SEMI-WEEKL. Y SBBaBOBBB vol.. I.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MARCH 9, 1852. [NO. 7Lj I .. -iiirnill Hi MB III in j.l’j\;TKl> HV J. B. NEWliY. i;i)',V Vl!l) J. IIA1-1^ .'i SOX, K.iiioiis AM) i'Uoi'Uu:Tor.s. NATIONAL SERIES OF School ltookf«, rriiLlSlli-l* I’.Y A. s. IJAU.NKS A; CO.. i»l ,Ii>hn stiecl, New Vdi-k. HK attrntititi of .S'jlmol 'rfiiclioifi, Scluxil t’yiiimittvi-s, iiMl tlio IViiMuls of Kiitu-atioii I g'iHM-uilv. lire iinitrU tt» tlio I'ollowinj; viiluablo i', r till'OiisF.nvEU $4 00 it i 'lc.\t liooks fur t^clinols. Aoudi-inics hikI Cullfgcs; 1 in n>lv;\iioe; .'>(» it' paid during tlie | r i-'i’ tho year has li't i- Wi-rkl. i.a 0!t (n r atanan, if j ,u oO if i duriupr the ,r Tii' nr U'l after tlir vcar •’i i:ikTl?KMl^N iii-ifrtcu fi'i si\ty cent? ; .vv *''r tlio tirst, uud lliirty cents iir e-u li j,ul)lieati«>n. Ye:ul\ uiU ertiseuieiits c 'litracts. at reas iiab'ie rales. Ad- .,‘V' nre rfque.stod to state tlie uviuiber of •; ;is lo.'irivl, or they uiil l>e ciMitiinied till i ■ d e'ii irj:evl a-o'rdiuf;ly. j.i-ttor? tu tlio Kwiiors must be juist-paid. OAVIF.S’ MATllKMATirS. Iletail prices. i>i !ii: LiNsi-.KO o:i. » Kl^" j''St received and for siilc by 15. llU:fE vV t=uN. ‘ Nliivh 1. I'"'-- 11»>. SUpi'VlDl' - HAMS. suit.>il r. North C'uro- ‘ fi'r family ilO^r. SDN. i* % N()'!'!( i:. r|ll!r r:;rtiiershii' liereti^fore e\’stinjr in C l.tKii’'-1 tmi. between the iii,d-rsl^i ■!. is •;. ? la\ I.'1 by mutual eoi^ent. 'I'linso ' 1 t>. the firiit will ploa-^e lall fU tJ. U . '' !v . . :if l.iiiiiliert'n, v.hv is aUthori.:e i t > ^ 'ii.c i;;o c. iiecrn. .luHX A. nOWl.AM). Cll.l'KilT W. McKVV. I.iir:it'ert'>n. Feb. -•>. • ^tt MS']' |{E('El\ i:i>. r.ri.s ^\ HisKKY. IM M 1 qr. en.vk jcilc Kreneli r>rand;.-, 1 •• •• Madeira \\ ir*e, l.‘> l>i.! f'.'fl’eC, o bi'\es .\i'.''i;uiu A\' S. —ALSO— ; Hearth I’.rnshes; .lute l>iinr and lUip- j \': Tanners’ ('uiTiCrf;' lvui\05.. HiMkcr.-s, ' til ^'l^•!^ller^: and an to >nr ::.iN. ll CHINA. .s. \V, TILI.INC-HAST \ ('»). •: rch 1, ''‘.'tf ,>:).0J>0 ll>^. «r ISas-* aiil« d. ■* .ll,!. vnv :U ft per p"U\nl e;ish for ud li ■ -in .''itt'ai iii)d linen ilAtiS. ile’ivered to . V. r;!i;un«. in Fa_\ ftt 'villc. 1 am nearly ■, I. put ill i^ a l'a]*er Mdl in tln^ i. 1 ai:l nm desinms i-f j^vttiu;; my liiis market. M> I'bject i-5 t" p iv n> r M'js as I -an atti'nl. and i.-ipe timl 1 ■ i!..; l.c foned f' di.^tant markets for niy :i 1 liave :Tranp: d >»ilh Mr. Williams : ^ . .( .ind pav f.,r :iil I'.iirs di-ii\cr.-d to him. i)AViL> Ml urnV. ■J4, IS;')!*. ».H-tf r .'ffte%ille, Feb' .H’s'i' i:i), ■j; I'dU.s. riirsHKD scgai:. 9$ 'j mHi ll's. Wavne (Viuntv liae«n. 1.'. bMs. !-.'ird. No. 1.‘ '■ t tiovcs prime Tii'iaoOD. 40 bbls. M.'iekcreL At Cross Creek ’i,. c. i’dJN::o’.v. T '■ irch 1, ' l>a%ies’ First l.cssons in .Arithmetic, IS nu\ie>' Scliind .Vrithmetir, ii7 I'avii s' t ii amuiar of .\rilhnietic, IH !>a\ies' I nivei^ity Arithmetic, 7.') l>a\ieN' r.lementar_\ Aljfebra, To l)avie;' F.leinentary Jcouictry and Trig onometry. §1 00 Davies' I’ractieal (.;«*oinptry and Mcnsu- rati’ii. 75 l*a'.ii s’ i>ourdi>n's .\ljretira, 1 '!•) liavie*' l,'^cndro'» (teometry. new edition 1 37 I'avies' Kleinents of Surveying, 1 oi> I'u'ies' Lojric of M.'ithcmatics. 1 -5 Ch.-inibers' Treasury of Knowledge, 7»'» Cl.irk's Flements of Drawinj;, 7’> i 'haniber.'i' Natural IMiilosophy, G-'i ' I’veid and I’.ain's Chenii.Htry and F.leetricity, 7') ll.imilton'5 N'egctablc and Animal 1‘hyg- iotnjzy. 7'> (.'hanibers' Flements of Zo*>logy, ,*-8 I’ajre's Elements of tieolupy. 75 , I’arker's First l,c.-:sons in Natural I’liilo- ' sopliy, Gt' I’arker's (‘ynipemlium of Pidiool I’hilo- s phy. 1 00 Melntire mii tlie Cse of the G’.obo.*!. 76 Fult.’ii \ F.istiiian's C py Hooks ^Nos. 1. ” anil each 10 Fulton \'s Pcnniansliip. -- Fultvn ^ Fastmnn's I'.ook-koepiiig (.Sin- pU-and l)vtuble Fntry ) 7') l>rook>‘ First l.utin I.C“soiis, i'd Frooks' I hill's'. 1’ t'O I’lrooks' (.’oUcetanea F.van>rclica. o(.l Hi-ooks' Fir-t (.ireek I.rss^ins. i”iO I’arker’b First Selmol Uealer, li> I’.irker's Sccond .Se!ionl Ueader, I'iirker's Third Schuvd Keavler, “iS I’::rker's Fourth Selio l Header, Parker's Uh'torical liender. 75 M.irtin's Othoepist, words of JifHcuU l>ronunciation, I'>7 Norti;' 'id's Little Speaker. Nerthend .« . .meriean S})eaker, O'-l Northi i d's Selioul l»ia!o>rues, 0;i Wil'.ard's History of the L iiited States, t':’> \\ illani l'n:\ersai History, 1 Zach. 's New Anieiiean Speaker. 1 '1> Anv of the ftbi'vo l.ooks ran lie found at the llookstorc of K. J. Hale \ Son. Fa\ettevilie. Jan'y 1. 1851’. 5L’-:jm r. r. HAuai \ s()>T llKFKH HtU SALK: FAV Orleans. I’orto Uico. llefined, 'ru?hed, Loaf and llavan.i Su;rar. llit>, La;:uirn. s.iid old tiov't Java CotTec. iMiiiiIee. ii;nn^-. and Ilurlaj's IJairjiing. ll'.ij-c and Tviine. Imn. Nails. Salt. Moia-*se.s. and l!aisin>. lJl:;ek«mitiis' Tool.s. A.xes, Spades. Shovels, Hoes. ij' .viUes. Trace and Haiter Chains. B.ind iind H iop lr"n. W hite in Oil. Spanish Urown, lied LemL 01as.