S E M I-W B E K L, Y mm I II iiHiuwaBXT [•.('I- 1.] I'AVHTTKVIM.i:, .\. C., .MARCH IG, I85l>. [NO. 7;!.1 i>i:inti;d liv J. 11. .N'uwiiv. i;|)WAI!D J. II.ILE & SOX, i;iiU(»i:s AM» IMJoritlKTOKS. I’lHje f"'" !j!t 00 if ■ ill aihaiu-c: t '>0 if ^laiil (luring tlic mmt >1'Mib-'t'i’ipliuo: or ■>.'> at'tiTihc vcar has [•■r -iit* "oi’kly OitsKiivKii ■'?:! 00 per anniiin, if [m;.! ill a'lvaiu-o: iiO if paiil tluriiig the M'.ir "t siil'soriiitioii; or (A) after tlic year i,. UiVl'l’i'riSi; M KNT.S insertetl fur.'ii\ty ceiit.s P,.r .,|'i:irv !' r the lirst, ami tliirty cents for each ^ r.viiinir [■u'i'i(Mtit*ii. \ early adverliseineiits iMiitract.x, at reasonable rates'. Ad- vir;:i'i' rei]Ufted to state the number of ...m::' :> ■ic-irod. "I' they will be Cuntinned till , i. :.iid cliar;^el aecirilinj;l\. l.i'tter> to the Kditors iiiii.-;t l>e post-i,>aiI. Offlce of N. C. Mut lu. Co., [ K.\i.ki«.ii, Feb. is, ls,')’2. f r»-.id "f I'ireet'Ts of the North ('ar>- I Mutual hi'iur-inee •'i>mj>any, at tiifir u! 'I 'ctinL:. held in this ('ity on the irtii , - .'.::.'.i:try I"*'-, K■^ied an a.'.>e>Miifnt of : ; I'l.t. i*!i .ill I'reiiiium N■ ■le.-- if tlie Ci.ni- ;ivr. iit't.in liii;..: on tlie I’ltii iiuv of l'^.>l. T:; "itli onedialt pel eent. levied Septeiii- J I. 1'''. '. one per cent, levied .Xovi-niber • iiid one per cent, lexied Scjiteniher > ‘i. "ill niake .^ix per cent, on all ti'itfs .. ■. . t ' • .i>.''".-^nu nt nil ihe "Jd Sej't'-niber 1> !'.• ■ i It in.iiiiinv' ii[ii-x]iired ai d uiK-.uioeiled iiii !'•!!. 'f l>e'-i-niher l^•'^l. r . ■•>>' '>i!ients. under the pr'i\iriions of 1,; ! Iii-"rp'ir.iti"n. will Ik- payable on or 1 11- li ■■ J'Uh of April All persons rreiiiiiini Notes in tiie >fliee will please r - ! the :i»f'-j.nients thereon with as little de- iT.ifticabU*. I»v order of the l!oard, JNO. C! rAUTKlItGi:. Sec v. r.-.li'iiih. Feb. 18. IS.-.L’. I liav«* rrfM'ivctl a List of tlio '■>>’iifiits for this countv. '.\l.L .\N1> N.i i i.i;. -v:a C.KO. McN'ni.L. F ■■ i'.le, M;iri-li S. 71-lw Fresh supply Peruvian Guano, 5! ''T received and for sale in vpiantities to I>v B. ivUSi; \ SON. M r h Tl-.;t risii! \^KKltl'L. N:is. 1. 2 ainl in ijuarter, .li li.ilf and wliole bar.els. For sale b_v H. Host; .v SON. \;..r, h ". l'.'.i’. 7i-;;t Oils and l)v(‘ Stulls, »f • r\T_\ kind, ft r sa’i-in iuaiititics to suit. t.. ' i;. r.osL \ son. M ir. - s. 7i-;;t I'AUMICKS! E are now recei>injt n variety of I’lonjrhs ▼ w and I’Uiu^li lixttires, inelndinj: i?ub- soils, \c. .\lso, Straw (.'utters ami ('orn Shell- ers, to wliieh we invite the :ittenti>n of the ajiri- onlturist. J. & T. WAIH»II.K. .^lllrl•h 8, 1S.')L*. 71tf i.A\vi{i:x(’i: cV 'riiov Oii'vr for Sfilr: 71-tf .Noric’i:. 9^ ill’ siil'-i'riher luivi > C’. of ('unibrrla lar-ii ,2. 71-It t Tln,.h ^ \\ii4,l ('itrililii/ ,)///- iShiiir ('iiftrrs of riii'ioiiii I"'"'!'"', Wliiiit J-'iina, J//// tiiid I'l' l'irij (Jmr, Smr and (inst -'/////I,„.s-, filirl,' MHIs^ KtJ'je I'inis, (Iv. (_v. l v. ■NnW I.IIS. N. C. UACON. !•> keps (iosher l!utter. oil l>oxes ( lieese. 40 bills. Northern and Coiintiy hiskey. r0 bills, ^i^h, difTerent kiud^. —ALtiO— rimir. I.ard, ('i>ffee, Sugar, lliee, .Molasses, S.ilt. Iron. ,.ve. One crate N.irthern ('abb;ij;e, just receiveil. Fayetteville, ,\l;irch 4, 1S'>2. 7ti-U w I'I.SII’ l a (jK r.uLs. MUi.idiTs. a 10 do. No. -,i Mackerel, do. No. in half bb’s. No. ;{ iitto. 2 I'Ms. Trout. J'l l.Ms. Yellow Iri>h I’otatoe-. • . f 1 thi-j day iiv H. Hlt.VNSoN SON. ' :v:> ls:.2. 71tf Plants, Shrubs, Trees, &c. i- thr l.f«t ni' iith for si-tt'.n;: out Kv- t r^'i'i eii.^. l{ose>. and hard_\ plant-;. ■ '■t time to repot. / yioir HI hhtom.—(’liiucse .\ra%'as. ibar- ■ l.iponieas ihard\i. .Aeai-ea-^, llyai-inlhs. ' (hardy). l'erson> having eii::a;.:ed the :. c.in get theni liow. ive a number of iK-aiitiful pl;int.«. tender ■ North that have .stood the ]ia->t winti-r. ^ . jii.'t rec i»ed ;i !of o) clioive (!■■« i r .■'ccd. Ll’TTi:ill.oM. llowan st. > I’ei-ions having pot.s to be j-eturned ■IS-- .v. iid tiiem ill. : .,t ine> m;i\ .-till be ioniovel with jierfect ling, ;it M.ir'li Term, and t'i;:iiity ourt ol' ■ uri-i i^ui.irti-r iiiis. i|U.t!ifi(- ! as Fxccu- ■ !' "■ i.ist Uid .-Hid T st.-Miii-iit of Il.ivid ■ r. dn 'ii. hei el-y notifu s ;ill persons in- ■ t" -lid li'tatf* to ni.-ike immediate J>ay- ■in 1 ;il'. tit.,!,!- h.iving claims against the ■"V.iN'-d, arc iiotitied t>. pn-sent tii-ni. dil- -itfd. «itliiii tlie time prescrilx-d l>y ■i' -twIm- this notice will be plcad-d in ’ tii' ir ric'ivcrv. W. H. CAliVKI’.. F.x’r. m:\v nook's. T I'.SLh\ iitid .MethodiPin, by Iva.-ic Tav- lor: Lnyartl's Nineveh and its Iveinains. . 1 vol. nniiliridgi-d witli illnstr.itions. onlv li>; i New I'iienus for the I’rotcstant »'b-rgy; Sct-in-s and Legends of Scotland, by Hugh .MilUr; The Ladies ot tiie ('ovenant; The (’orner Stone, bv , Abbott: The Captains of the Old \\»>rid, by II. W Herl>irt; Sorcery and Ma^ie. by Thoni.