IRIBTIEIB \ ol- SEMI-WBEKL, Y. FAYKTTEVIl.LE, N. C., MARCH 18, 1852. mm m [NO. 74.] I. sin- -re ■ -'-t '\r 4.:.. I . ; . r I ,KM- r^.frtiTr, ‘ 1"' . .11 tllC ri-turi '' n. ' ,.>e. I- .! th« with !""■ . 0, !in i l„w f-'r at- 1 at short BY J. li. NKWBY. l llU \i!l) J. HALE & SOX, I Mi l'OllS VM> rilOl'HlK,T.»riS. . Soiiii-V. i'ckly Ob«».k\ ku .$4 00 if 1',.'.r.-c: !l't 's ' if' p;'.iil duriiip the .1 iptii'ii; i'T the \c;ir hus - ■ i- »'u“t.uvKii ^2 OO \H“i* uumiui, if iu lU'o; t'- TiO if ])!iiil dnritip the • I '>r ('■>* after the vt‘:ir . :.,1. ’ i ; iMSV'Mt'ATS in>crtfil f«.r>»i\ty cents r file rtr:»t, ainl thirty cents for each ; : Yearly alTerti.soiiients :;tf:n-ts. iit roa.xonahle rates. .\il- riMniC'^tel to state the number uf ~in 'l. or they will be coiitiiinevl till ’ I’lirLifi aecorilitijrly. ’ ; -. N t.i tiie IMitt'rs nni«t be post-paid. ^OOffn* 11. \ \\. .]. I.ILLY t • "• ri'.'eiviii;i a lurge Stovk of ISl’KlNd ^ ,\u >r\iMi::t CS 9 ^9 119 % . nvite the ;it;eut'u>u if Cmmtry .10,000 Wanted. ILL pay 3^ cts. per pouiul cash for all clean cuttoii and linen U.VUrf, delivered to J. l>. Uiilian)ri, ill Fayettevillo. 1 miii nsarly ready to put In operntioh ii I’nper Mill in tliis neijflibiirhood, and am desirous of pjettinj; niy ra'^s in this insirket. My ohjeet is to pay as uiiieh for rajr.s us I can and hope that 1 niay not l>v forced to dixtaiit inarketa for niy supj>lies. 1 have arranged with Mr. \Villiains to ri'ceive and pav for alt r;i}rs delivered to liini. KAVlb MLUIMIY. Fayetteville. Feb'y -4, lbo2. C!>-tf jfs r UKC'EIVI^), ^ r>nLs. ciu'siiim •J? ('•OfM) llis. Wayne ('ouuty ISacon. l.'i bbi.s. f-ard. No. 1. • )4 boxes |>riine 'J’obacco. 40 bbls. .Mackerel. At Cross Creek t'o. ('. liENIiOW, I'res- t. March 1, IB/i'J. (i'Jtf \\’KAI>HJN(; PAPKK. HK.\MS Medium size, lio •• iilue. for Cotton Yarns. From Manteo Paper Mills. Haleij;h. For sal* low by 11. 15RANSON & SON. J»dv 0, Ibol. Utf 150 W’ANTI^D—A first riite Milcli cow. Apply lU this Officc. E. c. iiaLl;^ OF IIO.MK, Suci rssor of I/a//, Sac/iftf d' Co., fS now receivinf!; his Fall STOCK of GOODS, con^istin‘I of a general assortment of Dry Cioods, Siuidlery, I lats. Caps, Slioos. Unrdwarc, Cirocerirs. A much larj;er and more general stock than ever *>))ened on the I’.ast side of the Cape Fcnr — which he is pve}>ared and determined to sell to punctual customers, either at wholesiile or retail, at greatly reduced price.'S. SfaY" He would call particular attention to liis stock o'' 1>0(>T.'^ .VNI) Silt.)hS. The assortment is unusually larjje. and of every quality and style; and havinp been bought for Cash, he can and will sell them very low. You that wish ISar^rains will find it to your to give the Stock an examination before buying elsewhere. Alwavs on hand, a general stock of GCOCE- lUKS. ■ Oct. 18. 1851. 32tf T. B. llAlCill, JjJ^AS taken an Officc on H.'ij- Street, W'esj of the Hotel Uuildings. July 14, 4-tf U, M. OKRKLI., FORWAKDIXi; MKRIHAM AT Fayetteville, !\. C. March 10, ISol. 01!-tf iiT V.. holmT^s’.~ Attorney at Law, Wilmington, W. C. KFICE on corner of Front and Princess 4H-tf streets, under Journal otlice. Dec. 12. -Sw JV; ^e:)(?S:s aiul Slit Hit mrtji. ■ ‘ Mai:.i/inc for ^!:lrl•h: l!cn Gaul- . . . r.Milad,-: bays ot tl;e Scot- I••nii'iiA. :ir lu ooi .cctions of . h •! m the Ucst. by Alice Carey: ' i ill', by Mr«. Nlcintosh; Tut- . r,. \ being The U.ilks and Aiiii r can K;U iucr in I’ngland; • i- V Ik. Marvel; .'^cliool I’.ooks. \c. ;i larpi' .I'Sortiiient; I’ort Fo- i'.icket InksT.indv; Visiting 1 .N1:itlien»alical ln$tru- recnvcd. L. J. liAl.i: SON. NKW Cioons. fCST received, niv Fall supplv of CI.OTllS. (.vs.-iMi:iu;s and vj-;stini;s, tui.m- MINCS, \c., of the best nuality, from New Vi’rk. Also, the latest Ueport of the New York F.\S1110NS. i I still continue to carry on the ' TAlLOliINt; IU’.''1NF,SS. at my St.ind on Hay .>«trect. and those who may favor me witli their I custom may rely on having their work done in , a neat and fashioua’ole sl\le. and on the most t.-ivorabie tvr.ns. AIlCHir.ALD GRAHAM. Oct. 27. 18ol. 34tf i i) Prime V‘llo\v IMaiit- 11.iw l.iii.iiti-j- a:id for s^le by II. r.U VNSON a: son. ^ 7;i-2t -u})(‘rii>r tiujility, iu rci and f'>r » uc by J?. vV > w 14. 1 i-oli >\Li:. »T \T iKS. very snpcri «r for Al'l-..' t- r,. X >N. -t \\)'{ S\L!:. iM \ \u, iu i-« t ^:i.t A:'- V f' li. •\ S'>N. 72-oJ NO rich t ' :ii'i iiding t ■ tbe for- J. \ T. wadi-ill. -2. 7;>tf .JN‘ L\(; H ..•'V^i-.