SEMI-WEBKL, Y [Vdl,. I.] FAYETTEVIl,I,Ii, N. C., MARCH 2;i, 1852. [NO. I.-).] lu rULNTKH liV J. B. NKWHY. i;i)\V Alll) J. hal¥'& sox, .vM) ruoi’iuKTor.s. , , Somi-V. ceklv OiiSKftvtR t 00 if J, - ;• a.lvRiicc: •$ * >‘>0 it' ilurint; the ... - a^*' rii'tlun: or J^.') ul'tor t!io year has , • Wi'i’klv :>it'Kitvt:u 00 per nnntiin, if ;ii ;i oO if paid during the .. .f = i'>:t-riptii'n: or $3 00 aftor thr y*-ur ■, 'i\ '’'T 1-^ 1’^ iuset ti'd for sixty cents ;, ;. r the fu st, aiul thirty ••ents for each |in:i;..-at';-iii. Yearly iidverti.^ements (■i‘.i:r:u'ts. at reas 'ii.-ible rates. Ad- ' :ir - rt'’ ii'^'ed to state the niuiibi'r of ,li >ire'l. iT they will bo eoiitimied till I. 1 aeevriUii^rlv. t> tlie H'iitors must he post-piiiil. 50,000 lbs. ori(a^!« Wanted. I WILL pay 3A cts. per pound cash for all elean cotton and linen UA(i!S, deliverei to J. 1). \\ ilUanie, in Fa\etieville. 1 uni nearly ready to put in operation a I’aper Mill in this neifrhborhood, and am desirous of gettinj; niy rags in lliis market. My object if' to pay as niucii for rajjs as 1 eun afford, and hope that 1 may not be forcetl to distant markets for my supplies. 1 havv; arranjred vilh Mr. Williams to receive and pav for all rags delivered to him. I>.VV1U MLKI’HV. Fayetteville, Fcb’y ‘J}, 18612. C8-tf .irsT ^ I'.r.LS. cr.rsiii;i) .sriiAii. riU(K( Ills. Wayne rounty racon. 1-) bhis. Lard. No. I. *51 bo\» s prime ’I'obaeco. •JO bbis. .Mackerel. At Cross Creek (?o. lltNi’.OW, Pres't. ■Mar'-h 1, 18,'»2. O'.'if W.aN'TKI)—A first rate Milch cow. Apply Ht tliis Office. II. A r. i:. J. LILLY ' 1 r>''ci'iu^ a large IStock of ; : I MMKU cxA a t!i“V iiivitJ the attciuiou of (.'.'untrv . ; Mar«'h K>, IS'.-J. 7;'.■^\v \\ U.\I»P1NG VAViAi. HK.\>LS Medium si/e. 0.) •• IJIiie, for Cotton Yarns. From ^lunt..‘o I’aper Mills. I’.aleigli. For sn t low by 11. DllANSO.N .’t SON. Juiv y, iyr>i. utf E. C. IIA LI., OF ROME, tSucccssor of Ildl/, Sm Jcrtt f' Co., IS now receiving bis Fall .STOCK of GOOD.S, coii'iistiiig of a general assortnient of Drv (m)0(I., Saildlory. 1 lat.. Caps, S!iO('s, llar(l\\arc, (*roc(‘riey. \ much larger and more general stock than ever opened on the Mast side of the Cape Fear — v>hich he is pre})ari'd and detern;ined to sell ti> ]Minctual customers, either at \vholesale or retail, at greatly reduced prices. £T:>™'I!e would call particular attention to his stock of !5l()'rs ,V.NI> SliOFS. The assortment is iimisually large, ami of every |Uality and ^tyle: and having liceii bought for C.ish, he can and will sell them very low. Y«m that wish IJargriins will find it to your interest to give the .Stock an exaniiuation before buying elsewhere. Ahvavs on hand, a general stock of GIIOCE- Oct. 1^, 1861. ni!tf Dr. T. I>. IIAICiH, 1 Has t.iken an Olliee ou Hay Street, Wcb) 1 of the Hotel Buildings. July 11, 1H61. -1-tf U. M. OKKKLL, FORW'.uiui.M; ni.’inii.ssiii.v .iii:i{(iiA.\T .it Fayellfvillf, ,\. C. March 10, Ibol. C‘2-tf II. L. ii()[>Mi-:s, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. FFU K on coiner of Front and i’riiioess streets, under .Journal olliee. Dec. 12. iS-tf Si.wI.s atul Staiionery. i l'Ji \!at:a.Mne tiir March; I'xiuduul- . - .k it l>;illad.'; Lays of the .'c>t- ,. r-i; t > eriiiiok. or lU'collections of ill ; in the West, by .Mice Carey; ^ i.-’ '. by Mrs. Niclntt'sh; Tut- iv:rv. N... being The Walks and :tii .\!'.,et ic:Ui Fai iuer in Lng’.and; I'.at- . 'I-. I'V 1... Mar\ei; S. lu'oi I'.o.iks. vVc. I ,.-. "VS. a larire a^s.irtmei.t; I’ort Fo ur ■ I’luKct Inkst^Mnis; Visiting ; i. ...rd.s; Mathematical Instru-' ( . J ,i>i rcccived. L. J. HALF SON* 1m6l\ NFAV Cioons. C received, mv Fall supply of ('’L()T1I.S, I'AS.SIMKUHS AM) VK.STLNC.S. TKIM- MINGS. .te., of the best quality, from .New York. .\lso, the latest lleport of the New oi k FASHIONS. I still continue to curry on the T.MLoUlN'i r.L’SlNF.SS. at my Stand on Hay street, and th'>sc who may fa'or me with their custom may rely on having their vsork dnne in a neat and fushiou.iblc style, iiud on the most j favorable terms. AlU lIlBALD GUAHAM. Oct. "7, 1S51. CUf T. C. WORTH, rOMllISSUIN AM) FiK\VAl!!)lMi MKUfHANT. WILMLNG rON, N. C. Feb. 1, 1861. 67tf \Vn.KINSON \^KSLLU^ DF,ALi:ns IN CoDj'trtioiutn/, l'()))!yn J'niif.t, \nts, To- ait(f Snuff, AND LMI’OKTFllS OI >ii’5*s:snim iiAV.\.\ \ igakn, .\T W IIOLl::.Al.K AM> I.KTAIL. Market St., Wilmingcoa, W. C. .\ug. 7, IH-jl. IIARALVN’S llOl’EI., r A Y BO r T K V 11, ij K, C'. ^H”HK Suhscriber, li.