SEMl-WBEKLiY. J»-^| um-^j^nrPTniFr ■im—Migtit.,'.m ■■■ im—m—■ [VOL. I.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., .ALVUCH 30, 1852. [NO. :T.] I-i;i.\TKI> HV J. B. XEWliV. i:i)\VAUi) J. liALi: & sox, ninroi'.s AND iMioriiii;rnus. I'liiO f'T the t^cuii-Wci'kly Ouski:\ ku 4 (H) if jKii'l ill !ilv;inot'; •‘jit o'* if I'.iid duriiijr tlie voar -if sul)Sv-i'i{.'lio»; or iiftiT tho ye:ir has ■xi'irO'l. 1 ,r tli“ Vi i okly Ousku\ kk •'ji'2 00 jn-r annum, if j.,a 1 in ^‘Ivfinco; 5(* if paid duriui; tlu* ,;;ir ‘>r ‘li'i''•riiition: or $3 OU after the year li:i^ . \;)ired. inserted f»>r sixty cents , , r -.|iiaro for the first. ind thirty eents fur e:ioli >,i,-,Mv.lin;: pn)>lic:ai"ii. Yearly ndvertisenients |.v -ipcfi;!! contract'. :it re.-isoniiMe rates. Ad- vorti'cr.' are requested to state the number of i;.,i'rti'ns ilesired. or they will be continued till f,.rl'id. and charged accordingly. g-£«^ Letters to the Kditors luusit post-pttid. 1 S •> 9 . fresh and Sttmmer i; O O D !S, r.. I.. .v T. II. i'i;\ii!Ki{T().\ VUK ojienins: at thoir old ^^tand, two docirs \\ of .Messrs. II. Urnnson X the ir-’est :.nd most beautiful stock of SILR l.\l) F l.M V m\ (iOOllS. 1.. t r bel 'rc otTcred l>y them in this market. . i;»;.'tin!Z in part of— ll;> h I SilUs; black watered and eolM dn; rritite 1 'h.illys: ombM ami s.itin stripe Ti^su^s: iu i .1 Silks and I’opiins; liari'jre l>ol,ains; dot- 1,-.1 and emb'd Tarltan liresses; cxl'd -)a- .-.'net.': half and full monrninjr Tissues and Uii- ir_c'. a splendid a,«sirtnu'nt: chaiijreable and t,_ 1 r. lKs"\s; ('rape Do-chines; I’rinted Lawns i:i I FroiK'h .L-icunets; a few handsoine IJare^e f: ' :'S. an entire m-w .article of dre^s jroods; Krill' ll and l'ni:V.'-h »iin;:hi>ni and tlii.;h:im a lot ot the handsomest Kni'isii I’rints 1 'T I'tlVrod in this n\arkvt; Swiss. jacinet. tape .-rrij >• and plaid .Muslins: liotted .Swissis; Wide ' '.Ilk ti- d >ilk Lace for Mantillas. ANo. ill the 1:MUJ10I1>1:1:V line: Swis.‘? nml t'aiiibric IM^iniis and Insv-i tinjis. ran"in>r from rt'-. ti >^1 T'> j>er yart; a beautiful lot I n- :ier-sK*e\cs and (‘hemi/i'tts: \\ i>rkel ('olhi) s and (’'i*r.s; Ihrca 1 anil lisle Lace I'apes; a beautiful I t emb'-n Mantillas; .Mexandcr's J\i-1 Cilo'^es : I'lebrated for bein-j; tlic best article in use; i.inen I'ambric and ne*’ille-workcd Mandker- ohii-fs. fr .ni I J.} cts. lo >-j; New style shell and buff.iio Tiii k Combs: T.onuet, neck and sash Ribbons, some entirely new. For ii-ntiemcu's wear—I?lack, brown and ! ue Frencli I'loths: superior black dcie-skin and I ;if. 'a-^s iiK rt's: I’l.ain and fig il Lin‘ii I>rill- ' --j.increts; 1 talian 'lutlis: 'obiri-il Linen i’! 'H"-: lilack .'satin and fur d Si!k \ cstinjrs; ; _■ i ft.'i.l ■•■’I' l Marseilles .litto: Linen and . 1 r; iT' nd t'ollarsand Shirts; ui:m()val. A LKX’Pi JOH.NSON C’t). have reniovetl to the New Store, Last corner of fireen street and Market Si|uare. where the\ iiavc re ceived in part, and expect to receive in a few days, tiie largest and best assortment of S))rln}i and .s»mn\er ever olVeved by them in tliis market. -March lil, 1S‘>2. Tl-lw Nl’Hi.Mi .iTolimii laioBs. K are receivinjr. at our NF.W ST.VNl>. ' W w Last Corner uf tireen street and .Market i Sijuare, a and :eneral assortment of SvasoH ft tile 4m oiPtJa^ Consistinjr in part as follow s; ^ Watered, figured and plain hhirh l)ress Silks; Figured, eli.-ingealile ;ind plaid Si'ks: ( liallys; ; IJarcgfs. Harege l>e-Lains; Tissues; t'rape l>e- : I’aris; Orgauiiies; Kmli'd and printed Law n.s and ! Muslins; .Jaconet, Swiss, striped and barred Muslins: (iingiiams and t'alicoes: lloml.azines; i Silk and cotton warp Alpacas. —ALSO— -V fine assortment of French-worked Collars, Cutfs, (.’apes, Merther.s, I'nder-sleeves. Cli»'mi- zetts, iJridiil Veils; Kmbroidered muslin, lace and craoe .shawls; .Muslin and lace Tliread, lisle, cotton and linen Lace and Kdg , ings; Swiss and jacoiH't Ldging and Inserting, j Silk and kid (iloves; llibt>ons, Tabbs. Flow- ' ers. \c. j Foil (I K.NTi.K.MKx's W’Kvn.—\ fine assortment \ oft'lotlis, i assimeres and Vesting; Fr'.iich and Lnglish l»rap L>’Kt*-; (jueeu’s Cloth; C.ishmei-et; ; Slate and brovMi Linens; W iiito and ci>lored ' Linen drilling. A coinj'lete assortment of Jit'iinot.s, lioots, SliMfs, I'ml rclLis, ritiasiils, With nntny other articles not rnnmrratrd. n;a- king our assortment the largest and best we liave I'ver i lfi red in this market. To tlie abovi- tiiii.ds we would rail thf atten tion nf our eiistoiiiers. friiiids and the pubiie generally, as we intend to sell them as l.t >\\ as aiiv olher house in thi' market. Al.KX'll JoUN.-rdN \ CO. .ALirch IS. IS.'L’. T-ltf To M^arutct's atui i*lttnlvrs. subscribi-rs. as .\gents tor ilie Iniport- JB. ers. have made !irr;ingements to keep eun- stantiv oil hand a sup]>lv ot I.i st I’Llll \ l.\N AN1> A«;illcrLl rUA.. IM.ASTLi;. which they will sell in quantities to suit, as clu-;ip «s tliey can be i>urchased in tlie Northern cities, adding ,jnly the actual expanse ot' getting tliem here. J. 1). .McK.Vi; CO. Wihningtoii. Feb. 7 "m Nonci-:. f Bllli-; undersigned continue.s to manufacture A Spirits Turiientine 1>.