SEMI-WEBK1L.Y [VOI.. I ] I’AYETTEVILLE, N. C., APUII. 1.1, 1852. [NO. SI.] ‘■iiwr'wiiD I'l'jNTKM HV J. li. XKWHY. ^DW’Wld J. HALE & SON, laiiroiis -VNU i'uui‘Uu:t(»k.';. 1...:,-? fur tlie •'^I'aii-Wcekl^- Oiiskuvku !§t 00 if j,.,\ 5 i:i r. hMtfi': !j!4 oO if paid iluriiij; the >e«r of •;i''3iri}'tion: or itfti-r the ye»r has (ijirivl. J.-, r the Weekly Ohi'kkvkr Ot) per ainiuin, if | xii in a l'snco: *50 if puiil diiriit^ the I- ,i‘•,il(!«iTiption; or ^3 after the ycnr V ;• expired. \I)\ l!llTISi',Mr,N rs iiiseitvd fur sivtj cents ,, r, iiiitro f'’>' the tii>t, and tliirty oeiit.s for e«i-h , • .liiiu'{“>*>Ht :ition. Yearly ndverti.seineiits j :it reasonable rates. Ad- j fi-r: :ire re«iuo?ted to state the niiniber of vTtjiii'* 'li''irod. T they ■will ho continued till i 10,000 !!$POKT^.nii::^ WANTED. 'I'ho Subscriber has non one of the most extensive nn.l l.est ussortvd .blocks Double and J^ingle S11(»T UL'.NS. IMSTOl-S of tlie ino.^t siipfrior mmlity,—C'olt's Repeating and .Mli'u's Revoivinji, of every tja.ility,—I’ovv- dcr Flii:iks, Shot auvi IJajis, I'erciissioii Caps of Knj:li.«h iinl Trench make. Also, the most c*>mji!ete ;i.>i,-»ortiiieut of tJuii tixtui-is tliat has evir been otVered in thi.s .section of country. Also, t^hot (iuns, Hitlcs and I’iitola made to order or rcpaireii. lliJie:* maile to order, and wiirrnnted to .iho»t from one to five hundred yards. Air (inns lUHdc to order iit short notice. To all ot which the attention of Sportsmen and others is rcspectfullv invited. M. A. B.\KKR, Sii/ti Ilf' the dun. Hftv street, nearly oi»posite the Marble Vnrd. Fu>cttvville, N. 0., Oct. h. Ibol. UMf NOTICK. undersijincil contiiiue.s to m.iniifacture , , , , I •‘^pii'il.s Turi.entine ri.Mll’iKI.S. Those now ,„1 ol.aru'c l ■•ucordinjrly. ,,,, l.rtto:;; to the l.ditiTs must bv post-paid, j (bj, best seasoneil wliite o.ik. Distillers wiint- inii :i jjooil artiele, will do well to call and ex.- ('ontract^ to delivir Harre.s tor the on t;i%or.ibie teriii.^. T. (',]rriii"^c Mittrials S' 'i'n in)nini>.s.\, t J licit twelve iiioutlis Uiinlf AxK': P.i.'lies, L;iiu|>s. W'liijt ii'!'. I’.i'iiii l.iatlicr. .uiil c'i«-r\ ihin" com- ■ itf ;ii 'he " • i l imniin;.'!. (■'> r .s;.le b\ \ JOMNSON. A^'ri! '. '' ’t GO(!{!)S. iT’- now ri'ceiviii^ our •• stock of .ntai’Li: and i’an V O O 1> ISoot!«, ^hu(‘!«. Roaiiict^, U ^'ll'I'ini: hon^rht Inte in the season, .most 'tlit'ia -It :i consider.nble ilecline in price.; we j."» ii'» j.ri p ired to sell them very low. Please Muri;h 2l!. !> !_’. i.kad. 9 I'liroiii"- (iu i.1;. I’aii-* tire -;;. \enelian Ilcd. 1 rt ni'h Vvllow. Lithiir;;e. Red 1,.;. 1. i;ru!lK>, \’arnisli. For .“ale bv ^ .March I’T, IJ^.VJ. i.l T i KliLoll. Totf .^c. . J. IIINSD M.i;. 74 tf Ti\i: . J ci^iuiine. HVSoX, Imjierial, Vonnj: II\son. Oolong TK.\; ’hocol.ite. .Mnst.inl, Sweet t*il. D. & W. McLAl RlN. 7'-'If F*>r sal«‘ liy >larch 17, J. lilNSDALK. 74tf MRS. WaI/I'ON, Mmtud-MuL'cr and I las just received a new and lie.iutifu! as-ort- ment of Sprin;.; and Snm- nuT II O \ i : V S. ;ind expects to receive them montlily lon-j as the sea son l.'Lsts; and will sell them ' henp. if not cheaper, than any in the mar- k-t. .'^he exi’fi-ts daily a new and be.-intilul .")ortnient of Dress Trimmings. Itlack I.ace 'li.-iw'is. Srarts and Mantillas. ,\lso Dress and J.n'«(ue I’atrern.-. of the latest stvle. Order' IVom the country promptly at- t'h'led til, and country customers may ulwayn ■ 'lire of ;rettin!r the latest stvlc of article.s or m Fiini & m\ liiioitN. T are and now r‘i-ci\in;i from assortment ot' crns. ,.r. h jn 1' 7Sjf Si:.M) MV C'Ali i' HOMi:! j.T»oii hired or borrowed a Cart from 3 Miv St.i lies. i’lca.'?e return it. ' J. W. I'tlWKKS. M h LrMUKU! LrMlU:U!! M K have onr Steam Shw Mill in success- » * tul operation. S miles from Fa_\ etteville. n"ir t!ie llalei;ih Stape Hoad, and are prepared : ■ i-.'iitp ordi'rs in our line. we run t«o or t'lrriilur S'lirt. wc cun till blll^ .it the - 1 ti'T notiee. \Ve furni.-h I’ine. I’oplar .1 1 .)uiii/er HM15LU. and of aiiy li'i. Onr Lumber, for truthfulness of line i 'iiioi>tliiie»s of f.ii e. shall be eiuul to uny ■r ic'.ivcrcd in' \ r.Ar.iu'.i:. M .r. h 7Mf [^IIK snbs.’i'ibers N. York, a^r Sldplc (Hid I'dncif Drij (ioods^ (jiiorKiiiKs, iiAin>WAHi:, ! Hats ainl Cap.', lioot,-* an.I Slioc.-. -Vnion!; which are: Coffee, Su;:ar. t'otton li.ijr^^iii;.'. Dale Hope. NaiLs. Wiml-iw lilass, ede.-aiid r.iiLriish Iron. S.ick and -Vlian .•^.ilt, iind i;'.:u k leas, pejiper, Alspice. (iinLTiT. I’owil r. Sltiit, I5»r l.eml, liar and Fancy Soap. Together with n preat vnriety of other iirti- cles. to which they iii\ite the attention of the public, and which they are determineil to >ell as low for C.-ish. or on time to those who j-ny j.roiiijitly. as .uny bouse in the S..ntln‘rn eountry. I’rodnce of nil kinds, :it the hi;rh>.'