S E M 1-W B E M 1, T. VOL. I.] rAYKTTEMLLK, N. C., AVIUL G, 18. NO. tai i'lllNTKl) r.V J. B. Mnvin'. CDWAHI) j. llALli & SOX, i;iiH'OUS AM) rilOl'UIKTOKS. I’ i.e f> r t^ic Soini-Wcekly Ouskiuru S? I 00 if p:i in HdvMicv; $4 oO if pnivl during tiu> ve.;r i.iUsci-’ption; or $o ivl'tcr the vcar has fx; iri’u. y r ;li* Woo’.c’y l.)iJSKUVKU 00 per annum, if i i. 1 in R.iv^nco: $2 SO if pRid during the ■..ir ii'«ab!crii>lion; or 00 after the year ;.&5 c v’liiiC.l. M>\ r.llTlS'r.Mr.NTS i>iscvtwl l(>r sixty ecnts . lur the lirhi, and tiiirty cents l.-r I’acii oo'liiu i>ublic:tt!on. Veaily »dvertisv.int i:ts I ■ ivi.il i'i>ntr:icts. at rt‘as>enable rates. Ad- ;ire rciiuosteil to st.ite tlie number of ; ,;8 lU'sirod, nr they will be cttulinucd till t ■' i. :iud oli;ir;:ed aceordinjrly. ; J- Ll Ui'i-.-^ to the IMitoi-s must be post-]>»id. well I 185^. j j\(‘W Springs (*oo(ls. SAM now n-ccivinp a very larp« and selected stock of .Staple and I'ane\ 1 Ready-inado Clotliinjj, ' Grt'coru-s, ll.iniware and (.’utlcrv, Hats, IJlHllU'ts, Slu'f:*, Umbrcllu.'j, l*arasuls, See. J:c. i _aL.()— 7ii Ilni’ri'N ^faarSiiTcl. These have been selectrd with the greatest c;ire, and will be sold us cheap a.s any tiooiis in the market. Those wishing to pur- I chase, will tind it to their interest to cxiiniine j these t-ioods before i>urchasin,!t elsewliere. Vv. F. .M(l(»Ui:. March 2‘J. 18.^2. 7*>tf /)/..'( M'U ^Vrapp}niX very ?u}>tri'.r. reetivid tliis pjO ui.d i\r s:i;e l>v u. i:i;an^hn vv son. •h i'*. Ttf ro ’i'AN\i:us. I >, 4 Slsuphtcred hanilsi'nielv cured, fnr sale X JOllNSltN. 7G-:U SPK1N(; ,\M) SlMMr.R AREY, SHEMWELL & CO, I’vE I:''A receivihft direct from New York 1 hiladelj'hia, a con;pleto H!«M>rl)uent A iFE£l\€ii .WO SI .^a711:It iOOI>S. .. : .>.nz every article usually ke]>t in a L'ry .'-t' re. which may be found: i . i ■;ii! i ;i. iitlenitMi's llrcs.s (lood.-*, of the . l'f>t material, and the latent fashions.— .1 \ariety «ill be ‘too tedious to mention.' i.avc the h.indsomest I'l.ipe and I5erag*‘ h.ne ever offered in this market; anil • w ull call the attenti'^n of the ladies tiar- . . u-iy to our vcrv handsome stock iif Ve- z.tcs, Mantillas, Parasols, and I‘aut>. — A1>0— Thin I’mbi-iiideries; I.ace nnd Muslin Capes; inmizrts; ri,.h-r>!ce\es; l.incn ';nn>>ric Haiid- • i.-rchie:'s; Kmb'd Sacks; infanta" \Va’;St'J and 1;"; ( illis :iini (’••ll.ii s. \\ e Would :ils : direct the attention of the 1,h- 1? ti: our stock of lldNNKTS, of th«* latest -• ■ ' ol .''ilk. I'rape anil Straw. We wouhl not lo meniion our stock of I'oots and J^hoes. . r t ■ >. m-iitlenicn ami chilclren. Toj:ether " i’it ir ur.iia! ,it,ck of ^-taplc Is. consi.st- p.irt of l>:im;:»k Tabl* i'loths. and Nap- ■>; l.in- n ami Cotton ,''h> etin^s; Kii"!i»h, ■ ,ii ;i. and American Prints; brow n and bi'ch'd . , Mai'ciileS .ind Cirass ."'kiris; .Mur- ai;t. of the best 'lualiiy, iVC. II l’l>. ’■1 '• \in. I'anama. Leghorn, Ko^huth, and I - i:. and a v:iriety ot other titKn!s. I *- • ':..K- jtock we Would i-espectfully in- ' ■ :ri'' attention of the citi/ens of Fiiyettuville : siirrijundinjr Couniry. And would take : ■ hod of returninff thanks to the puldic • ■ fii- thf very liiieral ptilronajre hcreto- .-r.iucd mi ns; and would say. jrive ns '■■I 'I'rv bu_\iii^. .•i- ue ;ue dcieimined n >t ■; RTSold by any. ■ -ri jj i-on.'tanlly i>n haml a ^ood assort- f Iiij^rain atid I’russcls Carpctinj;; Su^ur T-c, Tea. ic. S. S. AKKV. 1*. SilFMWKLL. .1. 11. McHuNATD. . ivetteville. March 2'>. 1>'-VJ. 77tf Sj)r‘n«^r isooils—lHry2. l.WVUI'.NCK .V 'ruov ® H -V\ !■; recei>fd their Spring stock of lioovlx, fi S. con.'^isiiii^ of linx'crics jiiitl l’ro\isioii.'S, Ilard- wart' and C'utli^rv, C'rock{>ry and arc, r»lack.‘milli.'^’ 'I’oo!.'^, llc)il()\v-\\art', »S:c. —ALSO— 2 caskf> I.ondi'U I’orter. [uarls and pints. •’> bbI.H. old K\e Whiskey, years old.) A j;o(id stock t)f Northern and Coi;niry l.ifiuorii Fulton .Market Mess Heef, by the bbl. or retail. Mess ami I’rime I’ork, do ko. Fi.'h, in half and whole barrels. Snp'r (jioshexi und Cooking Uuttcr, wholesale or retail. {ireat v.Triety of articles usually kept in oui line of liUFiness. All of which will be sold low. I..VUKKNCK vt TIIOV Fayetteville. March 2.'). 70-4t AEW ;ooi>s. ~ IT" i; .‘ire now recei\in{; .a Tcry larg.* und well selected stock of Sl’UlNlJ (iOOUS, consisting; of a full assortment of Fanrif A* Staple MPrt/ .Vmonj: which Jiiny be found tii‘ latvst mid most fashionable st_i les of Ladies' and (.ientiemcn's DHKSS OOOl'S, Hats, (’aps, lionncts, Uoaly-nKuU‘ rintli- iiijr. Hardware, (Jrocvrios. Drugs and Medifiiic.