lar. r ,,r i;. i„i.„ ;i';' i =- it ■ a ‘“Vall i‘iiiiirr:jti‘.I, ii n- IT, ^ i.l.L \ 1 I ri.A.'-Ti.l;, ' ■ .-ilt. ;i5 . ’ '• N-'r’i -rn B W> 8EMI-WEEKL. Y. mmmmams I'AYETTKVIIXE, N. C., APRIL 15, 185a. ■KanaaasaflKsaKBSBEaffiz ^.aanaBaeeaeas 1111 rTwmMrr-a.-iifM-Fnter^ nmjMmxK^ym |.i:IM'Kli l!V .1. H. NKWIiV. i;ilU AI!i> J. II VLi; it SOX. I IU 1 ■ •i!'' AM> l’lt U’UIKTOK.S. •'.] l'r.‘ '■rklv Kit (>> if . ill (I'l'Miifo; if ]>;vi l ilurin;^ tlie ,. w i'.- rij'lii'ii; "i" •i'v> :itUT tWo voar luis re ; , . \V, '-.'i '.'.vKU ^'2 •>!* jH'r if .j 11 >- it' i':ii'l tliiriiijr tliv vii'tiHii; (ir 00 .-irt.-r tlif vciir ' '■: ■■ '• i j ■: ■ ;> i'M I'.NTS iii.'crtt'I t’. r'-';\ty fcnt' , • : r tiic lir>:, aii'i tliit '. v ci'uls lor o.uOi ; iiS' iti'.ii. W'.trly a'lvcrtisoir.tMits -i'. at r("i.s..i:a1'K' r:;t'!j. .\'t- ,,, -tf l ;■ t;.tt' lilt'iiumlu'r nl' U 'ii'i' l. ''T tiu-v will In* I'l'lltilHKHl till : 'i:, i . ao.-'>r lin;.it_v. -111' s i!n;st lip pi'.'t-j'aiil. c' \iir. I- I' - ^' A1!S.\^\ (l.iily nu tlu'ar- I t.,' rar.'. sa_v 1 • I'CKu k a. l!i., , , i:; i' .'rt.-v il;,. 1«. 111. 'm kin.'mi-n .V M.Nr.n.L. >■-. ^'tf - 11 ali'l i i. M'l-cr. n;jll ]iati. i s frji V M\si'i:i) on,. rs O'" 1’: !•> ! :i f'>nitrv i 'il. )■•■- .1 M,i .lav. ‘ iii ' N'">' V"rk liiv inar.ut'ac- : ! i ■ ,'■ • 1 ' vv;.r ;;tr.l j-iii .- . • : ' r-iii' \> I’it*’ i. ;i'l. ill I ai'kaiTi > "! 1 ; A > Kxlr.i a:i'i N". 1; t’ ^'*’- a — . itmeiit r\IN’|S ,v .Nil - '/'iTi.i:l Al.S. W liich will l.^' >..M • i « • j'rii i’.' liv 11. A .1. 'l/.VUTlNi:, llay sin-ct. • ;j M-:;t rn(]:.MX s.\i i:. 1, 'i-iK ii. .\u'.-;iis I- r tlie .'.ili- ;. N-nh I I' iiii.n >>f till- all v ■ ’! ’'n tlu-m ; t the Ma!iiifactr,ri'r'> ■ \ ■'11 I'fi.o, ilfVp r : iili-ill ; tfvii^-. ^1.'. J., ii.av I'O i '!'i'.i--:iti"n t! ( I )' M\ .V Jt )|l\Si >N. ■ ' 2. ' > 1 --t spuiNc; (;o()i)s. T ^ i.' K ii:i iu>t r'i fiv-*l :t '."t V'-i r:. t i ti ;.-Iiitfil to liu- ali'l r tr i W (iirll I ir-ia.'t III i\ I T". ■J. >11 111 i\S Til illl t'>'Vli 1,1 K. ill t‘\- -■ lit 'iv !rr. ju.'t l. — ,\l.Sn — y Ilf n_\'Iraulii-('oinoiit. ('aN-iiu'il i.'tvriiijr Hair. F'>r rialc liv 1!. i;n.i; ,v So.N. ■J. si-;;t I'atffiffrittf’ iSrttnrh i!,iiiiii\ii i:sTii!Li;>ini!:Yi'. .1. ^1. '' hilt* tV riiderliill. - -. T-n!' IIAn„l L'.. fiii'l ( inf!;" I., V : Stn-i't, Nf'V A Ml - I-:, u"Xt'I'H r to r>aiik'if P'oar,; FAM.TTKVlM.i:. N. V. t ill till- l':i Vi-? I- \ i i;- all'i \iriliit_\, lii.Tf V. f ii ..iir '''j'i'iy «.l >ri!l.Ni A.'>i) «liii'h (.•'•iiii'ri.'TOS a L'''‘:n‘ral ’iV ^ . -•)! -f \DV-M \ni: ('L(>'ri!lN(;, I'Min l Wi ltliV :ln* altc; M I -, i Mir i-"i!> ill >f ,'iv. iiii:; ■ V I S. I’ll i -k ni! 1 i-o'; .1 -’.ptli l>r‘^^.'. I'ru k ■ ‘k i'-.jiia’iri lila,'k ami , r'-t .i-rt i: I'r.’ijch an ! (hiL'li-'li |i'- .s cmtlj aii-l \i|>aiM 'litto; Kali- :i--i ras.if ainl Tn f-f.i.k; K«-iJ- • 1 ;ii' ii a:^ H ' Iln>., ! , V. 1 ;:>■ ] .ir i>."?-i’i'tli Sa.'ks, i!i k: 1 'iilt. « ll.ti :-k .'.li J i "i’ 1 r.-i"lini-rr; fancy ; Kri-ri'-li aii‘l l*ra|i ali'l > 111 l»ri!i ilitt"; Kfli- lli'iia aii'l i'l I ll' ll Nalikt rii k Satin, llniiiliaziiit', .\l|.;ira. ~s; w hite aii'l cul'ii>cii;t'S J'lc'l l.ilK'li. |*!:iill aliil ti;.' 'i: . r; j I -i :1. 'ira.-' . l-iili, .\c, .Ml 111 wliii'li !. r .■'.1 — ii.w :i* ran !"• tinii,rlit in ri; iii.irk.-t, at \vli'i!r«.iic ali‘1 ri’tail. '•II t'l t!i“ ;il '.VI', ut‘ >ii;ill ktM'li on ' a-' il;;i|;t if Sl.irt.', I'ra\\cr.«, ll-'i'-ry, ,N;c. .M'", ('Iwtlis, . \'i-'iiii;:->. ;i.'ii:i.m; i»ki’.\utmi;nt «m in- •I ; I-, :i!iil all "l iii'l ' till' tine ( lutlj- ' . ill the iniisr .\, f. iiAiir. .1,-i-iu. ir»^ Tons ofK'l':, S 9 INli tilli'il tlie !('»■ House at v'':iniiil>cll- ■ B tmi with r>(istin IVmil U'K, fainilies ami iitheis call tic .Mi|i|iiiei| ilurin;i tlic ficasdii with li'C at the tiilliiwiii' r.itcs: Fur i|iiaiititifs of •*> lli'. ami iii.w.ii-'l^, i t.. [ler ll>,: U-.s.s than ,') Hi.-i.: •> ct.-;., — ;it the ,\larket llinij^e Iiet'ire >\-lin-k every iiii'rniiii;: alter that time, :i els. |ier Hi. will I'.e ehar;jcil fi’r all i|!i.intiiii .. The Ir*-w ill lie ilelivereil at -*> n'elnek I’. .%1. on SatunlaV.“, liisteail of Suii.lay innniiiiir't ';i>h haviiii: t.eeii jiai'I f..r the lee, all ae- eoi;iit.s ;i . isinj; tiieri-fr.'iii iiiii.-it lie .-.etlleil weekly. The lee^e w ill lie 'iiieiieil ..ii l!ie 1 Jth in^t. CllAllI.K.'J «;oi»l> \Klt. April l>^.'ij. ,si tf f n^iir. iir'*cr ln‘is ]iMvr o?» Iriinl :ni>l ;ire tlai- CL ly tl.v rollouin*^ l)r y (joot's. (1 TDiu rit's, ilartlNvart' iuid ('inlrn . ()iis tV \\ luir !>*:»(!, ;i lariK' a.-.-^ortinciil »f l-'isli. \\ itii in.any oiher article.s nut eniiiiierateii. oni- lir.u ii.^ a laiue ainl «tll .•'iSi'eteii Sti'ck, wliiv'h they are ili.-^i't se t to sell I.UW, eithir at wlu'le- sale ir ret.iil. I.IM'.TF. .S: .KtriN.-oX. ■J il'iorri \\ I r^t or(’;ij e Fear H.iiik. ,\)iril M'tf ^ > N !•'. of (Hir linii ha\in;.r l ' eei\eil the a]>- H P [•■'iiitnu iit '.t‘ .