-is Wriglit: A Fagirot ot French Slicks, or Paris in IS'ii. liy .'iir Fr.incis H»*ad; \Liuri.e Tiernay, b\ Lt'xer; i'loreiice Sack\illt*. bv Airs. liiirbu- I’y. 2->c.; I’ntnam s Senii-.Nlonthly Lilirarv. Nos. 1 ai.'l 2. conlatning llonie and Social I'hihtso- phy. aiiil HooiFs '» himsicalities. 2-’> each; Ken neth. a liomance of the 11 ighl:iiid>i. I«y 15cv- nold.s 1 parts, 7-’>: The School tor ilu'-^bands. by Lady llulwer; Hamilton's ANorks. 7th vol.; ( alhoun s U orks, vol. 1; Fnrth.-r supplies of Lewis .Vrundel; Fr.ink Fairlegh; Widow Itiig- l>y's Husband: Surt-nne's rrnnouniiiig Frcnch l>ielionary: Ollt ndorfi's New .Mcthoil of It-arn- ing I I'cnch: Mitchell's ictigraphies: Sjjellcr and Hetiner. H.izen's and Webster's; iVc. M:‘ieh-L li. J. H\LF. \ SON. i KlNt’.WoKM ANH TKTTLK oINT.MKNT, i For the cure ot Itingwornis. Tetter. Scaldhcad, ^ I Icerous liiseases. .nnd for all rough and scurfy .\tfeclion> upon the Skin. j 1 his is II (■|iemlcal (>intnieiit, prepared on’v I by \\ . (I. Littb*. that. Im-v nd nuc>tion, lias cured more old and invetcr.ite case-; than anv- tiiing of the sort e\er Ix lore oflVred. .Many base been cured by it who bi-rn-ve 1 their cns’e w.is iiicnral.le. from the fact that every tttli.-r remedy had total’;, failed. Th;> was tlie c.ise with tlie ver.v rcspcctaMe farmer who gives the follow ing statement: i Twiggs (’o.. Ieo., M;iv 1N4‘.'. I*r. I.ittle Sir; For the l;ist five i-r si.\ \c.irs 1 have been tryir.g to cure an ob..-iinate Tetter, situated iipoii the leg and iii'^Iep. with all the remedies I could get. At your s dicit.ition. 1 liegan usiiiff our I{ingw..rni and Tetter Oint- nient. and 1 am happy to s.-i_\, it h.is eiiiir»-l_\ cured me, which h.is iiow been well for sever i: month'. lie.-'iiectfully. \c. Signed! THo.'i. S. ('H.Vl’l’KLL. Ihe lollovving i," IVoiu (_'ol. ilaninion.l of ('ul- loden: Monroe county. May 1S|0. l>r. Litf'(-—I la ving us-d your ili ii_ w 'rm and letter Oiutnient in twn ca>fs of .Sealdheai\ I will cheerfully .'tate tlie ler.i'.t. In one. it had e.vtended pi-etty iiineh over tlip si-.ilp. leav ing Imt little hair, with other ill rttect-;. such as intl.imniati.iii. pain, iVc. The other was more recent, :ind seemed to be progressing in the s.ime w.-iy. T.) cure the first, we h.ive tried al most everything. even a tar p'a>ter. without success, when we began using \ oiir preparation for it. Two bottles. I am glad to s.iv. have en tirely cu'(-d both ea-;es. I'lulv voiirs. \c., \signed; .VMo.- \S! H .V.MMoNH. SHINC.LFS. Crawlonl County, .\pril lSi;t. !ir. Little — Sir: In my own vase of a severe attaek of .'-^Iiingles. 1 .-ipjilied our Iliiigw..rm aii'l Tetter Oiutnient freciv for a few t’;!iic>;. and it w.is i-ntirelv cure.I. .Xiiother -.ise iii my neigliborhoo.l wn.; ;i!so pr' iiititiy cnrcd by the same remedv. Hespectfu'lv, iSig'ieii WILLI \M lU r.CKSS. Dr. Little—.'^ir; Vour l!ingwi>i-m and Tetter Oiutnient i-ured a Tetter of ti • e or si.x yeaas' sfundiiig f.-r me. on the hands, by ,-i \erv few .■ipp'iicatioii-. Ill other c i.-es 1 knew it nseil with entire success. With resnect. \e., (.'ligneil i 15. 'I'oM LLN.^oN. Willey, Talbot co., iSiS. 'I’he fac simile of the sign.-itiire of I)r. W. G. upon the outsiile wrapper ine«. Solil w h*iles:il«; and retail, by the I’roprietor, at his .M:.iiiifaetnnng Hepot, .No. 2'i} Market street, I’hiladelphia. and .\|acon. (icorgia. i.r.j"" To I).-- h.i-1 also of .Janies ( 'aiii. Kockfish: W.itson. Floral f'ollege; 'I’ow nseii'l ,V Hoiig- las-!. lo-nnetlsville; l>r. 1’. M. (’ohen, h:irl'-s- ton; IJarbee, i5arclaysville; 1’. F. I’escud, l!:ileigh. .S, .L H 1 N.'^HA I,K. .\gent for F.ovetteville. TO corroN im.an ri:Ks. riFCKS COTTON IJAUGINU, 7.) coils Uope, •JdO lbs. Twine, .lust received anil for s:ile cheap, bv I’LTEll 1'. .lOHNSON. ■Vugnst Ifi, IS-Til. 1 Itf (fi'inisltoroii^h (,V. ('.) Mutual Insnrancr ('oinpainj. I llSl ,\NT to Jin -Act of Incorporati'ni, a Comp.-uiy has tieeii formeil under the name ami .,tyle of •'TilK U F.FNS IK HtoHi H Mi ll .\L IN^r^ritANCK CO.Ml’ANV.’ and luliy org.ini/ed by the a]>|>ointmcnt ot' the following Olhceis, \i/: .LV.MLS SLOA.V, President. S. (a. C(H'F1N, Vice President. PKTKK .VI>.V\LS. Secret.irv and I’reasui-er. C. P. .MKNDFMI ALL, Attorney. .lOlIN A. MF.I’.AN!:, i W. .MvCO.NNFL, ■ Lxecutive Com. WM. S. I.ANKIN, ) l.ibrrly E^oisif lloiiwe. A LL persons indebted to the undersigned * HL eitln-r by note or aceiiunt must settle on or before the first day of .March. 'I'liose failing to do so. will certainly find their accounts in the hands of a coliccting (.flicer. Uia UEN .IONF.8 FeVi'v Iti. tiotf jrs r lux .MKN'S and IJoys' S.\liI)LKS. of every » i[u;ilit_\ ;in 1 s:yle. s>me very fine .\I- so, l!ridles, t'ollars. Whips and Wa^oii Harness. IN STORK, PLOU(;iI.‘ and Plontrli C.nsfings, Corn Shell- ers, Cultivators, Str.w Cutters, and Spin ning Wheels. F,. C. H.\LL, of Rome. Oct. hS 1851. .32tf l’>v Oct. IS, 18.')1. H ,\ LL, Ilf Uome :;2tf DIKKCTOIl: .L.hn \. Meliane. .