.'t market j>riees, taken in exch.-injre lor (iomls. ,M. i.kan .-c .k>m:s. Summerville, N. C.. Dec. ^. lf'-'»l. -l7tf Ijiberty l*oiiit llo:i^e. A LL persons indebted to ibe undersi-zned either by note or account must >ettle on or belore the first day of .\lareli. Tho?e tailing I to ilo so, will certainly find their accounts in ‘ the hands of u ctdleetiii'.; otlie«-r. I ■ IIKI IIKN JONKS Feb’v D). t'lotf C. T. IIARJII cV: SON Ol'KKK FOK SALK: ^JLW Orleatis. I’orto Hico, Uetined, Crushed, 1.^ Loaf and Suj^ar. Uio. La^uira, .iii.l ol.l li„v t .lav.i Cofl'ec. Lbiiidee. (iiinny, and llnrhips Bagging. l{ojne and Twine. Iron, Nails, Salt, Molasses. Cheese .ind llalsins. Clacksmiths’ Tools, ,\xes, Spndes, Shovels, lloes, iJcytiles. Traee and Halter Chnin»>. ISand and lloop Iron. hite I.ead in Oil. S|iani>li r.rown. lied Lead. (ilass. Putty. Huekets, llrooms. Mackerel, in barrels and halt ditto. Nejiro Shoes. Tanners’ Oil. Tin I’late. Wi|-e. Supirior (Irren and lilack Te.ns. SaleraUis. Soap, Snutl'. I’epper, (iuiger. S[)iie. Nutmeji.s. Speim aiul .Vilam.-intine Candlet. l>:ir Lead. Shot, I’owdir, &c. -Vc. Nov. liS. ISM. 4ltf m:\\ riuM. nndersiuned have entereil into cojiart- -E. iier.'iiiii, undvr the name and style of li.'j^vrc'isce A: 'i'roy, tor the ]>,iipo>c of ibiiii.^ ;i ^i'iier:il .'I t i r.tntile and ll.irti r lnisini>s. c hav c l.ikeii'.he .''torr. No. DidllllKN .''I'ilKI r. foiiiicriy oiti!p;'1 b\ •deSSlS. .loiill lll.;«.vC .V .''oil. iiKo. \V. I, '.\\ !:KN( L. Joi;x i;. Til' -I. .it. Oct. :2J. I.S.M, :-III- {!]• Mi«| AuKV. SlIF.M Whi.L A: ( .». li.iw just rv- ceivcd a "pb ndid as.^ortment of ( bliu’k and irrr\, to w hii li tin y w iinM eall the attention of tlu'publii-. Tins.' ■2>- will coiiiuete in i|uality aii'l dnrabilit\ with the l> ol Northern »'ii'simeres. :ire mncli cheainr I'uii^rinj; Irom •'.'.lA ccnl'i to .s] o.‘> ^;ird. Fii \ ettev ille. N. ■.. Oct. II. l''.'il. •■('if i.N s'i'oin:, L III i II S .-iinl I loll'.; b ( t oin .''hen- er.'. Cal:Aaioi~. Siraw ( nUirs. andSpin- iiing \\ lu elo. E. C. II Home. Oct. is, i^.‘,i. ;;jtr NOTICK. Partnership Iieretofore existing in JL Lumbeitoti, between tiie undersigned, is this day dissolved by mutual cotisei'l. indebteil to the firm will please eaP on G. W. McKay, at Lumbertoii, who is uithorizei to settle the concern. JOHN A. HOWLAND. GILIJKUT W. MeKAV. Lumbcrton. Feb. 2;'>, lS.j2. tjl.ttf TO Tin: 1>U1!I,1C. rW'^IlE subscriber h;is leased for a term of -M. years, of K. W. Krown, Es«i.. his tire-proof Store, with his Wharves, and is now in a condi- ti«m to take especial care of Spirits Turpentine :ind other Nuval Stores coinmitteil to his care. The Warehouse is well known to b‘the best and safest place ill town for the stora^re of Ilacoii, i..arl. Corn, Peas, \c. 'J’he lower wharves have on them four larjre new sheds, where Spirits can be >.'ilely kept from the rain and sun. He is fuepari'd to receive and ship, or sell, :ill kinds of produee sent to his care. He will also make mlvances when reijiiired. He beg.s to refer to the following gentlemen: H. W. 1 rown, John Ilawson, O. *i. Paisley and Thos. H. Wright, Esijs. MlLi:s ('O.STIN. Drown s wiiai i’, ilmin;:ron, N. C. PJ, li51. 2\-\ i t. H od liooK H*|9 X''. llAilDIL ri'oiiiii-1 tin' l»onk B d • r.ilidii..:'ilH" .it tbe lu w .''••■re next to \ir. r.ea'ii-;,, .lew ediT. wh> re he W il re ceive :ind -M ciiic biiidiii;.; in ai;j sl_\ lo di 'M id. .VuLU't 1. l-7tf D II WE just recelM'd iroiii » \ork. my 3 fall and wint::i; Stock of illoojIs, I‘oii'istiiig ot'a :i sortliieiit of Dry (iolbls. Iiri)rnics, lliiniwiirc. (iitlrry. \c. 1 will bailer for I’I 11 PEN TIN E, or any kind of I’rojiice. N. KING. 10 miles North of Favetteville. pt. f T!? ^ 11 E .''teanier !. IIO i'11 i; ES. .ind ’|Vi.v Efats A .'^lovt'h.'oi:, havid l.c«ls. and .lanii-.i ( .1.' ■-id.i v. are 1 re| ;irvi to it.i v,,ir.i v\iili u->. !i uii iiooii.' c n.'5!.iiuii to the l‘i\ilriet'.r. I ll'* .''ti'idin, r lirotin : ^ j> uf li;;ht dr.iught, and «eli sniied to run in /i.'C r-fiirr. She jios- and and is adniir.ibly ad:i| t- ed to ■I,-II.'/, uii.l ciiii about n;ifis. 'I I.e l'io|.i ietor contemplates rniininjr the I’*' at hini'i If, and will give spe»-i;il .attention to w.iy trei^iht and n.ival storo; to to-.viiiif. ;ind will al.'o attend to th‘ couif rt and convi'nienc*' ol Pa,"eii'^ers. From his !i ng c.vperienee a-^ Ayeiit in U iiiiiingti'ii of tiie .'e\«-ral .'■>t>-.imlioat (.’ompanies. he tliinks he ran ;;i\o satislaction. 'io Ml reli.ii.ts in the ini rior iie would say, t' all (t.iod- shipped by him, will be deliv ered 'o th>' r A;j’ents in I ayettevillc. His Agent in Wiliiiiii'j'ton ij DA v'ID tlANKS. to whom all Coiiiinunii. ;i! loi.,' may be addi e.s»ed, as A”cnt of tKv- SUaKier Lr-otlnTs. .lOllN I5ANK.'', Pro]irietor. Wiliiiin^iton, Feb. -1, 1,r.iltf XOTICK. umJersigiK‘l having forined n Copiirt JL nershii> under the style of JOHN DANES & 15HOTHLH. for carrying on a COMMISSION and FOlt\VA 1»DINlt lil SI.NESS. ail goods co«- mymd to them, or ordereil, or produce sent for ; 'I' who have heen w.