\ I'l 'I'h t.\ I! 1 .1:. we ■.licit C"iis;jiiiiiients at li'iiiic ;iii'l fn.lii al're.-iij. l.liKl'K .lt>ll\.>(i\, riJ.\i\ Ti:i lo.Vii’iM. “ \v\i!i;iioisi;s, 75 and 77 Fultoii Street, N. Y. I'ekili Te:i .ii. ] .any li.;s lieeii e'tati- ,£l li'lo'i Many _\c:ii>. aii'l iia.- alwav.' iii iiii- i.i'.neil a hiirii i, j.iit.iti.'n tor Tea.- of the m. .--t i'lii' ' ier .iii'l tr.i',xraiu". . aii'l at priri s ave in every in>taiiee i:i\eii (xrteet >at- 1. ri!'- I’e.i.s al >' w :irr.iiite'I pure, ami r"tuin 'I it they 'j.i not pr.ive t'> iie as iiiey ,'iri- repr'-.-i-i.te'l. 1 he Tea.' !iy thi> ('oiiipany are il'.nc up ill i II'. .1 Ml. ami 1 111 p.-ieka;;".-.: the fir>t or in- wr.ipper i. of h’a'i: the “eeonil. water proof p.ipiT; the thii'l, or oiit.'^le wrapper. lice [i.-ij t r; al-' , in ll .s chinese 'piat- t""i:.s. The • i.nipaliv .''11 lii lie I'ilt I Tea', ili'V.e up ill this .'.ipt iior iii.inner. all u'rown in the in t inxiirioiis 'li'trict' in t'liiiia: tiiey al'-i have Te:;s ,,t every ileS' iipt'.on in cheats aii'l h:t!f cliots. » 'oiintr\- .Merchants will 'm.l it Lrre.itly t > their int.- e.'t t'l 1 ■ar. li.ise tle. '.r re.i> "t liii' I "iii-\, they can .'ele, t as small a'pi.intity ' I eacii Kill ! .i.'« iiie_\ like, an 1 haw them p:.cke.l in V hv>t ll'itel K'fi pi is. ai:,y ulw.i\> lie certa-ll of li.ivili;.: o!i their a ' ..;r.of 'I’vji; .in'1 I'.i liii' i>‘S m:i_\ ii"t oltl_\ lie sure of ;.r 1 Te:'S. ],i;t ,.,.m |.11 rclc!>0 :iliy i^uaii- t:ty their w.-uits ni.iy re.|uire. 'i’l.c follow iii;j i.-, a ( at.alojriic of the Tea^ witii tiie letail j'lices ;if:i\eil, «;i:kj;.\ tf.v.-^. V.'ll!:;.; H\soi!, .‘ill V' Kiijr llys'.ii. f’ar;:", t.i!', ^ 'Uiiir llj.s'.ii. Fine •:■, T’l ^'.ui;;.' Il .'oii ."si-x.-r this i.' .a s. ry sii] eri' r Tea. ^1 (Ml \'aiii;r il;. S.III ii'i! i','11 Chop this is siic tiiu>t Tea ciil;i\:ite'l in hiii.i; it is of the lir>t pickili;_^s. an.I e',ceis all • tlier (ireeii Te.:s for its ■lelicaey of tla- V' r. streiijrth, aiiil ar"iii.-»: ln-retofore this Ti-a imt rencheii this country, ex cept in aM.lIl lot.' a> i re.'ClitS to 1111- 1’ ‘ ii , ' fine, lly.'. ii. vvr_\ SII] (1 :i' i -.v. li'T, (iiiiip lU'i. r. tine. 111111 -^X'ier cMr.i line, pi int.iii liiippi Imp', fiiiP. 1 nij i‘1 iai, e.Mra fi:ie plantation, F.I.\fK TF.V.s:. 'i l- 11^, a ri‘ h Kiack 'i'e.-i, •'iO ('i liipare t'iiis low price'! irr;i'lc with Teas whii h are s,,!,l at iif 't pl.i.-es as Oiiloi.u Tea, the ilitierciice i.s t.m jilaill, aii'l liic '1. 1 epiioii too p.ilpaiil*', tol..ii;i, tiae, 'i-l noli.n*:, I’l.aiii.-itii'ii ”rowt!i, 7'> ()■ •i»-ii«-;"i!s, -^l .\i- I’lii.s ii’.tr.i. I Ilii.' Te.-: is as fiMjrrai.t .iicl swept as :i iioMt j^.iy. it _\ iel'is a pi-rtiime tli.'it is truly •ieli;_'-li;ful; it is • f ;_'ar'lcM ;:i'>wth. aii'l s'lpcrior to aii\ thin^: iiere- t"!"ie ■••.M in this ciintry. Fii/li'h lire.-ikfast, tine. Fraifiailt hiijrli.'ii Ilo\\i,u;i .Mi\tur.‘,—a v- ry ricli iiii'l hijihlv tlavoreil Tea of superior '|ualily, 7 .oiil l.y 1). vV W. McLAI KIN, A^'eiit*'. Fayette\iiie, .N- I'opyof the ••tiiiiiie to Tea I »riiikei \ery interi stiliiT tnail.'i' on the l ulture, \c.. Tea lliav lie ha*l }.'ratis at tlicif coiintiT. March -2H. is.'cj. 77-tf .Sl'KlN(i AM) sr.MMi:U PIVrii/ or mllon csjii .sell my Sl'.MMKU KKSlDl'.Xrh:. two miles from the J/arket, on the Fayette ville and Westrru I’laiik Hoail—one of tlie most (lesiralile ainl healthy places in the eoiiiity. Also, lu Shares of Fayetteville anil Western I’laiik I’oail Stock, ami .Shares of F'ayette- \ iile Hotel Stock, \\;th the largest stock of He.-iily-iiiaile C.\U- l!I.\(!KS ami F>F(i(J1 K.s; ever otl'ered in this jilace—over N.idUd worth—eoni]'l« tely tinisheil, .U1 of which I will sell at very reiliicetl prices tor cash or nejrotialile notes. So little attention has lieeii paid to the call niatle liy me after the tir(* of tin* iM’v. on those ii.'lelitc'l t'l me to call aii'l settle, that 1 .•nil iii'liiceil to otier the aliove property at re- iJuced prices to eii.iMe me to reliuihl my (’.arriaire l.stalilishnient ami coiitiniiv iiiy Inisi- iiess with convenience. I shall pl.iee notes in proper h.-iii'ls for collec tion, if P'lt ]i;ii'l soon. 1 have all my accounts niaile out to the 1st .lan'v 1 A, A, .I/cK1;TIIA\. -I/ar. h 'J'.*. 1S.')‘J, 77tf w .\N'n:i), r.AlUlCI.S ol Tl lU’F.N- H e' I'l.NF, for histillery at the I’laiik Koa'l F> on Itij: Uocktish. 'I'lie lie.'t niarki t ]''rice w ill he paid. For further inform ation. iiiniiire of .lohn \V. \|iirphy. at the lirid^re. I r oC \. .MeKethan, I'ayettcA ilU'. l»cc. I?', ’ 4'.'tf I .\( \v (roixIs. B.\\l ii'.w recei\in;r a \ cry laru'e and well S'de,-te I stock of .’stajile and Fancy I!' adv-Iiia'le t lutliili;.', 4J I'licei ii-s, i 1 :inl wal e ami ( iitlery, ilat.'. 