SBMI-WEBK L, Y. [vol.. I.] F.\Y1;TTEVII,I,K, x\. C„ AI’KH, S, 18j2. [NO. SO.] j 10,000 HPOUT^llE.^ I ^ WANTKD. i I'lic Suhscriber has now one j of the iiu»st extensive ninl l•e^t aji.smteil .stocks I Double :inl Sinjrle SHOT 1MST( of j the iimst stii.erior nuality,—('n'.t's lU-peiitiiij; ^ nnd Alien’s Uevolviii^. of every jn;ility,—I’ow- -c fill till* eekly OusKisvtn §4 CM^ if, dor Flitsks, Shot and (i:inte Uh^s, I’ei’cvission in a.lvnni-e; $4 .'.0 if paid duriiip ,Ue of Kn^Misl, ami Freneh Also, the ... I conijtlete iissortinent ot (inn fixtures tliat vo:.r ill'sul ■•‘ ■l il'ii'-’i*: i'tter the year huj* ■ Ims ever I>een offered in this section of country. ■Mso. Shot duns, Uitles and I’istols made to order or re)>airt il. iJitle.* made to onler, nnd Wiirr.iuied to s!ioit from o!\e to :;ve hundrerl yanls. •Vir (inns luade to order at short iiutice. To nil of which the attention of Sportsmen and oluers i.- respectfully invited. M. A. 15aki;h. .SVy/i of thf Uni). Hay street, nearly opposite the Marble Yard. K»yelt«ville, N. 0., Oct. »i, 18ol. 28tf I'UINTHU UV J. H. XEWliV. \][)\\\\\\) J. HALE & SOX, 1 IdTor.S AND riiOPHlKTOKS. ciiired. J. r ;iif V. oekly tlnsKiivER ^2 00 per annum, if in ndvnnre; $2 50 if pnid during the ,.f »ubsoriptiou; or 93 00 after the year ]],.,« expired. \liVKlITl.''KMKNTS inserted for sixty cents p.T ' til are for the first, and thirty cents for each liti'.: J'uhlication. Yearly advertisements . V ]u . i:il contracts, at reasonable rales. A1- ,' r;>or!: :ire reiiuested to state the number of mt:: '11^ desired, nr they will l)c continued till : ■;,;.l. iiiid charjied accordinjily. Letters to the Editors must be post-p.nid. I'nrruiisc 'rimmimrs. Axlts. Sjiriiiirs, IXishos, 1/iiiips, Whip S r.-itcnt l.ealher. and every tiling con»- ^ ,!c ill tlie way of Trimmings. For sale by NOTICE. undersigned continues to manuf.icture Ji. Spirits Turpentine 15.\ K It HI.S. Those now- on hand jiu.ajre 4o to 4-”) {ralhms. and are ni:ide of the best seasoned white oak. I)istillers want- injr ii jjood article, will do well to call and ex amine. Contracts to deliver I’.arrels for tlie next twelve months made on favunible terms. T. S. I.ITTKULOII. March 22. 1S.')2. T.'»tf COUK \ April .It (11N SON. 7f-;;t. SPllI-XG GOODS. n"'K ,ire now receiving! our usu;il stock of SlAl’Lb; A.ND FANCY 0 i> s, Boot^, Roniit‘t»(, Arc., WiiiLli bcinp boujtht Intc in the season. i most r tiusn ;it a cc'nsiderable decline in price.) we ii"W prepared to sell them very low. I’lease i!l rtnd examine. D. & W. McLAUlllN. Ai-ri; ■), K"'.2. T'.nf Afirs. wTltox, Mtinfini-MiiJiCr anil Millinur^ Ila« ju.^t reccivi r! a new and beautiful assort- 1 n«ent «>f Sprinp and Suni- BO:\ .VkT>», and ^ ^ e.xpects to receive tlieni inontiily as lonjr as the sea son l.-ist.s; anil will sell tliem :i- che.-«p. if not cheai»er, than any in the niar- r,*‘t. She espeet.'i daily a new and lienutiful i.'^siirtment of Dres Triininin"s, I5!:ick Late '•liawis. Scarfs and M»ntill«3. Also l>icss and > icijiie l*.-jtlerns of the l;itest style. Orders fr.»m the country promptly at- ivii led to, and country customers may always ’sure of getting the latest style of articles or .'Isrch ;J0, 18-j2. TStf niTK LKAD. Chrome Circen. Paris Cireen. Venetian Red. French Yellow. Litharge. Ued Lead. IJrushes. Varnish. 5:c. For "irtle bv S. J. March 17. 1S.-.2. lUNSDALK. Tltf nY.''')\. Imperial. Yoiinp Hyson. Oolonj TK.\‘, Choeol.-ite, .Mustard. Sweet Oil. For sale by March IT, 1802. S. J. HINSDALK. 74tf Sf.NI) MV (. AKT HOMK! 'OMK ]*erson hired or borrowed a Cart from |\E\l FIR^I & \i:\V Ii0fll)!i.^ i fB^HK snbscribors ;ire now reccdviiijr fri'in j jL N. York, a bir^re .•iml ass-u-tmei'.t >f j I Staple and h'ancif J)nj r/oor/s, I lJUOCBKIES, lIAllhWAIlK, I Huts and Boot.'! and Sh*K.s. | i Amon;; which are: j ’ Coffee. Snjrar, Cotton Itaprjrinpr, Bale ilope. Nail.>5, Window (Jlass. Swedes anil Knplish Iron, i Sack and ,\Uim Salt, Imperial anvl Ulack Teas, ^ j I’epper, .Vlspice. Ciiii;:er. I’owder, Sk >t, I liar Lead, itar :ind Fnt:cy Soajv i Tojfether with a jireat variety of ither arti- i cles. to which tiiey invite the attention of the jiublie, and which they arc dcterminiil to sell : as low for (’ash, ir on time t» those w ln> pay j promptly, as any liouse in the Southern enuntry. [ I’riKluce of all kinds, at the liiphest market j prices, taken in exchange tor (;>m|s. I Mcl.KAN s: .JUNES. Summerville, X. C.. Dcc. l!^-')i. 47tf V. T. IIAKJII (.V SON OFFKR FOK S.\I,K: L\\ Orleans, I’ortti IJico, Itetined, Crushed, F«iiat and llav:ir*a Sujiar. Hio. Liijrnira. 'ird old (iov't .Lava Coffee. Dundee, (iuimy, and ISurlaps 15agp;in^. Ivo'fte anl Twine. Iron, Nails, S.alt, .Molasses. Cheese anil Itaisins. lUacksmitlis’ Tools, Axes, Sjculos, Shovels, Hoes. Scytiies. * Tr.