SEMl-WEBKIi Y. I’AYKTTFAIl.l.E, N. f., MAUCH 2.'., 1852. [NO. 70.] l-ia.NTHl> 1>V J- »• XKWJvV tUWAIlO J. SOX, and IMIOFKIKTOKS. ,r till-■'''1111-'^V>iisEBVK.u (K) if , ( :,Jv;inoe; I -30 if tluriiip the ,f or after tlie jt has . ;roil. . . W.'ikU (>Bi«KUVKR $•*! 00 per ftniium. if ■i in ;»■)'.“iiu-f: ^0 if paid dwriuj; the - ;il>'oriptioii; or tx) after the vear [. in!ertei fnr sixty ceiit.s ., ; ir'‘ f r till- first, and thirty cents for each |.iiolii-atiiu. Yearly alverfi,semeiit.s at rcasoiiiibU’ rates. .\ci- . . ^,.v‘ =.ri'rf'iiiesteil to state the imiuJ>er of „rp,ilfsiro'l, or they will he eontiimeil till ; ! .-h!ir;.:eil aci-..r liiiclv. I.oCt'i # lo tlic Kditors must be poMt-}>aiil. —I ^ fresh .*iprhii^ anti fUtrmiHrr a o o L> «. i: I,. A 1'. II. I'r.Miii'.uTox i i;K at their old Stainl, t>^(l l4«(rfi \ Ucst '.it \lessi'S. H. Bn»iisi>ti iS: St'ti, tlic . o: iK'l 't beautiful of M IM) Fl.MV 0!U liOOBS. rhei if i>fTerei by them iu this market. ■ ill l-art of— !Ml rtci 'l Silks: Mark water^'l and ciil'il ilo; i- I 'lial!'. s; emb'd ami satin stripe Ti.s»U“s: ;and ri>)>liii.'«; l>ari‘f;e l>eLaiii«; dot- , >.i >s.nid euib'd Tarltan Urejise.s; eol'd .l:i- ■- ! lit .ind full litourniiij; Ti.s.sues and IJa- :i sj>;eiiiiil as.srtrtuient: charifr*‘a)ile «nd ;; : 1’ I'l'.-: '\s; i rajio Ue-ehlnes: I’riiited l.awns ■ - Kri'ni h*net.s: a few hamlsouie l^arejre » .111 I lit;re new ai ticle of dress g>.)ds; .. ;i’id Knjilish Giii;.iham and Oiii'iliiUii .'t ‘d' the haiidsoiiifvit Kn>rli.sli i'riiits - -r’.T*-'! in this market; Swi.sjs. jaconet, tajvo Mil l jilaid Musliiis; l>otted Swiascs; Wiile . V/ 1 >tlk l.aee for Mantilla.i. - II the K.\I15H011»KUV line; Swiss nnd j. Kd^riiis* an4 lnsertiiifr.«. raiijring from ■- >i| 7-'» 1>M' yard: u l>cautiful lot I'n- •' ' and ('hemi/etts: Workcil' ollars and r ..l ad and lisle Lace t'ajies: a bi'autitiil ■J Maiiti'.la.s; Alexander's Kid Gloves, r>d tor bein^ tlie hest article in use; I'anil'ric and ne«tllc-work»‘d Maiidker- !'rt>iii rji ft', to New styU' she’l and Tuck t'umbs; Ihiiinet, neck and sash ,'.iiin‘ etilirily new. • ii-iitleiiifn'.-i TM-ar—I’llack, Virown and F' ni h Cloths: superior black doe skin anil i";iiii'ri ': I'laiu and fijr'il Linen l>rill- .^hllH•^cts: Itaii.-in 'ioths; 'olnrcii !.inen I’ll.ii-k Satin and fill'd Silk Vestinirs; .1 ;ind col'cl .Marseilk-s ditto: Linen and > and .Scarfs; Linen ('ollar« and Sbii-ts; — ALStt— \ 1 lot nil Window Shades and emb’d • 'I. • iirt.iii,'; I’ajMT HanprsiijjH; Fire Scrceus; •’ K iL'-i and Tiavellin*' Trunks. '■wii :iii 1 K"ssutli Hat?*; l^iinunia ! a Straw ditto; Silk and (.Jiii;rli:im ’ - lias; a rich lot P.irasd.s; lioii- ; tli., vt ry latest fa.shioti; Misj^ca’ i’f'lal uiid Itlooinor ditto; Gou- li' ni'Mi’s fine ('alf lioots :ind L idics’ Gaitc-rs and Sli[if>er.s. i stock bought with great cnre; tiie 't*ason than usual, in order to se- iii"st fjishionab’e styles. We invite is and the ]iublic to pvc us a look be- ..isiup. ni» we are disposed to sell at Ji-rate prices. I'. L. Si T. Jf. I’KMIiERTON. : i’.lc, N. r.. March 7’>tf sriIJ. WORM, A: : ■ 1 to liM. Still, for «ile liy tXHJK (c J(){1SS>.V. . : l‘'o2. 7o-:5w I UHMOVAL. ALKX II JOHNSON I*!: (’(). have rpmovel to the New Store, Kast corner of (Jreeu strt'et and .\Larket Siiuare. where they iiiive re ceived in j>art, and e.\pect to receive in a few d.ays. the larjrest and liest a.'^sortuu-nt of Spriujf and Stinuuer ever otVered l.y tlicm in this market. .March lii, 1H.'>2. iWMUi' WK are receiviiijf. at our NKW ST.VXl), Kast corner of (ireen street and Market S((iiare, a nn^l general assortment of Srasoit a Me U ootls, {'orisistinp: in part as folhiws: Watered, fijrured and plainDress Silks; Fi^rurcd. chaiijreable and plaid Silks: t'hallys: ISarejrcs; Harejre L>e-I.ains; Tissues; t'rajie L)e- I’lii is; Orjiandics; F.mb'd and printed L.iwiisand Muslins; .J.iconet, Swis.s. striped and l.arn-d Muslins; tJiniihams and ('alicoe.s: lUnnbazines: Silk ami cotton warp .\lpaeas. —also— \ fine assortment of French-worked ('ollars. v'urts, t’.'ijies, llerthers, I'ndcr-sleevcs. Chemi- zetts, Hridal \ cils; ilmbrcddered muslin, lace ami crape Shawls; .Mu.sliii and lace Mantillas: Thread, lisle, cotton and linen Lace and Kdj; inj:s; Swiss ani jaconet l-djrin)r and Insertinj;. Silk and kid (iloves; KibLons, labhs. Flow ers. \c. I nn (I KV . i.KMkn’s Wkvi:.—,\ fine assortment of Cloths, Cassimercs and Ve>tinj:; French and Kny:lish l>rap U'Lte: (Jiieen's Cloth: (.'ashnii'rct: Slate and l>rown Linens; ^Vhite and colored Linen Itrillinjr. \ complet** assortment of UoiilUds, H;its, Hoots, SlitK'.s, I’ani.sijls, With many other articles not etiumerated, nia- kinp our assortment the larjrest and best we have ever ottered in this market. To the above ( iooils we Would call the atten tion of our customers, fi’i»-nds and the jxiblic jreneraily. as vvv intend to Kell them as LuW as any other house in this market. ALFx u Johnson .v co. March IS, ISo'J. 74rf NOTICE. undersigned continues to manufacture Spirits 1 urpeutine l>.