1-AR ^'lU. of nn.l "C>n^ ••uhi- » tlie «•'• ull 'orl4 for '■tter 't M- ‘thin 10 .1.. ;f ‘ *" p!- ' -'-n ■ k. V \\il- ".•■ Ht mi.re 'in»,,ri. '^trect lyr. :u- ■ ni:in- f. cnn- Wa.h mis f.i mfr« KKn. •>tf -e ..f the I*' lUit'.. '[’I'lica- vm:. siiii.i.inu rf-t H- = • W-TU evv. ■- tl' - ’.’U; KIUM- 't! .r Ki-iv - • I. ( ,1 ,-:ViV.y -- V> [VOL. I.] ' r>Y j. b. newby. PUAlii) ale & SOX, i;i»lTUUS ANI> I’KOrUlKTOllS. e ! >r tlu'Sfini-'Vetklr Ohskrveii ^4 00 if in ailvfincc: ^ I 60 if paid during the \wr ot after the year has fi| Irol- SEMI-WBBKLiY FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MARCH 2, \So2. [XO. 69.] TOBACCO. I^OVES low priced Tobacco, for sale i ABT'XIir'' ^•9 by CWK & TAYLOU. I 1 L From tiie Fedcnil L’nion. TONIC niTTEUf? AND VKGETABLE I’lLLS. ^ These medicines «re used together, for ciiring diseases of this class; being not only strength ening and invigorating in tlieir effects, but giv ing healthy tone and action to th? stomach and bowels. There are many persons in every oommnnitv I* ih IhHM 11 i II nil t'nf Wet'kl.' Oil'* i.R 00 per Rnnnni, if j nfflicted with a variety of symptoms, arising :, ...Ivinre: Nj oO if paid during the j cause than an impaired or ener'^ ^ yated state of the digestive organs. .As an ev .J. of ca!)s,Tii'tii.in; or $3 00 after the year ,'xpircd. ■ 'iVEUTIS'l-^l inserted for sixty cents ' -irc f ">■ thirty cents for each • .^^jingpubUiMtion. Yearly advertisements . c'ial c»ntr;\ct^. at reasnnablc rates. Ad- , arc n'i'iest*d to state the number of .. -I. ili"iircl. or they will be continued till ., ; i, ..n'i clinrge.l a.-crdingly. r Li'tttT’" Editoi's niust be post-paid. l".: POLISH! how It Shl)ics! BJo\os «ol*I ivilliiii ilie la^t iiiiir iiionlii!*! i.l \VO'IiW\IJl» returns his thanks to , -he piitilic for the uiiprecedenled en- .-ncnt ho >net witli in tlie nianufuc- . I'li.i -:i!e of liis ,'olebnited I’OLISJI, and at . m« time it understool that ho al- , «vc]‘S :» si'pply •■*'* h.ind for wholesale or ij. .-e li:is pr"Vt,-d that this Poli.sh is «in- ; f'T ijuit kncsx in putting a gloss on •i ,nJ shi'C“, and also in pi-eservii;g the • '.visliing t'"' oil their boots can use ivi with emial success immediately af- iln' 1«-ithrr should l>e rnbbed as soon ii?h is applied, before it dries. ; . r ;is!i o tn l>e found at the store under iiiii.in Printing (Ittice. ■■‘•teville. *J 1, 1*^0—. G»tf idence of this, let a single package of the med icine be usel. and a great improvement will follow, which will most generally result in a cure, )iy persisting with the remedies. A bottle of the Antaidd is to be used in .addi- | tinn to the I'ills and IVitters. whenever tiie tight- ■ ness and oppression after meals, heartburn, iic. j are trouble-some. 1 Dr. Little—Sir; I have tised yonr Tonic Bit ters with the greatest advantage to strengthen the stomach, and to give tone to the dig'xtive well XOTICE. opartnership heretofore existing uu- the name of J. A. Rowland & Co., is this diy dissolved by mutual c('nsent. * JOHN A. HOWLAND. filLUEKT W. McKAY. JOHN C, .MOOKK, 1 lie iindorsijTjK'fl \vill continue the business of the late firm, nt their former Stand in Lnmbf'rton, tinder the style of JIOW- L.AND tS: .McKA^ , where (mmkIs of every de scription can be bought on the most reasonable terms. JOHN 4. F.OWLAND, MLUR15T W. McKAV. Lnrwbcrton. July 1, ]tf •1 Card. Having sustained a severe loss by the fire on the night of the 2d Jainiary, I am rompelled to call on all those who are indebted to me to make immediate payment. If tliey cannot settle in full, pay what they can, either in cash or notes negotiable at ihink. A. A. McKETnAN. Jan'y o, 18o2. GAliDM\ SJ5E1>. M'resh attd Gnttiinr, SA\U E!. J. HINSDALE Has just received and ofiers for sale, h ve- r}’ lurge supplv of Fresh and Genuine sM^nn, Filial & m liooiis. subscribers are now receiving from -fl. N. \ork, 11 large and general assortment of Staple and Puiicq J)n/ Ooods^ (J llOCKRIES, HAUDWARi:, Hats and C;»ps, Bnnt.s and Shoes. Among which are: Coffpe, Sugar, ('otton Hagging, Hale Hope, Nails, Window (tlass. Swedes and English Iron, Sack and Alum Salt. Imperial and l>lack Teas, I’eppcr, Alspice, Ginger, I'owder, Shot, I5ar l,iad, I5ar and Fancy Soap. Together with a great variety of other arti cles, to which they invite the attention of the public, and which they are determined to sell organs, :is well »s quieting nervous »lerange- . ... ment. They are pleasant to take, irentlv sfiin- year s growth, among which aie the fol- ^ ash. or on time to thi>se who pay I’o iw'roEs. , \nrthern. for planting. Also. I'li'Vcr ?e*‘d. Just received and for , . ' 15. IlOSE & SON. -j;:.. IS.Vi. 07-3 1090 Bushels Nice Bread Corn, >N ' iii«isrnmfRt. and for sa'e on rca.>onrtble !