\ 1!IIlOLS. Tliose now- oti hand gu.-ige -I;! to 4') gallons, and arc made of the be^t se.-isimed white oak. l)istiilers want ing a gooil article, will do well to call and ex amine. Contracts to deliver Uarrel.s for the ne. t twelve months made on favoralile terms. T. 8. LI TTKUI.OIL March ‘J:.’. 1S.'>J. 7;jtf K) l A'I'OKS! PO'l A'lOES! A FLW bbls. Yellow IMauting I’OTATOF.S. J. 14 I'or sale by .L D. ^L■lrcll 17, IS'iJ. W ILLTAMS. 71-liw For sal .Man lliTV: LFAl>. Chr(iU e ('ii'ecn. I’tiris lireen. Wnetiaii l!ed. I'rc'ncli Yellow Litliarge. lied Lead. Lruslies, Varnish, i^c. “ bv S. ,J. h 1*7. 1S.-,L’. HINSDALK. 74tf Tr..s: I ^S(»N, Imperial, ^ onng ll\ son, Ooloisp TF..\; (. hocoliite. Mustard. Swei-t (liL For .sale by S. .1. 1 U.NSI »A LL. March 17. IS'rJ. 7 Uf lUKY, 4fc €0. NEW FALh A XD~^\\ NTK11 \VU\IMHX(J PAPEU. 1{|;.\.MS lUue Cotton Yarn rajijvu'.; I’iiper. oU reams common. Heeeixed this day and for sale bv Jl‘. r.lLVNSON SON. March L’2. 7 Vtf 50 A *!■ — AISO _ •i; ii i I' t Oil Window .Shades and rmb'd L.^.iu t 'liri.iiu;; i’;i; er ILiug r. is; Fire .''crceus; i : ■’ r.:i_;_’s and Ti .iveliin^' Truiiks. I . skin an 1 K>is-utli U:it; i’an nn;i ;ui*l ■ ilitiiii ,''tr;i\v ditfi*; .''ilk .'iliii tilimilalU TniTi ll:!-; :i rich 1 d I’.ii.is15"',;. IIS : llC v‘ry l ltO't t‘::-ll 'M; Mis.sPs’ ;nil IJl'HiiiitT ilitfii; tli im-ll’s fine (\>il ;!l|ii J^lifsj Ladies’ (Tiitrrs rtrj>l Slii.furs. TiiP above stock vras bought with groat care; ter in the setison than usual, in order to s>- iri- the most fashionable style.s. Ue invite ;r frieii'ls and the publie to give U' a lo-ik be- ■n ].i;m h.i' ng. as we are ilisj) .scd to sell at ry moder:ite prices. f'a vettcville K. L. \ T. IL I’KMni'llToN. N. .^Llrch i-«tf .sriIJ. WORM, A tf 0-, h i;::. i ''.2. bbl. Sfill, f"r -iale ny COOK JC:l!NSO*N'. roli sAf.i:. 41 TIIK OLI> ST.VNli of ,\. l.Kson .V C..., -V few sets China Tea Viarc. do .J.aj'an do. Kwers and llasins. and common Cpoci-'ery. iShie and Mulbt'ry I’lates and llowis. Table and I’ucket Cutlery, Castings. Tea, Ciili'ce, Sugar. \r. A. JOHNSON vS: CO., J. Crow. .Xient. >Lirch 'J'J. 7-'>-lm I^nnd (liid Mcrcl'an! Mills for snl(. ON the 1st day tif .\pri!. 1 will sell upon tl:r [ireniises, the valua!'le .N’l .\ 1 It »N owned by .Ii.Iin '1';. s. n at tl;e time ‘f his dMth. ill \liiiire county, on .Mel.fiiilipii s roi k. lnur miles N 'rth-^Nest of arthage. I lie ti*;o't ci n- tains several hundred acres, and Inis uii"n it Saw and Merchant tjrist .Mills, in tirst rate re- pair. ,\l«o. on the snme day, 1 will sell a largi’ quantity of other proj)erty. consi.sting of Ib r- «es. Hogs. .Sheep. Catt'e. Houseliold and Kiteli- en Furniture. Farming Tool.*. 1‘rovisioiis, and niany other iirficlcs. ,\ credit of six months will be given, and bonds with goofl seeurities ri'i|nired. T110.S. 1!. TYSON. Kx'r. .March 10. ]s;.2. 7'.ts ANTACll*. This remedy greatly promotes digestion, and is a correetivc of e\eiy species of indigi'stioii— as Siek. Snur Sti maeh. Heaviness after Fating, l ightness ai russ the t'lu'st. Hearttmt n. Water- brash. .Acidity of the Stomach. Lructations of Fond alter .Meals, (.iriping I’aiiis. It i& used by dis.solving a small quantity in w.iti-r. and taken at any time as preseril>eI; not being u!ipieasai:t. :ind alwa_\s alfording almost i!!st;iiitaneons relief. Nntliii'g is so gmid to he ! kept and used in lamilits. th:it is known, in the eases enuniei at‘d. as this artide. Lithjr ! be used iiloiie or in conimietion with other reni- | edit s, particnlar'y the Ti iiic I'iittcrs and Vege- | table Fills. :ind Comp.iiiiid Tonic I’ills; in tact, ; with any niedieines. l>\it not at the snme dose. ! .\ny one troubled v iih d\'peptic s;. mptoiiis will ' tiiid the .Vutaciil and \ eg t;ilile I’ills the most ! efncieiit as well .is coinenient remedies they ev- . er met with. ;ii.d doiii;r no harm in any case. From the Times. .\NTV( I1> \M» VL(iFTAl!LF, PILLS. 'I'ho'e who aie troubled with any of tlie-e in- I dig»sti\e '■■mptoiiis wiil find this an iinaluable i remedy, i roihic'ng immdiaic relief: and b\ the use of a t i'ttlf nr t\«-'. with tlie Fill', will be , enabled to take almost any kind of fond they i choiise. 1»Y; I LI’SIA ANH l.lVLll CoMl'LAlNT. .''^milter coutily. May i '.fter sutiering some ei^ditci n months sev re- I !y with d'spep-ia and li\er complaint, and try- i ii.g many jiri i .it'"ii' with littb“ or no tii-iierit. 1 Was induced to ui\e I'r. Little’s l)\sj>eptic .\led!cine a trial. 1 take p^•a^llre in saying, that I not oiiiy ti.iind them the very best medi cine I eV( r took, but e.\:li tiV 'Iiited mv case. ^Si_'ned, .L W. SlMMoNS. ! The st.itiinciit of the Lev. .Mr. Turner, who is w»-U known in n-.anv jviris .i( the e>>nntr\: Taibi.t eoiint.v. May 1st''. Iu- Llrt'c I'ear >ir; Vour .\ntacid and Ve- get.-.b’i- 1 ills 1 find just the thing lor :i d\'pep tic h.ivit.g boll 1 i:g o! habit. 1 have tricii m.-Tiy things. For ti.Lhtness and ojiprcs- sii 11 :i1ti T I'.i a lie;!rtt.iirn. I'.niln* 's miil |;iti- ' guor ot'If. ''iig. i.iisliig I I' tiKid. \c.. a di se of : the .