*', SatldliTv, ('rockery, anil (Ila.s.'iware. larjre and well selected stock of Boots and Shot's, and J^adios' and Gentle man’s Gaitor.s, (very line.) SALT, mUN, and XAILS. We intend sellinj; .is cheap us we can, and would be glad if our Iriends and the public would call and examine our stock. J. T. COUNCIL k CAIN Marth 24, lt>o2. TOtf IP Vf^if or • fSoitefji: wii.i. s.-ii my srMMJ-:R Rj:sii>K\rf:. Ini!' " friipi the .l/arkrt, on the Fayette- '1 Western I’l.ink Uoad—one if the most .(• .;ri I healthy places in the county. ' . I'i .‘-^hare.J of F.ayettevjlie and Western . 11 -.d .'^t.>ck, and 30 Share.-* of Fsi\ette- • '■ r. , Stuck. ii t!ie larj^est stock of Keady-m.-ide CAll i'.S ::nd I l'(i‘.ilKS ever ouVred in this • r >- 'O('0 worth—onijiletely tiiiished. '■ i 'll I will s(dl at very reduced I>rii‘e8 ■r U(-^"tiali.e notes. ■' '■ .itteiition li.-ts been p.-tid to the call i;ic after the fire of the 2d Jan'v. oti '^'t‘'d to me to call and settle, that i 111. ■ I ti! olFer the above property at re- ■1 to tii.ililc me to leiinihl my i ':.t!.';is!imi-nt and continue my busi- " ' enieiii-e. ■ ' ; ' |'..i. e iii/tes in proper hanls for collec- : I t »... n. I have ad niy accounts ■ tlii- 1 ,t .Jan'v I4'2. A. A. .VcKKTllAN. Plll\ Ti:» KI.MP.tW, WAliKllOLSKS, 75 and 77 Fulton Street, W. Y. fBMiM I’ekin Tea Conip.any has been estub- JL lislied many years, and has always main tained a high reputation for Teas of the most delicio»is character iiiid fra;;rancy, and at prict s which liave in every instance ^iveu perfect s;»t- isfaction. The Teas are warranted pure, and may be returned if they do not prove to be as they are rei-resented. ’J he Tea-* sold by this Company are done up in \ lb, A lb. uiid 1 lb packajres; the first or in- sitle wrapper is of lead; the second, w.'iter proof paper: the third, or outside wrapper. Chinese rice paper; also, in ij lbs chinese nuat- toons. 'I'he Company sell none but poo«l Teas, done up in titis superior manner, all ^rown in . the most lu.xurious districts in China; tiiey also ! have Teas of every debcriptiou in chests and half chests. C.mntrN Merchants will fiml it jrre.-.tly t-> their interest to purchase their ']'«•.;s of this (,'«.m- pany, they can select as small a quantity of each kii;d :is they like, and have them packed in one ch'St Hotel k««'pers may always be certain of having on their table a umfurvi churuclrr of Tea; and Families may not oidy t>e sure of ^'ood Teas, but can purchase any tjuan- tity their wants may reijuire. 'J'he folli>win)X is u Catalogue of the Teas with tiie reUiil jirices affixed. (JULEN TEAS. Voiin}; ffyson, •'iO Yoiinj' H_\son, Sweet Carpo, V>-1\ Young llvson. Fine t.'uri:o, 7o \oung Hyson Silver Leaf—this is a very siiperior Tea, 00 Voun}; Hyson Golden Chop—this is the finest Tea cultivated iu ( liina; it is ot' the tirst pickin^rs. and excels all other (ireen 'l eas for its delic.-icy of rt.-i- vor. str''n^th, and arouia; heretofore this Tea h;i.® :;ot reached this couniry, e.v- cept in small lots as presents to im- SdlTlI IMKOLI.W IVSllilM'E (’O.llPAri, j OF CIlAKId-;STON, S. C. j Cill.MlTKUHl) by the St.-ite of Sfiuth Caro’i- | nil, with a Capital of !f:2o(l.')M>, all paid in j and well inve.-'ted. Fire, .Marine, lliver ami ! Lif« Risks. Cll.VS. KD.MoND.iTON, I'res't. A. L. TuBi.\.s, Scc’y. IHKEtTOKS: Houkut MaKtin, Col. J.vMt;s (Jahshf.n, M. C. .NIorkkcai, Cn\s. II. Wkst. i S. .Mowky, Jr. Henky Coiiia. | The subscribers h.ivin); been npjiointcd agents in this place for tiie iibove namctl company, are j prepared to recei\e offers :ind issue policies of Insurance on Fire. Marine. Kiver ami Life Risks, on liberal terms. .\11 losses incurred at this agency, w ill be promiitly adjusted and paiil by the undersigned. DeROSSKT \ liUOWN. N. IL Ilisks will hr taken on the lives of ^lavcs oM tl’.e ni'.'St liberal terms. Wilmin^i. u. N. C.. March 27. lS'i2.—77-t’pm PAIILIA.'^. Chrysanthemums. :ind Veil'vnas :ire now re.uly for delixi r_\. IVrsons I wishinjr a cl.i.ice assortment should send their I ortiers imiaedi.itely, as my stock of extra line I varieties is si.iaK. I c. 1.1 TTi;i:i.oii. Kowaii stieet. j I‘uh!i;is from 1* to 2’> ets. I Chi\\ saiitlumums •'» to Ui cis. j Verben.'is lt> to i;.") ctM. ! Also a number of . (her cheap Lardy ph.iits I for Iieddiiip out. March 2L 77 lliON SAFKS. rilu'fs. .Vijents fur flie ! sale of WII.DKUS I'ATL N T S A LA M A N DKIt SAFLS. WITH llli'irs lM!'ltO\ L.MLNT. ..f- j fer them of till sizes and patterns, ileliverecl in J ilmington ;it the .Maniiiactnrer s New Vi rk prices. These Safes are warranted eipi-il if not supe rior to any others nmnutactured. CIrders will receive prompt ;ittention. DuROSSLT \ r,UOW\. Wilmington. N. C., M.arcii 2'>, l.'''