«. I’utty, I’.uckets, llrooms. Mackerel, in barrels and h.-ilt ditto. Negro Shoes. Tanners' Oil. Tin riatc. W ii e. Superior (Jreen and lilack Te.ns. Sftleratus, Soaji. Snuff. I’epper. (Jinger. .Sjiice, Nutmegs. Sperm and .\dam:intine Candles. l!;ir Le;nl. Shot, I’owder, Jcc. &c. Nov. -J8, 1851. 44tf E. C. HALL, OF llO-MK, Successor nf 11 nil ^ S(tr/,r(f f’ ('o., tS now receiving his Fall STOCK of GOODS, consisting of a general assortment of Dry (ioods,Saddlery, IlatH, Caps, Sliocs, lliirdwurc, Groceries. A much larger and more general stock ever opened on the Fast side of the Ca])e Fear —whicli he is prepared and detcrndned to sell to punctual customers, either at wholesale or retail, at greatly reduced prices. {lUji' He would c.-ill partieidar .attention to his stock i>f Ii(K.)TS .\ND SMOKS. The iisf'ortment is unusually large, and of every iuality and style; and having been bought for Cash, lie can anti will sell them very low. Von tinit wish Haigains will find it to your interest to give the Stock an examination before buying elsewhere. ■Vhv.-ivs on hand, a general stock of GUOCE- lUFS. ‘ Oct. 18, 1851. 82tf Tt'd! Ten! Tea!! ICHFST VoCNti HVSON, 1 ditto Gunpowder, 1 "atty Imperial, For sale by CHS. IlANK.s. Oct ‘-’8. 1851. 34-tf NEW VlllM. undersigned have entered into cop.'irt- .M. ner.'sliip, under tiie name and style of Lawrraficc Jt Troy, For the purpt>se of vioing a genersvl .Mercantile and I’arter business. \Ve have taken the Store, No. 10 CillEFN ST It F FT, formerly occuj)ieiiby .Messrs. Juiin iluske iN: Son. tlFO. W. LAWK5:NCE. JOHN i;. TKOV, Jr. Oct. 22, 1851. :’.'5tf n ill Lc Itei'riccil hi/ (Ilf' I'iH' til lilt' h'irrr, TONSofSWFDFS IIION, by E. ll.VLL, of Home. Oct. 18, 1851. ;>2tf 1).\1ly I'.xiM-x'rKi). 4 GENFH.\L ASSOllT.MFNT of HOLLOW- W AUF. l)v E. C. HALL, of Home. Oct. 18, 185L 32tf NOrUE. 4LL persons indebted to the .*;ubscriber for Goods purchased at Floral College, :ire re quested to make immediate jiayment, either to Mr. Hugh -MeArn in the iicighborho>>d, or to Idmself in Cheraw. i D. 15. McAUN. j Cheraw, Dec. 2l. If'-'d. 5U-tf i North CarolinaKerseys. 4 REV. SHEMW FLL CO. have jtist re ceived u large lot of ■•.''aletu Kerseys. ; kno vn to all of our I’l.niters :is the best goods j for negroes that arc otTeietl in this market.— ' Those who have been waiting, had better lome and pet supplied, as they are going ott rapiilly. I’avetteviili-. Dec. 15, 1851. 48-tf l-oil 'I IIE .JTUAW CFTTr.llS I’loughs and I’lowgh 1i\t\ire ’‘•rn.',, \c. 3i.c. l or sale b\ J. ic T. >-t. 1. 1>-51. I- \UMEi{S. Corn Shelh rs. Harrows. of diil'ereut W AD DILL. 27tf ;\\ u \iMMN(* PAi'i:u. J K UF.AM.'' Medium size. 2 Gjb? S * 05 •• {’due. fori’(.tton ^ ariis. iij ^^:^nteo Paper Mil’s. Kaleigh. For sale . .v H. IJRAN.'toN 0. i"5]. Klc‘iariel!:i Slt*asn ISoal 'oN SOr I'llEKNl.R, ILL be in order to take her place in the line in a few days. She is oiiehundrrd and twelve feet long, seventeen feet beam, and four feet hold; and draws not exceeding twelve inches watir. The Company confilentIy ex]iect that with tiiix itoiti. in addition to th«-ir other Steamers and tow boats, they will be in a con dition to transport all freight sent by their line with as much certainty and desp.atch as any line upon the river. The .Southerner being of sueli I'lglit draft of water, she will be eiiableil to ruii at a'l tiuRS. G. DEMING. Pres’t. 11. .M. OIUIELL. Agent. Jan’y 28. Is52. ».0-tf NOriC'E. I fBlIIE ji.'trtnership heretofore e’-istini: under M. the name of J. H. II. F. .Muridr is this ilay dissolved by mutual consent. -VII those indebted to the tirm by note or account, are reipiested to call at K. F. Mur- jihy’s, and settle before the 15th uf February next, and thereby sa\ccost. .\nd having claiuis against the iirmare requested to present tiiem inimediatelv. J. W. MUin’HV. U. F. MCKPHV. Jan'y 2«i. ls.'.2, OOtf 'I'OliACCO. 15IUMF Nt>rth Carolina and Virgini.-i Chew- in" Tobacco, bv the P>ox and retail. J. \ T. WADDILL. October 25, 18-51. iJ4-tt DAILY EXPECTED. TONS of HOOP lKi>N, suitable for Spirit barrels, by E. C. HLL, of Home. Oct. 18. 1851. o2tf RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. ' ^ lOME in to the heap Store. North side of ^ ./ Huy street, one door above the corner, anl buv new Dry (ioods. .\lso, lleHly-made Clothing, Hats and Caps—great varivty. ISAAC DODD. Nov. 4, 1851. i5T-tf 'tIIOS. II. TILLLN(;iiAST, Andsrsoii St., Fayetteville, N. C., OI*I*(ISITK MU. AV. AVI.\!^M>\v’s LAW OFKICK. Music neatly bound at short notice. Moil t Ixv rii 11 a n ti f ai* t»i*e. ''a E have lormed a company st\led the ▼ ¥ Snow (.'amp .Manufacturing t'ompaHy, of .