9m SEMI-WEEK t, Y. [VOL. 1.] LiWLiDiiM'ieasAaji^-juK'V ki. ■ 11 FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., APRIL 20, 1852. [XO. K‘] ] 1>K1M'HI> hv j. b. xewhv. i:i)\VAin) J. HALH & SOX, Ki»rn»Ks ANr> ritoi’niirroiis. p,:,-o f'T tlio Scmi-\V.,v'kK Ouskuyvk (K> if j.niii in H'l'niu-i'; !^4 '>> it' paiil diirinj' tlio ,, ,ir rii'tii'ii; or iifter tlif vcar iiu.» iN'ii.vO'l. 1',r t'.» 'Vcolv’.y i>usKUVi-'.n .'i;2 tv* j)pr iinnuiii, if p,iJ iu H'iv:in’«‘: 50 if pai«l ihiriiij; tlic V, ir "t i»,r:»iTiption; or $o (>0 aft«.T tlic yi-ar \l)Vr.i’>Tl>KMr.NTS iii«n>rte'l for^lxtv ccnfs -..r s f'lr the first, .-ind thirty oont.s fi>r v.hoIi liiiL' |>ut)Uc:ition. Vcnrlv niivertisriiicnts ■ f't rf:iS"n;il>le nitcs. Ail- •.!i:'' rcijUfsti-il til pt;ite tlie number »>f M 'l'rii""'' liosiro 1, i>r they will be continued till j,I. rliir^O'l ac«''>r'linj:ly. .■ lA'itiTS til tlio r.ditiirs must >>« post-paid. J.-1 l.MM'S \VAl’!^A\V dnily tlii* i»r- | tho oars. Siiv 1*^ o'cliuk :i. ni.. ! .. : irr.vo ill l avoiii'vi’iio :it V in. ,MiKl.N.M>.N .V Mc.NKII.l-. At ; '"I”' V,Vmiii-!"n mid j.MptTS copy j ij\si:i:i) OIL. « prr l’.r>LS. lirii'k r 'untrv I.iusooA Oil, rc- £ >.S) (•(‘’Vf'ij i!:iy. ' r«r:J;:‘'s Ni » V'r)v fity niniiuf.u-- tiircd I •ii«i'f l nil, V :ivr;\ntO'l i”ire. ‘ ! ' I’nre U hit- Lr:iJ, in packiijrcK uf J.'), - ; .ivi li*‘> ll.is. .\Ni', r.Mr.i nnd Nn. 1; tnp‘- t ,T ■' u‘"*Tril ;i.'-I >rttncnt nf I’MNTS A' ’ U,NTiii'> ‘'VTKJ'.I \LS. Wliic’i will l>e snl'! . • ::;t- 1 pnt.:- t'V ,1 11 .V J V.'. 12. IMKEMX SAl'K. rS'M']' ir.tk'isi^riiO'i, Kiilc AiTi nti 1'. r jlie sjIc » in \..i tji ( jiroiiiia of tiic ive fii-c-priMif .' ■ '. i.. >M ; «i l! tlioni at t!if MHTiii’.'iU'tc.rcr .s ■ -t r iSil i!»;’i\» r.il>It‘ in I'uyi'i'tc villc. ■, is fruni to n»!t^ i.'O , li >n ni>i>'.icalioii lo COOK .V .)t »11.NS()N. '.i iii 12, M-:’t S!>inN(i (JOODS. ■i ji'-i! i-t'i-eivi'tl :i Ii.t Ilf Irsi- li • r.il'lc «»>\ (!»s. .luiifd t) tlie .''priii’.r Hiid ^uiiiitu'r tr:i kv ^i.rU i: SI -1 in S rii>'m.ist(ivvn 1,1 MK. in ex- M 1'1‘lli-Mt order, ju.^t rercivcd, —ALSO— i \ tr ii iupj.ly of llydr.-iulic Ccmrnt, (';ilcined .ind 1 i.t.-^torinp Muir. I'nr Siile Iiy n. KOSK SOX. \j’ril ] l2, IS.'c*. M-;>t ' ratfcnrville Mfratirh llJITIiiMi I'NTlBLlSill.MiLM. J. n. U liife A: I'liflii-liill. 1r., 'Tdi/urf. 'iinl ]\ liufrfit/r (iiltf Ii>- tci/ ^ 110 AVilliani Street, New V.'rk, ,\M> i : .'^rreet, i next dimr to l>Jink of Cnpc Fe:ir.) FAVKTTKVlLLi;. N. T, ^T^l: wotii I (..'-J to inforni the citizcn.s * ^ :'f F:iycttc'i'll- ;iiid virinlty. tli.it we ii.-t ri i ei' i'd oiir “t;pjily of Sl’UlNd ,VNI> >' 'I'ililv I'X>liS, wliiili i-ohij'i ises :> j;eiier:»l : riliirnt of Ri: \DV-M \])i: cLOTiii.vc;. ''■i.i. li will be found worthy the fvttejition of '•liaer.'^. 0!ir :.e.'^"rti!U-nt coii.^ists in I'urt of lollouinir; ■ I'A’I'S. — 151:ii-k nnd rol’d dotli I»rr«s, Frock . I S.ick f'o/itx, «li f|M:l!itic^*: hirirk .ind colored ' i' .iiM-ref ditto; Frentdi and F.n^li.sh I)r:ip 1*"- K,'' !^>iiecii'.'j-(-loth :ili(J ,\1|);u-:j ditto; F:ill- ' '.it., i.f liii'tfled ( .'Did T»ecdi; Keii- ; i.y .Kvino; l.iiirn nnd t(,,i I ;n;rli;i!:;r: I’.i-o., r: r.M 1 V, liiti- l.ineiis; white jrr:i.s,>-oioth .'':icks. ■'' : .il! 'ju;ilitii‘.>, l'.\N I S—or liliii k :nid c"’.'d ';i.Ks:in« re: f:incy . ■•■I,;::, d iljfto; Frt-mdi jiiid Fii^i.i'-h l>r:iji I • . it-i; white :in>l t oj'd I»riil ditio; Ken- ditto; lndi:i :ind I'reiK-h Nankeen \ 1-'1'—o;'l,l;i,;k ,ntiii, I?onih;»7in'. Alp:irti, .■ ::.'i (• li d .''ilks; while :md coi'd .Mnr-eijle.s I'T Wii :Mid piiddi'd l.in".i. plain and fin'd; '11. F-iift'. (ir.i.s.'s-idoth. iVe. ,\11 >f which "■ ] i-il *111’ v-i1p li.w as t;in he houjrht in •• 'V \ 'I a i!!,irk t. lit wholesale and retuil. ' ; li;i •!! to the .ih'.ve. we hhnll keep on ■ 1 ^"iieval a-“ior!>)n>it of Siiirt®, I'vsiwers*, ’ •>;!■..it:'. ll;’“:ery, i'l; .\No. C]nth.'‘. ■' • Mtid \'c!'fil'"-3, . ■ 1 Ui.iil.l.Nw IM.'l’.Mf} .«i;.NT will hi; i :. ■ i li"f ,rc, and :ill ord(>!-.': (m- fine ('loth- ! - . • i xei'uted in tin.- most fashioiuihle A. ('. M.M’iT, .\'.renf. '•-r: 1^lnf I Ni'.W IIOOKS. vl.Ii'.! i;ToN S V.ankfi- Stories. iiln«^tr.it- tiii; Vank'-e I'ea Tarty, or lio'it.on in ' ''Id ileij of lnd( jiendenc", or I’hi!:i- 177t I'amji Fires of the Kevolntion, ■ *i'ot liide)>*-ii'1ence, illustrated; ^\ old's ' 1.::r\ Srrijitiiral (>iii!tutions; Il.irlt!Hi;rirs i:;. Ill-'-, of FMiniliar ' : lliile.s of I Ifder. for .''of'ietie.-, '' lili\min;r and I’ronoiiiirin;' |)ic- j Feni.iii* I’oets; ,\iiirrii-:in Fe- I'.'i-t- Wal-ioii's Itietionarv of 1‘oetical I'iiiiadi-ljdiia «.« it is in 1S.',J: \c. i:. .J. HAL1-; SON. ' v?!"!*'"’ Vi-l|.ean‘s Midwifery; .Mpiidciilmirs "* Ml liral Stiident « \'ade-.Mecuiii; Mur- I'o-Mi H i.f rhi-ini.'try for Students; Bid- ^ .,f M;iteiia .Medii-:i :ind Tlierapeii- ■ 'r Sln.