>2. 77-oiu Slcaiii /(>/* FI offer for sale one of N. H. Starbuck’s Fn;:inc-*—'\iinder lo imdi be;e. 2i inch stroke—on soli«l t'.i,vt Iron bed. wiiu fi rce pump. re;_'iilator, v\ .iter heater, and all connect- int: steam .'ind wat«r pipe to^xether with 2 RoiSers 2> inch diameter. 21 feet lou2. boili-r front, grates, s.afety v.ilve. libiw «itf. ctieck and pu.ige cocks, and a lull set d' wiouirht ;ind cast iron woik f«*r a sin^ile S:»w Mill, wnti c:!?tiiij;s for a (':inia;re of 10 (eet in length. The :il>o\e Fnj;ine am) .^L•>chi^ery :ire similar in every respect to those in use on tiic Fuvvtte- ville and VVcstern I’l.oik Ko.ad; they iia\e just been imported fr->m Troy, where they were manufactured to order, and have not yet been put up. .^11 ready !■ r immedi.ate delivery. Apply to l>eK0SSi:T .N; r.ltOWN. Wilminpton, N. .^l.^rch 27, l>'->2.—77-2w LAM) W ARiiAX rs. '^HK Land warrants issued uioler the re cent act of Cont'ress are t'.i'W a‘isi;rnaMe. ,\11 [K‘i sons hohiinir warrants, wishin^xto dis- jtohf ot them, would d'* well to c:ill on the un dersigned, who can now dis^’osc of them on fa vorable terms. All persons entitled to Pensions and Rounty Lands for lievolntionary sfr\ices. or us Soldiers ill the Indi.-in wars, or the last war with llnjr- iand. by calling on the subscriber, can have their claims esUiblishcd promptly. ,INi*. M. ltdSi;. .March 27. T7-;;t Si*IMA(; STOCK. ^■TllF, undersi"ned are now receiving their -M. iSl’lU.NG STtJCK, consistinjr of 1>R¥ IIAUDW A1!K. Minis^ i'aps^ ami Shovs^ .\ll of w hich will be sold low to pnuctual cus- tmners as heretofore. .Merchants nml others will do well to csiun- ine their Stock before making purchases. V\ e will not be undersold. HALL i SACKKTT. March 11, 18r,2. 72tf ol* adraiii'rd. FKILSONS who have made contr.-icts with J. F. .lord.aii I't t'o. for furnisbin;^ K.\»iS. are hereby informed, that we will p.iy cents per lb. on all Ctitton Ra^s. Rope and Ra^i^lnjr, delivered to us after this date. 11. Rll.VNSON \ SON. Marcli 11, l^.j2. 72tf t> ;)00 Jhnnls IJ antCi!^ N the liiK' d' the ••Cape Fear and Hccp llivcr N.avigation.” tor whii-h liberal wa- will be paiil, ami the payments m.-ide on the loth of eveiy nuilith '',v '/k.'A .yj.'/o;/ ('oinfhtnii. Those desirinj: employment will Foreman at e.ich Lock and l);im. l.'.V.VC Ci.iiiit! Mar.-h 10, 1%2, apply to the President. 72tr i'or .ia!(* ('OrrON YARNS bv the bale, ;it Factorv juices, bv SlAiUl vV WILLIAMS. March 10, lh.')2. 72tf .n s r Kix r.RLS. ( IM SHKh SI (.AIL .'lOoo l)(s. Wa\iie Countc Racon. 1.-) bbls. Laid. No. 1.' 1)1 biixes prime I't bacco. 411 bids. .Mackerel * At ( ross t Ieek ('o. 1.. liLNROW, Pres't. March 1. lSo2. fV.'tf m:\\ (iooDs. SCST receivel. mv Fall supplv of CLOTHS. CAS.'l.MI'.ULS ANH \ K.'s I'lNtiS. liUM- .Ml.Nti."'. \c.. i>f the l>est nuality. from .New York, .\lsii, the latc-t Report of the Ne\> ^ ork F.VSHUtNS. JptiV* I still coiitiiiut* to c;irry on (he T A 1 L( iR 1 .N'( i Rl’Sl N I'..'-.'', lit my St.iiid on Hay Btn-et. and those who may f.ivor me with their custom m.iy rely on ha\inir their work done in ;i in'.it and f.ashionable sl,\ ie. and on the moat favuiable terms. ARt llin.VLl) GRAHAM. Oc t. 27. l.''.'.l. o4tf 'r I’.UOWN vV I)i:li()S.S!;'r, •>V»r ^*orL\ DkUOSSI: 1' vV HKOWX, f’., COraittlSSION mERCHAWTS. l*t)n> I5ik>w.n. AuMAM* .1. l)LUo^^KT, Jr. 11. F. Hitow N. /f 1.\SI1 ildv.-inces will be niad^ on consignment ' of Produce for sale either in \N iiminirton or New York, and Cotton will be forwarded to the .New York House free of ('ommission at Wilmington. .\larcii 22, 1S.'»2. (Ii-'mh porters, 11 \ son, fine, ^pI ll_\soji, very superior pl.tntatiuii, 'lii (i uni)owder, (iunjiowder, fine, i'l Gunpowder extra fine, plantation, •'i>l linpeiial. Imperial, fine, VI Im[>erial, extra fine plantation, $i 1U-.\CK THAS. Oolong, a rich black Tea, Compare this low priced grade with Teas which-are sold at most pi.-ices mb Oolong Tea, the ditr»'rence is too plain, and the deception too palpable. Oolong, fine. Oolong, I’lantation growth. Oolong, delicious, $1 Ne Plus ultra, •'S’l This Tea is as fragrant nnd sweet as a nosegay, it yields a perfume that is truly delightful; it is of garden • dl other kinds of Fur and Wool j gro-wth, and snpi-rior to anything Iicre- i'luiid in this market. | tofore swld in this country. — .