Sujrar. I'rur-lied and I’ow.k red Su^ar. 7 '■ .'^j. t'ri'ix .'>ii;z;ir. b xes l.o.if J^U'jTar. ;l.:ird. viear Me?s I’ork. i '.i‘. tw k I.l. i.iT'i.ns iiich'btfd to tlio uiidersigned . ^ > iiin r b\ iiotf *ir Hcooimt ntu.-t .•'Cttle on ; r I’-e t'.r^t day of M.irch. 'I'liosi' fuilin}' ' - •. et rtuinly find their aci'^nnts in i;. ;• ..f H eolUetinp t r. JUU r.KN ’ .■■■ ■ ]'■ ':-'*tf R. I' it n .n I ^ 1 o am» ?:?.WAPiBING MESCHAWT, C. Pri'in'it ]>i rs'>na1 attention ;rivon to all I ” r;nd Cash adv.-inot-B made on Pro- ;>• >iiij)}jed to other i>ort.s sol 1 iU thi.s r..iL’. i-.v:. _ \i ir \y >rl: for tlir People. a(;i:n rs \\ \s vva). \ (’(tiii}»lt*l»‘ HiMory ofllu* lliin.un^nan War, ; .>f ouflitn IHsh.nj of Uiuf«rj, Lip "/’ Kns.oilli. iiml v. //' thf ill's'llO^crff, \'>ilh .\ntheutio l’i rtrait." and Ilhii-tratiofis. .-;ub>eribiT i? now j,iib’’>hin" theabo\e >c \:du;ib’*.- Work, and off-rs liberal term? to . -■ ,i~ \\i>«iiin" ti.i act a* 'I'ra\e!lin;; Agent.'! iu ;:ii Ci.rollsia. Ad'lres^. }....-?t [.aid. 11. M.VN;-'F1I.l.D. l’ub!;hor, 1 !1 Vork St.. New ll iveii, 't. 1 , .>. \>r/2. I. J-;5ipd >!:i/D OA'FS. \r .1. T. WADMLl/;^. • V I-. 1-:,-. '-tf 'I'lirjinttiiic Still 1: \i.l' t.i ou bbl. Still. c.m| l-te. For bv ^v: JullNSttN. .11 - I' ilik'i.J V i J). Ml.N S ind ISoy',' SAlHH.l'.S, of every ,a .;itv iitid .st>le. fioine very tine Al- ■ : . ,, 1 -i.:ir.>>, U lii|'S .iiid Wafrun Harness. K. r. 1!.VL1.. ot Home. ■1 ; . i-.'-i. •i>>Ii‘!>Ik*'i % oi’tic’Jil jsli'i* tv «»** I. ^ liKI.L :!r»- .‘•evrral hundred of these heels *• !U jiei'.tiioii iu diHorent counties in Nortii ' r. I .,r (.i- .of of liieir j:reat udvantages ■ r i"iii!i!(in tluttcr wlieel, or any other ' I. .\v in use for saw mill.'*, "e eontidently ‘ . . ■ ill.-I- Willi have iij»]>hed tlicni to their ii ; U (• can ri'commend tlieni jiarticiilarly ■ t;, ;r rity in ca.sca of a low' hcinl oi : ... k water. '' ■ 'till keep a -supply of Wheels, suitable lor General Agency and Commission Business. f Q'^llK Subscriber.s have tliis day eutereil in- fi to a c:ip:irtner.ship undi r the style ol \vjnT.\Ki;i:, \viHTFii;i.i» \ rt)., for the ]Mirpnse of doinp; n jjeneral agency and eonimi.'-siiiii Imsine.'^s. and in ollerin”: their ser vice.-^ t^i the ]iubiiu in that c.-ipaeity they ti.itter tiiein.scUOS that tliey will be able to j:ive s.itis- fac(i..n to all tin.si- who may coiisipn any goi.ds, wares, mercli-indize or country pimluce to thcni either to sell on commissions or forward. it will lie our urcatest aim to jdease, we pledge ourselvi-' to .■|.are no |..iins iu trying to give general satisiaction. '(’hey respectfully solicit the I'atfT'nage of thel. frit-nds and tiie ]iubHc gener.illy. 'I'iieir store is No. .‘! North \\ ater Street, Dickiusuu's Fire proof building, Wil mington, N. .TOHN n. WMlTAKKll, .I.V.MHS W. UINTFIFLD, A. A. 15. SOl Tll.M.L. Ilr.t K.s:—.)ohn Uawsou. Potter \ Kid der. tl. i>. Parsley, Samuel lU-ery X Sons, (.1. 11. French, :ind F.ll'.s .Mitchell. •Ian. -JO, IN'C. C.l-tf tli‘ OKI .>oi’th Arky, SiiKMWK.r.i. (’(). have just re- cei\e',la splendid assortiaent (d' .V(//t-.’;i t'ayxi- iHfn. black and grey, to which they would call the attention of the ptiblic. These goods will comi'ete in ((Uality and durability with th.- be-it of Northern t’assimeres. and are much die-i]ier. ranging from cents to -SI -•”> per y:ird. Fayetteville. N. (»ct. 11. 1^-M. ;!Otf AKt:v, !^iiivnAvs:i.i. A: i o. M-:\V FALL AM) WlNTEll (.J4>0 B>?^. a as ^ .n. o fH^HK .''ub-ii'ribers :ire nmv recei\ing direct .■ from New York and Philailelphia. the lar gest Hiid liand'iimest .''t>ick of St’ap/r (tn({ i'aurij Dry (ioods That tiiey ha\e o\er exhibited in this r.i.-irket, embracing every v»riety it l.adies and tienlle- mcn's IMvKS.'' »t()(ll>,. am"ng wliich ma\ be fi'Und: ISlaek au>l faiu\\ watered .-inil jila’.n I'rc-.- Silks; black and faTicy Coburg^: I.am.i Twills; tigtired and plain f incy ami black Mohair Lus tres; Siik at]) and t’rajie Pirncade-: ,''wis. Scotch and t'liene i.tinghants; S:i\ony lie-l.aius; French, Kiiglish and .\merican Prints; Fmb'd t'ashmeres; plain ditto; ehangealile Ue-Lains; watered and needle-w»irk * a.-iimcres; cb.-inge.a- ble Yonc!‘es; lirocade Lustres; Damask .V^iliaiis; black l!omba/ines: second-ni>airning Pi:p!ins; pluin iind wntercl Silk .Mantillas; colored and \>lack Velvet Mantillns; IJroc:, le Poplins; uud a large assortment of I'ress 'Irimmings; Freiicli «nl Knglish Merinos; \el\et Neck Ki'•bon.■^ and Cuffs, \c. KMl’.r.OlDHlUKS, Frelicli workel I'ollars nnd t'apes; French \vurki'l ("vifls; French w.ii-ked Tiemisettcs; 1 n- dcr-.'"leevcs; Swiss nnd .l.aconet Trimmings: hi- faiits' Waists and f.ips; llem-stitclu d nnd nee dle-worked Linen t'amliric llandkerchiel.s. troni 1| CIS. to S>-'; :ind a be.