SBMI-WBEKIiY. [Veil.. I.] 1'AYKTT1-;V11,I,E, X. C., MARCH I, 18o2. [NO. 7((.] I’l’.INTKM 1!V J. 1!. NHWIiV. 1-I)\VAI!I) J. II.VLI'; & SON, i;iuT(.nis AM» im;oi*1!Ii;ix)I:s. I’li.o for tlu' Scmi-\Vooklv ()usk.kvlai t if ill u'l'niK’i*: •’>" it' p.-viil 'hiriiiLr tlio j Mvir 't' •iul'.'i ri['tii*ii: or liu^ r,.i- the \\ v'kly OiisKtiX iMt 00 [n-r auiuuii, if ill ailMUU-t*: ->1.' •*>> if paM liuriiijr tlic M'.ir nf nr O'* al'tor tlic yi*ar ll:l' \1>\ I'.IM'lSKMI^N'rS inscrtfil f^r .sixty coiits r,.T' u:in‘ I'lT tin- ait'l tliirty cvnts r.n-h • •■'•'1''’- puUVu-atiiiu. Voarly ailvorti.sfiiu-iils l,\ ial c-.ntracts, at rato.s. A«l- vrrti' '1'“ aro remu'stcl to state the niiniliiT of ■ i».-': 'Mi or tlu'v w ill In- till '..r? ivi. I cliari:ol acoor-liirjly. Letters t*> tlu' I'l'itors lip pn.-t-paiil. NATIONAL SERIKS OF ^taiidai'il School Kouk$i, ri lU.lSllKl) I'.Y A. S. 15AUNi;S CO., .*>1 Joliu street. New York. atteiitiMii of Seliciol 'l'e:u-lieis, Seliool .M. riiiimiit:eos. anil llie friemls t>f K'liieation ;;eiier!illy. are iii\itecl to tlie I'ollon inj; valualile 'I exl ISuoks tor .''cli*'ols, A^•adl‘mit‘^: and Collcj;rs: i>AVli:8' MATllKMATUS. Uetail prices. IS :n rr.i .4 i‘i lii: i,i.Nsi-,Ki) on . riAV just received and ffr .sale l»y r>. son. \[:tn‘ll 1. 1000 Ihs. siijv'rior Novlli ('aro I.;, UV:'"N ll.\'l>. I'Ul!,!’" f T f f,.i- >...e ^y \1 .rrii !. iiiilv ii.«e. SON. l.'.'-ot M)’ri( j:. IIIIF. ^artncr^llil> lieret.tfore existiiijr iu I In•t^^eell tlu“ iindii>ijrneil. is di.'SoIveil l>y intitim'. ci.seiit. ' ’ ti. the firm w ill plea-^e lall oil G. NN . K .■ . at Luiiit'f'ri. Ii. who is anlimii/ed t.> :r:e ii:e e iiieeni. JOHN A. I..\NH. lill.r.rilT w. .MiK.VY. I iiuhert-m. I'l-'-. '2'’. .11 s r i{K( i:i\i:i>. ^ mu.s, wiiisKKY. 10 hti.'.v Mo!a--r?. 1 v^r. pale Kreiu-li nr.iiidy, 1 •• •• SS \\ ine. 1.') Iti" ( Mtlce. .”) l"^\es .Mediniii \w«. — Al.SO— r.i ''"nis: Heartli Kriisl’e.''; .Iiii*' l>o..r and I'u"- r'. Tnniiei s' ('urriers' Kiii\i->. \\i'rkrs. Siii.iiitU r eshei':*'. a\id ai\ I'.dd t !l ti> lir ri;KN( 11 fiHN \. s. u. Tiij.iNt.^i 'sr M.ireh 1. ISVJ oi ir; ' r .ji d. H W!l.(, ttay ets |m ; - .- i' :■ S . ’('Mil nivi lin« n . .t. 11'1 to 1>. WiHiiiin.'. ill I'.iytle' ii'.- 1 :iiii ir arlv r' l' \ !>' put ill ■ jn'2'at.I'll a I'aptT Mill ill tli;.-^ 1 ■rill" .1. ai;'l am iK'--iri'i!> i.f ^'etti):^: niy ■ u' ill this market. My i lijei-t is tu I'.iy a> Iiiucii f'.r ra'_' ms I e.-iu :iff. rd. and L>.pe that 1 iiiav ni't he forted t*> siiarUet-i fir «>y ij p'ii s. I have arraiiiretl wi;li Mr. il’iaiiis t ; t '-eiv^ and I'a v for all l a-^s >leliverfd t'> him. i),\vii> Mrtn'HY. ra\ett.-vi!lo. IV1:'v --M. OH-tf I>a . ies' i'irst L ssnii.« in .\ritlinu‘tic, l'a%ie"' Seliool .\ritliinelie, l»avies' iraliimar (d' .\rithinetie, l>:i\ies' I'niversity .Vrithmetic, “•') l>a\iis' I'.lemeiUary .\.lp:elra, T’> Davies' Kleuientary 'jeometry and Trig onometry, >1 00 Davies' I’raetieal Geometry and Mensu ration, T”> Davies" liourdon's .Vl;elira. 1 ‘J-l Davies' l,‘iiendre's Geometry, new edition 1 37 Davies' Klemeut.s of Surveyinjr, 1 ’>0 Davies' l^ojrjo of .Mathematics, 1 '2~> (.'liamlier>i' Treasury id' Knowledge, To t'!;irk'>; Klements of Dravvinjr. I't ('liamliers' N.-itiiral riiilosojihy, Ueid ;inil l^.iin's I'liemistry and Klectrieity, Uamilton'b \'cirelalile and Animal I’hys- ii'lf^v, Cliaiiil.-rs' Klements of Zoolojry, l'a^*-'s Klen\enta d'Gcoiory. I’arker's l-'irst I,css.ins in Natural I’hilo- so[diy. I'arkc’r's ('ompendium of Schmd I’hilo- .sophy, Mclntii-e on the I’.-^e of th(‘ Glulies. 7’> I'lUton \ Kastman's ( opy Itook.s (No.s. 1. ■J a III I each It' Fultor, »v Kastman's Penmanship, ‘J- Fulton a: K:!sliiian's Ilook-keepin;; (Sin- ;:le and DoviKle Kiitry) T’> rrook,'’ First Latin Le.-st.iis, jlrooks' Oviii's Metamorphoses, Uroolis' Collectanea Kvan;,:el;ea, Brooks' First tJreek L»'Ssons, I’arker's First School Keader. I’arkt-r's Second Scliool Keader, I’arker's Third Sciiool Header, I'arker's Fonrili School Urader, I’.irker's Itlietoi-ii-al Ueader. Martiu'-i Oihoepist, words of ]>rontinciatioii. .\. rt!;“nd's Little .Spi';iker. N.TtluMi.-'s \mcrican Speaker, Northen.i's .'i.' '>1 Di:ilo-iie«. Wizard's History the I'nited St.ites. WiP.aiv'i'" Universal H rtory. 1 Zach'.'s New Speaker. 1 .*.nv‘ ii!' ihe ahove llook,'* i an he found at tin' l?Mok.^ of K. .1. Hale X .S. n, Fayetteville. Jan'v 1, 5:!-om difficuU S8 38 1 00 37 E. C. HALL, 01' UOMl-'., iSitf'rcssur nj' f/iilf, «(• ('•»., IS now- reccivinj^ hi.s Fall ST«X'K of CiU()L>S, consisting of h penenil ussortment of Dry Goods, iSaddlory, i lats, Cai>s, SIjoos, Hardware, (Jroctries. A mnch lar_LHT nnd more general stock tliaii ever opened on the Hast side of the ('ape Fear — which he is prepared and determined to .sell to punctual customers, either at wholesale tir I’etail. at "rfatly reduced prici's. (iE^r'lle Would call jtnrticular attention to his stin'k of M(M(T.s ,\ND SH(>KS. The assortment is unusually larpe, and of every quality and style; and having heeu hought for Cash, he can and will sell them very low. You that wish liarjrains will lind it to your interest to jrive the Stock an examination before biivinj; el.sewhero. .Mwavs on li.and, a jreneral stock of (!KO(’K- niKS. ' Oct. 18, 18--.1. 