\ndrew Weatherly. C. 1’. .Mendenhall. L\ ndon tjvvaim. .lesse Shelly. Jonathan W. Field. .lames Sloan. . .1. .Met 'oiiiiel. illlaiii Lankin. ■led. 11. Linds;iy Shubal (;, Cotliii. William II. Ueece. Tyre (ilenn. Tbi*; Comj'any has now Vtoen in -;uceessfu\ operation for several months, and will take liisks upon Hwelling Houses, Stores, jind other P-uildings. Mei ehandist-, Furnitiir*., Pi oiluce \c. Tin- oliject of this organi/.itioii is to af ford a system of Insuranct- which shall ojier.-ite for the mutual benefit of all its members. The peculiar :id\antagi-s arising from this mode of lii'-uraiice are, that the assured pay no more than the .-ictual losses and c\]'enses "f the t'oiiipany. and i-\iierieiice h.is proved the safety of Mutu.-il Insurance ('oiiijianiis. as w»-!l as tin- great saving to it-> im-nilier>: and no stronger argument i-an be (irodiiceil in ther favor, th.in the contidenci- whii h they receive from the en tire community where such Companies are in successful operation. .\ny inforinaiion respecting the principles of tin* Company will lie cheerfully furnished Lv the Sccretarv, or Jinv of it-i .\2rents. ‘PKTFK .\DAMS, Sec y. IfciV” Tilt* Siibst-rilu r liavini; lit-eii ap pointed ,\gent, will receivi- .-ipplications aiel make -iurvevs to eflect Insurance in said Coiii- pan\. .roiLN M Favetteville, l>ec. L’t'i, L'-'-'d. Vrrlicai Wairr WSjofl. rB'IHl'P.H are several hunlrcd of thest- Whee's ' H, in ojieration in diflerent counties in Nirth Carolina. I’or proof of their great adv.intages over the i-omiiion tliitti r wheel, or any other : wheels now in use for saw mills, we confidently refer to those who have apjiliid iheni to their ! mills. M e (-.in reeommeml them particularly ' f *r their snpeCmrity in cases of a low head of vv.-it(-r. or li:ii-|; water. W e still keep u supply of W'heels. suitable for difleient iie:ids of water, at \\ ilmin-lon. New - beni. W;;.'-hington. Fdenton und Faei tevilh-. ■ The wheels may also be had of L. ,\. IJrevard, Linciilnton. .-ind Uriah Wells. Petersluirg, V.-i. Persons wishing to ohtain the risiht t>i use the whei-ls. will he seiveil on applic.-ition to I). | McNeill'iS: Co., Favetti-viilc. N. C. 1*. .McNLlLL. A. . U. .1 CHERRY PECTORAL for lltr Cure of COKiHS. (OLDS, HOAKSE\ESS, Biio\riini8, \vii00Pi\G-(0i0H, (ROI P, .4STIDIA, A\D CO\Sl.OPTION. M \ W i.f ir.al, coiithirnro itt iliis n iatioii Mi:«l iiotnrii tv by \|ie( U'‘ iVtri jI of iit:;»»irin»r the i« inr. h i*^ \v*’n f'i*r it »n :t pprf*- i tin* iiMi'i \nlhitiL' li!it il'i iiilriMNir \ir* A DESIRAIU.H RESIDENCE FOR SAI.E. Subscriber now offers for sale all his -■L Turpentine and Farming L.\N'1>, contnin- ing about tiOO .\cres, situated ll' mil.*s F^iist of Fayetteville, on the Cioldsborough road, eoni- nionly known as Palmyra. It has a gnMl dwelling house, unt-bnildings, iVc., and a store where a large amount of busi ness is done, and increasing dtiily. This is a I rare chance for tiirjientine getters, merchants. I i\c, iind v\ill be sold a liargain. Any one wish- j ing to jiurchase, and wishing further iiiforma- j tioii, can applv on the premisf'.-', to ! ’ .1. W. Ml'itPHV, or I P. TAVLOP., Fayetteville i .July 2ijth, IS'il. btf ! ~ w anted, PA!li;i:LS of TL’IIPF.N- TINIC. for Idstillery at the j Plank Hoad IJriiIgt? on Ilig liockfish. The best I market price will Vie paid. For fuither inforin- ! !ition. ini|iiirc of John W. .Mnrjhy. :it the IJridge, of .V. .V. McKethan, Favetteville. Dec. 18. IS.'jl. ■ 40tf Feb’v 22. ISl' •K FTII AN. ALISTKK. •')i'i-tf i:osF. ol-;‘,m 'rii(‘ coiitiniio ti P.I SIN KSS addition to I’.ovv ,'treet. has opened street, iiefirly b.vge W AUr, ].po'ite the F Snhsn-ihcr still c.irry i.n tin- (' A P.I .N liT in Fa V -t;ev ill-. ami in hi' K.'tabli-ihnient on Ile.ir Lille'S Piridgi-, I'.OOM on May vi-tteville ll-’tel VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, IHK .%;o.Sl' FOFl'Hlt FAMILY MEDICINE «> F r II K V ii K ! [ai-iI by i’liysiriiiiis of lli"!i Slaiitliiig. lili rv’ts n-' rU .llllt and one i.oor L:i-;I ot Meors w here a ireiu-ral a.'>o!'tment tif llaigh .V .Son' I ruAi ri mi:. Made by competent and faithful workmen, may be had at i-rici s corn s]>oniiiiig with the iinies. .\lso. an ;i'.'.irtnn-nt of Northern-made Fl'PiNI- TCKL. selected liy hini.'elf. which will be sold at a verv model ite a.lv:iiice. DINCAN McNFILL. Nov. Ill, H Q l;i k-ei's iin hand an a.--;'rtinent of I i-K • i 1 eelel r.ited MLTALLIC UCP.IAL CASK.'-;, which ha.e been highly reiouimcnded by W iilie P. Maiigum. Henry Cla.v. Lewis Ca>s. W m. P.- Kiii'i-. an-1 many of her ' illustrious chara-ters, who have e.K.-imined and witne>!jed their utility. KlNtJ and A. .McMlLLAN have entered • into copartnership in the Distillery ot Tur])entii;e, and have erected a .Still on the NV'er-t 'i'le of the Fayctti-villc :'.nd ^Vestern Plank Uoail. S n^les fiiiiii F.-i\etteviile. N. KINO. Mav‘.>.—71tf A. McMILLAN. icieinnM. the ' »»t' «>i ^.iiiw l.H Lit > » Im* '> -tt-ni iill 1 til nr# 'i c.iu If \\ Itli -it Ut» tliae tiitin:; thf* | Hiient l oin;; to llie most Jeli- c.iu* j,. u 1 itTii .1 kiihle l'*r tli* ir inv iifniafii,:; J T^'^ionuive j»n>j-er- t»e-> dJitl ill iiivaid-ii'ie •iii'l "(lie lur I»VSP!:J’M\ !