SEMI-WEEKl, Y. BBBSaBDRWa I.] [SO. T>.] HV \i. M:\Vr,Y. [;i)U Alti) J. IIALI:: A: SON, i;i AM' rui.u’i;u;Tui;s, f'. r t'lK'>1-11“-" t*iisKUVKU (Mt if ; i;i i "jil ’>0 if }miil ilurlng tho '• ripti''i;: "i‘ > J iilior the vi-ar Lass Uci-.v .v !'i!'i;u\ i;u ■ n jior muiuiii. if .1 . •>- i>* if j'ui'i il'.'.finjr tliu I- .. > I'tii'ii: "r IM> alitT the vfar :i;i!>I''1 i'ATS iti-ifvtO'! for sixty cents 10 * r ;!it' iii'st. au'i thirty cents ftir e.-u-ii i.iii'li.'.ition. Vcuriy ailverti-'enu'uts : irai'ts. ut rctiS' iialile rates. A'l- . ■ IT ,\u >te»l t>i slate the iiuiiilier of > ,, 'i' !. "V they will Ih' cmitinued till ■ I . iKir.c'I ai cvr'iinu'ly. • T: 1' ti the IMit' rs inu.'t be ii‘ist-]>;ii.l. O^ce of N. C. Mut In. Co., ) Kai.kii.ii. l\ b. 1'^, ; i "f I*iri i ti'TS uf tlie N rtii ('ain- h'^ iraiii'O ri>nipai;y. at their \1 • 'i*- 1 ill thi'^ Cliy HI the l:'.th .1 1. . .1 ' Ilov c'i an :iss. — >:nent ut I, li. I’renii'un N- i s ti.o (’■. :n 'U the I'ltii ilay >f lii-e. „ 111 ''u'-ha’il j>er i'cu>. iwicl ff-ejiteni- "Ui’ j'er cent, levieil N"'ein!>er ;-:J I'lii* per cent. l(‘Me-i SejiteniOcr make ?i\ j>er cent. -ii .-ill ii' tis f ■ -.,-^^me!it (in the '-’ I ."^e}>t» iiil>er ... . iiiiexi'ijcil al;'l uii« .ii.ii /.cii ci; : - : I I ' li;!- r ! ' 1. "I U!!'.U r the j v..\-'i ';.s .,f ! ■ ' :iti-'Il. »i'' I'-.' {l i V ;'.;!’ ..n I'T , •; _‘"th -it Ajiril All ixTsi'tis ; 1. ' . 'iui .N 'tfs iii the Oi*i.-e will pleas.- : tip- .-•'f'>nient.s llierenn witli as little lie- - ; r l>v ■'r'liT of the i“.. anl. •’! rAKTKii>(.;i;. sec v. r ■ ji. res 1''. 1'^'::. 1 riM fisoil a List of t1i(' ., .-.r, r. r tuisci’unty. CKO. MvM'.n.l . •• • ■ : NIar.h IS'-'. 71-4W Fresh supply Peruvian Guano, I ' 1 liici .ind for s.iit* ill i|(i;inti(is to T li. s(».v. ■-■■2. 7i-;u I'ISll! 1\I'];K1,. Ni'-> 1. ‘J an'l in qnarter. -Ill \\ aoie l>;ir. -Is K**!- sale liy ij. .'“(•N. ! ''1^. 7i-;;t Oi'-^ and Pw Stiiiis, it' I i.-.i: I i.-li! ? c>^ ' : \ii 1.1.1,■>-. . : ■ .... N .. ;{ rei. ■ i'v N •. 2 s. N". - ' Ti'int. Ic. V.-’loU- Irish r-.tat. vr. ■ - Uv l,v ■ II. nUANM'N SON. ' Tltf ?’ nl:s, Shrubs, Trees, &c. ' li . -t nj nfh t'.r sfJt "'it l.v- ’ i;. iii i h;ir i_\ plants. .\1'.', ..V t. r' p' t. ,, —rhinc'i' .\r^i'eas. liar- ' MS h;;nl% ’. .V.-nei rilly u iiitli. ,r'l_\ . l’er.'"n' lia viii;r i-!!;r;t;:e'l the >1 t tilt !ii n \\. ;i Minilii-r :if lieaiitifu] pV;i:ts. ti ivh'r t'l that ha\e .'t " '1 the ) :t't wint.T. ■ : 1 ,1 i , •■! a h i .i/i-in'i« e ;I. wei--iei'il. r. Ll l'TKMLnH, K .wan st. ' r- ha\iri;r p .ts t - he ret'.irne'l ' n ! them in. ■ n: ;% .sliii 1 ..■ ren; iNcl with p»'rfect 71-tf noiki:. ~ ’ V, i.i-r at .\Iar-h T>rin. ' - ’I .1 ‘ ■rlaii'l uiity I ..nrt of I .r r i|Uai'fi-il .1- W .irt'l I ■ 'l.iinent f i>avjil i. ii* ct i-y li'.titie-- ail p r-'ilis ili- I ^r.iri* t'l niake iinni'''liale p:iy- . iii having' i-iain a".iinst the -■ .. ;if ti’ t'iit'.l t'l pn sfiit tliein. ilu- ’ i!i 'I. within the time presiTilieii hy • tii .s notice will bf j-lca'li-cl in ' ’ ■ TV . W. 11. CAKVI;I!. K.x r. ' ■ L’ 7i-;!t FARMERS! nJ K nre now rocei\in{: a variety nf IMon^hs niui I’hnifih fixtures, incinilinj; ."snli- S'lils, \c. .Mso, Straw t'iilter: ainl t urn .'hell ers. to whicii we invite the atteniien of the ajiri- J. r. \\ ADI'I Li-. .March S. 71tf 'ro ('i)N I'R VI rous Office F. & N. Plank PiOad Co.,) .) .\.N I AHV LS, 1 j ^KALI.I) I’noi’os.u.s will l.e receiNe.l at tiiis ollice until the 1st ».f M.iich next. f..r the Snperstrnctiire iif a I'lank Koad I'.ii.l.L'-e ."er the Cape tear liiver nt I'ay ette\ ille. ^ipnii ihe |.ian known as llowe s Tviiss. '1 here will lie two spans o( L’imi fei‘t each, with arch tim ber throu;:hout for each span. 'I'he bottom cluinls will be feet iibii\e low w;iter mark, tlie 'Icjitli of tlie river at low water beiiifj from •”> to i teet. 'I'he briil;;e will be li feet in the clear, ainl the lepth ef the truss will l«e In feet. 1 lure will be a snbstantiil womlcn rallin;^ thr";i;;h the l entre ot the iiriiljxe. t lect liijrli, iliv,,liiijr it into iwo r"a Iw.iys. tlio whole to Ke I'ooli-ii with shindies ami co\ereil in. The biii... w ill b'- nia.le for the mechanical w ork, //ic-'k././ / .•ill the materials. And :ll^o for the mechaKic.-il Work rji-iii/tii;/ timber I’ropo.'als wiil be reciived at the same time nli'l p::ue, tor the .^I;:s .nry of the .\Initnients and I’iers. 'I'he )iiils will state the price per cnliic \aiii for .''t'.ne or lirick work l:iiil in fl\- draiilic eeme'il. ,''toiu‘ lie I'litained »>f a ;ioi:;l i|Uality and bo.iteil dow n , miles abo\e the lirid^i- s.ti . ainl Cl.i^ of a ''ooc. ijuaii'.v is t";;i,d ■‘.iiveniiMt. .''t4'anibo;it': na\ijr:ite t!ie ri\er from W ;lmin;:ton t.> Fayetteville, liy w hieh niateila'b and fixtur> s of all kinds '•:in be >>roujrht up. The I’l.-ins and .specifications, can be seen :U the I'flii'e of the (’omj'.uiv. A. A. M,KI.Til\N.) .1. 1>. \'11.1.1 .\M.s, ■ t'onMiiittee. 