SB Ml-WEEKLY. [VOI.. I] fayetteviklp:, n. c., april 22,1852. l.i:t.NTi:i> HV J. H. NKW15V. i;i)\V \i(l) J. llAL^r& sox, i ;ii;,ius AM) I’KoritlKTOHS. ,r till'«.>nsr.uvKK $t t»t> ir : ;;i M Calico; 50 if I'niti during ttie ■ - iliSk rij'tioii; or $5 ul'tcr tliv Vfiir has; Wocklv OusKKVKK 00 per nniium, if ^ a h iiu-c: •’’•0 if psi'l duriiig tlio | .. , .>>Tiiiti>'ii; or 5^3 00 after thf voar | ' -xi'iri-'il. ,-y insertod for si\tv cents ■ \ U''' '‘‘r aiiil thiriy i-eiits for e.-n-li I • Hiil: Yciirlv jKlvortiscmeiitfi [ , iit rates. Ad- I Mil- r’ luestod to state tlie number of | • . > li 'ire l. or tliey will be continued till .■ : a'. l i-l d ai‘forirni”ly. ' iA-itri - t tl:e IMit'-rs uiu>t be jM.«bt-i'aid. roR sAiJ-:. pood will of that old und well known jL l)A K lit l.ilierty Point House, loj'etiier with fixtures, furniture, and utensils. Al."o, a iu:iiitity of WINKS, l.liJfOUS, &e. A Tedit lit'ninety tlays will lie gi^n tor aj>- proved Notes. i;i’i iu:n Fayetteville. .April IJ, ~ COrrON^VAUNs” ]•' iire ulway.s prepared to fnrni.'h (M)T- W w 'J’t>N \ .VKNS bv the bale. :it I’actorv prices. -\pril 14. 1S-')‘J. J. & T. WAIMHI.L. J^l’tf S^ N l^.VUUKI.S lUake's tile pVKof I’AINT, f.r SMle by S.,). illNSl)A l,K. March 17, lf'->2. Tltf LiNsi:i:i) on.. IIAUIU'.I.S North ( aroliiui made LINSKl'D OIL. Inr sale liv NOTICI-:. IIK tindersisrned having formed a Copart- JL nership tinder the styfe of JOHN 15.VNKS i !’>1{( )'1'1I KP>, for carrying on a COMMISSKJN and AKHINU IH SlNKiSiS, all goods c«/i- si^iieii to them, or ordered, or ])roduce sent for sale, will be proniptlv attended to. JOHN HANKS. DAVIIt HANKS. AVilniinirton. Feb. ‘J, C'^Uf NEW HOOKS. MU’Ell’S Magazine for April; The Yel- lowplush I’apers, by Thackeray: The \N ido, ide World, by Kli/.abeth W etlierell: ('onstitvitions of the rnitcu iSiates; fc'cliool ISooks, ,jc. Just rcceiveil. K. J. HAI.i: SON. April 14. March 17, IS.M’. U tH Lc }!'i in cil h// TONS of .-WKDl.S •J) i:. Oct. 18, IS.jl. J. HINj^DAI.K. 74tf ti!C Jii'iil riac /•. IIION. by C. ll.M.i,, of Home. ;!i!tf (In \ci’Oiiiiiio(lafion liSStc. St'r (’HATllAM will loaw ;'ii Monday (her regular 'iay i the , . :it 7 o'clock -V. M.; and Sti-auier . ui; VliAM on Tuesday the 11th May. at M.—cach IJnat running through «: i; of starting. j , - I,, nishiiig to attend tile meeting of the •. li .'^ivicty of North t'aroii’ a. or the ■ ■.iiiiinii-.itioii of the (Irand I.odge of : W-; ..t tl'f State of N rth ('.iroiina. ; i: \\ iiniin^lou. may rely iiin.n the above . il. UU'l.tS. !■ :it> will be in reailiness at ^Vi’.mincrton to l i.H".-iisTiTs back, and 'vill also br;iig up i! . dc.'iring to attend the Kpi.-^ji'jial Con- u at till.' place. ,lNO, l». WILMAMS. Ajr*nt rajif F!-:jr Steainlioat I'o. JOM'l'l! n. llKiNSOM. V O TI m SSI O A AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, Rif' Prompt personal attcMtioii given to all (^'onsignnients, .-iiid ('ash advances made on I’ro- iluce to be shipped to other i»v>rts or sold in tliis n\:irkct. Feb. 12, l^o•_^ w . sMi'niT ('oiissEiioiioiioEi ^li'Tchaeit, » ill jjtl'.iirii.i JUlifililr/,) "WILMIXCTON, X. C. .Jan'y l>io2. Tl’iiPH.N ri\i: LAM) loll SAl.K. t^OIl sale. a.Tcs of I,ANI> on James t'reck. aii'ltiiO acres on Cvpress t'reik. in riimb.-rland. i i nvenient to tlit' Western I’laiik heavily tiiiiliered. and admirably ada]ited ti' the in;i!:-"ir of Turi-cntine. ^ A J’pl'' at this ‘'!ice. j Nov.'-JS. lJol. _ ■’I'f j ~ DAILY KXIM'A 'i i:i). ' TONS of HOOl’ IRON, suitable for .‘Spirit '^0 barrels, by I’. C. HALL, of lloino. , Oct. IS. 1S-j1. oJtl ('ithitii'l Furnititrc, ('lutirs^ c^'C. rglHK snl iscriber is receiving the largest as- B- sortnicnt in his line ever bei'i re purchased at the Nortli. whii-h, ttigetlu r with his own man- utacture, makes hiss Sti>ck very ct'miilete, con- .'isting of riiairs, Tallies, Sofas, IJedstoads, Wash Stands, Hurraiis, liookiiiii (Ilas.sfs, Sido l>i>ards. Secretaries, iV;c. .Vll of which will be sold on the lowest terms for (‘'ash, or on short time to punctual customers. John w. iJAKKii. Oct. 80. 18;'.L :',.:,tf NKW MI SIC', C^()NS1ST1N(J of Songs, I’olka.s, Walt/.es, \c., \c. Just received. i:. J. ii.vLr: & son. April 14. A(;UI('rL l TKAI. W OiMvS. "^^IIKTON'S Klemeiits of Scie.ititic .Vgricul- tiire; Hana in Manures; .' Muck Hook; \ ouatl on the I’ig; (’ole’s Aniericaii Fruit Hook; Thomas's Fruit Culturist; Family Kitch en (lavdener, by l>uist; Ibina’s Mnck Manual; All ‘n’s American Farm Hook; Itichardson on the !>ee; l)itto on the Hog; the American K ^se Culturist; .Mien’s liural Architecture; Down ing’s Fruits and Fruit Trees of America; .b)hn- ston’s .Vgriciiltural (’henii.stry; F.