-ruiv hv n. UUSE &. SttN. ■ j:. IvV-’. 07-3 Ah\i>rii()N(x iV c'A'roii. JOHUEUS IS tHlliiifry. silk floods. iliiifariiiriTs iiijii Pralfrs in Straw IIuiiiikIs Hals. ^ITa, naltimore street, Gtb Door lilast of l.isht f»treet, fl ll.TB T30RF, III>. ji .7;'. Anicrii-an, English, and French If]’..iiiH‘ts, all t|naliti‘s. by case or r. ;,■« ti lts. .Straw Uraids. Ginijis, &c. ' 11'''■ ::s. new stales and all qualities; ' li. >.i'h. .-Mid pl.’iin Ki>il)ons; Flowers. l->!iaoi Silks, Crapes, Netts, ^ic.; on '.St low prices. >. i07-ot li.ia VIAX (U AXO, t.i suit purchasers, for «ale.- Aj'ply to D. IlOSE X SOS. G7-Ct v 6. w ].m:i{kexi:k, X") fh T/tii'i? Sfrff't, Philnilelpliia, ' Mi icr'ii‘ctfiilly call the attention of rn^tclianls visiting the North to orir I’. ating, and extremely well adapted to dvsjiep- tic or debilitated habits. In all my travels, I have not met with so good an article. ^ onrs, &c. (Signed) IMIILir BANKS, Dealer in Maps, &c. Aiiierictts. 1S4S. Dr. Young—Sir; Fy yntir advice. I have gir- ! en my wife Dr. Little's Tonic Hitters and Ve getable Fills, with the greatest adv;intage. Her . disease was of many years standing previous to ^ taking tlip medicines, but since, she has en- I joyed gooil health. ; * (Signed) NELSON McCAUTY. Ue.nd the following well-marked cases, that , had .so long b.-ifHed all other remedies; ! Baldwin Co.. .\pril 18-40. Dr. Little—Dear Sir; For the last six or se- I ven years my wife has been ba'lly afflicted with j dyspepsia, so mucii so as to liecome nearly ; helpless, although liaving been attenled by two . f>r three physicians. During the hast year she j took, wliilst in this situation, your Antacid and . Vegetable Fills, which soon helped her much from that sinking or oppression after eating, , liesides gaining strength. She contitmecl to im])rove fast, particularly when we used the Tonic Bitters with the other medicines, and is now enjoying pretty fair health and feels like a ; new being. Yonrs, respectfully. I (Signed) Hi-'ZEKI.VH UOGERS. Sr. j The fac-simile of the signature of Dr. W. G. j Little will be found upon the outside wrapper of each of his Medicines. I Sold wholesale and retail, by the Proprietor. I at his Manufacturing Depot, No. 204 JJarket I street, Fhiladelphia, and Macon. Georgia. ! To be had also of James ruin. Hockfish; I .\. Watson, Fh'rnl College; Townsend Doug lass, Bennetts\ille; Dr. F. M. »'ohen, T'harles- ton; C. C. Barbee, Barclaysville; I’. F. Fescnd, llaleigh. S. J. HINSDALE, A.ccnt for Fayetteville. E are now receiving a larce and well se lected Stock of 1>RV GOODS, Comprising every article usually kept in that line, together with l.jO C.’ase.s Boot.s and Siioos. and Cap§. —ALSO— A well selected Stock of H.IRD To all of which wc invite the attention of .^Ier- ehatits of the interior, who will find it to their interest to examine our Stock before making ' their purchr>ses. Wc will not be unilersold by anv one iloing business in this place. HALL & S.VCKETT. August 2.'>, 1851. ICtf TO CO'rTOX IM.AX I'EUS. FIECi:S COTToN B.VGGING, 7'. coils Uoje, lowing, viz; Asr.vnAGts. Bk\ns—Early t^hina. Early Valentine. Early Six W eeks. Early .Nlohawk. Large Lima. Berts—Early Blood Turnip •• Bassino. Long Blood. While French .''ugar. Yellow. '.\unAi;E—Early York. Flat Battersea. Large Ox Heart. Flat Dutch. F.arly Sugar Loaf. Large Drumhead, Drutuh«*ud Savoy. CAfi.iFi.owKK — Early London. CAunoT—Early Hort\. Long Orange. Cri.EKY—W bite Soli(L ('uCf.MnEK—Early F.nssia. Early Cluster. Long Green. Fr.o l’i..A>T. C'oK.v—,''i!iith‘s Early White. Sweet or Sugar. Letti ck—Large Green Head. Ic** Cuss. Large Cabbage Heal. Mklo."*—Fine Apjde. I Nutmeg. Mountain Sweet W ator. NaSTI'UTU M. Okha. Osioj:—L.arge Red. W hite Fortugal, Fahsi.F-V—Curled. l*Ar'iMi'—Long Smooth. Feas—Early Charlten. Large Marrowfat. Feiteu—l.ong Cayenne, Bull Nose. Sweet Spau;.>>h. PfMi’KiN—Connectiiit. Haoisii—Early Long Scarlet. Early Scarlet Turnip. Hose col'll Winter. I.otig Saliuon. .•'riNAcn—Round. SaI.SIFV or. Vrr.F.TAlM.E OvsTF.n. .''Qtasu—Early Bush. , Tomato—Large Ued. Large Smooth. Fear Shapei. Large Yellnw. TfRNir—Flat Dutch. Ked Top Flat. Large Norfolk. White Globe. Long Tankard. Ruta Baga. S Aor. TllYMf. S. J. HINSDALE. Fayetteville, Dec. •"!, lf^.")l. Ti-ltf promptly, as any house in the Southern country. Produce of all kimls. at the highest market prices, taken in exchange for Goods. McLEAN & JONES. Summerville. N. C., Dec. 8, iS-'jl. 47tf ""^^TO THE l’nVM(\ H E subscriber lias leased for a term of jL years, of U. W. lirown, Esq., his fire-proof .Store, with his Wli.