7i-:';w] i>. o. MAC r.Ai;, J I..V\VKKX('i: vV T\{0\ On'vr /'or Satv: boxes Cheese. 41* bills. .Northern iinil Country liisKey. jit bills. Fi^h, iliifcrcnt kiuils. — I.Si > — ur, l.ard, ('oii'ce. Su^.ir. llii c. Molasses, .s.ilt. Iron. \c. (lue cratu Ni vtliern Cabb;»,;e, just rei-eivcd. F iyettevi'ile, .\l.-.rch }. l^'ili. 7n-it m:\v hooks. •I'SI.l. V at;d Methii(i:>m. by I.-aacTay- ▼ * lor; l-.iyar I s Nineveh and its Kem.iin>. 1 vol. nnat'rl L'rd ■l^ iih iilus!iM!i.'ns. oii!y ^1 lH; N>-w Thenio !• r tho I’rote^t.ii.t Clir,:': om, > a;i 1 ii !> .'f .'t’iUid. ov IhiLili ,M;1.:t: The La lies of till- Co\fiiaiit: The C. rner Sti.iie. I>\ .Xbli'ilt; 1 he Caf't.iiiis of toe ••Id \'-.'rM, li.v II. VV. Ilei-l fit; .s r TV .III 1 .M.i'j'c. b‘. Thomas V\ri;.^t; \ i .It;” 'I oi Fri In h .Siick.-. oj- r.-ir:' n 1''”>I. b_\ >ir fr-iiitis lle::d: .M.iniice Tiernay. t'v l.fver; F: .reiiee .''•■lek\il!e. liy .Mrs. 1‘urbu- rv. 'J't’ ! I’ntnain's .Semi-\|i'iith’_\ I,ilii-ar\ . Nos. 1 ind coiitii ninjr Home :i!id .'' I'hiioso- pliy, aU'l III :;i u liiiiisicalltU '. ■_'■’> eaeh; K>-n- 11' tl;. a i;!in c of the lliu^^ln l^. li. lley- n ‘ 1'. '2 jiart'-. 7'.; Thi' .''rh'"l t. r Hu-li.iii'i.-'. by l.;idy Ku’.wer: ll.imill.'n’s Work.-. 7tli vol.; aUioun's Work', 1; Furt!'.-r .f [.ewis .\rnndel; F.ii.'ie-h; >'id-.A I’.i:::- h s Iln.-'.ind; .Snrenne's I’r'iioiih'-iii^ I'reiit h llieti'in:uy; IlK'iidortf's .New .Mclh' d of Icain- injr l-reneli: Mitcheil's ieii^ii-.ii'hie-i: .Sj'eller an.l I'efiner, ll.i/en's and e^-.';er's: ,\c. h :J. li. .1. H.VI.K \ SO.N. TO co'l'l'ox PLAN'n:i;s. riKCF.S COTTON r.AliCLNC, 7'» coils I’.ojie, ■JtM) llis. Tw iiie. Just rei-ei\ed and for sale tdieaji, bv 1’L:TEII 1>. .lull.NSON. Anjrust If,, 1S‘>1. Htf (• rccushoron^h (.V. ('.) Jli/lifdl In.'iiir(inc(' ('onifKuni. W'l' to an .Vet of Incorporation, a il ( onipany has b*'e\i funned uuder the name ami >t\le ..f ••Tlli-; (i UKK.NSr.OKOl (111 .Mi' ll Al. INSlltANCl-; COMPAN V.- and fiiby iirirani/ed liy the appointment of the t'ollowing ( !f!icer>. \i/,; | .1 .V M l.S ,si,()\N. I’resident. S. (i, COFFl.N, Vice I’residcnt. I’l-.Ti.l! .\l».\\l.s, .Sf^i'etarv and Troa.snrer. c. 1'. .M:;.Ni>i;Ml.\LL, Att .rnev. •lOlIN MKl’.ANi;, ) . .1. 'It CON .N K L, li.xecutive Com. W.M. S. i:a.nkln, ) MltKCToltS. .I.imes Sloan. .lolin .\. Mebane. . .1. ^le( o'niel. .\iidrew Weatherly. \\ illiam .S. Kaiikin. C. I*. Men K'tihall. •led. 11. l.indsay Lyndon .Swaini. Shnlijil ( iilf.n. .lesse .shelly. illiam II. Ileeco. .lon.ulian w". FieM. Tyre Clenn. Thi.' .'oin|iany has now been in suceessi'ul i ojieration for sevival months, and will take! Kisks njioii Ihvellinir Hmises, .'^tori's. and other . r.nildin^s. .M endi.-i ndi.'c, Furnitur'-. I'roduce \c. I he oli)«..-t of this ofiiai.l/.iitioii is to af- I fird a system of Insurance which shall oiierate j for the bem fit of all its meml.ers. j The peculiar advantaj^es arisinj: from this nioile ol lii'iirunce .ire. that the .assured pav no ' more than the actual 1o..«,ni.s aii'l expenses of tin- ' • 'oiMpany. a:; 1 o\j.t ii.'iiee has pro\c 1 thi- s.ifety Ilf %Inlu;il hi'urancv' ('oinpaniis. :is well as the irreit 'a\ii:;r to its tiiemlu'r'i; iind no stroui'er | arjrument ean be [iroduced in ther favor, than . the ciinti'lenee whi ii they receive from the en tire community where sn h Com[ianifs a.e in ; siicc.'ssful o|icr:ition. | .\n.v ini'irmation re.'poctin^r the princij'les of i the i'ompany will be chcertullv' furnished by the .'■ccret.iry. or anv of its .\;xents. 1 “I'Kl Kll AlfA.MS. Sec'y. ■' 'I’lii* rill, r liaviii^r I'l. ii aj.- poitind A'’i-1't. will receive appiLe.iti- n^ aiid make -.urxeus to effect liisur.-ime in s.ii.l I'om- | pany. .loiiN M. r.osi:. F,ivetteville. Uec. ^'’1. l''’i|. .M--m Ulx'rfy Point IIoiimo. A LL persons indebted to the undersigned ^ either by note or acconnt must settle on or before the first day of M.-irch. Those failinjr to do so, w ill cert.-iinly find their accounts in the liand.'i Ilf a c'llccting of’.in. r. I^KLIJK.V .loNKS Feli’y lb, ISoli. t;5tf jrs r Ri:c'i:iVKi). .^[T MFN'S aiid I’loys’ .S.\IMM.K.S, of every W iu:ility .ind st v le, some very fine Al so. r.ridles, Collars, Whipsaii'l \Va;ron Harness. I’y L. C. ll.VLi>, of Konie. Oct. IS. IS.'il. ;',2tf IX s rouE, »LOU(i|[.S and riontrh ('a.stin;zs. Corn .Slioll- ers, Cultivators, fcjtr.iw Cutters, and iSpiii- ning Wheels. Oct. IS, ISol. i;. HALL, of Kome. r.L’tf \(‘rlii'al Water Whvvl. .M. in operation in different cotinties in North Carnlin.i. For proof of their gn .it advantages over the common flutter wheel, or anv other wheels now in use for saw nulls, we i-'infidenf!y refer to tho>e who h.-ive applied them to their mills. e call recommen'l them particular!.'’ fi.r their siiiieriority in cases of a low head of water, or bark water. V.'e still ki ei> ;i snpjil.v of Wheel.s, suit.