S E M I-W E E K L, Y. [Vol.. I.] I’AYETTEVII.LE, N. C., APRIL 27, 1852. [NO. S5.1 rUlXTKn BY .T. B. NEWBY. t:i)\VAUl) J. HALE & SOX, i.DlTOlltj .VND pkopuii:tuks. p,,-e for tlie iSemi-Weekly Obpkhveu !ji4 00 if p-i;d in (I'lvancc; !? J 00 if puid JuriiiR tlic ve:ir sui.>.'oriptii.''ii; or ."fo Hl'tcr the year hus j.'>r thf \Vi.‘ckly OusK.RVEU $'2 00 ;>er unniini, if pai i i:i itdv.ancc; .'0 if p,\iJ during the vcar of sabsv-riptioii; or $3 00 ufier the ye:ir lifiS es’':rod. VUVKllTli'E.'IliN rS inserted for sixty ceiit.s j-.er b.(U:irc for the first, iiiid thirty cents f«r euch »a'. cc linji; publication. Yearly advertisements ■ si>cvi.'»l contracts. :U reasi iiiible nitcs. Ad- .,f,s r\re requostcil to st;ite the number of : ,,frtions desired, or they will be continued till and ohAr^ed acoordinsly. 1^-“ IjCliers t.) the 12'!iti rs must be post-p.aid. rou SALK. good will of that old and well known -B- LSA K at. Liberty I’oint House, together witli fixtures, furniture, and utensils. Also, a quantity of WINKS. LlQi:OIl., &c. A credit ot ninety days will be given for ap proved Notes. REUr.EN .lONES. I'ayetteville. April 12, lb-f>2. h2-‘Jw (.'or roN vakns. E are alway.i prepared to furnish (.’OT- ^ * TON ^AllNS by the bale, at Factory J. & T. WADDILL. ‘ April 14, 18-')2. yjtf I!S;ili«*’xi l'ir4‘-(*rooii l*:iiiit. UAUUEL.'^ Ulakc's tiif pronf IWINT, If for sale by S. J. 1I1.N«I)A1,E. March 17. lt;VJ r4tf LiN\si:rj) OIL. I?.\KKIOI.S North Carolin.i made LINSEED OIL, for sale bv S. J. HINSDALE. Mnrcli 17, 18o2. 74tf II i// Lc /uxncti/ ill/ th, jh i^t rinf in (hr Jilt I r, ^ TONS of SWEDES IRON, bv 9JE> E. C. hall, of Rome. Oct. 18. 18ol. C2tf Al’coisiiiiodation Uiir. The Stoainor (.'IIATIIAM will leave tiiis place I'n Monday i her regulnr day- th»t '!' May. at 7 o'clock A. M.: and Steamer on Tuesd.HV tlie 1 I tli .May. ut ' M.—cach Buat running through 1 ;':.c .«.;me d.*>y of st.nrtinj;;. I I’ersnns wishing to attend the meeting of the | Mcdical Society of N. rtli (';trn'.ii\i. or tlie : Annua! roniniuiiication of the (irund I-odge of 1 M I'cV vs of tlie Stite of N'orili ('ar«.lina. )u’! 1 at Wilmington, may rely up'>u the abu\e ; irrHn>ji'Uit*nt8. ; I'^ats will be in readiness at Wihningti>M to i britiir p.is?rn!r**rs back, and will also bring np j r. ih' se desiring to attend the l',pisv.0}ial C"n- >ent;on at tbia nla. e. ! JNO, I>. WJLL1.\MS. Agent Cnpt Fcftr Sceanihnfit I’o. .Voril IP. 1S52. 8:'.tt jDM'Pil i{. wmm. V o ta n I .s 1 o .\ ' and FORWAHDING MERCHiiNT, 1l*i7iiiiit:;/«;#(, f’. I’ronipt personal attPiUion given to all Consignments, and Cash advatices made on I’ro- diii-f to be sliijipcd to other pori.s or sold in this la.irkct. I'eb. 12. 1J4.V2. r.lv xoTici-:. undersigned having formed a Copart- ■ nership under the style of .lOIlN ILVNKS it 151S0TII Lll. fur carrying on a COMMISSION and F(,>K\\ A11 DING HLSINESS, all goods con- riijncd to them, or ordered, or produce sent for sale, will be promptly jiitended to. .lOHN BANKS. DAVID DANKS. W’ilmiiicton. Feb. 2, 18-'>2. G.’itf xk ('nhinct Fiirjiiti/rr, C/uiirs., ^HillE subscriber is receiving the largest as- -B- sordxent in his line ever befi.rc purchased at the Nortli, which, togeth«‘r with his own ninn- ufacture, makes his Slock very complete, con- -si.sting of (,’hair.-3, Tablo.«, Sofas, Bedstead.s, Wash Staiiils, iJunaus. Looking Gla.>;i:e.x, Sitlo BoanKs, Secrctario.*:, itc. All ot wliich will be sold on the lowest terms for Cash, or on short lime to punctual customers. JOHN W. BAKER. Oct. 30, 18ol. 8otf m:\v hooks. HARPER’S Mag.'izine for April; The Yel- lowplush Tapers, by Thackeray: The Wide, Wide World, by KHxabeth Wetlieiell; Constitutions of tlie United States; School Books, .Vc. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. April 14. \v. L. C'oiiiiiiiMMioia .1101*1* tin Ilf, (^Oj/hr in lyOZtirti/ llidhliirj,^ "WILMIXUTON, X. C. Jan'v 18'>2. GOV I 'I rui'KN'i'i.Ni; i.a.ni) FOR SALE. ^(•R sale. oC'S acres of L.\NI> on .I«me5 Creek, and lilO .icres on C,'!"’»‘ss t.rcck. in Cumberland, convenient to t!ie We"*teni I’lank iluad, iicavily tiniSered. .tnd admiralily adapted to the making of Turpentine. •\pplv at tliis OtFice. Nov.‘2s. 18.')1. 44tf n tiUV. IRON, suitable for .‘'pirit E. TONS of Hoor barrels, by riio Subscriber still continues to carry on the C.\ BINET BL'SIN E.''.'> in Fayettex ille, and in adilition to his Establi.shment on Bow street, near Eccles's Bridge, has opened a large W.VKE ROO.M on Hay street, nearly opposite tlie Fayetteville Hotel and one door East of Messrs. Haigh \ Son’s, where a general assortment of 1'niAiTLRi:. Made l>y competent and f.iilhful workmen, may be had at priccs corresponding with the liines. ■Vlso, an as.siirtment of NiTtliern inade I’l UM- TCllK. selected by himself, wliieh will be sold at a very modcraie advance. DUNCAN McNElI.L. Nov. 10, o8tf E keeps on hand an Bssortmcnt of Fisk's ilel.rated METALLIC BURIAL C.