-ice iind IIalter Chains. l>aiid and Hoop Iron. AVhite Leal in Oil. Sp.-inisb Lrowii, Ucd Le:id. (tlass. I’utty, ISiickets. I’rooms. •Mackerel, in barrels and half ditto. Nejiro Shoes. T.-inners' Oil. Tin Plate. Wire. Superior (ireen and l>l:ick Teas. S.-ileratus. .Soap, Snuff. Vepper. (iinjjjer. Spice. Nutmeiis. Sperm and Adani.-intiiK* C.-mdles. r>ar Lead. Shot. I’owder, \c. ..^c. Nov. 2S, IS.'il. 4Jtf NIAV riK.M. rB’llII"' nndi‘rsi_::iiod have entered into copart- -fi- nershij^, uii'ler the name and style of liMwrrin'o X Troy, For the purpose of doinjr ji general Mercantile !ind l!arti r business. We have tftkcn the St"re. No. KMiiil'^LN SfKKKT. formerly occupied by .Messrs. .John liuske Son. (;Ki>. W. LAWKKNCi;. .tOlIN IJ. TI’.OY. .)r. Oct. 22, L'.'.1. ;;.:tf K^ii«‘uigr:i;:> lli‘ o(i *\llFV, SliK.MWKI.I. (’•). have just re ceived a splendid assortment of SiiUi’t Cur-i- merr, blai'k and ^rrey, to which they wotild c:dl the attention of the jiublic. riii so jroods will ^ Coiujiete in |Ualily .• nd durability with the best ! of Northern C:i>sinifr("-. and are much che.ii>cr. ran^inir fr>m i.2^. c nt> tn ^1 2.'» jier y;iid. I I'ayctte\ille. N. C, (let. 14. IS-M. ;‘.(>tf I IN sroui:, t^'tillS aul l'lou”h ’astin;is. Cvirn Shell- er.-'. (’ulti\.it. is. Straw Ciiltcis. aii>l Sjiin- ; ninjr Wheels. i E. C. H \I.L. d' Loii'f. i Oct. IS. is.-.l. ;:-jtf !U)()k' r.INDTJiV. W. 11AI:I)!K has rcsuncd tlie U-.ok I’liiidi'..;: I’lUsiiiess .it the new .'''t>ire next door to Mr. l’.e:;sl*'y. .lewtdlcr. where he will re ceive and i-xccute Iiindin*: in any style •Ic'iired. .Xu^ust 1. 27 tf IIIAVK iust received fri'iii New Virk, niv FALI. .\m> WlNTLi; NOTICK. ra'^HE T’artnership heretofore existing in LuinVierton, between the umlersipned, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Those imlefited to tl.e firm will j>lease call on (!. W. •MeKay, at Luniberton, who is authorized to settle the concern. .JOHN A. ROWLAND. (JILIIKRT W. McKAY. Luniberton, Feb. 2-'>, 18‘)2. (i!ttf TO Tin: PriJLIC. TH^HE subscriber h:is leased for :i term of -M- years, of R. W. Hrown. Esi., his fire-proof Store, with his Wharves, and is now in a condi tion to t.-ike especial care of Spirits Turpentine and other Naval Stores committed to his care. The Warehouse is well kuMwn to be the best and safest place in town for the storajic of liacon, Lard. Corn, I’eas, iS:c. The lower w harves have on them four large new sheds, where .'Spirits can afely ke]>t from the r.ain and sun. He is be iS. i«v St.ables. I’lease return it. J. W. POWERS 7S-2w Uberf V March 30. lS.j2. i.i MKKu: i.r.\im',u!! ’ K li:vve our Steam S;iw Mill in sucoi'ss- tul lti\v VlJr 111 ^ II *• ir* ^ . . ^ r c .. -11 ' hands of a collectinsr officer. 1 operation. miles from Fayetteville, | RFl'IJFN lalei^h .St;ipe Road, and are prepared j it* m")‘> * the 1 ' '-.x' cute tirders in our line. .\s we run two .. ■ '/or Circ'dar Sun-f. we can fill bills at the | -1 rti-st notice. We can furnish Pine, Poplar ! ^'1 .hitii-er Ll’MUEl’, and of ;ilmtist an^ (>ur Lunilit'r, for truthfuliic-.s of line i 'ai-xitlinc'S of f.iee, shall be eijual to any ■ r'ielivered in market. JONE.S & nARlCr.E. 1 M irch .10. l.^i-V:. 7Stf 1 Point lloiiwi*. un'lersijrned | niuke. by ettle on ■ or f>efi>re the first day of Mandi. Those failing j tu do .•«>, will certainly find tlieir accounts in Stock of (ioods. (’oii.-isrin-.: of a general assnrtment nf Dry (lodtls. (Inircrirs. iliirdwarf. Ciillcry. \f. I will bart.-r I t Ti l* PL.NTIN E, or any kind of Produce. N. KlNd. 1> miles N>irth of Fayetteville. Ot. 2S. ' 4.’.tf D.MLV i:xiM:c:'n-:i). A (fENKRAi.. ii.^.^ortnient d' COOPERS’ /a. Tools, ol the best m.inul'actnrers' 4LL persons iiolebted to th« either by note or account must K. Oct. ’8. 1S.')1. C. H.^LL, of Rome. ;’.2tf JONES ♦;.')tf II NOTICK. AVINO. with sever.'il others. 1>ei-n burnt ^ out on the ninrning of the ;’.d iii'taiit. i ■ would earnestly n'fjue.^t persons indehtt-d to me. j either bv note or account, to call and settle, as j men« I'MO.N AC.XDKMV. rB^HE buildinj: of thi'> Institution is now in i a state .f completion. It is large an«l commodious. It is pleas.-mtly loc.-ited in a fine neighbi-i hood, and in a very stv!ubrio»is part of Robeson coui:tv. twtdve miles west Irom Luni- bertoii, about hall mile Si>utli of the lead ing fl'i III thence to .\Ifordsville. Tite tir^t >e"i .ii i.f tlii> Iii.-titiitii.ii will com- the 2il MondaV of .lanu.-irv, ls."(2, nn- prejiared to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds of produce sent to his care. He will also make adv.-inces when reiiiireil. He begs to refer to the following getitlemen: R. W. Brown. John Daws>n, (,). (!. Parsley ainl Tiios. H. Wright, Esis. .MILES COST IN, P>rown’s wharf, Wilmington. N. C. Sept. 12, isjl. , 21-V BiiOTiiEHS Ii.m:. “ ^H^IIE Stc.