^.rves, and is now in a condi tion to take especial care of Spirits Turjtentine and other Navnl Stores committed to his care. The W’ttrehouse is w*’ll known to be the host ami safest place in town for the st'^rage of liacon. Lard, Corn, Poas, Aic. The lo'A«‘r wharves have on them four large new sIkmIs, wlicre S}iirifs c.an be safely kept from tlie rain and sun. He is prepared to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds of produce sent to his care. He will aiso make .advances when rerpiired. He begs to refer to the following f"'nt',rmen; R. W. Brown, John Dawson, (). G. }’:irsley and Thos. H. Wright. Esqs. MILES roSTlN, Brown's wharf, Wilmington, N. ('. Sept. 1-J, 18ol. i;i-V I-AYi;rii:\Ti,i,i‘, itit.xxt ii c 1.0 TUI.\(; j. ^1. WIIITH & l.MliiiSllli/L. Ifrapvrs^ Tailors, A N r> W II O I. E S A L E .V N D R i: TAIL 110 ]Vi7/iirm lifrccf, \> ir 'i~nr/,% .>E.\T Diimt TflTiii' R\.\K OF r\n: fear. FaycttcrUle, V. The Subscrilters would l»c^ lonvo to in form the inhabitants of Fayetteville and vicini ty. that they have opened the above l’sta)>lish- ment, and intend carrying on the business in all its brancln'S. They have just received .a large 'tock of ki:ai>v-ti.%ni: c i.otkix; From New ^ ork, all of their own matmfarture. fiis^CfirNTUY .'Ikrch.vnts :ind othfr.s in want of (.''lothing to sell again, will do well to call and examine our .Stock. Orders filled at jgS^NEW' YORK PRICKS.-\s^ Measures and orders will be taken for f no Clothing, and executed in the most fashiotiable sfvle and with despatch. J. M. WHITE UNDER HILL. A. C'. HAIvl, Ai'ut. Nov. 17. 1801. 4(itf II ITS. ('.IPS, BOOTS & MOI.ASSKS AXn FISH. IlHDS. new crop MOLASfiES, a su- perior article. bbls. Fish. Just received. P. P. JOHNSON. Jan'y 12, 1802. .■'jritf arl)le Fr.ctory. B (JEO. LAUDER. TWO IKIIIRS IDIIVE IHIi;ll S SflX’.'i STdltl:. Fayetteville, IV. Jan'y 20. 18.‘>2. .V»-1Y A ^ m eit I .VOTICK. persons indeJited to the suliscri’ter, ther by note or account, are recpiested to call and settle the sat’ie as early as possible. He may be found one door West of Liberty point, M'ith the most of his re.aily-made work saved from the late fire. Persons in want of any articles in my line of business, wf>uld do well to call, as 1 will itell cheap for cash, or on time for aiijjroved note. JAMES SCNDY. Jan’y 10, 18'i2. ‘iritf rrii niER No'i'ici:. take this meth((d of returning my sincere thanks to those gentlemen who saved th»“ good'» from tny Shop on the morning of the .‘!d inst. But for their kindness and exertion, 1 would Ir.ive lost all. JAMES SI'NDY. FALL. 1851. •Tamks kvi.iT 1.S now receiving a verj- lurge and gener.al as sortment of ;OOI3S, Purchased by the Parkago for r.\SH. Those wishing to purchase Good** at reduced prices, will jileasr call and examine, as I’argains ntay H(>l/riN(t ('fif)TlIS. Ankor Ilrand, from No. 1 to 10, tin-ommonlv cheay>. !»:> HOOTS ANI» SIIOKS. cheaper tiian ever^were for Sixle in th;s market. ()ct. 4, IS.’il. 28tf D.MLV exit:cti:d. A !F,NF.ll.VL assortment of (''(H)PERS’ TOOLS, of the best manufacturers' make, bv E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18. ,T_’tf Tl ilPEXTIXE LAND FOU SALE. ijlOR sale, "03 acres of LAND on .Tames Creek, and 540 aeros on Cypress v'reek, in Cumberland, convenient to flio Western Plank Road, heavily tintbered, and adniirably adapted to the making of Turjiontine. Apply at this Othce. Nm.‘i>8. 1861. 44tf I A. H. \VHITEI!:r.D. i (’oacli and I/i2:lit I'arriase Maniifiictiiror, LD rf'spectfuriy inf. rm the public w * tliat he still continurs to carrj’ on the above business in all its branches. He returns thanks for the liberal patroiwigo he has receiv ed. atid lioiH" by a strict attenticm to business, and a desire to jilease all and give general sat- isfactifm. to merit a continujiiice of the same. He warrants all his work to be made of the best m.aterial and liy experienced workmen; and shonlil any of it fail in twelve month?' (with fair usage) either in workm.-inship or material, he will rejiair it without charge. Persotis wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine his work before purchasing, as it cannot be surpassed for style, elegance, and dunibility. He is determined to sell low for cash or on short time. Orders thankfully receivfil and promptly at tended to. REPAIRINCJ neatly executed nt short notice and lowest j>ossible prices. Fayotteville, Feb. 2, 1S.')2. ’iltf j .Aprils;:: niici ^iiisameB* I «tz: a ^ TT BT "H- :tv « I (’OS'lTMl-: ]L\LI.. Coni'r JVnf/ evil MnrJ^d I Si>«rr, r,A /. rnioui:. i fBlHE largest and best stock of RF..\DY- ; .MADE GLOTH IN! ever otrerod in Balti- I more. Dre«s, Frock and Sack '0,\TS. all co- I lors, qualities and sizes, fiviin is2 'id to 50 j anl tipwards. PANTALOONS at -SI to x:> •^0 I and upwards, embracing all styles of fancy, ]ilain and plaid Cassimeres. A'ES r.S f.f every v.-iriety at corresponding prices. Also, a large assortment of Boys' Clothing. 