-l are n'w reccivinji their . cusistiiig of roi^ACc o. \G)OD STtK'K on hand: and I shall re-' reive regularly, from Messrs. J. Jones i Co's Factory. i|nalitie» assorted from common to Very tine, which I will sell al lowest niauufac- turinir prices. J. UTLKV. Fayetteville. April .T, OOtf W INTEU 81 ITLY. K ."ire now receiving our winter supply of Goods, II doors below the Market Hodse. South si'le I’ersoii street, where may be found the following articles: Sugnr of all grades, Coffee. •') llhds. C ibji—swcft. r>bls. Syrup—n superior article, ttreen and l’>lack Teas, t'heese of three difierent '{nalities, Itice, l’eor>er and Spice, Uopc and liag^;"*^! i tin lJb.8. Mackerel. ^ j SliofS and lio»)ts of extra large slz^, .''hi>vc'«. ."^p.iiles and Forks. ('orn Ploughs :ind Points. \xes of The l>e«t br.-mds. Knives and Forks, Naiis aud Iron. vi.OiMt lbs. Cotton Yarn. With a great many other articles cheap for ':isli or esclianged for I’roduce. ('all ajid see. CiU>SS » UKKK ft).. Ilenbow. Pres't. Dcc. 20. 18-M. »*'OTTI^II i5.4i:i.. or Celtic ■ >L-inners. as preserved among tbe Hipli- landers, being an historical and d«‘scriptive ac count of ibc inhabitants, aniiijuilies, and na tional peculiariti«'s d' Scotland, by Jamei? Lo gan. Ju.-t received and for sale liv K. J. HALF & SON T. C. WORTH, COll.lllSSKIN AMI KUKVVAKIll.'i; MFP.rilA^iT. WILMINGTON, N. C. Feb. 1. 18ol. A7tf NnrkiN^^N ^ KS1~Ek7 DEALERS IN Confrcfioiiarj/, Porciyn h'niilx^ Tu- /nicrt), ami iSmiJf] AM) IMPORTFHS OF .*iil'l*i:KIOK CI0.4RS .\T WriOI.ESALK ANTI HKTAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, 1851. lltf JA\ CjiOODS, IIA uikvm! I-:. Wi.f.s, €'ftps„ uitit Shors^ ( lu jiunctuai cus- w i lie -oid cr>-toli re. ' - an I otU' i-s ock b toif luakin^ an.i.-, id. MALI ill do wcl! to exam- piircn.ase; & sackltt 72tf W of Has'* advanced. S V. li:> iia'.'• niad with J. ;-.i, V r.i. f'.r furiiisiiing H \GS, ' T!:i' 1, that we «id pay cents :,l U. ■r twi ll. ?s. liope al date. I'mIASSoN SON. 72tf 18 37 ;;i .•i!i 00 1 ;t > ».ooo ll>«. Ka;;:*>, I- \ti(ilN .. « ,nt>' ■ . ikiivi-red to u M. lii: \NS(».«. M ,r. h 11. 1>‘'.2. 'I, at •«>N. 2tf .i,\v {;i>o!)s. iv ing their now re racing a 88 11' .ij - W ar *, r \. (i la.-su art ‘{t ni:ini:s, till' .-ittent.on rr 'i/j; •\ \Y IIJJ \ M.> _ .1 i.iriTc an I vv ll .-•r’ecte :.1N(. .\M> SI M -M.U ■if, .Ii nil 'll.I-. 1‘aia ■it thi- low ■i’" :.l. 1 t.ltf K, v>rA' ^ II ,/ f U>e ■j iiiin- “ Mr pprove'i ■ . l.u\V. h ive open iu a few days ■ i t ^ .11 of I i 'lilted to the season, to '‘ui . iiivit.- their attention. .v WILLI.V.MS. ^ 72tf o If,I fids W'^iiiifcd^ ■'! thf ••’;ip.. Fear and Deep .n. ' fur which lil)cral w^a- ’ ■ •iiid the p.iyments made on the :itii !,!/ i/,r Suriyahvn f 'oiiifiaiiij. ■ iiipi ynieiit will aj.ply to the l.'“ k and Daiii. (M,i;G(t, President. ■ ’ 7211.\l ^ ^ ^ 'k A UNS lor sale ■ ■ I ■ I rices, by 1 \KU \ Wll.LIAMS. 72tf NATMNAl. SHiai:s OF Ktaiiilaril School ISooUm, pinLisHEu i;y a. s p.aunks ,v ct)., 51 John street. New York, n E attention of .“'cbool Teachers. Schuol Committees, and the friends of Klucation generally, are invited to the following valuable : 1 ext IJooks for Schools, .Academies and t'olieges: i DAVIES' .MATIIf.MATICS. I Het.-iil prices. Davies’ First l>es.«ons in .\rithmetic, Itavies' .ciio.,l .Xritlimetic. ' Davies' (iramm.-ir of .\rithmetie, Dnvies' I'niver-iity .\rithmetic, Davies' I’b-mentary Alg-A>r:i, Davies' Klenientary Geometry and Trig onoiiietry. Dft\ies' Practical Geometry and .Mensu I r.itiiin. Djivies' Ifourdon's Algebra, Davit-s' Legendre's Geometry, new edition 1 l>avies’ Elements of Surveying, 1 Davies' Logic of >Lithentatics. 1 : rh.iinbers' Treasure of Knowlelge, I Clark s Elements cf Drawing, Chambers’ Natural i’hilosophy. Reid an«l Rain's Chemistry and Electricity, Hamilton's VeffetaVile and .\nimal I’hvs- iology. I t'bambers’ Elements of Zoology, i Page's Elements of Geology, 1’arker‘s First Lessons in Natural Philo- sophy. Parker's .'om]>eiidium of School Philo- so|(hy, Mclntire on the Cfic of the Globes, Fulton 6L. Eastman's Copy Rooks ,Nos. 1. 2 aii'l ;{. Fulton & Eastman's Penmanship, Fulton & E.istman's Rook-keei>ing gle and Double Entry) Rrooks’ First L.itin Lessons, lirooks' Ovid s Metamorphoses, r.rookrt’ Collectanea Evangelica, ' linioks' First (ireek Lessf ns, j P.irker's First .School Rea ler, j I’arker's Second School Reader, i Parker's Third School Realer, 1 P.iiker's Fourth School Reader, Parker s Rhetorical Reader, Martin 8 Othoepiiit, words of pronunciation. Northend's Little Speaker, Northend s .