\U11 F,LS. Those now on hall 1 irna^e 4J{ to 4-’> gallons, and are made ot the I'cst seasoned white oak. Distillers want- iii^t a good artii-le, will ilo well to call and ex- :imine. Contracts to deliver llarrels for the next twelve months made on favorable terms. T. S. lATTi:llLon. Marcii‘Ji;. 1S.V_>. 7.’.tf po r.\'i'oi:8! iHvi A roKs[ A t'K'V l)bls. Yellow I'lanting 1‘OTATOHS. F’or sale hy March 17. lS.->; J. D. W ILLT.VMS. 7i-Jw 1I1T1-: LK.VD. Chrome (jreen. I’aris (ireen. Venetian I’ed. French Yeliow l.itiiarjie. lied Lead. linibhes,, kc. For sal(> liv S. J. .March 1*7. ISo^. hinsdalf:. 74 tf TE.i: I ^S()N. Imperial, \ oung ilyson, Oolonj TL.\; Chocolate, ^lustard. Sweet Oil. For sale by S. J. lilNSD.\LF. •March 17, 1S.->L’. 71tf !l AKEY, SIIU.IIWEM^ & CO. XKW I'AI.L ANli Wl.N’TKIl CiX>l>S. T fiMfi I^hfttters. IS .\pents for the Import- To I'finiicrs jlll K sulisi-ribers. ers. have made arraniremeiits to keep coii- stantlv on hanil a sii|>plv of l*est !’l! U C \'1 A ,\ til A.NO .VND AMIK I LTI H.VL I’l-.VSTLK. which they will sell in ((iiautities to suit, :is chcap as they can be piirchas,'d iu the Northern cities, ailtlin^r only the actu.-il exiiense of jreltinj: them here. .1. & l>. McKAF. X CO. Wilniiiipt'iK. Feb. liS, iSoJ. 7^-Siii WUAIM’l.Vc; PAI'KI!. 50 HK.\M.'s ])hie Cotton V.arn Wraj.phij: I’aper. oO re:ims common. Received this dav and for sale hv II! Bl{ANSON SON. March 2-2. 7o-tf roK s.\u :. A T THE OLD ST.VND of .\. .lohnson i Co.. A few sets China Tea \Nare. do Ja]>an do. F.wers and I5a.*ins. .ind common Crockery. Itlueand Mull)cry Te.-is, I’lates :ind Howls. TaVjle and l’o'ket Cutlery, Castings. Tea, Coffee, Su^ar, \e. A. JOILNSON \ CO.. • J. Crow, .Vpent. ■March l!‘i. 7">-lin Land a/id Merchant Mills for sale. ON the 1st day of April, I will sell upon the premises, the valualde l’L.\NT.\TlON owned by .Ldin Ty.-'.n at the time of his death, in Moore county, on .McLendon's Creek, four miles North-West of Carth.age. The trai t con tains several hundred acres, and has upon it S;iw and .Merchant (Irist .^liIl.«, in first rate re pair. Also, on the same day. I i^ill sell a bir«:e quantity of other property, consistinp of Hor ses, H"cs. Shet p. Cattle, IlousehoM and Kitidi- en Furniture. Famiiug Tools, I’rovisions, and many other articles. A credit «*f six months will be given, and bond.s with good securities reijuired. THUS. IJ. TYSON, Kx'r. M.'irch 10. 1M52. 7.'.ts .11 sr RKCKIVKI), AM' Kdi: SAI.K liV WM. s. LATTA, I >.M Madeirli Wijie, ■ r. li'r'iicli iSrandy, - ' >raliuiatfd Loaf Sugar, Very tine Tea. ,\lso, ii.iTs , v.ips. .I’ld tilack Kossuth Mats. ‘iiiia do., drab, black and grey, * " 'i K. 'Aiiol do., black and col d, ' ■ •i'liii brini IJeavcr Jj. II • lii iish do. ' Mole .''kill do. - .1 a.'-'urtiiient of men's, boys' .nnd in- ‘1’' AKo. liooTs ,i,Yu sieoi:s, ■ ■ ■; i ill addition to a heavy stock on ■ .\:i of the above wiil be sold 1’ '-all and >;ee. 7r>-4w Itoaii A' Bank Stork Fun SALE. I .K 'iiK,.,.rit,er wishing to iniproTe some ' • ''.'tate ;n thi.^ towu, otl'ers for Sule, ' "f Fayettfville and WenttTn ^ ; >t';rk. ..:v> o} StiK^'k in JJank of Faycttc- ‘“'*'1'- hiiown on application to (il liDON DE.MINfi. ■ March ‘J'l. lS.j2. “otf (M,,ds-~18.'>2. •>\Mi:s KVI.I-: 1' Now UKi KlVI.Nti A»Ol'T Packages of DRY GOODS, .-sj .* ' ** !Jurchii8(*J for ('.\SH, will be ^ It \rty reijiiced prioeH for cuah, or on ■d custouiers, either by whole- ' 'tail. ^ . I l> '!tii\;r fn,,n ^fo. 1 to 10, of •'■It i« iM.iiiufactured. ■ -■ 75tf \(. " (Spring Goods. I'itx r in now /er eiving lifs Spring I 'jUoIIK. eii;bi':;eii!jr a general as- uiid Frtio / ^>^*•1* GOOO». - ■■ 'h. IJntf, «!•/*., Uni- -/«(/ I'aruMth. A Valuable Plantation for Sale in Alabama. 1HAVK :►¥> A ere}* of as good Cotton Land as , ran 1k> found any where in the St.-itc »>f | .\labania, which, not having myself sntfi«-ient force to cultivate, i >ill «;11 upoE the most fa vorable terms. Of the ~j»> acres, 70 are cleared and in a good state of iMiltivation. acres are in the .sw.mij s ^ and positively cannot be surpaissed for fine ijuality by any land. This valua>de tract of Isanti is lo>ated 17 tniles from tlie Upper !’«’ach Tree, on the .\la- buina Itiver. in one mile of .Magnolia, .Marengo, —the Lirgest cotton growing coiiutj iu the ! State. ' .Adjoining said tract of Liind, is a tnict of C'.jual .size and r^uality, 12s .-icrcs of which .are . clean'd, and which will be leased upon lavt.-i- ■ ble terms, for u nutulier of years, to any one purchasing my Land. The lanl lies level and i iu u healthy Iwatioii, and good neighborhood. I*ri«*e Sts 50 p**r Acr«^. I’erisoua desiring to purchase I'ottoii I.ands iu , Abibama, would do well to e.\aiuine the :»bove tract. ^ I refer to .\ddison Moore, Hsi., White’s Store, • .Anson ’o.. N. or to Samuel Christian. ; I.M'iwreiiceville, .Montgomery Co., N. C., both of I whom have .'»eeu the luud. j For particulars, address, j ALIJKKT A. DUM.VS, j Dcinopo’is, -\l.i. I >Lirch in, 18.'>2. 