1 Intporting our own (Moths direct from Europe, and manufacturing on the most extensive scale, enables us to offer inducements to purchasers not to be surpassed by atiy Clotiiing Establish ment in the Cnited St.itcs. The proprietors are determineil to make the Wholesale Rooms the point of great attraction, and hare now maile up more than ntt.iMiU G.VKMENTS, I'rom the j finest «iuality to the lowest in pric“. I In tlie Custom Department will always be j found the chfiicest selection of CLOTHS, ('A.S- I SIMERE.s and VEST1.\'!S. which will be made j up at the shortest notice, and in the latest style, j and a fit always guarantied. I t^^The one price system strictly adhered to. : Remember the name and place, Corner I Pratt 6t. and Centre Market Space. i Jl. H. ("OLE CO. j August l'», 18'>1. 14-yopd Works on Pree-Masonry. V\H()[,ESALE Walcli aBB«l .feweirv Slore. L. H. AHI.LEll ^'CO., Importrrs, Mnniifurtutcrx cnul Jnhhers of \\ .Jeu'flr)/, n>itl Vant'y (roorh, Iliive leased the Old Stand formerly occupied by Messrs. Canfield", Brother cV Co,, South J'lisl rornrr nf Chtrr’ei’ art'i lialHtnore slrr^tf, (No. 227,) which they are putting in complete order for the W'1KH.ESA1,E WATCH AND .JEWELRY BL'SINESS. to be opened about the 20th of .Inly. In calling the attention of the trade to the new conetrn. we mention the fact that we are associated with une of the most extensive Jew elry .Manufacturing Establishments in the coun try. which must give ii decidcil advantage over all others in this nyirket for si’.j'ydying dealers with Jewelry at manufacturers’ prices, a featnrft in this branch if trade long since needed -be tween Baltimore and the .Southern and Western ■Merchant ■». We desire to call particular attention to tho Wat h department, which vill at all times he supjilied witii a great a.'-soi tuiont from the mo^t celebrated manufacturers, and kept in perfect running order, so that juirchasers n?ay “t once take them, with a written guarantee that they will jiiM-fonii correctly. 'I'his liraiicli of the business viil receive ti e pecial attention of one of the firm, wbo'-’o ex tensive and practical knowledge of the business will, we hope, give us a place in the contidence of buyers. We respectfully invite you fo call npon ".s when you ncNf visit f>ur cit.v, confidently be- lievinir that an examinatioti of onr Goods wlil )>rove to you that tliey are bettor styles t.nd cheaper than yotv have ever seen in this mar’iet, and assure you that no efl’ort shall be wrT ting oti our part to niuke the acqutiiutance one of mutual benefit, I,. II. MILLLP. k rn. Old stand, formerly occupied by Canfield, Bro. & Co., S. E. cor ner of Charles & Baltimore s*s. raltimore, June 1851. 14-Yo REFERENCES: Messrs. Wyeth, Blacklock ^ Co. tiwyn, Reid Taylor. James Hodges Brother. Hurst ic Berry. Murdoch, Duer & Evans. Stellmann & Hinrichs. Sangstou fc (*o. Barthlow. Gwyn & Co. Riely & Pendleton. Cusiiings Pjailey. John Murphy i\ C‘>. Moore &, (.iritlin. W AN'FEl), I KW Masonic Trestle-Board. adapted to the i W'ork and Lectures, as jn-actised in the :i000 ft. .\she Lumber for Wagons. H to inchcs i [,odges, Chai>ter«. i’ouncils, and Encampments fhick, ^ I Kni>:ht TenU’lars in tlie I'nited States. >>y 3000 ft. Seasoned Oak Lumber, 1^ to " inches. : (’h;,|»_ \v. >liore. looo ft. W hite Oak and Hickory, for .\xletrees. i Free-Mason’s Manual, a companion for 1(M)0 ft. AVhitc Oak for Tongues, P.olsters and ^ initiated throu'.:h all the degrees of Masonr; rh of Ilnrdu'ire. Ctillcrif^ ‘ (huts, t^r., I : ifi'ck having been damaged by - Id at public .auction in No\enil>er ■ w oj>c!i;ng a full assM’tment of Ta- t ( 'iiticry. Cotton and W q«l Car»la, itiicr makes of Sln^els and and ] ira •vthes, Hoes, .Vnvils, on*' o!' ''“l’cicu=i^'"'‘ ...u . ot r with a well selected and complete ■ : I' liviirn and Domestic Hardware, . : 'cd .>;tyles. direct from the manu- : t s Ilf a new stock laid in at the inro'l j.iii-es of goods, tnust be per- ■■ ••'•■r;. incri-li:int. .An examination ■ "' u’ld undoubtedly result to your ■ 'u-1;' r fit).) personal attention paid i.r 'itlicrwise. '‘'•'>2 07-1 m • • a . ■ li\iniWS MO'FEF., [.^'i:rT8:v2u. 1.1*:, c. ' ■ rii.i-,-. ha\ing taken the large ■ ‘'riHcrlv l.Il^.v^n as the Pl.anter's ’ ^ ’''I !it f!,«. of Hay Mount, Hay \'. C.. i-cspectfuMy informs '■ ii i t!'i- public tiiat he is now en- tlic huilJitig, which i.s sup- [ ' hi w Furiiiiure, and is pre- ■ !. 'hiti* the tr.ivelling [i..blic.— - "1 i''ti)eri- iice in the Inisiness in ('., he flatt(?rs ^ «i:| I,,. {, pive s.itist'acfion iii'i.v !:i\or him with their compa- '111* :.pp jiiry, •nieiit .Stables, and a 200 lbs. Twine. Just received and for sale cheap, bv PETER P. JOHNSON. .\ugust 10, IS.")