-iitin sale, will be promptly attended to. JOHN HANKS. DAVID BANKS. Wilmin^rton, Feb. 2, 185‘J. GUtf Ifforth CarolinaKerseys. A PkEV, SHEMWEl.L ( (). have just re- i W ceived u large lot of ••Salem Kerseys,” known to all of our Planters as the best goods for negroes that are oliered in th.s market.—- had better come and f;et supplied, as they arc goii»g olf ra])idl^. Fa\etteviile, Dec. lo, 18'j1. 48-tf ('af)iu(l Fund lure, duiirs, i\r. ^Hlll E siibsi'riber is receiving the largest as- il soriment in his line ever before pnrch.-ised at the North, whieh, together w ith his own man- uiaetiire. makes his Stoek very comjilete, con- si.'ting of C iiaiis. Tables, 8itas, JJcdstfad.s, \\ a.>>li Stands, Muivaii.'i, linoking;cs, Side !)ii,if»ls, Sccrot.irics, iVi-. -Ml of wliirh will b«- sold on the lowe>i terms fuT ( ;;5h, v.r on slid t Uiae to punciua! customers. JOHN V*. 15.VKEU. Oct. ;;n, HARMAN'S IIOTIJ., v\V i: I T i: VIB. 1.1), c:. ^H^HE Snb.s^•riber. h:i\ing t.iken the large -H- Hotel, formerly known as the Planter's Hotel, situated at the foot of Hay .Mount, llav Strwet, Fayetteville. N. respectiuriy inlornis his friends and the public that he i-^ now en- g:i;:ed in reiitting the liuildinjr. whieh is suj)- plied wiili entire new I'niiiiture. ;iiid is pre- I'.-ired to aecoiiiniod.'tte ihe t r.i v elliiiii pniiiic.— ll.-iving had soiiie o.\jx rience in the business in the town of Pitt.'boroii^ii, N. 1m; tl:ittcis himseit that he will be able to give s.itisfaction lo til '.>e who may favor him with their coiiipa- ny. His I'oonis are lar-je .and airy. He La.' larj;'’ and I'oiivenient Mables, iind a good and Jaiihru'. (isiier. JOHN HAllM'N. SSookit uu4i nAllPER'S .Mapa/.ine fur .March; Hon tuiul- tier's Dook of Dalln'is: I.hvs of the Scot tish Cavrtlier.'j; ('loveniook, or Kec»‘lU>ction« of our Neighborhood in the West, hy .Mice Cur*»v; Aunt Kitty's Tales, by iMrs. .^l^■hltotlh; l*uc- njim’s Library, No. li, being The Walks anj Talks of an American F.armer in England; but tle Suminer, by Ik. .Nlarvel; School Hooks, .tc. Also. Envelopes, » Urge Hssorttneni; Pori Fo lios; (.'igrir C*scn; Pocket lnKi«t;iud«; Visititiff Card.s; Hriitol Hoard.^; .SLithcuiaticjil llistra- uicnts, Ac. Just receivfJ. L. J. HALE & SON. March 11, l&r.2. rgiHK MOT’i'4.^11 orc.itle Manner.', «s preservti l sniong the iligh- hinders, being an h;-*ioricHl mid desciiptive ,'ic- count of tiie ii.habitmts, miti jiiitifi', and na tional peeiiliariti*-s of Si ot!aiid, b_. Ju:u> s Lo gan. Jo't reci.-i'ed itiid t. r sn tj by E. J. li.'vLE vV SON'. Feb’v 17. 1.; t.;tf V Tiii: {'i;i.i.!;i:\ii;!) P Jiv a * 5 1 i I i* ,!iiv S' :;n P>iak»‘ s tire ju'oot PAINT, .•>. J. HINSDALE. Viar.h 17. 1>‘.J.' 7ltf UVllKELS f,.r sale bv Oct. I.'-•'>('. DAILY A CI'NEHXL /L Tools, make, bv bitf a'Soitnient of i' ( M > P F 11 S ’ ot the be.->t i.ianufaeturers' LlNSi:i:!) OIL. ^ ItAUUELS North Carolina made LINSEED O OIL, for by S. J. HINSDALE. .March 17. D«.M*. 74if DAILY i:xri:( ri:i). A t:r,NEH \L ASSOHTMENT of HoLLOW- -‘n WAP.E, bv E. C. H.VLL. of Home. 'I'lit' S:i')SvTil)t‘r ci'iitilines to i-.i rry on t he ' , \ Hi i-rP 111 1N I'.iS.'' in I'a vt 1 lev i!lc. and in dditioii to his Esiabiisiioieiit on Kovv slreet. near Ereles s llrid-re. has fijiened a l.iige \\ \HE KM(\I on Day st|-4'et. nearly opposiTe t'le Fayetteville llottd and iiie dot'C l'.:ist ol Mes'i's. Hai^li oi .“^oo a. wlieic a L.eiieral assortment ot I' HI.\! TIM 5’. Made bv coniTieuiit aii'l faithful workmen. m:iy be had at ]'riees eorrt s]'on>iin;.r with the times. ,\lso. all .•issortnient of N> idieni-ma'le Fi UNl- ']'1 HE. >eleeteil by liim.'elf. which will be sold at a verv moderate aovance. DLNC.VN McNKll.L. Nov. 10. iP.-.i. ;;Mf ■ !® r, keeps on hand an as';ortmeiit of Fisk's fi a eelet.r.ited MEfALLD’ in'HIAL CASES, wliii’h have been highly rerommended by Willie P. Maiifrnm. Henry lay. Lewis ('as>, \Vm. Pk. King, and many illiisirions eharaeters. who havi- examined and witnessed their ntilitv. « B i. ami "I oil F.iv- :'.r. A. .'VI. i2 li r s ib’ by tin- .•- i[.•.■•nl i i in ii- ! a_\ -ttcvilk : in l!a;(i!. li ;.t !i: ettev ilie .'^trcet. an 1 in I'a_ ':iinidieH's. Tin- •■'iibseribi'r h'‘i'‘by fori-wanis all ]>crsons from j-iiich.i.'ing any of thi 'e .''tove from anv person elilier in or out of N'.irtli l’aro;in:i. ex- e pt irom hiiii'i if or h;> dn'v anliioi i/.ii| Aueiit'. lie !i!i-i ]i:ireha'ed the e\ciusi e r';j;lit to vend liiis Stovi- within tiie .''i.iii . and will proseente any iit ison intrin^r.nir his ri;^!ii. either by ]nir- ei:asing. .'clliiig. or u.'iiig, :.ny exc> pt tlu'se ob- t.lined Ironi himseli'. JOSEPH WOi.TEniNO. Haleijih. .