-imer P>R()TllEr..S. and Tow I’ojits «_ Stevenson, David I^-wis. ami Janies Cas- .-iiil.'iy. :ii-e ].re]iared to forward with despatch all goods i."onsigned to the Proprietor. The .Steamer Brothers is of light draught, and well suited to run iii Ion- i-ahr. She pos sesses jiiiinr :ini| .nnd is admirably adapt ed to toi'-iiir/, and can acct>niniod;ite about 20 j>assngers. 'I’he Proprietor contempl.ites running the r>o;:t liim>elf. and will give '^ attention to wa_\ IVeijiht ai:d n.ival stores: to towing, and will also .-ittend to the comfort and convenience of Passengers. From his long experience as Agent in Wilmington of the several Steanibc>at Companies, he thinks he eitn jjive satisfaction. To Merchants in the interior he would say, that all (tooils shijiped by him, will be deliv ered to their Agents in Fayetteville. His Agent in \\ ilniinirton is D.WID I’l.VNK.''. to whom all coihmnnie.itioiis may b> adclre.'Sed. as Agent of the .''te.iliier Brothers. .John B.\NK.'', Proprietor. W ilmington, Feb. 1, ls.j2. i;;!tf Klak«‘N Fir*-E*i'4»4>t I’liiiil. BARRELS Blake's hrc-j.roof PAINT, for sale by S. J. HINSI>AI.E. .March 17. 1N'>2. 7ltf f.iNsi:i:!) on.. BARRELS North Carolina made LINSEED OIL. for sale bv s. J. IlINSHAl.E. March 17, i.‘.V2. 74tf i)Aii,Y i:xi*K( Ti:i). A C.ENERAL ASSORTMENT of Ht>LLOW- ..."■L WARE, fiy E. ('. II.VLL, of Rome. Oct. 18, ;J2tf Teal Tea! TefiH f CHEST YOlNt; HYSON, 1 ditto (Innpowder, 1 Catty Imperial, For sale bv CHS. P.ANKS. Oct. 2S. 18.M. ■ ;$4-tf NOTICi:. '^H^Hl-; undersigtieil having forme«l a ('opart- Ji- nership under the style id’.1(111 N BANKS iV BRiU’IILR. for c:irryin;r on :i CO.\I .\liSSlON and 1'(t R \\ A R Dl N(r UL.'^iNESS, all good.s co7i- fijnnl to them, or ordered, or jirodnce sent for sale, will be jiromjptly attemled to. JOHN BANKS. DAVID BANKS. Wi!niin;rlon, Fel>. 2, 18.'»2. (iotf North CarolinaKerseys. tREY, SllEMWELL i CO. have just re ceived u large lot (d‘ ••Salem Kerseys,” known to all of our Planters as the best goods for negroes are ofi'ered in this market.— Those who have been waiting, hail better come and get su)>plied, as they are going otf rapidly. Fm\etteville, Dec. l’>. 18ol. 4H-tf Ti 1 i • 10IK ('afmicl Funiititi‘(\ ('Imir.s, i^c. f HI II E subscriber is receiving the largest as- Jl sortment in his line ever liefore j«iircli:ised at the North, which, together with his ow n ni.aii- ufactiire, makes his Stock very complete, con sisting of C’hairs, Tables, Sofas, l>o(]stoa(l.s, Stands, Bureaus, Ijookiiig (Hasses, Side lJuards, Secretaries, &c. .Ml of which will lie sold on the lowest tei-nis foi Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. JOHN W. BAKER. Oct. :!0, 18.')]. ;;.jtf HARAIAN'S l!()'n:r., I' A V B-: r T !•: v i b. e. sc, a . TH^IIE Subscriber, having taken the hirge JL Hotel, formerly known as the Planter's Hotel, situated at the foot of H.-iy Mount. Hay Sti'eet. Fayetteville. N. C., respeeti'uUy iid'orms his friends and the loiblic that he is now en- g:iged in refitting the builiiing. v.iiich is snji- plied with entire new Furniture, and is jire- [lared to accommodate the traveliinir public.— Having had some experience in the business in the town of Pittsbonnigli, N. C., he llatters himself tli.-it lie will be able to jri'e satisfaction •IVfr Etooha and ARPF.U ."j .Magazine for March; Bon Gaul* tier's Book of Baii.ols; La>s of the Scot tish ('avaliers; Cloverni‘ik. nr Recol'ections of our Neighborhood in tiie West, by .-Mice C«reyr : -Aunt Kitty's Tales, by .Mrs. Melntosh; Put- nam s l.ibrarv. No. being 'J'he Walk-* nnl I Talks of an .\mericun Fanner in England: tJai- . tie Summer. b_\ Ik. Marvel; School jJooks, &c. j -Mso. Envelopes, a large a^isortinent: Port Fo- ; lios; 'ii;ar PiK.kei Inksiaii'i**; Vi.siting C.irds; Bii«f(.l Bo,ird“: Ma(liematical Instru- uientb. Just iecei\ed. E. J. HALE i,: feON. ■M.arch 11. 18.12. M.'OTTI»ll crCelTi^ -M- Manners, as jireserved among the High landers, being an hi.'torical and deseripiive ac count of the inhabiir.nts, anti.|Uitie.-4, and na tional pecnli.-irities i.if ScoiUniil, by James Lo gan. Just r*eeived and for fale bv F, J. HALE SON. W IIOLKSAl.i: Walcli ;tiad Ji*%«c‘]i‘V ^tore* L. JI. (Sj co., to tliose who may favor him with their compa- ^ J,„nnrfrrK, .]fi»iifar(>nrr. om{ JubUrti of nv. His rooms are lar'.re and airv. i ; r. • jevd.rtj^ nn(( l Uiirij I? II , ' . -A Thr Suhscribor still contiiHM'!- to e.-irry on the CABINi'.T Bl’SLN'ES.'' in Fayetteville, and in addition to his l!stabli'ilimeiit ou Bow street, near Eccles s Bridge, has opened a large ^\Al^E ROtI.M on Hay street, nearly o]iposite the F.iyet'eville Hotel and one door V^ist of Messrs. llaigh i Son's, wher‘ a g«'neral assortment of rUllAiTURi; Made by competent and faithful workmen, may be had at ]>rices corres;ionding with the times. .