\SES. which Inive been highly lec.niiiu-nded by Wiin»- 1’. -Manguui. Henry Cliiy. Lewis Ca^s, Win. R. King, iiud many otiier illustrii-ius characters, who have examined and wif.ussed their utility. NKW Ml Sir, ^ 10NSIST1NG of Songs. I’olkas, Waltzes, iN:c., kc. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. April 14. A(aU( I l/l'L UAI. WOlJKS. T^’OIITON'S Elements of Scientific Agricul- tnrc: Dana on Manures: American Muck Book; \ ouatt tm the I’ig: Cole’s .\merican Fruit Book; Thomas's Fruit Culturist: Family Kitcii- en Gardener, by Buist; Dana’s Muck .Manual; Allan's American Farm Book; Richardson on tlie Bee: Ditto on the Hog: the .Vmciican Rise Culturist: Allen's Rural .Architecture; Down ing’s Fruits and Fruit 'I'rees of America: .John ston’s Agricultural Chemistry; F'armer’s Trea sure, by F:ilkner; Miner's Am. Bee Keeper's Manu:il; Vouatt and Martin on (rattle: Fessen den s Complete Farmer and Gardener: Wheel er’s Rur.'il Homes: Stewart’s Stable F'conomy; Hinds’ Farrier; Mason'h Farrier; \c., &c. £. J. HALE &, SON. April 14, 18--.2. II Oct. IS. 18ol. C. HALL, of Rome. ;52tf s'i'iv\Mi:u sor'i'm:RNKR If.L leave for Wilmington on Wciines- V 7 dav morning ne\i, :it ' 'il ick. K. M. ORRELL, Agent. April 19. 18^2. It M0LASS!:S. HHDS. prime MOL.\SSES, in first rate order. For sale l>v 11. Bli.VNSON & SON. 10, 18.',2. 8;5tf RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. M lOME in to the Cheap Sltire, North side of * Hriy street, one door above the corner, and buy new Dry Goods. Also, Ready-made Clotliing, Hats and Caps- gre:.t variety. IS.VAC D(»DD. Not. 4, 18,'.l. :57-tf April risii. BBLS. No. 2 and :} MACKEREL. 7 do Mullets. For sile bv H. BR.\NSON & S)N. 17. 18.V2. 8:itf April Ir.v,. Rmcla-.rs MI LI. SAW^S. /J JOHN I). \\ ILLIA.MS. f'ommission A' i'orirartfiitf^ reliant^ Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. 0, 18o2. 6.-?tf -1 F(trm and licnutiful Rcaidc/ice VO\i SALi:. rHlHE Subscriber wishing to remove to the 1 Dozen, verv heavv. For s-ile bv H.'BRANSON i SON. .April 17, 18./2. 83tf sell his lands in this and accommodating Sefiin.t^ o/r fit Cost! IJKKA r liAlMJAlNS! 'i'iic ,sul).crilitT i. dcirou:^ f>f clianjrinir his bu.sine.ss, and wishes to sell off his present stock of Gvx.ds inimedi.ately, consisting in part of St(ip/e and I'anr^ Drt (too /.v, I'.mbr.'icing a fine stock of L.idit.s' Dress (joods. B:tre!re. Barege Lc-Lains. Dotted and plain .Swiss Muslins, colored ditto. Barred. .Jaconet and • ':i!iibric Muslins: col’d Summ;r Silks. ,\lso, a ir‘:.‘r.il assortment of black and cold Silk l n. large ass 'rtiiieiit of Hosiery. .Mso, ' 'tLs. ; assimeri-s. Tweeds, Jeans, and .'>atti- ^ general assortment of Summer wear ! r -jentlemen: all kinds of Linen goods. -A'- '', a l.irge stock of Boots and .Shoes. Hats, l! rinets. Umbrellas and Parasols, Hardware a'.i'l ( r'li'kery. Wines and French Brandy. The above stock is offered at tiie mere cost here. Country .Merchants and all others buy- in.; (ifi.ids in this market, will do well to call »:i'i examine, .is I am determiner] to sell anil - "Ut my present stock, which is large and !: a:]. :iud well selected. \V. S. L.n'T.V. April 19. 18.:2. 8;:tf \j \'.K OF (’ m’j: I’l:All. } 17. ^ 5 V I V J l> f' ■% f>.—The I’.oard of Directors iiave (Icelan d a S.-iiii-ati.uial Dividend of I 'ir |)-.r ct.nt. Pa\able at the principal B.-ink «nj Draticlies on and alter tiie ."^d Mav next. H. R. SAVAt^E, Cash'r. April 17. 8o-til I irc }*ro')f l*aiiit and Oil. fU.''T received .Silver's celebrated fire proof l) -int, various colors. It is very cheap and I ■ the m'l^t perfect protection t» wood or metal ever otfereil iu this market. Give it a trial, t ^rsalebv COOK i JOHNSON. April ;;u‘, 18.'.2. 83-3t .South-west, would : county, upon reasonable terms. 'I'here are about 270> or oOnO nrres, all lying in one body, and of which 4*V( or o^0 aeres are in cultivation. The Plank Road ot the Joint .Stock Comjiany. from F iyetievilltj to Italeigh. will run within one mile of the residence. Most of the lands that :ire in cuiliv.ition lie within three miles of the ('ape Fear River, adjoining the lands of .lohn C. Willi.ims and others. The above situation is \ery desir.