mm S E M I-W E E K L. Y. [VOL. 1.] I'lUNTKIl l!V .1. IS. XKW15Y. KUWAKI) J. UALlTjt SOX, tltici'lis A-NU IMlOrUlKTOKS. FAYKTTEVII.LE, N. C., MAY 4, 1852. [NO. ST.] ■! rc^ .. fi,r thv-Soini-Wfckly Uii.’^ekvk.k $4 (Kl if j.-iiJ isi lulviinoi': !j'4 50 if paid during the u’.ir of 5>o ufter the year has fvf.ire.l. j\r the Wcfkly Ou>>rHvrR $2 00 per annum, if [a;.l in .I'i'aiice; SO if paid during the vear of subsoription; or S3 00 after the j’car kiS VliVF.UTlSKMFiNTS inserted f r sixty cents .^,r ,.|u:iro fiT the first, and thirty cents fttr each j . ooe'iiiii j>iil'lic;ition. Yearly a«lverti.sements ooiitructs, at reasonable rates. Ad- j ver:i'i‘i> !ire reiiuested to state tlie number of di"^ired. or tiiej* will be cOutinued till f.irbi'l- vhrtr;:ed ttccorilinjily. Letters tu llie Editors must 1>« post-paid. 'Thi'Annual Convention! fftlit' I’rufostJint Ejiiscopiil Cluireh in the l>io- .f«o I't N"rth ('arolina, will be held in t^t. i.ihn's • linrcli. Fayetteville, on the 3d Wedues- in Mav.—the I'.'th dav of the month. F.1>\VD LUK'WINSLOW. Secy. April8-VJw Bank of Cape Fear, ^ April 17, 18;j2. —Ihe Board of Directors — have declaied a 5:>«mi-annxial Dividend of rour per cent. Payable at the ]irincipal Dank and iJranches on and after the :id May ne:^t. il. 11. iSAVAGE, .’ash'r. !"• 8a-td c()'r'r()N'TAKN57 nl'vays prepared to furnish COT- * « lON ^ AKNS bv the bale, at Factorv j. & T. WADDILL. ‘ April 14, 18:>2. ji>tf Ulaki'% FiM'^Prool' DAUBK,I>S Blake’s tire-proof I’AlNT, for sale V»y ». J. HlNlSDALfc:. March 17, 18,')2. 74u‘ IJNSKKf) OIL. DAUUKLS North Carolina made LINSKED (.)1L, for sale ty S. J. IIINSD.AU:. March 17, 18')2. ' 74tf U lU be lien:iced hy The jirst rise in the li trer, TOXSofSWEDKS IKON, bv E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, 1851. :V2tf Selliitff oW at Cost! t;UEAT 1!ARGA1NS! The subscriber is desirous of changing his business, and wishes to sell off his present stock of Goods immediately, consisting in part of Staple and Fane if Dnj (iood.s, Em>>racinjr a tine stock of Ladies' Dress Goods, Dare^e, Barege Le-Lains, Dotted and plain Swiss Muslins, colored ditto. Barred, Jaconet ami Cambric Muslins: col’d Summer Silks. Also, a tieneral assortment of black ami col’d Silk Dresses; a large assortment of Hosiery. Also, Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeda, Jeans, and SiUti- nets. A general assortment of Summer wear tor Gentlemen; all kinds of Linen goods. ^ Also, a large stock of Boots and Shoes, Hats, lionnets. Umbrellas and Parasols, Hardware and Crockery, Wines and Frcucli Brandy. Ihe above stock is offered at the mere cost here, (’ountry .Merchants and all others buy ing Good« in tliin market, will do well to call and examine, as I am determined to sell and close out my present stock, wliich is large and fresh, and well selected. W. S. LATTA. .\pril 19, 1852. 8:>tf XT" Tni' Wliiir.'* of liladon are r.suc^u'd to meet al the Court House, «>n Mon- | ii\, the ;itl of May, (County Court week.) to j nrpiiit lieh‘tr:»tes to the District Convention, j will .-i-iiieuible for the purpose of appoint- ' in.’I'l'le.'lies to the Whiff Niitionul Convention, i til in'iiiitiiite an Eleciur. Wi’. Herald copy. STlv\.MF.U SOr'l'i'!FKNi:K U^ll.l. leave Fayetteville eviry Weaiifsd.'iy and ."Saturday, at 7 o . ock, M., nnd jrrive in Wihnington at 7 o’clock, P. M. .\nd Hi!! leave Wilmington every Monday and Thurs- div, ill 12 o'clock. M., aul arrixe in Fuyette- ;ili* next morniuj April 2*'», 1852. M'rs 11. M. OllKELL. Agent. 85-tf \N1) FlU’iT.^ 2'MJ lbs. Soft Shell Almonds. *• •“ Dr.izil Nut.'. *• Enirlish Walnuts. “ •• Filberts, 25 Drums Figs. 1 Case Prunes in fancy .Jars. 10i whole, half, atnl qr. Boxes Kaisins. 1 Case Preserved Ginger. T> di'7.. Jars Pickles. .ia. Lemon, Sugar anl Water (,'rackers. Just received bv CHAHLES BANKS. ; ril 21. 1‘'52. ^5tf VOR KKNT. J^IIK 'Ivvf'Hin" at present occupied by th* •‘uli'i-ribfr. situated on Haymount. nearly , 'iie Mr. E. J. Hale s residence, -\pply to L B. HAWLEY. Aj'ril 2'’.lh. IS-'.J. S-5-tf Tii:w t;aoBy!s7 .H>>T KKCKIVKIt. Tiik undersigneil has just re ceived his stock of SPUING .VND SLMMEK t;u()l>S. c-m- bistin" of Cloths, Cah.siuieres and Vestinirs. Black, brown, green, blue and olive Cloths; white silk and s.