\lso. an assortment of Norihei-n-niade Fl RNl- TI r.E, selected by himself, which will be soM at a vcrv moderate advance. Dl'NCAN McNElLL. Nov. 10, 18.51. :;8tf Me keeps on hand an assortment of Fisk's celebrated METALLIC lU'Rl.VL CASES, which have been highly reconiniended by W illio P. .Maiigum. ilenry Clay. Lewis Cass. Win. R. King, and iiwiny other illastrions character'.', who have examined and witnessed their utility. T I am in need of money. ALEX'R .McLAl'CHLIN. iu)oi’6 A.Ni) siioi:s. W K Jire receiving one of the largest and In'st assorted stocks of BOOTS and SH(>ES ever ofT*T'd by ■ us. embracing a very large | anl fashionable ansortment of • lentlenien'.'s. l>sidies'. Boys', i w*' .\li.'ses' and Children's P>ool.»-. G.'iiters. ; . ' iiicy Shoes, selected from the ap-, ■ '1 ^LlT:ufactlIrer.'!. \Calf, Binding. Lining ami Pad 11'. SoIp Leather; ShoeThrea'I; l.asts; Spara- I’e^''. ivc. A su]»erior article of 'I'ravel- Tniiik.'. Carpet Bags and Sat’helH. .\llol '■ !i will lie solil very low for (.'.V.“»H or on t'- punctual customers. A lai-;.'e assortment of Servants’ Shoes for ' and Women's wear. S. T. HAWLEY & SOX. A].ril o, 7'1-bw Si (J \K—()ji (^(>nsirnnunt.. (• IIMI).'^. Sl’f'.AR, which we want to ex- 9 ili:iii;re for Flour, Sheetings, or Cotton ■ 1' F r sale by COOK & TAYLOR. Aprii .■), ls.’)2. 70-4w :>7tf i>ril .j. DRV JIIDHS. LBS. DRY HIDES for sale. COOK .V TAYLOR. ls.'.2, 7'.*-4,v 1I!L.'. pure North Carolina LINSEED '•IL, just received and for sale by B. ROSE \ SON. I'ril •■). 18-V2. 7!t-:5t n A Frc!«li ^ii|>|>ly. I.AKL S Fire-proof P.MNT, I’lirc \Miite Lead in Oil, and ••tlii-r Paints. ■lust received and for .»ale by B. PiOSE '& SON. AjTil ■', 18.',2. 7'J-:Jt XKW BOOKS. HCTNam s LIP.RARY, Nos. 4 and '), being ■ tlie World Here and There, f>y Dickens, "1 HijimJ « Own; (;.,uiit Moiite-Leone, or the I',' iti Si„;iet_\; Miss Sewell’s Journal of a Siim- T-,ur; Memoir of Rev. W. H. Hewitson; :itiil Methodism, by Taylor; Spencer's ' •'^ket.hes; Mc(Jufl'ey's Eclectic Readers, '• -L 'id and 4th parts; I’arker's l»t Lessons . |''l"'t‘iphy; .Mills' Rhetoric; Davies’ School 'f 'iinn.ti,.: \c. *'o'ther supplies of THE BOSTON ^ ' Id.M V S ollection; ('arinina Siicra; Gunn’s "‘‘■■itir Medicine; Humorist’.s Ltbmry; &c. ,, E. J. HALE & «ON. M:i|', l| 21t, , NOTICE. I'IIK partnership heretofore existing uinler di* n;ii,),, f,f J IJ ^ p .Murphy is this 'h—i,lv(.il l,y iiintual consent. • I tlin>,. iii.l\;ijn;d to the firm, by note or _ ""It. are reiiuested to call at U. t'. .Mur- J '■ .settle before the loth of February '*• iiiid tliereby save cost. And those having t .'ii'*" ■''-■‘•'‘St the firm are requested to present A I'^dijeltcrilU’ Hold. K VYlCT'l’IA II.I.K, N. V. fHlHlSLirge and splendid Piuilding hus now JL Ikm-ii in succes.sfiil operation since May I ]84!>. Th** Bedding and Furniture of all kind.s I t is new. and the rooms coiivenien*. and pleasant, j ; The Table is always furnished with the best i I the market affords, "aiiled by a fine vegetable | garden. Boarders, Lo.lgers, : nd Travellers will find le- sirable acconini«iatioi s and attentive servants. No pains will be sp.ired to give entire satisfac tion. Famili''s can Vie furnished with large, airy, front double rooms, conveniently and hand- .sonielj" furnished. .\n experience of 20 years will en.iltle the les see she hopes, to give general s.-itisfaction. .\NN BROWN. June 1, 18.->0. 2H-tf }V{// llretitit'd hi/ thr jir^t n’sf- in (hf Jiiri-r, T( )NS of S W EDES I RON. by E. C. H-VLL, of Rome. (Jet. 18, 1851. mm\ 11. Bi-dsso^i. V o n yit SSI o .AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, .1*. f’. Prompt attention given to all Consignments, and advances made on Pro- (luce to f»e shipped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1S.')2. tlei the care of Mr. t.ilck Lcitch, who is a gra duate of the I'tiiversity of North Carolina. Tii'itif i t' Tiiiiriti. I'fr S ffiun. n:: .''pelling. reading and writing. ->8 (!l> .\rithmetic. I'.iigli.'^h (irainniar. (li igni- piiy and History, D> (Ml Latin, (Ireek. F'rench, and the higher branches of Mathematics, 12 (K» Boanl can be obtained at the Acadciiiy. and at convenient distances in the neighborhiMMl. at from five to six ilollars ]>er month. Bv order of the Trustees. JOHN TAYLOR. Sec'v . T»ec. 2f. IS.'.l. 'lo-tf "‘iincdiately. » y ly.yj J. w. p.. F. MIRPHY*. MCRPHY. tiUtf VV. L, SMITH, C’oiiinii«wioii .Herehaiif, (^Office m Laznruf JiutUbny,') WILMIXr.TOX, N. C. Jat4'y 1852. •’-OV Tl RPENTJNi: LAND FOU S.\LE. 110R sale, :’>08 iicreH of LAND on Janies (.’reek, and (>40 acres on (’ypress Creek, in Cuyiberlunii, convenient to the Western Plank Hoad, heavily timbered, anl admirably adapted to the uiakinji; of Turpeutiue. Apply at this Office. Nov. 28, 1851. D.