\hun.ince (,'ounty. North Carolina, two miles West of the Cane Creek Cotton Fiietor\. on ('ane Creek, at the Fi'unilry owned by David Di.\on Hrothers. and woi Id respectfully announce to the citizens of .Vl.imuncc :ind the adjoining Counties, that we are now prepared to Manu facture in the neatest anti best style—W heat Thmshing Machines, troni tvvo to six horse power: t.'utting .Machines of ditl'erent sizes: W otd Carding .Machines: double and single .NHll and Factory «ioar: .'^aw and (iiist Mill Irons; edge rool.->; ( otton ^ ai'n and Wool Lolls, \e. Persons wi-ibing to purchase would do well to I . give us a call lielore j)urchasing el.sewhere, as we are deteriuined to sell cheap for cash, or on i lime to punctual dealers. Our experience in the .Manufacturing llus' enaliles I’.s to feci no hesitiition in .-aying that our W“rk shall j ! not be surjiassed by any shop in the South. ] .\1I letters addressed to the .Agent of the j Company at the .Siiow Camp P. O.. .M.imance , ('ounty, N. will rucei\e prompt attentii.ji. | D.WID DI.KON. .\gcnt ' of the .s. C. Manufacturing Company. j Snow Cam]). Dec. 0, 1851. 47-tinj | LESSONS L\ .MLSK'. H. WHlT.VKFll would res]>ectfully in form the citiiens of FavLlle ville and vi cinity. that he has again eonimi need giving Les sons ou the Piano Forte. He rt-turns his thanks for the liberal ]>atronage heretofore received, and hum'nly >iolieits a continuance of the saute. .Vll pains shall be takm for the advancement of his pupils. , lii.struction also given on the Guitar. Pianos tuned :iud repaired in the best manner. L. H. WHITAKKK. August 24, 18.50. Uf UNION ACADEMY. fM^IlE building of tliis lnstitutit>!i is now in | JH- st.'ite of completion. It is larg« and ■ commodious. It is pleasantly loc.'ited in a fine neighborhood, and in n very s.alubrious jiart of Hobeson county, twelve miles west from Luui- bertini. about half mile south of the road lead ing from thence to .Vlfordsville. The session of this Institution will coin- ; mence on the 2d Monday of January, 1852, un- I der the care of .Mr. Gik» Leitch, who is a gra duate of the University of North Candina. Tcniis Ilf Tiiitioii, per Sti,tioii, viz: Spelling, reading and writing. S'S 00 Arivliiiietic. English Grammar, (Seogra- phy and History, 10 00 Latin, (ireek, French, and the higher j tiranches of .Mathematics. 12 00 Hoard can be obtained at the .\calemy, and : at convenient distances in the neighborhood, at from five to six dollars jier month. Hv order of the Trustees. JOHN TAYLOU, Sec'y. Dec. 20, 1851. 5o-tf •Vetr JTsrtn. The lUidcrsiiTiu'd have ciitt'rcd into copjirtnei ship, under the n.amc and style of H.VLL .S: S.\Ci\ETT, for the )iur|)ose of doing a Dry (ioods and Hardware Husiucss, and have taken the .Store 5 doors East of the Favetteville Hotel. J. II. HALL. .\. E. HALL. T. M. S.\CKETT. .Vugust ‘Jd, 18.'il. lOtf llli(ITiiiH{!s Ll.\l;. rniHE Steamer HUOTHEHS, and Tow Hoats -fi- .^tevcn.son. David Lewis, and .lames t'as- sid.iy. are jirepared to lorward with despatch IREDELl/S UEPOUTS. ^ 1ST jiublisiied. \'nl. 12 i^aw. and Vol. 7 i'^nuity. Price -Sii ,'iO and 'I'hese are small volumes, in conse*jucn« e (*f the Heporter making new arrangeuieuts for publishing. Hound vols. exciianged for Nos. as usual. E. J. HALE .i: SON. Dec. 10, 1851. lU)OK lUNDEKV. W. II.VHDIE has resumed the Hook JUnding Husiness at the new .Store next door to Mr. Heasley, .leweller. where he will re ceive and cxecute binding in ain style desired. August 1. 27 tf all goods consigned to the Proprietor. The Steamer Hrothei-s i.s of light draught, and well suited ttj run iu liir vulcr. She pt>s- sesses jioicrr and rpccil, and is adinir.ibly adapt ed to (uu iiiij, and can accomuio-latc about '20 passengers. The Proprietor contemplates running the Ho.-it himself, and will give special attention to way freight and naval stores; to towing, and will also attend to the comfort and convenience of Passengers. From his long experience as -Vgent in ilmington of the several Steamboat ('ouipanies, he thinks he cati give satisfaction. To .Mendi.-ints in the interior he would say, that all (loods shij)]ied by him. will be deliv ered to their .\geiits in Fayetteville. His.Vffent in Wilmington is DAVID ILVNKS. to whom all communications may l>e addressed, as Agent of the Steamer l>rothers. John hanks. Proprietor. W'ihiiington, Feb. 4, 1S52. Oiitf RET'roN'S mm F.STUiLlSliMKNT, Mu I hit Striif, rgiHE 1 jirgest and only JL Manufacturing Whole- .sale Establishment in the City. The capital and force engaged eii.ables me at .all times to otter to ('ountry Men hants and Deal ers in SH 1HTS, COLL.\ HS. LINEN and COT TON D1{.VW EHS, great inducement.s—more than usual efforts having been made to rendei- the as.sortment of these articles fidl and com plete. The Stock on hand is large and well a?sorted for Men and Hoys. .