SEMl-WEEKL, Y PI#!**®' [VOL. I.] .M ■ ■ im m.m Mir H I — I rAYiyrXEVILLE, N. C., Al’RlL 29, 1852. iTrri" ' ■ lam— I’HIM'KI) 1?V J. B. NEWBY. KDWAIII) j. hale & sox, tllUTOKS AND PUOrKIETUllS. 1’;^ t’. r the Scmi-Uofkly Ouskuvku ^4 (K) if J .:,i ill iivhaiico; I 60 if paid during tlie M..,r 'f sulisi iiivtioii; or ^5 uftcr tho y^ar has .xi'.roa. ■■ ;iio Wcfklv Kuskrver !*;2 00 per aiiiiuin, if i ... * 14, 1852. [ i', I in aJvatieo: 50 it paid during the \.'iir «'f 5^ii'-isi'ription; or 00 after tlie year Hank OF Cape Kkvh,) | SieniUff Off at Costl |-fciviDi!.^n\lTL bLJ BAUGAINS! e dechii ed a Seini-anuual Dividend of I * subscriber i.s desirous of oliiin^ing liis business, and wishes to .sell off his present stock ol (ioods iunnediately, consisting in part of ShtjAv and J)ry (ioods., Enil.racinjc n fine stock of Ladies’ Di-pss (I Is, liurcjic. li.iri'jcf Le-Lains, Dotte 1 and plain !>\viss K are ah\av(? prepared to furnish COT-; ditto. iJarrid, .Jaconet and w W Tux \ AUXS by the bale, at Factory ■ ^ '•'••hric Muslins: col'd Sunnne.* Silks. Also, a tour per cent, i’ayable at the principal l>ank uud Drauohes on and alter the 8d .May next. 11. II. v?AVAGl', CnsU'r. Apiil 17. K!-td COTTON Yarns. J. & T. WADDIl.L KJtf lSlak‘'M I''ir‘-Proot I'aiial. *^0 UAllKKLS Hluke's lire-jiroof I’.VINT, AL'\ liKTlSl^.Ml'.N r.'^ inserted for sixty ceiit.s ;■ - uaro ‘T the fu st, uutl thirty cents for each jmlilicatiou. Yearly advertisements , . i: I 'ntrai'ts. at reasonable rates. Ad- ,.r; are rev|ue.''ted to state the number of , ■li'-'ired, or ili>-y will be continued till '1. and ch:ir;j;ed accordin;xly. Li iiors to the liditnrs must >ie ])ubt-paid. 'I'Ih' uOtli Annual Convention • I’ri’totant Kpiscopal riiuroh in the Dio- f \ 'rth •'arolina. will be lield in >'t. ■ t hurch, Favettpville. on the JId Wcdues- ‘ iii Mav.—the iiUii 'l:iy of the month. K1>\V'D Li:C 'VIN.sLvr^V. j^ec'y. lM, So-l’w for sale by March 17, 185-’. ti. J. 11LN;DAI.1::. 74tf I.INSHKl) OIL. *r 15 A lirwKLj> North Carolina ni:>de LINiSEKD UiL, for sale by S. J. hlNSD.M.K. March 17, 1^5li. 7hf A'>n: Jiict iic(f l>n (he jirut rise in Ric r, ^ TOXS of SWEDKS lltOX, bv E. C. IIALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, 1851. 3:Jtf the general a sortment of black and ccl'd iSilk l)resses; a large assortment of ll.»siery. Als(», ( li’tho, C.’is.'iimeres, Tweeils, .Ji^ns, and f'atti- nets. A genenil assortment A iSumnier wear for Gentlemen: all kinds of '/nen giM.ds. Also, a large stock ot t>o|s:ind Shoes, Hats, honnets, and llirasols, Ilanlware and Crockcry. Wines and rr»‘nch lirandy. I he above stock is o*len 4 at th‘ mere cost here. Country .Merchai.ts aVl all otiiers bnv- ing (ioods in this market, wiT* do well to call and ex.'imine, a.- 1 am detcrmiii^j] to sell and close uut my present stock, which 1? large aiul fresh, and well selected. W. S. L.VTT.V. April 19, ly.'.i. 8;}tf Fire Insurance. ^I^IIE ^ETXA Insurance Comj) niy of Hart ford, having paid the tax impctsed by the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue its Agency in Fayetteville, under the management of the umlersigneil, who is pre pared to issue Policies of Insurjince on build ings or tioods, either in this Town or in any (•art of the State, on j)roi>er ajipiioation, de- sci iption of the I’ropertv*, I'ic. I’lie ..KTNA COMl’ANV lias been in operation about ;50 years. Its capital is !|)i:t(»0,000. The Mon. Thos. K. lirace was its first l*resiilent, >"id he still holds that otfice; and several of its Directors are still active and efficient mem bers ;if the Hoard, it has at all times sustained the highest character for the pruilence of its management, and for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its E. J. HALE, Agent. March 10, 1851. C2-tf Vc'riicai \VaU*r Wheel. are several hundred of these Wheels MOLASSES. nUDS. prime MOLASSES, in first rate order, for sale l)V il. DUAXSOX & SOX. April 16, 1852. 8:Uf I' IHH.S. No. 2 and 6 MACKERKL. do Mullets. f'or sale bv H. 15UAXSOX & StiX. April 17, 1852. 8:Jtf JSaiik of* Cape E''c‘ai*, ) April J4th, lSo2. j fMllIE Annual meeting of the Stockholders, JL will be he!d in the I>:inking House m Wil- n>ingtou, on Monday, the lid May next. 82-td] II. IL. S.VVAGE, Cash'r. ; . 