\1LY EXi’iieTKn. ~ TONS of H(K)P JUON, suitable for Spirit barrels, by E. C. n.VLL, of Rome. Oct. 18. 1851. 32tf RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. ( K).ME in to the Cheap Store, North side of y Hay street, one door above the comer, and buy new Dry Goods. Also, Ready-made Clothing, Hats and Caps—great variety. ISAAC DODD. 44tf Nov. 4, 1851. 37-tf VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, THK .MOST POPl LAR FAMILY MEDICINE (> F T H K A CJ K J I'stftl liy I’liysicians of Higli Standing. Tlif'P lilT'fKnS lemove all nioibid srorelionn, ■>iiiii\ lliu lil.iixl. Ki'P great tone aii.l viRor to the .lii;. 'iiv ^ I'lrfii'i'' tortilV the s> st.'iii n^^iin.xt all liitni* !i-fu~... can lie t.ikeii witli natetv. at no lime (let.ill tmiiii' the palieiit li*-iiij? k'***-’"* most (li-li- i-.ile Idoiwaoh. aiiil rciiiHikatile tor their cheeriiiff, i :i. 'I lii)^. sti ciiijlhMiiI1J5, au'l I e«t»i ati\e jiro|>«r» tie«. aiiil 'in invaliialile and sure luniudy lor I>¥SPI:PSI\ IX ITS WORST FOUMS. \ls*> l.iver f'oinitlaiiitH. .laiinilice, Ilearllmrn. .os- lIveiiesN, Kaiutnc».v l)i.~..i.leis of the Skin and '-iver, i OSS ol \|>|ietile. Low S|iii'it8, Neryon.^ Headache, (ii.liiin. v.!, l alpitation of the Heart, Sinking and Kiill- lie..^s if Weight at the Stoiiia» h. and all other disensei tiiiiM-il tl) ioi inijinre state of the Mot>J, liver, etc., which tend to debilitate and weaken '.he system. F K M A K S \V\io «iiflVr fiom n nioihid and unnatural condition will find thin .Medicine of INESTIMABLE VALUE, In Ai L CAif. of OK.NKH AL DK.BILITV, thin Medi cine ACTS I.IKk A ( HAll.M ! TROUS ASTBS ll»»e 'eMed it« efficacv. and thousands more are now ,.iule> ti. atinent ; and not one seWtarv ca«eot la>'"'-® h«> ve‘ 1-ceu ie|K>rt«d. Volumes could be hlled with reititic .tcs of those who have been permanently cuied. fall on the .^srcnt, and fet a PAflPHI.ET, I ontniiiini? the ( ertificatci of KemarkabJe Cures, and thr in wliich tliU Medicine is by l\»t' public Tvess —caji be had ot tUe Agent*, Iree. Large ftuarts $1; Pints 50 Cents. So/d by all the Prinripal I)rvg:Jifs in the United State* and Canadas. NOriCK. ])«‘r.--i'ns indebted to the .nbsiriber for lodti imrcha.'cil :it Floral Ctdlojre arc re- inc>1c.l t'l make ininu-diatc jiayinent. cither to Mr. lliifrh Mf.Vrn in the neijjliburhond, or to hini«elf in t 'liera w. I), li. yu .wxs. Chcraw. Dcc. 21*. IS.M. .'.i>-tf •lOII.N 1). W Com m iss io#i *V i'ortvnrtii Fayetteville, W. C. I'cb. IK.'.-. f.;uf ,l i'ann mnl H(miiiful lit-'^tdcncc vo\i rB^lIK r'ub?«criber ■wishinir t> remove tfl the .fl. Soiilli-we.-^t, wfiuld sell kis lands in this comity, upon reasonable and accoiuniodating term^^. 'riiere are about or -ilMM) acres, all lyiiijj in fine liody, and of which 4(M> or -itMJ acre.s are in cnltivatiim. The I’laiik lload of the .loint Stock Company, from Fayettevill« to llaleijih. will run within one mile f>f the residence. .Most of the land.s that are in cultivation lie witliin three miles of the ('ape Fear Uiver, adjoininjr the lands of John C. H illiains and others. The above situation is very desirable, from I the fact that it i.s surrounded by the best of nei;ihbors .-ind society. The subscriber minht say much more by way of inducenient; hut he deems it unnecessary, .ts tliose wishing to jiurchase fan call and see lor themselves. The above lands can be divided so a.s to suit purchasers. .\ny further information can be jriven by ap plication to the subscriber, or by letter address ed to him at Kinjrsburv, Cumberland Co., N. ('. D. S. WILLI.VMS. Feb. 1>, 1852. ''-tf RKDrc Ki) i'alm:. fliniOr(ill Ticket.s between Wilmington, X. !ind r>altiniore. Farc>?i:i. Via el- dwii, I’etcrsbnr^r, llitdiniond, and Washinsrton Citv. or via Wi-ldori. I’ortsinouth and Norfolk. For Tickets :i)ijily at the (►fTice of the Wil- minpton and llalei^h liail Koad Cojiipuny, fit \Vi’,iiiiii"toii. or at the Ofiice of the Ibiltiniorc Steam i'.'icket ('niiipany. and of the lialtiniore Mild tihio ll iil K’ Cnni>*any, I’ratt Street. I’ciltiniiirc. •Jan. 1. 18.'.2. .‘i-Mf I'Klin s .\XI> M 'l'S! OIl.\N(IK.'', Fi}rs. Dates, Currants (.'itron. .Mnii'nds. Filberts. iJra/.il Nuts. \c. .1 list received by CllA'S 1>.\NKS. .Ian. I'K. * f)tl-tf General Agency and Commission Business. ■^Ili; Subscribers have thi?; d.-iy entered in to a c;>i»artnersliii) under the style of WIIIT.VKKU, WIllTFIFLD CO., for the purpose of doinjr a jreneral ajretwy and coiiiniis.-ion business, and in ofl'erinir their .ser vices to the public in that capacity they tiatter tlienisflves tli.-it they will be :iblc to {live s:itis- factiiin to all those who may consijrn any jroi-ds. wares, niorchandi/.e or country proiiiice to them eithor to sell on cnniniissions or forward. .