mm 'Cn 'Ip :,1’ ■'lit- K:, '■isu •■“I. ''""lil, "'''■i.lo ttf :us INv. ■ N. MIX -"till '• '''1 in ,, "i‘ lUv 1! \ 'II '‘i'lcs. ‘ v '.l " F .v. * A>K> ■>v ■■'' tt.. U li-ir-; -ti-r., -ir utiUtv' 'V -•nt.-r-.lj st^IUry "11 tke Ti-ntii M.\N ^ VI r- S' !1 >, iV'. ,r. i. : - SEMI-WBEKL. Y. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., APRIL 1, 1852. [NO. 7^.] l-KiNH-l' HV 1{. XHWBY. pU VIiit J. IIALeI; S0.\, , l.i rcr.S ANl» I’UOl'KiKTOKS. „ • r t!u->1111-"UusEKVKK $i 00 if 1 .T, ft.lvMice; $4 oU if paid diihnu the .. ; j iiio; or ?5 nftcr the \r»r has • '■in’vi. Woi'klv >!iHi.«VLU ^2 IX) per snnum, if i t-- 50 if j*«i(l during? the i . n or ^3 00 aftiT the yeur oM’.k' i- H I ISKMKNTS' iiisortc-l for sixty ccnts isro I'T the tirst, and tliirty cents for oach ■ iiii." pu’i’-’-i’ati""- Vcai'ly advortiseiiuMits ,v; ■, il (•cntnii'ts. at roasonubU- nitcs. Ad- ari- n' iiu'>tod to state the uuhiIht of , . ; iii li''irid, IT tlu-y will be coutiiiued till i ;ni,l . :xi'C(>rdi»)i!y. r--” L 'tt'TS to the i;ditoi> must b« post-paid. iii,„ vnt »■ rapping Paper. ilk 111 A.'/S very Mi]>crior. received tins ^7 i r . and l'. r >.vle l«v 11. BUANiJDN \ SON. 77tf well 1 Aow Sprnijx Coods. I AM r.'.nv reeeiviiif; n very l:ir^e iu\d selected stuck >f .Staple and Kaiicv »«!• aoobs^ Ki'ady-niiule Clotliing, Groceries, Haniwavc uikI CMitlirv, l{oiiiu't., 8lioc‘s, l'inl>rvl!as, I'arufuls, !tc. ic. —— 7»“5 IlnrrelM .HackereL ImmmI.- have Iiecii selectcl with (rreiitcst cure, iu\d will l>e sold us cheap as any VJooils in the market. Those wishin;; to pur chase, will tiiid it to ti>eir interest to examine these tioods hclore purchasing; elsewhere. w. F. mooul;. March TtUf the ri) Ij1>S. Slaujthtered I1II>KS, handsiinieiy cnrel. for sale CeK'lv* \ J(.)HNSoN. ,.000 aN!) sr\LMi:ii aK»Dm. ABEY, SHEMWELL 8t CO. 1 r' I. w receiving direct from New York .X ui-.l riiiladelphia, a complete JV«^.>^tnu•nt A\i> si’:»iTii:u «ooi>s. : ' every article usually kept in a I'ry ■'" re. .iiiii'Mi: wliich may hi- I'.iund; 1 iicntlemen s Dn's-^ (imids, of the 't* rial, and the latest l.i>iiious.— L ' i‘(y vvi.l l.e -t-x, tedious t'j meutiou.’ r t li;indsiiinct f’rrtjie and llcraiie ' - h.'ivi- f\iT (itl'ercd in this market; ami , iil'i i-"'l the Httentidu of the i;idies par- ,i V t'l iMir very hrtmls'ime stock of Ve->. Muutillas, Pariisols, aud l^'aus. —AL.''()— . ' n F.ui^iroidories; I.act'and Muslin i ts: l ii.KTsIfcve,': LiiU'n Canitiric llaml- iiK-}'; Kmli'il S:u-ks; lul'auts’ Waists hU'1 . ( uti's !in«l ('"liars. ■■'■luld also direct the attention of the la- - : oiir >tock of I’.ONNLTS, of the latest ' • .■'ilk. Crape and .''traw. We wotild not • !• nu'iiti"u o>ir stock of I’loots :iiid Shoes. Lcntlenien and cliiidi'en. Together r ■■■:■ i k of .''tapIeCi Is, i ii.-i.'t- ■ ,;i f I'ania.'k Talilt- 'loth.-, and Na[i- ■ i.. '11 anil t'-at'n .''lievtilitr'; Ku;:l.>li. 1 \;:r rii :in I’riiil'i hrow n mul -.rdi d M.irscilles !ind ! rass t^kirts; .\lar- ' ■: ’;■ the bo.'t .lUiility. i:c. HAT?*. nM\, I’aiiaiua. Le>rli.rn, Kot^s^ith. Rnd ■iid a variety • I'otlur (io(.ids. ’■ ‘%r .'t ’• k woulij lespectfnlly in- ■r iiti-.n oi tin citizens oi'Fayett4-v il!e - ’ -iii iin:: coiiiitry. And w ou],| take 1 "r le'.uinini tli.-niks to the pidilic ‘■ r ih - very iiheral p;itn)Ua;:e hei-eto- 1 'U us: and Would say. ni'e il> Mivin^, a.' we aie di-teiiwiiied U it ■ d liy any. h't.intly on hand a pood a'>^'‘r!- Car] et;njr: ?^u;;ar w -’rain anil llru- I'.M, vVC. .\ui:v. SlllAlV. KI.l,. 11. McDoN AM). N1 arch is'.:;. TTtf i ■f t!. "i:- ; -Mi; r :t '■ ?! ^1.. Ill . I V ir.! ,1. ■ -r- Vi ^tiii of • fMoneffi I,h seil n.y Sl'MMiH: Jli:^!]>i-:M IJ, : > fi'orn the .l/arket, iu the Favette- ! V 'trni IMaiik lload—tine of the most ■ lie.-ilthy places in the county. •; I Sli.,; - s ..f Fayetteville and Wt-nteni ■i ■■ k, and '•'At .^harcs of Fayette- • ."(■ i-k. i:ii -est stock of Ready-made ('.Mt- ■- tii'i 1.1'■ l(;I K.'' ever ofi'ered in this r -•^■.iiMi Worth—compU*tely finished. ' I \v:’! 'ell at very reduced prices ■ ti;.!>le notes. ■ ;iffi iiTion has heen J>«id to the call ill- .i!:!-!- tlie tire of the Jd .lan'y. fm ■ : I'- nie to call and settle, tliat I t.: friT the ahove ]iropcrty at re- to euahle me to rebuild my - r 'i-.!.iiieut and continue niy busi- ■ - li^-ni-e. ’ ■ P' tf - in [irojipr hatids for collec- '■ ’ lid SOI,II. I liave all my accounts '■ ' ' 'ill' 1 St .Jan'V lJ')lJ. A. A. J/eKKTir.VV. - TTtf -I- w \ \!i iMi mw.w (icons r«r I 'i-riiicr vvouhl e.