'I'iii: Whiirs of liladcii art' : d t'^ meet at the (’urt llnuso. on Mou- ... t'.o -'d >‘f M:vy, ^’ouj\ty Court week,-, to i.iM'int nt le-.'ates to the District Conveiitinn. ... Il w " ;i'>emb'e f^’r the purpose of appoint- 1. I' iegau s to tlie Wliig Xatioual Couveution, ; f.' luMiiiii.-ite an Electur. Wil. ll*-r:iM ci'py. jom:pii r. bloxso^i. V it I 5>ii 1 O .\ ' AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, Se^~' Prompt pt ’i'-'ual attention given to all ’iinsignnu*nts. :inil t’.•i.-'h '* Jvaiu'cs made ciu I’ro- iluce t» be shipped to other pi !'ts or sold in this market. Feb. 12. 1852. ‘.4y \VrL. S.NIITIL CoiiiniiM?iion .Hoi't'liaiil, i^Ofnrt' in Loztiru^' Ihd/i/iui/,') WILMINCTOX, N. C.'v 1S52. CiOV Subscriber slill continues to carry m the !5I N K'l' l>rsiM\SS in Fayette\ilie, :ind in .ad^lition to his Establishment on IJovr street, near I'.ccles s Hridge, has opened a l.-irge \V.\KK IKttiM on li:iv street, nearly opposite the Fayetteville Hotel and one door East of Messrs. llaigh \ Son's, where a jieucral assurtnieiit iif FlTlliMTl RE. Mad*" by competent and faithful workmen, may be had at prices corresj.onding «ith the times. .\ls.i. an nss'irtment of Xnrthern-maile FI KM- TLKE, selected by himself, which will l.e sold at a very moderate advance. DL'NCAN .McNEFLL. Xov. 10. is.-.l. ;JSif sor'riii:uNi:ii n'lLL leave F.iyetteville every Wednosd.'^v and Saturday, at 7 o'cluck, .V. M.. and a'ri\i- ill Wiljningti'U at 7 o'cl"ck. P. ,M. .\nd V VA Ifive Wihiiingtun every \!i>nday and Thurs- •1 ly. ai 12 o'ldoik. M., and arrive in Fayette ville ue\t uiuriiiitg. U. M. OllUEl.L. Agent. April 2''. 1.''52. h-i-tf \r rs AND Fiu IT. 2»u Iti-i. Shell .Vluioudi. •• llra/.ii Nuts. •• Kngii>h Waluuts. ** •• FiU'crfs. 2'> Drums Figs. 1 (*asi* Prune in fancy lixi whiile. half, and i|r. l?oxes Raisins. 1 i'ase \‘reserved iliii^cr. D* ■’iiiz. .J.irs Pickles. S' !a. Lemon. Suirar anil Water Crackers. Just reci-ived bv CHARLES HANKS. \;H'2I. 1'52. s:.if roil Ki:\T. /S'lHK dwi-lling at present occupied by the 2_ : .'ituated ot) llayniouiit. nearly •*’tc .Mr. E. J. li.ilc'.^ reidence. .\pplv to L IJ. HAWLEY. Ajirii 2''th. l''-'i2. h5-tf AEW c;ooa>.s, Ji si'i' iti:ci',ivi:i). Tni; under.'^iizned has just re ceived bis st'i.’k of Sl*l!lN*i AND SIMMER (intHiS, c.n- of t'as.siiutres and Vestings. iilack. I'rowii. green. Iilu‘ and olive Cloths: white silk and snt- in \'eslin;;. .Mar.>-illes ditto, wlilte all 1 Colored; Linen Drill- white and colored: !>oe-skin 'a^'inieres; ... V do.: Drab de Ete and l>unibu/;iies. — .\!,SO_ An M.^ortnieut of RK.KD\-.MADE CL(.>TH- Tl iiPKN l INi: LAND Ft)R SALE. t^'lOR sale, o'-to .acres ot LAND on .lames Creek, and *>4) acres on Cvpress Creek, in CnmlKTland, convenient to the Western Plank | recommended h\ Road, he.ivily timbered, and admirably adapted ’ * ‘ -'‘•‘“K*"" to the makinir of Turpeutine. nE keeps on hand an assortment of Fisk’s ceKI.nited METALLIC BCIUAL i'ASES, Apply iit this Othce. Nov. 2S, ls51. P. .\iaiigum. HenryClay. Lewis C.ass, Wm. R. King, and m:iny other illustriMUs characters, who have examined and witnessed their utiiitv. 44tf DAILY i:xiM:rTi:D. IRON, suitable for Spirit TONS of IlOt.d barrels, bv E. C H.\LL, of Home. 32tf Oct. 18. 1851. RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. ~ C1(>ME in to the (’he.ap Store. North side of y Hay street, one door .above the corner. .Mso. Pieady-made ;re.-it variety. ISAAC DODD. o7-tf and liuy n-w Dry !oods. l?lothiug. Hats aud Caps— Nov. 4. 1S.")1. JOHN D. W JLLIA.MS, Commission A* M\frtrart(ing •IMerchtmf., Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. '.I. 1852. C3tf T ^vi shin; •S W'lUl' to jiurchase any of the a- lio well to call and examine -•■' lie rti'ii carries on tlie T.VlLORINtJ ill ail it.s br.iridi--i. lIKiH (IRAIIAM. S Mitii-wi.'t l orner of .Market .''nuare. 1>-.'.J. ^4-•'inl I Farm a/tci Jicauti/itl Ii( ^iiJcurc LOU SALL. i'^HE .‘'ubscribe • wishing to remove to the .''outh-west, would sell kis lamls in this County, upim reasonable aud accommodating term~. There are aliout 27X> or :i00o acres, all lying in one body, and of which 4Mt ,ir 5iiu acres are in cultivation. The Ro.afI of the .loint ('oiiip;uiy. from Fayetteville to Raleigh, will run witiiin one mile of the rt'sidenre. Mo-it of the l.-iiids that are in lie within three mile.