\ ITS WORST FOR>IS. Vi^'i I.iifi t JiiiiniiK-e I Irai llitii ii. * oa* F iiiitiu". I'l^ei.ifis 111 tlie Skoi Bii'l I.iier, I ils» el l.liw .'>|'llll' Nt-l»'ll» llrjililcllP. Cii'lilii.i'" I'alj iutioii i.t tiie lie^irt. Sinking aiiif I-ull- III-". »l U . ;^l.i at tlif- MoriiMcIi .iiiil nil .ill.«-i disf-aset ca'i^«-il t'v -oi iii'pun* stH!e el the liloii.i. liver, etc., «lin.li leinl to li.-Viili: il.- mi l » e.ikeii the »}»teiii. p i: 31 .\ 1.1: s •»V1 ;o &iif*er fiiin a fimil.t l jd ] utmatnral Condition uill fiiHl tl'.t» Meliciiie ot INESTIJVIABLE VALUE. Ill o: til UKClI.rj V, ll..;* .- t.li- ci. e V' 1 1 IKi-. \ 4 H \K ' THOUSANDS teste.1 it' fftjo io\. anil rnor^ uro now It r:.; not one ol liiiitue h is \ ‘t lei'Oi f« -1 \ > ruiil.l J «* w v'?i!if‘uaU*s of IUC''C wluo have been |oi inaiienlly cvnel C;ill on Ihr .\^rnf, and arrt a PlnrilM'T, ronti»iiiiiic 'l.e • *•»tirtcates o1 ‘ an.i tKe liijfl* e~tiiiiHti*m in wIjicIj tiii-* '* eilu’ine L*'K1 t ^ O.K' I'ntjhc can !'c hiiJ »>! i)»e lite Hi;l iht! unin'i-t:tk ililr ln*nt*f'u .i,rrrn il »>n ihou^nniN of’iir:iiMir»t* ami Mixii-inii) ihe rf>|Hit:it!«>n »t ♦•iijoy*.. W'htlf in tny rfini'iru*-. ilir'ia llir «'*Mui>i\u>ily, li've \\u' >»ms ff iiitfil I'ritMnU liy rvery ir’utl. ronlVrrfil «>n iIm* m|‘- tin y r ?n r jiimI prtxliK *‘1 rjir*?-* loo lui- mrnMl'i :iihI Ion mo •rk-il»l»* lo Im* I'Tjiuttoji. \V|»:1*‘ ii M l> .ii'l on tru* ;nil»lic to pr*t^*r il thr»r any OIK* ni ■•lirinr w ill lurilllMy riip—'till th»T»‘ i" aloi'olnnt prooi' that i li»*rry IVci‘»r:il not only :» ! ihiiiL'. I’Ul :ilrto>t inv;tri:ii*iy. ciirr the in:ila(hr> t'i>r n hirh ! it i' rnt|>]o\ rl. .Vv tiiiH* nrako^i ihp'.o f'}irt'» u i»l*T apH luMt^r knovs n. tlii^ j iii»**rn in** )i:>> yroln tlly iM-iniiit’ Ihf* \n't r»*Vnnr#» of i atM.i ii 1. I’roni ilit> lo*» iMlnn o| tn’ .\ni»'riran p**a'»;int. to , tli«‘ p‘l.o **'of* l'nn*i»r:in 'I'hroiiL'lioiit lhi? rntirr ; rotuury. Si>t«*. niy. »n*i ;i nj4»'t li jjih't it ron« • hrrrv I>rtor»l known llu' ln*xt j rt‘un «ly ‘>f;tnt tor Hi^r ' of Ojp 'Throat ainl Lnn"’». anil ' ii ril l»\ llu ir ni">*i ii.n iliiit'i.t rhy'trian" In *ir»* it l^ril- ! ain. I'r-inre ;ini t.rrnrtny. \\ li»r** I hr tufdiral ' h.Mv»* rt-arlu'd llu'ir liii:h«-'i (MTlrrilon. t’h»Try I’l-rl'iral i** ; tnir«-4lur'(l, in roi»-Hi;»nt u-'»* in tin* \rnot*".. n«*p':taN, \lni> ll» ii'r-. I'fitihr In-'tilntion'^. ari«l in «h*nH*'-ti»* prac- iir»\ ilir 'Uff-i r« nifdy ihfir ait^’iolini! TliN'‘uiji ii' can finp!'*y I r ihr nnir«* •l ujiji'ron' air‘Tru»h'* of ili»* ln»’2s.— M-.0 in loi'ih I t*a»>eN. ai.ii I'or i hnilri*n it I- . plea'^ant i •I ml (‘tl'( tn 11 (o rnr»- In ltd. '-onu* o|' tho nio-»( tli llt*rinc i t»*'>iiiiioiua)' \> »* rri rivo h iv‘ li«*i*n Iroui pHr»nl>^ who have l«iti il It r rlic.tcioU'^ tn p irtx'tiiar^y ii.cidcntti lo rhiMh«M’(I 'Tho t lu'rrv IVrioral is Uy h practifal htMiii'i! ami «'vt*r\ mihm** of it (inot-r hi'« ou n with | in\ ir» »i*l** ai nro-y .ti il car*- ii ix '•.ralt-il hoO priffrTfil hy \ troiii r..»iifi‘Tit it'. con«t'(iih‘nt)\ can ht* n licti on wilhoiU ai!ult« ration \\ «• havr nifit'a\or il In rt* !o fnrni'h ihr ron:nitiniiy with a nirdiciiif ol 'tK h intrin«*ic Niiprnoniy ami worth •‘hi.nlil coiniiit-ml il-clf to ih*‘ir cor.rhlcnro—a r‘Uii*«ly at o!tc«* ^atr. Npt^iMly and »*It‘'*cr lal. w liich ha^ hy rc- p»-; |r.| ai.tl ( "iintlr'' Iri il" pr«.\»-t| il-^ctl’ lo hr: ami tni t hy L'ifat c ■ r»* m pr^'paro*!' it ch»*inica^ accuracy. o|‘ nnitoriM '‘(rcu^th lo aitord rii\stcian> anew aiif'nt on w iii. h lh \ »• Ml rely l^r tho hc-*l n and Ihe :*f!ru u d \\ ;h a ftMocdy \h\\ \\ \W do i.*r tl.cn* nW \\y>\X nu dirinc I .t|( do. rr*p’r.’d and' ‘i»l Ayer. Pr.cticJtl and \m t\ Is'MI ru;i-t U. Via**** Soid in Ka\*n*vilU- hv >. .1. Ill\Sl» \ l.K: int'linton. h\ \\ \IIKr.\ .I'tll.NStiN &. *■».: and hj Uniaiiist- and lh*'i*cfN in Ml iltciiu* cM’fyuhcrt. J.inn ir> J(». I-.»J 59 3ni SII.W'K juyt rocpivi'il ir' ta New V^ rK, uiv FALL ANl> VviNTKIl Stock )i (loods, C..Il^i^ting III' a :;eneral as'urtinent if Dry liiiods. Ilrorrrii's. llnnlwnri'. I'lillcry. \r. !>/?“■ I will barter f^r TL'llPLNTI.M', (ir any kind "f Produce. NOTiCK. H.WINfJ. with several others, lieen >inrnt out on the morning of the :’.d instant, 1 vvonbi earnestly request ]icrsnns indelited to me, either by note or ae-ount, to call and settle, as I :mi in need of monev. ALFX Il McLACfMILIN. .lan'v 1t», .->7tf F.s- CAUUIAGK MAKING. ."W C'. subscribers have just o]iened an Jll talilishmeiit foi CAUUl.\(il^ .M,\KINi.in all its various branches in this place, with eve ry facility for conducting the ,'ame. In all the departments of vvooil-work, paint- ing. trininiing and iron-vvoik, they have exjieri- eneed workmen, .-ind the v.hole will receive their undividc'l atter.tion. Tliey have purchased tlio riglit of Ilnbbard's Patent for IJnirgy sjirings. which is highly re commended as a very great improvement. \VHor.!:s\i.E Wafcli anul Jcwclrv ^torc. L. II. MILLi:U ( (>., Lujiorten^, Mur:^ on1 oj \\ati'h(s, Jt inirt/, nml Vunctj Gfn-i'S. Have le;:6cd the Oi-I '*fovnierly oi;cnpied 1 y Canfiel'j, 1 rotlier X Co.. Soi;lf> Edft conn r of ('//(.'