-ill the attention nf ’ • ii'i'. and the public in general, to • v.irieties of liriiiir (,nff Siiinmrr (tood.s I. \\ th ill : ::aini; 11 \ 1: .. hr. •, 1 r. 11= i)V iilHl to • Jf ||)r. HA' 1 ill! bmiid in this market. - .\LS(>— 'b in atiiindance. to-wit; Panama, ‘•il, China I’earl, beghorn ( Kos- I’aliii-leaf ll.\TS, lor (ieutle- J'>. and Infants. — ALSO — A ^00(1 ufssort- meiit of IJoots & Shoes, for ‘ientlemen, l^adies, J/ieses, Vnutiis, IJoys, Children, and Servants; all of which will be offereil On very ac- • nmmodating tenns for the r to tliose that are willing to >ujts vvlien presented. JOHN 0. THO.VSON, "itli-wcHt cornei’ *Varket Squtire. TTtf W.WTKI), n.MlHKLS of TURl’KN- J'lNK. for bistillerv .at the ‘ y bri.l^o, „„ i-jj, Kocktish. The best I'*''.'' be pai.|. For further inform- *\*"r Murphy, at the Dridj^e, ■ Kcihan, Fayetteville. 19tf — 1852. LAWUENC'K TKOY H-WF. received their Spring stock of Goods, coiisistiug of (.1 roccrit's and I’rovisioiis, llard- uan* and C'litlt'iv, C'rockery and (ilasswaro, lilacksiunhs' Tuols, HoiloNV-\Narc, \c. — .V !..'( >— l! casks l.ondon I’orter. quarts and pints. r> bbls. old Hye Whiskey, ; > years ohl. I A >ro»)d stock of Northern and Country Liipiors Fuitoii Market .Mess Ueef, by the bbl. or retail. Mess and I'rime I’ork, do »o. Fi.'h, in h.-ilf and whole b.arrels. t^np'r (.iobhen and Cookinj; Hutter, w iuilesale or retail. .\ jzrcat variety of articles usually VejU in oui line of business. All of which will be sohl low. L VWKF.NCi: \ TlloV J'ayetteville, March lH.'»i;. T0-4t AEW GOODS ~ /"E arc now receiving a very larjre and well selected stock i.if .''I’l!INti consistinji of a full assortment of M-'tturt/ il* Siaplr Hoods, .Vuuini; which tuay be found the and ino.-'t fashionaV>le st I le» i>f Ladies' and Ueutlcnicn'.^ UUUfciS COOlv.'i. Hats, (.'aps, Koady-tua'lt' 'Inf li- iii^, Haniwart*, (r(K.(.TiL>, Drugs ami -Mciiiciiies, Saiidlcry, (’rotkcry, ainl Jlas.s\varc. A larjre aii'i well selected stock of Uixjt.s atxJ Shot s, and J.^iilies’ aiul (Ii'iitle- lufu's (laiters, (^very tiuo.) SALT, HlOX, .MOLASSES and XAILS. We intend se'.linj: as che.ap as we can, a«d would be glad if our friends and the jiubiic would call and examine our stock. J. T. CULNCIL & CAIN. ,M:irch l24, Tbtf l’Livl\ Ti:,l (O.MIM.W, W.VUEIIOISES, 75 and 77 Fulton Street, N. Y. fBMIK I’ekin Tea Conipany lias lH*en est.ib- -H. lislied many years, and has always maiu- t.lined a hijrh reputation for Teas of the most delicious character and fragraiicy, and at prices w hich have in every instance jriven perfect sjit- i^laction. The Teas arc warranted pure, and may be returned if they do not prove to be us they .are iepreseiited. Tlie 'J'.'a^ .'oM by this Company are done up in } lb. A lb, .and 1 lb p:ieka;re>. the tirst or in side Wi'apper is of lead; the >eciriid, water proof paper: the third, or outside wrapper. Chinese rice paper; also, in o lbs ehinese (piut- tooi.-^. The ('ompany sell llolie hot jjriod Teas, iloiie uji in this su]>erior manner, all ;rrovvn in the mo.-t lu.\urioii.s districts iii China: they also have Teas of every dc^crijaioii in chests and half chests. ('ouiilry .Merchants will liiid it jrreatly to their interest to purcha^e their Teas of this Coni- ji.-iny. they can select as small a ijuantity of each kind .as they like, and have them packeil in one chest Hotel Kci pers niay always be certain of having; on their table u uiiijorm rliHrnrirr of Tea; and Fumilies may not only be sure of ^ood Teas, but can purchase any ijuan- tity thi'ir wants may retjuire. The foliowinjr is a Catalojiue of the Teas with the reUiil prices affixed. tiUELN ti:as. Voiin^ Flyson, Youn;r liysoii, .''vveet Cnrj;o, Vounp Ilyson, Fine Car;:o, \ o\iujj Wyson Silver Leaf—this is ti very superior Tea, •'t'l Young llyson fIoid«“»i Chop—this is the finest Tea cultivated in China: it is of the tirst jiickinjrs, and e.\cels all other (ireen Teas lor its delicacy of fla vor, streiiiith, and aroiii.i: heretofore this Tea has not reached this country, esi- eept in small lots as presents to iui- ptirters, llyson, fine. Hyson, very superior plantiitiou, (junpowder, tiunpowder, tine, Gunpovvilor e.\tra fine, jdantation, Imperial, Imperial, fine, imperial, extra fine plantation, HLA( K TE.VS, Oolong, a rich black Tea, Compare this low priced pradc with Teas which are sold at most places n» Ooloii;' Te:i, the difference is too plain, and the deception too palpable. Uolong. fine. Oolong, I'lantntion growth, toloiig, delicicuis, 5^1 Ne I’lus ultra, •'t'l This Tea is a.s fnigrant and .