!. lltf Grcnishorov^h (.V. C.) Mutxial Insurance Compnnif. S5UIISU.\NT to an .Vet of Incorporation, a Company has been formed under the name and stvle of ‘'THE GREENSl$OROUGH MC- TI'AL' I.VSL'KANCE company, ” and fully organized b3' the appointment of the following Officers, viz: J.V.ME.S SLO.VN. President. S. G. COFFIN, Vice Preeident. PETER ADAMS, Secretary and Treasurer. C. P. .MENDENHALL, Attorney. JOHN A. MEBANE, ) W. J. .McCONNEL, > P^xecutive Com. W.M. 8. KAN KIN, j DIHKCTOR.S. PLAX I'ATIOX FOR SAI.E. HAV'ING determined to abandon entirely all attempts at farming. 1 offer for sale the tract of land on which I lately resided, three miles above Lumherton. It contains 800 acres, about 20J of which are cleared. This offer j>re- pents the following inducements to persons wishing to buy lantl: 1. A healthy locality and excellent water. 2. (Jood soil. 3. Great facilities for making Timber and Turpentine. (10.000 Iwxes already cut.) 4. Comfortable dwelling and out-houses. o. Y'oung & thrifty Orchards X Grape Vines. 6. Reasonable price and c.isv terins. *R. E. TROY. L"iun>>ertju, Robeson Co., N. C., ) .f Jan. 2-5, 18;V2. ) ^ JTall and 18 5 1. StorL'. .Shafts. 100 Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. 2(.MMI .Spokes. For which the highest cash price will be paid. -\pplv soon to E. FCLLFMl. .Mav Pt. 18.'.]. 72-tf B' T' John A. Mebane. Andrew Weatherly. C. P. .Mendenhall. Lyndon Swaim. Jesse .Shelly. Jonathan W. Field. James Sloan. W. J. .McConnel. Willianj S. Rankin. Jed. H. Lindsay Shubiil G. Coffin. William H. Reece. Tyre Glenn. This Company has now been in stic'’essful operation for several m«mths, and will take Risks upwn Dwelling Houses, Stores, and other Buildings, .Merchandise, Fumitur.-, Produce. \c. The object of this organization is to af ford a system of Insurance which «h«ll operate for the mutual benefit of all its members. The peculiar advantages arising from this mode of Insurance are, that the assured pay no Oiilv liiiriit ill Fart. JOHN HARMAN. bOtf .rts III CD j8tf P/, 'Mm »•“'i" T., St IV, fcrui''* 'AIK 'I'wi, lloT.-e W.'igon and l"rri!i.. \ bargain can be had dll- 'iili.st.i il)cr soon. J. B. TIt(»Y, Jr. 00-2w Ho. IT TUPLES, extra fine. • irifi ^‘-aches and .Vpples, at •1^10 '‘t !Sl .V) per flozen. I iip' *'Apricots, Plums, .M- ■ ii,.i '-i'lince:-., at 2”> cts. e.'ich. ■■■i i; "'‘buits, .‘>0 to !j;I each. "ir ■’** '' i , • * ’ 1'^’’’ huii'lrcd. I'er tii , P'T do7,en. ■ ll'-.',!,!Hardy Plants, ‘'■hit J *’’'‘'“*u‘ntfil anfi Evergreen ‘ ’ ■'uniii.-^t every thing in my line, ‘“'"nil jtKct. A. A. MclvKTMAN ^JTILL Continues to carry on the CARRT 'GE BU.SINES.S in all its branches, at the re mains of his old stand, opposite Liberty Point. He returns thanks for the liberal p.atronage he more than jhe ,actnal los.ses ami expenKes of the has heretofore received, and hopes by strict at- Comp.anv, and experience has proved the safety tention to liusiuess anil a desire to give entire of .Mutual Insurance ('ompanies, as well as the satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same, great saving to its members; and no stronger Having kept the greater portion of his Tim- argument can bo produced in ther favor, than hers at a distance from the manufactory, he has tlie cottfidence which they receive from the en- on hand a large and well selected lot of tho- tire community where such Companies are in roughly seasoned Timber, of every description succcssful operation. used in his business, which en.ables him to ret.iin ,\ny information respecting the principles of all his principal workmen. He is therefore now the (Jompuny w ill be cheerf^ully furnished by ' prepared to do any work in bis line in the very the Secretary, or anv of its Agents. I best style, and on the most favorable terms—as PETKU ADAMS, Sec’y* low ns any work of the s.ime quality in N. C. HE .Subscriber ofiers for sale one of the largest and best assortments «f (»OOD.S in his lijie ever cffercd in this place. He is very thankful for the very liberal patron.-ige that he has had. and sdlicits .a continuance of the same. His stock has been selected with care, and consists of nearly every variety and style, i from the bc.nt manufacturei s. j He has or hand .and offers low for C'lrh. at ! retail or by the case, latest styles Gentlemen's ' Beaver. Nutria. Moleskin. .Silk. Brush and .\n- j gohv H.\TS, .\lso. Jenny T.iind. Ko«suth, ,\r- ^ tist. Rough and Ready, and stiffened Fur and 1 Wool Hats, for .\len. \outh and Boys—in aV>v»n- dance bv the dozen or cas(‘. I * —also— j A very large supjdy of ('loth, Phtsh. Velvet I and Fur C.VPS, of all qualities, styles and pri- i CCS,—by the single Cap or >)v the dozen, —ALSO— l>oots and Shoos, of the following v.aricties, viz: Fine Water-proof, fine Calf, fine Kip and heavy Winter -al’OOT.