/•A.-' otn! Ilti^'imorc (No. •227,) wb'ieb ibey arc putting in complete order for the \VI|( li.ESAi F AVATCII AND .IFWKLllY IJU.SI.XL.'^-S, to be openid si’coui tia 20th of.I Illy. In calling the atteiition of’ the tr^iie tT the tievv concern, vve Jin-ntien the fuet ti.nt e ''Tif as.sociated witli one fit' the most extensive ,lew- elry Manufacturing Fbtabil^hnl'nts in the c iir.- try, which iimst give a decided udvant!.,; ■ ovij- all others in this tnarUct 1‘"r snpplvii'g dcab r» with .h'vvelry at niannfactnrer«' prices. I'ent'.ire in this bninch of 1ra-le loi g since needed -be tween ll.'iltiniore and llie .Southern and *Vedteri> Merchants. We desire to call p;irtic'il!>r nttenfion to the \Vateh de]iartment. wbieh v.i’l !u nil t'nies be snjiplied with a grent .is'ortment from the trost celebrated nuinufactnrers. and kerif in perfect running order. Ho that purchfi^eis niny (t oi.'e take them, with a written guarantee tlial tiicj will fierf'orin correctly. This branch of the liusincHS will receive the especial attention of one of the firni, whr.=e ex tensive and practical knowledge of the busineps will, we hope, give us u place in the eoniidci.ve of buyers. We res)ici-tfnlly ii;viic v (iti to cnll npcn ”.9 when you nest visit onr city, eonf.ilently I e- lieving that an exiunitia:i(>n of onr Hoods vvlil prove to you that fhey are better styles h/' t el.e.-iper than you have ever seen in this nmr'ieT, and assure yon that no e'lort shall be wai t n:{ on our part to make the aci.iUaiiitu)ice i nc ly mutual benefit. L. II. MILLKP. .Sc CO, Old fttand, formerly’ occti]«ied by Canfield, Hro. t'c (.'(i., IS. L. c r- ner of Charles l!iw:ijnore sts. Baltimore. June 1'''>1. l l-Vo UFl'KULNC'ES: Me.ssrs. W^eth, Pdaek'ock ^ Co. t.iwyn, Keid iV 'i'avlor. Janu-s llvMigt'S iK i’.roiVi«'r. llurst v\ licrry. Murdoch, Duer F.vnt.e, .''fellniann \ J{inri''h“. Sang>toii Co. I’arthlow. (;-,r’-n K Co- Hiely is: Pendleton. Cnshinps £: P.;\iley. .lohn Murphy Co. Moore iV Criliin. HI appearance uti' ity to any done in the .''t.-ite. They only ask a trial. KODGERS&nVNN. .lan'v iL*. is.i-j. i)7-‘Jni N. KINC. Ill miles North of Fayetteville. Oct. -jx. 1 4;;tf Little will be fot’.nd of 1‘ai-li of hi Medii IWtnti’d. L vvi-ih to buy •_’>.(i(»U b.-irrels Turpentine KINO \ .McMILLAN. Id. p.irties .ibout to erect Fire-jnoof P.uild- ■ w.ii ,]„ w,.-ll to call on the sub'Ci'iber. • iT- |. ui-,1 ti) eontntet for Slate .ind ,\let- ■ m!terp. Leiiilers, Lead*-r beads, and ". I,.' be!,,||jri,|fj jIjj. IJiMifing biisiiiess. ' ii->tructi"ns in Hoofing for S'late, ’■ :t ellectually jirouf aj^ainst firc am! FUANCLS snr.NTON. ‘e, M.iicli 1, iH,32. 71--lm ^•aflbrd, i lark Sc ' sr.t'is (»f Unt'sr l*nirn'S '“"'J Mm /i I nrs, (linlli Piii'tnlih' .lulv 1. II A ri |,i (^.tfiiiiy iiifcnn their customers ■'■‘ I tlie ]iul,iic^ that they continue to c;ir- '■:r liii>,iiievs tlieir .Machine Shop. ’ •\MP, .\l;iinance county, North "•lii-ri'tliey ;ire prepared to execute ■M tlii-ii- lino \vith neatness, pnnctuali- ;-Ueli. With an inereasel viiriety of '■■1 i.il,,,,-- • •i \ , I'-saving machinery added to our i.. the past winter,—ii well selecteil lit of niateri.-ils purchased at tiie low- ‘ ''s,—wiirkmeii of known skill .-ind ■■ ,1.^ with long experience in the fully justify ua in saying, as to (uul- I'f''(iiir Work hag not, will not, und I *** coinparisoii witli uny other J fill til tin; pui^iij. f,,,. favors, they ""itinuance of their patronage. " ofdei’H soon, as our "‘ I 1. served.” Letters ad- . •>1 It- ‘iiliseribers, at Snow Camp, N. ’■■■'•"e pii.iiipt attention. -Mu I CLARK \ lilXON. ^ 71-Om iiih: rLLi:i)i;\ii:i) iuck cooKiAc; sTovi:. Is for s.-de by the Sub.sc-rilK-r in Pi.-deigh an-1 Fayetteville: in I'aleigli at his .'>hn]> on Fay etteville Street, and in Fayvlteville at .Mr. .\. .M. (.'ani[tbeir.s. 'I'iie Siiliscriber hereby forew.-irns all persons from purchasing any of these .■'toves from any jiersiii either in oi- out of North Cnrolinn, e.K- cept from himself or his duly authori/ed .\gents. lie has purchased the exclusive right to vend this ,'tove within the State, and will prosecute :iii> jierson inf'iingiiig his right, either liy pur- rhasing, selling, or using, any e.\ce[it those ob tained from himself. .KtSKPII WOLTFIUNG. Haleigh, .Vpril 1'.', IH-jl. Oblf Works on Pree-Masonry. r;W .Masonic Trestle-Hoard, adapted to the Work and Lectures, as practised in the Lodges, Cliajiters, Councils, and Kncanipmcnts of Knight Tenifilars in the United States, by I Chas. t\'. Moore. The Free-Mason’s Manual, a companion for th- initiated through all the degrees of Masonrj by IJev. K. 1. Stewart. The True Masonic Chart or Hieroglyphic ; Monitor, by -J. I.. Cross. The Free-Mason's Monitor, containing a de lineation if the fiindann-ntal principles of Free- Masonry. operative and speculative, ns well in a religiiiis as a moral view, by Z. A. Uavis. For sale by E. J. H.