-iving taken the l.irge JB. Hotel, formerly known iis the I’laiiter's Hi)tel, situated at the foot of Hay .Mount, liay Street, Fa_\ vttevilie, N. C., respectfully infurms his friends iiiid the public that he is now eu- I gageil in refitting the building, which is sup- j |>iieil with entire new Furniture, ami is jire- I p.-ired to .Mccommodate the tr.ivclling pr.blic.— ' Having had some experience in the business in ! the town of I’ittsborough, N. C., he tlatters , hini.ielf that he will be able to ^ive satisfaction j lo who iii.ay favor him with their compa- ' ny. His rooms are large Jiii.l airy, j He has large and convenient St.ibles, .md .a ' good and faithful Ostler, i JOHN HAH MAN. Fcb'y 17. lS6i!. GGtf lll'l'u U'!i. COOTS M'atl ft ml II •#«/(’/• Stock. 18 5 1. N. 1?. STAKIil CK, IRON FOrXDKli AX1> MACHINIr^T, JIauiiJiirturtr >J »SV {»fi( MiUa muf Jioth Mill (irnriiu/ t‘J all l>inl>, J'luiijh., i(t. ^H'^HK unde?-signeil. as the .\gent of the .Tbove -U- Fstabli.'^hmeiit, will order any ariicies which may be wanted, on ap)>lieation to him. The .'^team .Mills mauui'actured by .Mr. Star- buck have been tested, and are highly ai>pro\ed on the I’lai-ilc Hoads abrnit Fi'vetlevillc. FDV.D li:e wins low. Fayetteville. Sept. 4. liOtf g a ALL .V I’.OLlNliFU oHcr i' r cash the fol- 3 lowing ('.-istiiigs; 1 set ) inch Hotchkiss’..®, JiluO. 1 Saw .Mill ('r.-iiik aiul (Jiidgei n, 1 best cast steel Saws. Si6 ,00. Hag Irons, 4, 4^, 6. fc‘ t, at .')c. per lb. The above Castings are warranted to perform well, and are m:;de f the best iron. ^Vlso, Hacks and Hollers for .■'.iw .Mills, Self- ."'etttis for ditti), C:ist i>'on ll.ig Wheels for do. Holts Ilf e^ery rlrscription, (iiatcs for buniitig s:iw ihist in Steam .Mills, .Mill .'Njiindles, Mill (ieariiig. Corn Shel'ers. Fire liacks. Irmi orna ment.d Fences of ditfereiit jiatterns, 1‘ulKys, Hangers, iiiid .''hafting ('.istings for Cotton Fac tories. March r,. 18.'.2. 71*tf lltf 'rOHACC’O. A good stock on hand; and I shall re- ceive regul.nrly. from .Messrs. J. .lones >V Co’s Factory, tjualities assorted tVom common to very line, whicli 1 will sell at lowest maiiut.-ic- J. Fayetteville. April 3, 18.51. ITLF.Y. ♦lOtf loo 11. I)hls. Prinu* \ eliow Plant- L \TOK.'', iii'W landinir nnd for ««le by 11. CHANSON S»N. ;ii6.1'-^. = i '•> «»t suiuTior ijuaiity, in just rtciivcd and for s^ile by li. H .J." E vV SON. ;i. I''"/-’. 7:;-;it ))! 1 1. > \Li:. \ ry siipi'iii'r f>r phmt- | 15. hosl; ,v smn. 7''. -t S\LK. \ IM'ti.VH. in bari> -s. or ia ' i.t. to ; u. itu>i: \ SON. 7i-St 1 s' .NO ru I. 1 : dec! infi at tei . ar-iiii- l'U>iiiess. J \ T. t-M tiie f'T- WAl'lill.L. 7..ti Ol' . \ S £ ' • ii'-- ,r:i • I ,ire n.>>v receiving their '..;iN:i .'l'( U ■ K. consisting of II \ llilW Al!l'.. ('ftps,, it nil U . ;h will lie S'lld 1"W to piuictual cus- > ;i> lieretol'Te. L. h.lilts and oihers will do vvll to .1-.''t'-ck b'-‘"rc nirthing piircha.M"e b uuilei.-old. 1I.\LL S.VCKLTT. ' li 11. 1^'L’. l^v'ivv ol' aJ ^ iNS \iii i li.ive iil.i ie ciintr-iets >vith J. i .l- r l.;n V Co. for i rnisliing H AG."'. ;rini-d, we «i.i p i> •’■i cents ; 'T in H;'.V'‘. Hope aud i .r.^iUg, : u at;i.T ti.i.' date. 11. HH.XNSON iv S(»N. W IN'rKR SI PPLY. K .ire now receiving our winter supply of Goods. d lors btlow the Market House, south side I’erson street, where may be found the following articles; .''Ugar of all grades, Cotl'ee, 6 Hhds. Cuba Mol.isses—sweet, o llbls. Syrup—a superior article. Green and Hlack 'i’eas, t'hcese of three diti'ereut qualities, Hice, I’epper and Spice, H ipe and Lagging. (M HMs. .Mackerel, SI;,ICS .uid Hoots of e.'ilr.'i l.irge size, Shiive'.s, Spades and Forks, t'.iru I’ioughs nn I I’oints. .Vxes of the bc^t brands. Kni 1 es au i F ;rks, Nai’s an J Iron. .'‘>.1"“' lbs. Cotton Y’arn. V\ it!i a great juui>y other articles cheap f>>r Cash or e.'icUatiged for Produce, ('all and sec. CROSS »'KFKK CO.. C. Heubow, 1’res‘t. Doc. 20. 1861. 50-tf €J Ai:i« or Celtic 8 Mnnuers. as preserved among the High- lamlers, being an historical nnd descriptive ac count ot' the iidi.-ibitants. antiquities, and na- tion.ll peculiarities of Scotland, by Jame«> Lo- g:ru. Just received and for stile by K. .1. H.vLF k SON. lSe:ai'it‘lt;i ltu:it Co’>* .\eu' sor riiKKXi'.u, Q M7 ILL be in order to take her place in the ▼ * line in a few days. She is one hnndied and twelve t'eet long, seventeen feet beam, and four feet hold; and draws not exceeiling twelve I inches water. TheComp.-iny confidently expect | that with tftm in addition to their other i Steamers :ind tow lioats. they will be in a con dition to traivr-purt all I'reigl.t seM by thi-ir line with as much ccriainty and lle^^tatch as an\ line upon the ri\er. 