-irmer’s Tre.i- sure, by Falkner; Miner’s Am. l>ee Keeper'.s >L-uiual: ^'ouatt and Martin on Cat tie; Fessen- Wheel- concjiuy; Hinds' Farrier; Mason's F.irr-ier; \c., iXc. E. J. llALn & SON. April 14, 18.'.-2. den's ('oinplete Faryer ami Gardener: ' er's llural Homes: Stewart’s Stable Jvc '!'!»«' Siihscrihor still contiuuc> to carry on the (WHIN i'.T ISI'SIN ill Fay(‘ttevilIo, and in addition to his ll'tablislmient on I’.ow .street, near Fccles's ISridge, has o;>ened a lar*ze WAKI', Ii(M>\i on Hay .'-trei't, iiearlv oj.po.-ite the Fayetteville Hotel and one door of .M^s^^s. Hai-h .V Son's, where a general .•issovtmeiit o{ ji'i iixriTRi:. M:u’ie by competent and faithful workmen, may be h:id at jirices correspi'uding with the times. Also, an assortment of Nortln’rn-made Fl’l’.Nl- ’I'l'l'.I!. selei-ted l»y himself, which will be sold at a verv n.oderate iidvam-e. l>rNCAN McNF.ILL. Nov. m, is.'.l. :;stf K keeps on hand an a'sortment of Fink’s ccb-t.ratr i Mi.TALLlC T.l'UlAL ('ASF.S, which have bv n highly recommended by Willie 1‘. .Manguni. iieury ('lay. Lewis (’.as.'. A\ in. II. King, and many other illustrious char.-icters, who have c\am;iicd and witio .'.-cd their utility. DH. LITTLFS VERMlFLT.h, Or a I’rep.aration to cure Children of Worms, ll is .1 melancholy fact, that more children are lost from the atl'ection of wiinns tlian from all other dise.Mses to which they are oriliiiarily subjei't. Any physician of much experience has seen cases of extreme violence, as fever, intlamnialion, vVc., which were jiroduced from Worms, that he did not discover until it was al most too late to rescue the sntfcn-r. The symptoms of worms are; picking or rub bing of the nose, pulling id the upper lip, tnore or less fever, with a v>hitisli or mucous coat over the tongue, startling in sleeji, sharj) pain occ.-isionally in the stoni.icli and bowels, change ( : countenanfe. particularly of the eyes, dull ness. fetid breath, diarrlnva, emaciation, Ac. Some of these elVects are readily obsi-rved in most cases, although it must not be forgotten th:it tlie most skilful and intelligent pliy.siciaiis :ire otten deceived in reg.ird to it. I'nder these circiiiustaru e.s, is liest to bc' done by tlic heads of families and others who are so vitally inti-rested'' Certainly, i do not jirrtend to have learned more upon tins suViji-et than everyliody else, but 1 do positixely declare the follow’.ng rules to be far in advance of tl nieiit of tliis disease. 1st. If you see iiiiy symptoms of worms or Fire Insurance* ^I'^HK ..ETNA Insurance Company of Hart- ford, having paid the tax imposed by the llevenue Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue its Agency in Fayetteville, umler the management of tlie undersigned, wiio is )>re- parcd to issue Policies of Insurance on liuild- ings or Cmods, either in this Town or in any part of the State, on jtroper application, de scription of tlie I’roperty, \c. The -Vyi’NA (.'OMl’ANV lias been in operation about ;>0 years. Its capdtal is lii;j00,04>i>. Tiie Hon. 'I'hos. 1\. JJrace was its first President, and he still Iiolds that ofiice; and several of its first Idrcctors are slill active and etlicient mem- tirrs of tlie Hoard. It has at all times sustained | the iiighest character for the prudence of its management, and for the lil>erality with which it has ever adjusted its losses. L. J. HALE, Agent. March 10, 18-jl. (jll-lf Veriical Walor Whvvl. TH'^HFlvI^ are several hundred of these Vi'heels _H- in Operation in dill'ereiit counties in North (.'arolinn. For jii oof of their great advantages over the common Hutter wlu'el, or any other wheids now in use for saw mills, we conlidcntly refer to those who have appl: ;d them to tlieir mills. W e can recommend them particularly fur their supenority in cases of .t low head of water, or b;ick water. We still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for different lie.-ids of water, at Wilmington, Ncw- bern, Wasliington, IMenton aiici F.iyetteville. The wheels may also be had of H. A. P>revard, Lincolnton. and I’riaii Weils, Petersburg, Va. Persons wishing to obtain the right to the wheels, will be served on appUcatioii to D. McNcill Co., Fayetteville, N. C. Feb’y 1*2, 1845) McNKlLL. A. McKKTHAN. J. McALlSTFK. -If LESSONS IN Ml SIC. fH. WHiT-VKEil would respectfully in- form tlie citizens of Fayetteville and vi cinity, that he has again coiiiiuenced giving Les sons on the Piano Forte. He returns his thanks ' for tlie liberal patronage licretofore received, and humiily solicits a continuance of the same. All pains siiall be taken for the ailvanceuicut o’.' his pupils. Instruction also given on the (luitar. fiSsi)'-* I’i a nos tuned and rep.aired in tiie best manner. L. H. WHlTAKLll. Aui.r,ist-24. ]S.V,. ;54tf ^ bCPPLV of Frc.