\L.K(i_ "’"'Is in abundance, to-wit: Panama. I’e'I.il, China I’earl, Leghorn (Kos- ‘iid Pahii-leaf H.VT8, lor (ientle- Ldvfl iind InfaiitE. XI. m-z \b.xik^ I'.ii l\li B liCOO.S I'oi* I ■' iiber would call the attention of '1 lehds, iiiid the public iu general, to ■ largest v.-irieties of •■jtnnir „,,,j Sunmicr Hoods ■■' I"! by hiiii ill this jnarket. Among „i.,y —tientlenien's ' IIA IS, to-uit; Ko^.suth, J/ole.skin, Rea- bnirdi and .\ngola, with a complete Ai)VANri:s. fIRLR VI. Cash advances will be male, when A rei|uired, on all goods con.sign*-d to out House in N'w York, and Cotton to their :id dres.s forwarded by us. wiil be attcuded to free of forwarding Commis.sion. We will also advance liber.'illy on Cotton or other produce consigned to our friends in Liv- erpod, to which port we c:in furnish ship ro»m for a few hundred hales of Cotton, at low I'atcs, by several vessels shortly expeeteil. 1)kUossi:t .'c rrown. Wilmington. March IH. 1>'.)'2. (0-2W Spring If. dv: i:. J. IJLLY 4 UK now receiving a large Stock of SI’llI.NG AND SCMMKK E39 To which they invite the at:entii>n i 1 Country .Merchants. Favetteville, March l-», IS.>2. 'roiiAC'co. Gt>(»I* .'sTtM'K on hand; and I shall re ceive regularly, from .Messrs. .L .lones A; I'o's Factory, {U>ilities assorted from Common to very tine, which I will sell at lowest manufac- luriugprices. .1. l.'TLFV. Fayetteville. .Vpril G, IS'il. rititf “ p •’ riu“ Stcamrr Chatham w ill resumr her send-w t-ekly trips between this place :ind i'.mington, on .Monday the I'lth inst.. leaving Fayetteville every MC^N- I>.V^’ and Ti 1 CR.'sl),\Y thereafter, at 7 o’clock .\. M., and running through the same day.— Leaving Wilmington every TCKSH.W and FRI- 1».\Y. alter the arrival of the i':irs from the North. The Mcamer Gi.v. lu-di.im, with as man\ Tow Liiats as may t>e neces'ar\. will run in i-onne^ion w ith the liaiham. .as otten as mav be uecessnry to catry ail Freigiits that may t - fei-. Tlie ailditioii f another Large Flat i the Cicn 1 MelJae. to this Line. ;jtloris increased facilities f^r the shipping public. ti.iods shall cert.iinly iiavf as ijuick tran*it by this Line as any other. JNO. I>. W ILLI AMS. Agt Cape Fear R. I'o. Feb'y V‘, 1X.V2. >'>;itf i:. (. iiALii, OF IIO.MK, Siii''''t Ihill, SitcL'>’ft if' (m., S now receiving his Fall STOCK of filK(DS, coiisi.->tiii4 of a general assortment ol Dry (ioods, Saddlery, I luls. Caps, Shoos, Hardware, (irocrrios. .V much larger and more general stock than ever opened on the Hast side of the Cape Fear — which he is prepared and determined to sell to punctual customers, either at wholesale or retail, at greatly reduced pri-i‘s. He would call p.irticular attenti.iii to his stock of ROOTS .VNU SHOES. The assortment is nnusu.ally l.arge, ami of every quality .and stvlc; aiiil having been 1>ought for Cash, he caii and will sell them very low. \ ou th.'it wish Hargains will find it to your interest to give the Stock an examination before bu_\ ing elsewhere. Alw.avs on hand, a general stock of GI50CI'- RIES. Oct. IS, IS'.l. .‘?2tf l AVi'/i'TKvn.i.i; int.v.Ncii C L O T J! I X « J. ]\. wiiri'i': & liMihRiiiLL, l^i'tepertj, TaHors, A -N 1) VV U 0 L i: SAL E .V N D R E T .V I L llU II ilfiiitii sfrii'tj A>»," M:\T IKKli: Til III.. ll\NK (!F (’AIM: Fi;\!{. Fatji’tteviUe^ C. TilK Siih.srribcrs would l)cr lca\(' to in form the inhabitants of Favettevilio ami vicini ty. tiiat they have opened th‘ above Establisli- meiit. .and iiitcnd carrying Oii the business in all its bianciies. They have just received a hirgn stock of ! i:ivAs>v-ti %!»!: £.>T2ia\; | lr «m New York, ail of their own m.anufacture. ('(It NTKV hum ANTS and >t liers I iu Want of (.’lothing to soil ag.iin. will do well to call and examine our Stock. «,rders filled ut «s-vrNi:w York prices. sures and orders will be taken for fine \ ! Clotliiii';-. aiiI exi c teil in the mos; i.a.ihionable ' ' stvle and with desi'alch. j ' ■ .1 M. v\iilTE \ CNDEIllIILL. | A. C. IIAUT, A;/r„f. ! i Nov. 17, ISoi. illtf . { Soalhcrii ISniiiiraclurc'. ! IB E have formed a company sty lei 1 the j WW Snow Camp .Manufacturing Com|nin\,| j of .