'I'he .Si.utherp.rr being of such light liratt of water, she will be enabled to run at all tiuu s. G. DKMIN*.. Trest. U. .M. OHKKLL. Ajtent. J«n'y 28, 1862. tjO-tf .NorK'i:. ^■IHF. partnership heretotbre eni.>ting under M. the mime of .1. li. \ li. F. Murphy is this day ditsuUed by mntual consent -\11 those iiidcbte-1 to the tinn. by note or acciunt. are re piested to c.ill at K. F. Mur- jihy's, and settle before the l.'ith of February next, and tliereliy ..4.1 ve cost. ,\nd those having cl.iim> ag.uii.''t the iirm are rci[ue.stcd to present them iniuiediatelv. .1. W. MlTwIMIV. H. F. .MfHlMiV. Jiiu'v 20, 1862. *i"tf NATIO.NAL SKIULS UK !«»taiilai*tl H»ok»*, Hl'HLiSHFD HY .\. S. H.\HNKS al CO,, 61 John street. New Y'i>rk. attention of School le.achers. School 8 Coium.lteea. and tlie friends of Kducation gencraliv, are invited to the lollowinp valuable 1 cjlI Hooks for Schools, Academies and Colleges: D.VVIKS’ -M -VTi11:.M .VTICS. Retail prices. 18 ib'i. Ua;;:^. d'l., H.\ii(.il.NG. .VC. wanted, at :ii - ^ i-r l ash. delivered to us. 11. HuV.NSi)N vV SON. .. . M.irch II. 1^02. 72tf \K\V (j;t>0!)S. .I tllNSUN are now receiving their ■N'l S 1 U'K. emliiM'.-iiig a large as- ii’i'. !lo!l »\v-W arc, C'titlo- . -')»chcr\. (iiMSSwans and :;.;te th- attention of purcha- i.e. ir rct.-iil. ti;{ ;58 1 00 >r N 1 'U. A ii AND Sl MMliU '-d W ll.LL'iMS '.iiig .1 l;ir-e an 1 wll selected :-l’lU;\G II _h i n, l'.i!iii-l> .if, anl other i iiun'-r ii.its; Sln»es, 15'xits, I'ai’iisois, t-'icc., at the lowest pri !’.1 oproved notes. .M 1 inliiflli for rclialltS ;iiid e.\.inline their ;.'tock. d Um say to tlu- h.iiiits th. , p.ace anil .•.urrounding I, ivc op.-ii in ii tew da,\ s ...,11 ot'tashioiiab.c l)ress .11- . r.uited to tiie season, to vii.v invite their attention. SI AHU vV, UlLLl.vMS. 72tf Davies' First Lessons in .\rithmetic, Davies' .>chool .\rithmetic, Davie.s' Grammar of Arithmetic, J51 Davies' I'liiversity .Vrithmetic, 76 Davtcs’ Flement.nry .Mgebra. "6 Davies' Flenicnrary Geometry and Trig onometry, Da\ies I’r.iciical Geometry and Mensu ration, ' Davies’ Hourdon's .\lgebra, 1 2.j Davies Legendre s (ieometry, new edit;on 1 •'57 Da\ics' H.cnients of Surveying, 1 60 Davie.s‘ Lo;ric of .Mathvinatics, 1 2 > Chambeis freasury of Knowleilge, 7o , Clark s Hlenicnts of l>rawing. . Chamb«?r8’ Natural IMiilosophy, Heid and Hain s Chemistry and Fleetricity : Hamilton's Vegetable and Animal I’hys- I iolopy. Chambers’ Klements of Zoology, , I’age's Hlenients of Geology, I I’arker's First Lessons in Natural I’hilo- ' sophy. I'arker s Cotupcndium of School I’hilo- Si'phy, Mclntire’on the Tse of the Globes, •> Fulton A: F.astman's Cony Hooks (Nos. 1. 2 and ‘ . Fulton I’t Kastman's rennianship. 22 Fulton & Kastiniin s Hook-keeping (Sin gle and Double Fntry) r>rooks’ First Latin Lessons, Hrooks’ Ovid's .Metamorphoses, 2 00 Hruoks’ Collectanea Kvangelica, Hrooks’ First Greek Lessons, •''0 I'arker’s First Schod Render, I’arker's Second School Keixler, 25 I’arker’H Thini School Reader, 38 Parker’s Fourth School Reader, I’arker's Rhetorical Reader, Martin’s (Hhoepiiit, words of difficult pronunciation, Northend’s Little Speaker, Northend's .\nierican Speaker, o-i Northend's School Dialogues. 6.^ Willard's History of the I'nited St.ates, Ca Will.ird's Universal History, 1 '‘j' Zacho's New .Vmericaii Speaker, 1 2o ,\ny of the above Books can Ue found nt the Bookstore d' K. J. Hale & Son, Fayetteville. Jan’y 1, 1K62. i)UL\ i:xiMX'n:i). TCtNS of IK.Kii’ IKON, suitable for Spirit 40^ baricis. bv E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. I*'. 1S61. ,l2tf RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. " M 10.MF in to the Cheap .''tore. North side of H ll«v '■Trcet. one door above the corner, ami buv new Drv (ioods. .\1''0. Ready-made Clothintr, Hats and Caps—gre it variety. ISAAC DODD. Nov. 4. 1861. 37-tf North CaroIinaKerseys. A RHY. SHKMWKLL k Co. have just re- i w ceived a large lot d' "Salem Kerseys, known to all of our I’lantevs as the best goods for negroes that areolfned in thi- market.— Those who have lieen waiting, had hotter come and get supplied, as they are going otf ra]>idly. Fay ett'-viile. Dec. 15. 18-31. 48-tt ^onlJierii TIaiiiiracliirt'. 1' have formed a C(Uiipany styled the VT Snow Camp Manufacturing Cdiapany, of .Main.ince County, North C arolina, two miles West if the Cane Creek 'otton Factory, on Ciiiie Creek, at the F'oundry owned by D.-ivid Di.von Hrothcrs. and w01 Id respectfully .