>li round COliN MEAL kept for sale at tlie .Mill, Jate .Uiderson's. (iriiiding of Hominy and .Meal done promptly. I'ayetteville, March l^ol. llitf Lin: JNSI RANC k7 : fB'^HE Undersigned has been appointed .\gent ' Ilf the North ('aroiina .Mutual I-ife Insu rance (?onip!iny. Every member for life partic- I ipates ill the pidfits of the Company; and the annual premiuiii for life me!iiber>hip. vvhereit ainouut.S to NoO or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the otlu-r h.ilf in a note at 12 months. Debtors’ lives may be creditors. A man may insure his own life for the e>tclusive benefit of his family. 'J'he lives of slaves ma\ be insured. This system is rapidly growing into favor, all over the civilized world. It is one by which a family, for a siiiall sum annually, may be pro vided for, after tiie death of its liead. on whose exertions the\ may iiave been dependent for a sujiport. It is a good investment of iiion*'y, even if one shonhl live long after taking out a Life Policy. Explanatory pamjihlets. and the necessary Hl.-inks. furiiisiied on apjilication. E. J. HALE. Fayetteville, June 18.')0. 72 [NO. 8-1.] Tl i¥iTill' ll 11 iiiEOKiJAs ki:pouts. fl ST published, \ ol. 12 Law, and \ ol. 7 Equity. Price uO and >;>0. 'J'liese are' small volumes, in coiiscjiience of the lieporte^ making new arrangemctils for publi.-^hing. Hound yois. exchaii^ed t. r Nos. as ll^uaL E. J. HALE & SUN. Dec. 10, 18-->1. NEW liOOKS. tJl'TNAM’S LIHHAMV, No>. 4 and r.. being the World Here and There, by Hickens, ami lUiod's Own; Count .\ionte-Leone, or the Sjiy in Society; Miss Sewell's J«>m na! ol a Sum mer Tour; .Memoir of Hev. W. li. iiewitsoii: Wesley and .Methoilism, by Ta_\ ior: Sjiencei rf I’astor's Sketehes; >c lut’e_\Eclectic Headers, 1st. 2d. :’>ii and 4th jiaris; Pi;:ker's 1st Les.-»ons in IMiilosophy; Mill.i" ilhcioj-ic; Davies iSchool Aritiinietic; Kc. Also, further svijiplies of THE HOS'j ()N Dii.M V S (’ollectioii; ( a rniiiia .''at i a; (.1 unn 5 Domestic Medicine: Humorist's LiVuMrv; &c. E. J. HAI.E S: SON. Noric'i:. A Id. persons indcbtel to tlie subscriber tor Ciooils ptu v liiised at Floral «.ollcue. are re- fjuosted to make immediate pHViiieiit, either Mr. Hugh M-Arn in the neighborhoCid, or tc/ himself in (,'heraw. D. H. McAUN. ('heraw, Deo. IS-'ii. .0-U lllli: »«’OTTB^Ig Cl., or Ceiiic .Manners, as pic.-er\»d ainonjr the High landers. lieing an historical and deM-riptive ac count of the inhabitants, antii{uities, and ita- tioiial peculiarities id' Scolliuid, b^ James Lo gan. Just receivtil and for sale by E. J. HALE & SON T If P.OOKS. Yankee ,tories. 100,000 Acres Valii;il)le T 1 M ]{ i: L A N 1) S FOR SALE. r gMIK Subscriber h.-is i.urcha.sed all the Lands A beb.nging to tl.c- l-.state ot Abram Dubois . talker's Uhvming and I’ro, deed, lying principally in Kobeson county, and Ven.ale Poets; on both sides of Lumber llivcr, tiie different sur veys containing Ov r KKM^OO Aciis; .A large part finely Timbered, and convenient to Lumber Hiver, wiiere a large ijuantity of Tim- usu.'il treat- I ber is now ratted to the (ieorgctown market. i These l.ands are very valuable both for the i’iiiilier and Turjiciitine, for which purpose a rE\\n:ii sor'niKi^N]:R ■J ttT" li.L h-i\e for Wilmington on Wednes- V w dav next, at 8 o'clock. Jl. M. oHHELL, Agent, i;-. i;-2. it RETAIL AND WHOLESALl ^ OME in to the Cheap Store, Norsii si dv of Hay street, one door above the corner, and Iiuv new Dry (ioods. .\lso. Heady-made Clotliitig, iiats and Caps—great varivty. '10 M()i,Assi;.s. Hill'S, prime M(U.A.'^SE.'', in first rate o der. For sale by H. H HAN SON \ SON. 10, i ••-2. Sotf 1S.V.V(’ Nor. 4, 1S.">]. DODD, -tf nsii. ,\ .)01L\ 1). \\W.\A\MS, f onnnissioH *V • ftvrrhaiit, Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. 0, IS.',2. *'i"tf .1 I'arni and Ih nnfi/n! /trc FOR SALE. rB’^HE Subscriber wishin>.r to remove to the M. Soutii-west, would sell his lands in this County, upon rejismiable and acconiniodating terms. Tiicre are al,oiit 27Wi or acres, all lying in one liodv. ami of wliieii 4HI or ..,'i(> acres .are in cultivation. The Plank Hoad of the .loint Stock Com(>aiiy, from FayettevilU to Ualeigh. will run within one mile of the residence. Most of the lands that ar>- in cultivation lie witiiin three mib’' of the (’aj>e Fc:ir lliver, adjoining the laiid> of J.ihii (’. NVilliams and otiiers. The .ibove situation is viry desirable, from the fact that it is surrounded by tiie best of neiirhbors and socit-ty. 'j'he suli.'criber might say much more by way of inducement; but he deems it innecessary. as those wishing to purchase can call and see for tiiemselves. The .above lands can be divided so as to suit ])urchasers. Any further inform.