\laniance t'ounry. North Carolina, two niiles ' West of the ('ane ('reek Cotton Fa'^tory, on ( nne Creek, at the Foundry owned by ]»a\id liixon \ Rrothers. and wu hi resiiectfully announce to ; the citi/ens t«f .U.amaiiec and the afljoining ‘ Counties, th.'it we are now prepared to \l.anu- i facture in the neatest and best style—Wheat riirasliing .Nlacliiiies. from two to six horse ; power: t'utting .M.aehim-s of different sizes: | Wi»d Carding Slachiiies; double ami single .Mill and Factory Gear: Saw and Grist Mill Irons; edge Tools: ('otton Yarn Jind Wool Lolls, \c. Pcraons wishing to purchase would do well to give us .a call before purciiasing elsewliei-e, as we are deter'nined to sell clie.ip for cash, or on time to punctual dealers. ( Uir Utng experience in the M.anufacturing Rtisiness enables us to feel no hesitation in sayinir th.at our work bIihII not be surpassed by any shop iu the South. ,\ll letters addressed to the .\gent of the Company at the .''now I'aiiip P. O., M.amance Count '.. N. C., w ill ru'eive prompt attentif^n. ItAVll* IdXON. .\gent of the S. V. .^lanufacturi!lg Company. .*siiow C.aiiip. Dec. !*, l)s’)l. 47-'iiii Li:ss()\s IN MTSIC^ fll. WII1T.\KER wouhl respectfully in- form the citi/ens of Fayetteville and vi cinity. that he has again commenced giving Les sons on the Piano Forte. He returns his thanks for the libtral jiatronage heretofore received, and humb’iv soiicii.s a continuance of the same. MinilMiSilOI' & FOl'\B!l¥. ; >maffbi*d, CEarL B>ixosi, | Mnn II fdi fiirt /'.s oj" ttU of Ilnrsi- Pnici i'i\ | oiul T Iirrslii n'j Miic/t I/If X. (htllll I'/l iilh/f j (Dll/ iSidfi'jiKiri/,') WiKil Vorihiiij Mn- j chiitf'x, Sh'dir ('iiffir of rtiriiin.'t j path ruA, Whraf Mil! md Juictijri/ (ifiir. S{iirtiitil (ii'iit Mill fron.^, /},(, /.' L'.lje Tuoh, 1-'-. «»■■. ll'r'. 1 s 5 o. I'ri'sh Sutmnn" __ E. I.. ^ iT p^:^^^^Eli'r()X .\RE ojieidng at thcdr oM stand, two do'.»ra La,st >il .'11,s. H. Ijriin.-ioii cv. t'uc lar^iist aiid niosr beuutifs'0(.> I Ever belore ofteve.i i:y wiCrn i.i*id Ui;irkct, consisting in part of— ^R^HEY rcsjpi'ctfully inform tiieir cust(uners Rich fl:/'d .'^iiks; i/..c!; 1 ;ii.d col’d do: EL and the imblic. that they eimtinue to car- ' printed t iiuiUs; eniii’d and ■*aiin stripe l is~ii*'s; ry on their busimss at their .Machine Shop. ! In.iia >iiKS i i.u i’'.plins; l>.irego ]>ei.fains; dot- ne.ir .'s.N'ttW C.VMP, .Mainaneo -'nnty, Noith ! ted S\s!ss aiei eniii'-i i.iiit.iti cold Ja* t'arolina. where they are prejiared to execute conet.s; iia'ii'ainl I'l-il nioiii aii.^ tissues ;..id all Work in their line witli n.’aiiiesa. j in:: ta:;li- ■ r.^ si.lv ;*ai 1 i: . .. ... .c! ingei.';•.•• and ty .and despatch. With an ii; r.-ascd \arict_\ of ' fii: d i’. D--.-o_\s: Cr.ij e De-ciiine;,; Prime'! Law;.* tools and labor saving machinery a .Ide I to our ■ aud French .taeuneis; a !>• iiai)i..soni?' bun^v.* (stalilishineiit tl:c pa.st \>int i-.—a well selected ! Ili.Oe.s. an eiitire iiev." urrii'eof dress g'.*ods; ass' i tment of materials purchased :it t!ie low - ] hreiicii an'l Lnxii';j liii,;;.:')!! aiiil t*;r,gharu est ctish prices.—wiukinvu of known •md i La\>nr-; a lot ..fine .uu-i i-.n^ii.ih i'riuu aliility. tiiireiher w itii long experiei.'ce in the ' ever'dfcrt ] in thi.s runr;iet; .''wi'S. jucv.tiet, t:i['*? business.—ta!i\ jusiify us in s i viiig. as to qual ity and price, our wi^rk has not. will not, aud shall not. sufi'er iu comparison with any other Shfip in the .->Muth. (irateful to the puMic for pti.'-t favors, they solieit a continuance ot their |>.i!ronage. N. II. Ph ase send or urdi-rs so.iii. as "ur motto i.s •'fir.st come first st-i vl.ettcrs uil- drcs'ed to tiie siilis.-ribers. .at Sn.iw l.'aii:p, N. C., will leceive prompt attention. st.\fi'oi;d. cl.vrk \ juxon. Marcli 1S.')2. 71-'>m \ /r A. II. wHrn'iHi.i), (’oiieh and Li^hl (’diTid;j;e .Manuf;n:tur(‘r. OL'LI* res]'e-tfuliy inform the public V V that he still continues to c.'.rry on the abose business in all its br.anches. He returns th.tiiks for the libtral ]iatrol.age he has receiv ed. and liopi-s by a strict attention to busities*!. and a desire to ])'ease all and ;>ive general 'at- isfaction. to merit a cntinuaneo .I the same. He warrants .all his wuk to lie m.ade of the Viest material and by experienced workmen; and should .any ol it fail in twelve months i with fair usage I eitln'r in wurkni.aiiship or material, he will repair it without charge. I’ersons wishinr to buy, would do well to call and examine his work before ])Urch!isin2, as it c.atuiot be surpassed for style, elcganee, and durability. He is determined to sell low for I cash or on short time. Orders thankfully reeeived and promptly at- j tended to. I REP.MRlNCf neatlv exe.-uled at shoM stripe .and pi.aid .Nlosiins; D-' c-i .‘s.^irse.s; Wido blac'ti tig'd f'ilk Lace Tor ivH. .Vlso. in t'ae EMl;R.»ll»Llii' iine: Swlr?s aai Caml-i-iC Edgings and Inscriings, raii^.ng f-- ui HI cts. to ••j'l 7o per yiira; u neautii'ul lot Lh.