-iutiful assortment of Veils; evcrv variety of .'^hawls, i-mbroiilered and plain; Thread. -tt ii and Linen Kdgings and Laces; black >iik La‘e-> and Fdgings. —ALSO— lilack. blue, >irown and green French and F.nglish rioth^; black and fancy t'as^inieri»; ('ut Velvet, figured and black S.itin and \ alen- cia Vestings, some veiy h.-indsome; .''.ittinets; Kentucky .1 r'aU'; 1'wi. eds; Linseys; ^ iannels. wool al. i cotton: Osnaburgs; Uruggets; Uama.sk Table C- ths; dittn Napkins; t’entre-Table I’ov- \^>i*v tiiK*; Piano ( overs: Irish I.iiHlis: Lin en Lawt'is; Thread ('anibric-: Towellings; (’len- tlenien s Merino Shirts and Drawer-: Silk Neck anil PiK-ket ll.indkerchiels: Ladies' Merino Vests: Cashniere and Silk II. se: ditto Half-Hose; the celebrated Salem Jeans, black and grey. Ladies’. Gentlemen s and Childrcu’s BOOTS ;ind Men's. P»-ys' and Infants’ Hats and Caps. \'elvet. Satin. Straw and Florence I’onnets. Ditto ditto ditto for Misses. _\nd every arlicle usually kept in a Dry Goods Sti^re. Wc invite the public to call atid exam ine oui* large and hand.sonie Stock, as we are ul- wavs anxious to .show our Goods. /.t f'/t Sm/tii-, Ta .\ll!;v. SlILMWFl-L TO. return thanks to the riti/ens of Fay^elteville, anl the public gtneral'.y. for the very li»>eral pairon.ige hrre- lolbre b»-stowed on them, and intend, by strict attention to business, to merit a cojitnuiance. S. S. AUKV. P. SHF.MWKLL. J. K. McDONAI.D. IH.M. liltf D r : S i R A1 i L i : RI vS ID1*: N C E FOR SAI.i:. ^ H 1II F Subscriber now offers for s.ale all his jL Turjientine and Farming L.VND. contain ing about iO(t Acres, situated 12 miles Fast of Fayetteville, on the (ioldsbcrough road, com- iiKiiily known as i’alm_\ra. It lias a good dwelling house, out-buildings, i^e.. anti a store w here a large iimount of b>isi- ness is done, and increasing daily. This is :i raje chance for turpentine getters, merchants, ivc. anTl will be sold a bargain. Any one wish ing to j)urchase, and wishing further informa tion, can apply on the jiremises, to .1. W. Ml IIPUV, or P. TAVLOK, I'ayettevillc .July ll'ith, l.s.')!, btf Pl.-ink Pioad P»rid;re oii Uig Hockfish. The best | market ]>rice will bo p.-iid. For further inform- ! ation. iiKiuire of.lidin W. .Murphy, at the I’ridge, or of -V. A. .McKcthan, Fayetteville. Dec. IS. 1S.-,1. ■ -tOtf I IN srORK, f21.()r(!llS and Plough (’astings. Corn Shell- er.--, (’ultivators, .''traw t.'ulters, and Spin- niii;i Wheels. , W. L. S.MITH, C'oniii(i«!«i>ia iVlorrliant, {^Otficc ill Lazarus' IJiiih/iiaj,) WILMINC.TOX, X. C. .lan'v 18.'i2. COV K. Oct. IS, IK.-.l. J;5- {'. JI.\LL. of Kome. ;i:!if 1^7 31 fff’ffirlflr Hffffl, !• AViyr ri-A iLLi:. n. v. arge and splendid Pnilding has now i been iu successful operatitiu since Nlay Is P.*. 'I’he liedding and Furniture of all kinds is new, and the rooms convenient and pleas.int. The Table is always furnished with tiie best the market affords, aided by a tine vegetable garden. Hoarders, Lodgers. ;inil Travellers will fiml de sirable acConinioii:itiiiii.» ami attenti\e servants. No p liils will lie spar«'d to gi\e entire s:it'3f,iC- tii'ii. F.iniiVies can be furnished with large, airy, I'ront double r«>oms, convpnielitly and hand somely furnished. .\n experience of '2u _\eavs will enab1i> the Ics- 'ce. she hopes, to give '.;eneral satKsfaciion. ANN P.ItoWN. ■lun.- 1, 1-^-tf NKW TROP MOLASSHS. IlilDS.. a prime article. .Vlso, 1 ch‘st of choice Imperial 1’F.\. For sale by H. l>l{.VNSON vV SO.N. .lan'y lit, l.sr>2. i'>7tf Ji s'i' in:( M.\L.\(I.\ KAlSlN.'s, boxes and half ditto, liutter Cr.ickers. burrels and half bbls. Picnic do. half bbls. llvson Ten. S. W. TII.LINGHAST CO. .I.'»uy 19, l.‘»r,2. .57tf i,A XI)' 1* OR SA Li:. r IIF subscriber offers for sale his tract of E- LAND, on wiiich there is a good dwelling and other out houses, saw !ind grist mill, lyin.ir on the Flizabeth road, nine miles from Fayette ville nnd two and a half miles from Cape Fear I!i\er. To Turpentine getters it affords :i rare chance, as there ar‘ ‘.•.ono boxes already I'Ut, and from :{0 t.) JO.(M)0 might btill be ojiened. It is also a good location for a Turpentine Distillery. Terms liberal, and m.ide known on sipplie.