SEMI-WBEKIi Y. FAYKTTKVII.I.K, N. C., I'l'.liUUAUY 20, 1852. [XO. (58.] I'UlNTKr r>Y J. 1?. NKWBY. ,;i)\V\l!l) J. HALE & sox, ni'irou? .sNi> rKoi’uiLToKS. bv I'ob'v 18VJ TOllACCO. I NOTICE. ‘.'•ol c,.partiier«Lip heretofore oxi.stin- «u- UM)k & l\\\ lOll. . I. aer the name ot'J. A. Kowl,.„.l & O-., is ' this (lay di.ssolveil bv luiituul consent. I’OXK.S low prieeil Tobacco, for shIo •'.ir till’ iu'Si'ini-" crklv Uhskhvkr 1 (.K) if; ,1\ niii'o: >1 rlii- I .')0 if i>!U(l durinj' tlic lii.n; ur after the vcur has# From the Federal I iii"n. TONIC lUTTKKS AND VF.UKTACLH These ineilieines are used togetlier, for curing diseases of this clns.s; beinpr not only strength- ening and invigoriiting in their effects, hut giv ing healthy ti>ne and action to the stomach and , I bviWc'.s. ‘ ^ ^ There are iminy person.s in every eomm\inity Weekly Oii>Kiivt;u 00 per annum, if ^ nfllicted m ith u variety of symptoms, arising '>0 if paid during the j **"*** cause than nti impaired or encr- : vated state i>f the iligestivc org:tns. .\s an ev- ,,f J ib.'cripiiuu: or >«•> Ot* atier the year idence of flii.«, let a single pnekage of the med- , : , . j ieiiie be u^i-d, and a great in\provcmcut wiil i foll'iw, wtiich w ill most generally result in a \’iVi;UTl>l''l''-'' ^ inserted lor sixty cents , cure, by persisting with tlie remedies. ■ ' A bottle of the .Vnt:u-id is to l>e used in addi tion to tlie i’illM and liitters. whenever the tight- nes.s and opprvs.sion alter me:ils, heartburn, \e. are troulilesonie. l)r. l.ittle—Sir: 1 have used your Tonic Bit ters with the greatest advantage to strengthen the stoni.ieh, :ind to give tone to the digestive organs, ii.s weil us quieting nervous deratige- ment. They .-ire pleasant to take, gently stim ulating. and cxtrvnsely wi'll adapted to dyspep tic or deliilitated liabits. In all my travels. I liave not met with so gi'od an article. ^ ours. \c. iSigned) l-HIl.ll* HANKS, Dealer in Maps, iS:c. .Vmerietis. ISIS. Dr. Vounii—.‘'ir: 15y your .-vd\ice, 1 h.-ive giv en my wife Dr. Little's Tonic Bitters and Ve getable I'ills. vith the greatest advantage. Her dise.-isi' was of many years standing previous to taking tlu> meilicines, but siuce, she has en joyed iiood health. (Signedi NKLStiN M.-CAliTV. Head the following well-marked eases, that had so long baflled all 'ther remedies: Baldwin t'o.. .\p)-il IS 10. Dr, l.ittle—Dear Sir: For tlie la.'t six it se ven ye.ars my wife has been badly afflicted with dyspepsia, so much so ns to become nearly helpless, although h.-iving lu-en attended by two or tiiree ]diysician.-. During the last year she toiik, whilst in this .■situation, your .\ntaeid and Ve-;et;ible I’ills. which soon lielped her much from th.-it >inking or oppres.sion :ift r eating, btsidts gaining strengtli. Slie continued to impr-'ve fast. ]>;irticul:ir!y when we used the Tonic r>itt«r> with thettlar medicines, aiul is now enj"i_\ing pretty lair health and feels like a new being. Vours. resj>ectfnllv. Signed. IIEZHKI.VH 'lUKiKllS. Sr. ; p ir I V ,r ihe ,, J in a-lvaiice: v,':ir f'lr t^^‘ first, and thirty cent.s for each • ivlin 'l"'Mi>.'.iti'*n. Yearly ad\ertisenients ■'•'ntV'.o'ts. at n'tisonablc rates. Ad- r are re i’.te.'te 1 to state the niimber of • . III- desired, or they will be continued till -I'v I I’lj-'tr'-T**'! at'cordingly. • l.oiiiTS to tlic IMitors must V>e pust-pai«l. 7’’/;/ hue it Shines! lO.Oi^O Ro\‘^ «olI wiUiiii tlii‘ lit"! IBIIIO llioilfli«>! • .! \\ ()'il>\\ .MID returns his thanks to % t the pul'.ii’ for tiie unpreceilejited en- r> M iiKiU he has met witlt in the nianufac- t iri' iiul sale of his cele'irated I’OLlSll, and at . ■ time tiuK" "i'bes it understood that he al- ,, ,i Mip[‘l\ oil hand I-t wholesale or ■ has proved that this I’olish is un- • .|iiickiie" in putting a ;.rloss on ;i. e , .iii i also in preserving the I',..-- wishing to oil tlieir lioots can use 1' :«ii vith e'| siicet-'s inmiC'ii.ite^v af- ■V ir !■>; ihe le.ither ^lloui.i be rub)>cd as s.,nn • if 1’.. i^ii is applied, before it drit's. 1 - 1’. ’ sli e in I'C fotmd at the st'-re under • I ' ri:m rri!Uiii'.r * •tlice. K ••. v;;,e. 1-eb. :!!. IS'*::. *-7tf iM) r \’roi:s. rri'.’i'ilt N fhein. for planting. Also. r,i 1 I'. iver 'ved. .lust received anl for B. BUSI: SON. '. . :. IS'.J. 07-:i Bnsliels Nice Bread Corn, ON I 'i'lL'ument. :ind for sa'e on reasi>n.ible r.r.i.s, t,v B. UUSK \ SON. 1 ;. i: . l.vVJ. 57-3 AivI'la ).M. CW'l'OK, jor.r.i-Bs IN Rihlmiis. ■'iilliiicry. Silk floods, "i '!aiKif;irtiirrrs ami in Straw Hiiiin!‘!s mill iliits. Baltimore '^treet. Oth Door Cai>t of l.ijiht '•treet. i5\i/riMOKi:. ^ii>, IT II \ni>Tiean. Mnirlish. :ind French '• ;w r.iion^t'. all 'piaHties. l>y c.ise or l’i- \s M.its. .•sti.