*'. Also, Boys’ and Youths’ Calf and Kip Boots. Gentlemen's Dress .shoes, of various qualities. Together with an assortment of Ladiff', .Misses’ and Children's BOOTS and .SHOES, viz: Jenny Lind. Excelsiors. Gaiters, ditto Half, Buskins, Slippers and .Morocco Boot.s. ,\.lso. Gentlemen’s and Ladies’ Rubbers. With •1 good supply of Y'ouths', Boys’, Childrens’ and Servants’ heavy >‘5hics. All of which he ofl'ers low for ir on time to punctual customers. Please ci;ll and satisfy yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN C. THOMSON, ^larket Square. Sept. 20, 18')1. 20tf _ \TH.\T Candles! Candles!! Candles!!! E.ST FAYETTEVILLE Mr)FLD(’ANDLES for sale at the Proprietor's .Store, Hay street, one door West of .Mr. E. (Hover's Jew- I eler's Store. j Persons desiring to h.ave their Tallow made | into Candles will please send it in. j A. M. CAMPBELL. j •Tan’y 10, 1852. r>o-:’.m ^io» re\vaesT>. RAN.\W’.\\* from the subscriber, a negro man, aged abinit 2-), about six feet high, lilack complexion, named W'.VRltE.N DRAKE, a Carjienter by tra«le. It is sujiposed he is ma king his way to Fayetteville. N. C., where said bov was raised. Pfissibly he is endeavoring to get to Ohio. The above reward will be jiaiil for anv information le.ading to his detection. N. C. TROWBRIDGE. Angnsta. Ga.. ,Tan. 2 4. 18.'V2. 01-'.it ^ i by Rev. K. 1. St.'wart. The True .Masonic Chart or Hieroglyphic Monitor, by J. L. Cross. The Free-Mason's Monitor, corta-ninr a de lineation of the fundamental principles of pree- Masonry. ojierative ;ind sjicculative, a well in a religi>us .as a moral view, by Z. A. D.avis. For sale bv 1'. J. Il.M.E iM .'^oN. 74 Mav M- thous.and. Tlie Siil»scribor having been ap pointed Agent, will rcceive av>plications and make Burveys to cffect Insurance in said Com- pan3’. JOHN M. ROSE. Favetteville, Dec. 20, 18ol. 51-3m I.ITTERLOII. GOtf Livery Stable Business. I^HE subscriber intends carrying on the above busines as usual. Having added considerable Stock, he will be able to accom modate the public. Thankful for past favors, he solicivs a ooiitiniiaiice. J. W. POWERS. Jan'y 20, 18G2. oHU He has on hand, completely finished, 8 Barouches, for 1 or 2 horses; f) llockaways, and 13 Buggies. Also, nearly finished, 10 (,'arriages for 2 hvrses: 20 Barouches for 1 and 2 horses; 12 Uockaways, and i?(t Btiggies; All of which are of the most approved plan and finish, and will compare with any work in the IJ. States for neatne.ss and durability. Having been engaged in the above business for the past 20 years, his work is well known, and he refers to old customera for proof of its durability. Ar.Ti work warrant^ for 12 month?*, and repairofl free of charge should it fai! by had workmanship or material, within that time. ygy Rei'airing executed at short notice, and on reasonable t-erms. Jan’y *2t>, 1852. /30 jiisr iu:cEiv BBLS. Northern V.'illSKEY. tllf S, W, TILLINGIIAST & CO. Dw. 10, 18*31. 47tf TIIE fEI,i:Rll\Tl-n DI TK COOKL\(i STOVE, 1.S for sale by the .Subscriber in Raleigh and Fayetteville; in Raleigh at his Shop on Fay etteville Street, and in Fayetteville at Mr, A. M. Campbell’s. The Subscriber hereby forcw.ams all persons front purchasing any of these .Stoves from any person cither in or out of North Carolina, ex cept from himself or his duly authorized Agents. He has purchased the exclusive right to venl this Stove within the State, and will prowecute any person infringing his right, either by pur chasing. selling, or using, any except those ob tained from himself. JOSEPH WOLTERING. R.aleigh, April 10, 18r>l. CHtf 1IIAVE just received from New \ork, my FALL AND WINTER Htock of tioods, Consisting of a general assortment of Dry Goods, lirorcrirs, llardwart*. I’lillpry, &r. I will barter for TURPENTINE, or any kind of Proiluce. N. KINO, 10 miles North of Fayetteville. Oct. 1^0. 43tf CHERRY PECTORAL For Ihr Cure of coigns. COLDS, 1I9AKSE\ESS. BROX(H!TIS, WHOOPI\C-(Ol(;iI, (ROIP. ASTUIIA, AXD rO\Sl.1IPTIO\. M any yenr® «f of iiin'Tir;r? tl>P (Mil.lir rtinfiricnre in tliis mcilirine, hn won tor it :in :i|i|ire- riatiiip iinil notnrift) liy Cur exrccdini: the tnovt vnnsmne exiifrtntion* of It-* .Ncitiins tmt it.i iiitr':n>ir vir tues »nd the iiiimKt.-iknlile tienptU mnlerrcii mi IhiaixrimN of 'iiflrrers. niiilil ori2.nnte mmI iipiitiinin the rr|iiil:itiiiii it eiijoVK. While iiniiv inferior r>-iiii-lic- ihrii't itiion itie roiiiiiii'iiiity. buve liiileil Hiid Iwrn dlsr.irileil, tins has CHiiiPil friend-i liy I’very Iritil. ronferred lienefiK on the af- rtirtpd they r.m never InrL'et. :tnd prodm ed riires lin> na- iiieroii'* !ind too reiM.irk ihle to he tnrcnilen. W'liile it is a fr:uiil on the pnl.lir to preter.d th»t :nv one medicine will iiifiillilily rnre—'till Ihere i nlmixl ini prfiof th:it llie Cherry rp('lor:il does not only as n r ttiiii!.’, lint iiii*ii»l inv:iri»lily. rtire the mahiiiios fi r wliirli it is eni|:l.iyed. ■\s time iniikes itiese fnrts wider and lietter known, this meilirine Inis cr.