- of the ('ape Fear Itiver. adjoining the laii'ls of .John ('. Williams ;in‘l others. The afiove situ.itioii is very desirable, from the t'ai't it is surrouiided by the best of iieiirhUors and society. The subscriber might say much more by waj- of inducement; but he deems it unnecessary, as those wishing to purchase can call and see for thi-m.-elves. 'J'he Hoove lauds can be divi'ied so as to suit pui'ciiaser'.-. .\nv furthrr information can l>e given by ap- Iilicalion to the subscriber, or by letter addre--- e.f to him at Kin::i;burv, Cumberland ’o., -N. C. D. S. W1 Lid A MS. Feb. 2, 1S.52. •■2tf RLDI C LD LAKH. THR(>r(ill Tickets l>etween ilmington, X. and Raltimore. Fare $];{. Via Wel don. Petersburg. Richmond, and Washington Citv. or via Weldon, Portsmouth and Norfolk. For Tickets aj>ply at the Office of the Wil mington and Riileigh Rail ('ompany at Wilmington, or at the Office of the l>altimore Steam I’acket Coini'any, and of the Raltimore and Ohio Rilil Road Couij.any, Pratt ''trcet, Raltimore. Jan. 1, 1S52. o^J-tf General Agency and Commission Business. rjIHE Subscribers .*'ave this day entered in- M. l« a c:>partnership under the style of WHFFAKER, >\111TF1EI.D CO., for the ]>urpose of tloing a general agency and ^ ! commission, and in offering their ser vices to the public in tliat capacity they fi.attf^r themsi lves that they will lie aide to give satis faction to all those who may consign any goi-ds, wares, merchandize or country produce to then, either to sell on commi?sions i>r forwjird. As it will be oiir greatest aim to please, we pledge our.-elves to spare no j>ains iu trying to gi'e gcner.-il satisfaction. They respectfully soiicit tlie jiatrouage of their friends and the public trenerally. Their store is N». -i North Water Street. Dickinson’s F’ire-proof building, Wil- uiingtou, X. C. Jf>HN R. WHITAKER, JA.MES W. WHITFIELD, A. A. U. SOCTHALL. Rkkkrkx* Ks:—hdin l):iwson. Potter it Kid der. o, (i. I’arslev. Samuel Reery Sons, (i. R. Fren' h. .'ind Ellis X Mitchell. .Ian. 2‘.l, lh.j2. (il-tf IIMT M .n Cll.VTII.VM will leave day her regular davj the • \I:r . :;t 7 ..'liock A. .M.: and .'^teamer i.i: \ll \\l on Tu.--,day the 11th May. at li M. -each Roat ruiiuing through ■ in: ■ il:.y ol .starting. ■I'-i!> wi .hiiig to attend the meeting of the i- '1 ' Soei.-ty of North Carolin.i, or the ■ oDiiiiniiication of the CranJ Lodge of ' ■' of the St.ite of North Carolina. ■ " ill! in'.'ton, may rely ui)oii the above ■ .4 Of in re.idine.'S at ^\i!lnington to - I - •/. I' back. :i!id will also bring 11]) r.n^r to .ittcml the Ej)i.scopal Con- ■ ’ '.hi •- p .INO. D. WILLIAMS. Agent Cape Fear Steamboat Co. A DLSIRAIU.K ULSIDENCE J'OR fJHIE Subs.'riber now offers for sale all his Ml Turj>entine and Farming L.\ND, contain ing aftout OUO .\cres. situated 12 miK's Ea.-t of Fayetteville, on the (iohlsborough road, com monly known as Palmyra. It has a good dwelling himse. uut-buildings, •Vc., and a .-tore where a large amount of busi- m-hs is done, and increasing daily. This is a rare chance for turpentine getters, men haiits, ^.'^c. and will be sid>l a b.irgain. Any one wish ing to purchase, and wishing further informa tion, can ai>ply on the premises, to J. W. .ML RPHV, or P. TAYLOR, Fayetteville. July 2i;th, 1851. ‘ 8tf ^ K1N(J ami A. -Mc.MlLLAN have entered i.^ • into copartnership iu the l.)istillery of 'J'urpentine. and have erecte«l a Slill on the West side of the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road, 8 miles from Fayetteville. X. KINO. May 9.—71 tf A. McMILL.VX. I E wish to buy 2tl.OoO barrels Turpeutii.e i>i*. T. u. ■ H AS taken an Olhce on Hay Street, West M H. of the Hottd iiuildiugs. July n, 1S51. 4-tf R. \L ()!gu:iju FORW.lilUlNli .>IKRrilAXT AT FayoUeviile, A. i'. March 10, *1,^51. i2-tf IL L. IIoTmT^. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. OFFICE on corner of Front and Princess .streets, uinler Journal ollicc. Dec. 12. 48-tf .Mc.MILL.VN. nhi/u f I'ur/iitttrCy (J/idirs, I^IIL-iii;-i iiber is recelviu'; the largest !is- ".riiiii'iit in his line ever liefore purchased ^■"rth, which, together witli his own man- iiiakeo hia Stock very complete, cou- T Mia ‘'■‘ I''', 1 allies, Sofari, Bedsteadrf, Wash iii'U, lJurcuus, Luokiug (Jlasses, 'i'le Hiitinls, Secretaries, ; ■ wliii li will be soM on the lowest terms fbi "T ih ,-horl time to punctual customers. JOHX W. RAKER. ' ’ 1h51. { WA.N'I’KO, » 'I' H/ed young MtH.HS J. .V T. WADDILL. 11, l';o2. 82tf lleiiriotta Boat C'oN .