\merican Sjieakcr, Niirtliend's School Dialogties, Willanl's History of the United States, Willard's I’niversal History, 1 « '/.acho's New .\iuerican Speaker, 1 ~o Vnv d’ the above Rooks can be found at the hionable Dre^ss Rookitore of E. J, Ilale & Son, Fayettevnie. Jan’y 1. I8.'>2. Ntoaiii Boat CoN SOri'llKKNKR, nT ILL lie in ordi-r to take her p'.-ice in the line in a few d.-i_\s. .'she is ( lie hundred and twelve feet long, seventeen feet beam, and four feet hold: and draws not exceeding twelve inches water. The Company confidently expect that with tha in addition to their other .''te.'imers and tow bouts, they will be in a con dition to transport :iH freight sent by their line with as much ceriainty and despatch as iiny line ujion the river. The Southerner being of Siich light draft of water, she will be enabled to run at all times. Cl. DEMINt;. Ires’t. R. .M. ORUELL. Agent. Jan'y 2H, 18.">2. HO-tf Mvrici:. : f ■'^11 E partnershij) heretofore existing under j JL the name of J, H, R. F. Murphy is this i day dis'ol\el by mutvtnl consent. ! -\ll those indelited to the firm, by note or i account, are reipiested to call at R. F. .\lur- ^ phv's. and .-iettle before the l-'ith of February ; next, and thereby s.-ive cost. .\nd those having cl.tinis ag.'iinst the firm are requested to present i tiiem immediately. j J. W. MCRPIIV. R. F. ML'HP MY. I ,Iau'y 20>, 18.’)‘2. GOtf I DAILY i:\PiA~t TON.S of II(.)OP IRoN. suitable for Spirit ' barrcis. by E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18. Uv-1. RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. g 1(.>.ME in to the Cheap Store. North side of ® Hay street, one door above the corner, and buv new Dry Goods. .Mso. Ready-made Clothing, Hats and Caps—great variety. ISAAC DODD. Nov. 4. I80I. ;i7-tf North CarolinaKerseys. A REV, SllEMWELl, '». have just re- ceived a large lot of “Salem Kerseys," known to :ill of our Planter-^ as the best giKxls for negroes that are oftcred in this market.— Those »iio h.ave been w.-iiting. had belter come , and get supplied, as they are going off rapidly, rav etteville. Dec. 15, 1851. 4H-tf w •» \\ . Jtiul f [.Iirclia- *)>(! 9 llil otllfl’ J> Mils, , iV'"., | i-icc» for , noti >i. .Mci ch:int.s examine their Slock. I say to the Ijiiiiifs place and surrounding '*1 1 00 each 10 50 00 50 50 15 25 SiS oa *oiillierii TIaIIIIfactIIre. E have formed a company styled the ■ .‘'now ('amp Manufacturing Comjinny, of Alamance County, North Carolina, two miles , West of the Cane Creek Cotton Factory, on Cane •'reek, at the Foumlry ownel by Davifl Dixon & Rrothers, and wot Id respectfully announce to * the citizens of .Alamance and the adjoining ■ Counties, that we are now prepared to .Manu facture ill the neateiit anil best style—he:it Thrashing Macliines. from two to six Imrsc power: {,'*sMiug Macliines it ditTert‘nt sizes: Wool C;irfliiig Macliines; double ami single Mill and F.ictory Gear: Saw and (irist .Mill Irons: edge Tools: Cotton Yiirn and Wool Lolls. \c. 1 Persons wishing to purchase would do well to give us a call liefore purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to sell cheap for cash, or on time to punctual dealers, t'urlong experience in the .Mnnufacturing Rusiness enaMcs us to feel no hesitation in S'lving that our work shall not be siirp.issed by any shop in the South. All letters addressed to the Agent of the Company at the Snow Camp P. (.)., .Alamance County, N. C., will rueeive i>romj>t attention. D.WID iflXoN, Agent of tlw; S. C. Manufacturing Company. Snow Camp, Dec. !•, 1851. 47-Ora livsson's l\ mtsic. 1H. WHITAKER wonbl respectfully in- form the citizens of Fayetteville and vi cinity. that he has again commenced giving Les- sons’on the Piano Forte. He returns his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and humbly solicits a continuanee of the same. All pains shall be taken for the advancement of his pupils. Instruction also given on the Guitar. Pianos tuned and re])aire«l in tbe best ,n;u,„er. L. H. WHPl’AKER. 84 tf s roKAiii:. E bare commodious brick AVarehnuses in the rear of our Store, in which wc store cotton and other produce. D. &. W. McLAl RlN. Nov. 1, 1851. :^7-tf I'AVKTTKVll.I.i: liUANCll C I, O 1' II I A G J. ]\. WiHTI'l & IMIi'RlllLL. iPrtrpers^ Tailors^ A N n W H O L E S A L E .