(dil:illy iM Come th’ liF't reli:>nre of thn :itl1irle.l. I'riiai ihe |ng rnlun of th« AniTicMn (ifiisant. to the )>:il:ires Ilf l',iiro|>ean Kiiic*. 'I'hroiiihont this entire roiiniry. in every t^t-Me, riiy, Hnd indeed nlnio'^t every h:;i!il l it ronriins. (. Iierry I’ertoral is kiioM n iis the liest remedy extant for di«e»se« 'f the Throat and I.uni's, and in iiriny foreign roniitries, it i-« nmim" to lie cxiensivcly ii-eil 1)V their most inlellisrent l’tiy>iri«ns. In (Jreat lirit- iiin. Krani:e and (lerniany, where ilie nwdirni srienrex have rearhed their hishesl iierferlion. ('h»rry Peeloral is inlrmliiced. and in eonstant use in the \rniies. Ilns|>ltals, .\liiis Houses, rnldir (nstitiitinns, and in rtomestie prar- tice. as the surest rem-'dy their attendin" rhy5iriiiiis can einiiloy f T Ihe more d inieniiis atfi'ctions of Ihe lung*.— .'\lsii in milder rases, and t'or rhildri-n it ii »afe. ple isnnt and etfeetnal to rare. In fart, some of the mo»t tlattering testimonials we receive have hepn fmm pirenU who have fiitind it tlliciicii ii'! in cases particularly incidental to childluKnI. The t'herry IVctoT:>l is mamuactiireil l>y a pneltral ‘hemi“t. and every ounce of it Under his nwn eye. with invarlahle arcaracy and care. It is sealed and protected by law from connterf' its. consequeiitly can be relied on as cenainc w ithoiit adulteration- We have endeHvomI here to fnrnUh tlie community with a medicine of such intriii!ic sii|feriorily and worth as should commend Itself to their ennfidencH—a reaiedy at once safe, s|M-edy and etfectiial, which this has hy re- peateil and cniialless trials proved itself to lie; and tni-t by trreat rare in preparlnc it with rhemical accuracy, of uaifiirin i‘trpn>;tli to rltiird I’hysiciMns h new njent on w hich they can rely for the liest results, and the afflicted with a remedy lhal will do fur them all that medicine ran do. I’retiare-l and s.dd hy -Tamch .Ayeii, Tracticftl and .\nalvtiral •'hemisl. Lowell. .Mass. ,‘orii in Kayellevill'' hy J. lllNr=I)AI,K; in ('linton, ^ hy W \(!i:i'.N .n iII.N'Si*.V fc and hy Uropcists and 1 Healers in Medicine everywhere, j Janifiry ‘26. IH.V2. ^ 59 3in j lilanhfi o f all kiinh, > fur 2sue at tLla Offico. Vfcz-GEl ABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, THK. M«'ST rort l.M’. FAMILY MEDICINE O K T If K A i K I list’d liY riiysirinus of High Sliimiin:. Tl«-o lilTTV.ns’ r-inovp nil K "I' th.- p- «;»*r r#»tlon. j:i\e t..ue bv.\ ^ i^or in t»i* t..nil\ ihe f\ ‘ti'iii 0;;iiiiist liitni* ti(,t>ii wiili at i;o time di-l.ili- iit -! i^rn'vi'il to tho niost leli- n l teniii!Kuble for their chreriiii;, in ]"''ivi',i'is. Mifii.'tln'tiin^r, aii'l rest.ir^itive jTopei- lies.’^and 'iii"ilu n 1 iiaMe inil sure lemeily for i)vsn:rsi\ i.\ its ;v«iist Fou.iis. Msii. I iver fonipl .iiits, Him'lice Ilearil'iirn. ( os- liveti.'vs. I'uiiitrui-',.. |)isi>r lers ol the Skill ami l.iver, l.osv ,it I'.uf, 1 (iM Spiii's. NeiToiis llea.lache, liid.liii.-ss, r;il| il t'ieii Ilf the Heart, SinUincj ami Kull- ness Ilf U eitrlit at tl.f Stomtirli. and all otl.er disessfii c:iii^»‘‘l h' wlii. h t.-i [111 i in I .ire stpt. to .leMiiiai.* an ' of tlie Moo.!, li'cr. etc., 1 weaken the «) stem. Wl.c r i: >1 A I. K s ■ .» ivi’iMil nni unnatural con.^ition viiii f.ivi this Mo liciue of INESTiiMABLE VALUE. In Mj , A-f..-.1 UKNt.K M, [)KliI LIT V. U.is \* TN I A M \\M ! 7ZZOUSAr?3S Hr>v# it' . niv! Mioti’-nTj.N r**-** noiv tioa’inont ; Hi»»i not oih* t'f tniLu^ \ I w:lh rcriUicatfs 1 those who Ijave bren |»eini:»iently C II! *' L fall on thf .\gent. and get a PITIPHM.T, l untainiii" tlie ertificstes of RemaikaWe ( hits and th» hit'h esiinialioii in which this .Me,home is held hj th*: I iit.Uc l can be had of the .Aejent*. Iiee. Large Quarts $1; Piuts 50 Cents. S„/J by nil the Frinripa! Dru^aists in the L'liititl Staffs (iufi Canadas. rrincipal Office, I i.' Kt LTO.N ST.. .N V.. tiu stain For snle hy S. J. 111NSI>.\LK. November 8, l^^l. 8H-y i^vVliooKsT 8i^ The Aujcriean Almannc for 185‘2; Swor»ls’ Pocket Almanac; The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, from Marathon to Wnter- loo; First Impresmons of England and its Peo ple, by Ihiph Miller; Swallow Barn, revised edi tion. illustrated, by .1. P. Kennedy; Pon Quix ote. half morocco, illtt6tratc«l; Lonthin and the Exhibition, illustrated; .Abbott’s Hi.istories; Lis ton and Mnter’s .Surjrery; I’ldlion’s Cicero; Pierce’s Turves, Functions tmd Forco«: T"oke’.s Pantheon; Letter Writers. X’c. tc. .Juot r"cM. K. J. II-VLC \ SON. Deo. 8, 1851. ST.