11'Hiiict.', SIkh-s, I iiiliit lias, l’ara»il.', Ac. Ac, \I.So— 7.1 Btarrt'N llai'kvrrl. These tiool' liave lieeii >ele'-tcd with the •_:reate't care, aii'l will he 'oM a> clieap as ,iny iJ'.o'lsin llie market. Those wishiiii; to pur- eh ise, will find it to tlu’ir iiiterc't to examine these lii 'ils li'-fore imrch.i'inz el'cwhcte U. F. .MtK.ili;. 7i If M :rch -Jl’. 1S.V2. \!:\v T F are now ir plalit it'i :sl .'lO •■>•1 iio •>l .‘lO >Sl oo ••1 lO ^l O'l ^1 .■>0 .'.u (ilOOhS. ■ •eiviii'j a very larirr and ,'t ick of ." Flil.Nt; (.(M>I»S. c"i''\'tir_' o: a fii'! a,'>' rtment "f Stftplr t?rif Hoods, \ii: i'.;^ v.lilch mav lie lound the latc't ;ind most fashion,I?.'e 'Ules ot Ladic'' .illd ielillemen's lillFSS (inultS. I l.tts. ('ajis. Di'Hiiets, !’• aily-iiiailc 'l itli- iii;:. Ilinlwari'. (ir'M-( rii's. l>niL:s;iini Mc'liiiiics, Si'liiliTv, (’rotki rv, aii'l (!la.'sw.uf. ,\ larire Hii'i wel! selected stoek of IJ'.'ifs ainl Sli'ies. aii’l Li'iic'’ ali-l tlelitlc- iii'-ii%- iiiit* r.', 1 \fi_v lilH'. .■^Ai/r. i!;>.\, aui nails. We intend 'cHiiiL: as i he.ip :is we can. :ind woii: 1 ti'' ;:'a I it o'lr frien'ls and the piihlii- woul'l call .iiiil examine oiir stoek. T. col Nt II. vV (’A!\ M.nrch l^'i-’. 7'itf SMI 111 r\K(II.l\l h.'il KlM L (0>ir\\V, OF CII.MILKSTON, S. C. Ill \ltTl’.Hl',l> hy the St.-ite of .i.uth C.iroVi- I..I. witi^ a I o!'>w.’iH.'|ii(i, .ill p.ii'l ill :iii'l w.ll in\. '!' 1 Fir*‘, .^larine, l;i\i-r aiei I l.ifc F. s;.,^. ( HAS. i:iiMt.M>ST(>N, I’re.' t. j A- I- Ti:H1\'. S'-c’y. I [>ii:i: Tdiis; )’..iI!I.::t M KfT.N. I'ol. .1 SMKS GaI'-IU N, M. \!: i:iiK VI. ( ii\s. II. W K'T, S. .Muwiiv. ,lr. IIkmiv C'0II1.\. The .'a'l.'J'-rilier' haviiejr Keen aj'pointe'l a;jciits in this f.-r the alcive iiMine.l i-oiiiiiany. are prepared lo reci’i\e oflTS aiel issue ]i.ilieies ot liiKuraitee on Fire. .Marine, llivur .and l.'.te Ki^ks. on terms. .Ml lo>.ses iiicurrcl at tiii- a;rei.' \, will lie promptly a'ljusted iiiid p.lid hv the uii'ier^iL'lied, DelKtSSFT \ IHJOW V. N. 11. Iti'ks will he ta!;en ou llie li'cs ot slaves "II the mo't litieral terms. Wilmiii;;ton, .V. .Mandi ’J7, —7-'iiii ,\ II 1.1 AS, (■hry.saiitheniiinis, uud \'erln,nas ady for delivery. I’ciai.iiii i>sortii»ei)I iihoiiM tend their :ib iiiv ^tiu k of c.xlra tine iVew Spring Goods. STARR & WII.LIAMS A HH now receivinj; !i lar^ieaml well selected Stock of Sl’ULSr. AND SUMMKR DRY Ci001>S, I’.inama, Jjoi'liorn, 1‘aliu-loaf, and other .xtylos of Sunnner Ilat.s; Shoes, Uoots, Honnets, L’ujhrcllas, I’arasols, A:c., Which they will sell at the lowest jirices for c.ish, or on time for ajiproved notes, Merch.ants nre reniiested to call uii'I examine their .Stot-k, £51!“ ^\ i> Would say to the liudit's aii'l (lentleiiieii of this place and .siirroiinding country, that we shall h.-ive open in a few days a lar;re and varied selection of fashionahle l>ress Coods and TrininiiiiL's, suited to the season, t(j which we resiiectfiillv invite their attention. STAKK & WILLI.V.MS, March 1(>. I 7-tf .1(>,000 Ihs. WanltMiL aWlLI. pay ets. per pound cash for all clean cotton and linen H.UJS, delivered to .J. 1>. W ilii.ams, in F.ayetteville. I :im nvarlv rca'ly to put in oper.ition a I’aper .Mill in this nei;htiorhood. and am desirous of jrettiiifi iiiv rajrs in this market. .My ohject is to pay as much for rafjs as I can afford, and hope that 1 may not he forc(‘d to distant markets for my sup|ilie'-. I have arraniiC'l with Mr. Williams to receive aii'l ]iav for all ra«.rs delivered to him. 1>.U U) Ml ItlMlV. Fayetteville, Feh'v ‘J t. IH.'i'J. (iS-tf SIMMAC; STOCK? rniHF undersiirned :ire i.ow reeeiviiig their M. .''I’lll.Nti .'' I t)('K. (•(insistin''of I>SSV IJOOim M Ai;i)\\ AKi;. i'ftjfs, and ShotSj All of w liiidi w ill lie sold low to punctu;il cus tomers as heretofore, .Nlcn liaiits and others will do wtdl to exani- iiie their .'Stock Iittore making; piirch.ises. W e will not he undersold, II ALL Jt SACKF TT. .March 11. 1 S-'/J. 7l-’tf ol‘ a«lvaiiot'd. H k Ll>.s>0.\.S who have ma'le eonirai ts with .1. Jl F. .lord.ui \ I’o. for furni.'hinii 11 »(i'S. all' lierehy iiiforme'l. we will pay -V, cents per 111. on all 'ottoii I’lajfs. i;op(.‘ and F»aLr;:iiijr. d(divere'l to us alter this date. 11. F.UANSdN \ S(iN. March 1 1. ISVJ. 7Jtf 31 {irl)Ie Fiictory. I 18 5 3. MYesh SiPt'tH^ itttfl Sstmtiiev :l’.. I,. T. II. I'K.MUKIi’l'ON \ .\I!F opening at tlicir old Stand, tv.'o doors ‘ ICast of .Messrs. H. Hraii.'on iS: Son, the laiiiist j ami most hcaiitiful stock of SILK l.Mi 1 !.\H l!iu i;00i!:v ! Kver liefore ollered liy theiii in this market, I cijiisistiiijr ill jiart of— I Itich tie'll Silks; Mack watered aii'l col'd lo; ’ I'rinted (.'hallys; emh'd and satin .'tripi* Tissues: lii'iia .''ilks ami I’oplins; l;are>;e HeL.iiiis; dot- i ted .s^wiss .-iiid emli d 'iarltaii i»ress-.-s; col’d .l:i- I coiict.'; half au'l lull luoiirniii" Tissues and Ua- rc”es. a splendid assortliieiit; ch;iii”eal>le au>l ; ti;;'d 1’. Hesoys; ('ra]>e l>c-chines; l i iiited Lawns I ami French Jaconets; a few liali'ls'ime l>;ire^e li'.lics, ;in new .