-ible for diflerent heads of wati‘r. at Wilmington. New- bern. W ashingfoii. L'ient.iu and Fayetteville. The wheels m:iy also be had of K. Hrev.iru, Lineolnton. ;.n'i I ri.ih Wells. I’t terstiiirg, V:i. I’lTsi.iis wishing to otit.iin the right to use the wheels, will be served on application to l>. McNeill i.X Co., Fa vettev iiie. N. 1>. .McNKll.L. A. A. .MeKF.TIIAN. 1'. .1. .Mi'ALlSTHU. Fel.'v ISl'.l. .'>C,-tf J1 J ii't'-proor KoolV. -.I out to er*et Firr-jiroof liiiild- ■ ■ ' well ti) fa’ll oil tlie subscriber. ■ :i> i t coiitiMct for .Shite and .\let- "■ >. I. •auiT.'., Lea'lT-hc;ids, and to the Hoofing bnsilie^iij. 'iiuct i.n-. ill^r for Slate, '> . n;aiiy jiroof fire and F1C\N IS Sin;NT(»N. 'Iall'll J. Ih.'ilj. 71-yni i larL A: o/" ,1// si .i ij' Ifiir.-if i*iiin /‘x ' ' ■ / Mm II I lit s, tliiilli ' ■■ ■ ./j-y, W'i',1 Ciiriliinf Mn- , ,\!,,nr ( ////, y..,- !,f iitriiitiA • • II li'iit /•'ii/;.'i, .\fifi mill ''•'7/ >n dr^ Sdiriinil (Ins! lUnI: M;II I-:,I,.,. ■/’.o/. . ,f,.. I I' ' 'liil|y inform their enstomers i'' ‘ that they continue to car- .. '.:i' .' at their .\iai;hine .Sliop. ''II', .\i ini:',nce county North '""■' V an; jirejiared to e.xecute T line with neatness, punctuali- \^th an iniTeased variety of ' '‘' ing machinery added to our • • ,. ' '*"■ winter,—a well selected ’• materials jmrchased at the low- 'Vi.ikiiicii of known skill and - 11'r with long experience in the nii-tify Us ill sayinyr, as to ijuiil- i'n lia-i not, will not, and ■ Ip 11 i,-^.Ill with any other '• fof ],.-t favors, they ■> I 'o i r (.a I roiiage. ■ ir oiijiT-. •'ooii, as our ' --■ rvtil.’ Letters ad- ' ‘ ' I ii-i's. :it .S|i..w t .imji^ .\ ' ' !■' mill 1 ( nlioii. \i 1 ')i:i), ( |..\i:k . DIXON. 71-bm HINCW.iHM \NI) Ti;TT!'!! OINTMFNT. F r the cuic - f Kiniwinil'. Tetrcr. .•^ l, I '''ei-ou- aii'i for a'.l muLrh :iiid >■ iirl.v \;I.cii. n> 11].oil ti'. Th'' i-' a Clicmic il O'.ntiii. nr, prep irr.l ..ii'.y ?'V W. (i Litt'e, that, lic\ i|iii'Tioii. h;i> rnrcd inori* o!'| ;ind inveterate cm| ' th.-in any thing of the s. rt ever liefore offiT'''I. .M::ii'. ha\e bt;en cured by it who lielievcii their c;isc Was incuralile. from the fact that every ..ther remed.v fot.-ill;. faib-d. This was the ca..?e wi'h tin- very r. ^jici talile farim r who gi\cs the foil '« tiu 'Mtcii'.ent: T'wgirs Co.. (ti'o.. \Lay l*^}!*. l>r. Littie—.''ir; I-or th.* l.-i't five or six ye;irs I h:ivc hcen tr\ing to cure an obstin.ite Ti tter, situated llp'iti the leg and iti'iteji. with all the renie.|ie« I could get. .\t your so'icit;ition. I beg.-in nsinir your Hingw .mi and Tetter oint ment. and 1 am hapj>y to say, it has entirely cured tiie, which h;i I’ow been well for several Ti’.ontlis. lie«o,.^-tfullv. vSce. Si_-n."|. f llos. S. CH MM’FLL. The foil.'wing is from 'ol. Hammon'l of Cul- I'lden; M ,nroe county, .May Isl'.'. I>r. Litt’e—Sir: Having used your Hingworm and Tetter lintment in two cases of .Sciildhead, 1 will cheerfully state the result. In one, il had extetided [>retty mnch over the scalji, leav ing b\it little hair, with other ill pfl'ects, such as infl.imniation. pain, \c. The other was more recent, and seemed to lie progri >siiig in the »-:ime w;iy. To cure the first, we liave trici al- niost everything, even a tar planter, with uit sii'-cc-'. when we be; using yoiir |ireparation for it. Two bottles. I am g'.id to s.iy. h;ive en- tirelv eu-ed fioth c.isen. Trulv voiirs. .Xe , ‘iSignedJ AMOS w! ilA.M.M(JNI>. sinN(;Li-;.s. Crawford county. IKJO. !)r. I.ittle—.Sir: In my own ease of a severe atta k of .Shingles. 1 applied \our Hingworm and Tetter Ointment freely for ;i few times, .•ind it was entirely cured, .\nofher in tny neighborhood w.isalso promptly cured by the Siinie remedv. Hcspectfiillv, (Signed) WlLl’.l.XM lil'HOKSS. Dr. Little—.sjf: Vonr liingworni iimi Tetter Ointment cured 11 Tetter of five or six veajs' standing for me, on the hands, fiy a very few a|iplications. In other cases I knew it used with entire sin.-cess. With resjiect. \c.. (Signed} TOMLIN.SON. Valley. Talbot CO., 1H(K. The fac simile of the signature of I>r. W. G. Little will lie found upon the outsitle wr.-ipper of each of his .Medicines. .Sold wholesale and n-tail, by the Proprietor, at his Manufacturing l)e[iot. No. 'JoI M.arkct street, I’hih'ideljiliia, .and M.acon. (Jeorgia. To hr also of .lames Cain. Uockfish; Watson, College; Towns«‘nd S; Dong- hi.s.«, llennettsville; Dr. 1*. .\|. Cohen, Charles ton; C. liarbee, Darclaysville; 1’. F. I’escud, ll.'ileigh. S. .J. IIINSD.\LK, .\gent for Fayetteville. i ^ nil; t'laiiDK.iTtu 111 i h imte.nt iCOOKlAX; STOVE, I ' fS for sale by the Subscriber in R.-ileigh and ^ Fa^-etteville: in Raleigh at his Shop on Fay- • etteville Street, and in Fayetteville at .Mr. A. M. ! ('ain[itKdl's. ■file .Siil,.,,.|-ii„.i. hereby forewarns all persons from jturciiasing any of thcac Stoves from any [ler.son eiilii'i- in oi- out of .North Carolina, e.x- cc)il from liimself or his duly ;iuthori/.ed .Vgents. I lie has |iiiri lia^cd the exclusive right to vend j this .stu\e within (he State, and will prosecute any person infringing his right, either by piir- (di.