|,.)|t^. (Flcments of (lener.'il ■ ‘ I Mtlioln^i,.;,] Anatomy; ('a/.(*;iux's Mldwife- 'iii-- Miinir .''ur'^(*rv: lleese's .Med- ' till- I’liysician’.s I’oeket I’re- ’■ "ii ll'.i.k; l'la”jr on Ftheraml Chloroform ' ir^cfv. hi'iitistry. \c.: Mortit's Clieniiciil ‘ ‘y’l'iai-i utical .Xlanipiilation.f: Iteus’.cy’s -t > llccc'jit i’.ook; Liitto Pocket Ftinnu- ^ . ' M'l ('li,ij Analysis: Wythe's Micro- , ' Manual; rirlit's .Am. Receipt Hook; • ’‘ ‘>1 ^ I’rai-tiiral .Mineralofry, >\ss:iving and i! .'f' l>onief-;tic MeLlic'»c: llanking's U ;i;\ .\l,^.traet of Medical Sciences; Xc. i;. J. IIALK ct SON. OIJ) KVE. 4 **rHKK lot of Doctor \Villii»ms'.5 old Ucc- i.iit i r.yi; wiiifcUi.y, J. &. T. WADDILL. 77-tf MiirrI, -ji; NOrJCK. '|,y Bond or Book '''lint due previous to .Ism'j 1, IH-'il, * tt.i; fji- y,.^. settlements by legal .1. ^ T. WADDILL. 15^ Tons of ICi:, H.\\1N(i filled the Ico llotiBe nt ('umpbell- toii witli Itoston I’ond ICI', fiimilies ami others can be supplied during the season witli Ice at the following rates: For i|uantities of Ibo. and iipwnixlti, U cts, per lb,; les.s tlian o lbs.; •) 'ts.,—«t the Market House before 0 o'clock every morninjr; after that time. ;{ cts. per lb. will be char;red for all quantities. The Ice will be delivered at •> o chick 1’. M. mi Satlirdavs. inste.id tif Sunday niomiiijis I'nsh havinjr tn>en paid for the li e, all ac counts arisinjr therefrom must lie settle.l weekly. 1 he Ice House w ill be opened on the 1‘Jth inst. I'lI'AKLKS t:oi»u.vui>. April r>. isr.2. 8(Uf siibscriliers have on haiol and are dai- -B. ly receiving' the followinpr ‘JOODS; Dry CJootis, (Jroct'rit's, ilardwarc jmd C'litk'i \, Oils \ \\ hit(‘ Lead, a lar^c assorlincul of Fisli, ^^ith many otiier articles not enumerated, em- bracinjr a l.-irije and welt selected Stock, which they are dis|iosed to sd! LOW, either at whole sale jr ret.iil. I.IIKTF, & .lOIINSON, ’2 doors West of Ciijic Fear Hank. .\]'ril S. NF, of our tirni havinp received the ap pointment of .M'CTloNF.l'.U, we solicit consigniiients at home and from anr.'>ad. LKKTK \ .lOMNSoN. n’irKi.\ Tin mw\\\7~ WAlfKIIOlSlvS. 75 and 77 Fulton Street, K. Y. ^3'^llF I’ekiiiTia (’onip:iny has been estab- JL lished many _\eais, and has al«a_\s maii.- taiiied a hijih repuiati'’Ii lor 'l ea,' cf t'lc ni' st j delieiiius ciiar.'irtci'and Ir.iprancy. and at prices ! which have in every in>t«nce };iveii perfect ^at- isiai-tii'ii, 'i’he Teas nre warr.-iiited pi:rv‘. hipI may be returned if they do not prove to be us they are rejire-ented, '1 lie Teas .-old l>y tliis (’ompany are done n]> in ] !b. A 11). and 1 lb p:icka“es: the first or iii- ••Ic wrapper i of lead; the s-cond, water ' J ••ijer: the thir'l, or utside wrapper, ' Chinese ru . ' ‘i"-''*- toons. 'Die Conn.. | done uji in this siiperi 'f m:.”''“-‘r, ail frrown i.i tile nioKf iiiMirious districts m '. liii.'" thev als'« , have Te:in of ev«‘iy descrijition iu ci.-' * 1 ha!f eliestfi. Country Mcndianfs v»ill find it i^reatly to their I interest to piiri hase iieir Te i.» of tiiis Coin- j puny, they «-an .«e!ect as small a ijuantity of ' eacli kind as tiiey like, .-iiid h.uve them packed in one ciicst Jliitel Keepers may alwavs be certain /f h.-ivinp 'ii their table a umf’-nn c'diri’cfrr of 'I'ea; ,ind I'aniilies may not only be sure of jjiMnI I'eas. but can purchase any i]uan- , tity their wants may rejuire. i 'I’lte tollowiiiK if • Cjit.nlojine of tlie Te.is ■ with the retail jirices attixed. i (iHh'KN TFAS, i Vounpr llyson. ,"»il i Wiuii;r tiv.son. Sweet C:ir>jo. ; Vouti); ll_\son, I'ine Car"o. 7~> ^ ounj; IIn.ou Silver Le.al—this I# a very 5uj>erior 'I'ea, U> Wunj: Hy^on (iolden Choj'—this i.s tlie finest 'I'ea cultivated in ('hina; it is | of tiie first pickiiifT!*. and excels all | other liruvii Tea# for its delicacy of fl:i- | vor. strenffth. and nroni.i; ln-retofore this | Ten lias not reached this country. e\- ' cept in small lots as j'rcsents to im- : pc rtor-', !j;l 'lO llys.'m. fine. Ssi ih» i Ha Soil, very superior plaiitatioii, :j;l otl ;unii'.wdcr, 7’> (iiiiipowder, iine, *1 *it • iiinpowder c.Mru fine, plantation, ->0 Imperial, T-’> Imperi.ii, fine, :j;i (Mt Iinjieri;il, extra fiiu> plunt.'iti'Oi. Nl la.ACK TFAS Oolon;;, a rich black 'lea. .')lt Coni[>;ire this low priceil prade with Te.-is wliieh are .sold at m>'ht ]d:ic( « al Oolonir 'Pea. the diffi renee is too plain, and the t|i ception too palpable. ♦ Uilonp. fine, j flolonjr. I’lantation ^row th. To j (tolonp, delicious, Jj?! tiO .Ne I’lii.' u'tra, !}!l jO Tlii.i Te:i i.s :is fnijrraiit an’ sweet as a iiosejray, it yithls a perfume that is truly deiiprhtful; it is of jrr.rden j friMwth. aii'i superior to anvthiii'r here- | t (fore S'hi in this c-aintry. j FtiL'Hs'i F.rcaktast. fine. j Fiairr.'int Kn^litili iJreakfast, ti-i ( ilnwi|(id .Mixture,—:i v( ry riidi and i highiv flavored Tea of superior ipialitv. 