•irliele of tlrcs.j jii-ods; ; French and liii^dish (iiii^ham ami (iin;;hani ' L.iwns; a lot ol tiie hand.soiiiest F.nulisli I’riiits ever olfcred in this market: .''wiss, jaconet, t.-ipe Hv rrCujticR Ittll DIHIIiS AlillVi; lllli;l! ,(i SIIS'S STIlltl!. I''ayclt4‘vill(‘, .lan’v ‘J(l, '•■'j-l Y[id Sou I lit' I'll II a IIII lac i II vv. F have forme'l a conipany styled the Snow ('amp .Maniifa' turiii^r ('oni]':iny. of .\l:iiiiaiice (’ouiity. North Carolina. twr> niile.s \Vest of the C.-ine (’reek Cotton i’aetory. on C.ine Creek, at the I'oiindry owned hy l).ivil Hixon -stripe and plaid .Muslins: Hotted is.'ts; Wide iV lirothers. and woi Id respectfully announce to the citizens of Alamaiio and t!ie adjoininj: Counties, that we are now prejiared to .Manu facture in the neatest and hest styl(“—W Thrashinjr Machines, from twd to six horse power; Cuttiiij; .Machines of irilfi-rent sizes; Wool (.'aiding .Maehines; dmilile and sinprle Mill .aii'l Factory (ioar; .s^aw .aii'i (irist .Mill Irons; edg(' Tools: Cotton \ ;irn and Wool Lolls. \c. Persons w ishiii" to piir(dias(‘ would do well to give us a call liefore pundiasing tdsewliere, as we are determined to sell ( heap for c.ish, or on time to puiictii.'il dealers. Cur long experience in the Slaiiuf.icturing business enahles ns to fed no hesitation in s;i\iiig that our work shall not he surpasse.i hy any shop in the Soiitli. .Ml letters a'l'lressed I'l th(> ,\"e!it of the Company at the .'siiow ('.-iiiip 1’. >.. .Mamance County, N. (’., will receive prompt attentiftii. HAVIH HlXdN. A^M-nt of the .S. C. .Maiuilacluring Coiiipany. Snow Camp. Hec. *.*. I1. -17 I'lii LP.SSOXS IX .MTSK'.^ 11. W'lllT.\KF.ll Would resiiectfiilly in form the citizens of Fayetteville and vi cinity, that he has again comiiienced giving Les sons on the I’iaiio Forte. He returns th.inks for the liheral )iatr. iiage received, and hiimtily solicits a coiiiiiiii.inee of the s.ame. .Ml pains shall he taken foi the a'haiicciiicnt of liis j.iipils. In.'triictioii also g'vcn on the Ciiitar. p.-'; I’iaii'is tuned and re]iaire'l in the hest manner, L, 11. WHlTAKFr.. .Vii'jiist L’t, I'^'o. ::Hf I.. i n now wishing a choice ; (iriler." iiiiiiie'liat'’ly vari' tii s is .'iiia'l. C l.FTTFKI.cH. itowan streit. > ct.'i. I lo cts. >iu n M.\\ liOOKS. ’ik.- ■ '»•' ^-i'c. illu'trat- ' '■ ^ .iiik' e T>-a I’nrly. i r Hosfon in iVi*:. '.} IDiJepen leiic“, or I’liil.i- • •• C .IMJ. F;rcs Ilf the i’.* volutioii. ' !N !• r.'-!i'leitce. illii.'trat ''!: Wtd'l s I iptiiral f^U' t.Ttioiis; llarhaugh s 1' .‘■.ition: Cateidiisni of Familiar ■' ■ liuif- of *r'ler, t'lr .''•.'•ieties. Kli;. aii'l I’l-'uiouncing Hic- r • i: Fi lnale Foi l'; .\ Fe- - Uat'oii s I>ieti'liiary of I’oeti'-al ■ I'i.Mi'h lphi.i as it is in IS.'rJ; \c. i;. .). 11.U.1-: .V SON. \ // Kh.s ! M:-i />" »/.•.>—Mrfli ( It/, tVc. ^•■'p,.al^^, NHdwilery; .^l•ndenllall's ■ ’ Stu ieiit's Vade-Mecinii; Miir- ' V .,f Cheiiii.'try for .Students; Hid- -f \I:iteri:i Nledica and Therajieii- '1‘ iit': I r.iige's l^leiiieiits of (!‘neral ^ ' ;_ ii al .\iiatom v: Cazea II x's M i'l wife- - \Lnnr .s^iirgerv: Keese a .\lu. iVled- I'.v; the I’iiysiei.'in's I’ocket I’re- l> k; Fhi;:g on Fther and ('lihiroforni ’ "r;. l:.iitistry, \c.; .Morfil’s ('hemical » a ;ii ii-eiitical Manipulation£; lleasley's ' lo.' ci|)t l5ook; Hitto I’ockel Formu- ■ • Cl,i.|iiical .\nalysia; Wythe s-M icro- M:iiiiial: Wright’s .\ni. Ileeeipt liook; ■ ' i’r.ii-tii al .Mineralogy, .Ansciying iind , - '^n;l|, Hoiiieslie .Medicine; li;irikillg's ' “ y .Vhstrai t of .Medical Scieiitett; Jtc. K. .J. H.VLK (V SON, OIJ) RYK. ‘'llll.i: hit of Doetor Willlftnis’s old Hec- i live \\ liiukev. , 'j. & T. WAUHILL. _ 77-tf NOriCK. Wi'lidite.l to us hy lioiid or Book '*fit due i^revioiis to .Jali'y 1, 18-'>1. 'tk- or we vrjlj ijiake settlements hy legal J. .S: T. WADDILL.' AREY, SHEPflWELL & CO. : A F>L iiow receiving direct from New \ ork i and I’hiiadelphia, a coiiijilete :i.ssoctme'it AM> srmiiisc comprising every article usually kept in a Hr_v (ioo'Is .s^tore. ani'iiig whitdi may he fuu|id; La'iies' and (iei,ili-meirs Hress (Jooi'.n, if the verv hest material. ;ind the late.'t l.ashions.— Su( li a variety will he 'too tedious to iiieiilioii.' We have ihe handsomest ('r.ipe :ind llci'inje .'shawls we h.ave ever oiferid in this market; aii l we would call the attention of the ladies ticularlv to our very handsome stoek of Ve- ziteH, .Vlaiitillaf:>i l*ui’asols, and Fans. — .VLSO— Thin Ktiihroideries; Lace and Muslin Caiies; Chimi/ets; rndersleeves: Lii.en Cam'iric lland- kendiieft; IJmli'd .Sjicks; Iiilants’ ^\aiitj a|jd Caps; Curt's anl ('ollara. W e would also direct the attention rif the la- . dies to our stock of 150.NNKT.S, of the latest I tftylea of Ssilk, Crape and Straw. We would not i forgot to iiiention our stoek of Itoots and .'shoes. ! for ladies, gentlemen and childi'en. Together i with their usual titoc;k of Staple (loodi, consist ing in pari of Haniask 'I'ahle CIoIIih, and Nap kins; Linen and Cotton .s^lieetings; Fnglish. i French, and .