-it- in Vestinfrs; Marseilles ditto. white and colored: Linen Drill- wliite and colored; Dce-skiii ( assiuieres; dll.; Drab de'Ete and Bombazines. —A LSI )— .'issortment of llEAD\-^L\DE CLOTH- vVc. -.vishing to ptirchase any of the a- irt’c'e-- would do well to call and examine \n iN'i. ]v, j.-'- lit' still carries on the T.MLf)UING ' 'INL.'^S iu all its branch*s. HKJH GHAHAM. .''"iith-west coruer of Market S(|u;ire. Acri! 17. l,s.'>2. h4-.‘5m T-' C1I.\THAM will leave ’ ■; ; on Monday (hi-r r»-gul;ir day) the ‘ ' \i:iy, at 7 o'clock >L: nnd Steamer '•'ll\l| \ \1 oil Tuesday the llth May, fit k A. M.—each lioat running through ■ ' iiiii- 'lay of >tarting. iVr»w:-hit.g to atten*l the meeting of the M‘ 'lii-:d Society of North Carolina, or the ''iiiiiiunication of the Grand Lodge of ‘ of the State of North Carolina. | iii;;ton, may rely upon the above ■-‘■inciits. ’ ” . »:11 l>e in readiness at Wilmington to j ' back, anl will also bring up ! 'I'-iring to attend the Ej>iscopal Con- I '•'U at ilii'j jilace. ! J.NO. I). WILLIAMS, Agent | Cape Fear Steamboat Co. BHtt I.'!' ■1 :r \\,l, •'rril Ut, lh-V2 JONEl'll W. BLOSSOM. C O n .U I !!» !!> 1 \ AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, •'W C. Prompt personal attention given to all Conaignmetits, nnd Cash advances made on Pro- iluce tu be shipped to other ports or sold iu this market. Feb. 12, IH.Vi, f)4y \V. L. S.MlfilT (^Ojfire in Ltmtnis Jinihlinij,') WILMLNXJTOX, C. Jan'y l!.j2. GOV 1' u li PI: N r INI: la x d FOR SALE. s.ale, 3'.'8 acres of LAND on James Creek, anti t>4> .■\cres «»n •"'ypress Creek, In Cumberland, convenient tf> the Western Pl.-ink B«*ad, heavily timl>ered, ami admiinibly ndtipted to tilt making of Turpentine. Apply at ihis Utlice. Nov.’28, 1851. 44tf I) AI iT\” K X In-A TI: I). TON.'' of IIOUP IllON, suitable for Spirit : barrels, by E. C. H.VLL, of Home. Oct. 18, 1851. oi^tf “ retail and wholesale. “ ^ (*ME in to the Cheap Store. North side of ^ y Flay street, t>ne door above the corner, and buy new Dry Goixls. .Vlso, Beady-maile (Uothiug, Hats aud Caps—great variety. ISAAC DODD. Jsov. 4, 1851. 37-tf j J()iT>Ti)r^ illiaaisT i I'oiitinissioti X . tlierrham^ Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. 9, 1H.V2. »'-;?tf - I I'ana and Braidifu/ Ut.sidcnce FOR SAI.F. I Subscriber wishing to remove to the South-west, woubl sell his lands in this ] cninty, upon reasonable and accommodating | terms. There are about 2700 or :>IK)0 acr>s. all lying in one body, and of which 400 or 5ntl acres are in eultivation. The Plank I’o.-id of the Joint Stock CompJiny, from Fayettevillu to Italeigh, , will run within one mile of the residence. Most of the la?ids that are in cultivation lie within three miles of tlie ('ajie Fear Kiver. adjoining the lands of John C. Williams and others. The above situation is very desirable, from the fact that it is surrounded by the best of neighbors and si»ciety. ' The snbscri>>cr might sa}' much more >iy way ' of inducement: but he deems it unnecessary, as those wi.^hing to purch.-ise can call and see for . tiiemselves. I The above lands can be divided so as to siut ' purcliasers. Any further information can be given >)V ap- ]>lic;it'ion to the subscriber, or by letter address- . eij to him ut Kingsbury, Cuml)crland Co., N. C. i D. S. WILLIAMS. Feb. 2, 1852. '12tf I A DESI ItAltTir irESI I lOK SAI.K. j rjlHE Subscrilnjr now oflTers for sale all his ■ i Turi>entine and F’arming LAND, contain- j ing a»iout tiOO Acres, situated 12 milrs East oi Fayetteville, on the Goldsborough road, com- | inonly known as Palmyra. It has a good dwelling house, out-buildings, j &c., and a store where a large amount of busi- ' ness is done, and increasing daily. This is a rare chance for'tuntentine getters, merchants, ! &c. and will be sold a bargain. Any one wish ing to purchase, and wishing further informa- i tion, can aiuily on the premises, to j J. W. .MCI:PHY, or , P. T.WLOU, Fayetteville. July 2*jth, 1851. 8tf KING and A. .McMILL.\.N have entered • into copartnership in the Distillery of Turpentine, and have erected a Still on the West side of the Fayetteville and Western Plank Jload, 8 miles from Fayetteville. N. KING. May 9.-7Itf A. McMlLLAN. IIVfMfc'r#. WE wish to buy 20,M)0 barrels Turpentine. KING & McMlLLAN. * ^ 3L*e 4 . The Subscriber still continues to carry on the C.