\> i-;l I'.i, In.M. tj.-tf W IN'riLli Sl Pl’LY. ~ :ire now 4 ..f Oc.ds. hy Oct. If', IS.'il. O.r, IS. l-.M. I MON ■ II E buildinir of E. C. HALL, of Home. ;;-jtf .\('aI)i:my. ' this Institution is iifiw in Teal 'i'fall I I1E.''T VoCN(. HYSON, S. 1 ditto (iiinpowiler, 1 Catty Imperial, For sale hy CllS. P..-\NKS. Oct. _’S. IS.-,I. * G4-tf II NOTIfl',. AVINCt. with several other*^. been bin nt out on the iiioiuin;; of the ^Id instant. 1 v¥ould e.-irnestly re«(Ue>t person' indeliied to nie. either bv note *tr aeeonnl, to call and nt’ttle, as 1 am in need of nionev. .\LEX U MeLAlCHLiN. Jan'v 10. lsr,-2. o7tf nooi's .\ad si!oL:s. \\ K are n'CiMviiJir one of the largest and best a-'sorted sto*^k.' of i!0)T.'' and SIlOl^S ever oflered by ns. emliracing .i very large and ffi-ihionable a'isortnient of (ientlemen's, L.adic''. Hoys', '. Mi'SC'' and Children's Hoots, t,;:iiters. ; ,nev Shot-', leleeted froju the ni' St ap- ■'-'i \l;iniif.ietnrcrs. . 'Calf, ( Hinding. Lininfr and !’:id .■'ole Lcatiicr; .''hoe Thread; Last.i; .“'para- ■1 I’eg-i. \c. A suj>erior article of Tnivel- ■1 Tniiii\''. t'arjiet Hags ;ilid .'•'.•itidiels. Allol ^ garden. »... II 'Mil be '".'1 very iow for C-V.'-H or i>n Loardei ' •; I' [iillirtual customers. !.i,_e ..?.'’.itmcnt of Servants’ Shoes for M'li' .Slid U omen's wear. S. T. IlAWl.EV .V S(eN. \ 7'.*-f>w [’^aijrltccilU’ Hal cl, IWVK'l’TKVll.LI'., N. C. fB^HES large and s[>’endid Huibling has now jB- been in >ucees>fiil operation since May 1S4‘.». The Hedding and Furniture of all kinds is new, and the rooms convenient and pleasant. The Table is always furnished with the best the market atfords, aided by a fine vegetable i a state of r. inpletion. It is;;e and rfiiiiino.liiiii.s. It ij piea.>.intly loc.-ited in a tine I nei; mi.j m .i vei \ saliibrinu.-i )>.ii t ol I Hobi 'iiii countv, t«*"iv- liiib'S we>t Iroin Lniii- bertoii. haif mile ?»onth o! the r->ad leail- i injr fn iii tln ii 'o to Alford'V ille. The f.i 't .'. '1011 of thi,' Iii'titiitioii will eom- nience *»n the lid \loiiday of .biniiarv, l.''*il2, un- ! der ihe rare of Mr. liilr. Leitch, who is a gra duate of (he I nivi-i 'il v ot N"i tli «'arolin.i. j 7’f ,•//(■•' if Tu,: '. ,-r Si. I,,,,,, t u: .''])ell!ng. reading and writing. Arithmetic. Ei;'.;li.'h (iramiaar.,i- ]ihv and Hi.'torv, D* , Latin. (irec’K. Freneli, and the hi;_lier ' brain lies o! M.itheni.ltics. 1- OM ■ Hoard can be obtained at the Academy, and at convenient distaii«-es in the n»-ighboiliood, at i from live to six doll.irs per nioutli. 1 Hv order of the 'I'rustee,'. JtiHN TAVL(»K, Scry. .'•.'-tf 'i' De, (».V!i—(J// . f® IIII !).■'. .^rO AH. which we want to ex- lii^e r .r for Flour, sale bv 1- Sheetings, or Cotton COOK ^ TAYLOU. 7‘.'-4w iO ■M'ril DKY UIDKS. LDS. DRY HIDES for .sale. COOK .V TAVL(»U. , . l:-:,j. 70-l.v ; IIHLS jiure North i_aro!ina LINSEF^D , OIL, ju.'it received and for sale by H P*OSE X SON. '. Is.Vj. 7.1-ot l)l..\KL'S Fire-proof P.MNT. ■••• I’uri' White Lead in Oil, and ' 'ini-r p.tinis. Just ri-ceived and for s.'ile by H. lloSE \ SON. M'fi! lH.',2. 7f-ot Xi:\V BOOKS. |HTNam S LlHU.ViiV, Nos. 4 and •'), being | thr Wnrld Here and There, by Dickens, | ■•'I ll'iu I Own: Count .Monte-Leone, or the j ill Si.cictv: Miss .'scvveU’s Journal of a Sum- | L'lir: Memoir of Kev. W. Jl. Ilewitson; , J itv iiiiij .\lethodisiii, by Taylor; Sponcer s j '.7 ' ^'''■*''hes: .McGutlev 's Eclectic Keaiiers, . Ill' !' *'* parts; I’arker's 1st Eertsonii , ‘ iii'>N|,liy; .Mills' Hhetoric; Davies’ School I •'>■.111111,.tie: .VC. ’"‘‘dier .supplies of TIIF BOSTON ^ i.;,. " '■ • ollectmn: Carmiiia Sacra; Ciunn’s 1 .\ledicine; liiimorist’s Eihrarv; &.e. ,, E. J. HALE 6;'SON. , NOTICK. E "L piirtiiership heretofoi'e existing under >li‘-‘ name of J. H. iV II. F- .Murphy ia this ' is'iiUed by mutual consent. '• iiidobtud to the tinn, by note or "It. are ref|uested to call at U. F. .Mur- • ‘lid i.ett!u before the l.'»th of February ' tli'-i'eby »;ive cost. -Vnd thoke having ,,' ■ a-.nn^t the tirm are reouested to present 111 iUiiu,.ili„telv. J. W. MLKPHV. IE F. .Ml'RPHV. GOtf I.iMlger:«. and Travellers w ill find de sirable accoiiinuMlations and attentive st'rvaiits. No pains will be s[>ared to give entire satisfac tion. Families can be furnished with large, airy, front double rooms, conveiiietitly ami hantl- sotnely furnished. An exjierii'nee of ye.irs will enable the les see the hopes, to give general .satisfaction. ANN HHOWN. June 1, IS-'.O. -«-tf ]y!U br liin U xl I,If the jin-t n'sf in thf II irrr, TONS of SWEDES IHON. hy E. t,'. HALE, of Home. Oct. 18, JOMilMi ir BliONSd.