-ible. from the f:ict th:it it is surrounded by the best of neighbors and s.jciety. Tiie sub>crilier might say much more by way of indui-eiiieiit: but he deems it unnecc-ssary. as those wishing to purchase can call and see for themselves. The above lands can be divided so as to suit purchasers. .Vny furthrr information can be given by ,ip- plic.ition to the aubscriber, or by letter address ed to him at Kingsbury, Cumberland Co., N. t’. D. Feb. 2, 18.VJ. WILLIAMS. ti2tf A I)i:sil{Ai{U: KKSIDK.NCK roil SALK. ^H’lIE Su))si'riber now offers for sale all his ■_ Turpentine find Farming LAND, contain ing .about 'iOO Acres, situatdl 12 ini'-'s East ot Fa\cttevilie, on the Grddsborough road, com monly known as Palmyra. it lias H good dwelling house, «ut-buildings, &c., and a store where a large amount of busi ness is done, und increasing daily. Ihis is a rare chance for turpentine getters, merchants, iVc. and will be sold a bargain. Any one wish ing to purchase, and wishing further informa tion, can apply on the premises, to J. W. Ml P.PHV. or P. TAYLOli, Fayettevillo July 2Gth, isril. * 8tf KING and A. -Mc.MlLL.VN have t-ntered • into copartnership in the Distillery of Turpentine, and have erected a Still on the West side of the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road, 8 miles from Fayetteville. N. KING. May 9.—71tf A. McMILLAN. UKDrC'KI) VWIV.. fMlHROUGH Tickets between Wilmington. N. i C.. and Baltimore. Fare Via Wel don, Petersburg, Richmond, and Washington Cits, or via W«'ldi'ri. Portsmouth .and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the Office of the Wil- mingttiii and Ual igh R.iil Road Company at Wilniinirton. or at the Ollice of the Baltimore .Steam Packet (.'oinpany, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Rond Coni{any, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1. 18o2. oO-tf General Agency and Commission Business. IHE .‘subscribers have this day entered in- cjpartnership unilt-r the style of WHITAKElt, WHITFIELD .t CO., for the i>urpose of doing a general agency and commission business, and in offering their ser vices to the public in tiiat capacity the^’ ti.-itter thems'-lves that they will be able to give satis faction to all those who may consign any go -ds, w .ires. merchandize or country produce to them either to sell on commissions or forward. As it will be our greatest aim to please, we pledge ourselves to spare no pains in trying to gi'C general satistaction. They respectfully solicit the patronage of their friend.s ,'ind the public generally. Their store is No. .3 North Water Street. Dickinson’s Fire-proof building, Wil mington, N. C. JOHN R. WHITAKER. JAMES W. WHITFIELD, A. A. B. .SOUTHALL. RhrEiiK.NTKs;—lohn Dawson. Potter & Kid- ler. O. G. P.-irsley. .S;iinuel Beery ^ Sons, G. R. Fieni’h, and Ellis .Mitchcll. .J.in. 2'.t. ISo'J. Gl-tf DR. LITTLE'S VERMIFUtJE, Or a Preparation to cure ('hildren of Worms. It is a melancholy fact, th:it more children are lost from the atfcctiiui of worms than from all other diseases to which they are ordinarily subject. Any physician of much experience has seen cases of extreme violence, as fever, inflammation, vS;c., wliich were produced from w orms, ihut he did not discover until it was al most too late to rescue the sufferer. The symptoms of worms are: picking or rub bing of the nose, pulFing of the upper lip. more or les.s fever, with a whiti^h or niucon.s coat over the tongue, startling in sleep, sharp pain occ.'isionully in the stomach anil bowels, change of cou!itcn:incc, particulai ly of the e_\es, dull ness, fetid breath, diarrhoea, emaciation, i^c. .''onie of these effects are readily observed in most c.asos, although it must not be forgotten that the most skilful and intelligent physi-ians are often deceived in regard to it. Under these circuiK.stHiices. what is best to be done by the heads of families and others who arc so vitally interested? Certainly. I do not pretend to have learned more upon this subject than everybody else, but I do positively declare the following rules to be far in ad\ance of the usual triat- ment of this diseu.se. 1st. If _\ou see any symptoms of worms or iuspei't their existence with the child, give the \'erniifiige at once, according to the directions. 2d. For, if the child rcaliy has uo worms the mcdicine will do it no harm. but. on the con trary. it will pro\e decidedly bcnuficial by its mild purging, and for a time insure il from an i4tt:ick of worms. W hen scarlet fever. mea,«les, or any other in flammatory disease seizes a child laboring un der worms, it always endangers life. Convul sions, spasms, \c. often come on l>efore the ex istence of worms with the child is suspected; hence the importance of giving the Vermifuge frequently on bare suspicion. Not long since 1 prescribed the Vermifuge for a child in a case of violent fever and ague, that was promptly cured b_\ the exj>ulsion of a large quantity of worms. The Vermifuge can be given to the most dcl- icate child with perfect saletv: besides, being a sure remedy, it requirca no other medicine to follow its use. JUDGE JONES'S STATEMENT. Talbotton. Sept. 1848. Dear Sir: In my family we have given your Vermifuge in a number of cases, and find it to succeed extremely well: in fact, it fully answers the purpose in relieving children from worms without .uivthing else. I have also given Fahnestock's frequently, but find yours deci- deilly best. Truly yours. Xc. (Signed) IlENRi Jt^NES. To Dr. Little. The fac-simile of the sigtiature of Dr. W. G. Little will be found upon the outside wrapper. Sold wholesale and retail, by the Proprietor, at his Manufacturing Depot, No. 204 .Market street. PhiladelphiH. and Macon. Georgia. 