\ BI.VET BCSINI^SS in Fayetteville, and iu M x»l » !idditi(Ui to his Establi.vlunent on ^ » Bow street, near Eccles's Bridge, has opened a large W.VUF' H(M>M on Hay ■ street, nearly opposite the Fayetteville Hotel and one door East of Messrs. Haigh & Son's, where a general assortment of 1 ITRAITURE, Made by competent and faithful w(M‘kmen, may be had at prices corresponding with the times. Also, an assortment of Nortliern-m:\de Fl UNl- TL'ivE. eelecteil by himself, which will be sold ut a very moderate advance. DUNC.VN .McNEIl.L. Nov. 10, 1851. o8tf V 8 E keeps on hand an assortment of Fisk’s a H celebrated MET.VLLK' BURIAL CASES, which have been liighly recommended by Willie P. .Mangnm. Henry Clay, Lewis Cass. Wm. K. King, «nd many otiier illustrinus characters, who have examinel and witnessed their utility. KFDFCFI) FARF:. rfflHKOCGH Tickets between Wihnington. N. H. ('., and Baltimore. Fare >18. Via Wel- d'>n, Petersburg. Hichmond, nnd Washington City, or via Weldon, Portsmouth and Noii'olk. For Tickets apply at the (.►thee of the U il- niington ancl Raleigh Ptjtil Road Company, at Wilmington, or at the Otlice of the Baltimore Steam I’acket Comp.-.ny, and of the Baltimore iin>l Ohio Rail Roail Conijjany, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jun. 1, 1852. 5:l-tf General Agency and Commission Business. THIHF' Subscribers have this Hay entered in- 8 to a c:ipartiiC-rship under the style of WHIT.VKER, WHITFIELD & CO., for the purpose of doing a general agencj' nnd commission business, and in offering their ser vices to the public in that capacity they finttcr themselves that tliey will be aide to give satis- factitiii to all thof,e who nia3' consign any go.-ls, w ares. uH'rchandize or country produce to them either to sell on commissions or forward. As it will Ik‘ t>ur gr itest aim to please, we pledge ourselves to spare no pains in trying to give general satisfaction. Tfiey respectfully solicit the p:itronage of their friends and the public generally. Their store is No. 3 North Water Street. Dickinsou’s Fire-proof building, Wil mington, N. C. JOHN R. WHITAKER, JAMES W. WHITFIELD, A. A. B. SOI THALL. IlKrK.RKxrKs:—John Dawson, Potter & Kid der. (). 1. Parsley, !^aniuel Heery & Sons, G. R. F’rench, and Ellis &. Mitchell. Jan. 2'.t, 18.52. «l-tf i> i^TTTiTTriTi; 11, ,\S t.'iken an Otlice on Hay Street, West of the Hotel Buildings. July 14, 1851. 4-tf K. M. OKKKM., F()R\VARI)I\G r(l.)j)llSSlll\ }II'RniAXT AT Fayellevillr, t'. .March 10. *1851. «i2-tf I I I ; iloLMKS, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. '‘iFFK E (ju coruer of Front and Princess W streets, under Journal ofiice. Dec. 12. 48-tf 'iriiiliirc^ ('htdrs^ £ 1. Mit,scriber is receiving the largest ns- 5. Ids line ever before purchased j'^ "'*‘'^'h, together with his own man- ‘'iiti/'his Slock very conijjlete, con- SofaH, Brdateatl.H, Wash ‘ '-‘iiils, liuroHii.s, Ijookiiig (ila.sses, ' Sccretariuri, !to. i„.|’ " "dl he iiold on the lowest terms for ' ''f oil bhoi't time to {luuetual customerji. „ JOHN W. BAKER. - i8.'>i. 85tf n,.,, \VA\rKi), Ijl '>'^*:d young MULHS. J. .V T. 1852. 14, WADDILL. 82tf Henrietta Steam Boat Co’k .\ew Mt«‘aiiier, SOUTIIKKXER, WILL be in order to take her place in the line in a few days. She is one hundred and twelve feet long, seventeen feet beam, anl four foot hold; and draws not exceeding twelve inches water. Tlie Company' confidently expect that with t/iif Boat, in addition tu their other Steaiiicrs and tow boats, they will be in a con dition to transport all freight gent by their line with as much certainty and »lespatch ae any line upon the river. The Southerner being of such light draft of water* she w ill be enabled to run at all times. G. DEMING, I’res’t. 11. M. OBRELL, Agent. Jan’v 28, 1852. OO-tf T. C. WORTH, 1’0.11.>1ISSI(IN y\\D FORWAKDl.MJ MERCIIAM, WlL.MlNCi’i'ON, N. C. »li. ], ~\\ eV ESL DEALERS IN Confectionary, Fureiijn Fruits, ^ iits, To- J)nrv9, nnd Snuff, AND I.MPORTERS OF Sl FKItlOR IIAVA.\.4 C'ICJARS, at AVIIOl.KSAt.E AND UKTAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. .Aug. 7, 1851. 11 tf T IS'mUAGE^ ~ » K have commoiliou.s brick W’arehouses ▼ T in the rear of our Store, in which we store cotton and other produce. D. & W. .McLAPRlN. Nov. 1, 1851. 37-tf NOTICE. WE have declinel attending to the for warding business. J. & T. WADDILL. March 10, 1852. 