^ir C ni « S I « > AND i FORWARDING MERCKANT, i Jijy* Prompt personal attention given to all I Consignments, and Cash advances made on Pro- j duce to be shipped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. l‘J, IH.VJ. '>l.v \v. r. s.Mi iTiT C^oniiiiiMMiun .Hercliatil, in Jjttzomu' VlI.MIXiJTOX, N. Jan'y ''^'V TUiilMTNTIM-: LAND FOU SALE. 1'^tiH sale. .">'•*:$ acres of LAND on Janies ^ Creek, and *140 ncres on Cyjire.sH Creek, in Ciindterliind, convenient to the W estern Plank Pvoad, heavily timbered, and ttdmirably adapted to the making of Turpentine. Aiiidv at thi.s (Jttice. Nov.*-2H, 18'»l. DAILY KXPECTKl). TONS of HOOP IRON, suitable for Spirit barreii, by E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, iB.:ii. :{-tf “ retail and wholesale. C10ME in to the Cheap Store, North side of V Hay street, one door above the corner, and buy new Dry Goods. Also, Ready-niiidc Clothing, Huta uud Caps—great variety. ^ 1 w* 4 t 1 li >'ov, 1, ISA.VC DODD, r-tf VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BSTTERS, 'i iiK >.osi rori i..\K family medicine o K T II li A c: K ! list'll liy I'liysifians of Slaiiiliiij. I i..-vp i;ri rH IIS L.niovt' nil miiiliiil nenetiini*. l>toil\ till- hluoil. i;i\P toiif sml l» tl>« loi'.iU t!i*‘ " sK-iii li"i'i» .l).ra p ciurif tHk«-n with sBlVty. at no tiinr 'Icliili- t,ii.iii; III* iiMii»-iit tu iiin tjrHttiiil lo the most r.iir slofH aiiit reni^i kiihlf tor their cli^eriijif, 111V siiift'lorHtix e jJioj'er- Ufs. uml iiriinaliial'le aul »uit- leiiitvly wvsrs:rsi\ i.\ its h orst forms. Vl^ti, l.iv pr oiniilniiit^, Jiiiiiiiiice, Heartliurii. OI- ti.i-ne'.i, Kaiii'ii.-NM. |)i>oiiier» or tlie Skin mnl l.hpr, I III \|i|irlii^. l ow S|iiril*i Neifoiis lleailuelir, liidiliiK-'i. I'iilpieilioii Ilf llie Heart. SiiikinK miJ Hull. Iirf ol \\ ••it'll' Mt llie Sloniiich, ami all oilier disease* raiiM-ii 11' HU inijmie iitRte of the hlooil. h»er. etc., which teiiil to ili-Uihlati. Rinl weaken the kjsttfiu. V K M A 1. I's \V\io ►urtei fiom a inoiliiil and iimiHtural condition w ill fiiwl this .Medicine ot INESTIMABLE VALUE, III >11 »i»-ol CKNKKM. OKBIblTl, thit .Medi cine At -I'S l.IKV. A llAKM ! TBOUS AriDS ll»v» Ils emcMCy. aiul thin>ianil« nioip aic miw iiii.ler tiPSilniont ; and not one >.ol;ary cane of lailiire has \pt liieii leiiorted. Volumes conhl I'e tillpil with rpiiifii atcs of Ihoic who have been j.eimuiieiitly rtiieii. lull «n the Affent, and fet * rAHPHI,ET, I oiiiiiiiiiii^ the ertificate«of llemaikahle iire and the hit'll rstiination in which tliis .Medieine i» h«ld II) llie I’lililie I’less—can tie had of the .V({ent». Jiee. Large Q.uarts $1; Piuts 50 Cents. So/ii by all (he Prhtcipul l>rtif'"i*ts in the Uniifil States and Cana Jot. Princiiial Olfice. \2i KLLTON ST.. N Y.. uv> stain For sale by S. J. HINSDALE. >io\ciubcr 8, ISGl. o8-y NO KK i:. A l.I. pi I'(.IIS indebted to the subscriber fur ..'a ti p ireha.-eil :it Floral ollegc. ar‘ re- ijiicstiil t«i lii.ike iiiinieili;ite p.i_\incnt. either t>i Mr. Mii’.:h Me.Vrii in the iieighborhoml, or to hiiii'i lf ill t 'heraw . D. D. .McAKN. I h•'r.•l^^. Dec. "Jll. l*^")!. .ili-tf JOHN D. WILIJA.MS. i'oin»ttissiou *V i'ortrnnlhi^ Fayetteville, W. C. Feb. 1S.-I-J. t'.::tf .1 I'dnn (Utd I>( tiuti fill Ili.-'idciicc FOR SALi:. llfF, >iib,vriber wisbing ti> remove to the Snulb-we:-t. would sell hi> lainls in this eiiunty, Hjioii leasmiiible and aecniiiiiiiHlatinjr terni^. 'i'iieie lire :ibinit or !n'r*'S. all lyiiij' in one bodv. and i>f which 4iKi or .»l>0 aeres are , in eiiltiviitioii. Tbe Pliink I’oad ol the .luint Moek t'onipativ. frotn Fayetteville to Ualeigli. will run witiiin one mile nt the residence. Must ! Ilf the lands that are in cultivntion lie within ' three miles of the t'ajie Fe:ir lliver. adjoining the lands of Jidin t'. W illiams and others. The above situation is very desirable, from the fact that it is surrounded by ihe best ot nci;.;hbiirs and society. 'I'he .siibseriber might s;iy niiieli mure by way of inducement; but he deems it uniieecssary, :is those wishing to purchase can call and see lur themselves. The above lands can be divided so as to suit purchasers. .\nv fui'tliT infiirniMtion can be given by ap- ]i!ie:itiiin to the siibseriber. or by letter address ed to him al Kingsinii v, t iimlierland Co., N. C. D. S. WILLIAMS. Feb. -J. IS'.:;. HLDI C LD I'AI’i:. f II Rt)l'(i II Tickets between WilmingtMn. N. ■L I'., and Ilaltimiire. Fare .nI:;. Via Vtel- diiti, Pet«‘rsbnrg, Uielimnnd. and Washington City, oe via W elibm. I’urtsnioiitb :ind Norfolk. For Tiekets apply at the dliice of the Wil- min^ti.n and Italeigh Hail Rnad •'■inipany. nt WilmiiiL'tun, oral the Dihcenf the D.tltiniure .''iealii Paeket t'ulilpMiiv. and nf the Pialtinmre and oliiii Kail Koad Com>aiiy, Pratt Street, liallininre. .Ian. 1, IS.'.J. r/l-tf iviiig our winter sui>ply b>'!uv.- ibe .Miirket iJiiiisc. soiitli siile Per.->oii stici-t, where may be ioiiiiil the fi)lliiwin;; :ii ticlcs: ot .