7'» ) Sold by D. \ W. McLAClUN, i Ajreiits, Fayetteville, N. C. j ,\ Cojiy Ilf the ••Cuide to Tea Iirinkers, " a very interesting treatise on the culture, o“ Tea may be had pr.atis at their counter. .March 1.'?^. lbo2. 77-tf AM) isimmi:r UiPOlfS. AREY, SHEmWELL & CO. A UK now receiving direct fioni ) I'P'' and rhiladelphia, a complete Jisbortinent of A\!> Tii:ii Cii«0!>f^. coinpri.sinj; every article usually kejit in a f»ry Goods Store, anionic wliich may be found: Ladies’ and (jentleinen’.s l)ress (loods. of the very best material, and the latest fashions.— Such a variety' will Ix* ‘too tedious to mention.' We have the h.indsomest Crape and Her.ijre Shawls we have ever oll'en-d in this market; and we wo>ild enll the attention of the ladies par ticularly to our very handsome stock of V’e- zitev, .Maiitilla.s, I'arasols, and Fans. —ALSO— Thin Embroideries; Lace and Muslin Capes; Chimizets: L'nderslceves; Linen Cambric Hand kerchiefs: Kmb'd Sjicks; Infants’ Waist.i and t'aps; ('utt's and Collar.'. We would also direct the attention of the In dies to our stock of HONNKTS, of the latest stylo.s of Silk, Crape and Straw. Wp would not forget to ineiitioii fitir stock oi iJoots anri Shoes, for ladies, jrentlenien and children. Tojrether with their usual stock of Staple (ioods, consist ing in pjirt of Damask Table t'loths. and Nap kins; Linen and Cotton Sheetings; Fnplish. I'rencli, and .\inericaii I’rints; brown and bl'ch’d Dfiniesties; Marseilles a:id lrass Skirt.s; .Mai-- seilles (guilts, of the best (luality, &c. HATS. Moleskin, I’aiiaina, I.efrhorn, Kossuth, and I'alm-lci^*'; and a variety of other (joods. To the above stock we would respectfully in vite the attention of the citizonii ol Kuycttcvillo ai:» the .surrounding conntry. .And would take this method of returninp thanks to the public generally for the very liberal pntronape hereto fore bestowed on us; and would say, pive us 11 call before buying, ae wo are deteriHlned not to be undersold by any. We keep constantly on hand n gooil assort ment of Inprain and IJrussels Carpeting; Sugar and Coffee, Tea, &c, S. S. A KEY. 1’. SHK.MWKLL. J. R. MCDONALD. Fayettevill?, March 2*>, 1S.32. 77lf Bf Viiif or mlioncf/: fWILL sell my SfMMKIf /{KSIlfKXCF, two miles from the .Varket, on the Fayette ville and Western I’lank IJoad—one of the iiipsi desirable aiul healthy places in the county. Also. 40 Shares of Fayetteville and Weatern IMank Uoad Stoi-k, and ISO Shares of Fayette ville Hotel Stock. With the largest stock of Rcidy-niade C.\U- HlA(il',S and 15L(i(!lKS eve" ollcred in this place—over yoOtM.I worth—comjilctely finished. •\11 ot which I will sell at very reduced jiriccs for -ash or negotiable notes. So little attention has been )>aid to the call made by me after the tire of the :id .Lan’v, on those indebted to me to call and settle, that 1 :im induced to ofTer the aliove pro]>t rty :it re duced ]>rices to enable me to rebuild my C.-irriape Fst.ablishment and co'itinue my busi ness with convenience. 1 shall place notes in proper bauds for eolU'C- tion, it not paid soon. i have ill my accounts ma le ont to tlie 1st .lan'v 1J'’>2. A. A. .VcKKTIIAN. .l/areh ‘Jl*. ISi'iC. 77tf IWnUELS of TUni’KN- ^ r .r 1 r P T1N F,. for I listillery a t the l*\ank lload liridge on I’ig Koekfish. The best ninrket i)i-iee will be ptiid. For further inform ation. imuiire of .John W. ,\lurph_\. at the liridge, tir of .\. ,\. Mi-Kethan, I'ayetteville. New Spring Goods. STARR & WIIJJAMS A HP] now receiving a largo and well selected Stock of SFUINO AND SL’.MMKU BRY €JOODS, Panama, L(*:iflu)rn, and other styles of Sutnnicr Ilats; Hlioes, ]>oot.s, JJoiinet.s, I'liilirellas, l’anl^uls, &c., W Inch they will sell at the lowest prices for cash, or on time for ajiproved notes. .Merchants are re.|uested to call and examine their Stock. Wc would also say to the l.adics and (ienth'inen of this place and surrounding country, that we shall have open in a few days a large and varied selection of fashionable Dress (ioods and Trinimings. suited to the season, to which we respectfully invite tlieir attention. STAllR WILLIAMS. ^Slarcli 10, IS-")!’. 7l!tf S S •> 3 Fresh S§fring atttf Summer , - VVrill i- \ i 6c T. H. PEMIiI-:RTON opening at their old Stand, two door.s Dec. KS, 18ol, 49tf I •S0,000 ll>w. WnntfMl. iV. ILL I>ay ;{.] cts, jier pound cash for all clean cotton and linen R.AtiS. delivered to .1, D, Williams, in Fayetteville, I am n?arly ready to put in ojieration a Paper Mill in this neighlKirhood, and am desirous of getting niv r.-igs in this market. My object is to jiay as much for rags as I can afl'oril, and hope that 1 ma_, not he forced to dist.