7.Stf .)CST KECmVEt). 7.*^ MEN’S and Boys’ SADDJ.ES, of every quality and style, some very fine. Al so, Bridles, Collars, Whips and Wagon Harness. IJv E. C. HALL, of Rome. ’t)ct. 18, 1851. 32tf Wta. Rowland^a MILL 1 DOZEN, very heavy. For sale by H. BRANSON & April 17, 1852. ^^ti Flire Insurance. ^I^HE .ETN.V Insurance Company of Hart- -*■ ford, having paid the tax imposed by the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue its Agency iu Fayetteville, under the management of the undersigned, who is pre pared to issue Policies of Insurance on Build ings or Good*, either in this Town or in any part of the State, on proper application, de scription of tlie Property, &c. The .ETNA t^jMP.VNV has been in operation about :)0 yciirs. Its capital is $;s00,000. The Hon. Thos. K. Brace was its first President, and he still holds that ofiice; and several of its first Directors are still active and efhcient mem bers of the Board. It has at all times sustained the highest character for the frudence of its ninnagenuMit, and for the liberality with which it lias ever adjusted its losses. E. J. H.\LE, -Agent. March 10, 1851. (52-tf ^ i IBotcliki«i»N Vertical Watei* Whtel. ^■1 H FRIO are several hundred of these AVheels Jl iu operation in different counties in Nortii Carolina. For pr(>of of their great atlvautages over the common flutter wheel, or any oilier whc«Ia now ill use for saw mills, we confidently refer to those who have applied them to their mills. We can recommend them particularly fwr their superiuity in cases of a low head of water, or back water. We still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for difterent heads of water, at Wilmington, New born. Washington. FMenton and Faj'etteville. The wheels may also be had of F]. . Brevard, Lincolntou. am! L'riah Wells. I’etersburg. Va. i'ersous wishing to obtain the riglit to use the wheels, will be served on applieatiou to D. McNeill Ck. Co., Fayetteville. N. C. D. McNEILL. A. A. McKETHAN. D. J. McALlSTER. Fcby 22, 184'.) oti tf 100,(MM) .\crcs \ uluablu T 1 M li I-: \{ L A N I) S for sale. f II1-' .'subscriber has purchased all the Lands ■- belonrin.2 t'> the Kf^t.-ite of .\bi-am Dubois, dee d, lying principally in l{d)eson county, and on both sides of Lumber River, the different sur veys containing Ovor 100,000 Aercs; large part finely Timbered, and convenient to Lumber River, where a large (juantity of Tim ber is now rafted to the (Seorgetown market. These Lands are very valuable both for the Tinilier and Txirpentine. for which a large jcirt is well suitel, being in a region where the Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other section of the State. The Lands will be sold at a low price, and in (piantiiies to suit purchasei-s. Information re.specting the title can be ob tained by applying to the Hon. Robert .Strange, Hon. Jas. C. Dobbin, or A. A. T. Smith, Esq., (.\ttorneys at Law.) 1 understaml there are many trespassers on these Lands, to all of wfiom notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforced against all such offenders. Application for any part of the Latids can be ni.nde to my.ielf, or to John Winslow, F;.--ii.. who is duly authorised to make sale of the same. THOS. J. CI KTIS. Fa.yetteville. N. C., Sept. 1. 1J4.5. 7''>tf xMOr.ASSES. HIIDS. prime MOLASSES, in first rate order. For sale by li. BR.VNSON & SON. April 16, 1852. 8Htf FISH. BBLS. No. 2 nn.l 3 M.\CKEREL. 7 do Mullets. For sale bv 11. BRANSON & S()N. April 17, 1852. BiJtf ISaiik »t*€a|>c I^Var, ) April 14tli, 1852. J ^B^HE Annual meeting of the .Stockholders, JL will be held in the Banking House m Wil mington, on Monday, the ;-?d May next. ^'2-tdJ il. U. SAVAGE, Cash’r. NEW I300KS. sPRi\(i m mm mn. is Wide, Wide World, by Elizabeth Wetherell; Constitutions of the United States; ^ School Books, jx. Just received. E. J. HALE & StTN, April 14, .U ST RECEIVED. BBLS. W IIISKILY, 10 hhds. .Mdasses, 1 (jr. cask pale Frcnch Brandy, 1 •• “ Madeira Wine, 15 bags Rio (’offee, 6 .ilediiim .Vxes. —ALSO— Brooms: Hearth ISrushes: Jute Door and Bug- g3' .Mats; Taniiers' Curriers’ Knives, Workers, and .'Smooth F'leshers; and an addition to our FKENCIl CHINA. 1 S. W. TILLING HAST & CO. j March 1, 1852. 3‘Jtf j jPlank iioad Miaiik Stocli \ FOR SALE. I fBlHE subscriber wishing to improve some ■ real estate in this town, offers for sale, 25 Shares of Fiiyettcville aiid Western Plank Roal Stock. 