«weet a.s a no«epay, it yi'dds h perfume that truly delightfui; it is of garden Slll'TII (MKOLIW I.\SllM.\rE ('(DlP.l.W, 1 OF CHAKLhrtToN, !S. C. ' ClIlAHTFIvKI* by the State of South (’ai-oli- na, w ith a Capital of '.Mm), all paid iii and well inve.stcd. Fire, Marine, lUvir and Life Risks. CI1.\S. KU.MUNDSTON, I'res't. .V. li. Tuni.vs, Sec’y. 1)IIIECT(MIS; HonKRT MvtlTIN, Col. .J.VMUS (t.M)SHKN, •M. C. -Moni>K».Ai, Cii.vs. II. Wkst. JS. Muwnv, Jr. JIk.nuv Cutm.v. The subscribers having been ai'pointed agents in this place for the above named company, are prepared to receive offers and issue policies of Insurance on Fire, .Marine, Hiver and Life Uisks, on liberal terms. .Vll h.sses incurred at this agency, will be proiiiptly adjusted ;ind paid by the uudersigiied. DeUOSSKT \ lUlOWN. N. 1>. Risks will be taken on the lives of slaves OU ttie most terms. Wilmington, N. .March -7, IS-jli.—TT-Om SI’KIAG STOCK. rglllF undersigned are now receiving th^ir Jl Sl’lU.Nti STOCK, consisting of 1>HY" C;4M>!>S, IIAUDW .\ui;. Mfafs, C'ftps, and ^hocs^ ■\11 of which will be sold low to prtnctual cus tomers as heretofore. Merchants and other.H will do well to exam ine their Stock before making purchases. We will not be uudersold. HALL & S.M KKTT. .March 11, 18)2. T2tf Frii*e ol* Ka;;^ advaiievd. H^EllSONS who have made contract.', with J. M. .Iordan vV Co. for furnisiiing ll.Vtj.S, are hereliy informed, that we will pay cents per lb. on all ('ottoii Kags. Hope anil l!agging, delivereil to us after this date. 11. UKAN.SUX & SON. March 11, Tl'tf ■V H LI .V.S, Chrysanthemums, and Verbenas are now reaily for delivery. 1‘ersons wishing a choice assortmetit should send their orders immcdi.-itely, as my stock of extra fine varieties is small. C. LLTTKKLOII, Uottan .'treet. I'ahlias from 10 to ‘J'l cts. Chrv sanlheniums ■> to 10 cts. VcrUeli;'.!* 10 to 2’) cts. ■\lso a nutliber of other chc.ip hardy plants for bedding out. iklarch 21. TT IKON safes. .viilisiTihers. Airi uts fur the sale of WlLltKK'S P.Vl'liNT S.U,.\MANDKIl sAFiis, WITH i:i( ITS i\ii’Uo\i:.mknr, ..f- fer tiiem of all .'izes and patterns, delivtred in Wilmington at the .Maiiulacturi. I 's New York prices. Thc.ic Safes are warranted e>|ual if u*>t supe rior to any others ni.inufactured. tirdcrs will receivc prompt attention. i>t: i:ossi;t \ r.nowN. Wilmington, N. C.. Marcli ‘J'i, 1>')'J. TT-'’m Si cam I'aii'i/tc for S(/lc. TK I'lKr ti’i' .sale one i f .\. I’>. Sfarbuck's Kngiiies—Cyiindcr II* inch li iie. HI inch .'troke —on solid ('a>t Iron led. with torce pump. re;.ri!l.itor. water heater, and all connect ing sieaiii and water )iipc together with ‘J boilers ■J'' inch diameter, 21 tei’t long, boiler troiit, grates, safety valve, lilovv t tf. cbvi'k and guage cocks, and a tuli set of vvroU'.;ht and iron vvork I'or a sinjrli. .>savv Miil. v\iiii c.istinjs f(.ir a Carriage of In feet in leiiL;th. The al’ove Ijigine and .Machinery .are similar in everv resjiect to tiios.- in use on tlo- K i\» tie- ville .-lud \\tsicrn I'iaiik Hoad: they have been iinpi.v;>-d !r..m Troy, where they were nianufactured to order, and have not yet been put np. All ready f..r immediate delivery. Ajiplv to DeUo.'^SFT HROWS. Wilmington, N. C., .March '-’T, l>'i2.—TT-2w T All I.AM) WAUII VN'rs. HK Laml warrants issued under the re cent :iet of Con|;r‘.'s ale now assijruable. pei-soiib holding warrants. wi'hinLit.> dis pose of tLeni. would do Well to call oii the uu- ilersigued, who can now ili-puse of them on fa- vorabio teriu.s. All persons entitled to I’eusions atid Uounty Lands for Itevolutioiiary services, or as .“'oldiers in the Indian war.s, or the la?t war with Liig- laiid, by calling on the sul.seriber, can h.ive their claims estaidislied prompt!v. .)N->. M. HOST.. M:irch 2T. T -It r.uow.v .V i)i; liossi'/r, »Vrtr I)j;KOSSiyr IniOWN, COWMISSIOW MERCHANTS. J.NO. I’til'TS iJiUtW'.N. Au.m.\.nh.J. Jr. ' II. F. Bkuw n. M i .\Sll iidvaivees will \>e iuadr on eoiisigniHent X ' of I’roduce for sale either in Wilmington or New York, and Cotton will be birwarded to the New 'iork ilousc free of Commission at Wilmingioii. .March 22, 1S.’>2. T'i-*’m H(tnds Wanted.^ ON the line of the "('ape Fear and Deep Uiver Navigation.” for which liberal wa ges will be paid, and the payments made m the Huh of evi-rv month //// ihi' Ani i;//'t'>n Coiiipind/. Those desiring emplovmcnt will apply to the at each Lock and l>am. LS.V.VC CLLtiti, President. March 10, 1S.'j2. T2tlM C'()'l''r()N VAUNS tor stdo bv the bale, at Factorv prices, bv STAUK i WILLIAMS. March 10, lt.