-int ni.arkets for my suujjlie.s. I have airanged with .Mr. Williams to receive and pay for .all rags delivered to him. DAVID Ml UrilV. Fayetteville. Feb’y 24, IHfi'J. fiS-tf \evv Spriiifi J "s|>IU;\i tS’l'OCK. By GI^O. I.AUDHn. Tivd unniis mnn; ii.ii!;ii ,v .'sox'.'i stiik, FaycUcvillr, IV. I’. •Tau’y 20, IS.'iJ. o-'>-lYpd .SoiilSierii II a 111: far lure. K have formed a conijianv’ styled the ▼ w Snow Camp .Manufacturing f'onipany, of .Maniatici' ’ounty. North Carolina, two miles West of the C:ine Creek Cotton Factory, on Cane Creek, :it the Foundry owned by David Dixon A: ISrotliers, and 'voi.ld respectfully announce to the citizens (if .M.aniaiice and the adjoining ('oiinties, that vx e .‘ire now prepared to .Manu facture in the ne.-itest and best sfvie—Wheat 'I'hra.'^hing M.achines. from two to sis horse power: Cutting Maidiines of diflerent sizes; ^Vool ('arding .Machines: double and single .NIill and Factory (Je.ar; Saw and (irist Mill Irons; edge Tools: Cotton Yarn and Wool Lolls, &c. I’ersoiis wishing to purcluise would do well to give us a call before jjurehasing elsewhere, as E. L ! A1U-: ! Fast of Messrs. H. JJranson v'c Sun, llic largest i and most beautiful stock of :SILK^^D IMM\ IHSVliOODS, Ever before otl'ered by them in this m.-irket. consisting in part of— Rich fig'd Silks; bliick watered ami col'd do: printed Challys: emb’d and satin stripe 'I'issues: India Silks and I’oplins: ISari'ge DeLains; dot ted Swiss and eiiib d 'I’arlt.an Dresses: col'd .La- conets; lialf and full mourning Tissues and Ra- reges, 11 splendid assortment: changeable and fig d 1’. l>csoys: (’rajic Dc-chiiK s; I’rinted l.awns .and French Jaconets; a few handsome Raroge Robes, an entire new article of dress gooils: French and Knglisli (anghani and Ciinghani Lawns: a. lot of the hands'imest English I'rints ever offered in this market: Swiss, jaconet, tape stripe and plaid Muslins: Dotted Swisses; Wide black fig'i.1 Silk Lace for .M.antillas, .\lso. in the E.MRROIDLRY line: Swiss and Cambric Edgings and Insertings, ranging from 10 cts. to .vl 7-'> per yard: a beautiful lot I n- der-sleevcs and Cheiiii/.etts; ^\ orked (,'ollarsand Culls; Tliread and lisle Lace Capes: a bi'autiful lot emb’d Mantillas: .Alexander’s Kid (awi .j, celebrated for being the best article in use: Linen (’ainbric and needle-worked Handker chiefs. from 12o cts. to •':>•'»: New style shell and buffalo 'J'uck Combs: ISonnet, neck and sasli f.\M now receiving a vi'ry large and well selected stoi'k of Staple and Fancy Ilcaily-iii.uii' ('liltliiii:r. Gi ct rios. llardw;ire and ( titlny, liats, l>!intK*f'^, Shoes, I’niliivliiis. 1‘arasiils, i^'c. At*. —ALSO — 7.1 IlarrrN Tlafkercl. Tiiese (looijs have been selected witli tli‘ gre.atest care, ancl v. ill be solvl a>i cheap as .iny lirtoilsinthe market. Those \f:shing to f'lir- ch.ise. wili find it to tlii-ir interest to examine these (lOods before purehasin'.r elsew heie. \V. F. .MOORE. .March '22. IS.'»2. 7itf we ure determined to sell cheaji for cash. ir on | Rihboiis. some entirely new. rg^HE undersigned are now receiving their 3, Sl’RINii .‘sTOt'K. consisting of HAliDW.VUH. liftts, €'ftps, anft Sliops^ ,\il of which will be sold low to jiunctual cus tomers as heretofore. Merchants and others will do well to exam ine their Stock before making purchases. We will not be undersold. HALL S.VCKETT. March 11, 18’)2. 72tf I.. Ainv — T j." -VC now receiving a verv' large and i| .'Ici’U'd stock of PR 1 Ni (ittODS, Consisting ot a lii^i 'rtmi nt of i'ftiirif t%* .\mong wliitb may bi> f.iuiui *hi l.ite.st and mo>t f ishiotiable St Vles of i.'iillcs' n..'* 'Ciitlemen s DREsis (iooDS. j Hats, C ijis, H'Mitu t', Ikoady-tnadi' iiiir, Ilardw.in*, (Irocrrics, l)nigs and [ Medicitii's, Siddh'ry. ('roekfry, and (ihiS'WMiv. \ large and well selected “tock of i H ii)t and Sh'H's. and I/idics’ and (nMitlc- lueti's (lait^rs, (very SAl.T, lUO.V, MOLASSES and XAll.S. , We intend selling as c'le.ap as we can. and would be glad if our friends and the public would call and examine our stock. .1. T. COI'NCIL k CAIN. March 2L lS-’>2. 7'itf j S!1!TII r^KOLIW l\S[KW(’K 10)1!'\\\,^ OF Cl! ARLE.'^TON, S. C. ^ 11! .\RTERE!l liy the State of South Caroli- ^ ii.a. with :i Capital i;f •"?*2-’>0.'HHl. mH |»nid in and well inve.'ted. Fir*-. .Marine, River nnd , Life Risks. CH.\S. ED.MoNI>STON. Pre^'t. .\. 1.. Tdiii.vs, Sec’y. DIRECTOPiS; I Roiu:i;t M viiTiN. Col. .) a vrs Cl vtisrir.N, j ,M, »'. Moiiiik.cm, Ch\s. H. West. S. Mii'.vitv, .Ir. Hknky Cuim.a. The subscribers ii.-iving been appointed agent* in this jilace for the above n.amed company, are j'repiired to receive otfcrs and issue jiolicies of Insiiraiice on Fire. .Muriiu’. River .and Life' Risks. iu liber.il terms. All losses incurred at | this acency. will be promptly adjusted and paid j l>\ the undersigned. j DcROS.'