74-4t i OILS, S^c. WINTER IJleached Sperm OIL. Ditto ditto Wliale ditto. Tanners' (^il. J^inseed Oil. Vegetable Paint Oil. I'iue Oil. ! ISuming Fluid. For sale by H. J. IIINSD.VLE. March 17, 74tf NOTICE^ As UeRosset & Brown and J. R. Rlossom, of this Town, are forwanling Cotton free i of forwarding commission, I will alao forrard, free of commission. Cotton and Spirits Turpen tine, to any house in N. i ork, except to IJrown &. DeRosKct and U. Blo«iiom & Son. H. II. GRANT. Wilmington, March Ifi, 1852. 74-lm ANTA1D. '1 his remedy greatly promotes digestion, and is a coi reclivc of every species of iiidigi'slinii — as !'ick. Sour Stemacb. after F.atiiig. I'iglitiuss ac^o^s tli*‘ C!u-st, llc;»rtburii. Water- brnsli, .\cidity of the Stoma«di. Eructations of Fooil after Meals. (Iriping I'ain.s, .S;e. It is used by dissdviug a sjiiall tpiantity in w.-iter. and taken at any time ;is prc.scribed: not being iiiipleasaiit. ;iikI always afloniiiig .ilniost iiist.iiuaiieous rcliet. Nothing is so gH>d to be kept and used in families, that is known, in the crises enunierateil. as this article. Eithor can be used alone or in conjunction with other rem edies, particularly ilie Tonic Ritters and Vege table I’ilN. aiid Ci,iu[>niirid Tonic rill.>-; in fact, with any in; vi’ciues. but not at the same dose. Any one trrib!ed with d_\ speptic s\niptoms will find the Ant.icil anl Vegetable I’ills the most etlicieiit us well as convenient remedies they ev er met with, and iloing no harm in any case. From I lie Times ANT.\c1D A.\|» VKtiFT.KRI.E TILLS. Tiios,c who art' troubled with any of thes'in digestive ni]>toiiis will find this an invaluable renu'dy. proilucing inimedi;ite relief: ami 1>\-the i use ol a iottle or tw... with ihe Tills, will be . enabh'il to take alnic.'^t any kind of food they I choose. DYSTKTSIA AND LIVKR t o.MTL.MNT. Sumter county. May IM'.'. .\fter siifl'eriiig some eighteen montbs severe ly with d; 'pcp^ia and lixer complaint, and try ing many prepaiations with little or no benetit. 1 tt:is induced to give Dr. Little's Dvspejitic .MeiJicine ;i trial. I take ;*leasiire in savitig. that I not onh fonnd them the very bet medi cine I ever ti>i'k. but exactly suited my cas*-. ^.''igned) J. \V. SI.MMONS. The statement >f the Rev. Mr. Tuiner, who is Well kiiowu in many part>> ot the ciuintrv: T.-iIbot county. May IMS. Dr. Little—l>»'ar .'■•ir. Your .\nt:icid and Ve getable Tills I find just the thing lor a dyspeji- tic—having bei ti Ion;; of th.-it habit, 1 have tried many things. (■ or tightness ami oppres sion alt-‘i- no a s. licariburn. dur.iu» and lan guor of I'erliti;r. raising of foocl, \c.. a d “e of tiie .\nt.ieid will relieve it .at once—besides af fording imich relief, it greatly assists diirestiou. To regulate the bowels the pills are excellent, as they ai-t w ithout nauseating ami always leave them in g 1 condition. These Tuedicines will fpiickiy reliex e. 1 am sure, any one thus af- tlicted. Trulv vours, ."ic. (Signed.' ■ JOHN W. TTHNER. Sold wholesale and retail, by the Troprietor. at his ^!anut!lcturing Dep"t. No. 'Ji'ri Market street, Thiiadelphia. and .Macon, (ieorgia. To br had also of .lames Cain. Rockfish; .\. Watson. Floral (’ollege; TovMisend X Doug lass. Renuetlsville; I'r. T. .M. Cohen. Charles ton; C. C. Uarl.'ce. Rarclajsville; T. F. Tescuil, l^alei-h. S. .1. HIN.'^DAF.E, .\gent for Favetteville. .\i:\l' I'ili]) & .MiW TMIHE sub.scribcrs arc ; JL N. York, Si large and i Slfi/)le and f'n/icif Dnj (ioods^ GK()>’KrJi:s, iiAHDWAin:, Hats and Caj's, U«H>ts and Shot's. .\niong which are; i CofTee. .Sugar. Cotton Ta;rging, Rule Itope, Nai’s. Window (llass. Swedes and English Iron, S.-ick and .Vlum Salt. ImiM' and Rlack Te;is, , Tepper, .\.ls]iice. tJinger, Towfler, Skot, liar Lead, Itar and Fancy Soap. Together with a great variety of other arti cles, to which they invite the attention of the public, and which they are determined to sell as low for Cash, or on time to those who pay promjitly. as any house in the Southern country. Troducc of all kinds, at tlie highest market ! prices, taken in exchange for Goml.s. I McLEAN \ JONES. Summerville, N. C., Dec. 8, 18->1. 4tf now receiving.' from general assortment of H E Subscribers are now receiving direct -H- Irom New Vfirk and I’hilndelidiia, the lar gest and handsomest Stock of Stujde and I'ancif Ofy (ioods That tliey have ever exhibited in this market, endu-aeiiig every variety of I.adies' and (Jentle- men's DRESS (iOODS, among which mav be found: Rlack and fancy w:itered and ]daiu Dress Silks; black and fancy Coburgs; I.,ama Twills; figured anil plain fancy and black .Mohair Lus tres; Silk \Narp and ('rape Rrjcades; .Swiss, Scotc h ami Cheiie fiinghanis; Saxony De-Lains; French. and .