>2. T2tf .irsr Ki:('r.iv!:i), inu.s. CltCSHKD Sl ii.Vll. llis. \\avne Countv Ih.coii. I--, hl.’s. Lard. No. I.' • i4 bo\es prime Tobacco. 40 bbls. Mackerel. At Cross Creek Co. C. liLNUOW, Pre.s't. M.iroh I. 1K'>2. ti'.nf m:vv (iooDs. PrST received, mv K.ill supply of ('LO TUS, C\S.-1M1;111;S AND VL.''T1N(;S. TUl.M- Ml.\(iS. .\c,, of tlie liest '(Uality, Iroia NcW Vork. \lso, the l.itcst Kcj'ort of the New Vol k F.\>HloNS. I still (••ititimK' to carry mi the r.\ i l.OK 1 .N( i lU'.''IN ll.'^S. !it my Stand on Hay street, and those who ni:iy tavor me with their custom may rely on having their work done in a neat and lashioiiabie style, and on the most favoial ^' terms. AlU'Kir.ALU (.lUAIlAM. Oct. 2T. iN.'.i. Itf ror»AC( (). t(iOOL) .''ToCK on hand: and I shall re ceive regularly, I'roiu .Me.s.>rs. J. .Jones vV (.'o's Fai tory, nualities as.sorted from c niiiion to very fine, which I will sell al lowest maU'.if.-ic- lU riiigliriies. I'.WE TTlCVILI.i: Uli.V.NCll' C L O T JI 1 A G J. ]\. wiling & tMII^RIIILL, M^rapers, Tailors, A .\ I) w H O [. 1-; S ,\ L K A N U U E TAIL €LOTiiii:a:^, 110 \Villinin ntnif, \i ir Yorh, NE.\T nmiu TOTIlb B\NK UF IWPL Ft.\K, M'affi’tlerUle, €. Thk .Sh1,, I'ibtTs would liojr loavf tft in form the inhabitants of Fayetteville and vicini ty. that they have opened the above Kstablisii- mi'iit, and intend carrying on the business in all its branches. They have Just received a large stock of le i:a i>v- a i>i: ci.otii i \ji From New York, all of tiieir oAvn manulactnre, (’OCNTHV .'iKliril.v.XTs and otiicrs ' in want of Clothing to sell again, will do well to j call anil examine our .''tock. Orders filled at ficy-NF.W VOUK lMUCi:.s.-%^ Measures :inil on’ers will be t.iken for fine Clothing, and exeeutrd in the most fashionable stvle and with despatch. J. M. WlllTi; .'i: rNHKlMIlLL. A. C. IIAUT, J//0,/. Nov. IT, 18.')I. >»tf Moil I lie I’II ?laiiiifaeliii*e. J K have formed a conipany styled the Snow Camp Manufacturing (’ompany, of .Mam.ance County, North Carolina, two miles West of the Cane Creek Cotton Factorv, on Cane ('ri-ek, at the Foundry owned by Haviil Hixon I'C llrofliers, aiiil woi hi respectfully announce to the citizens of .\lamance and the adjoining Counties, that we are now prepared to .Manu facture in the neatest and best style—W heat Thrashing .M.achines, from two to si.x power; Cutting Machines of different sizes; NVool Carding .\Lichines: double !ind single .Mill ami Factory (iear: Jsaw and tirist .Mill Irons; edge fools: ,'otton Yarn and Wool Lolls, Me. I’ersoiis wisliiii^ to jmrciiase would do well to give us a call fietore purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to sell cheaj) for casii, or on time to punctual ch’alers. (Uirloiig experience in the .NIanufacturing r.iisiness enables us to leil no hesit.-ition in s.iying that our work sh.-ill not lie surpassed by any shop in the South. .\ll letters addressed to the .\gent of the Coiiip:iny at the .Snow Camp 1’. O., .Mamance Coiiiity, N. (.'., will ruceive promjtt .■ittentiHii. H.Ullt HlXoN. .\gent of the C. .M:inufacturing CoiiLji.iny. .^now Camp. Hec. IS-".). 4T-i'.m .Minil.Mi & FOl,\DRY.! Hark &: llixoii, Mnnnt’(vtunm >i/' oil nf ami Thrf'shiiiij JJarhini s. {Jmth I'nrtnhlr anil Staiionari/,^ H*w/ ('nnlhuj Mti- cln'iH'Sj Sirair ('nttrr. of rarmn^ juitti ni)i, Whraf f'ans, Mill and l'av(orif di'ar. Smr ami (Jrist Mill irnnx, liai h MUh, E,l,je. loolsj tt’f. tv. d''. rn^HEV respectfully inform their customers C- and the piOilic, that they continue to car ry on their business at their .M:icliine Shop, near SNoW (JAM I’, .\bniiauee county. North Candina, where they are prepared to execute all vvork in their line vvitii ne.itiiess. pum-tuali- I ty aiul desjiatch. With an increased variety of tools and labor-saving machinery added to our j establishment the past winter. — a well selected ! as.sortment of materials purchased at the low- I est ea.-ih prices,—vv>rkmeu of known skill and i ability, togethei- with long experience in the j business,—fuli^-justify us in saying, as to (jnal- i ity and ju^ice. our work has not, will not, and j shall not, suffer in comparison with any other Shop in the South. I (irateful to the jmbhc for past favors, they j solicit a continuance of their jtatrouage. I N. 15. Please send your orders soiui, as our 1 motto is “first come tirst served.” l.etters ;id- dressed to the subscribers, at .'