\LK & SON. May 1)1. T4 : ^ TNKW l{()()Y>r ! t^r The American Alnian;ic for 1852; Swords’ Pocket .Almanac; The Fifteen Decisive ISnttles of the World, from Mnratlion to Water loo; First Impressions of England und its Peo ple, by Hugh Miller; Swallow I5arn, revised edi tion, illustrated, by .T. P. Kennedy; Don Quix ote, half morocco, illustrated; London and the I Exhibition, illustrated; Abbott’s Histories; Lis ton and Muter’s .Surgery: nullion’s Cicero; Pierce's Curves, Functions and Forces; Tooke’s Baltimore. xoi'Ki:. rBiiii: unders gnt'd havinc; funned .1 Ciip.irt- R nership under the style of -lOiiN UA.NK.'' l5Piirin.U. ftir carryins iin a C( (\! M L''SI( IN and FOUW.VUDINC. I’.I SINFSS. all gimds ro/(- ei'i’ieil to them, or ordered, or produce sent for .>ale, will be promptly uttended to. .lOlIN P.ANKS. DAVID P.ANKS. Wilmington, Feb. 2. IS.'i'J. tvJtf LP.S. RAC.S WANTFP. 'by 11. lUlANSON SON. 7Stf ('dhiiict l''i(niitiir(\ (luiirs^ V^’* > IIE subscriber is receiving the largest as- Jl sdrtnirnt in his line ever befi re purchased at the North, which, together with his own m.-in- ufacture, makes his Stock very complet(‘. con sisting of (_'liair, Tallies, 8das, IJedstoads, a.'h Stands, l>ureaus, l.ioukiiij' Gla.sses, Side JJcarils, Sefi'ftarit's, itt‘. All of which will be sold on the lowest terms for Cash, or on short time to punctual ciistoniei-s. .JOHN W. 15AKF1L Oct. 30, 1«.')1. »‘>tf I'litjhc 1*1 can la T^~ Large Quarts $1; Pints 50 Cents. SoIJ bi/ a!l Ifit I'rinnlull l.'t in I'le I'liihii Stotts iiikI Ciiiioiiits. rriucii'itl (ittu-e IJ; HI. TON S'l'. N V. upstairs For s.-ile by S. J. 11 lN.''l!.\ LF. November IS.jl. u8-y Second Fall and Winter Stock of Staplo and Fancy Dry GoodSj Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots, Umbrellas, BoauetSj £cc.j for 1851. (^T.Mtll \ \V|LLI.\MS beg leave toaiiiiounce to their cu>to:ncrs, and .-ill those vi.'itin^r this place to Iiuy t.ioods either at wholesale or retail, tlr.it they are now receiving their s\-e>nd su]iply of l all all 1 \\ inter (.ioods, which will be sold at the lowi-st ;irices for cash, or on the usu al time for goo-1 paper. We respectfully invite the attention of ('oun- trv Mcrclnnts to our new stock of Ginids, as vve feel assured that we can otl'er inducements un surpassed by any wholesale house in this town. ■ " S. .V W. Oct. 31, IS-jl. iiOtf o I'Ut'i rs .\.NI) .M I'M ll.VN(ii;S, Figs. Dates, Currants Citron, Almonds, Filbert: •Inst received by .Tan. LIH. Bra/il Nuts. \c. ClIA’S ISANKS. bO-tf 'rriUM:.\ riNi-: lani) Foil SAI.F. S'^OR sale, aere- of L.\ND m .lames ("reek. ainl'ilO neres on t'ypress Creek, in ('umberland. convenient to the Western Plank liii.-id. heavily timbered, .-in 1 admirably adapted to the makii:g of Turpentine. .\pplv at this l.nVice. i Niiv.'liX. ^^■■l. -4Itf 'r()liA(’C'0. ! HOXK.S low priced Tiiliacco, for sale ly COOK .n: TWi.Oi:. Ft!i'y _o. IS'ii!. ti7-4w ~ (WLL AM) siri'ru:. A LL these indebted t«i us by Note or .\c- ciiui'it, will p!e:isc call and settle. We.-ire in want of money. Interest will be charged on all .Vccounts for I'^-jl alter this date. II. i;UAN.SON & SON. .L-in'y 1, 18.Vi. ^f I o,ooo~T*a*oi;T>».ni:\ wanted. 'TIm' Siihscribor lins now one of the most extensive and bi-st a-is-ii ted stocks Dmiblt- and .Single .'■'IKlf (>l .NS, PL''TOL.'> of the most superior ipiality,—("olt's Uepeating and Allen's Picvolving, of evi-ry quality,—Pow der Flasks. Sh'.t ,-ind tJanie Ibigs, Percussion ('aps of English and French ni.-iKe. .Mso. the niost complete assoitnient of linn fixtures tiiat has ever been ofVered in this section of country. .\lso. Shot tiuns, Rifles and Pistols made to ord(-r or repaired. Rifles made to tirdcr, !ind warranted to shoot from one to five hundred vaids. Air Guns made to order .-it short ncitice. To .ill of which the attention of .'-sportsmen and others is rcspcctl'nllv invited. M. A. P.AKFR, Sii//i of the frini. Hay street, nearly o]iposite the Marble ^'al•ll. Fayetteville, N. C., (>ct. ti, l-''-')l. liStf I)A!I.V KXIM^rrKl), A Cl EN E R .\ L assortment of C O O P E R S' T(»OLS, of the best manufacturers’ make, by E. ('. ll.VLL. of Piome. Oct. IS, 18.')1. ;iJtf They will warrant all work g.iing from their vJ'iM V n \ U I) A \ ] Win] H Establishment e.pi.d in appearance utid dundjil- I M AAU.VlVU -A.NU .LLL.UMJIL S BOOKS. MAC.\UL.\Y'S, lUnnc'.-i and R ib'inson’s IliP' tories of England, in vjulons e-litioiis; Alison’s llistiiry of Europe, 4 vols: TJaKnm’s Middle Ages; Thiers's History "f ^he French Revolution, 2 vols, illnstr.-ited; Tytlor’s Univer sal History. Large and abridged ed-*: PrescctL’rt Ferdinanf and Isabell.-i. .Me.vico .iTid I’erii; Ln- batinie's Campaign in Russia; Cooper’s Navul History; Manstielij's .Mexican War: Trnnibuir;* Indian Wars; Canijibell's idves of the I.f-rd» Chancellors of l-'nglaiid, 7 vols; Cfimpbell'H Lives of the Chief dustices of Ln^land, li volf; Lives of eminent English Judges-; Lives of the Queens of Scotland, J vol': Ltidie.s' liistoricii] Library, f vols; Memoirs and t rk^ of .