-ising, selling, or using, any except those ob tained from himself. •JOSKI'H WOLTKKINC. H ileigh, April 1'.', IbOL Ghlf Siiliscrihrr slill continues 1,1 carry . n the •' A 111 N i!'f IllSlNLSS in Faycttei iile. ,ind in a iditioti to hi' Krt.ablishnicnt on How street, ncir I'ccles's I'.i'' •. has oj>ened a largi* \bl. HiMiM .>11 May street, nearly ojipo'ite the etteville Hotel aii'l one d' ■ r I^i't of .^1c'■•r'. H.ii^h >V .S.iii's. where a u.-to ral lissortnicnt "t I rii.M'i riu:. Ma le t v c 'm]'ct nt and faithful workmen, m.iy l e h;i 1 it |.i l> i « col l c>i'onding wilh the time'. .\1«". .Ill ;i'oitmfnt of .Nor;hcrn-made FCH.Nl- ri HK. scii ctcl by himself, w hich will b»* sold at :i ver\ iii'idirale a'lvaiice. Dl NC.\N MiNFII L. Nov. D». l^'l. ni; ki'^-p '.n hand ;iii -^^sortmeiit of Fisk' ce’.e. rau-i Mi l' \Ll.H lU lilAL CA>i:s, wliu ii have been high'j. rc'-ommeiide I Ky Wil.i*- 1’. \|;in_:nm. Henry Cla;,. Lewis Ca'-. Win. It- Kii'L'. and man.v otlier i'iustrious char;icte!"-. who have examiin'd and witncs.sed their nt.Iity. KIN-i ind .\. .McMlLI..\N have entered • into c.'i.;irtinTship in the Distillery of rurpentii'.e. aid ha'e erected a .St:ll on the W est si'le ..f the I'ayettevilU-and W estern i’lank Hoad. J' m: i .' from Favette\ille. N. KINC. Mav 71tf A. .McMlLLAN. VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, f flK MdS l' Plll-l 1. Alt FAMILY MEDICINE O K T II K \ «; K ! Ised by rii}siriaiis nf lli!:ti Slaiiiiiiig. h:l'lr.IiS n pn MU A. J % ♦ '- VL ...i; I'.-M 11 -.If. ! !.» ktMJ i VI.V ! I. RliiiM.n'li. Tf II V \ Tifo .1:: ! tn iiw ahi.«M> o\e all n>ir!i 1 t>ertetion«. :»• TMiit* aij 1 > liT'*! the (Il at iio tjiiie tlrlMli- i 'vl'il t‘» tin* nv»>xt ill'll-'le tor rh»*erit»|f, :«n-l !iiivo pio]>er* ii«l !iIf IV !»r IIV# ##/#'//. T F" wish to buv 'Jft.UiMl b:irrels Turpentine. K1N(I .V McMlLLAN. XO'l'K'K. fBj^HF, undersigned having formed a Copart- H nership under the .'tyle of .loll N l’>.\NK.s iV Hl!( )'f H I.II. for carrving on a C( »M M I.^.SH IN and FOHW .MIDINC HI siNFSS. all go .'Is r„,,- .•11/11,1/ to them, or ordere i. «r produce sent for sale, will be promptly attended to. .lOlIN HANKS. DAVID HANKS. Wilmin'jton. Feb. L’. IS.'i'J. r,:;tf 3^>.000 .Illlv 1. LMS. HACS W ANTED, 'O' II. r.HANSON SON. 7Stf (\thl/iif rnrniftn'(\ (h(nrs^ ^ ■ 111 K siiliscriber is receiving the largest as- .M Sortment in his line ever before piirchiisi d at the .North, w hich, together w ith his own man ufacture, makes his .Stock very complete, con sisting of Chairs, Tables, Sofas, IJedsti'ads, V\ Staii'ls, l)iirc;vus, houkiiijr (ilasse?, Side IJiianls, Sccrct.irics, kc. .Ml of which will be sold on the lowest terin‘ foi Cash, or on short time to cnstomer.s. JOHN W. HAKLH. Oct. :10, IS.'il. ;^'tf HEDl C l-:!) I'ARi:. ^■IHIlOUtill Tickets between Wilmington, N. B (’., and Haltiinore. Fare $1:1 Via Wel don, Petersburg, Richmond, and Washington ;ity, or via Weldon, l*ort«mouth ainl Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the Office of the Wil mington .and Haleigh Hail Hond Cotnpfiny, at Wilmington, fir at the Office id’ the Hallimore .Ste;im I’.icket Company, and of the I'jiltimore and Ohio Hail Hoi.d ('onipany, I’ratt Street, I’l.altiinor*-. .Jan. 1, 18">li. T)8-tf 'i\ S. \.v !' run.Oil, I'oi* wa rl i ii;;; Aftoiit, Fayetteville, W. C. Ftdi. Itj, l8->2. ti5-3m nvviM:r.M\ in its u okst \l'i. \ i\e» niplanilv Jaun hci* iieAlTdh- ti; I • K «i iMtrsv ;*,•».T.N r** >'1' tin' Skill an«l I er, t i»vs .1 l.«'H Sjijiits. .Nf»*«'us Mea>!ache, lilt' lU irt Siukiug ?*u.i KuU- ..f \\ ilic Stoma 'll an.j nil •*ilier Jiseaset caM'*#*i au stat»‘ ilje luer. etc., liu .i let*'! Hil l t-aki'U the slciii. I' i: >i .V L i: s \\ ho tiorn a hhmM I ! iitinfttiiral con>Ution will liiv-1 this III* of INESTIMABLE VALUE. In of ;»■ NMt \I. DKBII.I'I'\ . tins .W li- Cii.f j S I.IKI- \ H \U.\l : THOUSANDS Have trJ'tP 1 It- oilirac). und tlHmsnii«U iium** ar* now oicUm tiCi4!jii4Mit : ft!i«l iu»t (ine «*• > Mr \ nf tmiuie lia-* ^ cf l io|»*il«'’ \ coiilil lill*il w:lh c«*i titicati's ul tUokc u ho hive been {'Ci n)aii(‘ntl> Call on llie l^rnl, and srrt a PlTIl*||f.i:T, roMtitniin^ the eilifioate'i lUMiiaikuMc aiii! vu n\U»*U is livUi \'\ tin- 1 u! 1.0 raij I t* h.iil »•! tl»e lit-e Large Quarts $1; Pints 50 Cents. Su/J bi/ till thf I‘riiiri/>i/l /:i i.-si^i^l.i iii the I'utliil Shifts lint/ I'nmnhis. PriDCii al (irtU e I JJ H I. ION ST. .V V . U(j stair* For sale liy S. .1. HINSD.M.L. Noxember s, ISol. oS-y Second Fall and Winter Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots, Umbrellas, BonnetSj fitc.j for 1851. ^^T.\HH .V WILLI.