^uow t'anip, N. ('., will receive promjit attention. STAFFOIU), CLAUK IUXON. March lS-')2. Tl-tim I S 5 tj. rresh Sprhifi n»td Sammer a \\ II. wiirn iKi.i), ('odcli iind Li^ht (’iurlajio .MuniifiieliinT. ^"i7'(K’l.H respectfuHy iufe.rm the ]>ubUe ▼ W that he still continui*s to carry on the above business in all its branches. He returns th:inks for the liber;il p.-itromige he has receiv ed. and hopes by a strict .-ittention to Imsiuess, and a desire to ple.ise all and give geiier.-il sat isfaction. to merit a continuance fif the same. lie vvarratits all iiis work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen: and should anv of it fail in twelve months (with fair usauc E. 1.. J.; r. II. Pi:.\ll!liR'f()N •\KE oj'cuing at their old Jjtanil, two doorr» East of .Messrs. IL iiransiui X Sou, the largest and most beautiful st'jck of filLK l.\D mtv MY liOODS, i'^ver before oft'cred by tiioiu iu this murket^ consisting in of— Kich fig'd .'•ilks: bhick vviitercd and i-ol'd do; printed Chaliv s; i‘mV>'d and satin stripe Tissues; India Silks :ind I’ojjliiis; Harege OebHins; ilot- ted Swiss and enib'd 'J'arltan Dresses; col'd Ju- conets; half and f idl mourning Tissues and lia- regi's. a sjdendid a.'Sortment; changeable auit fig'd P. Desoys; Craiie De-chines: Printed Lawns and French Jaconets: a few haudsoiue IJarege llobes. an I'Utire new article of ilress goods; French and English (.iingham uud (jinghan* l.awus; a lot of the haiidsomeii Luglish Priuti ever ottered in this market; Swiss, jaconet, t:ipi> stri|>e and plaid .Xluslins; Dotted .Swisses; Wide black fig'd Silk Lace for Mantillas. Also, in the E.MUl’OlDERV line: Swiss awl Candiric Edgings and liis“rlings, ranging Jroiii 10 ct.s. to •‘iii 7o per yard; a beautiful lot Lh»- der-sleeves anil Ciieaii^etts; W orked CoUai’s an«.l (.'uffs: Thread and lisle Lacc ('apes: a beautiful lot emb'il Mantillas; .Mexaiider's Kid GWves, eelebrat*d for being the liest article in use; l.inen Cambric and iiei-dle-vvurked Hsindker- chiefs, from 12i cts. to New style shell ami buffalo Tuck Combi; Bonnet, ueck and susU Ribbons, some entirely new. For (ientlemen's wear—lilack. brown and blue French Cloths; sujierior black doe-skin aiul fancy Cassimeres: Pi.dn and n>s.''l Linen Drill ings: Ci.shinerets; Ilalian Cloiii?: (. olored Lineu DriliiiiL'-s: lilack Satin and h;;'d Silk Vestings; White fig'd and col'd Mar'eilles litto; Linen and silk Cravats ami .Scurfs; l.iueii Co'ilars uud .'su;rt3; Silk ditto. — ALSO— A splendid lot Oil Window .Shades nnd euih'ii Muslin Curtains; Paper Hangings: Fire .Screens; ('arjiet Hags and Travelling 'i'ruukp. 3Iolcskiu aiij Kossuth Hats; I'anauia anvl Canton Straw ditto: Silk and (IlngLaiu I'iiil;iellas; a rich lot i'arusols; lioii- iiets, thii very iasliion; Mit-sOs’ I’odal and IMoonier ditto; Geu- tlciueu’si line Calf IJoota and Sboc.'ij Jjaiiios’ (iuitcrsaiid Slipper.'. The above stock wjis. bought with great car*'’; later in the season thau usual, in order to se- LESSONS JN \irSK\ J. F.iyptteville, .\pril ;5. l''-'l. UTLEV t'Mltf \ ’l'h(‘ .SteaiiKM- Ciiatliain will re-umr her semi-weekly trips hctween this place and Wilmington, on Monday the D'tli inst.. leaving Fayetteville every .^10^’- and Tliri’.SDAV thereafter, nt T o'clock \. ,M., and running through tiie same day.— Leaving Wilmington every TCE.SD.VY and FKl- D.VY. alter the arrival ol the ('ars from the North. The .'^leaiiier (iov. (iraliam, with as man;, ToW P.o.its a» ni.iy he necessary, will run in Connexion with t he ( ham. as ol ten as ma v be neces.sary to carrv all I'rei-hts that may .- fei. The addition of anoilier large Flat (the (len'l Mcliae.; to this Line, a.'fonl.' incre.ised facilille.s lor the shii'ping piiolie. (ioods shall certainly have as ijuick transit by tliis Liir as al!V olhtr. D. Wi:.Ll.\MS, Ag't (.'aue teal' S. 1$. t'o. botf I will rejiair it without ch.irge I Persons wishing to buy, would ilo well to call j Hinl examine his work before ]iurcluising, as it til. WHITAKER would resjieetfully in- j cannot be surpassed for style, elegance, and -i • form the citizens of Fayetteville and vi-| (durability. He is determined to sell low for cinity, that he again commenced giving | cash or on short time. sons m the Pi:iiio Korte. He returns his thanks j Orders thankfully received and promptly at- for the liberal p:itron.ige heretof. re received, , tended to. cure the most fashionable styles. We invite ither in workmaiishij. or material, he i friends and the p iblic to give u.