-\lexnn- der Hamilton, f. vols; .Marshull's Vmshinpton, 2 vols; Colton's Life and Times of Henry Cl.iy; Kennedy's Life of Wirt; Wirt's Life of Pairiek r^a*fcftvvi11(‘ ItofrJ, i’AVirr ri:MLLi:, x. c. r»lHis 1 arge and s]ilendi-I linilding has now been in successt'ul iiperation since .May 1S40. The Rcdiling and Furniture of all kinds is new, and the rooni>i convenient and pleasant. The Table is alway-i furnished with the best the market affords, aided by a fine regetable garden. lioardcrs, Lolgers, and Tr.-ivellers will find de-| Henry; Southey's Life niid Coi rosrondenoe; sirable accom)nod;itions and attentive servants. | Charles Lamb's.do; Autobiography of I.eigh Hunt; Life and Genius of Rurns; Life of L.t- fayette, of Paul .Tones, of .lackson, Tuj lor, Scott-, Mariiin, Franklin, Xc. ic. Shakspeare's Works, in 1, 2, p.nd 7 vo1«; Sheridan's, Ren Jon.'on's. P.eaum-nt and Fietch- er's, Massinger and F>rd’s, W\cl erle}'and Cc.r>- greve’s. Dramatic Works, Eng. Illustrated Eds; vVC. itc. Jehn.'son's Works, and Ro.s\veri’s Life of John son, ‘2 vtils each; Rurke's, .Vddison’e. Gfild.-^niith’p, Sterne's. Fielding's, and .''iiio!lett's Wi rkf; Gold smith's .\nini.-ited Nature, l2 vols: P.iirkr’s, Cliot- ham's, Phillips’, Curran’.«, and other Speeches; .MoiU-rn Rritish Essayists, H vfdg; Vi’sverl; No vel ■> and Poetry; Irving’s Works, Pniniiin’s edi tion. I-"* vols; (.'oii]ier'ti Select Woilis, I’.J vo.p; Rulwer's Works; Dicken.s' do, coDipleti in 4 voIh; j Gil Pdas: Don (juixotte; &c. .^'C. —— I ('olman’s F!uropcnn Life and Mnrnerr; Lord ! Holland'.s Foreign Reinijiiscences; ^iteph'-ns’s r.ook I D-avels in Egypt, Arabia, iVc; Wnlter Coiton'n No pains will he spared to give entire satisfac tion. Fainilit's can be fnnnsbed with large, airy, front double rooms, conveniently anil hand somely f'lirni'^hcd. .\n exiierience of 20 years will enable the les see. she hopes, to give general satisfaction. ANN 15 R OWN. June 1. ]S;'iO. 28-tf iRi:i)i:iJAs Ki:iH)KTs. 51.'^T published. Vol. 12 Law, and \'ol. 7 I’i|nity. Price.')0 and ^-'l. These arc small volumes, in conse*iuencc of the Reporter making new arraiigenient'* for ]inlilishing. Round vols. e.vcliaiiged for Nos. as usual. E. .). ILVLE .Jl son. Dec. 1'.*. 1S.-.1. IJOOK lilNDKUY. KAV. HARDIE has re.«umed the , , • Rinding Rusiness at the new St«re next ! Works; (.race Aguilar .s do. viz: IL'i"C Infl'-fjice, door to Mr. Rcaslev. .Jewell(*r. where he will re ceive and execute binding in uny style desired. Au-:nst 1. 27tf General Agency and Commission Business. H^HE Subscribers have this day entered in- •/ Card. [.V\'1NG sustained a severe loss hy the lire on the night of the 2d .lamiary, I am to a cjpartnership under the style of compelle-l to call on all those v\ho are indebtel KKDI C'KI) TAUK. f||1HR0CGlI Tickets between Wilmington, N. M. ('., and Raltinmre. Fare sfl-'i. \ ia W el- don, Petersburg. Richmond, and Washirgton City, or via Weldon, Portsmouth and Norfolk. For Tickets afiply at the Office ot the Wil mington and Raleigh Rail Road Coni])any, ."it Wilmington, or ut the Office of the Raltiinore Steam I’acket Company, and of the Raltiinore and Ohio Rail Koiid "Company, Pratt Street, Pantheon; Letter Writers, &c. ^’c. Just rec’d. E. J. HALE & SON. Dec. 8, IS.-il. (’IIKCKS. ON ALL THE R.\NKS IV FAVETTEVILLE, I Jubt Printed und fur Sale at tliio Office. Jan. 1, 1852. D3-tf to me to make immediate payment. If they cannot settle in full, pay what they can, either in cash or notes negotiable :it Rank. A. A. MeKETHAN. Jan'y •'», 18'i2. o.'Uf WHITAKER, WHITFIELD & CO., for the purjiose of doing a general agency and coinmissitin business, and in oflering their sir- vices to the jnililic in ihat ca]tacity they fi.itter themselves that they will be a'de to give satis faction to all those who may consign any goud.s, wares, nierch.-indize or country produce to them either to sell on commissions or forward. -\s it will be our greatest aim to jilease, we jiledge ourselves to spare no jiains in trying to give general satisfa-tion. They resjiectf iilly s“’.;’it „ , .• i . i ihe patronage of their friends ami the public 1"0D ft. White Oak for longues. Bolsters and generally. Their store is No. d North Waier ; 100 Post Oak Hubs, for I arts ami Wagons. 2'dU(t Spokes. For which the highest cash price will be paid. Apply soon to E. FL LLER. May I'.t, 18.51. 72-tf w A\ ri:i), ;JOOO ft. ,\sbe Lumber for Wagons. 1 J to ^5 inches thick. .SOOO ft. Se.-isoned Oak Lumber, 1 ^ to inches. KKKI ft. White Oak and Hickory, for Axletrees. Street. Dickinson's Fire-priiof buiMing. Wil mington, N. C. JOHN R. WHITAKER, J \.\1ES W. Win I'FIELD, A. A. R. SOUTHALL. I’KrEUK-S'r-Ks:—lohn Dawson, Potter & Kiil- der, O. G. Parsley, Samuel Reery & Sons, G. U. French, and Ellis .V Mitchell. Jan. 2'J. 1h:)2. T. S. LL r ri:iii.()ii, Fori« Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. 1(5, I86J. »-3ia w. L. s.Mi rn, C'oiiiiBiiKwioei ificreliant, ill Jjnz(rH! Ihuhliiiij,^ VVILMLMJTON, X. C. Jan'y l8o2. 