\M.s beg leave to announce to their customers, and nil tVuise visiting this place to buy (ioods eith.'r at whole-S.ile or retail, that flicy are now rec.'iving their second su|)ply of Fall and NVinter (ioods, w hitdi will be sold at the low est prices for cash, or on the usu al time for good paper. We respectfully invite the attention of Coun try Merehants to oiir new stock of (Joods, as we feel .assured we c:in offer inducements un surpassed bv anv wholesale house in this town. S. .V W. Oct. 81, ii-'>i. ;{''tf FiM rrs AM) M rs! 1>.\N(IF.S, Figs, Hates, Currants Citron, .Vlmoniis, Filberts, Hra/il Nuts. \c. .Inst receiNcd bv CH.CS H.VNK.S. .(an. :jS. * 0«»-tf General Agency and Commission Business. rB^HK Subs‘ribers have this da.v entered in- M, to a c:i]i.irtnershi]> under the style of WIllTAKLl',, WHITFIKLI) & I'O., for the purpose of loing a general agenc.v and commission business, and in iflering their ser- \ices to the public in I hat capacity they flatter themselves that they will be able to give satis faction to all those who may consign any go«ds, wares, nierchandi/e or country produce to them either to sell on commissions or forward. .\s it will be onr greatest aim to please, we pledge (vurselves to sjiarc no ]>ains in trying to give general satisfaction. 'They respectfully solicit the patronage of their friends and the jmblic generally. Their store is No. o North Uater Street. Dickinson’s F’ire-proof building. Wil mington, N. C. .JOHN H. WIHTAKFH. JAMLS W. WHITFIFLD, A. A. H. SOUTHALL. Kkkkiik.nces:—.folm Dawson. Potter & Kid- tier, C). ti. I'arsley, Samuel Heery & Sons, 0. R. Fretn h, and F^llis iV Mitchell. .Jan. -J'.t, IbiVJ. Gl-tf W . L S.Mi'i'll, (.'oiiiiiiiwwioii .Tlcrrliaiit, in /ji:.iirns’ JUilltlin;/,) Vv IL.MIXdTUN, N. 0. CHERRY PECTORAL For thr Curr of COICHS, COLDS, H0\USE\ES8, BUO.MIIITIS, UHOOPIXG-COKiU, (ROir, A.STiniA, A.\D tO\Sl.)IPTIO\, \I WV ol' iriHl. in^teHi! nf iinpHirin; Itie |nil»lif * r«mrnU*nr»* in this ineirM tnr. li;*** u on r«T it ;tn ;i |»jtr#*- ’i:itinn anil nniiint'ty by far (‘XctTjlini! tht* iiio>i srtniruino nf itx IririiiN. .\othinj: luit it- iiitrinvir vir- tiifi Hn«i ihe uiimi^lnkMhlf In’ui’tit l onlV rml «»n ihnusnnHi of nrjijiiv.ilo iniittt;tin the r(‘|Mit:itmn il enjoys. WlnU* iiirtny inl'eritir ihriiNt np«iii ihi- riiMHituniiy. h;«vt’ r;iil(Ml hrrii ihi’ lias hy «*vrry rontVTred hcn-ru! «»n ih** hI- flirleii t\ivy rnii nf\t*r ai.l cur»?'i too iiu- iiirmu' mihI too rt*iM rk -hie lo },t*^roUen WhiU* it i« M tr iinl on thr piililir to prrtf'Dfi th:it}iny one iiit-dirinr u it! inrtilihly run*—■'till th«*re is :ihn!iilrinl ili:tt lli»* t lu rrv 1’«tI iral il*i«**i not only as a ^*n»*ra| iliiiiLV till! }ili'io'‘i in\ariah|y, cup llu* tin holies for whicii It I'i i*iiip).»y» tl. .\" riiiM’ niak‘ H farts u i«h*r anil h*lt*‘r know n. this m»*ilirin«* h i;ra(lnaiiy th‘ hr^t n lianre of ihe Iroin the loy rahin of ih*> .\in»*riran pra.«ianl. to th^* p»larr of l!i)ro|u'an IvinL'". 'rhroii»:lo»iit Jhi** entire riiunlry. in « \» ry nty. him] inilr l aliiio-t every haiiiU I u ’o!it;iin>. « h‘rry IN ctor .l known the l>e>l reiiHNly fvtant I’ur Ii'e i.f thr 'I'hroal ani l.unjis. ;«niJ in Miaoy fnr»'ii!ii ro»i!sir;*’. it i»^ rtiiiini: lo !»*• e\l»*n-ively U'('(l h\ tlirir iii'*'«i ini»*iliir»‘i.l riiV'^inaii't In (>reat Hrit- ain, !'raiiC!‘anilKerinany. wImt*- lh«.‘ in*'iiiral sri*nr«> have reachiMl ihcir hitihe^l p» rfrrtion. rh*'rry IN rtoral is iiKroducrd. anil in ron'^taiil lise in the .Armies. llopitals, .Villi'^ M> I'uhlii Iii'‘litutioi)>. anil in (h>ine'>tir prac* tire. J'N ihr reni»aly iheir attending I’hV’^u ian' can eruploy !■ r the tii'irn lanirer'iH-. .•♦tt'»Tlion’>‘ of ihe lufjys.— [ \l*> in nn'»ler ra'«e>. ar.«l f»*r i hihireii if is safe, pleasant ami » rlecHi tl to riir**. In fact, '‘onie of lh»‘ iiiosi rlnlteritis j tesiiiij.ini;i|s we receive have In'fil !*n*ni parents who j h;i\e tMiinil il itVuacious in e.t'^es particularly intideiiliti to i-hthl)foil I 'I'he h»-rr\ Pectoral \ niannfaciureil hy h practical ! ai>»l e\er> *>unve of U »»ntU r liis ou n eye. vsilh inv in thle acriiracy ai il care It I*; ami pmtecteil , hy law t>‘»in runi»i»Ti* it". cttMNrquenil) can he relit'il oji*^ 5:eauir>e uilhoTU aiiuUeralioii V\ •• ha\e enth avoml here t.» fiirni'‘h the ron:tniinity i With a inctlirine of -^iK h intriii'^ic superiority anl Uurth a '•h*'Uhl cniiiinend it'elt to I heir contiilenre—a reineily i at onre -■^peeil) .umI ••llecl'ial. which this ha hy r«*- p* ;»t» 'l anil counlle'..'* ;riaU priived it'.elf lo he; and irU't li\ L'reat care in pr«*parini! il with clieinical Mceuruy. of | iin>t'«>riii '•treiii'tli l» };ii>rl l*h\"iciMns a new a«;*'nt on u hii h tt»ey can rely for the U‘si re'tilis. and the aftiiclefi j with a reiiieily ihit wilt do tor them all Ihitt medicine { c.iu do. j Tnp-red and'“dd hy .I\mes r, .\vt:R. rraclical and .\n • l \ tira M hemi'l. I » 11. .Ma "S ' S»* »i in Fa\ilU* hy S .1. IUNSh.\LK. in 'Unlon. !»v \KKK\ >11 .N & *'o.: and h) nruuyisis ami lU aSers ill Medii^ne cr\\\ ht le. Jaiiuirv -t>, 5U 3(u flH.