^ET .t RROWN. ' N. P>. Risks will be taken on the lives of slaves on the ni' st liber:il teniis. Wilmington, N. C., .March 2i, lS->2.— ii-bni H A 1! 1.1 Chrysnnthemums, and Verbc:;:is a.* are now ready for delivery. Person.s w'shinp a choice asortmeiit should send their orders immediately, as my stock of extra fine varieties is small. C. LETTERLOH. Rowan street. l' ihr.:is from 10 to ‘2't cts. Chrysanthemums A to 10 cts. \ crbenas 10 to ’J.') cts. .Also a numler of other clicap hardy plants for bediliiip on*. March 2J. 77 ~ jliOX safes. stiLsi;rih«'r.‘i, Aj;cnts for thf* sale of WILDER’S PATENT SALAMANDER SAFES. N'lTil RK'H S 1 MPROVEMENT. of fer them of all si/e« and leitterns. delivered in Wi!niinglo;i at Mii? .M.inui'aeturer's New York prices. These Safes .are warranted eipial if not siijie- rior to any otliecs manufactured. Orders wiii rcceive prompt attention. Dk. ROSSET lUtOWN. AVilmincton. N. C., .March 20, 1S;»2. 77-''lni Tiuow X vV l)i: ROSSET, .IVir l)r:lU)SSE'r 6c IJROWX, ll'Umhisftini^ *1*. f’., COMMISSIOW MERCHANTS. Jno. Totts Ukoavn. Akmaxd J. DkUosset, Jr. ji. r. Buown. f1.\.'^ll advances will be made on consignment y of Produce for sale cither in W ilmington or New Vork, and (’otton will be forwarded to the New Vork House free of Commission at Wilmington, ,M:nfh 22, 1S52, 76-«’.m Spring iwoods. IL cV e7.L [JLLY A RE now receiving a large Stock of Sl’IlING and ,SL'M.MER «j» m-m mim To which they invite the attention of Country .Merchants, Fiij'cttoville, March 15, lS>-52. 7;J-8w of* ICa;;:^ adraneed. ■ persons wh") have made contr.acts with .1. JI. F. Jordan it (’o. for furnishing R.\i.'', are liercby informed, th.-it we will pay -'{.i cents per lb. on all Cotton R.-igs. Ropv and IJ.-igging, delivered to u« after this d.afe. H. RRANSON & SON. Mar.h n. IS.-,-2. 72tf .)()) J/finds n (inieil, ON the line of the ••t’.ipe Fear and Deep River Navigation." for which liberal wa ges will be paid, and the payments made on the 10th of every month /i/ (hr Xiirii/iition Company. T,'.''St* desiring employment will applv to the For»m-'‘ «*ach LiK‘k and Dam. IS.V.VC CLE(i;. President. March 10. I^'2. 72tlM ('o'r'rox by the bale, at Factory pricct. hy STARR .V WILLIAMS. March 10, 1S.')2. 72tf .n s r RIU'EIVED, RP.LS. CRTSIIED srfJAR. .MMiO lbs. Wavne County Rucon. l.-> bbl.s. Eurd. No. 1.‘ f14 boxes prime Tobacco. 40 l)b!s. .M.'ickerel. At Cross I'reek Co. C. RENBinV, Pres't. March 1, lh.”>2. (i‘.*tf XEW (iOODS. ~ Pr.'^T received, my Fall supply of CLOTH.'', (’ASSIMERES AND VESl’INtJS, TRIM- ■MINtiS, \c,. of the best iiuality, from New ^drk. Also, the latest Report of the New Vork FASHIONS, fiwY-1 Still fontinue to oarr^- on the T.\ILoUIN(i 151'SlNESS, at my Stand on Hay street, nnd those who may favor me with their custi>in may rely on having their work ilouc in H neat nnd fashionable style, and on the most favorable terms, ARCHIRALD (JRAilAM. Oct, 27, is'il, ;JItf time to punctual dealers. Our long experience in the .Manufacturing Rusiness enables ns to feel IU) hesitation in saying th.-it our work shall not be surpassed by any slmji in the South. .Ml letters adilressed to the .\gent of the Comjiany at the Snow Cainj* P. t.. .Vlamance County, N. C,, will roceive promjit attentiiiin, DAVID DIXON, Agent of the S. (\ .Manufacturing Comp.-iny. j Snow Camp. Dec. 0, 1S.')1. 47-''.ni | ~ LI^SOXS IX .MrSK'T”^ II. W IllT.VKER Would res]>ectfully in form the citi'/.ens of Fayetteville and vi cinity. th:it he has again commenced giving Les sons on the Piano Forte. He returns his thanks for the lilicral jiatmnage heretofore received, : and humbly solicits a continuance of the same. .Vll pains shall be taken for the advaiiceineiit of ' his pupils. Instruction als • piven on the fluitar. Pianos tuned and repaired in the best manner. L. II. WHITAKER, .-'.v-rnst 21. 1 f'oO. o4tf SEW (wuPErL\(;. ■ ROI.L.*^ Rnissels. Ingrain and Stair Carpeting, new and fashionable Pat terns. just received. ! — ALSO— 1 o ke"s Sjiikes and large Nails. 2o boxes Raisins, ;;0 bags Shot, Indigo, Chocolate, Salad and ('a^tor Oil, with an addition to our .^'tock of Hardware. S, W. TILLINGIIAST v*;; CO, Nov, 2*1, 1S'»I, 4-T-tf ASI'PPLY of Fresh (Jnmnd CORN MKAL kejit for sale at the Mill, late .Vnderson's. (T.^iudinp of Hominy and .Meal done promjUly. j-;i\‘tteyille, .March IS'il. l*Jtf For (Jentlemen's wear—Rlack. brown and blue Frcnch Cloths: superior black doe-skin and fancy Cassimcrcs; Plain and fig'd Linen Drill ings: (.'ashmercts; I t.