18 Shares uf Stock iu IJauk of Fayette ville. Terms made known on npj)lication to GI RDON DEMING. Fayetteville, March 20, 1852. 75tf WANTED, 3000 ft. .\shc Lumber for Wagons, IJ to 3 inches thick. ,^000 ft. Seasoned Oak Lumber, 1^ to .3 inches. KKK) ft. W hite Oak and Hickory, for Axletrees. lUOO ft. White Oak for Tongues, Bolsters and Shafls. 100 Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. 2(KH) Spokes. For which the highest cash price will be paid. .\pply soon to E. FULLf'U. .May 10, 1851. 72-tf - ^ The Steamer Cliutham will resume her semi-weekly trips between this place and Wihnington, on Monday the lOth inst.. leaving Fayetteville every MON DAY and THURSDAY thereafter, at 7 o’clock \. M., and running through the same day.— Leaving Wilmington every TUESD.VY and F'RI- DAY, after the arrival of the Cars from the North. The Steamer Gov. Graham, with as many Tow Boats as m.ay be necessary, will run in conne.xion with the Chatham, as often as m.ay be necessary to cany all Freights that may c\- fer. The addition of another large Flat (the Gen’l McRae,) to this Line, afl'ords increased facilities for the shipping public. Goods shall certainly have as nuick transit by this Line as any other. JNO. D. AVILLTAM.^, Ag’t Cape Feur S. 1$. Co. Feb’y 9, 1852. C^tf BROWN & DkKOSSET, \*ork^ DeROSSE I' S^ liROWxN, C., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Jno. 1’(»tts Buown. Arm.a.nU' J. 1>kIIos»et, Jr. K. F. JiROWV. |T i.\SH .advances will be made on consignment of Produce for sale either iu Wilmington or New York, and Cotton will be forwarded to the New York House free of Commiiwiou at Wihnington. March 22, 1852. 7G-6m I'OIJACCO. A GOOD STOCK on hand; apd I shall re- ceivo regularl.v, from Metisi's. J. Jopes & Co’s Factory, ijmilitiea a.>*8orted from comtuoti to very fine, which 1 will sell at lowest manufac- turingprices. J. UTLEY, Fayetteville, April 3, 1851. 66tf Land Warrants Wa/itcd. rH^IIK highest Cash pbices paid for any -HL number of Lund Warrants, for a North ern concern. JNO. M. ROSE, Ajrent. Fayetteville, Ajtril 14, 1852. 82tf JUST RECEJVED^ PIEM-S CANTON MATTING, 4-4 and 0-4, red, checked, and white. —ALSO— Loaf, Granulateil, N. O. Clarified. New Or leans, and MuiM:ovudo Sugars. Sugar House Syrup. 10 crates assorted Crockery. lOOO Porter and Wine Bottles. S. W. TILLINGHAST CO. April 13, 1852. 82tf •T0,00rIhm. ol'ICaj^M WantVd. SWILL pay ‘6\ cts. per pound cash for .all clean cotton and linen R.AGS, delivered to J. D. Williams, in Fayetteville. I am nearly ready to put in operation a Paper Mill in this neighborhood, and am desirous of getting my rags in this market. My object is to pay as much for rags as I can afford, and hope that 1 may not be forced to distant markets for my supplies. I have arranged with .Mr. Williams to receive and*pay for ail rags deliverel to him. DAVID MURPHY. F’ayetteville, Feb’y 24, 1852. *>8-tf ~SiirnrT.iRiiLi.\A i.vsi ka.\( E^niMFA.wT” OF CHARLESTON, S. C. tiHARTERED by the State of South Caroli- J n.i, witli a (,'apital of >»2.')0,'>(MJ, all paid iu and well invested. Fire, .Marine, River and Life Risks. CHAS. EDMONDSTON, Pres’t. A. L. Tobias, Sec’y. DIRIX'TORS: Rohkrt Mahtin, t\>l. .Iamks Gai>si>en, M. C. .MoniiKcAi, CiiAs. H. Wkst. S. MdwiiY, Jr. IIk.nuv Coui.\. The subscribers h;iving been appointed agents in this place for tlie above uamcil company, are prepared to receive offers ami issue pdicies of Insurance on Fire, .Marine. River .-ind IJfe Risks, on liberal terms. .All U>sscs incurred at this agency, will be promptly adjusted and paid by the uudersigned. DcROSSI:T & BROWN. N. 1>. Risks will be taken on the lives of slaves on the most liberal terms. H ileiington, N. .March 117, 18.52.—77-Om AH Ll.VJ^, (.'hrysanthemums, nnd Verb«nas are now ready for delivery. Persoiis wishing a choice assortment should send their orders immediately, as my stock of extra tine varieties is small. c. luttf:rloh. Rowan street. Dahlias from 10 to 25 cts. Cbrysanthemuuis b to 10 cts. A'erbenas 10 to 25 cts. .Also a number of other cheap hardy plants for bedding out. ilarch 24. 77 IRON safes! BfciT’Tbe suliscribors, Agent.s for tlie sale ..f WILDERS PATENT SALA.MANDER SAFFS, WITH RICH’S IMPROVEMENT, of fer them of all sizes and patterns, delivered in Wilmington at the .Munulacturer's New York prices. These .