\ N D R E TAIL no Wl/Uam stmt, X >r Yorh, \E\T DIUIR TO T111^ Bl.VK ilF (AI'L FKAR, JFayetfcrille^ €\ Thk Su}i.sTibor.s would leave to in form the ii.hal)itan(s of Fayetteville and vicini ty. that they have opened the above Esta>>lish- mcnt. and intend carrving on the business in all its branches. They have just received a large stock of n m:a i>V- »i 4 i> I: i.otii i .■%« From New York, all of their own manufacture, ('oi NTRY Mkkcu.vnts and others in want of t’lothing to sell again, will do well to call and examine our .''tock. Orders tilled at . fe^rNEW YORK PRICES.-idsia Me asures .and orders will be taken for fine Clothing, and executed in the most fashionable j stvle and >sitb de.-spatch. ; ■ J. .M. WHITE CNDERHILL. j A. C'. AIvT, ! Nov. 17. 1851. 40tf :>i,AN'TA'noN I'ou sAi.i;. U.WiM* dctcnnined to abandon entirely ,dl attempts at farming. I offer for sale the tract of land on which I lately resided, three : miles al»ove Lumlierton. It contains MM) acres. ttVjont 2«'*> of which are «leared. This ofter pre sents tbe following indvicements to persons wishing to buy land: 1. A healthy locality and excellent water. 2. (iood 8'iil. H. (Sreat facilities for making Timber and Turpentine, (lO.IMH) boxes already cut.) 4. Comfortable dwelling and out-houses. 5. Y'oung vV thrifty ttrchards & Grape Vines, b. Rea.'-onable pricc and easv terms. ■r. E. TROY'. Luniberton, Robeson Co.. N. C.. ) ... i Jan. 24. 18.-)2. I ALL. 1851 TaNII-S KYI,!'. IS now receiving a very large and general as sortment of DRV 04M)I>S, Purchased by the Package for C.\SH. wishing to purchase Goods at reduced jirices, wiU please call and examine, as Bargains may be expected. ISOT/riNG CliOTHS, Anker IJraiid, from No. 1 to 10, uncomnioiilv cheap. ;t.T Paclcifrts IJOOTS AND SHOKS, cheaper than ever were for sale in this market. Oct. 4, 1851. -Xtf [J E are now receiving a large and well se lected Stock of HARMAN’S HOTKL, FA Y K rXEVII.I. K, €. rH*HE Subscriber, having t.-iken the large Hotel, formerly known as the Planter's Hotel, situated at the foot of Hay Mount. Hay .'ftree^. Fayetteville. N. C., respectfully informs llis friends and the public that he is now en gaged in refitting the building, which is sup plied with entire new Furniture, and is pre- jiared to accommodate the travelling public.— Having had some experience in the busitiess in the town of Pittsborcjugh, N. C., he flatters hiiii.self he will he able to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their compa ny. His riKtms .are large and airy. He has large and convenient Stable.^, and a good and fuitUful Ostler. JOHN HARMAN. Feb’y 17, 1852. «Otf II1TU'1PS;bI)0TS4SII0I!S. -1- F'ali an ft ll'itttcr Stock, 1 H o 1 . ^MIHE Subscriber oft'ers for sale one of the JL largest and assortments of GOOD.*' in his line ever offered in this place. He is very thankful for the very liberal patronage that he has had, and s«licits a continuance of the same. His stock li.-is been selected with care, and consists of ne.arly every variety and style, from the best mamit.-icturers. He has oil hand and offers low for Cush, at retail or by the case, late.«t styles (rentlemen’s Reaver, Nutria. Moleskin, Silk, Brush and .An gola II.\T.''. Also, Jenny Liml, Kossuth, .Ar tist, Rough and Re.ady, and stiffened Fur and Wool Hats, .Men, Youth and Roys—in abun- j dance by the dozen or case. | —.ALSO— A very large supply of Cloth. Plush. Velvet j and Fur C.U’S, of all qualities, styles and pri- | ces,—bv the single Cap or by the dor.en. ! —.VLSO— I Hoots and Shoes, j of the following varieties, viz: : Fine Water-proof, fine Calf. [ fine Kip and heavy Winter | ROOTS. Also. Rovs’ and X. li. STAKIUTCK, Tro#/, .llptr IKON FOUNDEli AXD MACHINIST, Manuf'artun'r of' iStrnm M!//» anri Jini/pfs, MiH (irarhuj of a/l hiiu/t^, P/oui/lts, »(t. rj^HE undersigned, as the .Agent of the above M. F>tablishmeut. will order any articles which may be wanted, on application to him. The .‘ste.'ini .Mills manufacture l )>y .Mr. Star- buck h.ave been tested, and are l:iglily ajiproved mi the Plank Roads about Favetteville. EDW'D LEE \MNSL0W. Fayetteville, Sept. 4, 1851. 20if I D -\LL & ROLIN'GER offer for cash the fol- B jl. lowing Castings: 1 set :>5 inch Hotchkiss Wlu-els, -S^iO. 1 Saw Mill J'rank anl, -iiUO. 1 best cast steel Saws. >**5 50. Rag Irons, 4, 4J, 5, 5J feet, at 5c. per lb. The above Castings are warranted to perform well, and are made of the best iroB. Also, Racks and Rollers for Saw Mills, Self- Setters for ditto. Cast i«-on Rag Whe»’Is for do, Rolt.s of every description. Grates for burning saw dust in Steam .Mills, Mill .Spindle.s, Mill (bearing, Torn Shellers. Fire Racks. Iron orna mental Fences of different patterns. Pulleys. Hangers, and .Shafting Castings for Cotton Fac tories. March «, 1852. 