-ill gi-adcs, t 'iiitee. llhds. Cuba Mobissi-s- -«\veet. '•> P-iils. .*\riip—:i siipi-i ior «i lioU . tirci^n an I I'.bu k Te.i>. I'hecte oftbr^'c did'erent ijUaHiies, Mice. Pcpin r :ind .^jiice, Hope and Dunging, till Dbls. .Maek. rel. Slioes and P>nits of e.stra large si/.e. Shovels. Spades :uid Forks, Corn Pbnii:b> and Puints, ,\\es if the iii-'t braiKis, )\nives ;in-l I", ikr-. N:iil ;iml 1 run. mO.iMhI II,.-,. t'utti'H ^ :irn. \Viih a greiit muny utlier articles cliciip fni- Cash or e.\ehaiigeil I'l r Pr.ulnee. t'ali «:iil sec. t. Ko.'S I IIKFK. ( u.. C. llenlniw, Pres't. Dec. !jil. iH.'il. .')i-lf O l ltl’irs ,\NI) Nfl'S! n AMJK.'s, Fi^s. Date>. t’m r.-iiits Citron, Alniiiiids. Filberts. Ura/il Nuts. »\c. Just received by CII.V'S ILVNKS. J.iii. ’ ti!l-tf General Agency and Commission Business. Subscribeis h.ive this day entered in- to a copartnership under the style of W lIlT.VKLil, W iiri'FlLLD ft)., fur the pni'posc of doing a general agency and eii|iiniissiiii business, and in uti'eriii^ tbeir ser vices t*i the piibiic in that c.ip.icity they tiattcr themseUes tliat they will be able to give s.itis- faetiiiii to all tliose who may coiisijrii any goi ds, wiirvs. mereii.iinli/.e nr eniilitrx prndiiee tn them either to sell on commissions nr tbrward. .\s it will be jrreate't aim t«i plea>e. we pledj:e ourselves to spare no pains in trying to give treneral satisiaetion. They respectfuily solieit the ]iatroiiage of their friends and tiie public tiencr.illy. Their stio'c is Nn. .North Water Street. Diekiiisoti’s Flrc-proof bu'lding. U il- minirton, N. C. JOHN P,. wnnwKFH, JA.MKS W. V> IHTFILLD, A. A. 15. sol TH.\LL. IIKKKi!VNi'K.."*;—John Daw'-oii. Potter iv: Kid der, (). ti. Parsley, .''aiiinel I’lcery sV Sons, G. 1!. Freni^h, and KHis Mitthcll. Jan. 'il-tf £>r. t7 I>. i2 V I N as, S -^S taken Ml (biiee on ll;i^\ Street, West the Hotel Duildings. iv n, is.-,i. •} tf Ni:\v nooKs. iT KSLF.V and Methodism. b\ ls;iae Tay- Inr; LavMvd's Ninexeh audits Hemnins, 1 vol. niiabrid^'ed with iiliisti'atlons. only •‘sl ]ii; New Tlieme: for the Protestant I'ler-i-y: Seenes and I.eL'i’tnls of .‘seotbiiid. by Iln;;h Miller: The l.Milies of the t'iiveniint: Tlie 'nriier .'•'lone. In Ahbott: The Captains of the tild Woilii. by II. . Herbert: Si.r« er\ and Ma;;ie. by Thiinia.s Wri;;lit: .V Faircriit nf Freneh Stieks. m- Paris in l!s.->l. by sir Fr:in is Head. M:iuriee Tieriiay, by Lever; Flurence Sackville. by Mrs. Diirbu- ry, I’-'c.; Putnam'.'.•'I'lni-Monthly Libriiry. Nos. 1 and containing Home sind Soeial Philoso phy. and Ilciod'.s W bimsiealities. l?-'> each: Ken- netli. a Itomaiiee of the Hijrlil:in*ls. Iiy Ilev- nobls. 2 I'.-irfs. T**: The Seloml for Hii'ibatids. by l.ady Dulwcr; Hamilion's Works. 7t!i vnl.; CallKiun's Works, vol. 1: Further supplies of Lew is Arnndel; Frank F.iirleph; Widnw Hng- by's Ilnsbjind: Sureiine's Pninnuncitig I'reiieh Dictiiinary; \)llendortf's New Metlmd of learn- in;.r Freiieb; M itcliell's ieo^nipbies: Speller and Definer, llazeii's and Webster's; \c. .Mareh 3. P.. J. H.\Li: \ SON. WllOLHS ALi: and Store* L. IL MiLl.Kli liiijiurti r., Mtiiti'/ortin'i. r. and rf c f W tlfisln '• I'l 1; J a .III I'liiiff (jiyiid^, li ivo ]r,.s,-d tiiv t)ld Stiiiid l.jriiieriy ('.•.•ii|ii..-il oy .\iessis. t 'anti'-ld. 1-r t:i -r \ ’o.. South haxt vrtier / t'harhf huUimoiC iNo. '2-1,) wliiell ;iio l i Uilig 111 e. jiilieK: order tnr tlie iji >1.1 i,l' V./iT 11 .\.\U JL'\ ICI.llV liL ." i.N i -is. t-j L * epetied ui-'viul llitt Ji'th (if .liii_\. In i-.illiiig the nfteiiiion cf ri,e trade to tim new e. ne-rn, vse uienrii n luf trict tlint v. e are a.'sneijitc i with one ■•I t;:C i.n'sr i-.vtciisiv,• .Jew elry M:inillaetni iii-- l'.-:;i! Ills II, tile Ci’Un- try. wlii-ii iiiii-i .'ive a dfiue..! .-rdv :io((.gc- over :i!l otiiers in tii’s i:i:iil;fi fir isUi ;ii\in>: dtnVrs w iili .li'WH!r_\ :ii iii;iniilaeUtrei s' jiri* i -. a l>!itnr»j in this b.; !n ii Oi' tnidc long ^inoe needed -tjO- tWei'tl ibtltiliioi'c ...iC SoiIlllCru Uliii W uSlWiH Mel I ’.o.nls. .iesire tn eall pavt'cnbir a’tenti(.n to tht* Wateh i’ep:irtn'.ent. which \v;Ii >it ail tinier tie supjiiied with a irroat 'oriiiieM Irnm the nio-;t. ceU iir.-ited iinmulae'lu’ei,-i, and kcjn in perfect riiMiing Oi'der, ;-o that purch; s*-rs mtiv nl otice t.-i'l-c thi-iii. witii a writien guari.i»tee th-.-l iLe/ will pi-rfiirtn citrn-ctly. Tb^s braneli of the l.nsine«s wii’. receive the* especial attcntinn of nne of iiic iirui, whose ex- tei.sive and pr;ictic:il knowledge of the business will, we hope, give tis .1 place in the «on»idcu.