\M)AKD AND MISCKLLANEOLS it O OK^. .Ar.\UL.VY\‘'. ITunie'sp.nd Robin«!on’s His tories of F.ujrinnd, in vnriouH editions; .Alison's Jli.«tory of I'.urope. 4 vois; Knllam's .Middle .\;.res: Thiers's History of the Trench llevolution. '1 vols, illustrated; Tytler's I'niver- sul History, Lnrpe and abridged eds: Preseott’.s I'enlinund ami Isabella. Me.xiio nnd Pen’.; Ln- baunte's Canipaipn in Hussiii; t.'ooper's Naval History; Mansfield's Mexican \V:ir; Trunihull'i* Indirin War.s: Canijdu'll's Lives of the Lords (.'h.ancellors of P^njrlnnd, 7 vols; Campbell's Lives of tlie Chief .justices of Engi.md. 2 vols; Lives fif eniinent English .Judpes; Lire? of tho f^uoen-^ of .'^cotltind. 2 vol«; Ladies’ Historical Libnirv. it vols; Memoirs and >Vorks of Alexan der Hamilton. •> vols; Marshall's W.-shington, 2 vols; t'olton'pi Life and Times of Henry Clay; Kennedy's Life of AVirt: Wirt's Life of Patrick Henry; Southey s Life nnd Corresi'ondeTiee; Chnrl'es Latnb's do; Atifobioprrnphy of I/cigh Hunt; Life and Genius of Hnrn«; Life of La- fjiyette, of Ptiul .fones. of .Jai-k.sn)i, Taylor, .Scott, M:irion, Friinktin, ^ic. .'^haksjieare's Work.s', in 1, i!. .and 7 vol.s; Sheridsiii's, l>cn .fonson'.s, Pojiuniont ain! Piotch- er'x. M:tssinrer and I'ord’s. Vv ychcrley nud Con greve's. Dramatic Works, Lnjr. Illustrated Eds; &c. &c. .lolinson's Works, find P>oswell's Life of ,Tohn- soti. ‘J vols each; liurke's. Aildison's. Goldsmith’s, .'^tenie's. Fieldinand f- mollctCs Work.s; Gold smith's .\nim.ited Nntiire. 1 vol.s; Btirke's, ('hat- hrtni's. Phiili[i«', 'uriJin's, and other Speeelies; Modern Pritish Fss-;iyist°. 8 vols; V.’avcrly No vels and Poetry; Irvin^r's Work.**. Putnam's f*di- tion. I'ivoIk: Cooper s ,'^elcct Works, 12 vols; Piuiwcr's AN'ork':; Dickcns' do, conipktu in 4 vois; Gil Ulas; Don C-’dxotle; Ac. kc. ("olman’s Kr.t-ojiean Life and M.Tnners; Lord Hol'itind's Foreign l>eTniniscences; .'^tephens’s tr.ivels in Kjrj'pt, .AraliiM, &c; Walter olton’s Works; Grtice .\."uil:ir’s i\o, viz; Ilonie Inttnencf*, Mother's P.ecompei!.-;e. Vnle of Cedars, ^:c: War- j rcn s Ten ThoMs:inl a Year, and Now and Then; I Hvperion; l^v,sillow Ihirn. hr Kennedy; Alton ! Locke; LMvenjrro; Humbohlt's Cosmos; i^ev^;rie9 I of a liaclielor: Home is Home; J.ndy Wortley's I Travels in America; Arabitin Nights; Gcor^iti .'^cenes; I'ic. I'ic. Ufitish and Aniericiin Fomnle Poets, Illnstrft- terl; Poetical (inoititions: Byron’s, .‘'cott's, Mil- toti's, .Moore's. Pope's. Cowper's, Dante's. Tns- so's. Kitke Whites. Tlionip.son's. Hcnians’.s, Hurns's, Colrridjre's. Votrtirr's, Dutler's. Mother well's. ('ollins Gr;>y ,ind Leattie’s. bheltey tmd Keats's, Chaucer n'ld .'^jienccr's, Canij'hell's, Tom Hooit's, Tupper's, Pol’ok'°, Halleck's, imil Hrynnt’s Poetical Works; &c, .k;c. liibles, Praj'cr Pooks and Testaments, of v.a- rious styles Miid prices; I^!‘1 ville's, Manninp'.s, and Chapm;'.n s Sernif’tts; .''ketches find ^!kele- toiis of .'serinoiic; F'^^dish Pulpit; Pul]>it Cyclo- pedin; Le;!rhton's Work.s: Hofl'nian'.i _’;inon L.tw; Dick's Theoloov; Life of ]»r Chalmers, and f’hal- mers's Institutes of Thc'.lofry, Rermons, and Lectures nnd .\ddresses; Home on the Psalnis; Patrick, Lowth nnd V\bitby’s 'ommentary on t!io .Scriptures, 1 vols; ('oniprehensive di, » vols; Mc’osh oil Divine (Jovernn.ient; Chnrnoek on I*ivine Attrili^tes; Nennder's Life of Cliri«;; IiUtler’s .\tirilofiy; Wil'^on's Mantitvl of Church Principles; Hopkins on the Confessiontil: Puscy- ism. its Cnuses and t nre; i’ntler’s Old Tnitiis and New Krrors; Keadinp.s for Lent; S,ncra Pri- vata; Cl.'trk on the Promises; Hnnnnh More’s Life nnd Private Devotions; Dotldridjre’s F>ii.e :iud Progress; Pilirrin.i’s Progres.s, henutifully illustrated; Baxter’s Call, .nnd S.'>int’s pest; Ticnch’s Notes on the P.orsbles: Puck's Theo logical, and Union Pib'e Dictionf.r}'; Gil.nUan’.s Rjird» of the Ilible; Peep of Dxy, Line v.pon Line, &c; .lay’s Exercises and Prnyers; Thorn ton’s, licrrinn’s, nnd P>ames’s F.'^mily PrJ»yei*5; Dcems’s Home Altar; Wrought Gold; lUwk- ptone, Lancton Parsonage, The EsrPs Daughter,' Gertrude, Walter Lirimer, and other religious tales, by Sewell nnd other nuthors, kt, &c. Miss Leslie’s, Soyer's, and American Cook ery; Miss Leslie’s nnd Mis.s Beecher’s Receipt liooks; Mrs. Randolph’s Virginia TIot:scwife, &c. &c; Downing’s Ladies’ Flower Garden; do Fruit Trees of .Afciericn; Flower Garden Direc tory; Parry’s Fruit Garden; with a vttriety of useful works on Apricultu'e, F'nrmirg, &c, A liifrge stock of ,*Schi‘f,l I’ooks. .s'rrcls. Gift Books, Stationer^, Ae, kc. For sale »t the FHyette\ille Bock Store, hv L’. J.