\nlMi-id v. ..I reiiew it at net'—besides af- fordiii;i much ri 'iii i. it gr‘at:_. assists liigestion. To legul.ite the I ..wc's the I'ill' are excellent, ns thev act v. ilho';^ nauseating and always b ave them iu gi ■ I C. Ii.litioii. These tiiedicines will quickly r-. ex e, I !.m sure, any one thus af- tiicted. I'riiU voui'. .\c. ,,'l^,i. ■ JOHN W. TFKNFIL SoM w 1;' Ic'.ib- and n t-iil. by the I’rojii ii-tor. at his Maiioiactiiriiig In put. No. 'JM Market street. I’l.lladclphiii. an 1 .Macon. Ceorgia. I;,-,' To bp had .also nl'.Limes Cam. ilocktish; . Wai'i'ii. Floral t olltg*-; I’own'tlid llnllg-'. lli iinetisvilK; Ur. 1’. .M. Cohen. Charles ton: C. C. i’.arbee. Darcla\svillc; 1’. F. l’escui, Lalil-li. .1. I! 1 N S!>.\ I.F., .\geiit for Fayett“vlUe. .\i;v, \ m & m;v. wuiiis. ^ H L Subscribers are now re'eiving dircci .11. fiHun New York and riiihidvli)hia, the lar gest and handsouiest Stock of ^Inplv and l'\i/inf Dry (roods That tiiey have ever exhibited in this market, vinbrticing every variety of I-adi»*s’ and (.Jentle- men’.s I)l!KSS (iOODS, among which may be found: Hlack iiiul fancy watered and plain Oress Silks; black and fancy (’oburgs; L.ama Twills; figured and plain fancy and black .Mohair Lus tres; Silk War)) and Crajie IJrocades; Sw'iss. Scotch and Chene Cinghams; Saxony Oe-Lains: French. Knglish and American Prints: Lmb’d Cashmeres: |>lain ditto; ch.angeable l»e-l..ains: watercil and needle-work Cashmeres; changea ble Y'oneses; P>rocade Lustres; Paniask .Kolians; black Uomba/.ines; second-mourning Poplins; plain ami watered Silk .Mantillas: coloreil and bhick Velvet .Mantillas; I’.rocade toplius: and a large assortment of Uress Trimmings; French and Knglish .Merinos; Velvet Neck Uibbons and Curts, iVc. K.MHIU)1I)K1UKS. French worked (^dlars and Cajies: French workefl Cufls: Fremdi worked Chemisettes; Ln- ih'r-.Sleeves; .Swiss ;i!id .Jaconet Trimmings; In fants’ Waists and Caps; Hem-stitched and nee- lle-worked Linen t'ambric Han Ikerchiefs, from It* cts. to !S’>: and a beautiful assortment of \>ils: every variety of ."^hawls. embroidered and pl.-iin; Thread. Cotton and l.ineii Kdgings and l«ices; black Silk Laces and Ldgings. — ALS( )— lilack. blvie. brown and grocti French and llii'j'ish Cloths; black and fancy Cassimeres; (’ut Velvet, figured and black Satin and \ aleii- cia Vestings, i some very handsiune; : Sattinets; Kentucky .li'ans: Twt'eds: Lins»>ys; Flannels, wfol :ind ottoii; Osnaburgs: Druggets; Damask Talile Cotlis; ditto N.-ipkins: Centre-Table Cov ers. \»'rv fine: Piano (’.ivers; Irish Linens: Lin en Lawns: Thread Cambrics; 'I’oav ellin.irs: (len- tlenien’s Merino Shirts and Drawers: Silk Neck and 1‘ocket Handkerchief.': Ladies' Merino V» sts; Ciisbmere and Silk Hose; ditto Half-Hose; the celebrated .''alem .leans, black and grey. I^.adies’, ientlenicn's and Children’s 150()TS . ! ml .''H iLS. Men’'. I'lMVs' and Infants' Hats .uid Caps. I ^’elvet, Satin, Straw and Florence Ib.iinets. Ditto ditto ditto tor .Mi"es. .\nd every article usually kept in a Dry Cioods .''tore. invite the public to call and exam ine our large and li.aiidsoiiu' .''tork, as we are al ways an\i»>us to show our (bmds. IIV /.v/y( Siiijiir, T>ii amJ ('I'Jffr. .\1>F,Y. SHLMWLLL ’o. return thanks to the citi/.ens of Fayetteville, and the Jiublic generally. f.)r the very lil>eral patma.-ige here tofore on them, and intend, by strict nttention to business, to merit a continuance. S. S. AUFY. 10,000 WANTED. The SuUscriber lias now one of the most extensive and be^t assorted stock? Doulile and Single SHOT (IL'NS, PI.STOLS of the most superior qualitj’,—(,'olt's llepeating •and .Vilen’s Hevolving, of every quality.—Pow der Flasks. Shot and (L-ime llags. Percussion Caps of Lnglish and French make. Also, the most connilete assortment of (inn fi.xtures that has ever been oH'eretl in this section of country. •Also, Shot (inns, Kitle.'j and Pistols made to order or repaired. llifies made to order, and warranted to shoot from one to five hundred ynrls. Air fluns made to order at short ni/tice. To all of which the attention of Sportsmen and others is respectfullv invited. M. A. 15AKKR. Si(/n of' //.'• (run. Hay street, nearly opposite the .Miirble Yard. Fayetteville, N. >ct. (>, ISol. 2Sif L\ STOKE, PLOUGHS and Plough Castings, Corn Shell- ers, Cultivatois, Straw Cutters, and Spin ning Wheels. E. C. H VLT., of Home. Oct. 18, 1801. :i’2tf BOOK lUNDEkV, W. H.VHDIK has resumed the IJonk Hindii;g Husiness at the new .''tore next do r to .Mr. 15casley. Jeweller, w In-re he will re ceive and execute binding in any style desired. •Vugu!«t 1. L’7lf Ii. 1 \v.\.Nri:i), :]000 ft. .\slie Lumber for Wagons, H to 3 inches thick. 800(( ft. Seasoned Oak Lumber. 1 J to -J inches. K'lfld ft. White Oak and Hickory, for .Vxletrees. 1000 tt. White Oak for Tongues, Holsters anl Shaft*. 100 I’nst Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. 200(1 Spokes. For which the highest cash price will *>e ]>aid. .Vpplv Soon to E. FCLl^F.K. .May r.t, ISol. 72-tf H.WF just received frvim New York, my FALI- .AND WINTFK Stock of Cooils, Consistinp of a general assortment of Dry (loods, (irorrrics, llnrdwiin*. riillfry, \f. 1 w^ill barter for TUIIPENTIN F, or any kind of Produce. N. KINO. I) miles North of F.-iyettevillc. Oct. 28, 18-')(». ‘ l;!tf DAlf.Y EXPE( 'rEI), tOKNKH.