-ition be giM'ii by ap- jdication to the subscriber. «r by letter address- j ed to him at ivingsburv, Cumberland (’•>.. N, C. i D. S. WILLIAMS. j Feb. 2, ls.')2. ''2tf V UESIIlViTle RESIDENCE rOR SALE. ra^lIE Subscriber now oflcrs for sale al! his -M. Turpentine and I’.iriiiing L.\.M*, coiitjiin- ing about 'i(K) .\eres, situatel 12 mil-*s l.ast ot l-'.iyettc\i]k‘. on the (.ioldsborough road, com monly kiioAvti as Palmyra. it iias a good dwelling house, wut-buildings, \c., and a store where u large amount of busi ness is done, and increasing daily. This is u rare chance for turpentine getters, merchants, iVc. and will be sold a bargain. Any one wish ing to purchase, and wisliing further informa tion, can apply on the premises, to J. W. MI HPHV, or P. TAVL(M{, Fayetteville July, 18.M. ’ 8tf KlNt; and A. -Mc.MILl.AN have entered • into copiirtnershijt in the Distillery of '.oils colors. It is very cheap and Tiiriientinc. and have erected a Still on the Cl I'ect protection to wood or metal West side of tlie Fayetteville and W estern Plank Road, 8 miles from Fayetteville. N KING. Uf McMlLLAN. HHl.S. No. 2 and 3 ^L^CKE1U:L. 7 do Mullets. For stile bv H. r.RANSON ,v S(»N. 17. l^^o2. 8:Uf H . noirbuid's MILL SAWS. 11>'*’/LN. vcrv heavy. F t sole bv H.'lU!ANS(»N \ SON. . r.' 1^*2. .‘^•’tf SeUing oil' at Cosi: |{aR(;\ins! 1' ' silk'dil'I T is dc'^irnu': nf - and wishes to sell off bis present ! (l.iods iinaii-diatcly. col,.idling in jiart of nn'i Fnun/ Drii (r >u />, '•Mi'inff fine Ptcc’K cf L.olie~' Dres (J. "ds, re. [’.an-gf I.e-Lains. D‘itted and plain .''wiss colored ditto. H.arred, Jaconet and ■ r!c Musiiii-; coi'd .Summer Silks. .\lso, a a-'ortmeiit of black and col'd Silk - - a !:irgc a>' 'rtment of Hosiery. .Also, • . I ■ ...iiiiicri'. Trtecd>. Jeaii", :i!id Satti- ■mr.i; a-;“"rtin' nt of .Stinimer we;;r . .neii; iiil kinds of 1/inen ;rooii. ■I i irge .itock ol l>i)ots and ^hoes. Hats. r;i:': and I’jirasols. Hai-dware ’ vy. Wines and Frcncli Hrandy. ■ c -iock is offered at the mere co^t ■ V Merch.ints and all otheit: buy- i' ill this market, will do well to cnil iiohc. as I am determined to sell and • iiiv ]iresent stock, which is large and 1 c'l! selected. V.'. S. LATTA. lSo2. s:Uf in:i>r('Er) fare. rMIHHOrCH Tickets bctwet'ii Wilmington. N. K C.. and Ha'itiiiiore. Fare.'^l.'?. \'i.•l^^el- d'ln, I'ctersburg, iiichniond, iind W.-isliingtoii Citv. or \ia Wcidoii, Portsni..uth ami .Norfolk. i'or Tickets ajiply at tiie (>tlice of the W il- iningt..ii ;i:p! Ita.i igh Hail Hoad Company at W i’/iiiiiirton, or at the Oflice of the P>aliiiiiore Stfam Packet I'oiiiiiany, aii'i of the l.aUimore and Ohio Hail Ib ad (’ompmy, Pratt Street, I’altimore. Jan. 1, 18.V2. '>--tf General Agency and Commission Business. rjS'^HF. Stibsciibors have this day enterod in- B to Jl e.»partner.“hip under the style of WHlTAKEit, WHITFIELD Ot ’()., for the I'lirpose of doing a general agency and coi>i!iii.-.-ion business, and in oll'cring their .-cr- vices to the public in that capacity they flatter tiiemselves that they will lie .able to give satis faction to .'ill those w ho may consign any go-ds, waves, uierchaiidiT.e or coviiitry jn'oduce to them eitlier to sell oil commissions or forw.-ird. As it will be our gre.itest aim to ple.ise, we pledge ourselves to spare no pains in trying to give I ton; C. C. Harbc gem ral s.atisfaction. They respectfully solicit | Haleigh. the jiatronage of tiieir friends and the public generally. Their store is No. North Water ' Street. Dickinson s Fire-jiroof building. Wil- j minglon, N. C. ' JOHN H. WHITAKEH, ! JAMES W. WlllTElELD, i A. A. H. SOI'TIIALL. | HKmir.Ncrs.—John D.awaoii, Potter v'i; Kid- ' der, O. (1. Parsley, Samuel Heery 6: Sous, G. j I!. Frciich, and I^tlis it ^Hlchell. | .iail. 2'J, l8i')2. bl-tf I suspect tlieir exi.'tencc with tlie ciiild. give the I \ erniit'nge at once, according to the directions. 2d. For, if the chilil really li.-is no worms the j medicine will do it no harm, but, on the con trary. it will jirove decidedly beneficial by its mild ]>urging. and for a time insure it from an attack of worms. U licii scarlet fever, measles, or any other in- flamni.-itory disease seizes a child laboring un der woriiis, it ulwa_\s ciidangi'rs life. I'onvul- sions. spasms, i:c. often come on before tiie ex istence of worms with the child is suspected; lience the importance if giving the Vermifuge ; frequently on bare su. picion. Not long since I I prescribed tiie Vermifuge bir a ciiild in a case : of viob iit lever and ague, that was proinjitly 1 cured by the expulsiiiii ot a large ijuaiitity ol ' win'ms. 