-i-.v I’jr.iids. (iimps. ,ve. : ii; ■ '■■ns. new stxles and all i)Ualities; I . S:; .md plain Biblioiis: Flowers. T'■iiiiet .s-ilks, I'rapes. .Netts, iVc.; i>n tiTM.s. ;it low prices. ■s i-'j. t;7-^t I' The fac-siniile of the signature of l>r. W. (J. Little will be founl uj>on the outside wrapper of each of his Med'eines. Sold wholesale ami retail, by the Proprietor, at his Manufacturing Depot. No. ‘Jtit Market street. Philadelphia, and Macon. Georgia. To f>e had also of .James (’.ain, I’ockfish; Watson. Floral College: Tiwnsend \ Doug- las.s. Bennettsville: Dr. 1’. M. Cohen, Chnrlen- ton; C. C. Barbee, Barclavs-ille; P. F. I’escud, Kaleigh. S. J. niNSI)-\LK, .\^(yit for Fav etteville. I'l.Ul ViAN a \N(), u iiiiities to suit purchasers, for sale.- Apply to B. BOSK \ SON. . 2 '. is''J. t;7-;;t i ^'>r/h Tliinl il'I.D res;ie' tfui._'. call the attentiiui of meichanis \ialting the North to our Siod: of U'trdwirc. ('utlvnj^ former stoi-k h.iving been d.iniagcd by :id all soM at public auction in No\ ember are ii"W op'iiing a full assortment of Ta- ;,d I’l cket ('iitl' r\ . otton :md Wool (';irds. . \ines' an I otlier inaUcs >f Sh-ivels and ir.iiu and I :is . tiics. ii 'Cb. Anvils. . 't-el. \e. -■■!..r '.vitii ;i well selei'ted and Complete • .- lit of l'..iei-ii and D"nn stie ll.-irdware. : ipl’io-.e.l uinct ii-om tiic manu- I' :i'iv;iiit;:L'l-.s of a new st.iek l.ii 1 in at the ;.t j■I■i.■l^ of ).iM,.is. be per !■. I -• r;. i!.. r> An ex:Miiiii;ition ■ uiiiil'l ;in'r'i)b!rdlx M-!!l! t" vf-ur i ricu'ar .-m l i "fs :ittenti' n paid Inal: I"'.!’ >\iilTU -1 III K arc n »H rt'friving :i large and well se- ’ecti'd Stock of D3S¥ C;M)DS, t'omprising every article usually kept in tliat line, together with 150 C'ascs I{t)ots juul Shoos. Ilat^ and l'a|i*«. —ALSO— A well selected Stock of To all of which we invite the attention of Mer chants of the interior, who will find i' to their interest to examine our Stock liefore making their purchases. We will ntit be undersold by anv one doing business in this place. 11A 1.1, \ S .VCKF.TT. August It'-'il. D'tt 'ro c’o r roN iM.A-N'ri:iis. 1 IF,ClCOTTON BAtiGlNC,, 7'» Coils Hope, lbs. Twine. Just received and for sale chon p. bv PFTLIl P. JOHNS(»N. August 1*5, 18ol. 14tf (rrcrn.shoroi/gh (.Y. C.) Mutual Insurance Comjianii. □ JUliSl'ANT to an .\ct of Incorporation, a H ('ompanv has been formed under the name and stvle of "THE GKKENSBOROUti 11 .MC- TI AI,' INSl'KANCi: (.'(JMI'AN V,” and fully orgtiiized by the appointment of the following Officers, vi/.: J.V.MES SL(,)AN, President. S. G. COFFIN, Vice President. }*KTKR -VDA.MS, Secretary and Treasurer. C. P. MHNDENH.VLL, Attorney. .JOHN .\. MKBANE, ) W. J. McCO.N'NKIv, V Executive Com. W.M. *i. RANKIN, J DIUKCTOKS. John A. Mcbune. JOHN A. HOWLAND. GILBEBT W. McKAV. JOHN C. MOOUK. The iiii(l('rsiiiiH‘(l will continue thu liusiness of the late firm, at their former Stand in Lnmberton, under the style of BOW- L.\N!) McRAV, where Gov>ds of every il(“- scriptiou can be bought on the most reasonable terms. JOHN X. ROWLAND. GILBRRT W. McKAV. Luwberton, July 1, Ibol. Itf GARD]'L\ WiCl'.D. M^resh a it if fienuine. SA.MI KI. J. IILNSDALK AS just received and offers for sale, a ve ry large supplv of Fresh and Genuine Of this year's grow th, among which are the fol lowing. vi/: .Vsr.\KAGi s. Bkans — Early China. Early Valentine. F.arly .^ix ^Veeks. Early .Midiawk. Large Lima. Bkkts—Early Itlood Turnip “ Bassino. Long Blood. White F'rench Sugar. Vellow. C\nu\GE—Early York. Flat Battersea. Large ()\ Heart. I' I>tilch. Early ."sngar Loaf. L.’irge Drumhead. Drumhead Savoy. Cai Ki: — Early London. Caiikut—Early lloiii. L'^ng »range. Ck.i.f.uv—W hite Solid. Cl Cl—Early Itussin. Early Clu.stcr. Long (iicen. Er,r. Pi.ANT. Coiix—.'smith's Early White. S1^eel or Sugar. Lettick—L.arge tJreen Head. Ice Coss. L.irge Cal-V.age Head. Mei.os—I’ine .\pple. N ntmeg. Mountain S\*eet Water. N VSTl KTll M. Okua. O.MO.N — L.arge Red. W'liite Portugal. Pai:slk\—Curlel. Pahsmi-—Long Snif-otli. Pkas—Early Charltbii. l.arge Marrowfat. PiirrER — Long Cayenne. Bull Nose. Sweet .'sp.anish. PfMi’Kix—Connecticut.—Early Long ."sc.-irlet. Early .s^eariet Turnip. l’»ose col'll W inter. Long Salmon. Spin ACh — Round. Sai.suy ou Vegkt\ki.k OvsTF.n. .Sqtash—Early Bush. Tu.mATo—Large Red. Large Smooth. Shaped. L.irj:e Vellww. Tir.Nir—Flat Dutch. lUd Top Flat. Large Norfolk. W hite Globe. Long Tank.ird. Kuta Baga. Sauk. S. J. !1, ISol. HINSDALE. r.4tf Fuyctte\iHe, Dec. PLAN'FATION FOR SALE. AVING determined to ab.-indon entirely •1 Card* n AVING sustained a severe loss by the fire on the night of the ‘Jd January, I am comiielled to call on all those w ho are indebted to me to make immediate j>ayment. If they cannot settle in full, pay what they can, either in cash or notes negotiable at iiank. A. A. McKETHAN. Jan’v ■). 18o2. oUtf .