- der-sleeves and ( iieiiii/etts; \>. rK a CollhrstiU I ( nils; Tl.read and 1ir..e e ! rcs; a beiintiful lot em'n'ii .Maiiiiihi.s; .Mo^uud-.r'.-^ Ki i Glirfves. eeiebrKtevl iV.r l.'vin^ \v.v I)*-it ariice in usv; Linen Caniiir'i.' unu m.-edie-W'n'r.ed liandVier- cilict.>, iVf.m l - \ ei'. To styii- -neli ,'iiul buffaht Tu. k ( ••i.io.'; l-eii,i» ., iiei.ri and s.ia.i. Rii)bous, some eniin 'y new. For Genticmen'a i>t!.r—Lifti'k, orf.T.'n t.nl b^ie French CIotIis; .-u]ieri r bi.icK ooe-skin and ianey assiiiit-i v -,; 1 umi ..j, t Linen I'rill- iiigs: C;.shi!ierets: Itaii.iii i loi'n-.,; t wlored Lineu Drillinij;--: Ltaciv ■'■aiin and Si..t \ e.stings; W hi.e f.g'd and col'd M:\rseiises iilto; Lineu i.mi silk ( I a va Lo aud fccurfs; Lineu Ci:i 8 .*iid .'ihir is; ^ ii K ^ t i Lo« —ALSr. - .A spleiidi'i lot (»il Vtir.dovr .^bndca find en^'oM Mii.siin Cnrtaiii.s; Paper Imiif'i.’.c'i: i ire iscrccn.'r ( arpet liags nnd ira.\e.'iing j niuks. MoU'skiii and uiU I’-.tnam.i ;vud C:intuH .Straw ditto; .Silk and (jln^h:.ia Lhibrcilasj a lirii i.d l'’tra5ois; iict.s, thc' v»;j'v latest iu.'iiion; Mi.s.scs’ JVvial and ijiordiH-r ditto; Gen- ti men’s fine Calf Boots and, 6hoc.«; Ladien’ tiaiter.-? anJ j cnipperh. I The .to.ivc .stock was bought with trejit cnrrr later iu tu« season tiiau usa-a!. in order to se- I cure the most fashiona'ole styles. We invito our friends and the pulidc to pive us a look be fore purciiasiu", !is we are aisposed to s>eU ut very moderate prices. E. L. ix T. n. Pl.MliEKTON. Fayetteville, N. C., -March 18'.2. 7oti ■UI paiiis sh.a'.l be taken for the advancement of notice and lowest possible prices, his piijiils. F.ayetteville. Fel>. l.s.‘.2. liistructioii also given on the Guifir. ! - - Pianos tuned :ind rej'aired in the best ; inanner. L. 11. W111T.\KER. ; .\uiinst 24, iJs.'ti*. 34tf (’•Iff B 50 t'.2i Him. ISa;?**, ^LD ROPE, R.\GGlN«i, .Vc. wanted, at "4 .Jf cents per lb. cash, delivered to us. H. RK\NSON & SOX. Fa vetteville. March 11, 1S.>2. 72tf i\(‘w Spring («oods. S PAliU iV- W II.I.IAMS Are now receiving a large and well selected St«.ck of SPRlNti AND SCM.MEK 1>KY CiJOODS, —.\LSi)— A good as.sort- inent d' Roots & Shoes, for Gentlemen, Ladies, .Visscf, Youths, Roys, ChihJrtMi, and Servants; all of which * will be offered on very ac- ,, commoihiting terms for the ■ -h. «,r to those that are willing to ir '.ji ipuiit, when presented. JOHN C. THO.»/SON, If ''luth-west corner ,1/urket Square. '•'-■■.2. 7-lt RARRELS of TUUPEN- *' ],’ I * TINE, for Distillery at the " ■••^t 1 * on Rig llockfish. The f>est ' 111. '’*■ l'=o'l. For further inform- -r : . John W. .Murphy, at the Rridge, M-Ketha- - ‘•” Englisii Rreakfast, fine, w F'ragrant English Rreakfast, 62A Howqua Mixture,—a very rich and highly flavored Tea of superior i|uality, 75 Sold by D. & W . McLAl RIN, Agents, Fayetteville, N. C. A Copy of thc “Guide to Ten Drinkers,” a very interestiu}; treatise on the culture, \c., Tea may be had gratis at their counter. .March 28, 1852. 77-tf OI.l) RYE. ^^NOTHER lot of Doctor W illiams’s old Rec- iloiirietta Stvujii ISoat Co’h Xcw sor rilEKXEK, WILL be in order to take her place in the line in a few days. She is one hundred and twelve feet long, seventeen feet lieain. and | four feet hold; and draws not exceeding twelve inches water. The Company confidently expect that with this IJoat, in addition to their other Steamers and tow boats, they will be in !i con- ‘ dition to transport all freight sejit by their line l*anani;i, Leghorn, Palni-loaf, and other . ^.j,I, as much cerUinty and despatch as any 8tvle.S of .Summer Hats; Shoes, lioots, line upon the river. The Southerner Iieing of Bonnets, Umbrellas, Parasols, &ic., I'fiht draft of water, she will be enabled C a Kl'i’/l’lNG. Rolls P>russels. ingrain and Stair Carpeting, new ami fashionable Pat terns. just received. —AI.SO- l'i kejs .''pikes and large Nails, '2’> bo\e.s Raisins, ;!0 b;igs .''hot. Indigo. Chocolate, .''alad and ('’.astor Oil, with an ail lition lo our Stock of Hardware. S. W. TiLLlNGH.VST & CO. Nov. ‘J !851. 4;{-tf IM.AX'i'A riON FOR SAlVi:. VB .V\'lN(i iletermined to abandon entirely ■ H all attiMnpts at farminu'^. l^otl'er for sale the tract d' land on which 1 lately residecl. three miles above Luinlierton. It contains M>0 acres, about ‘200 of which are cleared. This offer pi-e- seiits the following inducements to persons wishing to buy hand: 1. A henlthy locality aud excellent water. 2. Good 8"il. •i. (ireat facilities for making Timber and Turpentine, tlO.OOO boxes already cut.) 4. Coml'iirt.able dwelling and oiit-houses. 