'i'he ^'crmifuge can be given to tiie most del icate child '^ifh pi rtect satety; besides. Iteing a .'lire remedy, it requires no other medicine to follow its use. JCDCE JONE.^'S STATEMENT. ^ Talbotton, Sept. 1848. Dear Sir: In my family we have given your I Vermifuge in a number ot ca.‘«es. and find it to succeed extremely well; in fact, it fully answers the ptiriiose in lelieving chiitlren Iroiii worms ; wilhout .in\thing else. 1 h:iv*‘ a!so gi\eli '] i'.iliiie'tock's frcijiiently, but find yours deci- : dedlv liest. 'J'rulv vours, \c. i \signed) ■ ■ HENHV JONES, j To Dr. Little. The fac-simile of the signature of Dr. W'. G. : Little will be found upon tiie outside wrapper. ; Sold wholesale and retail, l>y the Proprietor, j ! at iiis Maiiuficturiiig Depot, No. 2b4 .Market ! ] street, Piiilndelpiiia, and Macon. Georgia. jprjj*" To ftc had also of,lames (’ain, Ibickfisli; I .A. V*atson, I'ioral (.'oilege; Townsend .V Doug- : 1 lass. Hennettsville; Dr. P. -AL Coiien, Cliarles- | Hurcluvsville; P. F. Pcs:ud, large part is well suited, being in a region wiiere the Turpentine yields more aliundantly than any otiier section of ihe St.ate. The Lands will be sold at a low price, und in tjuanlities to suit jiurciiasers. inlorimitiiin resjiecting the title can be o)>- tained by applying to tiie Hon. Hobert Strange. Hon. Jas. (_'. Diibbin, or A. -V. T. Smith, Es>j., ; .Vttorneys at 1 understand there are ni.iny trespassers on tiiese Lands, to all of wiiom notice is iiereby given, that the* law will be enforced against all such offenders. Ni:\V .ALlHrilTON'S A ankee ,tories. illiistrat- el; the Yankee I'ea Party, or ibiston in 177ij: tlie Old Hell of independence, or I’hila- delphia in 177ii; ('.imp Fires of the Hevolutioii, or tile of iniiependencc, illustr.-ited; Weld's Diclion.-iry of .'Scriptural (jui^t.-itioiis: Harbaugh's Heavenly Heconnition; Catechism of for Societies, ronouncing Dic- Americaii Fe male i’oets; Watson's Dictionary of Poetical Ciuotatious; Philadelphia as it is in 18.,2; Alc. E. J. HALE vS: SON. April 8. ^(iv Hooks—Mrdlrtfl, I^GS’ A’elpeau’s Midwifery; Mendenhall’s Medical Student's V.-ide-Mecum; .Mur- }diy's Heview of Chemistry for Students; Bid dle’s Review of Materia Medica and riiera[ieu- tics. for Students: Craige's Elements of Cieiieral and Pathological .\n:itoniy; Cazeaux's Midwit'e- ry: Hastings' Minor Surgery; Heese's-\m. Med ical Formulary: tiie Physician's Pocket Pre scription liook; Flagg on Ether and Ciilond'orm in Surgery, Dentistry. \c.; .Morfit's Ciiemical and Piiarmaceutical .Manipulations; iieasley's Druggist's Receipt Hook: liitto I’ocket Formu lary; Noad's Chemical Analysis; Wythe’s Micro- scopists’ Manual: WrijJ'ht’s Am. Receipt Hook; Overman's Practical Miner.alogy, Assaying and .Mining; Smith's Domestic .Medicine; Ranking’s Application for any part of the Lands can >»e i Half Yearly Abstract of Medical Sciences; i^cc lade to luviielf, or to .lohn Winslow, Es'p, wim | J. ll.\LE iSc SON. duly authorised to make sale of the same. THOS. J. CCHTIS. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 1, lS4->. t>tf .irsT REC EIVED. iU3 BHLS. WHISKEY'. 10 iilids. Molasses, 1 (jr. cask pale French Hraudy, 1 •• " AL-ideira Wine, I.'* bags Rio Coffee, o boxes Medium Axes. —ALSO— Hrooms: He.irth Brushes; Jute Door and Hiig- w ii()Li:sALi: Walcli and Jewelry Store* L. IL MII.LER CO., JiDjiortf rs, Miiniifiirturtm uml of ]r«^(7/Jurelrt/, aiifl Faurif ^ Have leased tiie Old Stand formerly occupied by Messrs. Canfiebi, Hrotber X Co., South Ktixt conifer of aud /i*tlttrnorf (No. 227.) wiiicli tiiey are j.utting in coniilete gy Mats: Tanners' Curriers’ Knives, Workers, j order for the WHOLESALE WATCH AND and ^mootli Fleshers: and an addition to our i J E\\ F.LHA HL >IN1'.SS, to be opened about the FRENCH CHINA. j 2>th of July. , . S. W. TILLINGH.VST & CO. In calling the attention of the trade to ttie March 1 1852. C»‘Jtf ' new concern, we mention the fact that we are -—- — I associated with ene td' the extensive Jew- Mlotitf Rank ,SYor/»: ' elry .Manufacturing Establishments in the coun- FOR \I E 1 must give a decidcd advantage over ‘ V. • I «11 ithers in this market for supplviii^ dei\lers ^JIE subscriber wishing to improve some OK ( 'ai k I'kaii. } \ln't/ 17, ^ 11!^ The IW t of Directors ■ b i-luieda .'S'-mi-auuual flividend ot I • I t. i’;iy!ib!e at tlie principal P»ank 'U uijd after th(‘ od May next. H. H. S.W.'wGE, ('ash'r. 8:;-td I I re I'ro'if (tut! Oil. -i I. . i\cd Silver’s celebrated fire proof ill this market. Give it a trial. COOK &. JOHNSON. i"'.2. I (i Efiaiik ofi'apc I'ear, ) April 14i!i, ) '■ ■i:' meeting of the .Stockholders, '! in the Hanking House in Wil- '> M Jl lav. the od Mav next. il. R. SAV.V'GE, Cash’r. MayO.