-tli.in Cloths: Colored J.inen Drillings: IJlaek S.itin :ind fig'il Silk Vestings: White lig'd and coi'd .Marseilles ilitto; Linen and silk Cravats and Scarfs; Linen Collars and Shirts; Silk ditto. —ALSO— ,\ sjilendid lot Oil W indow Shades .ind einl.'d Miislin CiirtaiiiS; Pajier Hangings: Fire Screens; Carpet Rags an l Tiavclling Trunks, ^I'lli-skin iuid Kossuth Hats; Panama and ('aiitnn Straw ditto; Silk and (Jinphain I mbrollas; a rich lot l*ara.sols; lioii- licts, the very latest f;ishIon; Mi.s.scs’ J’edal and JJloonier ditto; (Gen tlemen’s line (\ilf ]>oots and Sh(X-s; Jjadios’ (Jailers and Slij.pers. The above stock was bought with great care: later in the season than usual, in order to so- ctirc tiie most fasliionable styles. We invite our friends and the public to pive us ;i look be fore iiurchasing, as we are disposed to sell at very moderate prices. E. L. & T. II. PE.MRERTON. Fayetteville, N. C., March ls">2. 7')tf FAYETTE('OXFErTIONEKV. CHARLES bXnKS, Coiifertiotter, SNFOllMS the public, that he lias rpfitted hi? l^sfablishment on f;i*ecn Street, and has on liand a fresh supply d’ (’.-MVDIES, inanufaetured l>y himself out of the best Loaf Sngnr, and wn’ - ranted free from starch, flour, jiaste, anil perni cious j>iiint'.:. His whole time and attention i.s now flevoted to ma'King Candy, and iie is pre- parf*d to siip]>ly all orders with Candies ei'iual to any ni-'Mle in the Cnited Slates. 'I’he.'C an- dies he warrants to kee]> in any climate: and he will sell to Town fir Country merchants, a.s cheap as good and pun* ( andy can be piirchaseii in New N ork or elsew lirre. F’ayetteville. Oct. l^.'il. .n-l tf .HIST RIX’En EH. MEN'S and Roys' S.VDDI.F.*^. of every iiuality .and style, some \ei_\ fine. Al- (N'llars, W hijis and W agfui Ha^ne^S/ E, C, ll.\LL, of Rome, IS, 18.:>1, :-.2tf so, Rridle Ry Oct. ri'^HE . foT"d. Livery Stable Bus'u6.9.5. f■ 11IE sul'scriber intends carrying on the JH. above busines as usual. Having added considerable Stock, he will be able to accom modate the I'ublic, Thankful for past favors, he solicits a continuance, J. W, POWERS, Jan'y 20, ,'jStf w rr 'riu' Strainer Cliatiiani f’ldu will resume her semi-weekly trips between this place and W ilniwgton. on Monday l'»tU inst.. leaving Fayetteville every MoN- DA'\' and TIH RSD.W thereafter, at 7 o'clock A. M,, and running thiimph the same lay,— Leaving W ilmington every TEESD.\^ and Flil- D.VY, after tin- arrival of the Cars from the North. The Steamer (Jov. Ciraham, with as many Tow Roats as may be nece«sjiry, will run in connexion with the Chatham, as often as may be nece.“s:iry to carry all Freijihts that may c.- fer. The addition of another large Flat (the (ien'l McRae,) to this lain', uflords increased facilitie.s for tlie shipping public. (Joods shall certainly have a» quick transit by this Line us any other. JNQ. D, WILLIAMS. Ag’t Cape Fear S. IE Co. Feh’v J*. 1^ )2. t»3tf TOBACCO. AfJOOD STOCK on hand; and I shall re ceive regularly, fi'om Messrs. J. .lones & Co’s Factory, i|nalities assorted from common to very fine, which i will sell at lowest nianufac- tu ring prices. J, UTLEY. Fit}'‘ttcvillc, \pril I80I. !:. C. II.\LL, ol'’ KO.MK, Stir left t d' ('n., IS now receiving his Fall STOCK of (5001)4?, ! consisting of a general assortment of Dry Goods, Saddh rv, I lats. Caps, Shoes, Hardware, Groc(“ries. A much larger and more general stock than ever opened on the E.ast side of the ( a]ie Fear —which he is prepared and determined to sell to punctual customers, either at wholesale or ! retail, at greatly reduced prices. jgS^lle would call p.irticular attention to his stock of IJ«»OTS -VND SHOES. The a.s.sortment is unusually large, ami of every quality and style; and having been bought for Cash, he can .'\nd will sell them very low. You that wi.sh Rargaiiis will find it to your interest to give tli(^ Stai'k an examination before buying elsewhere. \ Always on hand, a general stock of (»ROCE- i RIES. ‘ Oct. 18, 18.'»1. ll(‘airiett:t St‘ain Ront .1 S O VT 1! E R X i: R, ’ I LL be in order to take her place in the line in a few days. She is one hundred and twelve fe('t long, seventeen f'eet beam, and four f'eet hold: and draws not exceeding twelve inches water. The Company confidently cxpect that with ihi.f Hmtt. in addition to their other Steamers and tow boats, they will be in a con- (lition to transport all freight sent by their line vi'ith :is much certainty and despatch as any line 111)011 the river. The Southerner being of such light draft of water, sl'.e will be enabled to run at all times. G. DEMINC. Pres’t. R. .M. ORRELL. Agent. .Tan'y 2S, 18.'2, t>U-tf All those indebted to the subscriber will find their accounts made out by calling at the Foundry which Avill jdeaae be J^ettled as early as convenitnt. II. (J II.\LL. M.-irch ^i. 71 T. S. Ll7rTJ’:RLOII, ForVI'.1 !• d B ns Fayetteville, K. C. Feb. ](). 18-^2. (lo-.Om THOS. IL TJ[.LIX(UL\ST, BOOK-Bi:Vi>F.R, Anderson St., Fayetteville, W. C., (tPPO.siXK MR. W. AVINSLOW’S LAW OKFICK. Music neatly bound at short noti»'e. j P;im}ililets and Periodicals bound, and old Rooks re-bound, in a substuntiul manner. Dee. 8, 1851. 