3_>tf Teat Teal Ti^all 1CHF.ST YOI NG HYSON, 1 ditto (Iiinpowder, 1 Catty Iniiierial, For sale hy CHS. r..VNK.s. Oct 18.'.1. ' 34-tf NKW FIRM. undersigned have entered into copart- 1 norsliip. under the name and style of Ijuuroiifc & Troy, For the jmrpose of doing a general Mercantile und Harter luisines.s. ^Ve have taken the Store, No. DtGliKKN STllKKT, formerly occupied by -Messrs. .lohn lluske \ .Son. c.i;o. w. i,A\vr>r.Nci:. JOHN !!. TIIOY, Jr. Oct. 2-J, iHol. :;::tf H HI he Jicrn'ca/ hjf tli‘ fir.-if ht (h‘ /iircr, TONSofSWKDKS IllON, by Wr K. C. H A L'l, of I’loine. Oct. 18, l.'^.'.l, :’.iitf ” DAILY 4GKNKK \I- A.s.soitTMKNT of liOLLOW- WAIIK, by K. C. HALL, of lloiue. Oct. 18, 18r>l. 3l.»tf UNION T IIK biiildin;: oi • vi ll«‘iirii‘tta Kfi'aiii Ro:it .'oN St4*;ini*r, SOU Til K UN i:u, nT IKK be in order to take her place in the line in a tew davs. She is one hundred and twelve feet long, seventeen feet beam, and four feet hold; and draws not excrediiiir twelve inches water. The Company contideiitly exjiect that with l/ii* limit, in addition to their other Steamers and tow boats, they will be in a con dition to transj>ort all freight sent b\- their line with as much c*rtainty ;md despatch :is any line upon the river. The Soiitlierner being of such light draft of water, she will be enabled to run at all times. .Tan'v DKMING, Tres t. M. (»K1;KLL, .\gent. t'.o-tf .irs r im:( i:i\ i:i), r.r.Ls, citrsHKi* sr; \k. Iti.s. Wavtie ('ounty liacon. l.'> bbls. Lard. No. 1." ('.} boxes prime Tobacco. 40 bbls. Mackerel. -\t Cro'^s Creek (^o. C. lU'.NnoW. Vies't. Marcl. 1. 18.-.2. ‘■•■'tt V. r. IIah;II vV son OFKKH FOR SALK: ^ KW Orle.ins. Porto Hico, llelined, •"'ruslied, ^ [.oaf and H:vaiiii .Sii^ar. llio. Laguira, :iiid dd Gov t .Java Cotiee. Dundee, (iiinnv. and Hurlaps I’.agging. Kove :ind Tw ine. Iron. Nails, .''alt, Mol;isse.«. ( heese :ind llai-iins. Itlacksniiths' Tools. Axes, Spades. Shovels. Hoes, S*c_vtiies. 'I'race and ll.ilter Ch.-iins. Hand and Hoop Iron. White Lead in **il. Spanish Hrown. Ited Ke;id. (ilass, 1‘uttv, I’.uckets. Brooms. .M ackcrel, in barrels »nl half ditto. Negi-o Shoes. Tanner,';' Oil. Tin I’late. ire. Snjierior Gr^en nnd Black Teas. Saler.-itus, .S'lap. .Snutf. rc]i])er, tiinger. Spice, Nutmegs. Sperm and Adani.-intine Candles. I’ar Lead. Shot, I’owder, i\c. .\c, Nov. 28, IS.'.l. 44tf IN, Is.VJ. NO ru’i:. ff^IIK J. artner'^hip heretofore existing under Jl the nai. e of j. H. \ II. F. Murphy is thi.« •lav di.ssolved bv iiiutual consent. All those ill i.'bted to the firm, by note or .TCCMIM!t. are re.|Uesfe*l to fall at K. I. Mur- phv’s. and settU' boftire the l.ith of hi '‘''uary next, and thereby save cost. .Kiid those having claims against the tiruj are reipiested to pre.'ont them iniiuediatelV. J. W. Ml Hl’HY. IK F. .MI'BIMIV. . an'y •_»'■>. 18.',2. OOtf ~ 'roB.u'co. rlUMK North (’arolina and Virginia ( how- NO PICK. A KK persons indebted to the subscriber for Gooils purcha.-:ed at Floral College, arc re- ciuested to make inuiiedi.-ite payment, either to Mr. Hugh .Mc.\rn iu the neighborhood, or to i himself in Clieraw. | D. 15. .MeA UN. j Cheraw, Dec. 20, 18.')1. .'.u-tf North CarolinaKerseys. 411KY, .SHKMWKKK \ (’O. liave just re ceived a l.nrge lot of ••Salem Kerseys, " known to all of our IManters as the best goods for negroes that are otl'ered in this marki-t.— : Those who have been waiting, had better come and get supplie.j. as they are going otl rajdilly. Fa_v etteville, Dec. l’>, D'ol, 4^-tf Notillicrti iirr. K h;ive formed a eonipany styled the Siiow t';imp .Manul'aetuviu^t ('oiupany, of .Mainancc Cminty, .North Carolina, two mile.s West ol the Cane I'reek Cotton F.ictory, on ‘ane Creek, at the Foundry owned by David Dixon Brothers, and woi Id respi ctfiilly announce to the citizens of .M.-ininnce and tlie adjoining 'ounties, that we .-ire now ]>rei>ar*-d to Manu facture ill the nc!iti>t aul bist style—W'iieat Thrashing Machines, from two to sis horse j'owcr: t'litting .Machines of dittereiit sizes: Wool t'ardiiifr Machiius: ibnOile and single Mill and I’actory Gear; Saw and Cri.-r .Mill Irons: ed'/e Tool...; Cotton Y.irii .iiid ool Lolls, \c. ' IVrsons v\i>hin^ to puri hase would do well to give us a call before purchasing el.'ewhere. as . we are determined to »ell cheap for casii. >r on time to ]>unctual de.alers. Our long experience i in the .M.inufacturing l’.ii>ine^s enaliles us to i feel !io hesitation in saving th.-it onr wi.ik shall not be surpasst'd by any shop in the S.