- IWmted. E wi*h to buv 20.000 barrels Tnrpentine. KING & McMILL.VN. I>r. T . 1>. II A I II, I V H AS taken an Oflict'on Hay Street, West B I of the Hotel Buildings. July 14, l8ol. 4-tf R. M. ORRELL, roRWAniiiM; nnDiissiiiN at Fayelleville, C'. March 10, IH.jl. f.2-tf I L I.. ilOI.MES. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, W. C. OFFICE on corner of Front and Princess streets, under Journal office. Deo. 12. 48-tf t.~c7wTrth, ” COMMISSKIN AM) I'dKW \KIIl\(i MER(’IIA\T. W II.MLXGTON, N. C. Feb. 1, 18->]. w W AN'I'ED, -i/.ed voung MI.'Lh'S. J- 4- T. l"o2. HI 1}. AVADDILL. 82tf r f^'111(1 If (trrants W anted. ■I. li!^rt„.,f c^sti PUtCK.h paid for any i.f J,and Warrants, for a North- ■ !'n. JNO. M. ROSE, Auent. ' "‘■'iiie. April 14, 1852. 82tf •II s r uKCKivKi), ’’II.CKS cant-on MATTING, 4-4 ‘•■'I •-!, red, checked, and wliite. —ALSO— '■I Iioilated, N. O. Clarified, New Or- '* i M'l'iciiviido Sugars. Sugar llous(J !isi,t)rted Crockery. * ''I'ter and Wine Itottles. S. w. tillin;hast & co. . l:;, t2tf lf>iii-i«tta Sl*ain Roat Co% !¥c*»v Mfaiilfr, SOU rHERNER, ■ MTILL be in order to take her place in the i ▼ w line in a few days. Sl»e is one hundred ; and twelve feet long, seventeen feet beam, iind j four feet hold; and draws not exceeding twelve | inches water. The Company confidently expect that witii thi* Boat, in iidiUticin to their other Steamers and tow boats, tlioy will be in a con dition to transport all freight sent by their line | with as much certainty and (iespatch tia i^ny j line upon tlie river. Tlie Soutiierner boiug of | such ligiit draft of water* she will be enabled ' to run at all times. i G. DKMIXG, Pres’t. 11. M. ORRELL, Agent Jan’y 28, 1852. 00-tf 57tf WlLKiNSON^^TESl.ER, DEALERS IN ('nvJ'crtifUKiri/, ForenjM FruitHj Tu- Ihicco, am/ Snujf\ AND IMPORTERS OF SII»I:KI0R II.4VA.\.4 cigaks, .\T WlH>LKi?ALK A.V'D KKTAJh. I Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, 1851. lUf I S'l'ORAGE. Wf] have commodious brick AVarehouses in the rear of our Store, in which wc 1 store cotton and other produce. D, & W. McL.U’RlN. Nov. 1, 1851. 37-tf S. J. H1NSD.\LE, .Agent for Fayetteville. .10,000 ori(a^!« WaiiteiT. 1W1LL pay cts. jior pound c:ish for all clean cotton and linen H.Ub'', delivered |o J. D. Williams, in Fayetteville. I am nearly ready to put in operation a Paper .Mill in this iieigiiborboud, and am desirous ot getting my rags in tiiis market. My object is to pay as much for rags as 1 can afford, and liope tliat I may not be forced to di.stant markets for uiy supplies. 1 h.‘ive arranged with Mr. Williams to receive and pay for all rass delivered to him. DAVJl) .Ml Rl’lIV. Fayetteville, Feb’y 24, 1852. b8-tt "sill Til nRI)l,l> \ l\Sl KA.MT (’O.MIM.W, OF CHARLESTON, S. (’. ill.VRTERED by the State of South Caroli- y na, with a Capital of $2.‘)0.'>00, all paid in and well invested. Fire, Marine, River and Life Risks. CHAS. ED.MONDSTOX, Pres’t. A. L. To«i.\s, Sec’y. DIRECTORS: HoufuiT M.vktin, Col. James G.vusdex, .M. C., (’has. !!. Wkst. S. Mowky, Jr. HexuyCohi.\. The subscribers having been appointed agents in tliis place for the Jibove named ciinipany, are {irepared to receive off'ers and issue policies of insurance on Fire, Marine, River and Life Risks, on liberal terms. All losses incurred at this agency, will be promptly avljusted and paid by the undersigned. DeROSSET & I5ROWN. X. H. Risks will be taken on the lives of slaves on the most liberal terms. Wilmington, N. C., March 27, 1852.—77-Om i rm^ i real estate in this town, offers for sale, •J.'» .Shares of Favcttovilie and Western ' I’lank Hoad Stock. ^ ]s j^hares ut'.'^toek iu I’aiik of Favidtc- ville. 1 Terms made known on application to GL KDO-N DE.MING. Fayetteville, M.-irch 2U, 1852. ••tt \\ AN'l'ED, ;5000 ft. .\slie Lumber for Wagons. 1 i to .‘J iiiclics thick. :^(M)0 ft. Seasoned Oak Lumber. IJ to 3 inches. KMXt ft. W liite Oak and Hickory, for Axletrecs. 1000 ft. W liite Oak for Tongues, Roisters and Shafts. ItW Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. 21100 Spokes. For w liich the highest cash ju ice will bo paid. Api'lv sivoiv to il. I* t- Ll.ER. May ly, 1851. 72-tf P’’*' *,c'I'ho SttniiiuM* Cli;ith:un will resume her semi-weekly trips NOTICE WF] have declrnwj attending to the for warding business. J. & T. WADDILL. March 10, 1852. "5itf D JtlST tJECI^IVFn. Iy 01^ MEN’S and Boys’ SADDLES, of every # quality and style, some very line. Al so, Bridles, Collars, W’liips and Wagon Harness. By E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, 1851. 32tf .