5. Young .N thrifty (treh.irds Grape Vines. 0. Reasonable price and easv terms. ']{. E. TROY. Lumbcrton, Robeson (^o., N. C.. 1 Jan. 24. l.'.-.2. , "MoI.ASSES AND risl[.~^ HHDS. new crop .V()J.ASSEi>, a svi- perior article. 25 bbls. Fish. .Inst received. P. P. Johnson. .lan'y 12, 1H.')2. 5otf A SCPPLY of Fresh (iro ind C(^H.V MEAL kept t'or sale .at the Mill, late .\nderson's. tirinding of Hominy and Meal done proni]itly. F.ayetteville, .Ma^'ch 1851. 12tf NOlKi:. A l.L persons indebted to the subscriber, either by note or account, are reipiested to call and settle the same as early as possilde. H-“ may i>e foun .l one door est of Liberty Peii:^ with the most i f his ready-m.ide work savel from the late fire. Persons in want of any articles in my line of business, wouhl do well to call, as I will Kell cheap for cash, or i>n time for approved note. JAMES SUNDV. Jan’y 10, 1852. 55tf V 7 r Livery Stable Bus'ness. fll HE subscrifier intends cjirrying on the M. above liusines as usual. Having added considerable .''toek, lu‘ will tie able to accom modate the public. Thankful for p TilOS. il. TILLINGHAST, Anderson St., rayettevllle, U. C., oi'laiMlt; -MU. W. WlNSLOW’t-' LAW’ omCK. Music neatly bound i»t short notice. P.iHiphieis and Peiii-dlcais bound, i^nd oli R.'oks I'c-ooun^l, iu a Dec. 8, 1851. 4' Thankful fo he solicits a continuance. J. AV Jan'v 2'*. 1S.S2. ;t favors. POWFRS. 58tf Aroy, ^heiiiweil cV €Jo. Have one piece extra fine 7-4 black French CLt»TH, to which tl.cy would call the attention of the public. Oct. I'., 1^51. 82if m- Only ISitriit oieI in Part. A. A. McIvE rilAN yj.iV ir .J/cLata m A RE now receiving u large ii»d {reai.rvd -a* ,'hL sorfnient of STAi‘LK AND FANCY i 1>11Y C«OOI>S. i IIAKDW .\Ki-; CrTI.r.K'Y, j BOOTS A>I> !»jiaOi:*!». j — A LSI I— ! 75 bags Rio, I.aguini ' 10 hhds. .Sugar, I 75 pieces Cotton Racginj. : 5(J coiln Ra'ie Rope, i 100 kegs Nails. aHS'.rted, H tons Swedes and Ln.^il.sh 5f.i() sacks Liverpctl Sait, With Loaf. Crushed, Powdond and Gran t'. a ted Sugars; tireen Te.a: Pepper: Spice; Gingerr Powder; Shot; Rar Lead: Ta'oie Salt: liar and Fancy Soaps. With a gre.it variety oi other articles, to which We invite tii» attention of piir- chasers at wbolf-sal»* or retail, as low u3 anj .McLAURTN*. 2m1' jh^TILL ciuUiiiucs to c.arry on the C.VRRl.\f«E I otner houaC ;n the place. lU'SINES.S in all its branches, at the re- | i*. i. W. ? mains of his old stand, opposite Liberty Point. ! (')ct. C, 1851. He returns thanks for the liberal patronage he i ^ has heretofore received, and hopes tiy strict at- : uollilifco. VyauaiOo.. V/ciUUXc3... tention to business aud a desire to give entire; "B I'.S'l'F.V\ 1.1’TLX ILLl.'lOU LD CANDI.EH eatisfactiim. to merit a cont inua iice of the same. ; M lor sale a' tae Proprietors Store, Hay Having kept the greater portion of his Tim- i street, one door \i eat of Mr. h. Glover’d Jew- bcrs at a distance from thc manufactory, he has ian, Fayetteville. •Wtf tifjed Rye W hiskey. J. March 20. & I. WAD DILL. 77-tf NOTICE. PERSONS indebted to u.*i by Rond or Book account due previous to Jan’y 1, 1851, must Bcttlc or we will make settlements by legal process. J. & T. WADDILL. 5 tons Fornviun Guano, just received and for sale by IS. ROSE & SON. Af^ch 2'J, 18:2. 77tf \Vhick they will sell at thc lowest prices for cash, or on time for ajipnived notes. Merchants are roinested to call and examine their Stock. We would also .say to the Jjudies j «nd Gentlemen of this place and surrounding : country, that we shall have open in a few days i a large and varied selectiim of fashionable Dress j Goods and Trimmings, suited to the season, to j which we respectfully invite their attention. STARR cV WILLIAMS. March 10, 1852. "‘Jtf 50,000 Ihs, orKn?!!( Wanted. fWILL pay cts. per pound cash for all clean cotton and linen R.VGS, delivered to J. 1). Williams, in Fayetteville. 1 am n-jarly ready to put in operation a Paper .Mill in this neighborhood, and am desirous of getting my rags in this market. My object is to pay as much foi’ rags as I can afford, and hope that 1 may not be forced to distant markets for my supplies. I have arranged with Mr. Williams to receivc and pay for all rags delivereil to him. DAVID MUUPIIY. Fayetteville, Feb’y 24, 1862. 6&-tf to run at all times. Jan'y 28, 1852. Marble G. DE.MlNCi. Pres’t. R. M. ORRELL, Agent. GO-tf FURTHER NO'I'ICE. Stake this method of returning my sincere th.anks to those gentlemen who saved the gools from my Shop oti the mortiiiig of the 3d inst. Rut for their kindness and exertion, 1 would have lost all. JAMES SUNDV. 