‘^afes are warr.anted equal if not supe rior to any others manufactured. Orders will receive prompt attention. DkROSSET & BROWN. Wilmington, N. C.. March 2fi, 1852. 77-3m Blank Warrants for sale Afre. VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, THE MOST popi:lar FAMILY MEDICINE OPTHK AGRt llsetl by I’liysiciaiis of High Standing. Thp'ie PITTKHS remove all morbi.l secretion*, piiiily Ihe Mood, give f{reat tone and vigor to th« ili^e'tivei'iKans. fortify thesynfem againiit all fatur* •\i"ftt-.e,‘can lie taken with safety, at 110 time del)ili- taliiip the patient—beinff (frutefnl to the mo«t deli cate stomach, and remarkable fur their cheerinff. inviKiiatinK, streiiKtheninf', and restorative proper ties, and >in invalualile and sure remedy for in SI*J:PSIl IX ITS H OUST FORMS. Al-o. I.iver Coniplaints. Janndice, lloartbMrn, Cos- liveness, Kaintness. Disorders of the Skin and Lher, L»«s of \p;>etite. Low S|.iiit*. .Nei>ous Headachy (Ji.hlineis. l’ati>ilation of the Heart, .Sinking and Kull- De.s of Weight at the Stomach, and all other diseases caiists) b> an impure stale of lb* tiUnid, liver, etc, whioli teinl to debilitate »iid weaken the system. F K M A L E S Who suffer from a morbid and unnatural condition «ill find tbi» Metlicim of INESTIIVIABLE VALUE. Ill All of liKNKU^L DK.BI LIT V, thi* Medi cine ACTS LIKV; A CHARM ! THOVSASTDS Have tested it.s etficacy, 8nd thousand* more are now under treatment; and not one sohtarv case of failure has yet been laported. Volumes could tie filled with certificates of those who have been jiernianently cnred. Call on Ihe A?cnt, nnd iret * PiUPHI.ET, fontain ne the » ertificates of BemarWalile t. ures and the hig 1 ejitiniHtion iu which this Medicine is held by the public Press—can be had of the A Kents. Irea, ^ Larg-e Quarts $1; Pints 50 Cents. Soid bv all the Frineipal Drvgents in the 'UuUtd Statt* and Canada*. rriDci)ial Office, I W KULTON ST., N V.. uji stair* For Bale by S. J. 1I1NSD.\.LE. yovcmber 8j 1851. 3J0-^ WE are receiving, at onr NEW .ST.VND. East Corner of Green street and .Market Square, a L.VRtlE and geiieral ns.'iortment of SeuHonable Goods, Consisting in part as follows: Wrttereil, figured and plain l/Uick Dress Silks; Figured, changeable and plaid Silks; Challys; Bareges; Barege De-Laina; Tissues: Crape De- Faris: Organdies; Enili’d and printed Lawns and Muslins; .Jaconet, Swiss, striped and barred .Muslins; Uinghams and Calicoes; Bouibuziucs; Silk and cotton warp .\lpacas. —.VLSt)— A fine assortment of French-worked Collars, Cutis, Cajies, Berthers, Under-sleeves, Chenii- zetts, Bridal Veils; Embroidered muslin, lace and cnipe .Shawls; Muslin and lace Mantillas; I'hread, lisle, cotton and linen Lace and Edg ing.^: .Swiss and jaconet Edging and In.serting. 8ilk and kid Gloves; Kibbons, ’I’abbs, Flow ers, &c. Fou Gesti-emkn’s We.\k.—A fine assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting; French iuid English Drap D’Ete; Queen’s Cloth; Ca»hincret: Slate and brown Linens; White and colored Linen Drilling. complete assortment of Bouucts, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, I’arasols, With maiij other articles not enumerated, ma king our assortment the largest and best we have ever ofi’ered in this market. To the above Goods we would call the atten tion of our customers, friends and the publie generally, as we intend to sell them as LU^V as any other house in this market. ALEX’R JOHNSON & CO. March 18, 1852. 7Jtf Kir E are now receiving our winter supplj’ of Goods, 3 doors below the Market j House, South side Per.sin street, where may be found the following artickj: Sugar of all grades, Cortee, 5 Hhds. Cub.i Molasses—sweet. 8 Bbls. Syrup—a superior article. Green and Black Teas, Cheese of three ditt'erent qtialities, Fvice, Pejiper and Spice, iiope jind Bagging, •'.U Bids. .Mackerel, Shoes and Boots of e.