\cw ^t4‘aiiK‘r, SOUrilLRNKR, WILL 1 >e in order to take her place in the line in a few days. She is one hundred and twelve feei long, noventeon feet beam, and fou: feet hold; aud draws not exceeding twelve inchea water. T1 e Company confidently expect that with thin Hoat, iu addition ta their other Steaiuern and tow boats, they will be in ti con dition to transport all freight sent by their line with as much certainty and ilespatch as any line ujion the river. The Southerner being of Hiich light draft of water, she will be tinabled to run at all times. (}. DEMIXO, IWt. K. M. OllRilLL, Agent. Jan’y 28, 1802. tiO-tf Norici:. -^^^E have fjoclined attending to the for warding business. Mardi 10, 1852. & I. AVADDILL. 73tf T in operation in different counties in North CaroHu'.i. For j>roof of their gre;it advantages over the common flutter wheel, or any otlier wheels now in use for saw mills, we cimfideutly refer to those who have applied them to their mills. We can recommend tfiem particularly fi.r their superiority in eases of a low head of water, or back water. We still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for ililfercut heads of w.iter, at Wilmington. Xew- lern, Washington. Edeiitou and Fayetteville, i'he wheels lu.iy be had of E. .V. Rre\ard, I.incoliitoii. aud I riah Wells, Petersburg. V:i. Persons wishing to obtjiiii the right to use the wheel.-, will be served on applictitiou to D. McNeill iSi. Co., Favtlleville, N. C. D. .McNElLL. A. A. .McKETH \N. D. J. .Me A LISTER. Feb’v 22, 1810 6() tf I DO,()()() Acres Valuable T 1 Al H i: R A N 1) S FOR SALE. ^H^HE .''ub.scriber has purchased .-ill the Lands j| belonging ti the E-tate of .Vbram Dubois. lec'l. lying principally in Robeson county, and on both sides of Lumber River, the dillerelit sur- vevs couiaiuiug Over 100,000 Acres; \ large part finely Timbered, aiul convenient to i..umber River, where a large iiuintity «if Tim- l>er is now rafted to the tie»irgetown m.irket. 'I'hese Lands are very valuable Imth for the Timber and Turpentine, for which [)urpose a large part is well suited, lieing in a i-egim where the Tui’jieutine yields more a)>und;int1y than any other section of the .'state. The Lands will be sold at a low price, and in i|Uaiitities to suit purchasers. Int'ormation respecting the title can be ob tained by applving to the Hon. Roficrt .''tran;re, Hon. ,L'is. Dobbin, or A. -V. T. Smitii, Es{., (.\ttorueys at 1 uiKlerstand tliere are m.-iny trespjissers on these Lands, to all of whom notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforced against all such offenders. .\pplication for any part «f the Lands can be made to myself, or to John Win.«low, Es|.. who is luly authorised to make of the same. THOS. J. CI RTIS. F.-iyetteville. X. C., Sept. 1, 1^15. 7'itf .irsr lux'KiN i:i). RRLS. WHISKEV, 10 fiiids. Molasses. 1 (jr. cask pale French Rrandy, 1 •• “ -Madeira Wiue, ].'» bags Rio Coffee. 5 boxes .^le'Iium .\xes. —.VLSO— Rrootns: Heartli Itnishes: .lute Door and Rug- gy -Mats: 'I'jinners’ Curriers’ Knives. Workers, and Smooth Fleshers; aud an additiou to our FRENCH CHINA. S. W. TILLIXGHAST \ CO. Miirch 1, 1S52. >9tf M^lanU Mlout! A' JtSmiU Storh' FOR SALE. fBlHH subscriber wishing to improve .some B real estate in this town, offers for sale, 25 Sliares of Fyyettevillc and \\ esterii Plank lload Stock. 18 Shares of Stock iu Bunk of Fayette ville. Terms m:vde known on application to untDiLN DE.MIXG. Favetteville, March 20. 1852. 75tf it *"9 Ijtaid arranis U anted. r||lHI] highest C.vsii i-uk ks p.iid for any jL number ol Land W arrauts, for a Xorth- ern couceru. •INO. ^L PiOSE, -\gent. F'ayetteville, Ajiril 14, IS52. 82tf JI ST RLCl J\1i:d^ 1 PIECES CANTON MATTING, 4-4 -B- ® * and li-l, red, checked, and white. —.ALSO— Loaf, (>ranulated, X. O. Clarified, New Or leans, aud Muscovado Sugars. Sugar House Syrup. 10 crates assorted Crockery. lOOO Porter ami W ine Hot ties. S. W. TILLINUHAST & CO. April 13, 1852. S2tf .>0,000 IhH. of‘ISa;;w WaiiUd. IAS ILL pay 3.1 cts. jier p4>und c.