\11 orders from the Country attended to with punctuality and despatch. Ilenieniber the Name, and 179 .TSarkfl Sirool. T. W'. HETToN. .\ugust 15. 1851. 1 1-yopd III I lie »ii »1» ' v»j " ' ' this, let a single juickage of the med- used, and a gre;:t improvement 'Aiil NEW lUH)lvS. OSSF l'H. Life nnd Si>eeches. 25c.: Swal low iSarn. by Kenne.Iy: Theory and Prac tice of Teaching; .\rchbishop Leighton s Works; 'I'urner's Discourse.*) on Scriptural Proj>hecy; Harper's Alairazine, bound vol.s.: .Anthon s(,las- sieal Dictieljarv, \c. K. J. HALE \ SON. FeS’y 2. NO'l'iC'E. FILL m \mm toons. L. 10 \ SON. otf NEW COOP'S. 'T r*' i-ivd, in\ l a” supplv ol ( LoT HS. ci> A-.'1Mi;i:es and VL."riNiS. thim- \r., cf the b'-t quaiity. Iroin New 1 A’- ', the Keport ol the -N^v. ^ ork tnj"* f stiil contiinn; ti> carry on the T '11.>'HING HFSINE.S.''. at ni\ St.ind on Hay t. an ] th'is- w tio ni.av' favor me wish thi-ir 111 iiiav relv on having their work done in • it .-iiid t.'i-iliioii.ible style, and on the most '■ tiria-i. AHCHIHALD GHAIIAM. ■’■■t 1-51. o4tf A •I'or.Ai i o. S'n^CK on han.l: and 1 Khali re- ■ regularlv. from .Me‘'srs. .1. Jones >Sc 1 .' I' ry. iiualitit-s assorted from cmmon to \v „;,,h 1 will sell at low est nianufac- J. utlev. OOtf Aj'ril 3. 1851. w iN'i'i:ii SI i I LV. I. :ii i- iiow receiving our vv inter supply Itlio old >orlli AltKY, SnKMW Kl.L Co. have ju."t re ceived a splendid assortment of Sahm ('a-ati- tiiere, black and grey, to which they would cull the attention of thr public. These goods will compete in ((uality and durability with the best of Northern Cassimeres. and are much cheaper, ranging from 02.^ cents to !Sl 2 1 per yard, l-ayettcville. N. C., Oct. 14. 1851. ;:Otf , x t o. Ni:\V l-'AI.L AND V.'LNTKK iiOOUH. ^ JBLm I _ ._ fH^lIE .Subscribers arc now receiving direct B. fi'Hii New \ ork and Philadelphia, the lar gest and haiiusomest .Stock of SUi’Uc and I''(u:cq Dry (ioods Tl; It tl.ev have tier e.xhibitod in thi.s market, embracing ev. rv varietv* ot Lndies and (ientlc- mcn's DKES^; GOODS* amons which ni:iy be found: Hlack and fancy watered and plain Dress Silks; black and fancy Coburgs; Lama Twills; figured and plain fancy and black .Mohair Lus tres: Silk Warp and Crape Hrocades: Swiss, Scotch and Chene (iinghanis: Saxonv De-Lain»; French. English and American Print.s; Emb’d dee d, lying principally in llobeson county Cashmeres: )dain ditto; changeable De-Lains; on both sides of Lumber Hiver, the .litterent sur- ■ w.’it^ red and neetlle-w»rk t ashmeres: changea- \e\s containing ble Hrocade Lustres: Dam.ask .Kolians; OvM’ 100 000 AcrOSI black Homba/.ines: second-mourning Poplins: , ' plain .md watere-l Silk .Mantillas: colored and A large ).art finely Timbered, and convenient to black Velvet .Mantillas: Hrocade Poplins: and a I.umber Hiver. where a large quantity ot Tini- lar'M' assortment of Dress Trimmings; French ber is now rafted to the (Jeorgetown market, and English Merinos; Velvet Neck Hibbons and Lands ire very v.duable both for the Cuffs ic. Timber and Turpentine, for which purjiose a 1 ’MT’I’dT I')!*'I? 1large jiart is well suited, being in a legion P...»ll>IiUi I where the Turpentine yields more abundantly French worked Collars and Capes: French d,,,,, .,„y other »(*ction of the State. The Lands w orkc'l Cuffs: French worked Chendsettcs; L n- pnce, and in quantities to der-Slceves; Swiss and Jaconet Trimmings; In- purchasers. .s' .’lists aiil .'ap.s; Ilciu-stitchcd and nee- liiforniatiini i NEW CAKiM';riN(;. IIOLL.S Hrussels. Ingrain :inil StJiir Carpeting, new and fashionable P:;t- terns. just received. —ALSO— 1.') kc^'s Spikes and large Nails. 25 boxes H.iisins, ;;(! bags .''hot. Indigo. Ch«col:ite. Salad and Castor C»il. with an ;id lition to our Stock d' H»rdw:»re. S. W'. TILLINGHAST .v CO. Nov. 2f.. 1S51. 4;:-tf LIEE l\Sl UANC i:. ^f'HE I'lidersigned lias lieen a|)pi iiited .\gent of the N\irth (’aroliua Mutual Lite Insu rance Coiiii'any. Every member for life ]'ariic- ipates iu the protits td' the Company; and the Pami>hlets and I’eriodicals bouiul, and old annual premium for life membership, where it Hooks re-bound, iu u substautial manner. Dec. 8. 1851. 4'.tf Al’oy, ^hniiwoll A: '». HA\ E one piece extra line 7-4 black French CLOTH, to which they would call the attention of the public. Oct. I-'.. 1851. o2tf 10(),(H)() .Acres Valuable T 1 M H E K L A N I) S FMl SALE. fB^HE Subscriber has purchased all the Lands Ji belouKing to the Estate of .Vbram Duboi.-*. and faiits' ^V.