^ a look be fore jmrchasing. >is we'are disposed to sell at very moder.ite prices. E. L. \ T. II. PEMUEUTON. Fayetteville. N. (.'., March 18-j2. Totf and humbly solicits a outinuanee of the same. ,U1 pains slijili bj taken for the advancement of his pupi’.s. Instruction also given on the (iiiitar. Plain s tuned and rej aireil in the liest m.'iiiner. L. H. \S H 11’AKKil. Au'Mist 21. IS.'iil. oltf ;{( REP.MRIN'I neatly executed :it short notice and lowest possible prices. Favetteville, Feti. 2. l.''-')2. tiltf JNO, M:w (AliME'l’INi;. Rolls Brussels, Ingrain and Stair ('ari'cting, new ami fashionable Pat terns, just received. —also— 1.') Ve;;s -^piki's and large Nails, 2’> 1.1 ixes ilaioins, • JO liags .'sjiot. Indigo, t'hucolaie. .Salad and Castor Oil, with an .id'lition to our .'^tock of Hardware. S. W. TlLLlNtiHAST CO. Nov. 2^1, l^^ol. 4.'!-tl TllOS. 11. THJ.lNGllAST, KOOK-Illlil>i:K, Anderson St., Fayetteville, N. C., OPI'OSITK -MR. \V. WI.N'LUW S LAW Oi'FICL. .Music neatly bound at short notice. I’amphlets and Periodicals hound, au'l tdj Books re-liouiiil, in a sutistantiui manner. Dcc. 18-'.l. -Ibtf Ai*ey, ^*ht*iiiwell Ac C’o. Have one piece extra fine T-4 black French CLoTll. to which they would call tlie I attention of the public. Livery Stable Business. Oct. l '>, 1S->1. :VJtf Fei I'l, \N rA'l'IO.N i:. c. OF i; ."lO H2A 00 .'Si .'jl •“ril $1 !j;i $1 him in this market. Among i in.iy lie toiind:—Oetitlemen s ti)-wit: Kossuth, .b'lleskin, Bea- Il and Angola, with a complete ther kinds of Fur and Wool : growth, and superior to anything here tofore s*ild in this country. English Breakftist, fine, F’ragrant English Breakfast, How|Ua Mixture,—a very rich and highly flavored Tea of superior ipiality, T Sohl by D. & W. McL.^UUIN, Agents, Fayetteville, N. ('. A Copy of the “(iuiile to Tea Drinkers,” very interesting treatise on the culture, inc., Tea may be had gratis at their counter. March 2H, 1802. 7T-tf .■>0 00 ■)0 T-'> 00 ;>o T > 00 .jU 50 r,2i To 00 50 Al)VANCi:S. IBER VL C:isli advaiici s will be made, when reipiired, on all goods consi;^ued to oui House in New \ ork. and Cotton to their ad- ijress forwarded by u>. will be attended to free of forwarding Commission. We will also advance liberally on (N»tton or other produce consigned to our friends in Liv erpool. to which jiort we can furnish ship roiuu for a few hundred liales of Cotton, at low rates, by several vessels shortly expected. DuK'oSSET \ Bi:ov»'N. Wilmington, March IS, lS i2. (•>-2w o iwoods. 11. E. .1. LILLY A RE now receiving a large Stock of SI’RING AND SCM.MEK C'jS- G » 9 D 9 9 To which they iuvite the attention of ('ountrv .Merchants. Fayetteville, Marcli I-'), 18.'j2. 7-i-^vt OLD ROPE, BA :(ilN(l. .Vc. wanted, at cents per Ib. cash, delivered to us. H. BK\N.'ON & SON. Fayetteville. March II, lS-')2. T2tf Kcw S})riii^ l*ools. S rAlUl WILL!A.MS A i;r, now receiving a l.nrge and well selected Stock of SPR1.^(^ .VND SI M.MER IIO.MK, tSia'i'i'ssar (jf Ilally Sarin tt d' ( o.^ IS now receiving Iii.** Fall .STOCK of G( KJDS, Consisting of a general assortment of Drv CJoods, SaddU'ry. 1 lats. Caps, Sltot's, Hardware, CJrttcorics. .V much larger and more gener.-il stock thau ever opened on the East side of the Ca]ie Fear — which he i.s preparetl and determined to sell to punctual customers, either at wholesale or rct.iil, at greatly reduced prices. j[;.-^ IIe vviuddcall fiartieiilar attention to his stock of BOOTS .\Nl) SHOES. The assortment is uinisuallv large, and of every nuality and style: and having been bought for Cash, he can and will sell them very low. You that wish liargains will find it to your interest to give the Stock an e\aminati>’U before buying elsewhere. Always on hand, a general stock of (SHOCE- RIES. Oct. 18, 18'>1. 32tf I'OU SALE. B Q .\\ I.\(J determined ti) abaiitlon entirely B ■ all attemjits at farming, I offer for sale the tr.ii t of land on w hicli I lately resided, three miles aliove l.umliertoii. It cont.iins SOO acres, about 200 ot which are cleared. This otter pre sents the following inducements to peisons viishing to buy biuil: 1. healthy locality- and excellent water. 2. tiood soil. (Jieat facilities for making Timber and Turpentine, (lo.nuo boxes alre.nly cut.) 4. Comfortabh- dwelling and out-house.«. •'). Young \ thrifty Orchards \ (Irajie Vines. 0. Re.-isonable price and casv terms. ■r. E. trov. Lumbcrt'jn, Robeson J.'