71*tf KXlMX riNG TuiTv, TONS of extrji size IRON, from J incb to ii inch diameter, and []. Extra si/e Steel, from i inch [] to 2i, and 2 X H inch and A x 1 {. We are prejiared to build irnanieiital fire proof Doors .and Shutters for .'Stores, Also, Door and Window Sills, ('ast iron Pipes for sewers and water works. HALL & ROLINGER. March rt, 1852. 71*tf IT. WHITFIELD, Youths’ Calf and Kip Roots | and IJjifht (’amaffe Mamifacturer, (lentlemi'H s Uress Shoes, of' ^ , , ,• various qualities. Together with an assortment ' respectfully inform the public of’ an.i ('hildren's ROOTS and ' ▼ * “'-'‘t continues to carry on the SHOES viz- Jennv Liml. Excelsiors, Gaiters, i busines.s in all its branches. He returns ditto H:ilf. Ruskins! Slippers and .Morocco Roots, i Also. Gentlemen s anu Ladies’ Rubbers. With : hopes by a .strict attentimi to business, a good supply of Youths', Hovs', Chiblrens' and 1 ♦> pive general sat- Stnvants’ bVrwv Shoes. ' to merit a continuance of the same He warrants all his work to i>e made of the b«‘st material and by experienced workmen: and .Ml of which he offera biw for or on time to punctual customers. Please call and satisfy yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN C. THOM.SON, Market S|uare. i^ept. 2*'v. 18.51 ■*’- »'c: « Livery Stable Bus'ness. ^■^HE subscriber intends carrying on the M. above fiusines as usual. Having added considerable Stock, he will be able to accom modate the )>uMic. Thankful for p-ast favors, he solicits a contintiance. J, W. POWERS. Jnn'v 20. ^8.^2. '*8tf Oiilv Itiii’iit out ill Part. S' difficult of all kui(U, 'The Steamer Chatlmni will resume her semi-weekly trips »)ctween this place and Wilmington, on .Monday the Dith inst.. leaving Fayetteville every MON DAY and TIICRSDAY thereafter, at 7 o’clock .V. .M.. itnd running through the same Iay.— Leaving Wilmington every TUESDAY and FKI- D.VY. after the arrival of the I'ars Ironi the North. The Steamer Gov. Graham, with as many Tow I’.oats as may be necessary, will n\n in connexion with the ('hftthain, as often as may be necessary to carry all Freights that inay - ter. The addition •> another large Flat ^tlic Gill 1 McRae,) to thii Line, affuixls incre.'ised tacilitic.s for the shipping public. Goods shall certainly have as naick traii.«it by this Line as aiiv oilier. JNO. D. WILLIAMS, Ag’t Cape Fear S. R. Co. Feb y Oatf .\ugust 24, 1850. Ni:vv CAurKriNG. ROLLS Bru.ssels, Ingrain and Stair Carpeting, new and Pat terns, just received. — ALSO— 15 kejjs Spikes and large Nails, 25 boxes liaisins, SO bags Shot, Indigo, Chocolate, Salad and Castor Oil, with an nddition to our Stock of Hardware. S. W. TILLINGHAST & CO. Nov. 2!, 1851. DRY Comprising every article usually kept in that line, together with 150 Cfisos Boots nnd Shoes. Ilat!« aiifl i'apM. —ALSO— A well selected Stock of W\1RE. To all of which we invite the attention of Mer chants of the interior, who will find it to their interest to examine onr Stock before making their purchases. We will not be undersold by any one doing bu.siness in this place. HALL .S: S.VCKETT. .August 25, 1851. M()LASSI:S AND FISH. HHDS. new crop MOLASfiKSi, a su perior article. *10 25 V(bls. Fish. Jan’y 12, 1852. M a r h I ’ Just received. P. P. Jt)HNSON. 55 tf UFK INSUKAxNCE. ri'^HR rmlersigned has been appointed Agent of the North Carolina Mutttal Life Insu rance Company. Every member for life partic ipates in the profits of the Compnnj'; and the annual jvremium for life membership, where it amounts to $.‘{0 or more, may be paid one-half in cash. aii'I the other half in a note at 12 nionth.s. Debtors’ lives may be insured by creditors. .A man may insure his. own life for the exclusive benefit of lli^ family. The lives of slaves may V)f insnreti. Tliis sv?ften\ is rupiiUj’ growing into fuvor, all over the'civilized world. It is one by which a family, for a small sum annnally, may be pro- vi«led' for. after the death of itjJ head, on whose exertioJis they may have been dependent for a I support. It is a p»od iTivestment of money, I oven if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy. Explanatory pamphlets, and the necessiiry Blanks, furnished on application. ' • I' 1 II 1 I I i'act ory. ' A. A. McKi:'l'JL\N i^TILL continues to carry on the C.ARRI.