\tra large size, Shovels. S[iades atid Forks, Corn Ploughs ami Points, -\xes of the bo^t brands, Knives and Forks, Nails and Iron, 5U,0(lll lbs. Cotton Yarn. With a great many other articles cheap for Cash or exchanged fur Prodnce. Call and see. CROSS CREEK CO., C. Benbow, Pres't. Dec. 20, 1851. uO-tf MUiimMoi* ¥ FlMf. a fiord, CJark A: Dixon, Mun n fdcturera oj" (ift Ktze* oj" Horse PtJicers iintf Threshing Machines, {J>oth Portable and Stationary^ ^Vool Vardimj Ma chines, Straw Cuttrs of various ^>att.rns. Wheat Kans, Mill and Factory Gear, Sair and Grist Mill Jrons, Bark Mi/ls, Kdje Tools, ct’C. tl'C. {’’£•. f JIHEY respectfully inform their customers JL and the public, that they continue to car- | ry on their business at their Machine Shop, near SN(.)W C.VMP, Alamance countj-. North 1 'arolina, where they are jirepared to execute j all work in their line witli neatness, punctuali- I ty and despatch. With an increased variety of | tools and labor-saving machinery added to our establishment the past winter,—a well selected assortment of materials jiurchased at the low- ' est cash prices.—workmen of known skill and ability’, together with long experience in the t business.—fully justify us in saying, as to qual ity and price, our work has not, will not. and shall not. suffer in comparison with any other Shop in the South. Grateful to the public for past favors, they ’ solicit a continu.ince of their jiatronage. N. B. Please send your orders soon, as our motto is “first come first served.” Letters ad- , dressed to the subscribers, at Snow Camp, N. C-, will receive ])rompt attention. STAFFORD, CLARK & DIXON. , March 1S52. 71-bm j NOTICE^ All persons indebted to the subscriber, | either by note or account, are requested to call and settle the same as early as possible. ; He may be found otie door West of Liberty ; Point, with the most of his ready-made work saved from the late fire. Persons in'want of any articles in my line of business, would do well to call, «» I will sell cheap for cash, or on ; time for approved uote. JAMES SUNDY. ' Jan’y 10, 1852. 55tf FURTHER x\(VnCE. H" take this method of returning my sincere i Ei. thanks to those gentlemen who saved the | goods from my Shop on the tnoming of the 3d 1 inst. But for their kindness and exertion, I , would have lost all. JAMES SUNDY. OLD RYE. A NOTIIER lot of Doctor WilliKins’sold Rec- tified Rye Whiskey. J. & T. WADDILL. March 2fi. 77-tf '€ ■M'AV MUSIC, lONSISTlNG ot Songs, Polkas, Waltzes, i:c., \c. Just receiNed. E. J. ilALE & SON, April 14. A SUPPLY of Fresh (iround COHN MEAL kept for sale at the .Mill, late Anderson's. Grinditig of Hominy and Meal dune promptly. Fa^'etteville, .March 1851. 12tf LIFE JN.Sl RANCE. rjiHE Undersigned has been appointed Agent of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insu rance Company. Every member for life partic ipates in the profits of the Company; and the annual premium for life membor>thip, where it amounts to •'jviO or nuu-e, may be paid one-half in C!L»h, and the other half in a note at 12 months. Debtors’ Hves may l>e insured by creditors- -V man may insure his own life for the exclusivu benefit of his family. The lives of slaves may be insured. This system is rapidly growing into favor, all over the civilized world. It is one by which » family, for a small sum annually, may be pro vided for, after the death of its head, on whoso exertions they may have been dfjieiidcnt for u support. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out it Life Policy. Explanatory pamphlets, and the necessary Blanks, furnished on apjilication. L. J. HALE. Faj'ctteville, June 1850. 72 NEW liOOKS. ALlBT’RTt>N’S V.-iiikee .Stories, illustrat ed; the Yankee Tea Party, or Boston in 177fi: tlie ()ld Bell of ludepeudi'iic(\ or Phila- delphi.-i in 177(‘>; t.'amp Fires of the I’evolution, or the War of Independence, illustrated; Weld Dictionary of Scriplttral Quotations; llai baiigii’H He.avenly Recognition; Catechism of Familiar Things; M.-ithiiis’ Rules of Order, for .'Societies, ^tc.; Walker’s Rhyming and Pronouncing Dic tionary; British Female IViets; .\merican Fe male Poets; Watson’s Dictionary of Poetical Ciuotations; Philadelphia as it is in 18-)2: iS:c. E. J. il.VLE .X SUN. April 8. j\"cTr Jioofcs—Medical^ tSfC. mg kk; S’ Veliieait’s Midwifery; Mendenhnll'a J.V3L .Medical Student's Vade-Mecum; .Mur phy’s Review of Chemistry for Students; Bid dle’s Review of Materia .Medica and Therapeu tics, for Students: Craige’^ Elements of (»ener.vl and Pathological An.-itomy; Cazeaux's Midwife ry; Hastings’ .Minor Surgery; Reese’s Am. Med ical Formularj’: the Physician’s Pocket Pre scription B(.K)k; Flagg on Ether and Chloroform in Surgery, Dentistry, &c.; Mortit’s Chemical and Pharmaceutical Mmiipulatioiis; Beasley’s Druggist’s Receipt Book; Ditto Pocket Formu lary; Noad’s Chemical .