\i:\i, I'liiM & m\ HOODS. ^S'llll, subscribers are now receiving from ■fi- N. York, a lai ge uiid general ;is.sortment of Staple and I'ancif J)rjf (ioods^ (IR()CHIIIi:s, IIAllDNVAIlK, Hats and (’aps. Boots anl Shoes. .\numg which are: Coffee. Sugar, ('otton Bagging. R.tIc Rojie, Nails, W indow Glass, Swedes and i-^nglish Iron, S.-ick and .Vlum Salt. Imperial and Black Teas, Pepper, Alspice, Ginger, Powder, Shot, Bar Leal, Bar and Fancy Soap. Together witli a great variety of other arti cles, to which they invite the attention of the publi\ ami which they are determined to sell a.s low for Cash, or on time to tho:se w ho pay promptly, as any house in the Southern country. Produce of all kinds, at the bi^hest market ))nces, taken in exchanire for Goods. '.McLEAN ..V JONES. Summerville, N. Dec. S, IS.jl. JTtf I'o riii: PI HLK’. fMlIlE sultscriber has leased for :i term of Jo. years, of R. W. Brown, Esq.. his tire-]>rof>f Store, w ith his Wharves, and is now in a condi tion to take especial care of Spirits Tnr]>cn:ine and otlier Na'al Stores committed to his care. The N\arehousi- is well known to be the best and safi'.sf pl.iee in town for the storage of Bacon, Lard, Curn. I'i'as, \e. The Ki>vei-w liarves have on them four large new shei’s. w here Spirits can be s.ifely ki'pt from the rain and siin. He is prep:ired to r-’ceive and .ship, or sell, all kiiuls of pi-oduce sent to his cnre. He will also make advances when rt'ipiired. He begs to refer to the following gentlemen: !C W'. Brown, .lohn Dav.son, O. (i. Parsley and Thos. H. Wright. E.'-'is. .Mll.r.S COSTIN, Brown's w h.-iif, ihiiin^ton. .\. C. Sep:. 1-2. IS.-.l. ■ i:l-V l'.\ VI. l "l'i:\ II,1,1' liliA.NC ll ( I- I' ii I -\ ; Eia'A'i^'LKHlYJEr'n', J. ,^1. winTi; & r\iii,iiiiiLL. iPrttpvrSj Tfsilors, A N 1» j W H O L E S A L E N D R i: T A I L llD WiUiifni striif, y> ir )~ink, ii:.\T niiiiu TO Tin: b\\k iir ni'i: flak.; .A*. i\ Tiik Suliscrilicrs wuuM !c:ive t«) in- | form the inhabitants nf Fayetteville' and vicini- ■ ty. that they have openod the al-cive !!stablish- inent. and intend c.irrying on the business in all its bi-.inches. ' They have just rcceivel a large stock of Ki:Ai>v-Ti vi>i: 'iA>Tiiix.; From New ^'ork, all of tlieir own m.-inufacture, 1 Cut NTKY MKiirn.\NTs ami ((tlurs ! in want of Clothing to sell again, will do well to c;iH anl examine our Stook. Orders fillcl at York PR!CES.“%-ri .Measures and orders will he taken for tine Clothing, ami cxecutfd in the iii'.st lashionablc stvle and with desp.iteh. J. .M. \\HITE rNDERHlI.L. A. (’. IfAirr, A.jnit. Nov. 17, ISGl. 4Utf 11 in.UPS. BOOTS & siioi's. MOr.ASSES AND FiSII. HHDS. new crop MOLASSKS, a su- perior article. l!’> bbls. Fish. Just received. P. P. JOHN!ON. Jan’y 1l’, o.'»tf M a r 1) 1 e Ic t o r y. lly inlA}. LALDEll. T\VO DOIIIIS llllivt: lllllill \ SI'.N’S STIIRE, l'avelU*villr, i\ -1 Y .4 .NOTICK. s in.lehted to the A. II. wiiri'i' (’oach and J.i^h! (’arri'fi.iiic Maniifacliin'r, OI'I-D r*‘s;i'etfariy inform the public w LL )iers.ins in.lehted to the suliscriber, either by note or account, are re(|uesteil I to call ami settle the same as e.irly as possible, i He may la* foini'l one door NS'e.^t of Liberty Point, with the mo.*!! of his rc.idy-made wiu'k j saved fioin the latt‘ fire. Persons in want of any articli'S in my line of lnjsiness, would do well to c.all. as 1 will ijidl cheap for cash, or on time for ajij'roved note. JAMES Sl'NDY'. Jan'y U>, 1..'..’itf Frii l'llKU NO’i'K i:. ftake lliis method of ref.iiiiing my sincere thanks to those gentlemen who s.ived the gooils from my Shop on the morning of the Ild inst. But for tlieir kinllne^s and exertion, I wtiuld have lost all. JA.MES Sl'NDV. J'A5J„ f8.>l. .lA.Mi'.S KM.i: a verv lar;re and treneral as- that he still con;inucs tocali’von the above bu.-;int ss in all its bninclu s. 1K> returns thanks for the liberal ]iati'. i;ag'' i;e has receiv ed, and ho]ies l^y a strict !itt'ntion to 'lusiness, and :i desire to please all c.ii 1 give getieral sat- isf.aetion, to merit a continuance of the s:une. He w.urants all his work to li> made of the best material aiid by experience,' woikmen; and shoiiM any of it fail in t\>elve inoiitiis i w ith fair usage) either in workmaiiship (u- material, he will ri-pair it without charge. Pers»i;s wishing to buy. wc)uld do well to call .‘Slid examine his work hel'ore pur'h;is;ng, as it cannipt be surpasseil for s‘yle, eleir!ince, and dui-ability. He is iletermined to sell low for cash iir on short time. Or lers thankfully receivcl and jromptly at- tende.l to. Rl'.PAl I'.lNfJ neatly executdl at short notice and lowest possible jirices. Fayetteville, I'eh. li, '>ltf ti rpkn rixr: land F(tU SALE. ff'^Oll .Sale, o'.c; ;ier« - i.f LAND in James U. Creek, and i>4l> neres on Cv]ircss (,'reek, in Cumberland, convenient to the Western Plank Road, heavily tiiubercd, and aui.i':rably adapted to the making (d' Turpentine. -\pplv at this Ollice. Nrv.'2S. ]yf,I. 4Uf \\ il()»j:SAJ.E ~ i ^Vaicli and Store. I I., f!. MlLLiJL cV CO., Iiiijinf/t IS, iiiitf JfiJjiii-nt oj \\Kfrlit ti, ./rifi/)•'/. (U‘i F-hirj iiduds. Have le.