\GE RI'.''1NES.S in all its branches, at the re mains of his old staiiil. opposite Liberty Point. He returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has heretofore received, and hopes Viy strict at tention to business and a desire to give entire satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the s.ime. Having kept the greater portion of his Tim bers at a distance from the manufactory, he has on han«l a large and well .selected lot of tho roughly seasi'ned Tiinl>er, of every description used in his business, w hich enables him to retain all his principal workmen. He is therefore now- prepared to do any work in his line in the very best style, and on the most favorable terms—as low as any work of the .same qu ility in N. C. He on hand, completely finished, 8 Barouches, for 1 or 2 horses; G Rockaways. and lo Buggies. Also, nearly finished, 10 Carriages for 2 horses; 20 Barouches for 1 and 2 horses; 12 Rockaway.s, and ;?0 Buggies; .All of which are of the most approved plan and finish, and will compare with any work in the U. States for neatness and durability. Having been engaged in the abive business ' for the pa,st 20 years, his work is well known, and lie refers to old customers for proof of its durability. i All work vr:inaiitcd for 12 months, and repaired free of charge should it fail by bad workmanship or material, within that time. Rv.rAiRiNt; executed at short notice, and on reasonable terms. Jan’y 20, 1852. 59 j ^NOl'ICEr LL persons indebted to the snhscriber, either by note or account, are requested I to call .and settle the same as early .as possible, i He may be found one door West of I..ibcrty ! Print, witb the most of his ready-made work saved from the late fire. Per.sons in want of ! anv articles in my line of business, would do well to call, as I will sell cheap for cash, or on time for apiiroved note. JAMES SUNDY. Jan'y 10, 1852. 55tf FURTHER NOTICE. I take this method of reUirning my sincere thanks to those gentlemen who sared the goods from ray Shop on the morning of the 3d inst. But for their kindness and exertion, I would have lost all. JAMES SUNDY’. should any of it fail in twelve months (with fair j usage) either in workmanship or material, he ' will repair it without charge. I Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine his work before purchasing, .as it cani’.'it be surpassed for style, elegance, and liirability. He is deterniined to sell low for cash or on short time. Orders thankfully received and promptly at- teniled to. REP.AIRING neatly exectited at short notice and lowest possible prices. Fayetteville, Fell. 2, 1852. tiltf RINGWORM AND TETTER OINT.MENT, For the cure of Ringworms, Tetter, Scaldhead, Ulcerous Diseases, and for :ill rough and i scurfy .Vffections upon the Skin, j Thi.s is a Chemical Ointment, prepared only I hv W. 1. l.ittle, that, lieyond question, I cured more old and inveterate cases than any- i thing of the sort ever before offered. Many ha\e been cured by it who believed their c.ase was incur.ible. from the fact that everv" other remedy had totally l.xiled. This the cas‘ with the very respectable farmer who gives the following statement; 'I’wiggs Co., Geo., May 1840. Dr. Little—Sir: For the last five or six years I have been trying to cure an obstinate Tetter, situated ujion the leg anl instep, with all the remedies I could get. At your solicitation, I began using vour Ringworm and Tetter (Mn;- ment, and 1 am happy to say. it has entirely cured me, which has now been well for several months. Respectfully, kc. (Signed) THO.'^. S. CII.VPPELL. The following i,« from Col. Hammond of Cul- lolen WHOI.ESALK Watcli and Jewelry Store# L. H. MILIJ:U A: CO., Impnrfr-ra, Maniit'art>irrrs nal Jo/iltfrs of ,fi}rr/ri/, ant! Faty^y Gx^ds, Hi. e leased the Old Starl formerly oernpied by Messrs. Canfiel.i. l.'rotiier .V Co.. i^onih Kaxt eoritnr of Chtir^t-f inri tiiefU, (No. 227,) ’which the^ are putting in complete order for the W1I0LF..'