\s it will be our greatest aim to please, we plcdjie ourselve.s to sjiare no jiains in tryinj; to };ive peneral satislaction. They resiiectfully solicit the patronage of their frii nds and the juiblic jienerally. Their store is No. o North Water Street. |)ickins'iii's Fire-proof building. Wil mington, N. C. .JOHN W. WIllT.VKKl’v, •I.V.MLS W. WIIlfFlKl.I), A. A. n. SOrill.\LL. I’t'rriiK.Ncrs:—.lohn D.awson. I’otter Kid der. (t. (I. I’arsley. Samuel I’eery i Sons. (J. U. French, ami HUis is. Mitchell. .Jan. 2'.», Ih.jJ. 01-tf Me has large and convenient .''t.ables. tind a good and faitlilul 0.-5tk-r. JOHN ll.U{.M.\N. Feb'y 1 7, 1 S.V2. tlGtf Tin; r.rcii imti.xt 8TOVE. IS for s:ile by the Snb.scribor in Raleifrh anl F:iyettevill«‘: in i!:ik‘ifrh at iii.s Siiop on l’:i_' - etteville .'Street, and in Faj. etteville at .Mr. .M. CanijibcH's. The SiibscrilxM’ hen-by forewarns all jiersons from piirchasiiifr any of these Stuves from any^n either in or out of .North Carolina, ex- ci'jit Irniii hini.'flf nr his duly autlinri/.ed -\jrents. Me h:is purchased tin- exclusive ri;jht to vend this .''tove V.itliin the .'■'tate. and will j>rosecute any person infrinjrinjr h’.s r!;.rlif. either by jnir- ehasinir. seUiii^'. ur using, any excejjt ob tained from himself. .lOSFlMI WOLTI'KING. I’aleijrli. .\] ril I'.', 1,''.'»1. f.Htf \VIN'n:ii si IM’LY. are now r''ce:viiijr our winter ?iip]ily ofCoods, .■'> doiirs below the .Market House, south side Person street, where may be fiiund the followiii”; .-irticles: Sugar tif all grades, 'iifl'ce, O llhds. ('iib.i Molassfs—«wei t, :J libls. .*_\rup—a superior article, (ireen and Ulack Teas. Cheese ot' thrie ditl'erent fjualities. nice. I’l'pper and Spice, lliipe and liagging. till llbls. Mackerel. Shoes and lUiots of extra large si/.e. Shovels. S]>ades and Forks, ('orn I’loughs and Points, Axes of the best brands. Knives and Fi rks. Nails and Iron. lbs. Cottcii Vani. With a great many other artic’os cheap for I'ash or exchanged for I’rudiice.! and see. ciKj.'^s 'Hi;i;k co.. C. llenbow. 1‘res't. Dec. 2*1. IH-')!. od-tf ^ I,"' m:w hooks. w T KSLEY and .Methodi.«ni. by Isaac Tay lor; Layard's Nineveh and its Remains. 1 vol. unabridged with ilUi.'^trations. only Sil D*; New Themes for the I’rntestaiit Clergy; Scenes and l.egeiiils of .''ci thiii'f. by lliigli Miller: The Ladies of the Ci'veiiant: The Corner Stone, by .\Hiott; The Cajit.'iiiis of tin* (lid World, by M. W. Herbert: Si rcery and Magic, by Thomas W right; .\ Faggot »d' French Sticks, or I’.aris in IS-'il. by .siir Fratn is Head; .Maurice Ticrnay. by Lever: Florence S.ackville. by Mrs. r.iirbii- ry. 2.‘>c.; I’titnam's Senii-Monthly Library. Nos. 1 and 2. containing Moim* and Social I’liiloi-o- pliy. and Hood's Whimsicalities. '2~> each: Ken neth. a Komance of the Highlands, by Iley- nolds. 2 p.'irts, 7-”>: The .'^idmrl for lliisbands, Jiy Lady Hu’wer; M.iiiiilton's Work?-. 7tli vol.: Calhoun's Works, vol. 1: Further sujijilies of Lewis .\rnndel: Frank Fairlegh; Widow I'ug- by's Husband; Surenne',s rronouncing French Dictionary: OllcndoriV's New Method of learn ing French: Mitchell's (icographies; Speller and Detiner. Hazen's and Webster’s; Os;c. March :5. F. •). H.\LK & SON. Ilavp leased the (»ld Stand tornierly occnjiied by Messrs. Cantield, iirotiier Co.. Hout& Hu.*) earner of I'lirtrle.* ohd Halliinorc (No. 227.^ whiidi ihev ere potting in complete- onler for tho W lltiLKS 4 1 i: \\ATCH .\Ni> •IFW ICLltV r>r,'lN K,''S. to be oj encd abuut the 2nth of .Inly, i In calling tho .ittoi.ti-.n of tlie trnde to the I new concern, wc inention th*,- fact that wc nre : assiici.-ited with une of the n*osf extensive .ie»- elry Manufacturing KstMblishnieiiis in the coun try. whicli mii.-.t give a decided advfint!*ge over all others in this niark'-t t'.r bnj>pl_>ing uealers I w ith .lew*-ir\ at ni.- nufac: over'' prices, ii feature in thi.' I.niiicli oi' inuie ;• ng (iinc- needed -be tween llaltiniore ;iini the southern and Western Mercii:;l.i . \ We desire to c.--dl paitieniiir afiention to tb*“ 1 Watch departiaent. wh^ Ii 'hill at all times be I supplied witii a Lrrat a.'sortnient Irom the most , celebrated nianntiict'.irers. and kept in jierfect ; running ord'i-. ^o thiil tiiircti:;«ff.s nia_i ;it )iice I take them, with a vvriticn guar::utee that th*-y . will perlorni correctly. j Thi^ branch of the business will receive t’i.e esjiecial att«‘ntio:i of one of thf* lirm, ■whose ex- ! tensive and practical knowledge of the business will, we hojie. give tis a place in the confident* of buyers. We respectfully invite you to (^•lll upon ms when you next visit our city, confideritly l.e- lieving that an examination of our (ioods wlil ' ]irove to Noii that they arc better styles nnd ' che.Mjier you have c\ei- sf'cn in tiiis market. ; and assure yon that no ertort shall he wai-ting j on »iur part to make the aeijuaintanct' one I mutual benefit. ; L. II. Mll.l.KR & ‘■'O. old stand, formerly occujued t'v ' Cantiebl. l>ro. \ Co.. S. F. cor ner of Cliarlcs a: HuJtiniore .