\merican Trints; Emb'd Ca.shmeres: plain ditto; changeable De-Lains; watered and needle-work Cashmeres: changea ble Yoneses: Rrocade Lustres: Damask .Koli.kiis; black Roniba/ines; secoud-iuourning I’oplius; plain and watered Silk Mantillas: coloreil and black Velvet .Mantillas; Rrocaile Toplins: and a large assf>rtment of Dress Trinimings; French and English .Merinos; \ elvct N*fck Ribbons aud Cufi's, iXC. KMIiUOlDEllIKS. Frencli worked Collars and Cajies; French Worked Cufls; French worked Chemisettes; L’n- der-.''leeves: .Sv\iss and Ja-onet Trimmings; In fants' Waists and Caps: Hem-stitdied and nee- ille-workel Linen (.’anibric Han ikerchiefs. from 10 cts. to and a beautiful assortment of Veils; every variety of Shawls, embriudered and plain; Thread. Cotton anl Linen Edgings and Laces: black Silk Lnces and Edgings. —A LSt >— Rlack. blue, lirowii aud green French and English Cloths; black and fancy I'assiuiervs; Cut Velvet, figured and black S.atin aud X'alen- cia Vestings, (some very handsome;) .‘'attini'ts; Kentucky .leans; Tweeds; Linseys: Flannels, wool and cotton; Osnaburgs: Druggets: I>am;isk Table Cotiis; ditto Napkins; (,'entre-Table ('ov ers, very tine; Tiauo Covers; Irish Linens; Lin en Lawns; Thread Cambrics: Towtdlini;s; (Gen tlemen's Merino Shirts and Dr.-iwers: .'ilk .Neck and Toeket Handkerchiefs: Ladies' Merino Vests: C.ashmere iind .Silk llo.s-; ditto Half-Hose; the celebrated .S:iiem Jeans, black and grey. Ladies . Geiitlemeirs and Children's ROOTS anfl SHOES. Meu's. R»vs' and Infants’ Hats ;ind Caps, Velvet, .''atin, Straw aud Florence Toiiinets. Ditto ilitto ditto for .Misses. .Vnd every article usually kc(jt iu a Dry Goods .'^tore. Hrii” 'Ve invite the public to call and exam ine our large and haiidsouie ."stock, as we are al ways anxious to show our (Joods. T>n >1)1(1 ,\RF.Y, .''H E.^l\\ ELL X Co. return thanks to the citi/.ens of F.iyettcville. aud the public generally, for the very liberal p;>tron«e- here tofore bestowed on them, anl intend, by strict attcjition to business, to merit :i continuance. S. S. AT.EY. T. SHI'.MWF.LL. J. R. McIm>NAI.D. Fayetteville, .''ept. lo, ISol. :iltf JOMlPlll.lMISXinir cnm SSI .\ AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, roinpt j>ersonal attention given to all Consignments, ami Cash advances made on Tro- liuce to be shipped to other ports or soM iu this market. Feb. 12. IS'.i'. 04y w. ill Lnznriis' lliii!{llnij,^ Vx'll.MlNGTOX, N. r. Jan'y ISol!. rI lipi:S’vi s i: laxir FOR SALE. B'^OR sale. acres of L.\N1) on James ^ Cre«'k. and »i4't acres on Cypress Creek, in ('umberlaiid. convenient to the estcrn Think Road, heavily timbered, aiitl admirably adapted to the making of Turpentine. .Vpplv at tiiis Office. Nov.'-’8, 18,'.l. 10,000 WANTED. The Subscriber has now one of the most extensive aud tiest assorteil slocks Double and Single SHOT GCNS, TISTOLS of the most superior quality,—('olt's Repeating and .\llen's llevolving, of every ijuality,—Tow- der Flasks, Shot and Ganie l*ags, I’ercussion ('aps of English atid French make. Also, the most coniplete assortment id' (iun fixtures that has ever been oft'creil in this section of country. -\ls(>, Shot (iiin.s, Ritles and I’istols jnade to order or rejiaired. Ritles made to order, atid warranted to shoot from one to five hundrel yanls. •Vir thins made to order at short n.*tice. To all of which the attention of Sportsmen and others is respectfullv invited. M, A. T.AKER, Sl/ll of thf (run. Hay street, nearly opposite the .Marble Yard. Fayetteville. N. (!’., Oct. *>, 18.’>1. 2Stf W\STK\l oOOO ft. .\slie Lumber for Wagons, 1 ^ to !»inchcs thick. .‘■iOOO ft. Seasoneil Oak Lumber. 1 J to :{ inchcs. KJOO ft. White Oak aud Hickory, for .\xletreea. low ft. White Oak for Tongues, Roisters and Shaft*. KKt Tost Oak Hubs, for ('arts and Wjigcns. Spokes. For which the highest cash price will »>e paid. .Vp|dv soon to E. FI LI.ER. .M.'iv T.t. ISol. 7i’-tf At Feb'r 12, 1 H.',2. shi:d OA'rs, J. & T. WADDILL'S. (14 tf V. T. II \K;II (5j «()X OFFKK FOR SAI-K: T*^EW Orleans, Torto Rico, liefined. Crushed, Loaf and Havana Sugar. Rio, (...-iguira, and old (Jov't Java ('otfee. Dundee, (uinny, ami Rurlajis Ragging. Rope and Twine. Iron. Nails. Salt. Molasses. Cheese and Raisins. Rhicksmiths’ Tools. .Axes, Spades, Shovels, Hoes. a>cythes. Trace and Halter Chains. I$:ind and Hoop Iron. White Lea'l in Oil. Spanish Rrown. Red Lead. (ilass, Tutty, Ruckets. Rrooin“. .'lackerel. iu barrels and half ditto. Negro Shoes. Tanners Oil. Tin Tlate. Wire. S'.iperior Green and Tdack Teas. Saleratus, Soaji. Snutt'. Tepper, (iinger. .S)>ice. Nutmegs. Sperm and .Vdamaiitine Candles. Rar Leail. Shot, Tovvdcr, &c. .iic. Nov. -28, 1S.-)1. 4»tf tlii‘ old AflKV. SllK.MWKLb Co. have just re ceived a splendid assortment of Sa/erii 'nfsi- ni'rr. black and grey, to which they woub; call the attention of the public. These goods will compete in (Uality and dunihility with the best of Northern Cassinieres. ami are much che.-iper. ranging from t»2A cents to >l 2') per yar>l. i'ayetteville. N. C., Oct. J4 l^-jl. ;J(Jtf Fire Insurance* ^l^HE -ETN.V liiMirauce t'ompany of 1 -* ford, having paiil the tax imposed by Hart- !iy the Revenue Law of the late Lc^iislature, will con tinue its Agency in Fayetteville, under the m.