\inerican I’rints; hrownand hF( h'd } Hoiiiestics; .Marseilles and Cirass; Skirt-i; Nlur- sellles (^lilts, of the hest nuality, ka. I IIATX. 1 Moleskin, Panama, Leghorn, Kossuth, and I’.ilni-leaf; and a variety f>f other (ioods. To the ahove stuck we would respectfully in vite the attention of the citizens of Fiiyetteville and the surrounding c*iintry. And would take thi.s iiiethoil of returning thanks to the piihlic ppucrally IVir the very liheral patronage hereto fore bi-'Utowed on us; and would say, give us a call l.di»re buying, as we are determined not to be uiider.'iohl by .‘iiiy. We keej, constantly oif hand a good n.ssort- nient of ingrain nud Jirysscb Ctirjieting; Sugar and C'ofl'ec, Tea, &c. H. S. AKEY. 1*, MHE.MW'KLL. J. K. McDONAI.l). Fayetteville, Marcb Wj'J. 77tf 1 iiililiiis from 1 1 to ‘J. f 'hry-:u(nieiiii)"i'^ ■' t \ ( rbeiia• I o III 11.1 ets-. .Ms-, a iiiimoer of other ( heap hardy plant* f'.r ! --!'|ii.g out. >Ia;vh Jl. iiio.N s\i'i:s. fi-j;'’'riie slllisi-!ili( rs, AgCllli* for tln‘ i:ile of WILHFKS 1-.\I'I;NT SALAMANHLU SAFi>. wFi ii iticii s 1 \iim:()v::\ii;\t. of fer them of all 'i/es and ]iatteriis, deliveri-1 iii W ilmii!"tiiii at the .Maiiufacturer'o New ork prices. These Safi !• tire v* arvaiiled etjlial it U*'t «Upe- rior to any others luanulacture'l. (Ir'icr:? will receive jimmiit attention. HkIIoSSF.T IIIIOWN, W ilmiu;jton, N, ( ., .Mandi Ui, 1S.">11. r.UOW N vV Dr. ROSS171', Di; KOSSI’/r HKOW X, .1*. f’., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ,Ino. I’dTTS BuoWN. Aum DkHosskt, Jr. U, r. Hhow n, M V\SH advances will lie inadp on coiii,igiin4eiit ^ of I’roduce for sale either in W iliuingtoii or New York, and Cotton will be forwarded to I the New \drk House free d' ('oiiimission at ' W ilmington. .March liJ. l'S.')2. Sprinf^ iwoods. 11, ^ I-:. J, Mu.v UK now n«(ieiving a large Stock of SPRING ANH SUM.MKli .'j'vMl lliimls n (Uilcd. N the line of the ••C.ipe Fear :iii'l Heeji liivrr N ivigatioii." for which liberal wa ges vvill be pai'l. and the p:iynieiits ni.-ide on the loth of every mulitli /■>/ thr Xnri’/ntii n Those desiring emplovmeiit will apply to the Foreman at each Lock aiel Ham. Ls'.V.VC Cl.KlitJ, President. March H>. 1S.V_*. 7-’tlM C’OTrON VAUXS tor .ak* I.v till* bale, lit Fiictoi v pri.'es, b\ STAUll X WILLIAMS, .March lo, iS-'il.’. 7litf MS’V RIX KlVKl), P.PiLS, ( itrSHKH SFCAll, ■'»(•(•» lbs. W .Hviie CountV liacon. 1.'. bbi.s. I,.ird, No. 1,‘ til boxes prime Tobacco. 40 bills. Mackpi-el, .\t Ci"'iss (’reek (’>. C. r.LM’.OW, Pres’t, M.ireh 1, IS.'rJ. b'.'lf XI-'AV (iOODS. fl .“sT received, niv Fall supjdv ol CL>TH.s!. CASSlMKllF.S ANH VFSTINCS. I'KIM- .\|lN(i.S. \c,. of the best nualily. Iroiii New York. .Mso. the latest Heport of the New York FASHIONS. i I still continue to carry ou the \ ' L Hvl Nt! I'll .s^lNF-.'s.'s, at my Stand on Hay street, all ' those who may favor me with their eu'tom niav rely ini having their work done in a ne:it and fasliiimable style, and on the most laVor.ible tirms. AI’.ClIli:ALI) fin.VHAM. Oct. •J7. l'''il. “ \'riu‘ Stt'aiiHM' C'lialliam \,ija_i^ri- w ill resuiiir her senii-w eekly trip.' between this pl.aee au'l W ilminjrtoii. on .Monday the J'.th inst., leaving Fayetteville every .MON- H.\Y and THFKSH.VY there.ifter, at 7 o'clock I \. M-, and running through the same day,— Leaving Wilmiiigtun every TI l-SH.V^ atidl-HI- 1).\V, after the arrival of the Cars from the : North, The Steamer (lov. (ir;ihani, with .is i manv Tow I’xjats as may be necessary, will run in coiineNiou vvith the t halham. as often as may ’ he necessary to carry all Freitlits that may ' fer. The addition of another large (tl**' I Ceii'l McHae,) to thif- Line. afford> increased fi.cilities for the ;.hipping public, (iooils shall certainly have iim (piick transit by this Line as any other. .INO, D. WILLI A.MS, Ag't Cape S. 15. (’o. Feh’y i:. liAiJ., OF HOMK, ! Siirrr^isor of HhU, (f- ('it., as iK'w receiving hi*i Fall STOCK ot GtiODS, eonsiitjng of a general a*i'*‘'rtment of Dry (ioods, Sii(l(li« r\, 1 Ints. C'iij)s, Shoes, llanlwaro, (iroccnos. A laiudi larger and more general >itoek than ever *ipened on the F.ast side (j| the Cape I ear —which he is prcjiared and determined to sell to puiictuul customers, t'ither at wholesale or retail, lit greatly reduce*! prices. He would call p.irtieular attention to his stock of HOOrS AND SHOKS. The assortment is unusually lurge. and of every ipiality and style; and having btion boujjlit tor Cash, he can and will sell them very low. Yon that wish Hargains will find it to your interest to give the Stock an examination before buying elsewhere. ,\lways on hand, a general stock of GllOCK- lUFS. Oct, IR. 18.')1, terns Xi'A\ c'auim:i'ix(;. Hi ILLS F.russels, Ingrain and Stair C.irpetiiig, new and fashionable l‘at- iiist received. — ,\LSO— .'s]iikes aii'l large Nails, black fig'll Silk Lace for .Mantillas. .Msii. ill the K.M llll )1 V line: Sw;s. and Cambric I’.duings and 1 iiseriings, ranging fmni 1*1 cts. to Nl 7-"i per yard; a beautiful lot I'n- der-slcevcs and Chemi/etts: Worked Coll.