-innounce to the citizens of Alimance and the adjoining ('ounties. that we .are now jirepared to Manu facture in the neatent and best style—Wheat Thrashing Machines, from two to sii horse power; Cutting Machines of ditfereiit sizes; Wool C.irtling .Machinrs; double and single Mill and Factory (iear: Saw and (irist .Mill Irons; edge Tik>1s; Cotton Yarn ami W ool Lolls. \c. I’ersi'ns wishing to jiurchase would do well to give us a call before purch.ising elsewiiere, as we are deter»nined to sell cheaji for cash, or on time to punctual dealers. 'ur long e.xpcricnce in the MMinfaeturing Hiisiness en.-ibles us to feel p. hesitation in saying that our work shall not bt“ surpassed by any shop in the South. \ll letters addressed to the .Agent d' the Company at t!ie Snow Canij) 1*. O., .Vhiniaiice County, N. "ill receive prompt attenti«u. DAVID i>IX(»N, .\gent of the S. C. .Manufacturing Coni)>any, Snow Camj>. Dec. 0, l7-0ui s rou K have commodious brick Warehouses in the rear of our Store, in which we store cotton and other produce. D. a: W. McLAfRlN. Nov. I, 1861. 37-tf I’AYKl'TKVII.Li; IU5A.NC II C I - ) T II I A ; E^ja’A'i^LKHlYJSWa'o J. .^1, Yiiiri'i': i I \i)i;iiiiiLL. Mfrapers^ Tttilors^ \ N 1) W II O L F. S A L E A N D U E TAIL 110 Willhmi ftrrt-t, A fir YorJc, \L.\T iMKIli T(l Till. Rl.NK OF I’AI'L FL'AR. I'^at/citeville^ •V. V. Thk Sill tscribi rs Would bcir Iciivo to in form the inh.-ibitants d' Fayetteville and vicini ty. that they have ojiein'd the ahove I'st.iblish- ment. and intend c.irryiug on the business in all its br.iiiches. They have just received a l.irge stock of ki:ai»v-tiA i>i: f I'rcm New York, all of tiieir own nianuia. ture, t‘»)t NTU V KIICIIAN 1 .'I itlld otlur.S in want tif t'lolhing to sell again, will do well to call and examine our .'^tock. Orders filled at gSirNEW YORK l’HlCi:s.“jia i Measures and orders will be taken for fine (,’lothing. and executed in the lUusi fashivuuble ttvle and with despatidi. J. .M. WHITE & I NDFRHILL. A. C. HART, Ajr.nt. Nov. 17, 1861. 40tf i'LAN'r.V'no.N FOU SALi:. H AVlNti determined to abandon entirely ull attempts at farming, I otter for sale the tract of land i>n which I lately resi led, three miles above Lumberton. It contains 8MI acn’S. about JUO of which 111 e cleareil. This otl'er pre sents the following inducements to persons wishing to \>uy land: 1. healthy loc.ility an I excellent water. 1.’. (lood soil. :S. (Jreat facilities Ibr making Timber and Turj>eiitine. 1 lo.oiiu bo-\i‘s alre;ily cut.) 4. (,'omfortuble dwelling and fiut houses. 6. Young \ thriliy t>rchards \ Grape Vines. ti. Reasonable price aud easy terms. R. E. TROY. Lumberton, R(>beson Co., N. C.. I .• Jan. 24, 1S62. i TH^HE Subscriber oti'ers fi r sale one of the A largest and best assortments of GOt>Li.'' in his line ever ofi'ereil in this place. He is very th.aiikful for the very liberal patronage that he has liad, and sulicits ;i continuance of the same. 11 is stock has been selected with care, and consists of nearly every variety aud style, from the best manufacturers. He has 011 hand and offers low for (\ifh. at retail or by the c.ise, latest styles Gentlemen's He.'iver. Nutri.a. Moleskin, .''ilk, Hruah and .\n- gola H-\TS. .Mso, Jenny Lind, Kossuth, .Vr- tist. Roujih and Heady, and stiti'ened Fur and Wool H.its. for Men, Youth and Hovs—iu abun dance by the dozen or case. —.VLSO— A very large supply of ('loth, I’lush, Velvet and Fur C.M'S. of all (lualitie.s. styles and pri-j ces,—by the s-ingle Cap or by the dozen. ' —AL.SO— I toots and Shoes, of the following varieties, viz; : Fine ater-proof. tine Calf, | fine Kip and he.avy Winter ! -^HO()T.''. .\lso. Hoys' and! Youths' C.alf and Kip Hoots, tientlemen's Dress Shoes, of various qu.alities. Tocether with an assortment of Liulifi'. .Misses’ and Children s HOOT.'' and .''HOKS. viz: .leniiy Lind. Excelsiors. Gaiters, ditto ILilf. liuskins. Sli].pei s ;ind Morocco Ibiots. ,\lso. Gentlemen's .and Ladies' Rubbers. With II good supply of Youths', I'.oys'. Childrens’ and ."'er\ants' he.avy .'^hoes. .Vll of which he otfers low for Co.rh. or (>n time to punctual customers. Please call and satisfy vourselves before j iirch.-isiiig elsewhere. JOHN C. TlDiMSON. Market S.iuare. Sept. 20. 18.')1. 2*.tt KXlM-X'l'LXG DAILY, .®jT Tons of extra si/e 1H(>N, from \ inch to 3 iiicli diameter, and []. E.xtra size .''teel, from h inch [] to 2^, and 2 .\ o iiicii and 2 X 1 ]. We are prepared to build oniarncntal fire proof Doors and Shutters f'or .'*tor«. s. .\lso, l>oor and Window Sills, a.-jt iron I’ipcs for sewers and Water works. HALL \ HOLINGFR. March 6, IS.")