-inagement of the undersigned, who is pre pared to .ssue Tolicies of Insurance on Ruild- ings or Cn. ds, either iu this Town or in any part of the State, on proper application, de scription of the Troperty. .'cc. Tlic -KTN \ CoMT.KNY has been in operation about :!•> ye.-irr. Its capital is The Hon. TIo-;. K. Ri-ace was its first Tresideiit. and he still bolds that office; and several of its tirst Directors are still active and etiicient niein- ficrs of the Roard. It has at all times sustained the hi;iliest ch.iracter f>.r the prudeiu'e of its management, and for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. HA I.E. A>:ent. March 10, I'^ol. ti2-tf T 44tf A l^iberly Point lloii^o. Lii persons*indebted to the undersigned /■l either by note or account must settle on or before the first day if .Marcli. Those failing ti lo s.i, will certainly find their accounts in the li.inds of a cdlecting officer. RECREN JONES Feb'y If., 18.V2. ♦•;'>tf ~ NOTICK. H.AVING, with several others, been burnt out on the morning of the ovi instant, I would earnestly request persons indebted to me, either by note or account, to call and settle, as 1 am in need of money. .V LEX’R .McLACCIILIN. Jan’y If, 18-')2. •')7tf FiroFrool' Paint. B.\RRFLS Rlake's tire-proof T.MNT, for hal- by s. J. HiNSDALf. M»rcU 17, 1852. 74tf “ '"‘I i»t; soM CHF.AT. W. H. LATTA. 7v»-4t I--..'." LL\si:i:i) OIL. R ViiRELS North Carolina made LINSEED OIL, for Kale by S. J. HINSDALE. March 17, 1863, 74tf uiicttemlle Hold, I' VYKTTKVri.Li:, N. C. HIS large and splendid Ruilding lias now U. been in .successful operation since May 18R>. The Redding and Furniture of all kinds is iK^w. an*l the rooms convenient and pleasant. The Table is always furnished with the best the market affords, aided by a fine vegetable ganlen. Roanlers, Lodgers, and Travellers will find de sirable accommodations and attentive servants. Xo pains will be sjuired to give entire satistac- tion. Fftmili**s can be furnished with large, airy, front double rooms, conveniently and hand somely furnished. Au oxpericncc of 20 years will enable the les see she hiipes, to give general satisfaction. ANN BROWN. June 1, 18o0. Will b*i tiei'cictd Ay Itixvr, TONS of SWEDES IRON, by E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. lb, iboi. VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BIHERS, lUK MOST POPl L.AR FAMILY MEDICINE O K T II E A G K 1 llst^l ]))■ PliysiriiiHs of High Standing. 1 Iie^e BIT'1>:HS remove all mortid secretiont, purity the jffcrit tone and vigor to the di|5**>»li>e fortify ihe«>«tefn a|^ain»»t all liitiiie chh bt* tMken with unlVty. at no tifne dehili- tutinj; the |iHti-nt—l»einjf jfratffnl to the most deli- ctite *tom:«cli. and rcniHrkuble for their cheering, iiivi^oratirif^. strenj^theiiiii^, and re»»torative pro)*er» tics, and >iM invaluatile and i»ure remedy for »¥SPEPSI\ l.\ ITS H ORST FORMS. Also, l.i\er romplaintfl. .Ihtindice. Heartburn. * ot- tivcnoiJi, haintne^s. J)isor«ler?» of tlie Skin and I.iver, l.osfi of .Ai»i»t»ti^e l.ow Spiril«. Nervous Hradache, C*iddineR8. Palpitation of the Heart, Sinking and Full* of Weight at tlie Stomach, and all other diseases cau«el h) an impure mate i*f the bloMl, liver, etc., tvhicli tend to leWilitate and weaken the system. F K M A K S \l'ho nuAer fioiu a m*»rl>id and unnatural conditioD will dn\ this Medicine of INESTIMABLE VALUE. In Ai I. of OKNKK A L DKUILI1 \ , thi* Vedi* cine A( TS LIKK A CHARM ! THOVS AXV9 S Have tested its elHcacy. and thomanili more are now uii'ler fr«»tin«iit; ami not one solitary case of lailnre ha^ ' et hpen reiH)^^^. Volume*! conld be tiiiea with rertificateK ol' those who have beifn permaiieatly eurel. Call «n the A^cnt, and fct a PA.UPHLET, l ontaifiing the ( ertificates of IlemarkaM^ * vires and the hij^h r'‘Umfttlou in which thi« .Medicine is held b} the I’ubljc Tress—ca.n he had of the .Agents, li'ee. Large Q,tiarts $1; Piuts 50 Cents. So/ii bt/ all the Prinripal Drugnitls in tht United State* mtd C’uiiadns. Prineiral Oflica. KUI.TON ST.. N Y.. uu .tail* For sale by S. J. HINS1>.VLE. >'o»auber b, 1651. IN STOUE, Pi.OCGIlS and I’loufih (Ju.^tinjfs, Corn .^hell ers, CultivatorH, Straw Cutters, ami .Spin ning Wheels. Oct. IS, IH.',!. E. C. IIVLL, >f Rome. :42tf liOOK JUNDKKV. RW. H.ARldE ha« re.>oiiiie(l the Rook • Riiidii.-r R»»iuc!s at the new Si«re next iloor to ,\!r. Reafsley, .Jeweller, where he will re ceive an'l execute Iiiiiding in any style ilrsired. -Vuirust I. 27tf NKW KIKM. I^lll’^iied have entered intn cupart- nei-.xliiji, under the name and .style of I.iawreiice & Troy, For the purjiose of doing a .Mercantile and Rarter bii.-iiiiess. e have taken the Store. No. 10 (JREl'N .'STREET, formerly occupied liy Messrs. .lohu lluske v'c Sun. GEO. W. L.UVIIE.NCK. JUILN R. TROV, .Ir. Oct. 22. IS.',1. :l:Uf I H.WE just received fruiii 'icw ^ ork, niy KALE AND WlNTl’R Stock ol* (jioods, Connintinji of a j;eneral assortment of Dry lltiods. (irorrricN. Ilanlwnrc. ('iillrry. vVf. Ji'iY'' I will barter for TCRI’ENTINE, or any kind of Produce. \. KING, 10 miles North of Favetteville. Oct. 28. IS.'iO. ' 4"tf l).