-'iih. ,\11 lett«‘rs addr«'Ssed to the Agent of the Conipanv at the .Siiow C;mip I’. O . .\l:iiii:niee Countv, .N. C., will ruceive I'romi't atteiitinn. i DAVID DlNoN, Aiieiit of the S. C. Manufacturing Cl.lupaiiy. I Snow Camp. D*c. ?•. IS.M. 4(-i.m LI:SS()NS IN Ml’SU'. II. WlllT.NKKIt would rcspei-tfiil'y in- toiin tlic citi/.t'ns of Favetteville and vi- cinitv, that he has a^ain commenced sons on the I’i.-ino i orte. the liberal I'atronn; acadkmy. tliis Institution is luiw in state of completion. It is large nnd conimodious. It is pleasantly located in a fine neighborhood, and in a very salubrious part of Uoheson county, twelve miles west from i,um- berton, about h:ilf mile south of the road lead ing from thence to Alfordsville. The ti'st session of this lustitutiuu will eoni- mem e on the 2d .Monilay of .lanuary, lx.'(2, un der tiie care of .Mr. Gilc^: Keitch. who is a gra- iluate of the Kniversity of North Carolina. Tennx nf TiiilniK per S>.K>un, nz: Sjielling. reading and writing, ^8 00 Arithnietie. Knglish Grammar, Geogra- j)hy ami History, 10 00 Katin, Greek. French, and the higher branches of Mathematics. 12 00 Board can be obtained at the .\cademy, nnd at convenient .listaiices in the neighborhootK at from five to six dollars per inontli. Bv order of the Trustees. JOHN TAYKOB, Sec’y. Dcc. 2VI, 18')1. o3-tf .Ve#r M'irm, Tlio undiM'siiriU'd liavo ciiltM’cd into copartiu rship, nnler the name and style of H.\KK vV S.\CKI,TT. for the purpose of doiiiir a Dry Goods and Hardware Business, and have taken the ."'tore o doors Hast of tlic Favetteville Hotel. J. 11. HAKK. A. K. HAKK. T. >M. SACKKTT. August 2i), 1S-'>1. Ditf rn^lll' Steamer BIIOTHF,l!.s, • nd Tow Boats S_ Steveii'^i.ii, D.ivicl Kewis. and .James Cas- siday. are prepared to fui'ward with despatcli all goods consifini'.l to the Proju-ietor. 'I'he .Steamer Brothers is of light dniught, and well suited to run iu Inn- r-ahr. .She pos sesses p')ir,r and and is admirably :idapt- ed to Knring^ and can accoininodate about 2H passengers. The Proprietor contemplates running the l!oat himself, and will give special attention to way freijiht .•iiid naval stores; to towing, and will also attend to the comfort nnd convenience of P;i'-,~eiigers. From his long experience as .\gent in \\ ilmingt.iii of the several .Steamboat Companies, he thinks he can fiive satisfaction. To Merch.ints in the interior he would say, th;it all Goods shi]>]ied by him. will be deliv- erc'l to their .\gents in Favetteville. His .\gent in Wilmington is DA\ ID 'B.\N!v.S, to v\hom all communications may be addressed, as .\gent of the Steamer Briithers. JOllN V>.\NKS, I’roprietor. W ilmington, Feb. 4, 1S.')2. Ii3tf .( l''(inn (iikI Hcdt/fifnl I\sl(laicc l-Oll SALK. wi.-^liinjr to remove to the lUKDFJJ/S RKPORTS. frST ]»ublishcd, \'nl. 12 Kaw, anl Vol. 7 F.ijuity. I’rice s;;! .lO and ^3. These are small volumes, in coiise>|iience of the Mcporter making new aviiiii^^ements for publishing. 1‘xiund vnls. exoiianged for N*s. as usual. i:. J. HAKK 4: SoN. Dec. !!•, IS-'il. IJOOK HINDKKY. RW. HABDIK has resumed the Book • Binding Business at the new Store next door to Mr. Beasley, .leweller. where he will re ceive and executc binding in any style desired. August 1. 27lf jiTrrroN's SlilRT I'STUil-lSllMiAT. 1711 Mil >■/,■> f Strrrt, IfiALTIllOKE. rg^iii: 1 ••irgest and only it. Manufa’-turing Whole sale Kstabli.sliincnt in the City. Thecapitjil and force engaged eii.’ibles me :it all times to (liter tu ('’ountry .Mendiants and Deal ers in Sill BTS, COKK.\BS, KINKN and COT TON DB.VWFBS, great inducements—more than usual ettorts having been made to render the assorttnent of these articles full and com plete. The Stock on band is large and well assorteil for .Men and Bo_\ s. \I1 orders from the Country attended to with i.unctuiility and despatch. Bememlier the Name, and .\o. 171> JIarKel T. W. I’.KTToN. .\ugust 1 o. 18ol. ]4-yopd NKW IJOOKS. O.'^Sl'TH, Kife and .speeches. 2’ic.: Swal- low Barn, by Kenneiiy; Theory and Prac tice of Teiiehing; .\rchbishop Keighton s W orks; Turner's Discourses on Scrijitural I’rophecy; Hiirper's Magazine, bound vols.: .\nthon s( las- sical Diction:irv, iVc. K. J. IIAKK .SON. Feb'y 2. Ncrrin:. nil IM) WIM’IJI (iOODS. T^HK .Subscribers are now receiving a well .selecteil stock (d' Stajile and Fancy 1>KY GOODS. .Among their stock will be Ibund tiie latest styles of K.-idies' aiul t.!entlemen's DIIK.S.S GOOD.S, together with a good as.sortmejit of Cldtliinjr; rinlm llas; H;its, Clips, and ]}iiiiin t>; all kinds of l>i(tts and Shoes; (’arju tiug; Saddles, IJridlos, liips L. bv the I’m. J. \ OctolxT 2”>, 1S.‘>1 . and r-tail. T. W ADDIKL 34-tf i)\iLV i:\iMU ToN-S of HOor I KON, suitable for Spirit barrels, bv K. C. HALK, of lUmie. Oct. 18. 18.'