•lists aiil .'aps; llem-stiteiici anu nee- Information respecting the title can l>e ob- ;; do. rs below the .Market j)e-worked Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, from (ni^cd by applying to the Hon. Uobert Strange, p. rson street, wh'-re may be jo ^-ts. to S;5; -ii.d a beautiful assortment of jjobbin, or A. A. T. Suiitli, Esp, Veils: every variety of Shawls, embroidered and /^Vttornev.s at Law.) plain: Tliread. Cotton nnd Linen Edgings and ' j understand there are many on l.aces; black Silk Laces nnd Edgings. | these Land.s, to all of wlioni notice is hereliy ALSO— ; given, that the law will be enforced against all Hlack. blue, brcpwn and green French and such oirenders. i . 1^ Fn-Ush Cloths; black and fancy Ca-ssiineres; j V:..LJ' p-A'' vho imouuts to .S'^O or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other hall'in a noteat 12 months. Debtors’ lives mny be insun-d by creditors. .A man may insure his own life I'or the exclusive l>euefit of his family. The lives of slaves may be insured. This system is rajndly growing into favor, all over the civilized world. It is (iiie by which a family, for a small sum animally. may be pro viiled for. after the death of its heal. on whose exertions they nu>y have been dejiendent for a support. It is a good investment ot money, even if one should live U>ng after taking out a Life Policy. Explanatory pamphlets, .and the necessarv lUanks, furnished on application. F. J. HALE. Fttvettevillc, June 1850. 72 -1 Farm and lU'dutiful Il( aidcttcc EOR SALI-:. flj^HE Siibscribt-r wishing to roiiiove to the J South-west. Would sell k’s lands in this county, upon reasonable .11.d :icconiiiiodating terms. There are about 27>*t or 3(m»0 ;uTes. all lying in one tmdy. and of which 400 or 5t»0 acres are in cultivation. The P!atik Hoad of the .loint Slock Company. tiMiu Fayettevill« to Haleiuh. will run within on* mile of the residence. Most of the lands that are in cultivation lie within three miles of the Cape Fear Kiver. adjoining the lands (d'J«din C. \Villiams and otheis. The .aliove sioia'ion is very desirable, from the fact that it is surrounded by the best of neighbors and society. The subscriber might say much more by way of inducement: but he deems it unnecessary, as thi'se wishing to purchase can call and see for themselves. The above lands can Vc divided so as to suit jiundia.-'ers. ,\ny further inf.irmalion can be given by np- piieation to the subscriber, or by letter address- eil to iiiui at Kingsburv, Cumberland Co., N. C. D. S. WILldAMS. Feb. 2. 1S.52. t-2tf \ Tlu' Steamer Chatliani rrr^~^ w ill re.-rume her semi-weekly trips between thi.« ]>1ace ainl W'ihnington, on Monday the inst.. leaving Fayetteville every .MON- D.\V and riH HSD.VY thereafter, at 7 o'clock .V. M.. and ruiinin_ ihrough the .s.inic day.— Leaving ilniingtoii cverv Tl'ESD.'.\ and I-Hl- 1»A \ . .after the arrival d' tlie Cars Irom the North. The Steamer Gov. Graham, with as many Tow Hoats as may be nccess.iry. will run in connexion with the Chatham, as otten as may be neces.sjiry to carry all Freights that may c - fer. The julditioii of .another large Flat ^^the Gen'l McHue.l to this Line, affords incre.ised facilities for the shi]>ping public. Cioods shall certainly have as juick transit by this Line as anv other. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. Ag't Cajie Fear S. H. Co. Feb'v 0, 1852. 0:5tf JI. selected stock of .''taple .and Fancy DIC^ Goods, .\mong their stock will be f(Hind the latest styles ol La'Iies' and Gentlemen s DHLS.S (.iOOD.S, together with a gooil assortment of l*caly-iu:ulo Clothitij:; rtiihrclhis; Hats, Caps, and J>oiiiu‘ts; all kiinls ot Ihmts ninl Shoes; ('arju-tiiijr: Saddles, I’riillos, AN hip.s and ('ollars; Hardware and (^itlery; l^ea- ther; llolluw-ware and ('loekery-ware; L'>af, Luni]», (.'rushed, (’laritied and lirowu Su- jzars; Teas; llio, lj;ijruira and .Java ('oftee; Salt, Molasses, Iron atnl Nails. \Vith m.aiiy other lioods. which will be sold verv cheap for Cash, or on time to those w ho pay punctually. We would be glad if our friends and the public generallv would give us a c.all. J. T.‘ COFNCIL ('AI.\. 1.1851. I8tf I'roiii the Foderiil Pnlon. TONIC BITTEHS AND VEGETAHLE PILLS These medicincs are used loj^ethtr, t..r curiii}? d.iseases of this class: being not '>Tily *lr; npth- and iiivigoniting in their efiects, but giv ing healthy toue nnd action tij the stomach ami bow els. There are in.'iny per.sons in every comijiunity afllicted with a variety of syiiiptoius, arising Iroin 110 other cause than an impaired or oner- vatel state of tiie digestive orji:;iib. .Vs .an ev- iiU-nce of icine be used follow, V'liich will iuo?t geiK rally result in cure, by persisting with the remedies. A )nittle of the .Antacid is to be used iu a'ldi- tion to the Pills and Hilteis, whenevcr tin'tigiit- ness and oppression ailer meal.', heartijwra, \c' are tronblesome. Dr. Little—Sir; 1 h.ave u.^ed y"ur Ti iiic Hit ters with the greatest ad\ant.i;:e to sVrciigtLen' the stomach, and to give tone to th* digestivo organs, as well «s quieting nervous derange ment. 