\L assortment (if (''OOl’KRS’ TOOLS, of the best inanufacturer.s’ make, by E. C. H.ALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, 18-M. .’^2tf si:ei) o.\ts. At Feb’v 12. 1H.V2. J. & T. W.VDDILL’S. t.ltf \\ ilOLESAf.i: Watch and .l€*wi*la*y Jiilorr, L. II. Alll.LEU & CO.. i ImjmrtrfSj mid Jolthrr^ 'J WuUhi.s^ outi Fmiry (Jools, Have leased the Old -Stand formerly occupied by MtssrH. Canfield, Frotlier x i'o.. Sotilh En>t rortKf »f Charhs ah'f BtiKim'-ro (.No. 227.) which they are putting iti compleie ordt'r for the Il('LKS.VLE -A H 11 AND JLNN 1;L1:Y ULSINK^;^, to be opemJ Hboul the 20th of July. In calling the attention of the trnde to th«» new concern, we meniion the fact that we flre associated with unc of the most extensive J»'w- elrv Manufacturing Lbtablishnients in the cotin- trv, which must give a decided advantage o>‘ r all tithcrs in thi.s ni:irkct lor supplying denifrH with .Icwflry at niannfactnrrrs' prices, a leiituro in this liran’ch of trade bmg since nce.led -bo tween lialtiniore and the Southern and Westtiu Mvrch.-ints. We desire to call particular attention to lh« Watch depavtnwnt. which will iil all times supplied with a great assortment from the niof-t celebrated manufacturer.s. and kept in perfcct running order, so that pui'chasei.s may at oncrt take them, with a written guarantee that tin-y will })ei‘form correctly. This brancli of the business will rpceirc tbo especial attcjition of one of the firm, whose ex tensive and practical i;noivIedge of the businf.'-* ■will, we hope, give us a }ilacc in the contid.iKa of buyers. NVc rcspectfiil’y imito you to call tipon when You next visit iiir city, confident.y I Curd. e.AVINO sustained a severe loss by the fire on tIh* night of the 2d .January, I am , yi-n next visit om- i’ii\. cvnioi'in.,» compelled t> call on all those who are indebted j that an examination of our Goods wiil tome to make immediate payment. If they : tlu-y arc better .'t \ ics kivI M V,M. .ir.sT ui;t !:ivi;i». AND FOIt .SALI-: 15V S. LATTA, ii.'r ('ask old Madeira Wine, ! Frciidi I?!-;indy, ^ bi'„s. (Iranulate.I Ixjnf Su.gar, i •!■:'t \erv fine Tea. .Mso. St.iTS /.. white and black Kossufli llat«, 4 ■ iiif'riii.i do., drab, black and grey*, I 1’. .; K. Wool do., bl.ick and col’il, ’J •• i.H’lic:m Jirini IJ^aver do. - '■ dr; b IWnsh do. ■J •• fashionable Mol^ .‘^kin do. A a-s .rtn.ent of men's, boys’ nnd in- ^ Also, itooTs A 111-- .'i.;i|iiv. in addition to a heavy stock on I.. !;■ : .Ii;! .Ml of the aliOVC will be sold c',ri> i’liv'ixi' c;ill and 'I’C. .Mirch 12. I"‘i2. 7.’>-4w Plank Koad A* Ituifh' Stock FOR SALE. "ib'i-riber wishing to imjirove some re;il estate in this town, otiers for sale, -■> sii,!.'•(•> lit’ l-'aycfteville aitd Western 1' :i' ^ li.jad Stock. 1' siiai id'.''f ick iu 13ank of J'ajettc- i i'Dis mail.' known on application tn .LKDON LL.MING. f ' iteville, .Man h ’2(J, 1802. 75tf (ioods' JAMES KVU: I N(»\v KFCKIVlNf; AIJOLT 250 Packages of DRY GOODS, •\| .t wliii i, being pundi ised forC.\SH, will be ‘ ifl at \cry rcducel priccs ft»r cash, or on tii j.iiiK uial’rs. either liy whole- A Valuable Plantation for Sale in Alabama. SH.AA'L .’>(i0 .Acres of a.s good Cotton Land as can be found an.v where in the State oi Alabai7»a, which, not having myself sulHcicnt force lo cultivato. 1 will .'cll upon the most ta- vi.iraljle terms. C»f the jOO acres. 70 are cleared and in a goml state of cultivation. ;;'.(> acrcs are in the swamps :ind po^itiM-ly cannot be ju;ility by any land. This; ^alnnille tract d’ Latid is located 17 nii!i‘« from t!;** I )'p‘r J*i ach 1 ree. iii the .\la- bama River, in one mile ot Magnolia. .Marcn.iro. —the largest cotJon growing county in the .State. Adjoining said tract of ly.'infl, i.s ;t tract of equal !«i/.e and qualify. 12S acn - of which are cle.-ired, atid wliicli will be lea.sed Ujmn favora ble terniii, for a numbiT of _\*'ar.s. to any one purchasing my Land. The iand lies levei :)nd in a healthy location, and gool ncighborhond. 50 pi-r I’er.soiiB desiring to purchase Cotton Land.« in Aliibam.i, would do well to examine the above tract. 1 refer to .\ddison Moore, Effq.. White’s Store, .Anson ’>.. N. C., or to Samuel (,’hiistian. Lawrencfville, Montgomery (Jo., N. both ot whom have seen the land. For particulars, address, ALBERT A. DC MAS, l)emopolis, Ala. March lf>, l8->2. 74-lt OII.S, ^:c. INTER nie.'iched .Sprni OIL. Ditto ditto Whale ditto. Tanners’ Oil. Linsei-d Oil. \'egctable Paint Oil. Fine Oil. Rurning Fluid. For sale by H. J. .March 17, 1802. fKMlF subscribers are now recci\iiig from -M. N. Yel k, a lai ge and general ;issortnient ot Sififdc t/nl i'dnci^ Dr If (ioods^ (:kh'kh:ks, iiaiidwaui:, II.its and ’.;)>s. H ints :1ml SImh-s. .'.inoMg whi'di are: Coff 'C. SuL-ir. Cotton I’.agging. Hale Rope. .Nails, \\ i..dow (wlass. Swedes and Knglish Iron, .S:ick ail I .\luni .'^alt. Imperial and P.l ick Teas, i’ejqier. .Vispicc. (Jingcr. Powder, .Skot. Ijar Lead. P>ar and l aiicy .■'oji]). Toge;lii r with a great variety of other arti- surpasscd f' r line clcs. to wh'ch they in\ite the attention "f the public, and which they are determined to sell as low lor Cash, or on time to those wli.