^ts. Haltinioie. .Iinic l.''-'.l, 1-l-Vij. I’.Ki’I'lil.NCrS; .Mes.-rs. Wyeth, I' Co. (I'.vvn. lleid iS: Tayh.r. .lames Hodges /c i!roth»;r. Miirvt \ Derry. .Miir'Jfich. Inier & Kvan.*!. Stellmfmn & llinricliy. .''ang'fon & (^o. ]’>arihiow. rJw^ii & C.i. Hiely iS: rendleton. Cushings & Bniley. John ,\liirphy & Co.. Moore (.iriflin. CHERRY PECTORAL III* lbs. HA -; J. D. WlJd-I.V.M.S. i (latf ‘ I'OR S.VLH. CON. Feb'y '.t, lS.'i2. A DKSIUAIU.K RESIDENCE FOR SALE. rB^IlK Subscriber now offers for sale sill his .B. Turpentine and Farming L.VND, conttiin- ing about (iOd Acre.^ situated 12 miL's llast of Fayetteville, on the Goldsborough road, com monly known as I’ahnyra. It iias a good dwelling house, out->tuildings, &c., u'ld a store where a large amount of busi ness is done, tind increasing daily. 'I his is a rare chance for turpentine getters, merchatits, &c. and will be sold a bargain. Any one wish ing to purchase, and wishing further intorma- tion, can applv on the premises, to J. W. MUKI’HY, or ,\S taken an Ollice on Ilay Street, West of the Hotel Duildings. July H. IS-'il. 4-tf 1* July 2t;th, 1851. TAVLOK, Fayetteville 8tf Principal Office. IM FULTON ST. For sale by S. J. November 8, 15551. K Y.. up »t*ir» HINSDALE. 3»-y TO CO r roN i ers. PIKCKS COTT(^N liAGOINO, 7;') coils Kope, 2(X» lbs. Twine, .Just received and for sale cheap, by PETEU P. JOHNSON. August IG, 1851. 1^ KING nnd A. Mo.MILLAN have entered • intt> copartnership in the Distillery of Turpentine, and have erected a fetill on the West side of the Fayetteville and Western Plank llotid, 8 miles from Fayetteville. N. KING. May 0.—Tltf A. McMlLLAN. Wanted. 'WMT E wish to buy 20,000 barrels Turpentine. KING & .McMILLAN. Hlaaks of all kinds. R. M. ORRI-LI., F()U\\AHl)lN(i rini.lllSSlllN .)!tUniA\T .\T Fayctlevillf, i\ March 10, 1851. C.2-tf il. L. HOLMES. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, W. C. OFFICK on corncr of Front and Princess streets, under Journal office. Dcc. 12. 48-tf T. C. WORTH, ^ (’0M.1llSSIfl.\ AM) FllU\V\KI)I.Mi .MERl’H\.\T. W ILMLNC; rON, N. C’. Feb. 1, 1851. o7tf WILKINSON & ESLER, DKALEUS IN Coii/ectioiian/, Fi>rdjti Fruif.'i, To~ hacco, and Stinj[f\ AND IMPORTERS OF jSlJPERIOR IIAVA.'VA CIO.IKS AT AVHOLESALE AXD RKTAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, 1851. lltf — storagT:. WE have commodious brick Warehouses in the rear of our Store, in which we store Cotton and other produce. N(»T .V Tilors.VND .MILKS FKo.M HO.MFr. Digotry and infatuation are the ruling pas sions of niankind, even in highly cultivated cir cles'. very ot'tcii. When e\ idt-nce a thousaml miles from hone is prcfeircd, it is a sure indi cation of the old !;^f“. that the ••importance of the thing is increased by the ili^tance.” At no jieriod. or in any ctmntvy. is this truth more veritied. pcrhaj s. tiian at the South. I Dr. Little jircbent.s his Anodyne Cough Drop^i with evidences at home in d.i/.ens of cases, of its being far superior to eitiier «f the llalsains of ^Vild Cherry, by those who have used both or any other before oliered. Independent of those, sec the nianv ^tHtements that have beea recently publisiieii, besides his iianiphlet. In .‘iddition he hereby guaranties, that if any cnso he pre.scribes them lor (Coughs, ('olds. (Jfui- >uniptive Diseas* s and .\3thnia, and also Crouj>, WhoO}’ing (.'ough, and inriainmatory Fever a- moiig children. i i.s not cured in half the time over any and all other remedies before the pub lic. he \ill inv.-ui.-ibly return the money paid for it. From one of the most reppectable fai'niers of the county; read the following case, which waa ! witnessed by tlie whole neighborhood: Jones County, ("la., Dec. 181.'. Dr. Little—Dear Sir: It is with heart-felt gratitude that 1 intcMU von, your Anodyne Cough Drops saxed a child ol mine fri'Ui th« grave. He was attacked with the pneumonia, a.s the doctor v.ho attended him a wevl; called it, without being able to rirrest it. By ihi? time ' he had become prostrate, and from the violence . ot the cough and fever, wa.s expected to diy ! constantly-. In thi^ situation we disc4’nlii:ut d .all other iiicdicine and gave your (rough Drops; I the first dose helped him much, and after re peating it a few times the cough and fcvcrsnh- ' sided, leaving hiiii cahn ni.d tran^piil tor the tivst time since llie uttack. '1 he nieiiieinc w;:3 continued, and atter tweiit_v-f«.ur lumi..; use, wo considered him out of d.'H.' r. I'roin this tinio i he improved rapidly, and -^oon reci'vei i-«l. In I two other cases in my f.iiniU' it proved highly I benehcial in curing coughs and cold?. 1 hare used your \'erniifi:ge w;th .i great itdvautage ii» a number t>f cases. In future. 