\n>Y E\VKCTVA\ A fiENER.\E assortment of roOVERS’ T(JOL.S, of the best manufacturer?' make, by E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18. 18.'>1. :!2tf •1 Card* AVIN’t su.-it.iined a severe lo.-is by the fire on the ni;.rlit of the 2l .Iaiiu;iry, I am compelled to call kii all tloirse who arc indebted to me to make iiiiiiiediate payment. If they cannot settle iu full, pay what they can, either ill ca.^li or notes negotiable at Rank. A. A. McKETIlAN. Jan'3’ •'», 18')2. i>;5tf T' Watch and Jewelrv Store. L. H. MILLKR Ihiportf r.f, Mainiffrrturerii miff JnJ/hf-rf of W'atr/n'n, ./eicrfn/, antf F'onry Oonrh, Have Icft'eJ the tlld Stand formerly occupied by .\le?^r^. ('aiitiehi. I'rotlier iV Co.. South fJiiKl fill HIT if (.'livrlirf !(/('/ JinllTmorc rfrttt't (No. 227.) whicli they are piitting in coTnjileli.^ or.ler f..r the \V 1 !(‘)l.ESAI.E V ATril AM> .lEWEl.RY RCSl.NESS, to ?.e opeuid abowv ih« 2tth of.July. In ealiin;; the fittopti'oi of tlie trsde to th^ new cKiiccni. we niciiti>>u the fact that we are asMniated with (Jiie of the most exteuBive .lew- elry Maiinfa-tui in';: iv-^tabliphments in the coun try. v\hi*;h must give n (If-cided a'lmntHKe c^er all other,'? iu this market for supplying dealei’s with Jewelry at manufacturers’ jirices, b f«nturo in this lu-anch of trade lonj; since needed -ho tween Raltimore aud the SoutinTU und Weatera Merchants. We desire to call pnrticulnr hUeritlon to (h« Watch departuuMit. whi» h vill at nil times be supplied with a pireat as.sorluient I'roiu the most celebrated niauulacturers. and kepi iu pcrfcct niiiiiiug onier. so that puich-.'?**rs nifiy hi f>uc« take them, with a written guartintee tl»kt they will jierform correctly. This hraiich of the business will receive tfco attention of one of the tirm. wbodC ex tensive anil practical kuowb dy^e of the busine.sfl will, we hiijic, give us a I'lace iu the coiiiid’ Uv4 {■f huyers. W» res)>ectfuriy in\ite you to rji’l UT'oit ''9 when yi u next visit iur city, c^'niideiUiV tc- lieviiig that au exauiiimtioa of our (io»i'i^ \\’il prove to you that they :ire better i-i'les »ni cheaper tlian you have ever 9'-n in thi.' market, aud assure you t?iat uo ttt'ort shall he wat-iin'^ on iiir jtart to make the accjunintaiu'P t>n^ oi mutual benetit. L. H. MH.LER .v CO. Old stand, fniicr!y occupied by Canfield, Ri-o. iN: *'o., E. c* r- ner of t'harles Riiltiuiore Raltim«>re. .June IH.'il. 14-'\o REFERE.\('1>; Messrs. Wyeth, Rhickioi-k \ Co, Reid \ Ta\ lor. .lames ll"'ii;-es iV Urother. llur^t .V’ Rerry, Muidorh, Piier Fvc*>«. Stelhiiann 4 Uiiirlch?. .■^an^rstoii Ci *'o. I-.aithlow. Gwtu a: i'o- Riely iV I'eniib.'toii. (’ushing.^ iV I'.niic”. .John Murphy .Moore & tirirtiR. ST A N DA H b~\\ D 5i 1 SI' K U. A.\ YJ) IS IS OO hS. VCAI LAV.'^. Hnnie'.-aud R. • VSIOS .AC’ADIvMV. HE buildinjr of this Institution i?i now in state of comjitetion. It i.-; lar>'e and commodious. It is pleasantly loc.atvd in a tine nei;rhbfirhooil, aud in a very salubrious jiart of Rol)cson county, twcl>e miles west tVoni Liiin- hertoii. aliout half mile .south of the road lead- in;' fr.'.m thence to .Mfordsvillc. The first session ol this lnstituti«ui will com mence on the 2d Monday of .Jauii.iry, l>'-'i2. un der the care of .\|r. Oiir* I^eitch, who is a gra duate of the Cniversity of North Carolina. Term* of Tuitinu, per Si-fAf.n. ru: Spellinjr, reading ainl writiiiir. ."jiS Uo .Vrithmetic. Enjrlish tirammar, Geogri- ]iby aud History. 10 Ott Latin, (ireek, Fr*ndi, anl the higher branches of .Mathematics. 12 Roard can be »>t>tained at the .\caJemy. and at convenient distaiici's iu the neighborhood, at from five to six dollars p«'r mouth. Rv order of the Trustees. .JOHN TAYLOR. Sec v. Dec. 20, 18.'>1. .Oa-tf‘ NOTICK. fB'XHE Partnership heretofore existing iu Lumhciton, betwcfii the undersigned, is this day dissolved hy mutual consent. Those indehted to the firm will j.bvise call on G. W. .McKay, at Luiuberton, who is authorized to settle the concern. .RUIN A. ROWL.NNI). GILRFRT W. McKAV. Liimberton, Feb. 2’i. l!So2. t’.'.itf TO rni: ih hlic. TB'^HE subscriber has leased fur a term of JL yc!U"s. of R. W. Rrown. Esij., his lire-proof Store, with his Wharves, and is now in a condi- tiou ti> take espet-ial eare of .'Spirits Tnr)ientinc and other .Naval Stores committ‘d to his care. The Warehouse is well knouii to he the best and safest place in town for the storage of Raoon, Laiil. t'oi n. Peas. \:e. The lower wharves ha\e i on them four large new sheils. w here Spirits can b‘ safely kc]>t from the rain and suii. He is prejiared to receive and shiii, or sell, all kinds of jiroduce sent to his care. He will also make advances when reiuireil. He begs to refer to the following •i’eutlemeu: R. W. IJrovvn, .John l):iwsi>n, O. G. P.iisley and Thus. H. Wright. Esi|s. MILES f’OSTlN. Rrowu’s wliari', U'iliuington. N. Sept. 12, ISot. 21-V ur.