* ; ’ ' oO-tf Jan. 21, 1S.»2. ) ! rB>HE sut'serilier intetids carrying on the I I. above busines as usual. Having adih'd ! con.siderafile Stock, he will be able to accom- I niodate the public. Thankful for past favors, i he .solicits a cou'ivnuauce. i J. W. POWERS. Jan'v 20. 1H.‘>2. oStf MOLASSES AN!) KISH. IIHD.S. new crop .VOLASS.’-'S, a perior article. 2-j bbls. Fish. Jaii'y 12, 18V2. A Just received. P. P. JOHN.SON. 5otf .SCPPLY' of Fresh ;round '( >RN .MIOAL kept f'or sale at the .Mill, l.ate .\nderson's. (irinding of Hominy and Meal done promptly. Fayetteville, .March 18-jl. 12tf A';!; .*io t)2A OI.I) KYE. 4NOTHER lot of Doctor Williams’s old Rec tified Rve Whiskey. J. & T. WADDILL. March 20. TT-tf 19‘iirietta Steam Uout C«N St«*aiiicr, sorr nEKXicR, WILL be in order to take her place in the line in a few days. She is one hundred and twelve feet long, seventeen feet beam, and four feet hold; and draws not exceeding twelve inches water. The Company confidently expect that with IhiJ! in addition to their other Steamers and tow lioiits. they will be in a con dition to transport all freight sent by their line l^inama, I..t;gliorii, Palin-loaf, and other ^-ith as luuch certainty and despatch as any styles of Stiinnier ILit.s; Shoc.S, Boots, ^ Hue upon the river. The Southerner being of Bonnots, Uiubrclla.s, Parasob, &c., I'gdit draft of water, she will be enabled Which they will sell at the lowest prices for cash, or on time for approved uotes. Merchants are requested to call and exam'uie their Stock. BtaT* We would also say to tlic Jjadios S id (ieutleinen of this place and surrounding countrj', that we shall have open in a few days a large and varied selection of fashionable Dress Goods and Trimming.s, suited to the season, to which we respectfully invite their attention. STARll Ai, W’lLLIA.MS. March 10, 1802. 72tf to run at all times. Jan’y 28, 1852. f!. DE.MINCi. Pre.s’t. R. .M. ORRELL, .Vgent. GO-tf Marbh? Factory. NOTICE. persons indebted to the subs-riber, ither by note or account, are rciiuested to call .-ind settle the same as early :is possible. He may be found one door West of Lifierty Point, with the most d' his ready-made work saved from the late fire. Persons in want of any articles in my line id' business, would do well to call, as 1 will sell cheap f'or cash, or on time for ajiproved uotc. JA.MES Sl'NDY. Jan’y 10, 18’)2. 55tf FI ii'riiiMrMvricE. Stake thisJ method of returning my sincere th:inks to those gentlemen who saved the goods from my .Shop on the morning of the 8d inst. But for their kindness aud exertion, 1 would have lost all. JAMES SUNDY. LL those indelited to the subscriber will A the Foundry which will jilease be settled as early as conveniuut. 11. (} Il.ALL. Alarch (i. Tl I'rOl. 50,000 lb«. Waiite«l. IW’ILL pay cts. per jKiund cash for all clean cotton and linen llAOf?, delivered to J. D. Williams, ivi Fayetteville. I am nearly ready to put in operation a Paper .Mill in this neighborhood, and am desirous of getting iny rags in this market. My object is to pay as much for rags as 1 c*n afford, aud hope that 1 may not be forced to distant markets for iny tons Feniviail GuaJO, just I supplies. I have arranged with Mr. Williams received for sale by 1 to receive ftud pay for all J*’ B. ROSE & SON. I I>AV1D MLRFin .tfiirch 2'J, 18G2. 77tf ' faycttcvillc, Feb’y 2J, JbSl’. t>8-tf NOTICE. PPERSONS indebted to us by liond or Book account due previous to Jiui’y 1, 18-'l. niuft Fettle or we will make settlements by legal process. J. & T. WADblLL. c.^ m N. li. STAKliUCK, Troi/, .’I’ctr IVrA*, IRON FOUNDER AND MACHLXIST, Manufarturrr >/ Steam Milh autl Boilers, JI ill Gcannt/ o f all /cini/i,, /-*loi>^hs, ti'c. ^■"^IIE undersigned, as the Agent of the above M. Establishment, will order any articles which may be wanteil, on application to him. The Steam Mills manufactured by .Mr. Star- buck have been testeil, and are highly approved on the Plank Roads about Fayetteville. EDW’D LEE WINSLOW'. Fayetteville, Sept. 4, 1851. 20tf Only ISiiriit out in Part. A. A. McIvlOrilAN ^JTIl.L continues to carry on the C-UU!I.