\HLIAS, Chrysanthemums, and Verbunas are now ready for delivery. Persotis wishing a chiiice assortment siiould send their orders immediately, as my stock ol extra fine varieties is Hiunll, C. Ll'TTERLOII, Rowau street. Dahlias frc'in 10 to 25 cts. (Mirysanthemums 5 to 10 cts. Verbenas 10 to 25 cts. Also a number ul other cheap hardy plants for bedding out. March 24. IRON SAFES. sub.«icriber», Agents for the sale of WILDER’S PATENT SALAMANDER SAFES, WITH RICH’S l.MPROVEMENT, of fer them of all sizea aad patterns, delivered in Wilmington at the Manufacturer’s New \ork prices. These Safes are warranted equal if not supe- 1 nor to »ay others manufactured. I Orders will receive prompt attention, 1 Db ROSSET & BROWN. I W’ilmington, N. C., March !ii6, 1852 77-3in between this jdace and Wilmington, on .Monday the Dith inst.. leaving Fayetteville every MON- D.W and THURSD.W thereafter, at 7 o’clock -V. M., and runnitig through tiie same day — Leaving Wilmington every TCESD.W and FRl- D.W, after the arrival of the ('ars the North. The Steamer Gov. Graham, with as m.'iny Tow Boats as may he neces.sary, will run iu connexion with the Chatham, as otten as may be iieees.siiry to carry all F’reights that may f. - for. Tlie addition of another 1,-irge Flat (the Geu'l McRae,) to this Line, affords increased facilities for the shipping public. Good.s shall certainly have as quick transit by this Line as anv other. JNO. D. ’WILLIAMS, Ag’t Cape Fear S. H. Co. Feb’y 0, 1852. «3tf ^ IUICWn TV: DeROS-^ET, J\*€W \'orh\f Dk ROSSET &L RROVVN, .V. r., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Jno. I’otts Brow.v. AHMANP'J. DliKoiSiSET, Jr. K. F. Buown. ^ i ASH advances w ill be made on consignment X y of Produce for sale either in W ilmington or New York, and Cotton will be forwardeil to the New York House free of Commission at Wilmington. March 22, 1852. 76-6m with Jewelry at iiianufaeturers’ prices, a feature ill tiiis braiicii of trade long since needed -be tween P.altimore and tlie Southeru and Western Merchants. AVe desire to call attention to the Watch dejiartment, which will at all times be supplied with :i great assortment from the most celebrated manufacturers, and kt'jit in perfect running onier, s»> that jmrchascvs may at once t:ike them, with a written gnaraiitee that they will jierform correctly. This branch of tiie business will receive tl:e especial jitteiitioii of one of the firm, whose ex tensive and pr.ietical knowledge of tiie business will, we hope, give us a place in the confideiico of Imyers. We respectfully invite you to call u]>on ms when you next visit our city, confidently be lieving that an examination of our Goods wlil prove to ytiu that tiiey arc better styles hiid chcaper than you iiave ever seen in this niar'-ct, ! and assure you that no effort sii.-tll he wai-ting i on our part to make the acijuaintauce one of mutual benclit. I,. H. MILLER & *:0. Old stand, formerly occupied by triinfield. Hro. \ Co., S. E. cor ner of Charles & Baltimore sts. Baltimore, June ISol. 14-\o REFERENCES: Messrs. W’yeth, Blacklock Js: Co. Ciwyn, lieid \ Taylor. Janies Hodges iS; Brother. Hurst &. Berry. Murdoch, Dii(*r & Evans. Stellmann & Hinrichs. Sangstiii \ ('o. Barthlow, (iwyn vS: ('o. Hiely iV i’eiidleton. Cushings S: Hailey. John ^iurphy & (’o. Moore & Grifiin. i!ETTt»-N’.s s'liiiiT !;sf.lBLlSiHll•;^T, 179 Murkrt Sfi'f'et, BAI/n.^lOKE. and only VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BIHERS, ■J HK MOSf rOlM L.AK FAMILY MEDICINE » K T II 10 \ u 10 : Usfi! by riiysiriaiis of High Slaiiding; •1 lipse tilT’l'KKS r*-mo\p all n.ortii 1 secretion*^ piiriiv the lil.ioil, Rive p;ip»t aiiil vigor to the ili)>e''livciii»'iiits, fiiitify liiesjsieiii ugaiiist all filling rail li«- tuKeii with srilely. ut no tiini? detiili- tiitiiii; thf Kvatijfiil U' the most deli. r;iU- siomach, airl n-iiutrkatilc for tliuir ch*erin>;; iin ii'orating siieneillieiiiiis, »'*'! restmative J'^ lie-, and 'ill iavaludl'le and suie leiiicdj 1'H nvsrr.pssA IX its ivorst forms. Mmi. I.ivcr I oinciaiiiti. Jaundice. Heartburn. ( ob- livoiies^. Kiiiiitnras. l)isi)rdpii ol tlie Skin and I.iver, l.iivs III Apcetile. l.ow Spirits. Ner»i>iis Hradadie. (ii.i^liiiess. I'aliiitatioii of the Heart, Siiikin;; and KiiU- nes-, ol' W ei^hl at the Stomaoli. and xll other disease* cfiir^ieJ 1*\ an ini|''ire state ot ihfc liUmtl, liver, etc.,' which lead to dehilitato and weaken the uyiletu. V K 31 A I. i: s Who .MlIter funn a and con'iilioaf w ill tuis of INESTIMABLE VALUE. Ill All r»-»-iif (iK.Nl'.lt \I. DKlill.ri'V. thia Mtili- Cij.e TS I.IKt'. HAU.\l ! S^HO'U’SAIO’SS Have ii> ofiicary. en*i lh(nivHijls moM* are low tiinier ; p»h1 jioi one su^trii v \ oiun\e^ r4»ui*l itU ceititicHics who haive Levii jein^a.iriiUy IMI l €all on the .Ifrcnt, aud pet a P.tHPHIXTv ] ontaiiiiiig ti*e Tcitlticate- of uies. HnJ the iti \\ hicli this .MeJioir.e i.