‘:--ed the Old Stand iornierly oe'U[ue‘l l>y Messrs. C;tn!ield. ilrotlur \ Co., Sotilh East >•///■/,(/• ftf (’/, .//(.'• iiu'l lluUiiimrf ^No. -J:.'?.) whieh thev .-Me l utliug in comj'lete W ilO!.l-,;;.\ i.E \V.\TCH AND IN Ess, to be oiiciicd aljout the T ^^priec?? and ^^seiinsirr s S3 Bi a o i (’OSriMi: l!AM., I r Ill'll ft sfri'f tii'i! Ciiiln' la I'^fSt onlei- the •lEW ELRV liC ■JOth of .Inly. In calling the attention of the trade to the new concern, we mention the fact that v>e are associated with one ef the ino.-t extens;v(‘ Jv-v.- elry Manufacturing !';stal)lishiiieiits in tlo- coun try. whii h must gi\ea deci'ted advantage o\»r all others in this niaiket ii'V su],]il\in._r dealers will) Jewelry at nianMi'a .-lure: in this orain h of tr.-.i'^ !■ :: tween an 1 i; > .Merchants. \'. e desire to cali parf'ce.L Watch (ic[iartment, whi- ii wi!l at all times be su]i])liei! with a jireiil a sorliuent from tiie most celelirati' l manufacturer-;, a). I kept in ]>crlcct ruiiuing ocder. ^o that p.neha.-ers n.ay at once take them, with a vM-iti.n guarantee that they will p' l-form cornct'y. i; J ,\ 'fhis l>raneli of the bv. ioes.-; will rec; ive tic Jiiii'I.'i t \ . , ... I e.s]iecial allentiL.n of i iic (■> ::.e t;i ni. i, !i st' ex- : ! . 1 ! > piiccs, a Icatuvu since llei dej -lie '•I t :i and V. e.'terii • atteiitii n to the and be..-t stoek of a .■> now receivin^ H sortment of i>iiY' C4i>oi>s, : Purchased by the Package for (WSH. These wishing to ])nrchase Gooils Jtt reduced jiriccs, will please e.ill atul ex.iiiiine, as Bargains nuiy be expci-ted. Anker Brand, from No. 1 to 1(1, uncommonly «dieap. D.') I’ackaL^'s 'aND SHOKS, chea]>er than e\cr were fiir sale in this market. Oct. 4, l.H-'.l. :iSif ~ DAILY i:xpi:rri:i), VGEN1'R.\L assortment of ClHllM'ItS' 'I'(> O 1, S , of the 1'cst manufacturers’ make, bv E. C. HALL, of Oct. IS, IS'.I. Ml^tf w AN'ri:i). ;?()()() ft. Ashe Linnlier for W.agons. 1 ^ to inches thick. I't. Seasoneil Onk Lumlier. 1 to .‘I itudies. 1(MM) t't. W hite Oak ai*d Hickory, for .Vxletrees. llit.inft. White Oak for Tongues, Bolsters and Sh.'ifts. 10(1 p(i.-t Oak Hubs, for ('arts and Wagons. •J( 1(1(1 .'spokes For w hich the highest c!ish price will be paid. .\pplv so.iii to E. in.LEI’. Mav 1'.'. 1S.')1. 72-tf IS' 11 thdract of hind »n which 1 lately resiilel, three miles above Lnmberton. It contains SOi( acres, about 1200 of w hich ure cleared. This otter pre sents the following inducements to persons wishing to buy land: 1. healthy locality ami excellent water. ■J. Good soil. ?>. Great facilities for making Timber and Turpentine, (Dt.OdO boxes already cut.) 4. Comfortiilile dwelling and uut-bouses. 5. Voung \ thrifty Orcharils vV (irape Vines. 6. price and easv terms. K. TROV. Lumberton, Robeson Co., N. C., ) -f ^ Jan. ‘21, 18.j2. Andrew Weatherly. C. P. .MeadenhHll. Lyndon Swaitn. Jesse Slielly. Jonathan W. Field. li\U\L\\'." IKVI'KL, \vi: B Ti: VI 1.1. K, >. c. ’ilh Sui rii er. h.'iving taken the large ii : ■!. loriiierly known as the Pl.-inter s iMiitedat the f'.ot of Hmv .Mount. Hay ' Kavettevillc. N.C.. iesi>ectfully informs trieiid^ :in'l the jiuhlic that lie is now en- : 'l ill refitting the tiuilding. which is sup- "i ''iili entire new Korniture, and is pre- ■ .(iiiiiiod.i'e the travelling public.— - ii.i'l ->iu* expel iciice ia the liusiness in ' ■":i '1 I’ltt boi-.iiigh, N. C,, he H.dters ' ' !:iat he v\i.l be tii give Satisfaction ’I' ■■ wli; niay tavor him with tlieir compa- lii> ri'- Ills are hii'ge and airy. II‘‘ 11,e.Hiveilient .''l;ibles, and a ’ “'1 !:, tljtiii (•^ller. JOHN H.VR.MAN. . I '.VJ. C.Ktf James Sloan. W. J. .McConnel. William S. Rankin Jed. H. Lindsay Shubal (i. Cofliti. William H. llccce. Tyre Glenn. This Company has now l>een in successful operation for several months, ami will take Piisks upon Dwelling Houses, Stiu'es, and other iSuildings. .Mercliandise, Furniturv, Prolucej &c. The object of this organization is to af ford 11 svstem of Insurance which shall operate for the mutual l^enefit of all its members. ' The peculiiir advantages arising from this niotle of Insurance are, th.-it the assured pay no more tlian the actual losses and expenses of the ('omfiany. and experience has proved the safety F. NO ri i: A I Hist It \ I'M Two Horse Wa^'on :iiid • II iviii-,^ f,,|. v,;,],. \ bargain can be (j,,. - nL't I'i Imt s«»oii. , J. B. TROV. Jr. I-' V IM, 0(5-12w and FRUIT TREES, extra fine. l*euchc5 uu'i Api)lo«, nt !t>10 iiii.j Apples, at SI ”»0 )>er dozen. '"■Tie.s, .Nectarines, Apricots, Plums, -Al- _■ I'. I lo-stiiuts. and (Jiiinces, at '2~> cts. each. '■II-' ii|.l Eiijjiif^i, Wjilmits, to >SI each. - aii(l (irape Vines, to 50 cts. each. ^ '"li'MTies. .