'I'n be had also of .Limes Cain. Rockfish; A. Watson. F'loral College; Townsend i Doug- la.ss, Bcnnellsville; Dr. P. M. Cohen. Charles ton; C. C. Barbee, Barclaysville; P. F. Pes?ud, Raleigh. S. .1. HIN.SDALE. Agent for Fayetteville. Fire Insurance. ^I'HE ..-ETNA Insurance Company’ of Hart- -*■ ford, having paid the tax imposed by the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue its Agency in Fayetteville, uniler the management of the undersigned, who is pre pared to issue Policies of Insurunce on Build ings or Goods, eitiier in this Town or in any part of the State, on projier applic:viion, de scription of the I’roporty, he. The ..-ETNA C(.).M1 ANY has been in oper.-ition about years. Its capital is The Hon. Tlios. K. Brace was its first President, and he still holds that office; and several of its first Directors are still active .and efficient mem bers of the Board. It has at all times sustained the highest character for the frudeiice of its niHUagement. and for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted it.s losses. E. J. HALE, Agent. March 10, 1851. ti2-tf llotciikisK^’M V«*i*lifal \Valt*r Wherl. rHlHERl-; are several hundred of these Wheels -B. in operation in different countics in North Carolina. For proof of their great advantages over the common flutter w heel, or any other wheels now in use for saw mills, we coiifiilently refer to those who have applied them to their mills. We can recommend them particularly f»r their superiority in cases of a low head of water, or back water. We still keep a supply of Wheels, siiit.ible for different heads of water, iit Wilmington, New- bern, Washington, Edenton and Fayetteville. The wheels may also be had of E. A. Brevard, Lincolnton, and Uriah Wells, Petersburg, Va. Persons wishing to obtain the right to use tlie wheels, will be served on application to D. McNeill & Co., Favelteyille, N. C. D. McNEILL. A. A. McKETHAN. D. J. -McALISTER. Feb’y 22, 1819 5fc tf L. LESSONS IX MUSIC. iUKni:r.i/s reports. H. WlllT.VKER would respectfully in- | BUST published, A'ol. 12 Law. and Vvi. 7 form the citizens of Fayetteville and vi- ' Equity. Price $o sad These ar« ciiiity, that he has again comineticed giving Les- | sm.-ill volumes, in consetjuence of the Reporter sons on the Piano Forte. He returns his thanks ; making new arrangemeiits for publishing, for the liberal p.-itronage heretofore received. 1 Bound vols. excLanged f^.r Nos. as usuiiL 100,000 Acrt'S Valuable r 1 M B i: R L A N D S FOR SALE. and humbly .soiiciis a continuance of the same. ■ All pains shall be taken for the advancemem of his pupiLs. I Instruction also given on the Guitar. { I’i anos tuned unil rcpairetl in the best manner. L. II. WlllT.VKER. Autrust 24. ]8.')0. ;;itf i A SUPPLY of Fn .-h (>round C(HIN .MEAL kept for sale at tiie .Mill, l.ite Amlerson's. Grinding of Hominy and Meal done promptly. Fayctteviiie, .March 18')1. 12tf LIFE i\srTr\SrE. ri^HE I ndersigned has been apjiointcd .Agent of the North Carolina Mutual Lite Insu rance Company. Every member for life partic- ifiates in the profits of the Comjiany; and the annual premium for life membersiiip, where it amounts to •'i'80 or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other half in a noteat 12 months. Debtors’ lives may bo insured by creditors. A man may insure his own life for the exclusive benelit of his family. The lives of slaves may be insured. This system is rapidly growing into favor, all over the civilized world. It is one by which a family, for a small sum annu.'illy, may be pro vidcd for. after the death of its head, on whose exertions they may have bei-n dependent for a support. It is a good investment of numry. even if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy. Explanatory p.amphlets. and the necessary Blanks, furnished on application. i;. J. HALE. Fayetteville, June 1630. 72 E. J. HALE ii SONv Dec. 10. ~N i:T\^ho( j PT TNAM'S LIBRARY, Nos. 4 r.nd f., Ulrj tlie World Here :ind There, by Dicker« and Hood's Own; Count Monte-Leouo, or tlie Spy in .''ocicty: .Miss >cweirs Journal of a Sutii- nicr 'I'l.iir: Minioir of Viev. W. H. Hewitson; W esley and .Meihoiiism. by Tnylor; Spcnctr'a Pastor's .'