4tUf /irey, Shriiiwell Ac Co. HAA'E one piece extra fine 7-4 blnck P’rench CLOTII, to which they would call the attention of tlve public. Oct. i'>, i8.')i. ;;2tf A. IT. WHITFIELD, I’oacli anrt U%\\\ rarria^o Manufacturer, WOULD respectfully inform the public that he still continues to carry on the .above bu.siness rn nil its branches. lie returns thanks for the liberal p.nfPoP(»pe he has receiv- to eall and nettle the «(»mf^ ns early as possible. He mav he found fns loof West of LIbertv' Point, VUh (1)0 »i”8t of his ready-made work XOTICE. AI.L persons indebted to the subscriber, either by note or account, are rcquestel „„d hopes V*y a strict attenfioft lo bu.siness, and a desire to please all and give generul snt- isfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warraiits all his work to be made of the from the late fire. I’ersons in want of ly^atcviul nnd by jjxpcrienceil workmen; nnd any articles in my line of business, would do fibould an}' of it fail jn twelve months fwitli fair well to call, as I will sell cheap for cash, OT on | cither in workmanship or material, he time for approved note. . . , . i will repair it without charge. JAMIES SUNDY. I I'ersons wishing to buy, would vlo well to call Jan’y 10, 18o2. J examine his work before purchasing, as it , ,,7.'“.rVV'r,7’T^ 1 cannot be surpassed for style, elegance, and EIJRTHLli .!NO 1 IC'E. I durability. Ho Is determined to !»ell low for Etake this method of retuniing my sincere ; cash or on short time. th.-inks to tliose ^{entlemen who saved the ; Onlers thankfully received and promptly at- goods from my Shop on the morning of thp Hd 1 tupded to. inst. Rut for theit' kindness and exertion, I | REPAIRING neatly executed at short would have lost alL 1 notice and lowest possible prices. JAMES SrvpY. ' f^Ypttcvillc, Ttb. 1802, Cltf OebIv Riirnt oikt in i A. A. McKE'FH IX ! I^TILL continues to carry on the CAZ^Rl-\f*E i RUSINESS in all its bi'anches. at tli*^ rc- | mains of his old stand, op]ios!te Liberty Poii.t. j I He returns thanks for the liberal p.atron.ige be ' h.'is heretofore received, and lioj>es by strict at- I teiitifm to business and a desire to give entire : satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. Having kept the greater portion of his Tim bers at a rlistance from the manufactory, he h;is 1 I 111 hand a large and well selected lot of tlio- | roughly seasoned Timber, of every descnption | used in his business, wi'ich enables him to retain I : all his principal workmen. He is therefore now prepared to do any work in his line in the very | iiest style, and on the most favorable terms—as low as any work of the s.-inie quality in N. C'. He has on hand, completely finished, 8 l.arouches. for 1 or 2 horses; ti Rockaways. and 13 lJuggies. Also, nearly finished. 10 Carriages for 2 horses; 20 Rurouohes for 1 and 2 horses; 12 Rockaways. and oO Ruggies; .\11 of whieh are of the most a]>provcd plan and finish, and will compare with any work in the U. Statts for neatness and durability. Having been engaged in the above business f'or the past 20 years, his work is well known, and he refers to old customers for proof of its durability. All work warraiitel for 12 niontli.s, and rejiaireil free of charge should it fail by bad workmanshiji or niiileri.al, within that time. llKiwiiUNtJ executed at short notice, and on reasonable terms. .Jan’y 2t>, 18o2. i")0 'I'hat POJjISH! hot/' it k!>/tincs! 10,000 llox(*!ii Kold williiii flic la»it nine niontSiK! A.I. WOODWARD returns his thanks to • the public for the unprecedented en couragement he has met with in the manufac ture and sale of his celebrated POLISH, and at the same time wishes it understood that he al ways keeps a supply on hand for wholesale or retail. Experience has proved that this Polish is un surpassed f'-ir quickness in putting a gloss on boots and shoes, and also in preserving the leather. Pers»ns wishing to oil their boots can use this Polish with eipial success immediately af- . terwards: the leather should be nibbed as soon as Polish is applied, before it dries. This Poli!»h can be found at the store under the Carolinian Printipii Otlicc. Favetteville, Feb. 21, 1852.- (i7tf t.TN.V Insuravee Company of Hiirt- liaving jiaid th>- ♦st inijiosed by tlin Revenue Law of tin* late Legislature, will con tinue its Agency in F:iyette\ille. under tlK* nianagenient of the nmlersigned. who is pre pared to issue PVn-ii“ of Insnmnee on liuild- ings or (loods. either in this Town or in an\ jiart of tl'.e State, on jiroper application, de- scriiition of the Property, ^cc. 'I'iie .V^r.NA COMP.ANV ha« lK*^n in fipcration abfiiit oO years. Its capital is The Hoji. ’I'hos. K. Rraee v.,‘-s its tir.'