>>1 to il2 j>er hundrel. '•r.iii;re for hedges, ^^0 per thousand. ' i'|)l)crries. SiJ tj per dozen. 'I't h (;,■ Only Riiriit out in Part. a."a7 Mcki-rrirw ^^TILL continues to carry on the CARRI.VGE BUSINESS in all its branches, at the re mains of his oll stand, opposite Liberty Point. He returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has heretofore received, and hopes by strict at tention to business and a desire to give entire of .Mutual In.suiance (,'(»m]»anics, as well as the satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same, great saving to its members: and no stronger Having kept the greater portion d' his Tim- argumeiit can be produced in tlier favor, than hers at a distance from the manufactory, he has the confidence which they receive from the en- on hand :i large anl well stdecterl lot of tho- tire community where such Companies are in roughly seasoned Timber, of every description auccessfid operation. u.sed in his business, which enables him to retain .Vnv information respecting the principles of all his principal workmen. He is therefore now the Company will be cheerfully furnished by prepared to do any work in his line in the very the Seeretarv, or any of its .Ygents. PETEK ADAMS, Scc’y. The Suiis-riV>er having been ap- pointeil .\gent, will receive nvplications and miike surveys to effect Insurance in s;iid Com- panv. JOHN M. HOSE. Fayetteville, Dec. 2f>, 1851. f)I-3in 1 fB^HE Suliscriber otters for sale one of the JL largest and best a.ssortments of GOODS in his line ever offered in this place. He is • very th.-inkful for the very liberal patronage that he has hail, and sulicits a eontiiiuanee of the ; same. His stock h:is been seleclt’d with care, ; and con.^'ists of nearly every variety .and style, i froni the best manufacturers. ] He has on hand and i>fters low for at ; retiiil or by the case, hitest stales Gentlemen's Beaver, Nutri.a. Moleskin, .Silk, Lru.^h and An gola n.\TS. Also. Jenny I.ind, Kossiifii, .Ar tist, Rough !ind Ready, and stitl'ened Fur and Wool Hats, for Men, ^ outh and Boys—in abun- i ^ d.ince by the dozen or case. —.\LSO— .V very supply of Ciolh. Plush, Velvet and Fur C.VPS, of .all qnalitie.s, styles and jiri- ces,—by the single Cap or by the dozen. —AL,^0— lioots atid Shoes, of the following v.arieties, viz: Fine Water-proof, tine Calf, tine Kip and heavy Winter r>0()TS. .Vlso, Roys’ and Viuths’ Calf and Kip 15oots. (ientlemen's Dri'ss Shoes, of 'I’ogether with an as.sortment of Li'fiic.t', .Misses’ and Children's BOOTS and SHOES, viz: Jenny Lind, Excelsiors, (Jailers, ditto Half, Buskins, Slippersand Morocco Boots. Also, Gentlemen’s and Ladies’ Rubbers. With a good supply of Votiths', Boys', Childrens' and Servants’ heavy Shoes. .Ml of which he offers low for Ctinh. or on time to punctual customers. Please call ami satisfy’ yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN C. THOMSON. Market ,S(|nare. Sept. 2(5, ie.')l. I2»;tf Candles! Candles!! Candles!!! r.ST F.WETTEVll.LE Mol'LDCANDLES for s.ale at the Proprietor's Store, Hay street, one door West «'f .'^Ir. E. (Hover's Jew eler's .'^tore. Persons desiring to h;ive their Tallow made into Caiiilles will please send it in. A. M. CAMPBF.LL. Jan'y lit, 1H.')12. o-'i-oin 8100 l(i:WARI>. .\N.VWAY frojii the suliscriber. a negro man, acreil alioat 2-'i, about six feet hiph, black complexion, n.-mied \S.\RRE.N DR.VKE, a Carpenter h\ trade. It is supposed he is ma king his way to Fayettevill?, N. C., where said boy w:is raised. Possibly he is endeavoring to get to Ohio. The .■ibove rewani will be paid for anv information leadiirj: to his detection. N. C. TROWBRIDGE. Autnsta, (i«., .Fan. L’L l^-VJ. fil-lu flHE M.\DE CLOTHING e\(>r ofiereil in Palti- more. Dres'-'. ]■ rock and Sack ( 'O.a'I.''. idl co lor.'. iiualities and s.?( s. fiom .':^12 od to •>.> .)() and npw.ards. P.\N'l'.V I.Ot iNS at Nl to -S') •)(> and upward.', eiabi'ac;r.g all styles of iancy, plain and jilai l ( \is.s;mere.--. Vl.S'I S of every variety at corre.sp.indirg ]>iie‘’s. Also, a large assortment ot I’xi's' ( iMthini;. Imitorting oui own Cloths .iiiect from Euroj'O. and maiiufactui-ii.g on the m«.st extensive scale, t'liables us to oUVr intluceineiits to imrchasers not to he siir]>assed by aiiv Cluthing E.'tabli.'h- mcnt in the Cnited St.'.tes. 'I'he proj rietors are cletermine l to make ilie Wholesale Rooms the jioint of great attraclion. and h;ive imw made up more than »>().(l(l'( (i.Vll.^Il'.N IS, from the finest i|Uality to the lowest in price. In tlie Custom Departmcail will always be ' found the choicest .^election oi' CL()THS. C,\S- S1 M r. It I .