> pay promptly, as any house in the Southern country. Produce of all kind.s. at the highest market priccs. taken in exchange for (ioods. SH KM W KLL. R. .Mcl»(tN.\LI). Fayetteville. .'ppt. I 'l. Is'il. 21tf mn i{. 1' o 11 n I AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, Prompt personal attention given to all Consignments, and (’.ish advaiu'i s m.tde on Pro duce to be bhippc 1 to other ports or sohl in this market. Feb. 12, lS‘i2. ''^y \v. L. s.Mi rn, 4'>111 IIIion T3«*i*oliaiil, I (Ht'iir in Lii'.iiIlls' Jinili/niij.) WlL.MlXiiTOX, X. r. Jaii’y ls'i2. it lilM.N’riNi: LAM) F(M: salk. alOR s.dr. acres of L.\ND on James ^ Creek, and (lid .ii-res on Cypress Creek, in (’iitiiberlaiid. convenient ti the V> csterii I lank Ro;nl, heavily timbered, and admir.ibly adapted to tiic making of Tiir]ientine. .\nplv at this (*tlice. Nov.*2s. 18.M. .Summerville, N. .\IcLK.\N \ JONKS. (’.. Dec. s. 18.')1. »7tf or b to d l*oiiit LL peisoiis indebted to the undersigned either by note or account must settle on •fore the first day of .Man h. Those failing . so. will ertainly find their accounts in officer. REUBEN JONKS (ii')tf U V. r. ii.\k;ii son OFFKH FOR SAI.K: "^^EW Orleans, Porto liico Refined, Crushed, Loaf and Havana Sugar. Rio. Laguira, and old (iov’t Java ('offee. Dundee, (iunny, .and lUtrlaps Ragging. Rope :ind Twine. Iron. .Nails. Salt, .Mfdasses. ('heese and Raisins. Rlacksmiths’ Tools, .\xes. .spades. Shovels. Hoes. Sii’yt'lies. Trace iiiid lla ter Chains. Rand and Hoop Iron. White Lead in (>il. Spanish Rrown. Red Lead. (Hass. I’utty. liuckets, Rrooms. .Mackerel, in barrels and halt ditto. Ni'gro Shoes. Tanners' Oil. Tin Plate. \V ire. Su]ierior (Ireen and I’.lack Teas. Saleratus. .Soap. Snuff. Pe]'per. (iinger. Sjnce. Nutmegs. S]>erm and .Vdaniaiitine Candles, liar Lead. Shot, I’owvler, iSwc. Xi’. Nov. 2S, IS')I. 41tf tli4‘ oEl \orfli Akkv. Shkmwkli. .V (.’(». have re ceived a splendid .issfirtment of Sttem Ctii’Xi- bhick and grey, to which they would call the attention of tin- public. These goods will compete in (piality and duriddlity with the J>cst i of Nortiiern Cassimeres. and are mucli cheaper. ; ranging from i’i2A cents to >^1 2') jter yanl. I F:iyctteville. .N. ('., Oct. 14. iSol. ;;Off Fire Insnraaee. ^j'HK -ETN.V Insurance Company of Hart- ford, having jmid the tax imposed by the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue its -\gency iu Fayetteville, under the ' managt’iiient (.f the undersigned, who is pre- ' pared to issue Policies of Insurance on Ruild- i ings or i(MKls. either in this Town or in any pait of the State, on jiroper application, de- scrijitioii of the Property. \c. The .L TN.X CoMP.\NV haslieenin ojier.ition :ibont years. Its is $:(4>0,000. The lion. Thos. K. I'race was its first President, and he still holds that office: and several d' its first Dirccti rs are still active and efficient mem- ficrs of the Roard. It at all times sustained the highest ch.iracter for the ]irudence of its management, and for the liberality with which it has ever adju.-%;cd its losses. E. J. H.VLE. Agent. March 11), IS.jl. C.2-tf ~ Ni:\\ ITU>L •1 undersigned have entered into copart- JL nership, under the name and style of |ja\vr‘ii€*e A: Troy, For tin purjiose of doing a general .Mercantile and Rarter business. We have taken the Store. No. 1(1 (iUl'.KN STRF.KT. formerly occupied I'y Messrs. John Huske \ Son. OKO. W. LAWRENl'E. JOHN R. TROY, Jr. Oct. 22. 18.'.1. -’-ftf cannot settle in full, pay what they can, either in cash or notes negotiable at Rank. A. A. .Mci;i:TH.\N. Jan’y 5, 18.',2. '>:itf T IN ion .\C ADIvMV. ^HE luiildin.^ of this Institution is now in state of conn>letion. It is largv and commodious. It is pleasantly loe.ated in a fine neighborhood, and in a very salubrious part ot Robeson county. twel\e miles west from Luni- berton, :il)out half mile south of the road lead ing from thence to .Mfordsville. The first session of this Institution '.vill coni- iiience on the 2d Monday of January. )>'->’2, un der the care of Mr. (lilc* Leitch. who is a gra duate of the Tniversity of North Carolina. Terms of Tiiiti'Hi. pfr Sr.txioii, ru; .Spelling, reading and writing. ^8 .Arithmetic. English (irammar, Geogra phy anil History, 10 (M( Latin. Greek. French, and the higher branches of .Mathematics, 12 (Ml Roard can be obtained at the .\cadeiny. and ! at convenient distances in the neighJ>orhood. at from five to six dollars per month. | Rv order of the Trustees. J(HLN TAYLOR, Secy. Dec. 20, l^.jl. •'>:^tf NOTlCi:. fl|'’|HE Partnership heretofore existing in M. Lumbeiton. between the undersigiu'd, is ! this iLay dissolved by mutual consent. Those j iiniebted to the firm w ill please c.all on (J. \\ . I McK ly. at Luniberton, who is authorized lo I settle the concern. i JOHN A. ROWLAND. (ill.RFP.T W. .McK.W. Luniberton. Feb. 2*>. 1S'>2. bOtf the hands of a collcctin Fcb’v Di. 18.-.2. HINSDALK. 74tf NOTICE. NOTICE. gr ffl A VlNCt. with several others, been burnt . out on the moiniiig of tiie o’d insta..t, I , Would earnestly request persons indebted to me, i eiih^T bv noti* or account, to call and settle, as ! 