-i- tion. NATllANIFL McAUTlll'U. .lan’y I'.t. l^^'.li. ^7tf Carolinian copy. SirvwK. WING, with several ithi‘rs. been burnt out on the morning of the oil iiist.int, I W 'liild c;irncstly re|Uest persons indebted to me, either by note or account, to call and settle, as I am in need of nionev. Ai.FX'R McL.VT'CllLIN. .lan’v I'.t, 1S,')‘_'. .')7tf WJNTKR SI PIM.Y. E are novx- receiving our winter supply of Goods, 15 doors below the M.arket House, S(juth side Persim street, where may be found the following articles: Sugar of all gradt s, Cotl'ee, 5 llhds. (Juba Molasses—sweet, 3 lU)ls. Syrup—a sup'-rior article, Green and Pdack Tea.s, (’lieese cif three di.leri iit ijualitics, Kice, Pepper and Spice, l{oj)e ;ind IJagging, tiO Hbls. .Mackerel. Shoes and IJoots of extra large size. Shovels. .Spades am' Forks, Corn IMoiighs and I 'lints, Axes of the best brands, Knives and Forks, Niiils nnd Iron. .'^O.ItiMl lbs. Cotton Yarn. With a great many other articles cheap for (Jash or exchanged for Produce. C.il! and see. CROSS CIll’.FK CO.. C. P.eiibow, Pres’t. Dec. 20. l.V,l. ."iO-tf orCdtic li- .Manners, as ))resi‘rved among tlic High landers, being an historical and di scriptive :ic- ciuint of the inhabitants, antiijuities, aiifl na tional peculiarities of Scotland, by James Lo gan. Just received and for .sale by K. J. llALi: & SON. C. T. IIAKJII & SON OFKKH I'OR sale: ^ lAV Orleans, I’orto Hico, Refined, Crushed. « Loaf.nnd Havana Sugar. Rio. Laguira, and old (.iov't .Java Coffee. Duntlee. Gunny, ami liurlajis Bagging. Roj'C and Twine. Iron, Nails. Sjilt. Molnsses. (.'heese :nid Raisins. lilacksmiths' Tools, Axes, Spades, .''Lu\els, lloes. «>c_\tiies. Trace and Halter Chains. I’and iiiid Hoop Iron. V.'hite Lead in Oil. Spanish P.rown. Red Lead. (ilass. Putty. Huekots, i’roonis. .^lackerel, in b.-irrels nnd hall ditto. N'egio Shoes. Tamur.s’ Oil. Tin Plate. ^Vire. Sufieriior Green and lil.-ick Teas. .'salcrafus. .''o.ip, ."'nuff. Peptier. (iinger. Spice. Nutmegs. S’l erm ind .\dam:intine C.-indles. P>ar Leaii. .Shot, Powder, &c. cS;c. Nov. 2S, IS.-.l. 41tf w noi.KSAT.f: Walcli and Jewelry Store, 1.. II. MIIJ.ER vV CO.. liiijturfers, Manujocti:rr.rg arii/ Juhhrri oj Jvicilry, and Fancy Goods, Jlavc leased the Old Sin.nd formerly occupied by Mcasrn. ('anfield. Rruther Co., Houih J-Jdfi rnriier of Chorl(» ahj lialtw'^ore t'retts, (No. 227.) which thev are putting in complete order for the WHOLESALE Vw\TCH ANi» JEWEJ.RV liL'SlNL-'S, to be opei.cd ubout tuo 20th of .1 uly. In calling the atteiilion of the trade to the new concern, we liieiitioii the fact that vre ftro a.ssociated with one of tlio nu-st e.xtcnaive Jew elry Manufacturing Establishments iu the coun try, which must give a ilecided advantage over uli others in this mar’Ket f» r supplying licalcra with Jewelry ut niannfacturcrs’ prices, .i featuro in this branch of trade long since needed -bo tween l’»altiinore and the .Southern and V.'cstorn Merchants. We desire to call jiarticnlar rittentioTi to tho all times be i;i’.\MS Medium sire. P.hie. tor Cotton Yarns. From .M;infeo P.iper Mi'.'.s. R.ileigh. For sale low bv ‘ 11. i;ran.''ON \ SON. JulV IS.'ll. otf m:\v (;oo!>s. !! r.’' !’ received, mv Fall .su[ ply ot ('LOTH.''. •3 I \SSIMEKES and \ FSTIN(;S. IRIM- ^llNi,'s, .VC., tif the best niiality. from New Vr rk. .\lsii, the latest Report of the New York FASHIONS. 1 still ("titimic f" (arry >>n tin* T.\lL(tRl.\(i lU .''INE.''.'^. at m> .''taiid on Hay stri ct, and th. sc who may tavor me with th* ir custom may relv on h:i\ing their work done in a neat :;iid*f.i'hion:;ble st\le, and on the most I'aviirablc terms. ARCHIP.ALD (JRAH AM. tict. 27. l'''.l. "Jti' roiJAC'co. ;i(tOl) ,^TO('i\ iin hand; and 1 shall re- ci‘i\e regularly, from Nicssr-^. .loiu-s X Co's Fa-!orv. ipialitics assorted from rommoii to vcrv fine, whii'h 1 will sell at lowi'st manulac- luriugjirices. J. ITI.EV f.'itf Fayetteville. Sept. l'» Bi>al SOI I'll K K N I'. I!, ■ W7 ILL be in order to take her jdace in the ▼ ¥ line iu a few days. She is one hundred and twelve I'eet long, seventeen feet beam, and four feet hold; and draws not exceeding twelve inches water. TheComp.iny conlidently espect that witli //(/■' a at. in addition to tUHr other .Steamers and tow boats, they will bj- in a con Fayettevi’.le, .\jiril I!. 1S.'»1. nO(Vr-MA KKIiS. ilO want a superior article of 0:ik Tan T V SOLE LFA TIIFR. with French and .\mericau C.VLF SKINS, can be supplied at our Store. J. T. WADltlLL. Nov. IS.'.l. -41tf XATIONAI. SKIMK.S OF ^tn:ilnrl .^eUool l5ook«, PUBLISHED BY A. S. BARNES Co.. ■|! .lohn stii-et. New York. HE attention of School Teachers. School fi Committees, and the friends of Edueut’ioi. generally, are invited to the following valuable '1 ext Books for Schools, Academies and Colleges; DAVIE.S' MATHEMATICS. Retail prices. Davies'' First Ltssons in .\rithnietic, Davit-s' School .\rithmetie. Davies' (Jr.immar of Arithmetic, Davies I'nivcrsity Arithmetic, Davies' Element.iry Algebra, Davies' Elementary Geometry and Tr c- onometry. Davies’ Practical Geometry and Mensu ration, D.ivies’ Bourdon’s Algebra, 1 Davies’ Lesrendre’s ftcometry, new edition 1 Dasies’ Elements of Surveying, 1 Davies' Logic of .M.