. I. 32tf :iv ing Kes- He returns Ids thanks heretofore receivt-d, and humbly solicits a of the same. ,\11 pains shall be taken for the adviiiicemcnt id’ his pupils. In^lructioii also given on the Guitar. gy-jV" I’i.inos tuned ••ind reii.-iircd in the best manner. K. II. UHlTAKKll. A'l^'ist 24, ls”>0. 34tt lO roit THI', !■'\1?MI'.US. STB AW TTTKBS. C,.rn Sh.ller'. Hariows. Ploughs and Plough fixfiiri" 1 atterns. of ilil>rent \c. &e For sale bv J. \ T WADDIKL. 27tf Oct. 1. is.'.l. W K \!'HIN(. P.\ I'l .I;. BK.\MS .Medium size. r,.') •• Blue, for Cotton Y.irns. I roia ^Kinteo Pajv«-r Mills. llal"i;rh. For sale 1..W 1,V JI. BBANSON .S: SON. J 111 V 0, )>.'> 1. tli4* »■! ^ortli Mvte. AuKY, SllKMWKM- \ liavo just re ceived a splendid assortment ot Silfi'iu C nitrr, black and >:rey. to which they would call the attcntii n of the public. These goods will compete in ipiality and durability with the best of Northern Cassimeres. and are much ciieaper. ranging from t>2A cents to 2‘> ]ier yard. 1 ayettev ille, N. C., Oct. 14, IS-jl. 30tf x l o. Nl'AV KALL AND WLVTKIl IIK Subscribei-s are now receiving direct £. tiom New \ ork and Phihidelphiu. the lar gest and hand.somest .Stock ot Stuftlc o/id /'ta/rif /)ry (roods That they have ever exhibited in this market, embracing every vriricty of Kadies' and iieutle- men'.'. DBKS.S G(JODS, amon? which may be found: Black and fancy watered and plain Silks; black and fancy Cobnrgs: Lama Twills; figured and plaii* fan«‘y !ind black Mohair Lus tres; Silk Warp and Crape Broc.'ides; Swiss, Scotch and Chene Ginghams; Saxony De-Lains; French. Knglisli and American I’rints; Kmb'd Cashmeres: )ilain ilitto; changeable De-[.ains; I watered and needlc-work Caslimeres; changea- ; ble Yoneses; !>roeade Kustres; Damask .Koliuns; ' black Biunbazines: second-mtuirning Poplins: Gm»|) ,''T0('K on hand: anl I shall re- plain and watered .Silk .Mantillas: cilored and reive re;.ruhirlv. from _Me-is. .1. .lones NKW (JOODS. Sr.-^T receivfd, iny Fall snp]»ly of CI.OlIIS, CAS.^IMKHKS and VKsr‘lNiS. TIUM- •MINGS, vVc.. i f the best nuality. from New V ,\Ko, the hitest Ke{.oit of the New York rA illoNS. 5->y“ I -till riintiiiiu* to carry on the T \ll,oi:i.\(; BCSINKSS, at my Stand on Hay 'tri i't. and those who in;iy t:ivor me v\ith their iinv re!v on having tlii’ir work done in I Iii :it :iiid fashion.ible .st s le, and on the most r.iMe t.rms. AIu niBAKD GBAHAM. Oct. 27, 1M.')1, 34tf roB \c’(’o. ' F.o iorv, .(Ualitifs jissortcd from comnuiu to 'le. whii li I will sell at lowest manufac- J. LTKKV. Fayetteville, April 3, 1S.'»]. bbtl W IN’ri:R Sl Ll'LY. K .iie now receiving our winter nujijdy ^ W jt ( lUO* is. :j doors below tlie II '’.'f, South hi.le Person street, wliei' ■i the f ijlowing ai'ticlen; >^iig:ir I.!' ,.:i giadi i. oflei-, lllid- Cuba Mobisses — sweet, •. l.i.,.. .S;i iip—a supi-rior article, '•lei-ii :ind Black Teas, I !..e-i- Ilf three ditlerent iiualitie.s, I'''e, Pepper and .'•jiice, li'ijic ;ind Bajr^ing, ' Bills Mackerel, .'-iiiMv- ;iiid Boots ot extr;t large size, sliiivels. .spjides and Forks, • orii Ploughs and Points, \ -es of the best brands, Knive-- !ind Ffirks, • '•liis :iiid Iron. ■.u.OiHi lbs. ('otton Yarn. \\itli:i ;;reat many other articles cheap for a»li Ilf exeliaiiged for Produce. Call and see. CBOSS CBF.KK CO., C. Benbow, Pres’t. b'-e. 20, .'lO-tf , or Celtic .'Liiint.-rs, as preserved among the High- iiiili-rs, bfing an historical and descriptive ac- '■'■'ir:t of the iiihabit;ints, antii|iii' • s, and :ni- ‘l"Mal |)ee\iliarities of .Scotland, ■ .iMiii ' i "'1 .lust received and for s K. J. il.^K black Velvet .Mantillas: Brocade Poplins: find a lar-'e assortment of Dress Trimmings; French and I’nglish .Merinos; Velvet Neck llibbons and Cutis, &c. E.MHIIOIDKHTKS. French worked Collars and Capes; French worked i'ufTs; French worked Chemisettes: Ln- der-Sleeves; Swiss and Jaconet Trinimings; In fants’ Waists and Caps; llem-stitclied ftn.l nee- le Market dle-worked Kinen Cambric IKindkerciiiefs, from ' i,y uiiplying to the llou. Robert Strange, •re may be ]i( ,-ts. to S!-'.; and a. beautiful asoortment of j.,' Uobbin, or A. A. T. Smith, Ksii-, Veils; every v.ariety of Shawls, embroidered and RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. C10ME in to the Cheap Store, North side of / Ifav street, one door above the corner. nnl buv new Dry tioods. .\lso. Beady-made Clotliing. Hats :ind Caps—great variety. ISA \C DODD. Nov. 4, l.'^-'il. 3(-tt TIIOS. II. TILLIN(;iIAST, Anderson St., Fayetteville, W. C., OPI’OSITK .MK. W. WlNSf.OW’s LAW OKKK'K. Music neatly bound at short noticc. Pamphlets ani I'eriodicals bound, and old Hooks re-bound, in a substjintial manner. Dec. 8, 1K.'>1. 4'.tf .%rov, ^hoiiiwell X C'o. UAVK one piece extra tine 7-1 black French CKOril, to which they would cull the utteution of the public. Oct. 1'., IS-')1. o2tf lOO.OOO Acros Vahial»lo T 1 Al H K \l L A N I) S FOB SAKK. ' ^H'HK Subst'riber has purchased al! the Lands Jl lielonging to the Kstate of .