^ALE VNA'I' 11 AND JEWELRY’ Bl'SINES-S, to be opened about the 20th of July. In culling the atieiifion of the trade to the new Concern, we mention the fact that we are associated witli one of the most exteiipive Jew elry Mnnufactitinng EstRbli“hment8 in the coun- tiy, which m»»f-‘t give a decided adv.antage over at'l others in this market for 3up{ilying dealers with Jewelry at manufacturers' prices, a f»^tnro in this branch of trade long since needed -be tween Rahimorc and the Sout'uern and Western Merchants. We ilesire to call particular attention to the Watch department, which will at all times b« stipplied with .a grt'Rt assortment from the mof-t celebrated ni.anufactnrers. and kept in perfect running order, so that purchasers may at once take them, with a written guarantee that they will ]>erfonn correctly. This branch of the busiuoFfl will receive the especial attention of one of the firm, whose ex tensive .and practical knowlefige of the bnsine«s will, we hojte, give us a place in the confilenw« of buyers. We respectfully invite vou to call upon ’is when you next visit our city, confidently be lieving that an exainination of onr Goods wlil prove to you that they are better styles fcnd cheaper than you have ever .ieen in this mnrbet, and as.sure you that no effort sh.nll be wat.tirg on our part to make the acquaiiilaiicti i>uc I'o mutual benefit. L. H. MILLER & CO. (>ld stand, formerly occupied by Canfield. l?ro. tc Co., S. E. cor ner of ( harles & Baltimore sts. Baltimore, June 1851. 14-Yo llEFFRENC Messr.i. Wyeth. Bli'cklock «.v Co. Gwyn. Rei l k 'I'ayl'^r. I .lames Hodges & IJroiher. [ Hurst iS: Berry. I Murdoch, Duer Evans- \ Stellmann &. Hinrichs. j Sangbton A: Co. 1 Rarthlow. Gwj-n Co. Riely & I’endleton. Cushings X Builey. John Murphy Ac Co- Moore & Griffin. ST.\.ND.\KD AND MiSI'ElLANEOl'S B OOKS, 'MB’.IC.M'L.AY'S, Hume's and Robinv.n’s His- ^TJL tories of England in various edition.s; Alison’s History of Europe, 4 vols: H.allam’e Middle Ages: 'riiiers’s History of the French Revolntion, 2 vols, illustrated; Tytler’s L'mver- sal History, large and abridged eds; Prescott’s Ferdinand nnd I.sabella. Mexico and Peru; L«- baiime'x 'anipalgn in Rtissia; Cooper’s N»th1 History: MaustieM’s Mexican War; Trumbull i* Indian W.ars: C.ampbeH's Lives of the Lords (^hancellors of England, 7 vols; Campbell’* Lives of the Chief Justices of England, 2 vols; Lives of eminent English Judges; Lives of the Queens of Scotland, 2 vols: Ladies’ Historical Library. vols; Memoirs nnd Works of der Hamilton, f> vols; Marshall's AVa.shington, 2 vol.s; t'olton’s Life nnd Times of Henry (’Irt; Kennedy's Life of Wirt; Wirt's Life of Patrick Henry; Southey’s Life and Correspondence; Charles Lamb's do; Autobiography of Leigh Hunt; Life and Genius of Rums; Life of L»- faj'ette. of Paul Jone.s. of Jackson, Taylor, Scott, Marion. Franklin, &c. Sac. Shakspeare's Works, in 1, 2. and 7 toTw} Sheridan's. Ben Jonson’s. Beaumont and Fletch er's, Massinger and Ford’s, Wycherley an^l Ci'n- grere's. Dramatic Works, Eng. Hlustrat«d Ed«; Alc. Sic. Johnson's AYorks, and P.osnell ! 1-ifc of .Tohtl- son,2vols each: Rurke’.i. Addison'.s. Goldsmith’*, Stenie’s. Fielding's, and Smollett’s YVorke; Gold*’ smith’s Animated Nature, 2 vols; Burke’s, Chat ham’s, Phillips’, (.’urran’s, and other Speeches; Modern Es.sayists, 8 vols: W'averlj No vels and Poetry; Irving's Works, Patnnni's edi tion, 15 vols; 'Cof.per's Select Works, 12 Tols; Bulwer's Works; Dicker■*’ do, complet# in 4 vole; Gil Bias: Don ynixotte. xc. ic. Colman's European Life and Manncx^; Lord i Holland's Foreign Rcniiniscences; Ftephens’n j travels in Egypt, .Arabia, &c; Walter Colton's ^ works: Grace .Aguilar’s do, \ir; Home Influence, I Mother's Recompense, Y'ale of Cedars, &c: Wjvr- ren's Ten Thonsaitd a Y ear, and Now nnd Then; ^ M;>nroecounty, .Ma^ 18P.I. „ Swallow Barn, by Kennedy; Alton i Lo^^e: Lavengro; Huml.voldt's Cosmos; RcTeries and letter Ointment in two cases ol .'-cahlhead | nachelor,- Home is Home; Lady Woj-tley’» I will cheerfully state the result. In one. it _ j„ America; Arabian Nights; Georgia had extended pretty much over the scalp, leav ing but little h.iir, with other ill effects, such as inflauiniation. pain, ^tc. The other was more recent, and seemed to be progressing in the same way. To cure the first, we have tried al- , most everything, even a tar plaster, without | ('olerilge'*. V success, when we began using your preparation ; ' ' for it. Two bottles, I am glad to say, have eii- I tirely cti'ed both cases. Truly yours, itc., (Signetll A.MOS W. HA.M.MOND. SHINGLES. Cr.awford county, .\pril 184’.*. Dr. Little—Sir; In niy own case cd' a severe attack of Shingles. I applied your Ringworm and Tetter (Mntment freely for a few times, and it was entirely cured. Another c.a.