-ithematics, 1 Ch.imbers' Tre;isiiry of Knowledge, Cl.-irk's Elements of Drawing. Chambers’ Natural Philosophy, Reid and Bain's Chemistrj; und Electricity, Hamilton’s Vegetable and Animal Phys iology, Chamber.s’ Elements of Zoology, I’jige's Elements of Cieology, Parker’s First Les.sons in Natural I’hilo- sophy. Parker’s Compcmliuui of .School Philo sophy, Mclntire'on the Use of the Globe.s, i'WWU \(IK MAKIX(J. f Bjl 111’, subscribers have just opened an Es- B tablishment for C.\R|{| \!E M.VKl.NG. in all il- various br:inelu‘S in this pl:ice, with ♦■ve ry faeilitv for conducting the sa;iie. In :ill the departments of wood-work. )>aint- irig, trimming and iron-work, they h;ne expcri- enee.l workmen, and the whole will receive their undivided attention. 'I’hey have purcha'icd the right of Hubb;ird s Pati'ut for Buggy springs, v h eh is highly re- ci.mmen led as a very gre.it im]>rovi nient. They will warrant all work ;roing from their Establishment ei|U.il in n|ipearance and durabil ity to any bine in the State.- Thev onlv ask a trial. iv',;;,! ; kuoi;ki!s& i;r.\.v .laii'y 12, ls')2. ■)i-2m Sale of Lots for Taxes. 4GREE.\P>LV to an order by the Court of Pleas and (Quarter Sessions of Cumberland CountV, Decem'ier Term, 1S->1. I will expose to public sale, for cash, at the i'oiirt House in FavctteviUe. on tiie 1st Monday iti March next, the follow ing lots, or sindi parts thereof as will pay the taxes ilue the town nf l-a\ettc- ville for IS'ilt. and all accruing expenses, viz; 1 Lot on Court House Stiuare, .Jno. Stewart, valued sjJl '.iKl, tax N'.t .',0. 2 Lots on Mumford and Robinson Streets, Adam Wynne, valued •'SKKIO. tax >!-i '0. G. DDMING, Collector. Fayetteville. Dec. Term. IS.'il. .»0-tf E. C. llALJi, or i:o-'iK, of Ha/L Sarh-rtf (f- ('n., j tS now receiving his F.al! STO( K of (iOOD!^. j consisting of a general assortment of j Drv Cioods, S:ui(ll('i V. I lats. C'aps, j SIkx's. 1 lartlw arc, (Jroccrics. 1 \ much larger and more general stock than ever opened on the E.'ist side of the Cape Fear —whiidi he is jirepared atid determined to sell to |>unctunl customers, either at wholesale or retail, at greatly reduce*l jiriees. woiihl call p:.rticular att(Mitioii to his stock (if I50(.)TS ,\.ND ."'HttE.'^. The assortnieiit is unusually large, and of e\ery quality and style; and hax ing been bought for Cash, he can and will sell them very luw. You that wish Bargains will tind it to your int-rest to give the Stock an examination before buying el.'cwhere. .Mwa\s oil hand, a gener.tl sto»-k of GROCl’- RILS. Oct. is. is.'ii. ;:2tf lYfi! Tea! Tea!! S CHEST YcUNG HYSON, 1 ditto (iiinpov.der, 1 Catty Imperial, For sale iiy CHS. P..\NK.S. (let. 2s. 1S')1. -‘M-tf NKW I IR M. undersign'd have entered into eopart- ji. nership, under the name and style ot |jawri**ifo ^ Troy, For the pi'.riiose of doing a general Mercantile and Bart»'r liusiness. W e h.-ive taken the ."'tore. .No. 10 (iREE.V .S’l'KEiyr. formerly occupied by .Messrs. .John HusUe .V .'son. GEO. W. LAWRENCE, i JOHN B. TROY, Jr. Oct. 22. is.')i. ;'.:’>;f Wi// hr /'■ irri/ />// th jir./ n\>’ in the Jiirtr, mr tons of SWEDES IRON, bv 9j> E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. IS, lS"il. o2tf Watch lo)iartmeiit. which will ;it I sup])lied with a groat assortment from the most {§ UST published. Vol. 12 Law, and Vol. 7 : celebrated inamtfactiirers, and kept in perfect CJ# Eiiuity. Price -'lO and n:!. These are i running order, so that purchasers may .it once small volumes, in consenucuce of the Reporter ' t.ake them, with a written guarantee that they making new arrangements for publishing. i will perlorm correctly. Bound vols. exdi:inged for Nos. as usual. This branch ot the business will rccci^c tie E. J. il .VLF^ c'c SON. I especial attention of one of the firm, whose ex- Dec. T.t, lh.')l. I tensive and practical knowledge of the liiisine.ss will, we hope, give us a place in the eoiilideut,« • Jlr Bj(i ttrln i RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. 10ME in to the Cheap Store. North iiml buy new Dry (itiods. Clothing, Hats and Cajis- ide of I iirner. .Uso, Rciidy-made great variety. ISAAC DODD. 37-lf IH 00 .■)0 38 1 00 ; heads of water, at W ilmington. New- transport all freight sent by their line J’ult„n \ Eastman's ('opy Books (Nos. 1. ■siruigtoii. F.denton yiid Fayetteville, i- ' ill • '.« may also be had of E. Brevard, * ' i.[. 11. ;aid Uriah Weils. Petersburg. Va. 1'- r-. ,-hing to obiain the right to use the ■. V. ■ be served on iipidicati«iii to D. 