-s V E.'s'fl N i.'s. which will lie made up at the shortest notice. .Tinl in tlie latest st_\ le. ; anil a tit always g\jar;intied. I t-iy^The one jirice systi ni strictly adhered to. Remember the name and place. Corner Pratt St. and tJcnire .Market Space. H. 11. COI.E CO. ! August I-'). IH.’il. 14-yopd Works on Prss-Masonry. EW .M.asonic Trestle-lioard. adajited to the Work anil Lei'tures. as jiiactiscd in the Lodges, ('hapt*'rs. ('•luut ils. and Eni.-inijiinents , of Knight Teni] I.irs in tlie I'i.ited St:.tes, by ^ ('has. . Moor‘. The Free-Mason's .Manual, a companion for the initiated tiirough all tiie .legrees of .Masonrj by Rev. K. I. Stewart. The True .Masonic Chart or Hieroglyphic Monitor, by .1. L. ( ross. The Fre‘-Mason's Monitor, containing a de lineation of the I'und.miental jn inciples of Free- Masoni'v. operative and speculative, as well in a religions as a moral view. 1-v .\. Da\is. tensi\e and jiractical k RE.VDV- I will, we iioj-c. give i. n to call ti’ ' U ".s 1-. coiitidently I e- to' our (,;■■■ ■ - Will ■ i-etter sryl. s ui.d seen in thi- ni:'.rl;et, t ;:.i’l be :'' ling _ .aaititanei- one of if the I.iisinesij the coi.tidcnco of liu_\ers. We respectftilly iiivi when yon ne.vt visit o liev it.g that an t-xaiiiiii prove to von thut ti.e; tlian y-.a have atid assure you that no on our j>:u-i to niaKt* t iiiutua! bei.clit. L. II. .Mli.LEil CO, Old stand, fornterly occupied by (.'antield, Rro. Co., S. E. cor ner of Charles Baltimore st3. P>altimore. Jnne IS-il. 14-\o UEFEKi;N r.i': Messrs. W \t. th, Blaekloek vX Co. (JwMi, Reid Cv Tayloi-. J,lilies Hodges \ Jlrothcr. llur.-.t \ Berry. Mnrdoth. Duer vV Evans. Steilmaun vV Hinriclis. .'■'.ingston • i>. Barthlow. Gwyu \ Co. Riely \ Pendleton. Cushings .K; I’jii’.ey. .lohn Mui-phy Co. Moore \ (iiilVin. STANDARD AND MlSCKLLANLUlS Mi O OKS. .\C.\UL.\Y'S. Hume's and Robinson's His- n For s.ile bv .Mav :;l. E. J. HALE \ SON. 71 R C VI f % various pi:iliti4-s. CHERRY PECTORAL For lUe Ciirr of fOrCHS, (OLDS, IIOAKSK.\ESS, IiRO.\( HITIS, M IIOOPI.\G-C OrCII, (ROI P, ASTiniA, A\D (O.VSl.lIPTIOX. yrars of trsaL nf iinp:nrinji th^ puMic iti ihis iiXMlirine, h iN hir il an l iatiMU ;ui() noti rii ty l>y v '.\|H riaiion«w lit ii'‘ !ri«*iHN Livery Stable Business. best style, and on the most favorable term.s—as low as any work of the same (juality in N. C. He has on hand, completely tinished, 8 Barouches, for I or 12 horses; C Rockaways, and 13 Buggies. •Vlso, nearly finisheil,' 10 Carriages for 2 liorses; ‘ 20 Barouches for I aiul 2 horses; i 12 Uockaways, and :}0 Buggies; i AH of which are of the most approved plan and, ami v^ill compare with any work in the ; U. States for neatness and durability, j Having been engaged in the above I for the past 20 years, his work is well known, j ; and he refers to old customers for proof of its | j durability. i ! Sis^ All work warranted fcr 12 iiiontlis, , ^ and repaired free of charge should it tail by bad j workuuinship or material, within that time. j Rki’.vikinu executed at short notice, and . 1 in house ami Hardy Plants. o'J 1HE suliscriber intends carrying on the on reasonable terms. .J above busines is usual. Having added, Jan y _(», liriih;, pj,Ornamental and Evergreen I considerable Stock, ht will be able to accom- IJ 1^'T’1) In hol t, aliieist every thing in my line. ! modate the public. Thankful for past favors, J L. o I V I j I , a Uowan st)-et-t. i lie solicits a continuance. BBLS. Northern WHISKER . C LUTTERLOH J- W. POWERS. OIf S. W. TILLINGII.IST 6i CO. I Juu'y 20, G»tf , 10, 1«01. i~ti THE rKLEBRATL’D lUI'K IMTl-.M cookim; stovi:. S for sale by the Subscriber in Raleigh and Fayetteville: in Raleigh at his Shop on Fay etteville Street, and in Fayetteville at .Mr. .V. .M. Campbell's. The Stibscriber hereby forewarns all persons from purchasing any of these Stoves from any person either in ir out of North ('arolina. ex cept fnun himsdf or his duly .authorized .\gents. He has purciiased the exclusive right to vend this Stove within the State, and will pro.secute any jierson infringing his right, eitlier by pur chasing, selling, or using, any except those ob tained from himself. JOSEPH WOLTERING. Raleigh, .April I'J, 185). >8tf 1HAVE just received from New York, my FALL AND WINTER Stock of Cjloods, CiOisiatiiij^ of Ji general assortment »*t I’.pre- r\(M » «luiH Um* IHM'I '.uimiiiic NolliiML’ I'Hl il iritriiiMJ* vir- lla’ iiniiii-'takaitW’ hrnt'fil rnnli'rn'd ««n llinijvnul?* ot’'Ulli'rer**, rouM nri::»nat' ?inl iMHinUiin ihr it rujny*'. lu iny inft*n**r lUru.