\nalysis; Wythe's .Micro- scopists’ Manual: Wright's .\m. Receipt* Book; Overman’s Practical Mineralogy, .A.ssaj ing and ■Mining; Smith’s Domestic Medicine; Ranking's* Half Yearly Abstract of Medical .Sciences: &c. E. J. HALE & SON. FOR SAJ.E.—2(),()(;0 lbs. BA- CON. J. D. WILLIAMS. Feb'y 9, 1852. 03tf . I NEW BOOKS. a:®UTNAM'S LIBRARY, Nos. 4Hnd 5, being M. the World Here and There, by Dickens, and Hood’s Own; Count Monte-Leone, or the Spy in Society: Miss -Sewell's Journal of a Sum mer Tour; Memoir of Rev. W'. 11. Hewitson; Wesley and Methodism,, by Taylor; Spencer s Pastor’s .Sketches: McGuff'ey's Eclectic Readers, 1st, 2d. .3d and 4th p»irts; P.-trker's 1st Lessons in Philosophy; Mills’ Rhetoric: Davies’ School Arithmatic; &c. Also, further supplies of THE BCiSTON .\C.^ DEMY’S Collection; Carminn Saera; Gunu’s Domestic Medicine; Humorist’s Library; &c. E. J. HALE & SON. "" NOTICE. All persons indebted to the subscriber for Goods purchased at Floral College., are re quested to make immediate paj-ment, either to Mr. Hugh Mc.A,rn in the neighborhood, or to biinself in Cberaw. D, B. Mc-VRN. Cheraw, Dec. 20, 1851. 60-tf raillE Sronl'TISH~C;4EI., or Celtic JH- Manners, as preserved among the High- lai ders, being an historical and descriptive ac count of the inhabitants, antiquities, and na tional peculiarities of Scotland, by James Lo gan. Just received and for sale by * Z. 3. UALE & SON. WHOLESALE Walch nnd Jewelry Store* L. H. MILLER &: CO., Importers, Manufactnrers and Jnhbcrs f>f Jeicelry, and Fancy f!oo>Tsf Have leased the Old Stand formerly occupied by Messrs. Canfiehi, Brotlier & Co., South, Emt corner of Vharltj: and Hnlliniore ftr^ftx, (No. 227.) which they are putting in coinjdete order for the WlloLES.VLE W.\T(.'H AND .1EWELRY BU.’t'lNESS, to be opened about tho 2lth of July. In calling the attention of the trade to the new concern, we mention the tact that we are a.ssociated with one of the most extensi\e Jew elry .Manufacturing Establishments in the coun try, which must give a decided advantage over all others in this market for sup]>lying dealers with Jewelry at mauui'actiirers' prices, a feattire in this branch »f trade long since needed -be tween Baltimore and the Southern and Westeri* Merchants. We de.sire to call iinrticnlar attention to the Watch dejiartinent, which will at all times be supplied witii a great assortment from the most celebrated manufacturers, and kept in perfect miming order, so that purchasers may at once take them, with a written guarantee that they will perform correctly. Tliis branch of the business will receive tl.*e especial attention of one of the firm, whose ex tensive and pmctical knowledge of the btisiness will, we hope, give us a jilace iu the confidence of buyers. We respectfully invite yoti to call upon ns when 3>u next visit our city, confidently be lieving that an examination of our Goods wlil prove to you that they are better styles i.ncl cheaper than yott have ever seen in this martet, and assure j’ou that no effort shall be wai.tinff on onr part to make the uciiuaiutance one of mutual benefit. L. II. MILLER & CO, {.fid stand, formerly occupk»d hy Canfield, Bro. & Co., S. E. cor ner of Charles & Baltimore sts. Baltimore, June 1851. 14-Yo REFERENCES: Messrs. AVyeth, lUacklock & Co. Owyn, Reid «V Taylor. .lames Hodges & Brother, llnrst & Berry. ADtrdoch, Duer & Evans, .stellmann & Hinrichs. !^Hngit»>n it Co. Barthlow, (Jwyn & Co^ Riely & Pendleton. Cushings .S: Bailey. John Jlurphy & Co» Moore & Griffin. ItKTTOX'S SHIRT ]’STAIiLlSinii;.\T, 179 Market Street, BAf/riTIOKE. rSIHE largest and only _BL M.'inufacturing Whole sale Establishment iu the City. The capital and force engagel enables me at all times to offer to Country Merchaiits and DeaK ers in SHIRTS. COLL.A*RS, LINEN and COT TON DR.\" ERS, great inducements—more than u.'^tial efforts having been made to render tli« assortment of these articles full and com plete. The .Stock on hand is large nnd well assorted for Men and Boy*. All orders from the Conntry attemled t* with punctuality and despatch. Remember the Name, and ^'o. 179 .Harkcl Slreef. I. W . BETTOX. August 18, 1851. Jl-yopd m 15 rs\ r!; I it 1 fi I il c :li i 'i;.