1 :i’ii in need of luonev. ALKX’R McLAUCHLlN. ' Jan’v 10. 1S'.2. l^a cl lie //^> ^^'^5 EAVEr rE\ [[J>E, N. c. large and .splendid Ruihling now B_ lipcn in successful operation since May 1810. 'I'he Redding and Furniture of all kinds is new, ntid the rooms eonvenient !inl pleasant. The Table is a'wavs furnished with the best the market aflbrJ^'aided by 11 fine vegetable ’ 'Hoarders, Lodgers, and Travellers will fitnlde- ^ AH Dcltosset & Hrown and J. R. Rlossom, ‘ ^ I of this Town, are forwarding Cotton free £^^.*“•1) .Itiii;' ciotlis from X'u. 1 to 10, of jyrwnrding comniission, I will algo forward, , , . . ■ '« st that is manufactured. , free of commi.ssion. Cotton and Spirits Tnrpeti- i sirable accommodations and nttentiye seryan s. daich 22, 1^.j2. 75tf i to any liouae in N. York, except to lirown j No pains will be spared to give entire satinf.ic- ' De^losset and B. Blossom & Son. J tion. . . , 1.1 > K. H. GRANT, Families can be furnished with large, airy, Wilmington, March 10, IB-Vi. 74-lm 1 fnnit double rotmis, conveniently and Uand- — somelv furnished. .Vn experience of 20 years will enab1» the Ick- A(‘\v Spring (ioods. subscriber is now rccciviiig his Spring ® •''tia-.k of (;)oDS, embnicinj5 a general ais- 'rtiiici.t of .Staple and Fancy mtv uoooH, —ALSO— IlntA, ll'C.f hm- hr'UttA anil l*nias>h. wliicli will be sold t'HE.AP. W. S. LATTA. March I'j, lbG2. Fire-Proof I'aiiit. I’ARRKLS fire-proof PAINT, for sale by S. J. IlINSIMLK. March 17, 18-j2. 74tf LLXSEED OllT B \ RKELS .\ortli Carolina made LINSEP-D OIL, for sale by S. J. HINSDALE. March 17, 1852. T'ltf see, she hopes, to give general satisfaction. ANN BKOWK, June 1, 1850. ^«'tt^ Will be Jlem'ntl hi/ the Jin^t rise in the liivcr, TONS of SW EDES IRON, by E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, 1851. ii-tf VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, 'i'lIK .Mosi' ropri.AR family medicine » F T H E A CJ K I llsetl by Pliysifiiins of Ili?h Stfnidiiig. '1 BlT'ri'.nS remove all nu.rtild secretions, nmiu tlie l.lH»i. giic ttrpiil tone and »igor to the ,:iii,-~tive>itrHn>. t.utifv the sj stem »gain>( fatiii* can he InWeiiwith snfety. at ii» Ume debilt the i.i.ti.-nt-hcinj; KrHtefiil to the most deli cate "stomach, mill remarkable lor their choennK, iii\i-'iiraiini?. sireiiRlliemiiji!, and restorHtive jiruiier- lie>,”anj in iii\nliiKhle and sure remedy for i)vspi:rsi\ i\ ITS u orst forjis. Ahi> I iver ComiilKintii, .lanndice, llfarlbiirii. fo»- tivenr-iH. Kaiiitnes..^, |)ior.ler ofthe Skin and I.iver, I...S* of Ai.i etite. I.0W Siiirit-, Nei»i...s Headache, (iiililinesn I’Mhiit.itionof the Heart, !>ink.iii(c and Full ness of Wciuhl at the Stomach, and all other di>ea-ei r.aiiKed by an impiire stale of the hlo>d, liier, etc, which tend to deUilitate and weaken the sy«tem, F K 31 \ K S Who siifl'er from a and iianatiiral condition w ill fiwl this Medicine of 5NESTIMABLE VALUE. In All cr^of (5KNKK AI. DK.BILITV, thi» .Medi cine A TS I.IKK A ( HAK,\) ! TSOUSAIiDS Hare tested its efticacj , and thousands more «re now under treutmei.t; and not one has A et been ie(K>rted. \ ol.imes conld tie hlled w h certificate* of tho.e who ba^e been |.erniaiieiitly cured. Call on ti» *nd pet a P.I.flPHI-ET, . outaininK the Ortiticatei of Re^markable ,ire» «nd the hiBh estimation in ^.hich thi. .Medicine » h.ld by the Public l'res*-can be had of the .A Rent., tree. ^ Large Cluarts $1; Pint# 50 Cents. Sithi by all the Prittripal Drvggtats in the L'nited States and Cunodaii. Pi-loe.val Omcr ^ KL'LTON ST.. .V Y.. ui. .lair. For sale by Si Ji HINSDALE. JJovcmbvf 8, 1801. i)8-j j prove to you cheajier tii.-m yon have cvt-r seen in thi.^ mar'.ei. !ind'C you thnt no t-lbiri shall be wa!itin>^ on onr part to make the nciuaintnnce one mutual benefit. L. If. .MILLEK sV ( O. Old stand. ioriiKM-ly occupied iri' Canfiel'.i. I>ro. iV ('o.. S. i;. cor ner if «'hiirle- I.V ll:.ltimore sts. Biiltimore, .June IH.'il. 1 J-So KLl’lUU.NCi:.': Me-'trs. AVyeth, Lilackiock .'v Cn. (iwyn. lleid tV T;i\ hn-. •lanie.s Hoil^es ijc i>r'itii«‘r- Ilurst i.\; Berry. Mnv loch. I'iier .V F.vr'ti-'. MvHni:inn .V Ilinii' u^. S!inc.>’tiin \ ( o. I’liirthiov. (Iw.Mi I.V i'll. IJiely \ I’ctidii i'lii. ('nshirlg^^ .S: I^aih-y. .John ^Iitrjihy .V Moore & (iritlin. sn.Nb.\ui) AND Misi'i:],i,AM.ui;i notHi's. Ar.M*L.\Y’S. Hnnie’.*^ and liol);ri.-»ori ; fli-i' torieft of En>ilaiid, in v;irioos edition.**; Alison's History of Enrojic. I vol-'; llnllaTn h Middle A>:es: Thiers’s Ui^tovv of the Frencli i Pvcvoliition, '1 vols. illustrated; Tytler’.v Lnivcr- I sal History, larj^e and abridged ed.s: I’rcicoit s I Ferdinand and Isaliclla. M' x;co im'l I’ern: L-i- j baiunc's (’anipai'.rn in I'li'-'ia: ('oopev 5 Ni'Vtil 1 History; Mansfudd’.'s Mexi- : ti Wnr; Trvnibnll's I Indian Wars; ’iini]iliell ,-5 Livc^ ot the l.ord;! I hancellor.s of Kiijilami. 7 v,Os: ’anipbeir- ! Live.' ot' the ’liief .Itisticcs ot Lngi.'iud, vo;s; Lives of eminent I'.n^rlish .fudges; Lives ot (Jtu'ens d Scotland. - vol.'^; Lndies’ lli.-storical Lilirary. 0 vols; Memoirs and V’KRof Alexan der Hamilton, 0 vol>: .MMrshalV") .ishington. iJ vols; Colton •> Lite and Times of Henry (.'lay; Kennedv .