\nE BC.'slNESS in all its branches, at the re mains of his old stand, opposite Liberty Point, lie returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has heretofore received, aud hopes by strict at tention to business and a desire to give entire s.’itisfaetion, to merit a continuance ot' the same. Having kept the greater portion of his Tim bers iit a ilista:ice from the manufact ry, he has on hand a large .nid well selected lot of tho roughly seasoned Timber, of (>very dcscrijition used iu his business, which enables him to retain all his principal workmen. He is therefore now prepared to do any work in his line iu the very best style, and on the most favorable terms—as low as any work of the same iiiality in N. C. He has on hand, completely finished, 8 Barouches, tor 1 or 2 horses; () liockaways. and l.'J Buggies. Also, nearly finished, 10 Carriages for 2 horses; 20 Barouches for 1 aud 2 horses; 12 Rockavvays, and 80 Buggies: ■\ll o‘‘ which 1 re of the most approved plan aud finish, and will compare with any work iu the U. Statis for ne.itness and durability. Having been engaged in the above business for the past 20 years, his work is well known, aud he refers to old customers for proof of its durability. All work w;irraiitcd for 12 months, and repaired free of charge should it fail by bad workmanship or material, within thiit time. Repairino executed at short notice, and on reasonable terms. Jan’y 20, 18-52. 50 FAYETTEVI1J.E ImTEi™ CHARLES BANKS, CoHfecliotter, INFORMS the public, that he has refitted his Establishment on (Jreen Street, and has on hand a fresh su]>ply of CANDIES, manufactured by himself out of the best Loaf Sugar, and war ranted free from starch, Hour, pjiste, and perni cious paints. His whole time and attention is now devoted to making Candy, and he is pre pared to supply all orders with Candies erjual to any made in the L'nited States. These Can dies he warrants to keep iti any climate; and he will sell to Town or Country merchants, as cheap as good and pure Gaudy cau be purchased in New York or eUewhere. Fayetteville, Oct. 28, 1851. 3-J-tf By GEO LAUDER TWO DOORS ABOVE Il.llllll & SON’S STORE, Fayetteville, 1%. jiu’y 20, iso2. 50*1 y T. S. LUTTERLOM, Forward!nAg:ent, Fayetteville, N. C. Tcb. 16, 1802, bC»-3ii y>. .y II! JIcLuurin A 1> E now receiviu" a large ;i.ud goucra.1 as- ...'Sl sortiueut of .STAlM.i: AND FANCY 1>11Y 0001>N, IIAUDWAUE (S: CUTLEKV, ISOOTM A.\U —.M.SO— TA liags Hio. Lagiiira and Java CoITie, 10 hhds. Sugar, T'> pieces Cotton I’aggiiig, ■'0 coils l?ale Rope, loo kegs Niiils, assorted. 8 tons Swedes and English Iron, .‘iOO sacks Liverpool Salt, With Loaf, Crushed, Powdered and (iraurilatefl Sugars: Green Tea; I’tpper; Spice; (liugrr; Powder: Shot; Bar Lc.nd; Table S.'ilt; Bar and Fancy Soaps. With a great variety of other articles, to which we invite the attention of pur chasers at wholesale or retail, as low as any other house in the pl.iee. D. i W. McLAl'RIN. Oct. 0, 18.jl. 28if Candles! Candlss!! Candles!!! FAYETTEVILLE 'MOULD CANDLES .M for sale at the Proiirietor's .Store, Hay street, one door West of .Mr. E. Glover’s Jew eler's Store. Persons desiring to have their Tallow into Caudles will send it in. A. M. CAMPBELL. Jan'y 10, 18-'j2. 5.j-3m 'riaif POfjlSlI! how it Shiiic.i! 10,000 B0\05i» Molcl within tSie la!«t nine niontEi^! A .1. WOODW.VRD returns his tlituiks to /m • the public for the uupre’edented en couragement he has met with in t.he manufac ture and sale of his celebrated P()L1SH, and at the same time wishes it understood that he al ways keeps a supply ou laud for wLolcsalt or retail. Experience has proved tliat this Polif'h is un surpassed for fiuickness in putting a gloss on boots aud shoes, aud also iu preserving tho leather. Persons wishing to oil their b'-'Ots can use this Polish with eip'al sucecs* imnieiijately af- lerwards: the leather shouM be rubbeil as soon as the Polish is applied, before it ilries. This Polish cau lie found at the s>tore under the Carolinian Priuting OffiCC. Fayetteville. Feb. 21, lWi>2. ^ITtf Jtisr RECKIVEI). W MEN’S and Boys’ SADDLES, of every # V iuality and style, some very fine Al so, Uridles, Collars, Whips and Wagou Harnesd. Cct. I?, .ii s'r kec:eivei). BBLS. WHISKKV, lo hhfis. Molasses, 1 ijr. cask }>ale French Brandy, 1 *• Madeira Wiiic, 1.5 bags Hio CotTe?. 5 boxes Medium .Vies. —ALStJ-- Broonis; Hearth lirushes: Jute Doer uud Bug gy Mat«; Tanners’ Curriers’ Knives, Workers, and Smooth Fleshcrs; and au addition to our FRENCH CHINA. S. W. TILLING HAST & CO. March 1, 1852. 09lf E. 0. HALL, of Rome. 32:; Fire-prool’ Mlate RooIm. All parties about to erect Fi»>c-proof Build ings will do well to call ou the si.bscriber. I arn prepared to contract I'or fclatc and Met al Koofing, Gutters, I.eaders, Leadcr-hcads, and every thing belonging to this Roofing business. Also, to give iustruotione iu Roofing for Slatt, to mako it tllttotually proof iire and water. FKA.VCI3 SHB5T0K. FhjetttiTire,