-ish for all clean cotton and linen R.VtJS, delivered to J. D. Williams, in Fayetteville. I am nearly re.idy to put in operation a Paper .Mill iu this neighborhood, and am desirous of getting my rags in this market. My object is to pay as much for rags as I can afford, and hope that 1 ni:iy not be forced to distant markets for my supplii-s. I have arranged with Mr. Williams to leccive uml pay for all rags delivereil to him. DAVID MLRPHV. Fayetteville, Feb’y 2 4, 1S52. tiS-tf S'JI'Tn nilOLIW INSlKlM'irni.Ml’ANV, OF CHARLESTON, S. C. CIHARTERED liy the St.ite of .'outh Caroli- na, w ith a Capital of >250.'Mio, all fiaid in and well invested. F'ire, .Marine, iiivtr and Life Risks. CH.\S. ED.MOXDSTOX, IWt. A. L. Tobias, Sec’y. DIRECTORS: R(ii!Ki;t Makti.n, Col. J.xmes G.vhsdk.v, M. .MnlUiKi VI, Cll.v.-^. H. W K.ST. S. Mu\U!V, Jr. 11 k.m;v The sub.scribers h.iving been appointed agents in this place for the above uanieil comjiany. .are prejiiired to receive offers and issue policies of Insurance ui Fire. Marine, River and idle Risks, on libt terms. All losses incurred at this agency, will be promptly adjusted aud paiil by the undersigned. DeRo.'^SET \ RROW.N. X. J?. Ri.ks will be taken on the lives of slaves on the most liberal terms. Wilmiugtun, X. ('., .March 27, 18.52.—77-Cm "■'^.VllHAS. Chrysanthemums, .aiid Verbwnas JL^ are now re.iily for delivery. Persons wishing a choice assortment should send their orders immediately, as my stock of extra tiue varieties is small. C. LFTTERLOH. Rowan street. Dahlias from D> to 2-> cts. Chry.-;inthemums 5 to lU cts. A'erUenas 10 to 25 cts. Also a number of other cheap hardy plants for f)edding out. >larch 21. 77 ~ IRON S'.VFLS. feiJ“Tlie suljserihors, .\ronts for tlie sale of W ILDER'S PATENT S \LAMANDER SAFES. W ITH RICH S I .M PROVEM ENT, of fer them of :ill sizes and patterns, delivered in Wilmington at the Mauulacturer's Xew York prices. These Safes are warranted if not supe rior to any others mauufactured. C'rders will receive prompt attention. Dk ROSSET & RROAVX. 'Wilmington. X. C.. March 2H. 1852. 77-3m mr ^ ^ Jl.HLR ll WE are rectfiving, at our XEW ST.VND, East corner of Green street and Market Square, a L.^RGE aud geueral assortment of Seasonable Imoofts^ Consisting iu jiart as follows: Watered, figured aud plain t/tack Dress .‘'ilks; Figured, changeable and plaid Silks; Challys; Raregrs; Rarege De-Laiiis; Tissues; Crape De- Paris; Organdies; Emb'daud [)rinted Lawnnand .Muslins; Jaconet, Swiss, striped aud barred Muslins; (iingliams and C.-ilicoes; liombazines; Silk and cotton warp Alpacas. —ALSO— A fine assortment of C zetts, Rrithd Veils; Eudiroidered muslin, lace ami crape Shawls; Musliu aud lace Mantillas: TiireacU lisle, cotton and linen I,ace and Edg ings; Swiss aud jaconet Edging aud In.sertiiig. Silk and kid Gloves; Ribbons, Tabbs, Flvw- ers, &c. Foil (Jkxti.kmk.s's Weak. [NO. 80.] ! MAV HOOKS. nAF{PEi»'S Magazine for April; The ^ el- lowplush Papers, by Thackeray; Th« Wide. Wide World, by ElizalK'th Wetherell; ('onstitutions of the L'uiied States; School Rooks, ^c. Just received. L. J. HALE SOX, April 14. Ni:\V M\ SK\ CtOXSISTlXtJ of Songs, Polkas, Waltzes^ ' \C., vVlC. April 14. .A A fiiie assortment of French-worke.l C.Jlars, i Gri.iji,,. ju.n.inv and Meal doue promptly, ufis, Capes, Rerthers, Lmler-s eeves, Cuemi- ; Fayetteville, Makh 1851. 12tf Just received. E. J. HALE SOX. SL i’PLY of Fresh (irouud fORX MEAL kept for sale at the Mill, late .\iiderson’sr LIFL JNSLRANC'K. ^HE I mlersigued has been ajijioiiited .\gont of the North C.iioliua Mutual Life Insu- r.ance Company. Ev*“ry member for life ]iartie- •V fine as.''ortment ipates in the profits of the Company; and tho of l.'loths, t'assimeres and Vesting; French ami atinual premium for life membership, where it English Drap D’Ete: (Queen’s Cloth; (.'.•ishmeret; amounts to J^-50 or more, may be paid one-half Slate and browu Liueiis; White and colored iu cash, and the other half in a note at 12 months.. Liuen Drilling. Debtois’ lives may be iiisured by creditirs. A complete assortment of ' ,r , ,, henetit of Lis tamilv. liie livt‘3 uf slaves uiay l^ouiictS; llatsi, JJootSj ohocs, Liubrcllas, be irisurei. l’ar:vsols, ! This system is rapidly grriwing into favor, all With many other articles not enumerated, ma- over the eivil'zed world. It is one by which a king our assortment the largest and best we family, for ;i small sum aiuiually. may be pro- have ever offered in this market. '1\> the above Goods we woidd call the atten tion of our customers, friends anti the jiublie geiier.illy. as we intend to a>ell them as I..OW as anv other house in this market. ALEX R JOHXSOX & CO. March 18, 1852. 