^t Presidetit. i'.nd he still holds that ofFiee; :ind si'ver.al of ii« first Directors an* still active an l efliefent nu-in- bers of the Roard. It has at all times su^t.'iined the hight'st character for the Hrndence of jti i.ianagemeiit. aiel tor the liberality v\itli whieU it has ever adjusted its losses. E. .1. HALE. \^enf. Mareh 10, 18.')1. Vrrlii'al Wal**!* WlHMl. rg^HERE are several luindred of th«"i' V> lieel?> .BL iu operation in difl'erent counties in N’orrh t'arolina. For prfiof of their gro.-it advaiitapes over the common flutter y.heel. or any otlier wheels now in use for saw milh. we confidently refer to those who huve ajiplied them to their mills. We can recommend them jiarticularly ffrr their sujieriority in casc.i of a low head of water, or back water. We still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable (fir diflerent heads of water, at W ilinington. New- bern. W.vsliington. Edenton and Faretlevilie., The wheels may also be h.ol of E. A. Rrevard, Lincolnton. and Uri.ih Wells. I’etersbnrg, Va. Persons wishing to obtain the right to use tli*^ wheels, will be served on spplicution to D. McNeill Co,, Favetteville, N. C, D, McNEU.L. A. A. MeKETIf\N. D. .1. .\l.-.VLi-Tr.R. Feb’y 22. 18 Ifl Te I {)(),()()() A CITS \ a ilia hie T 1 M J} K R I. A X I) S FOR S.\LE. r jnilE Subscriber has pn>-»»h:ised all the L.Tnd? JL belonging to the Estate of Abram Dubois, dec’d. lying princi|ially in Robeson county, itnd on Vioth sides of Lumber Piiver, the difl'ereni sur veys containing Over 100,000 Acres; A large part finely Timbered, nnd couvcnienf tf» LnmbtT River, where a large quantify of 'J'im- ber is now rafted to the tJeorgetown market. These Lands are ver\- valuable both for the Timln'r and Turpentine, for which ptirpo.'r ;i large ]:irt is well suited, being in ft region where the Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other section of the State. The L.ands will be solil at a low jirice, and iu quantities to suit )>urcha.iors. Information lespect’nc; ilie title rfn be ob tained by applying to the Hon. f'obert Strange. Hon. .las. C. Dobbin, or .\. A. T. Smith. Esq..- (.Vttorueys at Law.) I understand there rre many trespas-crs on these L.-inds. to all of v. liom notice is hcrebv given, tlisit tlie l.tw will V'C enforced against all such ofl'enders. Application for :>ny pnrt of the Lands can ho' n\ade to myself, or t'l .lolni Winslow, Esq.. who is duly authorised to make sale of the same. THOS. .1. Cl'ETIS. Fayetteville, N. C.. Sejit. 1, 181'». 7‘itf .irST RECElVi:i). IRLS. W'HISKE\ . 10 IiUds. Molnsses. 1 qr. cask pale FrcnciV Rr:i!idy, 1 >• “ Madeira W iu^c, 1 'i bags Rio (’oft'ee. 5 bo.\es Mdium .\xes. _AL.''0— Rroom«: Hearth Rriishcs: .Jute Door and Rug- gy Mats: Tanners' Curriers’ Knives, Workers, and Smooth Fleshei’s: and an addition to our FRENCH CHINA. S. W. TlLLlNt llAST Co. March 1. 18.')2. f.Vtf Plank Stoinl A* IfattI,' Stork FOR SALE. rg'^llE subscriber wishing to improve some .0. real estate in this town, offers for sale, ”25 Shares of Faj’etteville aiii \\ estern Plank Road Stock. is Shares of Stock in lJ;iiik of Fayettc- villc. Terms niailc known on apjilication to CCRDON DEMlNi;. Fayetteville. March 20. 18'>2. 7-'tf \VAXTi:Dr "000 ft. .\slie Lumber for W.igons. 11 to 0 inche*'- thick. ,S000 ft. Seasoned Oak Lumber. 1 j to I’ inclie®. 100» ft. White Oak and Hickory, for .\xletree. 1000 ft. White Oak for Tongues, Bolsters and Shafts. 100 Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wajron'. 2000 Spokes, For which the highest cash price will he j .•ild.- Apply-soon to E. FI I.LF.R. May 10, 18.->r. 72-tf liluc Mid \Vrnj)pinfi[ Paper. KEA.VS very superior, received ihis dny, snd for sale ^y H. .Varch 29, 18.12. NEW BRANSON .t SON. 77tf BOOKS. UTNA.M'S LTRUARY, Nos. 4 and o, l.cinj; the World Here and There, by Dickens, and Hood's Own; Count Monte-Leone, or the Sjiy in Society; Miss Sew ell’s jurnal of n Sum mer Tour; Memoir of Rev. W. H. Jlewitson; Fire-proof $f>ilate Roofs*. All parties about to erect Build- i csley And Methodism, by Tay]or; Sf>encer s ings will do well to call on the subscriber, j Potitor’s Sketches; McGnffey’s Eclectic Keaders, 1st. 2d. Sd and 4th parts; i’lirker's 1st Lesson.s. in I'iiilosopby; Mills’ Rhetoric: Davies’ School ings will do well t I am prepared to contract for Slate and Met al Roofitig, Gutters, Leaders, Leader-head.», and every thing belonpitig to the Roofing business. Also, to give instructions in Hoofing for Slate, to raake''it effectuHlly proof r^ainst fire and w.iter. FRANCIS SHENTON. Farottcvillc. March 1, 1?*52. 7l-.Tnj Arithmetic; &.c. .\lso, further supplies of Tllf' I50ST0N ACADKMY’S Collection: Carmina Sacra: (iunn’» Domestic Medicine; JIumorist’s Library; \c. E. J. HALE & I^ON. March 2?, Ifi:.