\VI■; just rei-eivi-d from New York, mv FALL .\m» WlNTl'.U Stock of* Ciloods, Consi>ting of ;i general assortment of Dry (ioiuK. lirorrrifs. Ihirdwnrc. ('iMlcry. \f. li'if- I will b.artcr for TCH rLNTLNF], or any kind of I’roducc. ‘ N. KINC,. ]n miles North of Fayetteville. I Ort. -js. ‘ 4:’.tf I rrinM:N riNK \.\s\) Foil SALF. [ ■ sale, -V.c! iieres of I..\Nl> on .Tames Creek, and fifd .icres on Cyjiress Creek, ! in Cnniberland. convenient to the \\ estern I’lank Hoad, heavily timhercd, ;>ml admirably ada]ited : to the m.iking of Tur]ientine. .\pjil V at tliis Ifhce. Nov.'ijs. Ls.-.L 44tf HoXL.S low priced Toltaceo, for sr.le liv COOlv TAVLt»H. A DES1U.M5L1: llKSiDENCE FOR SALE. •^■IIIE Subscriber now offers for sale all his JL 'Turpentine and Farming LAND, contain ing about b(>() .\cres, situated 12 miU*s Kiist of Fayetteville, on the Goldsborough road, coni- UKinly known as I’alniyra. It lias a good dwelling house, out-buildin.cs. lie., and a store where a large amount ot^fmsi- ness is done, and increasing daily. This is a rare ciiance for turjieiifinc getters, merchants, ic. and will be sold a bargain. .\ny one wish ing to purchase, and wishing further inforuia- titin, c.iu iipi>!v on the premises, to .1. W. MCHI’IIV, or P. TAVLOK, Fayetteville Jnly 2bth, btf Wan FED, I^AHHF.LS of TrRPEN- TINK, for Histillery at the I’lank Hoad ISridge on J>ig Hockfish. The best market jirice w ill be )>aid. For further inform ation, iniiuire (if .John W. .Murphy, at the liridge, or of ,\. A. .McKethan, Fayetteville. Dec. 18, IS.-jl. - 40tf XO'J'K E. •WING, witli several others, lieen hnrnt out on the morning of the ‘id instant, I would oarncstlj' request persons indebted to me, either fiy note ir account, to call anl settle, as 1 am in need of monev. ALex'u McLauc h li N. .Tan'v 111, ]8.')2. iiTtf CARRIAGE MAKING. I\'. 1'. fBlIIF, subscribers h.ive .just ojiened an F's- Jl t.-iblishnient for C.VHHl.VCiF^ .M.AKING, in all its various lir.anches in this place, with eve ry facility for conlucting the same. in all the departments of wood-work, paint ing. trimming and iron-work, tliey have experi- eticed Workmen, and the whole will receive their undivided attention. They have purchased the right of Hubhanl's Patent for P>uggy springs, which is highly re commended as a very improvement. They will warrant al! work going from their Kstablishment equal in appearance and durabil ity to any done in the State. Thev only ask a trial. RODnERS&GVNN. .lan'y IH.j’J. 57-2m Fib'v 1S'.2. t'i7-4w FaifdtvriUf Hotels FAVETTEV ILLE, N. C. rBlHLS large and splendid Huilding lias now ■- been in successful opcr.-ition since .May lS4'.i. The Picdding and Furniture of all kinds is new, and the rooms convenient and jdeasant. The Table is always fttrnished with the best the market ati'ords, aided by u fine Tcget.ible garden. Hoarders, Lodgers, and Travellers will find le- sirable accommod.-itions jind attentive servants. No jiains will be sjiared to give entire satisfac tion. F'aniilies can be furnished witli large, airy, front double rooms, ctmveniently and haud- somely furnisheiL -\n experience of years will enalOe the les see, she hopes, to give general satisfaction. ANN BH(»WN. June 1, 1S.'>0. 28-tf (ALL A NO SI '/r i'LE. A LL those indebted to ns by Note fir .\c- . m -oiint. w ill please call and settle. We are in want of money. Interest will he charged on j all .Vcco\ints for aftvr this date. i H. HHANSON i SON. .lan'y 1, 185l». .VJtf 10,000 i want Lit. j 'The Siihscrihcr Iims now oiio I of the most extensive and l>est assorted stocks j o llouble ;ind .Single .''HOT til .N'.S, PI.STOL.S of the most superior quality,—Colt's Hepeating and .Mien's Hevolving. of cvcr.v quality,—Pow der Fl.-isks, .Shot and !ame H.-igs, Percussion j Cajis of Knglish ami French make. Also, the most complete assortment of (inn fixtures that has ever been ottered in this section of country. .\lso. Shot (!nns, Kifles and Pistols made to order or repaired. Hifles m.ade to order, and w.arranted to shoot from one to five hundred yards. Air (iuns made to order at short nutice. To all of which the attention of Sportsmen and others is rcspectfullv invitciL ‘m. a. hakkh, I >\f thf (t>m. Hay street, nearl.v opjiosite the Marlile Vard. Fayetteville, N. ('., Oct. t>, 1S.”>1. liStf ' DAILY EXIMX 'rEI), L GF.NKH-V!. assortment of ('O O P F', 11 S ’ ! /m TOOLS, of the best manufacturers’ i ■ make, by ' j E. C. H.VLL, of Home. ■ Oct. IS, 18.')1. :!l!tf IREDEI.L’S REPORTS. ■ 1ST published, Vftl. 1:2 Law, and Vol. 7 9W I'.quity. Price S:> •")(* and These are snnill volumes, in consequcnce of the Reporter making new arrangements for publishing. Bound vols. exchanged for Nos. as usuhL E. .J. HALE & S(»N. Dec. 19, 18.')1. ROOK lilNDERY. KW'. H.\HDIF; has resumed the Ib>ok • Hinding Husiness at the new Store next door to Mr. Hcasley, .leweller, where he will re ceive .and execute binding in any style desired. August 1. 