8i:i-:i) (X\ rs. At J. fcb’y lii, IdoS. JOMiPII 11. ilLOSSO.lK € o .n:?! I s s 1 o A AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, .V. €. k T. WADDILL’S. &ler 8rrB‘“ Prompt personal attentifin giren ti all Consignments, and Cash advances made on Pro duce to be shijiped lo other ports or sold iu this market. Feb. 12, 18.52. 64 y JSlanks of all kinds, Mother's Recoiiipen.se, Vale of Ccdar.», See: W nr- rcn's Ten Thousand a Ve.-ir, nnd N(iw ftrid Then; Hviienon; Swallow Rftrn, by Kennedy; Alton Locke; Lavengro; Humboldt's Cosmos; RercriBS of a Rachelor; IDinie is Hi.nie; Lady Wortley's Travels in ,\niericu; Arabian Mgbts; Gcorgi.a !^ccn(-s; \c. »S;c. Diitish and .\niericnn rcmnle Poets, ted: Poetical Quotations: liyron’s, Scott’j, Mi’.- ton's, Moore’s. Pope’s, Cowper's, Dante's, Tiir*- so's, Kirke White's, Tlii nij.son’s, Ilen'..*vns'«, P.iirns's, ("olcri'lge’s, Young’s, Rntler’s, Mother well’s, Collin.s (ir.iy and Reattie’s, Shelley tnJ Ke.-its’s, Chaucer and Spencer's, CGnipVieirs, Tom Hood’s, Tujiper’s, I’ollok's, Hiil'eck's, tin i Rryant’s Poetical Works; ivc, iVC. Ribles, Pra}'er Rooks and Testnnnentx, of rn rLous styles and pi ices; Melville’s, .^lRnn5ng s, and Ch.-i]inian's Sermons; Sketches nn 1 Skele tons of Sermons; English Puljdt; Pulpit Cyclo- pelia; Leighton’s W^irks; Hoft'ninn’s Canon Law; Dick's Theologj'; Life ot i>r ’huinitT3, and Chu!- iners's Institutes of Theobigy, Serincr.s, and Lectures and Addresses; Horne rn the PsalTcf; Patrick, Lowth and Whitby’s Commentary on the Scriptures. 4 vols: Conij.rchensive do, G vols; McCosh on Idvine (Jovermnent; Chamock on Divine Attributes; Nennder's Life of tl r'.et; Rutler’s .-Vii.-ilogy; Wilson’s Mnnual of Churcn Principles; Hopkins on the Confessionfil; Pneey- isni. its Causes and Cure; I’.utUr’s dd Truths :ind New Errors; Ueadin^fs f r Lent; Sftcra Pri- vata; Clark on the Promises; Hp.nr.Rh More’s Life and Private Devotions; Duddridg*’s ]ise !»nd Progress; I’ilgrini’s Progress. berntifuRy illustrated; Baxter’s Call, and Sidrit’s Rf-gt; Trench’s Notes on the I’arnYiles; lJuck's Theo logical, and I'nion Rible Dictionary; Gilfillari’fl 'JJards of the Bible; Peep of Dny, Line rpon Line, &c; Jay’s Exercises and I’raycr.'?; jiiorn- ton's, ]?errian's, and Rarnes's Fand'y Pr.ayers; Deenis's Home Altar; AVronght G-ld; I'nwV- stone, Lani-ton Parsonage, The F'ar''« Dnngl te^, Gertrude, ^Vnlter Tjorinier, snd oilier reii^ons tales, by Sewell and other authors, kz, &c. Miss Leslie’s. Soyrr'^!. find Amfricr.n Co{ >- ery; Miss Leslie’s and Miss l>n. Ler's Lecci} t Rooks; Mrs. Ri'nd- ’il;‘s VIrp:inia H-.;;«>wife, &c, &c; Downing’s Indies’ FIot er C'ri’.p; do Fniit Trees of America: Flov-er c-arden I'^rec- tory; Darry's Frnit Garden; -wiih n cie y of useful Tvorks on .Xgricultui-e, Farming, .vc, &n. A large stock of School Lo')k=*, Novels, Gi^k Books. Ptatif'nery, &c, i\e,. For snle at ti» Fnvettoville Bork Store, bv E. j. H.AT,E ii SON. In the Custom Department will always be ^ - .-i ~ found the choicest selection of CLOTHS, CAS- A 0001) IJNvr.S 1 Aj X'!N J . SIMERES and VESTINGS, which will be made j nj'^nE Subscriber ■wi,«>;cs o *•11 me h.tlf -f up at the shortest notice, and in the latest ?tT’e. I ^ J-ayettcTil’e V’»it:r W'orl Ncit^'r and a fit always guarantied. ^ ■ of tlie prese nt prrj rietort hnvii'C timo to gi' fiiJ3ij“'The one price system strictly ndliered to. ■ (|jeir personal attcntic.n to the j r:>p'' lii'/rms's lO I .1 uLloiiinii.i 175) MdiL'i t Sfrrrt, BALTI^IORI^. i^S^HE largest and only JB. Maniifactnriiig Whole sale Establishment in the City. Thecaiiit.-il and force engaged (-iiiibUs me at all times to otter to Conntry Merchants and Deal ers in SHIRTS, COLL.UtS, LINEN and COT TON DR.VW ERS, great inducements—more I than usual efforts having been made to render the assortment of these articles full und com plete. The Stock on hand is large ami w ell assorted fur Men and 15oys. .Ml orders from the Country attended to with punctuality and despatch, jph-f?" Rcmcniher the Nime, and So. 170 .llarUel ^Iroel. T. W. P.ETTON. ,\ngnst ].'i. 18ol. 14-yojid Aprils;; aiiil OLz: « m " s ■ er • cosruAii: iiali>, Conn r sfrf'f'f nixf ('nifrr Mnr/crf Sj,are, HALT I MORE. rj^HE largest and be.st stock of READY- Jl MADE CLOTHINti ever ottered in Ralti- nuirc. Dress, Frock and Sack CO.\TS. all co lors, qualities and sizes, from S"2 oO to ^.5 TiO and upwards. P.\NTALO(»NS at !*1 to .00 and upwards, embracing ull styles of fancy, plain and plaid Cassimeres. \ ESTS of every variety at corresponding prices. Also, a large assortment of Roys’ Clothing. Importing our own Cloths di.'cct from Europe, and manufiictxiring on the most extensive scale, enables us to offer inducements to purchasers not to be surjia.sscd by any Clothing Establish ment in the United States. The proi'rietors are determined to make the Wholesale Rooms tl’.e point of grent attraction. Mid have now made up more than 5ft,(MK) GARMENTS, frim the finest quality to the lowest in price tb© Remember the name and yil«ce, Comer ■ purchaser i^.in hr.ve t e m.Ttir^cnient of’t, Tns- king it a. Tahiable iuvectniprit Pratt St. and Centre Market Space H. H. COLE A’Jgttst 1 1051. 14 E J HAI» Oct. 1 leti