! ■rtf A. H. W IIITFIELI), I’oach and Light (’arrla,2;e Manufaeturor, OCLD rest)ectfuHy inform the public w Livery Stable Bus'ness. fBlHE subscril ler intends carrying on the B above busini's as usu:il. Having added ctiiisideratdc .'^tock, he will he able to accom modate the public. Thanktul for past favors, he solicits a continuance. J. W. POWERS. J any IS.VJ. 6stf he still continues to c.arry on the above business in ;ill its braiu lies. He returns thiinks for the liVieral patronage he has receiv- e»l. and hopes by a strict attention to business, and a desire to please all and give general sat isfaction, to merit a continu.-mce of the s:tmo. He warrants all his work to lie made of the best materi.-il and by experienced wor'Kiiieii; ami should any of it fail in twelve months 1 with fair usage! either in workmanship or material, he will repair it without eli:trg(-. I’ersoiis wishing to bu\'. wnuld do well to call and examine his work before imrchasing. as it cannot lie surpassed for style, eleg.ance, and durability. He is determined to tell low for cash or on short time. Orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to. REI’AIRING neatly executed at short notice and lowest possible prices. Fayetteville, Fel>. 2. 1S.’>'J. (jltf RINGWORM AND TETTER OINT.MENT. For the cure of Ringworms. Tetter, Scaldhead, Ulcerous Diseases, aud for all rough and scurt’y .Vfi'ections upon the Skin. This is a (’hemical (intment. prep.-ired only by W. (;. i>ittle, th:it, beyond iiuestion. has cured more old jind iiiveter.ite c;ise.' th.aii any thing of the Si rt ever before ottered. .Many have been cured bv it who believeil their case Li*:ss().\s L\ iMTsir. iH. WHIT.VKICR wouM respectfully in J. FAM-. 1S51. .IAMi:s WVI.F. Is now receiving a very large and general as sortment of i>«v I’urchascd by the Package tor ( .\SH. I hose wishing to purchase (ioods at reilticed prices, will jdease call and examine, as Bargains may be expected. ROLTING (M.OTH.'^, Anker Rnin.l, from No. 1 to D>. uncommonlv cheap. I’ackafTcs BOOTS AND fiHOKS, cheaper than ever were for sale in this marKet. Oct. 1, 1861. wijoi.ksaf.f: Walch aiirt .loitelrv Store. L. 11. AlILLKU CO., .][tintij'(iCtui • rs ii)d I'S \Vof‘j/uS, JiUt’lri/, U7l(l Fiiur^ Otiuds, Have Ita.-ied the Old Fluiid loriiicrly ('coupied t’y .Messrs. Canfield. ]n>ther cV Co., South h'ti.ft conifr of Churleg and BulUiuore nirretif, (No. 227,) which thev are putting in conipi-ie order for the WHOLESALE \.ATr!I AM> JEWELRY Hl'SlNE.SS, to lo coeutJ about the L'Oth of July. in c.alliiig the atfentii'n of the trnde to th« new concern, wo nienti"ii the fact that we «r® as.-ioeiated viith one of the luost exteiiMYe Jfsv- elry .Maiiufactiiriug l'stalili>hmeiits in the eouu- try, which must give a iecided tidvaiitd^*- over al'l others in this market for supplying dealers with .Jewelry at nianiifactnrers' prices, a feature in ttiis branch of trade long sincc needi;d -be tween Haltimore and the Souiiieru aui Western Merchants. Vi’e dc.^ii'c to cu’l parri> ulnr attention to th« W;it’b dejiartment, which will at all times be supplied with a gre:.t »'.'Sortineni from the most celebrated iiiaiiufaitillers, and kejil in perfect runiiiiig orler. »o that purchll^.>.rr> nuiv at otic» take them, with a writtcu gu-iruiuee that they will perfoi ni corrcctly. This branch of the bu=iiM?-( rill receive tl-e e.cpecial attention uf oi.e of the t;rni, whore ex tensive an I practical knowledge of the buf>in*--» will, we hope, givv: us a j^lacc La the coiitidiu»« of t.uyers. We respectfully in>itc yrti to cnl! upon ns when you next visit our city, conSilently 1 e- licving that an e.^.amiiiation d our'? ^lil }irove to you that they are better ‘tyles wad cheaper t'laii jou have e\ersceuin this liiartct, .md as.->ure you that 110 cU'ort ciliall be Tvai-ling on our }iari’ to make the uc'juaintanc# ono :"0 mutual benefit. L. H. MILLER A CO, Old stand, formerly occupied by Ciuificld, I’.ro. i-v: Co., S. cor ner of Ch.-irles cV Haltimore .its. Baliinicre, June lv61. 11-Y O HEFT.HENCLS: Mcs.'TS. Wyeth, Blackloek Co. Gwyn, Reid «|yi Ta^. lor. Jaiues Hodges & HrotLcr. Hurst Herr}’. Murd. ch, Duer A; Evans. StcUmann & Hiuricbs. Sangstou 6; Co. I Barthlow. (iwyn i Co. Ricly iV: I’endleton. Cushings it Dailey. John ^iurJdly li Co. Moore it tjrifiin. STANDARD AiSD MISH:LL\^ BOOKS. ^ J.Vt '.Vl L.V\ ’.S, Hume's aud Robinson's IJis- ItM. tories of England, in various editions; Alison's History of Europe. 1 voIp; Ha.Uam’9 Middle Ages; Thicr«'s Histo'-y of the FrencU Revolution, 2 vols. illu.