• I.iife of ^\ irt; \\ irt’s Lile ot I’atrick Henry;' Southey's Life and Correspondence: Charles Lnnib'rt do: Autobiogrnphy of Leigh Hunt; Lii'c and Oenius (»f Burns; I.ife of La fayette. of r.iul .lonc.s. of .Jackson, Tmj Ioi-, acoti, Marion. Franklin, &i-. \c. Shak>) care's Works, in 1. 2. end 7 voIh; .Sherid.iii's, Ben .Toiison's. Beaumont «nd F'fteii- er's. .Massitiger and Ford's, \vyc'ierley and (,'on- creve’s. Dramatic Works. Eng. Illustrated Eds; \.c. iS;c. .Johnson's W’orks. jind Bo>T^eii s Life of John son, ‘i vois each; I’nrke's. .Addi,'Ou'H,»ioUi-n.itii’s, Sterne’s, Fieliiing’s. and Siiiollett’s orks; (lold* smith's .'.niniated Nature. - vols; Burke H, Chat ham’s. l*hiHi]«s’. Curran’s. nnd other Speeches; Mo.dern ISritish I'ssayists. 8 vols; V^avi-rly No vels and I'octry; Irving's Work.s I’ntninn’a edi tion. I 'lvols; Cooper's .''elect Wor’-cs, 12 vols; Btil'.ver's Works: I'ickens’ do. coniplctw ;u 4 vols; (i’il Bl-is; I>o!i (jui.xotte: \'c. \c. Colman’s European Lile and Manners: Lord Holland's Foreign Kr-niiniscences; Stephens'.i travels in Egyjit. Arabia, &c: Walter Colton’s Works; Ciraec .Xguilar's do, viz; Hon’.e Infincnce, Mother's I’.ecoinpense, Vale of Cedars, &c; War ren’s Ten Thousand a Year. »nd Now nnd Then; H\perion; Swallow Barn, by Kennedy; Alton Loeke; l.aven^ro: Hu niboldt’s Cosmos: Revericn CHERRY PECTORAL f'or Ihr Ciirr ol (OIGIIS. (OLDS, lfOAKSE.\ES8, BROXdllTIS, WIIOOPI\G-€OlilI, (ROIP, .\STIHIA, A\D COXSl>IPTIO.\. M any years of trial, insteml of imiiiiirine tt'e imhlir riintidenre in this iiiediriiie. hM' vmui lor it :ni :i|"(iri’ riiitinn anil notori»*lv by fur exrefdinL' thi' nio^t s:u»i;iiini' »'XIH*rl:itiiH»s of its irii-nds. Notbiiij! but it** inlrin'if vir tues mill llii- iiniiiisl:ik!iliU- benetil cniilVTrfd on ihmis inils of sntt’ererH. ronhl orii;in:ite ;ir,d iii;ii'‘l:iiti Ihe r»*put'itioii it eiijiys. While iiimv inl'erior remedies ihrust iiiHm the niiiiiiiuiiity. hrive failed find been ilisriiriled, thi' hii' I'mIiiciI friend' bv rverv triiil. conlerri-d licm-tii* on ihe »('- rtii-icd they c:in neverior'.’el, and (if'din «'d rures tiMi n«- iiirroii-s and loo rriii:irk-iblt* lo b* lnri!iillen. While it is a Irtinl on the piihlir to |iri'l nd thHi itny one nii-dirine will infillibly rliri—'lill tliere i> aUuiitl:int jirirfil that ilie f herry I’ecii'irnl dm-s not only « yenenil thiiii;. hat ;iliiio't invariiihly, care the iii,ilailie!i for u liicli it i empbivd. .\' time iiiakes Ihcse fiicK u ider iinil better know n. this nieilii ine h 15 er idiinlly beroine the h. vt reli.inre of ibe tilHicted, from the log-caliin of lh» Anierii nn pe.isHnt, lo the |i,ihires of r,iirn|M-;in kinss. 'I'lirniiiiliont this entire roiiniry. in every .'l.ite. city, and indeed iiliiiost every hamlet it nmi:iin's. I'hcrry IVrlonl is known as the best remedy evmnt Inr di'e:ises of ihr 'I'hront and l.iinc». nnd in ni.iiiy foreign countries, it is roaiiii" to he ejien'ively used b\ their most inlellisi'iit Physirians. In (Jreat l!rit- ain, I'nince and ;eriii:iny, \vher»- the medical sciences b.ive reai tied their hii.'besl (lerfectinn, ‘h**rry rei-toral is intriHlnced. and in ronsUiiil use in the Ariiiies. Ilnspilals, Alms III.uses. I’nblir Instiiiuions. and in durnestic prat tire, MS Ihe surest ri’iiiedy their iitlendina l’hysici:in« can eiiipioy f'T the more danpi'ruiis ntri-ctions of Ihe liincs,— ,\l'o in milder cas*’s. and fur rhildren it is s:ife. pleasnnl and etrertil il to cure. In fact, some of the liiosi f1 itlerin!! If'stinionials wi* receive h:ive been frniii parents ho have found it efficacious in rases )Kirticiilarly incidenml to chihlhoiiil. The Cherry IVctoraI is inannfactureil by n practical f'heiiiist. and every ounce of it under his n\ n eye, v» ith invari^ihle acciirncy nml care. It is seah il and (irntecteil hy law from rounterf''its, consequently cjin Ik‘ relied on as eenuine without adulterition. We have endeavored liere to furnish the community with a medicine of sucti inirinsic. siifieriority and worth an should coiniiiend itself to llieir rontiileiice h reineily* Hi once safe, st»eedy anil elTect'ial. which this has hy re- lieiitud nnil countless trials proved itself to be; and tru t hy treat care in prepariair it with chemical arcuracy. of Hniforiii strength to attiiril (’hy«icians n new aeent on which they can rely lor the tiest results, and the ii(ffieied with K reiiiedy that will *lo for them nil that medicine can do. (•fi jmrert nnri sdd hy James .\vER. Practical and .Analytical i’henii't, lAiwell, ,Mass, 8ol«l In Favetteviile by S. J, IUNSI),AI.K; in Clinton, by WARRI-:.\ JOII.VSO.N tc rt>.; and by Druggists and Dcitler^ In .Medicine everywhere. January ttiJ 59 TO Tin: priJLic. rjlIlE subscriber has leased for a term of Ji. years, of K. W. 15rown. Esn., his tire-proof Store, with his Wharves, and is now in a conili- tion to t:ike especial care of Spirits Turpentine and other Nuval Stores eonimittcd to his care. The Wandiouse is well known to be the best and s.