« ol buyei s. ri siicctfiilly invite voii to call np-.n nn wlieii ,ou next visit our city, eonfideiitly bt- lie\ing that an exaniinali ni of our (»oo(is wiil prove to vmi that tiiee ;.ri- better styles wnd che.iper than you have c' er seen in tiiis niarhet. and ii.s'iire ymi linit no .shu’d t.e v\ai.lin{5 • 111 iiiii part to ui;ikc Inc .icquHiutaiici> otic of mutaai benetit. L. II. MlLLLll & CO, Old .'t»n«, fornieiiy uceupi»d by Ciinfiebi. i^rii. ^ Co., S. K. c> r- ner of Cliiirles i. Bultlniore “le* p.;!hiniorc, .iuiie l.'';’)l. 14-Ya KKFEUKNCES; Mes.srs. Wycih, iSiackiock v\ Co. tiwyn, Reid i Tayior. Jmii. s flodp's sV Drtii.i.r. .v; Ij-'rry. Mnrdoch, Diicr I'van.s. .‘'^•liniuun «sc llinriciis. San,:.sion 6: Co. Dartiilo'rt'. tjwvn & Cj. Itieiy a: Pendleton. Cusiiing.s & Uiiiley. .lohii >lurphy i Co. Mouj-e A. Griihn. M Kor ihr C ure ol* (orGiis, fOLDs. ho\ksi:.m:ss, BRo.\( iirris, uiioopixu-roiiiu, (ROI P. ASTHMA, A.\I» (0\SI.TIPTI0\. l-'OU S.\Li:.—11)S. liA- CON. J. D. WILLIAMS. \{, M. LL. I^VJ. '--tf i'|};!\v\!;!ilMi l'IHitliSMil.x lKlU'ii.\M ,\T A DK.S1UA1U.L ULMDKNCL Fayc-iUviiU*, 3.. C. FOil S\Li'-. M:irch m, ISOl. '-2-tf rS^IIK Sub.'criber now oirers fur sale all his . . . I M. Turpenline and Farming L.\ND, ei'iitain- II./. » i ^ . __ _ ing about fioo Acre.i, situated 12 niiu-s i:ast of Attomey &t Law, Wilmmgton, N. C. Fayetteville, nn the tioldshorotigh road, coin- , ^ ^^FFlCF, on corner of Fnnit and Princess inoiily known as Palmyra. It has a gooil dwelling house, uut-buiblings, i:c.. and a store where a large immunt of busi ness is done, and increasing daily. lhi| is a rare chance for turpentine getters, inerelrants. ki-. and will be sold a bargain. Any one Jwisli- ing to jnirchase, and wishing turther inlornia- tion, can apnlv on the premises, to J. W. MCIUMIV. or P. TAVLOH, Fayetteville July L'bth, ISol. St re streets, under Journal iiflice. Dec. 1± TO co rroN i>lan ri:Ks. PIKCKS COTTON B.VtiGING, 7;') coils Hope, ‘JfMI Ihs. Twine, Just received and tor sale ehen]>, by' PLTLIl P. JOHNSON. •Vu^iust 10, 18ol. 1 KING and A. McMILLAN have entered I • into copartnership in the Distillery of I Turjientlne, find have erected a. Still on the I West side of the Fayetteville and Western Plank Hoad, 8 miles from Fayetteville. N. KING. ! May 9.—71 tf A. McMILLAN. j fw*anted, Wi: wish to bur ‘iO.OflO barrels Turpentine. ' KING & McMILLAN. 1 lilanhs of all kinds, T. C. WORTH, I'oiniissiiiN AM) riiK\v\i;i;i\i; MtRniwT. \\ ILMLNG'L'ON, N. C. Feb. 1. IH.M. o7tf WII.KLNSON i:SLLR, DKALLUS IN Coii/Wtioiian/, Fort iijn Frnifs, ^ uts, To- borvn, >iiiil Snuff J AND l.MPOllTKHS OF •SUPERIOR IIAV.Ii\A CKiS.tRS, AT WID^LEi-ADK AND HKTAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, . nl* iri.'tl, of iiii»nirin" tli* puMir li» lln'* nit ihriiu*. h \N "Ii f'»r it :«n ;ip|»r#* ciMtion hihI ih»!• •rifts hy : *r ♦ \t ilit'a iim'l ' rXjMTi: i.| il^ I: H I ♦!«*. I iw iijtrinxir vir* HJ4**- r»i»l th»* mtiiH'li k Ik iiri.l rin.f* rnd «.n ihI.n i»t* ^llir*rr*r', i i r.-tc. Ur >itU iti *i I :ii| llio rt’plM itioti ii \\ h«U' ih Hi\ iiiU r*« r ; . > ihi u-i tiiM.n ll»»* . I»‘\c l:tilfil :iimI I* jI 'C *r« ■*!. ihi** L» Li* »;}' l*\ • v*Ty ir‘> 1. « tin llir mT- llu’tt*!! I'.JM fH v» r ihhI jirofhn ctl hu- iiifp U' ami li-M mil rk UN* i'« l»f l -riiori n W liiU' i( :• IV ’.J'! '•»» i!k* pir«ll. in pp*»f'ni! that :iny oii»* iMi'iltciiM will Mtl*UMy cur. il-»r« > rtliiii.d tni |inM»| tiKil Ihr i li« rry l « - I r .1 !• i i t n-.;y i«. a thinif. I*nl nlrio-i iii\;ui;.l»iy. ci.r*. lUv iir;l.niit*' fitr whw h it i' finpli»\«1. .V'' liiiii* iiuik**" f;irl u iiltT ami know n. Ihin iiM‘licit:r II s j»r.Hln illy l»* rtMii* lh* Im 1 n*li inr#» ol ili#» rr*iin tin* lou-r:ilM!» «if th*-“ Vii|‘T»«'MM p»* I» th»* p'l irv'i nt KuiC'*. ’rhr4»»i«Ui*ul MiW r4iiii]iry. in »*\cry St tti\ ciiy. ami inii»*M| iilmn t rv-r> liMtiiU'l il roni.tinN. Itrrr) IN-ctor il i-*! km»u n tiit* Ix st miH ily t*\t:int l'»»r of iIm* 'Ditomi ;iml I.iiml''. ‘‘MiI iti III.Ml) f»*n ii!u miiiilrifit ruiiiitii; lo ♦ \ii‘ii'i\» l> U'f'd hv their ino^l inU lI>«:«•».t l'U\ "it ims In llril am, Trnnce aiuMi**riiiativ. u Inn- the m-ilir«l 'iCtMuu-'i havf rr.irlu'fi ihcir hiirlif't iMTl**«*(inn. ( Ir rry Ptcinral ii- iiitro«litrt*«l. niwl in ron^tanl U'-»* ii: tin* \rmi**’‘. llopiialv, .VliiK lloM"r!, IMihlir ln'>^liTii»ioii*‘. :mhI in li* iiic-itir prar- lic#‘. :i tilt*I rninslv iti«*ir >itl‘*miiiii! I‘h\•^»* i in'* ran ♦*uiploy t*’r ill** iHori' ii’iti!r*'r'*u' :tii‘‘riioii^ ot th»‘ liiiii!". .\No in niihlcr ca-r*s. nml T-r rliiiilri'ii il i'^ hU\ pl»» .vrint ami ftu-cln il t*» Mir#' In f’ t l. 'tMiir »*t’ lh»* m*»'t ti Mierinc h'lVf* Ihmmi rr«iiii parent' whu i*rlM i iltf .sTOUAcn:. WE have eoniniodioiis brick Warehouses in the rear of our Store, in which wc store ootttin and other produce. D. & W. McLAURlN. Nov. 1, ?.7-tf NOTICR WE liave declined attending to the for warding business. J. vt I. W'ADDILL. March 10, ISOU. ?ati' h'ivi. li'UmI il lo rhilflliiK'd 'I'lif l lierrv ri-i lnr:il i ni iniiricllired liv H prii lir il ' t 'h-mist. Jiii'l • ver\ miiir.