'li'' ' \ Co., Fa\. ttevillc. N. D. .McNElLL. A. A. .McKETHAN. D. J. .McALlSTElL F.i.'y :;j, ISP.i. oH-tf Seooad Fall and Winter Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots, Umbrellas, BoiinetSj &c.j for 1851. with as niucli certainty and despatch as any line upon the river. The Southerner being of such light draft of water, she will be enabled to run at all times. G. DEMING, Prcs’t. R. M. ORltELL, Agent. Jan'y 2S, 1R.32. ^^J-tf NOTK’K. •J ami :i, Fulton Eastman's Penmanship, Fulton & Eastman's Book-k»;eping (Sin gle and Double Entry) Brooks’ First Latin Lessons, Brooks’ 0\id’s Metamoridioses, lirooks’ Collectanea Evangelica, Brixdcs' First (Jreek Lessons, Parker’s First School Reader each 10 nilE partnership heretifore existing under p,u-ker's Second School Reader, L the name of J. H. K. F. Muri)hy is this p.irker's Third School Reader, the name of J. H. K. F. Murphy dav di.ssolved by mutual consent. All those indebted to the firm, by note or account, are requested to call at R. F. .Mur phy's, and settle before the I'jth of February next, and thereby save cost. .\nd those having Parker’s Fotirth School Reader, Parker’s Rhetorical Reailer, Martin's Othoepist, words of pronunciation, NortheiiiFs Little Speaker, difficult ■ \!li: ,v W IL*L1.\MS beg t-nve to announce ‘ claims against the iinn are requested to present Northeiid's .Unericaii Speaker, ^ '■ tiieir customers, and .all thos; \isiting I !'. e to buy Goods either at wholesale or ■ ' ■ ■ that (hey are now receiving their seeond ' i'!' . "f Fall anil Winter Goods, which will be ' it till- lowest prices for cash, or on the usu- tiMie lor froo l paper. '>'■ n :.],i-ct(|illy invite the attention of Coun- 0'. ^Ifri'liaiit.': to our new stock of f!ools. as we ‘"'•1 •I'-iured th;.t we can offer inducements u«- -'ir|,a',-e,l by ;iny wholesale house in this town. S. .V w. ol. is.-ii. r«tf them iuiJuediately. J. W'. MURPHY. K. F. MURPHY. (Kitf .Tun’y 26, 1852. I’OBACCO. PRIME North Carolina und Virginia Chew ing Tobacco, by the Box and retail. ,'.0 o 00 .'.(1 :')tt 1 • J 2') t;:; 7o 37 2') •;:{ f):5 1 37 1 2”. Nov. 1. BSol. I'llOS. II. TII,l,I.N(;il.\ST, isaoii-isi-^'isa^K. Anderson St., Fayetteville, N. C., OI’POSITK MU. V,'. \VI.N> bow’s I..WV OFFICi:. Music neatly boun I at short notice. Pamphlets aii.i i'eriodieals bound, and old Books re-bound, in a substantial manner. Dec. 8. l«-jl. i'itf Aroy, A: €>«. Have one inece extra fine 7-4 black French CLOTH, to which they would call the attention of the public. Oct. \r>, 1S.-)1. •'!2tf |()(),0()() .\crcs \’alii:il)Io r 1 M n K R I. A N I) s FOR SALE. ' [J ' II 1C .''■ubscriber has purchased all the Lands M behmging to the Estate of Abram Duboi.s. dec'd, lying principally in Robeson county, and on both sile.s ol Lumber River, the diherent sui- veys ci'ntainiiig Ov('r Acres; ■\ largo I'art finely Timbered, and convenient to Luniircr River, where a large (piantity of Tim ber is now rafted to the Georgetown market. These Lands are very valuable both for the Timber anl Tnriientine. for which purpose a large p.art is well suited, being in a region whrrcthe Turpentine yields more abundantly than anv other section of the State. The I.aiids will be sold at a low jirice, and in quantities to suit purchasers. Information respecting the title can^ be ob tained bv applying to the Hon. Rolu’rt .'^trange, Hon. Jaa. (’. Dobbin, or .\. A. T. Smith, Esq., (Attorneys at Law.) 1 undeVstaml there are many trespassers on these Land.s, to all of whom notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforced against all such offenders. Application for any part e*f the Lands can be made to m\ >elf, or to John Winslow, Esq., who is duly authorised to make sale ot the same. THOS. J. CURTIS. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 1, 184.5. 70tf J). cV 1 A RE now receiving a large nnd general as- sortment of STAPIJ-: ANl) FAX(’V 1>HV liOODN, IlARDWARi: cV cr'l'Ll.RV. —ALSO— 7'» b.-igs Rio, Laguira ;mu1 Java (’offee, 10 hhils. Sug.-ir, 7'> piece" Cotton Bagging, .')0 coils Bale Rope, lOlt kegs N.ails, assorted, S tons Swedes and English Iron, r>(MI sacks Liverpool .''alt. With Loaf, ('rushed, Powilered ami Cirannlatel .Sugars; (ireen Tea; Pejiper; Spice; Ciingpr: Powder; Shot; P»ar Lead; Table Salt; Bar and Fancy Soaps. W ith a great v.iriety of other articles, to which we invite the attention of pur chasers at wluilesale or retail, as low as any other house iu the place HOOK lUXDKUV. i ^\. H.VRDIE h.'is resumed the I’ook , Binding Business iit the new Store next i door to .Mr. Be.-isley. .Jeweller, where he will re- ' ceive nnd execute binding in any style desired. .\ugust 1. 