-t iitMui the r*>np»iuuity. Iihvo I'ailed anl Ikm*?! thi** Iim'* t‘rirn«l' l»y *\rry trial. c*«iul\ rred nn the tl'riet! can tor:;«*t. ami pPKlu««‘(l cun*> t«hi nu* lii«‘rnu atnl ton r»*iiiarka!il«* In he t'«*ri:nltf*n. \\ hii«* it in H tV >U(t (Ml tli«‘ piihiir t^» thrit nny on«* in« «ltritM* will intallthly curt*—^till tiifrr i> al>ui.lant pnml that t!i«* hrrry I' not only hs a ir« iu ral tliintr. Imh :tli?io>t iitvariahly. cun* the MialHilie.s t'nr wliirii il i' time makes thf'«;r farts \viIrr ami l»t*tter known, this uieilicinr h »s «:r.Mliially Ix come th»* Ik 'I r*liaii*e of ih»’ .•tilich'il. I'mm iho h>i» ralun of thfc' \in«'ri4Mn p'*:»ant. l» lh«* p’i|:u»*. of 'rhroiiiflMait thi'* ♦‘iilirr ruiintry. in t*\«Ty riiy, an! iiul»*»**l nlin> t v\t ry haniU’l it ron»aii»x. ( horry IN ctJprsil i-* known •i'* the Ik»>1 mi»e«ly extant I’or iii’‘t*a>es «»f il»e 'Phntat and Lunus. aiul Ii) ni'»M\ r»*n*iiru ctmotrif'^, it i-' rnminii l«i In* vrly b\’ their un*sl inl»Hii:M)l Phy^irlaiis In Creat Hril- ain. Kranr#; and (ii riiiany, uht rrilit’ ni«^«!iral have n*arhtMl their hi*:!M*^t prrtV-njon. h**rry IN ctoral is iiitnMlucrd. and in con'itant u^e in the Ariine>. Hospitals. \hns riihlii* lii''titniinns. anti in d*>nn*'tir prac tice*. »i> the •‘Ure-t rrnifdy ttirir altt*t*dinc rhv^irian" can employ t-r the morr d tnj»*r«»UN atl* cUoii> ot thr lutijis.— \Uo in mihlcr ra'-rs, ai.*l t'«.r rhihlmi it is sal'**. p'* l’^ant and 1'lh‘rni tl to riire. In tact. >onn* of the most flatierinc losiimoHinIs uerrreive have hrcii from parents who hav»* fi*und il rriicacious in cases particularly inridenUil to childhood. 'I’he herrv IVrtiiral i.s niantifarnired hy a prartiral ( hcmist. an«l every ounce of ii unjier his own «*ye. with invari.’.lde «* « urary :umI care It is sealed and protectnl hy law from rout»t«*rl' it^. ron'Ctjuenilj can he relied on a!« genuine without adultemtion. W'e have endeavored here to furnish the roii;mnnity with a meilicine of uch intrinsic »U|w»riority and worth as !th«)uld commen«l it-*elf ti ihetr contidence—a remedy al once safe, speedy aiul t*rieci*ial. which this has liy re- p«*aied and coinitle'^s trials proved it-elf to he; anti tru*t hy treat rare in preparing il with chemical actttracy, of uniform strcnjilh t» afiord Thy^icians a new ayent on which they can rely (or the hest re^nlis. and the alHicted with a remedy lh;ii will do fur them all lhat medicinc can di». Prepared and sold hy Aykr, Practical and Afr'l^iical ('hemist. I.owell. Mass. Dry (Joods. IJroeerics. Iliirdwarc. (’iillcry, \c.; 1 will barter for TURPENTINE, or any ' l)enl«rs in Meilii-ine everywhcro. kind of Produce. ^ J«..u-ry •->«. is;,. N. KING, 10 miles North of Fayetteville. Oct. 28, IbjO, VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, •I'Ur. n;('s r Pdi’i I, \K FAMILY MEDICINE O K T I! K ; K ! list'd liy ritysiriaiis of High Stamling. lilTTI-.ltS ieiin>\f all nioil>i>l (.erretioris, piiiitv tile Mooil. give x'P'it •"lie aiiil \ iiror to tlie .linc'tucoip.iii^ l.atif' llie ‘.tciii aj'ainst all liitiii* ■ li-r:i-e ciiii I"' taken willi at no time deliili. taliiiix tlie p.itieiil—Itfiiii; jjriiiefiil to the most ileli- so.m^ii 11. ii:..i ifiii.o UatK- lor their cheering. iii\ii^iwatiii^ *.tjen^thoiiiiii;, Hij'l re>toiati\e j»ro|'er- ties, iiiiil 1111 iin aliiaiiic ami suie leiiiedj' for !HSI»I:PS!\ I\ its U OIIST FOiniS. ,\l'o. I.i\('r on-.iihiiiits. .Iriiiielioe. Hearltmrn. ( os- tiveiifss. 1 ai;il:ies.'. Di.'ior ler^ ol I ho .Skin ami l.i\cr, l.iiss Ilf A|'|ftiie. Low S|i|iilN, Nei»oii Ilciitlache, t;iihli:ie.vs, I'alintBlion of the Heart. Sinking ami !• iill- iiC'S 111 Weight at liie Stomach, and ill other .liseasei li\ an iiiipuie stale ol the Mo.>.l. liier, etc.. whicii tcii-l to lU'luiiluIe aiiii weakeu the sysleia. F f: m \ I. i: s VVho Slitter fioin * nioihiil ami iiniiatiiral condition w ill Iiii-I tills .Meiliciiic uf INESTIi'/lABLE VALUE. In All . As^-. of i;i NKIiI'KBILITV, this .Mfdi* ci:.o A 'I S I.IKK A U \ U \\ ' TKOUSAnDS Have tevtpil i*v eiHraC). an«l thoH*^Ritiis inoie nrr now und«i tuMtnirnt; and not me cavt* of lailnr« ha»i \ el I'Ofu ie|orlei V«diin»e> o«nill hr tilled with cei'iilicates ^d liio»e who hdve hceu j>eilitioicutly cm e l. iall on tlif ^ rontnintii^i^ ihc ertifica!***'of HeinaikaMe f nifs. and tiifc inp;h e'tiiaatiou iu whieh this Mo.liciue i"- hfc*ld b\ U.c I’ul.lic I'lt"" can l-e had of the ^ Large auarts $1; Piuts 50 Cents. So/d bf/ nil the- Principal Drvnati.ts in the L'uiUil .' latts uiiiJ Cauiiilus. Princii al ortice. I JJ H I.TON ST.. .\ Y.. uu stair* For siile by S. J. 11 INlSD.VLL. November H, IHol. liS-y tories of IOn;rlaiid, in various editions: .Vlisoii's Jlistorv of Jiuroi'e, 4 vol.s; lljillaui .s Middle .\fre."i: 'fliiers’s ni.stor_v of tlie I’rench Revolution, '2 vols, illiii^trated; Tvtlcr's I'niver- .' History,^c and abridjred cds: Prescott’s Ferdinand' and Isabella. .Mexii o laid Peru: La- I baume's (.'i!iu;iairu in Itu-sia: ('ooper's Naval History: .M;ill^lield■^ .Mc\icnu War: Trumbull's Indian War.s: ('auilibvll s Livv> of the I.orils Cliaucellors of Kni;laiid, 7 vol.