-trated; Tytlcr's I iiiver- I s.'il History, large and abiidgetl eds; I’rescott's I Ferdinand and Isiibella. Mexico and I’eru; J.ri- I baume's ('amiiaign in Russia: Cooj>fr’s Naval ' Hist(,ry; Mansfield's Mexican War; Trumbull B Indian Wars; Campbell’s Lives of the Lords Chancellors of England. 7 vole; Canipbell’a Lives of the Chief Justices of England, 2 vols; Li\es of eminent Judges; Lives of thw •Jueens of Scotland, 2vv ls; Ladies’ Historical Library, vols; Memoirs and Works of Alexan der Hamilton, 0 vols; Marshall’s Washington, 2 vols; Colton's Life iind Times of Herj-y Clay; Kennedy's Life of W irt; W irt's Life of PRtrick Henry; Southey’s Life and; Charles Lamb's do; AutoViiografihy of Leigh Hunt; Life ani% (Jenius of Burns; Life of La fayette. of I’aul Jones, of Jackscn, Tajlor, Scott, Marion. Franklin, \c. &c. .Shakspeare's Works, in 1, 2, and 7 toIk; Sherid.-in's, Hen Joiison's, ISeaun-.ont aiid Fletch er't', Ma^^singer and Ford's, Wycherley and C"Tv- greve's. Dramatic Works. Eng. lUustrated Ldfl; was incurable, froni the fact that e\ery other ! 28tf T E are now receiving a large and well se lected Stock of T £ \ t'omjirising every article usually kept in that line, together with l.')0 Cases Boots and Shoes. llatK anil I'ap?*. —A LSt )— A well selected Stock of U,1RD To all of which we invite the attention of Mer- Pianos tuned aud renairpd in the best chants of the interior, who will find it to their aiiuer. L. II. W HlL^VKl.L. interest to examine our Stock bidore making their purchases. We will not be undersold by any one doing business iu this place. HALL S.VCKETT. August 26, 1861. form the citizens of Fayetteville and vi cinity. that he has .igaiii commenced giving Les sons on the Piano Forte. He returns iiis thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and humbly solicits a continuance of the same, .ill pains shall be taken for the advancement of his pupils. Instruction also given on the Guitar. .\uijust 2 L 18.')0. ;utf •>ot;//,//,,y.v \\ iiiiteil., ■ me ,,i the ••Cape Fear ami Deep '■ N-ivig:;iion. " lor which liberal wa- |i'iid. and the payments made on the ■"IV n. 'iith hji //. S’ai Compnny. eiii].l,i\ment will apjily to tfie ' -i ll Lock and D:im. !''.V.VC CLE»i(ji, President, i". l-'Vi. 72tlM suit \ .VlvNS tor t' toi-v prices, by .STARR a: WILJ.1.\.MS. 72tf of all kutih^ - r_ ” 'I'he Steatner Ciiatluun will resume her semi-weekly trips between this place aud W ilmington, on .Mond.-iy the I'ith inst.. leaving Fayetteville every MON DAY and THURSDAY thereafter, at 7 o’clock \. M. and running through the same day.— Leaving Wilmington every TUESDAY and FRI DAY, after the arrival of the Cars from the .North. The Steamer Gov. Graham, with as many Tow Hoats as m.ay be necessary, will run in connexion with the Chatham, a# oltPH fl* be necetisary to carry all Freights that may c fer. The addition of another large Flat ^thu !..ii l McRae.) to this Line, affords increased •je- li.r ill.' 1 1'ii‘g public. Goods shall c. ri.i nl' ; i'- ' transit by this Line as Fcb’y 9, 186 j;,0. D. WILLIAMS, Ag’t Cape Fear S. H. Co. C3U' MOW c.\Ki*i: riNG. « ROLLS Hrus.>cls, Ingrain and Stair Carpet'iug, new and fashionable Pat terns, just recei’ed. | —ALSO— 16 ke!;s Spikes and large Nails, j 26 boxes Raisins, ;!() bags Siiot, Indigo. Chwcolate, Salad and Castor Oil, with 1 an addition to our .Stock of Hardware. 1 S. W. TILLINGHAST i CO. Nov. 2*>, 18.’>1. 4d-tf \A\'E INSl KANC K. rpiIE I'mlei-sigiied has been appointed Agent of the North Car»diiia Mutual Lite Iiisu- raiice Company. Every member for life partic ipates ill the jirotits of the Company; and the annual premium for life meiiiliership, where it amounts to or more, may be paid one-half iu cash, and the other half in a note at 12 months. Debtors’ lives may be insured by creditors. .V man may insure h's own life for the exclusive benefit of his family. The lives of slaves may beinsureiL This system is rapidly growing into favor, all over the civili/.ed world. It is one by which a family, foe a small sum aunuallj', may be pro vided for, after the death of its head, on w hose exertions they may have been dependent tor a support. It is a good investment d' money, even if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy. Explanatory pamphlets, aud the iiccessary Hlanks, furnished on application. Oiliy ISiiriit out in Part. A. A. .McKirniA.X STILL continues to carry on the C.VRRl.VGE lU'SlNESS in all it. iiranches. at the re mains of his old staiul. opposite Liberty Point. He returns thaiik.' for the liberal p.itroiiage he has heretofore received, and hopes by strict at tention to business and a desire to pive entire satisfaction, to merit :i continuance of the same. Having kept the greater jiortioii of his Tim bers at a distance from the manufactory, he has on hand Ji large and well selected lot of tho roughly se.'isoned Timber, of every dc.'