'I'hey are pleasant to take. geliCy stim ulating. and extremely well udaj'ted lo dyspep tic or debilitated habits. In all my travels, 1 have not met with to got d an article. ^ oui s, iVc: (Signed) PHILIP HANKS, Dv akr in Maps. i.c. .\mcricus. It^l^. Dr. Young—Sir: Hy your advice, 1 have -iv- niy wife Dr. Lutles X oic Pditers and A e- getable Pills, with tlie greatest advant.ago. Het liscase was of many vears standing j.revious to taking the mediciius, but s.uce, she has en- joveti gfiod health. ■ (Signed) NEL.-‘N McCAltTV. Heatl the following ■weli-nuirkod cases, that had so long batfled all other remedies: HaMwin Co.. 184'.*. Dr. Little—Dear Sir; For the hist six or se ven years my wile has been badi_\ atilictcil with dvsjiepsiy. .“^o mucli so as to l-ccome nearly heljdess, althongli having been attended by two or three jihysicians. During the hast she took. whiUt iu this situation, your .Anttwi*! and A’egetable Pills, which soon hel}»ed her much from that sinking or oppression after eating, besides gaining stnngth. Slie continued to' improve fast, particularly when we UM'd the Tonic Hitters with the other medicines, .md is now enjoying pretty fair health :uid teels like :t new being. ^Ours, respectfully, (Signed) HEZEKlAll UOGEHS, .‘-^r. The fac-simile of the si;;nature of Dr. W. (J. Little will be found upoii tho outside Virappei of caeh of his .MeiHcines. Sold wholesale .and ret.nil. by the Projjrietor, at his .Manufacturing Do)iot. No. 2>j4 Market street, Philadelpliik. and ALicon. Ge(»rgia. To be had also of .lames Cain, llocktish; .A. Watson. Floral C.dlego: Townsend (S; Doug lass, Hcnnettsville: Dr. I’. .NL Colu'ii. Charle.s- ton; C. C. Harbee, l?arclav sv ille: P. F. Pescud,' Haleigh. S. J. HINSDALE. Agent for Favetteville. Sei>t. 1 > die I' ilowing ai'ticles: ' ';- ir ol ull grades, ■ ' IMl Ir Cldj.'l .Mol.iSSPS— sVV-Ht, ■' .''\rup—a superior artii le, ‘'t'-'-ii and Llack Teas, * li' i sf i,f ihrec liiffereiit ii'alities, I’' 1‘cpper and i^pice, 1' '1'‘ and iJagging, ■■■' Mackerel, “ :;nd Loots of extra large size, s. .sp:nh-s aixl Fiir't»S, ' 'rn I’ioughs and Points, '"'' s t the best brands, Kii'ucf aiiil Forks, '■ md Iron. ^ II,H. Cotton Yarn. ■III.;, ^ many other articb’S cheap for ''r f,,j. Proiluco. (’all and see. CIKJSS I HEFK CO., C'. Henbow, Pres't. 185 L 50-tf '|V||' M'OTTI'^II or«’tdtic •l iiiiiers, as preservc'l among the High- ' " 'Ijeing an histoi-ical and ilescripti vi; ac- f the iiili:d)itants, antiquities, and na- ' ■ !’“' n'i.!ri»ii s of Seotliind, by James Lo- ' ' '■ Ji -r i.c(:ived and for s.ile by E. J. HALE .S; SON. iiuor. makers, wiiif .juiierior article of Oak Tau •''Ol.l, LEATHF.I', with French and ' '•* • .^Ll' ."SivLN.^, can be supplied at our 1:5;, J. K T. WADDILL. •lltf Cut \'clvet, figured and black Satin and \ alen- c'.a Vestings, (some very handsome;) Sattinets; Kentucky Jeans; Tweeds; Linscys; Flannels, w ool and cotton; Osi aburgs: Druggets; Damask Table Coths; ditto N ipkina; Centre-Table Cov ers. very fine; I’inno ('overs; Irish Linens; Lin en Lawns: Thi’oad Cambrics; Towellings: (Seii- tlemen's Meniio .Shirts and Drawers; Silk Neck and I’ocket Handkerchiefs; Uidies’ .Merino Vests; Cashmere :uid Silk Hose; ditto Half-Hosc; the celebrated Salem Jeans, black and grey. Ladies’, Gentlemen’s and Children’s HOOTS and SHOES. Men’s. H»ys’ and Infants’ Hats nnd Caps. Velvet, JSatin, Straw nnd Florence Honnets. Ditt« ditto ditto for Misses. And every articlc usually kept in a Dry Goods Store. jtsaf We invite the public to call and exam- ine our large and handsome Stock, as we nre al ways anxious to show our (ioods. 66-iV IF> /.vvy* Smjor, Tea and Coffrf. A HEY. SHE.MWELL & ('O. return thanks to the cifi/.eiis of Fayetteville, and the public generally, for the very liberal {latroiiage here- lol'ore on thcni, anl intend, by strict a.ttention to business, to merit a ctmtinuance. S. S. A HEY. P. SH EM WELL. J. H. MCDONALD. I urcticviiltti Stoi. lo, iiol. -I'.f made to my lelf, or to John Winslow, Es]., is duly authorised to make sale of the same. TIIOS. J. CUHTLS. FayetteviHe, X. C., Sept. 1, 1845. T^tJ^ D. ^ W. McLaurin A HE now receiving a large and general as sortment of STAPLE AND FANCY 1>UY GOODS, HARD WAKE & CUTLEU\, llOOT^ AI>iD —ALSO— 75 bags llio, I^aguira and Java Coffee, 10 hhds. Sugar, 75 piece? Cotton Bagging, 50 coils Hale Hope, lOCt kegs Nails, assorted, S tons Swedes and English Iron, 500 sacks Liverpool Salt, With Loaf, Crushed, Powdered and OninHlatcd Sugars; Green Tea; I’epper; Spice; Ginger, Powder; Shot: Hiir Lead; Table Salt; Har and Fancy Soaps. W ith a great variety of other articles, to whi.h we invite the attention of pur chasers at whole'jale or retail, as low as any other house in the place. D. & W. .MoL.ACKIN. Fire Insurance. ■^HE ^tTN.V Insurance Company of llart- fonh having i>aid the t.ix imposed by the Heveniie Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue its .Agency in F'ayetteville, under the management of the undersigned, who is pre- parcil t» issue Policies of lnsui'..nce on Huihl- ini's or Goods, eitlier in this Town or in any part of the State, on j.n-iier application, de scription of *he Property. iS:c. The .KTNA COMPANY has been in ojieration nbout oO years. Its capital is The Him. fhos. K. Hrace w as its first President, and he still hoMs that office; nnd .several of its first Directors are still active and efficient niem- l.trs of the Hiard. It has at all tiuies sustained the highest character for the prudence of its management, and for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. HALE, Agent. M.irch 10, 1851. 02-tf NO'I'ICE. The I’ublie arc inlornied that the subscriber is the authori.sed Agent for the sale of McKINSTHY’S POHTAHLE SAW MILLS, manufactured in Washington City, of 20 horse power engine. loc«inotive boiler, which arc the only actujil Portable Saw .Mills he has ever seen —rio brick being nseil in their erection. in want of these Mills will find it to their ad vantage to call on the subscriber. Mr. McKin- stry informs him that Geo. Page & (^o. have never miiniifacturcd a Portable Engine like the above, and therefore their right is in 110 danger of being infringed upon, as tliere is no necessi ty of doing 80 in this nge of improvement. •' ® ir II I I f^i*. T. I>. .A.S taken un Oflice on Hay Street. W esj ot the Hotel Huildings. July 14, 1851. 4-tf H. li. HALL, JFft yen Cl' tile i'oetit ilri/. C.VSTINGS OF EVEUY DESCHIPTION .MADE TO OUDEH. l(d of Habbct for sale. W inslow street, Sept. 1, 1851. 18Y n. M. ORRELL, FOUwiRDiMi riDDiis.sni.v iii;iuii.\.\t .it Fayt tU-ville, C. March 10, 1851. i'2-tf II. I.. HOLMES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. FFK.'E on corner of Front and Princess streets, luider Journal otiice. Dec. 12. 48-tf Fayetteville, Dec. 10, 1851. H. G. HALL. 47tf T. C. WORTH, COMMISSION ANU FOUWAKIMNC MERCIIAXT, WILMlNGl'ON, N. C. Feb. 1, 1851. 57tf WILKINSON & ESLER, DEALERS IN Co»/cctionan/, Fureiyn Fruits, Xuts, Tv- l/urct), (tnil Simjf', AND IMPOUTEUS OF .Sn*i:KIOK C’lCJ.lKS .\T Wnol.KSALE A-M> KKT.AIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. FAV ETTEV1 LI.E ('I).N KECTIO.NERY. CHARLES BANKS, INFORMS the public, that he has refitted his Establishment on Green Street. :ind has on hand a fresh supply of CANDIES. maiiufacturel by hini.oeif out of the best l-oaf, and war ranted free from starch, flour, paste, nnd ])enii- jiaints. His whole time and attention is now devotel to making ('andy. and he is pre pared to supply all orilers with Tandies equal to anv niade iu the I iiited States. I hese Can dies he warrants to keep in any climate; nnd he will sell to Town or Country merchants, as che.aji tl.* gooil and jture Candy can Vie jitirchased in New York ov elsewhere. Favetteville. (tct. 2S. o4-tf IIIOWAHD!' I.ISC.VPED from the Jail of Kershaw District. IA on Monday the 14th day of July last, S.VMCEL J. LtiVE, who was convicted for the muriler of Robert .1. Le.ster, :it Spring Term of Court. lS-51. Said Love is almut 20 or 21 years of age, six feet two inches high, (not certain as regards his height, but suiijMi.setl to be therea bouts.) has dark hair, and of a sallow comple.x- ion. with a downcast look: some of his Iroiit teeth a little decayed, and follows the occupa tion of a Carpenter. I will give the above rewanl to any perstui who will a]iprehend the sail S. .J. Love and lodge him in any Jail in this State, or One Hun dred and Fifty i)ollars for his safe confinement in any Jail iu the Cuited States, so that 1 can jjet him. JOHN INGRAM, Sheriff'. Camden. S. Aug. .'!0. 18'»1. 20-tjm WAN TED, ~ A GOt»D Timber Wagon. G. H. M.VLLETT. Jun’y 2S. 1852. Ol-tf NEW C ROP MOI.ASSES. HHDS., a prime article. .\, 1 chest of choice Imperial TE.\. For sale by H. HH.VN.SON & .S>N. Jan'y I'.i, 1852. 5tt. nnd Miimiiici* «»‘TET* wj0t :«r COSrr.ME HALL, ('unur Pratt strf»'t nnd Cmtrr Markrt SjMirr, BALTIMOIIE. rjlIIE largest nnd best stock of llE.VDA'- i M.ADE CLOTHING ever offered iu Haiti- more. Dress. Frock :ind Sack CO.VTS. all co lors. qualities and sizes, from /iO to !*>•> «>0 and upwards. P.VNT.