-irs aii'l ('.itis; 'I'hre.-i i .-ili'l lisle ('.iik,': a l.eautii'iil lot emb'd .Mantillas; !e.\ai;iler's Ki'J tilvvcs, cclebr.ited for being the article in use: Linen Cambric and needle-worked llandkcr- (diiefs. fl'iiii 1:1; cts. to New slyle shell and biiJl’alo Tuck (.'oiiibs; Fiiiiinet, neck and sash lliblious, some entii-ely new. For (ieiitleiiK n's—F.lack. br"wn and blue French Cloths; superior b'.-iek iloe skin an-1 l.iiicy Cassiiiieres; I’l.-iiii aii'l fii^' l Li:i-. n Hrl'l- ings; (’ashmen-ts: Itali.aii Cloths; Coloicl j^iiien HriliiiiLTS; Llack itin aii'l fig'd Silk \Cslings; W bite lig'd and col'il .NL.r.'eiiles liii.i; Linen aii'l silk (.'l av ats and Scan.-; Linen ('ollar.s and,Shirts; Silk ditto, __Al.SO— .\ siib'ii'li'’I'.t Oil Window .'^ha h's aii'l eiii’i’d Muslin Ciirtaiii“; Paper II.tii.triii',->: Fire .Sereeiis: Carpet Hags .-ind Travelling Trunks. 3iolc.skiii :iiid Kiissntii Hat.'; l*:iiiania and (’aiitoii Str;;\v ditto; ,'^ilk and tJincrlKiin I ndirolhis; ;i rich l'»t I'arasi'is; IJoii- iiets, the very latc.-^t ia.-liinii; Mi.-.sus’ lVd;il and IJluoiner ditto; (Icii- th‘im*ii's tiiR* ('alf IJoot.s and Shoi'.s; Ladies’ (Jaitcrs and Siijijicrs. Th«' above stock boiiudit with gr("it c.-ire: later in the se;.s' n than iisiial. in or'h r to se cure the most lashioiKible styles. We invite our friends aii'i the public to give us a b.nk be- fi re ) iirchas;ng, :is we are disposal to sell at verv nioder.ite prues. K. L, a: T, 11. PF.MF.KIITON. Fa vet teville. N. C., .M.irch l-'^-'ili. 7-’)tf 1 -'i kc ■J-'i boxes ll.'ii.'ilis_ ;’iO bags .''hot. Indigo, Choeolate, Saln'l .'nd Castor Oil. with an .-tdditioii to our .s'toek of Hardware, S. W, TlLLlNtillAST \ CO. Nov, L’*;, l''-'il. 4o tf tSrPPLY of Fresh (iroiind ('(> I! N .MKAL kept for sale at the Mill, l.ite .\nderson’s. Grinding of Hominy :in'l Meal done promptly. Favetteville, .\jHrch 1>'il. PJtf - 'I Livery Stable Biis’ness. T IllIK subscriber intends carrying on the above biisines :is usual. H.iving added considerable Stock, he will be able to accoin- n-.oii.ate the public. Thankful for jiast favors, he solicits a coiitinu.iiice. .L W. POWF.llS. •lan’v IH.'.-J. •'>Stf FAYETTE VILLI-: ('l)XFECTIONEKY. CHARLES BANKS, t'oiifertiotwr^ j^?vF()IlM.S the public, that he has refitted hi?« »L Kst.iblishmeiit tui (ireen Sireet. and has on ii.ind a fresh supply of manufactured in hims*'lriiit of the liest Loaf, and vvar- r.inted free from sl.-irch. tloiir, jiaste, and jierni- cious paints. His whole time and :iltenfion is now devoted to making Candy, and he is pre- ji.ari'1 t'l siq ply all oi'Ieis with (,'andies e«[nal to any made in the I'nited .St.-ites. These t'an- dies be warrants to keep in any climate; and lie will sell tu Town i.r Country niercliants, as ehe.ip :i.s ;:iiod ati'l [Hire Candy Jx' purchased in N.'w \ (ilk or elsewhere. Fayetteville, Oct. l^'il, ol-tf .11 sr KiH'i'jvi:!). MF.N'S aii'l Hoys' S.\ lil'LI’.S, of every (piality and style, some very line. Al so, Ilridlcs, Collars, Whips and Wagon Harness, liv j;. C. HALL, of Home, 'Oct, IS, ly.'.l. ;ji>tf Isssssrauccm ^i^Hi; .KTN.\ Insurance Company of Hart- ford, li.iving ]iaid the tax imposed by the I'.eveniie Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue its A;.;ency in F.iyeitcville, under the niaiiagci.ient of the UK'kr.'igiied, who is )ire- pared to issue Policiis of Insur.iiice on lluild- ings or (!i ods. either ill this 'I'ov. ii or in any part of the State, on proper ujililication, de- iMTiptioii of the I’roperty. vcc. The .r"l'NA CM.Ml’ANV has lieen in fiper.itiou abo\it oO years. Its ca|iital is The Hon. Thus. K. r.r.iee wai it.'first President, and he still holds that ofiice; and several of it.-» first Hireetors .-ire still active and etlicient nieni- liM S of t!i(‘ i’io:ml. It at all times sustained the hi.iihest ch.;r.icter for the prudelice of it;4 manageiiient. aii’l for the lilicrality with it has ever :idj’.istcd its b'-'-'es. i;. .1. llALi:. Agent, March Hi, 1S.')1. 'l^-tf ISofVra’Iica! \Vatt‘r Wlu i I. HKUF. arc .*cveral hundrcl of these Wheels B in operation in ‘iillVrent counties in North Carolina. For proof of tlu ir great .-idvaiitages over the common liutter wheel, or any other wheels now in use for saw iiiills, we eontideutly refer to those who have applied them to their mills. We can recoinineii'l tliem particiil.irly fi.r their superiority in cases ( 1' a low head ot water, or b.ick water. We still keep a snj'ply of W iii'i U. suitable for d'ilert nt heails of waier. al \Vilmii'.gton. New- bern. Washington. Kdentoii and 1 ayettcville. The wheels may also be h.i.l of 1^. „V. IJrevard, Lincolntoii. and Uriah Wells, Peleisburg. Va. Persons wishing to olitaiii ;!:i- right to use the wheels, will b“ served on application to 1). McNeill X -'o., Favetteville, N. C. H. McNFILL. A. A. McKF-TH.