27tf I DR. LITTLE'S COMPOUND TONIC PILLS, ' For the cure of children and hiilf-growii jiersons of Pale and ('ad.»verous Habits. .Siip|)ressed ; or Painful Menstruation, Loss of .Vjipetite, i Torjiid or (,'onfined Bowels, Swelling of the | Feet and Legs, Emaciation, Paljiitation of i the Heart, ..Vc. j By the use of these pills Iw has often cured j every disease of this imjiortant class, which are , alv..-i\s connected wiih, ir dependent upon, a • w t; k or enerv.ated state of tlio digestive organs, j Those who are .-ifilicted with the diseases enn- : mer.tled. need only to try them to realize their | good cirect; and that too. in the use of a single box ot the jiills. although it may take s‘veral boxes to cure them. The Compound Tonic Pills never njiusoate the stomach, or disagree with the bwwels. nor i. they require jiarticnlar attention, except to take one three times a day regularly. In no less degree of success h.-ive ^ these piils been used in cases of feinules. w hose ; habits are not well established. Dr. Little—Dear .'^ir: I’or over four years Ij was afllicted v.ilh an exceedingly obstin.-ite and | painful ulcer on the inside of my ancle, from whii li I sut]'( red extreme torture; Jind having iijiplicil to sever.-il jihysicians, be.sides using many of the j>:itent ••nostrums of the day,” without any relief, and fearing, from my grow- iii'j; wor.se every tlay. that my last res^>rt would be to the surgeon, to ai.iputnte my leg. I was induced finally to try yoiir valuable Tonic Bit ters and Comjiound Tonic Pills. From the use ot which I .soon found relief, and in less than one month was entirely well; and I have enjoyeil uninterrupted health ever since, which lias been about a year ago. Truly \ ours, HENRY TEMPLES. Wilkinson co.. Geo.. June IS-'jlt. The fac simile of the signature of Dr. W. G. Little will be found upon the outside wrapper of e:ich of his Medicines. Sold wholesale and retail, by the Proprietor, at his .Manufacturing Dejiot. No. 2i‘.4 .Market street, Philadeliihia. and Macon, Georgia. I'o be had al.so of J.-imes Cain. Rockfish; ,\. Watson. Floral College; Townsend iS: Doug lass. Picnnettsville; Dr. I’. .M. Cohen. Ch.irles- ton; C. C. Barbee, Barclaysville; P. F'. I’escud, Raleigh. S. J. HINSDALE, Agent for Fayetteville. D. .V W. Oct. ti, IS.'il. DAIKV McLAURlN. 2Stf A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of HOLLOW- % ware, by E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18. 18.3l‘. o2tf NO ric i:. A I.L persons indebted to the sui.scriher for /-jL Goods ]>urchased at Floral College, are re- (juested to make immediate jiayment, either to Mr. Hugh Mc.Vrn in the neighborhood, or to himself in Cheraw. T>. B. McARN. Cheraw. Dec. 20, ISol. -lO-ti North CarolinaKerseys. A REY, SHEMWELL CO. h jvist vi‘- ocivo'l fi hirjjo lot •*SaK‘iu Kcrsovs,' known to all of »Mr s hh t!u‘ lu'st for iiojiroos tlint arc oiT*M'c*l in tliis iiiarki't.— Those who have been waiting, had better come and get supplied, as thev arc going off rapidly. Fayetteville. Dec. 1-3, 1H.')1. 48-tf SoulSierii ^iaiiuiacliire. J E Iulvc formed a comjianv styled the LIv'^SONS IN MTSIC. B" II. WHITAKER would respectfully in- JLj* form the citizens of Fayetteville and vi cinity. that he has again commenced giving Les sons on the Piano Forte. He returns his th.inks for the liberal ji.-itron.-ige heretofore received, and humbly solicits :> continuance ot the sjinie. .Vll pains .shall be taken for the adsancenient of his pupils. Initrui-tion also given on the Guitar. Pianos tuned and repaired in the best manner. L. II. WlUf.VKhR. .\ugust 24. lS.')(t. Ji4tt NK\\~ c ARiMyn^. ROLLS Brussels. Ingrain and Stair Carjieting. new and fashionable Pat terns. just received. —LS()— 1') ke"S .''pikes and large N.iils. i;') boxes Raisins, ;;o bags .Shot, Indigo. Chi^colate, Sal.’id and (’.stoi^ (,)il, with an addition to our .Stock of Hardware. S. W. TlLLlN(iHA.'T 5c ('O. Nov. 2), IS.-.l. 43-tf \AVVs INSURANCE. of buyers. We respectfully invite you to call upon ’is when you next visit our ciiy, confilently Ue- lie\ing that :in examination of our Goods will jirove to you that they are better styles Mid chea]*er than you have ever seen in this mur:iet, and assure you that no effort shfill be v.ai.tinp; on our jiart to in;ikc the acijuaintance »>nc of mutual benefit. L. H. MILLER it CO. Old Stand, formerly occnpitd by Canfield. Bro. .'c Co., S. E. cor ner of (’h.irles Baltimore .Hta. Baltir.iore, June I80I. 14-io UEFERENt ES: Messrs. AVyetli, Blacklock \ Co. Gwyn, Reid I'c Taylor, •Tames Hoilges ]>rother. llurst X Berry. Murdoch. Duer 5c Evr.iis. Stellmanit »sc iliiiricli.s. Sangston k Co. Barthlow. Gwyn & Co. lliely 1.V Pendicton. Cushings .