^kcti hes; McGniley'.s E(.lcct'c Rcadoro, 1st. 2d, :M and 4th part.-;; i^nrkcr'r, 1st Lesson# in IMiilosophy; Mills' Uiietr.ric; Davieb’ School Arithmetic; \c. Also. I'tirther supplies of TIIE BOSTf'N .\C.ADEMY'> ('ollection: t.'armina Sucru; Gunn's Domestic Medicine; Humorist’s Librrirv: ic. E. J. HALE & SON. NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the subscriber for (ioous purchased at Floral College, are re quested to make immediate pjijment, eithtr to •Mr. Hugh Mc.Xrn iu thfc neiga'Dorhood, or to himself in (.dieraw. D. B. McARN- Cheraw, Dec. 2t^, 1851. oO-tf ^ .Nlanners, as preserved among the Higii* landers, licing an historicni m.d descsipiivo ac count of the inhabitants, antiquitic.s, and nh' tional peculiarities of Scotland, by Jumts Lo» gan. Just rcccivcd and for sale bv E. J. HALE & SON. NEW HOOKS. ALIBURTON’.S Yankee i^tories. illustrat- ' ed: the Yankee Tea Party, or Boston in 1770; the Old Bell of Independence, or Phila- , deljdiia in 177t): Camp Fires of the Revolution. ! or the W.-ir of Independcnee. illustrated; Weld's j Dictionary of Scriptural ljuctations: Harbaugh’s mtit' I -I 1 1 J 11 *1 T J ' Heavenly iieco^rnition: ('atechism of Familiar 7 HE .Subscriber has purchased all the Lands i .• • *• , , ... , 1. 1 • 1 liings: Mathias Rules of • irder. for .'societies. belonging to the Estate id' Abram Dubois, dec'd. lying principally in Robeson county, and on both sides of Lumber River, the diirerent sur veys containing Ovi r KHMHX) Acres; -A large p.-vrt finely Timbered, and ct'iivenient to Lumber River, where a large qu.-intity of "I'im- ber is now r:iftcd to the (leorgetown market. These Lands are very valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for wdiich purpose a large part is well suited, being in a region where the Turjieiitinc yields more abundantly than any other section of the State. The Lands wiil be sold at a low price, and in quuntilits to suit purchasers. Inlormation respecting the title can be ob tained by applying to the Hon. Robert Strange, Hon. Jas. C. Dobbin, or A. A. T. Smith, Esq., (Attorneys at Law.) I understand there are many trespassers on these Lands, to all of whom notice is hereV>y given, that the law will be enforced against all such offenders. .Application for any part of the Lands can be n ade to mjself. or to John Winslow, F^sq.. who is duly authorised to make sale of the .same. THOS. J. CURTIS. Fayetteville. N. C.. Sept. 1. 1S45. 7titf mgs: \c.: Walker's Rhyming and Pronouncing Dic tionary: British Female Poets; .American Fe- . male Poets; Wal.-'on's Dictionary of Poetical ' ,|uotatioiis; I’liiludclphia as it is in I''')2; .'cc. E. J. H \LE SON. ■April 8. ; Hooks—Mi'dical, | Velfieau's .\Iidwifcry; .Mcndeiihairs : ..f 3. .\Iedic:il Student's Vade-.Mecnm: .Mur- ; phy's Review of Chemistry for Students; Bid- ' die’s Review of Materia .Medica and Therapeu- : tics, for Students; Crjiige's Elements of General . and Pathological .An.itomy: Cazeaux's Midwife ry: Hastings' Minor Surgery; Reese's .\m. .Med ical F'ormulai'y: the Physician's Pocket l*re- si-ription Book: Flagg on Ether and Chloroform in .Surgery, Dentistry. iVc.: .NIortit's Chemical j nnd Pharmaceutical Manipul.itions: Beasley's | Drungist's Receipt Book: liitto Pocket Forinu- biry; Noad's ♦''hemical .Analysis; W ythe's Micro- scopists’ Manual: Wright's .Am. Receipt Book: Overman’s Practical Mineralogy, .Assaying and .Nlining: Smith's Domestic Medicine; Ranking’s Half Yearly Abstract of Medical Sciences; \c. E. J. HALE .V SON. .Slore* III*. T. 1>. II .\S taken an Office on of the Hotel Building: Julv 11. l.S.-.l. ss .% 14.; II, Hay Street, West I. 4-tf Rank of 4'apc Ft*ar,) April Utii, lS,r2. j ^5^111' .\nnual meeting of the .stockholders, ■ will be h'^ld in the Banking House in W il- ™>''t:t .ii. on .Nlondav. the ::d Mav next. il. K. SAV.VGE, C.vsh'r. w J E wish to buv 20,000 barrels Turpentine. KING & Mc.MlLLAN. \V A.NTI'.D, K I Li zod voung .1/1'/,/i'.S'. J. .j- T. WADDILL. •\pril 12, 18')2. 82tf I auk! Warrants Wanted. highest C.asji i-ricks paid for any A number of Land Warrants, for a North- ern ci.nccrn. JNO. M. ROSI', Agent. J'^yctteville, April 14, 1852. 82tf w .ii’s'i' itKcr.ivt'.i). I PIECES CANTON MATTING, and *j-l, red, checked, und white. —AL.SO— Louf, Granulated, N. (J. Claritied, New lean*, and Muscovuilo Sugars. •"'.'‘•up. !• cratei assorted Crockery. DWd Porltir and Wine Bottles. S. W. TILLING HAST & CO. ■U-ril lo, 18r,2. 