(vnii;R!i um:. fD^HE .Steamer RROTHERS, and Tiw- Roats Jl .Stevenson. I)avil Lewis, aud .James ('as- sid:iy, ai’c prepared to forward w itii despatch all goodis consigned to the I’roprietor. The Steamer Rrotbevs is i>f light draught. , . and well suited to run iu Iok' ffitrr. .'lie pos- ^ Hyperion: .si\,}|]],,w l>;irn, by Kennedy; Alton rablv adapt- Locke; Lavengro; 11 iimboldt'.s Cosmos; Rcrerii'H i'- Hi 1* tories of England, iu viitii.’'as edltioT*-; .Mison's History of Europe, t vols; Hftilani’w .Middle Ages: Thiers’s History of the Frencli Revolntion, 2 vols. illusirateil; Tytler's Univer sal History, large aud abridged ed»;'.** Ferdinand and IsaJielbi. Mexico nii l P«>ru: I.;t- ! baume's Campaign in Russia; (,‘ooper'^ Nova! History: Mansfield's Mesieau W'«r; Tmtubtiir» Indian Wars: ('ampbeH's Live.s of the Lords Chancelbu'S of England. 7 vols: Campbell .'^ Lives of the fhief .justices of England, 2 vela; Lives of eminent I'.nglish .(udges; I.ivefl of tho Queiiis of !^cotland. 2 vols: Ladies' Ilistoricul Library, *.i vols; .^leT!^oirs aud W’ovV S cf Alexau- der Hamilton, f> vols: .Marshall s Wushirigton, 2 vols: Colton's Life and Times of Henry Ciay; Kennedy's Life of Wirt; W irt’s Life oV Patiie'ii, Henry; Southey’s Life and Corresporuleiicc; Charles Lamb's do; Autobiogrnphy of Leigh Htiiit; l,ife and Genius of Rurn*; I.ife of La« fayette. of P.-iul .Jones, of .fi»cksfiii, 'i'ujlor, fccott, .Mariim. rranki.'n, &c. «!)ic. Shaksjieare's Works, in 1, 2, sed 7 vo!*’; .'^heriihiu's. Ren .Joiison's. Reaumontanrl Fletch er's. .M.'i.-singer aud Ford's. Wycherley and Con* greve's. Dramatic Works, Eng. llluatmted Eds; &c. A:c. .Johnson s AVorks, and Roswell's Life of John son. 2 vols e.ach: Rurke's. A Idisou's. Goldsmith’.'*, vSterue’s, Fielding’s, and Smollett’s Works; Gold- smith’s Animated N;iture. 2 vols; Rurke’s, Chat ham’s. Phillips'. Curran’s. and other Spceche.*-,' Modem I’ritish Essayists. 8 vols; Waverly No vels and Poetry; Irving s Works, Putnam’s edi tion. I'l v.ils; Coojicr's .Sclect Works, 12 vols; Rulwer's Works; Ibckens' ilo, compleU in 4 toIs; tJi! Rlas; I>on (>uixotte; i^c. See. Colman's European Life and Manners; Lord Holland's Foreign Reminiscences; Stephens's travels in EgyiU. Arabia, \c; Walter Colion'.i Works: ('.race .Vguilar's do. vi/; Home Influence, Mother's Recompense. Vale of Cedars. &c: War ren's Ten Thous.-ind a Year, atid Not\ and Th«.n; sess«*s potrrr and xpn t), and is admirably adapt ed to ('•n'hu/, and can accommodate about ’it* passengers. The I’roprietor contemplates running the Roat himself, and will give special attention to way freight .-iiid stores; to towiiijr. aud will also attend to the comfort and convenience of Passengers. From his long c-N|ierieiice of a ISachelor; Home is Home; Lady Wortley'K Travels iu .Vmerica; Arabian Nigiu.s; (ieor^I* Scenes; &c. P>ritish and .\mericftu Fetntile Poet', illTistrf;' ted; Poetical (.hiotatif'iis: J?yron's. Seott’a, Mil ton's. .Moore's, Pojie's, (,'ow j er’s, DaJile’s, Tas so's, Kirke Wiiite's, Thompson’s, Hcniftns's, .\cent in Wilmiiigfou of the several Steamboat ! * olcridgc ^ oung s. Liitlrr s. Mother- CHERRY PECTORAL For tlir Ctirr of fOr«IIS, COLDS, HOARSE.\ESS« BROMHITIS, WHOOPIIVG-COlCiU, CROIP, A8TH:VIA, Ai\D €0!VSlIMPTI0.\. M.\NV years of trial. in'Uead of iiMiMirine ttir iialil'H- r*infi(lenr.* in this iiK’dir'aie. Iims wi*n lor il:in appre- liatiiiQ Hail notoriely hy Oir e\reeliii!! Ihf iiHrt aii"aine f vpcclalioiis of ill Irtend'. NotliiiiL' lull ils intrinsic vir- lacs and llie nniiiislalcihle hnietit roi.Irrreil on lh>>«iinli of siitlerers, roiilil oriciniile »nl iiri''l;iiii ihe repnt.ilion it eiijiy!i. While many int’erMir reiiieilie ihrti-t iii>"ii the reiiiiiiiinily. h'lve |:iileil mul hefii rfiM'nnled. ilil h«" eaiiieil friend* hy every trial, conferred lieneHisoii ihe »f- ttirled they can never for"CI. and pnxhired ciiret tMi nti- iiier«\« »>iil tiM' rpiii:(rk:>hlf to he torEoUeii. While it is m frmid on Ihe pnldir to pretend that »ny ne medicine will intHliihiy rare—>till lliere is Hhiindant priMil that the Cherry 1‘ertoral doe' not only a« « !; IhinE. \iul alia»M inviirialily. cure the maiadic.' fur wliiih it i« employed. .\ lime makes ihe«e fact-* wiih*r and lielter know n. this niPilirine has er.uliiMlly liecoiiie the la-^t reiiiiiiee of Uie ■ ttlicled, froni the loff-cahin of lh« .Xiiieriran |»ea«!inl. to the pal.M'es of Kine*. 'rhroiii'hoiil tlii entire roiintry. in every St -te. riiy. and indei'd aliinxl every liHiiilet it roniMin>. Cherry I'ertoral is known a?; tlie ln-sl remedy evlaiit for dieMsen of i)ir ’I'Jirnat «ml l.iin^'x. and in many foreign coiintrie*. it i roniini: to he e.\tenively aed hv their aii«l iiilellisent I’hysiriani. In (;reat Orit- ain. Frnnre anil liermany. where Ihr ni*-die»l scienees have reai hed iheir hi);lie«t |K-rfeclion. Cherry Pei-toral is iniONliiced. anti in conitanl ase in Ilie .•\rinie. Iln'iiital!!, .Alms Houses, I'lildir Instiiniions. nnd in flMinei(f priic- tire, the surest remedy iheir nttenilini! Physicians can employ for llie more dniiEcrnas atTertionK of the liincK.