‘c Bailey. John Murjihy iV Co. Moore iic (■ t iffin. STASD.\RD AND MISCeIusBiI IS O OKS. ACAULAV’S. Hnnie’s und Robinson’s His tories of England, in varifius editions; Alison's History of Europe, 4 vo’s: Hallnm s Midlle Ages; T liers’s History of the French Revolution, 2 vols, illustrated: Tytler'.s Uni', er- sal History, large and abridged eds; I’resci.itt’d Ferdinami and lsaV)ella. Mexico and Peru; Ln- : baume's Campaign iu Russia; Cooper’s Niivftl History: .Mansfield’s Mexican War; Trumbull's Indian W ars; Campbell's Lives of the Lords Chancellors of Fhigland, 7 vols: Campbell a ; Lives of the (Miief .justices of Engl.ind, 2 vol.s; j J.ives of eminent English Judge's: Lives ol tiiP I (Queens of Scotland. 2 vola; Ladies’ Historiciil ■ J..ibraiy. H vols; Mem.iirs and Works of .\lexnn- ■ dcr Hamilton, 0 vols; .Marshall's Washington, 2 vols; Coltvin’s Life and Times of Henry CUy; ; Kennedy's Life of Wirt; W irt's Life of Patrick Henry:' Southey’s Life nnd Correspondence; Charles Lamb's do; Autobiogmphy of Leigh ; Hunt; Life «ml Genius of Burns; Life of La fayette, of Patil Jones, of J.ickson, Taylor, i-COtt, Marion. F’ranklin, iScc. icc. Shaksjiearc's AVorks. in 1, 2, Rnd 1 rols; Sheridan s, Ben Jonson'.s. Beaumont and Fletch er's, Massinger and Ford’s, Wycherlej’and Con greve's, Lirumiitic orks, Eng. lllustriitcd Edsy \c. &c. Johnson's Works, ,'^ind Bi-swcirs I.ife of John son, 2 vols each; Burke' 5, .Vddi.son's. Goldsmith’s, Sterne’s. Fielding’s, and Smollett's Works; (-old- smith's .Vnimated Nature, 2 vol.s; Burke's, Chat ham's, Phillips'. Curran’s, nnd other Speeches; Modern British F’ssayist.s, 8 vols; Vtaverly No vels iiiid Poeti-y: Irving's Works, Piitnfini’s edi- tim. I-') vols: Cooper's Select Works, 12 vols; Bulwer’s Wor’Ks; Dickens' do, coniplet? :U‘l voli; Gil Bias: Don Quixotte: ,vc. AiC. Colman's Fjuro]>eaii Life and Manners; Lor J Holland's Foreign Reminiscences; Stephens’s tr.’ivels in F^gvpt, -Vrabia, »Iicc; alter Coltou’;? Works; Gnice .\guilar s do, viz: Home Influence, Mother s Rycc.mpeuse. Vale of (^cdars. icc; War ren's Ten Thousand a Y ear, fuid Now itnd Then; Hyperion: .'•^wallow Barn, by Kennedy; Alton Locke; Lavcngro: Humboldt s Cosmos; Ileveries of a B:ichelor; Home is Jjoiue; l.ady Wortley’s Travels in America; Ar.abian Nights; Georgia Scenes: iSoc. &c. British und .Vmerican Female Poet.?, illustra ted; Poetical (.Quotations; Byron s, Scott’s, Mil- i ton'.s, .Moore's. Pope's, Cowper’s, Dante’s, Tas so's, Kirke V>'hite'a, Tbompsion's, Hemans'e, Burns's. Coleridge’s. Young's. Butler's. Mother well's. Collins Gray and Beattie’s, Shelley and Keats's, Chaucer and Spenccr's, CunipbcU'i*, Pollok's, Halleck's, ^■^HE Undersignel has been apiiointcd .\gent | Tom Hood's, Tupper s, Pollok s, 1 -■ of the North C.-iro’ina Mutual Lil'e Insii- 1 Bryant s Poetical Works, \c, &,c. rince Coiii]>anv Every n\ember for life ]vartic- Bibles, Prayer Books and i estanicnts, of va- iivites ill the ,;-ofits of* the (’onipanr; and the I rions styles and }.nccs; Melville S. Manning 3, •innual i>rcmium for life inembershiin where it ! and Chapman's Sermons; Sketches and Skcle- amouuis to ;:!0 or more, may be paid one-half! tons of Sermons; hi.glish Pnlpit; Pulpit Cycio- in cash, and the other half in a note at 12 months. Northend's School Dialogues, i Willard’s History tif the U’nited States, ; Willard's Universal History, ! Zacho’s New American Sjieaker, ' Anv of the above Books nan be found at the ' Bookstore of E. J. Hale & Son, Fayetteville. , Jan’y 1, 18.')2. J. & T, m:w (;o(>i)s, 'III 111 ut th‘ (’i’i)lliiiiif Sfitrf of •I. .M. WHITE .S; UNDERHILL. 1--VJ (;itf WADDILL. ;’.4-tf October 21851, DAir.Y KXPKi Ti:n. *3 TONS of HOOP IRON, suitable for Spirit barrels, by E. C. H.VLL, of Rome. Oct. 18, 18.M. ;-!2tf _ Blank Warrants for sale here. Swal- NEW HOOKS, Kossuth, Life and speeches, 2-')C, low Barn, by Kennedy; Theory nnl Prac tice of Teaching; Archbishop Leighton 8 W orks: Turner's Discourses on Scriptural Pniphecy; Harper's Magazine, bound vols.; Anthon s Clas sical Dictionary, &c. E. J. HALE & .SON. Fcb’y 2. NOriCH. The I’tiMic iiro intVirincd that tlio subscriber is the auth.rised Agent of McKINSTRY’S PORTABLE SAW MILLS, manufactured in Washington City, of 20 horse i)ower engine, loc^miotivc boiler, which are the only actual Portable Saw Mills he has ever seen —no brick being u,sed in their erection. Those in watit of these Mills will find it to their ad vantage to call on the subscriber. Mr. McKin- stry informs him that Geo. I’tigo & ( o. haye never m.inufactured a Portable Engine like the above, and therefore their right is in no danger of being infringed upon, as there is no necess'- tv of doing HO in this age of improvement. ^ II. Cr. HALL. i’ityetteviliOi Dec. 10, l&jl. -ITtf .