82lf lloiirictta Koaf CoN ^t«‘ainvr, j SO U r II E K N E U, I ILL be in order to take her place in the j lino in a few days. She is one )iundi*ed i I and twelve feet long, seventeen feet beam, and ! I four feet liold; and draws not exceeding twelve I inches water. The Company confidently expect | •1-4 that with Ihii Boat, in addition to their other j Steamers and tow boats, they will be in .a con- | ditioa to transport all freight sent bjr their line | Or- J with as much certainty and despatch ns any j Sugar l!ou:>e 1 line upon the river. The Southerner being of ; such ligiit draft of water, she will be enabled | to r. n at all times. | G. DE.MING. Pres’t. j K. .M. ORRELL. Agent. Jan’y 28, 1502. 60-tf \{. .M. OKRELI., FlillWAKlliM; rilMV.ISSIIlN >li;iU'll.\\T ,\T ■'ayrlli*vili*, *■>'. C. March 10, *1.S.‘>1. «'-J-tf IL L. HOIVmI'.S. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. OFFICE on corner of F'ront and Princess streets, under Journal office. Dcc. 12. 48-tf T. C. WORTH, roinns.siiiN mi riiiiwuniiM; iii:iiciii\T. WTLMINCrrON, N. c. Feb. I, 18.')I. 57tf \ViLkTNs7)N^ ESLER, DEALERS IN Conj'rrfionari/, Foreiyn Fruita, Xuts, To bacco, 0)1(1 SnvJ^, AND IMPORTERS OF iiava:%.4 cigars, AT W'HfU-ESALK AND RETAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7. 18-")]. 11 tf WE have commodious brick W:irehouscs in the rear of our Store, in which we store cotton and other produce. D. & W. McLAUUlN. Nov. 1, 18ol. 37-tf NOTICE E have declined attending to the for warding business. J. & T. WADDILL. March 10, 18u2. 73tf •liOyOOO IbM. oriCas^»» Wanted. a WILL pay ;U cts. per pound cash for all clean cotton and linen R.VG.S. delivered to J. D. Williams, in Fayetteville. 1 am nearly reaIy to put in operation a Paper Mill in this neighborhood, and am desirous of getting my rags in this market. My object is to pay as much for rags as I can afford, and hope that I tnay not be forced to distant markets for my supplies. I have arranged with .Mr. Williams to receive and pay for all racrs delivered to him. D.'VVID MURPHY. F.ayetteville, Feb’y 24, 1852. 68-tf S(IITH nKOUW l\sru\.\CK COllP.i.W, OF CHARLESTON, S. C. iH.ARTERED by the State of South Caroli- y na with a Capital of $250,000, all paid in and well invested. Fire, .Marine, River and Life Risks. CIIAS. ED.MONDSTON, Prcs’t. A. L. ToBt.^s, Sec’y. DIRECTORS: Robkft M.xrtin, Col. Ja.mks G.M)sdkn, M. C. .Mokdkc.m, Chas. H. West. S. Mowky, Jr. Henry Cobi.\. jfsT uEciiivi:f). BBLS. W HISKEY. 10 hhds. Molasses. 1 (jr. cask pale French Brandy, 1 •• “ .Madeira Wine, 1.^ bags Rio Coffee. 5 boxes Medium .Axes. — ALSO— Brooms: Hejirth Brushes: Jute Dour and Bug gy Mats; Tanners' Curriers' Knives. Workers, and .''mooth Fleshers; and an addition to our FRENCH CHINA. S. W. TILLING HAST & CO. .March 1. 1852. GOtf Road A* Btinlc Stoch: FOR SALE. fBlHE subscriber wishing to improve some i real estate in this town, offers for sale, ‘2h Shares of Fayettoville and Westoru Plank Road Stock. Shares of Stock in Bank of Fayette ville. Terms made known on application to GUKDON DE.MING. Fayetteville, March 20, 1852. 7'>tf wantedT 3000 ft. .Vshe Lumber for Wagons, I .J to 3 inches thick. 3000 ft. Seasoned Oak Lumber. I J to 3 inches. 1000 ft. White Oak and Hickory, for .Vxletrees. 1000 ft. W hite Oak for Tongues, Bolsters and Shafts. 100 Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. 2000 Spokes. W IIOLI-:SALE Walcli and J€*wdry E. II. MILLER & CO., Importers, Miniiif'(icturer. and Jnhtifrg of Watclic:^, Jrue/ry, ami Fancy Goods, Have leased the Old Stand formerly occupied by Messrs. Canfield. Brother Co., South Hast corner of Charles and JSultiviorr strt'fts, (No. 227.) which they are putting in complete order for the W H iLE.'^A LF^ WATCH .\ND JEWF!LRY BUSINESS, to be opened about the 20th of July. In calling the tttention of the trade to the new concern, we mention the fact that we are associated with one of the most extensive Jew elry Manufacturing F^stablishmcnts in the coun try. which must give a decided advantage over all others in this market for supplying dealers with Jewelry at manufacturers’ prices, a feature in this branch of trade l"ng since needed -be tween Baltimore and the Southern and Western Merchants. We desire to call particular attention to the Wutch department, which will nt all times he ^ supplied w ith a great assortment from the most celebrated manufacturers, and kept in perfect running order, so that purchasers may at once take them, with a written guarantee that they will perform correctly. This br.anch of the business will receive tbe especial .'ittention of one of the firm, wdiose ex tensive and practical knowledge of the business will, we hope.kgive us a place in the confideni.c of buyers. We respectfully invite you to call u]ion ms when you next visit our city, c(.nfidently l.e- [ lieving that an examination of our Goods wlil I prove to you that they are better styles i.nd VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BtnERS, thf, MOSr rOPKI.AR FAMILY MEDICINE OF T H K .