-;; ('anipbell's Lives of tlie (’bief .lustices of I'-nj^land, "J vols; Lives of eiuinent Knglith .Itiil^es: Lives of the i^Mieeiis of !^cntlaud, - vol..: l.adie.x’ Historical Libr.irv, !• vols; Memoirs and Woiks fd" Alexan der llaniiltou, !'> vols; .Mar.sli.ill s W nsliin^ti..n, '2 vols: Colton's Life and Titiies of Henry I'lay: Kennedy's Life of \Virt; Uirt's Life of Patrick Henry: .Soutliey's Life aii'l t'orresjiond; ncc; (.'baries Lauili's do: Autobioj:ra\diy of Leigh Hunt: Life and Genius of Rurus: Life of La fayette, of Paul .Joucs, of .I^lcksoll, Taylor, Scott, .Marion. Franklin. I'cc. l'^c. Shaksjieare's Works, in 1, 2, nnd 7 vols; Sheridan's, Ren .lonsou's. llcjiutiii lit and Fletch er's, Massinger and Fo” I’s. W yclierlej'ttiid ('on- irreve's, Dr.amatic Works, Enj. Illustrated Kds; ..'^c. iScc. Johnson's Works, jiiid Ijo.eweH's Life i f .Tolni- soii, "J vii'iS each: Ibirke's. Adili,son’s. Goldsniith’s, Sterne's. Fiebiiioz s. ai d Siunllett's Works; tJold- sinith's .\niniatcd N;itun-. J voN; Rui ke'.-, i 'liat- hain's. Phillips', ( 'urvau's, and other Speeches; Modern I’.ritisli I'ssayisis, ^ vols; Waverly No vels and Poetry; Irvinji’s Works. Putnam's edi tion, I-') vols; (’oojicr's Select V. ork$, I’J vols; i5ulu*er's W orks; Dickens’ do. coiiijdettf in 1 vols; (ii! lliiis: l>oii (;iiixotte: \c. \c. Colnian's Kurojic.-ui l-ifo and Mar.ners; Lord Holland's Foroijiii Rcmiuiscences; Stejhciia's travels iu Kj;y]>t. .\r:ili;:i. \c; W.-ilter 'olti,u'.s Works: (iracc jitiil ir'.- lo. vi/: Home liitiiieiice, .MotluM s ilecomiiense. Vale of ( edars. iVi-; W'ar- reii ? Ten 'i housand a Year, and Now iind Then; II\perion: Swallow Rarn, by Kennedy; .Vlioii Locke: Lavciijiro; Humboldt's C'o.smos: Re\erie.s of a !?acheIor; Home is llouie; Lady 'Wmtley's Travels in .\merica; .\r:'.bian Nights; Gcor;iia .Scenes; \c. \c. Riitish and .\nierican Feintile I’oots, illustra ted; Poetical (.iuot:itioii>; Ryrou's, Si-ott's, Mil ton's, Moore's. Pope's, ('o^sper's, Lante's, Tas so's, Kiike White's, Thompson’s, Hemaiis's, Rtirns's, Coleridge’s, Young’s, Rutler’s. \!other- well's, (,'ollins (iiay and Reattie'.s, Shelley and Keats's, Chiiucer and Spencer's, Caii pliell's, Tom Hood's. Tupper'.s, I'ollok .s, llalleck s, uU'l P.ryant's Poetical Works; &c, isic. iiibles. Prayer ISooks and Test.nri‘'iif.«, of va- riiuis styles :ind prices; .M .‘Iviile's, .Mti'iiiing's, and hajimiin s .‘'crnioiis; .Sketches and Skele tons ot Sermons: Ki.glish Pulpit; I’ulp.t ( yclo- pcdia: Leightfui’s Woi-Ls; Hollmiin s Canon Law; l>ick's Theology; Lite of Dr t halmers, ;inu Chal mers's Institutes of 'llicology, Sermons, and Lectures and .\ddresses; Horne on the Psalms; Patrick. Lowth and Whitby’s Commentary on the Scrijitures, 4 vols; Compi ehensive do, tj vols; .McCosh on Divine tioM riuii'-nt: Charnock on Divine .\ttribiites; Ne^indir's Life of Ciirist; Rutlcr’s .\nalogy; Wilson's .Matmal of Church Princijiles; Hopkins ou the (.'oiif’ssional; I’u.scy- ism, its Causes nnd 'tiro; I’utler’s (;!ii Trutlis and New F.rrors; Headings for Lent; .S:icr:i I’ri- vat.i; Clark on the ProUiiscs; Hnnnnh .More's Lif«; and Private Devotions; Doddridge's Riae and Progress: I'ilgrim’s Progress, beautifully illu.strated; liiixter’s Call, and S:iinfs; Trench's Notes on the Parnbles: Duck .■! Theo logical, and Lnion lUiile Ditiionary: (iiliillan's Rards of the Rilile; I’eeji of Day, Line upon Line, .See; Jay’s K.xercises and I’rayers; Thorn ton’s, Rcrrian’s, and Rarnes’s Family i’rayers; Deems’s Home .\ Wrought Gold: Hawk- stone. L.'inetou Pnr.sonage, The Earl’s Daughter, of all k 'uids, Tor sale at this OScc. XI*:w liooKs. The American Almanac fur ! Gertrude, W alter Lorimer, and other religious Sword.s’ Pocket .\lmanac: The Fifteen Decisive I tul'v-, by Sewell and other authors, iic, &.i:. Battles of the WorM, from Marathon to Water- Miss Leslie’s, Soyer’s, and .American Cook- loo; First Impressions of Kngland and its Pe*>- ( ery: Miss Leslie's and .Miss Beecher’s Receipt )«le, bv Hugh .Miller: Swallow Barn, revised eli- ! lUioks: .Mrs. Randolph’s ^ irginia Ilousew^ife, tion, illustrated, tty J. P. Kennedy; Don Quix- j &c, iVe; Downing’s Ladies’ Flower (iarden; do ote. half morocco, illustrnted: Loudon .‘ind the j Fruit 'frees ol .\iiicriea; Flower Garden Direc Exhibition, illustrated: .Vbljott's Histories; Lis- tor\: Rarry s Fruit Garden; with a variety of ton and Muter’s Stirgerv: BuHiou’s Cicero; ' useful works on Agritviltuve, Fariuing, A.C, i^c. Pierce’s Cttrves, Fttnctions and Forces; ’i’ooke’s i A large stock of t^chool l>ooks, No\piS. t'ilt Pantheon; Letter Writers. &c. iS;c. Just rec’d. ; Rooks. Stationery, A.C. lor sale at the E. J. HALE sV; ! FuycltcviUe Bculi S'lur®, bv Deo. 8. im L J. HALE L SCv

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