27 tf lii'/rro.N’s i:STlBMSII.MF,\T 17U Market Stm t, nAi/riiioRi: U.WING snstaineil a severe loss by the fire on the night of the 2d .(aiiuary, 1 am Compelled to call mi all those who are imlcbted to me to make immciliate payment. If they c.innot settle in full, pay what they can, cither in cash or notes negotiable at H.ank. A: A. McKETH.VN. Jan'y 5, 18.VJ. ^itj^ w Tv N r I :ii, ;U>00 ft. ,\she Lumber for Wagous, li to Si incbcs thick. ft. .Se.asoned Oak Lumber, 1 to inches. 1(M»0 ft. White Oak and Hickory, for ,\xl« trees. 1(I0(( ft. White Oak for Tongues, Bolsters jind Shafts. mo Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. 2000 Spokes. For which the highest cash price will be p.iid. Apjily soon to E. FL'LLER. May I'J, 1851. 72-tf .lan’v 18-^2. (>0Y SEED OA'rS, At .J. & T. WADDILL’S. Fcb'j 12, 185l!. JONKPII R. BiiOSSOM. conntssi AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, .V. C. Prompt personal Httenti(U) given to all Consigniiients, and Cash advances made on Pro duce to be shijtpcd to other ports or sold in this iiiarkei. Feb. 12, 1S..2. 6Jy 04tf 13tanks of all kinds, ^■^HF'. largest and only -B. Manufacturing W hole- sale p^stalilishment in the ('ity. The cafiital and force engaged enaMes me at all times to otter to ('ountry Merchants and Deal ers in SH I HTS, COLL.VHS, LINEN and COT TON DI’i.VWEHS, groat inducements—more than usual efforts having been male to render the assortment of these articles full and com plete. The Stock on hand is large and well assorted for .Men and Boy.s. IferjV” .Ml orders from the Country attended *o with punctuality ami despjitch. Ueniembcr the Name, anti So. 170 .Tlarkrl .^Ireef. T. W. 15ETTON. .Vupnst l-'i. 18.">1. 1 l-yopd and B ^ jv j[ .B jm; O'jS- • C(3Sri ME HALL, Corntr Pratt xtrett and ('putre Mttr/cct Si>an-, BALTIMORE. largest and best stock of RF;.\I>Y- Jl .made CL0THIN(J ever offered in Balti more. Dress, Frock and Sack CO.VTS, all co lors, qualities and sizes, from S;2 .M) to Si'-'i 00 and upwards. P.ANT.\ LO( )N.S at •'f!l to SS‘5 i>0 :ind upwards, endiracing all styles of fancy, plain and plaid Cassinieres. VESTS of every variety at corresponding prices. -\lso, a large assortment of Boys' Clothing. Importing our own (Moths direct from Europe, and manufacturing on the most extensive scale, enables us to offer inducements to ptirchasers not to be snrpas.ed b’’ any Clothing Establish ment in the United States. The proprietoi-s lire determined to make the W'holesjile Rooms the point of great attraction, and have now made up more than f>0,(XK) GA1{MENTS, from the finest quality to the lowest iu price. In the (,’ustom Department will always be found the choicest selection of CLOTHS, C.VS- .Sl.MEKES and VESTINCfS, which will be made up at the shortest notice, and in the latest style, and a fit always guarantied. f^i^The one jirice system strictly adhered to. Keuieniber the name and place, iSJaT' Corner Pratt st. and Centre Market Space. IL II. COLE & CO. AusuBt 15, 1861 14-yt»p4 WIIOI.I'SALE Watch niicl J€*wela’v Niorc. L. II. MILLER CO., Jntju/rtt rx, Munn/actnrcrH ami ,h>l>ht r^ nf' Wutiitt’s, Jtictlry, and I'a/irj/ (i'ooiIk. Have leased the Old Stunil formerly occupied by Messrs. Cantiehi, Brotlier & Co., Son In cunier of' dttirles ami liiiUhiiore xfrrrt', (No. 227,) which they are jmtting in conijdeto irder for the WHOLES.VLE WATCH AND .JF;WELHY business, to be (vjiencd about the 20th of-luly. In calling the attention of the trwdc to the new concern, we mention the fact that we are associated with wne of the nu'St extensive Jew elry Manufacturing Establishments in the coun try, which must give a dccided advantage over all others in this market for supplying dealers with .lew elry at manufacturers' jirices. a feature in this branch of traile long since needed -be tween B.-iltimore and the Southern and Western Merchants. We desire to call p.articiilar attention to the Watch department, which will at all times be snjiplied with a great assortment from the most celebrated manufiK turers, and kejit in perfect running order, so that jiurchasers may ut onco take them, with a written gmiruntee that they will perform correctly. This branch of the will receive tl;o especial attention of one of the firm, whose ex tensive aiid practical knowledge of tlie Imsiness will, we hope, give us a place in the conliden.e of buyers. We rcspectftilly invite ^ on to call upon n.s when you next visit our city, confidently be lieving that an examination of our (ioods wlil prove to you that they are better styles h/iJ cheaper than you have ever seen in this market, and assure you that no effort shall be wai-.ling on our part to make the acquaintance one fa mutual benefit. L. IL MILLEH CO. Old stand, formerly occupied Vjy Cantiehi. Bro. & Co., S. Fj. cor ner of Charles iV Baltimore st-*. Baltimore, .lune IS.'il. 1-1-^ UEFEHENCES: Messrs. Wyeth, lilacklock \ Co. (Jwyn, Keid \ Taylor. .Limes Hodges iS: Brother. Hurst & Berry. Murdoch, Duer iV Evans, Stellniann & Hinriclis. Sangston iV Co. Barthlow, (iwyii (’o. Hiely & Pendleton. ('ushing.s & Bailey. .John Murjihy & Co. jNloore & (iriffin. STANDARD AxND MISCELL.VM-'Ol S n ooKS. \C.VULAY’S, Hume’s and Robinson’s His tories of Englan 1, in various editions; ■Mison’s History of Eurojie, 4 vils: Hallani'!) Middle Ages; Thiers’s liiiitory of the French Revolution, 2 vols, illustrated; Tytler’s Cnivi r- .sul History, large and abridged t Js; Prcscotf’d Ferdinand and Isabella, Mexico and Peru; La- baume's Campaign in Russi.i; Coiper’s Naval History; Mansfield’s .Mexican War; Trnmbull'ti Indian Wars: Campbell’s Lives of the Lords Chancellors of F'.ngland, 7 vols; (.