— .Mso in milder rases, ami for chililren it is saf’. nlea>anl and eHertn il to cure. In tVirl, some if the mixi flttterinc testimonial!* we rereive have l«-eii from piirtnts who h;ive I'oiind it eftic«cious in rases particularly iiicideiitiil to chiUUio«*d. The Cherry Prctonl Is niHniifartnred hy a ('hentist. nnd every onnre of it iinder hl« own eve. with invariahle acriirary and care. Il is sea ltd and protected hy law from roiinierfeiis. ronsequi ntly can lie relied on as eenaine u iihoiil adiilteritlon. We trve endeavored here to fnrni«h ihe ron:nninity with a medicine of such iiitrinsir siiperioriiy and worth MS shi'.nid roinniend it'eir to their ronfidenre—n reincily at onre safe, sjieedy and etrecl'ial. *vhich this has hy re- lieated and roiialless trials proved it»rlf to he; and tru t hy freat ran' in preparine it with .-irrnracy, of aniforiii strength to afiiird Physicians a new afenl on which they f.*n rely tor the l>est resiilcs. »ml the aflHeted with a remedy that will do for them all that medieine ran ilo. rr> pared anrt sold by Jav^cs ♦*. .Ateh. Practical and .Analyiiral t'hemist. I>mell. Mass. Soht in Favetteville by S. J. HINSD.AI.K; in (Minton, by WARRKV JOHNSXl.V h. r«i.; imd by Drocjlsts and ttealers in Medicine evcrywUero. Jaotturi iit>, 53 7m Companies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. To Merchants in the interior be would say, that all Goods shipped by him. will he deliv ered to tiieir .Vgents in Fayetteville. His .Agent iu Wilmington i.s 1).V\ ID R.iNK.''. to whom all commuuicatious may be addressed, as .\gent of the Ste.-imer Brothers. .JOHN RANK.'s, Projirietor. Wilmington, Fe>. 4, lSo2. ti^ltf ji\s r iii:( i:i\ i:i). RRLS. W IIISKKY, 10 hhds. Molasses. 1 qr. cask pale French Rrandy, 1 “ “ .Maileiru Wine, ir» hags Rio Coffee, o bo;vcs .Xlcflium A\on. —also— Rrooms: HeartJi Rriishes: .lute T)oor and Ruir- gy .Mats; Tauuers' ('urriers’ Kuiv-s, Workers. well's. Collins Gray and Reattic’s. .®helley and Keat.s's. Chaucer and Spencer's. CanipbelVs, Tom Hood's, Tup;>er's. PoHok's, Hallcc’iv'a, uud Rryaiit's Poetical Works; ivc, ac. r.iViles, Pra\er Rooks and Ttatanierita. of vjv rious styles aud priee.s; Melville’s, Mauning’s, and Chapman’s Sermons; Sketches find Skeie- tons of Seniious; English Pulpit; Pulpit Cyclo pedia; [,eighton’« Workn; Hoft'iuan’s Canon 1 a w; Hick's Tlieolcigy; l,ife of It t^halmers. and Chal mers's Institutes of Theology, Sermors. pud Lectures aud Vddresscs; Horne on the Ps;iinis; Patrick. Lowth and Whitby’s Comtne^ifary on the Scriptures. 4 vol«; (.’ niprehensl ve do, b vols; MeCosb on Hivine GovciTiment; Charuock on biviue Attributes; Nojinder s Life ol" Christ: Rutlcr's .\nalogy; Viis' ti's .'!niiu«l of Church Principles; Hopkins on the Confessional; 1‘usey- ism, its and Cure; Rutlcr’s fUd Truth«f and New Errors: Readings for Lentj Sicra Pri- vata; Clark on the Promises; Hflnnah More’.# and Smooth Fleshers; aud au achlition to our j jjfp j,,„| I'Hvate Pevotiono: l>oddridgc’s Ri^w FRENCH CHINA S. W March 1, 1S')2. TILLING HAST .S: CO. t3f»tf DAILY HXPK( Ti:i). 4 GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Ht)LLOW- /m W .ARE. bv E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, 185l‘. «2tf 1 Tea! Tea! Teai: CHEST VOCN(i IIVSON, 1 ditto Guniiowder, 1 Catty Imperial, For sale by CHS. I?.\NK.S. Oct. 28, 18^-)1. 34-tf NOTRE. All persons indebted to the subscriber for Goods purchased at Floral Collejre, are re quested to make immediate payment, either to Mr. Hugh Mc.Vrn iu the neighborhood, or to himself in Clieraw. I). B. McARN. Chenur, Dec. 20, 1851, 6»-tf j7)Hn F). M iTTmams, Comminninn 4* Fottearding •flerrhant^ Payette'Tille, W. C. Tq^ 1952 C3tf :ind Progress; Pilgrim's Progress, bcdutifolly illustrated: Raster's Call, and Sfiint’a lies!; Treiu-h’s Notes on tl e !*arables; Rucl^'s Theo logical, and Ciiion Rible Dictionary; GiHilbm'H Ranis of the Rible; J^eep of Day, Line up- ri Line, &c; Jay's E.xercises and Prayort»; Thorn ton's, Rerrian's, and Rarnes's Fnmily Prayers; Deems’s Home .\ltar; Wron;;ht Gold; Haftk- stone. Laneton Parsonage. 1 lie j Daughter, (iertrude, W'nlter Lorinier, and other re.liiiibuH titles, by l^ewoll and other nutJifirs, .^c, \'c. Miss Le.nlie’s, 8oy«r's. and American Cool- ery; Miss Leslie’s and Miss Rcechcr’s Fec.ipt Rooks; Mrs. Randolph's Virginia liou.-.» wife. Jfec, &c; Downing’s Ladies’ Flo'ner G.irdcn; do Fniit Trees of .America; I'loTier Gsrd“r. Dirtt- tory; BarrA'’s Fruil Garden; ■" ith & variety of useful worifs on Agricultur'", Farrainff. Ac. yr. A large stock of .•'chool Books, Novels. Gift Rooks. Stationery, &c, fee. for sale at tbe Favetteville Book Store, bv E. J. HALE k soy. A (iOOD LNVES'J'MENT. The Subscriber wishe.s to sell one-h»i1f of the Fayetteville Water 'V\'ork5. Neither of the present proprietors having time to pve their per.sonal attention to the property, ths ptirchaser can hare the mnnngeracnt of it, ma king it A valuable investment. I. J. HAiJt. 6i,i. 1, 1^1.