4LL those indebted to the subscriber will find their accounts made out by calling at the Foundry which will please be settled as early as convenient. 11. G H.VLL. .^larch ti. 71 F il c t o r y. X. B. S'i’ARRUCK, Troy^ ,^'ew IRON FOUNDER AND MACHINrST, MdnufdrtHrer of Sfetnn Mllh nmlMoil'^ri^, Mill Gearhdj of all khuh, I^loiajhs, il'c. ^•^HE undersigned, as the .Vgent of the above M. Establishment, will order any articles which may be wantetl, on application to him. The Steam Mills manufactured by .Mr. Star- buck have been tested, and are highly approved on the Plank Roads about Fayetteville. EDW’D LEE WINSLOW. Fayetteville, Sept. 4, 1851. 20tf By GKO. LAUDER. TWO DOdRS .\BflVE HUfill k SnX’S STORE, Favettevilio, IV. V. JiiB’7 20, lb52. 6£^1Y T. S. LU ri'ERLOH, Forwarding? Ag^ent, Fayetteville, N. C. i'eb. 16, 18GS. C5>^io on h.aiid a huge aud well selected lot of tho roughly seasoned Timber, of every deserifition used in his business, which enables him to retain all his principal workme’i. He is therefore now j)reparcd to do any work in his line in the very iiest style, aud on the must favoraMe terms—as low as any work of the same (tiality in .N. C. He has on hand. comi>letel.v finished, 8 liarouches, for I or 2 h-irscs; ti Rock.aways. and l:i iiuggica. .Mso. nearly finished, 1(1 Carriages ftir 2 horses; 20 Ihirouches for 1 and 2 horses; 12 Rockaways. nnd oO Ruggies; .Ml of which are of the most approved plan .iml finish, and will compare with any work in the L'. Statts for neatness and durability. Having been engaged in the aViove business for the past 20 years, his work is well known. an«l he refers to old customers for proof of its dur.-ibility. BSa/*’ A l.L work w:irraiited for 12 nionflis. and rep.iired free of charge should it fail by bal Workmanship or m.aterial, within tinit time. Repaihixo executed at short notice, and on reasonaVde terms. Jan'y 2(1, 1852. 59 FAYETTE\'ILLE CONFECTIONERY. CHARLES BANKS, Coiifcrtioiier^ INFORMS the public, that he has refitted his Establishment on (ireen Street, and has on hand a fresh supply of ('ANDIES. manufactured by himself out of the best l>oat Sugar, and war ranted free from starch, flour, paste, and perni cious paints. His whole time and attention is now devoted to making Candy, and he is pre pared to supply all orders with Candies equal to any made in the United State.s. These (J.m- dies he warrants to keep in any climate; ami he will sell to Town or Country merchauts, as cheap as good and pure Candy can be purchased in New York or elsewhere. Fayetteville, Oct. 28, 185L ‘^-^-tf nTST REC EIVED. 1^ -M EX’S and Roys’ SADDT.ES, of every m quality and stvle, some very fine Al so, Bridles, Collars, Whips and Wagon Hurnese. Ry t. C. UALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, l&il'. 32ti eler's Store. Persons desir’ng to have their Tailow ruuda iiito Candies will send it ir. A. .M. CAMPBELL, Jany 10, 18v2. 5f>-oni Thai POLISH! hi)w it Shines! 10,000 Itoxe^ M»ld widiin lilt* iast nine nionfli^! A J. WO'>IAV.\RD rct.iri.-* his ihankK to ,:m • the pu'dic lor the t.nprccedented en- couragemont he h?^8 in*;f witii in 'he msinufac- ture and sale of ids celebr.'ited Pt/Li.'^ll, and Kt thc same time wisiies it unoiu stood that he al ways keeps a siiT'oly on hand tor whoieoule. or retail. Experience has proved that this Polish is un- surjiassed for quic'^ness in jmtting a gloss on hoots and shoes, and aiso in preserving iho leather. Persons wishing to «il tlieir hoots i^n use this Polish with equal success immediately af terwards: the leather should be rubbed as soon as the Polish is applied, before it driv.s. This Polish can be found at t'uv biore under the f jirolinian Printing fttnce. Fayetteville. Feb. 21, 1>52. f>7tf Jl S'r REcl^ivEIX ' RRLS. WHlSKrY. ' > 10 bhds. Mola.-*se^, 1 qr. cask palt- { rer.cb Br».ndT, 1 •• “ Mndcira V. iue, 15 bstgs Ri*> Coffee, 5 boxes Medium -ixea. —ALSO— Brooms: Hearth Bvushes; Ju»^ Door RTid Bv.r- gv -Mats; Tanners’ Curritrs’ Knives, Workers, and Smooth Fleshers; and as addition to our FRENCH CHINA. S. W. TILLINGHAST k CO. March 1, 1862. 6'Jti' Fire-proof .Slate RooAi. All parties about to erect Fire-proof Build ings will do ■well to call on the subscriber. I am prepared to contract for Slave and Met al Roofing, Gutters, Leaders. Letuier-beads, and every thing belonging t^ the Rc'Sfing business. Also, to give instructions in Kooficg f«r Slate, to in&ko il tffcctually proof fire and rRA>'^ CH5yToy. rawfettovillc, i. "TI-Sk*