‘ampbell’s Lives of the Chief Justices of F^ngland, 2 vols; Lives of eminent English .ludges; Lives of tho (Queens of Scotland, 2 vols; Ladies’ Historical Library, 'J vols; Memoirs and Works of Alexan der Hamilton, ti vols; Marshall’s Washington, '1 vols; (.’olton’s Life and Times of Henry Clay; Kennedy’s Life of W irt; Wirt’s Life of Patrick Henry; Southey’s Life and Corre.sjiomlence; Charles Lamb’s do; Autobiograjdiy of Leigh Hunt; Life and Geni is id' Burns; 1/ife of La fayette, of Paul Jones, of Jacksiin, Tailor, Scott, Marion, Franklin, icc. &c. Shakspeare’s Works, in 1, 2. and 7 vols; Sheridan's, BenJonson’s. Beaumont and Fletch er’s, Massinger and Ford's, Wycherley and Con greve's, Dramatic Works, Eng. Illustrated Eds; &.C. .kc. Johnson's AVorks, and Boswell’s Life of .lohn- son, 2 vols each; Burke’s, .Vddison’s. Goldsmith’s, Sterne’s, F’ielding’s, and .Sniollett's Wiirks; Gold- smitli’s .Animated Nature, 2 vols; Burke’s, Chat ham's, Phillijis’. Curran’s, and other Speeches; .Modern British Essav'ists, 8 vols: Waverly No vels and Poetry: Irving’s Works, Putnam’s edi tion, 16 vols: Coojier’s Select Works, 12 vols; Bulwer’s Works: Dickens’ do, complet« in 4 vols; Gil Bias; Don Quixotte; &c. &c. Colman’s I^uropcan Life and Manners; Lord Holland’s Foreign Reniinisceuces; Stephe.ns’s travels in F^gypt, Arabia, &c; Walter Colton's Works; (irace .Vguilar’s do, viz: Home Inttucnce, Mother’s Recompense. Vale of Cedars, &c: War ren's Ten Thousand a Year, and Now and Then; H\perion; Swallow Barn, by Kennedy; Alton Locke: Lavengr(>: Humboldt's Cosmos; Reverie.s of a Piachelor; Home is Home; Lady Wortley's Travels in America; -Arabian Nights; Georgia Scenes; &c. kc. British and .\merican Female Poets, illustra ted; Poetical (Juotation.«: Byron’s. Scott’s, Mil ton’s, Moore’s. Pope’s, ?owi>er’s, Dante’s, Ta.s- so’s, Kirke White’s, Thompson's, Hemans’s, Bunis’s, Coleridge’s. Young’s, Butler’s, Mother well's, Collins Gray and Beattie’s, Shelley and Keats’s, Chancer and Spencer's, Cumpfiell’s, Tom Hood's, Tapper's, Pollok's, Halleck's, and Bryant’s Poetical Works; &c, &c. liibles. Prayer Books and Testaments, of va rious styles and prices; Melville’s, Manning’s, and Chapman’s Sermons; Sketches and Skele tons of Sermons: F'nglish Pulpit; Pulpit ('yclo- pedia: Leighton’s Works; Hoffman’s Canon Law; Dick’s Theologj-; Life of Dr Chalmers, ami Chal mers’s Institutes of Theology, Sermons, and Lectures and .\ddresses: Horne on the Psalms; Patrick, Lowth and Whitby's Commentary on the Scriptures, 4 vols: Comjirehensive «lo, 0 vols; Mct'osh on Divine Governnieut; Chiirnock on Divine Attributes; Neander’s Life of Christ; Butler’s An.-ilogy: Wilson s Manual of Church Principles: Hopkins on the ('onfcssional; Pusey- ism, its Causes and Cure; Butler’s Old Truths and New Errors; Ueaditigs for Lent; Sacra Pri- vata; Clark on the Promises: Hannah More's Life and Private Devotions; Doddridge’s Rise and Progress: Pilgrim’s I’ropress, beautifully illustrated: Baxter’s ('all, and Saint’s Rest; Trench’s Notes on the P.-irabies; Buck’s Theo logical, and Union Bible Diotiorary; Gilfil’an's Bards of the Bible; Peep of Day, Line upon Line, &c; Jay's Exercises and Prayer.s; Thorn ton’s, Berrian’s, and Barnes’s Family Prayers; Deems’s Home Altar; Wrought Gold; Hawk- stone, Laneton Parsonage, The F.i;-l'.s D.aughtcr, (iertrule, Walter Lorimer, and other religious tales, Vjy Sewell and other authors, .^c. ^c. Miss Leslie’s, Soyer’.s, a;id .\>nerican ( ook- ery; Mitg Leslie’s and >11?.“; Boc.-lur’s Receipt Books; Mrs. Randolph’s Virginia, Ilousewil'e. &c, &c; Downing’s LadieV Fbiwer Garden; do Fruit Trees of America; Flower Gnrlen Direc tory; Barry’s Fruit Garden; with .i variety of useful works on Agriculture, I’arming, &c, &c. A l.irge stock of School Books, Novels, Gift Books, Stationery, 6ic, &c. For sale .at the Favctteviile Book Store, by E. J. HALE i SON. A GOOD INVESTMENT. fMIHE Subscriber wishes to sell one-half of JB. the Fayetteville Water Works. Neitlicr of the present proprietors having time to give their personal attention to the property, the purc’iiaser can have the management of it, ma.- kiug it a valuable investment. r. HALE. Oct. 1, 1&51.