-ifest place in town for the storajre of Hacoii. Lard. Corn. IVas. \c. The hjwer wh:n ves ha ve on them four large new siieds, where Spirits can be s;ifely kept from the rain and sun. He is prepared to r»‘ceive and ship, or sell, .all kinds of jiroduce sent to his c;ire. He will also imike advances wh*n reiiiiirt'd. He heirs to refer to r.;e followinjr "entlemen; H. W. Hrown. .John Dawson, O. Ci. I’arsley and Thos. JI. Wriji;ht, Esijs. MILES CDSTIN, lirown's whan, Wilmiiifrton. N. C. Sept. 12, l.V.I. -M-V BISOTl!i;il)i LL\i;. ~ fa^HE steamer r.l'iOTHLKS. and Tow T.oats S- Stevenson. David Lewis, and .lames ('as- siday, are jire]iared to t'nrward with desp.-itch all poods^ned to the Proprietor. The Steamer brothers is tif li^rht dranuht. :ind well suited to run in /»"• ’■'utrr. She jio.'i- sessos ixKrer ;ind .«;>»-.■/ ;iiid is admir.'dilv ailaj't- - n • n i i m- »- • ed to Lrh.,, an.l can accomniodate abotit -0 l ot a I’.achelor; Home is J ome; I.sdy W ert.ey^ i Tr.ivcN tn .\merica; Aralnan Nights; Oeoriiiit passenjrers. i ■ . . . c- . e- . » e The I’roprietor contemtdates runniiir the , i n . -n . ,, 1 • in- • I , r.ritis I and Feninle Poets. illui»tra- liiniself, and will ^tve special attention to imhi.u . i. . wavfreidit and n.ival stores; to t.,w iiiir. and | tod; i^.ot itions; Lyroi.s, Sco.t .\1:,- wiH also^attend to the comfort and c..nveni-nce | ton s, Moore .^1 ope s. C^owper s, D:.n e s, FtiB- of Fassetifrers. From his experience as { , . • M-I • . c .1 I I, .♦ Hums s, Coleridjre s, \ ounji I’ntK'r Aioth( r- .\irent III \\ iliiiiii',rton ot the several .'^teanilioat f > p , 1 .1 • 1. 1 .. i well s. olhns (trav tir.d ncattie s, M.ellev «nd t. (inip.-inies. he thinks he can jrne satistaction. ; * i o . /■. r i- ■e M I . • .1 ■. f .. 1 ,.11 .. ■ Keats s. l hancer and Spencers. ompiieh s lo .Mendiaiits in the interior lie VMiuht sa\, i i f that all Cioods shipped by him, wiil '>e deliv ered to their .V^reiits in I-’jiyetteville. His .A^rent in Wilminiiton is D.\.\ ID i? VNK."^. to whom all coinmunieatioiis may be addressed, as .\j:ent ot the Ste:inicr Hrothers. .luHN 15.\NI\S, rrtiinietor. ^^'il!llin”ton. Feb. 4, lf^-2. tl^Itt jrsT l{K( KiVKI). if* m’.LS, WHISKLV. HMihds. ,M(dasses. 1 (jr. cask pale French l>randy, 1 “• “ .Madeira Wine, 1"> ba"s IVio CotVt'e. b bo.xes .\Ieiliuin ,\xes. —AL.0— I’rfiotns; Hearth I>rushes; .Tnte T)oor and lUie- 'ZV Mats: Tanners’ Curriers’ Knives. Workers. Tom Hiiod'.s. Tupper's. I’oliok’s, IlaLeck's, and Hryant's Poetical \\ orks; iScc. iv.c. I’dbles. Prayer liotiks and Testament®, of vfv rions styles and priccs; Melville’.s, Manning's, nnd t’hapninn's Sermons: Sketches nnd Skele tons of Sernions; English Pnlpit; Pulpit Cyclo- peili.i; Leijrhton’s Works; 11 ofi’man’.s Canon Law; bick's Tbeolojiy: Life of Dr Chalmers, and Chul- niers'.s Institutes of Theolopy. Sermon?, nnd Lectures and .Vddres.^es; Horne on the Psalms; Patrick, I.owth and Whitby’s Coininentarj- on the Scriptures, I vols; (,'oni[)i viiensive do. t> voI»; McCosh on I'ivine (iovernment; Cliarnock on Divine Attributes; Neandtr'j Life of Christ: Hutler’s An!iloir\; ii.^on's .Manunl of Church I’rinciples; Hojikin.son the Confes.'fionfil; l’u,sey- isni. its Causes iind Cure: Kutler's t>ld Truths and New Errors; llc.ldines for Lent: Srtcra Pri vate; Clark on the Promise.s: Hannnh More'* FKENCH CHINA. S. W. TILLINGHAST \ CO. March 1, IS-^L’. ti'-'tf DAILY KXPIx rKI). At:KNKU.\L ASSOKT.MENT of IIOLLOW- WAllE, bv E. C. HALL, of Home. Oct. 18, IS;-)!*. :12tf and Smooth Fit'sliers; and an addition to our j and Private Hevotions; I>oddridgc's Pi^e !ind Progress: Piljttim's Projiress, besuiifid'y illii.strated; lijixtcr's C.ill. and Saint’s Kef!; Trench’s Note,« on th^ I’arnblc^; liuck'g Theo logical, nnd Cnion Lihle Dieiionary; GilSilan Hards of the Uible; Peep >f Day, Line tij'on Line. &c; day's E.xercises .^nd Prayers; Thorn ton's, Herrian’s, and P>nir»»5 8 Fnmily Prnyers; Deeins’s Home Altar: 'Wrntipht fiold: Hawk- stone. Laiu ton I’ar3ona;Tf>^ The Earl'* Dnuiihter, (Jertrude, 'Walter Lorinier, and other religious tales, by Sewell and other auihfirs, ac, &c. Miss Leslie’s, Soyer’.=!. and American Cock- ery: Mi.'S Leslie’s and Mi'^s IJeecher’s Receipt 15ooks; .>lr«. Hnndolph’.? \ irpinia Uoupewife. &c, &c: Downin>:’s Ladies’ Flower G*i'den; do Fruit Trt'c.s of America; Flov er (isrden Diree- tory; IJarry’s Fruit tJnrden; v\ith a variety of useful works on Apriculture. Fanning, occ, &r. A large stock of .'■'■chool Books, No'vels. ftift IVioks, Stationery. &c, kc. For sale at the Fnyctteville Dock Store, bv E. J. HALE ^ SON. I Tf'/r! TeffI Teal! CHEST VOCNfi HYSON, 1 ditto Cinn})owder, 1 Catty Imjierial, For sale bv CHS. P>.\N'KS. Oct. ‘-'S, 18.51. ' 34-tf NOTR K. All persons indebted to the subscriber for Goods purchased .nt Floral College, are re quested to make inuneliate payment, either to Mr. Hugh Mc.Vrn in the neighborhood, or to himself in Cheraw. D. B. Me A UN. Cheruw, Dec. 20, 1861. 50-tf j7)HN' T). whjjams. Commission A' Forwarding ^Iferehant, Fayetteville, N. C. Fob. 9, ldC2. C?ti A GOOD INVESTMENT. The Subscriber 'wishes to «e1J one-half of the Fayetteville Water Works. Neither of the present proprietors imving time to jrive their piersonal attention to the property, tb« pnrchasoT can have tJej management of it, tna- king it a valuable in\(stment. E. J HALE. Czt 1, 1351.