\ O K I Used by I’liysicians of High Standing* 'Ihes** BITl'K-HS remove all miuhid «ecr«tioiv», piiriiv thr bleoil. Riv prent tone aud »ifCOr to ih* di.^f !ti\r oi f'ti'ily Uie i> steiii ngwinU ail futn;» ,l,r.-ave can I *• t.ik*-n « ith nsfety, at no tim* detiili. taliiip the |>aiii*nt —tieiiiK to the d-ii- caie sti>m;icU. ami leinarkable tor their ch»arir,|{, invjj;ovatii)^ siiaTid lestcviwHve ti€->. and Hii invaiualiit* aii l fiuie leinedy fjr l>V.FEPSI\ IN ITS H OUST FORMS. .AUo, f.i\»‘r 'oin|il»irit«, Jaiinilice. If>»«nburn, Cov til em*«4. K.nntnesii. |)i«orilers of the .Skin ai.d l.iver, i>f l.nw Spirits. .NerToiiii liea '.ach*. (iid line'a rdi;>ilaii»ii of the Heart. Sinking; and 1- cll- oesi> of Weight at the Stomach, and »!1 other r.a'ixel bv an imjiure stale ot the blood. Hver. etc, which lend to .ieJtililale aiid weaken tim system. F i: M A I. K S Who ‘.urt'er from a morbid an-:l unnatural condluo» will And this Medicinc of INESTIMABLE VALUE. In All cA,if. of (JKNKRM. DtBlLlTV, th.» .Vedi> cine A-'I’S IJK^. A ( liNIt.M ! TKOUS.A.M'SS UaTe tested itf ettiracy, i>n.l th(.ii‘^ans more n-» row iiiKler tieatruent ; Him not >i;e ‘np'ary Cune t.f ha# ^ i-t been rei'ortt d. Volumei could be fiile.'. wi'h cerul'ioaiek of thui.e who have bewt ^ein^knaiit;; cured. Call on the Atrrnt, and get a P.IHPHLET, I'untHininfi' the « ertificatce of RcmhrkphJe « ure«. «.k4 the hi^h jn which this .MediC*ne i§ bv the Public —can be hud of Agents, fit# Large Quarts $1; Pints 50 Ceuta. iio/U by all the Principal Lrvg^tsts in th« L'niltd Stutis and Canadae. Princ.ral OHii'*. I2i KL I.TO.N SI.. -V V.. n;. «Ur» For sale by S. J. IIL\SD.\Lli. Novembers, 18G1. SB-j ~FOR SALE.—20,000 Ihs. \\-C CON. J. D. -WILLT.XMS. Feb’y 18fi2. ti8tf For which the highest cash price will be paid. ! cheaper than you have ever seen in this mar'iet, Apply soon to May 19, 18.51. E. FL’LLF.K. iii-tf The subscribers having been appointed agents in this place for the above named company, are prepared to receive offers and issue policies of Insurance on Fire, Marine, River and Life Risks, on liberal terms. All losses incurred at this agency, will be promptly adjusted and paid by the undersigned. DeROSSET & BROWN. N. B. Risks will be taken on the lives of slaves on the most liber.al terms. Wilmington, N. C., .March 27, 1852.—77-6m .\nLT.\S, Chrysanthemums, and Verbsnns are now ready for delivery. I’ersons wishing a choice assortment should send their ortlers immedi.'itely, as my stuck of extra fine varieties is small. C. LUTTERLOH. Rowan street. Dahlias from 10 to 2o cts. (,'hrysanthemunis 5 to lU cts. Verbenas 10 to 25 cts. .Also a number of other cheap hardy plants for bedding out. >larch 24. D “ 'I'lir Stpamrr Cluithnni Saciiaa^rai.. will resume her semi-weekly trips between this place and Wilmington, on .Monday the H>th inst.. leaving Fayetteville every MON- D.\Y and TIIURSD.W thereafter, at 7 o’clock A. M.. and running through the same d:iy.— Leaving Wilmington every Tl'E.SD.AY and FRI- D.\Y, after the arrival of the Cars from the North. The Steamer Gov. Graham, with as many Tow Boats as may be nece.s.sary, will run in connexion with the ('hatham, as often as may be necessary to carry all Freights that may ( fer. The addition of another large Flat (the Gen’l McRae,) to this Line, affords incre.vsed facilities for tlie shipping public. Goods shall certainly have as quick transit by this Line as any other. JNO. D. WILLIAMS, Ag’t Cape Fear S. B. Co. Feb’y 9, 1852. 63tf IRON SAFKS. fl®“Tlie subsfribors, A*;ents for tlie sale of WILDKR’.S I’ATKNT SALAMANDER SAFES, WITH RICH’S IMPROVEMENT, of fer them of all sizes and patterns, delivered in Wilmington at the Manufacturer’s New York •inS'l I* l'>l VF/D. i prices. 7^ .MEN’S and Boys’ SADUF.ES, of every j The.se Safes are warranted eqital if not supe- quality and stvle, some very fine .\1- , rior to any others manufactured, so, Bridles, Coilars, Whit.sand Wagon Harness. ' Orders will receive prompt attention. By £. C. HALL, of Romo. De ROSSET & BROWN. Oct. 18, 1851. 32tf I W'ilmington, N. €., March 2C, 1852. 77-3m DROWN & DeUOSSET, .IVm? I’orA’, Dk ROSSET &: RROWN, .V. C., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Jno. Potts Biiown. Arm.\nd-J. DeRosset, Jr. R. r. Buown. ^ i ASH advances will be made on consignment X ' of I’roduce foi^ sale either in Wilmington or New' York, and (,'otton will he forwarded to the New York House free of Commission at Wilmington. March 22, 1852. 7G-6m and assure you that no efl'ort shall l-e wai-ting on our part tti make the acquaintance one of mutual benefit. L. H. MILLER & CO, Old stand, formerly occupied by Canfield, Bro. & Co., S. E. cor ner of Charles & Baltimore sts. Baltimore, June 1851. 