«* heid t)\ I'libiic I’le^s he h:iJ of the AgKiitn. lic«. Larg^e Guarts 81; Pints 50 Cents. So/d Ol/ «// t/if Priiiripu/ J)ri:^:'is/s in the ' L'nitfd Sliiltf and Cunudas. Principal Ollioe. I'ii Kl LTO.N .ST.. .N V.. uh Uturn For sale by S. .1, H IN.''IV\ 1.1'. Novtiiiber 8, ob*-v FOR S.\ 1.1’:.—•->(),000 ibs. BA-- CON. Feby 18-'.2. W 11.1,1AM S. rOBACCO. A GOOD STOCK on hand: and I shall re ceive regularly, from Messrs. .J. Jones & Co*8 Factory, qunlities assorted from common to very fine, which I will sell at lowest manuftic- turingprices. J. UTLEY. Fnyetteville, April 3,-1851. ti6tt Blank Warrants for sale here. f|111E JL Manul'aeturing Whole sale Kstablishment in the City. The capital and force ensiHped enables me at all times to offer to Country Merchants and Deal ers in SHIRTS. COLL.ARS, LINEN and COT TON DR.\" ERS, preat inducements—more than usual efforts having been male to render the assortment of these articles full and com plete. The Stock on hand is large and well assorted for Men and Boys. All orders from the Country attended to with punctuality and despatch. jgjy* Remember the Name, and iSlo. 179 xlBarket S^lreet. T. W. BETTON. August 15, 1851. 14-yopd CHERRY PECTORAL F'or Ih** Curt" of (OlCillS, COLDS, !IO.\RSE.\ESS, BROXIHITIS, WI100PI.\G-€01GU, fROI P, ASTHM.%, AXD t’OXSr.MPTIO-^y M any years of trial, in¥ti-a«l of iiiipairiiiir llie Jiiilibr lonBdem-e in this iiifdii ine. h». mm liii il :in H|i|ire- ciiiliiin nnil notoriety l>y lar exrei-dins llie iinni saiipuiue e^perlatlon^* lit its friends. .\ol1iin)> hti! its intrinsir vir tiii-> ami ihe iiniiiistakiihie iH-iietit ti'iiU-rred nii ihousniid'' of sutT»*rers. ronld oripinate and niHintain Itie repnlHtion^ it enjoys. While nnny inferior reinerfies ihrnit n|Hui ihc riiiniimnity. have failed nnd Ih-i-ii di.^cardi^d, this iiaiiied friends hy every trial, ront'erred lienerit» on lln’ mI- tlicied they can never forset. in'd produied cur«» Iiki hu- iiK'rotis and 1im» reniHrkMlde to hf tiTiiiitleii While it is a fr:iiiil on the ptihlie to |iret»-nil that nny one nii-dirine will infallildy rt»r.—slill there is ahiiiidani proof that the Cherry I’ertoral does not only mh a treneni!' thiim. hut almost invarialdy. Cure the ui:tladi'» for whidr il is eniployeil. As time makes these farts « ider r.i>d la-tter known, thi- nieilii ine has i:r^diially lierome the relianre of thv atKirti'd, from the Ion cahin of lh>‘ Aiiierii an (•••.'•saiil, t' the pal.ices of i;uro|i«in Ktiias. TIiniui>lioiit this entire couiilry. in every f>tJite, rity, and indeed ulinost e»ery hamlet II ffiniains, (Cherry I’eclonil is known as the best remedy extant for dis*-ases of the 'I'hroHt hikI l.uittrK, iiml in many foreipn ronnirtes, it is romine to lie extensively used hy their moit intelliseiit I’hysiriaiis. In llrit- ain, France and (Jeriiiany, where the iiiedieal sciem'es have reached their hijihest i>erlection. Cherry He. tofal is inirixliiced. and in constant ii*e in the Armies. Ho'pitals, Alms Houses, I’lililir Institntionis. Hml in doniosiie prac tice. a.s the surest remedy their attendini! Ph>'i‘iaii» ran employ for the more dan^ermis at!i*ction.- of Ihi^ litiii!s.— Also in milder cases, and for children it is sale, plea^anr and eirectual to cure. In fact, some ot ihe most fiatterili:: testimonial.^ we rereive have l>eeii troin parents who have fii-.jnd it elTicaciou* in cases (tiirticuiarly incidental to childh'xul. The ('h«:rry I’ectoral is maniifncttired hy a practii'al" Chemist, and every ounce of it uniter hi* o« n eye, with invariable accuracy and care. It is sf aled and protected hy law from rountert’eits. consequently can be relied on as cenaine without adulteration. I We have endeavop-d here lo furnish the coir.nuniity ' with n medicine of such intrinsic fU|ieriority and worth 1 as should' Commend itself to their rontidenre—h remedy I at once safe. spe*"dy and etTect'ial. whicii this has liy re- l>eated and con-niiess trials proved itself lo be; and tru-» hy (Treat care in preparinc it with chemicnl accuracy, of uniform strength m atford Physicians a new a|!ent «n which they can n-ly for the ttest resnlu. and the atflictrct I with a remedy that wilf At 6>r them all that uiedicilie ■ can do. Prepared and sold by C. Atm. Practical *rf C^hfclcS on all the. Banks in Fau- ■ Analytical chemist. L«iwell, ;na>s. V/l. utl tfir jjufin-o »#«. * j Sold in Fayetteville, by s. J. FUNf etteville, For sale at this Office. FUNSIIALE; tnClinKT^^ hy W.\RKE\ JOHNSON & CO.. and by Druggist* I>faler5 In Medicine cveryvi'here Jiuiuary 2C, 59 Jns*

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