^eiiption used in his business, w hich en.alilcs him to ret.iin all his principal workmen. He is therefore now prepared to do any work in liis Hue iu the very best style, and on the most favoraMe terms—as low as any work of the same (Uility in N. C. He has on hand, completely tiiiishcd, 8 Harouches, for 1 or '2 horses; t) Rockaways. and IIJ Huggies. Also, nearly finished, 10 Carriages for 2 horses: 20 Harouches for 1 ami 2 horses; 12 Hockiiways, and oO Huggies; AH of which are of the most approved plan and finish, and will coni|>are with any work in the U. States for neatness and durability. Having been engaged in the above business i for the past 2lt yejirs, his work is well known, and he I’cfcrs to old customers ftu’ jiroof ot its ■ durability. BfeX" ALTi work warranted for lli inontlis, and repaired tree of charge should it fail by l>ad HHDS new crop MOLASSISS, a su- workmanship or material, within that time. 1{ki*.viI!I.s‘G executed at short notice, anil on re;ison:ible terms. Jaii'y 2b, 1862. 59 AM) risn. MOI^ASSKS perior article. 26 bbls. Fish. Just received. P. P. JOHNSON. Jan’y 12, 1862. MarM! Fitctory. ■■ Li)' '/ : .Noitfi;. indebted to the subacriber. E. J. FavcttcvUIc, Jiuic ItwO, IIA LE. 7‘^ Bv C[i:0. LAUDER TWO DOORS AI50VE llAllill & SON'S STORE, Favftte%lllc‘, IV. -• Jan’y 20, 1852*. 1 A LL persons indebted to eitlier by note or account, are requested ' to call and settle the same as early as possible. * He may be ftiund one door Wj‘st of Liberty j Point, with the most of his ready-made work i saved frotn the late fire. Persons in want of j any articles in my line of business, would do I well to call, as 1 will sell cheap for cash, or on time for approved note. JA.MES SPNDY. Jau'y 10, 1862. 56tf 1'UK'niBR xNO'I'lC 1:. Itake this method of returning my sinccre thanks to those gentlemen who sav ,*d the goola from iny Shop on the morning of ‘he 3d in^t. Hut for their kiudness and exertion, I would have lost all. JA.MES SUNDY'. remedy had totally f.iiled. This the case with tiie very resjiccttible farmer who gives the following slatemeiit; Twiggs Co.. tieo., M:iy 1S4'.*. Dr. Little—Sir: For the last five or six years I h.'iNe lieen tryinjr to cure .-111 obstin.ite 'fetter, situated upoii the leg and insteji. with all the remedies 1 could get. At your solicitation. I began using your Ringwi.rm and Tetter Oint- meut. aud 1 am hajipy to say, it has entirely cured me. which has now been well for several months. Resi'cctfully, \c. (Signed) THOS. S. CH.VPPELL. The following is from Col. Hammond of Cul- lodeii: Monroe ciuinty. May IHl'.t. Dr. Little—Sir: H.aving used your Ringworm and Tetter Ointment in two cases of Scaldhead, I will cheerfully st;ite the result. In oin‘, it h:id extended j>retty mu'jh over the sc.ilp. leav ing but little hair, with other ill fffccts, such as intl.-unmatioii. pain. \c. 'I'he other was more recent, and seemed to be progrt ssiiig in the s.'inie way. To cure the first, we h:ive tried ;il- most everything, even .1 tar jilaster. without success, when we began using your pre]i;iration for it. Two bottles. 1 am glad to s.iy. have en tirely cu-ed lioth ca.-'Os. Trii'iv \ours, \c.. '(Sk'ucd) A.MOS w! ilAM.MuND. SHINGLES. Crawford county. .Vjiril 18-10. Dr. Little—Sir; In my own case of a severe attack of SI.ingles. I a]>plied your P.ingworm and Tetter Oiutnient freely for a few times, aud it was entirely cured. Another case in my neighborhood was also promptly cured by the same remedy. Respectfullv. (Sigiieii) WILLIAM HFRGESS. Dr. Little—Sir; Your Ringworm and Titter (.)iutmeut cured a Tetter of five or six years' Standing for me. on the hands, by a \crv few applications. In other cases 1 knew it used with entire success. With rcspcet. \e.. (Signed) H. C. Tv.>.MLIN.SON. Valley, Talbot eo., 18-18. The fac-siuiile of the signature of Dr. W. G. Little will be found upon the outside wrapper of each of his Medicines. Sold wholesale ami retail, by the Proprietor, at his Manufacturing Dejiot, No. 2'>4 Market street, Philadelphia, and Macon. tJeorgia. fS^“ To be had also of .lames Cain, Rockfish; .V. Watson, Floral College; Towii.sendiV Doug lass, Bennettsville; Dr. P. M. Cohen, ('h.arles- ton: C. C. Harbee, Harclaysville; P. F. Pescud. Raleigh. S. J. HINSD.YLE, Ageut for I’ayetteville. Works on Free-Masonry. EW .Masonic Trestle-Hfiard, adajited to the Work !ind Lectures, as practised in the Lodges, Chajiters, Councils, ami Encampments of Knight Templars in the United States, by (’has. W. Moore. The Free-.Mason’s Manu.'il, a companion for the initiated through all the degrees of Alasonrj by Rev. K. I. Stewart. The True Masonic Chart or Hieroglyphic Monitor, by J. L. Cross. The Free--Mason’s Monitor, containinjr a de lineation of the fundamental principles of Free- Masonry, operative and speculative, as well in a religious as a moral view, bv Z. .