‘'now Camp Manufacturing Comii.iHV of Alamance ('ounty. North Carolina, two miles West of the Cane Creek Cotton Factory, on Cane Creek, at the Foundry owned by David Dixon I't Brothers, and wot Id resvectfully announce to the citizens of .\lamaiice and the adjoining Counties, that we are now ])repared to Manu facture in the neatest and best st\le-—W heat I'hrashing Mnchincs. from two to six horse power: Cutting Machines of dill'erent sizes; Wool C.irding Machines; double and single .Mill nnd Factory Gear; Saw und (irist Mill Irons; edire Tools; Cotton Yarn and Wool Lolls, &.c. Persons w ishing to jturchase would ilo well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as wc are determined to sell cheap for cash, or on time to punctual dealers. Our long experience in the Manufacturing Business enables us to feel no hcsit.ition in saying that our work shall not lie surpassed by any shop in the South. All letters addressed to the .Agent of the Company at the Snow Camp P. (>., Alamance County. N. C., will receive prompt attentien. DAVID DIXON, Agent of the S. C. Manufacturing Company. Snow Camp. Dec. ^i, 1851. 47-*^in Debtors' lives may be insured by creditors. ,\ man may insure l.is own life for the exclusive benefit of his family. The lives of slaves may be insured. This system is rajiidly growing into favor, all over tho civilized world. It is one by which a family, for a sniiill sum annually, may be ]>ro vided'for. after the death of its bead, on whose t xcrtions they may have been de)>etident for a siqijiort. It is a gooil investineiit of money, even if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy. Explanatory pamphlets, and the necessary Bl.inks, furnished on application. E. J. HALE. F'ayetteville. June 18'>0. 72 1!i:tt()N’s SHIRT i:ST.tl}li!SiniF.NT, 170 Mar/.rt iStn'f, K.ti/ri.noRE. fHE largest nnd only STORAGK. WE have commodious brick Warehouses in the roar of onr Store, in which we store cotton and other produce. D. i Vi. McLAURlN. Mcv 1, 1831. 37-tf 1HE 1 argost Manufacturing Whole sale Establishment in the City. The capital and force engaged enables me nt all times to otter to Country Merchants .ind Deal ers in SHIRT^, COLL.ARS. LINEN and COT TON DRAWER.S, grcjit inducements—more than usual efforts having been made to render the assortment of these articles full and com plete. Tho Stock on hand is large and well assorted for Men and Boys. All orders from the Country attended to with punctuality and despatch. jggg*" Remember the Name, and I\'o. 179 Market Street. T. W. BETTON. •Angnst 1-5, 14-yopH p‘dia; Leighton’s Works; lloffnian’d Canon Law; Dick's Theology: Life of Dr Chalmers, and Chal mers’s Institutes of Theology, Sermons, and Lectures and .Addresses: Horne on tho Psalms; Patrick. Lowtli and Whitby’s Commentary o» the .Scriptures, 4 vols; Conipn.hensive do, 0 vols; McCo.sh on Divine Government; Cliamock oh Divine Attributes; Neandcr's Life of Christ; Butler's .Analojry: AVilson's Mnnu.al of Cliurcli Pi-inciplcs: Hopkins on the Confe'sionnl; Pusey- ism, its ('auses and Cure; Butler's Old Truths and New Errors; Headings for Lent; Sacra Pri- vata; Clark on the Pronrlses; Ilann.A More's Life and Private Devot!6n5: Doddriuj^c’s Rise and Progress: Pilgrim’s Progress, beautifully illustrated: Baxter’s Call, and Saint’s Rest; Trench’s Notes on the I’.TraTiles; Buck’s 1 heo- logicnl, and Union l>il>’c Dictionnry; Oilfilian’s Bards of the Bible: Pctp of Day, Line np Ti Line, &c; Jay's Exercises «ni Pr.'xyers; Thoi-n- ton’s, Berrian’s, and r.arncs’s Family rrdyer.-=: Deems’s Home .Altar; Wronfht Gold: Ha^k- stone. Lanettni Parsonage, The I’arl's Daughter. Gertrude, Walter Lorimer, and otLcr rf-iigious tales, by Sewell and other authors. Sic, &c. Miss Leslie's, Soyer's, .ind American f ook- ery; Miss Leslie’s and Mis.s Beecher f Recc-ipt Books; Mrs. Bandolph’s A irpinia Jlmiycw iio, &c, &c; Dovning’s Ladies’ Flower G-irilcn. do Fruit Trees of .Amcric.T; Flower (lardcn Direc tory; Barry's Fniit Garden; J-'tnety ol use’ful works on Agriculture, f arming, &r, ^c. A Mock of Books, Stationery, Hlaiiks of all Tor ealc at Office. Fajetteville Book Store, by Iv. V . For sale at the HALF. & .«-ON. )^> 0 I .N’V kst-M en t.~ mSlIE Subscriber vrishes to scH on^-ha’f '•■f B the Fa^-etteville Water Works. Neither of the present propriet^irs having time fo gi^e their personal attention to the purchaser can have the management of it, ma king it a valuable imcslnieut. ^ ^ Oct 1, Jfcl.

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