-ol' il rimlt r his hu m i \|.. v\ill. iiiv ri ililH ir-|ir ii-y m'd r:Tf |i is lU d :ind ).rnt.-rt*'d liy I nv fr.iiii r.mnli-rr it'. -iiii'-i|iu^iill> ran he relii-d on ns L'eniiinc witlii nt nhiltiT • linn Weliive enile ivorrd liiTe In liir' ish llie riiie.iniinity I w ilh !» iiirdirine Ilf siirh iiitrin'ir -M|ieriiiriiy Hnd wiirlli ' as s||..iild ri.|iiiiii-nil il-cll ti Ih' ir i-'*atiiiem-.—a mni-ily ; :1 safe. s|m-i‘.1v ami ••llVrl'ial. wliirli till' 1ms l.y re- |i-»|cil and riiiiiilli ss Iriils |irnvril il-flf In In ; hmiI Iru t i l>) "real rare in iir*parins it « ilh rlieniii'al arrnr n y. of j linitorin slrencth In atliirfi I’hy^ieiHns a iirv^' H0i-iit nn ! \\ hirh they ran rely (nr the U^sl resnlls. anil the ntflirle.i w ith B remedy that will d> tor tlieiu nit that nn.dirine ’ can tin. 1 Prt iBired nnd »nli| hy J\Mrfi .\VKR. Prnctlcal »nd ! .\a';lyticMl (’heinlst. I.nn'vll, Mans. ! .«ol.l in FBVelt>'« illr hy S. J MI.VSnM.I.: in «'linton. hy WARRK.N JOHNSON fe rO.; and hj I»rU'.;«» and De ilers in Medicine ever\whi.r«. JaniiHry 26, le.'iJ ' .M) 3ni C/iecka on oil the Ihmh's in toy- fttcrlilc. For suit* at thid OiCcc. M»T .V THOCS.iND .VJL±;.> FKO.M IluME. ISigotry and infatu.-iti' ii ;;re tiie luliiig pas sions of ni.-uikind, even in higiily cultivated cir cles, very iifteii. When u'ideiiee a tiiout>uu.i niile> from home is prelern (!, it ;s a sure indi- eatioii of the old adage, liia L tiie ••iuiporlanert i.f the tiling is increased hy the diatance. ’ .\t no perioil, ».ir in any c uiitry, is this ii aihUiOi« ventied, }ierh:ips, than :it the South. Dr. Little pre.'ents iiia .\iin,iyne t\iuj^h Dropii with evidences at honie in ao/en^ of cuses, ol its being .'a(ierii/r to eiluer nf tiiC Dalstinji of \Uid t.'heri V. by timse w uu na'cused both nr any other liefoie oliered. indcpiimeiit vl those, see the many st:.teuielito that nave oeen recently publisiied, be>ilo.s ids painjihl-t. lu addition he herei.y gUiiranties. tii;tl ii i.ny ci.sij be prescriltes tiieni i.>r ^Con';ii8. Colds. Con- siiiniitive Disease'aii'i Astiiiiiii, and alsn ('loUj., \\ hooping t’oiigh, an-i Intlniniii'atory I'evcr ii.- nioii;j ctiiiiiren. is noi euren in half tlie lime over any aiul all (ither reniei.jics belore liiC pub- lit', he \iill iuvliji rclui'u llte UiOiie^t JiaiJ tor it. Fioni one of tiie mnat refp.'cta>Je t“'rinerTi o' the county; reai! the tminwiii^, ■ ii.-ie, wiii..i wi.i witiKsseii by tile wiime neighboi’imod: Jtnies Count \, t'l.'i., Dec. 1S-I&. Dr. Little— !^ir; it is with h>->irt-f*'it gratitude that 1 intorm you. your Anodyne t oM^h Drop.s sased a chiiit o! mine fioni ti:e grase. lie wf\i attaeKi-d with tiie puennionia, as the doi'tor who attended l.-im a we«.-k e.illvl it, without t.eing able lo arrest it. lly tui."* timo he hiid beciiiiie prontrate, titi'ili oni tJiC \ M'lein'e 111 the eough :..nd iev-^r, exp* ct*‘il i(> .1;.^ ' cnii.siaiitly. Ill tnis situation ve nisei.ntii nc.i all other uicdi. ine and jiMve ^\oi.r « nn-!; firops; the tir't iose heljie t ii.m liiucis aiei :iili r i e- peating it a fnw times the C'.t:^,!! :inn t-. . r «ii'o- sided. leaving liini c:*!in and ir»Mi.';i.'i fnr the lirst time since the attaeK. 'i io in' O'eiiie ; eoiitinticd. ;.l.d aflev I wi lity-l' or 1.' oi s' u.-ie. v. 0 considered hini out oi r. i ii.m iM.'i l.iuc ■ he imprnved lapimy. :.nd -mr. ieenv>ied. lu I twi.i other ea.'i -> in my l.iii.;'y it pr 'Vi.i L tiniy beneticial in eni'ing enuuiis. .-ni'i eni.(«. 1 nseil your \ eiiiiiliiL.c a ^re;»t w.nti.^e lU a number oJ' ca.'i. .'. I In Intnre. I intend k(f ping a supply of ycur ^ Faniilv .Mi'ilieiiu* i*n iiaiin, a-. ji a.iviocuiy ' friemis tt» the .saine coiii si.. Aeiy ii'spe ■ y-'^iir*-, >^e.. (.''igned) i'll-Jti. \i. CHo.vTil. Siild wholesalf. at.d i.tail, by the Propnclor, at II!' Maiiiilaeiiiriug liepot. N(>. Mailiet street, Phihntelphix. aiel .Viiicon, ticor;zia. To be had .‘i!s-> of .lame' (.!iiin. liocklish; ' A. Watson, tloral t Oliegi ; Toviiieiid i"; Doug- : lass. I>cnnett!>vilie: I »■. i‘. M. t'^ohti.. t hnries- toli; C. C. Dari et, D.irchi^'sVille; i’. 1'. I'eb-ud, ‘ Ualeigh. .ss. J. HINSD.M.K. A^ieiit fnr l .iyetteviLe. 7o ( Itrli's of County ('ourt'^. ra'^HE SnbbcrilicJ-s h.i'e reuiainav ~i> siicjt# ■ of H beautituliy printed and ruicd luim of ^Fax Lists, sitit-’ible inr the new l»e>tnue La^. Thev are i 1" inchis, hcst j'spcr. ruled I:»r 40 nanie> to the sheet, with printed heads 1 >r evcrv taxabic article. Price 1 » cents per shea L. J. HALL s>ON. March >0. ^RKD^:^]7s“^u:p7)I{Ts7~ fUST ]iublished, VoL li; Law, aud \ol. 7 Kfi'tity. I'rice .'»0 aTid 1 hese ar« small vnluinef*. in conpe^jnencc of th^ Ueporter mukiii(r new arrangements for pnbli'hing. Luuud volfc. exchanged for No.i. he u.mii-.I. L. J. iiAl.L ^ foN. T»ec. U), Blank ^V^ln^Wlts t'vr snlo here.