74tf vided for, after the death of iis head, on \vhos« exertions they may have been tlependeiit for » support. It is a good investmi'iit of money, eveu if one should live hmg after taking out .-i Life Policy. Expl.-inafory panij'hleis. ;iud thtf necessary Rlanks, furnished on applic;itioii. L. J. HALE. I Faj'etteville, June I8-50. 72 \MNTKli SI PPLY. F] are now receiving our winter supply T * of Goods, 3 doors below the Market House, south side Per-ou street, where may be fouml the following articles: of .-ill trrades, (Jotfee, 5 Hhds. Cuba ^lol a.'^ses—sweet. 3 Rbls. Syrup—a superior i.rticle, (Jreen ami Rlack Tesis, Cheese of three different qualities, Rice, Pejiper and Spice, Rope and Ragging, bo Rbls. .Mackerel, Shoes and Roots of e.xtni large size. Shovels, Spades :ind Forks, Corn Ploughs and Points, Axes of the best bi.inus, Knives and Forks, Xails and Iron. .lO.ttOO lbs. Cotton Yam. With a great iiiaiiy other articles cheap for Cash or exchanged for Produce. Call and see. CR-»SS CREEK CO.. C. Renbow, Pres’t. Dec. 20, 1851. r>o-tf \mm. ^fallurcl, ilark A: Ui\on, Mini iij'nt fun rs of uH aizi a of Home Poirers ami Thrcshiiii/ .Mtirhiites, (Jtoth Portiihle antf Stdti'DKirt/,) Wool L’artliu'j Ma~ chines, ASfmir C'ltffirs of luiriuus j)(itf>.rns, Whent Mill and \ Fartonf (jutr. Saw and (I'riat j i JLll iron.^,J}ar/c.}/ills,E,l>/e ' WIIOLLSALE i . Waich anti .Jewelry Store- !rjiHEV resjiectfully inform their customers r it \I|T T l-'T* JL and the public, that they continue to . VV \ ry on their business at their Machine Shop, IntjtorferSf Manufnrtnrers and Johhenf near SN(>W CAMl’, .Vlamance county, Xorth ii' / 7 . / / / i’ /» 7 I .1 I * I n«f(/(es, .itvcelnK anil rinni/ ( arolina. where they arc prepared to execute I ' j i •> NFAV liOOKS. ..\LI lU'RToN'S Viinkee Stories, illustrat-* ed: the Y ankee Tea Party, iir Rostou iu I77i; thet)ld Rell of Indepeii ie-ice. or Philji- del]diia iu i77'>; Camp Fires if the Revolution, or the War of lnde|ienlence. illustr.-ited: Weld';! Dietion:iry if .'Scriptural (Quotation.'; lLii baugh‘: Heavenly Recognition; C.itechi.-m of Famili:ii' Things; .M.-ithias' Rules of Or.h r. for Societies, >i:c.: W alker s Rhyming atid Pronouncing Die tionary; Rritish Female Poets: American Fe-» male Poets; Watson's Dictionary of Poetical Quotations; I'liiiadelphia as it is in 1852; iVc. E. J. HALE ^ SON, April 8. Hooka—.yfcdirtd,, tVr. ’WB EIGS’ Velpeau’s Midwifery: MendenhalPci ..TM. .Medical Stulent's Vade-.Mecum; Mur-* l»hy's Review of (,’hemistry liu- Studeutti; Rid-> die’s Review of Materia .Mediea aud Ther.-ipeu- tic, for Students: Cr.-iige's Elements of Geueral and Pathological Anatomy; Ca/.eaux's .Midwife ry: Hastitigs’ Minor Sur>rerv; Reese’s .\m. Med-> ieal Formulary; the Physician’s Pocket Pre-* scinption Rook; Flagg ou Ether and Chloroform in Surgery, Dentistry, &c.; .Morfit’s and Phaim.-iceutical Manipulations; Reusley’S j Druggist’s Receipt Rook; Ditto Pocket Formu lary; Xoail's Chemical .Nnalysis; Wythe's Micro-' scopists’ .Manual; Wright's Am. Receipt Jiook; Overuiiin’s I’ractie.ul .Mineralogy, .A.'isa.ving and .Mining; Smith’s Domestic .Medicine; Ranking's Half Yearly Abstract of Moilical Sciences; iS:c. £. J. HALE & SOX. T. C. WORTH, (■(I.M.)II.SS1(I.\ ANU Fllll\VAKl)I.\(J .)1ER('IIA.\T, W ILMLNG rON, N. C. Feb. ], 1851. 57tf WILKINSON & ESLER, DEALERS IX C'onjrefionan/, Fon njn Fnuts^ ^uts, To- hareo^ and Snuff, AND IMPORTERS OP" sri’i:uioii ii.wA.'VA ciwahs, .AT \VIIOI,KS.4I.K A.M) RKTAIL. market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, 1851. 11 tf j^rORACiEl WE have commoclious brick Warehouscij iu the rear of our Store, iu vvhicli we store cotton and other produce. . D. & W. MoLAVRIN. Xov. 1, 1851. JS7-tf .IIJST RECKIVFJ). Tm .MEX’e and Roys’ SADDl.ES, vf every nuality Kud style, sotue very flue. Al so, Bridles, Collars Jidiips and Wagon Harness. WANTED, 3000 ft. .Ashe Lumber for Wagons, 1J to 3 inches thick. •StMK) ft. Seasoned Oak Lumfier, IJ to 3 inches. 1(KM) ft. W hite Oak and Hickorj', for Axletrees. 1000 ft. W hite Oak for Tongues, Roisters aud Shafts. 100 Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. 2(K>I Spoke.s. For which the highest cash price will be paid. .\j>|ily soon to E. F'ULLER. May H', 1851. 72-tf 'I'he Steamer Cliathaiii 3*. will resume her semi-weekly trips fietween this place .