11-Yo REFERENCES: Messrs. Wyeth. Blacklock Co. Gwyn, Reid Taylor. James Hodges & Brother. Hurst & Berry. Murdoch, Duer Evans. Stellmann & Hinrichs. Sangston & Co. Barthlow, Gwyn Co. Uiely A: Penlleton. Cushings & IJailey. John Murphy \ Co. Moore & Grifiin. rOBACCO. A GOOD STOCK on hand: and I shall re ceive regtilarly, from Messrs. J. Jimes & Co’s Factory, qualities assorted from common to very fine, which 1 will sell at lowest manufac turing price s. Fayetteville, .\pril 3, 1851. UTLEY. G6tf Blank Warrants for sale here. CHERRY PECTORAL t'or lht> Cure of COIOHS, fOLDS, II0.1KSFAESS, BRO\(HITIS, WHOOPIXG-COCCill, CROIP, ASTiniA, A\D COXSI.IIPTIO’V. AlANY years of trial, in.strail of impairtnj; fr.e r^nbbc ^ rontidenre in this niftririnr, h;*** A'on fi'r :t nii nppre- cifition and noiorioty by far «r\ei edinc the ii»»t sAngutn* exi>eci:itinn* of it Irienil". .Nnthinp l-ul in IntrSnnc v't- tiir» nnd tlie mimiitrik ;hle henetit conferreif >n llioinmds of sulfcrers. rowhl oriL'inale ;inil inaioinin the ri*pulttUon il enjoys. While iiinnv inCerii.r reiiiedi-* thrust nyoii ih»! rofiiiiiunity. h«ve I'm.led and her*n dii.raril.'d. ibW h**! niiied IriemN by every iri’il. ropfi-rreil litneftts on lh» of" tf'.ruil they can never for:.'ct. xi'd prodMred too nU- iiii rous and loo rein:-rkahle it» tw l'.,rgoiten. While il i« a Oil ml on lii.- puldir in pretend tV*nt «ny ■ one nieduine will infHilihly riire—^’ill there in a'.undknl iiroofthal the Cheiry rt cloi.il uoe^ not iiniy a* a jr.-neril i thine, hilt alioiist invarmiiiy, ciire the iiiit'.ai.ics tor v\hlch il i* employed. .\v lime makes these fiirt* wi.ier "“n’: hotter Vnow. n. thin inedirine hn* pf'iiliiMlly bi rome ilie be^t reli-.nre '>f tb* atflic ied. from iln- Ina-rahm of tho .\iiier.i nn penraf.t. to thi* pnlares of r.iiro|M>an kingv. Thrnii.iiiniiI this entiro roiinlry. in every Sfite. riiy. and indeed alMinst every ; hamlet it roniains. ( herry I’l-nornl i« known a* the beat remedy extant lor di'ea»es of ihe Throat and l.line'i, and in many foreign cmintrieM, i( j« ripiin2 to be Pttciislvely ii'ed bv iheir iin"l intelli'.'eni rii'kieliins In («re.'tt Brlt- Hin, Kraiire and •Jeriiiany, where tfie rmdiral »cienre h.ive re:tehed tlieir hii:hel [ier;ecti“n. t'li-rry t'ertnral In in'rodiiied. and in em«tnnt ue in .ho .Annie*. Iln«pitnli. Alms lloiKes. I’liblir ln«iiiiMioii5. .ind in dnme^itlc praf- tire. MS the surest rmieily their ati.TiI.ng rhvkiclnus c«> employ f'.r the more danceronx atrcciions iif the lunct.— .\l«o in milder rasr.s, .ind tor children it is cafe, ploaaant nnd etfertiial lo cure. In fart, mme of the most '.latterinc testiiiionialn we rereiv» htve been from par .us whor hrtve found it ertieacious m cases pnrtlCQlariy lacidental to rhildhood. The Cherry I’ertnral is mannfactiired by i\ pnctleal Chemist, and every imnre of it iiniler liis own ey». with I invari:»ble aorur;iry and eare IllsKealcil and proxted ■ l)y law from roiinterlHiis. e(m-ei|uvn.l> cau be relied oa ; as cenaine without adiilH ration. I We have endeavored here tt> furnish the coir.tnntitty with a medicine of such intrinsir KiiiMtrio.'iiy anti w«rlt\ as shoiiltl rommenil itself to their coiu'ilenee—n remeny I at imt-e safe, sjx-edy and eltecfial. wliich this has by re- I peateil and coirnlirss trials proved Useli' to be; and tra»t by ereat rare in preparing it with rhe.ulchl aecnrscy, n{ I uniform sirpn;!tli lo altiirrl I'hysiciaiiK n new ateiit rin j tt hich they fan lely for tli» liest results. anl the afflicted I with a remedy that will ^ for theui all thai uiedie'.iHi . can ilo. I Prepared nnii «old l,y C. Aicr. Practical ao4 ULLTl'ON'S SHIRT l-ST.iBLISiniOT. 179 Markrt Street, BAI/ri^lOKK. TB^IIE larger^t and only JL .Manufacturing Whtde- sale Establishment in the City. The capital and force engaged enables me at all times to otter to Country Merchants and Deal ers in SHIRTS. COLLARS, LINEN and COT TON DR.\WERS, great inducements—more than usual efforts having been made to render the assortment of these articles full and com plete. The Stock on hand is large and well assorted for Men and Boys. 8^* All orders from the Country attended to with punctuality and despntch. jjie^ Remember the Name, ami I\'o. 179 il^Iarket NIrorf. T. W. BETTON. August 1-5, 1851- 14-yopd - \ ■ I Prepared ami «old l,y r. A,t Checks on all t ie //i re/w- uii Mcc J , Mold in Kavetteville. by s. J. HI.NSn.AtE: CllBtrt-, ftteville. 1 H 'V.^RRE.V JOHXStrV t TO and by Drcggift. „ , t .1 • fUK . I Dealers In Medicine everywhere, for stile at this Omce. i January X, lciJ3.

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