\. Davis. E j‘ HALE ‘^ON Johnson’s Works, nnd P.osw ell’s Life of Jt'hn- son, 2 vols each; Burke's. .Addi.son’s. Goldsiuith’p, Sterne's. Fielding’s. ;ind Smviletl'M W orks; Gold smith's .\iiimated Nature. 2 vols; Burke's, Chat- h;ini's, Philliiis'. Curraii’s, nnd lUher Spoeclies; Modern P.ritish E.'.sayist«. h vol*.; Waverly Ko vels anl Poetry; Irving’s Wirk.s. Ptitii.iui'e edi tion. 1.6vt>ls; Cooper'.-^ .Scivct VVirks, 12 vols; Hulwer's Works; Dickens' do, complel>i in 4 vol»*; (ii! Pdas; Don (jui.xotte; Ac. iVc. Colnian's European Lit'e and Mannerf; Lorf lloll.ind's Foreign Reminiscences; Stephcn.« s travels in Egyj't. Arabia, u,c; Walter Colton’s W orks; Grace .Ygiiilar’s do, \ii: Home Inlluenco, Mother's Recomi ense. Vale of Cedais, Ac; %Vnr- ren's Ten Thousand a Year, and Now and Then; Hyperion; Swallow j’.arn. by Kennedy; Altcn Locke: Lavcngro; Humboldt's Co.^mos; KeTeries of a H.ichelor; Home is Home; Lady Wcrtley'o Travels in .\merica; .Vrabian Scenes: \C. .Vc. Hritish .and .Americnii Female Poets, illustrii- tod; Poetical (Quotations; Hyron's, Scott's, Mil ton's, Moore’s, Pope’s, Cowper’s, Duntc’s, Tas so's, Kirke White's, Thomjjrton’s, Ilemaiis's, r.uriis's. ('■4’eridge'.-'. Young's. Hutier’s, Mother well's. Colli!;n Gray and I’.euttie’®, Sliilley ar.J Ke:its's. and Spoiu'er'?. Ointiibcll's, Toiii Hooil's. Tup]ier s. Pollok's, llalleck’s, ai.d Hr\ ant’s i’oelical Work.-; \c. AC. Hibles. Prayer liooks; aini TestanirTits, cf va rious styles nnd prices; Melville’s, Muniiing's, and Chapman's Sermons; Sketches Riid Skele tons of .''ermons; English Pulpit; Cyrlo- jiedia; Leighton's Works; llofTnian’s Cani u L;it^; Dick's Theology; Life of l»r Clmlmers, and Chul- iiiers's Institutes of Theology, Sermors, and Lecturcs aud .\dilreh-es; Horne on the Psnlms; Patrick. Lowth and \Nlii:l>y’s Coninientsry on the Scriptures, 4 vols; t.'t.iniirehensive do, C lols; McCosh on Divine Goveininent; Charriock on Divine .\ttributes;'s Life of Cbrist; Hutler's .\ualogy: Wilson s Mauudl of ('Lurch Princii'les: Hopkin.i on the Confessional; I’ueey- ism, its ( au-*es and Cure; Dutler's Old Tniths aud New Errors: ReadinKS for I.eut; Sacra Pri-; Clark on the Promises; Harnfth Mores Life nnd Private I'cvotiot;s; I'oddridjc’s Kis«j and Progres>; Pilgrin’s Pro^Te-^, beautifully illustrated; Haxter’i (.'all, and t^aint'fl Re?t; ! Trereh’s Notes o>i the J'urables; Buck’s The«- j logical, and Union Bible Dictioi.ary; Gilflllan s j Hards of the Bible; Peep of Da/, Lifie ujion j Line, &c; .Tay’s Exercises and Prayer**; Thoni- j ton’s, Berrian’s, and Barnes’s Family Prayers; Deems’s Home Altar; Wrought Gold: Ha^k- stine, Laneton Parsonage, The Earl's Daughter, Gertrude, Walter Lorimer, and rdher religiou.i tales, by Sewell and other autliors, &c, Ac. Miss l.esHe’s, Soycr’s, and American rook ery; Miftfi Leslie’s and Miss Heecher's Receipt Books; Mrs. Randolph’s Virgi.^iia Ilonstwife, &c, &c: Downing’s Ladies’ Flower Garden; do Fruit Trees of America; Floiver Gardtn Direc- toTv; Uarry’s F'niit Garden; veitb a'variety of useful works on Agriculture, Farming, &c, &,c. A large stock of School Eook.^, Novels, Gift Books, Stationery, A;c, &c. F'r frAf- tt th« * FayottcTille Book Store, by i:. J. UAIX & SON. 56-1Y LL those indebted to the subscriber will find their accimuts made out by calling at A SUPPLY of Fresh Ground CORN .MEAL, kept for sale at t!ie Mill, late Anderson's, the Foundry which will please be settled in" of Hominv and Meal doUe promptly. ■ early as conveuicut. ii. G ilALL. For sale by May •*>1. & SON. 74 Grindin fayettevillc, March IbOl 12tf March 0. 71 niECKS, ON ALL THE BANKS I-V FAY'ETTEVJLLE, Just Printed and for Saltj ut this OfGcc. A GOOD L\VE8TMfc:NT. TIIIE Subscriber wishes to sell one-bnlf of the Fayetteville Water Works. Neither of the present proprietors having time to giy« their personal attention to the property, t'5» purchaser can lia\e the maaiageTacut of it, king it a valuable jnvestmcu-. E. J. HALE. Oct. I. 1851.

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