‘ind Wilmington, ou Monday the D'lth inst.. leaving F.iyetteville every .MOX- D.VY and THl’RSD.VY thereafter, at 7 o’clock M.. and running through the same day.— Leaving W ilmington every TUESDAY’ and FRl- D.\Y. after the arrival of the Cars from the Xorth. The Steamer Gov. Graham, with as many Tow Boats as may he necessary, will run ill connexion with the Chatham, as often as may bo necessary to carry all Freights that may c.- fer. The aiidition of another large Flat (the Geu'l McRae.) to this Line, affords increased facilities for the shipping public. Goods shall certaiidy have U6 tjiiick trausit by this Line as any other. JXO. D. WILLIAMS, Ag't Cape Fear S. R. Co. Feb'y 9, 18.=V^, »33tf BROWN & De ROSSET, *Veir I’oi'/k^ De ROSSET 6^ 15ROWN, IV^iiminfiton^ JV. COWIMISSION MERCHANTS. i’OTTS IJhown. AK>f.vM>'J. J>^Kosskt, Jr. 11. F. Duuw X. C'^ .\SH advances will be made on consignuient y of Produce for .sale either in Wilmington or Xev Y ork, and Cotton wiR be forwanled to the Xew Y’ork Huu-e free of Cuumissiou at Wilmington. .March 22, 1852. 7«>-6ni all work in their line with neatness, punctuali ty and despatch. With an increased variety of tools and labor-saving machinery added to our est.alilishiiient the jmst winter,—a well selected as.sortment of materials purchased at the low est cash prices.—workmen of known skill and ability’, together with long experience in the business,—fully justify us iu s.aying. as to |Ual- ity and price, our work has not, will m)t, and sh.-ill iioi. suffer in comparison with auy other Shop iu the South. Grateful to the public for fiast favors, they solicit a coutiuujmce of their p.-itronage. X. R. Please send your oniers soon, as our motto is “first come first served.” Letters ail- dressed to the subscribers, at Snow Camp, X. C., will receive jirompt attention. STAFFORD, CLARK & DIXOX. March 1852. 71-t)Ui Have leaicd the Old Staml formerly occupied by Messrs. Caiifiehl. Rrotlier iJcCo.. Sout/t corner nf ('/inrt>‘^ ot'it U'tUinture sftnetf, (So. 227.) which they are putting in ciuiplete order for the WllOLES.ALE W.\TCH .VND JEWELRY RL'SINESS, to be opened about the 20th of.July. In c.-illing the attention of the trade to the new concern, we mention the i'act that we are associated with one of the most extensive Jew elry .Manufacturing Establishments in the coun try. which must give a decided advantage over all others in this market for ."upplying dealers with .fewelry at mnnufai'turers’ prices, a feattire iu this br.'inch of tr;ide long since needed -be tween Raltimore aud the Southern and Westeru .Merchants. We desire to c:ill ]inrticular attention to the Watch department, which will at all times bu NOTICE. ' sup]ilied with a great assoi-tnient from the most 4LL persons" indebted to‘the subscriber, ' celebrate.} luunuf'acturers. ami kept iu perfect either bv note or account, are re-iueste.l «-» order, so that purchi sers may at once to call aud set'tle the same as early as possible. , " •** ' g’^aruntce that they He may be found one door W est of j,ihertv ‘ ' . . . Point, Vith the most of his ready-made work This brat,ch of the bu.siness will rereivc the saved from the late fire. Person's in want of attention of one if the firm whoso e.T- Rv C. H.VLL, of Rome. ;}2tf Oct. 18. 1851. fVm. Roivlaud\s MIIjL *STW S. IDOZiiX, very heavy. For sale by H. BlUXyON & SON. April 17, 185U. TORACCO, tOOOD STOCK ou hand; and I ahull re ceive regularly, from .Messrs. J. Jones I't Co’s Factory, ijujilities assorted from common to very fine, which 1 vill sell at lowest luauufac- turingprices. J. UTLEY. Fayetteville, April 3, 1851. Otitf Blank Warrants ^or said here, VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, THK .MOST P0PI;L.\R FAMILY MEDICINE O K T H E .V « E 1 [Isetl by Piiysiciaiis of High Slandiiig. ■|tie«e inTTKK.S renui\e all mortiid secreti-'iu, pniiu the hlood. giie groat toiK* and vigor lo the ,ii 'tivf 111 ifMiiK. I'lirtil'y the s; stem Hi?aiiisl all fiit'u# ■li'.