\bram Dubois, dee d, lying principally in Bobesui county, und on both sides of Lumber Uiver, the different siir- I veys containing Over 100,000 Acris; \ hu'ge jiart finely Tim'K'reil, and convenient to Lumber Uiver, wiiere a large ((uantity of Tim ber is now rafted to the Georgetown nmrket. These Lands are very valuable both for the ! TiniJier and Turpentine, for which jmrposc a ! lar-je ]>art is well suited, being in a region : where the Turpentine yields more at>u»idantly than any other section of the .State. The Lands will be sold at ii low price, und in ^uiiutities to suit purchasers. Inforniiition respecting tlie title can be ob Ni:\v ('AKPK riN(;. IIOKKS l’.ru‘?els. Ingrain and .stair Carpeting, new and fashion.ible Pat terns. just received. —AKSO— 1 o ke;;s Spikes and large Nails, 2.'> boxes Baisins, 311 bags Shot, Indigo, Chocolate, .Salad and Castor (}il, with an addition to onr Stock of ll.irdware. S. W. TIKKINtJHAST CO. Nov. 2f.. isr.l. 43-tf lioor MAKi:u>, Tan and KI.NM, «'(tu be supplied at our Ht IfO w-int a superior .'irtiele of Oak SitLI', KK.VTII i;i’.. with French ui ( AKF J. A: T. WA DUIKL'. 41tf i.lain; Thread, Cotton und Linen Edgings and Lacen: black .Silk Laces and Edgings. —AKSO— Black, blue, brown ami green French nnd Knglish Cloths; bluck and fancy Cassimeres; Cur Velvet, figured uud bluck Satin and Viilon- ci.i Vestings, (some very Inmdsonie;) Sattiuets; Kentucky Jeans: Tweeds; Kinseys; Flunneln, Wool and cotton; Osnaburgs; pTujjgcts; Danmsk Table 'oths: ditto Napkiug; Outre-Table Cov- er.s, very fine; I’ijino Covers; Irisii Linens; Lin en Lawns; Thre:ul Cambrics; Towellings; Gen tlemen's Merino Shirts and Drav^c•rs; Silk Neck anl Piicket Haodkerdii*‘ti*; Ludie** Merino Vests: Cashmere aiul Silk Hose; ditto Half-IIose; the oolebratcd Salem Jeans, black and grey. Ladies , (Jentlenicn’s and Children’s 1RKJT8 and SII(»KS. Meti’s, B«ys’ and Infants’ Ilats and Caps. Velvet, Satin, Strtiw nnd Florence Bonnets. Ditto ditto ditto for Misses. And every article usually kept in a Dry Goods Store. We invite the public to call and exam ine our large and handKome btoek, as we arc al ways anxious to show our Goods. S^T" HV /,-rt'j, Smjar, Tea ami ( off*’*:- ABF.Y, SH EM well & CO. return thanks to tlie citizens of Fiiyottevlllti, unl the ptiblic generally, for the very liberal pivtroiuige here tofore i>estowed on them, and intend, by strict nttention to business, to merit a. continuance. S. S. A BEY. P. SHEMWELL. B. McLK>NALU. Fayetteville, Sci’t. 15, l-'rOl. L’lil LII'I: INSrUANCK. fi^HE rndersigned has been ai'pointed Agent of the North Carolina .Mutual Life Insu rance ('omimny. Kvei-v menibi-i- for life i>artic- ipates in the jtrofits of the Company; av.d the annufil jireniium for life menib«Tsliip. whe."c it .•imounts to -YUO or moi-e. may bo ]>aid one-halt in cash, and the other hall iu :i note at 12 uiontlis. Debtors' lives m;iv be insured bv creditors. A man m.iy insure his own life for the exclusive benefit of his family. The live.s of slaves may be insure'l. This system is rapidly growing into favor, all over the civilized woi-ld. It is one by which a family, lor a small sum annually, may be pro vidcd for, after the death of its head, on whose exertions they may have been dependent for a support. It is a goml investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy. Explanatory |>aniiihlets, and the : necessary Blanks, furnished on application, i ‘ i:. J. HA I.E. Fajetteville, June 18.'»0. 72 Fire Insurmtce. riIHE .'KTN.\ Insurance C(unp;my of Hart- ford, having paid the tax imposed by the Bevenue Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue its Agency in Fayetteville, under the management of the undersigned, who is pre pared to issue Policies of Insurance on P>ui1d- in"-s or (Joods, either in this Town or in any | jiart of the State, on jiropor application, de- scrijdion of the Property, *S:c. j The .KTNA COMP.VNY has been in o]>eration about oO 3'ears. Its capital is The Hoj\. Thos. K. Brace was its first President, and he still holds that ofliee: and several of its first Directors arc still active and etticient mein- , bers of the Board. It has at all times sustained these Landtf, to all of whom notice is hereby ! hijrhest character for the j.rudence of its given, that the law will ho enforced against all : m;m.,^enient, and f»u- the liberality with which such otl'enders. ! it has ever ndjustcl its losses. ‘ ' E. J. HAKE, Agent. March 10, IS-'d. ti2-tt NOTICK. The I’uhlic arc itiforinod that the subscriber is the authorised Agent for the sjile of .McKlNSTBY’S roilTABKE SAW MIKKS, HE now receiving a liirge and general as- | nianufactured in Washington City, ot 20 horse |»ower engine, loc«niotive boiler, which are the only actual Portable Saw Mills he has ever seen no brick being used in their erection. Those in want of these -Mills will fiml it to their ad vantage to call on the subscriber. Mr. .McKin- stry informs him thut Gvo. Page & Co. have never manufactured a Portable fhiglno like the abiivo, anl therefore their right is in no danger of being infringed upon, as there is no necesst- tv of doing so iu this age of improvement. II. G. HAKL. Fayetteville, Dec. 10, IHol. 47 it fH^IlK .Subscriber w ISIIIIIJI lo reimm- m mv i ,, n ' ti i i / ■ .1 1 fi would .sell his lauds in this aiid ( ullars; Hard\v:m‘ ;u.d (. lUlciy, Lea ther' llulhiw-waieand ( n'ckerv-ware; Limi, Ijuniji, ('rii.