«»e in my neighborhood was also promptly cured by the same remedy. Respectfully, (Signed*) WILLIAM BPRGE-SS. Dr. Little—Sir; Y’our Ringworm ami Tetter Ointment cured a Tetter of five or six yeajs’ standing for me, on the hands, by a very few applications. In other cases 1 knew it used with entire success. With rcsi>cct. jscc.. (Signed) B. C. TOMLIN.SON. A’alley. Talbot co., 1848. The f:ic-simile of the signature of Dr. W. G. Little will be found upon the outside wrapper of each of his Medicines. Sold wholesale and retail, by the Proprietor, at his Manufacturing Depot, No. 2*i4 .Market street, Philadelphia, and Macon. (Jeorgi.-t. fiifiy*' To be had also of James Cain. Rockflsh; .A. Watson, Floral College; Townsend & Doug lass, Bennettsville: Dr. P. .M. C«dien, Charles ton; C. C. Rarbee, Barclaysville; P. F. Pescud, Raleigh. S. J. HINSDALE. Agent for Fayetterille. Fayetteville, Jiuic 1B5U. E. J. HALE. 72 By GEO. TiAUDER. TWO DOORS .\BOYE imOll k SON’S STORE, rayetteville, 1%. Jan y 20, 1852. a LL those indebted to the subscril>er will A SUPPLY of Fresh Ground CORN MEAL find their acconnts made out by calling at kept for sale at the Mill, late Anderson’s, j the Foumlry which will please be settled as I Grinding of Hominy and Meal done promptly. early as conveniunt. II. G H^LL. » FttjettfvUle, March Ibol. I2tf ' Mwrch 6. ‘1 Works on Free-MasoJiry. EW Masonic Trestle-Board. adapted to the Work and Lectures, as practi.«ed in the Lodges, ('hapters. Council.s, and Encampments of knight Templars in the United Sutes, by Chas. W. Moore. The Free-Mason’s Manual, a companion for the initiated through all the degrees of Masonrj by Rct. K. 1. Stewart. The True Masonic Chart or HierogIy7>luc Monitor, by J. L. Cross. The Free-Ma^on’s Monitor, containing » tie lineation of the fundamental principles of Free- Masonry, operative and .speculatire, as well in a religious as a moral view, by Z. Davis. For 5.ile bv E. J. HALE & SON. May n. 74 Scenes: &c. i^c. liritisli and Amcrir.TTi Temale Poets, illuptra- ted; Poetical Quotations: Byroti's, Scott's, Mil ton's, Moore’.s. Pojie’s, Cowper's. Dante’s, Tas- Kirke White's. Thompson's, Hemans’s, oung'a. Butler’s, Mother well's. Collins (Jniy and Beattie’s, Shelley and Keats's. Chaucer and Spencer's, Cunipbell’s, Tom Hood's, Tnpper's, Pollok's, llalleck'h, anJ Bryant’s Poetical Works; v^c, &c. ilibles. Prayer Books and Testnments, of t» rious styles and prices; Melville’s, Manning’s, anl Chapman s Sermons; Sketches and Skele tons of Sermons; English Pulpit; Pulpit Cyclo pedia: Leigliton'g Works; llofTman’s Canon Law; Dick's Theology; Life of Dr Chalmers, and Chal mers’s Institutes of Theology. St-mmns, ai.d Lectures ami .Addresses; Horne on the Psalms; Patrick, Lowth and Whitby’s Commentary ou the Scriptures, 4 vols; Comprehensive do, t) vols; McCosh on Divine Govei-nment; Chnmock on Divine Attributes; Neander's Life of Christ; Butler’s Analogy; Wilson’s Manual of Church Principles; Hopkins on the Gonfessionnl; Pu^ey- ism, its Causes and Cure; Butler’s Old Truths and New Errors; Readings for Lent; Sacra Pri- vata; Clark on (he; ITannllh More’s Life'and Private Devotions; Doddrid?c*« P.ise i and Progress; Pilgrim’s Progress, t>e«-utjful!y illustrateii: Baxter's Call, and Saint's Real; I Trench s Notes on the Parables; B«ck*tJ Theo logical, and Union Bible Dictionarj-; Gilfjllan’s Bards of the Bible; Peep of I'ay, Line upon Line, Ac; Jay’s Exercises snd Prayers; Thorn ton’s, F.errian’s, and Harnes s Family Trayers; Deems’s Home Altar; Wrought Gold; Ha».k- stone, Laneton Parsonage, The Earl's Daughter, Ciertnide, Walter Lorimer, and other religion* tales, by Sewell and other authors. &c, &c. Miss Leslie’s, Soyer’s, and ,Amerif*li Cook ery" Miss Leslie's and Mis' Beecher’s Receipt Books: Mrs. Randolph’s Virginia Housewife, &«, fcc; Downing's Ladies’ Flower Garden; d«» Fruit Trees of Ameri*-a; Flower Garden Direc tory; Rarry’tt Fruit Garden; with a variety of useful works on AprrictTlttire, FnrSiii'r, ic, &e. A large stock of School Books, Novels. C-iffc Books, Stationery, &c, &e. for sale at tie Fayetteville iJook Store, by ^ E. J. rrALB k SON. A GOOD INVESTMENT. The Subscriber wishes to sell One-half of the Fayetteville Water "Works. Neither of the present proprietors haring tiase to give I their personal attention to the property, the purchaser can have the management of it, CHECKS. king it a valuable iDvcelmrnt. ON ALL TFrE BANKS IN FAYETTEVILLE, 1 E, J. UAtt. Just Printed aud for Sale at this Office. Oct. 1, 1S51.

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