*»'e can bf taken with safety, at no time deliili- tMtmt' the patient —l'»‘in(? (fiatef'il to the most cleli- K'.ite stomHi'h, and remarkahle /or tlieir cheering, invigorating, strengthening, and re.'forative priijier- ties, and >iii invaluable and Mire remedy for 1>VSI*I.PSI\ I\ ITS WORST FORMS. .iVlso. l.iver Coin|>laint.s, Jaundice. Ileartbuni, o». Jivene's, Kaintnejs, Disorders of the Skin and Liver, I..KS .if \[i|ietite, l.ow Spirits, Nerrous Headache, (iiddinesK. I’Rliiitation of the Heart. Sinking tnd 1^ nll- pesK of Wuight at tlie Stomach, and all other diseavei fini'ied bv an impuro state of the blood, liver, etc, which teiid lo dekilitate and weakeu the system. F K M A K S \Vho siifl'er from a morbid and unnatural condition Will tiiHl thin .Medicine of INESTIMABLE VALUE. In AI I » 4S»- nf (SKNKU M. DK.BILITV, tUi» .Medi- eiiie .\LTS I.IK!-; A ( H.MIM ! THOUSAZffDS Hare tested itH efficacy, and thoHsaiids mote are now under iieatTUv;it ; and not one solitary case ot failure h i>i \vl ticeii leiiorted. Volumes could be lill,sd w:th oertiticates of tho>e who have Uee’i permaueutly ruled. tali Oil tli« »“* f®* • P.4HPHLET, l ontttiuing the Certificates of Remarkable Tuies. and thBhigU estinitt'x’u m which this .Medicine is held ty tn« I’uHic ri«»s-can be had of the .AgenU. liee Large Q,uarta $1; Pints 50 Centa. Sold by alt the Pt inripal hrufignts in the United Stntts and L'anudus. Pritacipal t>mce. li-i KULTO-N' ST.. .V Y- uj. st*ir« For sale by S. J. ill^JSDALE. 2^y\ciubcr 8, 1851 Sb-y i»uy tirticles in my line of business, would do well to call, as I will sell cheaji for cash, or ou time for apjiroved note. JAMES i^UXDV. Jau’y 10, 18o2. Oitf FI iriTii^u xo'i'icE. fftilke this- method of returning my sincere tluinks to those rentlemen who saveil the poods from my .''ho(i ou the morning of the 8d inst. But for tlieir kiudness aud exertion, 1 would have lost ail. JAMES SUXUY. OLD 11YH. A XOTIIFK lot of Doctor Williains’a old Rec- xsL titled Kve Whiskev. J. & T. UADDILL. March 20. T.-tf FOU S.VLE.—20,(>()() liA- COX. J. D. WILLIAMS. Feb’v 9, 18-V2. 08tf XEW iU)OKS. ! PUTNAM'vS LIBllAKY, Xos. 4 and 5, being the World Here aud Thero, by Dickens, _ and llood'.s Own; Count Monte-Leone, or the j Spy in Society; Miss Sewell's Journal of a Sum- ■ mer Tour; Memoir of llev. W. H. Hewitsoti; j Wesley and Methodism, by Taylor: Spencer s Pastor's Sketches; McCIuffey s Eclectic Headers, ; 1st, 2d, 3l and 4th part.s; I’arker s 1st Le.xsons ; iu Philosophy; Mills’ Khetoric; D:i\ies’ School .Arithmetic; &c. .\lso, further supplies of THE BOSTOX AC.A DEMY'S (-ollection; (’Hrmina S.icra; Guuu's Domestic .Medicine; liumorist’.s Library: &c. [ K. J. HALE & SOX. tensive and practical knowledfre of the buxines^ will, we hope, give us a iu the confideuve of Ituyers. i We respectfully invite you to call upon ' wh.en yui next visit our city, confidently l.e- ; lieving that an examiniition of our Goods wlil ]irove to yi'u that they are better styles hnd * cheajier thau you iiave ever seen in this marLet, and a.xsure ym that uo eti'ort shall be wai.tiii); on our jiart to make the uc^uaiutauce oue of mutual beuefit. L. II. MlLLEPt & CO, I Old stiiiid, formerly oecupieil by j Canheld, liro. A Co., S. E. cor ner of Charles it Baltimore sti. Biiltiuiorc, June IS-M. Id-'iw i REFi;!{EX('ES: Messrs. AVyeth, l>lackhn-k & Co. I fjiwyn. U‘id .V. '1 :.ylor. ! James Hodges X Brother. I Hurst it Berry. Mu.-doch, Duer k Evaus. j Stelluiann & Miurichs. ; .‘^angst*!!! iS: t’o. j Barthlow, (Jwyn Co. I Uiely iV Pendleton. Cushings \ Bailey. John Murphy & Co. Moore iS: GriHin. IJETTON’S SHIRT 17U M^rkrt Stir,.I, ISAI/a NOTICE. SHIRTS fUlJIE largest and only JB. .Manufacturing Whole sale Establishment in the City. The capital and forc^ .1 —— engaged euubles me at all All persons indebted to the ^ scriber for offer to Country Merchants and Deal- Goods purchased at Floral College, are re- j„ gniKTS, COLLa'iIS, LIXKX and COT- onested to make immediate pnymeiu, either DR.VW ERS, great inducements—more '!*'■ neighboihood, or to ■ tisual efforts having been made to render ^ , r> the assortiaeiii of these articles full aud com- D. B. Jlc.Vn> liiinself in Cheraw. Chera-vf, Dec, 20, 1B51. 50-tf or Celtic SCOTTIS3I GAEI-, i .Manners, as preserved among the High- ! landers, being an historical and descriptive ac- | couut of the inhabiuints, antiquities, and iia- | tional peculiarities of bcotland, by James Lo eau. Just received and for sale by ^ £. J. UAUi i SOX. piete. The .Stock on hand la l.trge uud well assortei.1 for Men aiul Boys. .All ortlers from the Country attended t» -with punctuality and despatch. llemember the Xame, unl ^o, 179 yiarUet T. W. BETTOX^ August 15, leai. tl-yojjx*