\LOONS :it Sil to 50 nnd upwards. enit>racing all styles t»f fancy, plain and plaid Cassimeres. A'ESTS of every variety at correspon«ling prices. Also, a large assortment of Hoys’ Clothing. Importing our own Cloths ilirect from Europe, . .Tnd manufacturing on the most extensive scale, enables us to offer inducements to purchasers not to be surpn.ssed by any Clothing E^tnblish- ment in the United States. The proprietors nre determined to make the Wholesale Rooms the i point of great attraction, nnd have now made WHOLESALE WalcU and Jewelry L. H. MILLER vV CO., Imjiortcrs, .Moinifnrtni-irs >ml .fdhJtrrs i-f Watilif’S, Jtictlrif, (Did Fmiri/ (jf.i»l.. Have leased the Old .''tanl lormeilv oceuj'ied by .Me^'srs. Canfield. Hrotlier X Co.. J'.'iiKt conwr of L'liitfltf' and JiuUiiiujfi fli'tiU, (No. 227,) which thcv are putting in comiilete order for the AVHtU.ESALE WATCH AND JEWELRY HUSINE.'jS, to be opened about tho 20th of July. In cjilling the attenli»')i of the trade to the new concern, we mention the tact thut we are associated with one id' the most extensive Jew elry Manufacturing Establishnirnts in the coun try, which must give a deciied advantage over all others in this market for supjdying dealers with Jewelry at manufaclurors’ prices, n feature in this br.'inch (d' trade long ^-incc needed -b« tween Haltimore and tlie .'southern !ind W csterii Merchants. We desire to call i-articular attention to tho Watch deiiartment. which v^•ill at nil times bt; suppliel with a great assxrtnient Iroin the most celebrated manufacturei.-', ami kept in perlect running order, so that purcluiscrs mny at once take them, with a wriiteii guarantee that they will perform correctly. This branch d' the business will receive the especial attention of one of the tirm. w hose ex tensive !ind practical knowledge ot the businesa will, we hope, give us a jdace in the Confiden.e of l)uyers. We respectfully invite you to cnll upi ii >ih when you next visit our eitv, cjnfidently V-c- lieviiig that an examiiialion of our floods wlil prove to you that they are better styles t.nI cheapei tlian you have ever seen in this marl;et, and assure you that no effort --hall be wai iing on our part to make the acijUaintaiiee oue of mutual beuelit. I.. II. MILLER i CO, Old stand, formerly occupied by Canfield. I'ro. iS: Co., S. E. cor ner of Charles (V Haltimore st- Hiiltimore, June 18.')1. 14-\o REFERENCES: y.Icssrs. AVyeth, Hlacklock ,\. (Jo. (;»vvn. Reid iV 'I'livlor. James Hodges K Hrother. Hurst iV Berry. Murdoch, Dner X Evaiis. Stellmanu !L liiiirichs. Sangston & Co. Harthlow, Gwvn & t'o. Riely & Pendleton. Cushings & Hailey. John ilurphy & Co. Moore & Griffin. 1S51. 11 tf B JOHN I). WILLIAMS, Commission S' Forwareting tiler ch an Fayetteville, W. C. Feb. 0, 1852. FOR SA1.E.—lbs. ba con. J D. '^VILLIAMS. 0, IHC2 NEW ARRIVAl.S Y the late arrivals we have re LA.SSES. in Lhds., tierces nnd bbls. FISH.—We have Salmon, Mackerel in bbls. and half bbls., and Mullets and Herring. Also, yellow planting Irish Potatoes. COOK &, TAYLOR. Jan’y 8, 1852. 54-8-w STORAGE. I WE have comniodions brick Wnrehouscs i iu the rear of our Store, in which wc btore cotlou and olLcr producc. 1 '7. McLi^URPT. j, izi: up more than 50.(MK) G.ARMENTS, fi'om fhe : finest quality to the low est in price. In the Custom Department will always he I found tlie choicest .selpction of CLOTHS, CAS- "eived MO- i SIMERES and VESTINGS, which will be made up at the shortest notice, and in the latest style, and a fit .always guarantied. jjt^"The one price system strictly adherel to. Remember the name and place, Corner Pratt Bt. and Centre Market Space. JI. U. COLE & CO. August 15, 18-51. 14-yopd jk SUPPLY of Fresh Ground CORN MEAL im kept for eale at the MiH, late Andenjon’s. Ojinding of Hominy aad MtJ doi-t pro£fi;:i,'y. ''u7c*rt-7?L-, 15!.,: ::::: Works on Free-Mascnry.- EW Masonic Trestle-Hoard, adapted to the Work and Lectures, as prnctised in the L«lges, Chapters, Councils, and Etu ampmeuts of Knight Templars in the United States, by Chas. W. Moore. The Free-.ALison's a companion for the initiated through all the degrees of Musonrj bv Rev. K. I. Stewart. The True Masonic Chart or Hieroglyphic Monitor, by J. L. Cross. The Free-Mason's Monitor, eowtaiuing a de linention of the fuiidamentul [>rineiplf‘s of Froe- Masonry, operative and speculative, as veil iu a religious as a moral view, by Z. A. Davis. For 8:ile by E. J. HALE SON. May JJl. T 1 Ni:w lio'oivS The American Alniauac for Swords’ Pocket .Almanac; Tlie litteeu Decisive Hatties of the World, from .Mnrathon to Water loo; First Impressions of Englainl and its Peo ple, by Hugh Miller: Swallow Harn, revised edi tion, ilhistrated, by J. P. Ker.ncdy; Don Quix ote, half morfwco, illustrated: London and the Exhibition, illustrated; .\bhott's Histoiifs: Lis- toii Hnd .Muter’s Surgery: Hullion’s Cicero; Pierce’!f Curves. Functions and Forces; Tooke’s Pantheon; Letter Writers, &c. &c. Just ree’d. E. J. HALE & SON. Dec. 8, 1851. A ^OOD~LNVESTMEVf.” The Subscriber wishes to sell one-half «t the Fayetteville Water Works. Neiti‘.r of the present proprietors having time to give their fierfonal .".ttent’on to xLc j.Toj cr'y, tl.. purchaser can hnve the mni-agerutr-t of it, rra- kinr '•'.(■I r.

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