-'hed, Chi'itii.‘d and lirowi; Sn- jrars; i'eas; llio, Lag\iira and Java I'oftee; !^;ilt, Molasses, Iron and Nails. With many other Cioods. which will be sold verv ehcaji for t’.-ish. or on time to those who pay punctually. We would be glad if our friends and the jmblic generally would give us a call J. T." C(.»CNC1K vS; C.\1N. Sejit. 1, l^-ll. li'^tf FAYETTEVILLE (’ONFEi’TIO^NEllY. CHARLES BANKS, Coitferlionvr^ INFORMS the luiblic, that he has refitted his Establishnu'ut on Green Street, nnd has on hand a fresh sujiply of CANDIES, manufactured l»y himself out of the best Koaf Sugar, and war ranted free from starch, jiaste, and perni cious jiaints. His whole time and attention is now devoted to making Candy, and he is pre- p.ired to supply all orders with r.indies ciiual to ativ made in the I'nited States. These Can dies he warrants to koe]> iu any climate; and he will sell to Town or Country merchants, as cheap as ;rood and pure C.iiidy can be purchased in New York or elsewhere. Favetteville. >ct. 2S, 18-jl. 34-tf From the Federal I'nion. TONIC BlTTKItS AN!) VF(iKTABKK PIKI.S. 'I'hePe medi>-iiie,“ an- u“ed together, for curing; i liseii9e.s of tliis clas-*: beiii;^ not only strength ening and invigor.-itiiiir in their eirects. but giv ing iicahliy tone and action lo liic ; tonnich anil There arc innnr per.'ons in crory commtinifv afflicted with a variety of syniiitoms. uri.-jing from no other cause than ;in impaired or ener vated state of the iligestive oi “:ins. .\s an ev- idcn’e of this, let a single jiackage of the med- i*’inc be used, aiid >i jiveat iinproveluent v\i.. follow, vvhicii will I'lost generally r« sult in :4 cure, by per*iipting with the remedies. A bottle of the Antacid is to be used in addi tion to the Pills and Bittei's. w henever the tight ness and oppression after me.-il-,, he:u tburn, 's:Ci are troublesone. Dr. Kittle—Sir: I !ia\c Used yoiir Tonic Bit ters with the greatest advanf.iuc t" strongtheil the stomach, and to give tone to the digestive organs, as well as |uieting nervous derange ment. They are pleasant to t:ike, gently stiiii- uliiting, and extreu.ely well adajited to dyspep tic or debilitatid habits. In all my travels, 1 h.’ive not tact >vith ^ogoo■l a!i arliele. Tours, Xc. (Signed) PHILIP BVNKS, I ' alei‘ in M.i]'?. i\C. .\merieus, 184^. Dr. Young—.Sir; P.y _v our Advice. I have giv en my wife Dr. Kiltb- s Tonic Bitters and \ e getable Pills, with tin‘gi eali'st adv.intage. Her disease was of ni:i'iy yeurs Ktanding jirevions to taking t!\e medicines, but sitice, slie lias en joyed good health. (Signed) M'.K.-'ON McC.\BTV. Bead the following w I'll-niai ked oases, that- had so long bafllci! all other icmedics: Baldwin Co.. .\pi-il 184'.'. I>r. Kittle—Dear Sir: I'l.r the la.'-t ^ix oi- se ven y’ais my v\il'e lias been b.idiy aftiicted with dv'sjiepsia. «o niiieh so as !o becfinn* nearly hel|iless, allhoii^li having been attended by two or tliree jiliysiciaiis. During the l;isf _\car she took, whilst iu this situation, your Antacid and Vegetable Pills, which soon helped her much from that sinking or oppression after eating, besides gaining strengih. .‘'he contimn-d to improve fast, ]iurticuhirly when we used the Tonic Bitters witli tlie otlur nu'dicines, and is now enjoying jiretty fair health and fetls like a new being. Yours. res|>ecti’ullv. (Si-ned) HKZEKIAH BOGEBS, Sr. The fae-si.nile of the signature of Dr. H'. G. Kittle will be found upon the outside vvr.-ipper of each of his Medicines. MobI wholesale and retail, by the Proprietor, at Iiis Manufacturing lK*pot, No. 214 .Market Street, Philiidelphia, and .Maeon. (leorgia. To be had also of J allies Cain, Boekfisb; A. Watson. Floral College: 'rovMisend X’ Dnng- lass, Beiinettsville; Dr. P. .M. Coiieti. Charles ton: C. C. Barbee. B:ircla_v sville: P. F. Poscud, Kaleifih. S. J. IIINSD.\KE. .\g‘ut for F.iyetteviile. countv, upon reasonable and accommodating terms. There are about '270^^ or otMHI acres, all lyiiig in one bodv. and of which 4o(t or .”>00 acres are in cuUivatioii. The P'laiik of the .loint .Stock Ci inpaiiy. from I'ayetteville to Baleigh, will run within one mile of the residence. Most of the l.