1 intend keeping a supply of your Ftiniilv Mcdicine on luin.l. ;is well as advise iiiy friends to the same couific. \'ery resp'ctfully yours, xe., ^Signed) TilWS. W. CliO.\.TE. .'^old w hole.'ale and retad. by the Proprietor, at his .Manufacturing Depwt, No. 201 Market street, PhihKlelidiia, and Macon, Georgia. £^^7“ To be hiid also of James Cain, llockfish; .V. W Jitson, Floral College; Townsend \ Doug lass. Bennettsville; Dr. P. .M. t'ohen. Cliarles- ton: C. Jhirbee. I'archivsville: P. F. Pcscud, Raleigh. S. J. HINSDALE, .\gent tor Fayeiieviiic. To Clerks of Count]! Cottrf.f. fM^ITE SubscrilieiV hnve rem:\ining 75 sheets H of a bcantifully pritited and nijed form of Tax Lists, suitable for the new Uevenue Law. D. & W, Nov. 1, 1851. McLAURlN. .37-tf For Ihr i'urr of rOlGIIS. (OLUS. HOARSK\i:SS, BROMHITIS, (ROIP, ASTIIllA, A.\D lOXSl.lIPTIO.W Many yi*jirs of trial. iiist€‘:i«l «»t' itNptihn:! Iht* piiMir runfifteiH*** in this iiM'dit iiu*. h:«s U"u fur it:iii rlnliMii iiimI noiorielv U\ i ir f\r«‘i‘iliii!! thr 'CMiL'niiie I't il'i IrirmU ,\r!hinL' Iml il'* itiirinsic* \jr* vIk* rtm!Vrn*il «>u ih«»u »u»U Ilf >ntr*'ier-. oriiriirttr mikI the re|»titHti«>n it While uuiMV infrri'T fhrH'i tin* ’oiiiiniinity. hnve tnitrd nn! iliNrrtnl**!!. ihi' h«^ t!:iiiiotl Irif'ixls hy *v»Ty ronlVrn'tl iMMiehis i»n ilie hI- rtirieil they t :ui lu'vrr mul |»nMliir-4| rur«!» Iim» iiu iiiermi'* Hful t«»o r(‘iti:«rkMhle t> !»♦* tnr”nii»‘n. Whilt* It IS a tVaiiii oil the ptihli* to prrtPiwI that nny one inniirine u ill infalliMy riir**—^.lill ih« rt* i> Mliiimlrtnl pr«H»t tliHi the i hrrry IN*rt‘*r.»l not only hs a {leurral thintf, hut Hliriosi niVHriably, ciirr the tor h'irh it employe*!. .\ liiiH* inake.' the^^ farts wid»T and better known. thiJ* noNiieine h ts ^r/oliiMlly become the r«‘liunre of the frciiii (he lo^-eahin of th« Anii*rtean peasnnt. (o (he p:il:ice> of Knro|iean Kins'*- 'Phrotiishout (hi^ entire eoutiiry. in every r^i- te. riiy. nut\ in«leel almost evf-rj haiiilf't it roniHins, ( herry IVrt(jr«l is kno%^ n a^* the br*t reiiieily eMant for ili^«M»it‘s »»f the *rbn»«t ani Lums!'‘. an«i in many for»*i"n roiintrie-*, it i- roniin«! to be eMen'*i\Hly liM'd by their most inleUijent IMi^'^irians. In tireat ISrit Hill, Kranee and Germany, wher** the ni^-dirMl sr;**nr«*s have reaehrd their hiirhe**! |H*rfertion. ’h*Try r»*«*t*>nj| i?* intnidueed. and in ronstant ne in the VrinieH. Hf>^pitaU. Alms Hoii'ips, Publir Insfitiitions. hikI in dotne-itie prar- tice. as the surest reiin.’dy their atTemlinjE l*h\si:ian> c ui employ f»»r th«* more danff« r»nis ;il!i*rtion> »f the liinus.— AUo in milder i-ases. and for rhihlren it i.n safe, pie i^nni and etreetn il t«* cure. In fact, some of the most flatterini: testimonials werereise have »h*hh fmm partntsuho have limnd il elticacioiu in rases particularly inctdenUil to rhihlh'MMl. The ’h« rr\ IVctoral is niMnnfarttired by h prartimi rheuii'it. an«l every ounce »*f it under his own eye. with invariable accuracy and care. It is sealed and protected by law from counterf* it>. ct>nsequentl) can be relied «in , as genuine ilht«ut adnUep»tion. . We ti;ive endeavored here t* furnish the roir.mitnity ! ^l*h(»y jiro —X ]*aJ>Cr, rUWfl ; with a iiie.liriii.'i.f Mich intrinsic .Hii|K«ri..riiy bii.I worth j to the sheet, V>ith printed hcads for ns shontil coimitenirU'elf III their conhilt*nre—» n'liieriy ‘ , . i.. i i , I nt safe. s|M cly iiml 1‘trerfial. whicli tlii« lia« liy re- j every taXJible aitlcle. I t tie 11 I ^ ‘ pMttoil »ml riuiiiile»s iri;i|.> proved itself In he; xml tru't j L. J. H.\LE iX St^N. ! tiy ("rent r«re in prepiirinc it with rlieiiiic.-it iiernpicy. of | March 20. i uniform *lrfnj>ih to iiUiirtl l‘hy«ici«ns a new agent on ■ ' ~ ’ I « hirh ttiey c.-»ii rfly (or the lie'll r*"nli». Hnl the nffliripil w illi n n'liiedy ihilwlll li> fur them all that meilicine ran ilo. Pr» (Bired snd »>lil hy Jamkk Ateh, Prnctical and : ..\n.ilyiicnl Cheml.'i. Ijiiwell. .Ma.s.s. Solil In Pavettevllti* hy S, J. IHNSP.M/K; >n Cliiilon. by W.ARRF.V JOtl.VSoN & «■).; nnil t>y l)ru«i»ls nnrt ; l)c-il«rH in .Medicine everywhere, j January iJ6. M.V7 •f •W 3in NOTICE WE have declin^^d atteiuling to the for- I Chccks OH cJt thc Builks in FuU warding business. I .a • u warding business. J. March 10, lb02. & T. W ADD ILL. 78tf etteville^ For sale at this 0£ce. IREDEIJ/S KEPOUTS. rST pnlilished. A'el. 12 Liivr. ;nd Vol. T Kfinity. Price 60 and These are small volumes, iji conse*iucnce of the Ileporttr making new arrangeuientH for publishing. Bound voIb. exchanged for Nos. us usual. E. J. HALE & SON- Dec. 19, 1«51. Blank Warrants for sale here.

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