^N. i». J. .McALlSTLll. Feb’y 22, lSi'> oti U I lOO.OOO Acres \’aliial>Ic I T 1 M J} K R I. A X 1) S I Foil SAI.F. j f H^llK .'Subscriber lias juircha.'^ed all th‘ L.iiid.-* i _M_ belonging to the I'state of .Vbrani l>ubois, dec'd. 1.1 ing iii iiicipally in Ilobeson county, and on both sides of Lumber P>iver, the dill'erent sur- vevs eontainiiig llo:it 'o'«ii s () r r n 1-: R XI-: R, nY 1 LL tie iti order to take her place in the line in a few days, .''he is onehundi pd and twelv‘ feet long, seventeen feet lieam, and four feet hold; aii'l draws not exceeding twelve inches water. The omjiany contidcntly ex]iect that with //.» in addition to their other Steamers .’ind tow Jmats, they will he in a con dition to traiisjiort all freight s«‘iit by their lini^ w ith as inui h certainty and des|.;it( h as any line upon the river. Tin' Southerner being of siudi light draft of water, she will t>e en.ibled to run at all times. G. DKMING. Pre.s’t. K. M. OllUF.LL. Agent. .lan'y IS.'iJ. HO-tf VLl. tlio.',!* iiideVitcd to the siibscrilier will tiii'l their ;ic (Hints made out by calling at the Foundry whi(h will jdease be settlcl as earlv as convcnii.'iit. H. ll.\LL. .M'arch _ _ "I S. LI'rTi:RL()lI, I' o I* \\ n I* d i 11 A «' ii I, Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. T’l, IS.'i-J. fi.'*-;’.!!'. TllOS. M. 'riLMX(MIAST, isooK-iti.\i>i:ie, Auvlerson St., Fayetteville, N. C., (IPI'd.'ilTF. .MH. W. WlNSI.fiW’s LAW (iFFICK. fii'iJ”' Music neatly bouu'l at short notice. Pamphlets ainl I’eriodicals bound, and (dd Hooka re-boiiii'l, in a substanti.-il manner. Hec, S, 1S-')1. 4titf Arc'y, A: Vo. n.WF. one piece extra line 7-1 black Frencli CLOTH, to whi(di they would cull the attention of the jiubli(;. Oct. 1-'., o-tf .12tf NOI'K'K. To vvhi( h they invite the attention of Country Merchants. Fayetteville, March 15, 73-f*w lOIUCCO, AGOOI) STOl^K ou hand; ami I shall re- ^leive regularly, from Messrs. •!. .lones & Co's Factory, ([iialities assorted from common to very tine, which 1 will sell at lowest nianufac- t„ri„g,.ricc. Favcttcvillc, April 3, 1851. OGtf A. II. \\ IIITFIHLn, (’o-.u’li and Llf?lil ('arri’a«:e Manufacliirer, WOl'LH respectfully inform the public that he still continiifs to carry on the above business in all its branches. He returns thaiiks for the liberal patronage he has receiv ed, and hoperi by a strict attention to business. ! and a desire to please all and give general sat- i isfaction, to merit a continuatice of the same. He wuri'ants all his work to be made of the A LL persons indebted to the suliscriber, rlL either by note or acouunt, are reijuestcd to call and settle the same a» early as possible. Ho mav be found one door West of Liberty Point, with the most of his ready-made work .savcij from the late fire. PprBoim in want ot ; niatprial and by experienced workmen; and any articles in my line of business, would do ' gjnmld any of it fail in twelve months (with fair well to call, as I will itcll cheap for cash, or on i;?age) either in workmanship or material, lie time for approved note. ^ repair it without charge. •IA^lEi> SLNDY, I PeriioiiB wishing to buy, would do well to call Juii'y 10, 18o2. 55tf j exa,nj„e his work before purchasing, as it r, , , , •, i» V^7Tri' I /"I I’’ I cannot be «urpassel for style, elegance, and l‘ IIR 1 llrjR Xv* 1 ! durability. He is determined to sell low for (take this method of returning my sincere ' cash or on short time. thanks to those gentlemen who saved the i Orders thankfully received and promptly at- poods from niv Shop on the morning of the 3d j tended to, inst. But for their kimluess and oxertion, I 1 REPAIRING neatly executed at short would have lost all. notice and lowest pos.sible prices. JAMES SU>’DY. 1 Fayetteville, Feb. 2, 1852. Gltf Only E{:iriit out in A. A. McKK'niAX | STILL continues to carry on tlie C.Mllll.VG.F. lU .S'lNFSS in all its iiraiiehrs, at tlu* re mains of his old stand, opjiosile Liberty Point. He returns thanks for the liberal ji.itronage he has heretofore received, and hopes by strict ;it- teiitioii to bu.siness :ind a desire to give entire satisfaetioii. tti merit a ciintiniiaiice of the s.iiiie. H.iving ki'jit the greater portion of his Tim bers at a distance from the manui.-ictory. he on hand a large and well selected lot of tho roughly seasoned I'iliiber. of every dpscription used in his busiiu'.'s, w hieh eii.ibles him to retain all bis jirineipal workmen. He is therefore now jirepnrcd to do any work in his line in the very iiest style, and on the most favorable terms—as low as any work id'the same (I'-iality in N. C. He has on hand, completely tiiii.'hed, S Uaroiiches, lor 1 or 2 horses; I'l llockaways. and H! I’liiggics. ,\lso. nearly finished, ](• Carriages for 2 horses; ^0 I’larouclies for I and horses; 12 llockaways, and :!