-inds are in cultivation lie within three miles of the('!ipe Fe:ir Biver. adjoining tin* lands of .lohn C. Williams :nd others. The above sitiiatinn is very desirable, from the fact that it is surrounded by the best of neighbors .ind society. The subscriber might say much more by way of niducemcnt; but he deems it unnecessary, tis those wishing to purchase can call anil see tfir themselves. The above lands can be divided so as to suit purch.'isers. .\ny further information can be given by ap- jilication to the subscriber, or by letter address ed to him at Kingsburv, Cumbcrl.ind ('o., N. C. 1). S. W1KK1A>LS. Feb. 2. 1S.V2. b2tf 'I'lu' StranuM* ('liuth'.iiii will resiMue her srnii-vveekly trijis between this i>!ace and Wilmington, on .Mond.iy the D'.th inst.. leaving Fayetteville every MoN- D.VY and THl'BSD.VY thereafter, at 7 o'clock ,M.. a'ld running tliroiiL'h the same day.— Keaving \\ ilmington every TI'ESD.VY and Fltl- DAY. after the arrival of tin Cars from the Nerth. The Steamer tiov. G;aham. with as many Tow Boats as may be neces.sary, will run in coiine.xi(ui with the Chatham, as often as niav be nccessarv to carry all Freirhrs that may c.- fcr. T!‘e aiMition of another large Flat fthc tJen l this Kine. aflords increased facilities for the .“hipping pultlic. Goods shall SC.\PKD from the J.iil of Kershaw District, on Monday the 1 Ith day of .Inly last. ,sAMCEK j. I >\ E. who was convicted for the murder of Bobert J. Ke.-ter. at Sj.ring Tt-rm (d' Court, iS.'jl. Said Kove is alnuit'20 or 21 years of age, six feet two inches high, (not certain as regards his height, but sujiposed to be therea- Feb'y 0 I>|- II 1.S.V2. JNO. D. W'IKKIAM.s. A^^ t Cape Fear S. IK C>. G3tf certainly have as ipiick transit by this Kine as dark hair, and of a sallow comjilex- any other. with a downcast look; some of his front teeth a little doc:iyed, and follows the occupa tion of a Carjienter. I will give the above reward to any person who will apprehend the said S. J. Kove and lo.Iirc him in any Jail in this State, or One Hun- ilmi :ind Fifty i*ollars for his safe confinement in any .Jail iu tlie L'nited States, so that I can JOHN INGRAM, Sheriff. Camden. S. C., Aug. :’A lS-:i- 2(Mim ^ WAN rKI), 4 GOOD Timber Wagon. B. .MAKKETT. Jan'y 2S, 1S.V2. »'*l-tf NKW Cl!01> .\T()bASSi;S. prinie article. Also, 1 chest of choice Imperial TE.\. (.\ttorneys at Kaw.) I undcViitaU'I thero are many tre'^pa.s.sers on Application for any part of the Ljinds can be ..jade to myself, or to J(din Win.slovv, Esi|., who is duly authorii*ed io make sale »f the .same. THOS. J. CL'BTIS. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 1, 1815. _ D. t.y IK .WcLaiirin sortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRV n.\Ul)\VAUE & CUTI.r.KV, BOOTi$ Ji»IIOKS. —ALSO— 7.') haga Rio, Laguira and Java Coffee, 10 hhds. .Sugar, 75 pieces Cotton Bagging, r>0 coils Bale llojie, KK) kegs Nails, assorted, 8 tons SvTedes and English Iron, .">00 sacks Liverpool Salt, With Loaf, Crushed, Powdered and Graiuilate.l ic Sugars; (ireen Tea; Pepper; Spice; Ginger; Powder; Shot; li»ir Lead; Table Salt; Bar and Fancy Soaps. With a great variety of other articles, to which we invite the attention ot pur chasers at wholesale or retail, as low as any other house in the place. 1>. Sl W'. McLACBIN. Oo;. 0, HjI. JOHN 1), VVILLLAMS, Commission A* ForwartU^t^ ^JMerehant, Fayetteville, W. C, Feb. 0, 18-32. KOUSALi;. - CON. J- rcb’y 0, 1S52 r. D. \.S taken an Ofhce on Hay Street. Wesj of the Hotel Buildings. July 14. |S.-,1. 4-tf II. C. HALL, Fa yeti ev i lie I'otm ft rtf. C VSTINGS OF EYKBY DE.SCBIPTION MADE TO OBDER. -V lot of B.ibbet Metal for sale. Winslow street. Sejjt. 1, 18-»1. 18\ U. >1. OUUKLL, F()RW.\KDi\(i nnnii.ssiii.N .\t Fayotlevillt*, March 10, 18-')1. »'>2-tf II. L. IIOLMI'.S, Attorney at Law, Wilmingtcn, N. C. OFFICE on corner of Front and Princess streets, under Journal tifiice. Dec. 12. IS-tf T. (T. WORTH, rilinilSSION .^M) FUllWAllDlM'i MKUniANT, W ILMING'l'ON, N. C. Feb. 1, 18.-)l. WILKLNSON & KSLKU, DEALERS IN Confcctionortf, Foreii/n Frrita, Tn- haer», nnf AND I.M PORT KBS OF Sl'PKRIOK ll.4V.\^M AT WHOLESALE AND UETAIL. market St., Wilmington, W. C. Aug. 7, 1851. 11 tf NKW ARRIVALS. »Y the late arrivals we have received MO LASSES. in hhdb., tierces and bbls. FISH.—We have Salmon, Mackerel in bbls. and half bbls., and .Mullets and Herring: Also, yellow planting Irioh PutHtocs. ! COOlv TAYLoR. I Jan'v8, lPo2. 54-8w 11. BBANSON & SON. r»7tf 18.-.2. and Siiiiiiiirr COSrU.MK 1L\LL, ('‘orn^r Piiitt auif ('nitre Mnrhrt Spore, JiALTIMORi:. fBIHE largest and best stock of 11F'.\D\- JL M.\DE CLOTHING ever otl'ered in Balti- n\ove. Dre.*s. Frock and Sack COAT.s, all co lors, (|ualities and ,«, from >i2 oO to •i'S oO and tipwards. I’.\NT.\ LOON.s at !3>1 to '>0 and upwards, endiracing all styles of fancy, plain and plaid Cassimere?