(* I’niggies: .Ml of which are of the most approved plan and tinis'i. and vvill coni|iare with any work in the L', St:it( s for and durability, H.'iving been eng.'iged in the above business for the past 2> ye.-irs, his work is well known, and he refers to old customers f(ir proof of its durability. I All work w:irranti'd f"r 1’J months, and rejiaired free of charge should it f.-iil by bad vvorknianshi)i or material, within time. jg^.y- ItKi’AiiiiNii executed at sliort notice, and on r(‘MHoiiable terms, .lan’y 2ii, lS-32. o') i 'riidf POLfS 11! Junr it S/ii/irs! KO.,000 ISo\‘! !«ol4l ivitliiii Ihe l:«wf iiifiac iiaoiifli^I I A .1. W'0(H)W'.MIH returns his thanks to i .jm • the public for the uniircccleiited en- I couragement he has met with in the nianufac- ' ture and sale of his cclebr.-ited P)LL''H. and at j the same time wishes it understood that he al ways keeps .a wujiply on h.ind lor wholes.ile or ' retail. J.'y(»nce ba.s provi'd that this I olish is iin- snrpassed for (iiiickness in imtting a ^rloss on boots and shoes, and also in jircscrving the leather. Persons vvisliing to oil their boots can use this Polish with eijual success immediately af terwards: the leather slmuhl be rubbed as soon as the Polish is applied, before it dries. This Polish can be found at the store under the ('nroliiiian Printing Ollice. Favetteville, Feb. 21, lH.j2. H7tf ()v(u* 100,000 Acres; A large j'art finely Timliered. and convenient to Lumber Kiver, wliere a large «iu:intity of Tim ber is now rafte'l t* the (ieorgetown mavket. These Laiiils .are very valuable both for tll« Timber and Turpentine, for which juirposc a large jiart is well suited, being in a region where the Tui]ientine yields more abundantly than any other section of the State. The Laiid^) will be sold at a low jiiice, and in quantities to suit ]iurcliasers. H.formation respecting the title ean be ob- taiiud liy ajijdyiiig to the lion. l’,ol>ert Strange, Hon, .las, C, Hi'bbiii, or A. T. .Swiith, I'sip, (Attorneys at Law.) 1 nii'iersiand there are m.'iny trespassers on these Lands. ti all of v. b-na notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforced against all su(di oflenders. ,\p]ilieation for any j'lirt of the Lands can b(» made to ni Vjelf. or to .lohn \\ inslow, Fsij., w ho is dulv authorised to make s.ile ol th«‘ same. TllOS. .1. Cl llTlS. Fayetteville, N. l\. Sept. 1, 181.'). 7(itt .Jl’S r RKC'KIVKl). P.I5LS. WHISKl’Y, lo hli'Is. .Molasses, I (|i-. cask pale French P.raiidy, 1 •• “ .M.ideira W ine, I-') bags IJio Coflee. ,") boxes Mdliiiiii ,\xes. —ALSO— Proonis: Hearth Hrushes; .lute Poor and Hug- gv .Mats; Tanners' Curriers' Knives, Workers, and .''iii'ioth Fleshrrs; and an addition to our FKKNCll (MllNA. s. W, TILLING HAST & CO. March I, 18.V2. iV.'tf _ PlttttU Sioad 4.V Hunk Stock Foil SALF. rH^llF stibseriber wishing to itnprovp some B real estate in this town, offers for sale. Shares of raycttcvilk! and Wc.sterii Plank Road Stock, Shuro.'i of Stock in IJank of Fayette ville, Terms tnade known on application to (il IIDON 1H:.MING. Favetteville. March 2d. IS.'i'.i, 7->tt \VAXTi:i>, ."()()0 ft. .\slie Lumber for Wagons, 1 \ to inches thick, :;00(» ft. Seasoned Oak I.nmber, 1 j’ to .T inches, jiioo ft. White Oak and Hickory, for .\xletrees, 10(H) It. White Oak for Tongues, Holsters mi'I Shafts. 100 Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. 2(100 Spokes. For which the highest cash price will be paid. Applv soon to E. FPLLFM;. M:iy P', 72-tf Fire-proof Mlate RooIm. A LL parties about to erect Fire-proof BuiM- ings will do well to call on the subscriber. 1 am prepared to contract for Sl.-ite iind Met- lilue Mill U rajtfmi^' Pdfxr. ^ 4\ RF,A.1/S very superior, received thia •.J day, and for sale by U. HKANSUN & SON. J/arch 20, 18.VJ. Xi:w BOOKS. Pl'TN-VM S LIBR.VKV. No*, i and .'), beui^ tlie Wdrbl Here and There, by Dickens, and Hood's Own; Cotint .Monte-Lcoiie, or tho Spy in Society; Miss Sewell's Jotirnal of a Sum mer Tour; Memoir of Ret. W, 11. Hewitson: Wesley and .Methodism, by Taylor; Spencer's Pastor’s Sketches; McGufl'ey’s Eclectic Readers, 1st, ‘2d, od and 4th parts; Parker’.s 1st Lessons al Roofing, Gutters, Leader.'^, Leader-heads, and ; in Philn.sojihy; Mills’ Uhetoric; Davies’ School every thing belonging to the Roofing business. ■ Arithmetic; &c. r • -vr Also, to give instructions ill Roofing for glate, ] Al.«o, further supplies of THE BOSTON to make it effectually proof against fire and i ACADEMY’S Collection; Caruiina Sacra; Gnnu S ™,.ter Domestic Medicine; Humorist’s Library; &c. FRANCIS SII1:NT0N. E. -J. HALE .s. J;ON. Fayetteville, March 1, IP'2. 71-"tn ' March 2®, IP'-.’ I'iJT! ii 'J' S?f 1 Ml