-. \ of eTery varictv at corresponilitig price.?. Al«o, a lai'jre assortment of I’oys' Clothing. ImportiiiL' our own Cloth* direct from F.nmpe. and nnuiufacturing oJi the most exten.sive »**ale, enables us to offer inducements to pnrchasers not to be snrj>assed tiy any Clothing Establish ment in the I'nite.l Stiites. The proprietors are determined to make the Wholesale Rooms tfie point of great attraction, and have now made : np more than 50,(KM) G.AKMENTS, from the tiiiest quality to the lowest iii price, I In the Custom Departiiicnt will always be ' found the choicest selection of CLOTHS, C.AS- SI.MERES and VE-STINGS, which will be made up at the shortest notice, and in the late?t style, ■ and a tit always guarantied. gy^The one price system strictly adhered to. i Remember the name and place, Corner . Pratt fct, and Centre Market Space, i ri. H. COLK & CO. I August ir>, 1851. 14-yopd WHOLKSALK Watch ainl Jcwrlry Store* L. 11. MILLI.R CO., Inijifirh rSj Jfa;> iitiirf nr‘ >'s nm! Juhlx r. > J Wahh>‘», .h tri ll//, (i,nl Fnn'f/ Have leased the Old Stand formerly occu]iied by Messrs. Canfield, Brother \ Co., Sonifi F.nM cxrhfr rtf i'htiThif nnl Ihi'hiiinre xirnt*, (No. 227,) which they nre jmttiuir in i-onijilete order for the W HOl.E.s.AKE W.VIt H .AND JEWKKBY BLSINKSS, to be opened about the 20th of .1 nl.v. In calling the attention of the trade to the new concern, we nicnti'vn the fact that we arc associated with one d' tiic most extensive .lew- elry Manufacturing Establishments in tiie coun try, which must give a dccided advantage over all others in this market for supjilying dealers with .Tewelry at munufacfurers’ jiriccs, a featuro in this branch of trade lonr sitiee needed -he tween Baltimore and the .Southern and Westcrit Merchants. We desire to call partii attention to thfl NY a tell department, which will at all times bd supplied with a great asp*»rtiiient from the most celebrateil manufacturers, and kept in perfect runnin" order, so that purcliascrs may at oncti take them, with a written guarantee that they will jicrform correctly. This branch of the business will receive tl.f* especial attention of one of the firm, whose ex tensive and practical knowledge o! thn buxine?.-* will, we hope, give us a place in the contideiu c of buyers. We res]>ectfully invite you to call upon when vou next visit our city, confidently be- lieviu”' that an examii'at on of our tioods wlil prove to you that they are liett r styles snd cheaper than you have ever “eeu in thi- marliet, :ind assure vou that no fdbirt shall be wai-ting^ on our Jiart to make the aciuaintance one of mutual tn'uefit. L, II. .AIlKf-ER k CO. (>ld Stand, fornierly occujded liv Canfield, ]?ro. I'i Co.. S. E. cor ner of Charles .'c Baltimore sts.- Baltiniore, J\ine IS-M. 14-No REFERENCES; Messrs. AVyeth, Blackloek .V Co. (iwyn, Reid .S: Taylor. James Hodges .v P>rother. Hurst \ Berry. Murdoch. Duer & I'van^. .Stellmann lliniichs. Saiigston \ ('o, P.:irthlow. i\v\n C,-,. Biely & Pendleton. (,'ushings iV: P.ailev. John .Murphy ’>•. Moore iS; GritVm Works on Free-Masonry.- FAY Masonic TrestW-lioaid, adapted to the I Work and Lectuns. as jiractiscd in the Lodn-es, Chapter*. Councils, and Encanipnientn of Kivight Templars in the Cnitod States, by Ch:is. W. Moore. The Free--Mason's M.Tnual, a c.mipanif.n f-r the initiated through :il' tl?e d'-grees of .Masonry bv Be>. K. I. Stewart. The True Maso>iH; Chnrt or Ilicroglyi.hic .Monitor, by J. L. Cros^. The Free-Ma*‘>n's Monitor, containing a de Tineatron of tlie fundamental jirinciples of Fre- Masonrs', operative and speculative, as well in .•*• l^eligious as a moral Vfew, ?iy Z. A. !>avis. F'or sale by E- •!. H W..E k. .so,\". May .il. ' 74 SrORAdK. E have comniodiou.s brick Warehouses , - iu the rear of our Store, in which wc i A SUPPLY of Fresh Ground CORN MfcAL ( ihs. R A- ' store cotton and other produce. i A- kept for sale at the Mill, late Anderson s. D WILLI VMS I D. W. McLAURIN, [ Grinding of Hominy and \leal done prompt.y. C‘>,f ■ V... J ifiCl Fuve;:'/II!'-, Var'h NKW BOOKS. The Atueriean ^Uniiinat t'lr ?*words’ Pocket Almanac: The Fifteen Decisive Ba^tfles of the World, from .M.trathon to Water- I’jo; First Impre.'sion.s of England .and it.s IVo- jde, by Hugo Miller; Swallow B.irn, revised edi tion, illu!itrat*-d, by .»• P. Kennfi.fy; Don O.oIt Ote, half morocco, f’; Loodon nnd th»f Exhibition, illustrated; AbboiiVHiatori* Lis ton and Muter’? Surgery; Bnllion's ( icer-s Pierce's Cutv»»i, F*irction5 and Forccs; I'ookc’*? Pantheon; Letter Writers. &c. ic. Ju¥t rec’d. £. J. tlAI.E vvi SON. Dec. 8, I8.->1. “a tiooir inVI o T.Vl ent.^ HE Subscriber wishes to «ell ono-Lalf of the Fayetteville Water Works. Neither of the present projirietors naving time to give their personal attention to the property, thp purchaser can have the managcnunt of it, mu- kins it a valuable investment. r ^ ’ : r ’ l^’l T'

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